Maragana GirlChapter 21
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The Danubian Church and its impact on Danubian society
The Danubian concept of the Supreme Being
The Danubians have a monotheistic religion, which they refer to as the "Danubian Church" or the "Faith of the Ancients". Although in theory the Danubians are Christian, by the end of the 20th Century the majority of what they believed came from ideas that predated the country's official conversion to Christianity in 850 AD.
The Danubians refer to God as "The Creator". Before everything, even before time, light, and matter, there was the Creator. The Creator is much greater than human comprehension and, unlike the Judeo-Christian God, does not have any human characteristics such as anger. To attempt to apply earthly traits to the Creator such as names, emotion, or gender, is considered a serious insult to the Danubian deity, because human traits are limitations that are restricted to "the physical Earth". However, because the Creator intended for humans to inhabit the Physical Earth, the Creator cares about the well-being of humans and will respond to prayer and public penance.
Opposite of "The Creator" is "The Destroyer". The relationship between the Creator and the Destroyer is somewhat similar to the relationship between Judeo-Christian God and Satan, but there are significant differences. The Danubian religion teaches that in the Physical World creation cannot exist without destruction, just as life cannot exist without death. The Destroyer brings death to the world, which is necessary to make room for new life. Danubians are not taught to hate the Destroyer, because destruction is an integral and necessary part of the Cosmos. However they deeply fear the suffering that the Destroyer is capable of inflicting and seek deliverance through prayer, public penance, and visions. Only the Creator can grant a living entity or an inanimate object (such as a Temple) protection from the Destroyer.
Both the Creator and the Destroyer communicate through visions. The Danubian Church believes that visions are what connect the Spiritual World to the Physical World and what give believers guidance to illuminate the Path of Life. An undamaged soul, healthy body, and accurate knowledge of the world are crucial to having truthful visions. A person that is knowledgeable about the world and has good intentions will enjoy visions granted by the Creator. A person blessed with a vision from the Creator is obligated to act on that vision, but often will seek assistance from a member of the Clergy to interpret its meaning and make sure it is indeed a vision from the Creator, and not a false one from the Destroyer.
An ignorant person or a person with an unhealthy body or damaged soul also can have visions, but those will be false images from the Destroyer. For example, a national leader with a damaged soul might receive a vision of glory, wealth, and power that would prompt him to lead his country to war. The false vision of a glorious war, if enacted, will bring suffering and destruction to the nation and disgrace and death to the leader. The Danubians often cite the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler the best example of a damaged soul with earthly power who received and acted upon false visions from the Destroyer. The CEO's from Mega-Town Associates and their ambition to seize Upper Danubia's forests for financial gain is another example of damaged souls in pursuit of a false vision.
The Creator and the Destroyer co-exist and counter-balance each other in the Physical World, but the Destroyer has no presence in the Spiritual World. All souls, both good (whole) and evil (damaged), travel to the Realm of the Creator upon death (which Danubians refer to as "the release of the body"). Upon entering the Realm of the Creator, human souls surrender their physical bodies back to the Earth and are forever liberated from the influences of the Destroyer.
The Danubian concept of the Afterlife
The Danubian Clergy does not claim to have an accurate idea about the specific conditions facing souls in the Afterlife. However, upon separation from their earthly bodies, all souls enter a single place, the Realm of the Creator. There is no separating of "saved" and "condemned" souls, nor is there any concept of a separate Heaven and Hell. Thus the Danubian Church avoids the theological problem of attempting to specify what exactly qualifies a soul to enter Heaven.
Upon facing the Creator all souls must come to terms with the consequences of their behavior in the Physical World. The ancient Danubian scriptures mention that the Realm of the Creator also is the Realm of Absolute Truth. In the Afterlife all the Earth's secrets are revealed, all mysteries resolved, and all questions asked throughout life answered. To fully comprehend the way he was during the Physical Life, every follower of the Danubian Church is buried with a special mirror provided by the Temple. Upon separation from the physical body, the human soul holds the mirror up to the Creator, and every action from his life is reflected back as part of the soul's exposure to the Absolute Truth. Each person sees himself for what he truly was during his sojourn in the material world, because a person's Afterlife is a reflection of his physical life on Earth. In the Afterlife every soul must face the consequences, both good and evil, of every action taken while in possession of a body in the Physical World. Danubians assume that a person who followed the will of the Creator will enjoy a more pleasant Afterlife than one who lived in defiance of the Creator. However, what that actually means is determined by the Creator and is beyond human comprehension.
Two Worlds, Holy Sites, and the purpose of Death Marches
The Danubians do not believe in ghosts, but they believe that souls exposed to the Absolute Truth periodically get permission from the Creator to travel back to the Physical World and communicate to the living through visions. Usually such communication is very difficult, but there are special ancient places, such as the Sacred Ground of the Guardian Spirits behind Danube City's Temple of the Ancients, where the Spiritual World is more closely connected to the Physical World and the dead more easily can communicate with the living. Living Danubians are eager to receive visions and guidance from the dead, so they frequently make pilgrimages to Holy Sites to pray for enlightenment that can guide their actions in the Physical World.
For a Danubian seeking divine guidance, even more important than visiting Holy Sites is the annual Fall Equinox Festival, or the Day of the Dead. The Fall Equinox, the day the Northern Hemisphere begins its journey into the depths of winter, is when the channels of communication between the Spiritual and Physical Worlds are much stronger than at any other time of the year. The long death of winter is rapidly descending over Danubia, so during the country's passage into cold and darkness people must reflect on what it means to still be alive and part of the Physical World.
During the Day of the Dead, the Danubian Church calls upon the most humble and suffering members of society, convicted criminals and persons performing public penance, to offer their bodies to allow the dead to re-enter the Physical World and communicate with worshipers. The offering of the humble is done through a two-night torchlight procession. In ancient times slaves marched as well, but formal slavery was abolished after the country's official conversion to Christianity.
The Danubian world-view and other religions
The Danubian Church does not claim to be a universalistic religion and there is no systematic effort or desire to convert non-Danubians. The Danubians are aware that their religion only exists within the borders of a single country and are able to accept that fact as the will of the Creator. Instead, what the Danubian Clergy believes is that the Physical World and the Spiritual World are separated, but in the Danubian territory the separation between the two worlds is much less than it is anywhere else. Because the rest of the Physical World suffers from a greater degree of separation from the Realm of Absolute Truth, the Creator allowed other religions to arise outside the Danubian nation. Why that should be is a question Danubian Clergy members do not pretend to understand.
There is no perceived calling for the Danubians to try to change the minds or faith of outsiders. If an outsider becomes interested in the Danubian Church and wants to convert and practice the Danubian religion, the Clergy will educate that person in ancient scripture and accept him into the Church. Normally an outsider wishing to join the Danubian Church needs to prove his determination by performing public penance before he can be accepted as a full member. Kimberly Lee's sister Cynthia performed public penance and converted the year after Kim and Sergekt got married and subsequently returned to her home in the United States, for example. However, the Path of her Life was to safeguard the Land of the Ancients. Just a few months after converting she fullfilled her Path in Life by returning to Danubia with the information Vladim Dukov needed to counter the Mega-Town coup that was provided by Jason Schmidt. Once that task was completed, the Creator forced her to permanently settle among her fellow believers and live out her physical life in Danubia.
Freedom of religion is not a part of Danubian culture and there is no tolerance for other faiths within the nation's territory. The Danubian Church is an integral part of the national identity, so Danubians take offense to foreign religions being brought into their country. All Danubians, even the most liberal and educated, agree that outside religions have no place in the Duchy. Foreign missionaries and proselytizing are strictly prohibited and punishable with 10-year sentences. Any Danubian converting to another religion must leave the country to practice it. A reader asked me about non-believers. There is no particular legal sanction against non-believers, but the overall culture would force them to keep their opinions to themselves.
The Danubian Church and scientific discovery
Unlike Judeo-Christianity, the Danubian faith does not have a detailed "Creation Story" for the Physical World. The Danubians believe that the Creator made and fine-tuned the Physical Earth long before the first humans arrived to inhabit it. The Danubians never attempted to guess how old the Earth was or how long it took to create, because such knowledge was considered "the divine secret of the Creator and part of the Absolute Truth". To speculate about the age of the Physical Earth without any evidence would have been considered sin.
When fossils were discovered and the Theory of Evolution appeared during the 19th Century to challenge Christian concepts about the Earth's creation, the Danubian Church was the only religion that did not see evolution as a threat to its core beliefs. The Clergy already accepted that the Earth had existed long before the first people and that the Creator had spent many years preparing the Physical World for human habitation. The Clergy viewed evolution not as a threat to their faith, but instead as a possible explanation of how that ancient process might have taken place and the method by which the Creator prepared the planet. Even extinction made sense to the Danubian Clergy, because the death of species fit nicely with the concept of oblivion brought about by the Destroyer.
As more information about the Earth's pre-human past became common knowledge though scientific discovery, the Danubian Clergy accepted it with total enthusiasm. It turned out that through revealing fossils to humans, the Creator was blessing the world with a portion of the Absolute Truth. The Creator had shown confidence in people by granting them knowledge of a time that was outside the human experience, but apparently not beyond human comprehension.
During the late 20th Century the Danubians became much more certain about their religious beliefs while the rest of Europe lost its faith in the supernatural. As scientific discovery undermined the creation accounts of other religions, the Danubians were convinced that their own view of the Cosmos and the relationship between humans, the passage of time, and the Physical World had been vindicated.
Yes indeed, the Earth is much older than humans and took a very long time to create. Yes, the planet's violent history proves that the Creator and the Destroyer fiercely fought each other while destroying and recreating the world into what we see today. To think ... we now have proof that the Destroyer wiped out entire continents with ice sheets, and floods, and volcanic eruptions, and even struck down the planet with meteors, but the Creator always restored the planet and restored life ... Yes, that's what we've been saying all along...
The Danubian Church and the sanctity of the human body
Proper custodianship of the human body is central to Danubian theology. The Danubian Church teaches that every human being consists of a soul, which is immortal, and a physical body, which is a gift temporarily provided to each soul by the Creator. The human body is the Creator's covenant with the Earth, lent to allow human souls to travel through the Physical World and interact with other human souls. Because each body is "on loan" from the Creator, it is the sacred obligation of every person to care for his or her body as carefully as possible.
The Danubian belief in the sanctity of the human body is important for understanding how Danubians live their daily lives. Physical health is a moral obligation, so Danubians are careful to exercise and eat nutritious food. To eat unhealthy food purely for the pleasure of taste is considered sin. For example, junk food is not available in the Danubian Republic, because eating non-nutritious items that damage the body is considered an offense against the Creator. Mistreatment of the human body also is the reason why the use of intoxicants is so savagely condemned by the Danubian clergy. The idea of injecting oneself with heroin, smoking meth, or snorting cocaine horrifies the average Danubian.
The same harsh judgment applies to lifestyles that allow the premature deterioration of the body, such as the American "couch potato". Likewise, foreign practices such as tattoos, cosmetic surgery, and piercing for jewelry are considered acts of vandalism against the body, which ultimately is the property of the Creator. The only surgery permitted in the country is what is needed to safeguard or enhance a person's health. The prohibition against altering the body for the purpose of vanity extends to dyeing hair and using make-up. If the Creator gave a woman brown hair for example, for her to change the color to blond would be considered an act of defiance and overt rejection of the Creator's gift to her soul. Equally abhorrent to Danubians are religious practices of other faiths such as self-flagellation and fasting that inflict lasting damage on the Creator's gift to the soul. During the Middle Ages aversion to Roman Catholic penance rites became a major source of conflict between the Danubian Clergy and the Vatican.
Danubian religion teaches that the only purpose of clothing is to protect the body from injury or physical discomfort. The Creator gave humans the knowledge to create clothing to help people shield their bodies from the harsh conditions of winter. To wear clothing for any other purpose is considered vanity and an act of sin. Especially sinful is to wear clothing that alters the body's appearance or causes physical discomfort, examples being items such as corsets or high-healed shoes.
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In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the...
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Kim finally forced herself to turn on her cell phone, which was blinking with four messages from Victor Dukov. Instead of listening to the messages, Kim decided simply to return to Victor's office and tell him what happened in the park. The moment Victor saw his wayward employee, he knew something was very wrong. He had the decency to hold off on berating her for the unauthorized break until he found out what was bothering her. In a frightened, broken voice, Kim told her story. It was...
Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...
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Jain sat on the floor in front of the telset, sheathed completely in shiny purple nylor, bending her head over one spread leg and then the other in imitation of the instructor on the screen. "Doing aerobex again?" her husband, Kroll, asked. "My class was canceled tonight, I can't only do aerobex twice in one day," Jain said. "I've made so much progress this year." Yeah, progress in turning yourself into a human greyhound, Kroll thought to himself. His wife, like every woman in...
(Note: This was made at the request of an individual. Hope you all enjoy) Hi everyone, I'm Rick. So I'm just going to skip the origin story and give you the short of it. A while ago while researching other things, I came across an ancient magical tomb. I didn't really think too much of it, but I read it and gave some stuff a try. Through that, I found a couple tricks. First, I learned a nifty spell to control minds, but really only if they are weak minded, some can resist. Think of the Jedi...
FetishDie geschilderte Geschichte der Minoer mit dem riesigen Vulkanausbruch auf Santorini vor langer Zeit ist keine Fantasy, sondern Real. Ebenso wie die Beschreibung der Insel. Lediglich bei dem Kristall mit den magischen Kr?ften beginnt die Phantasie. Auch hier vielen Dank an Christel f?r ihre Hilfe. F?r Romy war es nun genauso wie bei mir: Alle glaubten sie w?re schon immer ein M?dchen gewesen. Nur das in ihrem Fall die Beziehung zu den Eltern nicht besser ...
Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...
Zane reflected on the events that had taken place the night before. Bella had finally surrendered herself to him. She had thought she would be able to just have sex with him and get everything she wanted. Instead, she had surrendered herself to him totally. More importantly, she had surrendered to him recording everything, so she was essentially his slave now. His pet. His toy, to play with however he chose. As a result of that surrender, she also became the “property” of the rest of the...
College is referred by some as being the "best four years of your life" because of the freedoms associated with being on your own right after high school. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for most people who go through things like community college or just don't go to your typical party school. For a great number of people out there, the undergraduate years are full of stress and are actually some of the loneliest times of life. Such was the reality for Saidanar, better known as Sai, who...
SeductionIntroduction: (afin de ne pas amener d'histoire erotique avec des mineurs ,l'histoire se deroule 2 ans apres le livre) "theeuuu theuu theuu ,Quelle poussière "toussa ishida. Il venait enfin de décider de fouiller son grenier mais il n'imaginais pas l'ampleur de la tache. près de 4 générations de quincy y avait entreposer arc ,artefacts et souvenir.le tout ranger de manière tellement anarchique que le grenier ressemblais a un labyrinthe . cela faisait plusieurs heures qu'il cherchait mais il...
Author’s Note: This is the first chapter in the blossoming and soon-to-be-enduring romance of Peggy and Alex. At the end of this chapter, there is a question. Your comments will help shape Chapter 2, and your votes are always appreciated. ———- Peggy and I had been married for six years when it happened. During those six years, our sex life had become more passionate and varied. At the beginning of those six years, though, on our wedding night, we both lost our virginity, and it wasn’t...
Greetings reader. The following is set in the MAU universe and in the present day. I will admit that there is some similarity with Allen W's Slayer series, it was the inspiration along with watching season 3 of Buffy again. Both involve characters winding up in the bodies based off the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the agency that investigates the MAUs, but beyond that I intend to go in another direction. It isn't meant to be a spin-off or sequel to his series. This series is...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers After The Hot Session With My Landlord. I decided to move in his house as his wife away from home and I could fulfil her duty to be his wife in home as well as in bed. Next day morning I packed all my stuffs and moved in his house. He welcomed me with a hot kiss and showed me our bedroom. He said to behave as his horny wife and do all the household activities. I agreed and touched his feet. I went to room closed the door, unpacked all my stuffs. Took a...
Gay MaleIt had been a pretty good evening, all things considered, thought Robby. First, dinner had gone very nicely, even though his attempt to order a couple of drinks had been laughingly dismissed by the waitress. Heather had simply looked luminous in her evening gown, an effect heightened when midway through dinner she had removed the jacket. Every man in the restaurant had turned to stare, some discretely and some less so, at the beautiful young woman, and Robby had felt unbearably proud of...
This story is completely fiction. The names, characters, story plot have been pulled out of randomness. This story is from the eyes and thoughts of Stephanie Gordan. Day 1 Summer was always slow for Ms. Amanda Parker. Freshly out of Yale College for summer break being a freshman. Still unsure what she should major in other than Economics. Amanda always went to her parent’s house for the summer. The mountain air had always brought new life to her ready to take on the world after a summer at...
Many of the village children would satisfy their curiosity about the members of the Knight Templar in their midst simply by squatting in the dust or the stones and watching them as they practiced mayhem with either sword or axe. It was at times like that the true nature of their fighting spirit surfaced on their calm and peaceful exteriors. With teeth bared and sharpened blades splitting the air with a song of violent intent, they whirled and stamped about the courtyard halting all thought of...
Robbie couldn't help smiling inwardly as he got himself cleaned up for Sunday dinner with Lindsey and Trey. As his mind replayed images of his time with Trey over the past week, a shiver went through him. Damn! It had been so sweet! And his careful plans had played out almost to perfection! The pictures and videos he captured... oh my god! They'd serve as fuel for his masturbatory fantasies for years! Of course, a large percentage of both the stills and video images would never be posted...
Enjoy the intensity of your desires. Chapter Eight A Rainy day at Mud Lake The day started out warm and breezy, the weather forecast was calling for rain. She anticipated the arrival of her date. She had planned a nice dinner for outside. They were to meet at the park and drive together to a secluded spot by the lake. She had packed a nice bottle of wine, salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and chocolate mousse. She hoped all would go as she had been dreaming of in her mind. She dressed in a...
"You jerk!" Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapywater in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splashresoundingly in the water below. "You got me all wet!" Bridgette's grinbelied her mock anger."Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!" Karenreplied."Not my hair, dummy," replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn't reallymad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from twohighly sexed, beautiful 18 year old...
THE TRAPPER PROLOGUE: This is a total work fiction about a London raised, Thai lady boy, who finds herself marooned in snowbound northern British Columbia. My deepest apologies to the First Nations of British Columbia. ---------------- David Montgomery was a professor of geology at the University of Northern British Columbia. Montgomery was thirty eight years old and was bored stiff teaching the uniqueness of rocks to skulls full of them. Four years previous, Montgomery...
Returning in Private Specials, Flight Attendants Fuck Better is the forever sexy Renata Fox and after a long time away with work this horny girl has a treat in store for her man Potro. Renata has invited her close friend and colleague Misha Maver over for a threesome and these girls soon strip off their uniform berfore sharing a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch these beauties in action as they show off their sexy lingerie, tattooed skin, and sexy figures as they take turns getting pounded in a...