Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes free porn video

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Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens. Plus, during this time of high stress I rediscovered my love of running - an absolute must for me during the last several months. Well, all the running led to training for a marathon which you can imagine, takes a tremendous amount of time. But anyway, I've had some ideas for some stories I wanted to get down. This one will be a little different for me in that it will be a multi-part story as opposed to those I've previously submitted. I also have a request - please provide me your feedback; I sincerely appreciate your input. I don't usually respond in the posts because I don't want to influence the feedback, what I really want to do is to listen and grow from your comments. One last comment - just for fun and something different, I'll be making some references to other stories, some mine, some other's. You'll see these notations as a number enclosed in brackets with the story I'm referring to at the end of the document. I hope you enjoy - I'll write more as time permits... --1-- I was growing tired as we sat watching one of those silly reality television shows Jen enjoyed so much. I personally didn't care for the exploitation of the "contestants" I felt it generated, but hey, what do I know? I looked over at Jen, discretely studying her. We had been married for 5 years, and she was still the love of my life. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair shimmered in the light - it was one of the first things I noticed about her when we met, her hair and beautiful green eyes. Another Friday night spent at home, going to bed before 11:00 - our lives were nothing exciting. More and more I felt like we were in a rut. Most of our college friends were now married and starting families, but so far Jen continued to change the topic whenever I would hint about starting our family. And while we were still young, as you enter your 30's, the thought of family seems to grow increasingly important. I'm certain it's a natural drive ensure the continued population of the species, but I really didn't care, I just knew I wanted to be a father and that Jen and I would be amazing parents. Bored with television and glancing at the readout on the digital clock in the kitchen seeing it was after 10:00, I decided to call it a night. Jen looked comfortable stretched out on the couch seemingly absorbed in the playback of an earlier recording of people attempting to survive in a remote location by eating all types of vileness I personally wouldn't consider to be food. After stripping down in preparation for bed, I began my nightly ritual of washing my face, brushing my teeth and most importantly emptying my bladder to prevent unwanted awakenings in the middle of the night. As I finished my business, I shook and gave my penis a once over. Not the monstrous tool I had always hoped for, in fact, it was probably a little on the small size. I had measured it a few times in my youth, hoping the size would increase, but it never reached a length beyond five inches with a disappointing girth as well. Never having received much commentary from any of my previous lovers (not that there had been many) about my tool or technique, I had come to think of myself as an average Joe, perhaps a less than average Joe. This in turn did little for my self confidence and self-esteem. That was until I met Jen. We had met at a mutual friend's party in college. I noticed her right away from across the room. Because of the number of people in the room, I could only make out her face, which was plenty for me to know I wanted to see more. Her soft green eyes held me captive; it must have taken at least 30 seconds (about 29 longer than usual) for my eyes to drift to her chest. Lost in my thoughts about Jen's and my first meeting, I finally crept off to bed but couldn't fall asleep. Eventually Jen joined me in bed after changing into her typical sleeping ensemble of panties and a t-shirt. As she crawled into bed next to me her body warmth felt extremely comforting to me and I snuggled a little closer spooning into her curvaceous back side. I leaned over to kiss Jen goodnight and softly began to stroke her hair, a technique I used when hinting at romance, but she was having nothing to do with it tonight. She evaded my advances with skill acquired from long practice. And while I always told myself it had nothing to do with my skills as a lover (or more importantly the size of my member), I sort of suspected it did. ****** I didn't sleep well that night, which was unusual for me. I tossed and turned most of the night feeling flashes of hot and cold with bizarre dreams that were just out of memory's reach during my many wakeful moments. I wondered if I hadn't contracted a virus of some sort and this was the first stage of a weekend of illness. Eventually, I did drift off into a deep slumber sometime in the early hours of the morning. But sleep wasn't to last long for me. I was so exhausted that it took me a moment to come awake, and even when I did; it took me a few more moments to realize what was going on. The blankets had been completely pulled away and a very naked and very sexy Jen was performing oral ministrations on my member! I was completely taken aback because not only was this something Jen rarely did for me (an occasional birthday or anniversary) but when she did, it still was under protest. This time, I was astonished to see Jen looking up at me with undisguised lust in her eyes. She was *definitely* enjoying what she was doing, but nowhere near as much as I was! While I was definitely enjoying the attention my appendage was receiving, I was faced with the problem that it wasn't *my* appendage! While I was certainly feeling all the right feelings, the penis I now had was at least 4 inches longer and a good inch wider than my former unit. At first, my mind kept attempting to deny the data my eyes were feeding it. I kept trying to tell myself that I was in some sort of incredibly erotic dream or perhaps a fever induced hallucination. I knew this was impossible, this kind of thing didn't happen. It *couldn't* happen, and yet, there it was, firmly attached to me. But the final point of confirmation for me that finally convinced me that this was not the penis I had fallen asleep with was that I was no longer circumcised. This was certainly something I doubted a tired or feverish mind would have the detail to create. My emotions were in turmoil. I was feeling fear, excitement, arousal, happiness all at the same time. The adrenalin pumping through me combined with Jen's continued focus on my newly enlarged member nearly made me climax. Sensing my approaching orgasm, Jen quickly positioned herself over my huge penis and began a slow decent. Her broad smile slowly turned to a look of pure ecstasy as she slowly lowered herself onto my now very rigid organ. Reaching up, I cupped her nicely shaped, if a bit small, breasts gently squeezing the rubbery nipples between my thumb and forefinger eliciting a soft moan from her. Watching Jen start slowly, then with increasing speed, move up and down my much longer shaft, I focused once again on the sensation I was receiving. The feelings were so much more intense for me than they had been in the past, undoubtedly due to the increased friction due to my larger size. And I could tell Jen was experiencing the same sense of increased pleasure - I had never seen or heard her react to our sexual encounters as she was now. Not even close. ****** I was so confused and unsure of what to think. I almost felt like I was losing my mind - especially since I seemed to be the only one who noticed the change. The thought of this type of change being possible caused my mind the same type of dizzying panic as when I tried to think in depth about eternity - the human mind simply isn't equipped to fully grasp certain concepts. I finally decided that the only way I was going to manage this change was to accept it as some kind of cosmic gift that I shouldn't question. I just had no other way to wrap my mind around the unexplainable. Beyond the bizarre change to my anatomy, nothing else seemed to be different. The rest of my body seemed the same as I remembered it, Jen seemed the same, the house seemed the same, and so as the weekend proceeded, I simply did my best not to dwell further on the situation. As I showered, I had a chance to examine my "new friend" a little more intimately. Even in its soft state, it was longer and thicker than my old appendage when it was fully aroused! As I pulled back my newly recovered foreskin to wash, I began to get aroused again. "You're unbelievable!" I told my new penis feeling a bit of pride and satisfaction at how quickly it recovered. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." It seemed that the one change, beyond the obvious physical one, was the Jen was much more willing to be intimate with me and more sexually ... eager I guess is the best word. I didn't hold this against her, I never doubted she loved me, but sexually I'm certain I was now able to satisfy her more deeply. When I returned to work the following Monday, things seemed different there as well. The women in the office looked at me a little differently and seemed ... friendlier. Yes, definitely friendlier and Cindy, our admin who had barely spoken to me the Friday before was now flirting with me to the point it was disrupting my work. My only explanation to this was that I must be subconsciously exhibiting more self-confidence than I had in the past. How strange... --2-- A couple of weeks passed when I was awoken again in the middle of the night. As I was coming awake, I noticed I had slept on my hand - and I must have slept on it hard because it was definitely numb to the point where the sharp pins and needles feeling of the circulation returning wasn't even present. Trying to restore the blood flow, I grasped my right hand with my left and began to gently shake it to help expedite the process. Odd, it didn't seem to be responding. And even more odd was the texture of the skin was ... not right. Instead of the hairy, usually rough texture I was accustomed to, the skin felt soft and hairless. It was still early enough in the morning that the room was dark, so I couldn't see clearly, but I began to become a little nervous about what was wrong with my hand. I crept out of bed trying not to disturb Jen and headed toward the attached bathroom. Quietly shutting the door behind me, I turned on the light to better examine my hand. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the increase of light in the room and I was able to focus on my hand, I cried out loud in shock and surprise. My right hand was NOT my hand! I mean, it was attached to me, but it was not the same hand that had been attached when I had gone to bed. Holding my hands up side-by-side to compare, I began to evaluate the differences. My left hand looked exactly the same as it always had: light hair running up to my first set of knuckles, short nails, wide palm, and thick fingers. While in comparison, my right hand was hairless, had long slender fingers, a rather narrow palm and long fingernails. Long *painted* fingernails! It was not only the wrong hand; it was the wrong gender of hand! And why the hell were the nails painted red?!? Trying to make sense of what had happened, I carefully examined my new hand. There were several things I noticed at once. First, I didn't have complete feeling in the hand. I realized I had earlier mistaken the lack of sensation for a lack of circulation, but I was beginning to suspect it was something more. Next, I noticed the color of skin on my right hand was different, it was not only a couple of shades darker than my normal skin color, but had more of a brown tone than the bronze I was accustomed to. And finally, I didn't have complete control over the hand. I mean I would send the mental command, but the finer motor skills didn't seem to be fully functional - almost as if all the tendons weren't fully attached. I could move my fingers and grasp large items, but that was about it. The final shock to me was when I discovered the very faint scar line between my wrist and elbow (closer to the wrist) where the hand was attached. Almost as if somehow in the middle of the night, a group of elves had entered our house but instead of cobbling shoes, they had instead cobbled a new hand. My head was spinning as I tried to wrap my mind around a world where you can go to bed perfectly normal, and wake up the next day with a different body part! This thought had no sooner entered my mind when a chill ran through my heart. Wondering what else might have changed, I quickly checked the area I was most concerned with. Using my fully functional left and my partially functional right hands, I grasped the waistband of my boxers and checked. I let out a gentle sigh of relief to see my new manhood was still intact. Trying to take deep breaths, I forced myself to continue my examination which came up negative - only the hand (as if that weren't enough) had changed. I suddenly became aware that Jen had awoken and was standing behind me watching my self-examination. I had no idea how long she had been standing there, but when I caught her reflection in the mirror, it was one of concern. "What's wrong Babe?" she asked as she walked up behind me and embraced me from behind. I could feel the warm comfort of her body pressed against mine and the gently push of her breasts into my back. This calmed me considerably just having her near, but my heart was still running at capacity, a fact that didn't escape her as she laid her head against my back. "My ... my hands," I started, "they're different. How is this possible?" I said letting the final words drift into a rather silent sob. I didn't even realize until that moment how emotionally charged I was. Jen came around in front of me cradling my head in her palms and looked me straight in the eyes. "Tom, Honey, we've been through this. You know it doesn't bother me and this was the best choice we had with the options we were presented with." Her comments left my mind reeling! She knew my hands were different?!? As impossible as it was, this situation was normal to her! My reaction was to break down into sobbing tears. My hand had been deformed, no, not deformed - completely replaced! And she saw nothing wrong with it! How was this possible? Still gently holding my face in her hands, Jen began wiping away my tears with her thumbs. "Baby, it's okay!" she coaxed. "I know this is hard for you, but we'll get through it together. And it's for the best, really. Why don't you jump in the shower, and I'll go downstairs and make some hot tea for you." She said turning the shower on for me. Relenting and finally catching my breath, I headed toward the shower. When I was finished, I dressed in a robe and headed downstairs. Since it was Saturday morning, I was in no hurry to get dressed and under the circumstances; it was for the best that it wasn't a work day. ****** As I rounded the corner heading toward the kitchen, I heard Jen's voice speaking softly to someone. "... not sure what triggered ... yes, yes, perhaps a nightmare ... why repressing now? We were making such great progress? Okay, yes, I will have him make an appointment." "Who was that?" I said startling her slightly as she hung up the phone. "Doctor Suthar. She wants you to make an appointment to come in on Monday," Jen said as she set a hot cup of tea and a bottle of pills down for me at the table. "And don't forget to take your medicine." she added. So many questions ran through my mind. As I sat down, I looked at the bottle, but didn't recognize the name of the drug. "What is this?" Jen sat down across from me. Again, the patient yet worried look. "They're your immunosuppressive drugs Sweetie - so your body doesn't reject the transplant. You know this; we've been through this dozens of times." "Transplant!" my mind screamed. Outwardly I was trying my best not to show too much emotion in fear of making the situation worse, but my shaking left hand betrayed my inner turmoil. ****** Later that day after Jen felt comfortable leaving me alone long enough to run to the grocery store, I sat calmly examining my new right hand, contemplating yet again, how something so bizarre could have occurred. Trying to put logic into an illogical situation, I began to mentally note the facts as I knew them. * Fact - no matter how improbably or unlikely for these changes to occur, they indeed had occurred. * Fact - it seemed that I was the only person that seemed to be affected. At least as far as I could tell. * Fact - whatever was causing these changes to me, left my memory intact, yet everyone else's memory seemed to change. * Fact - reality seemed to change to explain the differences in me. As I sat pondering my situation, it suddenly occurred to me. While internal organ transplants were certainly fairly routine in today's world, limb transplants were not. I should be able to find some information on the web about my transplant. Moving to our home office, I began to search for hand transplants noting that it was not particularly easy to type with one hand. Sure enough, I found what I was looking for. It was so bizarre to read about this situation as if it had actually occurred and made news headlines, but to me, read like a science fiction story. The article outlined the usual situation of how my lower arm and hand had been mutilated beyond recognition in an unfortunate car accident. What made the case so interesting was not only the fact that I had agreed to a transplant, but also the donor. According to the articles I read, the blood type and other indices used for successful transplants matched an unheard of 100% between myself and the anonymous donor, but what made the circumstances the most unique was that the transplanted hand had been provided by a female donor. My mind was reeling by the time I had finished my research. I felt tired, confused and generally nauseous. And there was something about my new hand that was nagging me, something I couldn't quite put my finger on, something ... strangely familiar about it. ****** When I arrived back at work on Monday, I noticed that the flirtatious environment I had previously enjoyed was completely gone. In its place was a mixture of sympathy and possibly loathing. It was very confusing for me. As I sat at my desk, I noticed an unusual keyboard. It took me a little time to determine that it was a special keyboard designed for people who only have the use of one hand. As I sat trying to focus on my work, my mind instead kept drifting. Finally deciding to take a break, I sat rubbing the sleep from my eyes and focused on the wedding photos on my desk. These pictures always brought me great pleasure. Jen dressed in her white gown, seemingly glowing with happiness on our special day. I also enjoyed the picture of our wedding party as we stood repeating our vows. And one of my favorites was the picture of the close-up of our hands with our wedding rings... Then it hit me - I grabbed the photo of our hands holding the picture up and looking closely at it paying particular attention to the shape and size of Jen's hands. I then compared the picture of her left hand to that of my new right hand and almost collapsed under the weight of realization. My right hand was the perfect complement to the picture of Jen's left. That's what had been nagging me, why the hand looked so familiar. It was an exact copy of Jen's. Knowing there was nothing more I could do until I got home, I tried to lose myself once again in my work. ****** Later that afternoon, I sat waiting for Jen to arrive home from work. I had finally pled illness and left work early, I simply couldn't focus any more. When she finally arrived she saw me sitting on the couch and immediately sensed something was wrong. "It *is* your hand Jen! It is! Look, closely! Yes, it is proportionally different, but look at the shape of the fingers and particularly the thumb. And the clincher, this beauty mark - it's in the exact same spot as yours. I don't know how it is possible, but it is!" I nearly screamed. Her earlier look of skepticism was slowly being replaced with one of confusion and doubt. Then suddenly with hard resolve. "John, it isn't my hand because it *can't* be. I have both my hands." She said holding her hands out to me to emphasize her point. "It's just a coincidence, nothing more." And with that, the conversation was over. --3-- It had been about three weeks since my latest change and I was finally becoming accustomed to the fact that my hand was different. I was slowly learning not to question my new reality, it only made things more difficult and there didn't appear to be anything I could do to influence it. It was Sunday morning and the sun was beginning to peek through the windows. Feeling a little frisky, I reached over to stroke Jen's hair hoping to elicit a morning bout of lovemaking. Lying on my back, stroking her hair with my hand, I again noticed a sense of wrongness that I couldn't quite place or what had triggered it. Then it came to me. I was stroking Jen with my right hand - since the morning I had awoken with the transplanted hand, I enjoyed a limited sense of touch in that hand. But now, I could clearly feel the silky texture of her hair! I was elated! And though I could no more explain why my hand had returned to normal any more than my previous two metamorphoses, I was no less thrilled! Anxious to see my old friend, I quickly brought both my hands into view to enjoy the symmetry. And then I faltered. I blinked rapidly to make sure I wasn't dreaming, then looked closely again. Yes indeed, my hands were again symmetrical and definitely a matching pair. The problem this time is that they were now *both* soft and hairless. I had a *pair* of feminine hands now - and I knew beyond a doubt whose they were. Shaking Jen awake, I began frantically trying to convince her that my latest changes were not coincidence. "You can't deny it this time Jen; there is no doubt that these are identical copies of your arms and hands!" A look of confusion masked her still sleep swollen face. "John, we've had this discussion before, what would I deny?" "I'm sorry this happened, truly, but you know what they said about Regen [1] being an accidental compound that is still being investigated. They don't know what the long term effects are and don't want to risk anything more until they understand it better. You know all this." She said sounding a bit agitated. ***** The first order of business I had was to remove that damn red nail polish I was again wearing for some reason. This whole situation was just somehow wrong - beyond the obvious situation of having a duplicate copy of my wife arms attached to me. I just couldn't figure out why I would have the long fingernails and same color nail polish that I was wearing in my previous transformation. It was just something else that simply didn't make sense. Examining my slender new arms, a pattern to my changes seemed to be emerging. Even though it had been three weeks between my last two changes, the changes only seemed to occur on Friday or Saturday nights. And the last two changes seemed to involve Jen for some reason. I still couldn't make sense of everything, these were simply more pieces of a complicated puzzle. After removing the nail polish with some of Jen's nail polish remover I found in the bathroom, I began to trim back the long fingernails I was growing so that I felt more comfortable. Once I had completed this task, I began to do some online research and found an amazing amount of data. My particular case was documented in several news reports as well as online medical journals. Apparently I was heralded as a hero and a freak all at the same time. Pharmacorp had experienced a huge explosion which caused a shockwave to be felt around the city. The shockwave did massive destruction to many buildings and automobiles. From what I could tell from the article, Jen and I had been driving (a destination was not provided) when a piece of flaming debris struck our vehicle causing me to lose control, resulting in a fiery crash. "What's up with these car accidents?" I muttered out loud. My recognition of heroism was that despite massive injuries, I had pulled my even more seriously injured wife from the burning vehicle suffering severe burns on both my arms. Jen had also been severely burned over most of her body - it was the Regen that had saved our both our lives. The Regen had regenerated Jen's tissue from the ground up erasing any sign of injury. The theory with my injury went that a bleeding injury on Jen had transmitted her DNA to my seriously burnt arms. Add a bit of transformed Regen, and voila - two arms regenerated using my wife's DNA. Case closed. Except that before last night, none of this had ever happened. But the newspaper articles were at least a month old. It was all too impossible. It made my head hurt to think about it. --4-- My bladder was punishing me with a deep slow ache that I could no longer deny. It was another Saturday morning; I had come to dread them now. It had been less than a week since my last change, so I was hoping I was safe, at least for a little while longer. Despite my hopes, as I slowly came awake, I tried to mentally prepare myself for what may be different now. As I began opening my eyes, I knew immediately something was amiss. Last night I had gone to bed in the master bedroom, and this morning, I had awoken in the guest bedroom. Since I had no history of sleep walking, I had to assume that yet another reality shift had occurred. But what had changed that would cause me to wake up here? It only took a moment to have my question answered, as I sat up and looked down, I was yet again shaken to my foundation. What had I done to deserve this cruel fate? Looking toward the ceiling I cried out, "How can this be happening?" But no one cared to respond... To be continued... ********** [1] See Survivor by Island Riter: Regen is a compound referred to in this story that in its altered state allowed regeneration of body parts from dissimilar DNA.

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Saturday night, alone for the the first time in a long time. The butterflies were back in my stomach. Sitting on the overstuffed chair in the den, legs up on the ottoman. The lights were dimmed. My coffee was cooling on the table. I had just opened the laptop to read my e-mail, but I knew that what I really wanted to do was go back to that web site. John and JJ had gone for a father-son camping trip. Jennie was sleeping over with Melanie, her best friend since third grade, and would not be home...

2 years ago
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First Encounter In Pune

Hi, I am back to writing after a long time. A small introduction about myself. I am a guy in his 20’s with a 5.5 inch dick. I am well built like some gym guy. I am slim and this but what I know best is to mesmerize women and make them horny. My first story was about sexting and well I had very good encounters with girls. Since then I have moved to Pune. Here I have been free and independent. I used to sex chat with a lady who used to live in pune. This story is about her. This women in question...

2 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 37

‘She’s inconsolable,’ Anne told him. Stan looked up. He was in his kitchen, filling the kettle. Tea all around seemed to be the best answer. ‘God, I’m so English!’ he thought, irrelevantly. Anne stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning tiredly against the doorframe. Her white blouse was stained with what Stan assumed were tears and makeup. She looked exhausted. Stan put the kettle on and went to her. He gathered the tall blonde figure into his arms and kissed her, softly, tenderly. ‘I...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 14C

Anita didn't always attend Fiore's class, so I was pleased when I saw her there Monday morning and I walked up to her and said hello, and she returned it, and we joked around for a moment as if we had known each other for months. I told her, "See, you're not intimidating at all." She said, "Of course I'm not. I never was. That was all in your mind." During the workout I caught her looking at me during a particularly tricky exercise that the class was going through, and we saw each...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Jenna Fireworks Bubbly Blonde Fucks And Swallows

Blonde slut Jenna Fireworks is a breath of fresh air all men shouldn’t miss. The bubbly lady with all-natural tits shares some interesting stories about her experiences in the industry. It doesn’t take long before all the talking made the tattooed blonde wet and horny. She gives her man a sloppy blowjob before letting him bang her from behind. Jenna can’t help but moan as the lucky stud fucks her tight cunt doggy style. The horny duo continues to fuck each other, shifting to...

3 years ago
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What Would You Have Said If You Were Me

This is the completely true story of our first ever visit to a swingers club and how it led to my wife’s first interracial experience. I’ve stayed true to the events and emotions, so that the reader can immerse themselves and feel what it REALLY feels like to experience the wild world of swinging. All the characters are real, so join me into the dark erotic world of swinging.  Let me introduce myself, my name’s Rick. It was a whirlwind courtship. I was chatting her mate up in the bar, she...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 24 Ecstasy

There was one visitor whom Molly knew she would never forget. Even Sister Lucia remembered him, and she forgot most of Molly's visitors as quickly as she could. It was his general nastiness which made him memorable. The first, and only, time he visited her was some twelve months after her arrival at the College of Correction and Redemption, and Molly had settled into a routine. Sister Lucia would receive word of a visitor and what she was to wear; leaving her cell she would slip easily into...

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My mom8217s anniversary gift

Hi all sexy peoples who have been writing here and reading here. This is Rony here back again with one more story as I told u in my last story that I will tell u that how I fucked my mom in different places after getting caught by her while I was having sex with my aunt. I have in my story abt my n my aunts fucking story. Who was beautiful n sexy n hungry for sex with me where ever I want n when ever I want n what ever style I want . She would never object me from being fucking her. I fucked...

2 years ago
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Pyaari Raani

Mere Pyare garma garam lund wale aur fudakti chooton wali mahilaao (ladkiyan bhi). Aaj mai jo dastaan sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek bahut hi garma garam wakye ki hai. Mujhe to aap jante hi hai. Mera Naam Sanjay hai aur mai Thane (Mumbai) me rehta hoon. Vaise ek baat ka mujhe malal hai ki aaj take mai ye sochta tha ki Mumbai ki auraten ya ladkiya sex ke mamle me kafi advance hai aur achche chudayi ke liye tayyar rehati hai. Lekin mujhe aaj take Mumbai ke bahar se jyada female ne offer diya aur...

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Blackmailing Preeti Teacher Went Wrong

This is raghu, I am from hyderabad, this story is about my sexual encounter when I was in my 12th standard. I am a doctor now in hyderabad and my age is 23, this story happened 5 years ago during my examinations. I was generally interested in becoming a doctor since my childhood so I was obviously not interested in maths. In my +2, maths was mandatory for us. I tried tuition with various teachers but nothing worked out. There was a woman in my neighborhood named preeti, she is 42 years of age...

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Hot Sex with Hot Chickrdquo ndash The Fi

Read part one here: Read part two here: part three here: part four here: The sex I had with Hot Chick was great… After fucking in the locker room at her boss’s condo, we started kinda sorta dating but not seriously though. I was seeing other girls but not fucking them and she...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 10 Hunted

The evening was cold and Varna stood on the palace battlements watching the market close and the stall holders pack up. She shivered and pulled her cloak round her. She heard footsteps and looked round; Petara was making her way along the walkway towards her. Varna turned back to watch the activity in the square below. Petara stopped next to her and they stood together in silence for a while. "I saw Minara walking around the market this morning," Petara broke the silence. "Yes, I think...

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Mother Daughter Feast 8 of 12

At Anna's direction, Red pulls more of the spit through her pussy, with Anna guiding it towards her esophagus, forcing it through the cardboard and foil. When the tip of the spit is in the edge of Red's sliced esophagus, Anna tells her to stop and then orders her to finish packing herself with stuffing. Once Red has all of the stuffing inside her, we hold her abdominal walls together and let her staple them closed. When this is done, I pull her shoulders towards the top of the table until...

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Sexy Nights With My Loving Mami

Hi…. Readers me is side ka reader jabse hu jabse mujhe chut ka nsha chda he ab me aapko apni stori batata hu bat un dino ki he jab mene nya-nya collage me admission liya tha isse pahle me in sab chudai or uski bato ke bare me nahi janta tha mere sab friends blue ‘film dekhte the par mujhe in sab se nafrat thi sirf padne or khelne se matlab tha me dusri bato me bilkul dyan nahi deta tha me dikhne me bhi bhtut handsome ha hi meri life me ladkiyo ki koi kmi thi par me humesha ladkiyo se dur rahta...

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Anna Nagar Aunty In Theater 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is my first story ever in ISS so please bear with any mistakes only name has been changed for identity purpose.first let me introduce myself Vinay(name changed) a 23 year old teenage boy finished my bachelors in cse from a well reputed college in Chennai lives in adyar looking after my dads business and live with my family.I myself call as the “king of sex” no offense due to my high appetite of sex because i started to watch porn from the age of 11 during 6th std itself cos the...

3 years ago
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Sexy Louise the Naughty Boy Part 2

Anyway, As I reached the top of the stairs to my flat I noticed a young Pakistani boy on his knees having a look through my letterbox. "Hey!! Can I help you mate?!" I shouted at the boy, He immediately stood up and turned around with a guilty look upon his face, he looked a bit taken aback and clearly wasn't used to talking to attractive blonde woman like myself, "uh uh, um Ahmed wanted me to um put this through your letterbox" he stuttered and held out a small note. "Are you a friend...

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New Bucket Seats

It was almost time for my shift to end when Dick walked into the hotel and came up to me at the front desk. I was surprised to see him. He’d never stopped by my work before. He started making small talk in his low quiet voice and I nervously replied. Our trysts had been very hush-hush and his presence here made me squirm as my conscience turned a spotlight on my clandestine activities so all could see. I turned the conversation to a safe subject … cars, mine in particular. After I checked out...

Gay Male
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Pregnant and Horny

Jen is 5'7", blonde, and normally 125 pounds, with a nice slim waist and flared hips that support her D cup tits. She is sexy and knows it, and so does anyone who looks at her. Notice I said 'normally'. Well, seven months ago she got pregnant and now she has gained a little weight. She has a beautiful baby bump and her tits have gone to at least a DD. I can't help but get hard every time I see her naked. What is great about about Jen is that she is hornier than ever and seems to either be on...

Group Sex
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They Call Me The Fireman pt 1 of 5

I have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel. Only minor damage was done but still the lady of the house was worried. We did a secondary search of the house, surrounding walls and found nothing. I explained to this very lovely, yet scantily clad young woman she had nothing to fear. She asked if I could come back and check it the morning. I told her...

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Awesome night after work in Muskegonmi hell

Well my name is Rikko Suave. Im 32 single no k**s. About 5"11 165 lbs blue eyes light brown hair. Im White Native American and Polish. With ten tattoos. I worked at Mr.Scribs pizza witch is only in Muskegon ,Michigan.. I worked until 4am. So i was working the drive through window that night. Busting my ass like always. So I'm working the drive through. Its around 2:30am. Almost time to close. Next thing you know this sexy ass black Ladies came to the drive through drunk.They both started...

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CFNM fight

A cfnm fight is mainly about clothed female fighting naked men as the only thing that the naked men wear is nothing most nothing but knee and elbow pads, wrist bands, ufc gloves or boxing groves as the female clothed opponents see them naked as they see penis,balls and pubic hair yes that genitalia. The females wear tight, sport bra, leotards, shorts or jeans while wearing gloves elbow and knee. The women are sexually attracted to there male opponent as they would beat the crap out of them as...

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Diary of a sex slave

My alarm began vibrating against me bang on half six. We found that a standard alarm would wake up my master as well and he only enjoyed being woken up in one way.I cautiously left the bed so not to wake him and headed for the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet the remnants of last night trickled out and I prepared myself for the morning routine..Still naked I wandered from the bathroom back to the bedroom seeing my master lying on his back, pulling the duvet back gently his half erect penis...

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Expected Deviance

The Time Mafia Makes a Bimbo Inspired by stories by Anostus and KhakiAchilles. Dr. Peter Zimmerman looked around in wonder. He had seen the primitive 2D movies, and read the history books but seeing the early 21st century in person was completely different. The sights, the smells, the sounds -- everything was better than he had imagined. He walked down the street and was pleased to find that nobody seemed to pay him any mind. His careful research into period appropriate clothing and...

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love letter from cheating girlfriend

Lets do this right this time. First things first - we go out. I think thats only fair since i am raking in the dough, i pay for drinks. Of course the point in going out before going in would be to drive you completly wild. Knowing you, a few hours in a public place with me teasing you constantly will definitly turn you on. When we get back (either to your place or we could get a room)you will have hands down the best sex of your life - and i know you have had a lot - but trust me i will blow...

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The Lion Queen

Welcome to my world. A world were knights are bold, kings are greedy, queens are lonely and princesses are lusty. The kingdoms are ruled by humans... and lions. In this world the lions walks on two feet, are wearing clothes (some of the time) are as intelligent as the humans. The females, lionesses, however are smarter than their male counterparts, and while they´re very cunning they´re also very lusty. Every lioness have a body that any human women would envy. Large breasts, wide hips, thin...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 12

John stood and watched Benin for a little while. He was dressed in a Soviet Naval Lieutenant's greatcoat complete with epaulettes and a fur hat. Benin sat on a deckchair below the after bridge house tightly wrapped in a grey blanket. John thought she looked miserable. He went to her, smiled, and put a hand on her shoulder. "You look the part," she told him without looking up. Her voice was dull and lifeless. "Rhykov gave it to me. He said it would be better if I wore a uniform," he...

3 years ago
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Assassin PracticeChapter 8

The incident at Yankee Stadium produced gales of laughter at the Stewart household when the news reports begin to come in. Nobody could explain the sudden appearance of 67 naked people on the playing field during the 7th inning stretch. The majority of reporters assumed that it was another bizarre demonstration by members of PETA, who had taken to appearing nude in various places around New York City to protest the wearing of fur coats, etc. Jase was afraid that he had blundered and would be...

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Flames of Desire

The flames dance along the wall as the fire flickers. Sending waves of warmth around us as we stand illuminated in the soft glow of the burning embers. You gently pull me to the floor. The fire flickering off our bodies as a lover’s touch would caress the soul. We gaze deeply into each other’s eyes and recognize the burning desire within their depths. With the cool soft fur of the bearskin rug caressing us as we lay there surrendering to the touch of each other. I hear a sigh escape your lips...

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My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

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Just Shopping For A Suit MaamPart 2

She just walked out of the dressing room after telling him to strip down to his underwear. He wanted a good fitting suit for his brother's wedding and was told this was the store that did custom fitting at great prices. The sales lady that waited on him was quite a distraction in her heels and mini skirt that just about covered his imagination. After she closed the door, he looked around. There were mirrors on all the walls, a comfortable chair in the corner next to the rack to hang his...

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Jack and His Nan Ch 3

Reading the first two chapters would be most beneficial. Dee's orgasm was strong as it washed over her. Her fingers were still between her lips lightly stroking her clit when she came again. "OH GOD, BABY. YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM AGAIN!" After she came down from her climax, she looked at the sheer panties and thought, "I can't wait for Jack to see me in these. But I really wonder what he'll think. I'm 75 years old. I've put on some weight and added some wrinkles here and there. My hair is silver....

4 years ago
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Trupti Ki Chudai

Hello dosto… Mera naam shubh hai aur ye mer jivan ki true story hai… Mai pune ka rahene wala hu… Ye stroy 3 saal purani hai aur yekdum sacchi hai. Mai it company mein kam karta hu.. Maine recently hi naya job join kiya tha.. Aur usi dauran meri mulakar trupti se ho gayi. Wo bhi software mein hi job karti thi .Dikahne mein bahut hi sexy thi aur wo kothrud mein rahati thi… Khas karke uske ball bahut mast the… Gol gol aur sexy.. Aur kamar bhi bahut hasin thi Shuru se hi maine usmein intrested tha…...

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Daughter in Laws Afternoon Nap

My hand slids inside her panties moving them off her hips and down her legs, she wonders if this might not be a dream after all. My hand was so slow, the room so warm, I she didn't see how it could be anything but a dream. So she relaxed and felt my lips on her neck and my hand sliding her panties off her body. She could feel herself becoming wet and aroused her naked nipples now hard inside her dress. My hand slids her panties very slowly off her feet. Naked from the waist down with her...

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A Disgrace To The School Miss Downeys Story Chapter Nine

Karen O’Donnell and Abbie Tainio sat silently in the Sixth Form assembly hall at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. It had been over a fortnight since the incident on the senior school visit to Berlin during the Easter holidays but here they were, going to be punished for letting the school down in such an embarrassing way. Both girls looked straight ahead at the large table at the front of the hall and could see that Ms. Storey had already arranged the implements that each would be punished with...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 16 Just like Sue

I allowed myself to fall asleep next to Alicia knowing that sexual desire would awaken me in the small hours. When it did, instead of turning for relief to the gorgeous and compliant little creature next to me I went to the main bedroom where Wendy was sleeping. She was my wife, after all, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive all evening. There are wives in this world, I reflected, that might object if their husband brought home a big-titted eighteen-year-old and shagged her...

4 years ago
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A Love So Bold

A Love So Bold By Anon Allsop Preface: Origins of the Amulet of Asclepius The amulet was a thin medal of hammered silver, an ancient necklace which dated back to before the time of Christ. It first came to knowledge with the early Greeks, said to have been imbued with great mystical powers, forged directly by the hands of the gods. On one side of the amulet was a clear, blue sapphire teardrop that appeared to have a sunburst deeply etched within the backside of the beautiful stone....

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Fiances taken

My penis aches with pleasure. When I drunkenly suggested to a group of female friends that I wanted my fianc?to be taken advantage of as she had taken advantage of me I had no idea they would be so willing, or the ideas they would have, some of which were even wilder than mine. One of them, probably Clara, had spiked her drink with rohypnol after several strong cocktails, after she had already had enough to start sending her to sleep. After finding out from a mutual friend that she been...

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Sweet Valentines Kisses

You watched the oven intently as the chocolate hardened in the metal shells and you waited for them to be ready for the sweet caramel filling you had prepared. Once that was done they were to be topped with white chocolate. As always the smell was mouth-watering as I waited for your sweet Valentines Kisses to be ready. I looked at you and noticed the stains of sugar and chocolate on your apron. As you eased the heavy tray into the cold room and stood up I came up behind you and circled your...

2 years ago
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Dterminisme naturel5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

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Der Bodymorpher

Du bist Walter, 46-jähriger Erfinder. Vor kurzem hast du etwas erfunden, und zwar den Bodymorpher, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Die ersten Tests mit leblosen Objekten und der Hauskatze waren bereits erfolgreich. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Teil am Menschen zu testen!

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MySistersHotFriend Sami St Clair 23241

Sami St. Clair lives with her friend and her friend’s brother Peter, and after speaking with her friend, she has a sneaking suspicion it’s Peter who’s stealing her clothes. Why would she suspect that? Because he’s a little metro. Sami devises a plan to surveil him by hiding in her bureau and casing his every move. He eventually enters her room, and lo and behold the guy starts trying on her clothes. Bam! Sami jumps out and scares and embarrasses the shit out of him. He tells her he only does it...

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MILF lover

My name is JB and on one hot summer day in June was when my ultimate fantasy happened. I would consider myself a good looking guy. I am 18 years old and about 6’1” with a muscular body brown hair and hazel eyes. I don’t have that much trouble getting girls but I didn’t really want a girl. I wanted a woman! For as long as I’ve known that I even had a dick I have wanted an older woman. This is the story of how it happened… Me and my friend John were bored as hell and were thinking of something to...

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Private Sienna Day Ruby Reign Share Stud in Anal Threesome

The sensual brunette, Ruby Reign, and glorious big titted MILF, Sienna Day, have come to Private Movies, Traders in the City to share their favourite thing in the entire world… cock! That’s right, this incredible duo is here today to take on stud Máximo Garcia, and they waste no time at all getting down to business by immediately treating him to a double gagging blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as Ruby’s tight pussy and Sienna’s beautiful ass take a hard...


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