The Blizzard, The Beginning free porn video

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For the past thirty years since New Orleans was sent under water by a massive hurricane, scientists have argued disasters such as that were the effects of global warming. I really don't know if that is true, but for some reason the weather has been really weird for quite a while, and now these so called experts are somewhat agreeing with each other.

Christmas day the temperature hit an all time high in Chicago when it topped out at a balmy 78 degrees and today I am freezing my ass off scraping ice from my windshield. The temperature at the moment is 18 degrees, almost 100 degrees lower than it was just three weeks ago. Why I didn't go with my sister Megan to visit our mother in Houston is beyond me, they expect 90 plus today.

I started up the car and rushed back into the house to warm up a few minutes before I began the ten-mile ride to the office when my cell phone started to ring. A quick glance at the caller I.D. revealed it was my truck-driving husband who was in Minnesota making a delivery.

"Hi Rick. Are you on your way back?"

"Hi Sarah. No, not really. I mean I did leave a few hours ago, but had to stop at rest area. There is one hell of storm here, and the highways are all closed. I can't see six feet in front of the rig, and it is colder than hell right now. According to the news, it's pretty bad all over, and it looks like it may be heading your way."

"Yeah, I know. Right now it is only 18 and just an hour ago it was about thirty, and the wind is pretty strong right now."

"Well you be careful, and I'll call you later at the office and let you know what is going on, and when I should be back. Be good."

I was just pulling into the parking lot at the office and glanced at the temperature gauge on the dash, and it was now down to three degrees below zero and the winds were gusting even higher.

When I reached to tenth floor and walked into my office, I quickly noticed that there were quite a few employees not in yet, and a check of my voice mail indicated most were not going to fight the weather, and were taking the day off.

By ten o'clock the winds were howling and the lights were flickering, and I knew that was not good. Since only five people showed up for work, I contemplated on letting them leave before it got even worse. That decision was made for me when the entire office went black when the power went off, and without power, no heating system and soon it would be like a freezer in the office.

As our office, and employees of the other offices on our floor made our way down the stairwell, I couldn't help from smile when someone mentioned they were glad we were going down, and not up. I loved going down.

I stood in the lobby of the office building and stared at the scene before me. The snow was building up around the cars in the parking lot and the winds continued to increase in intensity. Struggling to keep my balance as I made my way to my car, I could feel the sting of the frigid blistering cold wind tearing through my clothes.

It took a bit to get the car started and I sat there shivering letting it warm a bit before I attempted to make my way back home. Every radio station I turned to was talking about the storm that was hammering the Chicago area, a storm that was predicted to get even worse over the next two days. The temperature being reported, and a glance at the dashboard confirmed it, had now dropped to twenty-seven below zero and was expected to plummet even farther, and wind chills were now close to eighty below.

I had just made my way to the exit of the parking lot when my daughter Jessica called my cell phone. She sounded hysterical as she tried to explain her situation.

"Mom, it's crazy here. The power is out, the place is like a walk in freezer and I can't get my car out of the parking garage. The damn security gate is down, and without power they can't get it to open. Can you come and get me?"

I assured her everything would be all right, and as I made my way to her place of work I couldn't help but wonder just how bad things were going to be before the storm passed.

It was just about four miles to her place of work, but with the winds and near zero visibility it took over forty minutes before I arrived, and by then the temperature had reached thirty-nine below.

Navigating my way towards home was a chore in itself, with cars stranded just about everywhere and the blowing snow made it very difficult to see past the front of the car. Suddenly as heavy gust of wind hit the car and I over compensated and the front wheel went over the curb and the car slid off the road. The more I tried to get out of the ditch, the farther down the car slid down until I knew we were in deep shit.

I flipped open my cell phone to call 911, but kept getting the "all circuits busy" recording. The motor was now starting to sputter, and I knew it wasn't going to keep running much longer and the little heat Jessica and I were getting from the heater would be gone. It was now officially time to panic.

Over and over I tried to get through to a 911 center when it dawned on me. I had the push to talk feature, as did Mike, Megan's husband. I quickly punched in his number.

"Mike, are you there? Mike, please answer, it's Sarah."

Suddenly the motor quit running, and instantly the inside of the car became cold, very cold. I tried Mike again and was about to give up hope when my phone chirped.

"Yo Sarah, what's up?"

I quickly told him of our situation and he told us to huddle together, and would be there as soon as he could. Of course I wasn't sure if that was possible, but I was hopping for the best.

Although it was only fifteen minutes that passed, it felt like hours when I heard a car horn. It was Mike.

Jessica and I quickly jumped into the thirty year old Hummer that Mike had been working on, and I swore right then I would never again make fun of the dented and rusted piece of crap he hung on to.

By the time we arrived at my sister's house, the temperature had now dropped to almost fifty below and the wind felt like a knife against my face and the short walk from the driveway to the backdoor felt like miles.

Once inside, the three of us moved up close to the fireplace absorbing the warmth of the burning oak logs. When the light began to flicker, Mike knew it was possible that the power would fail, and began to get pots from the cabinet and started filling them with water.

"Come on Sarah, you too Jessica, help me fill these up while I fill the bathtub and the laundry sink. If we lose power the well won't work, but at least we'll have plenty of water."

After we filled everything we could, Mike went outside and brought in more firewood for the fireplace. As expected the power did go out but at least we had the fireplace to help keep us somewhat warm.

It took quite awhile before the three of us had the large stack of logs into the house, and Mike now was unraveling a large roll of thick plastic that he cut and taped over the doorway to keep the heat in the family room.

By the time the sun had set, the winds died down but the temperature dropped another few degrees and even sitting close to the fireplace it was still pretty cold.

Mike had a battery operated radio, and reports of finding people frozen dead in their cars and homes filled the newscast. The forecast called for very severe blizzard conditions for another seventy-two hours, and I was beginning to have my doubts if we would get though this.

Each of us pulled a chair up close to the fireplace and bundled up with several blankets trying to stay as warm as possible when Jessica had an idea.

"You know, if we all get under the same blankets and huddle close our own body heat will keep us warmer."

Mike quickly got up and opened one side of the taped plastic and headed to another part of the house. "Be right back. I think Jessica is right."

A few minutes later Mike came back dragging the large king size mattress that he and my sister had on their bed and placed it in front of the fireplace.

"Now, we can get under the blankets and try to get some sleep. I know it may sound dumb, but if we undress and snuggle up we'll be warmer."

I really wasn't sure that was going to work, but to my amazement it did. Within ten minutes or so out own body heat was doing the trick, or at least it was for me being in the middle.

Jessica was facing the fireplace with me pressed against her, while Mike pressed against me. After a few minutes of silence, Mike whispered.

"Damn Sarah, finally got you in bed."

I gave him a little jab with my elbow, and grabbed his hand that had found it's way under my blouse and onto my stomach. "Michael, stop that."

I have heard it said that people do strange thing while under times of duress, and I guess the situation we were in was one of those times. For some reason, I began to think of the conversation I had with Megan about the size of our husbands' dicks, and she claimed that Mike was a big man in that department. Why did I suddenly think of that? I had no idea, except that maybe because it was pressed up against me, I wasn't sure.

There have been plenty of times that he and I would flirt with each other, and he had on several occasions said he wanted to take me to bed. With Rick out of town so often there were plenty of times I had been horny and tempted, but being married wasn't why I never accepted his offer, it was because he was married to my sister and I couldn't do that to her, although I found I was very sexually attracted to him at times.

After a few moments I released the grip I had on his hand and gave it a few gently squeezes and ran my thumb in circles over the top of his hand, which in return his fingers gently massaged my stomach.

As the winds continued to howl through the windows, I had the frightening thought that it was possible that we wouldn't survive and we would be found huddled together, frozen like meat in a freezer. Shivers ran through me, not because of the cold, but the horrible thoughts that crept through my mind, and I felt Mike pull me a bit closer to him.

Having him hold me like that was reassuring, and I placed me hand on his leg that was now covering mine and ran my fingers in circles over his bare skin. He continued to slowly move is fingers in circles over my stomach while inching ever so slightly upwards.

His fingers were now at the very edge of my breast, and I began to move my hand towards his inner thigh. When his thumb and finger pulled gently on one of my nipples I let out a little moan and slid my hand between us and caressed his flaccid cock. As his cock hardened, I slid the waistband of his jockeys down under his nuts and wrapped my hand around his cock as stroked it slowly until his was rock hard, which revealed that Megan wasn't telling stories about the size.

I knew it was insane to continue, but when Mike pushed my panties down and nudged his beautiful cock over my dripping slit I pushed back against him, guiding his cock into my eager pussy. He manipulated my clit expertly as he pushed deep inside, and the thought of getting fucked by my brother-in-law while my daughter was lying next to me drove me over the edge into orgasm.

Although I really wanted him to fill my pussy with his nut cream, I didn't want to have my cunt oozing all night and thought it better if I finished him with my mouth. I moved around under the blankets and had just begun to take his luscious cock deep into my mouth when a limb from a tree crashed into the house.

Jessica was awakened by the noise and quickly sat up and turned towards Mike and I.

"Mother, what the hell are you two doing?"

All three of us were stunned silent, while Jessica stared over at us for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Holy shit uncle Mike, you got a big ass cock there."

I didn't know what to say, I mean what could I say. My daughter just caught me sucking her uncle's cock, so I just knelt there speechless as Jessica stared at Mike's cock a minute before she continued.

"You know mother, I have always thought you two had something going when daddy was on the road, and this proves it. I know having sex heats ya up and everything, but we were supposed to only be huddled up to keep warm through the night, but no, you two think of only yourselves while I am over on the edge of this mattress shivering, or didn't that occur to you?"

I wanted to explain that we had never done anything in the past, and this was something that just happened, but Jessica wouldn't let me say a word.

"Listen, I know if this storm continues for a few more days and we run out of firewood, we'll be found frozen, but you should have thought of me too. Why should I have to freeze while you two get each other all warm and fuzzy? So, either put a lid on it, or let me join you. I like sex too ya know, especially if it gonna warm things up."

I was shocked at what my daughter had just said and stared at her for a moment or two trying to gain my composure.

"Young lady, just what do you know about sex, and don't you realize this is YOUR uncle lying here, how could you suggest such a thing?"

"Mother, I am almost eighteen and DO have boyfriend, so I know how heated sex can be. Yeah he is my uncle, but he is also YOUR sister's husband, and that doesn't seem to matter. Besides, if it helps us keep warm, I don't have a problem with it."

Jessica climbed off of the mattress and grabbed another half dozen or so logs and put them in the fireplace, and as the wood began to burn the flames quickly illuminated the room. She then knelt next to Mike and took his semi hard cock into her hand and stoked it slowly for a moment before leaning over.

"My turn."

I was shocked at the scene in front of me, not that she was sucking her uncle's cock it was the fact that she took almost the entire length into her mouth without gagging. It was obvious that she had done this before and was quite good at it, and that what was so shocking to me.

The sight of seeing my little girl with a huge cock stuffed in her mouth, especially since it was her uncle, should have appalled me, but it had just the opposite effect, I was totally turned on by it.

Jessica continued to slowly suck Mike's cock for a few minutes before letting it fall from her gripping lips. She sat back and slipped her panties down her legs and tossed them to the side and leaned back down to take his cock back into her mouth. This time however, she brought a leg over Mike's chest and eased her hairless pussy towards his mouth.

"Eat me uncle Mike, suck my pussy. Make me cum."

A few minutes passed before Jessica began to grind her hips down against Mike's darting tongue as soft whimpers of pleasure escaped her stuffed mouth. Jessica started gyrating her hips faster and pulled her mouth off of Mike's rigid cock and cried out her orgasm.

"I'm cumming, I cumming. Oh fuck yeah, I'm cumming eat me, eat me, I'm cumming."

By the time that Jessica had cooled down a bit, I was franticly massaging my erect clit trying to get off and desperately wanted Mike's huge cock stuffed up my cunt, but he had other ideas at the moment.

When Jessica rolled off of Mike, he quickly moved between her parted legs and guided his cock to her dripping pussy. Jessica groaned as he slid the entire length inside her quivering cunt and began to piston his cock into her.

Mike stated pounding into her faster as he pushed her legs up against her heaving chest and Jessica screamed loudly.

"Oh fuck me uncle Mike, fuck me with your big cock. Oh yeah uncle Mike fuck me hard, harder uncle Mike, fuck me. Cum in my cunt uncle Mike, fuck me."

After flooding Jessica's cunt with his nut cream Mike rolled off of her and both were breathing like they had just ran a marathon, lying motionless for a few moments trying to catch their breath.

I quickly moved over and lowered my mouth to Mike's still throbbing cock and savored the taste of the small amount of cum oozing from his cock, and the sweet taste of my daughter cunt juices.

With Mike now fully erect again, I mounted and rode him like bunking bronco that brought on my own orgasm. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his and explored his mouth with my eager tongue as he gripped my ass and punched his cock deep in my cunt.

When his rhythm picked up I knew he was getting close to cumming and I desperately wanted him to fill me, but I wanted to tastes him.

"In my mouth Mike, I want you to cum in my mouth."

I rolled onto my back and Mike straddled my chest and pushed his cock to my lips. I eagerly sucked the head of his cock while I rolled one of his large nuts between my thumb and finger that trigged his explosion. His cock throbbed and began spurting a massive stream of hot thick cum over my tongue and into my throat. I continued to suck and milk his cock until it finally softened before I let it fall from my mouth.

The three of us, now totally spent, snuggled back up under the covers in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep.

It was just a little past 10:00 in the morning when I awoke to the sound of Jessica putting more logs into the fireplace, and the aroma of maple flavored bacon being cooked. Jessica looked over at me and smiled.

"Morning mom. It's about time you woke up."

Jessica moved into the kitchen and I could hear her and Mike laughing as I quickly slipped into the ski outfit that Mike had given me yesterday and followed the inviting smell of the bacon frying. I figured that the power had been restored sometime during the night since the stove was now working, but I quickly learned that was not the case.

"When did the power come back on?"

Mike turned and shook his head as he smiled.

"Sorry Sarah, no power yet. I had an idea and it worked. I by-passed the electric solenoid on the stove, and used a match to light it. We can't take showers, but you can warm up some water and at least wash up. Plus we can flush the toilet by melting snow and not worry about wasting the water we stored up. How do you like your eggs?"

I went to the bathroom with a couple of pans of hot water and washed up the best I could, brushed my teeth before joining Jessica and Mike at the kitchen table. I sat there eating slowly listening to Mike and Jessica talking as if everything was fine, but I knew it wasn't and we had to face it. I grabbed my purse and fumbled though it and took out the half empty pack of cigarettes and quickly lit one, something that I was trying to stop, but right now I needed it. I inhaled deeply to try and calm my nerves a bit before I spoke.

"So, how do we deal with this?"

Mike took a sip of the bitterly strong coffee and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, there is still plenty of firewood, and the worst of the storm seems to have passed and the temperature has risen a bit, not much, but that is a good sign. Hopefully the power will be back on, and things will be back to normal."

I couldn't believe how nonchalant he was about the whole situation.

"NORMAL, how the hell can things be normal again after what happened last night. Damn Mike, you act like it was nothing, and you Jessica I can't believe how you acted. You both sit here feeding your faces like this happens all the time."

I stared at Mike and saw a strange look on his face as he turned to Jessica and then back to me.

"Sarah, just what the hell are you talking about?"

I was so upset at his casual behavior I just about lost it and sternly stared at Mike and my daughter.

"I am talking about what we did last night in bed, that's what. I can't believe I fell for that crap of getting undressed under to covers to keep warm."

"Mother, what's the big deal? It kept us warm all night, so what are you so uptight about, besides if the power is still off, we'll have to do it again to keep warm all night. So chill out and relax."

"Don't tell me to relax, and just what do you mean, do it again? How many times have you two been in bed, and you Mike, how could you? Trying to get in my pants is one thing, but fucking your niece is another."

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The Blizzard

Sometimes I can’t help but be disgusted by my own stubbornness, or maybe I should say, my own stupidity. Why, just an hour ago I was sitting in my car shaking my head at myself, wishing I’d listened to my gut instincts to stay home I’d felt earlier. But no, not me, I got ready and went to work. Heck, the weather predictors are never right anyways, right? Every school in the five county area was closing due to the weather reports of a monster snowstorm bearing down on our town. But of course I...

3 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 4

My phone alarm roused me. Reaching for it I silenced it and then swung my feet to the floor. Andrea put her arms around my waist. “Don’t leave,” she said. “I need to go to my job,” I replied. “Your alarm woke me in the middle of a delicious dream.” “What dream?” “Oh, it’s slipping away from me. I never can remember a dream ... it was about you and me and a little stone cottage with a garden...” I rolled toward her and kissed her lips. “This is the Andie I used to...

1 year ago
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The BlizzardChapter 12

Andrea sat in the passenger seat as I drove my car toward the duplex. Walter’s SUV was parked behind our Odyssey and I parked alongside it. Holding hands we went inside our unit. My mom was sitting on the sofa with Annette and feeding her from a nursing bottle. “How did she do?” Andrea asked. “Oh, she’s such a good baby,” Mom replied. “I take it she doesn’t feed from a bottle very often -- she prefers the real thing.” Andrea gave me the side-eye and I refrained from making a smart...

2 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 2

Morning's light waked me. The fire had gone cold but some warmth lingered in the masonry. Andrea was still sleeping. I crawled from under two layers of comforters. It was cold enough so I could see my breath, but not below freezing. I started chopping more kindling. Andrea stirred. "I don't want to get up," she said. I have goose bumps." "I'll have the fire going in a minute" I stirred the ashes, found some embers, fanned them and the kindling caught. With more wood on the fire...

3 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 7

I pulled my car into our driveway and parked beside the Odyssey. Inside I found Andrea sitting in the front room. The look on her face told me something was wrong. “Andie -- what’s the matter?” “We need to talk.” Uh-oh, I thought. “Talk about what?” “Casey -- I’ve been feeling ... odd for the past week or so.” “Does this have to do with fainting at dinner last Friday?” She nodded. “I’ve had other episodes of light-headedness since then. I haven’t passed out, but I’ve felt that I might....

1 year ago
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The Blizzard

They had been trudging through the snow for a good hour or more by the time they reached the Lyndon building. It was the nearest building within the campus that was open. It was always open because one of the computer labs was always available for students to stay in and study late. Of course, the lab at this hour only housed a few computer nerds running on caffeine, battling each other with “plus ten swords” and such. And so it was when Sophie and Casey came in and passed by the lab that...

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The BlizzardChapter 9

I closed up my laptop. “I’m glad I turned the day-to-day finances over to you,” I remarked. “For the past two months we’ve had nice surpluses at the end of the month and November is shaping up the same way.” “Thanks,” she said. I started undressing for bed. Andrea performed her nightly routine in the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom in her robe, which by now barely closed in front. She slipped it off and stood sidewise to me, nude, and ran her hand along her belly. “Look how huge I...

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The BlizzardChapter 13

I pulled into the drive of our duplex. “Pop the trunk,” she said and I pressed a button to release the latch. Andrea removed a small bag. “What’s that?” I asked. “Oh, something I picked up earlier.” Holding hands we went inside. I closed and latched the door and helped Andrea out of her winter coat. We embraced and kissed. “God, how I love you,” she said and we kissed again. She started to lead me upstairs. “Hold on. The evening is young and I have one more surprise.” I removed the bottle...

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Valentine's Day Blizzardbythehumpman©The snow was coming down pretty hard all night and into the next day, the next day being Valentines Day. My mother got the phone call early that morning that my father would not be able to make it homes due to the storm. My mother also blew my plans out of the water when she told me it would not be safe for me to take my girlfriend out either.A little about me and my mother, my mother's name is Amy, she is blonde, five foot seven, her legs are long and...

1 year ago
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The Blizzard

Sometimes I can’t help but be disgusted by my own stubbornness, or maybe I should say, my own stupidity. Why, just an hour ago I was sitting in my car shaking my head at myself, wishing I’d listened to my gut instincts to stay home I’d felt earlier. But no, not me, I got ready and went to work. Heck, the weather predictors are never right anyways, right? Every school in the five county area was closing due to the weather reports of a monster snowstorm bearing down on our town. But of course I...

3 years ago
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Stranded during a Blizzard

I left a business seminar early with my co-worker Tom because the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worst. It was only a 3 hour drive back to Hartford so we thought we’d have plenty of time to head off the incoming storm. Driving south through New Hampshire is picturesque any time of the year but during a fierce snow storm it has an almost eerie beauty to it. We talked shop in an effort to take our minds off the ferocity of the storm, but we had been driving for an hour and...

3 years ago
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Blizzard Of Ahhhs by loyalsock

Sarah walked into the locker room. She had just finished working outwith the nautilus machines. She noticed no other women were in theroom, which was normal for this time of night. "Well, at least I'llhave the shower to myself, maybe I'll even do what I was planning forthe apartment in here," she thought. She pulled off her white sportsbra and lightly massaged her sweaty nipples. Her hands then slid downher body until they reached the waistband of her spandex shorts. Sheslipped her right hand...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day Blizzard

The snow was coming down pretty hard all night and into the next day, the next day being Valentines Day. My mother got the phone call early that morning that my father would not be able to make it homes due to the storm. My mother also blew my plans out of the water when she told me it would not be safe for me to take my girlfriend out either.A little about me and my mother, my mother's name is Amy, she is blonde, five foot seven, her legs are long and muscular. She has a very nice body as...

3 years ago
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Caught in a Blizzard

John Drake, and his young son Jake, had been listening to the radio as they drove out of town on their latest adventure, a winter camping trip. They had been driving for a while when they hit light snow first just a couple of hundred miles from home. The weather station then issued their snow storm warnings. It sounded bad. John looked over at his son and his 14 year old said, "Sounds pretty bad dad, maybe we better go back home. Mom might need us in the storm." "Your right Jake, if it is...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 5

To say I was “thrown out” of the coffee shop would be an overstatement. I was asked to pay for Sam’s pastry and leave. The sun had cut through the afternoon gloom. I couldn’t make heads or tails out of our barista. Her nametag said Carmine. Not Faye. Not Gretchen. I had tried to talk with her, but she hairpin-turned from joking about pancakes and last night’s dinner, to laughing off the idea that she could handle a second job, let alone a third. I couldn’t help getting angry, but I shouldn’t...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 6

The girls were talking but I wasn’t processing a word. I walked straight up to Sam. She was sitting on the coffee table in front of my old armchair. I knelt down. I picked up her foot. I yanked the zipper down, pulled the boot off, and threw it into the closet. “I assumed you wouldn’t mind and--” She stopped when I looked at her. She slid back on the table and frowned and turned her eyes away. “Fuck!” I muttered in frustration. I cleared my throat and looked over my shoulder right into...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 7

“Wow. Wow wow wow!” Max cheered as I let her go. Alex charged my face, displacing Max and grabbing my skull. Her kiss was sloppy, random, and awesome. I moved my hands to her waist. “Hey there,” Sam purred, and squeezed my cock through my jeans. Her breasts were pressed into the back of my ribs. Alex broke the kiss in a rush backwards. She was red, flushed, giggling. She grinned broadly. She was almost apologetic in saying: “Sam’s knuckles were tickling me.” I reached down, intent on...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 8

There was a pop as Max pulled her last finger out from between Alex’s lips. Alex swallowed and took my hand. I wanted a moment of clarity. I wanted to realize in my madness that the man I had been had succumbed to the blight. I had broken the world and become the dragon. The wind rocked my building. Snow darkened the windows to blackness. I reflected affection on my three women. “Look at this weather! I think we might have to stay in bed all day tomorrow!” Sam cheered. Alex led me to the...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 9

Sleep came to me easy and pressed onto me hard. I was encapsulated in loving warmth. I squeezed Max against my chest. Sam knitted her knee through mine. She snaked an arm under my waist and under my upper arm. She molded against my back. Alex lay against Max’s front. Alex laced her fingers with mine and laid her ear on my palm. My queen-sized bed was filled to capacity. I could feel the cold, the winter, but we were protected from it. I was dreaming; I was sure of it. I remained in bed with...

4 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 10

Holding Sam’s hands and smiling were the easiest things I had ever done. I was lighter. I pushed the door closed against the cold stillness. The snow would need to be shoveled, and I didn’t trust that my landlord was going to clear it like my lease assured me he would. For the moment, I didn’t care. None of us were going anywhere. My only wish was that there were marshmallows for the box of hot chocolate packets I had in the back of the cupboard. “Take a deep breath. Look at me.” I coached...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 11

Max tore off her winter coat. She tossed it on the stairs as she pitched her gloves and toque on top of it. Her hair was mostly free of snow, but I ran my fingers through the red and tossed the soon-to-be melt onto my doormat. She gathered up her winter bundle and was about to head upstairs. “Not taking the boots off?” I asked. She had started up the stairs, giving me enough room to kneel down and untie my own boots. “The closet’s upstairs,” she explained, and wiggled her ass as she walked...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 12

“I hate this game. I don’t understand how you’re having fun,” Sam announced after Alex had won their first game of Ascension. “I hope the grocery store is open tomorrow,” Max said as she dragged a couple of cans of Richardson’s store-brand chicken noodle soup from my cupboards. “You can’t feed us for another day.” “We’ll play something else now, Sam,” Alex climbed up to her feet. “What do you like?” “Don’t you three have meal plans?” I asked. “I’m not used to buying food for four.” “I...

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BlizzardChapter 13

“Gene, you are the stupidest fucking idiot who hasn’t Darwined himself out of the gene pool yet.” “OK, that really doesn’t help me.” I shook my head. I moved my phone off the white prints and changed the page. Jesus, it was like they didn’t even teach the basics of construction to architects. “I mean, the three of th--” “Three! Three! Fucking three nineteen-year-old college girls want to share your dick. Share! Women!” he shouted. “Women take to sharing like octopi take to space...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 14

I was happy when I was rid of Winter. I didn’t want to start liking her. I was starting to think she and Faye, or Carmine, or Gretchen, were angels or something. Maybe demons. One of those Japanese snow succubi? Yuki-onna, I think they were called. I was smiling to myself; I was relieved to find the Richardson’s open. Gum, condoms, a dozen roses. The checkout woman was white-haired and grinning. She reminded me it was gum before I knock, roses when the girl opens the door, and condoms not...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 15

I rushed to the staircase when Sam opened the door with another copy of my key. Shit! I looked around. Where had I left my keys? No, where had Alex left my keys? No, that wasn’t the problem I needed to address first. I rushed to the railing. Sam flinched to see me. “Heads up!” said Max. The boots flipped by my ears and hung off my shoulders. She giggled behind me. “Oh, OK.” Sam left her fuzzy winter boots on the third step above my soaked sneakers and Max’s steel-toed giants. “Look, I’m not...

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BlizzardChapter 16

I would’ve tested my limits and made passionate love to both girls until the break of dawn. Max needed something different, though. I big-spooned her as she snuggled back, snoring gently. Sam took the ladle position. I had had issues sleeping with others in my bed before. Girlfriends who had kicked, rolled, talked, or wrong-cuddled all night long. This was right-cuddling. The difference was warmer, tighter, with significantly fewer fingernails in my neck meat. I breathed in the smell of...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 17

“You didn’t take the offer.” Peter was waiting at a small table at the Sub-Way down the street from work. I didn’t want to go back to that coffee shop. I didn’t want to be confused by multiple personality girl. I really didn’t want to make a scene in front of Peter. There’s no such thing as fairies. Die Tinkerbell. “I have, in writing, proof that I am worth more than my boss pays me,” I said with a broad smile. “He’s stewing over it as I take this meeting. I may have gotten the offer by...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 18

I’m ashamed to admit this ... The hell I am! I was flying high in my wildest dream. Think about it: I had three lingerie-clad college girls who were eager to share me with each other in any sexual way I devised. All that power, all that energy, all that desire. There’s no surprise I started our night together with a swashbuckling dildo swordfight. ‘Sword’ might be an overstatement. The bright green foot-and-a quarter double dong in Alex’s hands was a little too floppy compared to the pair of...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 19

The time for silliness was past. I was all in on having my women. I encouraged that swell of caveman possession to bring a smile to my lips. I grabbed Alex, who was bent over the table full of sex toys looking for something. I fell back into my armchair and dragged her up on my lap. She squealed. “Hear ye! Hear ye!” I boomed. I guess I meant silliness outside of sexuality. Max brought over mugs of hot chocolate. Sam poured shooters of rum. “The king demands his concubines entertain him!” “I...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 20

Alex was jumping on a bed barely meant for two and holding four. Max was up on her knees, naked as the rest of us, and spinning as she squealed and turned and laughed. I was still tired, and I didn’t recover from liquor and dehydration like I did when I was their--when I was nineteen. “If you’re going to fuck, can you be quiet and let me sleep?” Sam moaned with her eyes closed and her body tightly squeezing my side. “My everything is sore.” “Ah, sweetheart.” I kissed her hair. My mouth was...

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BlizzardChapter 22

Winter was too high-class for this neighborhood. I had learnt that so was I. Still, I didn’t own a sofa with gold inlay. The tiny one-bedroom was decorated in antiques. The beautiful Persian rug spread over the shitty and uneven hardwood floor was beautiful. Winter smiled graciously and stepped back from the door. She closed it behind me. “I’m going to put on something a bit more appropriate for guests,” she announced and strode into the bedroom. I shook my head, walked over to the couch,...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 23

“He lasted five minutes this time! What do you think, Gene? Is it still a phone?” I put my phone back down on the table. I was getting teased by the guys and girls on my team. I did not have my head in the game, but I had yet to miss the humor and bite someone’s head off. “I kissed it -- should be turning back into a handsome prince any moment now.” I tried to keep myself grounded. When were Sam’s classes this morning? C’mon Alex! Unless she doesn’t meet Sam before the boots wear off, then...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 24

I stood up and waved. Jared, Sam’s father, was a straight-backed white-haired balding man. He seemed younger, or at least stronger, than Peter and Wayne, Alex and Max’s fathers. I could see Sam in his eyes and height. She must’ve taken after her mother otherwise. He nodded. I sat down and he joined me. “You know why I’m here,” he said. “You’re here because if you straight up tell Sam she can’t see me, she’ll be banging on my door in five minutes,” I said. “She’s got a healthy amount of...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 25

I kissed Sam goodbye in the morning. I went to work. I was not at my best: the office was only about twice as functional as we had been before I had taken charge. “Hey!” I beamed when Max called. “Sam’s hounding me! She wants me to give her the fucking boots! You gave them to me!” “Put them on and go talk it out with her.” “They’re so slutty! I love them but I can’t really walk around campus looking like that!” Max’s exclamations outlasted the energy required to earn the exclamation...

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BlizzardChapter 26

When we decided to stay over at my brother’s place that night, the four of us on the one queen-sized bed in the spare room, Kent got huffy and sour, and his bad mood spread like an oil spill. On his way back from the bathroom, he made eye contact with Sam. A mischievous smile bloomed across his face, and she looked away. He gazed down at Max, who was laughing with Doug, then leaned down and whispered in her ear. Even though Max had rebooted herself less than 10 minutes ago, her face went...

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