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No Time

No time left for you
On my way to better things
No time left for you
I'll find myself some wings
No time left for you
Distant roads are calling me
No time left for you.

No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you.

No time left for you
On my way to better things
No time left for you
I'll find myself some wings
No time left for you
Distant roads are calling me
No time left for you.

No time for a gentle rain
No time for my watch and chain
No time for revolving doors
No time for the killing floor
No time for the killing floor
There's no time left for you
No time left for you.

No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you.

No time
No time
No time
No time

I got got got got no time
I got got got got no time
I got got got got no time
No no no no no no no time
No no no no no no no time
I got got got got no time
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Time
I got no time
Got no time
Got no time
Got no time
Got no time

(No time left for you) On my way to better things
(No time left for you) I found myself some wings
(No time left for you) Distant roads are callin' me
(No time left for you) Da-un-da-un-da-un-da-un-da
No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you
(No time left for you) On my way to better things
(No time left for you) I found myself some wings
(No time left for you) Distant roads are callin' me
(No time left for you) Day-un-day-un-day-un-day-un-day
No time for a gentle rain
No time for my watch and chain
No time for revolving doors
No time for the killin' floor
No time for the killin' floor
There's no time left for you
No time left for you
No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you
No time, no time, no time, no time
No time, no time, no time, no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no time
I got, got, got, got no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no-no-no,
no-no-no, no-no-no, no-no-no, no time
I got no time, got no time, got no time, got no time, got no time
Got no time, got no time

The Guess Who wrote a song supposedly about being caught up in the music industry and lamenting the loss of their friends and parts of their lives that they treasured or remembered deeply.

We all change, some gradually as we age and change perspective.

Some of us, however, have dramatic changes made to our lives that we have no control over and never saw coming. Consider the soldiers returning with limbs missing. In a travesty of logic you can say that they 'signed up' for the risks involved.

Walk through the children's ward of a hospital. Try telling me that they signed up for accidents that left them maimed, disfigured or blinded. Go ahead. I swear to God that I'll beat you until you spatter. And don't take the sanctimonious high road either, spouting "God's will" or some such pious nonsense.

They should teach us the rules in grade school, but nobody does. We have to figure it out on our own, and some, the 'entitled', never do.

Rule number one. Life sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. Rule number two. Life is a fatal disease. You're gonna die. Accept it. Rule number three. Getting along with people is hard. People are contrary, miserable bastards. I should know--I'm one of 'em. Collorary to rule three. You can't change a stubborn person' s mind. Be it religion, politics, holistic medicine or fashion, it's not worth the effort because you're just going to lose. Second collorary. There's no sense in getting your shorts in a knot over someone else's behavior, beliefs or attitude.

There's several coping mechanisms for this. Turn the page. Change the channel. Don't turn your cheek--turn around and walk away. If you positively have to deal with someone you regard as a moron, try to remember that the I.Q. bell curve has a bottom half for a reason. Try to have charity and patience.

Turn it around and try to take their viewpoint for a bit. Many odd behaviors are trained responses--they were taught to think that way.

There's one final response short of dropping nukes from orbit--simply tell them "You drive me crazy. You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine to keep this civilized."

Where am I going with all this? Sometimes an event will hit a person with so devastating a change that it shakes their underpinnings or pulls a support out from under their beliefs, their reason for being.

I was wandering around a college science building with a laptop, pulling an inventory of printer assets while running a WiFi field strength analysis when some damned fool dumped beaker A into beaker B which promptly and enthusiastically blew the fuck up, taking out the room, the few people in it and several of the building's structural members--steel girders. I was unlucky enough to be under an I-beam when it came down. It crushed both of my femurs about three inches above the knee. If it weren't for the pressure of the girder clamping down on my legs I'm told that I would have bled out within minutes.

For a couple months there I thought that would have been the lesser of two evils. I lost about forty pounds the hard way--both legs were amputated.

As I lay in a hospital bed late one night after twinges in my stubs woke me I did some honest thinking. I got around to taking inventory. Granted, I was shorter on one end. It meant that I couldn't do my job any longer. Well, retirement at 48 wasn't such a bad thing, if you'd saved up for it. I hadn't. Since I was retired by a disability I had a few options. One, workman's comp was going to pay off my hospital fees and pay off my first wheelchair. I had a bad taste about it, but I knew that I needed more money than Social Security would hand out.

I hired Cindy, a lawyer, to help me sue the university for loss of earnings and all that went along with a new disability. I made certain to contract with her for a fixed sum, not forty percent as I'd heard some shysters practiced.

Since I knew that I was in the game for the long run I bore down on my physical therapy. I dropped a lot of weight while I pounded on my upper body strength. Doing pullups on a trapeze got easier and easier. I learned to drive my chair without needing a helmet. Falling over backwards in a wheelchair sucks buttermilk.

My apartment was not wheelchair friendly. When I rolled into the apartment complex's office they lawyer was there waiting, just salivating to serve me with an eviction notice. Then they saw my chair. I distinctly heard two voices say, "Oh, shit." I nodded. "Yup, that pretty well sums things up, doesn't it? Since this place isn't wheelchair-friendly, I need out. You gonna play nice and help out, or do I need to get my legal counsel involved?"

The lawyer turned to the manager and said, "Face it, the law's on his side. Be smart." Carol, the manager sighed and shrugged. "What can we do to help?" It floored me. They actually caved without threats!

"I can't even get up the stairs to my bedrooms like this, and packing? Packing would be a nightmare. Everything has to be packed up and stored somewhere, hopefully in a commercial warehouse facility like an environmentally controlled cage. Some stuff I'll never be able to use again, like my camping equipment, and the beds are a no-go, along with the chairs. All that can be given away. Then the place needs cleaning. By the way, the downstairs vanity sink needs rodding out."

The only way to put it was the circus came to town. All the food was given away except for the little cans of chicken. I figured that they'd last next to forever. It all got boxed up, wrapped in huge sheets of commercial Saran wrap and stored away on wood pallets. I moved out of the hospital and into a chain long-term motel. I think the place was called "Residence Inn". It was quite a bit cheaper than a hotel, even with weekly rates.

I had to sue my former employers for back pay and vacation time. They tried to "cut me off at the knees". (Bad joke, but appropriate.) Cindy got me all my back pay, my vacation pay and a hundred and twenty thousand bucks in penalties. Someone in HR had a shit sandwich for lunch for their little tricks.

The university ended up forking over almost two and a half million dollars for loss of income, retraining costs and compensation for my disability. As soon as I paid off Cindy I headed for a local Mercedes dealership. I'd seen an article about a disabled guy in Great Britain that had a small Sprinter van modified for wheelchair rear access and manual controls. I wanted one! I lucked into finding out that the dealership was in on a company-wide PR blitz. They were underwriting vehicles for the disabled nationally. I got my van with modifications for just over twenty thousand bucks--less than half of retail! I was ecstatic. I sold my old jeep for peanuts but the driving record I'd established with it got me a great insurance rate.

Now, what the hell was I going to do? I had a little under two and three quarter million bucks in the bank.

It was February. People tend not to clean sidewalks or parking lots too well in Michigan in the wintertime. Why bother, it's just going to snow again, right? After the first time I got stuck in the slush coming out of a grocery store I decided enough was enough--I was moving out of the goddamned snow belt. Now, where?

While sitting in a diner hoovering down a danish and coffee I saw a display stand of "50+" magazine at the cash register. I wheeled over and picked up a copy in the hopes that wherever people wanted to retire would be wheelchair friendly. Boyhowdy, did that thing cater to the high-end set! It seemed to be written for the people with "I'm spending my kid's inheritance" on the bumper sticker of their half-million dollar motor home. It did have some ideas for locations, though.

I'd used Google Earth to check out Florida. The people there lived so close together that it reminded me of cockroaches on a peanut butter sandwich. Nope, sorry. That was a last resort. California? Sorry, the cost of living was waaay too high. It came down to a toss-up between the New Orleans basin and the Houston basin. Why the coast?

A picture in the trade rag caught my imagination. It showed a gulf coast marina with all the sailboats tied up at the piers and a powerboat churning up a little foam. Damn! What I wouldn't give to go sailing again! However, without my pins it was a non-starter. It took agility that I simply didn't have any more. I shook my head in disappointment, paid my bill and tip then headed back to my temporary home.

I lay awake that night doing my "what if?"s. Living on the water instead of on land could be cheaper as far a start-up costs, but the maintenance was a killer. I dreamed that night about the legless European veterans that rode around on little four-wheeled carts while begging. Man, I had it bad. I woke up with that idea of living on a boat firmly lodged under my skin, just itching away like a chigger. By damn if I didn't go back to the library after breakfast to hit the Internet again. I wanted to check out houseboats for sale.

The marine resale industry is a big one. There's several huge Internet sites devoted to showing off their thousands of hulls of various types, vintages and prices.

The prices ranged from fifty grand to a two million plus, thirty-five feet long to a hundred plus. Most of 'em had some sort of stairs, though. Still, converting a few stairs to a ramp couldn't be that hard ... A full ladder's worth was out of the question. I'd just have to ask my questions from the pros.

I became convinced that this thing I saw called a "Metroship" was the cat's pajamas. There was no wasted space, no catwalks, just an efficiency apartment on the water. Wait a minute. Glass. Damned near to the waterline. Glass. Cleaner. The thing would be a maintenance nightmare, and without catwalks, how the hell were you supposed to get around it to clean the windows? Fly? On top of that, the first wave action or spray would haze the windows, and if there was algae floating around the thing would look like a prop from a zombie movie.

After a sober reflection on the space needed for a wheelchair to move around, and the difficulty involved in reaching the cabinets if you didn't have pins to stand on, a lot of designs hit the wastebasket. Eventually I hit on a houseboat that I liked--a 41 foot Gibson Sport. It was made in '06, just a couple years before. It had a ninety thousand dollar price tag just like the Metroship, but looked almost cherry. I decided to take a trip to Oklahoma to check it out. After all, I wasn't on a schedule or anything. I packed everything, bought a pay-as-you-go cell phone and added some minutes as a roadside fall-back, gassed up the van and headed south to Des Moines Iowa where I could pick up 80 west.

I met the boat's owner, and goddamned if we didn't click. He was moving to Taiwan because of his business and had to get rid of his larger assets pronto. He had a notarized, current assessment done of the boat which made our negotiations a lot less prickly. We cut a deal where he would get the dinette pulled and a desk installed, The fly deck stripped down, the few stairs replaced with ramps and a tallboy toilet installed for me, along with a hell of a lot of trapeze grips and hand-holds for me. The upper cabinets in the galley were pulled right out as I'd never be able to use 'em. However, there were an unexpectedly large number of lower cabinets already installed. I hit a Lowe's home center for a cart full of industrial strength glide systems designed to bring out blenders, mixers, slow cookers, pots and pans from deeply recessed cabinets. Using large plastic food-quality crates I had easy access to my larder, dishes, pots & pans and my slow cooker. It took a month, but he was working on selling his condo at the time so he wasn't nervous.

I refined my search for a place to live while all that was going on. I'd gotten good reviews about a marina in Pasadena, Texas--Seabrook Marine. I called 'em up and reserved a year's berth for a live-aboard 41-foot houseboat. That took a belt out of my checkbook...

I arranged for the boat to be trailered to the gulf coast of Texas, paid my bud for his houseboat, made SURE to get it insured including transportation and drove down to meet it.

April on the Texas coast is nice, as long as the tornados/hurricanes/cyclones piss off. I checked out the long-term weather patters of the entire basin. Since I planned to be north of both Galveston and Texas City the chance of getting hit by a hurricane off the gulf or a tornado from a supercell storm dropped rapidly. Still, the chance was there. There wasn't too much I could do about it except to suck it up and keep up my insurance.

Since she was already out of the water I paid for a fresh application of anti-fouling paint on the hull and a fresh set of zincs. When she was put in I christened her "Second Chance".

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Game Changer

I'm in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren't swingers, but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved she liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so she kept it shaved. Again, that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies became in...

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Blackmailing Turned Out To Be Life Changer

Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...

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The Fairest of Exchanges

One good turn deserves another. In the bedroom that might translate as ‘one good sucking deserves a muffing’. I enjoyed this fairest of exchanges again just this morning. Let me share my experience with you… I woke early and looked at my girlfriend as she lay sleeping beside me. She was turned towards me and her beautiful face was partly covered by her long blonde hair. Her lips are the most sensual I have ever seen. Just looking at them makes me want to cum in her mouth. I have told her this...

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IrreFutable Changes

In the medical world, it got called the Hormone-Oriented Sexual Transmutative Disease. The disease was transmittable through sexual activity and, as its symptoms and causes became more well-known, it got classified as an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) very quickly. Many people were fearful of the disease. They were never sure if they'd catch it, nor how severe its effects would be, except that they could catch it through unprotected sex. They'd avoid any irresponsible activity whatsoever,...

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SRU Going Through Some Changes

This is a bit of a strange one. I had originally planned on it being rather short, but somehow it grew just a little bigger than I had intended. Still, I hope you enjoy. Any one who wishes to archive this story may do so, under the provisions that they notify me of doing so and that there is no charge for it. SRU: Going Through Some Changes By Morpheus Sitting around my dorm room was getting old real fast. Lately I'd been feeling a mixture of stress and boredom, both broken...

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I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute. Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone. — I was tired and cold. The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding...

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The Change

Anna had started her day at the store in a funk; not quite depressed, but certainly not excited to be there. She usually enjoyed her job and liked to help customers. Finally by mid-morning, she hit a brighter spot. Anna giggled lightly as the slim man looked over the display of matching soft-cup bras and panties. He looked slightly out of place, even with his long hair braided and tied off with a bright pink bow, the tight sleeveless shift dress in a gaudy pink-themed print, and...

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A Plague of Changes

A Plague of Changes By Morpheus Chaos exploded around me and the horrendous noise rolled over me like thunder, threatening to deafen me from the raw force of it. Everywhere I looked, there were wild and ferocious creatures that could end my life... or worse. I shuddered slightly as I looked around the complete madhouse that I was trapped within. The zoo known as high school. I took another look around and shook my head, glancing back to the drivers ed pamphlet in my hands. I was...

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SRU The Ring of Change

SRU: The Ring of Change By Allen W. "Spells R Us? When did this open?" Mark thought. Hesitating for a moment in the doorway he decided to step inside. "Hi Mark." Said an old man wearing a bathrobe. "Uh...Hi." "I know exactly what you need." The man said reaching behind the counter. "I... uh... don't really need anything... I was just looking..." "Nonsense Mark!" Said the old man pulling out a little ornate ivory box covered in dust. "This is exactly what you need...

4 years ago
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The Change

The Change By ZeDD My name is Teddy. I occasionally go out with friends and have something of a steady girlfriend, though we both see others whenever we feel like it. I'm in my 20's and living the easy free life of a bacholer. At least I was before I changed into a sexy bombshell named Penelope Benton! Now I'm living the easy free life of a unemployed woman! And it all began with a stupid text number someone scrawled on a piece of paper! I couldn't really explain why I did it....

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Eddies Change

This story is inspired by the many authors of TG fiction out there that I have read, I hope you like it. This story contains an Adult Content and has scenes of Forced Feminization/Humiliation, so if you are under 21 or are offended go and watch Barney or something. Eddie's Change By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1 : A change for the better "Dammit Eddie, will you get off your back side and do some work around here" shouted Suzi, Eddie's wife of nearly 5 years. Eddie looked up...

2 years ago
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DMGC The Department of Magical Gender Change

When magic spells are cast, some are very specific, but others are vague on the details. If a wizard changes a man into a lovely maiden, he might decide what the new woman looks like and how she's dressed. But what happens if the change is triggered by a magical object, or an ambiguously worded wish? Who determines what standard of beauty to use? Who determines what clothes she's wearing after the transformation and makes sure that it's color-coordinated? Who decides on her hair...

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A TechnoChange

A TECHNO-CHANGE by greyguy (Original submission) X-rated - Synopsis: Ken Grantham is disillusioned with his lot in life and convinced that he should have been someone else. While searching for his favourite downloads on the Internet one night, he comes across a life-changing computer program. Categories: Sci-Fi, magical transformations Author's note: This is my first attempt at a TG story, but I have been a fan of this style of writing for a very long time. I got the idea...

5 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 7A Wendy's Changes Hours and days of feeling the vibrations through your clit, the soaking of your panties and the pool of juices that had formed on the blanket of the bed you finally hear your release commanded from the other room and you are all too happy to comply with her wishes. "Cum for me now!" Wendy demands. You scream out into the ball gag as loud as you can. The explosion that happens inside of you is as physical as the mental...

4 years ago
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The Wind of Change

The Wind of Change Connie and I had been married for a little over 18 months when the news broadcasts first warned of the impending collision of two asteroids which were both projected to miss Earth by something around a million miles. There was allegedly little to no danger projected to be present according to the so-called expert astronomers but they did say we would be able to see the collisions aftermath in the evening skies a few days after the collision. Okay, so why should we...

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Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens....

1 year ago
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A game that changes

This is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...

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Ring on the Changes

This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...

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The Change

The Change By Erica Wright Started: 08/28/09 I'm a huge Sci-Fi and Fantasy fan, but I've never really had the desire to blend my love of Sci-Fi with my love of adult fiction. This story is the result of the first time I felt that desire and what happened. Originally the story was going to use some kind of nano-technology to allow the growth and absorption of sexual organs, (i.e. my 'wife' in the story could 'grow' a ten inch penis, and I could 'grow' breasts and a vagina...) Once I...

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The Big Change

Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The Big Change I had been dressing up since I was about seven, always very careful not to get caught, and I had always been successful... until I turned 14. Then he saw me. My best friend in the whole world had simply walked in the house, opened my bedroom door, and saw me standing there, completely decked out, from makeup to dress, pantyhose and low heels. My hair was tied up in a high ponytail, which exposed my clip on earrings. You...

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Pills Pink pills change males to females. Blue pills change females to males. Purple pills (X-Trans) change males or females into transgenders, can be combined with pink or blue. X-Change (Formula subject to change) Acquired from unlicensed "street" vendors. Changed (defective/in testing) formula. Cheapest. High pregnancy risk. Can lead to mental and/or continuing physical changes. Pregnancy results in permanence. More potential effects...(increased hormones/estrogen/testosterone, missing...

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Face the Strange Chapter 711 How Many Special People Change

FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 7: How Many Special People Change Mom's words instantly swept away all of my thoughts and feelings and plans for the immediate future, together with the remnants of my inebriation. Their place was taken by one single overwhelming emotion, anxiety. I had feared precisely this moment ever since I had been told my transformation was probably irreversible, and hoped that I might somehow be able to avoid it; but now there was nothing I could...

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Loving Change

Loving Change Are you sure this will work?" the young woman asked quizzically. "Money back guarantee," the elderly clerk replied as he folded a long silk pink slip with a bottle of unmarked lotion and put both in the bag. "I hope he likes it," the women said as she took the bag and headed back into the mall. "I know she will," the clerk stated out of earshot of the young woman. *** *clink* The touch of wine glasses signaled more than six lunar cycles. "That was a...

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Tokens Spare Change

This story was written over a period of about 4 months as a serial story for another group. When I first started writing this story, I had no idea where it would go. Tokens: Spare Change By Morpheus Prologue A slender man quickly made his way along the sidewalk, intent on his destination and not brooking any delays. Every several minutes the man glanced down at his watch, frowning just a little more deeply and quickening his step that much more. At that rate it might not be...

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Winds of Change

Winds of Change By: Light Clark Synopsis: Ian hated the life that he'd been given. School, home, and everything in between was just unbearable. Then one day, he took a different path during that inbetween and discovered something that could change it all, but it was a gamble. Would it be worth the risk? Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe; just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is...

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Salto Vorto The Dance of Change

Casey and his mother had eagerly anticipated the event for months, perhaps years, subconsciously - The Annual Autumn Mother/Son - Son/Mother Dance, held by their secluded little town's high school. During the Spring school recess, the town's elders assembled and issued its list of this year's "Selected", the high school seniors and their mothers, who were to eligible to participate in the dance. And while the thought of being one of The Selected surprised him, he never really had any...

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Winds In Change

WINDS IN CHANGE by Spanky de Bautumn I was in a rut, spinning my wheels, I needed a change. I'm not a singer, I'm not a performer, I'm not even a good musician, but people have told me that I have a knack for writing. So, I've learned enough guitar to give my poetry some melody and for the past six months have been playing at open mikes and coffee houses in Hollywood and the Valley. I am currently between jobs and doing some telemarketing selling ink cartridges for printers and...

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Some things never change

Some things never change By Trainmaster Synopsis: A geeky tenacious boy, leading a Boy Scout troop on a 50-mile hike, turns into a beautiful poised young lady when the Genderwave overtakes them on the trail. Her (former) father becomes the emotional lightning rod for everyone on the hike, and finds out that changes of sex aren't as important as the things that don't change. My son Stuart was a lanky kid with a heart of gold and a determination to be successful at all he did. The...

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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

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