Maragana GirlChapter 11 free porn video

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Kim spent the middle of March confronting the emotional turmoil that resulted from Cindy's trip. Without realizing what was happening until it was too late, she had long since passed a point of no return. She couldn't go back to her old life.

Kim expected the first crisis from her decision to hit about 48 hours after she said goodbye to Cindy. Sure enough, two nights after her sister left Kim's parents called her, in hysterics over the result of Cindy's trip. Cindy's decision to support Kim's desire to stay in Upper Danubia only made their parents more irate. Both girls had completely lost their senses. Why wouldn't she want to come home, even with the tough transition that awaited her?

Kim's father was adamant. "Well, we're filing, no matter what you want. You're coming home and I'm going to knock some sense into you."

Kim asked her Spokesman to call her parents. He seemed to have a better ability to reason with them than she did. Dukov decided to talk to Mrs. Lee, since she seemed to have a greater understanding of how messed up Kim was. Dukov spent nearly two hours carefully explaining why Kim thought staying in Upper Danubia was her only realistic option. He played on her drug use, knowing that her mother had been appalled when she found out what her daughter had been doing in Europe with Tiffany and Susan. At last Kim's mother agreed that if she wished to stay in Upper Danubia, perhaps it was best to not pursue the effort to overturn her sentence. If nothing else, it would keep her clean and off drugs for two years. With that both Kim's mother and Kim's sister worked to change her father's mind. In the end he decided to wait and not file anything for the time being.

Kim's decision ended up saving her parents a lot of money and heartbreak. Later that year her father's lawyer was arrested for fraud. It turned out he specialized in promising the parents of young American adults jailed overseas that he could get their convictions overturned. He collected vast amounts of money, but did not successfully pursue a single case. He finally was caught in Peru, relaxing at a beach resort when he was supposed to be in Lima working on securing the release of two Americans arrested for terrorism charges. The Peruvian government extradited him to the United States for trial. One result of the lawyer's arrest was that Kim's father never questioned her judgment again.

There was no question Criminal # 98945 had made the right decision in requesting that her sentence not be challenged. Still, it was a horrible feeling to think that she had burned a bridge in her life. There truly was no going back. The finality of what had happened frightened her.

Images drifted through Kim's mind, the most vivid of which was that of an enormous set of steel doors, far larger than anything that could have existed in real life, slamming shut behind her. That huge set of steel doors, now bolted and rusted solid, stood between Kim and everything she had ever known in the US. The only reality she could ever know from this point on would be her life in Upper Danubia.

Kim knew she was being overly dramatic. Of course, at the end of her sentence, she would be free to do what she wanted, whether that be to stay in Europe or return to the United States. Still, the feeling that the person she had been just a year before was completely dead continued to fill her thoughts. As March progressed and the trees started to bud out, she wrote at length about her feelings. She wrote actual poetry, not just essays, about the deep philosophical issues that surrounded her situation and what she thought about her life.

Kim shared her thoughts during the reading sessions at the Socrates Club. As she stood in front of her fellow criminals, reciting her emotional journey in her accented Danubian, she wondered what her friends from high school would have thought if they could have seen her. Here she was, in an old building standing on an old stage, naked and with a collar on her neck, talking about her philosophical view of the issues affecting her life. A year ago she had been sitting in the smoking area behind her school, drinking with Tiffany and Susan out of soda bottles spiked with ever-clear. Most definitely the Kimberly Lee of today was not the Kimberly Lee who appeared in her senior high school annual picture from the year before.

Dima ended up writing several songs for the group based on some of Kim's thoughts. One of those songs, titled "The Wall that Divides My Soul", later became extremely popular throughout Europe, and ultimately a signature song for the entire group.

Kim's life faced even more changes as April started and the Danubian springtime began in earnest. On April 1 Danube City's 2,200 criminals lined up in front of the Central Police Station to return their winter capes and boots. At the moment she turned over her clothing, Kim pulled off her criminal's number 98945 from the Velcro patch on the back of her cape and held it up to the clerk, who verified that Criminal # 98945 had returned the property lent to her by the government.

After the capes were turned in, the criminals bantered with each other and posed for group pictures in the main plaza. They joked and smiled as they held up their numbers for the cameras. For some reason the returning of the winter capes was a customary time criminals posed for group pictures, perhaps because it was a time of the year they all were gathered in one place. Kim posed over and over with Sergekt and his friends, all 28 of them, plus several girlfriends and boyfriends who had ended up as part of the group in the same way Kim had joined, by dating one of the members.

Kim had to resolve the dilemma about her work situation. She loved her job at the music store, but she also had promised Victor Dukov to return to his courier service as soon as the weather warmed up. Kim wanted to return to making deliveries for Victor, not just because of her promise, but also because she wanted to put her mountain bike to good use. It was Sergekt who came up with the best solution.

"Why not just keep both jobs? You can work each part time, for example, ride for Victor Dukov Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and work the rest of the week at the store. That would get you out on your bike exercising and at the same time make everyone happy."

Kim approached both her bosses with the idea, making each of them understand she had a commitment to the other. In the end Kim went with Sergekt's suggestion. She delivered messages for Victor Dukov on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She worked at the music store on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, the days Eloisa usually liked to have rehearsals or performances after work. Kim's work-week thus was split between working outdoors and indoors. Because each day she did something different, Kim never was bored with either job.

Kim moved about quickly throughout Danube City on her mountain bike as she delivered Victor Dukov's messages. She went everywhere within the collar zone, now that her ability to speak Danubian allowed her to make deliveries and ask questions as easily as any other member of Victor Dukov's staff. She became a familiar sight in Danube City, the naked Maragana Girl on her fancy bicycle, yes, the same one who was singing with Eloisa and her group of ex-students.

Kim now spoke to Victor Dukov in Danubian instead of English. Over the winter she had become fluent in speaking Danubian and now spoke the country's language better than Victor spoke English. That was not entirely a good thing for Kim. She no longer could hide behind claiming that she did not understand something when her boss got unpleasant with her. Victor was his usual self, in spite of the fact Kim was doing him a favor by coming back to work for him. However, Kim understood Victor actually liked her a lot and that his unpleasantness was simply a part of his personality he couldn't change.

Kim enjoyed riding, a task made much easier now that she had a proper bicycle. She loved the feel of the cool spring breeze and the warm sun on her body. She loved the sight of the pleasant streets and parks of Danube City as she whizzed down the tree-lined avenues. She loved her mobility, and the fact that every so often she could drop in at Sergekt's café and say hello to him at work. On the days she delivered messages, Kim rode herself to exhaustion, knowing that the following day she would be at the music store and could rest her body. By the end of the spring, Kim was in great shape, with her muscles toned and her body evenly tanned from the hours spent outdoors on her bike.

April ended with the group becoming depressed again. Four months had passed since their last switching. They were due to be switched again on April 25, more than two years since their original crime. Once again they faced the prospect of being marched in chains to their old school and humiliated in front of the current students.

On April 24, the day before the switching, Eloisa showed up to work with her pubic hair shaved off, as did the other three members of the group of ex-students who were working at the music store. Of course the main purpose of shaving was to prevent the humiliation of being shaved by the police, but there was more to shaving than just that.

Over her time in Upper Danubia Kim had learned that it was customary for a criminal who faced being switched to shave the day before the punishment, instead of the day of the punishment itself. It was an unwritten part of the entire punishment ritual that a criminal announce to the world that he or she faced punishment by appearing in public shaved the day before. There was no formal requirement that criminals make such an announcement, nor even that they shave at all. However, the criminals of Danube City had their own subculture with its own traditions and protocol, which included proper behavior for those facing the switch. Part of that proper behavior was to be shaved 24 hours before the punishment itself.

Kim planned to spend the evening with Sergekt. They would go to the Socrates Club and rent an "intimacy room", since tonight probably would be the last night for several days that Sergekt would want to have sex with her. She already had told Dukov she would not be home until very late.

In the early afternoon Kim was surprised to see Vladik Dukov enter the music store. He was in his police uniform, which meant that his behavior around her had to be different than it normally would be at home. In spite of living under the same roof, when Officer Vladik Dukov was in uniform, Criminal # 98945 had to treat him like she would treat any other public official. As Vladik approached the information counter, Kim dropped to her hands and knees. She touched her head to the floor, feeling very strange having to do this to a person with whom she lived. However, to have not greeted Vladik in the formal manner would have caused a scandal in the store and have been a direct challenge to his authority.

As Kim prostrated herself at his feet, Vladik asked to speak to the store manager. Eloisa knelt, received the order, and got up to find the manager. Once he showed up, Vladik explained he needed to speak with Criminal # 98945 and that she needed to be excused from work for an hour or two. Kim left the store in the custody of the young police officer.

Kim nervously accompanied Vladik, not having a clue about what the police officer wanted from her nor why the conversation could not wait until the evening when they both would be back home.

A police officer and a criminal could not talk normally on the street, so Vladik took Kim to his father's office at the Central Police Station. Only when they entered the reception area could Vladik converse in a more normal manner towards his father's client.

"Kimberly, I apologize for having to pull you out of the store like that, but I need to talk to you and then you have get back to work as soon as you can."

"OK, so what's up?"

"Well, you know that your music friends are all getting punished tomorrow, at their old school?"

"Yes, Vladik, I'm well aware of that."

"Well, it turns out that I have to stand in for one of the arresting officers. He got into a motorcycle accident a couple of days ago and won't be out of the hospital for several weeks. So, I end up with the 'honor' of punishing some of your friends."

"You? ... you mean ... you're going to punish Sergekt?"

"No, not him. I can't punish him because he's eaten at my father's table. That's strictly forbidden, you know, to avoid conflicts of interest and trouble within our household. Someone else will get him. But I'm in charge of punishing a couple of the women. Right now your singing partner Eloisa is on my list. I have to switch her, and that's what I need to talk to you about."

"What's there to talk about Vladik? She doesn't deserve any of this. It's not her fault she got molested and I don't see why..." Vladik held up his hand.

"Kimberly stop ... just stop. I'm not here to argue the merits of her case. My partner and I were ordered to participate in this punishment and that's the end of it. Whether or not she deserves what's happening to her is a decision that's beyond my authority. She and the others will be punished tomorrow, and I will be responsible for some of the punishments. Nothing can change that. What concerns me is that your friends are punished fairly and appropriately. I intend to respect their dignity as best I can and will ensure the blows they receive fall within the guidelines set by the Corporal Punishment Code."

Kim looked at Vladik with a bitter expression, not understanding what he was driving at. "So why are you telling me this? Do you think it'll clear your conscience?"

Vladik sighed. "I don't think you fully understand the situation. What my partner and I plan to do is stay just within the guidelines of the required punishment."

Vladik paused and then continued. "I will make a confession to you. The fact is, I do think what happened to your friends is unfair. A lot of us think the same about that case, in the police department, that is. But we can't say anything about it. To question a sentence is not our place, nor our authority. Now about my situation. I try to respect the people I punish. I punish with force, but I do not fondle the criminals like a lot of the officers do. I find that practice disgusting and there are some of us in the police department who are trying to put a stop to it. Another thing. The judge who will sign the punishment certificates for my group is an old professor of mine from the police academy. We know each other and he is of the same mindset I am, and that Father is; that we need to have some reforms in the system. Things are going to change, Kimberly, but that's not going to help your friends right now. What will help your friends, or at least the ones turned over to me, is that I plan to switch them to the absolute minimum of the legal standard. They'll get their 50 strokes, but my partner and I want to go easy on them."

"Well ... I mean ... I appreciate that Vladik, but what can I do to help?"

"Well, here's my idea. My partner and I will punish eight of your group. There are eight women, including your singing partner, right?"

"Yes. Eight."

"Alright, here's where you can help me help them. Your group usually has the women all go first. If they do it that way tomorrow, my partner and I will only punish two of the women and six guys. What I want is to have all the women sent to my room, basically to keep them away from a couple of the other officers who, I know for a fact, will mistreat them. They'll mistreat the guys as well, but it won't be as bad as the women. Now, here's what I want. I want you to very quietly approach the leaders of your group, and tell them to re-organize so that all the women come to me and my partner. The judge will go along with it, but it has to be done quietly or we will all get in trouble."

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Afternoon Delight

Jake and the boys were chilling in the living room as per the usual on a Sunday. Sundays in the Mullen household were reserved for football first, football second, and football third - and everyone knew it. That was okay, because Jake's wife, Abbey, was an Alabama girl, and she was almost as into the games as Jake and his friends. The normal Sunday crew was almost all here: Jake, his best friend Riker, and a coworker, Pat. The only person actually missing was Abbey herself, who had run to...

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Amazing Birthday

Best birthday everHello every one hopes all u doing great and enjoys my storyWe all get drunk on our birthday and enjoy every second and get those feeling next day hangover or sore well I was sore from sex and not a big drinker but had fewFriends took me to movie I was wearing one piece shorts top jumpsuit in white no panties and lace bra in white high heel scandal we were group of tranny and black guysAlways fun. Anyway after movie we get to one of friend home we were drinking guys drinking...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Valentina Nappi Caged Valentina Nappi Savagely Dominated

An irrepressible lust stirred a mysterious masked Master from watching Valentina Nappi’s luscious tits and mouth-watering ass. Valentina who’s in a seductive zipper swimsuit intensified the man’s sex drive that he viciously takes the girl out of the cage and brings her into a sexy room where Valentina begs for her master’s thick, tough and hard cock. She slobbers his cock, giving it a sloppy blowjob before her master fiercely enters and bangs her pussy in missionary and doggystyle....

2 years ago
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Bonding Day Rule One

I did know that I would be wearing restraints all day long. I did not expect – though maybe I should have – being woken from a sound sleep as he laced my arms into a binder behind my back.We had discussed what would be happening. Sort of. On our planning day a couple weeks ago I probably asked a hundred questions or more, but the activities he had planned were a surprise, so I had to try to cover everything. We hashed out dozens and dozens of little specific details. What he was allowed to do...

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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 4

K laid there breathless as I finished sucking her tits. She had bucked her ass on my finger and I had sucked her fat tits as she came over and over. Outwardly I was cool and calm but I thought to myself I had made her cum over and over again as I suck her fine tits and fingered her ass. I walked into my bathroom and washed my aroma of her butt off my finger. I told her "Karen, I am fished with you for now, come back tonight" she looked at me so differently now. I was taking her as I wanted...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 83

My thoughts were jerked back to the present by a message coming in my earpiece. "Jon, the lookout just informed me that they are arriving at the dock in two limos. You better paddle a little faster or you ain't gonna make it. Jubal and I are already here and are wondering if you got lost and need us to find you." "Very funny, you old reprobate. I am just about there and should be climbing up to where you are standing in plain sight. Get down, just in case they have binoculars and are...

4 years ago
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TriadChapter 5 Crime and Punishment

Cathy and I were fast asleep when Helen arrived with our breakfast. Yawning and rubbing my eyes, I reflected on how our daily routine had changed since Helen had arrived in our house. In the old days - the period before Helen seemed to belong into some prior existence, and meeting her had been the start of a new era - in the old days, most of our lovemaking took place in bed, at night. Sometimes it would go on into the small hours of the morning, and we would be tired for the rest of the...

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It all started when I was sixteen fun right? horomones pumping, partying with my friends, girls everywhere and not one was intersted in me.It wasn't from lack of trying I'll tell you that, I'd ask out some one about every week and each time they'd make some lame excuse to make me leave.I have an average build I only weighed 160 and have short spikey blond hair and gray eyes,I looked good.but for some reason the female high school community decided I was undateable,then one day I was going...

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The Teachers a PetChapter 4

Things were about to get worse. The door to my classroom suddenly opened and Jamal came in, followed closely by the teacher that he had been talking with in the hallway before first period this morning. Jamal closed the door and locked it and they walked over to my desk. I stood up and faced them. As soon as I saw Jamal, and saw him lock my door, I knew that something bad was going to happen. I watched them approach me and waited nervously to see what this was all about. I didn't have long...

1 year ago
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Slut gf

ill tell you a true story. Now my wife is hot af, dirty too but not to the same extent as me. She knows I need more, she even caught me texting a girl when we were on holiday to make arrangements to go to a swinging club. It was only because I had written 'I don't want sex from you, I only want to watch' that she didn't leave me. Anyway.. I work with a girl called Katie. We hit it off and got a lot closer than we should have without actually fucking. But we talked about what we wanted our sex...

3 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 67

The sounds of Night Beaver's screams continued the rest of the day and most of the night. Then it was just an occasional scream that woke you up and made it hard to get back to sleep. You could still hear his screams occasionally when Walking Buffalo came riding in, leading what looked like half of a Cheyenne village. The young warriors were quick to make their presence known as the group approached Fighting Hawk at the counsel fire. Walking Buffalo smiled and took a seat in the second...

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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the hunger I feel impels me to speed home. I have to constantly correct my speed and slow down to keep from getting ticketed. It feels like it takes hours to get home but is really only about 20 minutes but the craving between my thighs makes it seem much longer. Once home I go to the computer and open the website so...

2 years ago
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Mandingo Party Insemination

[For those white married couples seeking to contribute to the long over due need for some sort of racial 'reparations' and/or 'atonement' for the long (and unfortunately on-going) history of white supremacy (i.e. racism), this might be an excellent avenue through which to make that contribution! Enjoy.]"I want to have a black baby." Those seven words began it all. It was my bride-to-be, Marisa, who said those words three months before our wedding day.I had not be unaware that Marisa was...

1 year ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 22 Houston We Have a Problem

I found myself in another meeting about my companies. This was getting old, but Dad insisted that I had to learn this stuff. He’d threatened to step down as CEO (Chief Executive Officer—top dog) if I didn’t participate as the owner. Caryn was already COO (Chief Operating Officer—handled the day-to-day), but Dad wouldn’t allow her to hold both positions. In an ideal world, Caryn would run the business until we grew to the point where we needed more management she could delegate to. At that...

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Forward to the Stars Ch 16

All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. ************** ‘I SAID NO LARIA!’ Brian snarled at a pouty Laria. ‘And DON’T think that since we’re separated by a few thousand miles and a view screen you can get away with what you’re about to do.’ ‘And what is it that I’m about to do?’ Laria pouted, acting innocent enough to give someone diabetes. ‘Laria, you just said that you all just...

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Young BBW

I still don't believe what happened last year and am sure many of you will not either.I am a 61 year old guy. I been on a business trip for a week and found out late Friday I was not going home. Had a few more days work to do.I had spent most of the day Friday trying to get new programs set up and traing the women on how to run them.By the end of the day I was flustrated that some people so resent change and were not receptive to what was happening.All I wanted was a good cold beer. some supper...

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Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned! I learned my lesson early as a young man to be honest with myself and any potential romantic partners about my inner sense of femininity. I learned it the hard way. The only girl I ever got really serious about, to the point of borrowing money to buy a three hundred dollar engagement ring, I wasn't honest with. Her name was Cynthia. I should have told the truth to her, and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Or maybe it would have never begun. We...

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Black Neighbor boy Part II

Black neighbor boyPart IIHolding Mary tight against me, my cock was still rock hard at the thought of what has just occured and that the cum oozing onto my balls was part of the huge load that Jason had shot into her. The huge load of cum that just may have knocked her up, looking over at Jason and his huge babymaker, I pulled Mary tighter with what I was thinking. "So Jason, how did you like you first piece of pussy. Not only white, but married and you might have fucked your baby in her." ...

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Satisfying my stepson

“Eric, please stop,” I said when I was doing laundry in the house and my son, Eric, was trying to grab my 34D size boobs. “You are not afraid at all, right? Can’t you see that your dad is in the house,” I reminded him. Eric was eighteen years-old. He had short hair, fit body and nice average size cock. I saw his cock three months ago when he was masturbating in my bedroom with my dirty panties wrapped around his cock, he did it intentionally so that I could catch him and give him a helping...

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The DilemmaChapter 9 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I was in the 2nd garage polishing my other car. This one is a 1948 Holden FX that my father restored. People tell me that the Holden FX was the first true Australian car, even though it was based on a Chevrolet design from the U.S. I gather it’s not as big as the U.S. Chevrolets of that era, but it has a very similar shape. Holdens were built in Australia and the Holden FX and its successors dominated Australian roads for many, many years. If you’re interested, the FX is a mid-sized 4 door...

2 years ago
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So Many Girls All Night Long

As night falls, visions of all the girls in your new College class come into mind. You often fantasized about fucking every one of them one-by-one, while beating off in your room. You knew there would be hot girls when you started at College, but you didn't expect the entire female half of your class to be Supermodels. And tonight is the night of the very first College party and your whole class will be there. Walking alongside the road nearing the house that holds the nights action, you hear...

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MagicChapter 11

Under the insistent and irritating prodding of his little sister, Sean was up bright and early. After a breakfast of cereal, he went out to the garage to finish cleaning it up. His plan for the day was to finish the garage and then search for a job. He opened the garage door and stared at what he found inside. The garage was spotless. Someone had cleaned up the workbench, swept the floor, and dusted all of the test equipment. Sean muttered, “I hope the job hunt goes this well.” Rather than...

1 year ago
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Cheer GirlsChapter 2

The girls spent all day out at the spa and shopping, then called to say they were getting dinner and going to a late movie, so I didn’t wait up. I marveled at all that had happened as I grilled a steak for my dinner, hit the shower and retired for the night. Maybe they would change their minds and stop, I thought. I would be ok with that, and be happy with the memories I had from the previous night and morning. On the other hand, if they decided to go forward, well ... My cock got hard just...

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Stormy Cees

Crissie was one of those gals you hardly notice. Her short straight brown hair, loose-fitting clothes, and quiet personality let her blend into the background. She had been a floor manager at a local supermarket since graduating high school and had the same boyfriend since then too. Four years now. She volunteered to help abused girls and mentored them. Every now and then she told her boyfriend that she had to go visit a relative that needed her help and she’d be gone a couple of days. He was...

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My Changing Fortunes 06

I had gone from chasing skirt to being a cross dresser gay bitch. Once I hooked up with a transsexual called Daniela, things changed. Maybe she only opened a door that I didn’t know was there, and I walked through it. I frequenting gay bars, and pimped out by pimp called Max. I love dressing as a woman, make-up and all. * I went to work Monday as per usually, but I had developed a slight stutter with my walk. Putting it all down to my sore back, until one of the girls pulled up to me;...

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