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It was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after twenty-two years of marriage. At my age, it wasn't easy to find female companionship -- at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn't rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable.

My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a medium-sized application development company: Radius. The only problem was that I didn't actually design things any more. I supervised. I could have done without the management side of the job.

There were quite a few pretty young things around my workplace, but I discovered early on that they weren't interested in an old fart like me. Except for the obvious gold-diggers, which I soon learned to spot.

Shannon Peters was a pretty young woman. She had the sort of nice girl-next-door looks that have always appealed to me. Her manner of dress served to emphasize these looks. She was always well-dressed in a neat but sedate style. Her pageboy haircut also amplified the girl-next-door impression. She had very black hair, blue eyes and a very light complexion with freckles -- the unusual coloration that's known as "black Irish." I discovered that she was indeed of Irish descent. Her maiden name was Mahoney, which she hated. She was on the petite side, about 5' 3" or 5" 4", and she was, I guessed, about thirty-five, at least twenty years younger than I. She was also married and therefore out of reach.

Shannon worked in our marketing department. She was intelligent and very good at her job. I discovered this in working with her on several projects. Working with Shannon was always a delight. About three years ago, we were working together. She was putting together a sales package for a new product. I knew from previous experience that Shannon was very bright and very professional. On this new project, my previous experience of her was reinforced.

Since I had been in charge of the software's development, Shannon needed input from me. She was very careful to be sure that her material would communicate the details of the application without misrepresenting it.

Since the deadline was approaching, we found ourselves working over the holidays. We were in my office on the 29th of December. Neither of us wanted to be there, but we didn't have much choice. I noticed that Shannon was unusually quiet and somewhat morose, so I asked if anything was troubling her.

"It's just that my husband is out of town on a business trip," she said, "and he called last night to say that he wouldn't be home for new year's. So I'll probably just sit in front of the TV and watch the Time's Square celebration. Or something equally boring."

"I don't have any plans either. Why don't you come over to my place for dinner, and we'll watch the tube together?"

"That sounds nice, but..."

"Shannon, I said 'dinner'-- nothing more. OK?"

"Oh hell, why not?" She paused and looked down for a moment. "I'll need directions, though. Actually, I'll just take a cab. Don usually drives, so I never bothered to get a licence."

"Why don't you let me pick you up?" I'd bought a new Mercedes CLK 430 coupe in September, and I admit that I loved showing it off. "I'd be happy to provide transportation, Madame."

Shannon smiled for the first time that afternoon. "OK. What time?"

She gave me her address, and we agreed that I'd pick her up at 6:00 on the 31st. The rest of the afternoon went very well. Shannon was able to concentrate much better, and we finished our work early.

"Shannon, that was terrific. Why don't you let me buy you a drink at Charlie's place? Then I'll give you a lift home, now that I know the address."

"Well... all right. But just a quick one. I'm expecting a call from my mother at about 7:30."

We packed up and headed for the bar. It was actually called "The Continental," but everybody in our company simply called it "Charlie's." Charlie was the bartender and manager, and this afternoon he was the only person in the place when we went in. He greeted us warmly.

"I'm glad to see some people. Christ, it's been so slow today. The thing is that not many people actually live around here, so when the offices are closed nothing happens. I'm probably going to close early, but I'll happily look after you. How about the corner booth?"

We sat down and ordered a couple of Charlie's specials. He's one of the few guys I know who actually makes a gin gimlet from scratch. The only problem is that they always taste like more. So we each ended up having a couple of them.

Away from the office, Shannon was an even better conversationalist. It turned out that she had many interests, among them rabbits, of all things. She'd bred them when she was a kid and really wanted a hutch. The problem was that she and the absent Don lived in a high-rise apartment in a building that frowned on both pets and children. I, of course, never had the slightest interest in rabbits. In fact, the only things I admired about them were their sexual habits, but Shannon made rabbits sound interesting.

We finished our drinks and headed for the parking garage. I was happy to see that Shannon was suitably impressed by my car. She managed to "ooh" and "ah" at all the right things as I drove her home. She lived across town, and traffic was heavy. The trip took a while, but we finally pulled up in front of her building.

"Thanks, Mike," Shannon said. "Thanks for being a friend when I really need one." She leaned across the console, gave me a peck on the cheek, then got out and walked inside quickly.

New Year's Eve 1999 was on a Friday. It finally arrived. I planned to do one of my favourite meals -- a meat fondue. It's a dish I've loved since I spent some time in Switzerland. I'd prepared the broth and the sauces the previous day, and I had a more than ample supply of beef tenderloin. I figured we could have the fondue in the living room in front of the fireplace. It would be nice and cheerful. The potatoes were cut and ready for the deep fryer. The bubbly was in the fridge. It was time to pick up Shannon.

When I got to Shannon's place, she was in the lobby waiting for me. She gave me another peck on the cheek. I escorted her to the car, and we drove away. On the way to my place, Shannon talked a mile a minute. I suspect that she was a bit nervous. I know that I was. We arrived at my house and pulled into the driveway.

We went inside. I took Shannon's coat and hung it beside mine. Then I turned around and got my first real look at her that evening. I think I must have been staring like an idiot. She looked fantastic. She was wearing the sort of outfit she never wore at the office. She was dressed for once in formfitting clothes -- a black sweater and a black leather skirt. They emphasized all the right points of her little form. The skirt had a big zipper in front that went from waist to hem. She looked sexy as hell.

I said, "Shannon, you look..."

"Different?" She smiled and did a little pirouette.

"Absolutely gorgeous," I managed to finish.

"I don't always dress like a nun," she said.

"I never thought that you did. At the office, you always look..."


"Yeah. Businesslike."

"Mike, that's business. This isn't. By the way, this place looks great. Why don't you get us a drink and show me around?"

I got our drinks, and I gave her the tour. I was surprised and pleased at her reaction to my art collection. Over the years, I've collected some choice works by Canadian artists, many of whom are my friends. Shannon had a very good eye and immediately gravitated to the best piece. I was getting used to being surprised by her.

I put the potatoes in the deep fryer and lit the fondue pot. Soon supper was ready. We sat on the chesterfield in front of the fire and ate off the coffee table. Shannon managed to put away a surprising amount of food for such a little girl. Another surprise.

After we finished our fondue, we were both fairly stuffed. I suggested that we have our coffee and think about desert later. She agreed. Then she asked if she could use my phone.

"Of course you can. Use the one in my office upstairs. That will give you more privacy."

"OK, but I'm just going to check my messages. Don was supposed to call today, and I haven't heard from him yet."

Shannon went upstairs while I cleared up and got the coffee and cognac. When she came back downstairs, she was very quiet and crestfallen.

"Shannon, what's wrong?"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "That bastard! He doesn't call all day, and then he leaves me a message to tell me that he won't be home until next weekend. Fuck him! Fuck him!"

Shannon dissolved in tears. I took her in my arms and held her. She cried on my shoulder as though her heart were breaking. I cuddled her and stroked her hair for what seemed a long time. Finally, she regained her control. She looked up at me.

"Thanks, Mike. I'm sorry to cast a pall over such a lovely evening."

"Shannon, in your shoes I'm sure I'd be in even worse shape."

She grinned. "But I'm not wearing shoes."

"OK, in your stockings then." I grinned back at her, happy that she found some humour in the situation. "Let's go back to the living room and sit in front of the fire."

We sat down. Shannon looked at me. I was afraid from her expression that she was going to cry again. "Mike, please hold me."

Once again, I took her in my arms. She was very quiet but at least was not crying. I was grateful for that. She looked up at me and gazed into my eyes. I did the only natural thing. I kissed her.

At first it was a gentle, almost brotherly kiss, but that changed. Gradually, we found ourselves in a more passionate embrace, and our tongues found each other. Shannon was a wonderful kisser.

At last, we broke the kiss. Shannon looked down, not meeting my eyes. "Mike, I've never cheated on Don."

"Has he cheated on you."

She looked at me. "I think so. I'm getting more suspicious all the time."

"You mean all the signs are there."

She nodded sadly.

"Shannon, I have to tell you something." She looked at me again. "I'm not into casual relationships and certainly not with you. I don't know what's happening, but I felt something just now that I haven't felt in years."

She gave me a little half smile. "I know what you mean. I did, too. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"No, certainly not."

"I know that you're a widower. I've heard that much at work. What happened?"

"Janet was sick for a very long time. When she finally died, it was almost a relief. At least she's not suffering any more."

"But the word around the office is that you don't date -- that you're kind of a loner. Why?"

"Oh, I've dated a few times, but nothing has ever worked out. I'm out of practice, I guess."

She smiled. "You're certainly not too rusty in the kissing department."

I smiled back. "It's the company."

She kissed me again. Soon we were back to the same sort of passionate embrace as before. When we finally stopped, Shannon sighed.

"I'm feeling dizzy. Do you mind if I lie down with my head in your lap?"

"Of course not."

I scooted over, and Shannon stretched out with her head in my lap. My arms naturally went around her. She grinned up at me.

"This feels so cozy. I haven't had this feeling in a long time."

"Me too."

I bent over and lifted her a bit. I kissed her. This time it went on even longer. I was holding her with my left arm, and my right hand found its way to her little body. I began caressing her, at first her back and then down to her legs. I felt that damned zipper. My hand moved down and I found the tab. It was just too damned tempting. I had to find out how the thing worked. Slowly, I began inching the zipper upward.

When I reached her mid-thigh, Shannon reached down and gently held my hand. She pulled back a bit and gave me a serious look. Suddenly, it seemed that she'd made up her mind. She released my right hand, put her arm around me and began kissing me again. I sensed that I'd been given permission.

Very slowly, my hand continued its journey upward. The zipper slid over her stomach and finally reached her waist. With a final tug, I reached the end of its track. Her skirt came apart and fell open, lying to either side. I gently stroked her thighs. Gradually, I gently touched her sex. I felt moisture even through her panties and pantyhose.

I drew back and looked at Shannon. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing slowly and deeply. I slid my thumbs into her waistband. She lifted up to assist me, and I quickly pulled both panties and hose down her legs and off her feet. I guess that I was afraid that she might change her mind.

I kissed her ankles. Very slowly I worked my way up her legs, kissing and gently licking. When I reached her thighs, she separated them -- just a little a first and then wider. Her breath was beginning to come in little gasps. I continued to kiss my way upward. I reached her sex. She had opened her legs as far as she could. Her centre glistened in the firelight. I kissed it, and she gasped.

My tongue felt its way all over her pussy. Finally, I quit teasing her and began to lick her clitoris. Shannon began to buck toward my face. She was making little mewing sounds. Suddenly she tensed all over and moaned. She was coming.

When Shannon's body relaxed, I began eating her again. It just seemed the thing to do. Soon she was making little noises again. This time, when she tensed it wasn't quite as violent as the first time. I continued to eat.

Soon Shannon was bucking and mewing again. Her movements became almost violent. She tensed, screamed and went limp. I looked up at her. She was out cold.

I wondered if I could get the rest of her clothes off without awakening her. I thought it was worth a try. As gently as I could, I removed her sweater and bra. Her small breasts seemed the prettiest things I'd ever seen. Her pink nipples were erect, reminding me that she was probably a little chilly. Reluctantly, I took a throw from the back of the chesterfield and covered her. Shannon's comfort seemed more important than my voyeurism. She looked like an angel sleeping in my arms. She remained asleep for at least 20 minutes.

At last she opened her eyes, smiled up and me and stretched. The throw slipped off her shoulders. She looked down at herself. "How did I get naked?"

"It was magic. The clothes just seemed to melt away."

"Yeah. Right. My God, what did you do to me? I've never come that hard. I actually passed out."

"I hope it was to your liking, Madame."

"It was fantastic, but please don't do that too often. Not like that. I think you could kill me. But what a way to go!" She frowned a bit. "Don hasn't done that to me in years, and he was never that good at it. But the bastard certainly doesn't mind if I go down on him. He even has a sick joke about it. He calls it a '68'. He says, 'How about a 68? You eat me, and I'll owe you one.'"

Shannon looked as though she were about to cry again. I pulled her close to me and kissed her neck. "Don't cry, pretty Shannon. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

She pushed away and looked at me very seriously. "Don't say things like that unless you mean them. I couldn't take that."

Now I was the one in danger of tears. "I just realized how very much I meant what I said. I suspect that I've been falling in love with you for a while. Tonight when you cried I passed the point of no return. However, there's a big obstacle that could prevent any relationship between us -- the difference in our ages."

Shannon looked at me quizzically. "How old do you think I am?"

"I'd have guessed your age at about thirty-five."

"Actually you're very close. I'll be thirty-five in February. I'm a Pisces."

"I'm twenty years older than you. Don't you think that's too much of a difference in ages?"

"Not the way that you just satisfied me, grandpa."

She kissed me again. For a very long time.

Finally, I broke the clinch and said, "Lets go upstairs and get comfortable."

She gave me a pouty little girl look. "Why Mr. Johnson, what are you suggesting? Surely you're not trying to get me into your bed."

"Of course I am. Can you walk, or do I have to carry you?"

"I can walk."

"All right, you go first. I want to enjoy the view."

Shannon preceded me up the stairs. The view was spectacular. Don Peters had to be the world's prize fool to mistreat this beautiful little lady. I vowed to myself again not to make the same mistake.

"Turn left at the top of the stairs, Shannon. Then just go straight ahead."

We entered the bedroom. I turned down the bed and tucked her in. Within a few seconds, I had my clothes off and had joined her. We came together, cuddling and kissing.

"Nekkid cuddles are the best," she sighed.

"They certainly are."

I was hard as a rock. I opened the drawer of the night stand. I hoped that I still had some condoms left in there. It had been a long time since I looked.

"You don't have to worry, Mike. I'm on the pill. Don doesn't want any kids."

I quickly moved between her legs and lowered myself into her, entering slowly and savouring every inch of her vagina. She sighed. I kissed her and began a slow rhythm with deep strokes. Soon our movements became more frantic. I sensed that she was about to come, and I knew sure as hell that I was. If only I could hold out just a little longer...

Shannon cried out and grabbed me in a bear hug. I exploded with a force that felt like my balls were coming out my penis. It was my turn to nearly lose consciousness. Slowly I withdrew and pulled her into my arms.

"Mike, that was the most fantastic lovemaking. I'm afraid to believe it, but it seems as though we have perfect chemistry together. Will it always be this good?"

"Yes, if I have anything to say about it."

We fell asleep snuggling. One of my last conscious thoughts was that we'd missed New Year's. And I didn't give a crap. I'd had the best night of my life.

The next morning I awoke to a fantastic feeling. I looked down my body to the most fantastic sight. There was Shannon's angelic face with my penis in her mouth. I moaned. She looked up and me and smiled.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

Shannon straddled me and guided my erection into her vagina. Then she proceeded to fuck my brains out. Once again we both came incredibly hard. In fact, we both lost consciousness. I awoke a few minutes later to find a sleeping Shannon lying on top of me. My dick had shriveled and slipped out of her. She was still dripping on my balls. I felt perfectly content. As I cuddled her, I thought I was the luckiest bastard on earth. I drifted off.

I was awakened by Shannon's stirring. She was still lying on top of me in my arms.

"Precious, don't you think we should get up?"

"No," she said in a very sleepy voice, "I want to stay here forever. In your arms."

"And you will, little girl. You will."

We did eventually get up. Then we took a shower together. As you might guess, that fact delayed our getting dressed. Eventually, we were forced out of the shower when the hot water gave out. Neither of us really felt like getting dressed, so I grabbed a couple of my T-shirts and some sweat pants. I put on the pants and a T-shirt. Shannon settled for just a shirt. My shirt came to mid-thigh on her. She looked adorable and about 16 or 17. I felt like a dirty old man. It was a great feeling.

I made coffee while Shannon cooked up some eggs and bacon. We ate at the kitchen table. We took turns feeding each other like school kids. At last we finished our breakfast and most of the pot of coffee.

"Shannon, we have some decisions to make. I don't think either one of us is interested in an extramarital affair. I want you, and I want you out in the open, not sneaking around. How about it?"

She looked into her coffee mug for a while. "I love you, Mike. I do very much love you. I guess that I've been slowly coming to the realization that my marriage was over. I just didn't want to admit it. I didn't know what to do if I left Don. Hell, I guess he left me a long time ago in many ways. I'm tired of being a convenience for him. I won't do that again for any man."

I noticed for the first time that she wasn't wearing her rings. Some time between supper and now they'd disappeared. She noticed where I was looking.

"They're in my purse. I'm not going to wear that bastard's rings any more. I seriously thought about flushing them down the toilet. Instead I think that I'll just leave them in the apartment with a 'Dear Don' letter."

"Do you mean," I said, daring to hope.

"Yes, you silly old fart. If you want me, you've got me."

Now it was my turn to cry.

We finally did get dressed. I drove her to her apartment. I helped her pack some suitcases and carried them to the car. I put the suitcases in the trunk, and we drove home.

Home. What a great word when you have someone wonderful to share it with.

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This story is a work of fiction, not inspired by any real-life experience or based at any other source other than my mind. and an old idea I had from a collaboration I did long time ago... all characters are fictional and created by my imagination This is my first story attempt at this site, sorry for my English not being awesome. If you want to help me in betareading grounds, I would be delighted. Thanks and let's go then..When my son Steve started to get bad grades, the school called me for a...

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Fucked My Stepsister Pregnant Paid for Abortion

In high school my stepsister and I constantly found ourselves with a lot of idle time alone together. We’d come home from school and it would just be us for a few hours. Both of our parents (her dad, my mom) traveled a lot, so we often had the house to ourselves on the weekends. We’d throw parties, have friends over. For the most part we got along.Late one night following al party, she came into my room just as I was getting into bed and asked if she could sleep on the floor. A friend of hers...

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The BlizzardChapter 7

I pulled my car into our driveway and parked beside the Odyssey. Inside I found Andrea sitting in the front room. The look on her face told me something was wrong. “Andie -- what’s the matter?” “We need to talk.” Uh-oh, I thought. “Talk about what?” “Casey -- I’ve been feeling ... odd for the past week or so.” “Does this have to do with fainting at dinner last Friday?” She nodded. “I’ve had other episodes of light-headedness since then. I haven’t passed out, but I’ve felt that I might....

3 years ago
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Another online hookup

Last evening after a nice long warm bubble bath went on line just to chat with a few of my friends about how naughty we have been, Was getting turned on by hearing what the other GuRLS were up to I checked out a few of the on-line hookup sites to see if anyone was in need of being serviced. Sent emails in response to a couple of post. All responded but one was just what I was in need of. He was a trucker who was broke down and staying in a motel not far from where I live. After a few email...

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Pissed OFF

I came home from work today around 5pm. As I walked in, I hear moaning coming from my room. So, quietly I walk in with phone in hand ready to record whatever I see. So, there in my room I see my girlfriend and my neighbor. He was fucking her and neither noticed me. I cleared my throat and both jumped like lightning had just hit them. I said well I see why I could not get you o n the phone. I quietly walk over to my drawer and pull out my gun. I warn both of them if you move, I will shoot. I...

2 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 1

In a way, I should be thankful, since during the next two or three days I didn’t think much about my lost, loved ones. I was so sick from headache and continuous vomiting that I was not able to form a single coherent thought. Okay, I would have liked to beat that bastard - Mr. Greg Older, who pulled me out from my self-destructive misery - but he was too clever for that, and he made his wife Laura take care of me. So, instead of beating anyone, I found myself apologizing to her all the time,...

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A Rite of Passage

The following stems from a conversation I had with a young (early twenties) work colleague who is currently staying in ‘digs’ with a middle-aged divorcee/spinster (I’m not certain which) who has a penchant for late-night parties with a couple of similarly aged female friends. My colleague was complaining that they made a lot of noise at these parties and that they went on until the early hours. I asked whether he’d been invited to join and, being the naturally hesitant fellow that he is, he...

1 year ago
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Middle school classmate Jennifer

Middle school classmate JenniferJennifer and I met while in shop class and I knew something was up from the start, as I kept catching her staring at me beginning of the semester. I remember thinking Jennifer was way out of my league, hung out with the preppy teens and was so hot. She had golden tan skin, long brown hair usually in a pony tail, blue eyes with budding breasts, and an amazing ass. She mostly wore skin tight jeans or tight tan capri pants, either of which perfectly wrapped around...

2 years ago
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Ashley did have just a touch of ‘phat’ but I really thought it just made her even sexier. I think the term is ‘THICC’ but I’m nearly a boomer, so what do I know. Her breasts were quite full so I rolled a bit closer and, giving her breast a squeeze I also took that incredible tasting nipple in my mouth and used my tongue to fondle it. I did this while toying with her bellybutton. Ashley lightly moaned. She liked it, but I was getting the ‘talk’ vibe. I moved up and accepted a kiss, then...

1 year ago
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The Education of Jasmine Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Jasmine’s Bath Jasmine walked into the bathroom, it was one of her favourite rooms in the house. It was completely feminine. The walls were a dusty rose shade, complemented with gold fixtures, black rugs and huge black fluffy towels hanging on a gold rack beside a large ivory bathtub. She walked from the bedroom nude into the bathroom, watching herself in the mirror behind the tub. ‘Not bad for an old girl.’ She thought while glancing at her reflection before bending over to turn...

3 years ago
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Journey with a surprise

This is a happening I like to share that how luck favors. I was staying in a locality in ban galore where a aunty by name Sudha used to stay opposite our house since I was of the reserved kind although she used to visit our house during festivals there was not much interaction she was beautiful with the hour glass statistics. After my graduation we changed our locality for a place near my work and we lost contact with her family. I could not believe that I had an opportunity to see this beauty...

2 years ago
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I spotted one of my daughter’s old friends trying to remember her name. She was the sultry type that always looked sexy no matter what she wore and eyes glazed as though she was on something. I would see her hanging out with a group that liked to party all of them just as or even more good looking. I remembered her name, it was Brooke. I had never coached her as she was not an athlete. The soft body of a porn star with a soft pear shaped ass, small almost undetectable sexy pooch belly, and...

1 year ago
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Hot to handle

I am sure all of you must have read the story (I did seduce) I did not get any comments, don’t know if you gals/ women liked it….but that was a true story….here is a new one. With the same lady ash, my neighbor in Hyderabad India. This story is in continuation to what happened. Me and ash used to catch up as and when her hubby was out of town and I was free too.( well I have a Job too!!) It was a Friday evening, I was back at my place and ash called to say that hey hubby is going to US for a...

4 years ago
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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...

3 years ago
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An English House Party Ch 05

The house party attended an Assembly held by one of the Marquess’s neighbors. Now that Nora and Jamie were set on purchasing an estate nearby, it was the perfect opportunity for them to mingle with the local society. Jason reserved the first two dances in the first set with his fiancée. Soon the lively music and the chatter of gossip put everyone in high spirits. Hundreds of candles were lit for the occasion, casting a complimenting glow on the ladies. Penny wasn’t exempt from this and looked...

2 years ago
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Balcony Sex

We were just on vacation in South Carolina. The last two days were at Myrtle Beach which is where the story takes place. We had been in the hotel hot tub after dinner and were having adult beverages while we were in the hot tub. We had roaming hands under water as we enjoyed the warm water and bubbles.  I had my hand inside her suit rubbing the outside of her pussy and rubbing it from outside the suit. When we were alone in the tub I'd slip a hand inside the top of her suit and play with her...

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School Life Of An Innocent Boy 8211 Part 3

Hi, this is Guyanga again with my 3rd part of series -school life of an innocent boy.hope u got to read the previous two parts and enjoyed them. So I told previously about seetha madam and encounters with her during grade 10 ad 11.but after O/Ls I switched to A/Ls and went to a different section of our school.because I was in a different grade and section it was becoming increasingly difficult to meet Seetha I gave up that idea and tried to find new teachers to make friends...

4 years ago
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Morning Coffee

Sunday morning. She loved Sundays. It was her favorite day of the week. Time for coffee she thought, puttering about the house in her comfy but almost tattered pink robe that had a small hole in one pocket, and the terrycloth looked worn out and matted, much like a teddy bear that had seen one too many days in a child’s life. She opened the front door and picked up the Sunday paper that was thrown near the front walkway. Of course the plastic was wet, since it seemed the delivery kid always...

2 years ago
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My New Trainer

transsexual – oral – anal – blowjob – workout"So, do you need a spot?" she asked. Wisps of red hair, which had fallen from her pony tail, framed her face as she looked down on me."Ummm sure," I lied. The equipment at the bench press station where I was working out was designed to be used solo. With a quick flick of the wrist I could lock the bar into any safety position, if I had gotten into danger, but accidents do happen and you can't be too careful. Besides, I wasn't going to turn down help...

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The Erotic Wanderings of Lorna Zimmerman Part I

Bolting herself upright, she felt the muscles on her flat stomach tighten and relax as waves of torrent surged through her, emanating simultaneously from the two pleasure points at the base of her body. Two masculine organs tore into her vagina and moisturized anus respectively, leaving her shamelessly twitching her naked body in the open night air. Looking around her she found herself on a small, low square platform at the centre of an ancient, large, circular white marble stage in the middle...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Chloe Temple 05042021

Chloe is a flight attendant that is on her first flight after graduating, with two handsome pilots, they head to their crash pad for the night and the two pilots and her are talking shop and they tell her that she did really good for her first flight but she hasn’t done the initiation yet and joined the “Flight Club” and if she wants to and if she wants to have special access to all the Crew privileges she has to pass the initiation! She eagerly says “Yes DEFINITELY I...

3 years ago
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The Plane Crash

The Plane Crash By Keithb1002 & SlimfatherThis story is from my own imagination and fantasies.  If your not into this kind of story, go somewhere else.  If you want to contact me, please email me at [email protected] plane CrashShe was struggling in the back of the van. She struggled to get a grip on what was happening. The girl, only 18 years old had been in a small plane with her father and her uncle. The plane suddenly flew into a violent thunderstorm and was struck by lightning. The...

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Christmas Eve

Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...

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Summer Cummings The first taste

I hated summer camp. I was 17 at the end of the day. I was too old for that shit but my mother and father insisted that I go to bond with the female community. Well I bet they would regret that if they knew what I got up to. The morning upon my arrival at the summer camp I made sure I packed my secret bag of sexy goodies. A small dildo (nothing special like Johnny Silver). A half empty tube of lube and a candy thong that my friend got me for Christmas as a joke present. I snapped my case shut...

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So Night Follows DayChapter 14

“I’m very well-acquainted with the seven deadly sins. I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in. I’m proud to be a glutton, and I don’t have time for sloth. I’m greedy, and I’m angry, and I don’t care who I cross. I’m Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt. I like to have a good time and I don’t care who gets hurt. I’m Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me. I’ll live to be one hundred and go down in infamy.” -Warren Zevon, “Mr. Bad Example“ Detective Inspector Luc Tomas Allaine left his...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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Seducing Uncle Frank

This is a story that happened some time ago, when I seduced my Uncle Frank. Uncle FrankUncle Frank was married to my mum's sister. He was about 10 years older than Aunt May, and it was both their second marriages. Uncle Frank had an Italian father, French mother, three older sisters, loads of nephews and nieces, and had property in Kensington, the Algarve, and Telluride. You could say he was quite wealthy.They had met in the early 1970's, and spent their wild and wonderful life traveling the...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl India Summer Megan Rain My Moms Friend Part One

Megan Rain can’t stand her mom’s best friend India Summer who not only is a bad influence but prevents them from spending quality time with each other. Megan hears a knock at the door and with her bad luck, India walks in looking for her companion but Megan advises her she isn’t home. India takes in upon herself to go to the master bedroom and waits for her there and to preoccupy herself, she opens up her legs and begins touching her pussy. Megan walks upstairs and catches the...

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Paper Boy vs The Hot Latina

It had been a month since I got home from college. I did not want to get a serious job just after graduating. I still wanted to party and enjoy the summer. My parents had other ideas. I went on a few interviews and filled out a ton of applications. But not many people were hiring. I had worked when I was younger as a paper boy. But I had grown out of the job. Not many 6ft 4 athletic college guys riding up and down the streets throwing news papers. Plus my friends would make fun of me. Some of...

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Eva and Alex Finally Meet Part II

As they walked into the hotel Alex goes to the front desk to get the key to the room and Eva makes a quick call to her boss and lets him know she will not be in and will call him later.  Her boss seemed so upset but Eva had no room in her mind for anything else but Alex at the moment, to the point where she did not even realize that she hung up on him again.   Alex approached her and said, “Shall we go?” Eva flirtingly replied “sure!”  They enter the elevator alone and Alex...

Straight Sex
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Alice In WonderlandChapter 8

Alice told me what really happened, and it quickly became apparent to me that we needed more firepower for people who had to leave the safety of the cave. There was a practical limit, around 6, to the number of atlatl spears one person could carry, so I had to come up with something more portable. It looked like our best bet was the crossbow. One person could carry 20-25 bolts, which seemed to be the number of arrows carried by the enemy archers. We could use either flint or bronze points...

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Wow Im Bigger

Wow I'm biggerIt had been years since Wowimbig had started pumping her pussy up, slowly seeing the results get more extreme, and feeling more and more like a freak that people would be disgusted by. At first, that alone was a thrill for her; the thought that people would point and ridicule her for her huge puffy cunt. But eventually, she craved to be told by real people, what a weirdo she was. How her blown up lips were disgusting, and how she was a freak for doing that to herself. She felt...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 12 The Inmates Are Running The Asylum

September 14, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “So what did you do?” Kara asked as we cuddled in bed with Jessica late Saturday evening. “What do you THINK I did?” I asked. “Did you have your bike?” Jessica teased. “Cute, but I wasn’t on top of the babysitter!” “So?” Kara asked insistently. “Remember, there is no more wifely privilege,” I teased. “Snuggle Bear...” she growled, narrowing her eyes. “I thought I was supposed to growl!” “He’s just trying to wind you up, Kara!” Jessica laughed....

4 years ago
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Back to WorkPart 4

The next day Jenny got home and rushed to her room where she stripped and jumped on her bed eagerly waiting for Steven to get there for their daily fuck. She was even hornier than usual. When the phone rang she grabbed it and it was Steven. He had gotten in a little trouble at school and would be really late. When Jen hung the phone up she swore. But she was still horny and she lay back and idly began to play with herself, thinking about fucking Steven, and Jack and Stan and Sammy and her...

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Second Grade TeacherChapter 2

The morning and most of the afternoon passed quickly for the lovely red-headed teacher. After Alan had gone, Karen spent a little time going over her class roll, and then spent some time with the other teachers in the lounge. For the most part, they talked about how the first day had gone and how eager the children seemed to learn. Although she was the only woman at the meeting, she did not feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt rather smug in the knowledge that she would be able to teach her...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 20 Future Plans

"OK, as you all know, I've been debating how to approach this newest crisis, and I've already had you running missions concerning it," David explained to those gathered around as he strode from one end of the richly decorated though cobweb covered room, nervously flexing his hands as he spoke. Everyone listening was eager to hear what he had planned, as they knew how anxious David was about it, as well as knowing how much it would likely impact each of them personally. "As you can tell...

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Tiffanis Struggle Chapters 1 and 2

1.Tiffani and Dean had been together for three years now, one year as a “vanilla” couple spending much of our time trying to figure out what we really wanted with each other, one year living a more experimental lifestyle while away from each other with work obligations, and the last year married with her being his complete submissive. Dean had spent a lot of time guiding Tiffani through her sexual exploits, opening doors she never knew she had, and he was so proud of how far she had come.When...

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Scrolller is one of those sites that’s deceptively clean when you first land on their front page, but I obviously wouldn’t be talking about the site here at ThePornDude if it were truly a SFW distraction. Perhaps it’s a solid illustration of the old maxim, “Never judge a book by its cover.” As I type this up, the cover displayed to me is cute kittens, science fiction behemoths, and the kind of food porn your sister-in-law posts whenever she goes out to eat, not the kind of food porn that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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GND 30Chapter 31

As we’d expected, Mom was already up and about with the kids when we entered the house; they were early risers, and she was just starting them on their breakfast. I could smell the coffee machine doing its duty, so the timing was perfect. Katelyn entered the kitchen first and got the distraction mission done, loudly thanking Mom for having her kids for the night, while Mel and I sneaked across the hallway into the family room to hide out on the couch. Despite our fitful sleep on the plane,...

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