Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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Malka Chorno's final integration into the criminal community came much more quickly than anyone could have anticipated and from a completely unexpected source, the owner of the Socrates Club. As he watched Malka and admired her muscular cop's physique, an idea popped into his head. He decided to approach the former police officer about becoming a physical fitness instructor for the Club.
The Club's owner had heard predictions that winter would come early, which would force Danube City's criminals off the streets and seek refuge indoors. Many of them would lose any opportunity whatsoever to exercise, since no gym in Danube City admitted criminals as members. The Socrates Club's owner realized he easily could fill that need, since part of the Club's sprawling property included an empty armory. The building was a 300 year-old historical landmark and thus could not be torn down or renovated on the outside. The structure had sat empty for years, but now the Socrates Club could, with the simple installation of a heater and a new floor, convert it into a fitness center. The only element lacking was a criminal who knew how to conduct physical fitness training. That problem now was resolved with the addition of an ex-police officer to the club's clientele.
In the middle of September the Club owner called Vladim Dukov to relay his plan to offer a job to Malka. The former cop took a break from Victor Dukov's deliveries to see about the new position. The Club owner took her into the armory and discussed his idea.
"What I want is for the physical fitness program to be included in the Club's dues and room fees. It won't be a separate charge, because I know most of my clients couldn't afford a health club fee. But I think they'll come exercise if it doesn't cost them anything extra, and if they have a charismatic instructor. It won't cost me that much, since all I need to do is put in a floor and a heater, in a building I really can't use for anything else. If you agree to do this, what you do is up to you, as long as it's general fitness. It's your chance to stop being yelled at by that bicycle guy. You'll get to yell instead."
Malka quickly accepted the offer. She had plenty of time to give notice to Victor Dukov, since she still had to wait for the installation of the new floor. She also took advantage of the time to read over her old police training manuals and set up several exercise regimes for different tastes. She decided to set up two classes of general military exercises and one class of non-combative martial arts. Malka would lead the classes by exercising herself as she shouted commands. She would lead by example, showing her classes what she wanted with her own body.
The gym was ready at the end of September, just as the weather was becoming too cold for Kim and Malka to continue delivering messages for Victor. The first Saturday night of October Malka stood on the stage of the Socrates Club for the only time during her sentence to announce her exercise classes and her schedule. She concluded:
"I have taken the entire exercise program for the National Police Academy and adapted it for you. I will work with you in the same way my instructors worked with my class at the Academy. That means, don't expect me to be nice, because 'nice' is not how you get your body into proper shape. But I can guarantee my regimen will keep you fit and in better health. This is the chance for you not to become a bunch of fat slobs over the winter."
With that, Malka began her classes. Three times per day, six days per week, Malka's snarling voice could be heard on the street outside the old armory. Malka's classes started out full, but at the beginning many criminals came and left. By the end of the year the exercise groups had stabilized with a regular crowd. For the ones who stayed, Malka became something of a cult figure, the ill-tempered ex-police officer who now dedicated her life to helping anyone who cared to spend time with her get into top physical shape. Kim and Eloisa attended Malka's late afternoon sessions three times per week and always left completely exhausted. They jokingly referred to the armory as "Malka's torture chamber"
Malka became a totally different person when she was instructing her classes from any other time during her sentence as a criminal. Malka was very quiet and almost shy when she was among Tuko's friends, or with Victor Dukov, or with her Spokesman. The exercise sessions gave Malka the chance to be her old self again. In her classes she was boss, period. She had a clear idea what she wanted from her students and very quickly snapped at the ones not performing to her expectations. She pushed her classes mercilessly, but she led by example, exercising in front of her students during the sessions. As she shouted commands, Malka's sharp eyes scanned her group for anyone using poor technique. She didn't interrupt her class for errant students, but after class she worked one-on-one with anyone she noticed who was having problems doing the exercises properly. Malka's own body was in constant physical movement, pushed by the woman's incredible drive and determination.
The ex-cop managed to settle into her life as a criminal largely because of her unusual relationship with her young boyfriend Tuko. Malka came from a very strict and upright family of small farmers. Prior to her arrest she had dated the same man for years in the traditional manner. In every sense Malka had been a hard-core traditionalist, only to have her world disintegrate during the days following Kim's final switching. Malka realized the loss of her old life was not all bad, because now she could do something she couldn't have done in the past, simply live life for herself and enjoy the moment. She did not need to follow any formal protocol with Tuko. She could joke with him and touch him where she pleased. At a moment's notice the two could run upstairs to an intimacy room. They could experiment with different sexual positions and wrestle, something Malka would not have dreamt of doing with her old fiancée.
When it came to sex, Tuko and Malka were evenly matched. Both had very strong sexual urges and pent-up erotic desires. Tuko had a stronger drive and physical endurance than anyone Malka had ever slept with previously. For the first time in her life Malka had a man who could keep up with her craving for sexual gratification. Very quickly Tuko learned to be rough with Malka, because that was what she wanted. During sex he pushed hard when he entered her, grabbed her hair when he kissed her, and slapped her bottom hard when he wanted to position her for a new sexual posture. Malka was every bit as rough with Tuko. She dug her fingernails into his back or bottom during intercourse, frequently bit him, and grabbed his penis and squeezed it, looking at him with clinched teeth and flashing eyes, warning him he'd better become erect quickly ... or else. There were plenty of evenings that Malka and Tuko returned to the Club's main floor after sex with their bodies all marked up from their exertions. The other members of the group tried not to notice.
Dukov's teenaged daughter returned home one mid September afternoon with a bit of a surprise, a classmate from the United States. The girl's name was Jennifer Thompson and she was a high school exchange student spending a year abroad in Upper Danubia. Jennifer was living with a host family, who had sent their own daughter to live with Jennifer's parents in the US.
Jennifer was petite and quite pretty, with pale skin and short red hair. In the US had enjoyed sports and cheerleading. She freely admitted that the cheerleading had gotten her into a lot of trouble, as she ran wild with fellow cheerleaders and football players. Like Kim, in her high school Jennifer had been quite the party girl, which was why her parents decided to send her for a year abroad.
Jennifer was elated about going to Europe, where she had heard that societies were more liberal than even California, which was where she was from. She had not heard of Upper Danubia, but hey, Europe was Europe, so she expected to have a blast. No drinking age, lax drug laws, tattoos, raves ... what more could a 17-year-old want?
Jennifer's father had sent her to Upper Danubia knowing full-well what lay in store for his daughter. Yes, his little Jennifer would have a bit of a shock awaiting her when she started her high school in Danube City. Among the papers he signed was a release allowing Jennifer to receive corporal punishment while in school, if it proved necessary. Jennifer's parents gladly signed the release, and with that Jennifer was on her way to the airport.
Jennifer was somewhat taken aback by the conservative appearance of Danube City and its busy, but very quiet streets. The bars, discos and tattoo parlors she was expecting were nowhere in sight, but occasionally she did see a naked young person running around on foot or on a bicycle. Like Kim the year before, she wondered about that, but did not think to ask due to her lack of language. The only thing she enjoyed was swimming naked at her school pool, free from the hassle and discomfort of having to wear a swimsuit. However, that hardly made up for the lack of anything else exciting to do. She balked at her school uniform and her host family with their endless rules, formalities, and protocol. She didn't bother to study Danubian in her orientation classes and wrote angry letters home asking her father, what the hell was with this country ... I thought Europe would be fun ... this place totally sucks.
Jennifer's heart reserved a special resentment against Helga Tolkiv, the exchange program counselor at her school who always was telling her how to behave. Counselor Tolkiv was relatively young and quite attractive, but her long skirts, old-style braided hair, and tall statuesque figure made her a rather imposing woman. She spoke in a quiet, but bossy tone of voice, always using extremely correct English. She was Danubian to the core, very serious and obsessed with "honor". Counselor Tolkiv was Jennifer's main teacher, another aspect of her year abroad that grated on her.
Jennifer became popular in school, quickly making friends with several Danubian girls with similar personalities and interested in hearing about how wild life in the US was for high school students. Jennifer embellished a bit, as her classmates struggled to understand their American friend's stories given in English. Jennifer became the center of attention of the school's more rebellious girls and a growing source of concern for the school's teachers by the end of September. Both Counselor Tolkiv and the school principal began wondering how they could exert their authority over Jennifer and lessen her influence over her classmates. Finally it was Jennifer herself who provided the school authorities with a justification to make an example out of her in front of her peers.
In California Jennifer frequently had skipped class at her high school. No one thought anything of it because so many of her classmates did the same thing. No one in Jennifer's clique took school very seriously and the teachers were glad to be rid of the more troublesome students. Jennifer skipped class for the first time during the third week of the school year to smoke a cigarette in a nearby park. Her classmates marveled at her reckless courage, but Counselor Tolkiv gave her a very stern lecture about the need to stay in school.
"You are dishonoring yourself, the exchange program, and your teachers with your behavior. I trust you shall not dishonor us again."
Jennifer rolled her eyes. That act of disrespect earned Jennifer an hour standing in the corner while the teacher graded some papers. Unfortunately the lesson did not sink in.
Jennifer skipped class again the following week, but this time the consequences were far worse. As she sat smoking in the park, a police officer noticed Jennifer's high school uniform and detained her. He demanded to know which school she had come from, getting a response in heavily accented Danubian that she had been let out early by her exchange program coordinator. The story sounded unlikely to the cop, so finally he handcuffed her and took her to several nearby schools to find out where she needed to be. Jennifer was incensed at being paraded around in handcuffs, not yet realizing there was much worse to come.
Finally the officer led Jennifer to the correct high school and into the director's office. Jennifer could tell the principal was furious. He called Counselor Tolkiv to his office and berated her in front of both Jennifer and the cop. The woman gave the girl a hostile look, angry that Jennifer, after having been warned, was responsible for making her lose honor. On top of all that, the exchange student had committed a criminal offense by lying to the policeman and was facing arrest. Counselor Tolkiv stood at attention in front of the two men and addressed them in Danubian, after giving the American another quick, hostile glance.
"Officer and Director, my student has insulted our school and the honor of each of us. I wish to take responsibility for her actions and for assuring you this incident shall not be repeated. I request your permission to properly discipline her."
The principal looked at the cop, who reluctantly nodded. "That request is granted, Counselor. If you are willing to administer a proper punishment, I believe we can let this incident be forgotten."
Counselor Tolkiv then turned to the teenager and spoke in English. "I need to chastise you, Jennifer. I am unhappy about having to do this to you, but you have only yourself to blame. You shall suffer because of the choices you made."
Fear and anger swept through Jennifer as the cop led her to an unoccupied classroom. Counselor Tolkiv trailed behind, shutting the door as they entered. The cop took off Jennifer's handcuffs as her counselor issued her next order.
"Jennifer, you shall undress. Now."
"You heard me. You are to undress, immediately."
"Fuck you! I'm not taking my clothes off!"
The two adults were in no mood to argue. The cop grabbed Jennifer's arm and twisted it behind her back, as he pushed down on her neck in a grip that immobilized her. The girl's counselor pulled off her shoes and socks, then jerked her skirt and panties to her ankles. Jennifer then felt the buttons on her shirt coming undone one by one and her bra strap being unhooked. The cop shifted position to allow the teacher to pull Jennifer's shirt and bra off one arm at a time. The student struggled viciously, but in less than a minute she was naked. The cop twisted Jennifer's hands behind her back and put her handcuffs back on.
The cop grabbed Jennifer's arms and pulled her upright. Counselor Tolkiv stood directly in front of her, face to face. The girl was resisting and breathing heavily as the cop held her tight.
"Jennifer, if you wish to struggle like a criminal, you shall be treated like a criminal."
The cop led Jennifer down the main hallway to the school basketball court as her counselor followed behind. To Jennifer's horror the entire student body was assembled on the bleachers. The school principal was standing next to a small chair and a microphone stand. The chair had a sinister-looking leather police switch on it. Suddenly Jennifer realized the seriousness of what was about to happen to her.
The two adults and their captive took position next to the principal. The cop grabbed Jennifer's arm firmly to keep her standing in position. Counselor Tolkiv picked up the leather switch and tapped it in her hand as the principal gave a rather long speech about the need to respect rules. Finally he concluded, pointing to the scared naked girl standing next to him.
"Among us is a person who thinks rules do not apply to her. I presume the fact she is an American makes her think she is special in some way, but she shall learn that in this school, a student is a student, and she shall be treated as such. She shall learn the rules apply to all of you. What we have is an act of insurrection, and its perpetrator shall be punished. She shall receive the maximum school punishment of 25 vigorous strokes across the naked buttocks with a standard leather switch."
The cop removed Jennifer's handcuffs and ordered her to lie across the chair. Her eyes wide with terror, Jennifer complied, realizing she only could make her situation worse if she continued to resist. Counselor Tolkiv took a pair of small leather straps that looked like thick watchbands from her pocket. She wrapped a strap around each of Jennifer's wrists and secured the girl's wrists to chair-legs. Jennifer's hands were immobilized, but, because this was not a judicial punishment, her legs were not tied down.
The counselor tapped Jennifer's bottom with the switch and struck her hard across both bottom-cheeks. As the stroke seared into her exposed flesh, the student screamed from the pain and the pure terror of what she was enduring. She had not yet learned that in Upper Danubia a person being punished normally tries to stay quiet as long as possible. Jennifer's high-pitched scream died down into a series of sobs as her counselor tapped her bottom and struck again. Once again Jennifer screamed as her legs kicked up and down from the sharp pain of the two strokes. The teacher did not wait, but tapped her bottom and struck hard a third time.
Counselor Tolkiv proceeded much more quickly than would have a police officer. This was a school punishment, not a judicial punishment. She struck, waited for Jennifer's scream to die down, tapped her bottom with the switch, and struck again. Each stroke was accompanied by a very loud shrill scream, followed by a lot of vigorous crying and fluttering of her lower legs.
Jennifer was noisy throughout her punishment, as her Danubian classmates watched the affair with fascination. She had been something of a small celebrity among her peers because of her nationality and her defiant attitude about school rules. The Danubian teenagers had known that Jennifer was setting herself up to be disciplined. Several of them tried to warn her, struggling through the language barrier to get the American to realize that, if she pushed too far, she could expect to be switched. Jennifer rudely rebuffed the classmates who tried to caution her, so they simply waited to see how long it would take for her behavior to catch up with her.
The teacher struck the American harshly, but at the same time punished her fairly quickly and methodically. She felt somewhat sorry for the girl, knowing that what was happening was a horrible shock to her. Counselor Tolkiv did not enjoy what she was doing, but felt the switching was necessary to prevent the American from becoming a source of further disruption at the school.
Fifteen minutes and 25 strokes later, the punishment was finished. Jennifer's counselor bent down to unbuckle the straps immobilizing the girl's hands. Once her hands were free, Jennifer covered her face and continued sobbing. The American was in a lot of pain and totally humiliated.
Counselor Tolkiv grabbed Jennifer's wrist and pulled her up off the chair. She placed her hands on the sobbing girl's shoulders to position her with her backside facing the audience. Her bottom was marked with 25 red lines and was beginning to swell. For a student her punishment had been harsh, however, any convicted Danubian criminal would have been glad to change places with her.
As the American stood with her face buried in her hands, her counselor moved in front of her to admonish her. "Jennifer, you must stop crying. You are dishonoring yourself by making such a scandal over a simple switching. Furthermore, we cannot release you until you are silent."
With a great effort Jennifer managed to stop crying after a few minutes. The school principal declared the punishment over and ordered the students to return to their classes. Jennifer had to remain standing with her backside facing her classmates until the last of them was out of the room. The students filed out of the bleachers row by row, walking past Jennifer's exposed backside as they proceeded towards the door to the main hallway. All of Jennifer's classmates, hundreds of them, got a good look at her punished bottom as they slowly filed past her.
Counselor Tolkiv then took her teary student to the school infirmary where there was a bed she could lie down on to recover.
"Jennifer, if you need to cry, now is the time to do so. You may stay here as long as you wish, but once you recover enough to put on your uniform, I expect you to come to my office."
She left Jennifer's school uniform on a chair next to the bed, and closed the door to the small room. Jennifer cried for an hour, but finally got dressed and reluctantly went to the woman's office. The American endured a rather long lecture about responsibility and needing to set an example for proper behavior. The teacher finally released the girl for the day, but made it very clear to Jennifer that she expected her back in class the next day, on time, ready to study, and with her uniform presentable.
That night Jennifer sullenly returned to her host family, her bottom still quite sore from the welts. The two parents were incensed. They pulled a hard wooden chair out of the kitchen and ordered the American to sit down in the living room. Jennifer winced as the uncompromising wood from the chair pressed into her tender backside. For the next hour her host parents, using terrible heavily-accented English, lectured their guest about personal responsibility and the need to safeguard her honor as Jennifer shifted in her uncomfortable seat and tears rolled down her cheeks.
Once the lecture was finished and Jennifer was allowed to go to her room, she finally had time to give her situation some thought, without having any Danubians yelling at her. At first she wanted to call her parents in the US and have them extricate her from her year abroad. But as she picked up the phone, she reconsidered. How on earth could she explain this to them?
Jennifer then realized she was mostly to blame for her own situation. She had chosen to come here as an exchange student. She had chosen to ignore Counselor Tolkiv and the school rules. She had no one but herself to blame for not bothering to do any research before signing the papers that finalized her exchange student arrangements. She now was stuck here in Danube City, facing the awful realization she had to make the best out of her life in this restricted country.
Returning to school the next day was one of the hardest things Jennifer ever did in her life. At first she was mortified at the thought of having been switched in the nude in front of nearly 400 classmates. After a lot of nagging and threats from her host parents, she went to school almost in tears, expecting to be ridiculed by her peers.
Jennifer quickly found out ridicule was not how Danubian teenagers usually treated a fellow student who had been punished. Such punishments were common enough in Upper Danubia and were the logical outcome of rebellious behavior in school. Instead, Jennifer's classmates somewhat sympathized with the American. Several girls calmly sat down with the exchange student and explained why she had been switched. Anyia reminded her they had tried to warn her and then added a detail that made Jennifer cringe.
"Counselor Tolkiv switched you because she had to. I don't think you realize that cop was going to arrest you for lying to him, because in our country that's a crime. They would have put you on trial and made you wear a criminal's collar for a year for telling him you had your school's permission to be out of class, and then refusing to say what school you came from. Counselor Tolkiv got you out of it; she jeopardized her own honor to prevent you from being arrested. You need to be grateful to her."
That afternoon Jennifer, nervously twisting her hands in front of her, apologized to her counselor and thanked her for preventing her from being arrested. The teacher responded:
"Jennifer, you shall thank me by applying yourself in your studies. If I see you improving in your ability to study and to speak our language, then you shall have shown me you are truly grateful. As for yesterday's punishment, the unpleasantness between us has passed, and I consider the matter ended."
Jennifer sadly nodded. "I'll try, Counselor Tolkiv."
Jennifer then went to the school library, where Anyia and her other friends were sitting and reviewing textbooks for an upcoming test. Jennifer pulled some books out of her backpack and surprised them by asking in her terrible Danubian:
"I'm a bit behind, I guess, with the classes. Could you help me get caught up?"
The other girls nodded and with that Jennifer became part of their study group.
Jennifer spent much of the rest of her year in Upper Danubia hanging out with Anyia. The two girls quickly became close because of their very similar personalities. Anyia was a bit rebellious herself, but she knew where the limits were and how to avoid crossing them. That information was something that Jennifer very much needed to avoid going nuts in her new host country. Over time Jennifer began going over to Dukov's house, but it would be several weeks before she met Kim, given Kim's hectic schedule and late night music sessions.
One Sunday afternoon Jennifer went over to Vladim Dukov's house when Kim happened to be there. It was a bit of a shock seeing a fellow-American naked and wearing a metal collar, but at the same time seeing an American, any American, was a real treat for the high school student. Jennifer and Kim quickly struck up a conversation, both relishing the opportunity to speak in English. Kim told Jennifer her story and how she had been sentenced the previous year for marijuana possession. Jennifer was shocked.
"So ... you've been like this for more than a year? For smoking a joint? I mean ... they never let you wear any clothes ... at all?"
Kim smiled and shook her head. "No clothes. They're very strict about that. I mean, I go to work everyday, I've been on TV, I've stood singing outdoors in front of thousands of fans, always like I am now. It's part of my sentence, but it's not so bad. After a while you kind of enjoy it, at least when the weather's warm."
The sight of Kimberly Lee made Jennifer able to put her own situation into perspective. It was obvious that what had happened to her at school was nothing in comparison with what had happened to Kim.
Kim's 20th birthday passed in celebration, first at her job at the music store, then with the Dukovs, and finally at the Socrates Club. Sergekt was very affectionate and courteous to Kim, but at the same time she could tell he was very nervous. Finally, when the night was over and they left to return to Dukov's house, she found out why. Instead of simply leaving her at the door, he asked to come in and talk to her in Dukov's living room. Once inside he opened up a small cloth bag he had carried with him and pulled out a small carved wooden box. He swallowed and handed it to Kim. He then stood silent, according to Danubian protocol.
A bit bewildered, Kim opened the box. There were three items inside, a gold ring, a silver necklace with a pendant showing two griffins standing side-by-side, and a silver hairpiece with gold in-lays. Sergekt's birthday present was an engagement box.
Kim's heart raced. She knew there had to be protocol for accepting these items, but she was not sure what it was. She took a deep breath.
"How ... do we do this? I mean, what do people usually do in this country ... when they get engaged?"
"You hand me the items, one at a time, starting with the hair-piece, then the necklace, finally the ring. You tell me you accept each one and I will put it on you."
Kim picked up the hairpiece and handed it to Sergekt.
"Sergekt, I accept this hairpiece with all my love."
Sergekt took the hairpiece and gently pushed it into Kim's hair.
"Sergekt, I accept this necklace with all my love."
Sergekt wrapped the necklace around Kim's neck and clipped the clasp shut.
"Sergekt, I accept this ring, with all my love."
Sergekt put the ring on Kim's finger. It fit perfectly, leaving Kim wondering how Sergekt knew her ring-size.
Sergekt then knelt, kissed Kim's right hand and then her left. He stood up, took both of her hands in his own, and looked into her eyes.
"You are the love of my present, and the wife of my future. You have my heart and in your hands you hold my happiness."
For a long time Kim and Sergekt hugged each other in the silent living room of Dukov's house. So it was done, now it was official. Kim was Sergekt's fiancé.
It was painful, but finally Sergekt had to leave to go home. Kim felt bad for him because already it was well past mid-night and her partner had to be up early the next morning for classes. She watched Sergekt's bare figure as he quickly walked up the chilly street to the trolley stop. Kim was immensely happy, but also rather scared. She had thought about marrying Sergekt, but now to be formally engaged to him made her realize how seriously she had to take her life in Danube City. So this was it. There really would be no going back to the US, except perhaps to visit. Kimberly Annette Lee would give up her US passport and take a Danubian one, and return to her parents' house and her hometown as a foreigner. She was destined to finish her life in Upper Danubia, married to Sergekt Dolkiv.
Kim spent the middle of March confronting the emotional turmoil that resulted from Cindy's trip. Without realizing what was happening until it was too late, she had long since passed a point of no return. She couldn't go back to her old life. Kim expected the first crisis from her decision to hit about 48 hours after she said goodbye to Cindy. Sure enough, two nights after her sister left Kim's parents called her, in hysterics over the result of Cindy's trip. Cindy's decision to support...
Kim began her classes as a Danubian university student in the middle of January. She reduced her hours at the music store to her summer schedule, working only three days per week. She studied Danubian law, history, criminology, and the Danubian interpretation of sociology. Kim's self-confidence increased as she realized she was smart enough to master the somewhat difficult coursework in a foreign language. She was perfectly capable of studying hard and studying well, as long as she had a...
By the end of Kim's first week in Danube City she was partially settled into her strange new life as a convicted criminal and bicycle courier. Within a week her welts were fading and no longer hurt. She had come to terms with what had happened and even managed to pass by the Temple of the Ancients where all her trouble had started. Kim vaguely wondered if that sadistic cop and her partner were still patrolling the grounds behind the Temple, but had no desire to go there and find out. She...
Vladim Dukov was a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal. He son Vladik was a police officer. It was only a matter of time before Vladim would become the Spokesman for defendants arrested by his son. The same day his daughter's school uniform issue was "settled", at least in Vladim Dukov's mind, Vladik arrested two burglars. Over the summer they had broken into several homes around the Dukovs' neighborhood to steal money and jewelry. In two of the burglaries they had killed family dogs protecting...
In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the...
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Kim finally forced herself to turn on her cell phone, which was blinking with four messages from Victor Dukov. Instead of listening to the messages, Kim decided simply to return to Victor's office and tell him what happened in the park. The moment Victor saw his wayward employee, he knew something was very wrong. He had the decency to hold off on berating her for the unauthorized break until he found out what was bothering her. In a frightened, broken voice, Kim told her story. It was...
Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...
Criminal # 98945 finally returned to her normal routine as August drew to a close. She continued to deliver Victor's packages and messages, greet customers at the music store, and deal with a backlog of issues affecting Eloisa's band. She continued to rehearse and sing. She divided what little free time she had between Sergekt, Eloisa, and the Dukovs. Kim's life was completely full, about as full as a person's life could be. Ironically, Kim's job with Victor Dukov became a refuge of...
Kim's friends became increasingly nervous as the end of April approached. The reason was simple enough; they were due to receive the final switching of their sentences on April 25. The switching was the final major event of their sentences they needed to endure before their release in July, but that did not make them any less apprehensive about having to face the switching table. Spokesman Havlakt lobbied hard to get the group's final punishment canceled. They had contributed greatly to...
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While Tiffany was asleep Kim took the precaution of rummaging through her future client's purse, looking for ID's, cash, and drug paraphernalia. Sure enough, she found all three, along with some pictures of Tiffany with family members and some others with young women who must have been co-workers from Dirty Grampy's. Kim's heart skipped a beat when she came across some worn pictures from high school. There were photos of Tiffany with Kim and Susan, and another with a friend who had been...
While Kim and her friends were occupied with the first week of their concert tour, Upper Danubia struggled through an ever-deepening political crisis. For the first time since the Second World War, the Duchy faced the prospect of political instability. The conservative government of the Party of the Duchy fell in the Parliament's first no-confidence vote since 1940. The Prime Minister immediately called elections assuming, correctly as it turned out, the deputies of the opposition Greater...
The following week Kim divided her time between the music store, rehearsal with Eloisa's band, and studying the cases and laws she needed to become familiar with to properly represent Tiffany during her trial at the end of August. Dukov conducted some of Kim's research for her, finding relevant cases and book-marking them. He laid books and files on Kim's desk, along with a few old drug cases he and other Spokespersons had represented over their careers. Kim later would have to learn how...
Kim spent the afternoon making arrangements for Tiffany's future. There really were only two issues that needed to be addressed; where Tiffany was going to live and where she was going to work. Kim already had both details partly settled, so her calls that afternoon simply were to confirm her previous arrangements. Tiffany would start at the music store the next day. As for living arrangements, Victor Dukov reluctantly agreed to rent her a room, with the understanding she would move to...
By the beginning of October, Upper Danubia had reached an important crossroads in its history. The "Progressives", now aided by corporate campaign donors and foreign professional political advisors, were well organized and campaigning aggressively. Their advisors had developed a slick advertising campaign against the Party of the Duchy in particular and against traditional Danubian values in general. Their candidate was a charismatic banking executive from Rika Chorna. He had a flamboyant...
Tiffany Walker-Dukovna woke up at 6:00 in the morning as always. There was no sleeping in for Tiffany, not with two kids, a husband who had to be at work in an hour and a boss like Spokeswoman Lee-Dolkivna. Those were the three priorities in Tiffany's life. Maybe in the evening there would be a little time to herself, if she was lucky. Ha! Not very likely. Tiffany's first concern was her husband, who soon would become Chief of Police for Danube City, the youngest police chief in the...
Notes on the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia as a society (the stuff that didn't make it into the novel) Readers have commented and asked me questions about my imaginary country, the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia. Here are some details to give you an idea of what this imaginary society is like, of what I envisioned when I created it. I want to emphasize that Upper Danubia is not my personal vision of "Utopia". Instead, my fictional country is a literary effort to create a society that is...
Notes on the life and goals of Spokesman Vladim Dukov Vladim Dukov as a political leader US foreign policy analysts, journalists, and political commentators usually described Prime Minister Vladim Dukov as a cerebral and complex political figure, a leader whose motives for doing things were not always clear. He did not operate from any recognizable ideology, nor was he interested in any material gain from his position apart from taking his normal salary as Prime Minister. He seemed full of...
The Danubian Church and its impact on Danubian society The Danubian concept of the Supreme Being The Danubians have a monotheistic religion, which they refer to as the "Danubian Church" or the "Faith of the Ancients". Although in theory the Danubians are Christian, by the end of the 20th Century the majority of what they believed came from ideas that predated the country's official conversion to Christianity in 850 AD. The Danubians refer to God as "The Creator". Before everything,...
Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...
"You kids lost?" He was absolutely older than a freshman. Grace perked right up when he spoke. By that I mean her nipples were trying to bore holes in her shirt. I'll have to admit ... he was pretty. I looked at the slip of paper in my hand. "Professor Gnocchi's office?" "You're at the wrong building," he said. "Tell you what, I'll just run you over ... it's not far." He took off. When he said 'run' he meant 'run.' "Coming?" he hollered from about a block away. We took...
It’s been 3 months since Abba (father) got married to a 25-year-old woman (Roja), despite having already being married to my mother. In Islam, men can have multiple wives. Attending their marriage ceremony was the last thing I wanted to do. So I made excuses for upcoming exams to stay in the hostel and avoid attending their marriage ceremony. It has been almost 3 years since I’ve visited home. I always found reasons not to go home during the vacations. I wonder how dad treats my mom, Wahida,...
IncestErotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter II“Enter Darko”, with Darko (OC), Vic (OC), Theodora, Keila (both from an Erotic postcard), Jean Paul (from Stella’s Secret Nights) and Officer Matthews (from Tom of Finland bi art)Characters are:Theodora (redhead) and Keila (ebony): Jean Paul: (the blonde man licking the blondie)Officer Matthews: Walking through the hallways, a black man in a black suit walks to find a room. This elegant man, showing glance and style, is named Darko. He is a good friend of...
After we moved because of the size of the house and the number of bedrooms things changed my dad went to prison and my sister came to live with us, she is 11(for some reason she lived with my aunt from the time she was born) My brother Gary and Kenny 7 and myself slept in the same room Kenny with me and Gary in a bed alone, my sister Sharon got her own room and for some reason Mike had his bed in our mothers room ( at the time I did not think much about it I was getting it on with my...
My sister’s name is Neha, 25 years old, 5’2” height, having soft and firm boobs (36 size). She lived with her husband in a town; 25 kms away from our house. I do not have bed intentions towards didi because I gave her respect in every aspect and she also guided me as my parents about good or bad. After six months of marriage, she came to our house to meet all of us (Mom, Dad and Me). She talked with mom and me for whole day on various topics. At 10:00 pm, all of us finished dinner and moved...
IncestAfter the long flight overseas I was dead tired. But excited. Here I was, in my early 30’s, in England, getting ready to go to Oxford. A late start maybe, but I was finally here. I had spent my years after high school looking after an elderly aunt. My parents had died when I was young and the woman raised me. If you can call it that. A former nun, she was harsh, bordering on cruel. I hadn’t dated much and much to my chagrin, I was still a virgin. My social life while she was alive was...
"Ok, Guns, what's going on? There wasn't anyone to face us during the drop and now there's no one to face us on the landing. This isn't right for Kurita. You're still up at the Head Shed so talk to me. Where's the rest of our ships?" "Terry, hang cool for a bit. All hell's breaking loose up here and right now ain't the time to be bothering them. I'll get back to you as soon as I can." I looked around and could see that most of our Dropships hadn't in fact dropped. Outworlds...
The blood was pounding in his ears as he struggled to regain consciousness. He could hear Betsy say, “I think they’re coming around.” He tried to remember what had happened. Ling had picked a pole as her weapon and they were evenly matched. Once the round had begun, the poles had moved fast as lightening, reaching out to invade the space of the opponent. For three minutes, it was swing, thrust, counter-thrust, sweep, block, and parry. The sharp clicks as stick met stick sounded like a Geiger...
The wooden door swung open with a loud thud, hitting the wall behind it. He didn’t see her at first. Stepping cautiously into the room, his breath caught in the back of his throat. She lay on the ground, a crumpled dirty heap, unconscious. A bellow of rage fell from his lips as he rushed toward her, picking her up gently. She sighed gently. Cien took a deep ragged breath. She was alive. He crushed her to him, holding her close and rocking her gently. Guilt rushed over him in a hot scalding...
The next morning, Ayame was the first to awaken and as she lay there thinking about the previous evening, she reached down and began to idly caress Roger's cock, which was exhibiting its typical morning stiffness. Then, with a sigh of lust renewed, she slurped it into her mouth. Roger woke under the onslaught of the intense feelings Ayame's mouth was producing. It didn't take very long before Roger was filling her mouth with his love juices and Ayame fell into his embrace as they kissed...
Carol expected to hear screaming and yelling when she returned to the house. Instead she heard only silence. She checked out by the pool, but the pool area was vacant, so she walked toward the kid's wing of the house. As she neared Darla's bedroom, she could hear her sobbing. The girl was lying on her bed curled up in the fetal position and crying as hard as Carol had ever seen her cry. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her daughter into her arms. Darla clung to her like Carol was...
One day when I was walking with my cousin through the woods a few miles from my house, we rounded a corner and were shocked to see a boi of our own age sitting on a rock, stark naked. Stunned into silence we continued walking. When we were out of sight of the nude boy we heard him yell out, “Do you want a blowjob?”We continued walking in silence. Suddenly I grabbed a stick from the ground and told my cousin, “Let’s beat that fuckin’ faggot.” We raced back to where we had seen the nymph, but he...
The Pastor’s Sin, Chapter 2 I came downstairs the next morning to find Jessica and Ashley on the couch watching TV. While I usually would have politely greeted the girls, after what happened last night, I was feeling a little guilty, and a little embarrassed, so I made a beeline for the kitchen and started making breakfast. Of course, Jessica would call for me. “Good morning Daddy”, she shouted from the living room. I sighed, my plan to avoid Ashley already having failed. When I walked in,...
MasturbationYou stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...
I drove from the Pentagon to the island; Vicky was hitting me with one question after another. She did not understand all the military jargon that went on at the table with the Generals. We were on the Bay Bridge when I took another call on the Suburban’s On-star connect system that I had paired with my phone. The more I used it the more I loved the hands-free conversations. The down side was that sometimes the thing answered calls if I was close to the outside of the truck because of the...
The next evening after work Alan came to visit and was duly punished for being late. Martha had got him used to being tied up and so he thought nothing special of being tied face down on the bed and the start of the punishment was quite normal. Martha let fly with three or four good blows on his arse with the paddle, to get a little colour into it. SPLAT! Left arse cheek. SPLAT! Right arse cheek. SPLAT! SPLAT! "I'm truly sorry I was late, Mistress," he offered. "So you should be,...
En kuthiyil nandraga urinthu naaku potu kanjai kuditha prem indru en veetirku varugiren endru solli irunthaan. Enathu kanavanuku irukum sunniyai vida ivanathu sunni sirithu perithaagave 7″ irunthathu, athanaal en kuthiku ithu sariyaaga porunthum aanal premku intha vayathile sunniyai perithaaga valarthu vaithu irukiraan. Avan sunniyai umbiya suvai naavile irukirathu, manam eppozhuthu aduthathaaga avan sunniyai umbuven endru eakathudam irunthathu. Mani sariyaaga 11.30 aanathu prem varum neram...
My boyfriend Mark was getting his things ready to go to his family's cabin at Douglas Lake, which was about an hour and a half's drive from Asheville Tennessee, where we both lived.He had shown me pictures of the small cabin his family had at the lake and I had always thought it was so beautiful there. Especially this time of year with all the fall colors on the trees... it was like a picture postcard."Oh Mark, I wish I could go with you. From the pictures you've shown me it must be just...
OutdoorWhen Sandra and the others heard how the group of players, that had been practicing on the field outside, came walking through the hallway, they knew that their coach would be arriving any minute now, to take them outside for their own practice. Some of the boys were wondering how their coach would react on Sandra's dress code today. It sure would be the first time, ever, that they would have someone who will practice with them in the nude. And because it was a naked girl, it could become a...
The coffee shop glowed, front window framed by a string of amber lights. It reflected on the shimmering pavement, the already over-green town draped in its usual overcast cloak. I sat alone, nestled against a rain-flecked window, a faded copy of Being And Nothingness resting beside my equally patient, steaming cup. Beneath the table, my fingertips played along my thigh.The white noise of boiling tea kettles and trickling brew made me soften. The leisure mumble of two other customers made my...
ExhibitionismShe was back to being her smart business-like self in the morning, her clothing of the day was a black trouser suit, but even the severe cut was unable to hide the curves of her gorgeous little bottom."I'll call you when the meeting finishes Thomas," she smiled. "We may need to stay another night if it goes on too long.""Very good ma'am," I said with just the hint of a smile.I drove sedately back to the hotel and enjoyed a coffee in the day lounge where Frank found me and asked for a word."Of...
AnalNoemie Bilas originally was born in the Congo of Africa and came to America at a young age. Slutty and fun, loving as can be, Noemie did not find her true calling until college when she was broke and found out she could play with her pussy for people online and make some cash. She was immediately addicted to showing off her sweet fuck hole for the whole world to see so it was only natural she find an agent and entire the glamour world of porn. Falling in love with the smut buzz of her first...
xmoviesforyouAs usual this work would not be half so good without the intervention and able assistance of the far too modest Steve Zink. Editor, writer, and friend... Steve there are far too few like you in the world. A little something I have been thinking about lately. It was meant to be a comedy but doesn't seem to be developing that way at all. ~SIGH~ The best laid plans I guess. JDG A MIDWINTER NIGHT'S DREAM PART ONE: PUCK-er UP My life began in the year 5559, on January 11. At least if you go...
Hi guys I am Rahul again and I work in software in one of the MNC.I am from Hyderabad, I am single, tall and have very athletic body as I go to Gym daily for workouts. I dedicate my love to all females and I am regular reader of ISS, today I am going to narrate another story which happened with my cousin. Let me describe about her .Her name is Keerthi and have perfect figure of 34-26-36 for any male to die for. Let me come to the story now, me and keerthi were first cousins and she is of my age...
IncestI lay on my back beside her and watched her breathe as she slept. So beautiful; she was of mixed origins, quarter black, quarter true Spanish, and half Caucasian. Her skin tone was golden brown that seemed to glow in moonlight, brown eyes and red flaming red hair spread across the pillow and across her breasts showing her Celtic heritage. She stood 5′ 5″ in her stocking feet with wide hips and narrow waist beneath a pair of full firm youthful breasts that were the size of soccer...
As Diana lost more weight she was becoming increasingly more and more rampant. I did think that I would not be able to keep up with all her cravings for cock. We visited the cinema one afternoon and we were the only ones in there. She had on black tights a long black skirt and some high boots, which looked fantastic. She also put on a black top and wore a lacy black all in one underneath. As we sat waiting for the lights to go down I slipped my hands down and pulled up her skirt. The lights...
My attempts to get a good night's sleep were a complete waste of time. I'd spent the night drifting in and out of consciousness, contemplating everything that had been going on and with the events playing over in my head again and again. The school uniform. The bed. The diary. The homework sheet that clearly wasn't mine. They were all things that I could just write off as cruel pranks individually, or at least try to ignore, but combined were making me fear my life as I know...
We had been waiting for over three hours when Mom finally came out. Erin and I both wanted to know how Jenny was going, but Mom wasn't talking. "Let's go. You two need to get home." "No Mom. I want to stay with Jenny." "Sorry Mark, I will explain it on the way." We walked out to the car and started to head home. I was not going to let her off with silence. "What's going on Mom? Why all of the secrecy?" "Jenny is going to be fine. She came to very soon after arriving. She...
Croatian cutie Freye Dee had a nasty fall on her scooter and luckily Joss Lescaf was there to rescue her. After assisting the slim and sexy teen into his house and while massaging her injury, the little temptress finds herself totally turned on by her savior and chocolate knight in shining honor. The brunette must repay him for his good deeds, but how? Well, she’s got a naughty idea that she acts on, reaching for his big black cock with very dirty ideas of where she wants to shove it. The...
xmoviesforyouMy body convulsed as another bolt of excruciating torture shot through my chest. I was losing ground and I knew it. My only hope was to get to my phone in the house. I could feel the cold breezes getting stronger as daylight was slipping away. My left side was numb. I used all the strength I could conjure up to twist my body onto my stomach. I looked up, the ten feet between me and the steps to the back porch looked like a mile. I reached out using my fingers as a claw, digging into the...
Will woke early the next morning with a raging hard-on and thoughts of last night racing through his mind. He turned over and looked at Sarah. She was in a deep, peaceful sleep. She lay on her back, her long, wavy brunette hair a messy tumble on the pillow around her delicate face. One large breast was exposed from the covers. Will thought she was utter perfection. Will reached out his hand to her face and caressed down her cheek bone. He lent forward and lightly kissed her on the forehead as...
Snippets from my Friday night… It's not the entire story, just bits and pieces from our second night "watching movies." I feel slightly obligated to cut out the boring parts…It's Saturday night as I type this and I'm about to head out. Let's see if we make it out of the house this time.She arrived just after seven and as soon as she stepped through the door, she kissed me hard and pressed my face between her hands to keep in my place. After this warm greeting, I took her coat and headed into...
At age 22 Drew had done pretty well for himself, he had a nice car, nice house, and a job he loved. Drew was the director of retail systems for a chain of independent supermarkets across the state. The company’s latest purchase was to take him across the state to a small town that no one had heard of in his area. This small store was at least 4 hours away from the nearest store owned by the company. Drew and his boss, Michael, had scheduled a trip to go out to the new store. Michael was the...
GayWednesday was my first full day on patrol, and pretty much went like Tuesday afternoon. Since the shift started at 0800, the graveyard shift patrolled the school zones in the morning. Otherwise, I was routed back over towards East Matucket, with Jerry pointing out various places to keep an eye out for. Some of it was amusing, such as when he pointed out a couple of popular places where high school students were likely to take their dates Friday and Saturday nights. “How hard do we come down...