Editorial Indiscretion free porn video

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Janice Owens, romance novels editor for Pink Beach Publications, pulled her little blue Toyota Corolla to a stop half a block away from the house of a man she had never met, a man she knew only by his words. She told herself she only needed a glimpse of him. She was no stalker. One glimpse, and then she would go back home. She would leave this fancy Coral Gables neighborhood and retreat two hours north to her little apartment in Boca Raton, and that would be that.

She leaned back in the driver’s seat, preparing to wait all day and all night if necessary. Yesterday this man’s latest manuscript had kept her up late into the night, immersing her in a dazzling world of pirates and passions, dastardly evildoers and heaving bosoms, where the good guys won, the bad guys died, and the powerful heroine got her hero. She had reached the end of the novel with her pulse still racing. There was no doubt that Steve Granger, aka Steve Valentine, had written another best-seller. She had thought of calling him then, using the excuse of congratulating him on his ninth novel as a chance to hear his voice, but she had talked herself out of it even as her hand hovered near the phone. After all, it was Friday night. Someone who loved life as much as Steve Valentine probably wasn’t even at home, and if he were, he wouldn’t be alone.

She knew Steve was single because she had helped him with his income tax. So what would his companion look like? Certainly not like the woman staring back at her from the car mirror. A woman whose too-large sunglasses concealed bloodshot eyes in puffy cheeks, whose limp brown hair refused the authority of any brush, whose best friends Jolly and Molly purred her to sleep every night and stepped on her face every morning. She sighed and pinched her belly. Hours at the gym barely kept her waistline in check, and did nothing at all to reduce it.

She waited in silence in the shade of a sprawling palm tree, too nervous even to turn on the radio. Her Diet Pepsi sat untouched and lukewarm at her side. There was light traffic on this residential street but no cars stopped at the address of Pink Beach Publishing’s most famous author, an address Janice knew well since she was the one who mailed his checks. It was a nice house, ranch-style with yellow exterior, curved coral tiling on the roof and a two-car garage with the door pulled down. It was impossible to know if anyone was even home.

A small red car appeared in her rearview mirror, creeping down the street as if the driver were unsure of his destination. No, make that her destination. The driver was a woman, with blonde hair and a beautiful oval face with high cheekbones. She held a piece of paper in her slender fingers and glanced back and forth from it to the mailboxes on the side of the street. She was looking for an address.

The car passed her. Brake lights flared as she approached Steve’s house. She pulled into the rust-red brick driveway and got out.

Janice turned her key in the ignition and moved in for a closer look. ‘Who are you?’ she wondered aloud. She kept her voice down, as she had all her life. Her fingers clenched on the steering wheel. There’s no need for jealousy, she told herself. You don’t even know the guy. You’ve only ever exchanged emails with him. He probably thinks you’re some bookish nerd, and he’s not that far off.

The woman wore dangling turquoise earrings and bracelets to match. Her batik sun dress exposed flawless shoulders and firm cleavage, with upward-pointing, perky breasts that strained to be let free. The hemline stopped just above a pair of shapely knees and tanned legs with tight calf muscles. She was in her early twenties, probably a few years younger than Janice. She glanced at the house with what could only be a smile of happy anticipation. There was no ring on her finger.

Her heart sinking, Janice put her foot down on the gas pedal and raced off, abandoning all thoughts of seeing the great Steve Valentine in person. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid,’ she told herself. Staking out this man’s house was a dumb idea. Just one more dumb idea in a lifetime filled with dumb ideas.


A few days later, Janice got another email from Steve. In his usual formal business prose, he explained that the enclosure was his submission to Pink Beach Publishing’s annual Outer Space Erotica anthology. In the story, an alien spy comes to Earth in the shape of a man, scouting the planet for a planned invasion. He meets an Earth girl and falls in love, causing him to betray his own species. Passages that once made Janice’s heart flutter now made her eyes sting:

Her face, a delicate oval adorned with silky blonde hair, flushed with excitement as her blouse fell away under my hands. Two soft temptations revealed themselves to me, tipped with rose that pointed at the sky in eagerness and anticipation. Her areole were larger than I had expected, delicate dark pink that flowered out from the center, unfurling lightening pigmentation that came to an abrupt end in a perfect circle. I put my mouth to an erect nipple, caressing its stiffness with my tongue, exploring every bump and smoothness of its marvelous pink halo with my eager lips. I slid one hand down her firm stomach, caressing fine golden hairs that lengthened as my fingers descended….

There could be no doubt whom Steve was describing. The author had found a new muse, a new inspiration in a batik sun dress and a little red car. He had gotten to know her very well and very fast, and had no trouble finding words for all the intimate details of her body.

As Janice spooned canned cat food into Jolly’s and Molly’s dishes that night, she tried to shake all thoughts of Steve Valentine from her head. But his books stared back at her from her bookshelf and his stories lived on in her mind. She told herself it was stupid to be jealous, she didn’t even know what the guy looked like. He could be an ugly old man or a sloppy fat pig for all she knew.

There was only one way to rid him from her thoughts. She would go back to Coral Gables and complete her original mission. She would get a look at this famous author, and if he were unattractive, that would be the end of it. And if he were gorgeous, that would also be the end of it, because then she would know for sure that he was out of her reach.


Late Saturday afternoon, Janice arrived on Steve’s street and parked in her familiar place under the palm tree. This time instead of a Diet Pepsi at her side, she brought a pair of new binoculars. She used them to examine the blue four-door parked in the driveway. Steve had another visitor.

‘It’s only serious if she spends the night,’ Janice murmured to herself. She settled back and crossed her arms, hoping her wait would be brief.

Less than an hour later, Steve’s front door opened. A tall, dark-haired woman stepped through without a backward glance. Janice was so busy fumbling for her binoculars that she never got a good look at the shadowy figure closing the door behind his guest. She zoomed in on the woman heading for the car and saw big green eyes and wide cheekbones to support them. She wore elegant silver jewelry and tight leather pants. Her hair was disheveled and the top button of her sleeveless cotton blouse was undone.

Her heart racing with jealousy and guilt, Janice ducked her head out of the glare of the other car’s headlights. She waited for the blue sedan to make a left at the corner, then started her Toyota and did a frantic U-turn in the middle of the road. She made a left at the corner.

The blue car was just ahead, stopped at the streetlight, left turn signal flashing. Janice placed a finger on her own turn signal lever and stopped herself.

‘What am I doing?’ she whispered to her empty car. ‘What kind of a person am I?’

The kind of person who follows other people’s girlfriends. Without signaling, she fell in behind the dark-haired beauty, following her onto US1, six lanes of Saturday night congestion, an
d then south to Coconut Grove. The green-eyed woman paid an attendant to park her car and went into a bar. The ear-thrashing sounds of live rock and roll poured out into the street. Janice followed her in, keeping her head low and staying a few steps back, sure that the woman would spot her any minute now and mortified at the thought of what she would say if caught.

Janice took a table in the corner shadows while the other woman headed straight for the bar and ordered a drink. A man in a conservative suit sat down next to her, then leaned in close enough for the two of them to touch heads. A minute later, the brunette nodded. The man paid the bill. They walked right past Janice and out the door.

Janice waved away a waitress and left the bar. Her knees trembled as she found her way back to her car. The great romantic novelist Steve Valentine used prostitutes for his inspiration. She drove back to Boca stunned and disappointed. This was one can of worms she should have left unopened.


A month of chocolate chip ice cream, messy feline hairballs, and a little crying into her pillow at night went by before another email from Steve — Mr. Granger — dinged its way into her mailbox. Janice’s index finger paused over the mouse as if afraid of what she might see if it double-clicked.

She forced herself to open the email, and then the enclosure. She wouldn’t be doing her job if she didn’t review the best-selling author’s manuscript. She sent the document to the high-speed printer.

In minutes, she lost herself in a story about a female secret agent from South America who has come to the US to steal military secrets with her beauty and guile. She falls in love with a handsome, gentle scientific genius and before long they are both running for their lives, chased by agents from both sides. They have nowhere to turn but to each other.

He caught her big green eyes with his own, and reached for the strap on her shoulder. She tilted her head, acquiescing, and he pulled down first one, then the other. Strands of her long auburn hair fell forward to grace her round breasts with their shiny softness. One strand stuck on a dark brown nipple that stood tense with anticipation and excitement. He brushed it away with one gentle touch.

Janice put the manuscript down on her desk, the spell broken. She knew whose green eyes she was reading about, and she knew whose erect nipples were all over the printed page in front of her too. Steve Granger was describing his one-night stand — make that one-hour stand — with the brown-haired prostitute.

The other cubicles were empty by now. Janice picked up the manuscript and headed for the exit, dodging the night janitorial staff with their brooms and trash cans. She finished the rest of the novel at home, in the early hours of the morning, secure in the company of her cats. She closed her eyes, still trapped in the drama of the story despite herself. I wonder what he would write about me, she thought.

Her eyes snapped back open. That was a very good question.


Janice pulled up in the rust-red brick driveway and, despite her suddenly weakened knees, managed to step out of her little Toyota Corolla without falling over. It was Thursday afternoon, and she had called in sick to work. Hopefully Steve did not have any other visits scheduled for today. Her stomach did nervous little flip-flops as she approached Steve’s front door. She thought about turning back, but she was determined to go through with this.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and rang the bell. She was dressed in her stylish best, or at least the best she could afford on an editor’s pitiful salary. Her make-up was on as sexy as she could get it, and her heels were about as high as she could stand. Her one-piece dress was yellow and cheerful, and thanks to the zipper in the back it would come off easy and fast. She didn’t know what kind of underwear prostitutes favored, so she wasn’t wearing any. She had loaded her purse with a fresh supply of condoms, she figured that was a standard tool of the trade.

Her stomach tensed at the metal-on-metal tumble of a deadbolt opening up. She took a step backward. It wasn’t too late to change her mind. She could still run back to her car if she didn’t like the guy.

The door swung open with a slow creaking sound, and Janice finally got her first look at her star writer.

He was the most ordinary-looking man she had ever seen. If she passed him in the street, she wouldn’t look twice at this thirty-something guy with the hint of a paunch and the gray at his temples. His unremarkable black hair was cut short, above his ears, and his plain green eyes stared at her in obvious incomprehension.

‘Yes? What can I do for you?’ Even his voice was bland, lacking any agitation or excitement.

‘I — I’m from the Agency,’ was all she could think of to say.

The full lips twitched with ambiguous emotion. ‘The Agency? Did I have an appointment scheduled for today?’

‘Yes, sir. You are Mr. Granger, right?’ If she was going to offer herself to a stranger, it should at least be the right stranger.

‘Yes, that’s me. I probably should check my calendar, but on the other hand it’s usually wrong anyway.’

Janice smiled in response, unsure what to say.

‘Well, come on in.’ He stepped aside to let her pass.

Janice nodded, hesitated, and stepped inside. Steve Granger closed the door behind her. She was committed now.

‘Excuse me for mentioning this, but you seem a little nervous. Is this your first time?’

Janice blushed. She could feel the bright crimson spread from the top of her head to the tips of her nipples. ‘You’re very perceptive.’

‘I have to be, for my profession. If you’re at all uncomfortable with this, you don’t have to stay. You’re under no obligation as far as I’m concerned. I won’t even tell your boss, and I’ll pay for the session anyway. Although you might want to think twice before accepting another assignment.’

Janice swallowed. ‘I’ll be all right. I want to stay.’ Surely Steve Granger was not the kind of man who hired prostitutes. His eyes were too kind, his words were too considerate.

‘Great. Come this way.’ He led her from the foyer through a comfortable living room furnished with a plush sofa, two armchairs, and a plasma TV on the far wall. He followed her gaze and shrugged. ‘I admit, I do love my creature comforts.’

Janice smiled back. ‘Your house is very nice, Mr. Granger.’

‘Steve. Just call me Steve. And what can I call you?’

‘Janice,’ she said without thinking. Her hand flew to her mouth. ‘I mean … ‘ It was too late to change now. The hand came back down. ‘Yes, Janice. Call me Janice.’

He arched one quizzical eyebrow at her. ‘I know someone named Janice. Just through email. You’re not from Boca Raton, are you?’

Janice just smiled. She couldn’t bring herself to lie again to this nice man.

‘Well, she seems nice enough by email but you never really know about someone until you meet them in person.’

‘Have you ever … tried? Gone to Boca to see her?’

Steve shook his head. ‘I’ve thought about it. But no. I’m afraid of what I might find. I’ll settle for the relationship just the way it is.’ He turned toward the kitchen. ‘Can I get you a drink before we start? No hard liquor, though. You young ladies are always in such a hurry to leave when your time is up, with your active social lives and your parties and your dates. I don’t want you driving under the influence. How about a glass of red wine? I have a bottle already open.’

In a hurry to leave? Why? What was so terrible about this cozy house and this darling man? ‘Red wine would be nice.’

Steve pulled two glasses out of a cupboard and half-filled each of them. He handed one to her and raised his own in salute. ‘To a productive evening.’

‘To a productive evening,’ Janice repeated, thinking that was a funny way to refer to it. S
he took a sip, found that she liked the taste, and took another. She swirled it around and looked at the gleaming wineglass. It was spotless. For a bachelor, Steve kept a pretty neat house.

‘You can bring the glass into the office if you want.’

‘We’re going to your office?’ Her empty stomach and her nervousness worked together to exacerbate the effect of the alcohol. She had never been much of a drinker anyway. She felt light-headed, woozy, but she didn’t mind too much. Maybe that was the alcohol too.

‘Yes. It’s all set up.’ Steve motioned for her to follow him into a short corridor that opened up into three bedrooms, a bathroom and a closet. She studied the back of his jeans, imagining what she would find under there.

The office was one of the bedrooms. Bookshelves covered two walls, while a desk and a sofa occupied the other two. The desk was turned to face the sofa.

‘The sofa’s for you, of course,’ Steve said.

Janice stood in the center of the room with the wineglass still in her hand. She gulped from it to cover her unease. What now? she wondered. Who starts this? She fidgeted from one foot to the other, too anxious to look Steve in the eye, too tipsy to make polite conversation.

Steve sat on the edge of the desk and chewed on his lower lip as he studied her. ‘If it helps, I’m glad they sent someone like you this time.’

‘Like me? What does that mean?’ Was he insulting her? She was too far gone to tell.

Steve nodded. ‘I was getting tired of the glamour queens. You know, the perfect bodies, the perfect hair. It’s like they’re not real characters. Nobody would want to read about them because they are too perfect. They’re just not real.’

‘But I am?’ Janice said, stupidly. ‘Real?’

‘Oh yes. Yes. You’re perfect. Not in the way that they are, but perfect for what I need. I could do a lot with you.’

Janice took a deep breath and set the glass down on the desk.

‘You know how this works, right?’ Steve asked. ‘We start by you taking off all your clothes. I require full nudity. Are you OK with that?’

It was why she had come here. ‘Can you help me with my zipper?’

He stepped behind her and pulled the zipper all the way down. The cheerful yellow dress collapsed on the floor. She kicked off her shoes. There was nothing else left to take off.

She turned to face him, her heart pounding. Her belly moved in and out with nervous little breaths. She started to fold her arms but she fought the urge to cover her breasts. Her hands fidgeted at her side. The light in the room, so warm and friendly a moment ago, had transmuted into the penetrating glare of a showroom spotlight. Every inch of her naked body was exposed to Sam Valentine’s critical gaze.

He sat back down on his desk to study her. He focused on her breasts, firm and pointy she liked to think, but maybe they drooped just a little. And there could be no doubt that one was slightly larger than the other. He focused on her belly, which quivered at being the center of attention. He barely glanced at her appendectomy scar. He lingered over the stretch marks on her thighs, and stared openly at the irregular patch of darkness at her crotch, penetrating it with his magical heat vision. Every spot he focused on tingled with desire.

She quivered to have him. She wanted him the way the morning wants the sun, the way the night wants the stars. The heat between her legs became unbearable. She couldn’t wait any longer for what was about to happen anyway.

She grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him to her. He opened his mouth to say something but she covered it with her own, forcing her lips onto his, her tongue against his. She pressed him backward and toppled him onto the sofa, clawing at his chest, his wonderful average chest, yanking off his shirt and letting the buttons fly where they may. She pushed her breasts against him and nibbled on his ear while she fumbled in his pants with one hand. There it was, huge and ready for her. She grabbed his pants with both hands, unfastened them, yanked on the zipper and pulled. The boxer briefs were amusing but hardly worth her time. She threw them on the floor, and his manhood saluted her.

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We lingered in the tent, our bodies slightly stiff from yesterdays travels into the wilderness. We had just managed to set up our tent before the sunset faded and we had fallen exhausted in our conjoined sleeping bags. The warmth of our bodies had kept the chill from inside. I marveled at your natural beauty as you relaxed next to me, your head on my chest. The well toned arm resting across my not so well defined stomach. Moments like these made me realize the depth of our union, the oneness of...

2 years ago
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That Engagement Party

The Engagement Party It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Art got engaged. Art, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for almost 20 years. We had two c***dren aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action. At the time...

4 years ago
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Bullies Bitch

Amanda thought her birthday was ruined as she sat in her mom's car on the way to her boyfriend's house. When they were dropped off, Jamie brought up that Nick didnt have a suit."I'll just use one of Jay's," he said, without the slightest bit of inquiry in his voice. Nick was really getting on Jason's nerves and he gave Amanda a look that she shot right back, showing she felt the same way.Jamie began walking to her house, which was about two blocks away from Jason's, to get her suit. Amanda put...

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Surprising Susie

It was a summer warm day as i met Susi at a bus stop.I was chatting her up. We talked about the area and some nice places to hang and go out. I wanted to see her again as i was attracted to her right away.I asked her if i would see her again. Her answer shocked me and aroused me at the same time. She replied "Only if you coming naked to my house".Wow, did she really say that? I was excited and shocked at the same time while i also thought quickly about how i could pull that off!To get to her...

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After a hard day's work in a country town in Venezuela, arrives at my hotel, I took a refreshing shower and got ready to go down to the bar to eat and have a couple of drinks. Once there and seeing that the place was somewhat lonely, I decided to settle on the bar. I ordered a drink and after a while observe a lady of about 50 years old, very smart they smiled discreetly, smiled back and asked the waiter to bring him a drink on my own to the nice granny called Silvia said. After a started...

3 years ago
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Slave to the office hottie

SLAVE TO THE OFFICE HOTTIE SLAVE TO THE OFFICE HOTTIE Dina was a very hot chick and my desk was right next to hers in the office.? She had long dark hair, a great chest and legs that you would love to have rapped around you.? Her ass was small and firm and showed she worked out a lot.? All of this was topped off by a face that was gorgeous with big bee sting lips.  I had for months dreams of fucking Dina.? I am sure she knew I was hot for her and I think that the way she dressed was...

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MyFriendsHotMom August Taylor Richelle Ryan 24895

Mrs. Ryan is making a HUGE Thanksgiving Day spread. She’s invited the neighborhood to her house and her friend, August from college. Richelle and August are int he kitchen small talking around the feast. Richelle is ranting and raving about her son’s friend Lucas, who is also coming to dinner. These horny MILFs seem like they want to get their hands on some rooster instead of the turkey! Come to find out, Lucas is still a virgin. Both ladies place a bet on who’s going to...

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It began with Truth or Dare MMMFFM Dom FemDom

My name is Marcus. As far as i can remember, I have been very effeminate. I have always been lithe and tone, and I’ve always kept my hair long. Body hair has never been noticeable, except under the arms and my crotch. I never liked it, so I always shaved it. I was probably about 18 or 19 when I learned that I loved to wear panties. At summer camp, us boys did a good old-fashioned panty raid, and I ended up with a huge handful of all kinds of panties. Later that night, a few of us stayed up...

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FamilyXXX Cecelia Taylor A Creampie Goodbye For Step Sister Cecelia

Adorable petite teen step sister Cecelia is focused as she undresses while heading upstairs to her older step brother Dante’s room for a special holiday goodbye fuck. Dante is not sure about any of this as Cecelia stands in her cute little panties reminding him of the last moment and now wants to suck his cock and fuck it deep inside her tight little teen pussy. Dante does not miss out on tasting her sweet pussy first as Cecelia deep throats his hard cock. Cecelia takes over and fucks his...

1 year ago
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More than cousins Part 2

100% fiction! ...Tommy already has a boner. I can tell he was already horny, but 30 seconds into the sex scene is really horny. I adjust my shirt so if he were to look down, he would be able to see down through my cleavage and know I'm not wearing a bra. After about half way through the sex scene, I decide it's time. "Tommy," I say with a little giggle. "Yeah?" He is trying to hide the fact he's horny. I can tell it in his voice. "You have a boner..." I giggle a bit more. I look at his face and...

3 years ago
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Public sex inthe dunes

As many of you know, I'm a fan of public sex. As a single guy, that does bring opportunities sometimes.You find a few stories on my profile. Yesterday appeared to become another exiting day... After a bad day at work, I decided I wanted to blow off some steam, and I made my way to the beach nearby. The weather wasn't exceptionally nice, but good enough to be wandering around in the dunes behind the beach. They have a hikepath set out of about 3 kms, nice for an evening walk. Nature is stunning...

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When Moms Away

"Honey, wake up. I'm leaving on my trip, I'll only be gone today and Saturday." My mom whispered to me as she shook my shoulder. Your mom was nearing fifty but still looked amazing, huge tits and a large ass. "Happy 18th birthday, I love you. I left your presents on the kitchen counter. Sorry I can't be here, but I'll be back Sunday Morning. Remember I only have three rules. 1. No Drugs or Alcohol. 2. No more than 5 people in the house at once. 3. If you have sex, use a condom. Ok?" "Jeesh,...

4 years ago
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Human PhoenixChapter 14

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 It was another week before Scott finally learned about his college application. His post office box at Meritt's Corner contained a very thick packet from Midland College. Scott put it into his backpack without opening it. Outside in the parking lot he stared wistfully at Mendoza's Engine Center. Saying goodbye to all the men that he'd worked with over the last year had been more difficult than he'd imagined. They had wished him the best, and seemed genuinely...

4 years ago
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Total Return

1. The Leaving Party The time of day was .663 by the decimal clock; late afternoon, as anyone with their head in the present day would know. To a small minority, though, to those annoying individuals who are forever making a nuisance of themselves with their insistence on clinging to an antiquated and obsolete method of keeping time, it would be 15:55 or (even more annoyingly) five to four P.M. The date: 2342.115, which to the aforementioned reactionaries would be the 26th day of the...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 25 Tuesday August 10 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 “So what do you have to say about the numbers?” Alice asked, looking up from her salad. Jake finished chewing a bite of steak. He was eating with Alice in the conference room at Diana’s. Financial reports for July were lying around the table. He and Alice had been reviewing them when their lunch had arrived. “It’s about what I expected. I was disappointed that June and July numbers were down until I realized that the year-on-year numbers were up modestly. That...

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I wake up but keep my eyes closed, the bed is too soft and comfy to get out of. I have had such a good night’s sleep, I don’t want it to end. I eventually open my eyes and see the sun shining brightly through the gap at the top of my curtains, it seems like a nice warm Saturday morning. My boyfriend, Charlie, must have already got up and left me to sleep in. I get out of bed, quickly make it and walk into my en-suite bathroom to take a quick shower. I finish, and wrap a big, soft, fluffy, pink...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Theodora Day Making A Deal For My Stepsisters Pussy

Theodora Day is doing her homework when she comes across a coupon in one of her textbooks. That gives Theodora an idea. She gets to her knees and musses herself up, cropping her top and making sure her tits show in her sheer bra. Losing her glasses and mussing her hair, she calls for her stepbrother Ricky Spanish. When Ricky comes to see what Theodora wants, she crawls across the bed in full do me mode. Theodora reminds Ricky of the time that she gave him a handjob so he would do her homework...

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Jan en Jos spuiten in me

Wij lopen naar het terras waar Jan op ons zit te wachten, met glimmende ogen kijkt hij mij aan. Zonder iets te zeggen staat hij op en pakt mijn hand, mij achter zich aan trekkend lopen wij de keuken in. Hij drukt mij tegen de achtermuur aan en zijn lippen liggen gelijk op die van mij en zijn tong schiet snel tussen mijn lippen door. Onze tongen beginnen een ruw erotisch spel, met zijn handen trekt hij mijn broek naar onderen en laat mijn harde pik in zijn handen verdwijnen. Als hij eraan begint...

1 year ago
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Monkeys PenisChapter 6 Fuck Bunny

"I wonder who that could be," Paul mused, then walked to the front window and looked out. "Why, it's your girlfriend, David." "Katie?!" David sprang suddenly to her feet and almost got slapped in the face by her own boob. "She can't see me like this!" she squeaked, scampered to the coat closet, and hid inside. "You too, Lydia. She'll certainly notice that there's something... different... about you!" Lydia pressed her chest forward. "Do you think my breasts will intimidate...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 187

Wanting to tell her husband in person about their good luck, the young architect, bubbling with happiness, had left to go surprise him with her news. Jeff, his women, Dave and his women, and Selina, had remained in the new school. Some of the girls made final adjustments or rearranged various things in their study cubicles while others checked out the lab or project areas. A little later, Jeff and Diana were sitting on what had appeared to be a boulder until they reclined on it. The Queen...

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The Studio and the Shemale

When the company I worked decided to relocate to the north of England, it was made clear to me that there would not be a job for me there and so the decision whether to move woth or leave was decided for me. The redundancypayment was extremely generous, as it should be, I had been with them since I left school. So now I had to find a new job and the decision was whether to stay in the line I was in or change careers, but With the redundancy payment as it was there was no rush.Quite by chance I...

2 years ago
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How I lost my virginity to an older boy

Introduction: I lost my virginity at a young age, to an older boy. This is my first story, please no mean comments. Im sorry if my writing/grammar sucks. Im sorry if its not a good story, Im not writing to entertain. Im writing to tell how I lost my virginity. When I was younger I used to have low self-esteem. I was a little over weight, not alot, maybe 10-15lbs more than I should be. I used to think no one would ever want to date me, thats why I loved attention whenever I got it. I eventually...

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OHGirl Bukkake Queen Velvet Gives Birth

Nearly two months passed by as my mom and I remained in LA to shoot more films for Rudy’s company. Mikey stayed the entire time, still renting the condo and alternating nannies. He also hired a couple of local c***d care workers to help with the k**s too. My mom was spending 2 or 3 days a week with my dad and the rest of the week she was with Rudy, shooting videos and having sex at the various parties that he threw. I was still shooting too and had just finished my 8th video in two months. All...

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Doing His Thing

Billy lay on his bed with his long cock in one hand and his cellphone in the other. He was pleasuring himself on a Saturday afternoon and trying to talk a cute girl his age into going to the movies with him. He craved her ass. His big cock had been standing upright during the whole, half-hour conversation, and he was tempted to send a picture of it to the girl since his aim was to bury it in her. Finally she agreed when he let her choose the movie, and he said he would pick her up at 7:30 or...

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Slippery Maneuvers

“Do you trust me?” I ask as I tie a blindfold around your eyes. “Yes, of course I do,” you respond with a smile, not knowing what I want to do, but sure that it will be enjoyable. “Come with me.” I take you by the hand and guide you to something soft. As you climb on it, it feels like the bed. “Kneel down,” I tell you, “and put your elbows against your knees.” You do so. Then you feel something going around the back of your knees,...

1 year ago
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Mile High Club

Recently I had taken a trip to Dallas, Texas for business related manners. I’ve never flown before so I figured this would be an interesting experience. My flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 8 A.M. Meaning I had to be there at least an hour prior to take off to make it through security in time. I was nervous about the security procedure, not know what was gonna happen. I get through security and proceed to board the plane. As I’m walking into the entrance of the plane, I couldn’t help...

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Wife Says We Now in a Polyamorous Relationship

Grace got into bed beside me I reached over to pull my wife next to me and slide my hand between her legs. She pushes me off her and says not now I’m sore down there! I thought you had your period last week! Grace says I don’t have my period I’m sore! How the fuck can you be sore we haven’t had sex in nine months! She says not now Jake we do need to talk but not now I’m tird I’ll explain it all to you, just know your primary to me! Your fucking right we need to talk and what the fuck do you...

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Chastity Belt Roulette

Chastity Belt Roulette Chapter One In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands andwives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose ofthe evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete andabsolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while thehusbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, eachhusband is locked into a very secure and non-removable chastity belt,which can only be unlocked with the proper...

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Housewife8217s Tales Part 3 Getting To Know ISS Reader

Hi guys and welcome back to another erotic story of my lustful life. Also, thank you all for all of your lovely response and feedback. For those who don’t know me. I am a 29-year-old married woman from Mumbai. I have assets size of 34D and figure of 34-28-34. My life has been always a roller coaster ride of lust, especially after my marriage. So far Karan (my neighbor) and Rohit (my ex-colleague) helped me to fulfill some of my pleasure which my husband couldn’t fulfill. But as time passed they...

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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 2

Waiting at the kitchen table was Christa fully showered and clothed. The turned around and said, morning sleeping head before turning back around. My mom Megan put down a plate of pancakes at the table for me. I sat down and reminded myself, act normal, don’t be weird. I responded to Christa, morning and thanked my mom for breakfast. I ate my food and then retreated to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The first half of the day I had virtual classes, Christa was in her...

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Be Careful What You Ask For

I'd always wanted to own some property up in the desert mountains. When the government decided to sell off some parklands to make up for their profligate spending (All governments are profligate, aren't they? i.e. are total believers in deficit spending) some property less than twenty miles south of Tucson came up for auction. Mt. Wrightson is a volcanic mountain with a sedimentary overlay which is contiguous with the western edge of the Coronado National Forest. Using aerial photography I...

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Its My PartyChapter 102

Later that night... Time: Monday, October 4, 2019 12:06 AM Doug walked into the one small bathroom near the lobby were they were sleeping for the night, and just a few meters in front of him Jessica was sitting on their sole toilet. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled and he quickly turned around. “I should have knocked.” “No problem,” Jessica called out to the closing door. “The door is probably soundproof anyway. I’ll be done in a minute.” Doug was surprised to find Jessica waiting for him when he...

4 years ago
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Showtime Part 2

ent. What would it be today? He could suck them both off, that would be nice - and then they could suck him off. He was partial to a double-header from a pair of good looking boys. But no, he decided. He'd fuck them today. They always made such lovely little noises when he fucked them. "I've come up with a special idea for today," he said, "There's some nylon stockings and a couple of ladies garter belts over by the window. Let's see what you look like wearing 'em." Both youngsters...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 21

With Sally away on her honeymoon, Betsy was at loose ends. After Chuck’s kidnapping, she just didn’t want to take off for the ocean for a week at a time. At this point, it wasn’t necessary. She had all of the biological data necessary for her dissertation. All that was missing was sufficient tracking data to support her arguments and time would take care of that. She didn’t need to tag any more sharks since she had already tagged far more of them than was necessary for her dissertation. For...

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I joined a rock band my senior year of high school. It was the first band for most of us, and we weren't that great for a bunch of eighteen-year-olds. But we all had the usual dreams of fame, fortune, and chicks. The first couple of practices were at my house, but after that it was nearly always at Steve's house. One reason for that was because Steve's mom seemed to actually enjoy having us there making noise in her basement. Another reason was that I encouraged it, because I actually enjoyed...

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True Story My Wifes Hot Past

She fucked 'around 300', in four years of university, by her estimate, a couple before that, including a divorced black guy in his thirties, when she was s e v e n t e e n! She said he was stereotypically large, and used to hurt her when he fucked her. And they'd fuck for hours at a stretch.Then, after we started going out she went over to Ireland to go to the Oasis concert in Cork. That night, back in the house they'd rented, she was left up alone with her cousin's husband, John.She told me,...

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Scott Sister Friend

My name is Scott. I am a 15 year old boy who lives in a pretty wealthy neighborhood, my father is a wealthy business man, my mother is a physical education teacher. My only sibling is my 16 year old sister Katie, who goes to a different school to me, because our parents wanted us to go to single-sex schools, which is pretty shit in my opinion. The lack of girls at school really annoys me, which is why I use porn as my only sexual relief. I never bothered with girls, picking up is too hard, not...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 3 Making Plans

September 7, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “I didn’t think you wanted me to wake you at 2:12am,” Ed laughed. “I wouldn’t have complained, but it wouldn’t have made much difference. How is she?” “She’s doing fine. You have a nephew, David James Krajick. He’s 7 pounds, 14 ounces.” “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll tell everyone here. Need me to make any other calls?” “No. I called my parents and your dad already. He and your mom will probably come up in a month or so.” “Remember, I’m leaving...

2 years ago
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The Woman Within Beckys Story Part 2

The Woman Within - Becky's Story 2 "Damn, I hate this job at times!" I said to myself as I sat at my desk behind my computer. "Something wrong Rob?" asked Mike, my supervisor. "No, just this paper work to file. Never seems to end." I said "Just one of those things. These jobs do happen." I watched him walk away. I was mentally undressing him, imagining how big his cock was, how it would feel inside me. If he knew how I was feeling at this moment, he'd be wanting my head. Mike...

3 years ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 4

Vivian sent for Mrs. MacGregor after breakfast the next morning. She was going shopping for Christmas decorations and knew little about London shops. Rather than go out with her own maid, Phyllis, a Staffordshire girl, she wanted company who knew the town. “Annette would do, Milady. She was a London-born girl before Sir Richard hired her to be Deborah’s wet nurse. We have kept her on as a chambermaid. She might not know the most fashionable shops, but she will know where you can buy almost...

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