Unmeasured ConsequencesChapter 6 free porn video

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The following day as she walked up the final steps to get onto her floor she ran into Jim, who was on his way down.

“Kathy, I’ve got some good news. Craig talked with Janice and she has agreed to back off. I don’t know anything other than that, but I do know that it was a huge fight.”

“That’s great news!”

“And, Margaret’s niece will close her investigation of the complaint, so she won’t be coming back.”

“So, the investigation is over? Was my name cleared?”

“Well, it was closed as something like, No Cause Found, or something like that. Your name is in the complaint and there’s nothing that can be done about that.”

“Okay. So what about your wife, Margaret?”

“Well, that’s the bad news, she’s pretty upset about the Janice thing. I’ve been going back and forth with her on it and, she’s not wavering one bit. But, I’m still working on her, so hopefully I can get her to back off.”

“Wait, what is she upset about?”

“What I could get out of her, was that my friends were involved with you, and she hates that. She thinks it’s wrong what you are doing, and she was very pissed off when I let it slip that I’m watching Dylan while you’re with them, she reamed me real good on that one. Not that I was watching Dylan, but that he was in the apartment when you were doing your thing, which I don’t get what she was pissed about.”

“So, it’s not an issue anymore, I’m not fooling around with your friends.”

“But you are with me, so, that’s what I am working on with her.”

“You are working on her for what?”

“It’s about Dylan being in the apartment when we are together.”

“But he’s not in the room with us, and he’s always asleep!”

“I know. And I’ve told Margaret that, but she still feels that it’s wrong and immoral.”

“What the heck Jim!”

“I know, but that’s what it is. I’ve got to find a way to satisfy her problem with us being together.”

“So, all we’ve got to do is figure a way to have Dylan out of the apartment, and that’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“The only way I could see that happening is if I came home right after work without Dylan, but we would have to do it quickly though, as I don’t want Mrs. Robinson to be put out for this.”

“That should be good. I’ll talk to Margaret and I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

That being settled she continued on home. Long after dinner as Dylan was being placed in his crib Jim came by.

His look was of a person who had just lost a long dragged out fight, which wasn’t good for her. What the heck happened to you?”

“Well, I talked to Margaret and, it’s much worse than what I thought. Her anger is directed at not just you, but me as well. I had thought that she was okay with what you and I were doing, but the truth of the matter is she isn’t. She’s pissed as hell that you’ve taken me away from her and she’s afraid that you’ll steal me away from her. I told her it’ll never happen, I love her and, well, you’re too young for me. The only thing we click on is sex, and that’s not enough for me.”

“Yeah, I’m not trying to steal you away from her. I don’t want a man in my life, I DON’T need a man in my life. I’ve got Dylan and right now he is my priority, and I’m devoting all my energies into him.”

“I told her that, and she still pissed. I don’t know what she’s going to do, I’m positive that she’s not going to get her niece involved and I’m pretty sure that our agreement is still intact, but other than that, well, we’ll have to wait and see.”

“Wait and see. Shit! Is there nothing more that I can do to convince her that there’s nothing to worry about?”

“I doubt it. You can try and talk to her, but I’m not so sure that that’s a good idea, no telling where that’s going to go.”

“So, I’m gonna have to what, wait and see?”

“That’s about right. Wait and see.”

And that was it, wait and see. Wait, and, see. She hated to wait, and even more to see! She wanted this over and done with so she could get on with her life.

The following evening as she cleaned up after dinner someone knocked on the door. She looked to Dylan, who was playing with his stuffed bear in his playpen, before going to the door.

“Who is it?” she asked.

Spoken in a hard short cadence came the reply, “Margaret Dinks.”

Her first thoughts were, Oh shit! What could she want? It couldn’t be for Jim! Unless he lied! No, Jim wouldn’t lie. Would he?

She opened the door and said, “Good evening Mrs. Dinks.”

“I think since you are fucking my husband you can call me Margaret.”

She stumbled over her words, as she invited Mrs. Dinks, or as she had asked, Margaret, into her apartment.

Margaret strolled in, head held high, and with a grace and elegance she attributed to royalty. Closing the door she asked, “What can I do for you, ah, Margaret?”

Margaret surveyed the room and turned towards her and said, “A small room. Smallest in the building I think. You should talk to Jim, he should be able to move you to a larger room. Preferably one with, two bedrooms. So your son won’t be woken by the sounds of love making.”

She was about to counter the barbs thrown at her, but held back. Fighting with words was not going to do anything but cause the situation to worsen, best for her to take the barbs then to poke the bear. But, she wouldn’t shrink away either.

“If the situation was different, I would have never slept with your husband.”

“I’m sure that’s what all the harlots say.”

“What can I do for you Margaret?”

Margaret turned and sat down on the couch and once firmly situated looked at her, almost like she was studying her. She didn’t know what to do, and fidgeted as she stood before Margaret, like a subject before her queen.

“I wonder, if you know, what you have done to me.”

Confused she asked, “I, uhm, I don’t know what you mean.”

“Do you ever consider while Jim is, having his way with you, what it is doing to me?”

“Well, I can say, that I never considered it.”

“I see, a whore who thinks only of herself.”

“Whore? Whore is a strong word for a woman who is raising a son who has been, rocked, by circumstances.”

“Yes, circumstances. Circumstances can get one into trouble. If you are of low moral character.”

“Why are you here Margaret.”

“Since Jim has been, preoccupied, with you, he has been remiss on his other duties. His, husbandly, duties.”

“He said you and he were no longer, having sex.”

“No longer having sex? Yes, we no longer have sex. But the sex he is referring to, the SEX he wants, is an abomination, and just thinking of that sex act he WANTS me to perform turns my stomach! I’ve been putting up with his vile request for as long as we have been married, so I am VERY happy that he no longer pesters me on it. But since you have been satisfying his needs, he has passed on mine.”

“So, what do you want me to do?”

“You, will take care of the needs that my husband no longer does.”


“Do I need to repeat myself? Use smaller words? Bring out a Barbi doll to show you?”

“I, uh, well, uhm”

“Yes, yes you are a silver tongued devil.”

“I, uhm, I’ve never been, or have, uhm”

“I do not care what you have done, or what you have not done, it is immaterial as it is something you will do IF you expect to stay here rent free.”

“This is wrong Margaret, very wrong. And I don’t think”

“Thinking? You have shown that thought, and you, are as far apart as Plant is to Animal.”

“I am not a lesbian!”

“No. You are a whore. And being a whore, means that you will do anything for money, or in this case a roof over your head.”

“You should speak to Jim on your needs.”

Margaret stood up as she shook her head. When she was standing up she smoothed out her skirt as she said without looking at her, “You do not seem to understand, so let me put it into small words that the simplest of minds can comprehend” and she looked her in the eye as she continued, “either you take care of me, or I will take care of you.”

She smiled at her and walked to the door and before leaving she said, “I will be here on Thursday, I know that is not a day you, FUCK, my husband, so there won’t be a conflict.” Before she could respond Margaret was out the door.

She stood there for a moment after the door closed and shook her head. What the fuck is going on here?!? She’s NOT going to, take CARE of Margaret. No way.

She put it out of her mind for now and talk to Jim at their Wednesday get together. He must have some way out of this for her, like take care of his wife!

Like clockwork at 9pm there was a knock on her door, Jim was here. She opened the door and a dejected Jim walked in, things did not look good.

Before she could say anything Jim said, “Before you ask, I know Margaret came to see you, I know what she wants, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“What do you mean there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I tried talking to her. I begged her but she’s got her mind made up.”

“Why is she doing this?”

“I’m not sure, but if I were to guess I would say she’s jealous.”

“Of me?”

“Well, I don’t think that’s all of it, she is also mad that you will do the things that she won’t do. And she is a bit insecure, afraid that I will leave her to be with you.”

“Have you said anything like that to her?”

“NO! Of course not. I’d never leave her, not for anyone. I’ve tried to tell her but she won’t listen.”

“Well, could you take care of here?”

“That’s the thing, I do! She hates intercourse but loves oral, so I take care of her whenever she wants.”

“I’m not a lesbian.”

“I know. But this, this, thing is not about sex. She wants to dominate you. And, and I think that by having you do this, she sees it as you are submitting to her.”

“So I’ve got to do this, thing, because she’s, what, pissed, jealous, and immature?”

He nodded his head “Yeah, that’s about it.”

“And, if I don’t do this, thing, I’m out of here?”

He looked away from her and said, “Yeah.”

“And there’s nothing you can do for me?”

“My wife is a very, demanding, and determined woman. And don’t look at her small stature and think she’s a pushover either. After forty years of marriage I can tell you that when she gets like this, you get out of her way and hold on for dear life.”

“So, I have to fuck both of you to stay here.”

“So, you think THAT’S all there is to this?”

“What else is there!”

“I’ve come to care for you, and this has hurt me, not as much as you, but it still does. I feel SICK that you could be out on the streets. And Dylan! I’ve become quite fond of the boy, believe me, and I would never do anything to you or him that would jeopardize your safety.

“And you can’t step up for me.”

“You don’t think I’ve tried?”

“I have no IDEA what you’ve tried.”

He said, “I think we should take a break” and walked out slamming the door behind him. She stormed to the bathroom saying, “GREAT! THAT went well.” Unfortunately Dylan woke up from the door being slammed, and he was not happy, until he fell asleep around midnight.

She was on pins and needles all day, and when quitting time came around she found herself back to wondering what she was going to do. She knew what the answer was but still played the game, the what-ifs. In every decision that she has made, she always came to the answer by asking what is best for Dylan. And so far, every answer, every point, she had never looked back and said I should never have done that. Regret was no longer an option if she meant to keep her sanity.

Getting home and having dinner, she was going to get ready for the evening with Margaret, but stopped when she walked into the bathroom. What should she do? It was evident that she was to take care of Margaret, but was Margaret going to do anything for her? She looked at herself in the mirror and laughed. Not so long ago she would have thrown-up at the thought of what she would be doing today, and here she is wondering, WONDERING, if she should prepare herself for Margaret as she does for Jim. Heck, even before she got involved with Jim, she never would have thought that she would have sex with someone, especially with a man his age. And, and this is wild, found that she loves anal sex!

What a change in her life this past year has been!

She decided to prepare as if Jim was coming over and showered and shaved her legs and trim her bush and put on her big fluffy robe, which was different from the sexy one she wore for Jim, and waited for Margaret.

She was nervous and jumped when she heard the knock on the door. She stood up and took a deep breath to steady herself and let Margaret in. She looked like she always does, dressed in a smock, her hair up, and in flat shoes, something she thought odd as she was on the short side, she later found out that Margaret was just a hair under 5 foot.

“Good evening Margaret.”

“Yes, good evening to you too. So, I will take from the way you are dressed that you have accepted my demand?”

“Yes Margaret, I’ve accepted your demand in order to keep my son sheltered.”

“Trying to shame me will in no way deter my, or your, endeavor. You’ve made your bed, now you can sleep in it. So to speak.”

“Let’s get this over with Margaret.”

“Yes, why don’t we” and went to the couch and sat down. As she moved towards her Margaret put up her hand, stopping her. “I notice that you are in a bath robe, have you showered?”



“I was not sure what I was to do, and I wanted to be, clean.”

“You do not expect me to, take care of you, do you?”

“No. But I didn’t know what to expect, so I, prepared, for, anything.”

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Hello peeps! I’m Rudra. Age 22. Height 6 ft. Shaft size of 6.5 inches. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m here to share my beautiful experience with a woman of my dreams from so many years. Her name is Saritha (name changed). She’s my school principal. Age 39. Her husband works in an MNC. He always goes on trips most of the time. She has two kids. One works in the US and the other is pursuing her college. She is an angel every man ever dreamt of. She looks damn beautiful. Her smile, her voice, her swaying...

3 years ago
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Imagining you imagining me

I'm alone. I will have the house to myself for ages. It is hard not to begin as soon as I find myself alone. It's been like this since my teens. Maybe it is just what we do when we are on our own, it's always my first thought even in my 30's and in a long term relationship. The internet is always my first port of call. Surfing through various naughty sites, some known to me already, some new. 'Masturbation' is the first search, then maybe 'sex stories', which is how I found Lush. How I found...

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All Girls Together

Okay, I got the idea for this story from a short article entitled "Hypnotic Transsexualizing" that appears on several sites, I'd like to credit the original author but was unable to identify them... If it was you and you happen to read this, thank you for the original idea - this story could not have been written without it. * * * All Girls Together by Writer345 1. Introduction - Dan Milly and I met when I was at University and she's a few years older than me. I won't say...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Carmen Caliente PurpleHaired Loves Facial

Playful purple-haired slut Carmen Caliente gets caught taking butt selfies. Instead of feeling embarrassed, the naughty slut continues to take a lot of “belfies”. Carmen looks stunning in black lingerie set and fishnet stockings. The stunning lass shares a little story about her life and dreams. All the talking and sharing made Carmen a bit horny. She teases the lucky photographer until he finally goes with her to the bedroom. Carmen bends over on the bed and lets her man fuck her...

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Capt James T Kirk and the 5 hour erection

Flora and fauna were prolific. It was different than that of Earth, as most planets were, but gave the same overall feel. None of the animals appeared to be dangerous and they all seemed to co-exist without fear of each other. Best of all, the crew had found indigenous people living in several villages along the warm water ocean shoreline. The villages were seen from the Enterprise prior to landing but contact was not made until the third day of the on-planet survey. No radio waves or...

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The Unexpected Salesman

She sipped her coffee by the window and watched the people pass by, contained in their own busyness. Then, from out of nowhere, she spotted a smart looking stranger coming up her driveway carrying a small case. ‘Oh Lord, I hope it isn’t another one of those Jehovah’s,’ she mumbled to herself. ‘I’m not up to that this early in the morning.’ Despite the prayer , she saw him approach her door and ring the bell. She considered not answering it and even hiding, but after taking another look at...

2 years ago
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Sandy and RandyChapter 9 Hurricane

The next morning, Sandy awoke alone and hungry. Her father was already gone from his bed, their bed. After a quick stop, she meandered downstairs, still rubbing her eyes from sleep. The TV was on some news program. Suddenly it was off, and her father was calling to her. “Come on, sleepyhead. Breakfast is served. Want omelets this morning?” “Sounds great, I’m starved.” He doesn’t let on what he just heard. A hurricane had formed out in the Atlantic. This was before the advanced computer...

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Jennifers Black Lingerie

I recently moved to this gated community and had this flat rented. Preparations for college weren’t as easy as I thought, but Christmas break had come and I planned to relax for some time. I enjoy just chilling out at home and relaxing, so anyway, I got up Sunday morning around 9 and walked out onto the balcony of my room to enjoy the morning sunlight and breeze. Looking out towards the other houses I could tell that many other people already left on vacation. I took in a deep breath of...

First Time
4 years ago
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I Came Here to DieChapter 13

Rick scrambled to get a taping company to commit to film her act all four nights. He found one in Austin that were willing to make the trip to Longview. This was Tuesday. They arrived on Wednesday to set up their equipment. At first Rick wanted to turn them around and returned them to the University of Texas. These were mere kids in college. Burt, their head guy showed him a video of a wedding he produced recently displaying to Rick that he would get quality work from these kids. Ernie said...

2 years ago
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Our meeting with two men Classic car showNationl

The NEC meeting 11-12 November 2017 Pt 1No one can really claim that finding genuine and ideal men for adult fun in the UK is really that easy but every now and then we’ve been able to come across one and communicate prior to meeting. We we’re lucky this year and received a private message from a man via UK Exhibitionists with his suggestion that he might fit in with what we had asked for on that site.Our preference is for large heavy set black guys and the add states age unimportant but must...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 435 What Do We Have Here

Time to make more friends before I meet this unknown enemy. “Get your girls out of here as fast as they can. Something is coming that puts them in danger. I don’t want them used as pawns for this person who doesn’t fear what they should,” I told Mr. Big. “Whatever is coming will be in the area outside of town where I am going to have a meet and greet with them. At their current rate of speed, your girls should be at a safe distance by then, I hope. I’m not as I was when they last got near...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood III Emilys First Cock Sucking Session

Sisterhood III: Emily's First Cock Sucking Session!Emily, a nubile, virgin sixteen year old girl had been caught by her eighteen years old sister Grace, a total slut who was sucking off John, a man she had invited over to her parents house while they were out. Grace had decided, that so she couldn't tell on her to their parents what she was doing, she would then turn her younger sister into a total slut like her, and have John be the first.Already she had caught Emily masturbating while...

Oral Sex
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 21 Grojan

The sun was just setting as Minara stood on the palace walls watching the last of the market stalls being packed away in the square below. Her back ached and she groaned; she wondered if she had walked too far today. One of the palace guards stepped away from his post. "Are you alright, my lady?" "Yes!" Minara snapped, and the guard flinched at her tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." "That's no problem, my lady, would you like a hand down the steps?" "Yes...

1 year ago
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Young and petite Carol

It was the first day of college. All the newcomers were crowding the campus, hugging and greeting each other after a long summer vacation. I had to fit in with the people there. My name's Chris, I turned 18 back in June. The reason why I stated this is because when parents see you've reached that certain age; they think you're going to go wild. Being a college freshman myself, I had to learn the ropes around campus. Making new friends, memorizing the campus area, etc. I was always that shy...

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PornMegaLoad Blondie Bombshell Blondie Bombshell And Her Big Bombs

Blondie Bombshell reaches into Milan’s pants looking for something. “I like big cock,” says Blondie, with a gleam in her eyes. She takes his cock out to rub it, jerk it, lick it and suck it. Blondie makes a lot of purring pleasure sounds when she gives a blow job. Milan takes turns fucking Blondie’s tits and her pretty mouth. Blondie lowers her pussy on Milan’s dick, first in a reverse cowgirl and then in a bouncing cowgirl. She sucks his cock a little more and...

2 years ago
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Power and Will

I stand, my arms outstretched, hands firmly planted against the rough wall, legs spread widely, ass out… waiting. I don’t dare look over my shoulder to see what you’re doing, though I’m desperate to do just that. I can feel you behind me, your heat alone telling me you’re still back there, watching every move, listening for every sound I might make. I can’t help but shift my weight from one foot to the other, a nervous anticipation working through my body as you contemplate. I know my...

2 years ago
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BreederChapter 2 Conquest

So Rick is now sitting on the couch in his living room, surrounded by alien creatures and a strange semi-human being with a cock the size of a horse. Straddling him is an absolutely gorgeous blonde who 2 hours ago wouldn't give him the time of day but is now straddling him and nuzzling his neck. He's just found out that he's a central part in an alien sponsored breeding program to save the human race. His step sister is standing in the kitchen masturbating, his step mother is on the other...

3 years ago
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Piper Gets Revenge

The breeze was low, sweet with blooming lilac and heavy with the evening dew. Piper stood in the open french doors that led onto the back porch, her arms laden with blankets. She inhaled deeply, savoring the summer air. There was no light beyond the fireflies and the first few stars above, the lone streetlight out front couldn’t reach between the houses here and left the lush backyards intimately darkened. Somewhere nearby a pool filter hummed quietly to itself. The only other sounds came from...

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Luck Ch 04

Mimi and Jack had converted the front door of the 2 sided house into their main door, opening up their apartments to freely move between the two. They had moved most of his things into her apartment and he rarely went to his anymore. He relished spending every night with her and waking up to her every morning. Mimi took advantage of the hallway separating their apartments, putting a small peach and cream marble topped end table between 2 cream colored wicker chairs. She hung a few plants from...

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Danis Dream Part III

He then started to push into Dani, who threw her head back and looked me in eye as she was taken by another man in front of me.This was how part II ended if you missed it. Hope you enjoy.Tony slowly slide into Dani's pussy, inch by thick inch of dark black meat disappearing as he stretched my wife further than she had ever been stretched before. She had her feet planted on the floor and was raising her ass to meet him. She wanted him in her! Her eyes were on me the whole time and she was biting...

Wife Lovers
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Surprised at Work

About me: I'm 27, 5'5". I have red hair and light blue eyes. 34/B cup, and I'm always perfectly shaved. I'm not super skinny, but in no means heavy. Just average shape and size, (137 lbs., last I checked.)I have a "bubble butt" that even my gay guy friends stare at and continuously praise me for. I'm Irish, so I'm pretty pale, unless I go tanning. Then my hair lightens up and I get dark. I think I'm really pretty either way, but not vain or conceited. Actually have a pretty dorky personality.My...

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A Christmas Romance Ch 03

I had a favor that I would soon redeem, from one of my pals from high school. He owned a classy nightclub a few blocks away, and I was certain that even at this late hour, the place would still be open. I wasn’t sure how it would look, the two of us arriving at his doorstep, around closing time. But this favor was a big one, and I figured it would be enough to make things happen the way I wanted them to. We trudged through the now 4-inch snow, which littered the ground. It seemed that the...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 13 Noahs Narrative

"In our family, loneliness and isolation are not merely frequent, they are ubiquitous. They are what define us and, in an odd way, unite us. No one understands the feeling of quiet desperation quite as well as my cousins and I." I told the woman. "I think you'll find that isn't true." She said with a reassuring smile. "Many of my clients feel that they are the only ones who feel that way when, really, you all understand it." I nodded. "Good. That means you've dealt with...

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Orals with aunt Traci

*i am clair based on a true story..* Her hands tickled as they slowly grazed the tip of my hood. She cupped me gently.. tenderly. Grinding herself against my flesh. Twisting my hood gently..stroking me between my legs slowly.’ I ’ve wanted u for so long..’ she whispered.kissing my Vagina hard. She Circled me with her hot wicked kiss.tasting my hood and tugging slow.rubbing ..me gently between my thighs.massaging me hard on my vagina. Rubbing...rubbing..rubbing..rubbing...rubbing me biting me...

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Weve Always Been Close

We've always been close, my brother and I. We've been inseparable for as long as I can remember. Most of that was down to the situation we grew up in. Perhaps I should go back a bit. I'm Amy, my brother is Jack. We grew up in a small house with just us two and mom. I've never met my father and my brother was too young to remember him. See, he always had his "issues" and it put a lot of strain on my parent's marriage. When mom got pregnant with Jack, things got worse. Just months after my...

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Youll Always Remember Your First Date

You'll Always Remember Your First Date By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You fucking asshole," yelled Laura slamming down her phone. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Greg was hysterical laughing hearing his sister screaming as she raced on the hall towards his room. "Open the door Greg. This is bullshit," screamed Laura. "Oh, I'm busy doing my homework sis," said Greg chuckling. "Why don't we catch up later?" "I fucking hate you. I can't believe you would do...

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                          9:00 PM … Darkness had finally set in, the sun having retreated in the western sky over an hour ago.   Dressed in black, the stealthy figure moved in the shadows, down the street through the neighborhood.   A car turning onto the street cast the beam of its headlights into the yard in front of the silent figure.   Quickly moving into the bushes the shadowy figure dropped to a prone position, the lights passing barely overhead.             As the...


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