Catseyes free porn video

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We were designed forty years ago, engineered. They called us catseyes because of our cat slit eyes. Besides the eyes that let us see in almost total darkness our muscles were more than twice as dense and our reactions twice as fast. There were also retractable claws but other than that we looked like normal humans ... Except we tended to regenerate and maintained the look of youth.

Ten thousand of us were created and trained. We were the front line soldiers, the shock troops. They had many names for us but after the last batch was hatched a strike destroyed the lab and the DNA plans were lost. Out of ten thousand only a few handful survived. Our DNA was dominate so any girl we got pregnant would have a catseye child.

I was one of the first hatched and had earned a reputation long before the war ended. I had earned promotions the hard way and few senior officers in fleet doubted it. It has been over twenty years since the war ended. There were only three catseyes on the ship; me, Dillon and his mate Tasha. She was young, only twenty but held a pilot rating.

I went through the tube first with a blanket of fog designed to kill laser beams and distort thermal scans. I planted the override and hit the hatch access before tossing a stun grenade into the airlock. I slipped the slim tinted eyeglasses off and into an arm sheath before moving into the airlock. I opened the inner hatch as I pulled both elegant plasma pistols.

When I moved it was quick, much faster than a human. Both pistols roared as I moved into the ship corridor and killed those waiting. I headed towards the bridge as Dillon turned to head for the engineering section. Twenty men and women from the federation anti smuggling task group followed us onto the ship.

I stepped onto the bridge and shot the captain as he raised a pistol. The bridge went quiet as the six men and women looked at me with white faces. I gestured and two men moved around me to secure the ship's crew. I turned and began searching the ship. I overrode the access on a large cabin and let it open as I stood to the side.

Plasma bolts exploded against the corridor wall from shots fired through the opening hatch. I slid in fast and fired twice to kill the two guards standing with modern assault rifles. In one corner was another man and a girl in her teens. My sense of smell awoke something that almost screamed in my brain.

I moved towards the man and he shoved the girl towards me as he tried to pull a weapon. I caught her shoulder easily as my other weapon lifted and the merchant froze. I gestured and he dropped the weapon before going to his knees. I glanced at the girl and froze as my green eyes locked with her green catseyes.

I tore them away and growled at the merchant, "she is your slave?"

He looked up and his eyes locked with mine before he went pale, he swallowed and nodded slowly. I smiled slightly, "one thousand credits."

He blinked and looked at the girl before nodding quickly. I kept my weapon on him as I let the girl go and pulled out a small comp and tossed it, "sign her over."

I did not tell him that as soon as the task group took custody, his credits and all his property would be stripped from him. I took my comp back and gestured, "get up and walk in front of me."

I reached for the girl's arm and pulled her close as I followed him out, "stay behind me girl."

Several men were waiting and one grinned, "a merchant and his doss. We will have fun."

I shoved the merchant and growled, "she is mine."

The man looked at me quickly and then at the girl before swallowing and nodding quickly, "sure Tiger. I did not mean to insult you."

I nodded and turned to search the other rooms, keeping the girl behind me. I met Dillon at the next corridor and he looked at me and then the girl before reaching out and tilting her head to see her eyes. He hissed and I smiled, "now Tasha will have a girlfriend."

He snorted and then laughed as he turned and headed towards the airlock. I slipped my weapons back into their holsters and put my glasses on. I glanced at the girl, "what are you called?"

She kept looking down, "Ginger master."

I stopped in the airlock to look at her and tilt her head to look into my eyes, "my name is Tiger."

She looked at me and slowly nodded. I pushed her towards the tube, "use the side rails and pull yourself across."

She looked and took a breath before diving into the tube. I followed and watched as she swam the tube smoothly and flipped before dropping out into the converted assault transport. I landed softly beside her and headed towards the inner hatch, "come Ginger."

I followed Dillon to the large bridge and smiled at the tiny woman that was the captain. She turned and grinned, "great work you two. We are already getting a list of the cargo..."

She frowned, "what did you find Tiger?"

I turned, "this is Ginger. One of ours that was a slave."

I heard Tasha gasp but watched the captain. She walked to us swiftly and reached out to tilt Ginger's face down and stare into her eyes. She looked at me and sighed, "welcome to the crew Ginger. She is your dependent Tiger."

She turned, "right. The cargo was mostly contraband weapons headed to Melborne."

I nodded, "the merchant's two bodyguards were carrying the new Mark seven assault rifles."

She walked towards the holo in the center of the bridge, "go play with catnip."

I laughed as Dillon chuckled and turned to head out. I led Ginger out and down to officer country and stopped beside my door and placed my hand on the lock plate, "computer add a new occupant."

"Place hand on the access plate to be registered and state name."

I removed my hand and looked at Ginger. She moved closer and timidly put her hand on the plate, "Ginger."

A moment later the hatch slid open and I led her in. She stood by the door and I took the glasses off before putting them in the arm sheath, "welcome home."

I sighed and headed towards the refresher and glanced back and stopped, "well?"

She moved after me but I could smell her fear. I smiled, "did the merchant use you?"

She nodded and I held out my hand, "come."

I pulled her after me and stripped her before slowly undressing. I pulled her into the shower and turned the water on. I washed her body and gritted my teeth at the bruises I found. I knew they were fresh because she would have already been healed if they were not. When I finished I washed quickly and shut the water off.

I pulled her out through the warm air dryer. She looked at me with wide eyes as I tapped a foot to show her to spread her legs. A few moments later I pulled her out and across to a small kitchen area, "have you eaten?"

She shook her head and I turned to pull a meal pack out. I heated it and set it on the table, "sit and eat."

While she was eating I went to get my dirty clothing. I went through them for weapons and equipment. I set everything on the table beside my bed. I took my clothes with her bare ship suit to the ship clothing refresher. I dropped them in and went to my clothing locker to pull out a shirt and pair of shorts.

I slipped the shorts on and went back to Ginger. She was just sitting but the meal was gone. I smiled and pulled her up and caressed her body and the bruises, "this will not happen again."

She looked into my face and I smiled as I put the shirt on her. I buttoned it and turned at the door chime, "come!"

The hatch opened and Tasha stood there with Dillon behind her. She walked in, "you have not bedded her?"

I smiled and turned to Ginger, "when she asks me I will bed her and not before."

She looked at me in surprise and Tasha laughed and put her arm around my waist, "Dillon owes me twenty credits. I told him you would wait."

I glanced at Dillon and he shrugged, "you have been alone a long time."

I sighed and looked at Ginger, "this is Dillon and his mate Tasha."

I looked at Tasha, "her name is Ginger."

She grinned, "I heard."

She reached out and touched Ginger's cheek, "you and I will talk. We are the only female catseyes on the ship."

Ginger looked at me and I shrugged, "I have to wear nose plugs when Tasha is in season."

Tasha slapped my shoulder as Dillon chuckled and Ginger smiled slightly. We sat in the small kitchen talking and Tasha caught us up on the comm traffic or fleet gossip whichever you want to call it. When she yawned Dillon stood, "about time, I am tired."

Tasha grinned as she stood, "you better not be too tired you tom cat."

I grinned as they left holding each other and sighed before standing, "time for bed."

I cleaned up quickly and dimmed the light even more before pulling Ginger to my wide bed. I pulled her shirt off and set it beside the bed and pushed her into bed under the sheet. I stripped my shorts off and followed her before pulling her against me, "sleep, you are safe."

It took me a little while to fall asleep and Ginger was breathing slowly and softly. I twisted at the body pressing onto me and ended with Ginger under me as my eyes snapped open. Her eyes were wide as I slowly relaxed, "wake me carefully beautiful."

She smiled, "I was horny and was going to fuck you."

I lifted and looked between us at my hard cock before pushing forward and forcing it into her. Her pussy was warm, tight and silky as it squeezed my cock. I shuddered and groaned as I began to fuck her slowly. I kissed her and kept fucking her with slow, deep thrusts. She groaned and clutched me as her pussy spasmed, "so big!"

I continued to fuck her and began pressing into her and grinding. She stiffened and then arched her back before shuddering violently, "aaaahhhh!"

I buried my cock and kissed her again as she thrashed and squirmed while her pussy milked my cock and she got wetter. I pulled back to start fucking her again and used deep thrusts and kept grinding each time I pushed into her. Ginger clutched me and I ignored her claws as they came out.

I began to fuck her harder and she wailed and started convulsing. It was several minutes before I thrust into her and pressed as my cock erupted and I gushed cum into her. She held her hips up and gasped when she felt the warm sperm pumping into her, "mmmm!"

I put a half dozen huge spurts of cum into her before I stopped. I pulled out and moved to lay beside her and caressed her pelvis, "we are very fertile Ginger. Do you have an implant?"

She turned to look at me and rubbed my chest, "yes."

Her hand slipped down to wrap around my slimy cock, "again?"

I laughed and rolled her onto her stomach before moving over her and pushing back into her cummy pussy. I fucked her six times before she sighed and fell asleep with my cock still in her. I held her on me and relaxed and after several minutes fell asleep too. I woke to the door chime and glanced at it as Ginger shifted and her slimy pussy pressed down, "who is it?"


I sighed, "open."

The hatch slid open and Tasha walked in and grinned when she saw us, "I knew you would fuck the poor girl."

Ginger turned her head to look at her and I smiled, "actually she woke me up to fuck me."

Tasha laughed as she sat on the edge of the bed and held out another ship suit, "I was going to take her to the ship store to get her clothes and things a girl needs."

I looked at Ginger, "go wash and use my name and account."

She looked at Tasha as she slipped off me and headed towards the fresher. Tasha watched her and turned to look at me, "she wanted it?"

I pulled a sheet over me, "yes. She startled me awake and..."

Tasha shook her head as she stood, "it is a good thing you wake quickly. The ship is headed to Melborne to resupply."

I looked at her before glancing at the fresher, "we spent a lot of down time on Melborne."

She nodded, "Dillon and I are going to look around too."

I looked at her and smiled as I smelt her, "you took your implant out."

She grinned and stuck out her tongue, "now that you have a girl I should be safe and Dillon can get me pregnant."

I grinned as I slid out of bed and reached out to pull her against me, "it is a very good thing he is my friend or I would bend you over my bed."

She laughed and reached up to caress my face, "I know it has been hard smelling me and not touching."

I let her go, "take Ginger shopping while I find Dillon and throw him around the gym."

Tasha laughed as she gestured and headed for the door. Ginger walked from the fresher and glanced at me. I waved as I headed towards the fresher, "enjoy."

I shifted and swayed before my hand snatched Dillon's and bent it and twisted. I turned even more and lifted a leg to block his kick before jerking him towards me. I slid back and blocked another kick before twisting his wrist and stepping forward. Dillon went with me and fell straight to the mat.

I let him go and moved back, "Tasha do you all night? You are moving a little slow."

He laughed as he rolled to his feet and several men and women in the gym joined him. I circled him and he smiled sweetly, "I smelled your girl in the hall. She smelled like you were the one doing the work last night."

I shifted and slid to the side as my hand came up and brushed his sudden snap kick up. He went back and rolled as I moved after him. He came to his feet and twisted and kicked again. I dropped into a crouch and kicked out into his other thigh. He went back and down before rolling and coming to his feet.

I grinned as I moved after him and stopped to step back, "captain."

Dillon nodded and she smiled as she walked between us, "every time your female goes into season you two put on a display and my girls and boys try to copy you."

I grinned, "this time she removed her implant so Dillon is moving a little sluggish."

She laughed as she turned, "just do not inspire my people to hurt themselves."

I watched her leave and Dillon slapped my shoulder as he walked closer, "the way you look at her makes me think you want to bed her."

I smiled as I turned to head for the showers, "what makes you think I have not?"

He followed me and slapped my shoulder again before we spilt up. I found Ginger with the ship education officer when I walked into the cabin. I smiled at lieutenant Christian, "you give her a CAP test Sidney?"

She smiled at Ginger, "like Tasha, she shows good kinetics and ability for ship handling."

I looked at Ginger, "would you like to train for that Ginger?"

She looked at lieutenant Christian, "it was enjoyable."

I nodded, that was almost exactly what Tasha had said, "we will ask the captain and see if she will let you train for a pilot's rating."

I nodded to Sidney and she stood, "I will tell the captain. We are always looking for good pilots."

After she left I caressed Ginger's cheek, "have fun shopping?"

She smiled, "Tasha said I should only get the basics and wait until we get to Melborne."

I laughed and headed towards the kitchen, "that sounds like her. I am sure we can find a few things you like."

She followed me into the kitchen, "why did you save me?"

I filled a crystal glass with ice water before turning to look at Ginger, "what do you know about us?"

She shook her head, "the master said I was a freak."

I sighed and drank the water before setting the glass down. I took her hand and pulled her out and through the ship. In the gym several crew were working out and I looked around, "you have always had to watch how you touched or grabbed something. When surprised your reaction was faster than expected."

I looked at her, "you can see in almost total darkness."

I caressed her face, "you are far from being a freak. There were ten thousand catseyes created. We were the shock troops sent in to fight the hardest battles."

I turned to look into the distance, "when we had breaks we enjoyed the same thing as other men. Only in our case if the women conceived our DNA was always dominate and the child was born a full catseye."

I turned back and took Ginger's hand as we left, "out of ten thousand less than fifty survived."

I looked at her, "you are a child or grandchild of one of the catseyes. You are special like me or Tasha."

She turned me, "but why me?"

I smiled, "we have not found many of our own, those like us. Tasha was the first in a long time and Dillon and she took to each other and became mates. One day you may chose to leave or find another."

She looked at me, "you do not want me?"

I caressed her face before opening our cabin, "somehow you pull at me. I am very attracted to you."

She grinned as she turned to press against me, "can we fuck again?"

I smelled her arousal and held her, "horny again? Are you sure you have an implant?"

She pulled my head down for a kiss, "yes but you smell so good it makes me want you."

I pushed her back and sniffed before sighing, "being around Tasha when she goes into season always effects me."

Ginger pulled me towards the bed as she stripped off her ship suit, "fuck me?"

I waited and let her move onto the bed before undressing. I stalked after her and she reached up to pull me between her legs and reached between us for my hard cock. I pushed into her and kissed her as I began to fuck her and her tight pussy squeezed my cock. I continued to fuck her as she grunted and thrust up when I pushed into her.

It was not long before we were fucking each other hard with deep thrusts. She hugged me as her body was racked with strong spasms and convulsions, "ooohhhh!"

I kissed her as I continued to fuck her firmly. Her warm pussy pulled and squeezed and massaged my cock each time I thrust into her. When I was ready she was incoherent and bucking as she wailed and howled. I buried my cock in her and kissed her as I began to pump a gushing stream of sperm.

She stiffened and lifted her hips as she screamed in my mouth, "I AM CUMMING!"

We shuddered and held each other as I kept pumping strong spurts of cum. When I stopped I sighed and she sagged to the bed with a groan. Dillon clearing his throat had me twisting and rolling as I grabbed for a hidden pistol. I stopped and sighed as Ginger looked over my shoulder, "don't you know how to knock?"

He grinned, "I did but you were busy."

I kissed Ginger before moving to the side of the bed, "what is it?"

He looked at Ginger before looking at me, "admiral Smith wants to speak with you."

I glanced at Ginger, "come wash and then I will take you with me."

Dillon grinned as he headed towards the door, "the captain wants a word too."

I was tempted to fuck Ginger as soon as I pulled her out of bed but restrained myself. When I walked into CIC Dillon turned and smiled before gesturing. The captain was speaking with the ship's doctor but nodded to me. I stopped beside Dillon and pulled Ginger close as she kept twisting her head to look around.

The comm tech hit a button and a holo sprang up. It was a few moments before the grey head of admiral Smith appeared. He smiled, "I heard you found one of your kind colonel."

I nodded and glanced at Ginger, "this is Ginger. She is going to be learning to be a pilot."

He smiled at her before looking at me, "you and the major are the last of your unit still active. The sergeant major just retired to a colony world with two or three lucky girls. We know there are more catseyes on Melborne. There were two reports of young males in several outlying settlements. There is also a report of at least two girls in a crib called Happy Eddy's. Your condition of service is still good colonel but please do not kill the wrong asshole."

He looked away and nodded to someone before looking at me, "on another note, captain Honor is up for promotion and we are assigning her to the carrier Orian. We are also assigning you and the major there since he has informed me his mate has applied for and received permission to have children. As you know Orian is a training ship designed to carry and support the families of the men and women that crew her."

He sighed, "I will not be around much longer Tiger. I am getting old and the fleet needs new blood. If I were you I would start thinking of someplace to settle. Tell Vicky I said congratulations."

The holo vanished and I looked at Dillon, "settle?"

He grinned, "after the cubs are born."

I laughed as Tasha slapped his shoulder, "I heard that."

She looked at me, "the captain would like to speak to you in her office."

I touched Ginger but Tasha reached for her hand, "she can stay with me."

I looked at Dillon as he looked up and around before shaking my head, "plotting behind my back will earn you lumps tomorrow."

I walked to the embossed door to one side, (it was between CIC and the ship's bridge). I knocked and heard the captain call for me to enter and opened the hatch and stepped in. I closed the door and Vicky turned to look at me with a smile. She crossed to rub my chest and went to her toes to kiss me, "you got me pregnant Tiger."

I held her and looked into her face, "you never told me you removed your implant."

She caressed my face, "you wanted it so bad I had to help."

I hugged her and opened my mouth and she turned, "we have been reassigned to Orian. Me as the ship's captain and you as the training group commander."

She turned to look at me, "I have already listed you as the father to the surgeon. On the carrier you will be under admiral Thomas so I would like you to move into my quarters since we are not in the same chain of command."

She was fidgeting and not as calm as normal. I crossed to her and cupped her face, "there is Ginger and at least two female catseyes on Melborne."

Vicky smiled, "you can have your harem Tiger, I want you. Besides the way you fuck, the poor girls will need a break."

I smiled, "very well but I expect to fuck you as I would my other mates."

She laughed and kissed me before pushing me towards the hatch, "go get Ginger scheduled for classes."

I turned for the hatch, "come to my quarters tonight for dinner so I do not have to hurt your sentry sneaking in."

She laughed as the hatch opened and I walked out. Tasha pushed Ginger towards me and waved as she walked towards the bridge hatch. I took Ginger back to the tiny education office, "Sidney?"

She turned from her desk comp, "did you want to set up the course for Ginger?"

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Kasay Kasay Chudi Main 8211 Part I

Hello sisters , bhabhai,s and bhai . I am Ruksaar i tell not a writer or story writer but want to share with u some happening who come in my life or every girls life in come , even she is your sister or your bhabhi and maybe your mom , every person in come so problems and some strange things . I want tell you first , my name Ruksaar 32 year old , white color dark black wide eyes and long black hairs now , my breast 38 or waist 28 or hips 38 hain , breast maray goray or light brown nipples hain...

3 years ago
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Youre mine now sissy a continuation

You're mine now sissy - A continuation [Note: this is a continuation of a story originally written by Sarah Kentish and which you can find on this site. I always liked the story and hoped that she would write more. You might want to read the original first, as well as her 2 other stories so that you're familiar with the context and characters] I sat looking at myself in the salon's mirror, still stunned by the freshly shaved head that I now had, courtesy of dominant Aunty...

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 20

Arriving in St Andrews, it was a case of trial and error before Donnie eventually recognised the street and the house that Beira had shown him. Parking the car, all three of them made their way up the path and Donnie rang the doorbell. When there was no response, he tried the handle and found the door unlocked, so they entered the house. Making their way down a hallway, they turned at the first doorway on their right and found themselves in a sitting room. Donnie saw Vivien curled up on a...

4 years ago
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Chapter 22 of Wifes Story

Chapter 22 of Wife’s StorySunday morning arrives bright and sunny as Mike and Jaycee begin to stir from their slumber. Both are still in the afterglow of enjoying their sexual romp with Mel and Tina the previous night in their family room, and after a day hosting some neighbors for a cook-out on their deck overlooking the golf course. Jaycee was very pleased that she had invited Mel and Tina to the cook-out, and the result was more than she could have expected.Their k**s arrive back home later...

2 years ago
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The voyeur couple

Clair ran her hand down between her legs, teasing her pussy through her panties. She felt her arousal throbbing through her as her husband's hard cock twitched in her mouth. Her lips engulf the top of his cock, and her tongue stroked the head. She felt his hands stroking her hair, guiding her mouth as she sat on her knees in their apartment pleasuring him. Suddenly, they heard a crash from outside. Reluctantantly pulling himself up from his chair, and Clair's talented mouth, Joe moved to the...

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A Strangeness Returns

A Strangeness Returns By Bill Hart It was a cloudy and moonless night - at least it would have been moonless except for the extremely thick layer of clouds - outside the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. Bolts of lightning flashed brightly between the clouds. And the accompanying thunder rumbled through a few scant moments later. Not far from the sorority house, a group of a dozen boys, as well as a pair of girls, had surrounded one lone male. "Well, wussy boy," said one of...

4 years ago
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Me and the Taxi Driver

It was a Saturday night. I've just been out clubbing with some friends and having a few drinks, I was pretty drunk. I wore a tight black dress; it clinged onto my body revealing everything, it even reveled my black thong mark and also my 34DD tits. I didn't wear a bra so you could faintly see my big nipples through my black dress. I wore some stockings and high heels. I had long black hair with red bright lips. It was 4 am and the end of the night, my friends went home and I was alone in the...

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Recycled In the far flung future on a distant planet covered in cities everything is recycled where possible with exception of the people. Many different species live together on this planet coming from the far corners of space there lives made easier with the help of robots. One such robot a walking recycling factory the size of a building is working its way through the abandoned slum buildings of the lower city breaking down the buildings into usable material and recycling anything...

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ChoicesChapter 24 Back on the merrygoround

I wrapped up a few reports by five, then headed home a bit earlier than usual. There was a play I wanted to catch at the Stuart Street Playhouse--some long-winded title about the pitfalls of modern dating. I thought that laughing over someone else's dating follies would be nice for a change, and the play had gotten complimentary reviews. Even though I had chosen the early show, the place was still packed. Luckily for me, there was a single seat in the middle of the fifth row that was still...

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A New Years Celebration

I Susanwas born on December 30th. She often felt a little bit cheated whenher birthday rolled around. A party squished between Christmas and New YearsEve was always a tough sell. Quite a few of her friends saw no problem withhanding her a Christmas gift only to say "Oh by the way Happy Birthdaytoo."Rogerknew better. They had celebrated their fifth anniversary last year. She stilladored and worshipped him. That would be worship in a quite literal meaning ofthe word. Kneeling naked with her head...

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The History

Hi!!I’m Ashu,18 ,male, from Mumbai. This is another of my creations for all your readers enjoy!!! And mail your comments on A lot of history has happened since then, but there are parts of that year I remember like it was yesterday. I remember being a shy, eighteen-year-old kid, in my second-last year of high school, and I remember that I was not exactly Mister Popularity, either. I remember that feeling of not always fitting in, although I still had a few friends of my own, and I wasn’t a...

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Muslim Husbands with wife and other men

hey everybody today I’d like to tell you guys about a fantasy and a few actual events that happened in the last few weeksSo in the last few weeks Raesaah and I have been having some incredible sex and I have been enjoying how sexual and kinky she has been acting and enjoying the attention she has been getting from other men especially when we go out .. and the hot conversation we have had when we came back home and fucked has been unbelievable and it has been suck a turn on for me.So seeing...

3 years ago
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My sweet wife

She was bound by the contract to do the forbidden… Mr. Sam was adamant and wanted a one night stand with me. As we were bound by the agreement we have to give whatever demanded by Mr. Sam. So we had to agree to it. On the day both of us came to Mr. Sam’s house. He was quite straight forward and told us that he has the right to enjoy me as he likes in any way he likes for the night. He asked her husband not to worry and collect me in the morning and he will take good care of his beautiful wife...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 33

I woke with gentle kisses on the back of my neck and ear and shoulder, to find daddy spooning up against me. I glanced at the clock, it was after 2p.m ... at first I did not realize that he had that wonderful cock of his stuffed deep inside me, till he started sliding it in and out. Being woken like this was amazing, I know I felt full but I thought it was a phantom feeling after the gangbang, (I had this same feeling after least weekend). As daddy was picking up speed; he said, "I couldn't...

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Sarah was eighteen, excited as she drove home in her hand-me-down clunker of a car. Alex, her brother, was coming home to visit from college for fall break, and she hadn't seen him in nearly four months. They'd always been close, and she missed him. A part of her was excited in more than a sisterly way. With thick brown hair and striking green eyes, she'd always harbored a forbidden crush on her older brother.Twenty four year old Alex was excited as well. His parents would be out of town for a...

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Saamne Wali Bhabhi

Hello all. Ye meri pheli story hai. You can call me luv(change name). Mai abhi 21 saal ka hu. Mai apni ek fantasy likh rha hu aur iss story me bataunga ki kaise apne flat ki saamne waali bhabhi ko pataya k choda. Mai 9th class se daily basis pe indian sex stories padh rha hu. To mujhe bhaut idea hai ki kaise baat aage badhani h. Jyada time waste na krte hue story chalu krta hu. Baat kuch mahine purani h. Mai college ke liye gwalior shift hua. Mera sapna tha ki aas pass koi aachi bhabhi ya...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

You've been thinking about doing this for a while. No matter how many times you fuck, it isn't enough. The normal stuff is cutting it for you anymore. But you don't exactly know what you want. You've experimented a lot in the past before. Whether it be role playing, bondage, and so on. Yet, you really haven't experienced that true apex that you desire. It is not as if you had no suitors to help you find your fantasy. Your gorgeous brown hair flowed down to the middle of your back, slightly...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Lilly Hall Maid Fucks For Money

This week, I called up the maid service and they sent me a sweet slam piece. They sent me a Puerto rican chick with a huge ass. After watching her clean for some time, I offered her some money to continue cleaning my house in the nude. She was very hesitant at first but she agreed eventually. Watching her huge ass shake as she cleaned my house was a sight to see. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore and I offered her more money to suck my cock and eventually fuck. She agreed, and that’s when...

1 year ago
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My First Orgasm

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always played with my penis when I was a younger, innocent, not realizing what I was doing, just random things like shaking it, squeezing, stretching, pulling, rubbing all kinds of lotions/creams into it, all sorts of things, then when I was 11 I was getting more curious and more creative and bored with the same old thing, I didn't know about masturbating or orgasms or cum and it didn't feel great to play with myself, I just liked doing it, I...

2 years ago
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Best Friends 2

Best Friends Chapter 2 When I got home my Mom was in the kitchen fixing supper. She asked how the meeting was and I told that it was great fun and that I wanted to go again next week. "Well I don't know if you should make a habit out of going to the Brownie meeting. It's really for little girls, honey." "But Mom I had so much fun with Tammy and Diane, they're my best friends, and they want me to be a Brownie with them and go to the meeting every week," I pleaded. "I don't...

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MariellaChapter 3

This time when the motorcar pulled up outside the house there was only Mariella, the housekeeper and the butler to greet Sir Richard Moresby. It was still a little awkward for him, but for the first time since his return from war, his wife saw him walk without the aid of crutches. "Oh, that's wonderful, Darling!" she exclaimed. "Yes, I've been working really hard in London, and the wound still gives me pain sometimes, but it makes such a difference! I can even manage stairs! I'm so...

3 years ago
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Sharing a room

Back in the 80's we were invited to a wedding in Melbourne the bride was the daughter of my boss of the time, I don't really know why we were invited probably someone else couln't make it and we were there to make up numbers.Anyway we turned up and having been met at the airport we were taken to the hotel where we would be staying the weekend and where the reception was. Of course we found out too there had been a cock up and we would be sharing a room, no problem as it was a big room with two...

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Remote Control Slave (Part One) If you had told me a year ago that I would become the remote control slave of a doctor a world away from my rural Alabama home I would have been too stunned to even laugh.Yet here I sit on a bench in the center of the largest shopping center in the state looking on the outside like anyone else, but having my body largely controlled by the man I am permitted to refer to only as Master.One part of me is glad it is late Fall, because that allows me to wear a long...

4 years ago
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Interstate Innocence

(1975) I loved the smell of the old Greyhound bus station, something about the exhaust from all those buses. But my Ma didn’t seem to like it there much; she seemed kinda nervous. Maybe I am confusing her disdain of the filthy bus station with the trepidation she must have felt with sending me, her thirteen-year old boy, off to Texas for a month. I dunno, but I did what I could to calm her, which meant doing what she said, promising to write and telling her how much I would miss her. Nearly...

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Anita the Collector Part 1

The name’s Bristol. Bertie Bristol. I’m a private dick. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “He just slipped that dick in there for a cheap laugh.” Well, if you’ve got a better place I can slip it in just let me know. I’ve had some strange cases in my time, but the strangest of them all was the spate of disappearances of attractive young men on the tropical island of Bazooma. They all went missing in Strangways Valley, an area that soon became known as the Bazooma Triangle. Really...

Straight Sex
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Family LettersChapter 111

Dear Marissa, Wow. Some of your letter I didn't understand. Remember I'm a fifteen year old pregnant girl who never took a single high school class. High level multi-dimensional physics is not exactly something I'm good at. Ask me to point out the best route to drive a tank and I can do that with no problem, but the concepts you are writing about might as well be Arabic or Chinese. I'm just glad that the computers of the Confederacy are powerful enough to solve the equations required to...

3 years ago
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Her Foxy MomChapter 9

Charlene had no idea of her mother's reaction to the events of the previous night. She didn't even know if Liz remembered them. She was sloshed, but good, she thought, looking out the window on the rainy New York afternoon. She'd slept late. When she'd awakened, both Derek and her mother had already gone for the day. Charlene was sure of one thing, though: Derek had been sufficiently sober to carry her own nearly naked, unconscious form back to her room on the upper level of the duplex...

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After coffee Kay helped me strip naked to try on some new clothes in an upmarket boutique. She had never seen me naked before and I do like flaunting my naked body to tease another woman to gauge their reaction. “New clothes always feel better on my naked body,” I tease as she watches intently. “Is my ass big?," I ask her as I look over my shoulder and glance at it in the mirror. “It is big, but it is magnificent, beautifully proportioned, no dimples, must me forty-one inches.” “Good guess...

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A Day With Boyfriend

Hello friends, this is Shrutika from Kolkata. I am 24 years old. My figure is 34 28 36. I am a regular reader of ISS and today I decided to share my stories with all of you. This is my first story and I hope you all like this. Ab main apni story pe aati hoon. Ye story tab ki hai jab main college first year me thi. Main aur meri friend sonika ne saath me college me admission liya tha aur uske baad se hum college me saath aate aur jaate the. Uska ek friend tha jo use pehle se janta tha wo dono...

4 years ago
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The Coven of Vampires

The young couple Dem and Matt and lived a quiet life together. However, Matt had a dark desire, he wanted to be a vampire. One night on his way home from work he heard a strange noise coming from the alley. Matt headed to the alley. In the alley, a woman in a white nightgown stood before him. He was speechless. Before he could react, the woman bit him on the neck and disappeared into a mist. Matt hurried home where he was greeted by his lovely wife Dem. “Her neck is pulsing” Matt thought as he...

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The New Flat

I stabbed my key into the door lock. My chest felt like it was going to explode it felt like thunderclap rumbling in the distance as I panted for breath. The rain was striking the ground so hard it was bouncing back. I was forced to run through this drenching downpour because I was three miles away from home with no way to get there otherwise. Out-of-breath, angry, and soaking wet, I was in the doorway to my flat Squeezing hard on the doorknob, I froze as the girl next door put her head out to...

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The Neighborhood MILF Laurie

If you follow my page, you know that I've had a sexual rejuvenation the past few years, and have had an open relationship with my husband that involved several threesomes with some of my friends, as well as some one on one lesbian encounters with a few of my girlfriends. Laurie has been my best friend since high school, and she happens to be one of those special encounters. She split from her husband a few years ago, and dealt with that loss by exploring her same sex urges much the same way...

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Naughty mother even naughtier daughter story 3

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

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Lusty Holidays Abroad With Sheeta Part 8211 2

Hi guys, I received lots of comments & mails after my first story,hence here with new story .those who haven’t read my previous story , here is the link. Well let me tell you about myself first, HI, this is Abhimanyu (29), Adventure lover & Businessman from Pune, Marathi guy with a fair complexion, chubby looks, and 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from Pune may contact me at for a thrilling pleasure. Identity will obviously be kept a secret. Please ignore the language errors & enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Kunvari Kanyae Part1

Hi readers, I m Mona, age 19 years, I m writing here the story of my friends. This story is based on jija – saali relation.First I want to introduce the other artists of this story my friend swati -17, kiran -17, deepika-17 these r the name of friends, and ratna-26 bhabhi, rakhi -20 didi and Vikas-26 our Jijaji.This story I m writing in hindi, I m not a writer, if u found any mistake please write Yeh kahani suru hoti hai swati ke ghar se Ratna ushki bhabhi hai aur rakhi uski didi kiran aur...

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The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you. There was a knock at the door… “Come!” I shouted. You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were wearing a tiny...

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The Houseguest Part 4 The Devil made me do it

Pete has no shortage of admirers and Jacosta worries that he will find new, younger lovers more attractive than her and is shocked when she finds out her daughter is also keen to go to Pete’s bed. Pete encourages her to experiment with other lovers. She and Bill have drifted further apart and essentially live separate lives. She allows the Devil to sow more seeds of depravity in her mind and experiments with bondage and group sex. She discovers the naughtier the thoughts and activities,...

4 years ago
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Dominated By Best Friend8217s Wild Sister

So friends it’s me Abhishek Malhotra (abhi) done with my graduation and pursuing dad’s business and I am back again to share my another recent “wild” experience and how I got dominated by my best friend’s sister. Her name is janki (name changed) she is in her first year of college with a very sexy and lean figure, average boobs but a huge and sexy ass her face resembles a bit to Priyanka Chopra, she had a decent height of 5’5 and is brownish in complexion. My friend’s parents had gone out of...

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Night Dreams

His tongue pressed gently, yet firmly spreading my pussy lips as he lapped slowly making sure to stop and play with my clit a bit before running his tongue back down and then up again. These were the dreams I loved the most. You know the dreams where you find yourself soaking wet when you wake up and hot, sweaty and in need of a rock hard cock fucking you fiercely. Ummm, I was in heaven and I was biting my lip and rocking my pelvis into his face wanting him to fuck my box with his mouth.

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Jogging In Velachery

Hi, Indian sex story readers, myself Guru an IT professional living in Velachery Chennai, with a normal physic.I am really crazy about ladies (aunty )in the age of mid 30’sand 40′, and also I like and love to sniff ladies armpit’s smell,l started at the age of 15 I have a habit of sniffing the blouses of ladies in my family. Since I have a joint family I have 3 aunties, mom, grandma sisters in my village, in the village, we have 2 bathrooms we don’t have attached bathroom so we people will use...

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