First Time with Someone New
- 4 years ago
- 22
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I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though.
So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me down as Alex climbs out of my car.
Then my breath catches in my throat. Oh goddammit! Mr. Happy wants my attention, and he's puffing himself up to do it. Look at her! She's so ... so... Fuck. I'm screwed.
"Hi," she says, and I can tell she's nervous.
I smile, "Hi yourself."
"Sorry I'm late," she shrugs.
I shake my head, "If twenty minutes late makes you look like that, you should always be late." And then the words are out there and I want to take them back.
Until she blushes so beautifully and slows, shyly smiling and quietly saying, "Thank you. You look nice too."
Oh fuck! She thinks this is a date!? I am so not ready for this!!
"Uh ... where'd you get the chair?"
I grin. This I can handle. "Follow me, I'll show you." Instinctively, from years of training on how to be a 'gentleman, ' I offer her my hand.
She takes it, and part of me is cringing inside. But I realize with that same numbing live-wire shock feeling, another part of me is just waking up, and it's rolling around in the feel of her hand in mine like a warm blanket on a cold morning.
I try to just keep breathing in and out, and lead her into her house. The light outside is still bright enough that she can instantly see how much work I've done.
"Oh! Wow! You got a lot done today." I've stripped all the lath and plaster from everywhere, even stripping the bathroom walls. The only things between us and the rear outer wall of the house are the studs, electrical lines, ducts, and copper pipes. I even managed to sweep it all up into a pile, ready to take it outside to the trash pile.
I nod, but lead her to the ladder, "Up here. Ladies first."
I steady the ladder as she climbs, but after a few rungs, I realize my folly and shield my eyes. Oh fucking hell! That ass! Mmmmmm! I am so fucked.
When I look back up, she's grinning down at me, and says, "You're done up here too?"
I nod, climbing up after her. When I'm up to the top, she offers her hand and steadies me as I stand. My mind immediately flashes to our meeting on the road yesterday when she did the same thing, only this time, when I look at her hand, it's much cleaner—did she do that for me? I'm royally fucked.
"Follow me," I say, leading her around to the landing where the stairs used to be, and off to the other side of the upstairs area. I stop before a tiny area of boxes and an old steamer trunk. "I think this wall wasn't always a wall. I think when whoever did the last remodel, they just walled in the storage closet without taking this stuff out—including the rocking chair."
"Wow," Alex gasps.
"I didn't open anything, I figured you would want to go through it, but I did dust off the boxes and the trunk, cause I thought you might want to look now."
Alex turned to face me and grinned, "Good guess!"
She hurried over and ducked through the studs and into the storage closet area. I decide this is her scavenger hunt, I'll just watch, and crossing my arms on a high cross-stud, I lean forward watching her.
She goes instantly for the steamer trunk. Inside, she delicately pulls out an old wedding dress. Layers of taffeta and lace as well as the rather shapeless way it hangs makes me think it's very old. It has a wooden hanger, so Alex carefully hangs it and returns to the steamer. Next, she pulls out a photo album, and chokes a sob as she opens it.
"What is it?"
She points to an old black and white photo that was colored by hand of a baby with a bit of dark hair in a pinkish dress, "That's my mother."
"She was a cutie," I smile.
Alex's sob turns into a laugh, "Yeah. She was." She flips through a few more pages, then sets the album aside.
There are a few more photos and a pair of bronzed booties in the chest that Alex figures were also her mother's. She puts everything back as it was, including the dress, and moves on to one of the boxes.
"Old records—vinyl." Another box, "More vinyls."
Three boxes left, and Alex opens one revealing three stacks of cigar boxes wrapped with rubber bands to seal them.
"That's odd," she says.
"What?" I ask.
"My grandfather didn't smoke cigars. At least, he didn't from what I remember."
A thought suddenly hits me, and I cry, "Wait!"
She stops as she's about to pick up one of the boxes.
"Do you mind?" I say, indicating I want to step in there with her.
She shrugs, "No. Come on in. Me closet es su closet."
I laugh and step inside, getting down on my knees. I reach into my pocket and slip out a pocket knife. Alex gasps as I open the blade, but I carefully slip the blade under the rubber bands and cut them. I fold the knife and put it back in my pocket. Slowly, I lift the lid open on the box I just released from rubber bands.
Inside, neatly stacked and separated by pieces of cardboard cut to fit perfectly, are three stacks of baseball cards—old baseball cards. Right on top, I knew my suspicions were correct ... it was a yellow card with a red strip across the bottom. The red strip had white lettering that read "Big League Chewing Gum", and a picture of a familiar baseball player in Yankee pinstripes dominated the card. Across the top it read in black print, "George Herman (Babe) Ruth".
I gasped, I'd seen a complete set of this series in Cooperstown behind glass, but never actually had the chance to touch one. I reached a finger forward and stopped—these weren't mine.
Breathily, I order, "Look in the other two boxes."
Alex moves and pulls the cardboard back on the other two, "More cigar boxes ... so ... just more baseball card?"
I laugh, "Just? Alex, look at this card." I point at the Babe.
"Oh, Babe Ruth. Cool."
"Cool?! Alex, unless I'm mistaken, this is a 1933 Goudey Gum issue card, and these other two in these stacks as well. If it's even near a full set, which is ... I don't know, I think there are over 200 unique cards. But if it's even half that, it's worth thousands. Tens of thousands. Unless we just happened to open the one cigar box with rare cards in it, this collection is probably worth several hundred thousand dollars. Especially if they're all in this good of condition."
Alex was stunned, "Oh."
"Was your grandfather a baseball fan?"
"Uh ... yeah," her eyes glazed over. "He uh ... um ... Mom once told me that before she was born, he and grandma drove all night to St. Louis and he tried out for the Cardinals. I think he may have actually made it to a ... what do the call them? A tryout team?"
"Farm league?" I helped.
"Yeah. Now I remember. It was 1941, and I think he went on the road and played half a season—"
I cut her off, "Then Japan attacked Pearl Harbor."
"Yeah. Grandpa joined the Army on December 9th. He was so proud of that." Alex was crying, "Now that I think about it, I think maybe he used his pride in serving to cover showing how much he missed baseball."
I couldn't stop myself. I reached up and cupped her chin in my right hand, wiping her tears with my thumb. I didn't say anything.
"He bought me my first baseball mitt," she sobbed. "He taught me to catch."
I quit fighting and just pulled her into my chest, rubbing her back, quietly letting her cry into my t-shirt. "Shhhh. It's okay. He sounds like a very good man."
For several moments, Alex sobbed. Then she stopped, sniffed, and pulled away, red with embarrassment.
"Oh god! I'm sorry."
"Don't be!" I said. "You almost had me crying with you. You know us guys, dogs and baseball always get us right here." I thumped my chest with a grin.
Alex laughed, wiping her face carefully, mindful the eye makeup that was drawing me into those beautiful pools of jade set between her cute little nose.
"Listen," I said, "You can't leave these here tonight. We need to get them back to your place, and then you need to get them into a safe deposit box or a safe ... as soon as possible."
"Okay," she said, glancing around. "What then?"
"Well, I don't know exactly. But I know enough to explain what I know. We've got a long drive back to town anyway, right?"
She nodded.
"Well, I'm hungry ... how about you?" if she thinks it's a date, we might as well make it a date. I'm tired of fighting it right now. If I'm fucked, I might as well enjoy it.
Alex smiled, "Starving."
"Okay. You look too good in that dress to get it all dirty carrying dusty boxes, so just head back down and I'll carry them down, okay?"
Alex nodded and squeezed past me. I couldn't help but enjoy her proximity, and when I caught her now-familiar fruity-tart scent, I almost groaned.
I stripped off my t-shirt to keep it clean, shoving it in my back pocket so it was hanging out, but secure. Then I refolded the boxes closed and stacked them, carrying them to the ladder. "Hold the ladder," I called down.
"Got it," Alex called.
Slowly, one careful step at a time, I brought all three boxes down. I could feel Alex staring at my bare chest, and couldn't help myself from flexing my pecks and core muscles. I thought I heard her breath hitch, and grinned.
Alex popped the trunk and I put the boxes in my car. I went over to the trash pile and recovered two old cinder blocks, putting them in as well so the boxes wouldn't shift around as the car moved.
"Give me one minute to wash up, okay?"
Alex nodded, her eyes darting up to mine when I spoke. I grinned at her, knowing I'd caught her staring at my chest.
Fuck! I'm so wet right now! I wonder if he has any idea what effect he's having on me. I know he just caught me staring at his chest. He's chiseled like a fucking statue. He seems so comfortable with his body though. He probably thinks I'm just some love-struck teenager—a comely one at that!
JJ's back and it's only now that I notice the logo on his t-shirt. Oh fucking hell! How appropriate! His blue t-shirt is stretched wide by his shoulders and big chest emblazoned with a shield-stylized red and yellow Superman S emblem. That's who he looks like—fucking Superman. All dark hair, muscular build, and dreamy eyes.
Except Superman was just a farm boy, right? JJ is much too ... refined. I don't know what it is ... he's ... something's off. The way he walks, the way he holds himself. I just know he's ... cultured. I wonder briefly if he grew up in Europe or something.
All those thoughts fly compound in my head when he holds open the passenger door for me and offers me a hand to steady myself as I lower into the car, careful to keep my legs close, as this dress Cat chose stops just above my knees.
He pushes the door closed firmly, but doesn't slam it, and walks confidently around to his own door, pulling something out of his pocket. He slides into the seat and has his iPod in his hand. He stops when he see's mine already attached to his tape-converter.
I think I see him frowning slightly, but he smiles at me and says, "Your music, then."
He starts the car, and Bowling for Soup is in the midst of pelting out "High School Never Ends." JJ laughs, "So true."
I laugh nervously, knowing exactly what he means.
I decide I'm too hungry to delay the drive, so I instruct him how to hit 190 and then a left on 59 and we're almost in Moscow when he's pretty much finished explaining everything I need to do to set up a baseball card auction and appraisal. When I ask him how he knows all this, he just vaguely says, "I knew someone who collected baseball memorabilia."
He laughs, "No. I wanted only wanted to play until I was old enough to realize I wasn't any good."
"Turn here, there," I point to the old motel.
"You live in a motel?"
"They're remodeled into apartments. I live here with Cat."
"You have a cat?"
I snicker, "She's pretty vicious when she wants to be, claws and all, but no ... Cat's short for Catherine."
He laughs, "Oh."
"Right there, this door works."
I start to open my door, but he puts his hand lightly on my arm. He gets out, walks around the car, and opens my door, again offering me a hand ... okay, this is different. Good different, though.
He removes his t-shirt again and lifts the boxes into his arms, "Lead the way."
I can't help but feel a different kind of hunger, lower than my stomach. "Uh ... right."
I open the door to my apartment and spy Cat still studying on the couch, quickly hissing, "Don't say a fucking word!" Woah! Where did that come from?!
I can see Cat's face echoing the same sentiment.
JJ carefully follows me in, his arms full and navigating the doorway awkwardly. "Where do you want them?"
Cat can't help herself, "Yum."
Ignoring her, blushing, and angry, I say, "This way, we'll put them in my closet for now." Then I realize—my closet is in my room! I dart down the hallway and start gathering the discarded towels, black underwear, and other unsightly items, just barely getting them into the hamper before he enters.
He sets the boxes down in the closet and pushes them back into the darkest corner. For some reason, I know I can trust him with the knowledge that they're here. But I will take them to my bank in West Livingston tomorrow and get a safe deposit box. I'll take his advice and take some pictures of a few, and go to a comic book or card shop and find some of the plastic cases he was talking about to store a few samples. Then I can start trying to figure out how to get them appraised.
JJ said that was the first step in figuring out how to sell them. Sets and rare cards usually advertised and then sold at auction, semi-rares and highly incomplete sets usually get sold online, and then the rest are usually sold to a card shop for a pittance—but even a pittance could be a few thousand dollars when you're talking about old cards.
Once he's out of the closet, JJ pulls on his t-shirt again and looks around. He spots a picture and asks, "Your mom?"
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moments to recover her senses. At first, the world seemed to consist of nothing more than her own erotically jangling nerve endings, but then, as sanity returned, she was suddenly overwhelmed by a crushing sensation of guilt and humiliation. The sensation was greatly similar to that she had felt when she found Melanie watching her masturbate in the shower, but at the same time it was so much more intense that she felt her heart must surely break from the strain. She was no longer a...
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LesbianHot American Milf India Summer gets fucked by Donny Sins in today’s classic Hands on Hardcore XXX porn video! DDF Network delivers another sizzling hot fuck masterpiece, loaded with exactly what you need to squirt some cum across your screen. Get ready for our long-haired brown-eyed sex Goddess from the United States. India Summer can’t wait to have her juicy Milf pussy fucked balls deep by Donny Sins’s big fat cock. First, she gives him a handjob and sucks his dick a bit to...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! As I sit home wearing nothing but a tee shirt a hear some one knock at my door. I look out the window and see it was my dad. I was surprised because my parents were divorced and I was home alone while my moom was at work and wouldnt be home for hours. with out putting on any clothes I answer the door. my dad steps in and says Hi sweetie. umm wow nice outfit! my dad doesnt know but I have materbated many times and cummed thinking of him sticking his...
IncestThe two men returned to Jason’s truck and started back to Juan’s home. Juan asked, “What should I do about that listening device?” “I told Austin Manning to just work around them until we knew more of who placed them and who’s listening. I suspect that would probably work for you also.” “You’re probably right. Especially considering the next ITCA meeting is not scheduled for another two months.” They reached Juan’s house shortly after they finished their discussion. Jason parked the truck,...
I entered the big hotel suite bathroom and closed the door behind me, my arms full of the clothes and heels that Daddy and ordered me to put on next. I took a deep long breath and felt my chest expand and relax...and realized I had a little stomach ache. It must be from Daddy's delicious cum. That was the first time I had ever swallowed another man's cum - I had tried mine a few times watching the hypnos and all that, but never really did it before, not a big mouthful. Wow, his scent...
When I woke up, I felt awful. My head hurt, my sides hurt, my stomach hurt, but most of all, my heart was still broken. I lay there for a while with my eyes closed and tried to figure out where I was. I could hear the beep of a heart monitor somewhere, so that told me that my whore of a wife HAD called 911 in time. Bitch. My next priority was to try to figure out if I was alone or if she was waiting for me to wake up so she could start trying to convince me to be like she was again. There...
Regina Sparks always enjoys a hard workout, and she gets just that in the sack from two guys she picks up at the gym in this hot and heavy hardcore threesome scene. Yannik Shaft and Vince Carter can’t help but notice Regina’s tight body as she’s giving herself a booty blast workout in her barely-there booty shorts. And this brunette babe from Kazakh keeps her curvy ass in fine shape for good reason, she loves an anal pounding so she likes to keep that rump ready to bump. The...
xmoviesforyouJason and Linda heard the voices as they returned to camp. Hastening their steps they quickly walked from the woods. At the center of camp, Frank stood, his face violet with anger, veins standing out on neck and forehead. He faced Bret and Karen. The young couple stood close together, holding each other's hands. Bret stared at the elder, his restraint more than apparent, while Karen's head was lowered, her eyes cast on the ground. Glancing at each with uncertainty, Jason and Linda moved...
Sitting back in his chair, Mark looked out the window of his office and watched as the last bits of the daylight retreated behind the Rocky Mountains in the far distance. It was a magnificent view and was a constant reminder of how far he had come from the streets of Denver. Mark has one more task to wrap up before leaving for the weekend. He calls his secretary into his office to take dictation for a retainer agreement that needs to be sent to a new client. Marissa, his secretary, promptly...
Oral SexBrother, Will, Will, Will. You are definitely a kept Will, although from what you've said you have a free Willy all the time now. I know, horrible pun and father better never find out I used it. And thanks for the idea of having the AI blur your dangly bits. I have no reason to want to watch that movie. I did take your woodworking tools to the testing center. I could think of no other way to ship them to you. They accepted the box, but told me that first there is no regular shipments of...
Bob wanted to stay with his sister when she told Randy about the divorce, but she insisted that it was between the two of them and she didn't want Randy taking out his anger on Bob. So, against his better judgment, Bob left. But he couldn't go home. After all that had happened, he had to hang around the house. He hid in the bushes and waited. He didn't have to wait long. Randy's car screeched to a halt halfway on the driveway and halfway in the yard and he got out yelling. He didn't...
Narrated by Bhawna Neetu: Pata nahi kyu, yakeen to nahi tujhpar par bharosa karna bhi chahti hun. Main mann hi mann boli, ye to mere khel ka jaadu hai jo tujhe bhatka rahi hai kameeni. Main Neetu se boli: Tujhe kiss baat ki darr hai? Mere bhai ka lund to mere hath mein hai abhi. Agar main tujhpe bharosa kar ye kar sakti hun to tu mujhpar nahi kar sakti kya? Main Akash ke lund ke chumde ko pura neeche kheechi. Apni anghute se uske gol gulabi sar ko gol gol sahlakar Neetu ko...
On the night we were married my bride confessed that she had a fantasy about being spanked on her honeymoon. She wanted a harsh bare bottom spanking over my knee. We had been together for almost a year so I knew she liked a few slaps on her backside during lovemaking but this was something different. This was a surprise. She wanted more. She wanted to be a good, obedient wife, she said, and she wanted me to be strict with her. She liked the idea of domestic discipline. She blushed as she told...
XLIII ‘An unusual birthday present’ As she heard my approach Laura stood up and faced the door with bated breath and an expression of fascinated terror on her face. But as I entered, she all but collapsed. All the air seemed to go out of her as if she had taken a haymaker in the midriff and with a kind of combined snort and chortle she sat down abruptly on the bed. I pulled up a chair and sat near her. Very red in the face, she was gasping for air and her eyes were watering, and she avoided...
The day after my brother-in-law exposed himself to me, I put on ‘that’ shirt. Every woman who has more than one shirt has a ‘that’ shirt. It’s the blouse or top that doesn’t fit quite right and, for one reason or another, gaps open and exposes to view one of her normally hidden treasures. Mine was a red and white striped pullover that had a deep plunge. I really wanted to expose my hairy pussy to Charles, but I just couldn’t find a way to do it that wouldn’t be too obvious. With the shirt, I...
I lay there spooning my little Asian fuck-toy and taking in her sweet slightly overpowering perfume mixed with the smell of sex. Her warm skin felt baby soft, and I traced my fingers over her silky flesh as she mewled contentedly.I could have stayed there forever, but she was a hired whore and the clock was ticking. So after a bit of rest and recovery, it was time for the next round of sexual games. I swatted her ass and rolled her onto her belly. Kiyomi giggled and rolled obediently onto her...
TeenBirth of a New Sissy Part II: Refinement By DarkPrince67 [email protected] My life had changed so suddenly. One encounter with Jeff and everything was different. A week ago I was just an average married guy, with an average life. Sure I had the occasional Bi fantasy, but outside a college encounter all it was a fantasy. Suddenly I found myself falling into one of my fantasies. I can't doubt it anymore, I am very much Bisexual. Any doubts were wiped away last week while bouncing...
Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...
This is part 2, which I am releasing as promised, because I have received one response, and a good one that too. ‘Do you like my cock?’ Asked, Shyam seeing me staring at his rod. Continuing to stare at the dripping joy stick, I said… ‘Like? I have fallen in love with such a long, hard tool. Haven’t ever taken such a long dick into my cunt.’ Shyam seemed to relish the compliment, the proof of which was displayed in his mounting and dripping cock. ‘And you have a fabulous body with succulent,...
Saturday MorningI woke up at about 7:00, feeling really refreshed. I got quietly out of bed and went in to make coffee. About ten minutes later I came back in the bedroom with two cups and she was sitting up in bed with the sheets at her waist, those perky tits exposed.“Wow, you were out there naked?”“Yeah, there’s no one else around and the d****s are closed” I said with a smile.“That’s sexy, knowing you were walking around out there naked. That coffee looks really good too”“Well you look sexy...
Karen apologized to Lilly for not spending enough time with her today. “You can make it up to me by letting stay the night with you in bed.” “If Lilly is staying, then I’m staying too,” Bobbie added. “Susan is already spending the night. Somebody will be losing out on bed space tonight,” Karen said. “Tina, why don’t you and Dan go for a walk and I’ll decide the fucking, I mean the sleeping arrangements.” “Be happy to,” she smiled. “I can show you your new neighbourhood,” he suggested....
Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...
HistoricalChapter Three: Randi's Naked Futa Solution By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Randi Bjork Week, Wednesday I leaned my cum-coated body against my futa-lover, Keisha Rowbottom. The older, sexier Black futa also taught English and coached my debate club at Rogers College. She had arranged for just about every futa in the school to fuck me during the lunch break. They'd cum in my pussy. My asshole. My mouth. I gulped down gallons of their jizz. Was coated in it. My large breasts swayed....