Shannon III the wedding part A
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Introduction: An older man dominates a young woman, Shannon III the wedding part A
To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from Shannon directly to Shannon III.
I would love praise and criticism as long as it isnt about content. If you dont like the things I write about then dont read my stories. Dont write me and tell me that you dont like my stories because someone pissed on my heroine. (not the drug). I want to know about my writing. Tell me if you are confused or if I have my tense mixed up. I want to know if my images are clear and easy to follow. Is the emotion I am trying to convey coming through? Did it make you laugh or cry? Is my sentence structure sound or convoluted? Are my characters believable? All feedback is good feedback.
Previously on Shannon
I had filmed Daves brothers bachelor party and as I have said before I dont like Dave and never have. Hes arrogant, boastful and a royal asshole, he also happens to own Shannon.
I say he owns her, because she insists that he does. Shannon has been abused all her life and now she craves the things Dave does to her and like an addiction she hates doing them, but she isnt either able or willing to stop. As a result Dave dominates, abuses and humiliates Shannon sexually. At the bachelor party she was made to have sex with two dogs and then fuck the entire room full of men.
In the first story I had written that the cunt Shannon in these stories, visually reminded me of the actress who played Shannon on the TV show LOST. Not quite as pretty but close.
While filming the molestation of Shannon at the bachelor party, something in her captured my sole and I knew then that I wanted to be with Shannon.
Shannon III the wedding part A
Dave and I were standing side by side in the banquet hall. The bachelor party had run its course, Dave and I were watching two men who had helped me video tape the party, fuck an exhausted Shannon.
I asked him, What would you say if I asked you if I could date Shannon.
Id tell you to go fuck yourself.
Because I think you would look cute with your dick in your ass.
I gave him an irritated smile, Why wont you let me date Shannon?
Because shes my whore.
He looked at me as if he were seeing me for the first time.
I tell you what, my sports hero friend. I will not let you date my little slut, but I will let you marry her if you want to.
You would let marry her but not date her? I asked incredulously.
Yes, he stated simply.
I stared at him a few moments and scratched my head.
I need your answer right now, yes or no. he demanded.
Right now? I exclaimed.
You got thirty seconds he said looking at his watch. What is your decision? Fifteen seconds.
OK,&hellip,&hellip, Ill marry her, but what if Shannon doesnt want to marry me.
Doesnt matter what she wants, I will tell her to do it and she will.
Well I would like to hear it from her if you dont mind.
I do fuckin mind dick head, and if you really want to marry here are the conditions. Once you leave this room, you will not look at her, visit her or talk to her right up until the moment you say I do, Got that pencil prick. He said poking his finger into my chest. In fact leave this building right now and wait in your van. Your men can collect your equipment for you.
But, I&hellip,
If you are not out of that door within the next two minutes the deal is off fuck face.
I turned and rushed for the door.
As I reached for the door knob, Dave yelled out across the hall. The wedding will be on Friday two weeks from now. Get your own tux. I will be in touch.
I glanced over at Shannon who was on the cum soaked mattress. Mike was pounding her sore pussy and John was fucking her face. Then I went out of the door.
I think just about every man alive who has stood at the altar waiting for his bride to come down the aisle has butter flies in his gut. However I dont. I am not nervous, Im fucking scared shitless.
Im thirty three, never been married. Shit, married!! Fuck, I have never even had a serious relationship, but now I find myself waiting for my bride who I have only spoken to once and that was an interview on camera the night she fucked and sucked two dogs, then was gang banged by twenty men at a bachelor party.
That night was two weeks ago and I havent seen or spoken to her since. I have not even asked her to marry me.
So, here I am, standing in the same banquet hall where I first laid eyes on Shannon. I have a blind fold on my head, because part of the agreement was I would not speak to her or SEE my bride to be until I say I do. And to top it all off, I dont trust or even like the asshole that has set all this up. For all I know, when I say I do, the woman I agreed to marry may not even be there. In fifteen minutes I could be marring a dog of a woman rather than the beautiful Shannon. Even if Shannon is by my side when I say I do she is being forced by Dave (the asshole) into marring me. She may hate my guts, although I cant imagine why she would, she doesnt even know me.
So, I think I have good reason to be scared. In fact I have no idea why I am actually standing here. I should have told Dave to forget it long ago. Yet here I am, in my tux with a blind fold on my head. Fuck me!
The wedding march starts. I can hear people scurrying for their seats and the talking diminishes to a murmur. A few seconds later the gathering gasps and excited conservation ripples through the room.
I feel a piece of cloth or something light brush against my left hand that is at rest, by my side. I can smell the perfume and something else that I cant quite identify, of someone beside me.
Someone in front of me clears his throat and says, Dearly beloved, we are gathered here for a double wedding,
I thought, Double wedding? What the fuck is he talking about?
The voice continues, You are here to witness the matrimony of Shannon Sheppard to Woof Bennett and William Ganon. I am a duly ordained clergy in this great state of Georgia and am legally recognized as such.
I tried to swallow but there was only dust in my mouth.
Again my mind raced and a question surfaced, Who the fuck is Wolf Bennett?
Shannon, do you take these to be youre lawfully wedded husbands?
There was silence and some movement to my left. Then I heard a loud SMACK and a female yelp.
Then a female to my left said in a tired disgusted voice. I do.
Do you Woof take Shannon for your lawfully wedded bitch?
Some behind me said. Whats your name?
And I heard a dog go. woof.
Do you William take Shannon as your lawfully wedded wife?
Here it is, do I say it? Am I crazy?
I do. Came out of my mouth.
I heard the crowd go wild, they were laughing and yelling and slapping each other on the back.
Do you have the ring?
I reached up and took my blind fold off as Dave tapped my sholder and handed me a very nice diamond wedding ring. I held it as to put it on Shannon but she wouldnt give me her hand.
I looked to my left and Shannon was indeed there she had on a black lace veil that came down to her butt, a pair of black patent stilettos and a black earring in her left ear, nothing else, absolutely nude. She looked at me with anger and disgust in her eyes.
Dave said one word with force. CUNT!
She stomped her foot, made a pouty face and stuck her hand toward me defiantly and I slipped the ring on her finger.
The reverend in front of me said. I now pronounce you husbands and wife. You may fuck the bride.
Glaring at me she practically spat. I hope you are happy asshole, because Ill be God dammed if I will let you fuck me unless Dave forces me to, besides who the fuck wants to be named Shannon Ganon? Sounds like a cock sucking cartoon character. Asshole.
Then I heard another woof to my left and saw the biggest, most beautiful mastiff I had ever seen. Standing on all fours his shoulders were even with my waist and I could see the ripple if his muscles under a shiny coat of shirt tan hair. The dogs massive chest was white and he had to weigh at least two hundred pounds, probably more.
Dave slapped me on the shoulder and said. Congratulations, meet Woof, your new husband in-law.
Then Dave said, Whats your name?
The dog went. Woof.
Dave turned to Shannon. Prepare for mount cunt.
Shannon got down on all fours, her legs spread wide and rested her upper body on her fore arms. She pressed her fore head to the foor.
Dave commanded the dog. Lick
The huge beast moved to lap Shannons pussy. Before he got there I could see cum running down Shannons leg, then the doge dove in and Shannon squealed.
Stunned, I tore my eyes from Shannon and the huge mastiff and gazed about the room. My friends John and Mike were videotaping the proceedings. There were a few of my other friends and work mates gathered in one corner away from most everyone else. There were two women in that group and they looked at me with distain. The men just smirked. The rest of the room was filled mostly with men who were celebrating. One guy came over to me and shook my hand energetically.
Congratulations Bill, thank you.
For what? I asked confused.
For what! He parodied back to me. For marrying the cunt. Dave said if you backed out none of us would get to fuck her tonight. Its party time!
Then Dave said. Mount.
The Mastiff hopped on Shannons back and started pounding the shit out of her. I watched her get three nuts within the first five minutes of him tying with her. After tan giant coated her cunt with sperm the brute dragged her around the room, as different guys called the dog to them and laughed. A few of them petted her and told her that she was a good bitch.
The rest of the night was pretty much a carbon copy of the bachelor party. Shannon was screwed in all three holes and rarely had an empty orifice for more than a few seconds as they cluster fucked her.
At one point during the fiasco after the huge dog just had fucked Shannon for the third or fourth time. I overheard two men discussing Woofs ability to lick his own cock.
The taller of the two said. Man, I wish I could do that!
The shorter man looked over at him with a crooked smile, and said. Give him a treat and maybe hell let you.
By eight am that morning everyone was fucked out and had left or were passed out on the floor of the banquet hall. The place was trashed, just liked after the bachelor party. Dave was stretched out on top of one of the tables. Shannon was lying comatose on the floor in a pool of sperm. Woof was in the corner licking his balls and my ass was aching from sitting dazed for hours in a steel folding chair. I was the only male at the gathering that had not fucked my new wife. Even the reverend boned her twice, once in the cunt and once in the ass.
Dave rolled to his feet and staggered toward the exit.
As he passed through the door, he called over his shoulder. Congratulations on winning the heart of the girl of your dreams and be sure to take care of my cunt.
Then the door drifted closed behind him. I was alone in the hall of my horrors. The only sounds were the slurping of Woofs tongue attending to his hygiene and the snoring of my beautiful slimy bride.
I sighed, got up, rubbed my ass, stretched and muttered to myself. I hope this isnt going to be a regular thing.
I went to where my naked wife was dreaming of cocks and sugar plums and attempted to pick her up. I barely got her three inches from the floor and her slippery body splashed back into the cum puddle. Being brain dead I attempted this endeavor eight or ten times before it occurred to me that I was wasting my time. Looking around the room my gaze fell upon Shannons wedding veil.
I retrieved the black lace garment and looped it around her right leg. Then slipping and sliding on the jizim slick linoleum, I drug her over to the double doors at rear of the hall. Sunlight glistened off of the trail of cum that led back from where we had just come, it looked as though a giant nuclear radiated snail had crawled across the banquet hall floor.
I swung the double doors open and backed my Ford econoline van up to them. Then I pulled Shannons legs into cargo area of the van. In this position she looked like she was sitting down in a chair only it had toppled onto its back. I tried lifting her several times with my arms under hers and clasped over chest but she slipped from my grasp. I looked down at my sperm covered rented tux and wondered how I was going to explain this to the rental company. Eventually I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed two hands full of hair and rolled/shoved her through the rear doors of the van.
I found her shoes and tossed them into the truck with her and slammed the doors shut. Then I took Shannons veil and threaded it through the dogs collar and led him to the passenger door and opened it. He jumped up on the seat and sat with the veil around his neck, as if he were king of all that he observed, even though his floppy ears were pressed to the head liner of the van. Then we made the first step on the long journey that was our new life.
I backed the van into OUR garage at OUR house and clicked the remote door control and it rattled closed. It seemed very strange to realize that the house that I had lived alone in for the past eight years was now our house. I pulled out my cell phone, it was nine fifteen am. I hadnt worn a watch for the past six years except for dressy social events. I guess my wedding didnt qualify.
I muttered to myself again. If last night was any indication, our house was going to be the least of the strange things that I would be getting used to.
I went around and opened the door for Woof and he gracefully hopped down from his throne and sniffed all the new smells. I was glad that my backed yard was fenced, because it would allow me to release the dog into the yard and not worry about him wandering off.
I opened the rear doors of the Ford and discovered that a new sperm pool had formed on the floor of my van under Shannon. Shaking my head I thought, If this keeps up I am going to have to get rubber sheets for my van.
Fuck it. I said.
I figured she couldnt hate me any worse than she apparently already did, so I just left her there and led Woof into the house.
I located a pot in the kitchen, filled it with water and set it down in front of the mastiff. Woof lapped the cool liquid down with gratitude. I didnt have any dog food so opened a package of hot dogs and fed them to him one at a time. It was like putting dollar bills into a vending machine only you didnt have to smooth them out before you inserted them. I opened the back door and hustled the dog outside. Then I took a shower and made the decision that there was nothing I could do at that moment to repair the damage that I had done to my life so I forgot about it and went to sleep.
One eye opened and I stared at the luminous clock on my night stand. It indicated that the time was now three forty five. I assumed that it meant pm because it was still light outside. I had slept for about six hours and I didnt feel any better than when I had crawled into bed. I sat up yawned and stretched my arms above my head and heard a strange noise. I followed the sound to the front door and looked out the peep hole. Nothing there. I opened the door and my husband-in-law trotted into the kitchen, did that circle the wagons thing and when he was satisfied he had found the right spot, plopped down, put his muzzle on his paws and went to sleep.
I went into the back yard to find out how Woof had gotten out of the fence and discovered that I apparently had forgotten to close and latch the gate. After securing the gate, I took a dish towel from the kitchen and went to check on my new wife. I found her as I had left her, naked, curled up, in the back of my van, only now the sperm on her body had dried and left a crusty layer over her entire body. She appeared to have a terminal case of psoriasis.
I reached in, shook her and she groaned. I shook her again harder, and she rolled onto her back and groaned louder. I had my hand on her shin and was about to shake her again when her eyes fluttered open a she stared blankly at the ceiling of the Ford. After a moment she looked down and spied my hand on her leg, she screamed.
Then she yelled at the top of her lungs. Get your fucking hands off of me!
I jerked my hand from her as if she were a thirteen year old yelling rape,
Then she saw the small towel in my other hand snatched it from me and held it to her chest in an apparent attempt at modesty. It seemed that exposed pussy was not a priority when defending ones modesty.
Where the fuck am I? she screamed.
Home. I replied.
The fuck you say. I dont recognize this place.
Its my&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,..our house.
Take me home cock sucker.
This is your home.
She yelled in frustration. Where are my clothes?
You didnt have any.
Well get me something to wear and Ill walk home.
Leaving her in the garage I picked up the wall phone and called a cab.
Then I searched my dresser and closet for anything that might fit her. I found an Atlanta PD T shirt that a cop had given me and a pair of old khaki shorts that were too small for me. When I came back into the garage she jumped up and again pressed the dish towel to her breasts.
This is all I, and she snatched the close from my hand. could find. I finished.
I stood there looking at her.
Well? she said looking back at me.
Well what? I asked
Are you going to turn around while I get dressed?
I laughed at absurdity of her request and turned around.
After a moment I said, I called you a cab.
Then I heard the door going into the house slam shut and I followed her into the house. By the time I got inside she had marched out the front door and was headed up the street, mumbling to herself, holding up my shorts with one hand and franticly waving with the other.
She was almost to the end of the block when the cab pulled in front of our house. I took two twenties from my wallet and handed them to him.
See that woman up there? I said pointing to Shannon. Take her where ever she wants to go and if that isnt enough come back and I will give you more.
I watched the cab pull along side of Shannon and she bent at the waist to talk to the cabby. Then she stood up looked my way, and waved to me with her middle finger extended then got into the cab.
Shaking my head I wandered back into the house and flopped down in front of the TV. Since it was Saturday there was a college football game on so I leaned back and let my mind vegetate.
After the game I popped in a frozen dinner, gave the Woof a can of beef stew and went to bed.
I was watching my neighbor nailing a sign, with the word pervert written on it, to my house and Woof was woofing at him because apparently that was the extent of the dogs vocabulary. Then I realized that someone was pounding on my front door. I opened my eyes and looked at my clock. It indicated that it was eight oclock and I assumed it was AM because it was no longer dark outside. I got out of bed and shuffled to the door in my briefs and opened it. Something blond flew by me and Dave muscled his way inside.
What the fuck happened? he demanded.
She wanted to go home.
This is her home. He said.
Thats what I told her.
So why did she leave?
Youll have to ask her that.
Dave looked at Shannon.
I dont like him. She blurted.
How can you not like him? Hell, you dont even know him you crazy cunt. Why dont you like him?
I just dont. she pouted.
Well he is your husband and this is your house. You live here NOW!
Do I have to fuck him? She asked defiantly.
No, you dont have to even touch him if you dont want too and he wont force himself on you. Right fuck head.
Right. I echoed not knowing why I even responded to his question.
So what do I have to do?
Get me a pen and paper. Dave demanded.
I went to the phone stand and got a bic pen, a small note pad and tossed them to him.
OK, he said as he took the cap off of the pen. RULES and wrote that across the top of the pad. One, You will live in this house as dick heads wife and perform all stereotypical wifely house hold duties with the exception of having physical contact with said dick head. Two, you will give your body to your husband&hellip,&hellip,,
But you just said I didnt have to have sex with him. She whined.
Woof,&hellip, Dave continued. at his pleasure and you will perform any sexual service that he demands. Three, you are to remain nude while you are inside of this house at all times, the exception being, when you are getting dressed to leave the house and you will have five minutes to get undressed once you are back in the house. Three, you cannot say no to any male in this house except dick head and there are three other exceptions this rule. One, no one can force you to leave the house. If I have instructed someone to collect you, they will have a note signed by me or I will have notified you in advance of their arrival. Exception two, No one can tell you to take drugs of any kind, including alcohol unless you choose to. Exception three, you will not obey any order or request that you believe will do permanent or excessive damage to you. Four, you will sleep in dick heads bed. Five, just to be clear, you do not have to have sex with dick head, you do not have to touch him in any way and you do not have to do anything he requests or demands of you, you may however, do any or all of the above things if you so choose. If I decide that I need to modify these rules and or add more I will do so as the need arises.
Dave turned to Shannon. Do you understand these rules?
Yes. She said.
Do you have any questions regarding these rules?
No. was her response.
Dave looked at his watch. Then he turned to me. Do you understand them and do you have any questions?
What constitutes excessive damage? I asked.
Cuts or scrapes that cannot be covered with a standard three inch band-aid bandage. More blood than would ordinarily result from a wound that might be covered with a standard three inch band-aid bandage. Third degree burns of any kind and any activity that she thinks might result in a broken bone or concussion. Any other questions?
I couldnt think of any, but I was sure that I had them rolling around inside of my head, they just wouldnt fall out.
Dave looked at his watch again.
Take off your clothes cunt.
Get me a belt dick head.
What? I asked surprised.
That fucking leather thing that holds your pants up. Get me one.
I got a brown leather dress belt about an inch wide and handed it to Dave.
Grab your ankles and spread your legs slut.
Whoa Dave, what are you going to do. I asked concerned.
Shut the fuck up dick head and stay out of this. I am using aversion therapy to teach this cunt to obey the rules.
Wa&hellip, What rule did she break?
Not that it is any of your fucking concern, but when she said that she understood the rules and had no questions, she had five minutes to get out of her clothes. I gave her eight before I told her to strip.
Shannon was now naked, her ass was in the air and her legs were a little over three feet apart. Dave placed the buckle of the belt in his right palm and wrapped the belt around his hand until about eighteen inches remained hanging down. Then he stood ninety degrees to Shannon and swung hard, right across her ass, leaving a bright red stripe across her butt and she yelped. Again the leather whistled through the air and bit into her tender flesh. Again and again he swung and each time a little yelp escaped her lips. After about fifteen licks Dave stood behind Shannon and like a fast pitch softball pitcher swung the belt around and up between her legs, the leather popped against her pussy and she screamed. Four more times he swung brutally up into her cunt. Twice he must have connected with her clit because her knees buckled and her scream contained a groaning sound as well.
Woof watched all the commotion with attitude of detached curiosity.
My mouth was moving but nothing came out. Finally I was able to recover my voice and I said, "Let me get this strait, You would let marry her but not date her?" I asked incredulously. "Yes," he stated simply. I stared at him a few moments and scratched my head. I need your answer right now, yes or no." he demanded. "Right now?" I exclaimed. "You got thirty seconds he said looking at his watch. What is your decision? Fifteen seconds." OK, ... I'll marry her, but what if Shannon...
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Shannon stood nervously in the dean’s office, then approached the middle-aged woman who had her back turned to the door, staring intently into a computer screen. A set of earphones sat atop the woman’s head and she typed furiously as monotone words drifted out of the cups.?Excuse me,? Shannon said, ?Excuse me, ma’am???Hmm?? the woman turned from her work, ?Yes, may I help you???Hi, I’d like to see the dean please.??I’m afraid he’s busy at the moment. What is this regarding???It’s about a test...
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Introduction: An Older man dominates wife If you havent read the story entitled Shannon then you might want to read it before you read Shannon II. You will have a better understanding of the characters and the continuity of the story. I had filmed Daves brothers bachelor party and as I have said before I dont like Dave and never have. Hes arrogant, boastful and a royal asshole, he also happens to own Shannon. I say he owns her, because she insists that he does. As a result Dave dominates,...
It had been a week since the incident with Shannon happened. I could not believe that, (a) she had never said anything to anyone, nothing happened that night that I thought would actually happen, and (c) my step daughter never said a word to me. It led me to believe either Shannon never said anything to my step daughter Karson or she (Karson) knew about it and simply hadn't said anything to me.So when Karson told me that Shannon was going to be spending the night on Friday I was curious if...
TeenIt was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after 22 years of marriage. At my age, it wasn’t easy to find female companionship — at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn’t rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable. My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a medium-sized...
It was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after twenty-two years of marriage. At my age, it wasn't easy to find female companionship -- at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn't rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable. My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a...
Introduction: girl is dominated by older man There is a blow job describe near the end of this story and there is a clip that inspired the writing of the Shannon series. There are links to the clip at the end of this post, (Shannon II part B) that will direct you to the clip. To me it is one of the hottest things I have ever seen. Shannon II part B The anniversary We were headed in the direction of what looked to be a barn. What confused me was the side walls seem to be constructed of...
I had filmed Dave’s brother’s bachelor party and as I have said before I don’t like Dave and never have. He’s arrogant, boastful and a royal asshole, he also happens to “own” Shannon. I say he “owns” her, because she insists that he does. As a result Dave dominates, abuses and humiliates Shannon sexually. At the bachelor party she was made to have sex with two dogs and then fuck the entire room full of men. In the first story I had written that slut Shannon, visually reminded me of the...
Shannon was my executive assistant and as vibrant and gorgeously sexy as she was, she was not to be messed with when it came to sexual innuendos. Shannon let it be known right off the bat, after she caught me admiring her posterior as she sauntered out of my office one day that she was very much spoken for.I hated Shannon because she was cute, and because she knew it. She stood only about four foot ten and probably didn’t weigh much more than 98 pounds. She had long brown hair that hung down to...
Office SexShannon II part B “The anniversary” We were headed in the direction of what looked to be a barn. What confused me was the side walls seem to be constructed of concrete block. I had never seen a CBS barn before, but then again I hadn’t seen too many barns. We passed some large dog runs, and the canines yapped at us as we passed. I figured that there were around five or six dogs to a run and there were three runs. We walked in from the bright sunshine into the cool dim interior of the...
"Hey honey, I'm home." I said as I tossed my jacket on the couch. "In the kitchen baby." Walking into the kitchen I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer. Shannon was at the sink preparing dinner and I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug and nuzzled her neck. Then I took the cold beer can and pressed it to her left nipple and watched pucker and harden. Even after almost two years I have still have not gotten used to the sight of my...
I saw her laying out at the apartment pool on her stomach. She had on a very skimpy and very revealing bikini, with the strings of her bikini top undone.She was super focused on her cell phone, so she did not see me approaching. I took up a lounging position on a pool-side chase lounge chair, about ten feet from her and proceeded to strip out of my shirt.She glanced in my direction, then quickly returned her attention to her cell phone. After a few minutes, I jumped into the pool and swam a few...
True"Alright, men, quiet down and grab some pine!" The bellowing voice of Coach Roy Dietz boomed throughout the locker room. The muscular players on the Fulsom High football team obediently gathered around their stoic leader. Coach Dietz was a big man. He stood six foot three and was a powerfully built two hundred thirty-five pounds. In his college days, he had been an all Southeastern Conference linebacker. A knee injury derailed his NFL career in only his rookie season. Many feel, he...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Chapter VIII is the final chapter of Book III, and hence, the end of "Dani's Story." It is rated X - but a nice 'X.' How else would the saga end? Please be of appropriate age or be gone! Dani's Story Book III - Decisions Chapter VIII - The Ninth and Tenth Days by sissystevie I awoke to a gentle...
“James…James………JAMES!” I snapped back to reality, “Eh What?!?!” very nervous and very aware that I got caught staring. “Close ya mouth sweetie; you’re starting to drool. I want a full briefing and my usual coffee in 45 minutes” Shannon issued the command with firmness and yet just a hint of sultriness and seduction that had me wrapped around her finger from the moment she hired me 8 months ago. My name is James and I’m a 21-year-old undergraduate working on my degree in...
Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...
I'd been married almost fifteen years. And I finally grew tired of the same bullshit. I'd been dealing with a very prude, non-sexual and vanilla behaving wife. The occasions we would have sex, it'd be over and done in ten to fifteen minutes. She'd get hers, whether I was doing her orally or using fingers, and then beg me to fuck her. The minute I'd get in, thrust a couple of times, I'd hear the same time."Oh God. I want you to cum so bad. Can you do it? Are you ready?" and if I didn't,...
TeenShannon was only 18 but she already had a reputation of being a bit of slapper around the estate, It had started when she was suspended from school for sucking a lad of in the school car park. and she didn't help her reputation by the skimpy, tight-fitting clothes she wore down pub on a friday and saturday night. Shannon had been with her boyfriend Nick for nearly a year now, he was nice enough and had his own car but he was fucking boring and Shannon craved a bit of excitement. It was Friday...
The Confession Ch. 09Graduation day finally came and the two boys received their diplomas, after the ceremony was over Jack's parents invited Kelly and Kevin over to the house for cake and ice cream. Kelly agreed and followed them to their home; Jack got a moment alone with Kelly out in the driveway when Kevin announced he had to use the bathroom."I think today would be a good time to tell them we are in love." Jack said."No Jack let's wait a little longer." She said as if she was...
Shannon looked in the bathroom mirror as her stepson fucked her from behind. Her heavy DD breasts were being clumsily groped through the blouse. A few buttons fell off and a big breast was revealed. His thick shaft stretched her mature pussy as David thrust in and out. Rapidly. His big balls slapped against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed her big ass out to meet his eager thrusts. His hands on her hips, grabbing her love handles, as his tempo increases his hard cock twitches inside...
About one year later, I found myself no longer as close of friends with Justin, which was to blame on him and I attending different schools. I was starting to hang out with Shannon a little more, but mainly late at night when my friends and I would decide to hang out with her. One day, while txting Shannon, we began to plan hanging out and going to a movie. Since it was getting late, we couldn’t go that same night so we made these plans for another day. Finally the day arrived, and I was...
Ever Notice?Ever notice, while you are in the middle of doing something really stupid—usually just as you have passed the point of no return, and will have to live with the consequences anyway—that you have this moment of clarity, seeing for yourself just how boneheaded your actions were? Usually (in my case anyway) the stupidity was all about trying to impress a girl.I was sliding down the center handrail on the long set of stairs that lead up from the parking lot to the front entrance of the...
We met through an online ad, which, by today’s standards, is neither surprising nor uncommon. But this was some years ago, and I was as hesitant about answering her ad as she was about placing it. The fact that I DID was, as it turned out, nothing short of serendipity--for once I met her, I knew I had to have her. What I didn’t (and couldn’t) know, however, was how much she would risk in order to be with me. The ad said something to the effect of: Bi-curious petite blonde female, 24, mommy of...
LesbianBridesmaid in a wedding IIII was headed back to the barn when I saw a bookstore.Bookstore? Here?I thought I'd go in and check it out. Although they had books it was more of an adult bookstore.A very young girl greeted me, hi let me know if you need help finding anything.I looked at her and looked again. What is she fif(t)een? She had a b(a)by face, blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses and what a body. 34 D tits that stood straight out, pointy nipples, a 22” waist, a thin line of hair at her pussy...
I slept late the next morning, so late in fact that rather than my awakening James pleasantly, it was he who awoke me in such a fashion. I climbed from the depths of my slumber with a mounting feeling of pleasure, and by the time my eyes fluttered open, they did so to look around with considerable joy. James had carefully pulled the sheets from me and pushed me onto my back, then had spread my legs apart and crawled down between them. He smiled up at me from their juncture, where he was...
Throughout the month of May, as my nuptials approached, I became increasingly nervous. It seemed as if things were piling up all around me and I had nowhere to turn. This, of course, was the sheerest nonsense since both Siobhan and James had shouldered a burden worthy of Atlas. By the time June arrived I was wishing the entire thing was over and done with, yet more difficulties arrived daily. In retrospect, with the wisdom of age and the experience of other weddings, I can now say with...
I woke up and saw the bright, yellow orb of sun shining in through the broad windows. It was warm, and the thin linen was wrapped around my sweaty body. I was glad I remembered to remove the tight corset before going to sleep, and I was now wearing only the thigh-high stockings and garters. A pair of white panties lay on the floor where they had been hastily thrown. My fake breasts were still firmly attached, and I had already grown somewhat accustomed to the extra weight on my chest. Lying...
CrossdressingMen, as do animals, have always had more than one mate. He that believes otherwise is blind, for he denies what is before his own eyes, in favor of what others tell him. Monogamy is an invention of those that would seek to control your every action. They would, if they could, control even the number of times a man relieves himself in a day. Guard against those that dictate/legislate their morality upon others. They have rules so that they do not have to think, question, or choose for...
Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...
“Strip.” Rufus barked at him. His voice shook Noel but he found his fingers automatically reaching for his belt. Carol stepped forward and brushed his hands away and began to complete the task herself. “Let me help you strip for my lover,” Carol told him. Noel sighed. “Bloody hell you are excited aren’t you?” She told him when she saw the state of his boxer shorts. Rufus smiled. Carol helped him out of his shirt and then picked up a small towel and laid it down on the floor at the foot of...
CuckoldAnother flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...
A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...
Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...
Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...
Oh by the Seven, here it comes. Always the same. First the pain - The pale hand interrupts Daenerys Targaryen's thoughts as it strikes her soft young ass, causing her piercing green eyes to shoot open and a helpless moan to escape her pink, wet lips. The steam from the nearby hot bath was making her platinum blonde hair stick to her creamy skin, but she hardly noticed the glistening slickness of her body. She was focused on the spanking she was receiving, and what she knew came after. -...
The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...
My Brother, My Sister Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II It was too much for me and I started to squirt hot semen, drenching my panties as he squeezed me harder. Tom grunted and pushed himself into me as far as he could; I was pushed hard against the kitchen counter as my brother's throbbing cock exploded deep in my ass. I felt the head of his penis pulsate against my prostate as he shot stream after stream of hot semen deep inside me. I continued to eject jets of come as...
Replacement Therapy 111 By Cheryl Lynn This is fiction and any resemblance to any person, place or thing is coincidental. Please read prior chapters before this as they are crucial to understanding this chapter. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Other use is strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome on grammar and story line; however, derogatory comments over the treatment of characters or story plot are not. Author may be contacted at...
Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...
Shannon was an officer of the Intergalactic policing agency, charged with maintaining the peace across the cosmos. She took her job very seriously, and was very young to reach detective. Being a woman also made her have to push harder then most. Though the human race had advanced far sexism had been hard to drive out, and still existed in male dominated fields like policing. Shannon also had to be more stern to be taken seriously. She was short, standing at four 11. She was in good shape, with...
Shannon Kelly - Welcome BiographyHi, my name is Shannon Liza Kelly, red hair, amber eyes and I am 5 feet tall. 90 pounds of pure dynamite! 32-DD-19-29. I am a volatile combination of one half-Irish and one half-Italian. I have been modeling for about 5 years and loving every minute of it! I have appeared in various calendars, posters, and magazines, including Playboy Playmates 2000 Search! I was recently at the Ujena Bikini Jam 15 in beautiful Cancun, where I was a World Finalist, winning the...
Amidst these pleasant interludes, one event continued looming ever larger in my thoughts, and that event was James’ and my pending nuptials. All through that late Winter and early Spring, Siobhan was gaily leading the charge upon the necessary preparations, and it seemed as if a veritable army of people were becoming involved. Certainly, the volume of my personal correspondence multiplied, as did the number of people involved! I had already received assurances from Mrs. Pembleton that she...
Captian FeatherSword III This is a new chapter of Capt. FeatherSword. Ed is tested one more time. Does he win and surrive the test? Nancy Boyd was slinking through the alley behind an old warehouse. She saw what looked like an old Mom and Pop type store. It was not. It belonged to a witch. She left the look to keep all but the serious seekers away.Witch Lillian or as she was sometimes called Witchie Poo, only would work White Magic. She only cast spells that helped or healed instead...
As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...
Type III means masturbating by thrusting into a pil low or other soft object. Four percent of the women masturbated in this way, plus an additional 1.2 percent who could also Masturbate in other ways. Type III is similar to Type II because it is done on the stomach, in the face down position, but different because no hands are used. It involves thrusting or grinding the pelvis, especially the pubic area, against the bed, some pillows, or a clump of clothing, or perhaps moving one’s body in...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
I’m not a big fan of weddings, probably because my own failed so miserably, but it’s such a needless expense. You would be hard pressed to find a couple who, 3-5 years post nuptial, couldn’t use the money in a better way. But that being said, the custom will never change and girls from 6 to 60 dream of the day they walk down the aisle with Prince Charming waiting at the foot of the altar with all their family and friends as witnesses. I married my High School sweetheart, a relationship, we...
(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her long latent sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...