Trading my Body for Sex
- 1 year ago
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When I woke up, I felt awful. My head hurt, my sides hurt, my stomach hurt, but most of all, my heart was still broken. I lay there for a while with my eyes closed and tried to figure out where I was. I could hear the beep of a heart monitor somewhere, so that told me that my whore of a wife HAD called 911 in time. Bitch.
My next priority was to try to figure out if I was alone or if she was waiting for me to wake up so she could start trying to convince me to be like she was again. There was too much background noise for me to tell if there was someone in the room with me or not so I finally opened my eyes. There she was, sitting in a chair asleep. I didn’t have my watch, so I had no idea what time it was or even what day. It had been Tuesday when the conversation started, so I assumed we were somewhere in the early morning hours of Wednesday. There was no window in this room, so it was hard to tell.
I closed my eyes and thought about everything that had been said last night, hoping that she’d assume I was still asleep and leave me alone.
I heard the door click open as someone came in and a few seconds later, she squeaked in surprise. “JOHN!” she exclaimed in confusion.
“No,” said a male voice. “It’s me. Has there been any change?” he asked, sounding concerned. It wasn’t someone I knew.
“None,” she croaked miserably. “Oh my God, Brad! You should have seen his face. I mean, we knew that he’d be mad, but ... I thought he might be coming around. I told him about Cecilia and he lost his mind. I don’t know what he’ll do when he wakes up. He kept asking me to kill him.”
“Oh, God!” he sighed anxiously. “We just have to hope we can convince him that we’re not a threat to him and that you still love him. Neither of us wanted him hurt. Certainly not like this! I wish we could have found an easier way to break it to him,” Brad told her. “I wish I could stay, but Doris will have dinner ready. Call me if there’s any change. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said and I could hear them exchange kisses before the door opened again and Brad let himself out. My heart broke all over again, hearing her say those words to someone else.
Brad and Doris, I mused to myself. That was a lot more information than I had before. What would I do with that information? Probably not as much as I could. I lost myself in a daydream of pounding the living shit out of Brad and then fucking his wife in front of him while he bled on the floor, begging me to stop. Doris and I were on our third round with Brad whimpering piteously on the floor when the door opened again.
I heard the chair scrape as she stood up to greet the newcomer. “Doctor?” she asked tentatively. “You said he’d be awake tonight. I’ve been here all day and he hasn’t moved. What’s wrong?”
The doctor made a concerned sound and looked over my chart. “There was no real sign of brain trauma in his tests,” he said. “It’s possible that there was some minor damage from the alcohol poisoning, but I’m told that you called 911 in time for them to pump his stomach, so that shouldn’t be an issue.”
I heard him approach the bed and then he was thumbing back my eyelids, shining a light in them. I stared at a point on the ceiling when he did it and didn’t flinch. That’s a lot harder than it sounds, but right now, the cost of flinching was listening to my wife try to brain-wash me into joining her little cult of polyamory and I’d rather stare into the flashlight until I went blind.
At least the conversation was informative. It was evening, not morning. I didn’t have a concussion. My stomach had been pumped. That helped me figure out a lot.
“Look, Mrs. Hooker, why don’t you go home and get some rest?” he suggested gently. “If there’s any change in his condition, we’ll be sure to notify you and you’ll want to be well-rested when he does wake up. I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about.”
“I don’t want to leave him like this,” she protested.
“Isn’t there any other family you can call to sit with him while you take some time to rest?” he asked gently. “You’ve been here since last night. You won’t do him any good if you end up in a bed yourself.”
She sighed. “Do you know when he should regain consciousness?” she asked, torn between staying and going.
“Not specifically,” the doctor said. “He may sleep through the night or he might be awake now and just not ready to cope with the outside world yet. You said that he’d been drinking far heavier than normal for him? Was there anything that might have upset him?”
“We ... we were arguing when it happened. He didn’t react very well to some news I had for him,” she admitted.
“He may still be processing that news then,” the doctor told her. “It sounds like you’ll want to be in complete control of your senses when you sit down to talk it out with him though. Best to get a full night’s sleep and come back fresh. You have my word that we’ll take good care of him.”
She sighed again and agreed. I could hear her gather up her things and then she left the room. I thought for a minute that the doctor had gone with her, but then he spoke from the doorway.
“Okay, she just got on the elevator,” he told me. “You mind telling me why you won’t speak to your wife?”
I opened my eyes and he was coming to take the chair that she’d vacated. “Have you seen the man that was here to visit my room earlier?” I asked.
He nodded. “Brad Davis. He’s a member of our church.”
“He’s my wife’s lover,” I said. “She told me they’ve been together for a year. They’re in love.”
“Ah,” he said uncomfortably. “That’s a very delicate situation,” he admitted. “He told me he was a friend of the family. They both seemed very concerned about you.”
“They’re hoping that I’ll approve of their happiness and my lovely wife spent last night trying to convince me that everything would be fine if I’d just take a lover of my own,” I said to him. I looked down at my hands. “I never wanted to hit a woman before, but last night, I wanted to beat her half to death until she gave me his name and then make her watch while I killed him with my bare hands.”
“I think that impulse is understandable,” he said carefully. “Is that why you started to drink heavily?”
“No,” I admitted. “When she wouldn’t shut up, I just started trying to drown myself in a bottle. Whether I blacked out or died of alcohol poisoning, I was still spared another round of arguments that me taking a mistress would make everything better.”
“So she wants you to allow her arrangement with her current lover and in exchange, you get one of your own?” he clarified.
I nodded. “That’s about the size of it,” I admitted.
“What do you have to lose?” he asked pointedly.
“What?” I asked, flabbergasted at the attitude.
“Hear me out,” he said, seeing me start to get angry. “Your wife’s already cheating. That damage is done. California is a no-fault divorce state. It doesn’t matter if she banged the whole cast of Lord of the Rings. It doesn’t affect the divorce. It doesn’t touch property division, alimony, any of it. Take it from a guy that’s got two divorces under his belt. At this point, you could go out and fuck every starlet wandering around Hollywood looking for a casting director and a couch. Yeah, there’s the fact that two wrongs don’t make a right, but there’s also the fact that you’re probably planning on divorcing her as soon as you can get your hot little hands on a lawyer. Why not ease yourself back into dating? You can use her for sex, support, laundry services and whatever else she does in the marriage and pick your time.”
I considered it, nodding slowly. “Okay, that makes a certain degree of sense,” I admitted.
He shrugged. “Hell, you might find that this is ideal. You get a girlfriend you love and a wife you put up with. It’s how most marriages work these days. If I’d had this arrangement through either of my first two marriages, I might have stayed married to them.”
I nodded again. “Okay. So I kind of hate the cheating slut, but you’ve given me something to think about.”
He chuckled. “Just so you know, we won’t be able to stall her much longer. You should have woken up hours ago.”
I nodded. “Can I ask you about something else?”
“You want to know about Brad,” he said flatly. I nodded and he settled back to talk some more. “Brad’s an okay guy. He works real estate and married Doris right out of college. They’d been together since high school. They have a son, Brad Jr. He’s active in the church and the community and you’re probably one of the only people that knows him that doesn’t like him.”
“I’m guessing Doris wouldn’t be thrilled to know what he’s been doing in his spare time,” I grumbled sourly.
“You’re probably right about that,” he admitted. “Doris is a very pleasant woman, but pregnancy wasn’t kind to her. Brad doesn’t make the kind of money it would take to pay for the surgery she’d need to get her pre-pregnancy body back. My guess is that he loves her, but he’s not turned on by her anymore. I kind of wish I didn’t know about what he was up to. It’ll make things awkward at the church events.”
“Sorry,” I shrugged.
“Not blaming,” he said jovially. “I’m just lamenting my lost ignorance. How would you like us to handle your wife?”
“Could I borrow a defibrillator?” I asked with a roll of my eyes.
“Probably not,” he chuckled. “We can tell her you’ve requested no visitors, but that generally leads to histrionics and we have a few patients that wouldn’t appreciate the noise.”
“Well, if my clothes are here, you could release me,” I suggested.
“The clothes you were wearing were destroyed,” he said with some sympathy. “When you came in unresponsive, they cut them off. They were covered in vomit and blood anyway.”
“How bad was I hurt?” I asked with a sigh.
“Not really badly at all,” he confided. “No concussion, two stitches and a moderate case of alcohol poisoning. You’re fine now. If you’d opened your eyes earlier, I might have let you go home with your wife, but I was concerned as to why you were unresponsive.”
I nodded. “I still have a lot to think about,” I admitted.
“I’ll send someone around with a tray. It’s nearly dinner time. You’re probably starved.”
I nodded and thanked him.
An orderly brought me a tray about an hour later and I ate hungrily. It wasn’t the best meal I’d ever had, but I was completely empty, so it was a welcome feast. I lay there, turning the problem over in my head most of the evening and into the night. I drifted off sometime after midnight and awoke with the same problem and Barb looking at me anxiously.
“Thank GOD, you’re awake!” she blurted out, jumping up out of the chair she was in and coming to the bed. She was practically vibrating, she was so jittery. It made me wonder if she was running on coffee and anxiety.
“Yeah. Praise Jesus. It’s a miracle,” I said sarcastically, letting her be enthusiastic for both of us. I bet Brad would be thrilled to know I was recovering. After all, he was loved by all, right? GREAT guy!
“How do you feel?” she asked, touching my head gingerly and caressing my arm. She made my skin crawl.
“Sore,” I said, answering her in monosyllable responses.
She nodded. “I talked to the doctor this morning and he said you’ll be stiff and sore for a couple of days. He said your head wound bled a lot, but that’s normal for head wounds. He was surprised that there was no concussion.” She seemed determined to make some upbeat conversation whether I was participating or not. That made sense. I didn’t really participate in the last conversation either until the end.
“Yeah,” I agreed. I’d been surprised that I hadn’t gotten a concussion myself.
“I called your office yesterday and told them you were in the hospital. They said to call when you’re feeling up to it and they’d talk to you then. I also called off work yesterday and today. I wanted to be here when you woke up so we could talk about what happened. I’m so sorry, Baby,” she said. “I had no idea that this would hit you this hard. I pushed too and that didn’t help. I know I screwed it up, but can we please talk about it and see if we can find something we can all agree with?”
“Did you bring clothes?” I asked impassively, ignoring her attempt to bring up the subject again.
She leaped into action like she was on fire and had a bag for me. Inside were jeans, socks, underwear, shoes and a shirt. It’d keep me decently covered. “Just wait until the doctor sees you. He said he wanted to talk to you before he released you. Strictly routine.”
I nodded. “I can understand that,” I said distantly.
“Look, I really want to make this up to you,” she said, fidgeting nervously. “I know I really screwed up and I should have found a better way to handle it. Just tell me how to make things right and I’ll do it.”
“Barb, I don’t even know what to say to that,” I told her. “You’ve disrespected me and our relationship for the past year and now you’ve come clean because your side action has gotten so serious that it’s a new level of disrespect. I don’t know whether you were worried that I’d catch you or whether things were heating up to the point where you couldn’t hold it in anymore, but you didn’t come to me with an apology and a determination to show me how sorry you were. You dropped it in my lap like dirty laundry and challenged me to clean it or go look for new clothes. Maybe that’s not how you meant it to come across, but it’s how it ended up.”
She was quiet for a few minutes, digesting what I’d said. I’d managed to hold onto my temper since waking up this morning. It wasn’t easy. I hadn’t ranted at her for bringing her scumbag to visit her while I was in a hospital bed, but that was certainly less than respectful. I didn’t want her to know that I knew the name Brad Davis. I didn’t think I’d do anything with that name, but it was good to have the option.
“I’m sorry, John,” she said at last. “I never meant to show you anything but respect. I can see how it must look from your position. It was a terrible miscalculation on my part. I never thought of it as a respect issue.”
“It’s every kind of issue,” I told her. “It’s emotional, it’s sexual, it’s financial.”
“How is it financial?” she asked, taken off-guard by that.
“You were supposed to be selling houses when you were meeting him. If your boss figured it out, you could have lost your job,” I told her. “For that matter, how many sales could you have made during the hours you were in his arms? Every time you hooked up with him while you were on the clock, you were giving up a chance to make a legitimate sale. Unless he’s a rich buyer and you’ve been convincing him to buy all the properties you were meeting at?”
She shook her head. “It wasn’t like that,” she assured me. “I would never sell myself to sell a house. The other night, you asked what he had that drew me to him,” she reminded me.
I cut her off. “It doesn’t matter,” I said before she could finish that sentence. “Whatever it is, he has it and it mattered enough to land us here. So whatever it is, I don’t even care anymore. I think that’s the attitude that I have now. I just don’t give a shit. You want him, you got him. You’re gonna keep seeing him whether I throw a fit or not, so have at it.”
THE BACK STORY In 2001, I was playing strip trivia with Barb and Spidey and a few other people. It was men versus women. Barb and I were down to our panties. Spidey was down to his Jockeys. Everyone else was naked. There was a two-point carryover, because nobody had answered the last two questions. That often happens near the end, when the game is on the line, because if you are the first to answer, and you are wrong, you lose a garment. If you are naked, you accumulate a penalty for each...
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This story contains scenes of an erotic nature and is not intended for minors. Further, if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should by bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and re-post as long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. The story is fictional, although based on events experienced by the writer. ...
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Author’s Note: This story was originally distributed in 7 chapters. If you missed the other installments, check my author’s page. This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached, as long as no charge is made for it and it isn’t changed in any way. If it is archived or displayed, it is done so with the understanding that the author will have unrestricted access to the...
©June 2002 by Bob Peale ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Author’s Note: This story was originally distributed in 7 chapters. If you missed the other installments, check my author’s page. This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached, as long as no charge is made for it and it isn’t changed in any way. If it is archived or displayed, it is done so with the understanding that the...
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I've always been a pretty big horn dog when it comes to women. Since high school, I've tried every trick in the book to meet, bed, and enjoy the ladies. I got married in my mid twenties, screwed around mercilessly on my wife, and divorced in my early thirties, after my wife caught me fucking my secretary, bent over my desk at work. Problem was it was the third time my wife caught me cheating, and strike three was the last straw.I spend a lot of time in the gym, keeping my body in good shape. I...
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Monday morning I met Regina in the parking lot at school. "What's up sweetcheeks? What have you got planned for me this week and is your bottom ok?" She reached up and gave me a big hug. "I feel fine dear, and this week you will be with Sheri and Marilyn. I will be with Paul." "Can we double date one time? I liked it when we did it before." "Sure we can honey, Paul can't have too much to say against it. Tonight though, I am off the rag and my pussy wants some relief. Can I come...
BOB: Monday morning and I began what seemed to be a normal week at school. I was riding the bus today because mom needed the car to run some errands. I almost had enough money saved to buy my own car, but I was still a couple of months from being able to so for the time being I had to share with mom. She certainly couldn't afford to do much to help out. Her salary as a nurse kept us clothed and fed, but not much more. Dad was supposed to be helping, and for a few years he had, but when he...
Monday morning I picked up Regina on the way to school. She was all over me all the way in and told me everything she and Paul had done during the weekend. "Paul is such a sweetheart Robert. He is so careful in how he uses that big dick of his; if he hadn't been it could have hurt. On Sunday evening we had dinner with his parents, just the four of us. We went out to the hot tub later and I found out where Paul gets that cock. His dad is almost as big as he is but is just as gentle. They...
I wasn’t interested in hearing Barb’s smug self-congratulations about the house or Cecilia, but I didn’t feel like avoiding the house, so I reluctantly went home. Fortunately, she wasn’t home from her afternoon with Brad, so I changed and went to the gym instead of sticking around. There was a lot of congratulations from the staff and a few of the guys who’d been there to see the carnage. I found out that Hastings was still in the hospital, but was assured that he wasn’t in any danger, just...
She hopped out and came to meet me with a kiss on the cheek suitable for close friends since we were in public. “So what did you want to talk about?” she asked as she led me to the front door. She retrieved the keys from the lock-box and opened the door. “Partly, I wanted to tell you about the rest of my day last night,” I told her, “but I also wanted to bring up a suggestion that Barb made. I told her that the two of us probably wouldn’t have a chance to get together for more than...
I followed her back to her place and when she pulled into the driveway, there was another car there. I wondered whether it was a second car she kept, as I parked next to the curb, but someone got out of the car to meet her. I got out and wondered what was going on when I saw the look on her face. “What are you doing here, Martin?” she asked angrily, slamming her car door. Ah. The ex-husband. “I came to talk to you,” he said, looking back and forth between the two of us as I approached. “Can...
She let me go after that and I decided that it was late enough to make my next call. I knew a guy who worked out at the gym that did investigation services. “Otto,” I said when he answered. “Sorry to call you so early, but I need your help. Are you free?” “No, but I’m easy,” he joked in his thick German accent. We chuckled a bit at that and I got to the point. “Otto, my wife’s fucking around on me. I want so much evidence that I can hand her a ten pound book of pictures and a full spindle...
The next morning, I got up late and called Cecilia. “Hey, Stud,” she said sweetly. “How’re you feeling today?” “A little hung-over,” I admitted. “You talk to Princess Barb today?” “Oh yeah!” she said enthusiastically. “She told me about your talk last night and the promises you got out of her. You know she’s gonna fail them, right?” she asked. “I knew before I asked,” I told her. “You think you can get around to driving past the house on your way home from work while I’m away? I just want...
Fight day. I was nervous as Hell. I played the clip of Brad shooting his mouth off a couple of times to give myself a reminder that someone needed to hurt tonight. Then I went for a sensible breakfast and a light workout in the gym. I felt good and there were a lot of reasons for that. I was getting locked in the cage tonight. I was looking forward to it. I was trained for it and my new strategy would victimize anyone that watched my old fight clips. Ganju had worked on my strike accuracy and...
I turned in and spent the next morning getting ready. I dug my cash out of my luggage where I’d stashed it in case I’d decided to hire a working girl. I went down to breakfast and ate by myself. I suspected Ganju had found himself a reason to like Vegas and I wasn’t about to take him away from that for the sake of an early breakfast. So long as he was here by ten, we were good. I went back to my room and packed my bathroom kit, took a careful look around the room and then closed my luggage...
When the alarm went off the next morning, she got up right away and bounded off to the shower. I flossed and used plenty of mouthwash since I was temporarily without a toothbrush. I made a note to buy one when I was out today. “What time is the bed being delivered?” I asked while I was waiting my turn in the shower. “They couldn’t be specific, but afternoon,” she said from inside the stall. We could have both fit and we had in the past, but that past was distant, so I waited for my...
It was well after midnight when Barb came in. I heard her open the door and went out to see what shape she was in. She was creeping up the stairs, trying not to make a lot of noise. Then she saw me and she stopped dead. She was a mess. Her hair was tangled, her make-up was smeared, her blouse was buttoned wrong, the stockings she wore this morning were just gone. I can only imagine what shape they’d been in. The worst though was the fresh cum on her face. I didn’t say a word. It was a lot of...
When the alarm went off, I rolled out of bed and looked at her prone form. I was tempted to put on another condom and bang her ass again, but I slapped her ass sharply to get her started instead. She jumped and shrieked in shock at the spanking, reaching back to rub her cheek as she came awake slowly. She looked at me strangely and I ignored her. “You have time to shower,” I told her before I went to make something to eat. I put on coffee and then made myself a bowl of oatmeal. Once it was...
She still wasn’t home, but it was early for her. I rattled around the kitchen, looking to see if there was anything I could make for dinner. There was some chicken in the freezer, so I took it out to defrost and knew I had enough to make a stir-fry. That was relatively easy to make. A bag of frozen vegetables, my own secret sauce and whatever meat I had on hand. I served it over rice and it was usually a hit. I hadn’t made it in a while though. Not since Cecilia and Marty got back together,...
Cecilia and Marty followed me down and told me they’d meet me at Walmart to help with my shopping. “You’re still in shock. Why don’t you let me or Marty drive?” I gave her my keys and we took two cars to the local Super-Center to trawl their grocery department. We each got a cart and Sissy shrugged. “We need a few things too,” she said lightly. We chatted as we shopped, or more accurately, they talked while I did my best to brood. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. “Sissy, why did you want...
I didn’t like the sound of that and I found myself wishing I’d thought to stock a liquor cabinet in the house here. We sat on the couch while Sissy took a chair and looked us over. “Barb is still moving gingerly, if not nearly as bad as yesterday. All the ladies in the office have noticed and there are a few that you might consider that Barb didn’t have on her list.” I shrugged. “That’s a topic we can get to later, unless that’s the big news.” “Not hardly,” she smirked. “Brad and Barb had a...
I woke with a start and felt the bed shift beside me. I was confused at where I was and who was with me for a long moment. “Jane?” I whispered when I’d figured it out. “You were having nightmares,” she said softly. She was wearing a long sleep-shirt and she climbed under the covers with me. We settled down and I pulled her against me. It felt good to share a bed again. My daytime adventures with Doris didn’t count since we were just using the bed for sex. I wrapped my arms around her from...
He offered me his hand with a smile that I would have taken for friendly, if I hadn’t known exactly who he was. I shook his hand and resisted the urge to crush his fingers. Instead, I gave him the same handshake I gave everyone else. He introduced Doris to us as an afterthought. He was watching me with some amusement that told me that I’d sold the fiction that I didn’t know who he was. I gave Doris a very warm greeting suitable for someone I’d just met. She was as amused by the performance as...
I was saved from further debate by Barb returning and she wasn’t alone. “John, Mom, Dad,” she said. “This is Cathy. She works in the office with me.” All three of us greeted Cathy pleasantly. She was a slender, pretty brunette with brown eyes and a slightly tan complexion that hinted that she might have a trace of Hispanic heritage to her credit. This was clearly Barb’s prime choice and she sat her next to me while she pulled a chair from a nearby table and crowded in beside her...
My smile broadened, seeing her standing there. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I told her, “same as this morning. Though, I definitely approve of the dress.” “It’s not too much?” she asked, looking down at herself. “It’s perfect,” I told her. “You’re perfect. Let’s go dance,” I suggested. “Is Barb still kicking around?” she asked. “Barb, who?” I asked, making her snicker. “Barb, who is about to be replaced,” she supplied. “I think she’s here,” I said lightly. I was...
“We DID think of everything,” she told me and put it aside for now. She dug a plastic bag out of it and started pulling things out of it. First came a box of condoms and then she had a bottle of KY. She put both on the table beside the bed. “I want what Barb got,” she announced. “I want you to have to carry me to breakfast tomorrow.” I watched her and chuckled. I came to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. Her perfume was intoxicating and the feel of her in my arms was pure...
We were clear of the desk just as Cecilia and Marty got off the elevators. Cecilia took one look at Jane and grinned dazzlingly. She came over to her and wrapped her arms around her. “How’re you doing?” she asked, kissing her cheek as they hugged. “So sore!” Jane groaned. “So worth it.” They laughed together at that and Marty went to check out with a knowing smirk for me before he went to the desk. Barb and her parents appeared a few minutes later, still wearing last night’s formal attire....
The next morning, we got up and showered with a minimum of fuss, made breakfast and lingered over coffee while we waited for Doris to text. “So are you really okay with what I’ve been up to with Doris?” I asked wanting to make sure before we started the day. “Yeah,” she said simply. “You told me that it’s a revenge thing and not likely to keep up for long once the divorces are signed. Besides, I’m not gonna be totally without sex. I won’t see other guys, but my roommate and I sometimes sleep...
After they left, I dished out some fresh ice cream for the four of us, finishing off what I had in the freezer, much to Doris’s amusement. “You actually went out and bought an ice cream maker?” she laughed. “I didn’t think you would.” “We most certainly did. We tested it out yesterday. If we hadn’t run you dry this morning, we’d be interested in getting a supply to make more,” Jane said proudly. Brad loved the ice cream and the rest of us agreed. By the time we were done, it was time to...
The next morning, we were up early and both of us decided to hit the gym before we braved the stores or did anything else. I kept an eye on her and found myself extremely aroused by watching her muscles work as she ran on the treadmill. I’d never really gotten that vibe from anyone at the gym before, but watching her body move, her muscles flex and relax as she ran, I found myself fascinated and quietly wishing she was naked. She must have felt my gaze because she turned her head to look at...
Christmas morning started with a phone call. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked for my pants, finding them in the hall. I dug my phone out and answered the call. “Hi, Mom,” I said sleepily, walking down the hall to the kitchen to talk. It was early, but my mother loved Christmas. Today was her Superbowl. She had a big gathering there in Phoenix every year, so she was probably calling me between getting the turkey in the oven and starting on the sides that hadn’t been prepared...
I drove home and parked the new truck in the garage for now. Jane met me at the door and kissed me as I carried her inside. “That was a weird talk,” she admitted. “I was surprised that she gave up his name like that.” “Me too,” I said, but shrugged. “I had a little talk with her before I got behind the wheel. I think she’ll actually keep her word to not tell Brad about it and I told her that I understood what she meant about feelings being wrapped up in sex. I told her that the last time...
“That’s her problem,” I commented lightly. “I made sure she knew about it and I’ll make sure she knows if I hear of him doing anything else that’ll piss her off.” “Still looking out for my big sister?” Jane asked playfully. “Maybe a little,” I admitted. “She’ll never be my wife again, but she’s going to be my sister-in-law. I don’t want to see someone take advantage of her. I’m not gonna lie though. It would bring a smile to my face to find out that she’d kicked him to the curb for lying to...
On the walk from the bus up to Jason’s dorm, there were more and more boys. Julie found her blood pulsing faster in her veins. When she got to Jason’s room -- now hers -- his roommate Bill was there. She shut the door behind her. “Oh, hi Jason...” He looked back to what he was doing. That was good that he hadn’t noticed that she was different right away. But tight bras were not going to work in a dorm room where she needed to dress and undress. “Notice anything different?” she said. Bill...
Jason felt nervous as he approached Julie’s dorm. He knew which door to use ... up one flight, down to room... 27. He used the key to get in, and saw Julie’s roommate Melissa at her desk. “Hey, welcome back,” she said, eyes still on her phone. “Good to be back,” said Jason in the high voice he had practiced. “You have a cold or something?” asked Melissa. “Um, yeah, I guess a little...” Melissa looked up. “Wait ... you’re not Julie, you’re Jason! You really did it!” Melissa stood and...