Unmeasured ConsequencesChapter 3 free porn video

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She woke on Saturday feeling refreshed and very satisfied. Her qualms about giving sex for rent were forgotten about, such pleasure she received from Jim was greater than anything she ever had before. Some people might look at this as wrong, but she couldn’t see it that way. How could something that feels so good be bad?

The remainder of the weekend flew by, and soon it was Monday and she was home from work, making dinner for herself and Dylan, taking a quick shower, putting down Dylan for the night and waiting for Jim, who arrived at 9pm.

Monday was not at all like Friday; Jim just wanted a blow job. But he did eat her out to several orgasms. Wednesday was the same as Monday, oral sex only.

Friday. That was the day. Friday’s were the wild sex day, everything goes, no holding back, take no prisoners, wild fuck me in any hole you want sex day.

The following Monday Jim began giving her pointers on sex, how to give great blowjobs, how to entice a man, how to rim a guy, and on Friday the many different positions. Fridays were beginning to become uncomfortable. The couch was good but not comfortable, and some of the positions were impossible to do on the couch, and the floor was too hard. So she made a change in the rules, they would use the bed if Dylan was asleep. That made their rendezvous even better. And with Dylan being a sound sleeper they were never interrupted.

A month had gone by and things were going well. On Tuesday just after she got home with Dylan there was a knock on the door.

She walked over to the door and asked, “Who is it?”

A muffled voice responded, “Hello, are you a Ms., Kathy Gouben?”

“Yes” she replied hesitantly. Last time someone came to her door was NOT a good day for her.

“You have a son named Dylan?”

“Yes.” This was not going to go well.

“Good. I am going to slide my business card under the door. My name is Thomas Cook, I am representing the Estate Mrs. Angelina Samarillo.”

She picked up the card that was slid underneath the door, it was a Business Card for a Law Firm called Williams and Associates.

“Do you have a moment to talk?”

She thought about it for a moment and opened the door, “Sure, please come in.”

Thomas Cook was an older man, in his forties she thought, and was dressed nicely and carried himself well. He walked into the apartment and she directed him to the kitchen table.

“Would you like a glass of water?”

He sat down and opened his brief case and said, “No thank you Ms. Gouben.”

As soon as she sat down across from Thomas he began, “As I said I represent the Estate Mrs. Angelina Samarillo. Mrs. Samarillo, had a will that left everything to her son Vincent Samarillo. Unfortunately Vincent Samarillo and his mother Mrs. Angelina Samarillo passed away on the same day, leaving her estate open. In a recent visit to our office Mrs. Samarillo showed a picture of her grandson, Dylan to myself and others in the office. Since there are no other relatives, Dylan is the sole beneficiary of Mrs. Samarillo’s estate.”

“Excuse me? Dylan is the beneficiary?”

“Yes. And since he is underage and you’re his Parent, you will need to sign the documents for him.”

“What is the cost?”

“All of our fees have been paid from the funds in the estate. All we need is for you to sign the documents and we will cut you a check for the full amount in the estate.”

“How much is it?”

“I cannot disclose the amount until you have signed for it. I can tell you that if you accept and sign for your son Dylan, there will be no cost to you.”

Shaking her head no, “No cost to me?”

“Correct. The estate has a positive balance. There are no leans or other legal matters associated to the estate.”

“Okay. Where do I sign?”

“You will need to come to our office, that is where all of the documents and keys are.”


“I cannot say anything more, I’m sorry.”

“Okay. I work during the week, are you open on Saturdays?”

“Sorry, we are open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Call the number on the card when you can get the time off from work. Sooner would be better than later.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to my boss tomorrow and get back to you.”

He got up and extended his hand, “You have a pleasant evening Ms Gouben. And I look forward to meeting with you to resolve the estate of Mrs. Samarillo.”

She shook his hand saying, “Thank you Mr. Cook.”

She showed him out and came back to the kitchen and sat down. This sounds too good to be true! Even if the estate is five hundred, that’s five hundred she didn’t have.

First thing she did when she got to work was to get the next day off so she could see the lawyers. Her boss, Bob, gave her the day off easily. She hugged him and called the number on the business card and had an appointment for 10am Thursday.

Thursday morning she dropped Dylan off at the normal time and came home to shower and dress for her 10am meeting downtown. Luckily for her the subway was close to her apartment and within 5 minutes walking distance to the law offices. She arrived with five minutes early and was directed to sit in the waiting room.

At 10am Thomas Cook came out to greet her, “Good morning Ms. Gouben, I’m happy to see you here so soon.”

She shook his hand, “My boss is pretty cool.”

“Well, that’s good. Please follow me so we can conclude our business.”

She was led to a glass conference room just past the waiting area. She sat down and and Thomas sat down directly across from her, and opened a large office envelope. He pulled out several documents and placed them in a specific order before placing one in front of here. He explained what it was and directed her where to sign, where to initial, and where to enter the date.

After about a dozen documents he looked at her and said, “See, not so difficult.”

She laughed and said, “Sure. Not difficult.”

He smiled back and said, “Now comes the part you’ve been waiting for” and slid over a single piece of paper.

“This paper has all of the accounts and a list of assets that are now yours. I’ll go over them with you. First the accounts, there is a savings account with a balance today of $2,045.38, a checking account with a balance today of $506.32, and has no activity for the last 21 days. There was a CD that we closed out to pay for the funeral and related fees, the remainder of that money was placed in an escrow account, the balance of which is on this check for $2,343.42.”

Her eyes were unable to focus on the numbers on the paper, she put it down and listened to Thomas.

“That is all for the accounts. Now on to the assets. There is a home fully paid for, here are the keys and the title” which he placed in front of her. “The entire contents of the home are yours as well.”

“There is also an auto that she owned, a 1992, Nissan Sentra, here are the keys and title. There is also a Safety Deposit box. We have not performed an inventory of it as Mrs. Samarillo has specifically told us not to” again he placed the keys before her.

“The accounts are at First National Bank, an office is across the street from here, and I would highly recommend that you close out Mrs. Samarillo’s accounts, open an account and place all of the money into that account.”

“You should also plan on having the title of the home changed over to you as soon as possible. Oh, and you will need these Death Certificates.”

They went over several other things before completing their meeting. Thomas placed all of the documents into a large manila envelope and slid it over her.

She thanked Thomas and picked up the envelopes and headed home. She didn’t got to the bank across the street, but headed to the bank where the Safety Deposit box was, why not do everything at one place?

First she created account from the escrow check, and then closed out the other accounts, moving the them all into one. She then went to Customer Service to check out what was in the Safety Deposit box. She was taken to a room in the basement and soon after a large metal box was brought to her. The clerk unlocked one of the two locks and left her alone in the room.

She unlocked the last lock and opened the top of the box. Looking inside she found a smaller box, two small backpacks, and a sealed envelope that appeared to be very well stuffed.

She first took out the envelope and opened it. Inside she found a small amount of money, counting it quickly it was around two hundred, a couple of pages that had several sets of numbers written on it, nothing that she could make out. She put the couple of pages back into the envelope and placed it back into the box and put the money in her purse.

She pulled out the first backpack and placed it on the table. She opened it up and almost fell over as she found ten bundles of bound cash. She sat down in the chair her hands shaking as she did a quick count of the cash and found $25,000.

She lay back in the chair and stared at the bundles of cash before her. And then she remembered the other backpack and quickly went into the box, pulled it out, and opened it quickly. As she opened the bag she was mystified at what she found, plastic bags filled with what looked like flour. Why would he have flour in a safety deposit box she asked herself. And then it dawned on her, it wasn’t flour, it was drugs, cocaine probably!

She quickly pulled her hands away from the backpack acting as if she could get high by just touching the bag. She had no idea what she was going to do. Well she did know that she was absolutely NOT going to take it with her.

She put the backpacks into the box and throwing caution to the wind pulled out the smaller one, it was a small box, what could be the harm.

She should never have opened the small box because inside was a gun. She knew it was a bad idea to open the small box! She knew it, she knew it, she knew it, she knew it! But she did it anyway!

She put the small box back, and locked it up and sat back down. For the next ten minutes she went over and over and over what she was going to do, until finally she just gave up. This was a no win situation so no matter what she decided it was not going to work out well.

She knew the money was tied to drugs, how can it not be since there were drugs along with it in the box! There was also the matter of the gun, which was also probably illegal, and probably tied to drugs. And what about those two pages of numbers? They were probably tied to drugs!

God damn you Vince! Even after death you can still fuck me over!

She made her decision and decided to keep the money from the small envelope but go to the police and let them know what she found in the box. Since this was her first visit to the bank and she had a clean record what could they do to her!

She locked up the box and called the clerk back in to take it away and left to pick up Dylan before going to the police, she had no idea how much time it would take and she didn’t want to put out Mrs. Robinson.

The police station was a mass of people, encompassing all aspects of humanity, from the respectable citizen to the hardcore criminal, both of which scared the shit out of her.

She asked at the front desk to speak with someone in narcotics and was told to have a seat and someone would see her as soon as possible.

Thirty minutes passed before a plan clothes officer came up to her, “Hello, Ms. Gouben?”


“Hi, I’m Detective Martin, please follow me.”

She followed him through the crowd of people to his desk and sat down.

He sat down and looked at her and asked, “So, what can I do for you today?”

She fidgeted before saying, “Well, Detective Martin, I was downtown clearing up my, umn, Ex’s Mother’s estate, and part of the estate was a lock box, at First National.”

He nodded his head and grabbed a pen from the desk and pulled out a notepad and asked, “Okay, and what was her name?”

“Uhm, a Mrs. Angelina Samarillo.”

He stopped writing and said, “Mrs. Angelina Samarillo? Wasn’t that the mother of Vince Samarillo?”

She nodded her head, “Yes. That was his mother.”

He sat back and asked, “So, what is your, relationship with Mrs. Samarillo?”

“Well, we really didn’t have one.”

“So why were you part of her estate?”

“Well I wasn’t, my son Dylan is. Vince Samarillo is his father.”

“Your son is the son of Vince Samarillo?”

“Yes. We weren’t married.”

“Okay. So your son Dylan inherited the estate?”

“Yes. And today I went to the bank to clear out a safety deposit box and I found some things in there.”

He leaned forward and asked, “Like what?”

“Money. Like a LOT of money. And a gun. And, a bag of something that I think might be drugs.”

“And, this is at First National?”

“Yes. I came right over when I found out what was in the box. Well right after picking up Dylan. I want no part of what’s in the box, so I came right over here.”

“Okay then, would you allow me to take possession of the items from the bank?”

“Yes. That’s why I came here, to turn everything over to the police.”

“Well that is certainly the right way to do things Ms. Gouben” he said with a smile.

He wrote up their conversation, had her sign it and Detective Martin, and three plain clothes officers went to the bank and retrieved the contents of the Safety Deposit box. Detective Martin was very happy with the money and drugs they found, but when he opened the envelope he nearly jumped out of his clothes.

You see, Detective Martin was the lead investigator into the workings of the major drug dealer that Vince worked for, Albert Gordon, and the numbers on the sheets were account numbers where he supposed the drug dealers kept their money. And with this information they’ll be able to claim the money as proceeds from drug dealing and most likely lead to convictions on the account owner.

That’s when she knew that the bottom had fallen out. She had met Albert Gordon just before Vince was killed, and she wasn’t saying anything to Detective Martin about that, and the person who was going to lose all of the money in those bank accounts would most likely be Albert Gordon, and he would find out that she was the one that brought all this down upon him. She left the bank as quickly as possible and went home in fear. What had she gotten herself into now?

Friday was her big day with Jim, and she was a wreck. She screwed up orders, delivered them to the wrong table, and was generally not there mentally. And when Jim came over she was horrible at everything she did, which was not lost on Jim who get out of there before she caused him permanent harm.

All her worrying was well founded as Sunday afternoon there was a knock on her door.

She walked to the door and, without thinking, opened it to find Albert Gordon standing there.

Before she could say anything Albert pushed her back into the apartment and closed the door behind him. She began to protest when he grabbed her arm and said, “Please be quiet Ms. Gouben, my visit with you will not take long.”

He pushed her onto the couch and grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it directly in front of her and sat down glaring at her.

After a minute or two he asked, “Do you know how much you cost me?”


“You cost me $250,000 dollars. You’ve given the police a document that contains a list of accounts that they are trying to grab from me, and, that gun in the box. That fucking GUN in the BOX was used in the robbery and MURDER of a retired cop.”

“Do you know how much SHIT you dumped on me? All because YOU fucking goodie two shoes bitch, has a fucking conscience!”


“Shut, the FUCK, up. So, what we are going to do, you and I, is figure out how you are going to pay me back.”


“That’s right. You cost me a quarter of a million dollars, so far, and I want my money.”

“I, I don’t have that, I don’t have any money.”

“Well, that’s going to be a problem for you, because one way or another I’m, going to get my money out of you. Maybe I’ll peddle your ass on the streets for the next fifty years.”


“I’ll give you a week to figure it out.” He leaned in and said with a great deal of intimidation, “And if you decide to skip town or go to the cops, which I fucking HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT do, IF they ever find your bodies they will weep from the grisly way that you will have died.”

He got up from the chair and walked to the door and turned to her, “One week. You have ONE FUCKING WEEK to get my money. If not, get ready to start your community service.”

With that he opened the door and walked out.

She sat on the couch, not moving, stunned at what had happened. What was she going to do?

She woke with a start on Sunday. The house. She could sell the house! Hopefully the house was worth what she owed. She jumped out of bed and ran to the corner restaurant and picked up a free magazine with homes for sale just inside the door. Inside it were listings of homes in the area but also some of the Realtors. She found the Realtor closest to the house and after lunch packed up Dylan and headed out.

The Realtor was very helpful, they went together to look at the house and found it in pretty good shape. It was a Ranch with three bedrooms and two baths, a kitchen, dinning room, and living room. But it was dated, like twenty years dated. The Realtor recommend that she clean the place, get rid of all the clutter, and give it a good paint job.

But all of those things would take time, and that is something that she did not have. She asked the Realtor if she could sell the house ‘AS IS’. The Realtor said that she could, but she won’t get as much for the house, which she estimated at $300,000. She didn’t care and told the Realtor to sell it as quickly as possible.

They went back to the office where she signed a contract to sell the home and create a listing for the house. She was back home by dinner, exhausted but happy, she should be able to pay off Albert Gordon and have a little left over for a rainy day. Not that it was pouring now!

The weekend passed uneventfully, but beginning Monday it changed drastically as people began looking at the house, and by Wednesday she had three offers on the house, all of which were around $285,000. She was the happiest she’s ever been since she gave birth to Dylan. And it was not lost on Jim, who noted her enthusiastic sexual play that night.

Thursday after picking up Dylan she went to the Realtor and accepted the highest bid, thus ending her first home ownership. But she didn’t care as she was going to walk away with enough money to pay off Albert Gordon.

Friday after dinner she waited patiently for Albert Gordon to arrive, and she wanted this business with him over and done with as quickly as possible. Friday after dinner there was a knock on the door, she knew it was Albert even before opening the door.

“Good evening Mrs. Gouben.”

“Come in Mr. Gordon.”

“Like you had a choice!” and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a chair and placing it where he had the week before and sat. He pointed at her to sit and began, “Let’s get this over with. The cops were able to steal another account before I could get the money out, so you now owe me $275,000.”

“No way! You said $250,000!”

“That was before they got another account. Wait a minute, you sound like you have $250,000?”

“Yes I’ve got it!”

“Let’s see it then.”

“Well, you’ll have to wait until the house is sold, so in about eight weeks.”

“You sold a house? And you’re living here?”

“No, it wasn’t my house, it was Vince’s mother house. I inherited it, well Dylan inherited it, after she died. And Today, I accepted a bid on the home for $285,000.”

“What else did you get from the inheritance?”

“Well, there was the house, a car, and about $5,000 in cash that’s in the bank.”

“Okay, so about a grand for transfer stamps, say $500 for the Lawyer, Title insurance is about $750, and the Realtor is going to get 5% of the total so that’s about $15,000, so about $17,250 from the top leaves me with $257 thousand. Plus the five grand in the bank, and another grand for the car, so I’m about $263 thousand. Good enough for me.”

“You’re taking all my money?”

“No, YOU are paying me back for ALL the money you cost ME!”


“And you will no longer be in my debt.”


“Or, you can still be in my debt, and I can peddle your ass on the street for what you owe me.”

“But, it’s my money.”

“WAS! It WAS your money. You keep forgetting that you OWE me money.”

“Of course I can just kill you and sell Dylan. There are several options available to you.”

“It’s yours,” she spat out.

“As I thought it would be.” He got up to leave but stopped at the door and said, “I’ll be in contact with you in regards to the sale of the home, and I’ll be by Monday for the title on the car, the keys, and the five grand from the bank. And, of course, someone will be keeping tabs on you, so remember that warning I gave you before.”

With the problem of Albert Gordon and money behind her, well until the sale of the house, life got back to normal. Well as normal as it can be. Sex with Jim was great and continuing on a regular basis, Dylan was growing and becoming more active and beginning to show a personality that was both fearsome as well as kind.

Life was getting back to normal, until she received the Registered letter from the law offices of Williams and Associates, the firm that handled the Estate of Vince’s Mom. She opened the letter and as she read it almost fainted, they were informing her that they had submitted to the Federal government the amount of Inheritance that was disbursed to her from the Estate of Mrs. Angelina Samarillo.

She had to pay tax on that? With what money, it was all gone! She had nothing!

At 9pm she let Jim in, it was their Wednesday sex night. Jim must have seen that her mind was somewhere else and asked, “Something going on that has you out of sorts?”

“I received a letter from the law firm that handled the estate of Vince’s Mom, and, they informed me that they notified the Government and now I’ll have to claim it on my Income Tax.”

“How much did you get?”

She began to lose it at this point and stammered, “Something like $280 thousand.”

“See, more than enough.”

And that’s when she broke down and cried. All of the events in her life for the past few years, except for Dylan, have been a disaster, or led to disaster, or great things that have in the end led to disaster. Her whole life is one big disaster.

She felt Jim place his arm around her and pull her into his arms, and gently rock her. She snuggled into his arms crying, how much can be placed on her shoulders when she is so young? I’m nineteen! I shouldn’t have this kind of shit to deal with!

“Quiet down Kathy, Quiet down. Control yourself and talk to me. Maybe I can help.”

She sniffled and said, “Do you remember the other week, on TV, the drugs found at the bank?”

“Yes, I seem to recall that.”

“That was me. I found it. And I went to the Police and turned it in. But, I didn’t know what it was tied to, or what kind of, people, were involved in it, or how it would impact me.”

“That was you?”

“Yes. And, well, I didn’t know Vince was a drug dealer, kind of like a Lieutenant or something like that, when I met him. When I did find out I walked away from him, but because of Dylan, well, a boy should know his father, so, he was still in our lives.”

“And then he was killed. His mother was killed, and everything that was hers, Dylan inherited, so, that is how I came into owning the Safety Deposit Box. And when I saw what was in it, I turned it over to the police and thought it was all over.”

“But, it wasn’t. Vince’s boss came to see me, he knew it was me that turned in the drugs. He wasn’t so pissed about that, he was pissed about the Account Numbers that were found, you see the cops began to confiscate the money in the accounts. He lost $280 grand, and wanted it from me since I caused it. I sold the house, gave him the cash I got from the inheritance, and the car. The only thing I have is the five hundred I found in the safety deposit box.”

“So you owe tax on $280 grand?”


“Well, do you know how much you’ll owe?”

“It doesn’t matter, I can’t put any money aside to pay the taxes, I barely make ends meet now. Will I go to jail? Oh god what will happen to Dylan?”

“It’s okay Kathy, it’s okay.”

Jim held her and let her cry it out. She didn’t tell him everything, no reason to tell him things that could get him into trouble. After a few minutes, when she had composed herself, Jim let her go and kissed her on the forehead, “I’ll, take a rain check for today. Try and forget about this, and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that, you can start thinking on it, and hopefully you’ll find an answer.”

He hugged her again and left. She sat on the couch and being all cried out did what Jim said, she turned on the TV and watched some inane program until her mind was clear, she turned off the TV and went to bed and had a good night’s sleep.

The morning came, and though nothing had changed, she did feel better. She went about her business, falling into life’s daily routine, and put everything else out of her mind. Work was as it always was, but it was far better than most days as it allowed her to leave the worries of the day behind and focus on the things before her, the menial tasks that make up every day work life.

Outside of her time with Jim and taking care of Dylan her days passed uneventfully, which for now was a good thing. But, as the week ended her thoughts were drawn back to the problem of taxes, and what she can do about it.

Of all the options there was one she knew had the money to help, but it was the most, dangerous, Albert Gordon. She knew going to Albert for the money was a bad idea, but what other choice did she have? All of the other options she came up with were sure losers. Going to Gordon was the best worst idea she had.

She found his card next to the phone and called.

“Hello, it’s Gordon”

“Uhm, hello Albert, this is Kathy Gouben.”

“Kathy Gouben? Oh yes, Vince’s, non-wife. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I, need to talk with you about, some, help I need.”

“Help? What kind of help?”

“Financial. You see, the, uhm, there are, taxes on the inheritance. And uhm, I could use some help.”

“Yes, I understand. Why don’t you come down and see me.”

“I can try and get there tomorrow afternoon. I only have an hour though.”

“I do not have meetings tomorrow afternoon. I’ll see you at 3pm?”

“3pm is good for me.”

When she dropped off Dylan at Mrs. Robinson’s the next morning she asked if she could pick him up after 5pm, saying she had a meeting downtown. Mrs. Robinson’s agreed easily; she loved Dylan and always doted on him. She wanted to go home and change but she was running late because the afternoon waitress was late, so she jumped on the bus forgoing a change of clothes.

His office was in a nondescript office building on the third floor. Getting off the elevator she followed the office numbers to get to his, room 312. The door was open so she walked in and headed to the receptionist.

“I’m here to see Albert Gordon?”

“You must be Kathy Gouben.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Please have a seat Mr Gordon is on a call and will be with you soon.”

She nodded her head and took a seat on the chair next to the coffee table and waited. Her nerves were frayed waiting for Gordon, not knowing what he would say or if he would help was driving her crazy. She prayed that he would help.

The receptionist brought her out of thoughts, “He will see you now.”

She got up and walked over to the receptionist who opened the door to let her in. The office was small for what she expected, before her were a couple of chairs sitting in front of the desk, other than a bookcase behind the desk and some pictures on the wall the room was bare. Sitting behind the desk was Gordon who was just hanging up the phone.

“So, you wanted to talk to me about taxes?”

She took a deep breath and started, “Yes. I turned all the money over to you and, well, there are taxes that I didn’t know about, and, I need money to cover it.”

He remained silent for a moment before settling back in his chair. “And you came to me because?”

“I was hoping that you could pay them.”

He chuckled as he replied, “And I would do that why?”

Anger came up unabated as she yelled out, “Because I gave you all the money!”

He quickly leaned forward in his chair and pointed a finger at her saying, “That you OWED me!”

She felt tears beginning to form as she replied, “But I didn’t know that would happen!”

He looked at her critically, “When you saw the drugs in the box, knowing that Vince was a drug dealer, why didn’t you call me?”

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"Hey, Ronee," Rex said into the telephone, "are you busy this afternoon?" "What do you mean?" she asked suspiciously. She had been afraid ever since that crazy day in Rex's apartment with May that Rex might call. She knew that May just might tell Rex what had happened and she knew the only thing for her to do was deny it. Whoever told anybody anything about her would just be lying, she decided. If Rex approached her about it, she'd just say that May had made up the whole crazy,...

2 years ago
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The girls at Baker House

The girls at Baker House are at it again, they just love to distroy young guys gonads !(Ref. see “New Collage Wrestling”) More Crazy Frat Parties The wrestling parties had all but died out, the local police and the collage administrators really started to crack down on them. They were getting pressure from the parents of some of the boy’s coming home for the...

4 years ago
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Story about an insatiable nymphomaniac wife

The hypocrisy of some men tempts me to laugh. They go down to the strip joints and juice bars hiding their hard-on’s as they fork over their money to the dancers. They talk about wanting to fuck the dancers but ask them if they’d like their wife or girlfriend to be a dancer and they’ll start putting the dancers down. That’s bullshit! I’m proud to be married to a very successful stripper. My wife dances topless in a rather upscale...

4 years ago
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Track Coach

My wife Veronica is the track coach for her high school. Veronica teaches biology but also coaches the girl’s track team. I teach mathematics so we both have the same time off. Veronica asked me to take pictures and video of the girls running. Then we review the film and she can make suggestions and the girls can see themselves running. It was Veronica’s first year coaching the team so it was new for the girls to see themselves on camera. The team formed as soon as it got warm enough...

2 years ago
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Youve Been on My Mind

   Since meeting you I can't seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don't mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with the lights dimmed, I let my mind wander through all my fantasies of you and create new ones. I want you here with me so badly, to touch your face, smell your scent, taste your skin. Closing my eyes, I can feel you lying down next to me, your warm body close against mine. Your hand slides along my side, brushing...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The FETISH Ray Tales Control Heidis Story

John was kinky. He had been completely upfront about it when Heidi had started dating him, and Heidi had known full well what she was signing up for, but even so, it got to be a little much every once in a while. She'd almost gotten used to walking in on him jerking off to weird degradation porn, but the thrill in his eyes each time he realized he'd been caught, combined with the hopeful look on his face as though her catching him like this would somehow one day turn her on, had been the cause...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Day at the Lake

My next door neighbors and I are good friends. He is about 20 years older than me, is married, and has a son, Jason, and daughter, Christina, both around my age, from his first marriage. His wife has two daughters from her first marriage. Their names are April and Jane. Jane is going into middle school and April just graduated high school. April is about 58 tall and has developed nicely over the past three years that I have known her. She sports about a 34-C bra and is in great shape. She was a...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 21 The Next Step

I got a particularly nice welcome home party with Mom, Naomi, Walt and Vonda Voight. My diploma had been sent by UPS and it was there on Saturday just before our two guests arrived for the party. It was a hot August day and Mom wisely decided we’d have the dinner after six on the shaded back porch to avoid the worst of the heat. Casual wear was the order of the day. I had on a pair of cargo shorts, a polo shirt and flip flops. The others were dressed similarly, although Naomi stole the show...

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Carol Part Ten

Carol wanted to have sex outdoors. It wasn’t just that having sex outdoors was risky or different. It was the exhibition or being seen aspect that excited her. One early summer evening she asked me to drive a few miles outside the center of town, and up a long, tree lined dirt road to a hidden pond favored by undergraduate students for swimming and other adventures. I thought we were going to have sex in the car. I was wrong. We parked in a small grassy area, not far from the pond. We spent...

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Let the Game Begin

The evening had been a tease from “Hello”.I had agonised over the planning of this night for the past week. Vince had been my lover for some months now and every encounter was a new adventure. I thought he was too good to be true when we first talked over the phone. He knew all the right things to say, was witty and oh, so charming. After a few calls we decided to meet. I felt a little trepidation, but what the hell, you only live once.It was one of those blind dates you go on with an open...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist Needs Relief

This is my first day trying it out. I’m wearing long underwear, they’re kinda like booty shorts. Just in case. I’m getting a few odd stares, but most don’t tend to notice. I think they assume I’m wearing shorts underneath. A lot of girls do that. I think. This t-shirt is even smaller, I can’t use my booty shorts anymore, just regular panties for now. Hmm, it does just look like a t-shirt. At the park now, found a swing open. My shirt isn’t long enough for me to sit on. I have to be careful....

2 years ago
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EvilAngel April Olsen Big Cock Anal

Gorgeous, buxom brunette April Olsen winks her tight asshole and runs her fingers over her caramel skin. Heavily hung Jason Moody shoves a butt plug into her sphincter and stuffs his throbbing cock into her wet pussy. April rubs her pearly clit, and Jason drizzles her rear orifice with lube. He slides his big cock up her asshole and buttfucks April to a body-shaking, anal orgasm! April’s butthole gapes as Jason pounds her from behind, and she gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Jason rims...

2 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 3 Saturday July 6th 1963Part Two

"A Coca-Cola and a pint of your best scrumpy," Stanley Thompson said to the big beefy licensee. "Sorry sir," replied the tall strongly built bartender in a broad west country accent, "you be from up country and pa's rule has always said that a stranger can only have a half until he gets used to it." He grinned, pulled down a half pint mug from the shelf behind him, held it under a tap and filled it by pulling down on a large wooden handle. "Come back later, sir, I'll sell you the...

4 years ago
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Drunken Chick

Hey, I'm just an ordinary guy, not a pervert, just your regular bloke. So what would you do if you found this fucking gorgeous chick lying drunk half out of her brains at a party? Yeah, I'll bet you would do the same as me. I had gone with my mate Terry and while standing drinking at the bar we eyed up all the unattached talent and some of the attached ones too. I had noticed her earlier for who could miss her long blonde hair and that black dress that just about covered all of her important...

3 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 6 Confrontation

March 1974 January and February swept by fast, like the snowstorms that turned the roads to glorified ski trails that year. Jim hadn't seen Hildy since the date he had with her the night after Christmas. He tried a few times to drive up for a visit, but something got in the way. Sometimes it was the weather and other times he was working on his project. On top of that, he was working out in preparation for the final season he would be on the University's Track and Field team. Hildy...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 75

~~Eric~~ Ganders was more than understanding of Eric’s circumstance. Hell, all Jessy had to do was give him a few words and the man accepted everything with a smile. It really was a different universe these vamps lived in. They didn’t worry about money, they worried about where their next blood bag was, or when the sun rose. They didn’t worry about making friends, they just turned humans into slaves, and indulged in what a brainwashed ghoul would do for you. They worried about other vamps,...

4 years ago
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Do it for pleasure

There I was sitting in my flat, drinking a glass of chardonnay and with no important plans made for the weekend; it looked as though my ass and pussy would be getting a well earned rest. How wrong can a girl be! The phone rang startling me somewhat. Recognising the number on my display, a little grin cast over my face. The porn baron had come a calling.“Hello stranger. Long time no hear?”“Hi babe if you’ve nothing planned, how do you fancy making a wad of cash on Saturday lunchtime?”“If it...

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The American

Laying back lighting my first cigarette, I thought back to the day before, and the chance meeting that lead to me being here, in this bed, in this hotel room, with this lady by my side. I say lady, however I guess when you consider she is a mere 21 years of age, she probably like to be thought of as a girl, but as a older guy, as a gentleman, as an Englishman, I will think of her as a lady.Reaching forward to bring the ashtray closer, I feel her start to stir and gently her eyes flicker open....

2 years ago
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Love Games Fetish Baby

It was just the two of them in the room. The two of them alone and secluded in a chamber where one’s desires were to be fulfilled yet also the very same place where all the dignity of the misfortuned victim will be swiped away. No more virtue left in the body of the star crossed prey at the lustful pounce of the hungry predator. Tension was all that one could feel in the surrounding where the one in power had to master submission to his slave. There eyes locked in a gaze of desire,...

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AnythingChapter 3

We stood there for what seemed like an hour, but couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, all of us lost for words. I suddenly realised I was completely on display and stepped behind my friend to hide myself, my erect penis slapping against her butt as I did so. She also tried to cover up with her hands, but the ribbon only really let her left hand cover up her groin while her breasts stayed exposed. The flatmate spoke first, saying something in her own language that I didn’t understand....

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Natasha 8211 Delhi Metro Girl

It’s always rush in Delhi metro. But what makes the rush bearable is the hot Delhi girls in the crowd. Every morning the best part of going to office was the metro ride where every day I would rub my crotch against a girl. And as soon I reach office, I would masturbate thinking about that girl. Since a couple of days, I had noticed the sexiest bombshell till date boarding metro around 9:30am. She looked like a teen but had a body of a full some grown women. She would intentionally wear clothes...

4 years ago
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CucksShe had been home from her travels for a couple of weeks and I was lying on her bed. Absent-mindedly turning the pages of my magazine, she walked in, reached in one of her draws and retrieved a tube of lubricant. My heart pounded as she applied generous amounts to both of her hands, page 41 of the health section instantly forgotten. She smiled that wicked smile she sometimes has, slow, curving, dangerous and deliberate.Honey, I have some stories to tell you of some naughty things that I...

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Liane a young Chinese girl

This is a squeal to my other story A Chinese wife decides to take a lover. This is my imagination how things may have turned later but who knows perhaps they do one day.Few weeks later, I received an email. “Hi Mr. Daniel, I have seen you. I wish I were your friend. Would you like to be my friend? Ty”. I wondered who is this, someone anonymous wants to be my friend. I did not respond.A week later, I again received the email. “Hi Mr. Daniel, please say something, please answer. Ty”. I was...

3 years ago
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The DolphinChapter 14

It is as I think; Maggie tells me it is a human that hurts Kitik. Maggie says that one’s mind is in shadow when it hurts Kitik. I think of Acou when she says this, how shadow-pain makes him strike at others, and what she says seems to me right. Many humans come to see us here, and only this one does a hurt. I ask will this one come back and again try to hurt. Maggie says no. I ask do the humans drive him out. She says that is not the way that humans do with such as this one. From what she...

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DC vs Marvel

"Wakey,wakey!!" a high pitched voice forces it way into the blackness that has engulfed your mind "This ain't no time to be sleeping on the job" You feel a hand strike you hard across the face,once,twice. You shake your head trying to clear the cobwebs and open your eyes but still you're having trouble focusing. All you can make out is a very blurred image. "Oh geez" the disembodied voice continues "How are ya gonna be any use to me if you can't function properly" SMACK!!!! The hand strikes you...

5 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 22

Within his office, Ed sat back in his chair drinking a cup of coffee reflecting on the discussions last night about the marriage contract. The amount of money that everyone was considering was twenty thousand dollars as the buy in fee. That amount would basically destroy his savings, but it did put the family on good financial grounds. Eighty thousand dollars could get a very nice house built, at least in that area of the country. Kelly was busy in the kitchen making lunch. Today they were...

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The Cruise on Board the USS Fuckfest

As I walked up the gangway I thought to myself, ‘Tammy, you really need this.’ My husband, Ross and I hadn’t had a vacation in three years, work had been so pressing that we were just unable to get away. Now I was on board the luxury cruise ship for twelve days of relaxation and fun in the southern Caribbean.Our cabin was large with a separate bedroom and a small, private balcony. We looked around our accommodations as we unpacked and were very pleased that we had splurged for the suite rather...

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How to be a voyeur and get people to watch you

I have spent a lot of time being a voyeur but until I met Jenny I had no idea how much fun it was to be the ones being watched. I hope this helps any one who wants to get into watching or being watched. We have spent a lot of time learning how to do this.I met a lady when I was in my mid 30s who loved to voyeur watch as much as I did. More importantly she loved to be watched. When ever we would take a trip we always planned our night around certain hotels or inns that were easiest for us to...

5 years ago
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Settle For Nothing Part 2

“No!” Jasmine thrashed, trying to disentangle her arms from her own tank top as Randy sat back up. Her lover shoved beside her, grabbed the wheel, and slammed on the brake just as Jasmine wrenched a hand free to smack against the dash so she wouldn’t fall again. Randy palmed the shifter and maneuvered it back in place. She stared at the steering wheel, her face frozen. Unblinking. It was as if they’d ripped a thin cellophane that encased their world, letting the outside in. The air was...

3 years ago
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The Good Neighbour Part Five

The next few weeks alternated for Tobin between glorious, delirious sex with Jimmy, and interminable, impatient waiting. Jimmy decreed that they should get together once a week, or twice at the most, always just after Tobin finished school, so that he’d have cover. Tobin understood the logic of Jimmy’s caution, but in the war between his brain and his cock? Well, the days between trysts were worse than when he’d first discovered masturbation. His mind was full of Jimmy, Jimmy’s body, his...

Gay Male
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The Runesmith Chronicles 192

Rone changed into lighter clothing, after complaining about sweating to death in the heavy furs Felli had given him, and went out to take care of the livestock as his bath water heated up. Felli joined him to see what kinds of things she could help with. Meanwhile, the women ran Kal and Jurien out of the house, so they could put something together for lunch as well as a large meal for Ikuno and another for the oni, Kal, Rone and Felli when they went back to the harpy’s cave later.Kal was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 6 Winter Showers

Please read! These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through the eyes of a VILLAIN. If you do not enjoy very dark themes, this is not for you! Please note, every chapter gets more extreme! 9-part story. This...

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Teaching Her Girls How To FuckPart 4 The Holidays0

The middle of May, I got a message that my CO wanted to see me. I went to the command tent, and was surprise that it was the Colonel who wanted to see me. He was sitting at his desk, reviewing some paperwork. I stood at attention, till he pointed to a chair for me to sit in. "Staff Sergeant, no Jack you have been an exemplary soldier in my command, that is why I find this order from Fort Bragg most unusual." he said. "The order reads that I am to place you under arrest and have you...

1 year ago
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Threes company

100% fiction! Im 21 years old, i have a nice ass and a very high sex drive. So does my mother. I found this out one afternoon after i was rubbing my pussy vigorously and moaning very loudly when my mom walked in. She wanted to know what all the noise was and she found out very quickly i was startled but aroused at the same time. Apparently so was she she stuck her hand in her pants and started to finger her pussy, so i thought. I asked her if she wanted help and she just took my hand and stuck...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 11

Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...

2 years ago
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Stalked Cornered Fucked The Cumclusion

"Wh-What do you w-want from me?" I stammered, dazing up at the man who'd been stalking me for weeks, the man who had followed me home from school, the man whose roughness had aroused my virgin cunt, the locksmith who had entered my home so easily in the middle of the afternoon."This," he said. And without another word, he leapt on top of me and began tearing the clothing from my young, nubile, overheated body."No! Stop!" I screamed, to no avail. I tried to fend him off, But he was much too...

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A meeting in Leather Part 10

"Letting the Slaves play Master for once."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-9-944287- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 That Wednesday night I couldn't sleep because of all the build-up tension. I was excited because I was planning to buy myself a cross moped that day. Apart from that I had a busy day anyway. I had an appointment with the doctor, had to go fitness with Mike and get...

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The Strip Ch 13

This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 13: A Night Out ‘I still can’t believe you reached the final table, pop,’ Joshua Smith told his father as they drove them from Las Vegas...

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Jack and Diane Ch 0204

I apologise to readers for the delay in posting this. I am posting a thread in the Story Review forum to explain myself. Please comment here or there. Jack and Diane Chapter 2 My time at Milla and Simon’s gave me some time to think about my life. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I’m John Nelson Winters. The Nelson bit is mothers maiden name and, yes, there is some connection to the Hero of the Nile and Trafalgar. At one stage the family had been quite wealthy, but that was before the First...

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Incompatible Birth of a Spellbinder

Incompatible: Birth of a Spellbinder Ragnarok Rising: Part I by D.A.W. This rant is brought to you by the demented mind of D.A.W. This story is something of an experiment. I wanted to write a story in first person, but I didn't want to be confined to a single narrator. So, after some input from the good folks on the Fictionmania Message Board, I decided to write the story as if it were a journal. The story is compilation of the protagonist's journal entries. It...

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On Vacation

Hi Folks,Another true story.Wife and I went to Florida on a little get away. We decided to do the Para-Sailing tour. When the boat came we swam out got in the boat and noticed 2 - 30 something black guys operating the boat and hooking us up for our tour.We really didn't think anything of it until 1 of the guys jumped in to the water beside the boat to untangle a rope. When he climbed back in, we couldn't help but notice the huge cock hanging down underneath his now wet bathing suit. I looked...

2 years ago
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The Costume Party II

STORY EDITED BY ALESSANDRO_ALEX I lay in bed all night long trying to figure out this feeling that I had in my stomach. Something was bothering me, but I could not for the life of me make out what it was. Had I done something wrong? Normally when I do something wrong and I feel guilty about it, I get sick to my stomach. Could it be that I secretly went to a party that I was not allowed to be at and slept with some strange man? My mind then wandered to the masked man who had taken my innocence....

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Mom Ki Choot Ko Shaanti Di 8211 Part 1

Hi guys I’m vicky (name changed) kesy ho ap sab log. I hope k ap log apni sex life ko bohat mazy sy enjoy kar rahy hongy or girls bhi apni gaand or ras bhari choot mein khoob ungliyan or lory dalwa rahi hongi. First of all mein ap sab ko apny bary mein bata dun k mein aik rich family sy belong karta hun meri age 19 years hai or meri body well built hai or mery lory ka size 7” hai or kafi mota bhi hai jo kisi anti ya larki ki choot mein aag laga sakta hai. Mery dad aik bohat bary businessman...

2 years ago
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The Blizzard The Beginning

For the past thirty years since New Orleans was sent under water by a massive hurricane, scientists have argued disasters such as that were the effects of global warming. I really don't know if that is true, but for some reason the weather has been really weird for quite a while, and now these so called experts are somewhat agreeing with each other. Christmas day the temperature hit an all time high in Chicago when it topped out at a balmy 78 degrees and today I am freezing my ass off...

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PURE, PRIMAL PASSION A COUPLE REDISCOVER CHAPTER 2 Hallo again! I did promise some of you Id have this chapter posted a week ago, so to you loyal readers I sincerely apologize. I was hoping to complete this chapter before leaving on a business trip to Thailand, but my MD needed assistance with some last-minute preparations and I simply ran out of time. Our trip was busy but ultimately successful, and we had the opportunity to spend a couple of leisure days before flying home. We were staying...

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From Afar Ch 03

After the soul-searching conversation that they had had, Chad was much more cooperative. Gone was the dark, sloppy stranger that she had seen on their first session. He had gotten a hair cut and shaved. He was even wearing work out clothes. Her heart filled with that old feeling that had gotten her through those lonely years. His heart still wasn’t one hundred percent in it, but he tried a bit harder, and sometimes he even relaxed and joked with Sara. Sara couldn’t have been more happy than...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 3

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 3) The following afternoon, Jennifer drove Mark to Total Transformation Salon and Spa for his appointment. "Have fun!" Jennifer said as she put the car in park. "You're not coming in?" "No... I had my appointment yesterday. This one is all about you," she replied. She kissed him and said, "good luck!" "Good luck?" he thought as he walked toward the door of the spa. He opened the door to an elegant entry - and an...

4 years ago
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How I Was Dominated By A 18 Year Old Neighbor Girl

I am a 35 year old married mom of two who was very happily married. I have never had any thoughts about being with another women until our new neighbors moved in next door. I began to notice there 18 year old daughter. She would come out by the pool with her nice tight string bikini on almost every day. She looked like the type of girl who teases the boys all the time and is very confident in herself. She had an almost perfect body that an 18 year old girl could have. I started noticing myself...

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A pantyhose fantasy The Boss

It was the end of the day and my cock needed to be stroked. I was in my office with the door shut. Most people had left for the day so I decided it was worth the risk as the chances of anyone walking in on me were remote. I undid my belt and trousers and dropped them to the floor. My cock was hard and enclosed in a pair of sheer to the waist tan pantyhose. I had been walking about all day like this with the nylon rubbing against my cock and now it was time for release. I began to stroke my...

2 years ago
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My daughter friend Black femdom

Ok it’s gonna be my first story writed in english, it’s my 2nd language and i’m not used to writed long story or text in english so we’ll see how it works. I Hope you love it i’ll probably write some more if you give me good comments.- Chapter 1 : My daughter friends –My name was Mollie i was 40 years old and looked in perfect shape with a cute little bubblebutt. I Had big boobs still looking great i loved to show them teasing people. At 40, you really loved seeing eyes on you when my daughter...

3 years ago
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Autoloading ShotgunChapter 9 Armageddon in Tucson

I hoped that no one else showed up to volunteer because any more people would have just gotten in the way. Felix was a good sign of what could happen to the attitude of the other Jews in Tucson once they had the time to consider the situation. Hopefully, more would show up after tonight's fight, but three of us were enough for tonight. Even if 50 of the KKK showed up, and that I strongly doubted, there was no room for them to attack us all at once unless they split up into several groups. I...

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