Eye Of Dagon 3 free porn video

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Deals and Thievery. Hakim stepped into the small smoke filled chamber, the weight of some vague dread upon the necromancers shoulders. "Vulkos my ghost, I have a task for you," Quoth Hakim to his retainer. The lithe albino Kushite looked up from his hoopa. "Yes." He stated with elucidate stillness, deadly pink eyes dilated in the thrall of the Stygian drug Noce. This was a substance which placed its imbiber in a detached state, passive to the point of catatonia until they acted. But when the user erupted into action they were blindingly fast, faster than a striking adder. Fearsome tales were told of the berserk warriors of Noce. "There is a barbarian and slave girl I want you to eliminate." "Yes," the alabastrine Vulkos prompted. His limber limbs could have been hewn from stone, so still was he. The totality of the rangy man's demeanor bespoke minimalist economy, from his compactly powerful frame to his choice of unadorned twin falchions that hung snug upon his rangy hips. The man at arms listened with the no sign of emotion. Hakim was perturbed as he considered his assassins quarry. Despite appearing to be an ignorant barbarian, the sorcerer sensed that Amra was shrewd and wily, a dangerous man to cross. Crossing the burly warrior and his nefarious sidekick was fraught with risk. But remaining idle was to court disaster. This was a desperate situation and his hand was forced; Amra and Kilis must be eliminated, swiftly and in a manner that did not point towards Hakim. "Amra and ... Kira. They are hiding somewhere in the ruins." "They shall be dead before the setting of the next sun." The albino stood then vanished through the doorway to the shadows beyond in a white blur, stepping with the noiseless poise of a hunting wolf. So swift was his departure that it left one wondering if the man had been there at all, if he truly was an insubstantial ghost. Hakim rested his hands upon a stone window sill, his ancient eyes burning with desperation as they swept across the decayed metropolis. The events in the market were at the fore of his thoughts. Whilst there was always intrigue afoot amongst the wizards of Hrul Throst, plotting against the omnipotent Ashir was foolhardy at best. The heartless Praetor had made countless examples of those who sought to depose him. At this moment Hakim deeply rued hiring the two rogues to kill the despot, but the deed was done. Now he needed to clean up his mess. He must deal with the assassin and the slave girl then dispose of his assassin. After all it was much easier to dispatch retainers than directly opposing the Preator, especially when the wily old wizard was on guard. * * * Amongst the glum shadows of teetering chimneys and off kilter roofs an icy hearted thief watched the barbarian and slave girl with avid interest. With wicked calculation the voyeur noted that the pair had exhausted themselves in spectacular lovemaking and would lie together in sated bliss till dawn. The guileful thief had easily followed the barbarian and the slave girl where the city guard could not. After all, the back ways and hidden roof top routes were his daily paths and guile was part of his nature. Rigo knew of the incredible bounty on Amra's head, but Rigo's also featured on the wanted notices that fluttered on the gibbet posts in the square, albeit less prominently then the barbarians. The Praetor was not known for his mercy, but surely Rigo could convince the fickle ruler to pardon a small fish like himself to net a big one like Amra, particularly since Amra had personally slighted the Praetor. His mind made up, Rigo the thief slipped back through the mazing alleyways to the purple tower of the High Praetor. To occupy himself he estimated the weight of Amra's head. As rounded the last turn and approached the tower his feet began to drag. Arm throbbing with pain he loitered about the towers gates, not wanting to enter, beginning to doubt the wisdom of his plan. Perhaps he could have someone else to enter the tower in his stead. If Wila were still alive she would do, but she was not. The choice was taken >from his hands when two guards rounded the corner behind him and spied him skulking like the cut purse he was. With nowhere to flee the gutter rat approached the guards. They eyed him warily. "You. I know you. You're a wanted man." The guard grabbed him. "It's the gallows for the likes of you." "I have news. I know where Amra and Ashir's slave girl are," he said urgently. "Tell us!" a guard ordered grimly, the other nodding. By the shrewd glimmer in the guardsmen's eyes it was deadly clear they wanted the reward. "Tell us or we'll have a sorcerer read the truth in yer smoldering entrails..." the other said with a cruel leer. Rigo grinned but did not cower. "I'll tell the High Praetor himself and only if he gives me the reward and a pardon." "A pardon? No one ever gets a pardon..." The first guard considered then snorted. "Very well, come with me." The guard led the thief through the gates, his partner following with a firm hand upon the thief's shoulder. They strode across a torch lit courtyard, their shadows prowling sinister upon the blue marble walls, then through the gargoyle and sigil adorned doors. Somberly the trio ventured into a curiously appointed ante chamber lit by flittering firefly lanterns which limned Rigos haggard features in livid hues of lime and lilac. "Touch nothing if you value your life." Rigo eyed the furnishings, calculating their immense wealth but wisely waited. Shortly the first guard returned and lead Rigo into a small smoky chamber. Within, crouched like some sinister spider, sat the Praetor at a simple desk. Ashir sniffed the rogue with repugnance. "The guard tells me you are nothing but a common criminal which should be hung from the gibbets as food for the crows. And you come before me seeking a reward and your freedom in exchange for the whereabouts of the barbarian? A brave fool... Tell me where Amra is and you shall live," there was something sinister to the way Ashir enunciated the word live that raised alarm bells with the duplicitous thief. "The barbarians reward and my pardon or I say nothing!" Rigo blustered. "It is not fitting that a wanted man goes free. It sets a poor example. However I think I can accommodate your wish without breaking the law. Bend it perhaps, but not violate its integrity. Yes, I shall ensure that you will no longer be a wanted man," the Preator smiled at the double entendre which only he understood. "You shall be free with all the wealth you can carry," Ashir explained. "In fact with my arts I can even cure you injured arm. It smells like it is going septic. Quite a fair deal I'd say." Rigo scowled uneasily. This felt more like a deal with the devil. "You'll not have me executed or put in jail?" Ashir shook his head, "and your criminal record will be a thing of the past. And with the wealth I shall give you, you could live like royalty. You could even have your own personal harem... if you like. What do you say? Is it a bargain?" "Yes. My reward first!" Ashir grinned and reached within his voluminous robe and withdrew a glowing piece of amber. "Very well then... look into the eye." * * * Long before dawn stole over the city Kilis opened his eyes. Half asleep he stared up at the cracked ceiling and in that moment of reverie he felt that his sense of self was wholly normal. Absent mindedly he sighed in relief. He was no longer haunted by the possessive nightmare of being trapped in the form of a well turned voluptuary. In his languid oneirism he considered the memory of his uncanny dream avatar and was disturbed that the remembrance lingered in his mind more vividly than any dream. In that fevered fantasy his nature had been abnormally sundered. He lazily considered where the notion of being a shapely female wanton had come from. He had always liked woman. Loved them in fact, adored their bodies and worshiped them with his, but in all his wildest imaginings he had never contemplated being one, let alone having his aggression and masculinity sublimated to a raging and unquenchable female libido. Why would he dream of being ensnared in the form of a sultry woman ruled by hot blooded desires? And such a sensuous body at that? The recollection of the firm tender breasts on his chest and the hedonistic pleasure in his loins dried his mouth. He felt his heart palpitating, urging him to true wakefulness. A feeling of sexual desire was aroused within Killis, at once unfamiliar and yet disturbingly familiar. Killis reached down and felt a warm moistness. "Oh no," she said as she sat up. Her lustrous dark hair spilled about her narrow shoulders and the heavy weight of her pendulous breasts swayed enticingly. "What is it?" Amra asked, his hand resting upon her graceful waist. "I must tell you something. I am not who I appear to be. I... I am Killis," the girl blurted, her eyes becoming tortured with shame. "What is this nonsense you prate?" Amra asked. She looked down obsequiously. "The High Praetor did this to me. He is a vile sorcerer. He unmanned me, trapped me in this body which makes me submit to my masters whims and wishes..." Amra considered the subservient attitude of the girl. Could it be? There were similarities in the mannerisms and voice. Amra removed his hand from her generous hip and regarded her graceful beauty with a growing horror. It came back to him, their mutual recognition at what he had presumed was their first meeting. "Killis?" he whispered, all colour draining from his face. A tear streamed down her check to drop upon her left breast and run in a rivulet between the curves of her cleavage. "But I bedded you. You let me..." He turned his memory to the evening before, his teeth gritting in anger and his entire body shuddering with pent rage. The girl nodded. "I could have stopped had I wanted to. But I did not want to!" Her fists balled at the shame of it all. "I considered it for a moment, but then I yielded to my desires. I wanted you. I still want you! I am driven to indulge in carnal acts. I have become a creature of abject obedience. Even now, were you to command me, I would be yours." So saying she hopefully lifted the curtain which covered her lower body, offering herself to him. Amra regarded her naked charms and, whilst he was drawn to her, he shook his head in denial. "The Praetor did this to you? Did this -" he motioned at her splendid body. It was truly desirable. He rose and stalked to the window, his emotions in turmoil. With a gentle padding of feet Killis approached him from behind, placed her arms about him. Her fine hair spilled like rivulets over his powerful back. He let her hold him for a moment, taking comfort in the soft press of her flesh upon his. He swallowed, turned and disengaged her velvet arms from his, deciding that he could no longer desire her in that manner, despite what his body wanted. "Tell me how." "With the Amber Eye. He brought it to my cell and made me stare into it. The thing twisted my body, stripped me of my manhood. A transmigration he called it. Death and rebirth. As I was held spell bound the changes occurred. You can see the results." She motioned at her well formed breasts. "But that was merely my physical sublimation... he made me imbibe his sorcerous philtres which infused my body with such cravings as you could not imagine. Then he gave me to that brute Queeg. I performed other acts..." she paused, her mouth working but unable to find the words, "...other rites which moulded and bent my will to his. He tithed my body, enforced me to act upon the philtre inspired desires until they were second nature," the look in her glimmering eyes was fiery yet haunted, begging him to ask no further. She did not wish for him to know that no force was applied, that once she had ingested the love potion she had become a willing and rampant pleasure seeker. "Finally when Queeg was done Ashir returned and took me to the secret chamber where he kept the eye. He told me that I could take it, look into it and will my former body back. He laughed in my face. ?If you have the will!' he mocked. He knew I did not. I did not!" Amra ran a hand reassuringly over her dainty cheek. He considered wrapping his hands about that delicate neck and ending his friends suffering. It would be a mercy. No man could survive this. He swallowed a laugh, full of madness. No man. But he could not kill a woman in cold blood. "Then, when Ashir knew I was truly broken, he questioned me again about our mission. I told him everything I knew, but not what he desired. I knew not our patron or our target, but when I mentioned we were to retrieve an artifact he grew agitated. I suspect he believed it was the Eye." Amra nodded and closed his eyes. "You were correct. We were to kill the Praetor ... but I dare not hand the Eye to any man. It must be destroyed. But if I were to force you to look into it first, could I will the return of your body." The girl nodded. "I believe so. But, I am not sure that it would cure me of all my desires. The potion Ashir gave me... it twisted my mind. I... have grown to like this body. Being your bondmaid is what I aspire to. But if it is your will, I shall submit, though I suspect I would forever after be a slave girl trapped in a man's body." Her eyes begged him not to force that fate upon her. "Amra, we should flee this place as we are, if not for my sake then for yours!" she pleaded. Amra stared at her for a moment in disbelief. "Talk like that and I'll knock your head in, girl or not," Amra growled in a quarrelsome voice. "But-" "We shall get you back your manhood. The drugs and your body have clouded your mind but it shall pass," he said with dauntless determination. He lifted Kilis' bag with his poisons. "I have a plan. Tell me of this secret den where Ashir keeps the Eye." * * * In the late hours of the night Amra perched atop the outer garden wall of the purple tower. Below him a troupe of guards led by a beautiful girl exited the tower for the city. She looked to be a slave girl, such was her state of undress, yet gold and gemmed jewelry dripped like honey over the splendid curves of her naked body. She moved hesitantly, unusually self conscious amongst the guardsmen. Amra sense something unnaturally feminine about the girl and suspected that like Kilis she had not always been a woman. His curiosity was piqued and he briefly considered following her, but decided against it. Instead he waited, sighting down his axe, nimble muscular limbs poised for attack. Below a patrolling guard paused, not quite certain what was amiss. With innate feline grace the barbarian fluidly twisted his entire body to send the axe whipping downwards with unerring aim, impaling the guard through the head. So quick was his demise that there was not even a cry. The Cimmerian thanked Crom for his good aim. There was the sound of footsteps and the barbarian pressed his lean body into the top of the battlement wall, eyes narrowing. More guards were approaching. His blue eyes searched the hedge maze, ears straining with preternatural attentiveness to the sounds of the city. "From where?" he growled, eyes flashing like a wildcats. In an instant he discerned that they were heading away. In a whirlwind of activity the man dropped from the wall upon which he was perched, crossed to the guard in two graceful bounds, snatched his axe and quickly slipped away along a hedgerow path. Amra flitted noiselessly amongst the verdant shadows with the predatory grace of a hunting cat. He stole through the labyrinth of privet hedges then scowled as he suddenly rounded a corner and was confronted by a guard patrol crossing a small octagonal courtyard surrounded by shelterbelts with paths existing on all corners. Without pause the guards drew their blades and advanced hurriedly upon him. Assuming an open stance he raised his ready axe in an exaggeratedly broad movement, his other hand drawing a dagger. He backed away and let them close on him so the confines of the maze were to his advantage and their numbers worked against them. "Make way or your innards will nourish the trees," Amra said with such calm conviction that three of the guards faltered in their advance. But two still advanced. One of the guards thought to take the barbarian quickly and moved to swat the axe from his hand. With a fluid riposte, Amra dove forward under his swipe and scored a deep wound along the impudent guards forearm. The man dropped his blade and swore, staunching the flow of blood with pressure from his good hand as he backed away. The second guard hissed angrily as he lunged forward. His blade was blocked and then forced high by Amra's axe. Without pause the rangy barbarian stepped in close to the guard and drove his dagger deep into his shoulder. The guard grunted in surprise. He winced in pain as the blade was pulled free. He back peddled out of the fight. The remaining trio of guards moved cautiously forward after seeing their compatriots so effortlessly dispatched. "Come on, it's the three of us against one," one of the guards snarled encouragingly to his friends. "He was lucky against the others." Sensing that they had the advantage of numbers the guards moved forward with greater certainty to dispatch their solitary foe. Two fanned out, moving slightly to each side of Amra and the third bided his time directly in front. Amra stood his ground like a wolf at bay, waiting for the guards to make the first move. With a bark from the middle guard, the three warriors attacked, swinging stabbing and slashing with abandon. With a flurry of feet Amra spun, twisted and hacked up, blocking masterfully with his axe and dagger. A blade dove at his eyes and he knocked it aside with his dagger, following through with a wickedly fast axe swipe at his foes face. The centre guard fell back, his skull shattered. Now Amra faced two guards. Still confident with their numbers, they pressed the attack. Amra feinted towards the first guard then dropped and spun, his axe cutting clear through the seconds leg. Without pause, Amra continued his spin and leaped up into a forward dive towards the first guard, lashing out with his axe at the zenith of his leap. His blade hit the guards hand. The last guard yelped in pain as his fingers were mercilessly severed and his sword fell from his stump of a hand. Amra landed deftly and sped away towards the tower. Those remaining guards still mobile struggled to follow but Amra was too fast. "Ah, horse dung!" Amra swore doing a rapid about face and heading back the way he had come. Ten more guardsmen poured through the entrance to the courtyard he had just vacated, with others storming the other entrances. Amra was surrounded. A tiny crossbow bolt clipped the stone at his feet. He looked up. Almost half of the guards were armed with tiny little crossbows that were trained upon his chest. "Yeild!" a guard ordered. Amra grinned with the mirth of a wolf. He might be surrounded but he was not captured. Amra had long ago vowed to die on his feet rather than live on his knees especially since the fate which the Praetor would have in store for him was most undesirable. Amra hardly feared such puny weapons. He spun his axe in his hand. Hardly feared them that was until with a twang the first barb bit into his flesh. He staggered sideways drunkenly. "Poison," he muttered, vision swimming. Four more arrows found his flesh in rapid succession. His weapons dropped from his suddenly feeble fingers and he swayed. As the world fell and the light dimmed he realized with final horror that he was captured. * * * Rigo had been swindled. The Praetor had been true to his word, had given Rigo wealth and freedom as promised. But as the transformed thief led the soldiers towards Amra's hiding place with a kings ransom of jewelry adorning her otherwise naked, voluptuously feminine body, the knowledge that she was no longer a wanted man made her feel most queasy. Catching the glances which the guards bestowed upon her, she felt very much like a wanted woman. Rigo felt like an utter rube at being fleeced of her manhood, but right now she had to focus on other, more important things. Like leading these soldiers to Amra and capturing him. The Praetor had made it clear that her life depended upon this, and despite the questionable quality of this new existence she did not want to die. Certainly the jewelry she wore could give her the affluence she had always dreamed of. Her stride quickened at this positive thought. She could buy a submissive slave girl as she had always wanted. Or perhaps a slave boy, muscular and rugged, to take her through the paces of being a woman and play at being her master. Her step faltered as she realized what she had been thinking. Pressing such confusingly enticing thoughts from her mind she led the guards through the city. * * * Quaeeg led Amra through a curtained doorways into the main ante-chamber lit in ghoulish twilight. Within the vaulted chamber Ashir reclined in otiose grandeur upon a cushion piled dais, supping indulgently upon blood red wine and casually stroking the lithe Stygian slave girl stretched forth upon her supple belly beside him. His luxurious lassitude was in direct contradiction to the cruel sparkle of his eves as he surveyed the chained figure of Amra. Despite the opulence of the ante chamber a brooding terror haunted the place. "You took what was mine," Ashir growled. Amra glowered at his captor, every nerve tense, "these girls are not rightfully yours you vulture-hearted charlatan," swore Amra. "You traffic in the black arts and sacrifice innocents to glut your own rapacity. I know what you are! Mark my words fiend, your days are numbered." "You shall know the truth of the matter shortly," Ashir promised as he drew forth the Amber Eye from his robes. His face was alight with a sinister eagerness. At the gleam of the Eye, Amra felt his blood congeal in his veins, but he steeled himself and averted his gaze. He stared at the silken couches, chairs of ebony and ivory, the parquet floors, the satin arrases and velvet hangings which adorned the marble walls, the arabesque ceiling; anywhere but at the High Praetor. Queeg peered curiously at Amra, a grin upon his broken face "Amra, look at me!" Ashir commanded with an overpowering voice. The behest wrought havoc upon his nerves as the barbarian strained against its preternatural force. "Look at me!" Against his will Amra felt his gaze drawn towards the Praetor, bidden by the compelling voice. He beheld the hated countenance of Ashir, met the sorcerers black eyed gaze with a brimstone fire of his own. Sweat beaded his brow as the terror of unnerved hysteria grew. "Good. Now look into the Eye of Dagon!" The moment Amra laid eyes on the monstrous oculus encased in ancient amber he gasped, frozen to immobility. A chill tingling gripped his limbs. There came a period of dim impetus where he became naught but a mote which tumbled adrift through time and space, whirling through the endless cycle of his past incarnations in the infinity of existence. He transmigrated through all his previous forbears, residing once again in all the bodies which had born his ego. He struggled as a babe, a child, an adolescent, an adult and an old one. Bodies slipped from him, both male and female, till he lost all awareness of form. Dimly Amra sensed the interconnection between all living things, all souls, all bodies, spanning endless continuums, an intricately interwoven skein so gnarled and tangled that it bore no semblance of sanity. On and on he tumbled till he reeled at the very core of his being and his sense of identity wavered. To the dimmest dawn of time he was drawn where he found his antecedent self stalking naked through an eerily lit cave, naught but a primeval creature armed with stone spear and indomitable courage. His instinctive barbarian progenitor sought to ambush a many eyed horror limned in the flickering light. The thing was without form but possessed floating oculus which sparked horror and fear. As his ancestor he leaped high and thrust down with his spindly spear. The spear bit deeply but the thing whirled with unnatural speed and crushed him with one of its many tentacle like members. To the core of his soul Amra felt the enmity of this creature and recoiled from it as his ancestral being died. Forward through time he was propelled, the things burning eyes still upon him throughout the agonized throes of his return. Again he fleetingly relived all his lives, his body blurring and twisting between man and woman, boy and girl. He felt that he could tumble down any path, to any time or form. He also sensed the proximity of the thing, its brutal desire for him, its knowing gaze and he hated it. He sensed that the many eyed tentacled thing still existed within the shadows even now. The Eye of Dagon was a two way portal. He saw it and it saw him. He felt its hate. With a primal roar Amra pulled himself free of the power of the Oculus and flexed his arms. Such was his rage his bonds give way as if they were not there at all. His eyes rose to those of the Praetor. Ashir flinched at the blue hellfire which burned in that primal gaze. Amra lashed out at Queeg and sent the jailor sailing back. He leaped forwards, hands clutching for the Praetors neck. "Stop!" the Praetor ordered. Amra froze. "Very interesting..." he approached Amra. "The transformation was not precisely what I intended. Inexplicably the eye seemed to opt for this soma, drawn to this form amongst your myriad past incarnations. It is most pleasing. And much like the form I wear, your form is potent, imbued with latent power." Amra's face wrinkled in surprise. Transformation? He felt no different. Or perhaps he did. Perhaps his chest felt a trifle heavier and swollen. Perhaps long wisps of blonde hair wafted about his eyes and draped like silken threads to his markedly slender shoulders. "Look down!" Midnight blue eyes looked down and reeled as they focused upon a pair of rounded, fleshy swells. His body was that of his caveman progenitor, or more accurately cavewoman; a primal force of nature, a creature exuding raw sexuality. This was the lithe fiery lass who had stalked a monster, who had mastered her fear and leaped with the supple grace of a panther atop a tentacled horror. The limbs were slender but quite muscular, the waist narrow, the breasts and hips generous. In that moment he realized that he had not broken the manacles, they had slipped from his suddenly smaller hands, as had his loincloth. As he considered this in his paralyzed stae he flexed his arms and felt much weaker. Frozen, a silken gossamer slip was pulled over her head by the slave master. The material of the meager garment settled upon her like a second skin, its spry fiber conforming tightly to the nooks and crannies of her curvy chest, the sleek lines of her sensual belly and the heart shaped cleft of her ass. The chemises plunging neck line exposed a great deal of her fulsome cleavage and fleshy breast, her nipples proudly distending the flimsy fabric. The skimpy hem did little to conceal her loins or ass cheeks. Her long athletic legs were disarmingly sexy in their innocent bareness. Queeg also remedied her freedom by looping a narrow silver collar about her neck. Matching manacles of silver were used to bind her arms before her and hobble her slender ankles. A filigree chain from the cuffs linked to the collar and two dangled to the anklets. "Follow me," Ashir ordered and she was compelled to obey. She took in her stride the gentle mincing sway of her broad hips, the dimpling of her sexy derri?re, the soft bounce of her breasts and the soft slipping of her silk smooth thighs as they hitched together in the fetters. As she moved the shifts hem rose embarrassing high and she paused, her face reddening at the loss of her scant modesty. As she dawdled Ashir tugged on her leash, making her cantaloupe sized breasts heave up and down as she jolted forward. He led the girl up a set of winding stairs to the top of his mighty tower. A sumptuous candle lit bedchamber greeted her. He unfastened the manacles about her wrists and chained her collar to the head of the velvet-covered dais-bed. With a sinister laugh he left her in his boudoir to secure the Eye in a safe place. When her returned he bore a potion. "Drink this." He commanded as Amra stared. It was not the potion that captivated Amra but Ashir's appearance, for now the sorcerer wore her former body. Ashir's voice held none of the preternatural compulsion to obey it had before. Obviously the power came from the spidery form he once wore, his primal body as he described it. She shook her head so he gripped her jaw grimly and forced the sparkling liquid concoction to her lips, tilting her head back. The philter burned in her throat as it went down, silver dregs running down her dainty chin and upturned neck. Her eyes watered and she gasped, hot flushes wracking her body as the neurological alterations took affect. "Now you are mine!" Ashir declared as he circled behind her, his hand gliding under her shift and between her legs seeking the moist sensitive folds of feminine loins. She squirmed, not in fright but in pleasure. Pealing back her chemise he exposed the hourglass shaped flesh of her womanly hips and taut abdomen. She nudged her hips eagerly towards him, her back arching and her rump rising in seductive undulation. His broad hands cinched about her waist in a crushingly possessive grip eliciting a muffled moan from the girl. She wiggled her hips expectantly and fearfully whimpered as he straddled her from behind. She felt something round and firm pressing between her loins. With a pantherish thrust he slipped into the warm moist sheath of her sex. He began pumping leisurely into her. Meaty slapping sounds echoed off the cold marble walls. Faster and faster he slammed into her causing the platform bed to squeak. She grew increasingly frantic as guttural feminine grunts slipped from her lips. Her collar restricted her movement. She let out muffled grunts and her breasts wobbled to the forceful beat of his thrusts.

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i was in my cage , sleeping, when my master came in and said“ get up little one” then he unlocked my cage. i crawled on my hands and knees to his side the sat on my knees ,head down.he bent down and pated my head.“good slave” then he hooked a leash on the colar that was way to tight around my neck.and that colar was all i was wereing.“how may i serve you my great master?” i asked.“bitch you know how to serve me!” he said suddenly angrey.“now for your stupidity you will be punished!”he...

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EYESORE EYESOREMonday When Katherine came in the house, the Eyesore was kneeling on the floor, naked with her face pressed to the floor, Katherine?s martini in front of her. It was something to see the Eyesore?s hands clasped behind her back, balancing herself with her face and her knees, awaiting me, Katherine thought.? Katherine? leaned down and picked up the martini and downed half of it, and then violently kicked the Eyesore in the ribs, and the slave fell over without a...

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I'm now in my third marriage. (Apparently it is the charm), thankfully to a childhood friend of mine I've know most of my life, honestly this was the last thing I had expected. We have now been married for four years. Luckily our kids are grown and out on their own, so it's just the two of us. We grew up in the 80s and were known to be pretty wild in our day partying and having fun. He was only a year older than me when we met in Jr High school, and we had always been great friends,...

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We were designed forty years ago, engineered. They called us catseyes because of our cat slit eyes. Besides the eyes that let us see in almost total darkness our muscles were more than twice as dense and our reactions twice as fast. There were also retractable claws but other than that we looked like normal humans ... Except we tended to regenerate and maintained the look of youth. Ten thousand of us were created and trained. We were the front line soldiers, the shock troops. They had many...

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DarkeyesChapter 2

Jonathan I'm following Alex in her little sports car, and envying her for the wind in her hair. Amongst this old Escort's many problems, it doesn't have air conditioning, so the east Texas heat is pretty sweltering inside the car, even with all the windows down. Within a few minutes, we're back in the residential area I'd passed through an hour ago. Alex is going much slower, which I'm thankful for. I know my controlling tendencies would have me twitching and frustrated if she were...

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DarkeyesChapter 3

Alexis I'm above him, my hips are moving against his body, the light glistening on his stomach. But my eyes are staring into his—his dark sad eyes. They don't look sad now though. They're burning into my soul. What's that look? Hunger? Desire? My body aches so good, and I throw my head back groaning. It's early, but I need to be back at Ray's by eight. I groan and rub the sleep out of my eyes and allow Death Cab to serenade me awake. "Yeah," I grumble. "I'd follow him into the...

3 years ago
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DarkeyesChapter 4

Jonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...

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DarkeyesChapter 5

Jonathan Three weeks with Miss Alexis Rutherford and I'm not sure what's going on anymore. I thought it might just be a shameless fling. But after that first night, Alexis hasn't let me get further than heavy kissing and a few mild over-the-clothes gropes. And the weird thing is, I don't really mind. I don't want to rush into this. But I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself, "You can't fall in love with your rebound." Right? My wife' barely been dead seven months. It's...

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DarkeyesChapter 6

Jonathan When I wake up, she's gone. Her scent still lingers on my lips, and her taste still invades my mouth. I haven't been this happy in ... well, since Alice was born. After Alice was born, things between Michelle and I were never the same. She loved Alice, even as much as I loved Alice. But she told me long ago she didn't want children. Michelle didn't take out her resentment on Alice though. She really was an amazing mother. No, she resented me for ever getting her pregnant. She...

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YelloweyeChapter 2 Wild Indians

I have a bad feeling about this, Miranda whispered in Ramie’s mind as they went about their business the next day. Jason didn’t want to be there when you opened the box last night. He’s been holding something back. Maybe hiding something. “Yeah, but don’t push him. Kyle and Jason have their own demons, sweetheart. Knowing our little brother and sister were growing up in an Indian village must be hard on them. Like us remembering being kidnapped,” Ramie sighed. She finished feeding the...

2 years ago
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YelloweyeChapter 3 Getting Grounded

They’d worked out a pattern. Everyone had work to do and no one could spend all her time reading the book left for Ramie by her younger siblings. Nor could they handle more at one time than the hour they spent in the evening holding each other as they read. Every word the kids had written cut into the hearts of their mothers, father, and siblings. Even Aubrey, the only one not related by blood, worried that the babies might be affected by hearing the story at such a young age. But more than...

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YelloweyeChapter 4 Wolf Warriors

Cole spent a good part of the day at the Forest Service office and on the phone to his congressman. Every member of the family made calls. “Cole,” Arlen said as the rancher sat across the desk from him, “our hands are tied. The EPA is gutted and there’s been no move to replace it. The Army Corps of Engineers rubberstamps whatever they’re given. They’ve been issued permits to explore for gas and oil in the National Forest. It’s not just here. They came marching in on the first with permits...

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YelloweyeChapter 5 A Family Way

Even on a holiday, ranch chores need to be done. Especially when nearly every boarder wants his horse out to go for a trail ride. Some of the boarders brought friends and rented horses from LK Stables riding stock. Ramie had purchased six gentle trail horses for just such a purpose. With the purchase of additional saddles and tack, feed, and liability insurance, she was happy to have all six rented for the day. It just meant that even with their late night previously, she and Kyle had to be...

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YelloweyeChapter 6 Running with the Herd

A ranch is work. Work kept the Bell Family sane. Cole drove by way of the Forest Road to the upper pasture to meet with the Forest Service and the oil company. Ashley went to the Wyoming Cattlewomen’s Association meeting she presided over and encouraged the members to call their congressman and senators. Trail riders were checked in, their horses saddled, and sent out on the trail. Kyle and Ramie rounded up the eighty rescues and drove them to the corral with the assistance of their four...

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YelloweyeChapter 7 The Human Mind

Cole spent most of the morning in the Forest Service office again. Arlen was sympathetic, but felt his hands were tied. Next, Cole picked up Mary Beth and Ashley and they drove to Cheyenne. It might seem unlikely that a rancher could walk in and visit the governor, but Wyoming was a state of only 600,000 citizens, ranked tenth in total area for states, but 50th in total population. The elected officials knew who the influential ranchers were in their state. “Cole, I know you didn’t support...

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YelloweyeChapter 8 Echoing Thunder

Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...

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YelloweyeChapter 9 The Hunger

Saturday, there were chores to do and riders at the stable. Cole and Ashley took the Forest Service road up to the trailhead and hiked in to the base camp for their hired hands. The situation was tense. The oil company had hired ‘security’ people, supposedly to guard their equipment. In reality, they had spent the night in ATVs racing in circles around the site, spooking the cattle off in all directions. All Cole’s cowboys were on their horses attempting to round up cattle that had scattered...

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YelloweyeChapter 10 Day of Prayer

“Delta Oh Niner, this is base,” Cole said into the radio. “This is Delta Oh Niner, base. Come in.” “What’s the status?” “No way to keep them from knowing we’re here and still keep them away from scattering the cattle. It seems that was their intent all along.” “What’s the plan?” Cole asked. “We had a parlay,” the voice on the radio said. “We explained the terms simply. They could run around their base with the ATVs all they wanted and we wouldn’t say a thing if they ran west. But we...

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YelloweyeChapter 11 It Takes a Village

A rancher from Fort Collins arrived with two brood mares for breeding about seven in the morning. Ramie and Kyle had to deal with that just when the family had decided to let others do the work for the day and get back to the final pages in the box. They wouldn’t stand the mares to stud until they’d had a chance to settle down, but the rancher wanted to jaw a while over a cup of coffee. Of course, the topic was all about the tensions building at Yellowstone. He finally left and their two...

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YelloweyeChapter 12 The Last Days

The family cleaned up the lunch spread and headed back into the house. Cole flipped up the volume on the news station as the main picture switched to the scene of the military staging in Cody. “This is Rhea Matthews of KWYO in Cody, reporting for the National News Network. A new development here in Cody, where a National Guard military police platoon moved in overnight to stage for an action in Yellowstone National Park, has pitted the National Guard against a handful of regular army troops....

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YelloweyeChapter 13 The Oil Field War

“So that’s it?” Ashley said flatly. “The end?” “Not quite,” Aubrey answered. She held up an envelope that was on the bottom of the box. She looked at her parents and her husband. They all nodded. Aubrey handed the envelope to Ramie. Ramie took a deep shuddering breath and opened it, shaking out the contents in her hand. She opened the pages and began to read. Caitlin: It’s Time My Dearest Loving Parents, My Beautiful Sister, My Brave Brother, My Kind Sister-in-law, My Adorable Little...

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YelloweyeChapter 14 The Aftermath

In a closed board meeting of Shale Oil Company, Ron Grisholm, president of the company, had just delivered his statement of intent to rebuild the pseudo-fracking sites and continue prospecting for oil. The board members were heads-down examining the report and proposal. “I don’t see how we can invest like that with the stock in the toilet, Ron. Have you got it all in the proposal here?” one of the board members asked. “There is no sense even reading the paper. The short of it is that we...

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YelloweyeChapter 15 The Letter

I remember dying. I guess when I was Phile, I started this by telling you I remembered being born. But there are more important things to remember now. I remember the births of my children. I remember my lovers. I remember living as a wild ranch kid in Wyoming and as a renegade in the nineteenth century. I remember holding my sweet sister in my arms at night and knowing there would never be a more perfect match. I remember Mandy welcoming me in both my bodies into her heart and soul. And I...

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'What kind of pencil is this?' I asked her, when she came back and plunged down next to me on her bed. 'It's an eyeliner, ' she answered. 'What's an eyeliner?' 'Just what the word says. It's for making lines around the eyes, dummy, ' Annie giggled. 'Like a makeup thing?' 'Any girl over 10 would know that. It's pencil for drawing on skin, if that makes it easier to understand. Look here.' Annie pointed to her eyes. She had really pretty emerald-green eyes, which sat in a...

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NC-17 Slash/Incest Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for giving me so much...

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Eye of Dagon 4

Curse of the Amber Eye Part 4 Silent as a ghost, the deathly pale Vulkos shadowed the party of Ashir's warriors from the rooftops, leaping with preternatural agility amongst the minarets, flues and terraces that comprised the ancient cities ragged skyline. From overheard snippets of conversation the killer understood that the slim slave girl leading them knew the whereabouts of the barbarian and the escaped pleasure slave that were his prey. How such an overindulged creature was...

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Eye of the Demon

Perik crouched behind a bush, shivering with mingled impatience and fear. Out in the clearing something waited, yet she had to go that way. Go that way, and soon! She whimpered, muzzle low to the ground as she peered through bluish-green foliage. A sheer cliff rose to her right, and on her other side the swamp crowded close. The clearing was her only path to her cubs, and it was blocked. Amy looked out of place in her neatly pressed lab smock. Her blond hair and clear blue eyes called for a...

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Eye Contact

Dr. Mason glanced over at his waiting room and smiled at the wonderful sight. It was filled with attractive and horny women waiting to see him. His customers were all females and possessed attractive qualities. There was a reason for his fortune of beautiful women. Dr. Mason was an Optometrist with a passion for mind control and hypnosis. His life work was one big game to him and his customers were the playing pieces. The game starts the moment his customers walk in the door. His office is...

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Eye to Eye

The motel room was small but it was clean (since it was clean enough for Becky, it was certainly clean enough for me) and it fit our limited budget. The show at the casino (an additional twenty miles down the road) was not going to be anything spectacular, but it was away from work, home, children, in-laws... We were somewhat worried about leaving the thirteen-year-old in charge of her siblings for the first time overnight, but Grandma and Grandpa were on speed dial and live nearby. To be...

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Eye for an Eye Part 1

Deb: What a night, last night was fantastic. Bringing in the New Year with my close friends was fantastic. To add to a great night, I managed to take this beauty home with me. Lying in front of me, this sexy brunette, with an ass to die for. She was hesitant last night, I told her we would do something in the morning. She was rather adornment she was straight, but we all know, so is spaghetti until it is wet. Ellie: I soon came to realize that, that wasn't my bed. But, how would I end up...

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Eye Candy

Jeff was a senior at Penn State. He had not exactly coasted through care- free but he was almost done so it didn't matter. The struggle was worth it too, with his soon-to-be engineering degree, jobs offers were coming in daily. It was his final semester and he knew he only needed three classes to graduate. Shame he had to see his advisor anyway. He sighed as he waited for her previous appointment to finish up. The girl before him walked out of the office and shot him a nervous smile as...

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Eye Of The Storm

It was late. Storm clouds hung in the air, each adding another dark textured layer to the night sky. A flash of lightning illuminates all around for the briefest of moments before the deep rumble of thunder and darkness descends once more. Heavy rain pounds relentlessly against the floor to ceiling office windows, the bustling city swarming below. Building lights span as far as the eye can see, the red streak of blurred taillights painting a vivid picture as people feverishly rush to get out of...

Office Sex
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Eye of the Beholder Part 3

Eye of the Beholder Part 3 ? by: Tanya Grant This is the continuation of Alex Wards undercover operation. Please read parts 1 & 2 first if you are unfamiliar with the story. This story and it's constituent parts are copyright Tanya Grant and no reproduction or use outside of those sites given permission to carry is implied or allowed. Please contact [email protected] if you want to talk to the author. Part 4, the final episode is being written and should be...

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Eye Drops Ch 01

*Author’s Note: All persons engaging in any sexual act are at least eighteen years of age. * He shuffled nervously and waited in the darkness. He liked to joke that they didn’t need to turn the lights on as he didn’t use them, but the truth was he was scared. The world was getting darker and darker and more and more restricted and confining. Being eighteen years old and watching you go blind was no fun at all. Doctor Tizzle came in and made the usual attempt at small talk, but as he was a...

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Eye for an Eye Ch 2

To everyone waiting: The stories are coming. I fell in the middle of some personal problems toppled on to a move to a brand new university. So the past few weeks have been hectic. I have the second chapter for Dade, which is a year overdue, the fifth chapter of Magical Essence, second chapter of Aerial Knights, and you are reading the second chapter of Eye for an Eye. Enjoy. One of the most bizarre feelings happens just after you are woken from a sound sleep. The few brief seconds after the...

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Eye of the Beholder Part 2

The following is the 2nd part of Eye of the Beholder. I have had some very positive feedback on part 1. I hope you enjoy this as much. Please let me know by leaving a review or email me at [email protected] Part 3 will follow shortly. Eye of the Beholder - Part 2 - by: Tanya Grant Consequences: I woke a few hours later, the smell of coffee wafted into the room, as well as toast and eggs. I realised I was starving hungry. I looked around for something to wear, and saw...

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Eye Contact In Train Leads To Wild Sex 8211 Part 1

It is my first sex story about my eye contact in train leads to wild sex. Now the time came to return some real experience of mine to the site. Am smart with killing looks, fair color, athletic & travel freak from Hyderabad. On my job purpose, I mostly travel Kolkata, Vizag, Vijayawada, Hyderabad. It is my first real experience which I am going to share, so kindly suggest me to improve my narration skills if any required. Your suggestions & hot relations are welcome to It was August 2015 I was...

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Eye of The Hurricane

Hi, Here's the first chapter of my story. I just realized I need to have a note in the disclaimer to indicate that lyrics from "Eye of The Hurricane" are properties of Marc Cohn and Atlantic Records. Thanks for this... I love the site, and you've been instrumental in allowing the flourishing of a very fascinating literary genre. Anne Marie Tobias (aka Genda Bendte) Tank is full, Switch is on, Night is warm, Cops are are gone, Rocket bike is all her own, It called a...

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eye to eye

My GF bestfriend Malin and I don't exactly see eye to eye. I find her immature and snobby and she finds me selfish and arrogant. However, we maintain a friendly contact for my GF's sake. However, there is one thing that we both know we have in common with each other. A craving for adventurous and experimental sex which we both feel our partners deprive us. This is what my GF told me once. "You and Malin should be together, you would have a great time. She also wants more adventurous sex with...

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Eye See You

I looked around the place watching everyone enjoy each other’s company. I came alone because my night had wrapped up early. Figured I’d stop by the local dive and check it out, seeing as how I’m hardly here. I sat there nursing my beers and screaming at the TV. I’ve always been quiet and reserved but when my team is playing, all bets are off. I watched in disgust as the referee counted down the final seconds of another abysmal year. I wasn’t surprised about the loss as much as disappointed....

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Eye for an Eye

Ivy waited in the common room with the patience of a stone. Most of the other girls were home for the long weekend, but she knew all too well that Serena was still around. Meaning that all she needed to do was bide her time, and sooner or later she was going to get her chance at that bitch. She didn’t care how long it took. She wasn’t going anywhere. Around nine o’clock, she finally got that chance. Serena wandered into the common room, not even noticing Ivy from her spot in the study alcove...

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Eye for an Eye Ch 3

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Vote! Comment! Let me know what you think and what direction I should be taking with this story (and all the rest of them!) Thanks again. This work makes no affiliation between Aaron Lewis, Staind, Slipknot, Tool, Korn or any other artist. The references to names are noted as such and all lyrics belong to their rightful owners. Danielle kicked a clump of dirt as she walked out of the door from one of the academic halls. She had just finished her humanities...

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Eye of the Tigress

Night over Gotham City was still more than two hours away. Nevertheless, the dark figure in gray and black was already out searching the city. A crime most monstrous was in danger of becoming even more so. “Twenty possibilities down, only a hundred more to go,” the young woman beneath the cape and cowl thought as she looked over the waterfront. “Something like this would have to happen when Batman and Robin are out of town. I could really use that keen analytical mind of his.” Shielding her...

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Eye Candy

My name is Heather, I’m a 40 year old lesbian. I only been with one guy, I don’t hate men I just don’t want one. When I was 19 years old, I let a man fuck me just to see if I would like it, I didn’t, the only thing I got out of it is a daughter Jessica, and a never ending supply of milk, my breasts has never stop producing milk. I have to pump my self a couple times a day. I love to find a girl who would drink from me. My daughter Jessica is 19 now and she is away at college. My dad owned a...

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Eye Drops Ch 02

*Author’s note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Dr. Tizzle smiled as he looked at the pretty blonde in his waiting room. She’d come in with Warren and would have come into the examination room with him had an unsmiling Penny not barred the way. The girl swung her leg absently, unwittingly giving flashes of her panty-covered crotch. Dr. Tizzle turned and walked down the hallway and pushed open the door where Warren sat. ‘How’s it going?’ he greeted...

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Eye Contact

Maggie's legs gracefully draped over my shoulders, her knees almost in contact with her own firm spectacularly nippled breasts. Her slim tanned body was highly flexed at the hips, her moist and beautiful flower open and eager for my advances. As my hands tucked under her shoulder blades to orchestrate the penetration, my role as impaler was clearly defined as our genitals met, my rigidity forcing its way tightly in, slippery but firm, and our eyes locked... No, no! Hold on a minute. That's...

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Eye for an Eye Ch 1

This was a story that I got inspiration for as of recent. Let me know how you all like it. This is first real story that I am attempting outside of the ‘Science Fiction’ world that we have going on here at Literotica. I hope that everyone likes it. Comment please! My apologies ahead of time for my writing style… the story is going to start off slow at first, but I love to give a lot of back story on my characters. I am going to take an interesting turn with this. So the next chapter of the...

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Eye Witnesses

(This is my first submission.I hope it meets the guidelines.)Eye WitnessesDeviant1 Jenna turned the key to the front door lock and followed her younger sister, Amy into living room. They had just returned from the police station following Amy's arrest for destruction of private property. It was another in a long line of offenses for the seventeen-year-old and Jenna knew she had to take matters into her own hands. “I have had it with you. You have gone too far this time!” Jenna fumed as she...

2 years ago
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Eye Opening Trip No 2 the Aftermath

The first few months after my divorce went by pretty painfully. I was morose and unsure what to do with myself. Many times something would happen or I would see or hear something and I would think I have to remember to tell Ann about that. Then it would hit me. Ann didn't live with me any more and we weren't talking. I had no one to tell 'that' to. I am sure my boys got tired of me calling 'just to check in' but they didn't say anything. A couple of months after I divorced I noticed a...

3 years ago
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Eye Witnesses

(This is my first submission.I hope it meets the guidelines.) Eye Witnesses Deviant1  Jenna turned the key to the front door lock and followed her younger sister, Amy into living room. They had just returned from the police station following Amy’s arrest for destruction of private property. It was another in a long line of offenses for the seventeen-year-old and Jenna knew she had to take matters into her own hands. “I have had it with you. You have gone too far this time!” Jenna fumed as she...

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Eye of the Storm

EYE OF THE STORM BY PAUL G. JUTRAS (MIXTURE OF TG FICTION WITH TRUE STORM EVENTS) It was Saturday night and the road outside his parent's house was deserted. For three days Paul and his folks had watched as I-4 and 95 went bumper-to-bumper traffic, so that one could travel faster by foot to evacuate for Hurricane Frances. Paul's dad believed in his house better than any shelter and had the three of them hunker down there. It was 5pm when the power went out. "I'm starting to think...

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