Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Kim was emotionally drained the following morning. She kept on hoping everything was somehow an awful nightmare and at some point she would wake up. She used the chamber-pot and then sat sadly on her mattress wondering what horrible things would be done to her today. That panel the day before had mentioned a trial.
The cell door opened. A guard cuffed Kim's hands behind her back and led her down the long corridor, which once again was filled with people. Once again dozens of eyes looked over Kim's exposed body as she was led down the hallway. The guard took her up two flights of stairs to the reception area of a small office. He then forced Kim into a kneeling position in front of two young secretaries and left her there.
The secretaries quietly talked to each other about the young American prisoner as she silently knelt in front of them. The two Danubians didn't do or say anything to deliberately humiliate Kim, but the embarrassment of having to kneel handcuffed and naked in front of two women her own age and be the subject of their discussion was overwhelming.
After about five minutes the door of the main office opened. A well-dressed middle-aged man appeared. He had a quiet, determined appearance about him, and an expression that was kinder than the expression of anyone else Kim had talked to since her arrest.
"You are Kimberly Lee, the American?"
"Yes sir."
"Very Well. My name is Vladim Dukov. Allow me to assist you."
With that the man pulled out a key and unhooked Kim's handcuffs. He helped her stand up.
"Let us go to my office."
A secretary entered ahead of them and spread a small towel on a padded chair facing a large desk. Next to the chair was a small table with some breakfast rolls, a jar of jam, several pieces of fruit, and a pot of tea. Kim suddenly remembered she had not eaten for nearly 24 hours and looked longingly at the food.
"That food is for you. Please. Sit and eat."
The Danubian official sat quietly watching Kim while she ate. Once the prisoner had eaten the majority of the food on her table Dukov remarked: "A man does not think well on an empty stomach. Is that not true for a woman as well, Kimberly?"
"Y ... Yes sir ... that's true. Thank you, sir."
"Good. Now pour yourself some tea and we can discuss what you must confront today."
Once Kim poured the tea the Danubian official spoke again.
"As I stated before, my name is Vladim Dukov. My title is translated as 'Spokesman for the Criminal', although you might understand it better if I told you I am a public defense council and parole officer. Under our law there is a difference, but you need not be bothered with that detail right now. However, you will understand that under the laws and protocol of my country, my colleagues and I must be referred to under our title 'Spokesman', or "Spokeswoman', as appropriate. The title in Danubian is 'Advokakt' or 'Advokaktna'."
"Sir ... uh, Spokesman, you're going to defend me ... like ... in court?"
"In a matter of speaking I will defend you ... in court. My responsibility to you is to explain to the judge any circumstances or facts that contradict the arguments presented by the prosecutor. Any facts that contradict the statements made by the prosecutor must be considered by the judge. It also is my responsibility to present any facts in court that would promote leniency in your sentence. You, Kimberly, have a difficult, but very interesting case."
Kim fought back the urge to cry. "Sir ... Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... I was just smoking a joint! That's all I was doing! It was just some pot ... that we got in Amsterdam!"
"Kimberly ... please. First of all ... allow me to ask you: are we in Amsterdam right now? Do you think this country is part of the Netherlands?"
"No ... no Spokesman. It's not the Netherlands."
"You are correct, this is not the Netherlands. The Dutch can do as they see fit. If they choose to destroy themselves with drugs, so be it. We, the citizens of the Grand Duchy, have chosen a different path for our society. All drug use is severely punished. Now, young lady, another question for you. Where were you smoking your 'pot' as you say it?"
"In the park behind the old temple."
"That is your second problem. That land is not 'just a park'. It is the Sacred Ground of the Guardian Spirits, the spirits of the ancestors who have protected our land for 5,000 years. You defiled our country's ancestors by choosing that location to commit your crime."
"Sir ... uh, Spokesman Dukov ... I didn't know..."
"Yes ... yes. You are an ignorant foreigner, how could you know? You Americans do not know very much, do you?"
Kim's heart sank. Even her defense attorney was disgusted by her actions.
"You have a much bigger problem, Kimberly. There were 432 grams of marijuana stored in your personal backpack. That is a significant amount."
"Spokesman, it belonged to all three of us, and Tiff's boyfriend. But we weren't selling it, honest. We just wanted to make sure we didn't run out before we got back to Amsterdam."
"We ... meaning..."
"Me, Tiffany and Susan."
Dukov's expression changed slightly at Kim's last comment. She noticed him looking intensely into her eyes, as though trying to gauge how honest she was being with him.
"So ... that marijuana belonged to all of you."
"Yes, Spokesman."
"Who conducted the purchase of the marijuana ... in Amsterdam?"
"Tiffany ... Spokesman ... uh ... actually it was her boyfriend."
Again Dukov looked hard into Kim's eyes, as she returned his stare with a puzzled expression. Dukov's demeanor suddenly became very irritated. He quickly picked up the phone, dialed, and started talking rapidly in Danubian. Kim made out the words "amerikanki", "passporti", "Tiffany", "Susan", "Amsterdam", and "maragana". The Spokesman made another call, waited impatiently, and then spoke a few lines in Danubian. His tone of voice became very exasperated as he snapped:
"Nad Prágu?! Yak onetta ídalak nad Prágu?!"
After he angrily hung up, Dukov called in his two secretaries and issued several orders. He then wrote a series of notes. Finally he calmed down, folded his hands and addressed Kim again.
"Kimberly, you must understand the facts of the charges against you before we enter the courtroom. I will make no effort to refute that you were smoking marijuana behind the Temple. That fact is indisputable and for that you will be sentenced and punished. Also, a city police officer retrieved 432 grams of marijuana from a backpack that you acknowledged belongs to you. You acknowledge that you knew that marijuana was present in the backpack when you entered the Duchy. That fact is also indisputable and for it you will be sentenced and punished. However, I will challenge the other charges. I also will tell you the prosecutor has behaved irresponsibly in this case, and I will discuss his failings in court. On your behalf I will attempt to use the prosecutor's failings to seek leniency for you."
"Spokesman ... what..."
One of Dukov's secretaries entered at that moment with several folders. Dukov took them and turned to Kim.
"That is enough, Miss Lee. Now you must clean up and prepare yourself for trial. The criminals' bathroom is over there. You must shower. There is an unused toothbrush on the sink. Use it."
Once Kim was cleaned up she wrapped her hair in a towel and her body in another towel. She entered Dukov's office, expecting that he would have some clothes ready for her to change into before they left for the courtroom. Instead Dukov looked up at Kim with a very irritated expression.
"Remove those towels. Immediately."
"It is prohibited. You are violating your status as a prisoner of the Duchy. You may not cover your body."
Kim gasped as she let the towels fall to the floor. "Sir ... what about my court appearance? I can't..."
"You will be naked at your trial, Kimberly. That is the custom in our country. It has been that way for over 1,000 years. You shamed yourself by choosing to commit a crime on our soil, and that shame will be there for the world to see."
The naked people ... the ones with the collars! So there was the answer to Kim's question, they were convicted criminals! And she was about to go on trial ... and be convicted!
"Oh my God ... Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... please, I can't..."
"Kimberly, that is enough from you. You are now a prisoner of the Duchy. You face conviction on two charges, and possibly more. This reality is now your life, and you must accept it. I will seek leniency, but I cannot change the fact that you violated our laws and must now face the consequences."
One of the secretaries poked her head through the door to tell her boss that the court guard had arrived to take Kim to her trial.
"Kimberly, you must now kneel and present yourself to the guard. When he takes you to the courtroom, Tatiana and I will accompany you."
With that the guard handcuffed Kim and led her out of the police station. The courthouse was on the other side of a large plaza. Kim felt sick as the guard led her across the open area and dozens of passersby stared at her in the open sunlight. Alongside her walked Dukov and his secretary Tatiana. About halfway across the plaza Kim had a slight shock, she ran into the naked waiter from the restaurant where she had eaten the previous day. He stared at her in amazement, wondering what she had done to be going on trial, just 24 hours after she had been a customer at his restaurant.
The guard led Kim into an ornate 19th Century courthouse and into a huge chamber full of police officers, medical students, law students, reporters, cameramen, and various witnesses. Kim recognized the onlookers who had been present at her arrest, as well as the doctor and his 20 students who had analyzed her urine and blood. The three members of the arraignment panel were sitting near the judge's chair towards the front of the chamber, as were the cops who had arrested Kim and searched her belongings. There must have been at least 200 people in the room altogether.
About 5 meters in front of the judge's chair there was a raised platform. Kim rightly assumed that once the trial began she would be ordered to stand on it.
The guard led Kim to a worn spot in the ornate carpet covering the floor about halfway between the back door of the chamber and the platform. He unhooked her handcuffs and ordered her to kneel. Dukov stood next to her, holding several folders in his hands.
Kim looked around. To her horror she noticed two television cameras pointing in her direction. Several reporters flashed their cameras at her. It was obvious this trial was going to be a sensation, because Kim was an American. Dukov swallowed and cleared his throat. Kim could tell that he was somewhat nervous. He had not expected the trial to draw so much public interest. He bent down and spoke to her:
"Kimberly, when the judge comes in everyone will stand and salute him, except you. You must kneel forward and put your forehead to the carpet. You will stay that way until the judge orders you to step forward. You will climb the platform and assume the prisoner's stance. That means you must stand with your legs spread and your hands behind your head. No matter who else is talking, you must remain in that position, facing the judge. I will translate anything you need to know or any answers you need to provide the court."
Kim nodded and choked back her tears. She couldn't believe this! It just kept getting worse and worse! The only shred of hope she clung to was her no-nonsense defense attorney, who seemed genuinely interested in helping her as much as possible.
The judge entered the chamber. The entire room shouted "Doc-doc Danube!" and everyone put their right fist against their left shoulder, the Danubian way of saluting a public official. As instructed Kim knelt forward and placed her hands on the worn carpet, her forehead touching the ground. She felt the cool air of the courtroom blowing against her exposed vagina and bottom. The tears rolled down the bridge of her nose and onto the carpet.
Kim heard the prosecutor's voice as he read the charges against her. Then she heard the judge's voice and Dukov's response. The Spokesman tapped his client's shoulder and pointed at the platform. Kim walked to it and climbed the steps, finding herself standing about a meter and a half above the ground. Reluctantly she spread her legs and put her hands behind her head. Four spotlights shined on her from different directions. She heard the murmurings of the spectators and saw the flashes of reporters' cameras.
At first the only people speaking were witnesses for the prosecution. The female cop who made the initial arrest and her partner spoke first, followed by other witnesses from the Temple area. Then came testimony from the police doctor and three of his students. Finally the arraignment tribunal members spoke, the woman holding up the damning bag of marijuana and Kim's t-shirt with the marijuana insignia. The prosecutor seemed quite smug and at ease with his case, while Dukov stood quietly scribbling furiously into a notepad.
After two hours, Kim's body was starting to cramp badly, and she wondered how much longer she could stay in her position. Just as Kim felt like she was going to faint, the judge stood up. Suddenly Dukov whispered desperately "Kimberly! Quick! You must kneel!" Kim just made it to the platform on her knees when the entire room exploded with "Doc-doc Danube!"
Dukov ordered Kim to get up and passed her a glass of water. Kim felt despair that Dukov had not yet said anything to contradict the witnesses, but she drank and tried to regain her composure.
"Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... how come you're not saying anything?"
"Kimberly, those witnesses are telling the truth as they saw it. I am not here to refute the truth. I am here to confront the prosecutor's mistakes."
"What mistakes, Spokesman?"
"The two most important witnesses are missing, your two friends. They left the country last night. It is quite unfair you should go on trial and they should not."
"What!? They were released? But, why them and not me?"
"Because they told the arraignment panel the same story; they knew nothing about the marijuana you were carrying."
"But ... but it was Tiffany who bought it ... she ... was the one who put it in my backpack!"
"That is the folly of the prosecutor. He released her and your other friend based on her statement, and did not talk to you first."
Suddenly Kim felt even sicker. Tiffany and Susan had left her! They lied to the Danubian police, just to save themselves at her expense! No wonder she was facing charges as a drug trafficker!
"I was very angry when I found out your friends had been released," continued Dukov, "very angry indeed, because I was unable to talk to them about you. Neither the prosecutor nor the arraignment panel consulted with me about your friends. If they claimed you were the only one carrying the drugs and then were allowed to leave, I needed to know."
"They actually said that I was the only one?"
"What they claimed was they did not know what was in your backpack, and that neither of them knew you smoked marijuana. That they were very surprised."
"No! They couldn't have done that! We're friends!"
"Well, the fact remains, you are here on trial and they, by now, are in Prague. How else do you think they made it out?"
Kim felt like she had been punched in the chest. She had known Tiffany and Susan since middle school. They had spent the last five years together constantly. She had shared things with them that she never could share with anyone else. And now they had done this to her! Kim sat crying while Dukov reviewed his notes.
"Doc-doc Danube!" Kim scrambled to get into her kneeling position on top of her platform as the rest of the room saluted the judge. The judge read over some procedural issues and then ordered his client to stand. Dukov relayed the order in English and Kim resumed her position on top of the platform, legs apart and hands behind her head. The judge then called the Spokesman for the Criminal to speak up on her behalf.
Dukov spoke at length, consulting his notes and several folders. Kim heard the words Tiffany, Susan, and Amsterdam mentioned over and over. The crowd started to murmur, and out of the corner of her eye she could see both the prosecutor and the arraignment panel fidget uncomfortably. The judge asked the prosecutor several questions, which he answered sullenly. The judge did not appear satisfied with the prosecutor's responses, and shook his head. The judge then looked at Kim and directed a question at her. Dukov translated.
"They are about to pronounce the sentence. He wants to know if you have anything to say to the court. If you do, get on your knees before you speak."
Kim did have something to say. She knelt and spoke in English: "Your Honor, the only thing I have to say to this court and to the people of this city, is that I am very sorry for what I did behind the Temple. I have insulted your ancestors and I ask you and them to forgive me."
After Dukov translated there was a murmur of approval from the audience, at least this ignorant foreigner was willing to recognize her mistakes.
The judge made some notes and finally pronounced the verdict, which Dukov translated. Due to the negligence of the prosecutor and the premature release of Tiffany and Susan, the court was unable to convict Kim of drug trafficking. As expected, Kim was found guilty of possession of marijuana and the public use of marijuana. However, the judge surprised the entire court by declaring Kim innocent of violation of the Sanctity of the Ancients.
"She has sought the forgiveness of the Ancients, and I believe that request was sincere. For that trespass she repented, and the Ancients will hear that request."
Kim began her classes as a Danubian university student in the middle of January. She reduced her hours at the music store to her summer schedule, working only three days per week. She studied Danubian law, history, criminology, and the Danubian interpretation of sociology. Kim's self-confidence increased as she realized she was smart enough to master the somewhat difficult coursework in a foreign language. She was perfectly capable of studying hard and studying well, as long as she had a...
By the end of Kim's first week in Danube City she was partially settled into her strange new life as a convicted criminal and bicycle courier. Within a week her welts were fading and no longer hurt. She had come to terms with what had happened and even managed to pass by the Temple of the Ancients where all her trouble had started. Kim vaguely wondered if that sadistic cop and her partner were still patrolling the grounds behind the Temple, but had no desire to go there and find out. She...
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The following week Kim divided her time between the music store, rehearsal with Eloisa's band, and studying the cases and laws she needed to become familiar with to properly represent Tiffany during her trial at the end of August. Dukov conducted some of Kim's research for her, finding relevant cases and book-marking them. He laid books and files on Kim's desk, along with a few old drug cases he and other Spokespersons had represented over their careers. Kim later would have to learn how...
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It felt like I held a couple of big cotton balls. They felt so soft that it forced me to press them and feel them for long. But I knew it was wrong. I moved my arms further apart and held her shoulders as I intended earlier. She stayed still, now, with my support. She moved back and sat down on the couch. Her eyes were looking at the floor. Me – “Di, I am sorry.” Di – “No. Don’t be. It’s ok. It was an accident.” Me – “Thanks for understanding.” She just looked at me and smiled awkwardly. She...
IncestMein is site mein bht sal se sex stories padh raha houn. Mera aryan hain mera height 5.3 hain dekhne main accha houn aur mera lund ka size 5 inch ka hain aur motta bhi hain Ab mein mami ko kese chuda yeh batati houn mami ka fig 36 30 36 hain uska gand mast thi. Aur unka ek beta tha. Jo 10 sal ka hain. Mera garmi ka sutti sal raha tha. Aur mein ghar mein akele bor houn rhi thi. Mom n dad office jate aur mein ghar pein rahta tha. Aur mami ke yaad mein muth marta tha. Uska gand ko yad krke jab wo...
Wanda was horny, but what was new. She always was and today was no different. She went to the beach and rented a motel room for the night and then went bar hopping to find a few men to take care of her horniness. In the last bar she met Al and Ed and invited them back to her room. They no sooner got there when Wanda strip and told them to do the same. Al lay down across the bed and Wanda crawled on top of him easing herself down on his cock. Once she got it in she began rocking and bouncing so...
Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...
I had just dropped off my wife at her s****r’s for a couple of days. She lives an hour away and they spend those days going to plays and shopping. I looked forward to it because my wife lost interest in any sex years ago. I could use this time to look at some porn and gettting myself off a few times without being interrupted. I stopped at a bank near there to get some extra cash and then stopped at a store nearby before the 1 hour drive back. As I pulled into the store parking lot, I noticed a...
“How do you solve a problem like Maria”?Chapter Six “or Seven …………..Poor Elsa’s arse was still on fire despite the soothing bath and the lotion so lovingly applied by Georg.She had been so brave to accept the spanking, caning and tawsing that Georg had decreed was appropriate. Her bottom would be bright red for weeks but even that couldn’t ease the itch between her legs.She still craved cock! Sometimes Elsa though that she could fuck every man in Austria and still beg for...
Hi, readers. I thank you all for your feed backs and emails for my previous sex story. And sorry for the delay. This is a continuation of my previous story Weekend Fun With A Businesswoman Part-1 Day 2: Next day morning I wake up seeing her bare boobs pressing against the bed. She was still asleep. I was admiring her beauty, kissed her forehead and moved down and licked her boob. She moaned a bit and opened her eyes slowly. She smiled at me and gave a kiss on my lip gently and said “good...
It was Cynthia's high school reunion and I was invited to come along as her date. My guess was to impress her old friends, maybe show me off for awhile. Either way we went to the hotel downtown where the party took place. I met many of her female friends; some were nice and some were a bit bitchy. Reminded me of my ex. Both of us drank and danced for awhile and decided to go someplace quiet. We went to the third floor where room 303 stood. Cynthia borrowed the key card from one of her friends...
Wir alle kennen sie: Teenie Jungschlampen, die alles tun würden um in den Club ihrer Wahl hereinzukommen. Der „Club 3000“ war so ein Laden. Wie jedes Wochenende war die Jugend der Stadt hier dabei zu feiern, zu saufen und zu ficken. Die Türsteher waren dabei die erste Hürde die das Frischfleisch zu passieren hatte. Die Crew war dabei strikt angewiesen nur diejenigen Möchtegern Tussis rein zu lassen, die auch das Blut der männlichen Gäste zur Wallung brachten. Dabei war es Gang und gebe, dass...
Well, that was a wasted winter! We only managed to collect $50 between the two of us the whole five months we were in South Texas. Sheeesh! That was one trip that wasn't worth the effort. Where did all the crooks go? They sure as hell weren't where we were. Oh, well, now that we were back in Oklahoma, we could look to better times. A new set of wanted posters was what it took to pick up our spirits, so we were happy and full of ginger. Our plan this year was to work our way north through...
***This story contains female domination aka femdom, sissyfication, etc.***My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most peoplewould call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home fromwork on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner andvegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in atechnical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eighthours of dealing with frustrating customers.I stopped by the mailboxes out...
This story is about when Teddy and Lance meets! Like I said in my other stories, these events I write about are all true. I try to write detail information as it happens to me and I hope that you are enjoying Naughty Nikki's life stories!!Tired! Thirsty and hungry! I sat in the TV room wondering what mischief I was going to encounter today. I wanted to go out to the Jamacian restaurant for some spicy food since that is what I was craving. I went upstairs to my bedroom and made preparations to...
Straight SexBeth looked into her young lover’s eyes and she knew that she could not escape his request. No other man had ever asked her to do this before; he was different, unique and very direct. She almost questioned him on the reason as to why, but bit her tongue to stay silent.It was not because Beth thought his request was unsavoury or even objectionable, it was just unusual and this would be her very first time doing it. At forty seven years old, Beth had been around the block so to speak. There...
Layla Love absolutely loves being pampered. One of the best ways to make it in an expensive town is to get the attention of a well to do man. Lucky for Layla that involves athletes and mostly handsome black guys and their big black cocks. She loves how Eddie watches her get ready putting on her sexiest lingerie for his eyes only. It may seem like he is the winner here but Layla wins that black cock of his every night and sometimes multiple times throughout the day too. Eddie pulls down Laylas...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a tough hunt. It was just too early in the year for this. The snow line was still low. It took me a hard day, even following an old logging trail, to get around the mountain to where I wanted to be. Once I got there it was dusk, so I set up my tent, got something to eat and settled into my sleeping bag. I was so beat I immediately fell asleep. In the morning I had some dried meat and some water. I cleaned up the camp a bit, left the tent and bag there and set out to where I had a...
hey there how are you Hey gorgeous! I'm ok! How are you? doing well thanks.... this is 1st time for a cpl weeks able to have some relax time.... been busy with project commitments and catching up with friends Well, I'm glad you have time to chill then! kinda lol..... are things settled over your way ? Yes and no Maybe ramping up again oh that sucks Yes well, apparently there are a lot of idiots in the U.S.! Numero Uno is our orange idiot president! yes i noticed i'm going to get my cock hard...
"Oh my God! Give it to me, hard!" Amy pushed her buttocks back into my thrusting penis. She loved it doggy style. I pumped into her as hard as I could. I felt her shaking as she climaxed. "Ohhhhhh! Oh, Mark, I loooove it just like that!" It had been a big orgasm. Something must have really set her off. My wife cums easily, but this had been a whopper.I withdrew and turned Amy on her side. She was still breathing hard. I got between her legs and slid my penis back into her juicy cunt."Honey,...
The heat had been building for weeks.Breathless desire intensified exponentially each time they arranged to be in one another's presence, however briefly, no matter who else was around.Every word that passed between them was overheard by others as casual conversation, un-notable, unnoticeable.The intensely exciting subtexts were theirs alone to treasure, to replay over and again.Only they two were aware of the powerful grip that held them, tightening their throats, magnetizing their bodies and...
Straight SexShe couldn't help think that at this rate she was going to suck of everybody in the store in about 10 minutes. Tammy tried to appease her guilty conscious by telling herself it was all her husband's fault. He was the one who turned her on to that sex story site and all those hot stories, many of which made her horny to no end. Roger did his best to satisfy her but she became more and more open to the idea of acting out. Roger frequently had to go out of town for business which left Tammy alone,...
Cheating WifeWe exchanged a few calls, each filled with tease and innuendo, my seductress fluent in the language of unspoken lust. Finally we arranged to meet again, this time at a restaurant, at least we would start there... For my night out with the girls at the lesbian bar I'd dressed as we had agreed, short skirt, crop top, no underwear, and shoes, a change from my beloved boots, but no heels, I've never worn heels. For my date with my seductress I reverted to my customary attire, jeans and a...
Well Monti Comes to pick me up from work and sees me outside with four hot boys from work are just chating..Rick is 22 brn hair and 5-9 lucas is a twink 18 black hair about 5'10 jons 19 black hair 5-3 and nick is 6ft black hair 21. So monti asks if i was ready to go home and i said no we are going to ricks house to throw back some bears and play a game or 2 so we left work and got going monti was telling me how he had my fav boxerbriefs on and his dirty black ankle socks on from the gym and...
We tried something new with Chris and Christina the other day. I went over for another day of fun and when I got there Christina had Chris tied to a chair naked. His cock was standing at attention. She had on a see through teddy and I got hard almost immediately. She came over and stripped me down to just my tighty whiteys. Christina and I started to make out in front of Chris. We started to kiss passionately and my our hands were all over each other. She slid her hand into the front of my...
BisexualBy : Hi ye dusra part hai meri kahani ka ,me pehle apne bare me bata deta hu thoda mera naam rohit hai or me delhi ka rehne wala 5’7 inch lamba fair color ka 24 saal ka ladka hu , looks bhi me bhi acha hu or mera lund gora 7 inch se ka lamba hai , or agar kisi ko mujse dosti karni ho to muje mail kare chahe koi bhi kisi umar ke ho aap meri id hai hai meri pehli kahani kafi logo ko pasand aai kai kai females mujse chat krti hai or apni dukhada bhi sunati hai or sex chat krti hai agar...
Friends i’m reader of this ISS site from a long time but its my first story which i want to share with you, i hope you will enjoy to read it. Mera naam shadab hai aur iam frm hyderabad…story ke response ka wait karunga mera email i.d koi b unsatisfied ladies,gals mujhe contact kar sakte hai for secret relationship Ye story koi fake story ni hai jis terha is SITE pe log aa ker fake stories share kerte hain jisse pafh ker he idea ho jata hai k story true hai ya fake. Ye un dino ki baat hai jab...