Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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Kim's homecoming turned out to be every bit as painful as her sister had feared. She did not bother to bring up staying at her old room in her parents' house; she instinctively knew it would be better to stay at Cindy's apartment.
Now that her sentence was over, the older issues poisoning Kim's relationship with her parents resurfaced, especially the endless deceptions she had inflicted on her family throughout her adolescence to spend time with two friends who turned out to be totally worthless. The Lees did not feel comfortable lecturing her or treating her in a condescending manner, however. Their wayward daughter obviously had matured in Upper Danubia. She thought and spoke like a person much older than her current age of 20. What most surprised them was how determined she was about details of her life; her marriage, her music, and the odd idea that she wanted to become a Danubian defense attorney.
Kim's parents instead treated her with a cold tolerance, none too happy about the fact she only planned to stay in the US for two weeks before going back to Upper Danubia. Kim's braided hair and foreign appearance bothered them, as did her radically changed personality and constant use of Danubian expressions such as "the path of my life", "it is a question of honor", "proper protocol", "damaged soul", and "the Ancients have guided me". To the elder Lees, their daughter had become a complete stranger, and on top of everything else, just plain weird.
Besides her strained and tense get-togethers with her parents, Kim spent much of her time trying to readjust to the United States. She was very uneasy during her trip and a bit dismayed at the fast pace of life and the over-all appearance of a society completely oriented around consumerism and automobiles. The crowded smoky streets bothered her, as did the enormous dirty parking lots, ever-present fluorescent lighting, the public's constant rushing, and overwhelming amount of cheaply-made products in stores and people's houses.
What bothered Kim the most, however, was the constant noise. Noise was everywhere, as though the entire nation was afraid of a few minutes of silence. Kim, after having been out of the US for two years, winced at the ever-present assault on her ears.
The three interviews went well. Kimberly Lee tried to set the record straight over who was the real inspiration for most of her group's music by trying to give as much credit to Eloisa as possible. Many US fans of "Socrates' Mistresses" had assumed Kim was the band's lead singer, because she was the band's English voice. Kim used the interviews to give US viewers a much more accurate idea of what her group really was all about.
Cindy accompanied her sister around her hometown as she confronted the ghosts of her past. Kim understood that her life in the US was truly over. As Cindy had warned the previous year, all of Kim's old friends from high school were scattered. The luckier ones had gone out of state to college, but most had drifted into obscurity. Two friends from her past, including an ex-boyfriend, were in jail. Kim's first week back in the US ended with a painful jailhouse visit to her former high school boyfriend, and a visit to the parents of another friend who overdosed about two months after she left for Europe. Everyone Kim talked to mentioned how great she looked.
Kim's hardest encounter with her past came at the beginning of her second week, when she decided to visit to her old high school with Cindy. She talked to a couple of her teachers who happened to be giving school classes, and gave much needed apologies for some of her behavior. Kim then went around to a spot behind the gym where she had spent endless hours with Tiffany and Susan. Cindy stood in nervous silence as her sister sat down in her favorite old hang-out spot, just staring at the pavement and not saying anything.
As Kim silently sat contemplating her past, a tall, lanky teenager with a rather punkish appearance and reeking of cigarette smoke showed up. She jumped to her feet and hugged him. It was Joe Walker, Tiffany's younger brother. He heaved a sigh of relief.
"Hey, Kimmie, real glad to see ya ... The guys said you were back ... and fuckin' Jones just told me you were here at school ... just got out of class ... glad I got ya while you're still here."
Kim smiled slightly. "You're in summer school?"
"Yeah ... fucked up the year again. What else is new?"
Cindy, who never really liked either Joe or his sister, excused herself, claiming she had to go to the bathroom. Cindy's departure left Kim alone with her former best friend's younger brother. She felt very uncomfortable, but at least one huge question in her life was about to be answered, what happened to Tiffany? She gathered from Joe's comments that he actually had been looking for her, which struck her as rather odd.
Kim decided to give her companion an update on her life with a very abbreviated and censored version of her sentence in Upper Danubia. She informed Joe she had just been released, and pointed to the tan-line from her collar that still was visible around her neck. She didn't mention the fact she had been nude during her entire sentence, hoping Joe was ignorant enough about foreign places that he didn't know that detail about Upper Danubia. It turned out he didn't know anything about Upper Danubia, nor had Tiffany been eager to share any details about her disastrous trip to Europe when she returned home.
"Ya know, when she got back, she didn't talk. People said a lot of shit to Tiff because of you and Susie ... ya know ... how she took two friends to Europe and came back solo ... I don't know ... She's pretty fucked right now ... has been for two years ... I think the trip did it."
"When you say Tiff's 'fucked', what do you mean by that? What's she actually doing?"
"What ain't she doin', Kimmie? She's doin' just about everything ... weed, smack, 'K', blow, crank ... I think now it's mostly crank, 'cause of her boyfriend."
"That's it? Just drugs?"
"That's it, Kimmie. Drugs. That's all she's doin'. Says she ain't no good for anything else."
"Where's she getting the money?"
"How do you think she's gettin' it? She's dancin' over at Dirty Grampy's. Strippin' and, well ... ya know ... gettin' paid..."
"Shit. And it's all going for drugs?"
"All of it, Kimmie. Drugs and that fuck, Raymond. That's her boyfriend. She ain't got shit for anything else."
"And that's why you were looking for me? To tell me this?"
"Kimmie, I was lookin' for ya... 'cause ... I don't know ... I thought maybe you could talk to her ... make her feel better ... maybe tell her you're not mad or something ... you know ... about Europe."
"Joe, I can't tell her I'm not mad, because I am. I'm fucking furious at her. Do you know what it felt like, when I was in that courtroom on trial, and my defense attorney told me what Tiff told the police, that the pot she bought was all mine and that she didn't know about it? That she lied to ditch me? Do you have any idea how that felt? Because of what Tiff told them, they were gonna hit me with a 20-year sentence, and it was Spokesman Dukov who talked them out of it. No, Joe ... I'm mad, and Tiff's gonna know it. But ... then ... I guess I'll try to talk to her, and I suppose maybe I can do something for her."
Joe was a bit stunned at Kim's last statement. "20 years? For what?"
"For dealing. The Danubians don't like drugs. You want to piss-off their government, the best way to do it is have drugs on you. I had a full pound of pot on me, and they thought I was dealing."
Kim decided to have Joe take her to Dirty Grampy's that night, along with Cindy. She called Cindy on her cell phone and told her to come back. An hour later the two women and Tiffany's brother made their way to the strip bar.
Dirty Grampy's was a juice bar, which allowed Kim, who was 20, and Joe, who had just turned 18, to go in. Cindy already was 23, so there was no problem for her. Joe was a bit reluctant having Kim see Tiffany at her current job. Kim, however, went in with the confidence that she knew exactly what she needed to do. She still was furious at Tiffany, but now she also was mulling over ideas with the hope of salvaging her life.
They entered as several scruffy middle-aged patrons turned around to see the two women's fresh faces. Kim and Cindy obviously were not dancers, nor did either seem a likely partner for Joe. The European-style braids made Kim really look out of place in Dirty Grampy's. Cindy obviously was out of her environment as well, with the clean-cut look of a serious graduate student.
Kim handed Joe two 20-dollar bills.
"Get me some singles."
"I want singles. That's what you tip the dancers with, isn't it?"
Joe returned with a stack of one-dollar bills. Kim took them and sat at a barstool right next to the stage while the other two ordered smoothies and sat at a table a little further away. She watched the routine of a rather wasted-looking young Asian, who she thought looked eerily like herself. The girl ended her routine completely nude. Kim passed the dancer a few dollars to get her to do a sexual routine close up, to learn what the dancers actually had to do for their tips. Kim's companions were surprised to see her tip a stripper for a dance, but what she did next would shock them much more.
It turned out Tiffany was the next performer. Her stage name was "Willow", because she was so tall and thin. Kim watched in anger and disgust as Tiffany moved about the stage and peeled off her clothes. Once Tiffany had stripped down to a loose blouse and G-string, Kim pulled out two dollars and held them up. The flash of money drew Tiffany's attention, but as her glance met the face of the young woman holding up the cash, the dancer froze in horror.
Kim's dark, angry eyes bore into Tiffany. She waved the cash.
"Willow, it's a tip. Please show me what you do for tips. I tip very well, but I expect value for my money."
Tiffany went white, but the club DJ and several patrons were looking at her, expecting her to put out the usual reward for hard cash. She had no choice. The dancer got on her knees and began waving her bottom in Kim's face. Kim slipped the money into Tiffany's G-string and then held up two more dollars. Once again the cold stare of Kim's dark eyes confronted Tiffany.
"Show me what you got ... Willow."
Reluctantly Tiffany peeled off her blouse and flashed her breasts in front of her former friend. Kim took a look the dancer's arms, noting the needle-tracks. Kim held out yet more dollar bills, touching them to Tiffany's scarred arms. Yet again, Kim's cold, hostile stare tore into Tiffany as their eyes met.
The dancer reluctantly pulled down her G-string and slipped it over her feet. Kim showed her no mercy. She held up five dollars as the other patrons and the club DJ stared intently, wondering why a young woman was shelling out so much just to catch a few close up glances of Willow's body. With tears flowing down her cheeks, Tiffany spread her legs and waved her bare vagina in Kim's face. Her spectator's next comment was sarcasm in its purist form.
"Willow, you are so hot. I wish you could dance like this for me all night."
"Willow" couldn't see how she could be any more humiliated, but she was forced to face yet another indignity when the third song of her routine was played. The song was a slow piece by "Socrates' Mistresses" from the soundtrack of the recently released Gaul movie. As Kim listened to her own voice singing along with Eloisa, her lips tightened and her eyes flashed with anger. She held up dollar after dollar as she forced Tiffany to completely degrade herself throughout the final song.
Joe sat next to Kim's sister, silently looking into his glass. He was very afraid of meeting his sister's gaze or having her realize he was sitting in the audience. Cindy stared hard at the young woman on the stage, very curious to watch the infamous false friend who had landed Kim into so much trouble in Danube City.
The Danubian song ended and Tiffany, holding 30 of Kim's dollars in her hand, sadly collected her clothing and left the dance stage. There were a few whistles, sex-whoops, and some half-hearted clapping from the guys in the room.
Kim's moment of revenge had passed. There was no way, none whatsoever, that she could have found a better way to completely stun and humiliate Tiffany. Kim's idea was to first break her former friend, and then get her to talk. Once Tiffany was talking, she could try to figure out what to do next, with the ultimate hope to find some way to help her. The dance-floor encounter had its place in that plan. Kim could tell Tiffany was indeed broken and had nothing left to hide. Also, she now felt completely in control of the relationship.
Tiffany retreated to the dancers' changing room in shock over what had just happened. She had not known Kim even had been released, let alone that she was back in the US. Tiffany was as amazed seeing her as she would have been seeing someone she thought was dead. Finally, the drugs in her body, combined with the horrible experience she had just endured on the dance stage, made her sick enough to throw up in the bathroom. Once she finished, Tiffany tossed Kim's money all over the floor and began crying.
As soon as Tiffany left the stage, Kim got up to join the others at their table. Cindy was stunned at her treatment of Tiffany, while Joe was incensed.
"You fuckin' bitch! What the fuck ... what'd you do that for!?"
Kim stared at Joe with a cold calmness that somewhat disarmed him.
"Joe, you will not call me a 'bitch' if you want me to do anything for Tiffany. I did that for a reason, so that when I talk to her she won't try to bullshit me. And besides, what did I actually do? I paid her to do her job, Joe; that's all I did! I just paid her to do her fucking job!"
Before Joe had a chance to respond, Kim stopped a waitress and passed her a five-dollar bill. She told the waitress she wanted to buy a drink for "Willow". She passed the waitress some more money for the club's very over-priced smoothies. The waitress took off to bring the smoothies and summon her co-worker. Kim then turned to her two companions.
"OK, I'm going to try to talk to Tiffany. I need you guys out of here. Go next door and get something to eat. I'll catch up as soon as I'm done."
Joe quickly got up, eager to leave before Tiffany had a chance to see him. Kim's sister also got up quickly, having no desire to stay in this awful place any longer than she needed to.
As Kim's companions vanished through the door, the waitress came back with Tiffany and the drinks. Kim handed the waitress another five-dollar bill, mainly to make sure the waitress stayed on her side if there were any problems.
Tiffany was dressed in her G-string and skimpy top. She looked wasted, but still was rather attractive. Her breath smelled of toothpaste and a hint of vomit. This was not the first time she had cried and thrown up but still had to face a customer.
The last thing Tiffany wanted to do was to see or sit with Kim. However, the drink on the table signaled that her high school friend had purchased 10 minutes of her time. Over the last year she had sat with plenty of unsavory people and with some of them negotiated an hour in the cheap motel across the street. In this place the only real language was money, and Kimberly Lee spoke that language quite well.
As soon as Tiffany was seated, Kim's temper rose up in her. Suddenly the memory of that moment, in the middle of her trial when Dukov told her " ... the most important witnesses are missing, your two friends. It is quite unfair you should go on trial and they should not." Unfair. For a second her emotions took over and she forgot the main reason why she had Tiffany sitting with her. She angrily leaned forward, tilted her head to the side, and pointed at her neck. The tan-line from her collar had darkened a bit, but still was somewhat visible. Again her dark eyes bore into Tiffany.
"OK, Willow. Ask me what this is! Ask me why I have a white stripe around my neck! Ask me where I've been and what I've been doing over the last two years! Come-on ... Willow ... ask me! Then I've got some questions for you!"
"I ... I know the answer ... I don't have to ask you... 'cause I know. You were in Danube City all this time. They busted you because of me."
Kim calmed down slightly, a bit ashamed of her outburst. She took a deep breath and tried to focus. "Tiff, what I want you to understand is that I'm not mad about the conviction itself. That would have happened no matter what. What really hurt me was what you told the police. And I'm going to tell you how I found out about it. It was in the middle of my trial, when I asked my Spokesman what was going on, you know, 'cause I didn't understand anything that was happening. And that's when he told me ... that you two had been released and gone to Prague. Then he told me why."
Tiffany sat silent, staring into her smoothie. Kim continued with a question.
"Tiff, I want to know, for real, whose idea it was for you two to play dumb about our stash."
"It was my idea. At first Susan felt bad about doing that to you, but I talked her into it. I mean, we were scared, Kim, both of us. We panicked."
"You panicked. And how scared do you think I was, standing there by myself in court the next day, naked, up on the prisoner's stand, facing the judge with my arms behind my head and four spotlights shining on me? How scared do you think I was when Spokesman Dukov told me you two had left and that I was facing 20 years... 20 years, Tiff ... for marijuana dealing? How scared do you think I was?"
"I'm sorry Kim. I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry."
Tiffany reluctantly sipped her smoothie. She looked like she was going to be sick again, but she forced herself to talk.
"If I could go back and take your place I would ... and maybe I'd be better off. Maybe that's what should have happened, and if I'd told the truth, it would've been me in that courtroom and you and Susan would have left and come home. And ... Susan would have come back. It was because of me she didn't. Maybe life is punishing me 'cause of what I did. Maybe..."
"OK, that's my other question. What happened to Susan?"
"When we got to Prague, she just wanted to get on a plane and come home, and maybe try to get you some help. I ... I don't know Kim. I knew you were fucked, and I ... just ... didn't give a shit. So, I hooked up with some local guys, and we partied while Susan sat in the hostel by herself. The next day she told me to go fuck myself and that she was going home, and we had a big fight. Then I ... grabbed her plane ticket and told her she wasn't going anywhere unless she partied with me one more night, you know, 'cause I didn't want to be alone with those guys. So she came with me, and we shot up ... and then we all got sick."
"I know about that part. Spokesman Dukov told me about it in his office, after my mom sent him Susan's obituary. Anthrax?"
The waitress came by, looking at Tiffany and tapping her watch. Before Tiffany could say anything, Kim handed the waitress a 20-dollar bill to shut her up.
"Tiff, I gotta talk to you after you get off work. We gotta sit down some place quiet and we gotta talk."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Raymond wouldn't let me. As soon as I get off work he's here to pick me up and he doesn't let me out of his sight unless I'm here or across the street with a customer."
"Yeah, your brother mentioned Raymond. You really did fuck up your life, didn't you?"
Kim shook her head at the thought of Tiffany's abusive boyfriend. Obviously Raymond wanted to prevent precisely what was happening right now, the possibility that someone could enter Tiffany's life, get her to talk about herself, and get her to think about her alternatives. Kim realized it was vital to keep Tiffany talking. She decided to purchase some more of Tiffany's time.
"How much do you charge?"
"I want you to myself, for an hour. How much is it? You and the room ... how much?"
"300 dollars."
"OK, Tiff, I'll hit the ATM. For the next hour, your ass is mine."
Kim spent the middle of March confronting the emotional turmoil that resulted from Cindy's trip. Without realizing what was happening until it was too late, she had long since passed a point of no return. She couldn't go back to her old life. Kim expected the first crisis from her decision to hit about 48 hours after she said goodbye to Cindy. Sure enough, two nights after her sister left Kim's parents called her, in hysterics over the result of Cindy's trip. Cindy's decision to support...
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In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the...
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Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...
Criminal # 98945 finally returned to her normal routine as August drew to a close. She continued to deliver Victor's packages and messages, greet customers at the music store, and deal with a backlog of issues affecting Eloisa's band. She continued to rehearse and sing. She divided what little free time she had between Sergekt, Eloisa, and the Dukovs. Kim's life was completely full, about as full as a person's life could be. Ironically, Kim's job with Victor Dukov became a refuge of...
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While Tiffany was asleep Kim took the precaution of rummaging through her future client's purse, looking for ID's, cash, and drug paraphernalia. Sure enough, she found all three, along with some pictures of Tiffany with family members and some others with young women who must have been co-workers from Dirty Grampy's. Kim's heart skipped a beat when she came across some worn pictures from high school. There were photos of Tiffany with Kim and Susan, and another with a friend who had been...
While Kim and her friends were occupied with the first week of their concert tour, Upper Danubia struggled through an ever-deepening political crisis. For the first time since the Second World War, the Duchy faced the prospect of political instability. The conservative government of the Party of the Duchy fell in the Parliament's first no-confidence vote since 1940. The Prime Minister immediately called elections assuming, correctly as it turned out, the deputies of the opposition Greater...
The following week Kim divided her time between the music store, rehearsal with Eloisa's band, and studying the cases and laws she needed to become familiar with to properly represent Tiffany during her trial at the end of August. Dukov conducted some of Kim's research for her, finding relevant cases and book-marking them. He laid books and files on Kim's desk, along with a few old drug cases he and other Spokespersons had represented over their careers. Kim later would have to learn how...
Kim spent the afternoon making arrangements for Tiffany's future. There really were only two issues that needed to be addressed; where Tiffany was going to live and where she was going to work. Kim already had both details partly settled, so her calls that afternoon simply were to confirm her previous arrangements. Tiffany would start at the music store the next day. As for living arrangements, Victor Dukov reluctantly agreed to rent her a room, with the understanding she would move to...
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I wouldn’t call myself a BBW, more of a BW. I’m a big woman but I would never call myself beautiful. I’ve never had a problem accepting my weight; I just got on with it, but it seemed a little more difficult for other people to deal with. At school I was always the ‘fat one’ and even as I got older when all of my friends were meeting boys I was always left out. Nobody was ever interested in the big girl. People weren’t interested in looking past my size. Nobody cared that I was funny or...
Love StoriesCovering her mouth Savannah screamed as her orgasm washed over her. Megan slid up beside her and hugged her. Did I do it right, Megan asked. Kissing her Savannah said you were perfect. Megan jumped out of bed looking at the time. Missing the alarm she was late for signing in. Putting her uniform on she turned on her laptop. Savannah came up behind her and grabbed her breasts. What are you doing, she exclaimed. You were wonderful last night, Savannah said kissing her cheek. While Megan did her...
The next morning I got up and got ready just like every other day. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun shining in my face giving a nice and warm feeling on my soft skin. I really enjoy my soft and hairless skin. I am more sensitive towards everything. Small details I wouldn’t notice earlier just feel so good now. This wasn’t going to be one of those regular lazy Saturdays, though. Last time, I told you about the date I set up and today was when it would happen. I did my usual walk...
Molly and I stopped at my apartment for a quickie after rehearsal before heading to Sarah's studio. Molly had been more than ready. When her pussy became uncovered it filled the small apartment with her sweet and musky odor. Both of us naked only below our hips, I managed to slip my hands under her t-shirt to fondle her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Our lips sealed throughout the five minute missionary fuck until we gasped for breath. I came first, but continued thrusting until she...
Hey guys, this is me again. First of all, thank you for your valuable feedback on my first story. It really means a lot to me. Secondly, this is a humble request to all those guys who were asking about the contact number of that lady and claiming that they respect women. Please, learn to respect women and girls. If a married woman chooses to have sex outside marriage, it does not mean that she will fuck every guy she meets. And even if she does, she would demand respect and a queen like...
Next day Reverend James Deacons went to the address given him by Peggy Jones; he now knocked on the door and asked for John Jenkins. John's Mum led the reverend into the parlour and shortly he was joined by the seventeen year old John; making sure the door was firmly shut; reverend Deacons began his plan, "Young man; do you know Peggy Jones?" and receiving a cautious nod he continued, "Well she tells me that you have begun to travel the path of the satanic demons!" John Jenkins gulped...
visit on to see full story like these and hot latest updates videos knocked on my son's bedroom door and opened it without waiting. I admit that I wanted to catch him doing something naughty, and I almost did. Evan was sitting at his computer, and minimized the window he was looking at in a hurry. I didn't see what it was, but I had a good idea."Is it okay if we talk?" I asked him."Sure, Mom," he mumbled, obviously annoyed at being interrupted.I picked my way into his room,...
It has been two weeks since I learned that my neighbor Angela had turned my wife Carol into her submissive lesbian lover. I returned from a five day business trip and that night I noticed that Carol’s ass had several reddish marks on it. I asked Carol what happened and she explained that she had fallen off a treadmill at the gym and bruised her whole back. What I really suspected was that Angela was being a little “rough” when she made love to my petite wife. I called Rob a retired cop friend...
It was a plain old ordinary day. Certainly not a day where you would expect to find something that would change your life. But while walking you tripped face first and landed on the floor. You didn't like tripping but at least you didn't hurt yourself. On the ground, you saw a shiny round object. Curious you picked it up. The moment you did you instantaneously knew all about it. You knew that it was called The Golden Mind Control Orb and that it gave you the power to manipulate...
"There he is," Vickie said as Roger and I entered the Dining Car. "Let's ask him." "Ask me what?" I replied, stopping at their table. Vickie and Adriana were seated across from Deedee and Abby. "They want to ask us questions about you, but we didn't know if you would be okay with it," Vickie said. "No gifts, talents, or abilities," I thought to Vickie. "And nothing before I woke up." "Aw-w-w, that don't leave much," she whined. "You can always talk about all the...
Vanessa and I had our doubts, but if anyone could pull off a BaBoomz publicity stunt like this, it was Gertie Oppenheimer. We tamped down our misgivings and the game was on. Afoot, that’s what the game was. The caper wasn’t complicated, but the timing had to be ... well, we needed a bit of luck. Gertie is like Bulldog in that she knows people in all walks of life. Phillip Montgomery at the high end of the social strata. Harold Hudson, the pimp she’s been grooming. And a cop, Lieutenant Ross...
When I woke up, Kat was in the shower. I could hear her humming as she washed and I had to smile, because I wasn't the only one feeling satisfied with myself. Then I remembered I hadn't cancelled the plane to take us out of the country. It made me mad because I had just lost a thousand dollar deposit by not calling them. I got up and went into the bathroom. I joined Kat in the shower and was kissed immediately. "I was wondering if you were going to wake up. Here, wash my back, will...
Payment: The Next Week By Dunchad© Deirdre was sitting at her desk when the boss called her into his office. “Deirdre, I need you to run an errand for me. Don't roll your eyes, you will like this one. I need you to go see Mrs. Samantha Dante. You will remember her as the young lady that had sex with us last week and opened the door for you to advance in...
Mom and dad went out and would not be home till very late. sister was out and it was just granny and I alone. We put on a movie, it had some naked and raunchy sex scenes which got my pecker to stand at attention making a large tent in my sweat pants. Granny was sitting beside me with just a robe on. She took this moment to start a conversation about sex. My granny resembles the granny off of the Beverly Hill Billies. Short and petite with long blonde and gray hair. I would bet granny did not...
Well. Hello and welcome you all to the story where I lost my virginity to the girl I loved the most. I live in Pune and thank you all to read this story. And would love to read your appreciation regarding the same. I was 18 years old. The story is of 2011.It happened with Simran. She was my junior in school. I was in 12th standard. We had been dating for 2 years now. We have had our moments but didn’t get the chance to explore ourselves fully. One fine day I was all alone at my place because my...
Hi this is pragal am 20, from a metropolitan city in South India, I am basically from a village but now in this city for my studies, I am pursuing my in computer technology, I stay in a rented room, I was fat initially but did lot of jogging and gym sessions to loose extra fat but there is still hint of fat in my hips and ass giving me a feminine shape when I wear tight t-shirts and I also have chest which jiggles as I walk. I discovered I really loved cocks when I saw porn and really...
Gay MaleDeath, The Cruel Mistress (July 17, 18, 27 2018) "Ah, pardon me, mister I seemed to have dropped something," he heard a siren voice in a whispering echo, just besides him. He was sitting at the bar, after his girlfriend had stood him up when he saw an ebony goddess sitting next to him. She was quite tall too, but that didn't bother him as much since she was a total stone babe. Dark skin with shoulder length black hair, swept her beautiful face. A single piece sky blue dress wrapped...
We hadn't fucked for a few weeks so i messaged her and she said we could meet up before she started work.She let me in through the backdoor to her shop and i was immediately turned on as she was wearing the full business womans outfit.Long sleeved white shirt,Suit,Skirt(Which was much longer than what she normally wore)and high-heeled shoes.I wanted to fuck her there and then,fortunately she obviously felt the same.She dragged me in to the back alley-way and pushing me against the wall grabbed...
I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked around and saw a note lying on the pillow next to me. "Sorry to screw and run, but I had an early call time this morning. Hope to see you again." I began to replay the events on the previous night in my mind. I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about her soft skin, her firm breasts and most of all that wonderful pussy. How we tumbled out of the shower and collapsed on the bed. How she took immediate control and used me as nothing...
We were like two teenagers, intermittently running, then stopping to kiss and fondle each other all the way to the cabana. As soon as we entered the nude beach area, Mary stopped to jerk her dress over her head. Standing there in her beautiful bareness, I couldn't help but stare like a love-struck fool. Her eyes caught mine, and she realized that I was paralyzed by her nude beauty. We stared from a few feet away for a very elongated minute before Mary took flight toward the cabana.I...
ExhibitionismHi to all horny ISS readers.This is rahul from hyderabad. I have been following ISS for two years now and is very much fascinated about the website. I always wanted to post a story but could not do So because I never had sex with anyone. But now i have my first experience in sex and iam feeling proud to share my sexperience with all horny people here.please post ur feedback & comments to First of all let me tell you about myself. I am 24years old, 5ft 11inch, fair and have a atheletic body. I...
It was a picture message actually and what a picture it was! It said, “Hey sexy bet you wish you could have these rubbing up on you bare chest.” and accompanying the message was a great picture of my wife’s tits. Cara’s tits weren’t huge by any stretch but that didn’t bother Adam at all. Big tits were kind of a turn off and he loved his wife’s tits. They were just the right size, a perfect handful in his hands to kneed, pinch, suck and nibble. Adam was stunned by what he saw. Cara was pretty...
It is time to see what mess that Amelia got herself into now. In the woman’s outer office, before we went into her private office for the briefing, she said, “That was interesting. I knew you were very skilled and fast, but I didn’t understand how fast. You taking down one of our elite security teams, there to be the first line of defense against intruders, without harming them, is incredible. I am going to thoroughly enjoy my colleagues questioning your value to our agency as a resource....
A hot red body suit clings to Alya Stark’s curves as she checks herself out in the mirror. Meanwhile, Alya’s girlfriend, Mia Evans, settles into a warm bath and watches Alya preen. When Alya is satisfied, she struts over to join Mila by the tub. Lingerie may be sexy when it’s on a girl’s body, but there’s nothing hotter than when it comes off. Mia watches with greedy eyes as Alya strips and then joins her in the water. The girls exchange a deep kiss, but what Alya...
xmoviesforyouEventually, we caught a local flight to Brittney. The plane was so small, we took up almost half of it. "You a member of the mile high club, Boss?" Sean asked. "Why; you want to join?" I looked down the aisle. There was an air waitress, but she was at the other end of the cabin. "Seriously?" Sean grinned. "Hell yes!" "You got a clean plug handy?" "Of course!" He chuckled. "I always keep a spare." He rummaged through his bag, found it and gave it to me. "We all wear or...
This artsy video opens with a slow, sensual sequence showing Spanish masseuse Maximo Garcia getting ready for a nude massage with curvy, dark-haired Romanian goddess Julia De Lucia. After oiling her up and slowly running hands up and down her magnificent body, the tables are turned and Julia gets on top and does the same for him. But the feel of Julia’s judicious knockers rubbing on his torso eventually brings Maximo’s considerable cock to life, and Julia can’t help but anoint...
xmoviesforyouKenzie Love and Marcelo are celebrating their 10-year anniversary but Kenzie has her eyes on someone else in the room. Her husband isn’t good for much but she can at least count on him for gifts. When it comes to satisfying her sexually, he can not fulfill her needs. She gifted him a Fleshlight because no way she was going to be fucking him during their marriage. When dinner was served, she seemed to be missing a large wiener from her plate… but she knew just where to find one....
xmoviesforyou“Whatcha guy’s doin’…?” She heard some whispers and a small laugh after wards, then silence. They both leaned down, leaning on the openings of the car and looked at Hayly. “Sorry about that, Dale and I were talking about our plans for later.” “Oh… well ok!” Hayly sighed with relief. Garret sat down into the car, but didn’t shut his door. Hayly buckled herself in and leaned her head against the window, closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh. Dale was still leaning on the...
WEDNESDAY I woke up on the couch to the sun glaring on my eyes. Ug. That was not a comfortable sleep. I sat up and rolled my neck. At least my body isn't on fire anymore. The house was quiet. I got up and checked the bedroom and noticed Kathy has already gone to work. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "What the hell," I said as I noticed that my hair was even longer. It was shaggy like a surfer dude's hair. The roots of the hair were dark brown. I...
– I think I know what you need… Danny told me that in half whisper. I could hear his voice trembling and all I could do is take a deep breath. He stood up, knelt in front of me and pulled my hips up his legs. I was still lying on the bed and my arms lied freely above my head as I looked at him and saw him smile. My back in a perfect bow he could adjust my body easily to his moves. Danny grabbed my waist and went all the way inside. His face changed and he closed his eyes. He didnt move, just...