Editorial LicentiousnessChapter 5 free porn video

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The sightseeing boat made a wide turn and the passengers all went 'Oooh!' and pointed to the newly revealed view of old Amsterdam. "Everybody's been drinking my milk," said Juno happily. "I've never had so much fun!"

Loretta leaned across the back of her seat. She'd seen Amsterdam before. "You mustn't feed everybody, Juno. You know what it does to people!"

"Nah, you need lots of it before it makes your tits grow..."

"I didn't drink that much, and look at mine."

"You're probably special."

"I hope little Marietje's not special, too," said Millicent. "She drank so much she could hardly waddle up the ladder off the boat. If she grows any more, the only job she'll be able to get when she leaves school will be in a circus."

"There are plenty of jobs a girl can do with big tits," Juno insisted. "She can be a stripper. Or she can work for Joop..."

Sarah had been quiet until now. She didn't seem to have said a word all morning. She had to clear her throat before she could get any words out. "I've got a friend," she announced.

"Sarah's got a friend," said Juno. "That's nice. What's he like, Sarah?"

Sarah ignored her. "A friend who really needs big tits. Not a little kid who's already got a far bigger pair than she knows what to do with, like Marietje. This friend of mine is beautiful but she's only got little ones. She wishes they were bigger."

"Oh, just send her along to me," said Juno airily. Who is she?"

"Someone who works for Yope."

"One of his porn stars?"

"No, his secretary."

Loretta's jaw fell open. "You mean Joyce? But she's got a lovely figure."

"Not lovely enough for Yope. He doesn't even know she exists."

"You mean ... she feels that way about him?"

"Wow," said Juno. "Romance rears its ugly head. Wait a minute, where do you fit in? Joop's your squeeze, isn't he?"

"I'm going home."

Loretta stared at her. "Home? But you live at Joop's place."

"No, I mean home. Virginia Water. Back to Mummy and Daddy. It's okay, I'll pay Ursula's bill for another couple of months. You're bound to have stopped growing by then, and if you haven't, you can get a job as a model or something."

"Gee, thanks!"

Juno was still trying to catch up. "Wait a minute. So you've finished with Joop? And we haven't even met him yet."

"He's gone away, nearly as far as Germany, to size up a couple of big black girls for his next epic."

"Maybe it's just as well," said Millicent. "If he came back, Wendy would only drag him into bed. She makes it very hard for a man to refuse her. Even the threat of being banged up in jail and the key being thrown away makes no difference to them. They see those giant tits and that tunnel of love and they melt. While she's bouncing up and down on top of them, they can dream up excuses for the judge. Like 'where did you ever see a fourteen-year-old girl with tits as big as those, Your Worship?'"

"Well, there's Marietje, for a start," suggested Juno.

"Marietje's not fourteen yet," said Sarah with chilling certainty. She returned to her theme. "So if Joyce wants big breasts, you can help her?"

"I can feed her, if that's what you mean. We'll have to wait three weeks to see the results, though."

"It either works or it doesn't," said Millicent. "Give her a couple of good bellyfulls before we go home, and we can leave her a gallon or so to keep her going for a few more days."

"That was more than enough for me," said Loretta.

Millicent was surprised. "You too? Juno never told me you'd been drinking her ... but you're so..."

"Ancient? I'm only thirty-five."

"Exactly. You're nearly three times as old as I was when I grew. And our friends, Pinky and Perky, whatever their names were at school, and Sar..." She stopped abruptly and rubbed her arm where Juno had punched it.

"And Marietje," said Juno. "What Millicent is saying is that it only works on very young girls, but it doesn't. Loretta's discovered that it works on old women, too."

"So now I'm an old woman all of a sudden!"

"Older. How old is this Joyce, Sarah?"

"Twenty-something. She's not old..."

"Not like me," said Loretta bitterly, turning away to watch the traffic streaming overhead as they passed beneath a bridge.

"We could do it, I suppose," said Juno. "But it's not much fun when we can't watch them grow. And if Sarah's going back to England as well, she won't be able to watch Joyce grow either. We won't even know if it works unless Loretta keeps dropping by the studio to take a look at her."

"Why not? It's not as if I've got anything else to do with my time."

"Loretta's not a happy bunny," said Juno. "Never mind, you've got very big tits now! And they're probably still growing. Come on, girls, let's go and expand this secretary! How do we get off this ship thing?"

"You can jump over the side," Loretta suggested. "Or wait fifteen minutes 'til we get back to where we started."

"A quarter of an hour to plan the operation," said Juno. "Right, we'll give her a big feed today, just to get her started. And another before we leave tomorrow morning. And we'll leave her a few bottles - have you got a supply of small bottles with sealable caps, Loretta?"

"Where would I find a supply of small bottles ... how big?"

"Half a pint would do," Juno demonstrated with her hands. "We'll fill those up and Joyce can keep them in the fridge at her office. And once a week we'll send her some more."

"Once a week?" Loretta squeaked. "For how long?"

"Three weeks ought to do it," said Juno. "Depends how sensitive she is. Three weeks ought to be enough to be on the safe side. She can stop if she's getting too big."

"How is she supposed to know when to stop?" Loretta demanded. "The growth is always three weeks behind. All she'll ever know is that she wasn't as big as she wanted to be three weeks earlier!"

"No problem! She can guess. Or work it out on her computer or something. Have you found those bottles yet, Loretta?"

"I'm still on this boat with you, Juno."

"Can you find them? It's vital to the success of the plan."

Loretta heaved a sigh. "Probably. The Indonesian restaurant downstairs can find us something, I'm sure."

"Whoopee! Hot n' spicy milk! Make sure they wash them out properly before they..."

The boat was swinging into its berth, tying up to the dock.

"Nice trip," said Juno. "Pity about that recorded commentary going on the whole time. You can't hold a decent conversation with all that noise."

The taxi disgorged its excited passengers at the door of the studio: Sarah looking apprehensive now that her plan was suddenly just about to happen; Juno and Millicent both moving carefully, both heavy with milk; Loretta carrying a bag of small glass bottles.

"Why did I have to bring these with us? They're not needed until tomorrow."

"You never know. Joyce might want to practise drinking out of a bottle," said Juno.

"Surely she knows how to drink, Ju," said Millicent.

"I hope so, I'm bursting!"

"So am I!"

"We don't know that Millicent-milk has the same effect as yours, do we, Ju?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Of course it does," said Juno. "Look at her! She's miles bigger than me!"

Unassailable logic.

"Are you going to pay the taxi man, Loretta, or are we going to stand out here all day?" Juno urged, running a nervous hand across one bulging teat then inspecting her milk-moist fingers.

"I'll pay him," said Sarah. She handed a note to the driver, whose eyebrows rose past the top of his head. She gave him another, sending him into raptures. "Now, come on. I'll introduce you to Joyce. There isn't much room in the office, so you may have to go in two at a time." She eyed Juno and Millicent. "Or maybe even one at a time."

It was a slight anti-climax, because Joyce wasn't in her office. The computer screen was bright blue and her chair was lying on its side.

"She's probably gone to the loo for a good cry," Sarah explained. "Her computer's crashed again. You two had better wait out here." She indicated a sleazy-looking reception area with a low couch and an evergreen potted plant, the kind that eats those hairy spiders as big as your hand that eat birds. "Sit down."

"On there?"

"If we get down there, we'll never get up again."

"Maybe you don't need to get up. Joyce can come to you and drink while you're sitting down."

"If she doesn't come soon, we're going to have a flood in here," said Juno. "Something seems to have over-stimulated my milk production."

"Mine, too," Millicent agreed. "I'm leaking like a fire hose."

"Fire hoses don't leak, Millicent..."

"Why don't we start filling these little bottles?" said Loretta. "You can do it into a jug or something, then we'll pour it into the bottles and put them in the fridge. It looks as if there'll still be plenty for Joyce when she comes back."

"Sounds like a plan," said Juno with a glance at Millicent. "Loretta may be getting on a bit, but her brain's still sharp..."

Without a word, Loretta upended her bag on the couch between the milkmaidens, and a tinkling cascade of little glass bottles poured out.

Juno's eyes widened. "Wow! There ought to be enough there."

"I'll find a jug," said Sarah. "And I'll see what's happened to Joyce."

"May as well get the girls out," said Juno, diving into her bodice and dragging out an udder about the size of a pillow.

"Why not?" said Millicent, producing one half as big again.

Loretta closed her eyes, feeling faint. Juno had already unscrewed the cap of one bottle and was attempting to direct some of the spraying contents of her breast into it. This was going to get very messy indeed.

"She's coming as soon as she's fixed her make-up," said Sarah, returning with the jug. "Oh, you've started already!"

"Give me that jug before I burst," said Millicent. "You'd better try and find another one. Or a bucket, or something."

"I'll find something," said Loretta, glad to get away from the disturbing scene.

Juno, her eyes shut tight, seemed to have almost filled the first bottle. These two girls were more productive than dairy cows. Sarah took the bottle from her. "Hang on for a minute, Juno. Loretta's gone for another jug." She held the bottle up to the light. "Wow, this takes me back to school. I used to bring my own lunch, and mum always gave me a little half-pint bottle of milk every day. Just like this one..." Her voice faded away and a blush spread across her face. "Surely not... ?"

"Pass the jug, Millie."

"No chance, get your own bugger!"

"Surely not... ?"

"Come on, Mill! I'm spraying all over the place here."

"I'm spraying worse than you. I need the jug."

"It can't be, surely... ?"

"Couldn't find a jug," said Loretta. "I brought this."

"Jeezus, Loretta! Where did you empty it?"

"Outside. We can always find some more sand." She handed the bright red fire bucket to Juno, and a satisfying metallic spurting sound filled the room, mingling with the orgasmic moans of the dairy herd.

"It can't be, can it... ?"

"What's up with her?" Loretta stared at Sarah, who was still gawping, transfixed, at the bottle of Juno-milk.

Juno opened one eye. "I think she's finally put two and two together and worked out where her tits came from."

"Surely not... ?"

The door opened and a stunningly beautiful black girl came in, stopping in her tracks as she took in the unusual scene in the reception area.

"Oh, hi, Joyce," said Loretta. "Let me introduce Juno and Millicent!"

Joyce did quite well in the end. It took a while for her to get used to the idea, but after half an hour, Juno and Millicent dragged themselves off the couch, feeling much relieved. Loretta heaved Joyce on to the couch where she lay spreadeagled on her back, panting, exhausted and plastered with milk. There was milk all over her face, her eyebrows, her hair. Her summer frock was almost transparent. Loretta pulled it down so it covered her lovely legs. At some stage in the proceedings it had ridden up and person or persons unknown had been interfering with the secretary's delicate filmy underwear.

"She looks peaceful," Juno observed.

"She looks full up," said Millicent.

"Well, it's done now," said Juno. "In three weeks, she's going to start needing something bigger than a little girl's training bra under that dress."

"And we've got enough little bottles in the fridge to keep her going for a few days, so..."

"She'll carry on growing."

"Surely not! It can't be... ?" Sarah was sitting on the floor in the corner, one bottle of milk still clutched in her hand.

Millicent smirked at her. "Is she still in shock?"

Juno was loading her breasts back into her bodice. "Looks like it. You'd have thought she'd have worked out ages ago what made her tits grow when she was at school. She's obviously not very bright! Come on, Sarah," she called. "Hel-lo! Time for your afternoon classes!"

"Classes?" Sarah came out of her trance. Her gaze focused on her milk bottle once more, this time with complete understanding. "Thanks, Mummy," she whooped, and before anyone could say a word, she glugged the entire contents of the Juno-milk bottle down her throat. She set it down with a satisfied burp, then rolled over and fainted clean away.

"Everybody's going to sleep," said Millicent.

"That must be another side-effect of the milk," Juno suggested. "Drink it at bedtime instead of cocoa. And when you wake up in three weeks' time, whammo! We could sell this stuff, Millie."

Somewhere in the office, the phone was ringing. "I'd better get that," said Loretta. "It might be someone who only speaks Dutch." She plodded into the office, finding the phone under a file marked 'Baby Oil Invoices'. "Ja?" she yelled. "Who's there? Shit!" She stomped back into the reception area.

"Who was it?"

"Nobody there. They hung up."

It rang again.

"Oh, shit!"

Someone was ringing the studio door bell.

"This place is like Piccadilly Circus," said Juno. "We'd better not answer it. If it's one of Joop's models, she'll get an inferiority complex."

Millicent was bending over the couch, shaking Joyce. "Joycie, time to get up, love!"

Joyce sat up, blinking. "What?"

"Someone at the door."

"I'll get it, thanks." She struggled to her feet, then caught a glimpse of her sopping wet dress and gave a little scream. "Oh, God, I'm all wet!"

"It's in your hair, too," Juno pointed out helpfully. "But it's only milk. It will wash off."

"You'd better get the door," said Millicent. "It might be something important. They won't see you if you don't put the light on, it's dark in the corridor."

"I can't answer the door like this..." But she hurried away nonetheless, and they heard low voices for a few moments before Joyce came back. "As I say, he's away for a day or two on business, but if you'd like to leave your name and address, he'll get back to you. You're a very pretty girl! And so ... how old did you say you were?"

A somehow familiar voice came out of the darkness of the corridor. "I didn't. But I'm twenty-three. And my name's Marietje... eeek!"

"Marietje what?"

Joyce turned round, to find the prospective model staring open mouthed at Juno and Millicent. "I'd better go. Got to get back..."

Loretta came out of the office. "The bastards hung up again. Hi, Joyce. Is there something wrong with your phone? Marietje!"

"You've met?" said Joyce.

Marietje backed away down the corridor. "I gotta go."

"You're supposed to be at school," said Loretta sternly.

"School? She said she's twenty-three!"

"More like half that. She's a big girl for her age. What are you doing here, Marietje?"

"I want to be in the movies. I'm big enough." She took an unnecessarily deep breath as if to prove it. "I'd better go," she added, then stopped. "You've got milk in your hair," she said to Joyce. "And all over your dress. It will smell if you don't wash it off." She nodded to Juno and Millicent. "Is it theirs? You mustn't drink their milk unless you want your tits to grow. Their milk gives you huge tits!"

"Is that what happened to yours?" Joyce asked, her eyes roaming over the child's impressive frontispiece.

"Gosh! Not yet! It takes three weeks. No, this is all me. I eat a lot of pancakes..."

"You'd better get back to school before I call your mother," Loretta growled at her.

"But we've got History!" the girl whined.

"You'll be history if you don't go now."

"There's someone else at the door," said Marietje helpfully. "Shall I answer it?"

"No, you're leaving. Joyce will see you out."

But Marietje had wandered off on a tour of the office. "Is this baby oil? Pity, I'm thirsty. Wow! Bottles of milk!"

"Marietje, don't touch that..."

"Too late!"

She put the empty bottle down and wiped the milk from her upper lip. "That's good! Yours?" she asked Juno. "I can tell. Hers is sweeter and thicker, like coffee-milk. Hasn't Joyce answered the door yet? I wanna see who it is. It might be someone else wanting a job. I bet, whoever it is, her tits aren't as big as mine. Have you ever thought of being a model, Juno? Mine will be pretty big when they grow, won't they? Especially as I'm so skinny. I think everything I eat goes straight to my..."

"Wendy!" Millicent shrieked.

"You know this one, too?"

"She's my fucking sister. Fucking being the operative word."

"She's come for an audition," said Joyce. "Oops, she's a bit pregnant," she said as Wendy emerged into the room. "Still, I think Joop's going to be looking for models for Preggo Lust Boat."

"She can't be a model," said Millicent. "She's my sister. And she's only fourteen."

"How did you know we'd be here?" Juno asked.

"I didn't. That's why I'm here. Franciscus left a card at Joop's place. It must have fallen out of his pocket." She showed the card to Juno. It bore a silhouette of a busty girl. "Mine are miles bigger than hers," said Wendy scornfully. "How much do you think they pay here? I get fuck-all for looking after babies."

"Babies! What have you done with the twins?" Millicent screamed.

"Don't wet your knickers, sis! They're in the taxi outside. Abdul's looking after them for me."

"Who the fuck's Abdul?"

"The driver. He owes me a favour. The cab fare was a blowjob, but I gave him a little extra."

"Jeee-zus! My sister's a common whore!"

"I am not common!"

"Wow!" Marietje sidled up to Wendy. "Are you a whore? You're big! Will I be as big as Wendy when I'm fourt... ?"

"Marietje!" Loretta seized the girl by one ear and half dragged her away.

"Ow-ow-ow! Okay, I'll go quietly!"

Just as they just reached the front door, the bell pealed right in front of them.

"Somebody else at the door," said Marietje, when the two of them took their fingers out of their ears.

"I'd noticed, thank you." Loretta flung the door open before the bell could ring again.

"Special delivery, ma'am. Oh, no! You again?"

It took a while to sort everyone out. Loretta had stood aside and let Franciscus in with his half a dozen boxes of baby oil, then investigated Marietje's ex-taxi, which was still parked outside, the driver gazing into space with an expression of utter disbelief still on his face. She retrieved Millicent's twins, still sleeping peacefully, and laid them on the bed in the studio.

Joyce had a headache and retired to the office to cry over her blue screened computer. She was hitting keys at random without any hope.

Sarah had gone into the office with her to curl up in an armchair, wrap her arms round her head and have an attack of the sulks. She thought nobody would miss her and she was probably right.

Marietje sweetly informed everyone that History would be over by now so she could go back to school, except that it would take so long that by the time she got there it would be time to go home. Besides, she was thirsty again. She raided the fridge and glugged another two bottles of milk to prove how thirsty she was.

With a sigh, Loretta decided she'd better try and comfort the unhappy secretary, and allowed the reluctant schoolgirl to sit on the couch as long as she kept quiet and didn't make a nuisance of herself. Marietje squeezed her narrow backside between Juno and Millicent and sat down to make civilised conversation. It was perhaps ten minutes before they realised that they were all watching Wendy and Franciscus in action. The couple had started coupling behind the couch but had gradually rolled round to the front where the carpet was thicker and less wearing on the delivery boy's buttocks.

"You mustn't look at this," said Juno, covering Marietje's eyes.

"That's my sister!" howled Millicent.

"We know. We'd know who it was even if they were doing it in the next room." Wendy's gasps and grunts filled the air, mingling with the appallingly wet noises from the lovers' loins. Even Millicent was fascinated by the girl's all-action technique.

Marietje seemed troubled. "What are they fighting for? Why doesn't he push her off. He's strong enough."

"They're not really fighting," Juno explained. "They're making babies."

"But Wendy's full up with babies already. What does she want more for?"

"It's too complicated. Ask your mother to explain."

"Oh, you bastard! You bastard!" Wendy was getting close to a climax, but apparently not quite close enough for her liking.

"She's ever so rude to him, isn't she?" said Marietje. "Why doesn't he roll her off and give her a good spanking?"

"Come on, you big Dutch shithead!"

This was too much for Marietje's proud spirit to bear. "And you're a fat English tart!" she yelled, leaping off the couch to defend her fellow countryman. She put her head down and butted Wendy in the buttocks just as she was reaching the peak of her climactic upstroke. Marietje was a diminutive creature, and she carried most of her weight in her brassiere, but she had timed her attack to perfection. With a sound not entirely unreminiscent of a dozen jellyfish being tipped into a vat of rancid goat's milk, Wendy became unplugged and slid helplessly forwards on her knees, her pudenda settling itself wetly across her lover's face.

"Oooh, yes!" she gushed.

Marietje found herself face to face - eye to eye, as it were - with the recent object of Wendy's affections. She grasped it in both hands, sniffed it, put out her pink pointy tongue and tasted it, decided it was a nasty horrible big thing and bent it downwards out of the way.

Juno and Millicent winced.

Franciscus, perhaps mercifully, passed out.

"It tastes like fish," Marietje reported, scrambling to her feet with an expression of acute distaste. "Herrings. I'm ever so hungry. I think I want to go home for my dinner." Her expression became preoccupied as she felt her bosom cautiously. One mammoth young breast seemed to be higher than the other. "Uh-oh! My bra's busted again."

"Don't be silly, Marietje," said Juno. "Bras don't break as easily as that."

"Mine do," said Marietje. "Ask my History teacher. Look at it." Within five seconds she had unbuttoned her shirt and liberated her chest. One shoulder strap had ripped away from the top of the cup, allowing its burden to plunge downwards. She held it up with both hands but it was too heavy so she lowered it down again.

Even Wendy was impressed. Removing herself from the face of her lover, she prodded Franciscus in the ribs and pointed at Marietje. "Jeez, look at the tits on that little kid!"

"I can't," Franciscus moaned. "My knob hurts. She broke it." Nevertheless, he risked a quick look, and regretted it instantly as his erection started to rebuild itself.

Marietje looked at it with interest. "Did I do that? How?"

"Let me see that bra," Juno pulled the girl's arm, turning her round to spare Franciscus further punishment. "God, no wonder. Look, Millie."

"Why such narrow shoulder straps?" said Millicent.

"She's got such narrow shoulders, so the straps can't be any wider. I wonder if Joyce has got a safety pin..."

"That won't work," said Marietje decisively. "This has happened before. It's an emergency."

"A what?"

"You've got to call Auntie Ursula."

Loretta, attracted by the noise, emerged from the office. "Marietje, what are you doing? Put those things away, child!"

"I'm an emergency. Auntie Ursula has got to come and mend me." She flapped the broken end of the shoulder strap.

"What's going on?" Joyce came out of the office, saw Marietje and gasped. Then she saw Wendy and gasped again. Franciscus had crawled behind the couch. There was too much gasping going on.

"She wants us to send for her bra maker," Loretta explained.

"She's got her own woman who makes bras for her?" Joyce squeaked. "But she can't be any older than..."

"That's right, she isn't, but nobody thought to mention that fact to her hormones, so her figure has got a little out of hand. Could you call the lady, please, Joyce? Marietje will tell you the number."

Loretta wandered wide-eyed over to the couch, where an enormous amount of breast was on display. Marietje, docile as a lamb, followed Joyce into the office.

"Your computer's gone all blue."

"I know. It keeps doing it." She watched anxiously as the child approached the keyboard and confidently clattered away at the keys. Joyce was most impressed. "Can you make it better?"

"Mine does the same thing. There!" The screen turned black and the machine emitted a beep and restarted.

"What about all the stuff I was working on?" Joyce wailed. "Has it all gone?"

"Probably," said Marietje. "It always gets lost when it happens to me." She strode over to the phone and tapped out a number, then handed the handset to Joyce. "There you go."

"Wait a minute. Who did you call?"

Marietje wasn't listening. "Hello, Sarah! You don't look very happy!"

Joyce waggled the phone in the air. "Marietje! Who am I speaking to?"

Sarah opened her eyes and gave Marietje a tired smile. "I've got a tummy ache."

"I get those. I always have a good shit."

"Oh, thanks!"

"Hello? Who is this? I know I called you. Who are you? Who is this on the phone, Marietje?" Joyce listened to the phone for a moment. "Yes, that's right. Marietje. A tiny little girl with great big ... yes, that's her. Her bra's broken. You will? Oh... Busty Films, the studios. Yes, that's right. No, of course she isn't, she's only about... how old? As young as that? My God!" With shaking hand she put the receiver down. "Your woman's coming over straight away, Marietje."

"Thanks. My friend's got a tummy ache, Joyce. Is she having a baby?"

"Of course I'm not having a baby!" Sarah snapped. "I don't think so, anyway. Mummy will kill me if I am."

"I can tell you how you'll know if you're having a baby or not," said Marietje, leaning confidentially towards her.

"I'm not, I tell you!" Sarah looked suspiciously at the girl. "How?"

"Undo your shirt."

"If this is some kind of schoolgirl game..."

"All the way down to your tummy."

"Marietje, what are you doing... ?"

"Wow! They're all pink, except for your brown bits. Look how pink mine are."

Sarah looked. Unaccountably she was becoming moist. Marietje helped lift Sarah's left breast completely out of her bra and bent her head. Without taking her eyes off Sarah's face, she opened her mouth and took the long, brown nipple between her lips. Then she sucked, hard.

"Marietje!" Joyce gave a little scream of horror.

Sarah could only close her eyes and whimper softly. "Gently, baby!"

"Baby," said Marietje happily, continuing to suckle.

Embarrassed beyond belief, Joyce turned away and began to type busily. The chatter of the keys mingled with Marietje's noisily frantic sucking and Sarah's moans, which were coming at an ever-increasing rate. "Ooh, look at this!" the secretary suddenly turned round, then hastily returned to her monitor.

"Look at what?" Marietje rolled her eyes to Joyce and asked through a mouthful of teat.

"Nothing. You carry on with what you're doing. But it saved that document for me after all." She began typing again.

"Oh, good." The sucking was renewed for a few busy minutes, until: "Ooh, look at this!" said Marietje. "Sarah! You are going to have a baby after all!"

"What?" Sarah sat up straight, and Marietje had to cling on with both little hands. "What's that stuff on your chin?"

"I told you. You're having a baby." Marietje licked her lips and bent to continue her game.

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You came here to Suck it Get to it Gay

Charley was more than a little bit nervous. He was -- if he were to admit it - a little bit scared. And, at the same time, he was as excited as he'd ever been in his life. Whatever the feeling was called, he was in love with it. It was the same feeling when he'd first visited the local Adult Books Store (as they used to call it) and discovered the glory holes there -- then returned for the specific purpose of sucking cock.The same trepidation and excitement at the same time. The same buzz, only...

2 years ago
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Summers Fantasies

Summer?s FantasiesBy Tappy McWidestanceEditor?s Note: This story was written for a very special woman who confessed her fantasies to me through several role playing phone calls. As usual the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.My name is Summer. I am in my early 30?s, single with brown curly hair and curves in all the right places. I am not a rail thin model type, but I blessed as I am with an ample chest and I still turn heads whenever I show...

1 year ago
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Bianca in Red

Bianca is too stunning in her red lingerie to escape the bathroom without some internal male moisture being added to her pretty exterior bodily lotion. Bianca is in the bathroom. I swear she spends more time there than the bedroom. She is always prepping herself. I mean don’t get me wrong, she gets it all right; from her succulent soft lotioned skin, to the scents she chooses on her body, her lightly plucked eyebrows and that goddamn mascara she uses that drives me wild as I look into her...

2 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 003 Elizabeths Story Lynn

Witch Chronicles 003: Elizabeth's Story-Lynn by JRD Author's Note: Here is part 3 of the Witch Chronicles. The installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". Here are the original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH...

3 years ago
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Lady of the Forest

It was early spring when I finally made my way through the mountains of Ered Luin and started my journey into Mirkwood, the elven forest. I had seen a few elves in pubs here and there, mysterious yet comforting folk they are, but strangely enough, through all my years of travelling, this was the first time I ever set foot on elven grounds. Something was different in this forest than any place I had been, as if a thousand spirits were living in the wind. The trees were ancient, almost as...

4 years ago
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My friend and lover Muzzy Pt 1 Fiction

(I am here writing this story for a good friend of mine. A fantasy of what I would do to her when we met. So here my lover, a first story for you.)I could already see me standing on the porch, waiting at your door having just knocked. You have no idea how hard it was for me to pick out what to wear. I have had butterflies building in my stomach for several days. And so I chose a cute little black pleated skirt, and a red tight tank top. A matching pair of black lace bra and g-string underneath....

3 years ago
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The Last 24 HoursChapter 10

The woman has more balls than the NBA, NFL, MLB, The Canadian Leagues, and every collegiate team combined! And now she's going to trash my night with Beth... I don't think so! I took a moment to calm myself and to think for a moment. Josh's voice brought me out of my musings, "Alex? Are you there?" I turned back to the phone and sighed, I answered Josh, "Yeah Josh, I'm here. Do you have the paperwork I asked for with you?" He replied "In my valise as we speak." I told him, "Get...

3 years ago
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Life the Gorland EditionChapter 3A Training Day 1

The sun shines directly in our faces as it rises from the east. Blinking I looked out the window and notice a small fishing boat cruising by. From where I am I can see of the three men in the boat though they haven't looked our way yet. I slow and quietly as possible awaken the other girls and we slide off the far side of the bed onto the floor. Flash. Looking to the hallway, I spot Mark snapping a picture of us hiding there. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is thinking of...

1 year ago
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Becoming Sister8217s Valentine And Fucking Her Brains Out

Hello, handsome guys and sexy girls, I am Amit, once again bringing a hot story to you. This story is about a true incident happened between me and my hottie sister, Abha. For those who are meeting me and my sis for the first time, I am Amit, 25 years old, living in Bhopal. I have a hot sister, Abha who is 24 years old and working in an MNC in Pune. My sister has a damn hot figure, more on the chubby side but with awesome boobs of 36D size. We have had fucked many times. To know our journey,...

3 years ago
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Ive Got The Trains To Keep Me Company

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

4 years ago
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Fetters of Velvet

"We have fetters of iron there against the wall," the guard said. "But we're ordered to not put them on thee. Here's a bed; there's a fire. The baron will send more comforts down, I'm sure." They disappeared up the ladder. The floor was at least two manheights above him, and the trap about four fingerbreadths thick. If he got up there, and they'd remove the ladder soon, he'd confront at least two guards, armed, armored, and probably experienced in war for longer than the fourteen...

1 year ago
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Mind Control Machine

"What makes you think that?" She asks, surprised at my question. "Well, he was pretty eccentric, you have to admit. He seemed like one of those guys who would stash things around the house and then forget where they are. We are going to search for hidden stuff, right?" My mom's brother died in a car accident a couple of months ago and my mom is executor of his estate. Uncle Harry never married and as his younger sister, mom is his only living relative. Uncle Harry was 40, two years...

3 years ago
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Seduced By House Owner

Hi, guys, I’m Rahul from Tamil Nadu. I’m a reader of ISS. I’m 5.5 and have an average body. My dick size is 5.5 inch.This is my first sex story and sorry for any my mistakes in spelling.My age is 20. If any lonely married, unsatisfied women need any help just contact me via Let me come to the story, I live in a rental house. The owner is women. Her husband left her since 10 years back. She is 30-28-32 age: 45 and has a perfect body that any man will mesmerize. She has a daughter studying in...

4 years ago
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Morgans First Time with Her Brother Part 1

"Morgan!" I called out for her as our parents pulled out of the driveway. As soon as they were completely gone, I usually told her the rules. "Morgan! Where are you?" I began shouting as I was walked toward the living room. Morgan and I usually got along, but every now and then, like today, she got on my nerves. It seemed as though she canceled her plans just to ruin my day. "What do you want, Ethan?" I heard her yell from upstairs. I stomped up to find her lying on her...

1 year ago
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Black Package 1st step GayMaker

My wife had left for the office but I decided to stay home that day as I was sick and tired of working and needed some time to myself. After grabbing a cup of coffee, I flipped on the TV and powered up the PC to check my morning mail. After rifling thru the usual spam and bullshit messages from friends and relatives, I decided to check some of my favorite adult websites. I like a combination of erotic stories and pictures so I had several different websites up simultaneously. I like beautiful...

2 years ago
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5' 11", 180# nice looking, intelligent (very, VERY), submissive white male. I am starting to think I will never find the woman of my dreams. I want a woman that I can treat like a princess and spoil. One that would love to be totally submissive to BLACK MEN. We would be best friends, but her sexual needs would be fulfilled by well endowed, dominant BLACK BULLS. I love performing oral sex more than anything and would ask for just a few things from my princess. First, as previously stated,...

3 years ago
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My wife a fantasy

Unfortunately this is all in my head but I would love for it to happen! This is also my first ever story so be gentleA weekend without the k**s - delightful! We decide to book a hotel in London and plan to see a show. We have not ordered any tickets but hope to pick up standby's. We arrive and check in. We head to the bar and aim to relax. The place is jammed - a wedding party it looks like! We squeeze onto a corner of a table and order drinks. We start to chat to the other people on the table...

1 year ago
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BangBus Mae Milano Doing it All For Money

This week we pulled up on this chick at the bus stop. We started bullshitting with her for some time and soon enough she had already showed us her tits for money. Eventually, with some hesitation she hopped on the bus. In there, we started flashing her more money. These chicks would do anything for the right amount of money. We had her get completely naked and it was only a matter of time before she was sucking some cock. From there, our boy Milan got to fuck this beauty. After penetrating her...

2 years ago
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Brave Frontier Another Use for Summoning

John Doe, one of the strangest summoners in the Akras Summoner's Hall. While he is quite skilled at summoning, managing to summon near-perfect replicas of the units, he barely ever takes credit for his acomplishments, preferring to remain in the shadows and use his units for "other purposes", whichever they may be. He is known to be good friends with leader of the Hall Grahdens, and they occasionally meet to do activities in his house, though no one, not even his co-leader Own, is aware of what...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 17

When Carol and Misti returned home,it was only 11 in the morning. They had stopped at a drive-in and got a malt to drink on the way home. Misti had parked her car in her garage so as not to block the drive for Dave and Sharon. The went into the house to use the bathroom. The coffee they had drank that morning, and bottles of water needed release. After this chore was taken care of, Misti, as usual, wanted to get naked. Carol decided she wanted to strip down with her. A few minutes later, they...

2 years ago
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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Secret is out part 2

After I served Mistress Sarah her drink, she took a sip and just looked at me. Instantly, for some reason, I knew what to do next. Sitting on the sofa, I began to massage her feet, when she quickly saidl "erm, little one, on your knees on the floor, I didn't say you could sit there!". "I'm sorry, Mistress", I replied apologetically not making eye contact. "Graham, I do believe this is going to work out nicely. By the looks of your little erection, so far so good baby", she teased while I...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 10

Her tears ran riot for the entire hundred miles back to Phoenix. Her husband would be out of town for the next two days—a sudden business something or other—but he was on the cell and ready to join her on a moment’s notice if she needed him. He’d promised her that. She would wait to talk to him. She very much needed to talk to her parents first anyway, and Sam’s dad too. When she talked to her husband she wanted all of what she had to say, all that she now knew, to be vetted and clear in her...

4 years ago
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A Clueless Village Girl InThe USA

This is not a regular ISS Sex story. It is a slow burner with sex in a few chapters but driven by plot. I’ll write more based on the feedback I receive on it. Please contact me only based on the story to No sex chats or personal messages, please. Meghna’s parents were over the moon. They were always told that her beautiful daughter would bring them good fortune. But this was huge, they got a proposal from an NRI groom. For those in her small village, marrying their daughter to a city boy is a...

3 years ago
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Hard work pays off Part One

Six weeks after starting my new corporate job with a prestigious asset management firm in the western peninsula, I couldn't be happier...............I had graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Business and Finance and was working on my Master's......no prior experience, yet I had wowed HR at the interview and was awarded a position to manage high risk portfolios for some of their wealthiest clients..........I couldn't be happier...........thirteen years of arrested development, financial...

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Sissy discovers Part 5

Part 5 of the story about Sissy and her sexual awakening ****************Brad did not hesitate when invited to go over to Lisa’s. Sissy was not surprised. What young male would not want to hangout with a girl who flaunted her nude body in front of him only hours before. They decided to take the pontoon boat over as it is ten minutes by boat and almost 40 minutes by car. Evening cruses was a family specialty and Brad was good at handling the boat. As they pulled up to Lisa’s family dock Sissy...

1 year ago
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Tomo and Takashi

Takashi stared silently for a moment then nodded silently, he reached up, yanking his bandages from his face and mumbled very simply, "Good, one less grave to dig." He silently stared, before considering, no doubt it'd be her first time, a gentle touch would be needed. He moved forward and placed his mouth over hers.Tomo's first instinct was to pull away from the unfamiliar touch and feeling, but she kept herself where she was, feeling and learning the soft shift of his lips. Hesitantly, one of...

First Time
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Daphne looked fondly at the framed picture on her desk, sighing to herself as she raised a hand to it. They all looked far too young, too young to be away from home – in her opinion at least. She softly traced the forms of her c***dren with her fingers, smiling at the moving image. Rose was s*******n now, newly crowned head-girl. Her twin brother James also being named head-body, both of her c***dren achieving the best they possible could do.Even though they were both twins, they were separated...

3 years ago
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Storm 3

The two burly security guards nodded to the tall man in the hat and coat as he approached the entrance to “The Tea Parlour” with his arm around the narrow waist of a beautiful blonde who was blindfolded and secured at her wrists. They gawped at the glimpses of her wonderful breasts, belly and thighs she unwillingly flashed from the open lapels of her coat as she was led along. The guards did not look surprised at the sight. This was just another Saturday night at “The Tea Parlour”, a fetish...

4 years ago
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It All Started With A Question Chapter 7

When we last saw Jillian, she was in what looked to be an adult size nursery, I wonder what's going to happen next. Like I said I was in shock, as I realized this room was decorated like a baby's nursery. Only all of the furnishings were in an adult size. The room it's self was done in pink & lavender walls, with matching pink & lavender curtains on the windows. Over to one side was a large changing table in one corner, and over on the other side was this large crib. The crib...

1 year ago
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Me and my 69 PART 1

Introduction: Hot Rod Molly Me and my 69. Part 1[p] Please vote comments appreciated. I want to know if I should continue.[p] Hey Molly, do you have a couple spares? Molly walked around her car and all the tires where flatten. She looked in the direction she heard the laughs from. She look at the guys standing there laughing. She was ready to tear them apart. The only way you guys can win is by cheating!! Are you afraid of me or what? She yelled at them. She tightened her fist and started...

4 years ago
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OH myPart 1

One night my wife went out with the girls so my neighbor and I watched some fuck flicks. Then shortly after we started too talk about or adventures more so about the swinging my wife and I did. Awhile later he asked if I wanted to join him in the hot tube so as he got his robe i striped down and got into the water. So I sat in the water and faced the TV which was showing a hot Bi movie. Not long after my 6 1/2 fat cock was poking out of the water which I bw=egan to rub. He finally shows up...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 51

Waking up, I pondered just how the hell things had gotten so out of control. All I wanted was for things to calm down a bit and give me a breather between disasters. I went through my morning routine and headed off to school. Deputy Orrack caught me again as was walking into the building. Turns out he was aware of everything that I was dealing with, two thirds of which he was involved with, and somehow, he got roped into the whole Dick saga. “Hey Badzinski. I got a business card for you....

3 years ago
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Body Language Part 3

Again, Taverner wrote Part 1, and let me finish the story between Allan and Karla. Enjoy. ‘Mmmmm…Allan…’ Karla was on the bed on all fours, as I was thrusting into her from behind. It was the first time that we ever tried it like this, but Karla had been growing more adventurous since the pregnancy. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and caressed her stomach, feeling the slightest bump for where our baby was growing. The thought that I had impregnated Karla, and that we had made a baby...

2 years ago
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One Wild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

3 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 10 Friday Morning

Robin - Friday morning before school I had spent part of the night tossing and turning. I know I spent much of it thinking about what Pat and I had done in the context of what we had overheard last night. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with Pat singing a duet in the shower. I didn't hear the alarm going off in Robert's room so they either didn't use one or they turned it off before it woke me up. I needed to pee badly so I knocked on the bathroom door. Pat said come on...

3 years ago
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Sex KittenChapter 8

I actually remember the last time Kristy and I made love. We had been on the lam for nearly four years and I had come to consider her my sidekick; her shortcomings were all too familiar to me and we were not equals. I was in charge. We had stopped outside of Flagstaff, AZ and were staying in a cabin that had once been a way station for Mexican illegals who had crossed the border and were making their way north. Since the oil shortage and the "flat earth" economy emerged, few saw the need...

1 year ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 10 The Ball and After

Both James and I had more than sufficient sleep the day before, so we both woke early. My headache was completely gone, although I still had a small and tender bump on the back of my head. After we dressed and took our breakfast in the dining room, James hired a brougham and took me through the New York Central Park. It was an astonishing sight, such a wide and open expanse of land, so artfully landscaped, in the very center of the metropolis. When I asked how it had come about that none...

4 years ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 13

INTERMISSION„Yes, what is it, Kemal?“The Turk bowed low before the supreme power of Quireme. He had asked for an audience of Princess Karina, hoping she would grant an extension of the period of ‘Pony Service’ for his two Top Honor charges, Black Beauty and Saucy Lady. Since the Princess enjoyed driving this team, he had high hopes.However, his hopes were soon dashed.„I’m afraid not, Kemal,“ replied the Princess when he had made this request. „Those two are required back in the Harem.“Kemal...

3 years ago
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Amandas Second Report

The Article:  27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Black sisters

Narcissa awoke only to find herself strapped to a table completely naked. She struggled against the bonds, but found they were solid.“Cissy?”Narcissa craned her head to find her sister Bellatrix chained to a wall just as naked as she was.“Bella, where are we?” Narcissa asked.“I haven’t a clue” Bellatrix said.Soon the door opened and they found their sister Andromeda walk in.“Andi, thank Merlin you’re here please you’ve got to release us” Narcissa said pleadingly.But their sister said nothing...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Tiff Bannister G116

Finally it’s back to the action! It’s time to watch Tiff take on 5 of the #Cocksmen and take 6 hot loads. We start her off on the pedestal and get right down to the action. The guys sample her sweet pussy after getting off those itty bitty jeans. The best part about this sexy lady is how busy she stays. She really does like being the center of attention, and she really really loves getting the guys off. She rarely has a free hand, or empty mouth. She keeps stroking and sucking the...

3 years ago
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Temporary Reassignment

Temporary Reassignment By Olga Turlovna 1 - Newbie If good looking women are the water of life, Pharmalens Inc. was an arid desert. So for those of us who worked there, pretty much every heterosexual guy took note the day Victoria de Vere first crossed the office threshold, her high heels clacking noisily and with her elegant legs making a rustling sound as she moved in that delightfully figure- hugging formal office skirt. She was all we could talk about on her first...

3 years ago
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Brother in Law 8211 Part II

I am Sadhna, now 23 and writing after 5 years. This is in continuation to the story submitted on 9.8.08. Main characters are my elder sister, Sandhya now 25, BIL-Sanjay now 28 and Mom now 37. Just for a brief, we all females are well endowed in our family at the right places (breasts to be precise) which are always the reason for the male gaze. My sister and BIL married at the right age as per my Mom at the ages of 18 & 21 respectively. Coming from a village background, Mom herself had married...

1 year ago
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Alone Part II

Four leather cuffs with sheepskin insideWhite cotton ropeA black scarfI knew now where this was going. We had talked a lot about sensory deprivation and the impact it has on sexual arousal. He turned to me and said simply “are you ready?” and I simply nodded.He placed a cuff on each wrist and ankle, fussing with the adjustments until they were just right. Not lose enough for me to slip out of but not so tight that they bothered me. He leaned into me and kissed me, our tongues dancing...

3 years ago
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Birthday Sex

It all started with an ad on Craig's List. My usual ad "BBW 4 BBC"! It was my most successful ad headline and I knew I would get great results, but I had no idea I was about to meet the "meat grinder".He responded to my ad and we flirted back and forth for a little while before making a date. He said it was his birthday and I was to be his present. The thought of this excited me because his chocolate bar looked enormous and those puffy luscious lips were begging to be sucked on.For a few days...

1 year ago
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UPS Package Mistake Gay

I was delivering a package that was left at my door by mistake. The house numbers were correct but the address was a mile away on a street with a similar name. I parked and walked through a small courtyard to the front door. This home was in an expensive upscale neighborhood. I rang the doorbell and waited. No one answered so I placed the box by the door and proceeded to my car. Movement through a window I passed caught my eye. The blinds were open enough that I could see the back of a chair...

3 years ago
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A Bisexual Surprise

A Bisexual?s Surprise?OMG!? (Oh, My God) I thought to myself.  ?How did I get myself into this mess?  A giant cock in my mouth and my ass is on fire.?  Well, to be honest, I was in this mess because it?s what I wanted.  For, you see, I am a middle-aged kinky guy who loves bondage games.  And, I just discovered the joys of bisexual sex.  Enjoying both cocks and pussies in a m?nage-a-trios scene.  Nothing could be finer.  Here I was:  Living out a kinky dream.  I was naked in a strange hotel room w...

2 years ago
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Tales of an Unethical Hypnotist 1

“Hey, Dad! What are you doing home?” It was 3:30 in the afternoon and my daughter, my only child was just arriving home from school. Something in her voice, a slight strain caused me to look up from the vegetables I was chopping near the kitchen sink. “Oh hi, sweetie!” I replied. “Both of my afternoon appointments cancelled. They probably figured spending some time outside in the gorgeous weather would be better therapy than being cooped up in my office. Not that I blame them mind you.” I...

3 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 18

When the car stopped Mary looked out the window and was surprised to see that they were not at her house. She didn't recognize where she was at first and then she realized they were at Lisa's parent's home. By this time it was very late and Mary was totally exhausted. Lisa lead her piss soaked teacher into her parent's house and down to the basement where she ordered the Mary to crawl into a metal dog crate about 3' by 4' and 3' high. Mary crawled into the cage and after Lisa had...

3 years ago
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Gypsy SailorChapter 2

"Jerry, Winter Harbour, Thursday night. Be there! Brandy" I must have read that note thirty times before the message sank into my head. Brandy had left without so much as a "Good-bye". Even just a hint of why she'd sailed out of the cove so early in the morning would have made me feel better. Winter Harbour. Shit, how I hated that place. With the draft of my 32-foot sloop, the only way that I could safely enter or leave that harbour was at high tide, just as it turned. At any other...

3 years ago
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Front Desk Help Part 1

This was originally posted as in my blog.I work for a major hotel as a late night desk clerk. You see a lot of crazy shit working late nights at hotels. Guests trying to sneak people into their rooms, fights, police stings, even some people trying to make a porn movie - seen just about everything. The hotel has a policy of having two people working the front desk on the night shift. I work with Rosie, a sweet, thick filapina who always manages to drive me to distraction. We've been working...

1 year ago
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The ghost fuck

I am luna. Female 30 yrs.It had been five days since I moved. I loved the new house. It was old but dated. During the move I did notice some weird events. But, it was my imagination.yes? I would put the water on and suddenly would shut off. Mirrors fogged. Closed drawers were open.. items vanished. This particular evening, I was alone. Nervous but confident decided to take a shower ..letting the stem roam down my body as I shuttered. I got ready for bed. Driving into a wonderful slumber that...

3 years ago
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lucky guy part 3

by the way,im adam 35,my girlfreinds is may 38 and her daughter raynor is 21.id got up to got the bathroom and forgoten all about ray earlier,but then i remembered as i passed her room her door was open and when i looked in there next to ray was the vibrator glistening in the light.oh my god this girl was reckless,what if may would of got up?my heart started pounding and i felt my cock start to twitch, i had to look away for fear of getting caught,so i went to the bathroom and went back to...

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My hot wife

Hi I am Karan from Delhi and I want to tell you all about my wife. My wife name is Priyanka, age is about 25, beautiful and sexy, and has nice body 36D-29-38. She loves wearing silk saris and sleeveless blouse. She wraps the sari tightly around her body showing her solid 38 ass and 36D boobs prominently. She wears sleeveless blouse showing her armpits when she raises her hand. I know that all my friend love her ass and the sexy armpits and lusted for her. My friends who are coming to our house...

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