A Son’s Remembrances free porn video

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Let me give you the background to the story. I was born in the late 1930s and became a teenager in the early 50s. My family lived on Elm Street in Junction City, Kansas and my dad John Murray was a major in the army stationed at Fort Riley. My mother, Alice, was an elementary school teacher teaching third grade in the local school system. Dad had been a school teacher himself right after college and joined the National Guard as a means to pick up a few extra dollars. In 1940 his unit was mobilized as part of the US preparation for the war that was sure to involve the nation. He was a serving as a unit supply sergeant when he was selected to attend Officer Candidate School. He completed the program in early 1943 and was sent to England in preparation for the allied landings in Europe. Mom stayed with her parents at the family home in North Carolina during the entire war.

When dad returned to the states in early 1946 he decided to stay in the military and was fortunate to be selected for the regular army. He was initially stationed at Fort Hood, but then was sent to Fort Riley for the next few years and finally to Germany in 1950. Dad was stationed with an armored division there until we returned to Fort Riley in the fall of 1953 as the Korean War was winding down. In late 1954 he got orders for a thirteen month tour in Korea to work as part of a group of logisticians who were supporting the army engineers and ROK forces in rebuilding the Korean infrastructure destroyed by the war. He left for Korea right after New Year’s Day in 1955. Mom was happy with her job and decided to stay in Kansas rather than return home to North Carolina. Unfortunately, it was actually the first time they had been separated since the war and she had difficulty in adjusting without my dad.

Although she had always been a social drinker I noticed that my mother was drinking more after dad left for Korea. She would have her favorite cocktail, gin and tonic, right after she came home from school and several glasses of wine with dinner. During the week that was pretty much her normal routine, but she drank much more on the weekends, usually falling asleep on the couch in the living room. Although she would occasionally wake up and find her way to her bed, on too many mornings I would come down and she’d still be asleep on the couch.

Well, that’s the background, now to get to the specifics. One late-winter Saturday afternoon mom and the ladies of the Officers Wives Club participated in a “home tour” to each other’s homes. The intent was that the ladies would show off their homes and perhaps gain some new interior design ideas by visiting other residences. Unfortunately, virtually all of the OWC home tour stops included refreshments and "adult beverages." On this particular Saturday night I was watching Gunsmoke on TV when there was a knock on the door. I was surprised to see my mom’s friends, Mrs. McCaffery and Mrs. Pearce, standing there.

“Tommy, could you please help your mom in," Well, that’s the background, now to get to the specifics. One late-winter Saturday afternoon mom and the ladies of the Officers Wives Club participated in a “home tour” to each other’s homes. The intent was that the ladies would show off their homes and perhaps gain some new interior design ideas by visiting other residences. Unfortunately, virtually all of the OWC home tour stops included refreshments and adult beverages. On this particular Saturday night I was watching Gunsmoke on TV when there was a knock on the door. I was surprised to see my mom’s friends, Mrs. McCaffery and Mrs. Pearce, standing there.

“Tommy, could you please help your mom in," asked Mrs. McCaffery. "She’s had a little too much to drink and isn’t feeling well.” I went out to Mrs. Pearce’s ’54 Buick and saw my mother passed out in the back seat, dead drunk. I struggled to get her out of the car and, with the assistance of her friends, got mom into the house and up to her room. “We’ll get her undressed and ready for bed, Tommy; you just go back to watching TV.” A short time later they came down stairs and said that she was sleeping soundly, but asked that I look in on her before I went to bed. I got up some time later and went to my room, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed. Remembering what they had said, I looked into my parents’ room to see how my mother was doing. She had kicked off the covers and lay on her back snoring rather loudly.

As I stood at the side of her on the bed I started to think lascivious, lustful thoughts and I wondered if I should take a chance and feel her breasts. Mom’s tits weren’t very big, but I was excited at the thought that this might be an opportunity for me to actually feel a grown woman’s breasts. “Mom,” I whispered, “Are you awake?” Hearing no response I asked again, “Mom, are you awake?” She only murmured something and resumed snoring. Encouraged, I carefully slipped my hand into the top of her nightgown and quickly found her left breast. Her snoring stopped and I nervously paused, wondering if I might have awakened her; but, after a few moments, I realized I hadn’t and resumed my fondling. By now my dick was fully erect and after a few more minutes I became even more emboldened. I withdrew my hand and slipped it down to the hem of her nightgown. I began to carefully slid it upwards until I had completely exposed her pussy.

Oh, man! I was incredibly excited. Mom’s pussy looked so tempting that I leaned forward and kissed it. I then crawled onto the bed, moved her thighs slightly apart, crouched between her legs, and began to softly lick her. I gently licked my tongue up and down along her slit, through her soft pubic hairs, and then slid the tip inside. Mom began to breathe a little more rapidly and moved slightly. I nervously stopped again, still fearful that I’d done something to wake her. Satisfied that she was still asleep, I resumed and continued to lick at her pussy for several minutes, increasingly overcome with lust.

I stopped my licking and began to gently slip my middle finger into her slit. Once I had shoved it in, I gradually began to finger fuck her with ever increasing urgency. It was then that I then that I made the decisive decision to see if I could actually slip my dick inside of her. I pushed my pajama bottoms over my rigid shaft and down to my knees. I cautiously leaned forward and rested on an elbow and forearm, carefully placed along side her body. Getting caught was certainly on my mind, but my primary focus at that moment was on what I needed to do in order to slip my stiff dick into my mother. Grabbing my dick with my free hand, I pushed the head inside her pussy lips. “Oh,” she groaned. Again I was frightened. I held steady for a few seconds and then started to push in a little farther. It was then that I lost complete control. I pulled out just as I started to cum and squirted my semen over her stomach in the greatest orgasm that I’d ever had in my young life.

Frightened, I immediately got up and ran to the bathroom. I returned with a towel and a wash cloth that I had moistened with warm water. I frantically wiped up my cum and dried her skin, certain that I’d awakened her. When she remained asleep and actually began to softly snore again, I carefully pulled down her nightgown and covered her with the sheet and blanket. I was still certain that I’d be discovered and fretfully lay in bed for several hours until I fell into a troubled sleep.

That next morning I went downstairs to breakfast with much trepidation; however, mom seemed to be absolutely normal. “I must have gotten away with it,” I thought as I quietly ate breakfast. Realizing that I had, I immediately began planning for my next opportunity the next time mom got dead drunk. However, I also made up my mind I was going to fuck her this time. All that following week I worked on various schemes to make sure she was dead drunk so that I could execute my plan. Just thinking about it prompted me to masturbate at every opportunity. Not that that is all that uncommon for a horny teenager!

That following Friday night mom returned from school, kicked off her shoes, and sat on the couch with her first gin and tonic. She had another one as she prepared dinner and several glasses of wine with the meal. After awhile she said that she was going upstairs and take her nightly bath. I noticed that she poured herself another gin and tonic to drink while she soaked in the tub. About a half an hour later she came down in her nightgown and robe and I noticed that her speech was becoming quite slurred. There was an old movie on TV and she settled in to watch it with me. By nine o’clock mom was sitting on the sofa with her legs tucked up against her body, working on at least her fourth gin and tonic. I was worried that she would fall asleep too soon and before she would drink a sufficient amount to pass out. I kept talking to her and was delighted when she drank two more gins. Shortly thereafter, out of the corner of my eye I could see her eyes gradually closing and her head nodding. I continued to watch the movie, but my mind was alive with fevered thoughts of how I could fuck her once she was in a drunken stupor. I had had my first taste of her pussy the week before and was anxious to taste some more.

Mom’s head finally tilted to one side and she slowly slipped sidewise to rest on the sofa seat. I waited another ten minutes before I went over to her. “Mom,” I said, “it’s time for you to go to bed. She murmured something and I carefully pushed her into a sitting position. “Mom,” I repeated, “it’s time for you to go to bed. Do you want me to help you?” Again she murmured something incomprehensible. My heart was pounding as I struggled to pull her to her feet. She was almost a dead weight and I wondered if I could really get her up the stairs. Although I was fairly tall, I was quite slender and had only average strength for a boy my age. She breathed evenly and deeply as I began to help her staggering steps and had to virtually drag her to the stairs. Getting her up the stairs was harder than I thought it would be, but I eventually succeeded and got her to her room.

I sat her on the edge of the bed and removed her robe. I then lay her on her back on the bed and slipped out of the room. I thought that if I gave her a few more minutes her stupor would resume and I would be able to work my plan. I changed into my pajamas and returned to her room, sitting beside her on the bed. “Mom, are you awake?” I whispered. Not hearing any response I let my hand rest below the hem of her nightgown and began stroking her leg. She gave no indication that she was aware that I was there or that I was rubbing her thigh. I slowly moved my hand upward pushing her knee-length nightgown up as I did. She only breathed out a long sigh in response. I continued to push and cautiously slide the gown up until it was bunched at her armpits. She was now completely exposed.

I rubbed and fondled her small breasts for several minutes, then let my hands slide over her body until I reached her soft pussy hair. As you would expect, I was extremely turned on by the sight of my mother’s naked body and my fully engorged dick was throbbing inside my pajamas. I was certainly ready to fuck her right then and there, but I knew that I needed to be extremely cautious. I slowly pulled one of her legs to the side and then gently pushed the other leg apart, as well. I now had a magnificent view of my own mother’s pussy lips, looking moist and tempting. I reached forward and started to kiss her pussy, as I
closed my eyes and breathed deeply attempting to calm my pounding heart. As I licked on her slit and briefly sucked on her clitoris, she reacted almost immediately by breathing a little faster. Moments later I gently touched her pussy. Like I did the Saturday before, I gently slipped my middle finger into the crevice and began slipping it in and out. Mom began breathing heavily as I continued for several minutes. Her body restlessly shifted from side to side, but her eyes were tightly closed and she had a soft smile on her lips.

Oh, man! I realized that I could not wait any longer. I slipped down my pajama bottoms and edged forward on the bed, moving further between her legs. I leaned forward on my forearm so as to not rest my body on her chest and carefully pressed the head of my dick against her pussy. I was determined that I would cum in her and not shoot over her stomach like I did the last time. I slowly and carefully pushed my dick fully into her and finally felt the warmth of her pussy clenching me. “Oh, man,” I thought, “I’m really fucking my own mother!” I began to slowly fuck her, thrusting my dick in deep, holding it there momentarily, pulling it almost all the way out, and then repeating the process.

It was then that I almost died when she called out my father’s name. “John,” she said … “John!” I froze in fear that she was waking up. Instead, she started to move her hips upward against me. I gradually resumed my strokes and she continued pushing upward to meet my thrusts. She was not ramming her hips forward, but rather taking just small, rapid forward jerks. I was already at the point of orgasm and it took only a few more strokes before I shot a massive load of cum into her pussy. Breathing heavily, I gently pulled out and sat back on my haunches, trying to catch my breath. I realized that my mom must have been dreaming that my dad was fucking her. This revelation gave me ideas on what I was going to do in the future.

I slipped off the bed and went to the bathroom. Returning with a towel and warm washrag, I cleaned her up and pulled her nightgown down. Replacing the covers over her, I went down to the kitchen and got a drink out of the fridge. With the resilience of youth, my dick had become hard again by just reminiscing over what had happened. I hadn’t planned on trying to fuck her again that night, but everything had gone so smoothly I thought I could do it again.

I cautiously returned to mom’s bedroom, carefully opened the door and peered inside. She still lay on her back, softly snoring and with a tranquil expression on her face. I removed the bedding, crawled between her legs, and pushed the nightgown up to her waist again. By now my rigid dick was demanding another fuck. I slowly slipped it into her again whispering “Alice, this is John. Do you hear me?” She groaned dad’s name several times. “Man, oh man!” I thought. “This really works!”

Once again I began with long, slow strokes into her, enjoying every moment of the experience. Since it was my second time that night I was able to last a little longer and again mom was responding to my fucking. She was gently pushing back to meet my thrusts while murmuring my dad’s name. I knew I wouldn’t last and eventually came again, squirting another juicy load into her pussy. As I had done before, I went to the bathroom for the towel and warm washrag. I carefully cleaned up mom, pulled her nightgown down and covered her with the sheet.

I crept back into my room and lay down on the bed. My thoughts were racing: I had just fucked my own mother twice … and she was totally unawares that that I’d done it! My mind relived the scene and the ecstasy of twice squirting a load of cum in my own mother’s pussy. I knew it was wrong and how bad it was for me to be doing it, but I also knew that I wanted to do it again and again. I also proved to myself that I could do whatever I wanted to do to her whenever she was drunk like that. I drifted off to sleep that night, planning what I’d do the next weekend when mom would get dead drunk again.

The following morning mom was making breakfast when I came down. Her mood was so cheerful that I commented on how happy she was. “Oh,” she responded, “I had the most wonderful dream about your father.

“That’s great, mom!” I said, “You just keep dreaming those kind of dreams until dad comes home. I thought to my self … “Yeah and I’ll make sure that you keep having those dreams.

Since mom would only get dead drunk on the weekends, I was forced to anxiously wait all week for the opportunity to fuck her. Now, I didn’t succeed every weekend, but I usually would get her sufficiently drunk on either Friday or Saturday night in order to get the job done. I’d particularly perfected the clever technique of slipping a small amount of gin in her drink every time she would be distracted or leave the room. This little trick allowed me to get her dead drunk quicker while she thought that she was actually drinking fewer drinks. Over the next few months I’d probably fucked my mother six or eight times, learning a little more each time. I found the easiest way to get her in the mood was to whisper an expression my dad had used every time he wanted to have sex. Whenever they thought I was out of earshot, he’d mention “fooling around.” Horny teenagers catch on quickly and I was actually able to watch my parents having sex twice without their knowledge.

The way I’d word the suggestion is that I would say something like, “Alice, this is John. Let’s fool around a little.” She would smile softly and murmur something in response. The suggestion always worked perfectly. I remember one particular time I had put her in bed and started my routine. “Mom, are you sleeping?” I softly asked her. “Mom, are you asleep?” I repeated, just a little bit louder. She didn’t respond, but continued her regular breathing. Confident, I reached forward and gently slid her nightgown up to her waist. Although her legs were slightly spread, I also pushed carefully on her, spreading them further apart. As usual, I was soon on my knees and pressing my face into her pussy. I eagerly licked up and down her slit, thrusting my tongue into her pussy. I alternated sliding my tongue in and out with licking at her clitoris. “Oh, John,” she whispered, followed by something unintelligible. She was more responsive as she started making quick, thrusting movements back against my mouth. In mere moments I was more than ready and urgently needed to fuck her. I eased my knees just a little farther forward on the bed and aimed my stiff cock toward her pussy. I started rubbing my cockhead on her pussy lips as I heard her breathing tempo quickening. I was perfectly positioned and slowly slid into her. Once I was completely in, I just held firm for a few moments. She was trembling slightly as I began to fuck her. “Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!” I murmured as my tempo increased. “Oh, yeah!” Mom’s eyes were tightly closed and she was breathing irregularly, firmly pushing back against my hard dick.

I was trying to control my thrusts and not be too rough as she began to moan softly fucking back. “John!” she breathed, “Fuck me, John, Fuck me.” By now I was thrusting my dick completely into her, further increasing the tempo of my strokes. Her eyes were tightly closed and she was whimpering and moaning with each shove. I quickly reached my climax and grunted and groaned as I squirted a load into her pussy. Her belly was quivering and she thrashed her head from side to side. I wondered if she had reached an orgasm, as well. As she continued to writhe, I held steady and as her actions gradually subsided, I gently pulled out. Mom collapsed back into the bed, unmoving, her spread legs on both sides of my knees. Now practiced in the tehnique, I cleaned her up, slipped her nightgown down, returned the covers, and silently slipped out of her room.

The use of the suggestion to get my mother to cooperate also gave me the method to enjoy her in another way. I had never had much luck in getting my mom to suck my dick, even when she had her mouth open. I would slip it into her mouth and rub it along her tongue, but she didn’t respond and actually gagged one time when I pushed in a little too far. On that occasion I was quite sure that she would wake up and was surprised when she didn’t. Anyway, I was curious to see if I could use the suggestion technique to get her to suck my cock. I knew that she sucked cock, because I had seen her suck my father off during one of the sessions that I had watched them having sex. On that occasion, I was astonished as she actually swallowed his sperm, giggling in delight. The next weekend I tried the technique, saying, “Alice, this is John. Suck my dick.” To my absolute delight, it worked! She slowly began to suck my cock. In my agitated state it didn’t take long before I was shooting a load of hot cum in her mouth. I was amazed as I watched her swallow my semen and lick her lips with a smile on her face.

That established the pattern for the following weeks. I would fuck her and then, after a time to recover, I would let her suck me off. It was during this time that I began to think what it would be like to have my best friend, Bobby, fuck my mom, too. Bobby had been my best friend since we moved to Junction City. We were also “jack-off buddies” and would frequently get together to masturbate. I began to dream about him fucking my mom, but was unsure whether it was wise to let him in on what I had been doing.

One day we were in my room working on a school project and since we were alone in the house we eventually got around to masturbating. After we’d got our nuts off we were just relaxing and I blurted out that I’d been fucking a girl. “What?” Bobby asked, “You’re bullshitting me!”

“No, I’m not,” I responded.

“Who is she?” he asked. “I bet its Marilyn Curtis!” he exclaimed. Marilyn was a girl he knew I dated on a fairly regular basis.

“No,” I said. My voice dropped as I continued. “It’s my mom.”

“Now I know you’re bullshitting me!” he laughed. I then went over the whole story and explained how I had been able to fuck my mom when she got dead drunk on the weekends. He just stared in absolute disbelief, shaking his head. I said that I could prove it and asked him if he wanted to fuck her as well. He was still dubious, but said that he’d certainly like to fuck her if he had a chance. I suggested that he ask his mom if he could sleep over the following weekend and I would get the OK from my mother. I cautioned him that he was sworn to secrecy and that if he ever told anybody I would get him for certain. He said that if it was as I had said, that he’d never breathe a word of it.

Both parents had agreed to the sleepover, so that following Friday night we were ready. Mom had had at least four gin and tonics when she got home and while she fixed dinner. I had fortified them at every opportunity by slipping a little more gin in when she wasn’t watching. After supper mom cleaned up the kitchen and went for her pre-bedtime bath, taking another gin with her. I told Bobby that mom usually watched a movie on TV and drank several gins and that once she passed out, we would be able to get the action going. The three of us watched a dreadfully dull movie as mom sipped her gin, curled up on the couch in her nightgown and robe. After a short time I realized that she had finally passed out. We went over to her and I asked her, “Mom. It’s time for you to go to bed.” She mumbled something incoherently and I shook her shoulder gently. “Mom,” I repeated “it’s time for you to go to bed. Do you want Bobby and me to help you?” Again she murmured something unintelligible. We pulled her to her feet and guided her to the stairs. It was much easier with Bobby’s help and we soon had her spread eagled on her bed. In a whisper I suggested to Bobby, “Let’s leave the room a few minutes to let her get back totally asleep.”

We went back to my room and put on our pajamas. By now both of us had major hard-ons as we anticipated what was to follow. A few minutes passed and we crept back in the bedroom and found her peacefully sleeping. “Alice, this is John.” I whispered, “How about a little fooling around?” She murmured something and smiled. Bobby watched as I pushed up mom’s nightgown and revealed her body with no overt reaction from her. Bobby’s eyes bugged out, frenzied with excitement as he gazed on her naked body and delicious pussy. I slowly leaned forward and began to kiss and lick at it. After a few minutes, I softly suggested that he do the same. I slowly and gently spread her legs apart as he crawled on the bed on his knees, sliding between her thighs. He gleefully buried his face in my mother’s pussy, enthusiastically licking and sucking. Mom began to move a little, making small movements with her hips, as her breathing began to speed up. I watched Bobby for several moments as he sucked her pussy. It wasn’t long before I realized I couldn’t wait much longer and pulled him away. I moved on the bed until my dick was centered on her pussy lips and very slowly I eased it into her. Bobby’s stared in astonishment as he watched me as I slowly began to fuck my mom. “Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man!” he groaned. He knelt down beside her on the bed and began fondling her tits and sucking on her nipples as he intently watched me.

In spite of my desire to hold off I was so excited that I almost immediately reached my orgasm. As I finished cumming and pulled out, mom made a little moaning sound and then startled both of us when she loudly called out my dad’s name. I got off the bed and pushed Bobby forward to take my place. His face was contorted in lust as he moved between her legs and slowly slid his own rigid dick into her pussy. I was really excited as I watched my best friend fucking my mom. He began fucking her slowly and she immediately responded by moving her hips to meet his thrusts and making little moaning sounds. Bobby stroked in and out of her pussy for a few more moments and then groaned as he climaxed, forcefully squirting a heavy load of cum into her. Once he had drained his dick he pulled out and we watched as she continued breathing hard. Her hips quivered and twitched as we watched our sperm streaming from her pussy. “It’s just like I told you.” I whispered. “She’s dreaming about fucking my dad.”

“Oh, man!” groaned Bobby. “This is incredible! I just fucked your mom! I just fucked your mom!" Watching Bobby fucking her had got me hard again, so I crawled between her legs and began to slowly fuck her for a second time. She was steadily moaning my dad’s name and thrusting her hips back against me. After a few moments I noticed that mom’s head was leaning to one side at the edge of the bed. “Let her suck your cock,” I suggested in a whisper. Shocked, Bobby looked at me with disbelief. “Go ahead,” I murmured, and he pressed his semi-hard dick on her lips. She opened her lips enough for Bobby to slip his dick into her mouth. “Suck it, Alice! Suck it.” I urged. He gently rubbed his dick along her tongue and was rewarded when she closed her mouth and began avidly sucking it. What a sight it was! I was fucking my mother while Bobby had his suddenly hard cock in her mouth.

Bobby was soon rocking his hips gently forward and mom was beginning to eagerly suck his dick. “Be careful and don’t push too far in,” I whispered. “If she gags, she may wake up.” He nodded in understanding and agreement. Mom was now moving her hips and firmly fucking back against me. Even though I had climaxed just moments before, I was fast approaching another orgasm and soon my cum began to spray into her pussy. Bobby groaned a short time later and spurted his own sperm into her sucking mouth. When he finished cumming, Bobby pulled his dick out of her and sat on the edge of the bed breathing heavily. I pulled out, as well, and slid to the end of the bed. My mother let out a long sigh and called out my dad’s name one last time. I motioned to Bobby and we returned to my room to talk about what had just happened. Bobby excitedly exclaimed, “Man! That was fantastic! I can’t believe we actually fucked your mom and shot her full of our cum! She sucked me off! Did you see that, Tommy? She swallowed my cum when I came in her mouth! She swallowed all my cum! You weren’t bullshitting me! Man, oh, man! How long you been fucking her?

I responded excitedly “I've been doing this for months. Like I told you, she passes out drunk and dreams that she’s fucking my dad!” Not wanting too much time to pass, I told him that I’d better get a washcloth and clean her up. I retrieved a washcloth and bath towel from the bathroom and went back down the hallway to her room. I carefully wiped her pussy clean and then wiped around her mouth, removing the dried cum. Remembering my excitement watching as Bobby got a blow job from her got me hard again. “As long as she’s still asleep,” I thought, “I might as well take advantage of the situation.” I pushed my dick to her lips and she sucked me in right away. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the terrific sensations as she softly sucked and ran her tongue around the head of my cock.

I heard the door quietly open as Bobby came in. Seeing what was happening, he crawled between her legs and began fucking her again. I was alarmed because she was moaning with each stroke as Bobby vigorously fucked her. “Man!” I thought, “If this doesn’t wake her up, nothing will!” After a short period she sucked me into an orgasm and I shot my third load of semen into her. She greedily swallowed my cum as it squirted into her mouth. Within moments Bobby groaned as he came again, spurting his own third load into her moist pussy. I again got the washcloth wet with warm water and wiped mom’s chin, pussy, and legs. We pulled her nightgown down, covered her with the sheet, silently returned to my room and quickly fell asleep.

The following morning mom was up and had our breakfast waiting for us for us. She was particularly cheerful and I asked, “Did you sleep well and have a good dream last night, mom?”

“Oh, yes, Tommy!” she exclaimed. “I dreamed that your dad was back home! I've had such wonderful dreams lately!” I smiled knowingly at Bobby as we enthusiastically ate our breakfast.

In the succeeding months I took advantage of my mother every time the opportunity presented itself. Some weekends the circumstances were such that I didn’t have the opportunity to fuck her, but I was usually able to be successful about three times a month or so. I noticed that my most likely day for success was Friday. I guess mom was more apt to drink to excess at the end of a tough week of school. Anyway, my year of lustful endeavor was gradually drawing to a close that fall. My dad was scheduled to return from Korea in February. He was scheduled to return to San Francisco on the troopship General John Pope and mom began making plans to meet him there and enjoy a second honeymoon in that beautiful city.

Oddly enough, that January was my most successful. I was able to fuck her every Friday and Saturday night that entire month, frequently joined in the activities by Bobby. The last time I did fuck mom was on the day before she caught the train for San Francisco. My mother had spent the day selecting her clothing for the trip and packing her suitcase. She was in a particularly cheerful mood, giggling and sipping on her gin and tonics throughout the day. She had her bath and curiously went to bed with her drink and a mystery novel she bought for the train ride. I didn’t think I would be successful, but was proven wrong. Mom read for an hour or so, steadily sipping on her drink. I watched TV and periodically would find an excuse for checking on her. About nine-thirty I looked into her room and found her fast asleep. I softly entered the room and asked her “Mom, are you awake?” Her breathing was soft and steady and she seemed to be dreaming pleasant thoughts. I did notice that she had dropped her glass on the carpet, spilling the remnants of her last drink.

After several queries and gently shaking her, I sat on the bed and planned how I would take advantage of my final opportunity. I tried to gauge how many drinks she had finished during the afternoon and evening and concluded it was more than enough for my plans. I returned to my room and prepared for bed, brushing my teeth and putting on my pajamas, giving her the additional time to be fast asleep. Returning to her room I carefully pulled down the blanket and sheet and began to slip her nightgown up her body. Her pussy looked so tempting that I leaned forward and kissed it. I spread her legs apart and crouched between her knees and licked my lips. I leaned forward again and began softly kissing and licking her pussy. I stroked my tongue up and down along her slit several times and then gently probed between her pussy lips. I certainly never tired of licking her. Thinking back, I must acknowledge that the experiences with my mother was the reason why I am now obsessed with licking pussy, much to the delight of my wife. I could feel her clitoris there, enlarged and seemingly responding to my tongue. The tempo of her breathing increased and she moved a little in reaction to my actions.

By now my dick was rigid and throbbing and I couldn’t wait any longer. I crept forward between her widely spread legs and pressed my cockhead into the opening. I slowly pushed into her and felt that familiar thrill coursing through me again. I was fucking my mother! I plunged into her again and again, pressing my cock deep in, and then briefly holding it there. She began murmuring my father’s name and moving her hips in concert with mine. She trust forward meeting my trusts in short, sharp twitches. I stroked only a few more long firm strokes before I reached my climax and squirted a massive load of cum into her. I held my dick firmly in her until I was drained. I silently pulled out and sank back on my haunches, struggling to catch my breath. The thought ran through my mind that I had probably fucked my mom for the last time.

Following my usual routine, after a few minutes I went to the bathroom, fetched the towel and moistened a washrag with warm water. I carefully cleaned her and pulled her nightgown down. As I covered her with the sheet and blanket I thought, “I might as well get a final blow job, as well.” “Alice, this is John." I whispered. "Suck my dick, Alice. Suck it.” I rubbed my dick across her lips and she sucked me in right away. “Oh man,” I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the overwhelming sensations as my mother softly sucked the head of my cock. I began gently thrusting my hips forward and mom responded by eagerly sucking my cock all the more resolutely. A short time later I groaned and spurted my semen into her sucking mouth one last time. After she had drained me completely, I gently pulled my spent dick out as she whimpered and moaned something unintelligible. Her eyes were closed and the expression on her face was one of tranquility and satisfaction. I cleaned the drops of cum from her lips and chin with the washcloth and silently left and returned to my own room.

That following day mom caught the train to the coast and the meeting with my dad. They returned to Kansas several days later and my dad was assigned to the post G4 office. That following fall I started college at Kansas State in Manhattan and our lives were suddenly on a different track. After several stateside assignments, dad eventually retired as a lieutenant colonel in 1963 and he and mom returned to North Carolina. I had finished college in June of 1960 and since I’d been commissioned through the ROTC program, I served three years on active duty in Germany and at Fort Lee in Virginia. My wife and I decided to stay in the Richmond area when I finished my obligation and I started my own business there.

Dad passed away in 1986 and my mother died in 1992. Many times during the passing of the decades since 1955 I’ve often wondered if my mother had really feigned being dead drunk as a means of satisfying her own physical needs. The first few times I was convinced that she had really passed out, but later it seemed almost too easy and perhaps even contrived. Conceivably she merely played the part and allowed me to take the role of my father. I never did know for certain and she took the truth with her to the grave.


Same as A Son’s Remembrances Videos

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SONS GIRLFRIEND PART 2The story continues . Those who did not read part 1 this is about Clare my sons girlfriend, we stopped in a field while on a trip were she wanked my cock and i fingered her pussy licked her out and she gave me a blow job from heaven.Well we picked up my new car which was the purpose of the trip and on the return we stopped in a hotel for lunch , this place had rooms to let and we both knew were we were going to end up. Room paid for, key in hand and we couldn't get in fast...

3 years ago
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Sons 16th Birthday

That’s strange the lights are still on at the house, this was odd since mom and dad never stay up pass ten. So I open the door ever so quietly and sneak into the house, I was sneaking up over the stairs when I hear a strange sound “please daddy fuck my ass just like you fuck moms”, needless to say this peeked my interest, so I walk into the living room to a sight that took my soft cock and made it rock hard. There was dad naked getting ready to put the biggest cock I had ever seen in my...

2 years ago
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Sons friend

As many of you know, I’m a married 45 year-old mother with two sons, one 25 off on his own now, one 23 in college, and a daughter. I am 5’6” tall, with nice long brown hair, brown eyes and weight just right I think for my build. I have 34C boobs with large firm nipples. My husband Nick is a police officer and is away from home from time to time for different reasons. We have a very good and open sex life and I have had many different men since I met my husband Nick and we started enjoying our...

1 year ago
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AT HOME AFTER HOLIDAY[sex heaven]My day off Wednesday and this week is when a girl comes round for her spanking session . Clare my sons girl is at home also mmmmm this could be difficult as Clare doesn't know about this spanking thing .Anyway Clare comes down dressed very sexy in tight jeans , a backless shirt with a plunging neck line in pink and a pink lacy bra , with her bronze skin and long blonde hair she was sex heaven. Hi Clare what you doing today babe"waiting for my friend Maya to come...

3 years ago
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THE HOLIDAY ; The last time i fucked Clare, my sons girlfriend was about two weeks ago in a hotel bedroom on the way back from buying my new car and it was more like passion, sex and lust all in one steamy, naked, sordid afternoon.Well here we are in Spain ,the whole lot of us are here for a week . My son went out to ride off road bikes for the day and dropped the wife in town to shop , leaving Clare and me alone miles from anywere in a gorgeous house with pool and sun terrace , don't forget...

2 years ago
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Sons mother in law 2

I drove back to my hotel with vivid images of my freshly committed infidelity running through my mind like a movie. I really wanted to hate what had happened , but instead I felt quite an annoying sense of pride. I’ve had so many friends that cheated on their wives and suddenly found themselves single again in their forties. Then, after a couple of years of shooting their seed into whatever they could lay their hands on, end up spending the rest of their lives trying to find someone to spend...

3 years ago
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HOLIDAY CONTINUESSo here i am on holiday "today i am alone with Clare my sons girlfriend " we have been fucking and wanking round the pool [read part 3]. At present my cock is sliding up and down Clare's cunt while she licks the pool girls pussy, and as i fuck faster and faster Clare goes into her oh so sexy moaning fuck me more mode . The Spanish girl who is 19 yrs old an angel on legs with long black thick hair , bronzed skin "those Spanish eyes" quite small petite firm young tits with...

2 years ago
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sons girlfriend

My sons girlfriend is stunning , very slim ,blonde hair,pretty face , 36/23/34 figure and 21 years old. Such a sexy girl with her personality is a delight to know. Now she lives with us as her dad has never liked her, god knows why but thats family.She is a tease that's for sure, always coming down stairs with a short house coat on only, and is nude under it, she makes sure i get a peek every now and then . I have seen her in the shower and when she saw me looking she put her fingers in her...

3 years ago
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sons black friend

Kate dropped her robe and stepped into the hot shower. She moaned as the hot water hit her back and began soaking her long dark hair. She bent her head back and lathered her hair with the shampoo. She had a high pressure shower head and the strong spray of water did it's work rinsing her hair while she rubbed her buxom figure down with body wash. The forty year old wife and mom couldn't help herself and started singing as her hands lathered up the largest pair of breasts in the neighborhood....

1 year ago
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sons new girlfriend

Totally out of the blue my son rung me up and suggested that we aii go out for dinner.He went on to say that he had a new girlfriend and was it alright for him to bring her down with him, of course we said yes.and so a couple of hours later they arrived and we met Tash for the first time.Tash was’nt paticulary pretty but she did look very nice in the skirt and blouse that she was wearing.i poured all of us a drink which was soon followed by another one.Susan had already had a few drinks and by...

1 year ago
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sons new girlfriend

Totally out of the blue my son rung me up and suggested that we aii go out for dinner.He went on to say that he had a new girlfriend and was it alright for him to bring her down with him, of course we said yes.and so a couple of hours later they arrived and we met Tash for the first time.Tash was'nt paticulary pretty but she did look very nice in the skirt and blouse that she was wearing.i poured all of us a drink which was soon followed by another one.Susan had already had a few drinks and by...

3 years ago
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Seasons Universe Recurring Character Outline

Change of Seasons Addendum Seasons Universe Recurring Characters I. Jane Thompson A. Introductory Story: Seasons of Change by Joel Lawrence B. Married to Art Thompson Philips (AKA Diana) C. Character Synopsis 1. Every story (obviously!) 2. School Mistress of Seasons House 3. Originator of Theme's Victorian Petticoat Discipline Reform Program 4. Program goal is to force young males to find...

2 years ago
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Sons Turns His Sexy Mom Into Slutty Girlfriend

this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything.My friends introduced me to this i****t concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I didn’t realize was that...

3 years ago
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Sons Turns His Sexy Mom Into Slutty Girlfriend

This is Varun here and this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything. My friends introduced me to this incest concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I...

2 years ago
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STILL ON HOLIDAYWell were two days on from fucking each other and having the pool girl join us "never got her name " and wow what an afternoon that was [read part 3].Its 1am we have been out for dinner all four of us, and i am in bed with my wife listening to Clare fucking our son "so lying there thinking about those boobs bouncing up and down with each stroke gets me hard " my dear wife touches my cock and starts to wank it slowly while licking the end "she is calling me a dirty old man for...

1 year ago
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Sons Girlfriend

My son had been with this girl Lucy since school, but having joined the Navy, was away from her for long periods of time. Lucy a stunning girl, very beautiful and had an awesome body, Could remember him ringing her home when they were still at school, I could remember having all kinds of rude thoughts about her.Anyway I was out driving one night and saw her by the road coming home from a night out, when I looked again I noticed she was walking hand in hand with this bloke. I pulled over ahead...

1 year ago
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Jasons Game

Introduction: 13 year old Jessica comes home from school and her brother wants her to play a little game in the backyard. Jasons Game Story: #UA-1 Copyright 2005 Written: February 03 2005 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************************************************ ~~!! Warning!!~~ The below story you are about to read is not only cannibalistic in nature but also contains a female victim...

2 years ago
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Sons 19th Birthday

My 19th birthday fell on a Friday. It was 2 years ago when I was 17 that I noticed this weird attraction I had. I knew it wasn't right immediately, but I liked the thoughts I was having. I always liked welcoming different things into my life, especially if I didn't know what the outcome would be. That was the thrill of it.My mom had me when she was a teenager. I think she might have been 18, which was the age I was about to leave behind. My dad ended up not sticking around back then and I've...

1 year ago
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Simpsons I Spy Part 6

and for all the people saying these are not my stories stfu....unless you can show me a site where these are from then just shut the hell up and enjoy and btw i have a lot of people coppying my stories and posting in other places (please stop & i will be making a second simpsons porn story soon). Note to readers this starts half way through the last story when Bart was watching through the window from the treehouse Bart quickly put his dick back in his shorts. Stuck in the treehouse Bart...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Father and Son Camp Bonding

As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again. He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night. He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s. “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to. Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him...

1 year ago
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Seasons Greetings A Carol Christmas

Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel Lawrence). This story takes place approximately one year to a year and a half after the conclusion of "Tales of the Season: Darla's Story" in the branch of the "Seasons of Change" Universe that I started with "A Losing Season", also archived at Fictionmania. Of course, this is a play...

2 years ago
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Jack grunted and stopped, looked at her. He had been in a bad mood for the last three days. Half buried memories had haunted his dreams and even being on the road for eight hours straight yesterday had not helped blocking them out. He had planned to travel on, spend the night at a bus station and take the first bus available to anywhere. And now, at just three in the afternoon she wanted to stop. “Come on, a real bed, pizza and some beers. You look like you need it.” He grunted again. What...

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By: YT Chapter 1 Houston, Texas Monday, June 23rd, 2016 9:00AM Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Houston, Texas, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left but he decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks...

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Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...

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In each shed, contained some kind of torture, or breaking machine. Designed to break the will of the boys or girls he took, he didn’t care what happened to them so long as he got his money, that’s all that mattered. Most of the kids wouldn’t last out the year, supply and demand. Some of them did, and they were the ones who were returned to him, in trade for new ones. On this particular evening, Michael, was down at the pub, getting a drink, everyone here knew what he did, they didn’t try...

3 years ago
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Alisons Awakening

Alison’s Awakening Preface Chapter One  Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...

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Jacksons Estate part 12 of the Business

Introduction: With a disturbing return to the fair after hours Carla somehow makes it back to the hotel, where their return is noticed Jacksons Estate Bruce and Carla arrived at the gates of Jacksons property. A guard met them to let them in and greet them. He shut the gate behind them and handed them glasses of Champagne. On private gated property drinking and driving was perfectly legal. Just take it slow, he said. There is no rush once you are here. They toasted to more adventure and...

1 year ago
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Alisons Secret life

Introduction: A teenage girl going through Highschool Living with all older boys and a younger sister is hard for any teenage girl. Being 17, 53, naturally dark brown hair and 110 lbs with almost D sized boobs, only made it that much harder. I live with my dad, my older brother whose probably around 200lbs, on the football team with brown hair as well, and my younger sister who looks very similar to me but her hair is a shade lighter than mine and not fully developed. Mom passed away just as I...

1 year ago
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Alisons Power

Alison was young, short, sassy. Her body’s curves had a power over me. She was controlling. She would tell you what to do, like, ‘come over here fucker!’ I loved it. I love when girls have brashness. Alison could make me do anything. All she had to do was start kissing and grinding me. It was dirty. She was too little, too cute to be that sexy. Then, when she had me, she could say yes or no or lick my shoe or whatever she wanted and I would do it, and she knew it. She wasn’t evil. We had sex...

3 years ago
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sonscreen on moms skin

I lost my virginity to a woman some 17 years older then me. My last piece of ass was to a woman in her mid 70's. My entire life I have been drawn to older woman. My wife was 6 years older then me but it was the thought of my mother in law that caused me to nut a second time on my honeymoon. Older woman know what they want and I will all ways give it to them. Maybe because I was raised by a single mom and a sister 4 years older. Twin cousins 10 years older and my Great Aunt also share raising...

4 years ago
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Harrisons Downfall

His story:I first met her 5 or so years ago... Rebecca, the new woman in one of the companies' departments. I'd read her resumé, but hadn't hired her myself. It was my role here to keep abreast of all the employees. Finger on the pulse, as they say.She had just turned 40. Back in the workforce after 18 years raising k**s. She was a shy one. Not a lot of confidence, but fuck she had great legs. Athletic, toned, the kind of legs I'd like wrapped around my waist.I'd only caught up with her a few...

2 years ago
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sons friend

one day we were having a family bbq and my son had one of his friends over to join us, this lad was a bit of a looker but shy with it and that really turns me on! as teenage lads will do he kept staring at me in my shorts and bikini top and as the wine and beer flowed throughout the afternoon i got wetter and wetter and kept catching his eye, i went and sat next to hime while the others were playing football we sat on the sun loungers with our drinks. i began to ask him questions about girls...

3 years ago
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Seasons Change

No Time No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads are calling me No time left for you. No time for a summer friend No time for the love you send Seasons change and so did I You need not wonder why You need not wonder why There's no time left for you No time left for you. No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads...

3 years ago
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Sons mother in law

A couple of years ago on a brief trip back to the U.K, I decided to call in at my son’s house to pay him and his lovely wife a surprise visit,. I knocked at the door and waited and as the door opened I quickly realized that the surprise was all mine. There standing in the doorway in a short flimsy summer dress was Rita, my son’s beautiful mother in law. My eyes instinctively scanned the sheer fabric of the dress that did nothing to hide her incredible body beneath. She was single since...

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Sons of Mayhem

( Just want to say I'm not very good at this so don't expect anything great hopefully with time I'll get better and any advice would be welcomed, hope you like it.) The sun was bright and shining brighty has you rode your bike on a long and empty stretch of road. You were confused and tired, riding for days. You had made a decision that after two years away from your family you were heading home. Your name is John Sharp, you are 6'1 with short brown hair and a muscular build and are 21. You are...

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The goverment started a secret plan that mandated all black inmated to new Alcataz styled lockup be called BLACK STEEL.Burlau of Prisons . Made throught out decision to allow cuckold that wives in need of a Real Man. to contact the prison in there state. With serveral naked pic of wife and pic of her worthless cucks in panties and humilating pic. The wardren and his guards would read and see what cell she would be in. We where so excited about this new program and waiting for a call, the...

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I remember what a woman’s flesh felt like. The soft warmth, the gentle curves, the swell of a breast, the ample fullness of the buttocks. I remember the feel of her body against mine, how we fitted together in sleep, my protective arm over her, my hand cupping her breast. I remember the impulsiveness of our youth, when we didn’t sleep, when the hunger of our bodies required an urgent coupling; and the intensity of our love, when we tenderly explored each other’s bodies and discovered the needs...

4 years ago
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jasons life story cont

After tina’s wedding and graduation it got kind of quiet around the house. I was still fucking Mom on Monday and Tuesday nights and then I would join Tom on Thursday. WE would both fuck her at the same time. She really liked that. We would take turns fucking her in the ass while the other fucked her pussy. She said she really got off that way feeling both cocks rub against the wall between her ass and her vagina. Becky and I started fucking again too. She decided she really didn't like it in...

2 years ago
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Simpsons Revenge

Introduction: Bart Simpson decides to take revenge against Homer for a beating. Please Principal Skinner, just dont call Homer. Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner. I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Revenge

Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner. “I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the incident with the tractor” Bart sat in the Skinners office as he listened to the call to his father at work. He could...

3 years ago
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Simpsons vs Family guy In Skimmers House1

Skinner looked at him funnily and said I have a propasal for you, wich your dearest husband has already said yes too. Lisa, feeling ill from too much curry, said " and what would that be?" If you come with all your sexual dreams will come to. Lisa and Bart ran from the room, quickly into Skinners car. Marge worried on the matter followed. The car parked up outside a mansion. It was huge and they stepped inside a masive door. Sat on a coach was Homer and a a family who intoduced...

4 years ago
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Simpsons vs Family guy In Skimmers House0

Skinner looked at him funnily and said I have a propasal for you, wich your dearest husband has already said yes too. Lisa, feeling ill from too much curry, said " and what would that be?" If you come with all your sexual dreams will come to. Lisa and Bart ran from the room, quickly into Skinners car. Marge worried on the matter followed. The car parked up outside a mansion. It was huge and they stepped inside a masive door. Sat on a coach was Homer and a a family who intoduced...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Thank God for bingo night

Lisa felt homer’s fingers move slowly up her inner thigh and her body began tingling. Lisa loved how he softly rubbed his finger along her slit and made her pussy all wet. She blushed and buried her head against homer’s chest as she remembered how he had told her to call “down there” either a pussy or a cunt. Lisa knew they were bad words, but homer said she was to use them when it was just the two of them. Homer touched her like this every night, and it was her favorite part of her day. She...

1 year ago
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Simpsons Shower Secrets

Homer turned on the water then waited a moment for the water to warm up. Then he stepped into the shower sighing as it flowed down his back. There was nothing like a nice hot shower after a long days work at the power plant to help him relax. Especially since he had to go to his wifes sisters house that night. Not that he had anything against his wife’s older sisters selma and patty yeah not much it’s just that he hated the way the two of them treated him and he could think of a lot of...

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Simpsons 18

Introduction updated version May 12th, 2017 Art made by cartoonavenger2011. Check out his blog: http://cartoonavenger.blogspot.com.ar/ As usual, Homer gets sleep in work. Unbeknowst, he produced a nuclear fusion that affected Springfield in a strange way: nobody die for the fusion, but children had their bodies altered by it, making them age to their teenage-young adult stage, stopping at the age of 27 (Bart), 25 (Lisa) and 18 (Maggie), in the case of the Simpson's children. Now, while Homer...

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Simpsons The Babysitter makes 3

Bart Simpson couldn’t believe marge was going to let lisa be his and maggie‘s babysitter again especial after the last time she babysat them. After all he was old enough to look after himself and he thought he didn’t need a babysitter! Just because his sister maggie was not old enough to look after herself and his mom and dad didn’t think he was old enough to watch her while they were gone. At least his best friend milhouse would be coming over.With lisa to look after maggie they could be by...

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simpsons Edna knows best part 2

art had told Mrs. Krabapple all she needed to know about Marge. After she pumped him for Info of course. That night she told Bart to wait in a closet with a Camera and told him cues on when to turn it on. And she invited Marge over for some teashe put some wine in the tea and soon Marge got plenty tipsy. Marge big blue hair was coming down a bit and she was slurring some words. Some cleavage was showing out of her dress and she spilt some wine showing an outline of her bra. Krapbobbal thought...

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simpsons Edna knows best part 1

Anal, oral, vaginal, Dom, i****tBart Simpson was 18 and just got dump by his girlfriend. This was one of the bad days. He thought about his life of 18 years, all the adventure he had, the 40 different summers, the 25 different Christmases and wonder if his adventure would end with him being a virgin.After all it shouldn't be this way. He was a cool guy. Nice hair, nice face, 4 fingers and 4 toes. He should be getting tons of women and plus he could skateboard. He couldn't even do the Bartman...

4 years ago
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Simpsons naked in school

The naked in school program comes to Springfield elementary. But unlike in other nis stories participants are required to be naked 24/7 while in town. How will Bart and Lisa cope with being put in the program.

2 years ago
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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...

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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...

1 year ago
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Hello and welcome to Seasons, during this story you’ll meet nine people living their lives. They all interlink with one another in one way or another and culminate at the end. I WILL UNDERSTAND YOU, I WILL DEGRADE YOU, I WILL SUPPORT YOU, I WILL FORSAKE YOU, I WILL BETRAY YOU, I WILL KILL YOU, I WILL PROTECT YOU, I WILL SAVE YOU, I WILL ABANDON YOU, I WILL COMFORT YOU, I WILL HELP YOU, I WILL GUIDE YOU Remember the above as each will be portrayed. If you do like this story please click that...

4 years ago
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Seasons of Change

"Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence (C) The train began slowing as it neared Westbury station. Michael knew this was the name of the station because the conductor had passed through the car and announced it, and around him other passengers were heeding the suggestion that they check to ensure they had all their belongings. Michael gathered his books and the remnants of the snacks he had bought on the train and watched out the window and the train came closer to the...

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Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad

Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...

4 years ago
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She was supine, enjoying every millimeter of the hard, fleshy shaft as it filled her fleshy tunnel at a leisurely pace, paused and then withdrew smoothly. The pleasure was rhythmic at just the timing she liked for the beginning of a fucking session. With her excellent sensory memory, she compared how this lover felt to the one that had been there an hour and a half before. They were both good, or they would not be welcomed, only different, and Mindy enjoyed the differences greatly. There would...

3 years ago
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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

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