Maragana GirlChapter 2 free porn video

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Kim was emotionally drained the following morning. She kept on hoping everything was somehow an awful nightmare and at some point she would wake up. She used the chamber-pot and then sat sadly on her mattress wondering what horrible things would be done to her today. That panel the day before had mentioned a trial.

The cell door opened. A guard cuffed Kim's hands behind her back and led her down the long corridor, which once again was filled with people. Once again dozens of eyes looked over Kim's exposed body as she was led down the hallway. The guard took her up two flights of stairs to the reception area of a small office. He then forced Kim into a kneeling position in front of two young secretaries and left her there.

The secretaries quietly talked to each other about the young American prisoner as she silently knelt in front of them. The two Danubians didn't do or say anything to deliberately humiliate Kim, but the embarrassment of having to kneel handcuffed and naked in front of two women her own age and be the subject of their discussion was overwhelming.

After about five minutes the door of the main office opened. A well-dressed middle-aged man appeared. He had a quiet, determined appearance about him, and an expression that was kinder than the expression of anyone else Kim had talked to since her arrest.

"You are Kimberly Lee, the American?"

"Yes sir."

"Very Well. My name is Vladim Dukov. Allow me to assist you."

With that the man pulled out a key and unhooked Kim's handcuffs. He helped her stand up.

"Let us go to my office."

A secretary entered ahead of them and spread a small towel on a padded chair facing a large desk. Next to the chair was a small table with some breakfast rolls, a jar of jam, several pieces of fruit, and a pot of tea. Kim suddenly remembered she had not eaten for nearly 24 hours and looked longingly at the food.

"That food is for you. Please. Sit and eat."

The Danubian official sat quietly watching Kim while she ate. Once the prisoner had eaten the majority of the food on her table Dukov remarked: "A man does not think well on an empty stomach. Is that not true for a woman as well, Kimberly?"

"Y ... Yes sir ... that's true. Thank you, sir."

"Good. Now pour yourself some tea and we can discuss what you must confront today."

Once Kim poured the tea the Danubian official spoke again.

"As I stated before, my name is Vladim Dukov. My title is translated as 'Spokesman for the Criminal', although you might understand it better if I told you I am a public defense council and parole officer. Under our law there is a difference, but you need not be bothered with that detail right now. However, you will understand that under the laws and protocol of my country, my colleagues and I must be referred to under our title 'Spokesman', or "Spokeswoman', as appropriate. The title in Danubian is 'Advokakt' or 'Advokaktna'."

"Sir ... uh, Spokesman, you're going to defend me ... like ... in court?"

"In a matter of speaking I will defend you ... in court. My responsibility to you is to explain to the judge any circumstances or facts that contradict the arguments presented by the prosecutor. Any facts that contradict the statements made by the prosecutor must be considered by the judge. It also is my responsibility to present any facts in court that would promote leniency in your sentence. You, Kimberly, have a difficult, but very interesting case."

Kim fought back the urge to cry. "Sir ... Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... I was just smoking a joint! That's all I was doing! It was just some pot ... that we got in Amsterdam!"

"Kimberly ... please. First of all ... allow me to ask you: are we in Amsterdam right now? Do you think this country is part of the Netherlands?"

"No ... no Spokesman. It's not the Netherlands."

"You are correct, this is not the Netherlands. The Dutch can do as they see fit. If they choose to destroy themselves with drugs, so be it. We, the citizens of the Grand Duchy, have chosen a different path for our society. All drug use is severely punished. Now, young lady, another question for you. Where were you smoking your 'pot' as you say it?"

"In the park behind the old temple."

"That is your second problem. That land is not 'just a park'. It is the Sacred Ground of the Guardian Spirits, the spirits of the ancestors who have protected our land for 5,000 years. You defiled our country's ancestors by choosing that location to commit your crime."

"Sir ... uh, Spokesman Dukov ... I didn't know..."

"Yes ... yes. You are an ignorant foreigner, how could you know? You Americans do not know very much, do you?"

Kim's heart sank. Even her defense attorney was disgusted by her actions.

"You have a much bigger problem, Kimberly. There were 432 grams of marijuana stored in your personal backpack. That is a significant amount."

"Spokesman, it belonged to all three of us, and Tiff's boyfriend. But we weren't selling it, honest. We just wanted to make sure we didn't run out before we got back to Amsterdam."

"We ... meaning..."

"Me, Tiffany and Susan."

Dukov's expression changed slightly at Kim's last comment. She noticed him looking intensely into her eyes, as though trying to gauge how honest she was being with him.

"So ... that marijuana belonged to all of you."

"Yes, Spokesman."

"Who conducted the purchase of the marijuana ... in Amsterdam?"

"Tiffany ... Spokesman ... uh ... actually it was her boyfriend."

Again Dukov looked hard into Kim's eyes, as she returned his stare with a puzzled expression. Dukov's demeanor suddenly became very irritated. He quickly picked up the phone, dialed, and started talking rapidly in Danubian. Kim made out the words "amerikanki", "passporti", "Tiffany", "Susan", "Amsterdam", and "maragana". The Spokesman made another call, waited impatiently, and then spoke a few lines in Danubian. His tone of voice became very exasperated as he snapped:

"Nad Prágu?! Yak onetta ídalak nad Prágu?!"

After he angrily hung up, Dukov called in his two secretaries and issued several orders. He then wrote a series of notes. Finally he calmed down, folded his hands and addressed Kim again.

"Kimberly, you must understand the facts of the charges against you before we enter the courtroom. I will make no effort to refute that you were smoking marijuana behind the Temple. That fact is indisputable and for that you will be sentenced and punished. Also, a city police officer retrieved 432 grams of marijuana from a backpack that you acknowledged belongs to you. You acknowledge that you knew that marijuana was present in the backpack when you entered the Duchy. That fact is also indisputable and for it you will be sentenced and punished. However, I will challenge the other charges. I also will tell you the prosecutor has behaved irresponsibly in this case, and I will discuss his failings in court. On your behalf I will attempt to use the prosecutor's failings to seek leniency for you."

"Spokesman ... what..."

One of Dukov's secretaries entered at that moment with several folders. Dukov took them and turned to Kim.

"That is enough, Miss Lee. Now you must clean up and prepare yourself for trial. The criminals' bathroom is over there. You must shower. There is an unused toothbrush on the sink. Use it."

Once Kim was cleaned up she wrapped her hair in a towel and her body in another towel. She entered Dukov's office, expecting that he would have some clothes ready for her to change into before they left for the courtroom. Instead Dukov looked up at Kim with a very irritated expression.

"Remove those towels. Immediately."


"It is prohibited. You are violating your status as a prisoner of the Duchy. You may not cover your body."

Kim gasped as she let the towels fall to the floor. "Sir ... what about my court appearance? I can't..."

"You will be naked at your trial, Kimberly. That is the custom in our country. It has been that way for over 1,000 years. You shamed yourself by choosing to commit a crime on our soil, and that shame will be there for the world to see."

The naked people ... the ones with the collars! So there was the answer to Kim's question, they were convicted criminals! And she was about to go on trial ... and be convicted!

"Oh my God ... Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... please, I can't..."

"Kimberly, that is enough from you. You are now a prisoner of the Duchy. You face conviction on two charges, and possibly more. This reality is now your life, and you must accept it. I will seek leniency, but I cannot change the fact that you violated our laws and must now face the consequences."

One of the secretaries poked her head through the door to tell her boss that the court guard had arrived to take Kim to her trial.

"Kimberly, you must now kneel and present yourself to the guard. When he takes you to the courtroom, Tatiana and I will accompany you."

With that the guard handcuffed Kim and led her out of the police station. The courthouse was on the other side of a large plaza. Kim felt sick as the guard led her across the open area and dozens of passersby stared at her in the open sunlight. Alongside her walked Dukov and his secretary Tatiana. About halfway across the plaza Kim had a slight shock, she ran into the naked waiter from the restaurant where she had eaten the previous day. He stared at her in amazement, wondering what she had done to be going on trial, just 24 hours after she had been a customer at his restaurant.

The guard led Kim into an ornate 19th Century courthouse and into a huge chamber full of police officers, medical students, law students, reporters, cameramen, and various witnesses. Kim recognized the onlookers who had been present at her arrest, as well as the doctor and his 20 students who had analyzed her urine and blood. The three members of the arraignment panel were sitting near the judge's chair towards the front of the chamber, as were the cops who had arrested Kim and searched her belongings. There must have been at least 200 people in the room altogether.

About 5 meters in front of the judge's chair there was a raised platform. Kim rightly assumed that once the trial began she would be ordered to stand on it.

The guard led Kim to a worn spot in the ornate carpet covering the floor about halfway between the back door of the chamber and the platform. He unhooked her handcuffs and ordered her to kneel. Dukov stood next to her, holding several folders in his hands.

Kim looked around. To her horror she noticed two television cameras pointing in her direction. Several reporters flashed their cameras at her. It was obvious this trial was going to be a sensation, because Kim was an American. Dukov swallowed and cleared his throat. Kim could tell that he was somewhat nervous. He had not expected the trial to draw so much public interest. He bent down and spoke to her:

"Kimberly, when the judge comes in everyone will stand and salute him, except you. You must kneel forward and put your forehead to the carpet. You will stay that way until the judge orders you to step forward. You will climb the platform and assume the prisoner's stance. That means you must stand with your legs spread and your hands behind your head. No matter who else is talking, you must remain in that position, facing the judge. I will translate anything you need to know or any answers you need to provide the court."

Kim nodded and choked back her tears. She couldn't believe this! It just kept getting worse and worse! The only shred of hope she clung to was her no-nonsense defense attorney, who seemed genuinely interested in helping her as much as possible.

The judge entered the chamber. The entire room shouted "Doc-doc Danube!" and everyone put their right fist against their left shoulder, the Danubian way of saluting a public official. As instructed Kim knelt forward and placed her hands on the worn carpet, her forehead touching the ground. She felt the cool air of the courtroom blowing against her exposed vagina and bottom. The tears rolled down the bridge of her nose and onto the carpet.

Kim heard the prosecutor's voice as he read the charges against her. Then she heard the judge's voice and Dukov's response. The Spokesman tapped his client's shoulder and pointed at the platform. Kim walked to it and climbed the steps, finding herself standing about a meter and a half above the ground. Reluctantly she spread her legs and put her hands behind her head. Four spotlights shined on her from different directions. She heard the murmurings of the spectators and saw the flashes of reporters' cameras.

At first the only people speaking were witnesses for the prosecution. The female cop who made the initial arrest and her partner spoke first, followed by other witnesses from the Temple area. Then came testimony from the police doctor and three of his students. Finally the arraignment tribunal members spoke, the woman holding up the damning bag of marijuana and Kim's t-shirt with the marijuana insignia. The prosecutor seemed quite smug and at ease with his case, while Dukov stood quietly scribbling furiously into a notepad.

After two hours, Kim's body was starting to cramp badly, and she wondered how much longer she could stay in her position. Just as Kim felt like she was going to faint, the judge stood up. Suddenly Dukov whispered desperately "Kimberly! Quick! You must kneel!" Kim just made it to the platform on her knees when the entire room exploded with "Doc-doc Danube!"

Dukov ordered Kim to get up and passed her a glass of water. Kim felt despair that Dukov had not yet said anything to contradict the witnesses, but she drank and tried to regain her composure.

"Spokesman ... Mr. Dukov ... how come you're not saying anything?"

"Kimberly, those witnesses are telling the truth as they saw it. I am not here to refute the truth. I am here to confront the prosecutor's mistakes."

"What mistakes, Spokesman?"

"The two most important witnesses are missing, your two friends. They left the country last night. It is quite unfair you should go on trial and they should not."

"What!? They were released? But, why them and not me?"

"Because they told the arraignment panel the same story; they knew nothing about the marijuana you were carrying."

"But ... but it was Tiffany who bought it ... she ... was the one who put it in my backpack!"

"That is the folly of the prosecutor. He released her and your other friend based on her statement, and did not talk to you first."

Suddenly Kim felt even sicker. Tiffany and Susan had left her! They lied to the Danubian police, just to save themselves at her expense! No wonder she was facing charges as a drug trafficker!

"I was very angry when I found out your friends had been released," continued Dukov, "very angry indeed, because I was unable to talk to them about you. Neither the prosecutor nor the arraignment panel consulted with me about your friends. If they claimed you were the only one carrying the drugs and then were allowed to leave, I needed to know."

"They actually said that I was the only one?"

"What they claimed was they did not know what was in your backpack, and that neither of them knew you smoked marijuana. That they were very surprised."

"No! They couldn't have done that! We're friends!"

"Well, the fact remains, you are here on trial and they, by now, are in Prague. How else do you think they made it out?"

Kim felt like she had been punched in the chest. She had known Tiffany and Susan since middle school. They had spent the last five years together constantly. She had shared things with them that she never could share with anyone else. And now they had done this to her! Kim sat crying while Dukov reviewed his notes.

"Doc-doc Danube!" Kim scrambled to get into her kneeling position on top of her platform as the rest of the room saluted the judge. The judge read over some procedural issues and then ordered his client to stand. Dukov relayed the order in English and Kim resumed her position on top of the platform, legs apart and hands behind her head. The judge then called the Spokesman for the Criminal to speak up on her behalf.

Dukov spoke at length, consulting his notes and several folders. Kim heard the words Tiffany, Susan, and Amsterdam mentioned over and over. The crowd started to murmur, and out of the corner of her eye she could see both the prosecutor and the arraignment panel fidget uncomfortably. The judge asked the prosecutor several questions, which he answered sullenly. The judge did not appear satisfied with the prosecutor's responses, and shook his head. The judge then looked at Kim and directed a question at her. Dukov translated.

"They are about to pronounce the sentence. He wants to know if you have anything to say to the court. If you do, get on your knees before you speak."

Kim did have something to say. She knelt and spoke in English: "Your Honor, the only thing I have to say to this court and to the people of this city, is that I am very sorry for what I did behind the Temple. I have insulted your ancestors and I ask you and them to forgive me."

After Dukov translated there was a murmur of approval from the audience, at least this ignorant foreigner was willing to recognize her mistakes.

The judge made some notes and finally pronounced the verdict, which Dukov translated. Due to the negligence of the prosecutor and the premature release of Tiffany and Susan, the court was unable to convict Kim of drug trafficking. As expected, Kim was found guilty of possession of marijuana and the public use of marijuana. However, the judge surprised the entire court by declaring Kim innocent of violation of the Sanctity of the Ancients.

"She has sought the forgiveness of the Ancients, and I believe that request was sincere. For that trespass she repented, and the Ancients will hear that request."

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Mein Name ist Nora Zeitlos und ich möchte ihnen heute meine Geschichte erzählen! Alles fing damit an, das meine Mutter das dritte Mal heiratete. Als sich auch noch Nachwuchs in form von Zwillingen ankündigte, mußten Felix und ich uns sehr schnell um eigene Wohnungen bemühen. Für meinen älteren Bruder war das auch kein Problem. Felix war damals schon 24 und hatte einen Beruf gelernt und stand im Arbeitsleben. Ich allerdings war grade 18, ich hatte das Abi versaut und jobbte nebenher in einer...

2 years ago
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Milfed Halle Hayes MILF Fucks Slob Stepson

From the moment Nathan comes home from college for the summer, he is obsessed with his new stepmom, Halle. At six foot with huge tits and an ass, she towers over her husband, Mr. Turner, and Nathan. She, however, is less than excited to have her stepson home as he’s an absolutely slob. When she finds Nathan’s underwear in the fridge, she calls him in to cleanup his mess. Nathan appears absolutely naked with a raging hard on. While she shows him how to put food back in the...

5 years ago
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The Bad Prank

Kathy thought it would be so cool. She was sixteen-years-old and it was the last day of term before breaking up for Christmas. Everyone was happy and in the holiday mood already. Kathy got to school early. She was dressed in her school dress which was a blue and white gingham check with short sleeves, a white belt, and short socks . The prank seemed like a good one. Miss Paige, her class teacher, was one of the stricter teachers. She was very quick to make a naughty girl go to the front of the...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 10

I was working when they stopped in my doorway. I looked up to see three living statues of the Venus De Milo. With arms. Their nudity was astonishing, because it was erotic and mundane at the same time. They were comfortable being naked in front of me, which made it mundane in the way nudists claim being naked is simply natural, without any necessary sexual component. At the same time, they were beautiful, and ripe, the very essence of female sexuality. “We’re going to the pool now,” said...

1 year ago
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What Have I Done

Donna was doing her favorite thing... sitting in front of her computer talking to her best friend on the internet. She had been talking to Steve nearly every day for six years. They spoke for hours on end, and even had the occassional phone call. She really felt like she was in love with Steve. They had so many things in common. It seemed as if he felt the same way too. He always talked about the day when they'd finally meet and have awesome sex. What a great fantasy for both of them to keep...

2 years ago
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My Wet Spot in the Boardroom

A buzz came from the secretary's desk, and Kara motioned for Kathy to go into the room, giving her a thumb's up as she passed the desk. Kathy winked back at her, giving her an all-knowing look. Kathy gave her suit one last check for lint or wrinkles, checked her reflection in the glass by the door, and went into the boardroom. Kathy took a look around the room. A huge mahogany table dominated the room. Five men sat around one end of the table designed for 12. In the corner was a fully...

3 years ago
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Kate and I Ch 1920

19. The drive to the hotel was easy, unlike the drive to the office. It actually only took us 15 or so minutes to arrive there. We pulled into the hotel parking lot and found a spot. After we had stopped, and got out of the car, I started dancing and celebrating. Everybody who was either leaving in their vehicles, or heading in/out of the hotel was looking at me. Kate looked at me as if I had lost it. After I got done acting stupid, ‘What the hell was that about, Aden?’ she looks embarrassed. ...

2 years ago
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A Family Affair Chapter 1 A mothers helping hand

Jayla locked her door, and flipped off the light, an excitement growing inside of her as she laid down in bed, and slipped off her pants, eager to relieve herself of the tension which had been growing throughout the day. Her hand slid under the waistband of her panties, and found the lips of her pussy, wet, warm, and waiting for her to begin, she smirked, biting her lip gently with anticipation, but then she hesitated. In the past weeks masturbating had become less and less satisfying,...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 9 Boating And Foursome

Author’s note- this part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. Story:- For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old. Now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. More about myself. I was 150 kgs. Then somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being overweight. Author’s note- this...

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Longest humiliation by Cherry part 1

You probably already know I love to play BDSM games with my friend Cherry. Sometimes she's the Mistress and sometimes it's me. While I like to improvise she gets her ideas from the Internet. xHamster is one of her more popular choices. So did he for this session, too, so if you find this story similar to a movie you see here please leave me a link as I would like to see the differences between our session and the original one.-----So Cherry called me last Friday and told me she is expecting me...

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Gift Ke Badle Gift

Hi friends,, my name is kartik (name changed)…Age 35.. From vadodara(gujarat)…I am writing my first experience…. If you like my experience pls feel free to mail me at …I wl reply u sure..I am writing my story in Hindi.. So easy to speedy work… Maine kuch sal pahele lagbhag 8 sal jub main karib 26-27 ka tha.. Tab news channel pe gigolo ka racket ke bare main news pe let night show dekhatha usmeain mumbai ke kuch posh areas main hone wale is karrnamein ke bare main tv pe pura program dekha...

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No FutureChapter 7 Green Grass of Home

Tamara 2092 After the many months of uncertainty and anxiety since Tamara had began her desperate exodus, it could only be a relief to finally arrive at the Broad Oak Refugee Centre just outside the Ashton Lovelock gated community. She'd have been naive if she'd imagined that her welcome would be especially warm simply because the government of the Republic of England had reluctantly and belatedly agreed to provide asylum for a nominal fraction of the many millions of refugees spilling...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 6

Jamal dished out some of his Mama’s homemade apple pie and passed the plates around to his younger siblings, as well as to the adult family members in attendance. His mother made a big deal out of these family lunches on Sundays after church, but other than requiring his presence for that one time during the week, his mother basically stayed out of his face, and out of his business, for which Jamal was eternally grateful. He couldn’t begin to count the meals he’d missed, or the nights he’d...

3 years ago
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Corporal Punishment

Corporal Punishment By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Chapter One: The Assembly The early morning chatter was at its usual roar as thirty high school sophomorescrowded into the classroom. The hall was slowly emptying as hurried glancesat wrist watches and the large generic clocks mounted in the corridors counteddown the seconds. Tami Edwards pushed through a clump of boys gossiping aboutthe upcoming football game and made her way to her desk, pausing to smile ather best...

2 years ago
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The Contract

SUBMISSIVE MALE REQUIRED. You are between 30 and 50. You do not feel confident with women. You will be well cared for and live in a luxurious home with servants. You will receive a tax free allowance of $3000 per month. In return You agree to be corseted and in chastity 24/7 with no exceptions. You will service the mistress in whatever manner she demands. Either the mistress or the maid will check and tighten your corset twice a day. Any irregularity will be dealt with...

4 years ago
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Morgana Part 4

MORGANA PART IV BY MAGGIE FINSON The Forge - continued ?My God,? I leaned back in my chair, having unconsciously leaned forward during the last part of her narrative. ?That was you! I had you in my hands and helped you get away.? ?You had no way of knowing back then, Curtis,? my companion gave me an enigmatic smile. ?Nor did I. My conversion from mother, daughter, sister, and healer to the so terrible warrior that your NTF fears so came in stages. Sylvan was only the...

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InnocentHigh Elle Lee A Cock For Reference

Elle’s dream is to write the raunchiest erotica on the planet, but there is one problem – she’s got no experience sexually. Her teacher, Mr. Rock, feels bad for Elle, so he is willing to help her improve her craft. He lets Elle suck his cock, so she does, tenderly and slowly, feeling every inch of it as it slides down her throat. Then he kisses her neck, rubs her tits, lies her down on his desk, and eats out her innocent pussy. She loves every second of it and is overflowing with newfound...

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The first time with hubby

The first time with hubby I was in camp in the desert was a couple speak with me always had a concert at Joe Desert wonderful as chat and we were about 20 people sat around the fire and drink and we dance is the age of 40 is 45 years old but beautiful lady and very interested in her body you may feel dizzy from many drink has and the lady's hands and helped me to get up and she took me to my tent, and after ten minutes of sleep I felt caressed my chest and eased of promisesI was afraid of that...

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Plains of TexasChapter 1

My name is Alain and I live in Fortwo in Tex. My people cover a large territory and there are a number of cities. We are friends with a few other peoples like the Oklas and the Arkans. My parents have sent me to Okla to visit my older sister who married an Okla. It was also to be my adult trek. All Tex's make such a trek when they become sixteen. The girls as well as the guys. The girls don't take as long a trek though they can if they wish, but all must make an adult trek. Until they go...

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Crossroads Ch5

A pure fantasy about a young man changing his life by becoming a woman. I pulled up to the valet parking of the hotel. As I got out I saw the young attendant look down my dress and then look at my legs as I swung them out to stand up. I smiled to myself. I was really going to do this. I was going into the bar in this hotel and pick up a nice guy. If I liked him enough I was going to have sex with him as a woman. My new equipment was ready and I had to try it out. I felt very sexy in my...

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Orgy On Private Beach

Hi, I am priya, this is my first story here, and its real incident happened with me and my friend while I was studying in college. My figure is 32 26 30, wheatish complexion and my friend figure is 30 26 32 This incident happened during our college time, just after our semester exams ended. We were very bored due to exams so we decided to go for some picnic. In total 6 people were there, we two girls and four guys. Guys decided the venue, and said it’s surprise for us, so we didn’t ask much...

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Junior YearChapter 2 The Games That Play Us

I woke and was greeted by my trusty hound looking me in the eyes. He was absolutely not allowed on the bed, but I guess it was my fault because I had allowed him up when he was scared of the thunderstorm yesterday. When he saw I was awake, his tail thumped against the bed. I gave him a stern look. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. He answered by licking me in the mouth! “Yuck! Off! Get off the bed right now!” I ordered. Duke thought I was playing and swatted me with his paw. I...

4 years ago
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A Friend in Need

Introduction: My friends wife turned to me for help when she needed help. I was staying for three days with my Army buddy, we had been transferred from Iraq to Fort Bragg where he got leave to move his new bride to our post. I say new bride because even though they had been married almost a year, most of that time he was in Iraq. I went with Walt to move her and their stuff to their new home. The apartment she was in was a small single bedroom so I had to sleep on the couch until we packed...

5 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Nabhi Part 8211 2

Bhaiya aur mein dono hi chuss rahe the boob ko. 4-5 min mein hi boobs khali ho gaye aur bhabhi ne blows ke button band kar liye. Saree bhi nabhi ke upar hi chadhi hui thi. Raat ko bade wala tinku mere pass hi sota aur chotte wala bhaiya bhabhi ke saath. Bhaiya 3din bahar rah ke aaye the. Isliye unki apas mein chudayee jaldi hi honi tay thi. Isliye meine bhi jaldi jaldi bhabhi ka kaam niptwa ke tinku ko sulane mein madad kar di. Taki mein free rahun aur chup ke dono ko sex karte dekhun. Raat ke...

1 year ago
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From rock bottom to promising highs The story of Pamela Richardson Part 2

Hi guys, Pamela Richardson here for part 2 of my story. A quick recap from part 1 - I came back from Afghanistan a different person (I used to be a notoriously crook), I patched my relationship up with my eldest sister Kelly, went to my best friends funeral and I met her fiancé Kevin in the process! The following morning after the drunken shenanigans the night before with Kev, I woke up a little worse for wear after drinking a load of wine and felt a little light headed, but I soon...

Erotic Fiction
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Enslaved Chapter 50

That same morning, Quentin Osman’s sailing yacht lay far out to sea, heaved-to. A sea-anchor trailed over the stern. The morning was pleasantly warm and lolling in a deck-chair, Quentin was using a pair of powerful binoculars. He was using them discreetly, bringing them only fractionally above the ship’s rail. They were focussed on another vessel further out to sea... a small, luxury motor cruiser. It, too, was stationary.Damn it, where is the woman, said Quentin under his breath? Why doesn’t...

2 years ago
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Birthday Cruise Part Two

Anne and I stood in the starboard side hallway on Deck 10, champagne glasses in hand, staring silently at the door to Room 1002. I didn’t want to go there, but Anne insisted. “What if they tell someone about us having sex on the sundeck?” she asked with a tinge of remorse in her voice as we rode down the elevator. As the euphoria of the moment faded, the craziness of what we’d just done hit Anne like a ton of bricks and she was nervous that we were going to get kicked off the ship. “They...

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Brendan FallsChapter 7

"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...

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Bear Naked

I looked at the tall redhead across the school parking lot putting her books into her car. She had to be no older than sixteen but she walked with the confidence of a woman in her late twenties. The last thing she did before she zoomed off and left me sitting there in my Toyota salivating was to unbutton her blouse and fling it into the backseat, leaving only her thin white undershirt. “You read my mind,” I chuckled to myself “much better for driving in.” My gaze was cut short by the...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sleeping Leah part 2

Then when I finally got to sneak her the pill I was already planning things in my mind. She was out cold in fifteen minutes and I got to work on her unconscious body. I undressed her tight body and spread her legs wide. I wasn’t going to fuck her pussy right away, I wanted it nice and wet first. I rubbed her clit with my finger then my tongue. I lapped at her pussy and could smell her juices flowing out. I tasted her once then reached up and massaged her titties. I licked at her...

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