Editorial LicentiousnessChapter 1
- 4 years ago
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"I can't believe the size of that kid's tits!" Sarah whispered as she stared through the narrow doorway between the kitchen of Discoveries Europa into the main living and working area. "Look at them!"
Loretta concentrated on the coffee maker. "Don't stare, she'll see you looking!"
"She's already seen me, the little madam. She saw me looking, gave a nasty little smirk and wobbled that pair of fucking monsters right at me. She needs her knickers taking down and a good spanking!"
Loretta pursed her lips. "Her mother should never let her walk around in public on her own, looking the way she does." Her curiosity got the better of her. "What's she doing now?"
"Trying on bras. Not her own. Ursula's busy with her sewing machine. The kid's found a stack of bras from somewhere. They're all miles too small for her."
Loretta joined Sarah at the doorway, breathing heavily. "Look at the little slut! She's enjoying trying them on and seeing how much too small they are. If I were her mother, I'd sort her out!"
"You're probably older than her mother, you old fuddy-duddy. And if you're so upset about it, why are your nipples sticking out like chapel hatpegs?"
"They're not!" Loretta backed away, blushing furiously and clamping a hand over each breast.
Sarah smiled triumphantly, then turned her attention to naughty Marietje again. "Oh, my God! Look at her now!"
But Loretta couldn't get close enough to see, especially while keeping her nipples from poking Sarah in the arm. And meanwhile, Ursula had discovered her client's latest transgression. "Come and try this bra on at once!" she squealed. "Moet ik soms wat peper in je reet stoppen?"
"That's no way to speak to a young girl!" Loretta gasped. "Threatening to put pepper up her bum!"
"Wow! But I doubt if that little slut needs anything to make her arse any hotter. If there are any boys at her school, I bet she drives them up the wall! Whatever it was she said, though, it worked. She's got her own bra back on. What's Ursula doing to her now? She's... ouch!"
Loretta hauled her friend out of the way, and stared through the doorway, her eyes boggling at the sight. With a devilish grin, Ursula had suddenly yanked Marietje's shoulder straps way up tight, and the girl staggered backwards a few paces, unbalanced by the unnaturally supported weight.
"That looks much better," said Ursula. "If you've got these things, child, you ought to show them off, not hide them away."
"But my mum would..."
"Just because yours are bigger than hers, Prinsesje Pannekoek, she's jealous. You've got a lot to be proud of. If mine were half as big as yours, I would..." She pulled Marietje to her and gave her a powerful hug. "Put your shirt on and run off home. I'll see you next time you have an emergency!"
Marietje stood on tiptoe and kissed Ursula on the cheek. "Thank you, Tante Appelflap!"
"Get off my boat!" Ursula roared, smacking the giggling girl on her little bottom and watching fondly as she climbed the ladder to the street, adjusted the position of her bra straps through her shirt, pulled a face and stuck out her tongue, then wiggled away. The bra-maker put on a pair of reading glasses, leafed through her notebook, wrote something in it and returned to her sewing machine. "Right, you two," she shouted over her shoulder. "You can come out now!"
Loretta and Sarah looked sheepishly at each other. Not only had Marietje been fully aware of the watchers behind the kitchen door, so had Ursula! But when they emerged, with Loretta fortunately having the presence of mind to bring the coffee pot with her, Ursula made no comment on the recent scene with the playful schoolgirl. Instead, she scowled at Loretta over her reading glasses, then took them off as if to get a better look. Snapping her fingers dismissively at Sarah, she ordered her, "pour the coffee, you!" Then she turned her attention to her client, shaking her head sadly as if Loretta had let her down in some way. "I thought this might happen, so I've already made you another bra, the next size up. It looks as if Marietje's already tried it on. I hope she hasn't stretched the cups out of shape! Take that damned sweater off. Oh, my goodness me! Look at them!"
"I am looking at them," said Sarah.
"Not you!"
"Stop staring at me, Sarah!"
"I can't help it. It's those enormous puffies. They must stick out two inches at least."
"Six point five centimetres," Ursula confirmed. "And they're thirteen centimetres across. I'm a little worried about how big those poffertjes of yours are getting."
"You're worried? What about me?"
"Usually, puffy nipples like yours seem to occur when a girl's breasts are growing. There are exceptions, of course. I could show you some pictures."
"You've got a collection of pictures of women's nipples?"
"Of course!"
"Let's see them," Sarah demanded.
"I might not want to see them," said Loretta.
"Of course you do. You're interested in other women's breasts, aren't you?"
"No. It's creepy."
"I want to see them, anyway. Get them out, Ursula."
But the phone rang at that moment, and the big bra-maker stood there rapping curt phrases into the mouthpiece, absently flexing various muscles and finally snapping a pencil clean in half as she tried to make a note of a number. She clicked her fingers urgently until Sarah produced another. Finally, she put down the phone. "Shit. Another focking emergency."
"Not Marietje again, already?"
"No, this one's a young mother with a baby. Marietje's bras only explode when she's at school. She does it on purpose. It was her mother's idea to send her to see me on a Saturday; maybe the busty little monkey won't be so keen in future." She stuffed Loretta's stiffly new black bra into a plastic bag. "Here you are, Loretta. I'm sorry to rush you, but can you put the padding in the cups yourself, please? You're only about a G cup at the moment, so this should last you until well into next week. When is your big friend coming to see me?"
"Monday, perhaps Tuesday, but she isn't very big. She's only this tall."
"Yes, but her bust is that big plus half as much again. Give me a call before you bring her along. I might have..."
"Another emergency, I know. Little Marietje again."
"How did you guess? She's got History on Tuesdays, and her bra always tends to bust during History. Still, I'm not complaining, I guess. Her mother's going to have to pay eventually, or her poor little Prinsesje will be walking round with her tits round her ankles." She ushered her clients out to the base of the ladder. "See you soon, ladies!"
Sarah was subdued on the walk back to the office.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing. Just thinking of little Millicent. And that little Marietje. The poor girl, with her boobs right down to there, at her age."
"She seems to be getting by okay, and she's using her bust size to get her out of doing things she doesn't want to do. She's a clever girl, Sarah." The walked on in thoughtful silence for a while. "What are you doing over the weekend?"
"Bed with Yopie, I suppose. I'll have to get up and make him breakfast in the morning, the lazy toad. What about you?"
"I've got some reading to catch up on. And I'll have to learn to walk all over again with this huge bra she's given me. I dread to think how big it will look when I've got it on. Imagine, I've got a forty-three inch bust now, and I've only been growing just over a week! By tomorrow morning, I'll be something like forty-eight with this padded bra on. Juno's not going to recognise me."
"You'll look great, Loretta!"
"Loretta! Is it really you? You look fantastic!" Juno flung herself into Loretta's arms; a mighty collision of flesh. They separated and held each other at arms' length, which still left their busts in intimate contact.
"You look pretty good yourself. White looks so virginal!"
They had to stand a couple of yards apart to really see each other. Loretta felt almost dowdy in her now-habitual jeans and capacious grey sweater, especially next to Juno, radiant in a white trouser suit. Her hair hung in a ponytail across one shoulder. "White may be virginal, but it's hardly practical with those kids. I've had to politely refuse to do any breast feeding for Millicent so far! But what about you, big girl? Those things are massive!"
"I'm a big girl, but a lot of this is a padded bra! It's Ursula's idea, I'll explain later. But I am pretty big, tons bigger than that silly photo I sent you. Where's Grant and the others?"
"They're coming. A bit of a hold-up with the baby buggies, so I came on ahead in case you thought we'd missed the train and buggered off." Juno rolled her eyes in mock despair. "I almost wish we had missed it! That Wendy! Millicent's sister! The Sister from Hell!"
"Come on. She can't be that bad if she looks after Millicent's children for her."
"She is that bad. I don't know how Millicent puts up with her. The only reason she looks after Millie's twins is that she gets paid for doing it. And she's only good at it because she's had so much practice with her own offspring."
"She's what? She's a mother?"
"Not just a mother. Not just once."
"Twice? She's got two babies?"
"Try again!"
"Four? Four! Oh, my God. Some of them must be twins, then?"
"No, four separate, individual babies. Thank God she's only brought one of her own with her, the one she's still breast feeding."
"But how old is she? Didn't you say she was Millicent's younger sister?"
"That's right. She's fourteen, and rumour has it she's never had a period in her life. Every time she becomes fertile, she just goes and has another kid. You'd think she'd have found out what was causing it by now. Uh-oh, here they come. Been nice knowing you, Loretta!"
Grant appeared, looking decidedly creative in a tan linen lightweight suit, pushing an overloaded baggage trolley. He appeared more than a little stressed. He was followed by two bulky young women pushing baby buggies and involved in a fierce argument which looked as if it might lead to blows at any moment. In fact, as Grant strode on along the platform, his harassed expression giving way to a welcoming grin for Loretta, the two sisters came to a halt and escalated their conflict; their voices raised, fingers wagging.
"Whose idea was this?" Grant came to a halt beside Loretta and leaned across the baggage for a kiss. "Wow, look at you! What happened?"
"She only had a couple of sips of milk, Granty!" Juno pouted, fluttering her eyelashes.
"Ye gods, sis!"
"I'm stuffing my bra, Grant! Explain later. Hey, is all that luggage yours? You staying for a month?"
He plucked a small bag from the top of the pile. "This one's mine. That one's Juno's. These two are Millicent's; that, this, that and those are slutty Wendy's. If she wants to stay for a month, you're welcome to her!"
"Juno's warned me already. But she can't be as bad as that, surely? You're screwing me up."
"You'll find out if we're winding you up or not," said Grant darkly. "Fortunately, I won't be here. I've got to catch the next train to Hamburg, in twenty minutes. They've arranged a meeting for this afternoon. So I'll wish you girls the best of luck." He tucked his bag under his arm with an expression of relief.
"My big brother the coward."
"I'm proud to be a coward right now. I'll slip away before those two feudin' sisters catch up with us. Can you manage this lot?" he indicated the piled-high baggage cart.
"Ja, I can handle that. We'll see you when you get back, okay?"
And the girls exchanged kisses with Grant, who floated away on winged feet to catch his train. Meanwhile, the warring factions were still at it, and had now resorted to ramming each other's baby buggies with increasing force. Things could turn ugly at any minute.
"Millie, come on! Meet Loretta."
Millicent would have been instantly recognisable anywhere from Juno's descriptions of her. Even in a maternity dress apparently designed by a tent-maker, she was undoubtedly hiding a great deal of something under there. Despite being something of a shapeless hulk, she was an undeniably pretty little thing. She waddled across with her buggy, leaving her sister to carry on the war by herself.
"Hi, Millicent. I'm Loretta, I've heard so much about you."
Millicent put out a small hand. The other one gently rocked the buggy backwards and forwards. "Hi, Loretta. Our Wendy's being crappy again. We shouldn't have brought her." She jerked her head towards her sister who was standing about ten yards away looking thoroughly miserable and petulantly sucking her thumb. Another train had come in and passengers were streaming impatiently past her on both sides. Millicent's soft voice gave way to a startlingly strident screech. "Come on, you little cow!"
Loretta realised that was a fairly accurate description of Millicent's sister. So, too, was Grant's description; slutty Wendy. The girl sneered and tossed her head. She was taller than her older sister, and generally broader in build. Her hair, mousy brown, hung down in a curtain way past her bottom. It also hung down way past the bottom of her shocking pink skirt, which revealed gangly legs balanced on unnecessarily tall shoes. Probably it would have revealed plenty more, but Loretta's attention had inevitably been drawn to Wendy's other attractions. These were crammed into a unusually large tank-top which was nevertheless several sizes too small. The top had once been white, but was now stained with various shades of baby, and if it hadn't already been obvious from the sheer wobbling bulk of Wendy's bust that she was breast feeding, her wine-cork-sized nipples had leaked milk in huge transparent patches which disclosed a pair of dark brown moons of improbable size. The whole ensemble hung down some way past the waistband of her shorts. The girl looked a positive disgrace.
For Loretta, it was a familiar enough situation: she had the smallest breasts of the four of them, despite wearing a bra which gave her at least a forty-eight inch bust.
Reluctantly Wendy plodded closer with her squalling baby. Juno made a valiant effort. "Loretta, this is Wendy, who is helping Millicent look after the twins. Say hello to Loretta, Wendy."
"Is she Dutch?"
"Ja, I'm Dutch, Wendy. Is this your little baby? What's its name?"
"Duane," the girl said sulkily.
Loretta inspected the baby more closely, despite being practically deafened. "That's a nice name. Is he named after his daddy?"
"She doesn't know," said Millicent. "She just picks the names out of a hat."
"Why's she talking English?" Wendy wanted to know.
"So you'll understand her, of course."
"Do the boys over here talk English?"
"Mostly," said Loretta. "They learn it in school."
"I don't go to school. It's crap."
"Wendy's got a lot of babies to see to," said Juno. "Her mum's looking after them this week. Poor woman."
"I'm bored," Wendy decided.
"You've only just arrived!" said Juno. "It's a really interesting place. We'll go on a boat, and see the trams and everything..."
"Fucking hell!"
"We can see a windmill, buy a pair of clogs..." Millicent suggested mischievously."
"Fuck that. I want to go dancing."
"Millie can't dance, Wendy, can she!" said Juno. "Nor can I!"
"I don't wanna dance with you and her, do I? I wanna go out with boys. Don't they have discos here? Parties and stuff?"
"We do nothing else but party," said Loretta. "Life is nothing but a mad whirl of wild sexual orgies. But it's usually pretty quiet on Monday mornings. Let's see if we can get all this load into a taxi, then we'll go and meet Sarah and Joop. You're all staying at Joop's place, he's got plenty of room."
As luck would have it, there was a big enough taxi outside the station, one of those van-shaped things. The driver spotted his target and homed in, unable to believe his luck in collecting at least six metres of female bosom in a single load. It was only when he had struggled to squeeze the last of Wendy's bags and the two folded baby buggies into his luggage compartment that he started to regret his rashness.
"I can't hold both of those twins and my Duane as well," Wendy protested.
"Nobody's asking you to," said Millicent. "Just take one of mine for a minute while I get in. Juno can't hold a baby in her suit."
"Not my fault if she wants to wear white, is it?"
"Let me hold Duane, Wendy," Loretta offered, as Juno gratefully climbed into the taxi.
"He wants changing," said Wendy, handing the child over willingly. Duane did indeed need a change. And a feed. He nuzzled around Loretta's bosom for a while before deciding he'd been cheated. His voice rose in protest. Meanwhile, Millicent got in and sat next to Juno, their four breasts occupying almost the whole width of the middle row of seats. Loretta was left to share the back seat with Wendy, who immediately tucked her sister's peacefully-sleeping infant under one arm and hoisted her skirt to scratch her crotch. She didn't need to hoist it far. Loretta tore her eyes away from the disgusting spectacle to give Joop's address to the driver, then turned to Wendy again, ready for some polite conversation. Instead, she found herself staring in horror as Wendy openly and completely without inhibition or shame slipped a hand inside her miniscule panties and began rubbing her fingers against what sounded and smelled like an extremely wet slit. Was this really happening? Wendy's eyes were screwed shut as she rubbed more furiously, beginning to pant, finally achieving a climax with a succession of grunts. Then she pulled out her hand, wiped her fingers on the seat and put on her bored expression again ready for the rest of the journey. Ahead of them, Juno and Millicent were in lively conversation, enjoying the strange sights of the city.
The driver unloaded everything into a pile on the edge of the road, making no offer to carry any of it indoors and upstairs. He stood and gaped helplessly as Juno and Millicent unfolded the baby buggies and Loretta delved in her purse for the fare. He reserved his most helpless gaping for Wendy who parted her thighs in a lewd and unladylike manner to scratch her backside, bending over from the waist so that her milk-laden globes sloshed massively around inside the overloaded tank-top and squashed themselves against her bare thighs. Loretta realised she would have to get the girl inside off the streets before the vice squad came round and designated the quiet square as a red light area. She looked up anxiously at the window, and saw with relief that Sarah was waving to her. Joop was evidently at the studio, standing in for one of his heroes.
"Have we got everything, girls? Sarah's on her way down and she'll give us a hand with the bags and stuff. It's only two floors up."
Wendy stopped what she was doing and whined, "We've got to carry all this stuff all the way up there?"
Millicent scowled at her. "Why not? Most of it's yours anyway. And you're going to have to carry your share, Juno and I can't lift anything heavy."
"You're horrible to me," the young girl complained. She suddenly turned her attention to Loretta. "Who's this bloke who lives here, Yope? How old is he?"
"About thirty-five."
"Shit, he's ancient. Never mind, older men make a nice change sometimes."
Loretta had the impression Wendy's next question would be about the size of Joop's cock. "He's Sarah's boyfriend," she warned her.
Sarah came hurrying out of the front door at that moment and took in the scene. "Hi, Loretta, sorry it took me so long..." Then she scanned the group again in more detail, with special regard to the characters' bosoms. Finally, she took a look at their faces. Her jaw, which had dropped open a few seconds earlier, dropped even further. She pointed a wavering finger. "Juno... !"
"Hello, you must be Sarah."
"And Millicent!"
"Right first time," said Millicent.
"Don't you recognise me?" She turned to Loretta. "They're real! They're the same two. I knew they must be, but I couldn't believe it ... Juno, you must remember me... ?"
Juno's face remained blank, but Millicent's expression showed a flicker of recognition. "You weren't at our school, were you? Didn't you use to wear glasses?"
Juno gasped. "Sarah! Is it? Sarah Simpson?"
"That girl we..." Millicent stopped suddenly in mid-sentence. "That girl three years ahead of us?"
"That's me," said Sarah. "God, look at you! You were always big, but my God! You're immense!"
"You're not so small yourself."
"I've read your brother's book," Sarah babbled on.
"Yeah, well. Millicent doesn't know about that yet. How long have you been over here?"
"Not long. I only came to play hockey, but..."
"Hockey? With those... ?"
"That's why I ended up working for Loretta. I can't see the ball once it gets anywhere near my feet. Wow, are these your babies?"
Wendy felt she'd allowed her elders and betters to prattle on long enough. It was time to grab the attention again. "Christ, I've got to feed Duane," she announced, and instantly dived one hand into the bulging neckline of her tank-top.
"Don't you dare get your breasts out down here, Wendy," Millicent said in alarm.
"I've got to feed my baby. You're all standing around talking, while my baby needs his feed." She grappled inside her top and got a hand beneath her left breast.
"That's my baby you've got there," Millicent reminded her. "Loretta's got your stinking little brat. This is my little sister," she continued by way of introduction to Sarah.
"Gosh!" It wasn't exactly a conventional greeting, but Sarah's attention had been diverted by the sight of Wendy's breast flopping ponderously out into the fresh air, already dripping and spurting milk. Once out in the open, it was even bigger than it had looked inside her top.
Loretta realised that Sarah would probably stare at Wendy's breast all day unless she took immediate action. "Come on, let's get indoors," she said. "Then Wendy can feed Duane. Then she can have a shower."
"I don't need a shower," the girl protested indignantly, but no one agreed with her. The others were already redistributing babies and picking up items of luggage, leaving Wendy with nothing to carry but her five bulging bags. The snivelling girl was left standing on the sidewalk with one enormous dangling breast bouncing around, trying to gather everything up so she could follow the others. "Wait for me!" she wailed piteously. "You're always horrible to me!"
"It's true!" said Sarah. She and Loretta had retreated to the kitchen to rustle up some lunch while getting away from the noise of babies and the battle which had broken out again between the sisters. "I knew it had to be true, but it really is!"
"I'd guessed, myself," Loretta admitted. "But I didn't want to ... you know? Juno had told me about this girl called Sally Simpkins, who isn't in the story yet, but was going to be."
"Sally Simpkins? Is that really me? I'm going to be in the story? But why? What did I do? I left that school when we moved away."
"She must have remembered you for some reason. Maybe Grant was going to give you a hunky boyfriend!"
"I've already got one. At least, I have until that little slut Wendy gets her claws into him. I bet Yopie offers her a part in one of his movies!"
"But she's only fourteen, Sarah!"
"What? But she's got..."
"She's got huge breasts, yes. She's also got four children ... and an insatiable appetite for cock."
"Fourteen! And I'm sure hers are bigger than mine! You can see the family resemblance, all right. No, wait a minute, that's not right!" Sarah's hands flew to her head. "Surely Millicent only grew such huge tits herself after she'd drunk Juno's milk! So how come her sister's so big, too?"
Loretta tried to steer Sarah away from there. "Maybe they're genetically inclined to have big ones, and drinking Juno's milk only made Millicent even bigger than she would have been anyway."
"It's possible, but it doesn't sound very likely. Wendy's are huge for her age. They're huge for any age..."
"Having all those babies must have made her body more grown-up than she really is. She's an ordinary kid apart from her boobs. A bit like little Marietje, only more so. Are there any more eggs in the fridge? Why is it that they always get smaller when they're scrambled?"
"When are we going to see this woman about a bra for Millicent?" Juno asked as Loretta collected the empty plates. Even Wendy had eaten all her scrambled eggs on toast, after poking suspiciously at it for several minutes with her fork. Now, at long last, she had gone off to the bathroom with a grim face to change her Duane.
"I thought tomorrow would be best. We'll give her a call in the morning."
"In case she's got an emergency," Sarah put in.
"Ursula seems to have a lot of emergencies. There's a schoolgirl called Marietje whose bra always seems to explode when she's got a lesson she doesn't like."
"Another problem child," laughed Millicent. "I'm glad my sister's not the only one."
"Doesn't Wendy ever wear a bra?" Sarah asked.
"She does at home, or mum would kill her. But right now she's making a statement. After she's made the same statement for a few more hours, she'll be glad to put a bra on. Those things of hers weigh a ton."
"If she's got one with her," said Juno.
Sarah giggled. "She's got five bags with her and no bras? What's in them all?"
"Clothes. She'll have brought her entire wardrobe, the little tart. All her fuck-me shoes, her fuck-me skirts, her fuck-me T-shirts, her fuck-me baseball caps. All her clothes are fuck-me. But the slut just may have forgotten to bring any of her fuck-me bras."
"She'll be wanting to come with us tomorrow, then?" said Sarah. "It's not every day you get fitted for a bra on a boat."
"She's staying right here. She knows if she doesn't look after the twins, she's going to be several pounds out of pocket. Surprisingly enough, if there's one thing she's very good at, it's looking after babies. But then, she's had plenty of experience. No, Wendy will be all right tomorrow."
In fact, Wendy came out of the bathroom a reformed character. She had settled Duane down to sleep, taken a shower after all, and appeared cocooned in towels with her hair tied up and not a centimetre of cleavage showing; complaining of a tummy ache. It was only a temporary respite. By evening, she was dressed again, in a pair of scandalously tight white shorts so abbreviated that they showed tufts of pubic hair, and something that looked like the top half of a peacock blue polyester bikini. An extremely large one.
"Where's Yope?" she demanded, then on being told that Joop was still working at the studio she wanted to know why she couldn't go and see him.
"He's busy," Sarah told her. "He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's at work."
"Bor-ing! Why aren't there any boys round here? There must be boys!"
Sarah had to admit that she'd never seen any boys near her boyfriend's apartment, which put Wendy in a mood of black despair. She complained of a tummy ache again.
Sarah tried to be understanding. "Is it your period, Wendy?"
"My what?" said Wendy blankly. She spent the next hour complaining that she couldn't understand what they were saying on the telly and the radio only had people talking and they didn't play any of her favourite songs and she was going to bed. If it was a threat, it didn't upset any of the others. They greeted the news with quiet satisfaction.
"She's had a long day; the poor kid's tired!" explained Millicent.
Loretta listened patiently as Millicent gave her sister a last-minute briefing, "Now, you've got the number of Sarah's mobile phone, and you know how the phone works?"
"And you've got the number of Joop's studio."
"But you're not to call him unless it's an absolute emergency, and you've got to try calling Sarah first."
"And you've got the number of Mrs Whatever-her-name-is, on the boat?"
"And you've got the milk?"
"I've always got milk," said Wendy with a sigh.
"My milk for the twins," said Millicent. "It's in the fridge in a bottle. You know what to do with it?"
"Anyone would think I'd never looked after babies before. I've been feeding fucking babies since I was eleven, Millie!"
Millicent's conscience was pricking her. "We'll bring you a special surprise present back, for being a good girl."
"What?" said Wendy suspiciously.
"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?"
"It will only be something I've already got. You're always horrible to me."
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Johanna's turn: I brought my Stoney home. My poor, broken, battered Stoney. Well, actually, a medical transport brought him home and ceremoniously deposited him in bed. The bed is a rental hospital bed, at least for the time being. I have home health technicians setting up trapezes. One over this bed. One over our bed. One over Stoney's favorite recliner. He's got crutches. "But do NOT try using them for a week," the doctor said. "And not while under the influence, either. I just...
Introduction: She was bribed to try to seduce her possibly gay neighbour. Little did she know what was waiting for her… Amy felt ridiculous as she knocked on the door of the apartment right across the hall from her. She was wearing or rather, forced to wear an outfit that had less actual material to it than slips of strings and crisscrossing ribbons. The black fuck-me shoes had higher heels than anything she was used to, and she kept feeling as if she was about to topple over. The thigh-high,...
Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her desire to dominate white men driven by some racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By all outward appearances, that would appear to be the case. Mistress Desire was far more complex than superficial appearances would allow. Black, strong, confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of her African heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whatever it was that they feared the most....
this happened 3 years ago when i was 17.I had been using a couple of chatlines none of which were sex lines i must say,anyway to my story.I had been chatting to a guy called ted who was 23 and lived about ten mile from me.after chatting for a couple of weeks ted let it be known that he was gay and single.i myself was very intrigued by this as i had been curious about guy sex for sometime.i had had girfriends and was by no means a virgin.it was half term ,and we were chatting on friday...
I had enjoyed and pleasured myself to XHamster for years until it finally occurred to me that the site had more to offer than porn videos, and I created a user account. I explored a number of categories that I never looked at before, and then noticed the ‘Dating’ tab.The thought of physical contact with another man, especially in this Covid epidemic, seemed overwhelmingly appealing. I clicked on it, and chose my city and state from the drop-down. Then, I had to choose what kind of individual I...
I knew this young girl, in middle school. She actually liked to get spanked, if you can imagine that. She would get herself in trouble, just so she could get a spanking. You see, I lived in Kansas and teachers could still spank there. Not many did, but there was this one teacher who did, and Nikki would always take advantage of her. We all hated Nikki. Every time she walked to the front of the class, she looked scared while she was looking at the teacher, but as soon as she looked back at us,...
FetishHi, my dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few...
Yes, everything that happened in this story ACTUALLY happened. I wasn't going to write it, but jeszgirl, a member and friend on here recommended I do, so here it is. I've paraphrased and stylized some of these things, since it's been a few months since it happened. But all of this is true, and was the fulfillment of one of my biggest fantasies.I met with a couple on everyone's favorite hookup site, and started chatting with them. She wanted to be fucked by a bigger dick than her...
It was finished. Years of work, whole days spent in the lab, all resulting in this monumental moment. I ran the numbers over and over until my eyes couldn't look at the screen one more time. All signs pointed to one conclusion. It was ready. I had run animal tests, with each infected animal coming through unscathed. Except the one the targeted infection we are nowhere to be found! Only human testing remained. But how in the world would I get approval for that? The chamber...
For Friends and Family Part 24 - All White and Black? I finally got into the bathroom and cleaned myself up after our lovemaking - the swine! I douched and showered, moisturised my body and face, slipped into my underwear and went back into the bedroom to dress. As I was going shopping I wore black shiny leggings, a cute tunic dress that came to 4" above my knees it was in a blue soft jersey fabric with a satin front which had a multi coloured butterfly across the chest it was...
As we arrived back at my house, the sexual tension was evident and we wasted no time as our lips locked in a passionate, lustful kiss before the door fully closed behind us. My kisses moved to your cheek, then to your neck and I whispered, “I need your sweetness on my tongue, Sara." Hearing me say it made your pussy start to throb and you could feel yourself instantly getting wet and ready to give me all the sweet juice I craved. “How bad do you want it?" you said as you playfully walked...
Oral SexIt took a week to arrange a mutually agreeable time for Brad and Mike to return for another get together with my wife Beth. When last the boys were here Beth had a fantastic time and was really looking forward to a repeat performance. She had even told me she was going to take them straight to the bedroom where the y could really go at it. I was a little taken aback when I went to answer the door. There was Brad, Mike and two other good looking guys. Brad induced me to Chad and Dan who...
Working in the Marketing department of a company allows me the opportunity to meet and work with a lot of different people. A few months ago my company started using a new design company. Luckily our rep turned out to be tall and attractive. Scott and I hit it off right from the start and he would always make a point to stop and speak to me whenever he came into our office. At first there was something about him that made me uncomfortable when ever he was around. Over time we developed a...
Straight SexWhen I got home my wife was sat on the sofa watching a film. I walked over and turned it off. "You have some talking to do," I said. "Shall I tell you how Bob is?" I shouted.For the next fifteen minutes she listened, ashen faced, while I told her whom I'd met."Right, I want to know the real version! True version! Not the bullshit version. I know lots of details – and yours better match." She started to cry. "Don't try that trick again, it won't work," I sneered.It's difficult to convey to the...
Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...
Hellow People, my name is Rajveer and this story is about me and a Team Leader in my organisation which took place a couple of weeks ago. (Names Changed) I work in a MNC as a project expert in Pune, Age 26 Athlete body, 5.9 height with a tool of 7.5 inches. This is my 1st story do excuse me for errors. I saw her 1st time in our office on 1st Feb which was the DOJ for her I was sitting with my colleagues in cafeteria and she came in wearing a Black colored tight punjabi suit #Natasha. About...
Well, first off my name is Jake. I’m 18 years old, and I have brown hair with brown eyes. I am 6’ tall with a muscular build. I have a respectable 7 inch cock. I am currently single, my girlfriend and I just broke up. She was cheating on me with another guy. Well, anyway, this is how I ended up where I am now. You see, I have a twin sister, she was born before me. Her name is Katie and even though I don’t really think of her as somebody that I am attracted to she is one smoking hot thing....
I woke up alone in bed with the voice of Maria rubbing my back “Wake up Sleepy Head”. I looked up as Maria was in a sexy yellow bikini top that didn’t cover a lot. Nicole and I want to get some breakfast but Nicole don’t want to leave unless you come with us. She is still scared of that guy from last night. Ok, let me hit the bathroom and I will go with you. I walked toward the bathroom when the door opened Nicole started walking out in a sexy white bikini that I could clearly see her nipples...
Jennifer Foley was restless. She had taken the demanding pressure off her loins by masturbating, but a hand job was not the same as the real thing, and she still felt a nagging urge simmering in her crotch. She couldn’t concentrate on doing the housework and there was noting on television but soap operas. She always got horny watching soap operas because of the snide sexual content. She decided to call on Carol Davis. She combed her hair, applied some make-up and put on a light cotton dress....
EMERAUDEIn a far off galaxy, with three orbiting moons, is the lush verdant planet of Emeraude, so much like Earth but isn't. It had vast oceans sprinkled with tropical islands and a few patches of temperate zones to the north and south poles.The dominant of the species that populates this paradise like planet are the Puzlickis. They are grotesque looking dark colored genial creatures with thick leathery hides and powerful muscles with remarkable strength equivalent to five grown men. Though...
The driver’s training the next week was a chore. I got up and we did PT, then I would go to the motor pool where I was given classes in driving in Japan. And it was a lot to learn, more than just which side of the road to drive on. All of the signs were completely different, their stop sign was like an upside down yield sign to us, and I had to remember speeds were kilometers per hour and not miles per hour. But on Wednesday afternoon I passed my test, and got licensed also for the HMMWV....
HI Readers…. This is Akki from Chattisgarh and Here I’m posting the real story happened between me and Rashi in Feb 2009 when we r in +2 while preparing for our public examinations . About me I’m athletic with muscular body and 6’2 height and Rashi is 1 year old matured body with new beauties developing day by day in her and during that time her stats might be 32 26 30 I guess. As we r neighbors since childhood our parents got confidence on us as good friends as every parents have in the...
Mark already had his clothes off and was stroking his erection. As soon as Tim got out of the way, he climbed on Catherine’s hot sexy body. Sliding his hard cock into her very wet pussy, Mark started fucking the sexy blonde wife with hard strokes. Catherine continued to moan while working her hips, fucking him as he slammed his cock into her. Mark then leaned back on his knees and grabbed both of her large breasts in his hands. Pulling on her nipples, he continued to ride her. Catherine was...
Joanne, my wife, has for many years insisted that I wear lingerie and girly things under my male clothes when at work as part of my sissy training. At home I am a sissy slave.“Sally” she said “Today we are going to make you feel more aware of the pretty things you wear”. After years of taking hormones my breasts are a nice 38C with dark brown shades round my nipples and Joanne had arranged for me have my balls and sac removed when we went to Thailand one year. Despite this and though my cock...
Despite the cold weather, my daughter-in-law Ann dressed in the shortest skirt I’d ever seen her in. The rest of her was bundled up for a New England winter, but she was all legs – and damn good-looking ones at that. She was wearing ‘come fuck me’ heels, too, and looked a little tarty the way she’d applied her makeup. I learned that she was commando and planned on flashing guys wherever we ate dinner. We all had a laugh, but she pulled the front of her short skirt up and proved her...
I have been going through a terrible time for so many years.I can't go into details about what happened to me, because I'm not supposed to.One day I will tell my wives about it. One day we will all lie in bed together and talk of the things I suffered.But allow me to describe those many sexual events in a poetic way.It was like being in a plane piloted by a fool. A girl. He parents are the best of their generation. I was still a baby when they were making history.They could not accept that...
Mack and I discussed Charlene's little party at some length; he was highly surprised to discover that I was a Gulf War veteran. It's just not something I talk about. Frankly, I was worthless for a couple of days after the incident; I'd thought I'd put all that away. In general, that guy who carries guns and shoots people isn't me -- or isn't the me I'm used to having around nowadays. It got me some serious respect from the girls as the story made the rounds -- which I found...
copyright @ calibeachgirl and jim crowell all rights reserved, 2011 ‘The advantage of owning your own apartments,’ Greg thought, ‘is that you didn’t have to punch a time-clock so you could start your day whenever you wanted. ‘The disadvantage of owning your own apartments,’ Greg realized, ‘is that you didn’t have to punch a time-clock so your day never ended.’ ********** At noon, Greg put away his shovel, showered and drove back to the college to bring Cindy home. Turning off the radio,...
The cold stone pressed against her knees as she knelt silently in the narthex, waiting for Jolen to complete his business and join her. She had much to tell him. Nervousness fluttered in the depths of her stomach, or was that a movement of their child? Her thoughts strayed to how little she knew of childbirth. Would Jolen welcome her news? She knew he had wanted children very much, he would make such a wonderful father…so unlike the parent she had known. But following so closely on the heels of...
I forgot that the camp mainly served vegetarian foods, so lunch was a bit of an adventure. I tried to set a good example by sampling a little of everything and was pleased to find that the vegan options were just as good as last year. I even tried tofu, which was good, but had a weird texture. After eating I camped out on one of the benches that lined the Green while I waited for Julie to freshen up. Rhianna seemed to be holding court and was surrounded by several of the juniors from...
This is sameer. This story just happened with a friend we met on the internet. Her name is reena. Reena is married to an engineer in the navy known as harish. Harish works more than 120 hours a week and has no time to be with reena, My wife kamini and i have a good and trustful relationship since we married 10 years ago. She is a very open minded, hot and sexy woman. I have never been with another woman alone since i got married. Last week while we were visiting reena, i have heard her telling...
I thought a lot after spending the first night with Carol. I mean, Jeebus. This was a woman who was my friend's Mother, my Mother's friend, a woman who had watched me grow up, had mothered me as much as my own Mother, and I grabbed her tits in the parking lot and then she fucked my eyes out. How had that happened? Since my ultimate goal was my own Mom, maybe I could learn something from this. The first key, I figured, was to have some sort of ice breaker. With Carol it was easy. Yes, we had all...
So the usual disclaimers apply,you know how they go!I'm writing this with the hang-over from Hell so apologies for any inevitable typos,lol.Hic.After I'd left Chris's house and returned home with mam I just couldn't seem to get out of my mind what I'd witnessed,seeing Chris's srep-dad seemingly sniffing his underwear,the pair he'd used to wipe up my boy-piss.To my innocent mind it had seemed so weird seeing this.Yet in another,(maybe not so innocent),part of my mind it had seemed,well,I don't...
For those who have not been reading my stories about Rica and how I made her my slut I will tell you a little about Rica. She is from Indonesia 19years old and just a tiny girl but has big breast, long black hair and such a sexy body that was ready to explore her sexual needs when we finally met. In the past we have fucked in her mom's bed, had fullfilled her fantasy being with a black man . Now I had plans to make another one of her curiousities become real so she will no longer be curious...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Well and Truly Tucked -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...
My first marriage was a bit of a disaster. It turned out that I was too small for my wife (who didn’t tell me until several years after we were married). At first the sex just became less and less frequent. I was a late developer and so my first sexual outlet was porn, so it seemed natural to turn to it again so that I could stay faithful to my wife. I was a buff personal trainer and self-defense expert – a black belt in Gracie Jujitsu (no small feat) and a 4th dan in Tae Kwon Do; but...
I know I am stressed because, in the morning, Moira puts her hand on my door, and I wake up, ready to fight. Before I am awake, I am standing beside my bed at the ready. That hasn’t happened since before the girls started waking me. She opens the door and screams, startled by me being up and ready for a fight. As soon as I see her, I relax, and she puts her hand over her mouth, looking sheepish. “I hope I didn’t wake anybody.” “You might not have. We didn’t get in until after 4 this...
AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they ever existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human...
Straight SexSunny Sexy Sunday full of Lovely Love LessonsAisha and Birgitte both take one my hands and we walk down the left bank, after crossing the ancient Roman bridge across the Meuse in the old centre of MaastrichtIn the backyard of a deserted little white house, which once belonged to their granddadwe take a our time for a long sun bath, all three fully nude on the towel from my back-packOf course they are only interested in my male member, again half a hard-on already ...Aisha takes the initiative,...
'..So what do you think Lola?'Lola Snapped back into focus, 'Sorry Ash, what did you say?' She asked slightly disorientated from a very graphic day dream. 'God Lou I could have been talking about something really serious there for all you knew! Good thing I was just planning my outfit for tonight, isn't it?' She grinned at Lola.Ashleigh was her closest friend and she'd been seeing this guy called Damian and tonight was another of their dates.'Was it your black skinny jeans, ankle boots and the...
SupernaturalI have always loved to write. I’ve thought about writing a book, but I have yet to find a topic I was interested enough in to devote that much time to. Besides, I once heard that no one should write a book until they are over fifty—that they can’t possibly know enough or have experienced enough of life to have anything interesting to say until then. At twenty-nine, I have a long way to go, so I have contented myself with writing short stories—erotica to be more specific. I found a great...
When Troy awoke he found himself lying on sand with the sound of waves crashing nearby. He sat up just as the other members of the team did the same. Suzie stood up and looked around. "Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?" she asked. "Just look at me!" she cried. Some type of dark brown leg armor covered both of her feet and legs ending just above her knees. She wore a belt that circled her just below her navel, four chains dangled from this and suspended a short dark blue pleated...
Mein ek 39 saal ki married lady hoon aur apna dard batane ke l;iye hi maine ye id banai hai! Main apne pati , aur ek bete ke saath rehti hoon. Mere bete ki umar 18 saal hai aur mere pati ki umar 40 saal hai. Meri shaadi hui jab main 20 saal ki thi.aur mere pati dev mere bhaiya ke cousinsaale hain. Hum loog shuru se delhi mein rehte the aur bhaiya bombay service karte the. Unki wahin shaadi hui thi aur bhabhi bombay ki thi.lekin ek accident mein bhabhi ki maut ho gaye bhaiya dikhi hokar delhi aa...
when we got there i walked over to bella and said "that sucked big time" bella gave me a smile and said "thanks sweetie" i smiled back and said "your welcome" claire was getting her stuff out the car and shouted "will you kindly give me a fucking hand" bella said "why are you talking your bags out the car your stopping at harvey and leons" i looked at bella with both shock and anger and said "what!!!" i light up a cig in anger and got my cell out my pocket and rang harvey my call...
“MARKUS,” a shrill voice pierces through the air, and Markus quickly realizes that it’s coming from ‘Miss Tiffany’ . He automatically straightens up in his chair and pretends to be reading although he is clearly not on page 360. Tiffany notices this, who gives a loud tsk and says, “...Markus...I honestly don’t know how you do it…” He can be described as a ‘teacher’s pet’ to every teacher in the school except her, which Markus is simultaneously bugged by but doesn’t care for at the same time....
“That’s it. Bend over more and stick your ass out. Beautiful. Now stick your fingers inside your dripping wet cunt. That’s so hot! I want to fuck myself just looking at you. He’ll love it!” I heard the shutter-snap of my phone taking the picture and then, “Ok, sent.”The week since my boyfriend met my parents flew by in a blur. The semester started, which made work busy and hectic with students needing their overpriced books. After work I had gone to Kiera’s to help her set up her new place. Her...
VoyeurLeon couldn't wait to walk into the apartment and surprise his wife. With a bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a bottle of her favourite champagne in his left he made his way up the communal staircase. As usual he was smartly dressed, wearing dark jeans and a crisp collared shirt. He had so much respect for his hot, sparky wife who was modest and incredibly classy but also very rude and highly sexed. Maybe this time he would take her by surprise. He could whisk her off to the club and...
MasturbationHannah battled her inner conflict for most of the day. Adam's deteriorating mental condition was a huge strain for her to deal with. There was no way she could continue to lie beside a man who was capable of the kind of acts that Adam seemed comfortable with. The idea of having the chance to live with Ben and Sarah also excited her — she had to admit that. Over the years she had shared in sex games with the water twins by using the nugget Ben had given her. The thought of playing those...
My grandmother, Sylvia, just passed away recently and I wanted to write down my memories of a most important time I spent with her, a remarkable and pivotal period in my growing up. My grandmother, Sylvia, was my stepfather's mom. My own parents were divorced when I was just four and my mother remarried when I was about seven. My step-grandmother was a very classy lady, quite pretty and trim, who had been a judge's wife until he died of a heart attack about three years before my mother...
I wanted to speak up once we were past the marines, but before I could gather my courage James turned to Yvette. "It's clear that our friend the governor is out to cause trouble. We should not let him know about the fact that we have access to the three common rooms just yet. However, make sure that all citizens use the ice rink to move back and forth for now. I don't want us confronting his goon squad just yet." Yvette nodded. "In fact, I'd take that further and stop all transit...
Bailey Brooke is minding her own business when she hears a noise and decides to check it out. She wasn’t expecting it to be her stepbrother jerking off! But once she sees what a massive cock he has she can’t stop watching and she even decides to masturbate herself… until he sees her! They have a quick chat about it and he leaves to take a nap… but Bailey can’t leave it at that. She goes to his room and starts stroking his hard cock while he’s in bed,...
xmoviesforyou“Hey, Burl!” “Hey, Carl,” Burl replied to the bank guard. Carl was in his late fifties trying to hang on until he could retire. He was a fill-in while the regular guard took his lunch hour. Since Burl always stopped by the bank during the lunch hour, he knew Carl better than the regular guard. “I see that it is payday again,” Carl said. The pay envelope was sticking out of Burl’s top pocket. It wasn’t the first he’d seen that day and it wouldn’t be the last. The bank would have a line for...
This is a continuation of the story that began with Amnesty Program. ---- Jason had forgotten how long it takes jeans to dry. Emily had burst in, just as Rebecca had predicted, her freckled face flushed from running and her wavy red hair windblown. She had been disappointed to find Jason and Rebecca calmly huddled over Jason's laptop, apparently working on a project. Jason was dressed in gym clothes though, a detail that didn't escape her journalistic instincts. He was stuck there for at...
First Time