BlizzardChapter 22 free porn video

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Winter was too high-class for this neighborhood. I had learnt that so was I. Still, I didn’t own a sofa with gold inlay. The tiny one-bedroom was decorated in antiques. The beautiful Persian rug spread over the shitty and uneven hardwood floor was beautiful.

Winter smiled graciously and stepped back from the door. She closed it behind me.

“I’m going to put on something a bit more appropriate for guests,” she announced and strode into the bedroom. I shook my head, walked over to the couch, and sat down by the left armrest. No TV. There was a bookshelf, decorated with silver and full of thick leatherback tomes. There was a silver tray out with a steaming pot of tea and a plate of cookies. Smelled good, but I had overeaten with Alex so I ignored them. I tapped my foot. The girls would be ready quickly. As quickly as girls got ready, at least. I looked at the bedroom door.

“Where’d you go?” Alex texted.

“To get answers. Be back as soon as I can.”

“Don’t let her make us play Ascension again!” Sam made me smile.

“As soon as I can.” I texted back.

“If it’s more than half an hour, I’ll come find you. Max has laid out your clothes. Do you smell OK?” Sam fired off in three successive texts before I could even type “Soon.” back at her.

“You took a seat?” Winter noted disagreeably. She stepped out of her bedroom while I had my collar pulled forward and was sniffing my raised armpit. I failed to look reasonable as I lowered my arms and effected a politic smile. “No tea?”

“I’ve had my fill,” I said. “Look, you need to stop. Whatever game you and Faye have started, you’re done.”

“I’m done?” She raised an eyebrow and swept out her long translucent white skirt from her butt as she sat down. She had put on a light brown sweater.

My girls were gorgeous, sexy. Winter was more delicate and elegant. She was thinner. Her features were more angular. I had her pegged for her late twenties. The way her nipples tented her sweater, and advertised how high her unsupported breasts stood, suggested younger. Her face was timeless, I couldn’t find age in it. Yet despite the skinniness and her height, she didn’t look coltish or girlish, but womanly. I met her ice-blue eyes.

“Done. You said it yourself, she fucked up,” I said. “My life isn’t your problem. Your managerial skills are.”

“You’re brave enough to place this on my shoulders?” The lower unit didn’t shake like my second-story apartment. The girls upstairs were being rattled.

“I don’t need bravery to deal with you. I need from you what I aim to give you,” I said.

“An even trade?” She frowned. “You have no idea how much you have already cost me. Very well, make your case. What do you have that is what I want that is what I have that is what you want?”

I took a moment to parse her sentence. I smiled. “Neglect.”


“That’s all. Leave us well enough alone,” I said.

“And you’ll leave me alone?” She crossed her legs. I realized how close she was sitting in the middle of the sofa. I moved my calf out of the path of her bare foot. “You might not believe this, but I might desire your company.”

“It’s too pricey for you,” I declared. Her gaze turned flat. I was sure she hadn’t been wearing makeup but her eyes looked darkly shadowed now. The wind started up again.

“I don’t think you understand what happened.” She smiled. “Consider an allegory. Imagine you checked your bank account and discovered there was a million dollars more than was supposed to be there.

“Elation, you can’t believe it. You immediately go out and have a nice dinner before you even think about it. But as you’re eating, you’re not too stupid to realize that you are spending someone else’s money. That those resources are not yours.

“You immediately Google the bank’s number so you can point out the error. You’re a good guy, you would do that. But you haven’t hit ‘call’ yet. It’s a lot of money. Someone could lose their job over this, maybe even their family and freedom.

“Should altruism prove not be enough of a motivator for you, there’s always risk. If you keep it, if you spend it, you’re a thief. Someone else’s money and work that you didn’t do. Plus, it is a lot of money: you return it, you can imagine that the relief you facilitate will be worth a not-insubstantial reward. By doing what’s right, you’re richer for it, and no one’s fucked over.”

She paused.

“You’ve been drawing on other people’s good fortune. You are smart enough to know that those three girls belong in three happy families. Let yours be one of them. I chose Samantha for you. Perhaps you’d prefer Maxine or Alexa?”

“Yeah, no, I play board games.” I smiled.

Winter’s face twisted. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Bank error in your favor, collect $200.” I smiled harder.

“The metaphor--”

“No.” By interrupting her, I pissed her off. Smirking made it worse. “Your insult of those girls will not be taken idly. My girls, my risks, my life going forward. You were a Community Chest card and now you’re in the discard pile. The game goes on.”

I don’t think I’d seen a woman that angry since my brother and I played near a surging river. Mom is a woman who could scream. Winter had that quality. She froze, her shoulders perfect and square. Her eyes looked down at me. That she kept her cool was a miracle.

“OK, a better allegory,” she said. “Imagine you’re sitting at a table. Other players come to this table and start dealing out the cards. A pile of chips is donated to you by your neighbor. You pick up the cards, you play. You are in the game.”

“I was in the last hand,” I said. “I’ll cash out and leave you to it.”

“Then you must be willing to fold what you have in the pot,” Winter sneered.

“Metaphors may not be your thing. Perhaps I can explain it for the room.”

She reclined, her legs reaching out and her breasts rising. She revealed a dark and dangerous smile.

I stood up.

“Fuck off. Fuck this. Fuck you.” I showed her my teeth. “I have no interest in some petty tax collector.”

“Wow, now there’s a metaphor!” She grinned. “Politics! You can have no interest in us, while we have a deadly interest in you.”

“Winter doesn’t last forever.” I shrugged. I was heading for the door.

“And it comes around again. Every year.”

“Then, I guess my next purchase is a gas-guzzling hummer.” I met her eyes. “Choke on global warming, cunt.”

I pulled the door open and stepped into the deathly still night. I looked back. She was approaching me. I almost didn’t register the clicking beep beep of a car door remote-locking.

“What?” I asked harshly.

“I’ve never loved a man like you,” she hissed breathily. I sneered at her but she stroked my cheek. My instinct was to slap her hand away. The same lifelong chivalry that had stopped me from slamming the door in Winter’s face, now blocked my attempts to lay a hand on her. I tried to back away but the porch railing bumped my spine. She rose on her tiptoes and kissed my lips with a loud, needy, sensual moan.

I was scowling when she stepped back.

“Enjoy those college girl playthings of yours, lover, and you can tell me all the tales tonight when we’re in bed,” she purred, and retreated behind her closing door.

“Good evening.” A well-dressed balding man nodded at me; I could feel his distaste.

“Evening,” I said. My apartment door flew open carrying a beautiful ecstatic brunette out onto the ice. The neighbor’s cat had been resting on the railing; the sound of Sam clomping down the stairs sent her fleeing. The man and I both stepped forward to take one of Sam’s hands. I smiled. “Careful now.”

“Daddy!” Sam slammed a hug into the balding man. I lost my glee. “This is Gene!”

I had thought Winter looked furious. The balding man withdrew his hand sharply. Sam was oblivious.

“Run up and grab a clean shirt and a proper coat. You’ll freeze to death.” She slapped my chest. “Daddy, I know I said it’d be me, Max, and the boyfriend. Do you think it’d be terribly difficult to change the reservations? Our friend Alex--”

“Sam, let me have a word with Gene. Here are the keys.” He pressed the Mercedes keys into his daughter’s hand. I think Sam wanted to kiss me and run to the car, but she only smiled. She was too skittish to act affectionate under the eyes of her father.

“Gene,” Sam’s father said. “You’re a little too busy tonight. You’re a little too busy for the rest of your life.” He patted my shoulder. The wind kicked enough to slice right down to the bone. “If you had any decency in you, you’d send Max down too.”

He turned on me before I could say a word, and marched down to his warming car. I didn’t speak the words I thought. My teeth chattered. I was about to head inside. I heard the vehicle pull away. I rushed to the railing instead, watching Sam’s silhouette drive off through the frosted side window.

I shivered, numb from more than the cold. After a minute, my phone buzzed. Sam’s texts were begging for forgiveness for her fucked-up Dad. No, her dad wasn’t fucked up. Lots of shit was fucked up, but her dad was trying to do good by his daughter.

I turned around, stepped over Mrs Rabinovich’s cat, and stormed up my apartment stairs. I skidded to a halt as Alex and Max looked up at me. I was about to rant and--Winter had kissed me! How did I explain that to the girls?

“Come back to us.” I texted her. I hoped that was enough. It was all I had at hand.

“Gene?” Alex looked up from her phone. “Sam’s dad just took off with her?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. I dropped into my computer chair and nervously swiveled until Max caught my legs. Alex leaned over my shoulder to hug me. “Look, I’m going to tell you everything I think I know.” I frowned. “You girls are smarter than me. Maybe you can find a way through.”

Max nodded. Alex slipped down into my armchair while Max sat sidesaddle across Alex’s lap. I took a deep breath and I told them everything: the red-haired girl in the green dress, the other red-haired women, and all the rest.

“She knew Sam’s dad was there so she made up some shit about how I was taking advantage of you girls, and how we were gonna laugh about it later. Then she kissed me in front of him. Sam was out the door and introducing me to her dad a couple of heartbeats later.”

“Dude!” Alex slapped Max’s ass. “We’re princesses in a real-life fairy tale!”

Max shook her head. “It isn’t the same girl, though, at the coffee shop and the breakfast place. And you can’t magic the weather! Water’s gotta evaporate, roll up into big clouds, until they’re fat enough to break, and snow. And wind’s all pressure differentials and currents. You can make a wind tunnel but you can’t control the wind.”

“Yeah, but it’s magic. The boots do fix our feelings.” Alex poked Max. “Aren’t feelings actually a bunch of brain chemicals and meat lightning?”

“Yeah, they are.” Max got up and paced as well as she could in the tiny apartment. She was beating a rhythm on the sides of her hips. She looked up at me. “You believe it?”

“It took me a while. Sometimes you believed too? When I gave you bits and pieces? Didn’t you?” I asked. We’d had discussions and conversations over the last week. Holy shit. We were throwing all in on this foursome after knowing each other for only a week...

“Calm down.” Alex grabbed my thighs and looked up into my eyes. “Take a deep breath. In and out. Innnn and out.”

I smiled as I relaxed

“I want Sam back,” I said. Max nodded.

“I want my boyfriend to have the whole Team Girlfriend,” Max said. “I used to think a guy who could fuck two girls was the worst of the worst.”

“Do you think they rewired our brains for that?” Alex turned and smiled over her shoulder to Max. I was petting the theatre student like a Bond villain with his cat.

“Mine, yeah, mine definitely. Yours ... dunno. And Sam’s?” Max said, tilting her head and shrugging.

“Well, yeah, Sam. Obviously,” Alex nodded. “And I dunno about me either. But you don’t seem different. How’re you different?”

“Stand up a moment.”

Alex hopped to her feet as requested. Max lunged forward; Alex’s eyes went wide. Max grinned, and grabbed fistfuls of blond hair. She kissed her best friend aggressively. Alex melted, folding over backwards, as Max dipped her. Alex’s hands slid up Max’s side as they made out. I watched with a blissful smile. Alex’s hands closed on Max’s tits. Max began to rub Alex’s pussy with one hand. Abruptly, Max stopped, let go, and stood up. Alex blinked several times and flailed to catch the edge of the bed. She struggled to stand straight again.

“Thank you?” Alex bubbled with energy.

“I can stand up for a moment, too?” I grinned

Max walked over, rose up on her tiptoes and kissed me lightly. “Nice try.”

“What do you need me to do?” I asked.

“Just listen,” she said. “I need you to know who I was, who I am, and who I’m gonna be.”

“You’re a stunning, brilliant woman,” I said. “You’re my Max. Our Max.”

“But I wasn’t always like this.”

“Stunning and brilliant?” Alex said. “You totally were.”

“I’m ecstatic that I get to love you, Gene, and Sam. Something I don’t think I was capable of in high school, or even two weeks ago,” Max said, and picked up Alex’s hands. “You were asking how I’m different now, remember?”

“Nope, I must have amnesia! Kiss me again to restore my memory!”

Max bit her lip. “Yes, but afterward, OK? We gotta talk this out.”

Alex grinned. “I’ll hold you to that. Anyway, yeah, you’re being more aggressive than you used to, but I don’t think you need your brain rewired for that. Being with Gene helped us come out of our shells, right?”

“You remember kissing practice in grade 9?”

“Mmm, yeah.”

“You chased me for twenty minutes, trying to convince me to let you try.”

“And we only tried for like three minutes, because your parents were coming home.”

“Not for another hour they weren’t. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. You were acting like kissing me was the best idea you ever had, but I wasn’t so much up for that.”

“OK, so you weren’t ready in grade 9, but look at us now. You changed your mind.”

“No, that’s my point. Changing my mind is the rewiring. Lemme show you an example. Who’s someone hot?”

“Gene,” Alex said immediately. I flexed; Alex laughed out loud. I whimpered like a puppy, and she ran over to hug me.

“OK, yeah, Gene. But I meant girls. Girls who’re hot?”

“Sam,” Alex said immediately.

“No!” Max said.

“Yes she is,” Alex retorted, and stuck out her tongue.

“Of course she is,” Max growled. “I want to fuck her so much I could scream. I want to fuck her so much she screams! I want to fuck her so much she can’t scream any more!”

Max was breathing heavily. I didn’t know what to say, or if I should say anything at all. For a long moment, nobody moved. Then Alex screamed, I jumped out of my skin, and we all burst out laughing.

“Please, work with me here,” Max said with a shoulder slump and a defeated smile.

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The next morning, Mom was in the kitchen going through her usual morning ritual. As I walked in, she said, “Morning, sweetie. Get yourself a cup of coffee and sit down. I want to talk to you.”Pulling a stool up to the island, I sat across from her, sipped my coffee and asked, “What’s up?”Giving me her motherly look, she said, “You seem very taken by Brian. Are you in love?”I was completely blind-sided by her question. Never before had she asked me anything about my feelings for boyfriends.I...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Those baby blue eyes

‘Half an hour until close!..’ the bartender said aloud to the few remaining folks in the dim lit bar, his voice loud and powerful almost seeming to bounce off the walls of the quiet bar. The bartender wiped the sweat from his brow before finishing polishing his glass, the large man looked at me giving me a slight warning glare. He knew I could be trouble just by looking at me, 6’3 224lbs. My long hair giving the impression that I was some sort of bad boy looking to get into a fight with some...

3 years ago
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The Girls ClubChapter 16 New Beginnings

Tony knocked at his Aunt Debbie's door. This was the first time he had been to see her at the house for some weeks. The door opened so quickly that she must have been waiting for him. "It's been a long time." She said. As her hand reached out and she pulled him inside. Her lips fastened on to his, while her foot slammed the front door shut behind them. As she pulled away to look at him. Tony noticed that she was wearing a white silk house coat and he guessed, that she was not wearing...

4 years ago
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A warm spanked ass and a warmer heart

Two weeks ago I went to the local Home Depot to get some things for my yard since spring was right around the corner, and the Spanko in me was aroused by a woman who worked in the garden section. Now, I have been into spanking since I was fifteen and can usually tell when someone else is too, but it is a rarity to find them like I did this time. I noticed her on the way in and was thinking to myself that it would be nice to be d****d over her knee and spanked like a naughty little boy, but I...

2 years ago
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A Night With Blackmailed Secretary And A Escort Girl

Hello all girls and guys. Its second part of my complete sexual encounters of my life. Girls and aunts in meerut email me for satisfation and send the feedback. Apni pehle incident ke baad mai khub sex krne laga uske saath.. Almost every day hi krta tha.. Maja bhi toh bahut aata tha. Maine dad se na kehke tanya se kaha ki mjhe aur maze lene hai and so maine usse kaha ki yeh sab cheeze khareed kr rakhe hamesha vaigra, condom, oil, lubs, aur mere liye penis pump khareed de online se.. She did and...

3 years ago
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Mery Gavki Bhabhi Ko Choda

By : Rajkistory Hello dosto mera name raj he or me Surat me rehta hu or mari age 19 he mene 12th ki exam di thi or filhal abhi chuttiya chal rahi thi or me life ko enjoy kar raha tha tabhi gavse meri bhabhi ayi thi uski ummar thi 30 or savla rung tha boob roun or bade the lekin agar koi gand dekhle to vahi muth marne lage.uska ek 6 salka ladka tha wo log subah hamara ghar aagaye or pura din ese hi chata raha mere dilmebhi pehle uske sath sex Ka vichar bhi nahi tha .dhire dhire rat padgayi or...

2 years ago
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Oh Teacher Teacher Ch 02

God I felt guilty. I tossed and turned all night in bed feeling nothing but shame for letting my lusts get the best of me—and with one of my own students. I couldn't believe that I'd fucked one of my own students right in the class room! God, what a scum I was!I should have put a stop to it before it ever got that far. But no, I had to let my horny dick lead me by the nose—right into the honey pot of forbidden fruit.I knew that somehow I'd have to cool this relationship off or else I might lose...

3 years ago
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Hotel Sex

Not long ago my wife, Donna, and I went to a large city not far from where we live and got a nice room in a swanky downtown hotel. We’ve been married a long time, and sometimes we get away for hotel sex just to keep things interesting. After a hot, soapy shower we put on the hotel’s matching bathrobes and I led her into the room. We sat in the little couch facing the window and I opened a bottle of champagne. The curtains were open but it was a chilly fall day and the windows were steamed...

1 year ago
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The Magic Bedroom 3 The End

Lucinda was grinding her pussy onto Alice’s face, pushing hard to work off the resentment she still felt about the spiritual atrocity exhibition she had been subjected to the night before. It was beginning to cool a little in the late afternoon and Lucinda enjoyed the slight breeze that caressed her. For the first time since Alice had roasted her mind just after midnight, she felt herself again, psyche regained, back in the raw and physical but with a heightened perceptive quality. Touch was...

4 years ago
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More Than Just A Game Part 3

Donny jumped off of me and quickly covered himself up with a pillow."Not what it looks like?" Dad said walking into the room. "Donny your naked and on top of your brother.... what am I supposed to think?!" The whole room was in silence from the awkward moment. Instead of dad doing much worse then I thought, he shook his head and walked out. Donny and I stared at each other, both of us with fear still on our faces. The silent treatment was never a good thing... I guess we were so scared that we...

4 years ago
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All Iz Well

Hey everyone hi, I am Veer and this is my first story please reply me about it through mail and all the replies will be apreciated and now let me tell you all about myself. I am 20 year old boy 5 ft.5 inch in height I had just shifted to Kolkata for my studies and two of my friends were there in a rented house there everything was good except food we all decided to cook our self but no one was a good cook. Our neighbour was small family of three her husband (Mohan) wife (Smita) and a small...

1 year ago
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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII

Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII -Dani hangs out with her new friends, who seem ready to accept our young heroine as 'just one of the girls'. We arrive at my house, I yell out "thanks" and once again the Red Tornado takes off seconds after my feet hit the curb. I'm home, in one piece. How the heck did that happen? Once inside, it feels strange. Before today, I had immediately run upstairs to change into my girl clothes, but I am already wearing my girl clothes! It feels...

1 year ago
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Unforeseen Delicious Lesbian Intimacy

Slowly, very slowly, I was kissing her neck and shoulder after taking off her shirt. Although she was a bit awkward but I didn’t give a damn about that, neither did she try to stop me! I sat right behind her and pulled her closer to me, continued to kiss and lick her skin. Her butter colored soft skin and the reticent moaning made me more lustful and craving. I took off her bra, grabbed her enormous, large boobs, and started squeezing them with my hands; played along with the nipples… after a...

4 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 15

Rachel had not seen her boyfriend, Jeff, as often as she would have liked because of her travels to the rodeos. And when she was home they were both busy with work, so it was a Friday and Saturday night relationship for the most part. They had been dating for three weeks before she slept with him. It wasn't great, but she chalked it up to opening night jitters. A week later she spent the night at his place. The sex was slightly better that time. She did have an orgasm, so she put that one...

3 years ago
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Firing Ended Up In Fucking

This is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. Hi, I am the managing director of small money lending firm and works in its corporate office. And today I am sitting in my chair in the corporate office, waiting for the working hours to be over so that I can handover a termination letter. The letter is to be served to a lady worker called Lakshmi. Handing over a termination notice letter is not an easy job. It is usually given only at the end of a working day as the employee...

3 years ago
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Paint Job 2

continuation. --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicole was in shock, she never liked to suspect that people were homosexual, cause if they turned out to be straight, she would feel like such a bitch. Karly was facing the opposite wall. Nicole went to touch her arm, she then let her arm fall and then sighed. What could she say? Karly was pretty hot, even though she never thought of girls in that sort of way. How could Nicole deal with this situation in a way that...

1 year ago
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In The Mist

I stood and cursed myself: How damn stupid I was not to fill the tank? I thought I had enough to pick her up, go out to the movies, drive her back home, and make it back to my apartment. I made it only a few miles from her parents’ home before the engine sputtered then quit. It was a nice, rather cool summer night and being an athlete — letters for soccer and track — I decided to head out and walk to one of the farmhouses I saw a few miles back. I put the hazard lights on and locked the car. ...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Shalina Devine 1920s Flapper Shalina Devine Opens Her Home and Holes to Moving Men

As she’s sitting upstairs next the the piano, smoking a cigarette, looking elegant, Shalina Devine takes a liking to one of the moving men who’s been tasked with carrying out boxes. She quickly seduces him, puts his cock in her mouth, then lets him start to fuck her. Minutes later, as the stud is balls deep in her pussy, another well-dressed moving man enters the room. For Shalina, since she’s horny slut, one cock is never enough, so she invites the other man to join. The two studs DP her...

3 years ago
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A Night to Remember Ch 01

It had been a long day and to top things off, she had just gotten off the phone with her ex who had informed her that he was talking to her best friend. Frustrated and heartbroken at the same time, she went to check her e-mail one more time before calling it a night. There were a few junk things, a few forwarded things, and one from an address she didn’t recognize. What the hell, she thought as she opened the e-mail. It was from a guy who had read her profile. Normally, she ignored e-mails...

4 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 5 Chastisement

The evening became somewhat repetitious after that, the Dean first fucking one and then the other, playing with their breasts, being sucked and sucking and licking them to orgasm. He was, however, very careful not to cum himself. After that first time, he didn't use either of their arses again. When he seemed to have tired of playing with their bodies, and when he could no longer make Sharon climax whatever he did to her, he said, "Sharon, you can dress and go, unless you want to wait for...

3 years ago
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Miss Patriot

25yr old Alexandria or Alex for short stood looking at herself in the mirror in her apartment. She was dressed as Miss Patriot, her superheroine alter ego. Alexandria was about 5’8”, had a slim body with all the right curves, large breasts, a nice round ass, and tanned skin. Her costume consisted of red boots that ended before her knees, a small blue thong with white stars on it and red trim, a white bra that had red straps and strings, and blue trim in towards her cleavage. She also wore a...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon1

Matt and McKenzie are very close as brother and sister go; even hanging out together on the weekends. Matt is always hitting on McKenzie's girlfriends. They pretend he is a nuisance, but each of them thrives on his attention. When McKenzie's girlfriends come over to swim, Matt spends his time spying on them. He is very fascinated with their young developing breast. When confronted by his Dad, he honestly expresses his fascination with female breast of all ages, sizes, and shapes. His Dad...

3 years ago
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Life in the Pink Lane Part Two

Life in the Pink Zone Part 2 As I drove to the office the following Monday, I couldn't help but wonder what Julia's reaction was going to be to the wonderful last few days we'd shared together over the weekend. I wasn't sure how or on what basis we'd manage to resume our normal work relationship. I needn't have worried. My boss was always a little late on Monday mornings which normally gave me time to flick through the post and remind myself of the programme for the week. This...

2 years ago
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3 Cock Attack

I like my cock sucking adventures so much I try new ways and place to find to cruise. If you dont know your surroundings it can be a dangerous game of finding cock that wont end up fighting with you or calling the law when you approch them. One place I search for hot hungry cock is on Craigslist.Even though it might seem platonic the dangers are there. You need to be carefull. I placed an ad looking for a hard cock to suck on. My favorite thing to do in the world. ...

1 year ago
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A Persian wife is not what you should dream for

I'm not a story teller, so, please forgive me if I will just share the pig picture and not so many details with you. I'm a mixed Vietnamese/Persian male. My dad is Iranian, working for the embassy and my mom is a shy Vietnamese housewife. I'm very energetic and emotionally sensitive and my Persian wife loves (or loved) me, but I've always felt bad about my penis size. (it's definitely more than 12 cm but maybe not 13.) Most websites and books say anything above 10 is OK, but I still felt bad;...

First Time
1 year ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 9 Black Friday

The next morning, at like 6:30, there was a tap on the door and Lissa burst in. She was wearing the long-t-shirt nightie I'd seen her in the morning before. "Time to get up, uncle Jason," she trilled. "We're going SHOP-ping!" She'd said 'shopping' exactly that way, as if it were two very exciting words that were even more exciting when put together unexpectedly. Like maybe it was a new word for 'orgasm, ' I chuckled to myself, recalling yesterday's vocabulary quiz. I had been...

3 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 5

He returned to the kitchen to report to Enid. He hoped his red face had calmed down. He entered and she looked at him querulously. "Yes, she said she would come." "And?" "What do you mean, 'And?'" "Did you kiss her goodnight?" "Yes." He said no more, but Enid was insistent. "Properly?" "Jeannette insisted. I tried to just do a gentle goodnight kiss, but she grabbed my head. God! I didn't mean to ... I just ... Sorry, Enid. I am messed up." "Fine." "What? How do...

3 years ago
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Son Cuckolding Mallu Mom Revathi

Hello all, Thanks for your response to the earlier story, Actually, Vishal was in touch with me before he started banging his mom. More than the desire to fuck his mom, his fantasy was to watch his mom getting fucked. After discovering his mom’s secret affairs, he discussed with me about going ahead. I suggested that he shall confront her with the truth. But he moved a bit ahead to an extent to blackmail her. However, later on, he discovered her slutty side. After his fuck marathon with his...

1 year ago
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Main aur meri maa

Hi i m akash from bangalore .this is my first story on iss.hope u guys will enjoy it.this story is a real one describing the incident which happened between me and my mother.we are four member family,father mother,younger sister and myself.i m 23 years of age and studying in an engineering college .my sister also studies in a father is an engineer himself. My mother mamta has slim and tight fgure even at the age of 40.her tight round big boobs(chuchis)add to her sex appeal.her tight...


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