Maragana GirlChapter 13 free porn video

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Kim always marveled at the ability of her friends to bounce back after each punishment. The very next evening all 15 members of Eloisa's musical group were at rehearsal, following an ordinary day at work for each of the band's members. It was no surprise that the women should be ready to rehearse, given their switchings had been extremely lenient. However, the band's ten male members all were viciously marked up; with the passage of 24 hours only making the marks appear darker and more severe. But they all were present, all with their instruments, all following the direction of the lead singer. It seemed that once they started with the rehearsal, they were able to step out of the pain and humiliation of their lives and enter the spiritual world of song.

On May 1st there was an International Labor Day celebration in Danube City's Central Plaza. Eloisa's group received prominent billing, performing in front of an audience of 22,000 people. The country's Prime Minister and many deputies from the Parliament sat on the building's main balcony, enjoying Eloisa's talent and attractive figure as much as the crowds in the plaza below. Eloisa's group was only one out of six that performed that afternoon, but it clearly was the crowd's favorite.

The May 1st concert also was the first concert in which Kim sang with Eloisa for more than just one or two songs. The American stood with her Danubian friend at the main microphone for 9 out of a total of 22 songs performed by the group. Once the final song was completed and the group knelt in appreciation of the applause they were receiving, Eloisa brought Kim foreword and had her kneel up front along side her. At that moment Kim realized that Eloisa considered her an equal partner at the microphone.

In the US, and in most other countries, the popularity of Eloisa and her companions would have encouraged their fans to pressure the government to commute or shorten their sentences, or in some other way try to ease the burdens of their lives. In Upper Danubia the public's mentality was very different. Most of the people in the crowd saw no contradiction between the group's popularity and their status as criminals. To the contrary, the performers were held up as examples of how successful the Duchy's justice system truly was at forcing violent offenders to reform and lead productive lives. The public would applaud and honor the group, but at the same time would expect them to complete their sentences.

How Kim's friends saw themselves and their situation also differed tremendously from how a group of people in the US might react to a similar situation. Kim knew that Eloisa never stopped blaming herself for what happened to her friends, but how she dealt with that guilt was extremely productive. She believed that if the others had been so willing to sacrifice for her, it was her duty to be as successful in her personal life as possible, so the others could feel good about the sacrifice they had made. According to Eloisa's line of reasoning, had she failed in life or led a mediocre existence, the others would have sacrificed for nothing. It was her duty, her social obligation, to make sure the sacrifices of the others had been meaningful.

As for the others, there was neither regret nor resentment, not against Eloisa nor the Danubian government. They viewed what happened to them as inevitable. A friend's honor had been violated; it was their social duty to restore her honor and face the legal consequences. There was no choice in the matter, because Danubians believed that a person who had lost his honor was nothing more than a living corpse housing a dead soul. There was no "what if" in any of their minds. Keeping their souls alive was more important to them than evading the suffering they were enduring now.

May progressed with an important development in Eloisa's personal life. She had recovered enough from her experiences that she now was able to hold hands with her boyfriend. Her progress was slow, but it was real. At the Socrates Club Kim noticed her friend's hand constantly resting in Dima's hand on the table, as she nervously forced herself to confront her fear of being touched. One night Kim noticed Eloisa actually walking down the street with her boyfriend, holding his hand as they walked.

Kim could tell that Eloisa was uneasy, but at the same time she was living a real adventure, confronting the demons that had taken over part of her soul. Eloisa was happier than she had been at any time since Kim had met her the previous year. Maybe, just maybe, she had been wrong about herself. She was indeed broken, but, with time and patience from Dima, perhaps the damage could be fixed.

For all the performing they were doing, it seemed to Criminal # 98945 that she and her companions were receiving very little money for their efforts. In many cases, such as holidays, they performed for free, expected to do so as their contribution to the celebration. However, the group also performed in theaters where the public did pay. The only money she ever saw for all her efforts were incidental funds for meals. She also received money to compensate her bosses at the music store and the courier service for her absences, but that was it. When Kim approached Eloisa about the issue, the lead singer simply responded.

"We've been getting a lot of money for our concerts. You haven't seen it because we're not allowed to use it. It's being held in trust by the Spokesperson's credit union until we finish our sentences."

"But how do I know it's even there, if I never see any of it?"

"Is there anything in particular that you need and don't have?"

"Well, no ... but..."

"So what's the problem? We'll receive our compensation when we're no longer criminals. Of course, if you have a pressing need ... for example Valia..." (who was one of the back-up singers) " ... lost part of her family's house in a fire. Our Spokesman released the money she needed to give her parents so they could rebuild."

"And how do you know he didn't keep any for himself?"

Eloisa gave Kim a puzzled look. "Why would he do that? He's adequately paid by the government. He doesn't need our money."

Kim was troubled by her friend's nonchalant attitude about the band's earnings. She decided to bring up the matter with Vladim Dukov. The first thing she wanted to know was how much money she had earned herself. The Spokesman opened a filing cabinet and pulled out her criminal's file. He took out a small bank book and handed it to her. There were various entries with a final sum of the Danubian currency equivalent to $ 14,500.00.

"I understand all of you have the same amount in your accounts, the active band members, that is. Eloisa has paid your songwriters and assistants half the salary the stage performers receive."

"So she's just splitting the money evenly among us?"

"That is correct."

"And you know for a fact that ... I mean ... are you sure the others are getting their full amount?"

"Of course they are, Kimberly. Why would they not? Anyhow, the compensation is in their bankbooks."

Kim was not satisfied and decided to ask Sergekt for his opinion. He seemed every bit as oblivious as the others. She tried to make him understand why the financial arrangement worried her.

"Look. In my country there's no way a group of people like us would just let a bunch of money come in and get divided up without someone taking a look at the books and seeing what's going on with it. How do you know $ 14,500 is what we all should be getting? What if it's more, and we never saw it? How would we even know?"

"Spokesman Havlakt is a man with honor. I can tell you he wouldn't take our money."

"Sergekt, when it comes to money, no one has honor."

Sergekt gave Kim an offended look, irritated at her questioning his Spokesman's intentions.

"Well, he does! He's not a capitalist! What is it that you want? Do you want to take control of our finances? Maybe you could talk to him and work out an arrangement."

When Kim brought up the issue with Spokesman Havlakt, her concerns were put at ease to some extent. Yes indeed, all his clients had bankbooks in their folders with the correct amount. There was a separate folder with the band's pay receipts and everything looked in order when she tallied up the income and outgoing expenses. The Spokesman addressed the young criminal when she returned the folder.

"Kimberly, I want to tell you that I understand your concern and I am not offended. But there is something you should know. Eloisa is in charge of arranging contracts between your group and the concert halls. Up until now that has not been a problem because they pay standard compensation to performers. By American standards it is not much, but by our standards it is fair. Remember, the Duchy's yearly per capita income is only $ 5,500. My concern is what will happen when Eloisa tries to negotiate recording contracts. She is quite naive on the matter and the assistance I can provide is rather limited. Maybe you, with your American capitalist background, can help?"

Kim sighed. Spokesman Havlakt, just like everyone else in this country, seemed to assume that she was a business genius just because she was from the US. She wasn't, of course, but at least she knew what questions to ask.

It was obvious anyone negotiating a contract would run circles around the band's naive lead singer. The only answer was for Criminal # 98945 to step in and help out with the finances. So, as though she already did not have enough going on in her life, Kim found herself assisting the Spokesman Havlakt with the band's records. The next day he took her to the bank and gave her authority to collect and deposit money into the band members' accounts. Then he drafted a power of attorney to allow her to sign contracts on behalf of the group.

Eloisa and Dima came into the office that afternoon and gladly co-signed the permissions allowing Criminal # 98945 to negotiate the recording contracts. Kim did not fully understand what was happening until it was too late. It was obvious the Danubians did not know anything about contracts and were nervous about their lack of knowledge. Up until that point it had not been a problem, but it would be shortly. Rather than confront the problem themselves, it would be so much easier to have the American handle everything, since everyone knows that Americans are good with business.

The only problem was that Kim was only 19 and had barely managed to finish high school. She was not qualified to negotiate anything and she knew it. That night she made a panicky phone call to her father, begging him to get her some assistance.

Vladim Dukov faced a test of his honor. He was sworn to uphold a legal and judicial system that dated back to the Middle Ages. His goal in life was to uphold the Danubian justice system and through his position do his part to assure social peace and tranquility. He took his obligation very seriously, because Danubians believed that if a person pursues a profession, especially a public profession such as Spokesman for the Criminal, the spirits of the dead predecessors in the field watched the actions of the living. A person who failed to uphold his profession to the standards of the Guardian Spirits faced punishment from those spirits, who would return to the world to wreak havoc in the lives of the incompetent and the malicious. That belief was not just superstition, it actually was incorporated in the country's religious practices, the most important of which was the Day of the Dead in September.

Spokesman Dukov saw nothing wrong with the over-all method of punishing criminals in Upper Danubia. Criminals had to be punished somehow, and kept under control for a set period of time. The only two ways to accomplish that goal was to jail them, or sentence them in the Danubian fashion. Dukov reasoned the Danubian way of punishing criminals was far superior to jailing them, because from the very first day of their sentences criminals returned to society and were forced to re-build their lives. Reform and redemption started from day one of the sentence. On top of that the government was saved the expense of maintaining jails and prisons.

Dukov knew that Upper Danubia's system of corporal punishment was in deep trouble, in spite of his belief in that system's benefits to society. Over the last couple of years he had talked at length with his son, and fully realized just how abusive the younger police officers were becoming towards criminals. He had battled with enough police officers himself to know that things in the courtroom and the punishment chambers were headed in a very bad direction.

The older police officers viewed both themselves and the criminals they punished as having specific places in society with specific duties. The officer had his role in society with its obligations and rights, and the criminal also had his position in society with its obligations and rights. Those obligations and rights had to be respected, even when a police officer needed to whip a criminal. The judicial code of 1780 clearly laid out a system of corporal punishments designed to be painful, but not cause permanent injury. Unfortunately, the code said nothing about preserving the criminal's dignity, but for generations it had been taken for granted that a police officer should never derive sexual pleasure from his position and power over a criminal.

Over the past decade the values within the police sub-culture had changed in Upper Danubia. The concept of social responsibility had greatly diminished, replaced with the idea that police officers needed to make punishments as hellish as possible to frighten the public into not committing crimes. Because of the change in over-all values, many of the younger police officers saw nothing wrong with sexually tormenting criminals as part of their over-all punishment. They were not violating the Code of 1780, nor causing any permanent injury, so what was the problem? Given the hostility from the over-all population against criminals, most of the public saw nothing wrong with sexually humiliating them. Besides, it was fun to watch.

Dukov had struggled with the issue since Kim's first switching. When she was stretched out on the punishment table last July, a terrified foreigner who only half understood what was happening to her, Dukov's heart went out to his client when she was fondled and he stood by unable to help her. His doubts about the system intensified over the winter as he conversed with Vladik about his fellow officers. Dukov finally was convinced that concrete reforms were needed when his son decided that he needed to put his own career at risk just to protect a group of female criminals from being sexually abused by his co-workers. The entire system clearly was broken and needed to be repaired.

Vladim Dukov wanted to restore the values of the Danubian National Police back to the way they had been prior to the recent change. He wanted the system to be returned to its original goal, rehabilitation. In the past the police officer was a key figure in the criminal's rehabilitation process and fully cooperated with the Spokesman. Today the Spokesman and the police officer were enemies in court, with the Spokesman desperately trying to protect the criminal from abuse and the police officer desperately trying to outwit the Spokesman. Because of the change, the entire system was breaking down and criminals were being unfairly treated. They were being turned into entertainment for both the punishing officers and for on-lookers.

Dukov's goal was to re-establish the spirit of the Code of 1780 by changing its text. He wanted to carefully define what exactly a switching was, how it was to be administered, and define limits of severity. Most importantly, Dukov sought to create strict sanctions against any police officer who sexually abused a criminal as part of his punishment. There would be no touching, no fondling, no sexual jokes permitted, nothing that might be considered to give sexual pleasure to the officer. Dukov's legislation stipulated that any police officer who sexually abused a criminal would face the same sanction as one who drew blood during a punishment, the officer would lose the right to switch criminals in the future. Dukov planned save the system by reforming it.

Sweat trickled down Spokesman Dukov's face as he stood in front of the National Parliament to present his bill at the end of the first week of May. Behind him stood 37 Spokespersons, 19 from Danube City and 18 more from the provincial capitols. Their support was the first surprise to the nation; that all of Upper Danubia's 37 Spokespersons agreed on the need for Dukov's bill and were standing behind him as he spoke. There was no doubt about their support, because they all saluted Dukov before he began his speech.

The Spokesman began by presenting three petitions, the one from Eloisa's old school, one secretly passed around the National Police Headquarters by Vladik's friends, and one from several religious leaders who were offended by the open display of sexuality during corporal punishments. Dukov then spoke to the stunned Parliament about the need to re-impose morality into the system of judicial punishments and restore harmony between the country's Spokespersons and police officers. A punishment code with clear rules and restrictions would help restore that harmony.

Dukov's proposal immediately proved unpopular among the legislators, as he had feared. It was attacked by numerous deputies who argued that it undermined both the authority of the police in general, and the right of the individual police officer to determine what was best for the criminal. At first it seemed that the support from Dukov's peers and other social leaders did not matter to any of the deputies. However, a deputy from the main opposition party finally broke ranks with the rest of the Parliament and spoke in favor of the proposal. Quickly two others seconded the dissident's position and also gave statements in favor of the reform. A group of deputies filed out in disgust as two others, this time from the governing party, raised their hands in support of Dukov's proposal. There was whistling and hissing from the deputies directed against each other and the Prime Minister shouting to restore order. With that the long debate over reforming Upper Danubia's criminal justice system began.

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This story includes elements of femdom, bisexuality, MMF three some... I couldn't believe how I had gotten myself into this situation. It was just a few drunk DMs sent to an old girlfriend that led to standing on the corner a block away from her house wondering if I should really be doing this. I mean she is a married woman now. Ever since what we had ended and she started dating this guy, we have remained friends. It was always purely sexual between us, so it was hard for me to not fantasize...

3 years ago
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Pretend Im Not Elyse and Breed Me

“I caught you staring at her, James. She’s been wearing tight tops, with lower and lower cuts. You just can’t resist it, can you? Checking out a younger model?”Elyse attempted to keep a straight face and not break into a grin as she spoke to her husband James. She pouted and stood up on her tip-toes with his 6ft frame towering over her petite figure. All whilst staring up at his piercing blue eyes. Arms were wrapped tightly around his waist, gripping his shirt, they stood in their apartment’s...

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AnimeCon Harem pt 12

Present dayEmily quirked a lip at herself in the vertical mirror of her closet door, running fingers through her shaggy tangle of black hair. She was dressed in her Akane Kurokawa cosplay, the kunoichi from the massively popular Shinobi Souls anime. She’d ordered the cosplay as a complete set from an online retailer, simply making minor adjustments to it over time so that it better suited her each year.The costume was simple—a red summer kimono called a yukata, that tied at the waist in a...

4 years ago
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I fucked Dimple Jhanwar

I am Dinesh from Gharsana. I am narrating the love I have for female body, my sis Deepu in particular. Enjoy my love and don’t forget to contact me with your feelings. One night I was downstairs sitting on the couch doing my work when I heard a ‘Knock Knock’ from the door way. It was my little sister. Out of instinct my eyes did not go straight to her face. I took a quick once over of her body and saw that she was wearing her dance clothes still. The way she dressed when she went to dance was...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 114 Putting Down the Ground Cover

The more I thought about the cover story, the more I liked it. It would be a cover story that was so obviously bullshit, that it would cause the bad guys to sit up and take notice. In the mean time we could work on gathering enough information to form a second more believable cover story. Something that would get the brothers grim, to take a run at us. Since we had Mike recording everything, we just had to be careful what we said. The flip side was that we would have the brothers grim dead...

4 years ago
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Dark Halls

In this black hall, sight is impossible. Therefore anything I suppose could have happen. Even if he and myself didn't want it to. I think that it wasn't our choice to do what we did. I think It was something else altogether. Something that fed from his hopes and her denial. From his fairytales and from her head long fall into the truth. It was he who reached out to her in the long narrow little hall. Backing her up into the deepest corner of her soul and fueling her confusion with his hope....

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Blue Collar Town

by Philip Johnson Chapter One Portsmouth, Ohio. It’s a blue collar town where the south flowing Scioto River joins the mighty Ohio River. Take away the rivers and there never would have been a reason for a town being built there to start with. Like so many times over the last few years I came in from Slab Run Road onto highway fifty two and passed the sign welcoming me to town adding the not so impressive statistic, population twenty one thousand. Of course that sign has been up so long now...

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The first pic shows her beautifully dressed in expensive designer clothing. She really is a very attractive and confident blond, sixty-eight inches tall, size 12 plus body and my guess is size 36C bust. In the second pic the designer skirt and jacket are on the sofa behind her as she poses in skimpy black underwear, her voluptuous body is very appealing to both Roger and me. In the third and fourth pics she is standing totally naked in her heels, legs apart, with her hands on her hips. One is...

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Sticks Stones Ch 02

She had said that he could have dreams. Rory was not sure he wanted that. Ever since he had first opened his eyes in this cave, his dreams frightened him. Not used to the proximity of women, his dreams had been filled with images of her, the turn of her hips, the way a black lock of hair caressed her neck, the dark shadow at the neckline of her bodice, her smell. God, he was surely being tested. His face flushing from the sinful thoughts, the bed coverings tenting over his erection, the priest...

2 years ago
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The Office Part 1

Monica looked up and saw Pete come out of his office and joke with Sandra before turning back and asking for coffee. Monica had high hopes for Sandra, as she seemed to have brought Pete out of his depression. Monica wanted Pete to find someone and Sandra was pretty enough with her hair pulled back in a severe style and light make up, but her clothing was just a disaster and no one could tell her body shape or size. Sandra stood up to Pete that was a good and her height helped as she knew he...

1 year ago
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Allisons New Life Ch 02

After her unfulfilling date with Roger, Allison realized that she had to talk to someone about everything that had happened. Finally, she called the one person that she didn’t think would judge her or despise her, her very open and experienced friend Diana. Diana was a pretty little Asian girl, 5’3′, very slim with 32B breasts and a quick and easy smile. Perky, fun and cute, with long straight black hair that fell almost to her waist, it was easy to see why so many guys fell so hard for her....

3 years ago
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Wet My Pet

‘Wet My Pet’ by Smutwriter Copyright October 2010 Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed was beckoning. The gentle knock at her apartment door was an unwelcome interruption. She peeped through the little spyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A little reluctantly, she opened the door. ‘What d’you say to a midnight swim?’ he whispered. ‘Pool doesn’t open till next week.’ ‘I’ve got a key,’ he grinned and brandished a large bunch. ‘I’ve no suit,’ she was too tired for this. ‘Skinny...

1 year ago
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Young Lust

Wendy and Amelia were both spending the night on a camping with their families. Both were just over 16 and best friends since 10. Amelia had long, red hair and Wendy's was long and dark blonde. Amelia had decided to go on a walk by herself and told everyone she would be back in a few hours. Wendy heard of this news shortly after Amelia left and decided to go look for her. After walking and searching a while, she was about to give up when she heard a splashing sound come from the direction of...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Sisterhood

Promptly at sunrise I arrived at the East Gate of Naples old city. From the back of my hired horse I scanned the cluster of mules and men milling around the gate, and one man did indeed stand out from the crowd. As Shadrach had said the man looked less intelligent than the mule he was holding, but it was not just his apparent lack of intelligence that drew my eye to him but also his lack of stature. Although his torso appeared to be of normal size his legs were unnaturally short. His head...

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Drunk Mom

*All characters are over 18, story is fictional* I was lying on my bed watching TV like any other night, when I heard my mom trying to open the door. She had been out at a bar for her friend's bridal shower, and just got home. I heard the sound of the key entering the door knob, and in seconds she closed the door behind her and was inside. I heard her walk up the stairs and go into her room. My dad had left us when I was boy, and ever since then she never moved on. Her getting out of the house...

4 years ago
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Futanari Island

"Today's finally the day" I said as I sighed. Today was the day my family would return to Futanari Island and spend a month there in order to decide whether I will leave or stay. Oh right, you haven't met me yet. I'm Kaitlin, Kaitlin Wilson, and I have a penis. See, you wouldn't really understand this, but I'm what the average person would refer to as a Futanari. Futanari is a race of humans, primarily composed of the female gender, who share both sets of human genitals. I both a functioning...

1 year ago
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The Morridan Expanse

Greetings! And welcome to the lands of Morridan, also known as the Morridan Expanse. You must take the role of one or more ‘Adventurers’ or equivalent persons through their lives as they attempt to figure out a dark secret that is hiding in the midst of this proud land. As for the Adventurers and equivalent persons go, Adventurer is merely the common title given to these strange beings that are born randomly to normal parents. It is in fact hereditary but for the most part, an Adventurer’s...

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Dirty Washing

I helped a single parent mother, Jill, yesterday. A courier company delivered a washing machine but the driver was refusing to take it up the lift to her flat so I offered to do it for her. Jill lives on my floor so it was no bother. We put it in the lift and wheeled it to her flat. I disconnected the old machine whilst Jill took the wrapping off the new one. We got talking about her son Tom going to school and the both of us not having partners. Jill kept thanking me and saying she didn’t know...

3 years ago
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Ghost of a Chance Ch 02

I watched as Penny crawled into bed, turned off the light and went to sleep. I figured I’d pop in on Peterson to get to know him better. The first thing I noticed about his apartment was how Spartan it was. It was plain to see it could sure use a woman’s touch. There were no pictures on the walls, no personal mementos lying about, just a couch, a rather large chair and a coffee table. Peterson sat on the couch going through some papers that were piled on the coffee table. I glanced at the...

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Pazhaya Kathalanai Thirumanam Agi Mendum Oothen

Vanakam friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamai vayathil naan anuba vaitha sugathai mendum thirumanam aagi sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar buvanva vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal, naan en kanavan udan oothu oothu ipozhuthu athu salipu adainthu vitathu. Salipu adainthathu en endraal avan ennai ippozhuthu ellam oopathe ilai athu matum ilamal kanavanuku romance endraal enane theriyatha...

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Agent Pink

I was sitting at the end of the large table; I was only there because my boss, the assistant chief research scientist, was on leave. My orders were simple, keep my mouth shut and take notes. After a short wait the Minister arrived. "So give me your report," he said tersely to the chief research scientist. "Yes, well," he started, "'Agent Blue' is turning out to be all we hoped for, male hormone are down 25%, thyroid down 30%." "Cut the crap Doc.," said the minister sharply, "just...

2 years ago
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Pinni Ki Dhoga Mogudu Ina Kodukuni

Hi readers..Na name ajay nenu epudu degree final year na age 21 height 5.9 comments cheyali anukunty ee mali ki cheyandi pls vunty sorry yar.. Ee story nenu inter lo vunapudu jarigindi..Nenu 12th varaku ma intlone vundi chadivanu taruvata inter kosam ma pinni(pavani) height 5.6 age 34 size 38 30 36 oka koduku(teja) vadiki apudu 8years vala uri lone join iyanu soo ma pinni vala intlone vundi chaduvukuntuna 1st year antha nrml ga ipoindi 2nd year lo ma frnd okadu naku blue flim chupinchadu...

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A Beautiful WIsh Chp 2 Song of the New Day

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 2:  Song of the New Day Light poured in through George’s bedroom window and splashed directly across his face.  He had tried to fight the growing realization that he was awake by covering himself with a pillow and willing himself back into a dream with Dawn.  But he eventually gave up, and picked himself up off the bed.  He looked around hopefully, but she was no where to be found.  The mood enhancing candles and furnishings were gone, and back were his...

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Our Love of Basketball turned into our love for each other

I don’t know when it changed between me and Emily. I’m Ashley, the star 5’1 point guard for the UConn Huskies. I was a part of the 2021 freshman class that was expected to take the temporary tumble the Huskies program was undergoing and turning it back into a college basketball power.Emily, our 5’9 center had been there for 3 years, and this year was her senior and final year. Normally, the Uconn Ladies were like the men’s Kentucky Wildcats, sending prospect after prospect to the first round of...

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Halloween sissy slut

Halloween. It's just an excuse to go out drinking with friends like anyother night, only this time in a ridiculous costume. And since my friendsand I definitely like to party, it makes sense that I dress up for theoccasion.This year, I decided to surprise the guys by dressing up as a girl. Atcostume shops they have a thousand different "sexy" costumes. Sexy cat,sexy cop, sexy pirate...I always loved it when I saw girls wearing thesecostumes, so I thought it would be fun to put one on myself. I...

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The woman is insatiable

Ever since I confronted my wife with my suspicions and she told me all about her affair with a man in her office, our marriage has never been better. Rather tha become angry or hurt, I told her that I wanted her to be happy and if that meant she strayed from our marriage and shared herself with a lover, I would support her completely. As a result of this new found freedom, Jennifer has come out of her conservative shell. Although we have kept our new agreement to ourselves, people that knew us...

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Wrong Alley

My name is Otto. I'm 13 since last month and just started the new school year of 6th grade. My life wasn't the best as it was for my friends. Well at least I thought they were. Not so long ago was it that my best friend Alex said if we kissed the girls would love me forever. So in the middle of our old grade school playground me and my best friend kissed. I didn't know then that kissing another boy was so bad. But either way kids all around laughed at me. Alex laughed too, I couldn't...

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Wu Meis Misadventures Christmas Elf

Wu Mei worked as a waitress at Benny's Pizza but was now making extra money doing odd jobs at a big hotel. But the hours were terrible. She had worked 20 hrs a day the last 3 days. Sometimes she could barely see straight and even simple things were hard. But getting enough money to visit her husband made it all worthwhile. She needed to see him, particularly after the shocking things that happened on Halloween. She had been working overtime at Benny's and had to deliver a late pizza to some...

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