Maragana GirlChapter 25 free porn video

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While Kim and her friends were occupied with the first week of their concert tour, Upper Danubia struggled through an ever-deepening political crisis. For the first time since the Second World War, the Duchy faced the prospect of political instability. The conservative government of the Party of the Duchy fell in the Parliament's first no-confidence vote since 1940. The Prime Minister immediately called elections assuming, correctly as it turned out, the deputies of the opposition Greater Danubian Progressive Party were not yet organized enough to win an election outright.

On July 29, the day after the successful concert of "Socrates' Mistresses" in Warsaw, the Duchy held the first out of a series of chaotic national elections. During the campaign the opposition deputies savagely attacked the government's disastrous handling of the previous year's fires in Rika Chorna province, which resonated among dispossessed voters in the entire eastern part of the country. However, the economic program the Greater Danubian Progressive Party put forward was frightening because of the commitments its leaders had made to foreign corporations. Included in the opposition's plans were the immediate abolition of many of the country's oldest institutions and social services, the removal of all legal protection for local businesses, and the immediate removal of most border security. The "Progressives" openly argued for closing Upper Danubia's public transportation system and encouraging the public to buy and import private automobiles. As for the farmland that would be destroyed by the proposed roads, the solution would be to import food from the European Community.

The proposal that most frightened much of the public about the opposition's program, however, was the idea to systematically log Upper Danubia's forests, in order to pay for road building and other large-scale development projects. Several international logging firms already had contracts pending to clear out the forests. All that was needed was a clear victory by the Greater Danubian Progressive Party.

As insane as the massive logging projects may have sounded to the western half of the country, to voters in the eastern half of Upper Danubia logging made perfect sense. Logging would remove the region's fire hazard once and for all, as well as finance the reconstruction of Rika Chorna and other fire-affected provinces. It was a financial quick fix that had its attractions, but any educated person realized the ultimate price would be far greater than any short-term gain for the east.

There was one final part of the opposition's program that struck real fear into the hearts of Danube City's 2,000 criminals: jails. The "Progressives" wanted to bring Upper Danubia's justice system in line with the rest of the world by rounding up all convicted criminals and putting them in jail. The incarceration program would begin with a concentration camp outside Danube City, which would stay in operation until a proper prison could be constructed. Once the prison was built, criminals would move in, be issued prison uniforms, have their collars removed, and spend the rest of their sentences in prison cells. Sure it would be costly and pull the criminals away from their families and jobs, but isn't that the way the rest of the world does it? Besides, a lucrative prison construction contract was waiting for a US corporation paying the campaign contributions of several opposition candidates.

Two nights before the election the Parliament's independent deputies invited Spokesman Vladim Dukov to address a campaign rally. He gave an angry speech to a large crowd, exhorting the public to reject the "insane" proposals of "capitalism in its most savage manifestation". He attacked globalization and the neo-conservative push to turn the world over to corporate interests. As she listened to him speak Kim realized, in spite of his kindness to her and his understanding of US citizens as individuals, Dukov did not like the United States as a society and rejected much of what its government stood for.

"We need to cultivate our land and we need to eat! We need to be safe! We need to walk down our streets in peace and breathe clean air! We do not need to become a nation of automobiles, international logging companies, pollution, and crime! We must not become a nation of people working 60 hours a week to buy imported products we don't need! And we must not sacrifice our identity on the altar of global commerce! I reject that false god, and I urge you to do the same!"

Dukov's speech killed the prospect of an outright victory by the "Progressives" and earned him some real political enemies in the Parliament. The popular vote split three ways, between the "Nobility", the "Progressives", and the unorganized group of dissidents from the two parties. Following the election, the Party of the Duchy formed an unstable coalition with the Duchy's independent deputies to set up a government. The new government would last a total of three weeks before the independents defected in a no-confidence vote and forced yet another election. The nation's Prime Minister later resigned in disgust, leaving Upper Danubia in political crisis with no real leadership.

Kim returned to the hospital to visit Tiffany on the 29th, the same day of the first round of elections taking place around the country. She entered the hospital grounds right at 9:00, expecting to spend the entire allotted three hours with her client. Kim was not surprised to see Tiffany still in her room, but she was surprised to see that her physical appearance had only slightly improved. Tiffany's intern reminded Kim that her client not only had spent the entire week cleaning out the drugs from her body, but also undergoing treatment for venereal disease and amoebas.

"She's had a rough week, but I think once we discontinue the antibiotics she'll feel much better. She's definitely past any danger of seizures, so I think we'll collar her today after her medical evaluation. Tomorrow we'll fix her teeth, and on Tuesday she'll start the regular exercise regimen with the other patients."

"How's her attitude been?"

"Apprentice, about the attitude ... that's not been so good. She earned three demerits on Thursday, which is something I want to discuss with you. Our program includes a system of merits and demerits, which is one of the ways we encourage our patients to cooperate and behave appropriately. We issue merits based on good behavior and cooperation. A demerit results from a refusal to cooperate, or in the case of your client, disrespect and dishonesty. We've had quite a bit of unpleasantness from Tiffany over the last week. Some of that is to be expected, due to her medical condition. However, last Thursday we directed her to spend some time on a treadmill to check her heart and blood circulation. We run a total of three sessions on the treadmill to check a patient's endurance. Tiffany co-operated the first round, but she became rebellious after that. She ... I presume it's an American manner of insulting ... circled her eyes around when we issued our instructions, and then, in English, she called the doctor a 'cock-sucking fag' and to 'go fuck himself'. We did not understand what the term 'cock-sucking fag' meant, so I tried to look it up. I never figured out what the first word meant. The best I could figure is that it has something to do with sucking on chickens. The second word has two meanings, and I presume she was not calling the doctor a pile of firewood."

Kim sighed. "No. In the US that means only one thing, and it's an insult. A pretty bad one."

"Very well Apprentice. Then that is one demerit. I confronted Tiffany about the gesture with her eyes and her vocabulary, and she flatly denied both. Perhaps the gesture with her eyes was a misinterpretation on my part, but what she said was quite clear, and I am not the only person in the room who heard it. Several other patients witnessed the incident. We issued her a second demerit for lying and a third for the fact the incident took place in front of other patients."

"So ... what is a demerit? What does that actually mean?"

"A demerit involves a formal apology and five strokes of the switch."

"And she's got three? That's fifteen strokes?"

"That is correct. Fifteen strokes and three formal apologies. Had she earned any merits, a merit would have canceled demerit. Unfortunately Tiffany did nothing this past week to earn a merit. To be honest, her behavior outside the Thursday incident has not been very cooperative."

Kim shook her head. The intern continued.

"I've discussed this matter with the doctors involved, and perhaps we can ... postpone the corporal punishment until next weekend and hope she can earn a merit or two. That wouldn't sit well with the other patients, but perhaps it would motivate your client."

"Very well, Intern. I'll talk to her, and see what's going on."

Kim then returned to Tiffany's room, to find the patient sitting up and a bit restless. She gave Tiffany a sharp look and pointed at the floor. Tiffany sadly got on her knees and touched her forehead to the ground.

"OK, Tiffany, let's remember our protocol ... it's 'Good morning Apprentice Lee. I am pleased you have safely returned.'"

Once she repeated the formal greeting, Kim invited Tiffany for a walk across the hospital grounds, to begin conversing with her. At first Kim gave Tiffany an update on her own life and the concert in Warsaw, and then went into detail about what Tiffany's life would be like once her trial was over. Kim wanted to emphasize that Tiffany would indeed have real life after her rehab and trial.

Kim continued with some questions about Tiffany's current life, beginning with how she planned to maintain contact with her friends and relatives in the US.

"I don't know who I'll stay in touch with. The only person who really cares about me is Joe. I know I ... I gotta write him and tell him I ... guess I'm doing OK. I don't know. I'm so doped up with antibiotics that I really don't know how I'm supposed to be feeling."

Kim and Tiffany walked out to the edge of the forest park, which was a place Tiffany would come to know very well over the next several weeks during the rehab program's afternoon hikes. For a long time both women stared at the woods, while Kim tried to think how she could bring up the subject of Tiffany's behavior and the resulting demerits. Finally she asked:

"What about things here at the hospital? How do you feel you're doing?"

Tiffany was quiet for a moment. Kim knew her well enough to realize that she was struggling with whether or not to tell the truth or simply gloss over what happened. Finally Tiffany sighed.

"Kim ... I mean Apprentice Lee, I don't know if you talked to the doctors yet ... about something that happened Thursday. I kinda ... said some things on Thursday ... to the doctor ... and ... I think ... I'm in some sort of trouble."

"Why? What made you talk to him like that?"

"I don't know. You know how I am with my mouth. And I didn't feel good and I was in a pissy mood, and they ... do you know what happened?"

"I heard the intern's version of the story, so I know that much. What I need is to hear your side. Did they do anything wrong, anything to make you upset?"

"Not really, they just kept insisting on that treadmill test. But I starting to feel kinda sick and I mouthed off, and totally shocked everyone in the room. I think the other patients were more shocked than the doctors. It's like ... I don't know ... like the other patients are madder at me than the staff. They tried to be friendly at the beginning, but they haven't talked to me since Thursday ... and that's got me a bit scared."

"Yeah, I guess it would. Tiffany, you just don't do that in this country, insulting someone and then lying about it. The Danubians get pissed about lying, because they're real big on this whole concept of 'honor'. Part of that thing with the 'honor' is you don't lie, and another part of it is you take responsibility for what you do. The other patients are avoiding you because you dishonored yourself. You know, if you just would have 'fessed-up and apologized..."

"I know I should've, but I ... just can't. I've never apologized for anything."

"Well, this afternoon you're gonna have to. You owe the doctors three apologies, and you're gonna have to say it like you mean it. Nobody's gonna talk to you until you apologize."

"Yeah, I know. But the intern said something else ... that they're gonna punish me.

"Maybe. What's happened is you got what they call 'demerits', three of 'em; first for the insult, and then for lying about what you said, and the third for doing it in front of the other patients. Do you know what a demerit is?"

Tiffany shook her head.

"An apology is part of a demerit. The other part is five strokes of the switch. You got three demerits."

Tiffany gasped. "You mean ... they're gonna whip me?"

"Well, that's what I'm not sure about. The intern said that maybe they could put it off 'till next Sunday, to see if you can get make up for it this week. The way their system works is if you get a 'merit' for good behavior, that'll cancel a demerit. If you could get three merits, that would cancel your punishment."

Tiffany's next question surprised Kim.

"Apprentice Lee ... do they ... ever do that for other patients ... I mean ... postpone a whipping to see if they can make up for it the next week?"

"No. In fact, the intern said it wouldn't sit well with the other patients, 'cause it's not the normal way they do things. But I guess they're willing to make an exception for you, 'cause you're a foreigner and maybe they think you don't understand the system or you didn't know what you were doing."

Tiffany struggled with the information and the possibility of a reprieve. For a long time she was quiet. Then Kim noticed a change in her expression. The change was slight, but it was noticeable.

"On Thursday ... I knew what I was doing. I just thought, because they didn't speak English, I could get away with it." Tiffany swallowed and continued, "I just ... I'm ... I really don't want to do anything that's gonna piss off the other patients, any more than they are already. I mean, Kim ... I mean ... Apprentice Lee ... I gotta live with everyone here until the end of August, and I ... just ... can't have them ... not speak to me... 'cause I got special treatment."

"So ... what exactly are you trying to tell me?"

"I don't ... I just think ... I think the best thing would be for me to just get it over with. I ... if I got punished, like normal ... do you think the other patients would speak to me again?"

Kim thought for a moment, trying to draw upon her knowledge of Danubian society to answer Tiffany's question.

"I don't know about the hospital. I can tell you that with a group of ordinary criminals, if you turned down a special favor and asked to be treated like everyone else, it would get the others to respect you again. Anyhow, the way a switching works in this country is you deal with it, it hurts like hell for a while, and then it's over. Like, with our sentences ... me and my friends from the band ... once our collars came off, with the Danubian government it's as though our convictions never happened. I've got one friend who just entered the police academy, and well, here I am, as a legal Apprentice. I don't see why it would be any different with you. You screw up, you get your butt whipped for it, and then you're done."

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MommysGirl Ryan Keely Vanna Bardot Kayla Paige No One Can Replace Her

Ryan Keely and her new fiancee, Kayla Paige, are together at Ryan’s house. They are about to introduce Kayla to Ryan’s 18-year-old step-daughter, Vanna Bardot. Ryan calls out to Vanna, inviting her to come into the living room. Vanna begrudgingly enters the room and is introduced to Kayla. Ryan leaves to let them get to know each other. Ryan kisses Vanna on the cheek and Kayla on the lips before leaving. Vanna looks jealous after Kayla gets kissed. When they are alone, Kayla smiles....

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Unknown WarChapter 3

“Gentlemen, let’s get started.” I sat down at my desk, with five chairs on the other side. “Proceeding into the future, this is the format of our meetings. You will each give me a summary explanation of how your world is, related to your leadership positions. In turn, I will provide feedback, to help boost your ideas. Once the sharing session is over, I will go over existing projects, and maybe add new projects. Lastly, I will open the floor for you to discuss anything that pops into your...

1 year ago
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A Just RewardChapter 33

Steven fell to his knees at Becca's side. He took one of her hands. "Becca, darling," he said softly but urgently. "Becca!" He noticed her ashen face and bent forward to listen to her breathing. It was fast and shallow. He felt her pulse. That too was fast and weak. "Get an ambulance," he ordered. Molly fled to Mrs Bentham's study. She knocked on the door but did not wait for an answer. The room was empty. She dialled 999. "Fire, Police or...

4 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 4A More Aunts

The middle of a young story I was not particularly looking forward to the fourteenth summer of my life; fate seemed set on balancing the book on my good fortune. Within a few months of my thirteenth birthday, I learned about masturbation and lost my virginity. My biggest sexual problem for the year was whether my mother had kicked my stepfather out that week, which allowed me to sleep in the same bed as Iris. I became convinced my luck had ended when my stepfather and mother announced the...

1 year ago
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The Price of Friendship

The Price of Friendship By The Professor I was just in the middle of my junior year at Cal State Fullerton when the dot com industry hit the wall. I mention that as a turning point in my life for two reasons - one is how I thought it would affect my life and the other is how it really did affect it. I'll explain the first reason first. I was a Computer Sciences major in those days. I was born the week IBM unveiled the personal computer, so I guess I could boast that I just grew up...

4 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 03

She was warm. A limbic, peaceful warmth that, had she any memory, sensory or tangible, of being cuddled and swaddled as a babe, this would be what it would feel like. But then something changed. Something was moving, something that should be still, was moving. The warmth of her slumber was slipping away as the movement continued to creep into her consciousness. ‘Oh Bingo, No, no, no. Go lie down.’ Bingo, the old, white muzzled, golden retriever was standing on the other side of Eva’s bed,...

2 years ago
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Before The Night Was Through Part II

April‘s tongue instantly and obediently lapped, cat-like, at her puddle of cum there on the kitchen table. John kept his grip on her hair, holding her in position and watching his pet obey his command. His fingers toyed along his wife’s still quivering labia. He pinched each lip between his fingers, spreading her and running his fingertips around her wet entrance. April moaned into the wooden top and wiggled her hips happily. She smacked her lips when the table was clean and looked up at John...

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Trina Gets Tutored

When the professor dismissed the class, Trina gathered her books and headed out the door. She was nearly out the building when she heard her friend Kara calling out to her.“Hey, Trina, hold up. Why are you in such a rush?” Kara asked as she ran to catch up.“I’m not. I just have to be somewhere else soon,” Trina said.“Oh, that’s right! You’ve already started your tutoring gig,” Kara remembered. “So, who’s the tutoree? Anyone I might know? Or is there some kind of tutor-to-tutoree confidentiality...

College Sex
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Private Isabella De Laa Practices the Fuck Dance

Isabella De Laa and Lutro are one of the hottest real-life couples around, and today, they have come to Private Movies, Hot Dancers as two horny students who are ready for an extra special lesson with their teacher, Silvia Dellai! A remote dance lesson by webcam soon turns into whole different kind of cam show when Isabella can resist her man no longer and dives in for a mouthful of cock with a deepthroat blowjob. Then watch the rest of this sexy babe in action on as she spreads...

3 years ago
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Virgins story

This is my first story. Hope you will like it. Before getting into the story let me introduce myself. My name is A…..(you can call me Chinnu.).I am from Kerala ( Thrissur ). Well I am 5″6 and have a gorgeous masculine body since I workout 2 hrs every day for the past two years. Well I will be 18 only on the 8th of the coming Nov. Well I am studying for my Engineering. Let us get into the story now. Actually I am a shy personality and hence have had very few encounters with feminine. Yet those...

2 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 12 Counter Strike

Caleb followed the first wave of officers into the Mosque, with Singer close on his heels. The search warrant had already been served to the Imam of the Mosque, and he was not a happy man. "Good afternoon, Sir," Caleb said politely, as he approached the Mullah. "I'm Caleb Connor with the Texas Attorney General's office," he continued with his hand outstretched. "What is the meaning of this?" Mullah Khoury demanded, ignoring the outstretched hand. "I apologize for this intrusion,...

4 years ago
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A family Friend IndeedPart 16

I listened to the two of them talking and laughing for what seemed like hours. i couldn't hear all they said, but I could tell they were feeling no pain. They talked about their college days as room mates, about heir failed marriages and relationships, life in general, and then of course, sex. Helen was very open about her sexuality, and although she had been celibate for five years, admitted to a regular program of fantasy masturbation, and to being bi-sexual. My "aunt" was far more reserved,...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part III

I rubbed my ass cheeks until Matty told me to come to where he sat in the living room. “Krystenah. You haven’t done too well today following directions, but I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” He flashed a heart-melting smile at me. I chewed my lower lip. “What do I have to do?” I asked him. “Now that’s the right attitude!” He said. “First thing I need you to do is strip.” When I hesitated, he leaned forward and glared at me menacingly. “When was the last time you were spanked...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySix

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

3 years ago
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Your new toyboy arrives on time, obviously very eager at what potential sexual pleasures you and I might have on offer for him. You have hand selected him from a short list of possible candidates one of my customers organised as a contra deal. He is around half our age, 180cm tall, a body like an Adonis and has a reputation of being very adept at pleasing females as well as select males. I have explained to him that he will be an extra man in our relationship, though not necessarily the...

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Magic InkChapter 27

The following characters appear in the remaining chapters: Aengus Patrick O'Connell Katie's son, auburn hair, gray eyes, a strong Talent even as a child Sean Michael O'Connell Margie's son, auburn hair, blue eyes, as strong a Talent as his brother Frank Donahue Retired printer, 5'-11" tall, thin, 71 years old, balding with some gray hair, blue eyes The Stuarts a. William, 5'-7" tall, 160 pounds, 54 years old, thinning brown hair, gray eyes b. Myra, 5'-4" tall, 135 pounds,...

1 year ago
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Wifes slave

I could not believe that one day I will became slave to my wife. It all happen few day after my marriage with my leady love Nancy. During college time we me and fell in love. Nancy loved my very much but it end after our marriage and that to during our first night. Unfartunately I am having only 4' gun and that to ejaculates very early. During our first night when I approached Nancy my gun start errecting. I removed my clothes and her too. She has amazing beautiful and sexy figure. She took my...

First Time
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Sluts in training pt2

My hand no longer pumped into her as I instead pressed my fingers into the roof of her vagina as they rubbed hard on her happy spot. My tongue was flicking at her clit faster than the wings of a humming bird even as I sucked onto her super hard. It had been less than ten minutes from when I started on her clit till her back arched high off the bed and she screamed, "HOLY SHITTT! OH MY GOD I'M CUMMING! OH GOD, OH GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD YESSSSSSSSS!!" Even as her body shook suspended in the air...

2 years ago
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Seema Bhauja Ku Gehinli

Hi hello to all I am Ricky I often read ISS stories but today I express my real incident of my life as I am writing my first story here don’t take mistake ia an issue for enjoyment I write my story in Oriya. Mo ghara Bhubaneswar ra patia re. Mora 2 ta mausi achhanti. Tanka nama rina aau Ritu. Rina mausinkara teen ta pua.Tanka bada pua ra nama lucku majhia pua ra nama Vicky aau sana pua ra nama jaki. Lucky Bhai love marriage karichanti. Bada Bhauja Dekhiba pain sundar nuhanti kintu figure mast...

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Valentines Day 2010

The date is Valentine’s day, 2010.  No matter how hard you tried, you just could not get the day off at work.  You were understandably upset, but you kept your cool and I just said, ‘honey do what you have to do, I’ll be waiting at home for you with something special.’  This eases the frustration of the day, and next thing you know you’re released.  As you head home you think of the vague promise of happiness that you’re headed to.  You’re so excited because we had missed the last 2 Valentine’s...

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E034 A present for Emma And the seventeenth pearl is earned

Saturday morning, they both wake somewhat early, well rested and ready for the day ahead.  Donald has big plans for how they are going to spend part of the day.  A special shopping trip for Emma.  While he had planned this as part of her training, he is spurred on pursuing this from reading the last entry from Emma’s mother’s diary.“Emma, we are going shopping this morning for something for you,” he tells her as they lay in the bed cuddling.Emma can’t imagine what it would be.  He has bought...

Love Stories
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Unsafestranger sex

I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn’t help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I’ve learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won’t stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...

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Away Above The Chimney Tops

Breathing heavily, Erik stood holding his sides and gazing up into the night sky, the town below so hushed and still that his quickened heartbeat seemed to boom in his ears. The clouds dispersed to allow glimpses of starlight, the gibbous moon shining through their thinning veil. The breeze felt cool and refreshing against his moist brow and he closed his eyes momentarily, filled with the freshness of the air and the distance.Laying his jacket down on the damp grass, Erik sat on the hillside...

Gay Male
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Caught in the Act

Caught in the ActBy Daze_Earth___________________________________________________________________________________This story contains strong elements of forced lesbianism, blackmail and extensive humiliation. It also includes sexual activities like enema administration, spanking and anal sex.___________________________________________________________________________________"I don't really want another one," yelled Angela over the loud house beats that seemed to reverberate around the packed...

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Scenario A cab ride like no other

You wave at the drab yellow taxi which passes you, then slowly reverses and allows you entry.. The driver is an older black male with a receding hairline and stern look on his face. He pulls over after a while to pick up a young lightskinned male, who sits at your right..then stops once more for a tall darkskinned corporate type waving his cellphone in the middle of the street..he quickly jumps in and sits at your left..they each steal glances at your cleavage and the young one even starts...

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