Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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Criminal # 98945 finally returned to her normal routine as August drew to a close. She continued to deliver Victor's packages and messages, greet customers at the music store, and deal with a backlog of issues affecting Eloisa's band. She continued to rehearse and sing. She divided what little free time she had between Sergekt, Eloisa, and the Dukovs. Kim's life was completely full, about as full as a person's life could be.
Ironically, Kim's job with Victor Dukov became a refuge of sorts in her life. Her constant activities and social obligations might have worn on her patience had it not been for the days she spent alone on her bicycle, pedaling hard around Danube City. Victor no longer had to exhort Kim to ride fast to make her deliveries. She was under so much pressure from the other areas of her life that she vented her stress speeding along the quiet streets of the nation's capitol. She moved about so quickly that her boss stopped nagging and berating her. She became his favorite employee, held up as an example of what Victor wanted from his riders. That was not entirely a good thing, because now he placed Kim in an uncomfortable position because he constantly asked his other employees why couldn't they deliver their messages as quickly as she was delivering hers.
One afternoon Kim saw Victor berating Malka Chorno. True to her word, it was obvious Malka was quite used to being yelled at unfairly. She quietly stood at attention while Victor exhausted his long list of complaints and criticisms. Kim saw a huge irony in the situation, as Malka stood straight, listening to the complaints of a small businessman. In spite of losing her uniform, and in spite of everything else that had happened to her, Malka still looked and acted like a cop.
Kim's first night back at the Socrates Club was filled with celebration. Every criminal in Danube City was jubilant over the double cancellations of switchings; Dukov's two-month suspension of corporal punishments for their help with the farms, and the added cancellation of one switching for each criminal who participated in the fire-fighting effort. The criminals had undergone a harrowing six weeks of hard work and danger, but then returned to Danube City to receive a respite from some of the harsher aspects of their sentences. The past hardships and current absence of pending physical pain changed the criminals' outlooks on their lives. Kim noticed a difference in both the speeches and the music of the Club from the year before. The music, especially, became much more philosophical instead of morose.
Kim sat at her usual table, drinking Danubian beer and eating the usual salted deep-fried vegetables with her friends. It had been exactly one year since Criminal # 98945 started coming to the Socrates Club. Her friends commented on the anniversary and on how different she was now from whom she had been when she first came in. Kim ordered another round of beer and then stood up at her table. She put her hand on Sergekt's shoulder and smiled at him. Then, in Danubian, she addressed her group:
"A year ... it's really hard to believe it's been a year since I've known all of you. In some ways it seems like it's been a lot longer, and in other ways it seems like the last year went by in a flash. But ... your friendship ... it means more to me than I could ever express, even in my own language." With that she raised her glass. "Here's to this time next year, to our freedom, and our continued friendship!"
Everyone at the table enthusiastically raised their glasses.
Later that night Kim and Sergekt went to an intimacy room for the first time in nearly two months. She was desperate for some good sex. Once they had the door closed it was Kim who took charge. She pushed Sergekt on the bed and grabbed his hands to pin him to the mattress. For a very long time she held him down as she passionately kissed him. She could feel him getting hard, so she began licking around the base of his penis and kissing the tip. As he got even harder he arched his back and ran his fingers through her hair. She got up and straddled him, grabbing his hands and pushing them back down on the mattress. Kim's gritted her teeth in an intense passion as she lowered herself on him. She guided his hands to her breasts. He massaged her nipples as she came, and then came again. Two months! There was two months of sexual frustration pent up in Kim.
The couple waited for a while, and then resumed their love-making, this time in Sergekt's favorite position, with Kim on her elbows and knees, and her bottom spread and high in the air. Kim seductively moved her bottom back and forth, as Sergekt remembered his girlfriend on her bicycle from last fall. That's right, he thought to himself, I'll owe her a nice hard spanking if I ever catch her on that fancy American bicycle she's got. As he pushed hard into her and she groaned with pleasure, Kim didn't realize her boyfriend's thoughts were on spanking her cute brown bottom.
Kim briefly fell asleep on her stomach, as Sergekt gently ran his hand over her bottom cheeks and his fingertips ventured into the darker area in between. As he studied his lover's bottom and lay recovering from his exertions, Sergekt pondered the problem of how he could catch her while bicycle riding in a place private enough where he could put her over his lap. The only solution would be to somehow find a shortcut where he could secretly pass her and then surprise her by catching her from the other end. Yes, he thought, there is one such spot on the way to my mother's garden plot, a utility path that bypasses the main bicycle trail. Sergekt gently patted Kim's bottom, thinking about the attention that it was destined to receive the next time they went bicycle riding.
Malka Chorno entered the Socrates Club for the first time at the end of August. She quietly asked the doorman whether or not she should wear her policewoman's belt, given the club's rule about clothing of any kind was very strict. No, was the answer; that comes off. Here you are a criminal, just like the rest of us. We're not worried about who you were before you were sentenced.
At the beginning Malka sat alone, given that she had no friends in the club. She watched several groups perform, and then Kim and Eloisa perform together on stage with three of Eloisa's musicians. As she watched Kim perform, Malka had a chance to reflect on her misplaced loathing of the American. She felt bad about how she had treated Kim, but couldn't see how that damage could be repaired.
Malka was extremely lonely. Because everyone in her former life had turned their backs on her, Malka had been completely by herself since she had been sentenced. She felt she deserved what was happening to her, but the pain of the betrayals by her former friends weighed on Malka tremendously.
Malka's isolation ended before Kim's singing was over. One of Sergekt's classmates, Tuko, noticed the ex-cop as she quietly sat by herself. Tuko had a girlfriend prior to the riot at his school, but her parents prohibited her from seeing him after he was sentenced. Tuko had not been able to find anyone else to go out with, and had given up hope of having a normal relationship until his sentence ended. That was too bad, because of all the members of the group, Tuko and Sergekt were the most adventurous when it came to reaching out in their personal relationships.
The disgraced ex-cop presented Tuko with an opportunity and a challenge. He found her fascinating and wondered how approachable she would be. She was 7 years older than the members of Sergekt's group, but Tuko didn't care about that. She was pretty and tough looking, as well as somewhat mature, precisely the kind of woman Tuko secretly fantasized about having in his life. Well, here was his chance. Finally he walked over to Malka's table and asked her to dance.
Tuko's relationship with Malka took off very quickly. Malka accepted the first dance out of sheer boredom and loneliness. At the beginning she had real reservations dancing with a criminal almost a decade younger than her. However, Malka knew that the old rules and protocol in her life no longer had any relevance. She now was a criminal herself, and if this guy was still in his teens, so what?
While Sergekt and his classmates watched in dumbfounded silence, Tuko bought some beer and fried vegetables for himself and Malka and sat with her. It was weird to see her smile and converse. Kim and Eloisa could tell that both Tuko and Malka were sexually aroused, something that became very evident the next time Tuko invited her to dance. Shortly afterwards the Socrates Club's newest couple headed towards the stairwell door and disappeared to go to an intimacy room.
Sergekt and Dima looked at each other, a bit shocked at Tuko's departure from their table and its result. "Well, that was fast."
The group now was faced with a dilemma. It was customary that any member who started dating someone from outside the group would bring his or her partner to the table, and the person would become a de facto member of the group. That was what happened the year before to Kim when she started dating Sergekt. Malka, however, was much more of an outsider to the group than Kim ever could have been. Kim, although a foreigner, an English speaker, a drug user, and Asian, at least was the same age as Sergekt and his classmates, and like them, a recent high school graduate. More importantly, she never had been a police officer. Kim had no past associated with her, nothing to make anyone hate her before meeting her.
An ex-police officer was different, especially one with Malka's background. The beatings Kim's friends had endured left them traumatized and afraid of anyone in a blue uniform. Until two months ago Malka Chorno had been among the cruelest of the police officers, one of the worst tormentors of criminals. Now she was a criminal herself, precisely because she had stepped over the line in her mistreatment of Criminal # 98945. How could she sit with the group? And yet ... the group's subculture and their friendship with Tuko demanded that any partner of his would become one of them.
Fortunately that night the group was not confronted with the issue, because Tuko and Malka never re-emerged from the intimacy room. The group discussed how to handle the situation with Malka, should she continue to go out with Tuko and he ended up bringing her to the table. Finally Sergekt stated:
"Look. Officer Chorno is really Kim's problem. I think it is up to Kim to decide how we should treat her. As far as I'm concerned, whatever she says is what we'll do, and there'll be no further discussion. It's Kim's choice."
Kim was not pleased that Sergekt was dumping the problem in her lap, because she felt she really had no choice. She felt morally obligated to come to terms with her former nemesis, but she really did not want to do so by mixing Malka with her social life. Nevertheless, Kim's conversation with the old priest at the Temple gave her no alternative other than to forgive Malka for what she had done. Kim knew that Malka had repented and even tried to apologize ... sort of ... That meant she had to treat Malka like she would treat any other fellow criminal.
"I ... suppose ... that we're all criminals, and now Malka is one of us. She's not a police officer anymore ... or at least not until she gets her badge back. You're asking me what I want, but that's the wrong question, because what I want doesn't matter. You see ... I don't have any choice. That priest obligated me to forgive Malka, and I'm going to have to, as hard as it is, I'm going to have to. So ... when Tuko brings her, I'll just deal with it."
Eloisa gave the guys an angry look, and interjected "It's not fair to put this decision on Kim."
"Life's not fair, Eloisa. I think you know that better than any of us at this table. It's not fair, but I have to forgive Malka. So, when the moment comes, she'll join us. That's my decision."
Tuko spent the next two Saturday nights sitting alone with Malka, as both of them worked up the courage to re-join his group. Finally, on the fourth Saturday Tuko and Malka were together, Kim decided to approach them and resolve the issue herself.
"You might as well join us at our table. You two look ridiculous sitting here by yourselves, so come sit with us."
Malka gave Kim a sad, but gratified look. The invitation meant an end to her isolation. She sat quietly and was extremely reserved around the others, but now she had her place at the Socrates Club. Even when she was not with Tuko, his friends would expect Malka to join them at their table. It was the beginning of Malka's transformation, the simple act of sitting at the same table with a group of fellow-criminals.
Sergekt's life changed radically at the beginning of September. He decided to reduce his hours at his restaurant and enter Danube City University to study hydrology. He knew right away what he wanted to do with his degree. He would seek to improve Upper Danubia's irrigation and public water supply systems, to assure that severe droughts never again could lead to a national disaster like the one the country recently had endured.
Sergekt had to seek permission from the sentencing judge to enter the university. Kim and Eloisa attended the hearing, as did Sergekt's mother and aunt. Sergekt knelt with his head on the floor while his Spokesman presented the formal petition. The judge then ordered Sergekt to kneel upright and explain his plans. Sergekt quickly summarized the experiences he had endured over the summer. He started by describing the collective humiliation of the young men clustered around the pumps as they watched their efforts to save their parents' gardens end in failure. Right after that came the mobilization to save part of the nation's commercial crops, and finally the horrific week fighting forest fires. He saw all that had happened to Upper Danubia that year as unnecessary.
"What distressed me, your honor, was that the water to meet our needs was there, deep underground, but we had no way of getting to it. The technology to get that water also exists in the world, but in other countries and thus is useless to the Duchy. Now I know what I want to do, and what path the Ancients have chosen for me. I will try to become educated to help solve our nation's water problems."
The hearing was really a formality, since there was no doubt what Sergekt wanted was perfectly reasonable and useful to the country. He would have to attend his first year of classes naked, of course, but there was nothing unusual about that. Plenty of convicted criminals studied at the university, and there were even a couple of criminals with lengthy sentences working as professors.
Kim noticed Sergekt's confidence in himself rose as the semester progressed. He became concerned about his future and looked upon his present as a temporary phase in his life. Just a few months before Sergekt had confided to Kim that he felt he would never be able to see himself as anything other than a criminal. Now, with the beginnings of his career as a hydrologist crowding out other concerns in his life, Sergekt's entire focus had changed. He had found his purpose.
Cynthia Lee decided to visit her sister for the second time in the middle of September. Originally she had wanted to visit in August, but had to delay her trip because of Kim's fire-fighting duties. She re-scheduled once it was obvious the fire danger had passed and there was no further chance Kim might be mobilized to fight forest fires.
As before, it was Spokesman Vladim Dukov who had to pick Cindy up from the airport, given its location outside the Danube City collar zone. However, the whole tone of Cindy's trip would be different this time, because the only reason she was visiting was to see how Kim was doing and spend some time with her. Kim requested a week off from both her jobs, which freed her during the days to spend time with her sister.
Because Cindy arrived before the equinox, Kim did not have her winter cape yet. She was naked when she greeted her sister at Dukov's office, and would stay naked the entire time Cindy was with her. This time Cindy managed to get over the shock of her sister's constant nudity rather quickly. One thing that helped was seeing how accustomed Kim was to living naked, to the point she no longer even noticed. Her younger sister was perfectly comfortable with her body, which made Cindy question, for the first time, the values of a society that required people to be dressed at all times, whether it was practical or not.
Danube City was at its best during the late summer and early fall, so Kim had the opportunity to show Cindy around and familiarize her with the many monuments and historical sites the area had to offer. She took her guest to the Temple of the Ancients and King Vladik's Castle and explained the historical significance of both locations. Cindy marveled at Danube City's beauty: its fancy old buildings, endless parks, and quiet streets. Cindy thought to herself, this place has some real tourist potential, if these people could ever figure out how to market themselves.
Kim spent hours talking to Cindy about her life and what had happened to her since last Spring. She told Cindy the story of her final switching and its results, and tried to make her understand the underlying values and line of reasoning that determined how the whole affair was handled after the offending officer was arrested and sentenced. Kim eventually moved to the topic of the entire Danubian judicial system and its emphasis on corporal punishment instead of incarceration. She shocked Cindy with the following statement:
"It's actually a pretty good system, even if it has its problems. I mean ... people really do have the chance to turn their lives around, and we criminals have a chance to do something useful and get ready for our futures. Yes, I got my butt whipped three times, and it hurt worse than I think you could imagine, but I'd take that over a jail cell anytime."
Kim's conversation with Cindy moved on to Dukov's stalled judicial reform pending in Parliament and what he hoped to achieve and change by trying to re-write the 1780 punishment code. The legislation had not gone anywhere over the summer because of the constant emergencies afflicting Upper Danubia. Kim suspected the legislation would eventually be forgotten, which was a real pity. Cindy disagreed.
"Kim, I don't think either you or Spokesman Dukov understand what an opportunity you have. You say there's a lot of good will towards criminals because of the fire fighting. Use it. Have all those people you helped call the Parliament and pressure the ... deputies? Is that what they're called?" Kim nodded. "Alright, deputies. Have people call up the deputies and tell them this is how they can thank you for putting your butts on the line in that forest fire. Pass that reform."
Kim thought about her sister's idea. Cindy pressed her point. "Look, I've been taking some political science classes in college, so I have some ideas. What Spokesman Dukov needs to do is have his supporters lobby the Parliament. Have them call the deputies. Have the firemen you helped call the deputies. Then have them hold demonstrations in Rika Chorna Province and here in the capitol. Make sure you get the press involved. You do all that, and you'll get that reform passed."
"I don't think they do things that way around here."
"Probably not. That's why, the first time there is a real public relations campaign to make some changes it'll be such a shock that it'll shake things up. I'd bet, maybe once the public gets used to nagging the Parliament over things they want, things in this country might change and the system won't be so stuffy."
"Well, you ought to talk to Spokesman Dukov about it ... see what he thinks."
That night Cindy had dinner at Dukov's house. She discussed her ideas at length with Kim's Spokesman, who listened with interest.
"You suggest what you call a 'public relations campaign'. You will understand public pressure is not the normal manner of conducting political policy in our country, but I presume in this case, such a concept might indeed prove successful. You are correct about public sentiment. At no time in our country's history have people had such a favorable opinion of criminals."
During the weeks following Cindy's departure, that conversation would put new life into Vladim Dukov's ambitions to reform Upper Danubia's corporal punishment system. Whenever he had any spare time, Dukov was on the phone, talking to anyone who had been helped over the summer by Danube City's criminals. He called the religious leaders of Rika Chorna Province and obtained their full backing for the reform. On Sundays, in churches throughout the province, priests exhorted their followers to contact Parliament and pressure deputies to pass Dukov's reforms. The nation's fire chiefs told their firemen to support the reform, as did the Danubian Forest Service and the Directorate of the Rika Chorna Reservoir. Within just a couple of weeks, Dukov found himself on national television giving a joint press conference with the governor of Rika Chorna Province and the Chief of the National Fire Department. Together the three officials exhorted the need for a judicial system that would protect criminals by standardizing corporal punishments and enforcing limits on how a police officer could treat a criminal during a court-ordered switching. They had the backing of a large segment of the population, while the opponents of the reforms had to stay quiet or face the wrath of the people of Rika Chorna Province.
Cindy was on-hand to watch Upper Danubia's bizarre "Day of the Dead" ritual during her week in Upper Danubia. She and Anyia followed Kim and her friends to the plaza in front of the Temple of the Ancients the afternoon before the march. Kim's sister and the teenager stood among the spectators as Kim and 2,600 other criminals had their bodies painted and received torches. As the sun set there was the usual mournful singing, the ancient hymns begging the Saints/Ancients to get Upper Danubia through the coming dark days of winter. There was the usual sermon admonishing the country for not having given proper respect to the past, and the usual prayer hoping the dead might have a chance to return to life and ward off evil through the living bodies of the marchers.
Kim spent the middle of March confronting the emotional turmoil that resulted from Cindy's trip. Without realizing what was happening until it was too late, she had long since passed a point of no return. She couldn't go back to her old life. Kim expected the first crisis from her decision to hit about 48 hours after she said goodbye to Cindy. Sure enough, two nights after her sister left Kim's parents called her, in hysterics over the result of Cindy's trip. Cindy's decision to support...
Kim began her classes as a Danubian university student in the middle of January. She reduced her hours at the music store to her summer schedule, working only three days per week. She studied Danubian law, history, criminology, and the Danubian interpretation of sociology. Kim's self-confidence increased as she realized she was smart enough to master the somewhat difficult coursework in a foreign language. She was perfectly capable of studying hard and studying well, as long as she had a...
By the end of Kim's first week in Danube City she was partially settled into her strange new life as a convicted criminal and bicycle courier. Within a week her welts were fading and no longer hurt. She had come to terms with what had happened and even managed to pass by the Temple of the Ancients where all her trouble had started. Kim vaguely wondered if that sadistic cop and her partner were still patrolling the grounds behind the Temple, but had no desire to go there and find out. She...
Vladim Dukov was a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal. He son Vladik was a police officer. It was only a matter of time before Vladim would become the Spokesman for defendants arrested by his son. The same day his daughter's school uniform issue was "settled", at least in Vladim Dukov's mind, Vladik arrested two burglars. Over the summer they had broken into several homes around the Dukovs' neighborhood to steal money and jewelry. In two of the burglaries they had killed family dogs protecting...
In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the...
Upper Danubia's daily rhythm was changing rapidly by the end of September. Farmers were harvesting their crops, school was in full session, and extra trolleys appeared on the streets, ready to begin transporting commuters who had been riding their bicycles all summer when the weather was sunny. The trees began changing color and the nights became colder and colder. Kim and Sergekt began wearing their bright orange winter boots, as did Danube City's other criminals. For the first few days...
Officer Vladik Dukov had been concerned about the other police officers for good reason. Several of them had a reputation for being perverted and two of them already had been reprimanded for abusing criminals. Vladik was appalled when he found out they would be part of the punishment team, which was what prompted him to take charge of the women. Along with the deviant cops, several of the medical students from the Central Police Station were present in the school auditorium. As the male...
Kim always marveled at the ability of her friends to bounce back after each punishment. The very next evening all 15 members of Eloisa's musical group were at rehearsal, following an ordinary day at work for each of the band's members. It was no surprise that the women should be ready to rehearse, given their switchings had been extremely lenient. However, the band's ten male members all were viciously marked up; with the passage of 24 hours only making the marks appear darker and more...
Kim finally forced herself to turn on her cell phone, which was blinking with four messages from Victor Dukov. Instead of listening to the messages, Kim decided simply to return to Victor's office and tell him what happened in the park. The moment Victor saw his wayward employee, he knew something was very wrong. He had the decency to hold off on berating her for the unauthorized break until he found out what was bothering her. In a frightened, broken voice, Kim told her story. It was...
Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...
Malka Chorno's final integration into the criminal community came much more quickly than anyone could have anticipated and from a completely unexpected source, the owner of the Socrates Club. As he watched Malka and admired her muscular cop's physique, an idea popped into his head. He decided to approach the former police officer about becoming a physical fitness instructor for the Club. The Club's owner had heard predictions that winter would come early, which would force Danube City's...
Kim's friends became increasingly nervous as the end of April approached. The reason was simple enough; they were due to receive the final switching of their sentences on April 25. The switching was the final major event of their sentences they needed to endure before their release in July, but that did not make them any less apprehensive about having to face the switching table. Spokesman Havlakt lobbied hard to get the group's final punishment canceled. They had contributed greatly to...
Kim's homecoming turned out to be every bit as painful as her sister had feared. She did not bother to bring up staying at her old room in her parents' house; she instinctively knew it would be better to stay at Cindy's apartment. Now that her sentence was over, the older issues poisoning Kim's relationship with her parents resurfaced, especially the endless deceptions she had inflicted on her family throughout her adolescence to spend time with two friends who turned out to be totally...
While Tiffany was asleep Kim took the precaution of rummaging through her future client's purse, looking for ID's, cash, and drug paraphernalia. Sure enough, she found all three, along with some pictures of Tiffany with family members and some others with young women who must have been co-workers from Dirty Grampy's. Kim's heart skipped a beat when she came across some worn pictures from high school. There were photos of Tiffany with Kim and Susan, and another with a friend who had been...
While Kim and her friends were occupied with the first week of their concert tour, Upper Danubia struggled through an ever-deepening political crisis. For the first time since the Second World War, the Duchy faced the prospect of political instability. The conservative government of the Party of the Duchy fell in the Parliament's first no-confidence vote since 1940. The Prime Minister immediately called elections assuming, correctly as it turned out, the deputies of the opposition Greater...
The following week Kim divided her time between the music store, rehearsal with Eloisa's band, and studying the cases and laws she needed to become familiar with to properly represent Tiffany during her trial at the end of August. Dukov conducted some of Kim's research for her, finding relevant cases and book-marking them. He laid books and files on Kim's desk, along with a few old drug cases he and other Spokespersons had represented over their careers. Kim later would have to learn how...
Kim spent the afternoon making arrangements for Tiffany's future. There really were only two issues that needed to be addressed; where Tiffany was going to live and where she was going to work. Kim already had both details partly settled, so her calls that afternoon simply were to confirm her previous arrangements. Tiffany would start at the music store the next day. As for living arrangements, Victor Dukov reluctantly agreed to rent her a room, with the understanding she would move to...
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xmoviesforyouHe was walking through the forest, deep within his thoughts. Returning from the last peacemaking mission took allot out of him. He was tiered, and these sleepless nights were really already taking a tool on him. He looked at the moon, hidden behind the clouds, and he just sighed, hoping that nightmares will end soon. He didn't want to go to any psychologist, as he felt that if he has to get through it all on his own, knowing that it will make him stronger. Then he heard a scream, he turned...
November 1982, Milford, Ohio On Wednesday morning, after taking Kara to work, I headed back to my parents’ house to spend the day with Stephanie. After lunch, we went for a walk and I asked her advice in dealing with Kara and Joyce, after we agreed to set aside our rule about talking about sex between me and any other girls for the afternoon. Stephanie wasn’t sure what the best approach was, but she did say she understood what Kara might be going through. “You know how much I wanted to be...
XXX Files! Everybody’s got a different morning routine. Some hit the snooze button three times before getting into the shower; others ease into their day with a hot cup of coffee while they watch the news. Some of you fat fuckers are always in a hurry, and you end up masturbating in the drive-thru while you wait for your McMuffin. A free tube like XXXFiles is always handy to have bookmarked for exactly those is a domain that must be Internet gold, though the free tube...
Free Porn Tube SitesOne night the dispatcher received a call from a person saying there was a woman, probably dead, on a bench. The man told the location of the bench, it was very close to a hospital.The first responders took the woman to the hospital just in time.That was my first day out of nursing school.When she was taken to the ER, the woman was so beaten up she could barely breathe. She couldn’t speak for almost three days for how swollen her face was. She went immediately to surgery to remove her spleen....
Straight SexI slept like a baby on Josie's couch in her nicely furnished living room. I never touched her. Not even once. Oh, sure, I thought about it, plenty. I had been genuinely sleepy when I'd finally persuaded her to let me stay overnight on her couch, but after we'd put sheets and blankets down, fluffed up a spare pillow from her hall closet, and, finally, bade each other goodnight, I found myself wide awake and more alert than was appropriate for the hour and the circumstances. So I was awake...
Hii frnds, I’m writing my first experience in my life with my mom which happened last year. I don’t want to discuss anything about my mom. I just want to enter in to the story directly. We are from Andhra and i use to work in Karnataka. As usual my mom loves me very much. I was started attracted towards my mom when i started reading incest stories. One day she came to my place to visit me i use to live in a small room with attached bathroom. She always used to take care of me very much. I am 29...
IncestAfter you got the big promotion, you decided to give yourself a bit of a break and hire a few people to help keep your little house and garden up to your very precise standards. Your housekeeper is an older woman who clearly doesn't relish working for a single, 30 year old woman--though you'd think that it's the easiest job around--no kids and no man to make a mess, and you are out the entire day, so easy enough to find the time to come. Still, it isn't your problem. As for the garden,...
BDSMBefore jumping in the car for the drive to the hotel I dress hurriedly, this time in baggy shorts and a loose shirt in the hope of keeping cool driving in the middle of the day. The heat also means I can justify shades and a hat, but I decide to skip the bra and panties to give me the option of teasing my bell boy on the ride home. I look around the apartment and tidy up the obviously-kinky things - the paddle, the dog tail and collar. The shackles. Once in the car I make a quick pit stop at...
Hey, wake up! Come on girl, get up! Penelope shifts, groggily moaning. “W-where are...” Where are we? Beats the hell out of me. I can’t see until you open your eyes. The witch tries to open her eyes. “W-what, what...” What happened? Damn, I’m getting good at this. The girl groans and her eyes flutter open. There isn’t much light so it makes it easier for her. All her senses seem to be coming back and she feels the coolness of the stone that she is lying on through her fur and onto her...
I have several stories relating to this journey so will start at the beginning.My name is Bill and her name is Debbie.We were young married and both adventurous I had no idea how wild my wife would become. We had c***dren within the first year and from there even though we had an active sex life it was getting mundane. Deb was always open to things as loved to show off her beautiful legs ass and tits. Loved to wear skimpy shorts and tube thops that showed off her big nipples. Access was very...
My name is Ken, and in Part 1 of this story I described how I am the fifty-year-old black owner of a successful engineering company in Allentown, PA, and I have a huge, eleven-inch cock. I use my position of power over some of my white employees to seduce their wives and make the husbands cuckolds. I identified, David, an engineer, and his beautiful, lactating wife, Kate, when they were twenty-four years old, and offered him a significant promotion if he and his wife came to my home in the...
InterracialAbused by your family because you are the only man in the house after your father left. Bullied at school because you are labelled as a loser. Life can get any worse than this. After a hard day of being abused and bullied. You rest your head onto your matress with no bed frame because your mother thought it'll be wasteful to use money for someone like you. As sleep begins to take you, you suddenly awoken at a lush plain. You look around to see a woman sitting under a tree drinking tea. You...
FantasyHi friends. I used to read stories in this site. At first I thought all these stories were imaginary and fictions. But now I realize these stories may be true because I too had a sex experience with my friend. I am going to narrate that incident. Before that I shall introduce myself, I am Ram from Kerala. I am good looking, average body and good complexion. Telling about my friend, her name is Greeshma. She is my best friend. We used to chat every day. She is really beautiful and has good...
Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VII The First Week Friday - The Navy Yard and much more. Saturday and Sunday - Relaxing What a week. I guess I'm really getting into being Becka. I've dressed as a girl every day. I've had a complete body waxing. I didn't have that much body hair to start with, but feeling my hairless body when I take a shower...
I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...
Tron: Resurrection by Lizardman Max is pulled into the Grid and looses more than his humanity in the games. Sam and Quorra ride into the sunrise as Bradley walks out of Flynn's Arcade confused. After seeing Sam interested in Encom's board meeting he rushed home to get ready for a revelation at the next board meeting. In his hurry, he forgot to lock the front door, as a college student that was walking by, took advantage of seeing an unlocked door. Max waited until the man in the...
Mom Tied And Spanked Mom caught me with my finger in my sister’s pussy. I had her down on the floor, face down, and I was sitting on her. I had my back facing her head and I was leaned over getting a good look at her. I had her skirt up under me, I had her panties off, and I had two fingers as far up her pussy hole as I could get them. That was when Mom caught me. She grabbed my collar and dragged me over the couch when she sat down, pulled me across her lap, and started spanking...
We are certainly living in some strange times at present. As many of my avid readers will know, this is something that Jaq and myself will find very hard. As a couple we love to entertain couples, guys and females, to engage in some sexy fun.Of course, this sort of fun is out of the question at present, or so I thought.While enjoying a glass of wine one evening Jaq made a suggestion; her idea was to take our daily exercise walk through the local woodland. Jaq suggested that we could enjoy a...
OutdoorShe fumbled for her key. It was definitely in here, she knewit. Where the fuck? If she’d lost it she’d need to call him and that was the last thing on her mind after the day she’d had. Before long, though, she knew it. It was gone, he had the spare and that was that. She shook her bag a little to level the contents, then slung it over her shoulder and sighed loudly. She spent the next 45 minutes walking around town, trying to figure out a way of getting into her flat, tracing her steps to...
I am a carpenter and was doing a remodel for a small strip shopping center. When the owner asked me if I wanted to make some extra money giving massages. That's when I found out it was a health club for women. I agreed and the next Monday showed up at noon for my first appt. I was told to dress in sweat pants and t shirt, my first appointment was a women around 40 years old, she was in the room when I walked in and she had taken her clothes off and was laying on her stomach with a towel...
A couple of weeks passed and the next LGBT Dance was held. This was something of a misnomer since there were few other dances held at Anthony, and everyone was welcome. The LGBT student association put on the dances. Alcohol was sold at the dance, but only upperclassmen could buy it. Freshmen got the upperclassmen to front for them, so everybody who wanted to drink was able to do so. Since the girls had been to the dance before we asked them what to wear. They said it didn’t matter. Nobody...
Barbara now knew the supreme joy of total female liberation. It left her dazed and amazed that two strangers, two extremely horny and lustful men, were the ones to turn her on to fantastic sex. When the orgy was over, Glen and Fred very nicely drove the giddy girl back to town. They had her sit between them in the front seat. As Glen did the driving, his right hand remained busy on Barbara's open and juicy young cunt. Fred had a party with her delightful jutting tits. Barbara was creaming...
WHEN THE LAST GUEST WAS GONE, those staying gathered the remains and took them to the refrigerator. We all seven kissed in every possible combination of twos and threes and then Melody, Bree, Whitney, and Lissa all went to the big bed. I assumed that Wendy, Kate, and I would head for Kate’s queen-sized bed after we brushed our teeth, but Wendy grabbed our hands and led us to her room. She only has a double bed, but we’d all three fit in it, I figured. We three had never been together in...
For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...
SpankingWe would drink, smoke, get fucked up, and fuck around. My crew and a couple of hot chicks were all around just smoking and drinking and getting so fuckin high, we couldn't even see each other. A couple of my boys from my crew was fucking around, dancing with a couple of chicks. I had this chick in my arms, her tits were comin out of her shirt as she was fucked out of her mind. She whispered in my ear: "Dave, I wanna suck your cock, now" I was so drunk and fucked up, I just put my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Karen and I were going over to her sister’s house to clean it for them. It was as birthday present for Renee. The last time we did a favor instead for a gift for my mother in law we both got naked and my mother in law used us as sex toys. I sucked and licked my sister in law and mother in law all weekend and Renee’s husband fucked my wife all weekend. It was a Friday night and as we got to Renee and Dan’s house Renee had us strip in the front...
IncestFrench Dressing Chapter One: Mr Fox Everything I am I owe to Mr Fox. That is such a strange statement that I suppose I will have to explain it. See, when I went to secondary school I went to a single-sex school. That's slightly odd in its self, I know, but that's how things were organised where I lived. And for the first two years Mr Fox was both our form master and our English teacher. And for most of that time nothing out of the ordinary happened. And as for me, well I was...
The Principal of St.Bridget's Secondary School was at her wits end. There was 570 boys and girls attending the school. Yes she knew the troublemakers more that the studious students,there was very few trouble makers ,but when they caused trouble they went all out ! Miss Fenner had been the Principal of the school for only one year,the previous principal taking early retirement and leaving her to sort out '...the mess this school is in....' Miss Fenner was feeling the stress,everyday there was...
my girlfriends sister gave me this she wrote about our last weekend vacation.I was woken up by the first few sun-beams that entered my room through the half open blinds.slowly opening my eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of the summer sun, watching the sunbeams dancing in through the window onto my naked body, I knew this will be a wonderful long weekend.Sitting up in bed stretching my arms as far as a could to my bedroom ceiling I quickly got up, my body twitching with excitement.Flinging my...
The first second that Linda (Carter Cruise) enters her jail cell she knows that a life sentence will not be easy. Lucky for her, Hope (Ana Foxxx) her new inmate helps her to understand, the way things work here. She warns her to be aware of the prison bully Elvira (Alison Ray) or Eleanor (Sinn Sage) the heartless warren. But more than anything to never accept the help of the head nurse Bette (Serene Siren). The price to pay for her protection is way too high. This piece of information can be...