- 2 years ago
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Author’s Notes:
Here it is. The finale, the conclusion! This is going up in the Romance category, as, well, Paul and Kat have experienced most everything in the First Time area. Here we get to see… well, you’ll find out as you read it.
A few disclaimers: names are used as reference points to enhance the plot. This is, after all, a work of fiction.
I’d also like to thank GaiusPetronius, who, once again, helped me to polish off my rough edges. I went over his edits and changes, so I claim responsibility for any remaining errors.
If you haven’t read the previous four parts, this one will make little sense to you.
Otherwise, please enjoy the exciting conclusion of A Thankful Blizzard.
Chapter 11
I glanced over to Kat in the pre-dawn gloom. She was such a remarkable woman. She’d been through so much in her life, yet she was so… alive. Her vitality made me feel like a zombie in comparison, or rather an inert, noble gas. Sure, I’d written some papers. They’d been published, attracted some attention, but I didn’t consider that anything spectacular. I always had support for what I was doing, save for the few scathing letters I’d received from the big corporate PR folks, taking aim at my findings. On the other hand, both Kat and Edmond McMahon thought they were significant. As I thought about it, I supposed it was a significant discovery – using lettuce, a renewable resource, to form the catalyst for a ‘super-scrubber’ as I thought of it.
‘Paul?’ Kat interrupted my thoughts.
‘Hmm?’ I realized I’d been sitting at a stop light after it had changed to green. ‘Oh, right. Drive.’
‘What’s on your mind, Babe?’ Kat rested her hand on my arm. I decided I really liked being called pet names by Kat. And her hand felt warm and comforting.
‘Well, honestly, I was just thinking about how much you’ve accomplished, with everyone practically forcing you in the other direction. It’s inspirational, really, downright awe-inspiring.’
‘Thanks, Paul, but you’ve done a lot too!’
‘You’re right… but I’ve had constant support and help along the way. I only met resistance from my parents when I was choosing to go off to graduate school. But, as I pointed out to them, Caltech’s satellite campus in Colorado was the best in the nation for my field of studies, second best in the world only to a German research facility. Everything else has been supportive, encouraging… I haven’t been kidnapped because I’m heir to something, I haven’t had someone forcing me to take over something I don’t want to, I haven’t had all that, so my accomplishments seem to pale in comparison to yours. Sometimes I think I just haven’t really done much of anything…
‘Stop it!’ Startled, I glanced over to Kat, who was looking at me with a scowl – the first I’d ever seen on her face. ‘Paul Jacob Goodman! How can you talk about yourself like that?’ Kat yanked on the steering wheel, pulling us over to the curb abruptly. I jammed on the brake to avoid jumping the sidewalk.
‘That’s not the man I fell in love with! That’s not the man who stormed a factory with nothing but smoke bombs, not knowing what could be inside. That’s not the man who drove willingly into the face of danger and threats to be with a woman he cares for. Paul… it doesn’t matter, all those things you said. What we accomplish is unique to each of us. Our paths have been different, and they’ve made us into the people we are now.’ Kat reached across and grasped my hands off the steering wheel. She had turned in her seat to face me fully. ‘Paul, I fell in love with you because you are an incredible man. I thought I was brave, defying my father and refusing the company, going off to art school on my own. But since you picked me up, I’ve seen real bravery. Especially since yesterday, oh God, that was just… amazing. You’ve inspired me to keep trying harder, to never give up.’ Her eyes began glistening. ‘You’ve shown me what unconditional compassion is. You didn’t flinch or care that I was heiress to a multi-billion dollar fortune. Most guys drop me when they discover I can hold an intelligent conversation, most of the others treat me like a china doll or a fairytale princess – always afraid to say or do something wrong around me. But you, Paul, you’ve made me feel alive. Like a warrior – your own Xena the Warrior Princess.’ She smiled, a tear leaking out of her eye. ‘It’s obvious you love me. It just pours from you.’ I reached a hand up, wiping the tear away from her cheek. She made some pretty epic points. ‘So, please, don’t become that other Paul. Be you. I love you, Paul.’ I felt myself tear up a little. ‘So kiss me, then get us out of this mess.’ She snickered and leaned forward, giving me a kiss that spoke volumes of the love and compassion she had for me. It felt warm, familiar, comforting… it felt like love.
‘You know… you could always pitch in an idea, too.’ I grinned at her. She laughed and lightly slapped my arm.
‘You’ve been the brain here, always coming up with these incredible plans of action. Ok, tell me how your mind works. You said we have to get the FBI to come to us?’
‘Well, yeah. Your statement earlier, about me finding you – that’s the key. If Edmond McMahon and his resources are tracking, or at least I assume they are, most of our available outs, plus the cops and the FBI field office here in Phoenix, they’ll know if we call or drive in with our direct problem.’
‘So what can we do? Call them up and falsely claim something?’
‘Well… yeah. But we have to be believable. That’s where…’ A plan was hatching in my mind. Not just any basic plan, but the beginnings of an elaborate, yet effective course of action. I pulled back onto the road, lest we become highly suspicious, just sitting there this early in the morning. ‘Ok, I got it. What makes the FBI respond to any incident?’
‘Um, federal crimes, right?’
‘Yeah. Or really intense situations that could use the assistance of the FBI. Now, kidnappings, especially when they cross state lines, are federal offenses, immediately checked out by them. We could say something about you, but that would probably alert the McMahon gang. What we will do, however, is have you pretend to be the girlfriend of one of McMahon’s thugs. You’re tired of being abused, you’re afraid to go to the cops, and you suspect he’s part of a massive drug smuggling operation. They’ll ask how you know, you’ll say that you overhear him and his drunken buddies bragging about hiding drugs in those new snowcones. They may hem and haw, pass you from reception to some kind of desk agent, but keep pressing until you get to a field agent. Don’t give up your identity, no matter how hard they press for it. Mention that you have some really sensitive information and you’re afraid they might be listening in on your conversation, you want assurance you’re speaking directly with a field agent, ideally the special agent in charge of the Phoenix field office. You keep hinting that it’s Edmond McMahon who’s running the drug operation, but don’t actually say his name, my guess is they already have a profile on him and are looking for the killer strike to hit him with. Once you get that special agent, tell the story, mention you know it’s McMahon, and then drop the bomb – tell them you overheard him saying they have Katherine White. List the details of what you were wearing when they had you kidnapped – the snow pants and the shirt with ‘precious’ written across the front. That will get their attention, and hopefully get a search warrant and have the FBI and DEA show up at the warehouse – which we’ll find by following one of the trucks. ‘
‘Holy shit!’ Kat had been staring at me, her eyes widening as each detail of my plan came out of my mouth. ‘You’re going for the jugular, aren’t you?’
‘My dad always told me that the quickest way to kill a rattlesnake was to cut off its head. He also said that if you attack the king you gotta kill the king
– not just wound him. I’m thinking Mr. Irony does a lot of dealings with Blanco’s Sno Cones as his cover. So, exposing that, with his name linked directly to it, will likely open up investigations into his other businesses.’
‘Good God, Paul, remind me to never get on your bad side.’
I grinned. ‘Well, you’re definitely on my good side now, my Love.’
‘I’m relieved,’ she chuckled. ‘And you can keep calling me that. It’s sweet.’
‘Ok, Kat my Love, we’ll need to find and follow one of those trucks and see if it heads to a suspicious looking warehouse.’
‘Ok, that sounds like a great plan and all… but what about the fact that they found us, but haven’t been following this car?’
Damn, she was right. How had they found us? I’d given out fake names at both hotels, hadn’t used credit or anything. I had a phone that wasn’t linked to me. I’d even checked my clothes and my person for any tracking device… but… I hadn’t checked Kat. She had to have some kind of homing device on her, leading the thugs to us, but not knowing what car we had.
No sooner had I finished that thought than I felt the tail end of our car swing out, leaving us spinning out in the middle of the road. Kat let out a startled scream. I craned my neck around and caught sight of a white sedan circling back. It looked as if they had come barreling out of an alleyway and clipped the tail end of our Honda. I was immediately thankful for the time my roommate and I used to spend racing go-karts every summer, driving like maniacs and sliding around corners. I just hoped this old Honda could summon up some kind of race-car performance.
‘Hang on!’ I yelled to Kat. She was clutching the door, wide-eyed, but otherwise didn’t seem too panicked. I punched the accelerator, turning away from where the sedan was aiming for us. The tires squealed, found traction, and had us lurching forward. In the rearview mirror, I could see the sedan turning to follow us.
‘What the fuck!?’ Kat finally said. ‘How’d they find us again??’
‘Your clothes! They must have put something on your clothes! You need to get rid of them!’ Normally, when Kat strips, it’s glorious, entertaining, arousing, and simply beautiful to behold. Now, however, she was frantically tugging off the coveralls from Blanco’s, then stripping out of her clothing. She laid the coveralls aside and then sent each article flying out the window. I was left sitting next to a momentarily very naked woman.
‘Man, I really liked that shirt! I wanted to keep it to remember you and my first blizzard and everything!’
‘I’ll get you another,’ I promised her. It was hard not to stare at her perfect breasts, but the sudden lurch of the sedan running into us from behind had captured my full attention.
The steering wheel twisted left to right in my hands, but I wrested control of the vehicle, keeping us on the road. We needed to lose them, and fast. I glanced over to Kat, who was pulling the coveralls back onto her body. Just as she finished, clicking the seat belt into place, the sedan bashed into the car again. I fought to maintain control over the tiny Honda. I took a sudden turn into an alleyway, seeing the sedan screech past the entrance. I had a few seconds lead on them now.
I raced as fast as I dared down the narrow alley, swerving around dumpsters and trashcans. At the next intersection, I sped out and swung hard right, the tires sliding and groaning in response. Eyeing the rearview mirror, I saw the sedan just pull out of the alley as I was making my next turn. I kept up the twisting and turning, asking for every last bit of performance from the poor little Honda that it could manage. The little car somehow delivered, keeping us always just ahead of the sedan chasing us.
I saw our escape with an underground parking garage. The rearview showed that the sedan was still well back from us, so I made a sudden move and zipped into the garage, swerving to a stop. We had caught another lucky break: it was a free public garage, and we didn’t have to stop for a ticket or pass through a gate. Kat and I scarcely breathed while we waited.
Seconds dragged on into a full minute, before we resumed breathing normally. It appeared we had lost them.
‘Wow… Paul, is there anything you can’t do?’ Kat chuckled.
‘I can’t ski.’
‘No shit! You lived in the mountains of Colorado and you can’t ski??’
‘Never tried it, actually. I was too busy studying most of the time.’
‘Add that to our list.’
‘What list?’ I looked at her, wondering what she was hinting.
‘Our list of things to do together. Once this all clears up, I want to do all sorts of things with you.’
‘That sounds nice.’ I paused, thinking. ‘But, we gotta get out of this current mess. They’ve seen this Honda, so we can’t keep using it.’
‘Well, we’re in a parking garage, all these cars around us… Maybe one of them is a bit too trusting?’ I didn’t really like it, but I didn’t see any other alternative. I eased the Honda into an available parking spot. Kat and I got out.
‘I’ll start on this row. You want to start over there?’ I pointed at the opposite row of cars. Kat nodded and walked off. I can’t believe we were getting ready to steal a car. I hoped, once this was all said and done, that the FBI didn’t hold these crimes against us.
Several minutes passed and I had just finished checking the row of cars. Sixteen cars, all of them locked. Glancing at Kat, I saw that she was at the last one, getting ready to check. Whom was I kidding? This was downtown Phoenix. People would be smarter than to leave their doors unlocked, even in an underground…
‘Paul!’ Kat called over to me. ‘Got it!’
Wow. Leave it to Kat to find these things. I started over to the last car, suddenly noticing it. Seriously? The owner of a fancy-looking Audi had left their car unlocked?
The engine purred to life. They left their keys too?? That was almost asking to get stolen. I hurried over to the passenger’s side, climbing in next to Kat.
‘Wow… look at this! Can you believe they left their keys in here, unlocked and all?’ Kat was grinning, but I felt uneasy. I doubted someone would be that forgetful, or naïve, or stupid.
Sure enough, we heard a voice start yelling.
‘My car! Hey, what are you doing with my car!’ A guy in a business suit and fancy overcoat was jogging toward us. I knew it seemed too good to be true.
‘Hang on, Paul!’ Kat threw the car in gear, backing up and speeding out of the parking garage. This was bad. He was going to report it stolen. A car this new probably had some kind of built-in GPS, too.
‘Crap, this isn’t good, Kat!’
‘I think this will work: trust me!’ Kat looked determined. It seemed there weren’t really any other options anyway.
‘Ok. Now we need to get to the factory to follow…’ I trailed off, as just ahead of us, a truck with Blanco’s Sno Cones emblazoned on it pulled out. ‘That guy,’ I finished. I hoped this one was heading to the special warehouse. ‘Kat, can you use the phone and follow this guy at the same time? We have to hope that he’s heading to the warehouse we need.’
‘Yeah, I think I can.’ She was maintaining a wide enough gap from the truck so as to not draw suspicion. Grateful for my memory with numbers, I dialed the number for the Phoenix FBI office, putting the phone on speaker for Kat. It rang a few times before a recording answered the phone.
Thank you for calling the Phoenix field offices of the FBI. If you have an immediate emergency, please hang up and dial 911 now. Para Español, opprima ocho. To find out more information about our offices, please visit our website. To report terrorism in your area, press one. Kat and I looked at each other with grins. Wow. It seemed silly, but sad at the same time that an option like that was available. The recording continued. To report foreign intelligence operations or espionage, pres
s three. To report cyber-based attacks or high-technology crimes, press four. To report any level of public corruption or criminal breach of the public trust, press five. For major white-collar crimes, press six. For all other inquiries or reports, please stay on the line and an agent will be with you shortly.
Smooth jazz began to play out of the speaker phone. I couldn’t help but snicker, after that extensive menu that just played, followed by the serene-sounding jazz. I was about to whisper something to Kat when a female voice picked up the line.
This is the FBI field office of Phoenix, how can I help you today?
‘Uh… hi… um… I need to report something, and… I’m not sure how, or who to say it to… but I’m afraid for me… for my family… uh, and I think it involves a lot of drugs.’ Wow, Kat sounded frail, pathetic, and depressed.
Ok, Ma’am, I’d be happy to try and assist you, can I please have your name?
‘Uh… no, no… I’m afraid he’ll know and… hurt me again.’ Kat was whimpering into the phone. If I hadn’t been sitting next to her, I’d be worried and want to help her any way I could.
Who would hurt you, Ma’am?
‘Uh… my, my, my boyfriend. He… I think he’s involved… smuggling.’
Ma’am, normally drug related offenses are handled by the DEA. We can assist by passing your report along to them. You can be assured all tips are kept in the strictest confidence and your name won’t be released.
‘I… no, I still can’t. He might…’ Kat began whispering. ‘He might be listening now.’
One moment… There was a clicking noise, a slight hiss, then the voice resumed. I can assure you that no one else will hear this call. Do you at least want to provide your first name?
‘Uh… Gina… you can call me Gina.’ Kat was doing an amazing job. All of this was going on as she was following the truck.
Ok, Gina, you suspect your boyfriend is involved in a drug smuggling operation?
‘Uh, yeah. A big one.’
Gina, how did you come across this information?
‘He, uh… he has parties, and some friends of his come over. They get real drunk and brag about snowcones.’
Snowcones? What do you mean? I could tell the voice had changed. It looked as if my hunch might be correct.
‘Yeah… you know… those single-serving, wrapped baggie things, things you twist.’
Ok, one moment, Gina, let me get you to an agent here. The smooth jazz resumed for a few minutes. I looked at Kat and mouthed ‘wow’ to her. She just grinned and winked at me. A brief click sounded before we heard a male voice speaking.
Hello Gina. This is Special Agent Olivero. You are absolutely certain they were speaking of snowcones?
‘Uh, yes. They said it on… uh, many times. One, uh… one guy even kept describing them, the bag that freezes them on the spot.’
Ok. Did they give any information on where these cones go, where they might be headed?
Kat paused for a moment looking at me. She gestured to the truck in front of her and mouthed, ‘Should I say I’m following them?’ I tried to mouth back to her, but she must have had a sudden inspiration, or thought, something, which caused her to jerk her head back to the road and speak up to the agent.
‘Um… I’m following a truck right now.’
‘Uh… he thought I been acting strange, so… he told me if he saw any, uh… fuckups, he’d… he’d do the same to me. Fuck me up, he said.’ Fuck, Kat was either really gutsy or crazy. Would they believe her? And if they did believe her, did we have the right truck? ‘I decided to call and follow a truck… but you have to help me. I’m… I’m scared, I think he’ll… he’ll hurt me i-i-i-if he finds out.’ There was a sudden muffled noise, then what sounded like voices, only as if we were listening to them from several rooms away. Another muffled noise and the agent returned.
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It started off innocently enough. I was driving from my mother’s house to get back to where I live so I could get ready for work. I stopped at the light coming out of her neighborhood and saw a girl standing in the rain at the bus stop. It was “my” bus stop – the same one I had stood at for four years of High School.The girl had no umbrella and the rain was steadily soaking her. She stood with her head down, her straight dark hair hanging down around her face and dripping. She was in a...
Love StoriesEven though Morgan had decided to retire, he was in fine physical and mental shape. He jogged every morning and often went to the gym after work, but he was tired of his job and welcomed leaving it. He was also tired of the brutal winters and sweltering summers. He had decided to return to his home town, where many winter days could be surprisingly warm and some summer days were delightfully cool.He found a rental and devoted his days to looking for a house that met his needs. The recession...
Gay MaleRough hand shot like vipers from the shadows beside the dumpster encircling her toned waist. The garbage fell as she began to let out a scream before she was silenced by a grimy hand over her mouth pushing back against the alley wall. "Shhh, shhh. None of that now my sweet" a voice purred at her like rancid oil. Struggling against her assailant, screaming into his hand as best she could though it was futile. Another man grabbed her wrists and pulled her up tight. No one was...
My thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins (full story)For those who don’t like long stories, I’m sorry but I hope you all enjoy.Chapter 1 We’ve just finished an excellent meal at our favourite restaurant. My wife is sliding out of her chair as I pay the bill. Sam has a great body, even at 45. Tonight her dress is a striking little red number. The length is respectable but the cleavage displayed is outrageous. Her exposed bosom guaranteed us excellent service. I complement her once more for...
The tale of a man dominated, control, feminized and sissified by his mistress. She thinks she is making a broken wimp who will be totally under her control. He, of course, has other plans... Thank you By Fran Avatar [email protected] Hmmm... where to start? What should I say here? I don't want to be cruel in what I have to tell you. Not cruel like you have been to me. In fact, I am actually grateful for all that you have done for me. Had you not been as cruel as you have been...
Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2016 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. This project was supposed to be a milk run. I’ve been on a three-hour job for the last week and there’s no end in sight. Every time a fix is in place and then re-boot we watch each workstation come on line and then crash. The actual source of the problem keeps eluding the team. As another day in paradise, finally draws to an end. If the team spends any more hours in a day here I might as well move in. As it is I...
“Lazy Creek outfitters, Matt Brady, may I help you?” “It’s me, Matt, Jerry O Leary. Hey, I’ve got something to run by you.” “Shoot.” “It is a mad house down here in corrections. Federal judge Collins had just ruled that we must decrease our prison population by thirty-five percent in the next three weeks. It is a follow-up to his order of last year that the governor chose to ignore. This order has teeth. Every day that the state is over, he will fine the state one-hundred-thousand dollars. I...
Disclaimer: This is my first story. It's a work of complete fiction and something that has evolved as I've been writing it. I wanted to write something that would really get me going, if I read it. So, in an attempt to make it as hot as possible, I wrote this story over 1 week - during which I did not have any sex. Whenever I sat down to write; I watched porn (usually deep throat gangbangs - a fetish of mine) and masturbated regularly, keeping myself as close to the edge as possible, but never...
I was feeling a little horny the other day, much like I often do. An hour or two of xHamster usually does a pretty good job of helping me get off, so I figured why not log on for a bit. Since I didn't have any dates lined up for the weekend, I figured there'd be no harm in a little self-love.I got online and went through my normal routine; check my inbox, preview a few videos, and check on my friends' updates. While checking up on my friends, I came across a particularly interesting status...
I love women ….love women… All Girls, Ladies, Women, Divorced, Widowed in and around Hyderabad/Chennai and Banglore of course from anywhere in world can ping me 100% Secrecy is maintained at any cost details are not revealed… Myself Aamir from Hyd /Chennai/banglore ..Age 25..Heigh 5.11 ,,looks simple and normal…..Working in hyd. I am regular reader of ISS .First of all I would like to “THANK GOD” for creating a beautiful women’s in this earth. We can’t explain about their beauty..what a...
Thank God It's FridayAs I drag my bag out of the car and stride to the house I'm thinking, thank God it's Friday, I really need a change. ?Good evening, Milady,? Brian is standing just inside the door, and my heart lifts at the sight. He is, of course, naked except for the light chain collar hanging loosely around his neck, and he takes the bag and deftly slides my jacket from my shoulders. ?Dinner is ready, or if you would prefer, it can wait till after your bath.? ?Hm......
All Rights Reserved # "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE" by tcs1963 Friday night and I needed a drink. After a long and arduous work week, I just wanted to forget my problems and listen to some music. When I punched out, I made my way home to shower and shave, then I walked down the block to my favorite watering hole. I walked in to "Tex's Bar and Grill" and I didn't even have time to put my ass in the stool before Milly, the barmaid had my draft beer and Crown Royal on the rocks in...
What a day! After running here and there, Jay is glad to leave the kids at his mom’s and go home alone. Being a single dad isn’t easy. He needs this 2-day break. On his way home, he decides to give Nicki a call. The phone rings and, answering with a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’, Nicki is thrilled to hear the deep, sultry voice of Jay. She is alone for the holiday, far from family, and missing everyone. After saying hello, Jay asks if he could stop by. Of course Nicki says yes! When Jay arrives, Nicki...
Tom stirred, he didn’t want to wake from his dream, a dream that gave him a warm, wet sensation from his cock. As he woke he looked down to see his daughter gently nursing the tip of his hardening cock.Ella sensed that her father was awake, lifting her mouth from his cock she smiled up at him.“Morning,” she said softly, “l’m just getting him ready to play.”She returned her mouth to his cock, this time sliding her lips down over the swelling gland, taking him as deep as she could, feeling the...
“This is so exciting Daddy, three whole days, just us, all alone in the cabin, no-one else for miles, this is my dream come true, we don’t need to sneak around behind Mum’s back. What are you going to do with me for three whole days Daddy?”“Well l thought l might teach you fishing,” Tom smiled as he steered the car along the motorway.“Oh l don’t think so,” Ella giggled, reaching across and placing her hand on the front of his trousers. “This is the only rod l want for the next three days, go on...
Hello Friends, This is Jimmy here. I’m a regular reader of the ISS stories from past 2 years. After all this time I have finally made up my mind to narrate one of my stories to you. At present I’m 20 & working in a BPO. What I’m going to narrate is my first sexual encounter which ended my virginity. This happened to me in std 9 when I was 18 years old. I used to take up tuitions for all subjects from Varsha Ma’m. I never asked her age but she had a son who was a year elder to me. I had heard...
"So, this is the place." Mac jammed his hands in his coat pockets and looked at the house. It wasn't quite a farmhouse, though they had a few acres of land attached. "It looks ... homey, Jet. I can see you probably had a great time here with your folks." Both of them had been only children, but Mac had grown up in the city, while this was countrified living at its best. Or worst. He could tell why Jet had enlisted to get out. Mac wrapped his arms around Jethro, being careful of his arm...
Tina has written several stories posted here. Recently, she asked each of us who love her, to tell our stories. Rod and Brianna have done so, and I guess that leaves me as the last of our love-quartet to tell my story.My name is Ted. I know that Tina has talked about me here, as have my girlfriend Brianna, and Tina’s boyfriend Rod.Being of African-American heritage in historically racist but rapidly liberalizing Georgia has had its positives and negatives for me.My father had it far worse than...
InterracialTina has written several stories posted here. Recently, she asked each of us who love her, to tell our stories. Rod and Brianna have done so, and I guess that leaves me as the last of our love-quartet to tell my story.My name is Ted. I know that Tina has talked about me here, as have my girlfriend Brianna, and Tina’s boyfriend Rod.Being of African-American heritage in historically racist but rapidly liberalizing Georgia has had its positives and negatives for me.My father had it far worse than...
Interraciali looked at him from my windowwaving slowly at him on my knees on my pillowholding my little sign up or him, after the first delivery last week, i ve been wanting to thank him for workingthe rainbow little camisole sissy holding a ''come get suck'' sign looking at the black daddy doing his delivery smiling on my knees looking at him walk closer to the window and watch me turn around and wiggle my little white panty asshe move to my door and there he was closing it ''hi there cute thing''''hi! i...
Thank you Master, Thank you SirMaster was away for a week this time. He'd instructed me to dress and be waiting for our neighbor, Miles. I was only to refer to Miles as "Sir." So, I sat fully dressed in my hottest schoolgirl attire waiting on Sir to arrive. Master and Sir had an agreement that I was to be at Sir's service while Master was away. Truth be told, Sir drove me crazy in a hot way. He was the neighbor guy you'd really wanted but never could have. Before Master and Sir had their...
Happy Thanksforgiving, This past holiday was looking to be a great day. I was working an early shift and my wife was cooking dinner for some friends that were joining us for the night. All things looked good, until I had a call out. The late cook couldn't make it in and no one else picked up. So I covered the shift and my wife was all but pleased with that. Night was now sucking, and I knew by the time I finished up, most of the guest would be gone. But nothing I could do, so I worked the night...
Hey all… I m back with another story to share. Firstly thank you all the ones who dropped mails and appreciated the experience… Specially ladies who showed interest and are sharing sweet & naughty bond. Keep getting in touch and everything will live as secret. , for all the guys.. Sorry I do not share any detail related to the ladies so better don’t buzz. So here it goes, after the story got posted I received 12 responses yet.. Out of which this is one.. Guy named rahul age 30 approached...
My beautiful pet earned another discipline yesterday. My dear friend, beautiful lady who knows how to punish naughty ladies, suggest me how to discipline my pet, and to teach her who is in charge. This all post is dedicated to this lady. Down there is the text to a dear friend sent to her e-mail:OK, here we are. Let me describe how was it. But first, mom say thanks to you, say she is very grateful for her whipped and sore pussy, and she love you so much (I don t think she is sincere, I can bet...
The sun was at his back as Hank rode the horse he called My Bay Mare over the crest of the ridge. It was 1890 and already a brisk mid-October. He was gonna have to find a place to stay for the winter. Stopping just over the top he looked down on the small cabin in the valley. There was a young woman off her porch out front with a shotgun and two cowboy types on horses in front of her. Hank couldn’t hear what was being said but he saw a third man starting to move around the cabin to come up...
HistoricalShe stumbled out of the taxi door and almost face-planted into the snow. I sighed and hoisted her up by one arm and walked her into the house. Joss, our babysitter was sitting on the couch with three passed out toddlers. Thank god, at least they were out. She began to turn off the TV but I shook my head. “Could you stay a little later? I’ve got to get her into bed.” Joss, a gorgeous girl with high cheekbones, a wide smile and willowy ballet dancers figure nodded. “Sure. I’ll get the boys...
We lived with our parents, Jayne and Dave. My brother and I are the only two children. We live in the South of England, so in the winter months, it is usually cold, and raining a lot, which meant that there was little to do except stay inside and play video games. It was mid-December, not much more than a month after my 13th birthday, when, on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, I played football with some friends. Unlike my friends, I didn’t exactly have a masculine...
“Oh fuck yes baby fuck me! Fuck my tight pussy!” I screamed as my boyfriend Jeff drove his cock into my pussy over and over. “Damn Sally, its like your pussy gets tighter and tighter every time we fuck!” I could only moan a response. Truth was he was right. I was 26, 125 lbs, and in my prime, and I wanted to stay that way. Having a 28 year old boyfriend who's hornier than I am makes it hard, so I take extra measures. I do kegels every day, yoga every week, and take baths with...
THE FIRST GLIMPSE I ever had of the girl was her naked arse. I’d been leading Wilful, my donkey, round the side of the barn when I heard smothered squeals and the flunk of a hand striking bare flesh. Trim, round and reddened from the impact of the farmer’s hand it pointed solidly toward the evening sky as he held her bent over a saw-horse, legs spread, her long skirts pulled up over her head. ‘That’ll teach you to play with yourself. ‘Tis an obscenity and an offence against God’s word. No...
Chapter Two After pulling the shirt over his head, he tugged it down and took a quick inventory of the room. Aside from the guy who’d fallen from the counter and was now glaring at him, the other girls he remembered from the bar were watching with interest. The tall Pacific Islander leaning against the counter looked at him with a raised eyebrow, while the woman sitting at the table, a shock of short white-blonde hair framing her face, looked as if she was having trouble breathing. The...
As a free lance writer, I pick up jobs wherever I can, and one of the things I most like to do is write for television shows. The money is good, and it tends to be fun, and there are some great side benefits sometimes. A few days ago, in collaboration with my sometimes writing partner, Duane, I worked on a variety show. I like working with Duane. As an African American man in his early forties, he often sees things from a different angle than I do, and I like having him join me in some of those...
Thank you for ParadiseThis hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptuous lady was a ladyboy.Thanks for this story Leeya. As a reminder to all others, if you have a story suitable for this section, by all means post it either here as a comment or...
Eric's Note: This is 99% by my friend. Gambler's Note: Basically I got this story idea from Waldo's recent story. And since Waldo's name is mentioned in the story, I would like to thank him for the great stories he wrote so far, and hope he would soon able to completely recovers from his year old auto accident injuries to his hands and return to writing those wonderful tales that one wishes to be true at all cost. Thanks Waldo for all you've done! Thank God It's Friday! By Eric...