Thanks Be free porn video

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THE FIRST GLIMPSE I ever had of the girl was her naked arse.

I’d been leading Wilful, my donkey, round the side of the barn when I heard smothered squeals and the flunk of a hand striking bare flesh. Trim, round and reddened from the impact of the farmer’s hand it pointed solidly toward the evening sky as he held her bent over a saw-horse, legs spread, her long skirts pulled up over her head.

‘That’ll teach you to play with yourself. ‘Tis an obscenity and an offence against God’s word. No girl in my house will follow Satan’s ways.’

I coughed loudly.

Startled the farmer lifted his head, saw me, and rapidly pulled the girl’s skirts back down to cover her tormented cheeks with those fat labia poking provocatively below. ‘What do you want? This is private land,’ he growled.

‘I’m hiking south and need somewhere to rest for the night and water my donkey. I wondered if I could spend the night in your barn.’

‘I’ll have no loafers and vagrants on my farm. The Lord God gave us hands and feet to labour and feed ourselves, not to bum around looking for unearned handouts.’

‘Oh, I’ll repay you. I’m not some tramp expecting a free lunch. I’m an artist, a painter. I’ve been travelling around looking for ideas from the country.’ In one way I wasn’t that concerned whether he said yea or nay, though in another I didn’t want to be forced to push on too far into the summer evening.

While he considered he glanced at the girl, ‘You get back to the other two and attend to your chores.’

I threw him the sweetener, ‘I’ll do a drawing of you and your family in return for a bit of supper and your letting me stay overnight.’

After a moment’s thought he shouted after the girl, ‘Thanksbe! Find the twins and get yourselves back here. No dilly dallying.’ Then he looked at me, suspicious. ‘I’m calling your bluff, Mister. Make a good likeness of me and my three and you can stay in the barn. Just the barn, mind. Don’t want you nowhere near my house, or my girls. If you don’t produce, you’re on your way with my boot up your backside.’

I started to unstrap one of the panniers on Wilful to get my sketchpad. ‘Just the four of you?’

He took my meaning. ‘Just the four. No business of your’s where their mothers be.’

Keep him talking, I decided. ‘Unusual name, Thanksbe. Don’t think I’ve come across it before.’

‘Damn fool notion of her mother. Seems she had trouble birthing the kid and was convinced she was a goner. When the kid pulled through she said, ‘Thanks be to the Lord’. And that’s what she called her.’

The girl – who looked to be in her late teens, with caramel toned skin and long, wavy, black hair brushing the waist of a drab brown dress – returned followed by two somewhat older, pale, lumpy looking blondes.

I looked round for some way of posing them. ‘Why don’t you lean against that fence,’ I suggested. ‘Thanksbe can sit at your feet and the other two can stand behind you, one on each side.’

He turned to them, ‘You heard what the man said. Thanksbe come here. Honesty and Temperance get in the paddock, behind the rail. ‘

A full painting can take considerable time and effort, but it doesn’t take me long to dash off a quick sketch. A talent I developed while convalescing. Giving it a final check before passing it over for the farmer’s consideration I saw I’d drawn him and the twins a touch pedestrian and stereotypical, but the girl Thanksbe’s gamine features fair leapt off the page in a way that was far beyond my usual standard. I made a mental note to think later about why.

He took the sketch from me and studied it suspiciously. ‘You’ve got the gift. Don’t know whether it comes from the Man, or from the Devil, but my word is my word. You can stay the night, but I want you gone in the morning.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, leading Wilful into the barn and unbuckling his panniers.

Later, when one of the blondes brought me a dish of rather stringy chicken casserole, I tried engaging her in conversation. But she was monosyllabic, to say the least, and confirmed my impression that the twins were somewhat retarded. Well, not my problem, I’d be on my way, come the morrow.

IT WAS DARK and I was reading by the light of a battery lantern that I carry when there was a quiet rustling at the threshold.

‘Who’s there?’ I called.

‘Ssh. Not so loud, please, mister.’ It was that Thanksbe.

‘Somehow I don’t think your father would approve of you being here right now,’ I said.

She crept into the lamplight. ‘He’d beat me terrible.’

‘Then why have you come?’

‘Please mister. Take me with you in the morning. Please.’

‘But won’t he come after you?’

‘Yes. But if we go early enough we can be out of sight and he won’t be able to use his shotgun.’

‘Whoa back! That’s getting serious. You mean he’d shoot you?’

‘Not me – I think. But he’d surely have a go at you.’

I’m cautious around firearms – I’ve seen what they can do. I’d been shot at while in the army, before I was so badly injured. But that was duty to King and Country. To risk life and limb for some skirt, however neat and nubile, was a horse of a different colour.

‘Why don’t you just walk out?’

‘He’d never let me, and how would I know where to go?’

‘Why is it so vital that you leave?’ I was talking around the problem, looking for a way to reject her that wouldn’t hurt too badly.

‘He says it’s time he got to know me.’

Now I was confused. ‘What do you mean. Surely he knows you. He’s your father?

‘No, not in that way. Like it says in the Good Book. He says that following my eighteenth birthday – that’s the day after tomorrow – he’ll get to know me as he does one of the twins most every night.’

The penny dropped. ‘You mean as it says in the Bible – and Adam came to know Eve? Meaning he fucked her.’

‘What’s fucked? Mother didn’t teach me that word.’

‘To have sex with. Didn’t you learn that at school?’

‘Didn’t go to school. Mother taught us here at home.’

She was rousing my curiosity, drawing me in. ‘What about the twins?’

‘Mother taught them as well. They were only four or five when their mother left. Then Father took my mother and me in.’

‘Then he isn’t your true father?’

‘No. Don’t know who was. Mother once said I was a mistake that stopped her earning proper.’

‘How old were you?’

‘Well, the twins are three, four years older than me, and mother said they was about five when we came. So I reckon I was about one or one-and-half.’

‘So what happened to your mother?’

‘Why, ’bout three years back she took sick. Wanted to go into town and see a doctor but Father wouldn’t let her until it was too late. So she died.’ Her head dropped and I could see the glint of tears.

I needed to change the subject, I’d almost been interrogating her. ‘Do I understand you to say that your father, who’s not your real father, has sex with the twins?’

‘Yes. He makes one of them sleep in his bed most every night.’

‘But if he’s truly their father then that’s incest. It’s against the law.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yes. Didn’t your mother teach you that?’

‘Well, she taught me to figure and to read the Good Book and the newspaper. Used to like reading the newspaper, but we don’t have it no more now that mother’s gone.’

‘What about when you go shopping?’

‘Never go now.’

‘Where do you go?’

‘Just to church in town on Sundays, sometimes. That’s why I don’t know where I’d go if I just left.’

We were back with the problem again. Having myself been firmly down and out when the medics didn’t think I’d recover from my injuries I’ve become something of a sucker for strays and lost souls. So now I found I couldn’t bring myself to just say ‘no’. At least so I told myself. Later I decided it was more likely because she was an attractive, nu
bile young woman and my first instinct as a man was to shelter and protect her.

‘Give me a moment to think,’ I said, reaching for my map. I’d come down the road from the north and it seemed there was a small town about three miles further on. ‘What’s between here and Belton. Houses, fields, woods?’

‘Couple more of our fields then wood for the rest of the way.’

‘The map shows the road goes over a stream about half way along.’

‘That be Lowe Bridge.’

‘Right. You get yourself down there good and early. Hide in the trees until you see me come by. If It’s safe I’ll wave for you to come out and join me.’

‘Thanks, mister. What if it’s not right?’

‘Stay put and I’ll come back as soon as I can. Oh, and call me Ralph. I’ll call you Bea. And the donkey is Wilful – by name and nature.’

THE NEXT MORNING I procrastinated somewhat in my departure as I wanted the farmer to see me leave alone. One of my better ideas for I had barely got Wilful loaded than he appeared, shotgun in hand, demanding to know where his Thanksbe was.

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘How should I know? She’s your girl. Haven’t seen her since last evening.’ Semantically correct even if not absolutely true, though he wasn’t to know that.

Suspiciously he watched Wilful and me out of the gate and onto the highway where we ambled along in no particular hurry. Some twenty minutes later he stuttered past in an old jalopy, heading toward the town, which was my signal to slow even further.

Another quarter-of-an-hour and we reached the stone bridge. The farmer not having returned I crossed the stream and pulled off the road where a path ran alongside the water and into the trees. Leaving Wilful to crop the grass I strolled up the track hoping a casually observer would think I was looking for a spot to relieve myself. In fact I was searching for the girl.

Thirty yards into the trees and she appeared. Palms facing, I made a pushing gesture, ‘Keep out of sight. Your stepfather passed me in a car. We’ll wait until he comes back.’

She stepped back into shadows. ‘There’s a spot further up where your donkey could drink. We could wait there.’ I looked doubtful, but she added, ‘We shouldn’t be noticed from the road.’

‘Good idea.’ I wandered back and collected Wilful.

Once he was settled, searching out clumps of grass, I sat on a fallen tree trunk and inspected her. Same drab dress, bare feet, and long shiny hair. ‘What did you bring with you?’

‘Only a picture of Mother.’ She reached into the top of her dress and pulled an oval locket from the deep cleft between her breasts. Carefully opening it she held it for me to look. The photo was of a woman with wide eyes, high cheekbones and a short, straight nose that might well have been of Bea herself, except for the light skin.

‘No clothes?’

‘Not got any worth bringing.’

‘Well, I had thought to disguise you for when we go through the town. Now I’m not sure how. Still, let’s experiment a bit.’

I rummaged through my pack and found the old lumberjack’s shirt and spare pair of jeans I kept in case I got caught in a downpour. ‘Try these on.’

Grasping her dress by the hem, she swiftly pulled it over her head. Underneath she was naked.

I turned away. But not before noticing that this lithe urchin was in truth a slim waisted young woman, exuding all the nubile charms that are a feature of an eighteen year old, with a pair of full, shapely breasts, their nipples like chocolate kisses against her caramel skin. Not oversize boobs to be sure, but more than enough to satisfy all but the most gluttonous of men. I felt sure they had yet to feel a bra, or a male hand.

In a quiet voice she said, ‘Oh, you can look. I’m a woman like any other.’

‘Who taught you that?’

‘Mother used to say that we are all made the same, and there is nothing dirty in showing the body God gave you.’

‘Perhaps. But did she not also say it’s better not to display it to men? It can cause them to act in ways you may dislike.’

‘Oh, can it? Are you saying that just because you’ve seen all of me, you’re lusting to know me?’ Startled I said nothing. ‘Though I wouldn’t mind you knowing me,’ she added, pensively. ‘You’re kind. Not like Father.’

What had I taken on? What was I going to do with this odd mixture of naivety and astuteness? Cowardly, or merely cautious, I postponed the issue.

‘Probably be very nice having sex with you,’ I told her. ‘Unfortunately I haven’t been able to please a woman since I was shot. Doctors say there’s nothing physically wrong and I’ll get the use of my manhood back sometime. However that was four years ago and I’m still waiting.’

I always say shot to save explanations. Actually, it was shrapnel damage, mainly in and around the belly, from my partner stepping on a land mine. Since when, though I had often felt the urge for a woman, my tool had signally failed to rise to the occasion. At first I had reasoned it was merely because it hadn’t received the right stimulation, but recently I had come to suspect it could be that paradox: failure caused by fear of failure.

‘Where were you shot?’

I pretended to misunderstand. ‘Iraq. Right, let me see how these clothes fit.’

The shirt sleeves were way too long, but they could be rolled. It was the tightness and strain across the upper buttons, and the way the perfect orbs of her young boobs were outlined, their hard points clearly manifest, which gave me doubts. Still they would only have to hold for a few hours.

The pants hung almost stylishly low on rounded hips but, even with her long legs, the bottoms still crinkled badly, bringing a smile to my lips.

‘Give the pants back,’ I commanded, feeling in my bag for the hunting knife I carry.

Innocently she whipped them off, again giving me a clear view of a dark muff above those puffy nether lips. I told myself it was fortunate that, being an artist, I was used to looking at things as they truly were, without the distorting mask of emotions to distract me.

It took but a moment to amputate the legs of the jeans well above the knee, turning them into hot pants. I had hoped to make her look boyish, at least from a distance, but the silhouette, both from the side and back, shouted that she was a woman, and a very shapely one at that.

One last ploy occurred to me. ‘Let’s crop your hair. Hopefully then no one will recognize you.’

Hands being an artist’s tools I carry a pair of nail scissors in my wash bag. Not the easiest implements for cutting hair, and it seemed a pity to hack away those long tresses, but needs must and I had soon given her a short, spiky style.

If she really went so little into town I doubted the locals would know her, that is if they put her light chocolate colouring down to being deeply sun-tanned. Thus it only remained for us to avoid her stepfather.

‘That’s the best I can do. Now we’ll just have to hope.’

She whirled around a few times. ‘Wish there were a mirror, so I could see for myself.’

‘I’ve got one I use for shaving. On those days when I bother.’

She had me hold it while she postured, trying to get a full view. ‘Is that really me? I look quite good.’ It must be instinctive. Maroon a girl alone on a desert isle and she’d still be concerned about her hairdo and the size of her bust.

She kicked the ground with a dirty toe and I realised there was still the problem of footwear. ‘Don’t you have any shoes?’

‘Nah. Father always said we couldn’t afford them. Bit cold in the winter but I can do without now.’

‘I hope so. Come, sit here and let me measure you. If I see anything suitable I’ll try and requisition them.’

What to measure her with. Grasping her slim ankle I spread my other hand and laid it flat on the sole of her foot. She giggled slightly at the absurdity of my idea. It wasn’t so good, for while my hands are large and her feet are smal
l it wasn’t going to be accurate enough when I came to examine a pair of shoes or trainers. Still there’s one thing an artist is never without, a brush or pencil. I found an old brush in my paint box and quickly marked both the length and breadth along the handle.

I was glad when I’d finished. I’d been very conscious of the soft smoothness of the skin my hand had been grasping.

ALL THIS WHILE I’d been keeping half an eye on the bit of road I could see through the trees. Up to now the traffic had been sparse with not a sight of the farmer returning from town. ‘Stay here and keep back where you can’t be seen. I’m going to keep watch by the road. We’ll move on when I think it’s safe.’

Sketch book in hand I wandered back to the bridge and occupied myself making rough studies of it from different angles. A pretty mundane subject, so it was fortunate that I only had to fill fifteen minutes or so before the jalopy returned and carried on past me towards the farm. I gave it another five minutes to make sure then called for her to bring Wilful and join me.

The delay had been useful in another way since, while drawing, it had occurred to me to wonder why I should keep to my plan of following the road round the lower edges of the moor. If my memory served me there was an ancient drover’s route from here, straight up and across the heath.

A quick check of the map showed that a bridle way started at the near edge of the town and ran in the right direction to connect with a network of paths that went the whole forty miles or so until re-joining the main road a short distance from my cottage on the coast. Useless for cars, but fine for Wilful and me. At my usual leisurely pace, with stops to make the odd sketch, I could reckon on it taking nearly three days, at least. With no convenient farms at which to plead for shelter it would mean having to risk the weather, but today was sunny. I’d just have to hope it stayed that way.

I’d – no, we’d – have to eat, did I have enough for two? A quick check of Wilful’s panniers showed I didn’t. That meant a delay to pick up some extra supplies.

I explained my idea to Bea as we briskly, or as briskly as a lazy donkey allowed, continued down the road. ‘I’ll have to go into town and buy a few bits and pieces,’ I told her. ‘You start along the path and I’ll catch you up when I can.’

She frowned. ‘I’d sooner come with you.’

I realised that underneath her apparent assurance she was nervous and scared that I might be going to abandon her and carry straight on along the highway.

‘No, too risky. Someone just might recognise you. Take Wilful with you. Just keep him moving while I slip into town and I’ll follow as soon as I can. The map doesn’t show any turnings for several miles so you shouldn’t get lost.’

She thought a moment before nodding, seemingly reassured by being trusted with my donkey.

Just then we rounded a bend and came upon the bridle way. Broad and rutted from centuries of hooves it ran straight up into the trees, its surface sprinkled with a layer of last year’s leaves. I turned Wilful into it and giving him a warning slap on the rump set him ambling along, then watched for several moments as they moved slowly up the path. At that pace they wouldn’t get far. I’d have no trouble catching up.

Walking swiftly, I carried on down the road which curved to the left. First I came to a couple of late Georgian houses hiding behind high brick boundary walls. Then a short terrace of small cottages, a riot of colourful blooms filling their front gardens, followed by a thatched pub – The Carter’s Halt – and finally, as the road descended, a raised pavement with several bigger houses converted to small shops. Mostly they catered to trippers, of which there were few about this early in the day, but further along was a grocers, which should contain all our needs.

As I passed the tourist traps, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the windows. With my long locks and straggly beard I looked a tramp. It wasn’t surprising the farmer had nearly thrown me off his land, but what was mystifying was how the girl had decided to trust me. A sign of her desperation, or maybe she could see behind the hair. A couple of shops along I came on a barber’s and decided that I could afford the time to get a proper shave and haircut.

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The life of a single mother in the city takes its toll... Tracy has raised the only person in the world who matters anymore through hard times and harder. Abandoned by a no-good father, the pair of them have never had anyone else to rely on. Yet now, even that bond between them is becoming strained. John is nearly a man now. He doesn't need or want his mother's protection. She knows this. She get's it... but after dedicating over half her life to him alone... her whole world is...

2 years ago
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Didi in waterfall

Hi friends my name is vikram 25 years of age from mumbai.i just finished my 12exam.this story is about my sister.her name is Preeti 32 years age.she has finished her 4th sem both of us are having holidays.apne ghar me v r 4 members. Dad,mom,preeti and me. We are having hilidays so, papa nd mama dicided to go uncle house at PUNE. Hum log waha gaye.uncle ke house me 4 mebers the.uncle,unty,unki beti deepa 12years,beta ajay 8 years. Papa,mom,uncle and aunty kisi funcntion keliye hum...

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ButleredChapter 12

There were some blank looks, but one boy suddenly looked scared. I looked at him and said, “Yes, I have trained with the Gurkhas. Their tradition is never to draw your kukri without blooding it before putting it back. Consider yourselves lucky. Now, gentlemen, I have matters to attend to, so I bid you good day.” I turned and walked away from them, but listening carefully for the sound of a knife being readied to throw. I heard a hint of that, so I turned swiftly and said, “If you throw a...

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Allisons New Life Ch 13

Now that Allison and Roger were no longer together she felt much better about everything… although it did mean that Friday nights were a little more lonely at least she wasn’t totally consumed with guilt. And she heard, a week later, that he was dating another girl from across town. She smiled because she recognized the name (and reputation.) – they’d be perfect together. Roger would finally get what he deserved at last… and as for her… well. It was too soon to tell. Todd did call once, just...

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A hotel name, a suite number, the key card at reception. The instructions were simple yet so clear. The innocuous vibration of your cell as the message arrives, your eyes only just falling upon the illuminated name that flashes up. Yet the merest of glances enough to stop in your tracks in an instance. An audible gasp and the instant flutter of butterflies in the pit of your stomach as your mind spirals off in a million directions, a heady mix of intrigue and surprise that consumes you every...

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Unexpected Company

Unexpected Company, by BearSubSlut**Note from the Author**Hi all, thanks to everyone who has given me feedback so far, your suggestions and comments were really helpful. Please keep the comments coming in as it makes the whole thing worthwhile. Email me on [email protected] the new chapter, and I hope more will come soon :)much loveBearSubSlut***Part 1 ? A Break to UnwindIt was the end of a very long day. Driving home from work was seeming to take forever and I was wound up tighter...

4 years ago
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Castle Lodge

Your shift is almost over and you are staring at the clock. It’s been over an hour since you received the dozen yellow and red roses and the note that said for you to come to the Castle Lodge near the lake and to ask for your key at the front desk. It further says for you to not go anywhere else and that everything you need would be provided for you. You race to your car and drive to the lodge, your head swimming anxiously. You park and enter the lobby and ask for your key, the clerk gives you...

3 years ago
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Second Chair

Anna Maria Munson was disgusted. "This is obscene." She said to herself. Lots of things are considered obscene. Pictures of people's private parts on a signboard or painted on the side of a ten-story building are obscene. Pictures taken unknowingly of a girl by her boyfriend and posted on the internet or sent through his cell phone to his friends is obscene. Anna was led through the hallway to the library. She had been hired by Donnie Battle to play background music at a party. He was an...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 24

Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...

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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 6

I awaken, not suddenly but gradually. My consciousness returns to me even before opening my eyes. After a moment’s confusion, I remember where I am and slowly open my eyes. I don’t know if I’ve been asleep for five minutes or an hour and since I’m wearing no wristwatch I have no way of checking. But it seems like it must be closer to the latter because upon lifting my head and looking around, I can see the shadow of the cliff behind us has lengthened and now covers half the distance between us...

3 years ago
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Next door aunty

At the age of 18 when I got admission to the school which was English there. Kangra is my native place, and parents were permanently settled in Kangra only after father got redt. I had my old home in Kangra where I was planning to stay with my uncle’s family because their home is also attached with our one. His wife is no more and he had daughter named Shashi. She was about 18 years old then. I hadn’t seen her for long time and so I cant understand her when I saw her there. I was sitting in the...

2 years ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VIII

Lunch was relaxed and leisurely. Seafood, salad and sandwiches washed down with champagne. We looked over the screenshots taken a couple of times. Paulo suggested taking some of Sue and him fucking but she shook her head. “I would feel safer doing a movie and having the memory stick afterwards,” she told him.Paulo nodded his agreement to that and told us that he had done four so far with visiting couples and that two of them had left him with copies. “Sometimes I’ll view them over again and...

3 years ago
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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, 'Chantal' who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and 'Happy Holidays'. I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren't many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

2 years ago
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A Chance Meeting Renews a Friendship

I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...

1 year ago
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Wrong House

I wasn't sure exactly what woke me up but as I lay there in my darkened bedroom I heard it again, movement in the office that I'd set up down the hall. Someone or something was in my house. Quietly I rolled over and opened the nightstand drawer beside my bed. After a quick search my fingers ran over the cold steel of the large revolver inside. The heft of the big Smith and Wesson .44 was comforting as I pulled it out even as I was hoping not to actually need it. Then I heard it again, this time...

4 years ago
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Mountain Time 2

Coffee and a little nourishment served us well. We reclined back in the bed for our second cup of coffee and watched a little TV. With the fan stirring, it wasn’t long before we both drifted off again.What seemed like hours later – it was actually only about forty minutes or so – I woke to find myself alone in the bed. Looking beyond the screen, I saw you on the deck that overlooked the valley below. We really were secluded with nothing to be seen but trees and clear skies.Time to get up and...

4 years ago
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Thias MemoryChapter 12

Ann's eyes were wide and filled with tears and her mouth was opened agape "My God Thia..." moving quickly she took her friend in her arms and softly hushed her as Thia sobbed hard on her shoulders "I- it's okay now honey, it's okay." Thia cried out loud, completely letting go of all her feelings. She cried because of Matt's betrayal, because of the death of her only family she had her grandma, and mostly she cried because of Shane, how she left him twice without giving him any...

3 years ago
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Reunion for the Ages

There is nothing quite like a woman who knows how to make a reunion worth the time apart. Whether it’s been a few days…a few months…or even a year…a woman who can make every return special is one worth hanging on to. I got lucky enough to find a woman like that. It had been almost three years since we had last seen each other. I had spent a year in Korea, six months in Colorado, and a year in Iraq. We were in training together in South Carolina. And even though we really didn’t have much time...

1 year ago
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Submissive Looking For Dominant

I'm a young submissive male looking for a Master/Mistress.You must be between the ages of 15 & 19.I only text no calling unless special occasion.I am new to this and like to take things slow so be patient with me.If you have any rules for me to follow state them clearly in an E-mail etc.I will try to follow them best I can unless they conflict with my personal life etc.Please make sure that I'm what your looking for based on the text before you contact me.You must live in the United States...

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From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 11 reposted

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Joan From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 11 re-posted Edited by a friend. True Story, Authors infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 4th of January 2013 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a...

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My Mates Girlfriends

Fortuitously left with my mates two horny women: I did what any guy would do; ‘look after them’....My mates Murray and Peter felt sorry for me and invited me around to their apartment Friday night. I knew what it was like being the third wheel but it’s even worse being the fifth wheel. Two set of love birds. I really stuck out like a sore thumb. There is only so much microwave nachos you can offer to prepare and trips to the fridge to get another drink. I mean my mates were dutifully watching a...

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Confessions of a photographer Part Four

Part one Two Three note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)The initial buzz of seeing my name printed at the...

2 years ago
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Headlights Girl Part 5

I froze in place, not willing to believe what my ears had just heard. I looked at Tiny and gulped audibly. My eyes traveled up from the floor, along his huge, muscular body, large neck and finally to his face, which had a somewhat serious look on it. My mind was racing to process the words I had heard him say, but it seemed to be stuck in neutral because all I could do was stand there. My mouth finally came unstuck. It must have, because I heard myself say, "Ummm, Tiny? You get to do...

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Gonzo Gurl

All about me.... As Hunter S. Thompson was known as a "Gonzo Journalist" I am in most areas of life eccentric and for lack of any existing better word a Gonzo. This blog isn't entirely based on why I am different, it may in fact bring to light why you and I are the same. If you are taking the time to read this I will assume you are familiar with the videos I make and have therefore seen the word "Metaphorphosis" which is a word I made up as an umbrella term to stamp the things I create. I...

4 years ago
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Hubbys birthday gift

It was my husband’s 40th birthday today and I had been planning his surprise for months now. I had taken the day off to make sure everything was perfect. I had showered, taking special care to make sure all of his favorite areas were silky smooth and that my hair was clean and soft. I had bought a new dress that was black with a slight shimmer, it was short and made my boobs and my curves look fantastic. I fixed my hair with mousse and hair spray until with was crazy big and curly just the way...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 76

I had learned to sleep anywhere, and I did. I slept just fine in the motel room. It was a little noisy, and I guess I should have been worried but I really wasn't. I believed more in misdirection than it gun play. I lay in bed thinking about what kind of trail I had left. First of all my cover got blown with the rescue raid at the vineyards. The officer in charge of that raid was so wrapped up in saving my ass, he wasn't trying as hard to cover it and that was okay, I was blown...

1 year ago
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My First Sex With Neighbor Bhabhi

Hi my name is Ram. Height-6’2″, weight-70kg, tool-7″. Medium built guy who love to play badminton. This is my first story here which is 100% true. This happened some 6 years back. I was in 12 th std then. I was not much of hunk or studious guy. I was a bit shy to new people but once I get in touch with someone then I will be very frank. I knew what sex is but didn’t know how its done. ‘One of my friend introduced me to a porn world. I saw my first porn at that time and liked it very much. From...

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Ohhhmommy I Groaned

"Do you think they've been doing it?" "Doing what?" her mother asked. "Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're... well, you know... having sex?" she asked blushing. "PATTY!" "What? Look at them mom... she's all over him." "They're far too young." "Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year." "He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see...

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Hot Work Friend Or more than that

It was just another routine hectic day at work. I work out of my native state and was looking for a work friend. I had some work on the 9th floor of the office. I noticed someone new. Not a goddess out of Greek tales, but she could turn a few heads her way, that beautiful. I glanced at her a few times while doing my work. She was fair, almost 5.5 ft, long hair in a single piggy tail till her bums, big eyes, thin upper lip. She had a slightly pouty lower lip, dancing earrings, perfectly fitting...

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Newly married desi couple first night sex pics

The wedding becomes memorable for a life-time not just because of the ‘wedding’ alone but also because of the first night that follows – especially, if the newly married couple are up for their first night sex! In our today’s Indian porn gallery, check out and enjoy these arousing and provocatively erotic photos of a desi couple having sex on their first night. This newly married couple from Shimla isn’t wasting even a single night when it comes to fucking each...

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Ihre Knigliche Hoheit die Prinzessin von Wales

Prinzessin Diana verbrachte das Wochenende auf dem Landsitz Highgrove House, unweit von London. Sie hatte mal wieder eine Woche hintersich, die viele öffentliche Auftritte beinhaltete. Meist waren es mehrere Termine an einem Tag bis spät in die Nacht hinein wie zum Beispiel bei Theaterpremieren. Aber nun war endlich Wochenende und sie konnte mal etwas Zeit mit ihrer Familie verbringen. Allerdings hatte sie schon lange bemerkt, daß ihr Ehemann, Prinz Charles, sich immer mehr von ihr zurückzog,...

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From Debt to Pet

I awoke in the early morning, to a dorm room that wasn’t mine, a sour taste in my mouth, a pounding in my head, sore hips and a heavy, unfamiliar weight across my torso. Glancing down at my chest I noted that said weight was attached to an arm. A very large, very muscular, arm. I turned my head to the right and was met with the back of someone’s head. Close cropped dirty-blonde hair did not give me much to go on. I tried to see if there were any distinguishing marks that would give clue as to...

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Rubys Rabbit

I waited for a while (probably only an hour actually, but that seemed like an eternity in hell without relief), when I finally realised that you were gone. So I went straight to the bedroom and lay on my stomach, my peachy ass poised in the air and shoved both my hands wantonly under my skirt. I hiked it up, imagining you kneeling behind me, your cock rock hard, pulsing and ready. I started to rub myself vigorously, but it was no good... my own hands just couldn't match what I KNOW your body...

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Effortlessly, the girl pushed her feet against the wall and propelled herself through the water. Hypnotic lines of sunlight cut through the pool as she gracefully swept from one side to the other. She kicked her feet rhythmically and accelerated her motion before finally breaking the surface. Gasping for air, the girl held the edge of the pool and pinched her slightly snotty nose with her free hand. Her eyes stung a little because of the chlorine, but she didn’t really mind. Once her breathing...

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BlackAmbush Kinsley Kane 06272021

Today’s Ambush might not seem fresh to those of you familiar with the sexy Kinsley Kane. She’s been in the industry now for 9 months or so you say? But you know the special thing about this video is even though it’s been some time since this was shot, the fact remains that this was her 2nd sex on camera and shot the day after her 1st sex on camera at ExCoGi. There’s just something special about capturing a young girl’s milestones in life with “moving pictures,”...

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Last StrawChapter 4

Anticipating her brother's sleeping challenge, Ellie was more than willing to join him in bed again. She had kept on her same outfit, just pulling on a long T-shirt for additional modesty until bedtime. Betty had given her daughter some instructions before she joined her brother, and those instructions had left Ellie fairly crackling with anticipation. Glen's bedside lamp was still on when Ellie came into his room, and he watched her with obvious appreciation, noticing a definite nervous...

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Paddling to My DestinyChapter 3

The next morning I arose early. I was surprised to find that the girl with the floppy hat was already up and had a nice fire going. She greeted me shyly and asked whether I would like some coffee. I gladly accepted the cup that was offered and drank it slowly as I took down my tent and proceeded to pack my gear and load my canoe. It was another beautiful morning and I figured I would put in a few miles before taking a break and grabbing some breakfast. I handed the coffee cup back to the...

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girls fun for all 4

Introduction: my wife made me do it as you remember from part 3 i had just swallowed a huge load of my own cum while my dirty wife sawed a strapon deep into my ass as she wispered sweet nothings in my ear. sweet nothings my ass , she made me promise that i would suck any cock she put in front of me, black, white , mexican, and i was to do it in the most slutty way possible with lots of noise and a huge cum shot in my mouth at the end. ofcorse i made that promise because she wouldnt let me cum...

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