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Chapter 2 The next day found the guys in Maria's hideaway awaiting her idea of fun, for her at least. "Matt, Dirk, the first thing I want to do this morning is to see what I have to work with. I want you to go into those dressing rooms and remove all your clothes except for your underwear. Please leave it on because I really don't want to look at those manly bulges of yours this early in the morning," laughed Maria as a way of cutting the ice so too speak. Both guys did as instructed and returned to Maria, Dirk with his tighty- whities and Matt with his boxer shorts. "Let me see what you two look like, turn around for me," Maria asked. Both guys turned and then faced Maria for their critique. "Let me see, Dirk, you're the most important part of this thing so I'm going to have to spend more time with you. You're tall enough to be a model but God you're very skinny, don't you ever eat?" Maria asked with concern in her voice. "Are you kidding Maria, when Dirk and I go to an all you can eat buffet they kick us out because Dirk eats so much, it's disgusting," Matt answered, as he screwed up his face into a disgusted look. "I don't eat that much," Dirk replied. "Bull, the busboys break their backs removing your dishes," Matt laughed. "Well if your going to be a model you're going to have to add a little fat on your legs and butt, your waist is okay but you're way too skinny everywhere else," said Maria. "We're going to have to let your hair grow on your head but all the rest has to go. I can see I have some real work to do with you. Now Matt, get over here, let me see, you have the same problem except you do have a little shape to your legs but not much else. It won't be as important for you to look good since you won't be on the runway but I still want you passable. The first thing I want to do is have you waxed, you're big boys so this shouldn't bother you, girls do it all the time. Go with Jenny and she will make you pretty," Maria said as she shooed the boys away Matt and Dirk were led away as Maria giggled to herself. An hour later, two sad looking boys with hurt puppy dog eyes were led back for more of the makeover. "How did it go guys?" Maria asked. "Fine," Dirk said, with indignation in his voice, "I'm glad I'm a guy and don't have to do this again, that hurt." "You'd better get used to it honey, this will happen until your assignment is over, remember, you're a girl now." "Ugh," Dirk groaned. "Okay girls, enough of the complaints, I need to measure you and then I'll start dressing you. We'll go from there to making you into the next supermodel Dirk. Matt, you'll be easier since you'll be a regular girl living an ordinary life so as long as you're passable I'll be happy. Let's get started." Maria measured the boys and went to the wardrobe room and returned with a dress for each of them. "Put these on so I can get a feel of what we're going to do with you," Maria said. Maria showed them how to lower the dresses down over their heads and zip the back. The dresses were both light weight cotton with tight bodices and a flaring skirt that stopped at mid-thigh. Both young men had on their own underwear and that was all beside the dresses. Maria wanted to see what the guys looked like before makeup so she wouldn't be distracted from the task at hand. Maria led them to a mirror so they could critique their appearance. "Well boys, what do you see?" she asked. "Two butt ugly guys in dresses," Matt laughed. "I'm serious Matt, if you two were girls what would be your best and worse features?" "Hmm, my feet are kind of cute and my calves look alright but everything else looks skinny and hard. I guess my waist is small enough but my hips are the same size so I look like a surfer dude in a dress." "What about you Dirk?" "I don't like any of it, I look stupid, all I am is skinny and tall, this really sucks," Dirk whined as he wondered if it was to late to back out of this thing.. "Don't be so hard on yourself Dirk, this is going to be fun, you'll see and I can make you into a very pretty girl, all you have to do is follow my instructions," Maria said. "The hardest part is giving you and Matt figures. We won't go overboard with this since models are skinny anyway but we have to soften your appearance. You will have to get some curves, not those over done plastic surgery curves but normal skinny girl curves. Your calves and thighs need the most work and your hips will follow. We can give you small breast forms, not much more than an A cup but the only way for the rest to happen is for you to take hormones for a short period of time, three or four months at the most, that way when you go off of them there won't be any damage to your bodies. If we were to extend the time you might become sterile and we don't want that, we want you hunks back after this is all over." Both Matt and Dirk got a sullen look on their face, this wasn't a game anymore, this was serious business and maybe they should throw away their careers. Things were looking grim for them. "You want us to take hormones? What if something happens to us, I don't like this," Dirk said. "Trust me, nothing will happen to you, we're the government and we never make mistakes," Maria said with a smile. "That's what scares me the most, you're the government," laughed a nervous Matt. "What if something does happen to us, they might fire us because we'll be freaks," Dirk said. "You won't be freaks, the effects of the hormones will wear off once you stop taking them. You'll be fine," Maria said with a reassuring tone of voice. Maria should have been a used car sales woman and could feel the boy's demeanor changing as she cast her spell. "As long as there is something in writing I'll do it. I love this job and if that's what I have to do to succeed I'll go for it, what about you Matt?" "Wow, you bet I'll do it. Just think, I'll be able to ride my board in a bikini with my double D tits, shit dude, it's what's happening," Matt laughed. "God Matt, your sick," Dirk responded and gave his friend a look of disgust. "I hate to pop your balloon Matt but there won't be any double D titties, in fact the only boobs you will have are the ones we glue on your chest," Maria said. "Oh darn, just when I thought everything was perfect," Matt said, as he rolled over in laughter. "Okay guys, enough of the laughs, we have a lot to learn about being women. Since this is the first day the easiest thing for you to learn is the application of makeup. This will be one of those Karate Kid days, makeup on, makeup off. Doing your own makeup is a learned skill, a man can do it as well as a woman, but it just takes practice. Tomorrow you will see a specialist to get you started on your hormones and then the real work begins. You have to learn to become women, every movement, every nuance has to be feminine, the slightest slipup will spell death for you," Maria said. "Before I had this job I trained in Hollywood in both acting and makeup and I will make you my best project yet. We're going to have fun with this thing. I know we will laugh a lot, and maybe cry too as you learn new things about yourself. The real work will come when you go into the field, that's when this becomes serious. Now lets make a mess of your faces girls," Maria giggled. Maria had removed one of the false partitions from between the dressing rooms so they could work together in the same space. She showed the guys how to accent their eyes, highlight their faces, and ways to make their mouths more attractive. Maria did the first makeover, removed it and then turned the boys loose to do it themselves. The first time was a total disaster. Matt was really getting into his task, as he was having fun. His hands were moving here and there, and when he finished he looked like Matt the female clown, he almost had lipstick on his ears. Dirk however was as uptight as he usually was and when he finished he looked like shit. His lips looked tiny, actually smaller than they normally were and his eyes looked like two piss holes in the snow. Matt looked at Dirk and was soon rolling on the floor in laughter. Dirk on the other hand looked at Matt and shook his head, but the sides of his mouth did twitch in an upward direction, Dirk was starting to have fun. "God you two look like you just escaped from the circus, remove that mess and lets start again. This time go more slowly, putting on makeup isn't a guy thing where you have to be first to finish, it's a girl thing, each stroke is meant to make you look good and each movement is important, go slow, enjoy what you're doing and watch how your appearance changes as you put the makeup on," Maria instructed. The guys removed the mess and started again, only this time much more slowly. The results were much better but not great, so it was off with the old and on with the new, over and over again until they were able to do a decent job. "You two look pretty good, but you still need work. You've learned how to put your makeup on and how to remove it but next you will have to learn which makeup to use during the day and at night, a little more or a little less, but you'll learn. After your appointment tomorrow I want you to come back here and we will continue our lessons. I think tomorrow would be a good time to shape your eyebrows since you will be on your way to becoming women. No need for you to have uni-brows anymore. I will also have some other things for you to try when you arrive, now go get a good nights sleep, girls need their beauty rest," Maria giggled. The guys left and Dirk turned to Matt and said, "What the hell was that girls crap?" "Lighten up Dirk, Maria's just playing with us, let's get some rest because if tomorrow is anything like today we'll need it." The following day the guys returned to the facility and were taken to the medical wing for their examination and hormone treatments. They were given a document signed by the director stating that if their transition were to be irreversible their jobs wouldn't be in jeopardy, and in addition the government would be responsible for any and all medical procedures necessary to make them whole whether as a woman or man. "Wow, this paper sure makes me feel better," stated Dirk, "NOT!" "Well at least we won't lose our jobs if they fuck us up," Matt said. "That's reassuring Matt, this whole thing is making me really nervous, maybe we should seek employment elsewhere," Dirk said grimly. "If it was that bad they wouldn't ask us to do this in the first place, everything will be fine, you worry too much," Matt stated. "Matt, you just don't get it, they don't give a damn about us. I'll bet they hope we fail so they won't have to spend money fixing their fuck up," Dirk said angrily. "They're not that cold hearted Dirk, lets get some tits," Matt said hoping to loosen up his friend. Dirk looked at his friend and snarled, Matt might be having fun, but he was determined not to. The guys were given a physical examination and then were asked for a sperm sample to be frozen if it were to be needed in the future. "Okay guys, everything seems to in order so I can start your hormone replacement today. The director says that time is of the essence and since this is just a disguise that's going away when you finish your assignment we'll dispense with the mental part of a transition. I'm going to inject you once a week with both a testosterone blocker and estrogen to soften your features. It will be safe as long as we don't continue treatment past four months but by that time you should be rounding out quite nicely. After you stop treatment you should be able to return to normal after a period of time. Do you have any questions?" the doctor asked. "Are you sure we will look like men again?" asked Dirk. "After we take you off the testosterone blocker things should return to normal." "What happens if we take the estrogen longer than four months?" asked Matt. "After four months you run the chance of becoming sterile and your figures will continue to develop, especially your breasts. You will notice some swelling as it is, but once we stop the estrogen it will stop their growth. This is perfectly safe if you follow my instructions, you shouldn't be concerned. Okay guys, bend over, its time for you to have some fun." The guys did as told and received an injection in each cheek of their butts. "Well guys do you feel any different? Do you feel like running to the mall to shop or have your hair done?" asked the doctor. "No," answered Dirk sheepishly. "Exactly, becoming a woman is a lot more than just having these shots every week. They will change your appearance but everything else must be learned. Maria is an expert at disguise, she will teach you everything you will need to know to behave like women, but the rest is up to you. Don't let her intimidate you. Maria is a hard task master, but she's also a lot of fun, enjoy this adventure and what the heck Dirk, you'll be able to watch all those girls take their clothes off in front of you, you're a lucky man." "Won't I have to take my clothes off too?" Dirk asked innocently. "Yeh, I guess you will, see you next week men." Matt and Dirk returned to Maria's lair to see what she had in mind for them next. "Ahh, I see my two girls have returned, how do you feel?" she asked. "The same only my butt hurts a little from the shots," Matt said. "At least you only have to have the shots once a week. We might as well get started, you're going to find that getting your shots is the easiest part of this journey. They will change you physically but I have to change you mentally. You have to become women through and through or you will be dead feminine appearing men within a week. That means that from now on you are to live as a woman twenty-four seven. I know it will be difficult for you but you must do it so that you don't forget and do something male while you are in disguise. The first thing you must do is to meet your two new best friends." "Who's that?" asked Dirk. "Your boobs. I have silicone breasts for both of you and it's time to attach them. I'm going to glue them on and they aren't to be removed except when I tell you to take them off. Up on the table you two, it's time to go to work." Dirk and Matt lowered themselves onto the table and were soon sporting new breasts. Dirk was given the smaller pair as he was going to be a model. Matt was given a larger size and when they both stood up Matt complained about the weight pulling on his chest. "Get used to it girl friend, all of us women fell like that. Dirk I gave you B size breasts since you will be walking the runway and that's about as big as most models are, and Matt you have C's, they will look good on a little cheer leader like you. It's time for you to get dressed, off with those boy's clothes including your underwear and I'll give you something else to wear. Into the dressing rooms," Maria said. The guys stripped and Maria handed both of them satin panties that were really a gaff. If they had been any smaller they would have looked like thong panties. "How are we supposed to put these on?" asked Matt. "Slide them up those smooth legs of yours and tuck that pajama python of yours back between you legs and pull the panties up tight. It will keep you from showing that monster of yours especially when you start getting excited from these clothes." "I'm not going to get excited," countered Dirk, "This shit really sucks." "Don't count on it, you won't be the first man that needed to relieve himself after going through this experience and there is no shame in it either. Come on out now, I have to fit you for a bra." "A bra, what for, I don't need a bra," Dirk stated. "You don't? Do a couple of jumping jacks for me," Maria said. Dirk attempted the feat and the first thing out of his mouth was, "These things hurt when they bounce." "Well duh, now you know why women wear bras, not only do they support their boobs they make them look sexy. These forms are the best money can buy and they look like the real thing. Let me show you how to conceal the seam where they meet your skin and then I'll give you your bras." Maria showed the boys how to cover the seam with makeup and then had them apply it themselves until they got it right. This was something they would have to do everyday of their assignment. Maria then handed the guys their first bra. They were both wispy lace numbers, very sexy and not at all appreciated by Dirk. "Why do we have to wear these, can't we wear something else?" he asked as he handed the lacy black bra back to Maria. "Of coarse you could wear something else, but these are very pretty and feminine and I might add, the more you get used to wearing things like this the more like a woman you will feel." "I don't know how to put it on," Matt said, as he held a tangled mess in his hand. "There are several ways. One way is to slip it over your breasts and reach behind you and hook it together. The easy way is to turn it backward and hook it in front of your body. After you do that, turn it around and slide it up to your breasts and pull the straps over your shoulders, the choice is yours. I would practice both ways if I were you, they both come in handy." The guys fought with the flimsy material but finally won the battle. Maria showed them how to adjust the straps so it would support them properly. Much to Dirk's concern his gaff was causing some discomfort as his penis began to grow. "Next I want you to wear panty hose. You will have to learn how to put them on now because when you grow your nails long it can be a real pain in the ass not to ruin them." Maria handed them the hose and watched as they tried to put them on. They didn't have a clue as to what they should be doing. "No, no, not like that. Roll them down to the feet and then unroll them as you slide them up your legs and keep them tight while you do," Maria instructed. Now they had more success, they weren't perfect but that would come with practice. These hose were doing something else to them they didn't expect, they were becoming very aroused. The smooth feeling against their waxed legs was becoming too much for both of them. Maria watched as they began to squirm, she knew what was happening to them. I won't get excited my ass. Maria started to giggle. She just couldn't help herself. "Why don't you two take a powder room break and freshen yourselves up," she giggled. Both guys couldn't get to their separate stalls fast enough and both knew what the other was doing, taking care of the problem. They returned to Maria feeling so much better but still couldn't forget the intense feelings they were getting from the panty hose. "Maria, do these hose always feel this way?" asked Matt, with concern. He knew he wouldn't be able to relieve himself in public and having an unsightly bulge would be embarrassing. Mr. surfer dude was beginning to worry. "Of coarse, that's why women wear them. Wait until you start dressing in sexy clothing, these feelings pale in comparison to what you will feel like when you do that. Being a woman is always about feeling special. Little things like a certain perfume or a necklace, a special slip or camisole, going without a bra and feeling the softness of the fabric rubbing your nipples to arousal, oops, I forgot, you won't feel that since your breasts have no feeling, but it is something that as a woman you will never forget, I'm really sorry you have to miss that." "What's next?" Dirk asked. Dirk was still angry at himself for losing control and also because he was starting to like the feelings from these soft smooth fabrics. "We'll keep it simple today. I think I'll have you wear skirts and blouses with low heels. Put on this half slip and then these skirts. The blouse comes only to your tummy so it can go on after the skirt." Matt and Dirk slid the slip up their legs and couldn't help but notice how soft and feminine it felt as it caressed their skin and hose. It felt as though there was electricity in the air, the feelings were so intense. Maria could see the changes in the boys demeanor as the dressing session continued, she knew exactly what she was doing. The boys finished and looked at each other as they tottered on their two-inch heels. They had no makeup on, nor did they have any hair except for the short cuts they sported as men and yet, they felt feminine, they felt like young women waiting to finish a picture. "What about our makeup?" Matt asked. "The day is almost over so that won't be necessary, tomorrow we will go all out but for now I just want you to come in touch with the feelings you are having from what you are wearing. Think about the delicious caressing of the fabrics as they rub against each other and then against your skin, feel everything, the heels, the hose, the slip and skirt, your blouse and the bare skin of your midriff, the feeling of being exposed, the sexiness of it all and most important the feeling of being vulnerable as a woman, enjoy every minute of it, drink in the feelings, become a woman." "How do you expect me to feel like a woman, look at us, I feel like a fool," responded Dirk. "Get in touch with your feelings Dirk, become this person you're trying to achieve." "That Maria is the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm trying to be a super model not a hot little high school girl, can I take this stuff off now?" Dirk said in disgust. "You can if you want to walk around naked, be my guest. As far as what you just said, you have to learn how to be a girl before you can become a woman and it takes a woman to be a super model. You can either get with the program or get kicked out of the FBI, it's your choice. I'm trying to make this fun for you Dirk but if you want a bitch for an instructor I can be one for you and if you think I'm not tough because I'm a woman go for it, you won't be the first asshole whose nuts I've taken during these assignments! Just ask Johnny, he'll tell you, Maria said as her face turned red with anger. "As far as wearing these clothes is concerned, you will be staying in the dorm section of this facility and no one will see you until I think you can pass as a woman. Then you will be able to move into an apartment on the outside and you will be wearing clothes like these all the time, no boys clothing at all, you're to become women, do I make myself clear?" "Yes Maria," Dirk groveled. "What about you Matt, I haven't heard a peep out of you?" she asked. Matt looked at Maria and smiled, "I think this is fun, do we wear makeup tomorrow?" Maria calmed down when Matt asked his question, he would be easy, why did Dirk have to be such an ass she wondered. "Yes, when you rise tomorrow morning, you are to act just like women. You are to shower, do your makeup, dress and then come to see me. Be here at eight AM and don't be late, I'll see you tomorrow," Maria said.. Jenny escorted Matt and Dirk to their new living quarters. Each had their own apartment, with a bedroom, kitchen, dining area and a spacious bathroom. Much to their surprise they also had a walk in closet with a new wardrobe. No expense had been spared with regards to the new girls. They had been provided with clothing ranging from casual to dressy, boring to sexy and it would be their choice as to what they would wear each morning. Meals would be provided if they decided not to prepare their own, life was good as far as Matt was concerned but Dirk felt it pretty much sucked. Dirk decided to give this thing a few more days before discussing it with Matt. Matt was having fun with the whole thing and he figured he would tire of the whole stupid adventure soon enough, so he bid Matt a goodnight and went to his room. Both boys were soon asleep and morning would come soon. Matt with his laid back surfer attitude liked to sleep as late as possible, leaving just enough time to shower and get to work and this morning was no exception. The alarm sounded and Matt saw the time, 7:40, perfect he thought, shower and dress in ten minutes and then make it to work by eight, it was a slam dunk. Matt suddenly came to the realization that this morning was different. The weight of his breast forms brought new meaning to the phrase, you're late, holly shit, I forgot, I have to do my makeup and find something to wear, shit, shit, shit, as panic set in. Dirk however, being the anal sort that he was, woke at six and had laid out what he was going to wear the night before. What he picked was boring to say the least, but he didn't want his ass chewed out by Maria again, so he would be early to work, made up and dressed, he had learned his lesson yesterday. Matt showered, did his makeup and dressed and he was only an hour late to class. "Good afternoon Matt," Maria said as he entered her studio. "I can see that you've learned a new lesson already, can you tell me what it is?" "No," he answered sheepishly. "Let me explain it then, it takes a woman a lot longer to get ready than it does a man. I can see by the time you discovered this yourself. Tomorrow you will be on time, do I make myself clear?" "Yes Maria." "Today you will learn the basics of being a woman. You will have to relearn all your movements, even something as basic as walking, so we might as well get started." Maria schooled the guys on many different movements and the difference between a man and woman. She was a hard taskmaster but a fair one and by the end of the day, a fun one. She made the lessons pleasant and even Dirk couldn't help but laugh at some of the things the boys did. Thus the training began and continued day after day with something new added each day until the movements had become second nature, the boys were acting like girls and they weren't complaining, they were indeed becoming women. Their hormone treatment was also going as scheduled. It had been two months since the first injection when Matt noticed that chest was bothering him, it felt very sensitive. He passed it off as wearing the forms all the time but he was becoming a young woman and didn't realize it. Dirk had also noticed small changes, his legs seemed softer looking and had finally gained some shape. The biggest change was his personality He had began giggling a lot, no more turn of the mouth but out right giggling. He also found that he had a hard time keeping from crying when Maria scolded him and he didn't know why, he just figured it was the training so he let it pass. Matt was at Dirk's apartment to practice their voice lessons which had started a month previously. Both had become very good at sounding like a woman, with Matt's voice being the higher toned of the two. Dirk sounded like a sultry and sexy alto, while Matt sounded like the ever bubbly cheerleader. "Dirk, have you been feeling different lately?" Matt asked. "Why do you ask?" "Because you seem different, you look like you're having more fun than you use to." "I guess I am, this girl thing has become kind of fun, but I'll be glad when it is over," giggled Dirk. "That's what I mean, the way you giggle all the time, it's cute." "You should talk, miss bubbly personality." "You called me miss?" "I guess I did, I'm beginning to feel like a miss myself, that's scary, maybe we should try being our old selves so we don't forget where we came from." "And how are we supposed to do that?" "We can talk in our old voices like this," Dirk said as he lowered his voice. Matt started laughing and finally stated, "You sound like a woman trying to lower her voice," as he did the same. "You sound like I just walked into a gay bar," as Dirk giggled out the words. The mood turned serious as Matt said, "This is becoming more than just fun Dirk, it's changing us in ways that we might not be able to reverse. It's exciting but scary at the same time, how do you feel about it?" "I wish we never started this thing, I don't like it, this new me isn't me. I don't like being a giggly girl all the time but I can't help myself, it just comes out and what's worse is that Maria loves it and only encourages me when I get into a giggling fit. I didn't think her training could do that." "I know what you're talking about. It seems as though I feel more and more like a girl everyday and what's worse is that I look forward to Maria's lessons. I should want to go surfing, but I want to practice my makeup instead, I think she implanted a girl worm in our heads," Matt giggled. "No doubt," replied Dirk in his feminine voice. The weeks past and the training became more intense as the girls were expected to never make a mistake during their exercises. They both had graduated to four-inch heels and their legs ached as their muscles tried to adapt to the new height. Their voices had settled into the comfortable range for a woman which made them feel more like what they were becoming, exciting young women. Matt's chest was starting to bud as the hormones seemed to be having a greater effect on him than Dirk. He voiced his concern to Maria. "Maria, my chest is bothering me all the time, maybe I'm having a reaction to the glue on the forms," he said. "When you go for your hormone injection say something to the doctor so he can look at it, we can't be too careful," she replied. Matt went for his injection and left his forms off so the doctor could look at his chest. After his shots he asked the doctor what the problem might be. "Matt, you seem to be fine, actually better than fine, you're starting to develop breasts. For some reason you seem to be taking to the hormones better than Dirk. He's doing what we expected, rounding out but you're developing much faster than expected. I want to watch you more closely to be sure we aren't doing something that can't be reversed. If you keep developing like this I'll cut back on your estrogen," he said. Matt left feeling a bit upset, he didn't expect this breast thing. As a matter of fact this whole undercover thing was just to have fun, not to become a woman. Sure he had gone through the training with Dirk, after all they were best friends but this, fuck, this really sucked. Matt decided to see if much more developed, so to speak over the next couple of weeks and if he didn't like it he would quit the program. Sure he and Dirk were best friends but there had to be a line drawn, go over it and the program would end. The guys were three and a half months into the program and Maria decided that their hair had grown long enough to style. "Girls, its time to have your hair done, it's finally long enough to style." Matt and Dirk sat while Maria clipped and set their hair. When she was finished both had cute short feminine styles, their transformations had finally been completed. It was time for them to visit the outside world and to see what it was like to interact with other people as a woman. After that it would be time for Dirk to begin training to become the model he was to portray. Maria asked the guys to go change and shower. "Be careful not to wet your hair," She stated. Matt had removed his forms again trying to give his chest a rest. He began his shower and felt the tingling sensation as the water caressed his breasts. They had grown enough to be noticeable, much like a young girl in her formative days of puberty. The water was sending feelings to Matt that he had never had before, nice feelings. They were erotic sensations and they were having an effect on his penis. Matt was no longer able to gain an erection and yet he felt the orgasm growing as the water made love to his breasts. Matt almost collapsed when the orgasm hit him. The semen flowed from his deflated member but it was the mental part that had just put him over the edge. He discovered that he liked being a woman, actually he loved being a woman and now he some decisions to make, what he was going to do about this whole thing. He had to think. Maria came and reattached his forms and noticed Matt's growth. "My, my, we're becoming a young woman aren't we?" she asked. "God Maria, what's happening to me?" "You're growing breasts Matt, don't be concerned, they'll go away after you quit the hormones." "Are you sure?" "I'm positive, enjoy them while you have them, now get dressed, we're going shopping." Matt rolled his panty hose up his smooth legs and loved feelings he was getting from them, he seemed so much more alive since his shower. Next came a short skirt and blouse. After finished his makeup he looked in the mirror and loved what he saw, a hot looking girl on her way to shop. He knew he would pass as a girl but felt an uneasiness with the thought of meeting new people. Matt sat and put on his four-inch wedge sandals and went to meet Maria and Dirk. "Wow, you two look scrumptious, the boys will be after you like a bee to honey," Maria said. "Don't make me regret this Maria, if a guy so much as looks at me I'll probably punch him," Dirk replied. "Calm down Dirk, if a guy didn't look at you I would be very disappointed. You're gorgeous, and being looked at is part of being a woman. We have to give you two a new name, Matt and Dirk don't cut it for girl's names. Do you have any preferences that you might like?" "I kind of like Brenda," answered Matt, "Brenda Watson, that's who I'll be." "Brenda, God Matt, that's so girly, I can't think of one Maria, you pick one for me," Dirk responded. "You're going to be a model so it has to be a seductive name everyone will remember, let me see," Maria pondered, "Tiffany Marie, that's it, your now Tiffany Marie Rollins, do you like it?" "Yuk, it's so feminine sounding, can't you pick something else?" Dirk asked as he made a sour looking face. "Of course I could, we could call you Bruiser, now doesn't that sound much better for a girl?" she asked. "Gag, you're right Tiffany does sound better for a girl, it's just that I'm not a girl." "You look like one and act like one, so your name had better match what people see when they look at you. Now let's go, it's time for you to have your first female experience, it's time to build a wardrobe." "I don't want to build a wardrobe, I just want to go get the bad guys," Dirk said. "You won't get anyone if you can't interact with other women and be like other women. Dirk its time for you to get past this macho bullshit of yours and come to the party. If you don't, you'll be dead ten minutes after you land in New York City and I'm not kidding. I hate to sound harsh but get your head out of your ass. Now lets go and have some fun," Maria said. Dirk was taken back by what Maria had so harshly said, but he knew she was right, either get with the program or die, the choice was his to make. "I'll try," was all he could say. Maria brought the boys to a nearby mall with all the large anchor stores and started their lessons on how to shop as a woman. "Each of you select clothing to try on and then go to the dressing rooms and see what the clothes look like on you, and if we like them we'll buy them," she ordered. The boys did as instructed and as the day wore on Matt, now Brenda was having fun and wanted to stop at every store in the mall. Dirk on the other hand found that this shopping thing was nothing more than a royal pain in the ass. "Maria, how much longer do we have to do this?" Dirk whined. "Until it becomes second nature to you. Dirk if you don't get with the program here, you and Matt will be in serious trouble when you go undercover. Please try to have some fun with this, look at Matt, he seems to be having fun, why can't you?" "Because this isn't fun and I hate behaving like a woman, it's so faggy," Dirk responded and then wished he hadn't said what he did as he saw Maria's face go red with anger. Maria had tried to make the day special for the boys and now Dirk was going to ruin it with his attitude and he had just pushed the wrong button with Maria. "Listen here you shit, what you're learning is going to save your life and nothing more. You're learning how to be a woman, not an effeminate man but a woman. If you haven't figured that out by now maybe you shouldn't be an agent, go sit behind a desk and be safe, be a sissy, because that's how you're acting now, the hell with it, get out of my sight you asshole," Maria spat out as her fiery temper gained control of her mouth.. Dirk was stunned by the outburst from Maria. He knew she had a temper but this was over the top. He felt bad for what he had said and he had to make things better. "I'm sorry Maria, I guess what I said just came out wrong, it's just that all this is so new to me, and, and I'm afraid that I might like it," Dirk groveled. "Listen to me Dirk," Maria answered, "As a woman you're supposed to like shopping and a lot of other things guys don't like, but that's the way it is, and besides what's wrong with finding that you like being a woman?" "I'm supposed to be a man and I was taught to be one. Its hard to give that up," he said. "You're not giving it up, Dirk will always be there. You're only going to be Tiffany for a little while," she said. "I guess you're right, after all it's just an assignment and nothing more," Dirk said. "Maria, Maria, look at this dress, it's so pretty, I have to get it, please just one more thing?" bubbled Matt as he held the mini up for inspection. "See, it's not impossible to have fun shopping," Maria said as she looked at Dirk, "Yes you can have it but no more today, we'll come back next week after all that's what women are made for, to shop," she giggled. The four month date arrived and the boys went for their last hormone treatment. They were examined and prodded by the doctor and determined that they shouldn't continue with the estrogen and would only keep the testosterone blocker in play so they would keep their feminine look. Dirk was relieved because he didn't like what the hormones were doing to him, making him soft and rounded and very attractive for a woman. Matt however had different feelings about stopping treatment, he liked becoming a woman and after his experience in the shower wanted more, he wanted his own breasts, no forms but the real thing, so he voiced his feelings to the doctor. "Doctor, do I have to stop taking the hormones?" Matt asked. "Well no, I guess not, but if you continue I might not be able to make you a man again, why do you ask?" "Because I want breasts and I want to feel like a real woman. I don't know if you can understand how I feel but I love how my chest feels as it has begun to swell and how sensual it feels, I can't think of anything I want more right now." "If I continue treatment there may be no turning back, I hope you realize that." "I know, I've thought about it and its what I want to do. The papers we signed said we would always have a job here no matter what we looked like after the assignment was over. I'll always have a job and what would be so wrong with being a woman FBI agent?" "I'll think about it Matt, come back next week and I'll either give you your next course of hormones or tell you no." "Thank you, please make it yes," giggled Matt. Dirk went into his next phase of training, becoming a model. He learned how to walk the runway, pose for photos, change clothes quickly, do his own makeup if needed and best of all he was beginning to have fun. Matt returned to the doctor's office the next week to learn of the decision that would affect the rest of his life. "Good morning doctor, have you made a decision?" asked Matt. "Yes I have. It took some time for me to come to some kind of conclusion but I finally did. I studied your files and found that you do things on impulse and mainly to have fun. I worry that if I were to continue your treatment you might change your mind in a few months and your body would be damaged beyond repair. On the other hand, I'm sure you have put a lot of thought toward your decision to becoming more of a woman than you are now. Before I tell you what I have decided I want you to tell me why you want to do this thing." "It's hard to describe, I just know that I want this more than anything I've ever wanted. After I started on the hormone treatment I seemed to become more settled in my behavior. I didn't want to do things just because they were fun but because they were important. When we first got this assignment I thought it would be a giggle to impersonate a woman but the farther into it we got I found that I didn't want to impersonate a woman, I wanted to be the woman I portrayed. When my breasts began to swell, even this tiny amount, I felt my skin tighten with the swelling and knew this was what I wanted. I can close my eyes and feel my breasts as they swell and wish that they were larger and more rounded. I imagine my skin being soft and my waist growing smaller and then flaring out to my rounded hips. When I shower I caress my body with my hands and wish that I were more complete as a woman. Being a woman isn't an impulse or a way for me to have fun, it's who I want to be, please make my wish come true," Matt answered as a tear filled his eye. "Matt, there are other things to consider if you do this thing. First off you have a family to consider and secondly what you will do about men or women for that matter. You will be an attractive woman and men will want to be with you so you will have to handle attention you might not want. You don't have a wife or girl friend at this moment, but you do have a mother and father and if I recall two brothers who may not like you becoming a woman. It's one thing to tell them you are undercover disguised as a woman and quite another to tell them that you have become one. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm very conflicted as to whether I should continue treatment, but if you want I'll do as you ask. I'll give you your injections for now, but, and this is a very large but, I want you to talk to your family and discuss with them what your intentions are. You will need to do this in the next month or I'll stop giving you the hormones and hope I don't do any real damage to your body. Do we have an understanding?" "Yes doctor," Matt responded as the smile lit up his face, he was going to get his breasts.

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Man Maid 3 Todd Speaks

I have been roommates with Ken for several years. We had been friends since high school and now, at the age of thirty-five, I thought I knew him pretty well. But he was making me a little nervous. Although I left for work this morning one hundred percent positive that tonight would be the conclusion to a well played out practical joke on me, my phone call home at five thirty left me less sure than before I called. Let me explain. About a week ago I made a comment that I would pay...

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From the Past a PresentChapter 4 Reminiscence and Revelations

Ann's home was exactly as I expected. It was comfortable, bright colours with some rather nice framed prints on the wall. She told me to take a seat and went off to make coffee. Then this black cat came in and looked at me suspiciously. Presumable deciding that I was not a threat it tested the water, by jumping up on the chair and walking all over my lap. Not round and round as cats do when they will settle down, but from one side to the other, across my lap, up on the arm, then back. I...

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Rons AwakeningChapter 2

After coming in his hand twice in less than half an hour, Ron was ready to sleep. Only a few minutes were necessary to have a series of vivid dreams running through his mind. Every dream was of Aunt Pam, all spread out for his personal use and pleasure. The woman demanded he lick, suck, stroke and poke until his dream body was as tired as his real one. In Ron's sleeping, hormone-driven mind, she wanted to fuck him in the worst way. Unknown to Ron, that was exactly what Aunt Pam wanted, but...

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AllGirlMassage Scarlit Scandal Alexis Tae You Still Up

Two teens’ best friends, Alexis Tae and Scarlit Scandal can’t get any rest as they both toss and turn in bed… and it’s all because of the scary movie marathon they had during their slumber party! They’re both so tense and restless, wondering what they can do to relax when Alexis suggests brushing Scarlit’s hair. It always calms HER down,so maybe it’ll help calm Scarlit as well? Although Scarlit is a bit shy, she’s game for it. Of course, as Alexis...

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Mona Aunt With Sexual Desire

Hey! Guys and girls. Specially aunties 30 love you all. Am Prashanth from Hyderabad. Basically, ill give service to women who are in need of personal desire in Hyderabad. The theme of writing this story is to find women who are in physical needs. But the story is true. I love matured women more then girls. I charge according to the girl or women for one night stand. Challo! Lets start my craziest and erotica real life incident which led me to cherish through out my life. Am Prashanth age:23...

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Chapter 1 FishingI was in a restaurant one night in Florida and there was a mature guy sitting at the bar with a woman who appeared to be his wife. Being what I am, I noticed that they were a handsome couple. She was rather short, slim and had long brunette hair. He had an average build, gray hair and was balding on top. I was with some friends sitting at a table behind them.At one point, the guy turns on his barstool and I notice he’s freeballing! A cock and two balls are clearly visible up...

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SweetheartVideo Cassidy Banks Lena Paul Chapter 1 The Departure

When Sister Mona (Mona Wales) finds out that she will be transferred to Mother Joan’s (Magdalene St-Michaels) abbey, Mother Superior (Nina Hartley) warns her about Mother Joan’s way of doing things. This won’t be Sister Mona’s first time meeting Mother Joan, though, as she knew her in her younger years. Despite the resentment she still bears for her, she pushes her feelings aside and kisses Mother Superior, smiling gently at her before leaving. Unlike Mother Joan, Mother...

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When Marc first met Florian

When Marc first met FlorianPART ONEThe MeetingIt was late, nearly 10 pm one Saturday, when Florian decided to go out. A warm summer evening, so only a grey t-shirt, light blue low-hanger jeans and a pair of trainers required. It was still very warm. Heading towards a gay bar in town he frequented, he wasn't doing much more than walking casually along the still busy street, hands shoved down inside the front pockets of his jeans. He wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, just...

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rich boys love 3

monday finally came but harvey never arrived to his first lesson. i have to admit i was a little upset he wasnt there however the second lesson he was there but looked really angry for some reason i asked him "are you okay" he said "yeah but your ex boyfriend's teeth wont me" i have to admit i was a little worried for kyle it come to the last lesson that me and harvey was still not allowed into so we went to the detention room i asked harvey "what did you mean about kyle" he looked at...

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Seduction of AmyChapter 15

John looked around the nightclub as he sat at the table waiting for Thomas and Amy to come back from the dance floor. He and Amy had been there many times and always enjoyed the service and the light dance music that the band played. Amy had thought it would be a good place for them to start their night. The soft music soothed John's nervousness. It had been a week since he had watched Thomas make love to his wife. It still seemed like a dream. Yet there they were, holding each other and...

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There came a sickening sound, a grating of metal and a squelching of flesh. Because of the shape of the room, designed so that every word from the king's mouth could be clearly by all, the sound was heard near simultaneously by all present. The protrusion of the blade tip from the front of the man's chest was more difficult to see, but for the red darkness that seeped quickly down the royal robes. If anybody was watching, they would have seen that the life had already left the king's eyes, and...

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Alice Upside Down Edited

Alice Upside DownAlice sits in her study behind her wooden desk. The small fireplace glows with a roaring fire. The crackling flames make good background noise for the rooms only other sound is the tick of a large grandfather clock. The beat seems to be getting slower and slower as time swings by. "Oh I'm fed up!" Alice declares to herself as she lays the fountain pen she got for her eighteenth birthday down on the desk. She starts to fiddle with the hem about the neck of her favorite dress....

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19 Vayathu Pennai Matter Adithen

Hai friends, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vasu vayathu 24 aagugirathu. En pakathu veetil oru pen puthithaaga kudi vanthu irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya, epai enaku avalin peyar theriya vanthathu endraal avalin amma oru murai avalai saranya endru thaan soli azhaithaargal. Muthal muthalil ithu pondru oru 19 vayathu pen en veetin arugil irukiraal enbathu endru theriyaamal irunthathu. En endraal enaku pengal methu athigam notam ilamal irunthathu. Naan matum en velai undu naan...

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The ConsultantChapter 2

Freddie approached Janet in the conference room she had been using. “Oh, Janet,” he said. “Oh, hi, Freddie. Can I help you?” “Have you seen Eva?” She shook her head. “Not since this morning.” “She asked Heidi to cover for her while she went to lunch. She never returned.” “That’s odd.” “It’s very odd -- it’s not like Eva at all. I know you two have become friendly. Did she say anything to you?” “Only that she was meeting her husband for lunch. I hope nothing’s happened to her.” “Well...

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Reaching the Summit Ch 04

Author’s note: Sorry folks, this has been a very long time coming. Sometimes life gets in the way of writing. John and Julie are now a week into a relationship of searing sexuality, and it will help you understand where they are if you read the first three chapters. I’m Scots and they are both Scots, so they speak accordingly. My thanks to my sweet muse and editor, and to all the readers whose support and interest has helped sustain my writing. ***** Julie wasn’t there when he entered the...

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Lust for Stepmother

My name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my father died. To say his death hurt would be an understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my stepmother Janice to help me through this period. As I'll say more than once in this story. My real mother had died when I was young. Even though Janice married my father many years after my mother died, I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. That's important to this story. I...

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Mile High Club 2

After our union in the aeroplane predictably I recd a call in 2 days from the Minister’s secretery telling that his farm related legal work would be handled by me since the minster thought I was the right person for it. I knew its meaning but didn;t say anything..A week after that as I was working in office I got a call on my cell.It was the minister” Mumbai la aloy bhetayache ahe”(Ia m in mumbai let’s meet)He gave me the address of a out of way housing society where he had a row house.I said I...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girl. By Tanya H. My Daddy was the self-made son of a self-made son of a self-made man and that was my legacy. From a Halifax mill owner, who started making webbing equipment for the British Army in 1915, the business had grown until kit from our factories, across three continents, was supporting police, military and paramilitary organisations the world over. We didn't produce guns or knives or tear gas, or anything like that, but if you needed a pouch, holster or carrier for...

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