Alchemical Ink Shattered Angel
- 3 years ago
- 29
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"Ahhhg!" Alex woke with a start and shot straight up, gasping for breath. The sheets and his jockey shorts were drenched with sweat. He had been dreaming about being trapped in an office building, everyone laughing at him as he was chased by Alice with her potions...
"Oh jeez," he rolled over and slid his legs to the floor, his head pounding. Just then, Alex spied the pill bottle on the night stand next to an empty glass.
"Oh my god..." quickly, he reached for his chest.
"What?" he jumped up and ran to the mirror.
Still nothing.
"Damn! That lying, cheating witch!" Alex hands felt frantically over his hairless chest, but couldn't detect even the slightest bulge.
"I've been had!" he said to himself, his heart sinking. "My graduation check!" He was close to tears.
Desperate, Alex puffed out his chest and turned his body left and right, looking to see if maybe there was at least the beginnings of growth. What was he going to show Chris when he came for dinner that evening?
Then he turned sideways to observe his profile ... and there they were.
Breasts. Gorgeous, beautiful, large breasts. Breasts any woman would have been proud to own.
On his back.
"Oh god..." Alex sank to the floor, his mind swirling. "Oh god ... no..." he moaned.
Taking his time, he worked up his courage to look in the mirror again.
Perfectly formed breasts, areolas about two inches in diameter with pert, crinkly nipples. He reached behind his back and tried to reach one, and after some grunting, pushing, and straining, he was able to trap a nipple between two fingers and pull on it.
"Aaah..." oh-my-god it was sensitive. Bizarrely, when he brushed his nipple or hefted his breast it felt like he was touching his back. His mind said "that's my back". But it was a thousand times more sensitive than his back had ever been. It was a sensitive, ticklish feeling, just like his regular nipples, but in a really weird location.
Alex ran to the phone, found the scrap of paper with Alice's phone number and dialed.
"They're on my back! Something went wrong!"
"Well, that is certainly a curious development," Alice answered in measured tones.
"Curious? Curious?!?! You god damn bitch! What have you done to me? Is this some kind of sick joke? You fucking witch! You better -- "
click Buzzzzzzzz
"Damn" Alex muttered. He trembled with anger as he paced around the room, this time feeling the breasts gently swaying on his back. The weight pulled his torso backwards slightly.
Alex picked up the phone and dialed Alice again.
"The first word I hear better be 'Sorry.'"
"Sorry! I'm sorry." Swallowing, "I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. But why? Why has this happened?"
"Well, off-hand, I'd say that this is your friend's idea of perfect breasts for you."
"What? No way!"
"That potion has never failed before. Why don't you ask your friend?"
"Ow," Alex sat heavily on the floor causing his breasts to jerk painfully.
"What's that?"
"Sorry, my breasts just bounced when I sat down."
"Looks like someone better get a bra," Alice chuckled, "before his latest developments start to sag."
"Can't you change me back?" Alex pleaded.
"No pun intended? No, it's permanent. But, you could always get a mastectomy."
But without health insurance, that was impossible for Alex. Damn it! Why hadn't he just gone to a regular plastic surgeon!
"Okay. I'm sorry again."
"That's alright, Hon. Let me know if you need anything else."
Putting down the phone, Alex went back to the mirror. Shaking his body back and forth he watched as they jiggled enticingly.
"Chris had better appreciate this," he muttered to himself.
Alex struck the match and watched it blaze to life. He reached over, lit the candle and stood back from the dining room table to survey his presentation.
It was pathetic.
Alex was trying his best to go all out for Chris, but he doubted if such meager preparations would do any good. The dining room table was simply an old, rickety card table. Dinner was roasted chicken from the grocery store with canned vegetables. The plates, old blue china-ware, a donation from his elder sister, were mostly chipped. The candle had been cemented to a small saucer with hot wax.
Alex sighed, knowing that he had done his best, but realizing that it wasn't much. He had only one secret weapon, and now he reached under his sweater to scratch his chest and underarms, where the bra strap had dug in all day long. He was no longer wearing the brassiere.
Actually, getting into the bra that morning had been interesting ... in truth, weird. He had put it on like a jacket, the cups slipping over his breasts and the straps over his shoulders. The hooks joined in front, strapped across his chest, the only convenient part about having breasts on your back. After fastening it for the first time, he had to flex his shoulders, bounce up and down, and pull at the skin before his new bosoms felt comfortable in the intimate grasp of the bra cups.
He had worn the bra all day, and he thought he would have gotten used to it by the end of the day. But how could anyone get use to this? The straps dug into his shoulders, the cups intimately squeezed his new bosoms, and his nipples were so over-stimulated that it kept him horny the entire time.
That had been a surprise. He didn't expect to find his new breasts exciting at all, but as the nylon bra cupped and squeezed them, the nipples grew hard, and his penis grew hard too. Why was that? His male nipples had never been that interesting. Somehow, his new nipples had become this incredible erogenous zone. Now, if only they would have the desired effect on Chris!
The new bra had been just one of the many challenges that he had had to face that day.
Showering, for example, was tricky. He slung his soapy wash cloth over his back, between his new breasts. Grabbing both ends, he sawed it back and forth, which was fine, until the rough cloth accidentally rubbed directly across a nipple, causing such pain that he had to lean against the cool tile wall to soothe the abused nipple.
Even simple things, like putting on a shirt (it doesn't slide on easily with obstructions), and driving to work (forced to lean forward) became awkward and surreal.
Work. That had been his worst fear, but he knew that if he skipped it then he'd be fired for sure. He had already taken 3 sick days the previous month and his boss, John Farley, had said in no uncertain terms that the next unexplained sick day would be his last.
Alex worked as a temp in a data processing center. His job, along with the thirty other data entry staff, was to enter data from mortgage applications into the computer. They worked in an open area desk farm with no cubicle walls. Just a desk, a chair, and a computer.
As he sat down, Alex looked nervously at his fellow co-workers. He had worn a heavy sweater, but the breasts were still patently visible. He had tried to tape them down with an ace bandage, but it kept slipping off. As it was, he ended up 30 minutes late to work.
Alex turned on his computer and waited for it to boot up. Some of his co-workers were pretending indifference, others were openly curious. Alex turned to look at his friend, Janice, who sat at the next desk. She was staring at him with a quizzical expression. 'Why couldn't these have been on my front?' he anguished to himself. 'Rather than being displayed so prominently on my back where I can't hide them?'
"Alex Taylor!" Alex looked up, and saw his boss, Mr. Farley, striding up the aisle. "And where have you been? Do you know what time the work day begins?"
"Yes, Mr. Farley," Alex said in his most humble voice. "Work begins promptly at 8 AM."
"And what time is it now?"
Alex watched as the other employees in data entry tried to hide their eyes from this public embarrassment. "It's 8:37 AM, sir. I'm sorry for being late sir. I ... uh ... had medical difficulties."
"I see. Does that have anything to do with those ridiculous bumps on your back?"
"Yes!" Alex had thought up his excuse ahead of time. "It is a back brace recommended by my doctor for a bad back. That's why I was late this morning."
"Is that so?" Mr. Farley sounded skeptical. He reached out and tapped on Alex's left breast before Alex could jerk away. "Hey, it's soft."
"Oh, yeah. It's, ah ... extra padding so I don't scratch the furniture when I sit down," Alex winced at his lame excuse.
A wan smile. "Yeah, right ... whatever. So, you'll work an hour late tonight to make up your time, right?"
"Oh no! I can't! I have an important date tonight," his voice trailed off. "But, I'll work two hours late tomorrow night."
"Make it three."
"Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. Farley." The eminent Mr. John Farley walked back to his office with the glass walls.
As soon as he was gone, Janice, his cubicle neighbor, leaned over.
"You know," she whispered, "I heard he has a second job cracking walnuts with that tight ass of his."
Alex stifled a giggle and looked up at Janice, grateful.
"So, sweetie, you are the talk of the office!" Janice said, cornering Alex in the hallway after lunch. "Everyone is wondering what is it you've really got back there? Several of the girls said they looked like fake breasts! Ha ha! But I said no way." Janice reached out to touch, but Alex backed away.
"They're not ... ah ... fake breasts. It's just padding for my back brace. That's all."
"Hey, I know you better than that," Janice continued, "your back is fine. Is this some kind of weird gay ritual that that I'm just too innocent to have heard about?" Janice made another attempt, but Alex was able to twist away just in time.
"No, nothing like that. Why are you grilling me? Can't you just accept that it may be personal?"
"No!" Janice took the frontal approach this time, grabbed Alex in a bear hug, his arms pinned to his sides, and reached around to grab hold of his new protrusions.
Alex nearly died of shame. Here he was, in a public hallway, with his breasts being roughly fondled by his colleague as she forcibly held him against his will!
"My god, they are breasts," Janice whispered, shocked. "Why do you have fake tits on your back?" Janice roughly fondled them, until she felt the little points at the top. "With nipples!" She giggled and pinched them.
"Owww!" Alex pulled away, his nipples throbbing.
"You mean you felt that?!? They're not fake?" Janice's incredulous statement came out louder than she had intended.
"Just go away!" Alex hissed. "Please leave me alone, I can't explain! Just accept that!" Alex ran to the men's room, where he locked himself into a stall, sobbing.
When he finally got back to his desk, he was relieved to see Janice working away, ignoring him. On his desk was a handwritten note: "Your secret is safe with me. Can we be friends again? I'll stay late to help you tomorrow."
When Alex looked up at Janice, she silently mouthed, "I'm sorry, please forgive me". He smiled back at her, relieved that he had not lost a good friend, and mouthed, "thank you," back.
"And so, here I am, waiting for Chris."
Alex looked over his preparations for dinner and sighed. He walked back to the kitchen to check on the vegetables.
"This is so pathetic. There's no way I'll be able to keep him," Alex muttered.
"I'm afraid you're right, you know."
Alex spun around. Chris had entered the apartment with his own key and was now standing in the door of the kitchen.
"Alex, before you say anything, I just wanted to say that only reason I'm here is to tell you that it's over. I'm sorry you went to all this trouble, but that's it."
"Please, Chris!"
"Listen, I don't want to talk about it. You just aren't what I want in a relationship. I'm really Bi, and you're really Gay. It's not going to work."
"No, you don't understand. Please, I have something to show you!"
"There's nothing you could show me. I'm sorry." Chris started to leave.
"Please, wait!" Alex called out, "you have to see this," Alex fumbled with his sweater and T-shirt, desperately trying to pull them off. They were stuck!
"What the fuck are you doing? Is this a tattoo or something? It's not going to make any difference. You are such a loser!"
"No, it's not that, it's much, much more!" Alex got himself untangled, and finally stood before Chris, naked from the waist up.
"So, what? It's over, damn it. Just get over it. No more sex, no more..."
Alex turned around.
"Holy fucking mother of god ... They can't be real, right?"
"No, they are real. They are! Please, feel them."
Chris stepped forward and ran his hands over the breasts, hefting them, massaging them, lightly rubbing the nipples.
"This is fucking bizarre."
Alex sighed with pleasure. Not only was it the pleasure from his new breasts, but also the pleasure of having Chris touch him again after they had been apart for so long. He felt his penis quickly grow hard.
Chris leaned down and lightly licked a nipple, causing Alex to breath in sharply. "Wow, you can actually feel that? Where did you get them? How much did they cost? What surgeon... ?"
"I can't tell you that," Alex said quickly, enjoying the attentions he was now getting. He thrust his butt out until it grazed Chris' growing bulge. "It's a secret that I am bound not to reveal."
Alex turned around and looked into Chris' eyes. "I did it for you. I want to be everything that you would need from a man or woman."
"They're amazing." Chris pulled Alex into a hug, reached around, and held and squeezed his breasts some more. "Oh, fuck, I'm so horny. And what's worse, you won't believe this, but I dreamt this last night. I actually came in my jockeys last night dreaming about you with tits on your back. Isn't that fucking weird?"
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During lunch Helena asked Fred “Interested in some building development?” Fred looked at Helena puzzled. We need to see Andrew and Zac, in that order. They finished lunch and called upon Andrew. Helena asked “What happened to that Brisbane development that we needed to rush to?” Andrew replied “No further news. Nothing has come of it.” Helena requested “What is the address of the properties and development name please?” Andrew passed these on. They left to see Zac. He was actually in his...
You can thank smokeyjoe for this one... This is British Humour, you may have to read it twice... :) This one is old, a time when to go for No .2s in an English public toilet costed a penny. The cubical door had a coin operated lock that the penny opened. A man went to see his doctor, “Doc, I’m constipated, I haven’t been in nearly a week.” So the doctor examined him, gave him some laxatives and sent him on his way. Two days later, the guy is back, still nothing. So the doc gives him...
The Prison Planet Jasmine looked over at her lover...”I’m sure we can learn, but, I agree; it’s something we both need to work on. After that, we should probably continue with the outhouse. With all those people coming, we’ll soon need a bathroom badly. We have to finish it, and the sooner the better.” While she was working on breakfast, Morales measured the rifles and cut a piece of hide to the size he would need, then cut the pegs to the proper length and sharpened them. After getting...
You wake up tied up like a piñata. You have vague recollections of misbehaving last night at this wild sex party. You claimed that you could out fuck anyone there and were willing to prove it. The party's host and sex goddess Mistress Jenna told you that tomorrow you could prove it if you could pass her "tests." That's the last thing you remember. A super hot Japanese girl dressed in leather comes out of a side room. A friend of hers ties her up like you, completely entwined in many complex...
BDSMHello, my dear Readers. This is the story happening in a modern Christian family, based in Bangalore. It is narrated by 20-year-old Mathew. Happy Reading! My 43-year-old mom, Sarah, stood before me wearing only a peach-colored bra and matching panties. Her busty boobs popped out of her bra. Her trimmed muff could be seen through her thin panties. I was back from the gym only a few minutes ago and had just dumped my drenched t-shirt in the washing machine. And, I had only my sports shorts on...
IncestSo I figured it was time to finally finish typing and share this entire story with you all, so I will do my absolute best to get all the naughty details.So we get there and get a quick tour of the building. The overall layout is relatively similar to the last club we went to, but the hot tub was MASSIVE, and the group play room with porn playing was MUCH bigger, had 2 recliners, a couch, and 2 full size beds in the room, with the TV constantly playing porn and 2 doorways with a MASSIVE open...
“Johnny’s a very bright kid.” “Thank you,” Deborah said. She made a minor show flipping a coffee-colored curl. “Although, he’s not really a kid anymore.” “Indeed,” Mr. Williams said, sneaking a smile beneath his croissant mustache. Nothing completed the pudgy man’s look better than his clownish yellow tie. “Did he tell you what this is about?” “Actually, he was a bit ... unclear. Is his work suffering?” “Quite the opposite,” Mr. Williams said, sweeping out meaty arms. Deborah followed his...
‘Great what are we going to do now Ashton? I can’t understand how to fix this!’ ‘Don’t worry baby, you’ll fix it somehow. You’re brilliant. I know you’ll figure it out. I believe in you.’ ‘I don’t know if I can do it this time Ashton. I have to though. I have to try. I can’t let everyone down. All those people. Everyone at the company. I have to figure out something.’ ‘You will baby. You will.’ Poor Jason. All I could do was offer him some comfort. I rubbed his back as he sat at his desk and...
Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 Vanessa called our lawyer back, to tell him we'd signed. He said, "Congratulations. I'll get the ball rolling here and I'll fly to Corvallis with the rest of the originals on the next available flight." "It'd be more convenient if you could fly direct on one of our new jets." "It's too early for that. Commercial flights will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know my arrival time when I've got the bookings." Now...
Hi, i am pooja bhatnagar, 24 years old. I am working in a software company. We got a new project manager at work and already 3 people were fired. I knew i was going to be fired also, and this job pays real good. One day i received a note to go to mr. Smith, my hr manger’s office. Mr. Rajeev, the project manager and my team leader kuldeep were also waiting in the office. I froze. I had an idea what might happen when he called me into his office. He said he’d have to let me go because my work...
On Wednesday afternoon, I arrived at the Left Bank early and took a booth in a corner that was relatively isolated. I told the waitress that I was waiting to order until my friend arrived. She brought me a glass of water to hold me while I waited. Around 3:40 Monica walked in, looked around until she spotted me and came to the booth. I stood until she was seated before reclaiming my place. The waitress came to take our orders and we made small talk until our coffee was served. I started by...
Well, so here we all were, more or less, at the same time, all 3 of us Black loving whores, banged up to the hilt with our Nigga sons, bellies bulging and ready to drop them! This was my 2nd,., pregnancy to my 2nd BBC stud, so I knew what to expect! Putting the brat in there was the fun part, having my cunt stretched and feeling that hot jizz explode at 1,000mph, blasting my womb, spilling over my fertile eggs, making me cum silly. Making feel like a proper bitch. Blacky Africa, invading this...
"Holy! ... You're kidding!" "Mitch, what's going on? I'm trying to work here!" Usually, Tory and Mitch sharing the office space at the house wasn't a problem. But, when trying to work on her finals, Tory found Mitch's outbursts disturbing. It was Friday evening and she was trying to get as much work done as possible, since she and Mitch would, again, be chaperoning the prom on Saturday. "Sorry, baby, but you've got to hear this." Tory saved her work and then moved her chair so...
On the morning of June 8, 1950, I met the world in a ramshackle farmhouse surrounded by a pear orchard. As I gasped for air, then screamed to announce the importance of my arrival, the Mexican midwife carried me outside and bathed me in cool water from a hand pump. Properly bathed and blessed in her Mayan dialect, she carried me back to be soothed with the milk of my mother's breasts. My father selected an auspicious spot and buried my placenta and umbilical cord.The "ranch", as orchards...
CheatingSeems Will Tile & his monster black cock has got him into trouble with the PTA at our school. I told Will a investigation will have to be conducted regarding this situation. He didn’t like that very much & walked out. So I decided to catch up with Will & do my own investigation & have a real one on one session in a attempt to modify his behavior. And the conclusion is this… Honestly I can’t blame the ladies at the PTA for getting letting Will get “close”...
xmoviesforyouThis is a vivid rendering of a true happening and a rare coincidence. I'm in marketing profession and serving a multinational company and my posting to Faisalabad last month brought me all the way from Lahore. It's true that I was a foreigner to this part of the country and knew none at Faisalabad. Actually on the day of the happening I was to board the Rail Car and heading to Karachi. My family was still at Lahore and I have been living alone at Bungalow in Faisalabad. I came to the Railway...
EroticIt's amazing how things look when you are reflecting back on the unchangeable past. It all seems so inevitable now. At the time, it seemed as though I was riding a high speed rail car traveling past the speed of sound. One step followed another and so on down the path of inevitability. I wouldn't change at thing. The bullet train started on a Wednesday when I was returning home from a week long business trip. I traveled regularly in my job as a Senior Account Executive for a large Printing...
Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes, feedback and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was at one of my familys many get togethers when aunt sue walked in, She was recently divorced and a very sexual woman. She had cut off denuim shorts on that showed her ass crease at times. and she wore a tanks top that her huge tits spilled out of. She was thick and sexy. blonde hair blue eyes and was around 42 years old.We always were close and she hugged me immediatly and kissed my cheek with her juicy lips. I told her she looked great since we...
IncestIt wasn't a big thing that caused me to think things were starting to close in on me. It was a whole series of little things that just seemed to get progressively worse as time went by. There was nothing that I could pin down on the cruiser or anything out of place with the crew or the people I was working for. I think the first real indication I had that something was not quite right was when the Captain informed that the two Moldovans had not shown up for work on the morning after we...
Friday morning was uneventful, I got up and dressed as usual. Mommy was running a bit behind in schedule because Daddy had fucked her instead of getting a morning blowie. She was perky though, energized by the early morning endorphins from the orgasm. Looking pretty in an emerald green sun dress she ushered me into the car, worried about being late for school. We drove through the neighborhood, Mommy asking me about my day and if I had any exams. I didn’t but I was excited for Study Hall...