The adventures of Beth Part 6
- 2 years ago
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The Fonduush was originally 874 metres long. She was shot up and extended to 953 metres because she was the only major ship Rontem had.
We turned down a lot of corridors. I could see the fields we had to walk through. I was not positive but I was being scanned for all sorts of weapons. We stopped in front of an imposing door marked with Aristis glyphs. It said security.
The door opened and I walked in. There was no Aristis here but another Tomma woman. She looked tough even though the Tomma were strange to me. My communicator said to me, "Why do you have crystals fragments in your skin?"
"What is your rank, servant?"
This made the woman bristle. She got up and I figured she was going to strike me but I just glared at her as if daring her to do it. She asked or rather shouted, "I am the head of security."
"A Tomma female? Where are the Aristis and especially the one in charge?" I sent out the feeling that I was being slighted and people were going to die. This is what the Aristis were like though I got little of this indication from the Aristis computers.
"There are twenty four Aristis onboard, not counting children."
"Call the one of highest rank!"
"Why should I?"
"I am not just a tech but part of the human aristocracy. I came to repair an Aristis ship. The Aristis should greet me."
"Answer my question first."
"I will answer to the Aristis, not their servants."
The woman wanted to hit me again but didn't. I glared back at her as hard as she glared at me. It was fifteen minutes before the first living Aristis came into view. He was big and angry at the interruption. Before he could start to rant and rave I went into the standard greetings between equals of the aristocratic caste.
He bellowed, "Who do you think you are?"
"The person that might call blood feud with you."
"You are only a native of the nearby world."
"I am a member of the aristocracy on that world. Our king needs a tech and I endeavoured to learn. I will be protecting my world and that makes me a member of the warrior caste. Do you challenge me or my rights?"
"You are here to repair the ship and that is all."
"Show me the armoury and the salle."
"Do you honestly think you could best me?"
"Probably. You look out of shape from easy living."
The Aristis reached forward as if to rip me apart but stopped. "You will have your wish."
The Aristis left and I pointed at the bags and said to the Tomma head of security, "Have them transported to my suite."
The hard faced woman looked worried now and possibly even for me.
We walked without an escort to a room that carried the weapons because I could see inside. The door did not open to the Aristis commands to do so and there was some quiet talk between the Aristis and Rontem. The Aristis hissed but said nothing. He turned to me and said, "Your exercise in baiting me has given you an enemy."
"Your mouth and attitude has given you an enemy. If you will not use a weapon then use your hands instead of your mouth."
"Our king forbids this until you are done, then you are mine."
"If I do not kill you first." I turned around and started to walk back. This was another Aristis insult and I could almost feel the hate coming from the man.
I heard, "Rokla will kill you easily young one."
"Possibly. I do not gather status by beating servants."
"You gather only death."
"What is life without a challenge? I said before that I will be of three castes and I still claim that right even if I am a human."
"So be it but repair the ship first."
"Certainly my king. Just have a servant show me the way."
"What is in your skin?"
"I do not access Aristis medicine always. A tech makes mistakes and some die. I survived. I would hazzard to guess that the better techs have had a lot of fragmented crystals explode when they work on them. They have the option of having the small pieces removed. I want more than a class seven med unit to do that work."
A Tomma came to me. I said to Rontem, "Is she my servant?"
"If you wish her, then she is yours."
"Thank you, my king." I looked at the female and said, "Lead me to the computer."
The woman was not haute and looked worried. She did lead me to the computer room. Once there I said, "Fetch my bags from our suite."
The woman was startled but hurried off to get my equipment. Rontem opened the armoured door then one more inside that. The last door was thin ceramic like I had seen and made for the computers. I climbed into the 72 as if it were an old friend. There was still a lot of damage from the fight with the Wikki. The automatic features had done some repair work but not much.
I got out of the computer and said, "My king, the easiest route is to take the computer on earth and place it inside here. The second way is to shut this computer down while you keep the link open from earth. Working on a computer with a living entity already in place will be hazardous for this computer and for the person that must repair it."
"I am well aware that the computer should be shutdown. You must be careful and work with the system still operational."
"As you wish, my king."
I worked for three hours and came out. The Tomma woman was waiting for me with my bags. I said verbally now, "Sit," to her as I sat down too. I opened my bag of food and took some bosta out. When she was sitting I asked, "What is your name?"
She was hesitant to speak but then did so. Her name was long with a lot of pauses in it. "Your name is beautiful. The people of my planet have the custom of shortening a name for ease of use. I will call you Holly. When we have to, I will use your complete name but when we are in an informal situation we will use the one I gave you. You will call me Wally. When the Aristis are around you will call me Wally of the high glen by the waterfall."
I had to wait again and she said, "I will do that Wally of the high glen by the waterfall."
"That is good Holly, now say Wally. That is the one I prefer."
"Yes, Wally."
I had drank from the bottle of bosta and handed it to her. This had significance to it beyond giving simple food. She looked at me questioningly.
She took a small sip and I took the container back and took a similar sip from it. I then reached out and held her long thin hand in mine and smiled. This was the same way that the Tomma did it because we had nearly the same facial muscles. They did have thirteen smiles ritualised and I gave the one that said I am happy to meet a friend after a long absence. I did not release her hand.
It might have been against her will but a similar smile came to her face. I said in a voice not like the Aristis would use, "I have to work within the computer. We need to make some type of platform to support me so that I do not touch the power crystals. The gravity will have to be lowered in this section too. Will you bring me two grav-pads and some insulated blankets?"
"I can do that, Wally."
"Thanks Holly. I'm going back in. When you come back just tap my leg and I will come out. If you have to leave for some reason then do so. I do not want you standing at attention."
"I will follow your orders, Sir."
"They are only suggestions Holly. There are no Aristis nearby so it is Wally." I released her hand now but did it as if reluctant to do so.
"Yes, Wally."
I went into the 72 but came out when I figured that Holly had left. "My king would you reduce the gravity in this area to one third?" I did not use the communicator, just my voice. There was no reply but the gravity was reduced.
I pulled out some burnt out crystals and found some replacements before going back in. I put the new crystals in place then felt the lightest of touches on my leg. I wiggled out slowly and found Holly holding the grav-pads and some insulated blankets from the tech sections.
"Thanks Sweetie." I took the supplies from her instead of asking her to set them on the deck. This way it looked like she had brought me a gift which is what I intended. When I stood I took my hand and cupped her face. Her eyes shot open as if I had slapped her. "You did that quickly, Sweetie. Now put your bum down on a blanket. I will do a little more then I have to exercise. I didn't get much sleep recently and this work gives cramps easily."
I felt a question though and it had to be telepathic, I just stood and waited. I looked at Holly's face in the meantime. She would be more beautiful than Erica and Erica was beautiful in my books. Her breasts were lower like the Aristis females were supposed to be. Hers were small but suited her thin muscular body. I let my feelings show through as an inducement.
"Wally, why did you call me Sweetie."
"Sweetie is a word from my language. It means that you are nice to be around and I find you pleasant to look at. The meaning extends to something I may covet as a child may want something that is sweet."
"I am not of your race."
"Nadac, the entity that came to us, told me that a long time ago your people came to my planet and modified themselves. The Tomma empire fell apart and the group on earth lost contact with those on Cralto or other Tomma planets. Humans have mutated to fit our environment. While the original Tomma race managed to stay uniform and very beautiful to my eye. Humans call each minor variation we have as races. You may not be of my race but you are very close. If you talk of our genetic heritage, then we are still of the same people."
"I was not told that."
"You did not ask. The Tomma are usually satisfied with what they have. I sometimes wish that humans were this way. Now I have to get back to work." I reached out now with two hands and cupped both sides of Holly's face and then slowly dragged my fingers down. Her eyes were wide again but she did not flinch.
I put a blanket in the computer and went back to work. I stayed nearly an hour before I had to come out.
Holly had taken a seat and was waiting. I said, "I need a rest and some exercise after. Take me to the other Tomma so that I may be introduced."
"Why do you want this?" She then shut up as if she had overstepped her bounds.
I sent out some warm thoughts and tried to express the feeling that she had done something good in questioning me. "The Tomma are very interesting. The one that is head of security is hard as her job dictates. All Tomma are hard and warlike but that does not mean that we have to act like we are going to war now."
"I will show you."
"Thanks." I pulled the blanket out and placed them in a pile. Rontem closed the computer and the second door. There was room between the two doors to put the blankets and the grav-pads. Holly tried to take all of the luggage but I took two of them from her and got her to lead.
I found my suite to be large but I asked, "My king, is there a larger and vacant suite that I may use?"
"I will send a servant. Do not carry your burden."
"Yes, my king."
A male Aristis servant arrived. He treated me like an Aristis of the aristocratic caste. I played my part but made some of the movements that said that I was pleased with the service. This could not be done with words or thoughts.
The male carried two bags and Holly one. I wanted to help because the guy was only a little larger than me. The gravity on the ship was a third more than what was on earth. I should have had those little wheels put on the containers like what we used on earth but then again they would not be used to show that the servants had something to do.
We had to walk a long way. The decor in this area was much better than where I had been. The other suite was beautiful but I had to put on airs to gain status to fit the new suite.
We came to a wide door that looked much thicker when it opened. The walls were covered in fabrics and the furniture was Spartan. The deck had a hunting scene done with small coloured stones with a geometric design that filled the remainder of the very large room. The deck above had sculptured designs in it with another scene of a large Aristis city. This looked to have all been chiselled from one large piece of stone. There was no colour added except what was in the stone itself.
The servant continued but I had to put my arm around Holly's waist to get her to urge her to move forward. The servant called for a platform from the wall and placed the two bags on them then called for another so Holly could do the same. He then stood back and waited.
"You may open the largest container by pushing the two buttons away from each other. There is only clothing in it. The other containers are supplies that have to go back and forth."
"Thank you my lord."
The man was surprised when the lock sprang open in his hands. He opened the suitcase and took out the articles that were obviously clothes. One was the dress uniform of an Aristis military. The commando badge was prominent. The rank badges showed that I was as high as I could get. Since I was the highest ranking soldier in our group, I could do this. It looked like the servant and Holly were impressed. Below that was the toga like uniform of the aristocracy, and this too was of the highest ranking below that of the king. The next was a similar uniform of a person of the tech class. After that there was only casual clothes and the boots or slippers that matched the respective uniforms.
The man left after my body language told him that he did well and I was happy with his services. He seemed to be very pleased with that.
Holly had not said a word. She was still staring at me. "Holly, this is just a very fancy room. It is nice but you and I are still the same."
"But your uniforms?"
"They are pieces of cloth. The rank is of my choosing. I am the highest in rank of each of those groups but our groups are small. I am the only tech on my planet."
"Why are you telling me this? The Aristis would never do that."
"In case you did not know, the Aristis are just a group of Tomma that chose to change their DNA more than my group did. They were very successful but I do not agree with the way their race has gone. I choose to fit in within the Aristis to gain authority. The Tomma are warriors and know that to win you must risk all."
"You will be killed by Rokla?"
"Possibly. I need to practice my combat skills. If it pleases you, one of those sessions would be a mating dance with you."
"Me! You hardly know me."
"I find you beautiful. You must find me ugly but I will fight you for the honour to mate with you."
"Why do you do this?"
"Humans have to interact with the Aristis and the Tomma. I am the first living human to meet both races. To dare less may lose me all."
"What if I choose not to dance with you?"
"I choose you above all other Tomma and I issue my challenge. You cannot refuse."
Holly considered for a moment and said, "I will fight you."
"I am sorry for putting this burden upon you Holly. Part of it is duty but I do think you are suitable."
She said nothing and I added, "Show me the food replicators."
"I do not know," her eyes opened then she went to another room in the suite. A portion of the wall rose into the deck above.
I requested a menu from the smaller computer that presided over this suite. There was a lot of choices. I gave Holly equal power so she could make changes. Full range food replicators were large. Pneumatic tubes delivered the food to stations like this when it was requested.
I ordered the smallest portion of one kind of food. It arrived in less than ten seconds. I tasted it. It was different than anything I had tasted before. It was good but not great. I ceremonially took some of the food in my fingers and tried to place it in Holly's mouth. She looked at me and I could feel her mind trying to search out mine. Eventually she opened her mouth and I placed the food within. Her lips touched my fingers and I then put my fingers within my own mouth and licked them clean. This was not in the customs but it seemed to fit.
"Holly, you pick one now."
She gave me the stare again as if trying to find my motives. She picked a dish and she tried it. After a moment to think she picked up some in her long slim fingers and I had my mouth open by the time it got there. Against custom I took her wrist and didn't let her fingers go until they were clean. It was fun to watch her eyes as I attacked her fingers with my tongue. She put her saliva soaked fingers into her own mouth then.
I said, "I didn't leave you much."
"It was enough."
We sampled eight more dishes before I called it quits. We took a sonic shower and I pulled a slightly resisting Holly to bed. She looked at me from beside the bed and I said, "We have not had our dance yet, but I would like to hold you to me until that time."
She nodded and we climbed into bed together. It felt right to be where I was. Holly snuggled closer and my hand found a comfortable place to rest.
I had dreams of a clearing in the woods. The trees were odd with red foliage. A nearby group of houses were made of sod with a roof of branches. A lot of children were playing in the area. They ranged from infants to males larger than me. Meat was being cooked over the coals of a fire. A stream ran between the huts with one part artificially widened and deepened. The air was warm and wet.
There were no adult males around but there were females. Only one stood out and this was Holly. She looked at her children and then turned her head to me and smiled. This smile was of love.
When I woke up my hand was at Holly's mons. I was playing with her clit gently. It took only a few seconds to know that Holly was awake and shaking to my touch.
"I am sorry for doing this to you. I was asleep."
"I know that. It is still nice."
"Nadac told me a lot about your people. Some questions he could not answer. I have three human mates. I please them as a man but we please each other with our lips and hands. This brings joy to all of us."
"You mean you use your mouth on a woman?"
"Yes I do. Human and the Tomma have different ideas of family. Your males live outside the village except when they come to mate or to visit their children. Humans stay together as a unit. Your way is saner because you can produce children from different mates without any problem. Humans can be happy living together but there is this instinctual need by the male to only allow his females to have his children while he seeks to have other females to have more of his."
Holly could not understand this. "We can talk later about this. Would you consider me mating with you if I slid down your body and made love to you with my mouth?"
"That is not mating."
"Then there is no need to dance just yet?"
"That's right."
"May I make love to you this way?"
"And not mate?"
"Not until you are ready."
"Try it. If I do not like it I will tell you to stop."
"Humans hold faces like I did but we also touch lips that mean the same thing. It means love." She just looked at me. I moved around and started to give her small kisses. She liked this. I moved the warrior woman around and kissed her all over her head including her neck. Her hands came up but ready to push me away. I thought to her. "I would not harm you until I dance and then only the least possible." Her hands stayed but I could still kiss her throat.
Holly had a thin fur over her and I kissed all of her chest until I got to her breasts. She pushed up now to make sure I treated her nipples right. She loved this as much as a human woman and held my head in place. It was difficult but I pulled out of her grip and went south at a leisurely pace. I took fifteen minutes getting to her mons with the stiff finger sticking out of it.
I kissed around this area and held Holly's hands in mine. She struggled a lot when I went down the inside of her leg. I kissed until I reached her knee and then straightened her leg out and kissed behind the joint before moving to her foot.
I had to fight her off more as I concentrated on what I wanted to do. I pulled away and reached over the bed and took the sash that held my toga together. The sash went around Holly's waist and I placed her hands so she was holding it.
"I have tied your hands to your body. You are my captive."
Holly's eyes were wild. "They are not tied."
"They are tied with love. You cannot get loose."
"I think I understand."
"Good, because I am going to test the strength of your bindings. Add what love you need to strengthen the bonds while I torture you."
"I'll try."
I went back to Holly's leg and I didn't have to worry just yet about being forced to go to her clit. This was a voyage of discovery. I found many of the places that were ticklish, erotic or uncomfortable. I made it back to her mound in a roundabout way and treated her the way I did Erica. I found that Holly orgasmed just as hard as my women and she fled consciousness.
When she woke up I started again and again. Her conscious shut her down once more and four other times it was close.
The Tomma female has a very resilient. One of the odd facts I learned about a female was that of control. From seven years of age, they began to show the same signs that a human would as a teenager. That was a difficult time for a single parent. The Tomma woman got support from the fathers of her children but she had to do more than half of the rearing. When a female started to fight with her mother, the mother would wrestle and push her long thin hand into the vagina of her child. The child instinctually froze. At this point the mother's words gained more weight. During a mating dance the male had to fight for real and seek to push his cock into the female to get the same reaction. In some cases he used his hand too. The anal orifice was the same way and stretched wide. This was something that the humans had lost or perhaps never had.
The females of a village formed a pecking order. Female only sex was common for fun, while the male villages seemed to do this very little. When it came to a fight it was the women that did the fighting while the few males were kept out of the way. Roughly only one birth in ten was a boy.
During the last few orgasms my fingers had penetrated Holly. She knew this and seemed to accept it. I could make her agree to having intercourse if I chose. My hand did work into her as I sucked on her clit. I made no demands of her, just made sure she enjoyed herself to the maximum. Of course this meant that her next orgasm caused her to try to crush my hand and for her mind to go for another nap.
I pulled my hand out of Holly. I washed up and tried my best to wash my lover. I climbed up and just held her to me. When she woke up she said, "Do you do all that to your mates?"
"My mates do not stretch that far or I would do that."
"You did not take me. You could have."
"I gave my word."
"Your word is that strong?"
"Yes, and especially to you."
"Why me?"
"Does not a mating dance indicate that I wish to give you my child?"
"That is the original meaning but we do it now for fun. Would you really wish to make me give you a child?"
Now I had to think. I felt close to Holly and it was not just from having sex with her. "I would dance with you and then practice having children until we know each other well. If we have another dance, it will be for children."
"That may be fun but I do not know if our children would be accepted."
"My children will rule the earth. They will be accepted." This seemed to be the right thing to say because she hugged me. In a moment she said, "We can practice what we would do if you won the dance."
"Would this hurt your standing within your community?"
"Not really, we are losing our old ways since our king came to us."
"Then let's practice."
Holly and I fucked in every common human position and some of which were new to her. She slept through the last of the doggie position but I put her superior the next time as she rode her stallion.
Holly had lots of endurance and she ended up taking everything I had to give. We slept for just a bit more and then made tender love again before I went back to work.
Work on the 72 was a lot more pleasurable now. I knew that next time we were going to do a different exercise and more of what we just did too.
Holly was waiting as I came back out. I said, "Sweetie, do you have something to study when I am busy?"
"I do not have anything to study."
"Will you study Tomma and Aristis history for me? You will be less bored."
"I am not bored watching you."
"That is because you are a horny woman. Study for me. I can pump baby juice into you as you recite the names of the Aristis kings."
"I could not do that."
"Because you have a poor memory?"
"No, because I cannot think much at all."
Holly did study for me. When I came out for a break I taught her how to kiss the human way and usually we did it the Tomma way at the same time. I learned that Nadac had understated how tightly Rontem had tied the Tomma to him. He was revered as a god because he commanded the Fonduush. He softened up Cralto with his energy weapons then his drones. It took only a few generations before the numbers of Tomma were up to where they had been before he arrived. All resistance was beaten out of the race now. I had known only part of this and wondered how humanity would fare in the same situation.
That night we went to a small gym that we knew would be empty. I told Holly how little I really knew and she tried to teach me what she knew. Her martial arts training was not what the humans or the Aristis knew but distinctly Tomma. I worked very hard with her and then went to bed.
The next day we fought twice with work between. Rontem helped by uploading what information he knew about this type of fighting. I was introduced to Holly's friends. They must have picked up a lot from her because they were much nicer to me now.
The Tomma were very open about sex. I was asked if other humans did as I did to please their lovers.
"Not all but the ones that want the most for their lover do."
Four days later I was holding my own when I fought Holly. She called the head of security to fight me. I named her Sara for short. She was the best on the ship I was told. She was far better than I was but I tried to do as good as I could. Rontem gave me strategies to use and this helped some.
By now ten percent of the damage to the computer had been corrected but I was actually monitoring the clock instead.
I saw Rokla infrequently and I treated him as an equal but still endeavoured to be polite. He ignored me. I met the other Aristis on the ship. Two were soldiers on guard duty that would man the weapons if Rontem were disabled. There was three low grade techs but they could do little with the crystals. All the males had wives and some had children. There were six married couples that were from the ranks of the servants. Six children were here too but they were all less than six years-old. I felt very bad about my upcoming plan but there was no other way to proceed.
My acceptance by the Aristis was not as I wished. Rokla was their only flesh and blood leader. I was also consorting with a Tomma female. The males would take one once in a while but never the same one twice. I had shown love while they would never do that to a race other than their own and of their own caste too.
There were two hundred and ninety three Tomma females and sixteen males. The males could not take being away from their planet long and the majority had to stay in suspended animation. It was enough for the women to know that at least one male was awake and with them. Seventeen of the women were pregnant at the moment and this helped stabilise the population mentally.
By the ninth day I finally knocked Sara on her butt. She smiled at me and knocked me down within seconds. It was my time to smile.
The 72 had to have grafted substrate put between the new crystals. There was radiation damage from when the shields were down long ago. This contributed to a small portion of Rontem's erratic behaviour.
I estimated that I would need forty to forty five more days to complete the computer. This was a longer time because I fought more with Sara and Rontem saw the reasoning for this and allowed it. Seventeen days was a critical time for everything I had planned.
Just before the due date, I knocked Sara on her ass twice and she had difficulty getting revenge. We both got some satisfaction about that. I had a break then called on the Tomma to witness a dance. Holly was shocked because I was doing this formally.
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There is always that one guy at the gym. The pervy dude that stares at all the women while they are just trying to get fit. But this time, he is the trainer in charge of the yoga class, and he is on a pervtastic prowl. This guy watches as Veronica Avluv and Cytheria stretch out and cannot resist. He has them do some squats and then moves in to grab their asses, but they are not having it. These girls are MILFs after all, and they do not put up with any shit. Our stud is forced to eat ass by...
xmoviesforyouI admit I was pretty on edge Sunday morning. I'd set the alarm for 6:30 to give myself plenty of time to wake up and get the vocal cords working, but I actually was awake at 5:30 and by 6:00 I gave up all efforts at sleeping and got myself in gear. I was doing exercises by 8:00, trying to loosen up as much as I could. A little after 9:00 I was ready to leave; no unexpected traffic jam was going to make me late for this. Asmedogh had been riding my shoulder most of the morning, which gave me...
We didn't linger in Las Cruces any longer than we had to. All of our business there was transacted in two days. We were now on our last leg of the trek. We should be in El Paso in no more than four days. That was great news for virtually everybody. Most of the crew had wives, girlfriends, or favorite whores that they were anxious to find and get reacquainted with. It was a little different for my family. None of us knew anybody in El Paso, so we were at loose ends. Sunshine thought that...
Southend is a coastal town on the essex coastline, i received a message on my contact advert i'd had running somewhere that they were a sub bi couple and wanted to explore their submissive feelings in a safe environment, i useally the guy tends to make contact in the first instancebut i always insist in talking to the female half to confirm that they are a couple regardless , not just some guy getting his jollys etc, i spoke breifly with her, for any first meeting she said she would rather just...
“Got a spare fiver?” “No.” “Go on. Just a fiver. I’ll make it worth your while.” “No.” “Please!” I had already walked on a couple of paces, but now I slowed and stopped. There was something about that “please”. It wasn’t what you might expect;- what I had heard before by young boys, and girls, of similar age, who, when they finally realise they are not going to get a penny out of you by accosting you in the street, hurl a mouthful of abuse and epithets at you. This “please” was different. It...
Erotic FictionIt was late one hot summer night and I was moving the trash to the alley when I saw my neighbors back door was open and she was busy working in the kitchen. I was 17 at the time and my hormones were working full time. As I watched, I could see she was only wearing a tee shirt and panties. I had always had a crush on her since I saw her sunbathing topless. She was a British woman in her late 40's and her body was a rich golden brown. As I continued to watch, I removed my tee shirt and moved...
EroticAmy Stone was excited for a new week of work. She found her job rewarding and it also filled her with pride. Amy believed in the MK-ULTRA Project. She wholeheartedly agreed in its goals and methods, though they were sometimes immoral. In the hands of another powerful nation, the 'Vulcan drug' alone could be used as a horrible weapon. Just imagining that possibility filled her with horror. Yet, that horror filled her with purposeful drive and ambition as well. Amy Stone had been with the...
It was a bright sunny morning; too sunny for me really, the light hurt my eyes. I'd left my shit-hole of a room the moment I could see straight. Hey, you probably remember how the song went. Well, I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt, and the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert. Then I fumbled in my closet to my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt and I washed my face and combed my hair, then stumbled down the stairs to...
The Night BeginsI was dressed as per his corset, short black skirt, fishnet stockings, stiletto heels and no underwear. I'd had to practice walking in the extremely high heels all week and I was still feeling wobbly. Even covered by a thigh length coat, I knew that I looked like a slut as I walked through the foyer to the hotel bar, I could see people looking at me and it was clear they were wondering if I was a hooker. Shame stirred in me and I thought about the things I...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
MILFHappenstance: A chance happening or event. A chance situation, especially one producing a good result. Fuck! I thought, when my mother, Jasmine, told me that we were now under a national lockdown because of a global pandemic. I guess I could understand as to the reason why; but in all honesty, the only thing that I was worried about, at that moment, was if this emergency was going to hinder me from getting laid once more.Okay, call me selfish, but listen; I'm a horny eighteen-year-old that just...
IncestShe was always a straight girl and never looked at anyone else apart from her boyfriend Rob. Louise always slapped him playfully or got his attention back by kissing him whenever I used to make comments about other girls. He always used to tell me how they did it where and when. I didn’t particularly want to know all of this but I didn’t refuse to have the knowledge. She was as loyal as a sheep dog and never had eyes for anyone else apart from Rob. Louise was about 4ft 10, very short for a...
Bob told me that his mate’s name was Dave and his wife was Jennifer and they were both in their forties. On the way to Dave’s, Bob asked me if I had wondered why he had asked me dress sexily. I told him I was slightly curious but as I needed the cash I wasn’t that bothered. He then shocked me by confessing that he had told Dave about our frequent fucking sessions and that Dave was keen to see what I looked like as Bob had spoke well of me. I was taken aback that Bob had told someone of us but...
Jennifer's Journey: Becoming the Perfect Wife - Part 1 By Jennifer Madison Introduction This isn't one of those stories where a husband gets tricked into wearing his wife's panties only to learn that it secretly excites him. There's no magic or sorcery either. This is the true story of discovery of who I really am and about the lovely woman who guided me on this journey. Was this journey entirely voluntary or was I coerced? Had I known where this...
Rod responded to my our email the following day to say that he was pleased we wanted to continue seeing him. He had enjoyed making Sue a BBC slut on Saturday, "yes, thats what I with it", and looked forward to the fun he would have with us. He wrote that cucking us would be a gradual process because in his experience rushing couples never worked and that he would be understanding and reasonable about the whole relationship. He said he would explain things as and when but everything...
Kassie was taken on a Tuesday morning. Coming out of the grocery store, she was unlocking her car when she was grabbed from behind, chloroformed, and pulled into a van, her shopping cart full of groceries abandoned. She woke up in a hospital bed with tubes up her ass, warm water blasting her colon clean. "What is going on?" she cried, but no one answered. The high colonic continued and she passed out again. The next time she woke she was in a different bed. Warm comforter, soft pillows. A voice...
FetishThe next morning I was up and ready by the time Megan came to pick me up. Andrea was already in the car and we were both dressed in running clothes. I was pretty calm, since honestly I was running this thing more out of support for Andrea than for myself, but she was keyed up. She started to go into our running strategy for the race, something we had gone over many times. I cut her off after about five minutes. "Andrea, it's ok. You can do this in your sleep, you're just nervous. You need...
During the summer of my fourteenth year, my mother and four of her friends rented a cottage up on Sylvan Beach, a small resort about a hundred and sixty miles from home. They were all bridge fanatics and their plan was to play as much bridge as they could, going at it day and night. Mom had hired a daughter of one of her bridge cronies to stay with me while our two moms went upstate. Myra was eighteen and had just graduated from high school. She drove over early the morning my Mom was...
CAST in this chapter: Annie Hightower—Heroine Arthur Harrison—neighboring rancher Bill Akers—cowboy friend of Jack Jack Highsmith—Annie's alias when posing as a man Jake Blade—murderer of Annie's father There was no question that Annie was surprised when that white stuff squirted from Bill's cock onto his chest and her back. It kept spurting, too, five shots before it finally petered out. But Bill was surprised, too. Sure, he had masturbated and fucked whores, but that was the first...
Oh god, here she comes again. I don’t think I can take much more of this.I used to be a treat… a naughty little 'get her in the mood' thing. Maybe once or twice a week, she’d open the dressing table drawer and run her fingers gently along my length. She’d hold me in one hand and lie on the bed, flicking my switch and as I buzzed into life, she’d slowly slide me along her slit. My tip would trace her folds and slowly begin to circle her clit.Sometimes, she’d push my head inside her, feeling...
HumorIn this story, I find myself immersed in a tumultuous world, shrouded under the shadow of a green hat. This sparks profound reflections on love, betrayal, and personal growth. Embarking on a journey to uncover genuine desires, I am compelled to reevaluate my values and confront pivotal twists of fate. At the intersection of morality and desire, I confront the challenge of seeking happiness. This narrative delves deep into my inner self, revealing how I bravely face the power of hidden truths...
Cuckoldby Fidget The audition: Cindy's story Cindy walked timidly into the room, her small hand shaking as she closed the door behind her. The room's layout was stereotypical, with a large wooden desk and camera on one side, and what was clearly a casting couch on the other. Cindy briefly wondered what sorts of acts had happened on that couch as she walked to the center of the room and faced the man in a sleazy-looking suit sitting behind the desk. James looked her up and down, quickly assessing...
I picked Millie and Molly up on Saturday and we took Molly over to Jill's. Millie told Jill that we would be back later that evening to pick up Molly. I know Millie told Jill for my benefit so that I would know she was going to play hard to get. Jill saw through it too and told Millie that if she changed her mind and wouldn't be home that night to give her a call. Jill looked at me and laughed. Finally Millie glanced my way and laughed also, knowing that she wasn't fooling anyone. We went...
I joined a gay dating site sometime ago put some nude sexy pics up showing my 5" thick uncut cock on plus my big bum bent over showing my all with my big balls on show as well was on line for a few days nothing happened then I got a message from a guy who was 65 same age as me I gave him a look he had a pic off his long thick prick on show my mouth watered with big floppy balls but he had a skinny ass he was nice looking then I read the message he sent me took back a bit he came straight out...
Hello all, I am Pallavi, 43 years old, settled in Mumbai. I am married with a kid. I wanted to post my story in this portal as I can’t share my story with near and dear ones. It’s about the missing essence of my sex life. I faced a lot of problems with my life. But now I forgot those problems, and I am living for my kid and mother. I am a working woman drawing a good salary to survive life in Mumbai city. Without wasting any time, I will start my story, which has multiple parts. I belong to a...
I'm usually not a nosy person. Really, I swear. Although I only turned eighteen last week I am starting college now, and I think I've already developed a pretty mature attitude about not judging people. I bet it comes from my theater background. My parents met while working together on a play. I've been around actors my whole life, so that's probably where I got my laid-back attitude. What people do in private is their own business, right? So why was I sneaking out in the middle of the...
All persons in this story are over the age of 18. This story is complete and utter fiction. But please read on for your personal enjoyment. I would also recommend that you read the previous three chapters, My Friend’s Daughter, My Friend’s Daughter Chapter 2 and My Friend’s Daughter Chapter 3, for a better understanding of the story. Also feedback and comments are encouraged and welcomed. Thank you for reading and for voting.My Friend’s DaughterChapter 4 If you haven’t read Chapters 1,2, and 3....
TabooA few months after I’d been to Jonathan’s Uncles Caravan I got a call from him. “You free this Saturday afternoon?” I answered that I could be he said “See you at the caravan at 2pm” “Ok”. As Saturday fast approached I must admit I was feeling quite horny I hadn’t had a good sex session for quite some time.I drove up to the Caravan and got there a little early, 1:45. As I parked up and got out to admire the view, it was a beautiful day and I could see for miles over the rolling hills, as I took...
We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...
AnalIt's been three days since my catching, being caught by, Sara masturbating. I've been avoiding her as much as possible since that night in our living room. Partly due to my shame, and also my feeling scared of what it is she will say if given the chance. Sara has tried numerous times since Friday night to speak to me when mom isn't around, but I always either ignore her or just cut her off, telling I don't want to talk. It's at around 10:40pm or so when I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I've...
Incest"Finally Friday," I mumbled to myself as I turned into my driveway. My job wasn't physically challenging, but it could certainly be stressful. As the owner of the largest law firm in Tennessee, I'd often work late into the evening and sometimes from home as well. Weeknights were generally consumed by paperwork. But completing my work during the week allows me to have free time during weekends. I am 40 years old and in rather good shape. Working behind a desk doesn't help much, but I...
His Majesty's deep recon ship, Whisper, was a state of the art, specialty constructed ship. It had a range that was unheard of for a ship of it's size. Although lightly armed and armored, it relied mostly on it's stealth capabilities. HMS Whisper had drawn the job of following the data trail that was taken from the captured alien ship. One way they maintained the ability to remain undetected, was despite their advanced stealth capabilities, they always exited from hyper farther out from...
Poor Sonia Lion’s got a man with the classic lazy lover syndrome, but this horny Milf is determined to get her man off anyways by giving him the best blowjob he’s ever had despite his game of hard to get and extreme sexual laziness. The big-lipped brunette will do anything to satisfy her love and try to get his attention while he sits there with his panties in a twist and completely disconnected from what his hot wife is trying to accomplish. The curvy assed Spanish Mamacita...
xmoviesforyouDoc "This has been waaaaay too easy!" I think to myself, as I unbuckle my belt. Pulling off my t-shirt, I gaze down at the delightful naked body now curled up on her side on the examining table with her legs pulled up under her. A light sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten. The look on her face is one of languid relaxation and total satisfaction. Such a pretty little thing. And her last orgasm was massive. I almost drowned in her juices. I kneel down to unbuckle my sandals and kick...
Laney Grey is dying to get out of her college dorm and just found the perfect apartment except that she can’t cover all the deposit- just yet anyway. Lauren Phillips says it’s her husband’s call to make and that her hands are tied when it comes to making financial arrangements for tenants. Laney in a desperate attempt to secure her dream apartment, soon starts rekindling the inner lesbian fire Lauren has suppressed for so many years. She’s slow and gentle with Lauren....
xmoviesforyou_I didn't see niche for this kind of topic so I'll let you know that it is mind control and humor. Thank you for reading_I'm a pretty impressive guy, 5 feet 10 inches tall, mocha skin color, big biceps and a six pack the ladies love. Were it all falls off is my pick up game, I suck at hitting on the girls. My one liner cliches are gut wrenching. "Hey baby want me to google your twitter?" seriously i'm probably the only man in extistance that has used that crap. So while i'm sitting at the bar...
This is true story.About 18 months ago I pick up this BBW woman on the dating site took us few weeks to meet due to she lives in London & I live in Staffordshire & each time one was working but we got together for few days in the end.When we got into our room just after 12 noon in less than 30 minutes we each took other person clothes off & went for a shower together & we play with each other & washed. After we got out dry our self-off we went on the bed facing each other...
My wife complained that her pussy was very itchy. It was getting so bad that she was very uncomfortable. We decided to go see a gynecologist. We had just moved in to this small town and my wife didn’t have any idea about who to go to. When I called one of my friends he recommended the name of his friend who was a gynec in the government day-hospital. It was rather unusual as in the country side small towns in India, usually females prefer to go to female gynecs. But since that was our...
The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 9 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...
Dear Ben,I hope you don't mind if I write to you. I really enjoyed our little "contest" the other day. As I said, I admire your self-control - so rare in so young a man. I had fun putting it to the test!The reason I'm writing is to ask you a favor. I was telling an old friend about our experience. Her name is Bonnie, and we've known each other a long time. In fact, we were roommates in college almost twenty years ago.Bonnie has a problem. She married a fine man - actually, Jerry was her...
Chapter 3 I must've slept for an hour or so, and when I woke, the first thing I saw was Susan. She was only wearing her bra and panties. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips. I reached up and cupped her breasts through her bra, and kissed her gently. "When will your husband the back." I said. "He still in Kentucky, I spoke to him just before I got here. I could be with you until around nine o'clock tonight. I have to have time to get home, and shower, before he gets home....
By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 The flight back to LA was uneventful. We flew to Reno dropping off Roger Johnson, to coordinate things between the Pinetree and local law enforcement. From there, we flew back to LA. Jill reminded me that we had dinner plans with John’s Mother, Jennifer. I had John call his Mother for me. “Hey Mom! Guess where I’m calling you from.... Nope……Nope, wrong again…. I’m calling you from Mr. Greene’s private jet. Mr. Greene would like to talk with you...
The three by five card read: Articles of Incorporation For The Fuller Group. “Explain this please,” I said. Mitzi took the folder and summarized as she pointed out different potions of it. “Because you own controlling interest in J&L, you can make unilateral decisions about how we are structured and organized. So what I’m proposing is within your authority. Basically, I propose we reincorporate in a manner that all of our assets are property of the corporation instead of property of...
I brought the car to a standstill, dowsed the lights and waited. I checked the timetable. Sure enough on Monday night the express should be here at 10:10pm. I checked my watch. In less than five minutes the final stage of my plan would come to fruition. Five minutes to wait. Five minutes to go over everything. This was the culmination of a week of planning but the story started over a year before. The first time I thought little of it. When you've been married for twenty two years you...
Laura moped around throughout the weekend, unable to forget that she and Jonelle could have been gloriously and exhaustively fucking in the absence of Jonelle's little boy, if only Jonelle had been able to give in to it. She couldn't get rid of her feelings, which were deeper for Jonelle than for anyone since Rina. God, I love her, she thought. I can't stand it without her. But she had to. Monday at work she ran into Yvette in the bathroom. They were alone. Yvette's eyes...
Next morning Skye spent a couple of hours flicking through the rejected manuscript titled ‘Zina Mace Finds Love’ to decide how to get it reinstated for possible publication. Her conclusion was her editors had done a damn good job in rejecting it. It was pathetic. She sighed and stared the wad of paper. Where to start? To start anew would delay the request to front up with a revised manuscript by months rather than weeks. She sympathized with the publisher wishing to hit the market with a...
I had been waiting nervously for hours waiting for you to come home unsure to your reaction as to what I was about to do. Finally I heard you coming up the walk and I thought here goes nothing. I hear your key turning in the lock and you open the door to find me standing there in nothing more then some knee high black stripper boots,thigh high fishnet stockings, black lacey panties with a black and soft pink corset top. Your jaw drops when you walk in the door not expecting to see me this way....
I had just turned 21 a few weeks ago when it all began, my brother, not long turned 20. We both had jobs and had moved out of home and into a fairly nice 2 bedroom apartment thanks to a little bit of help from our parents, but it was mostly us. We had been living together for a couple of months and had settled into a routine finally finding our feet with living together, just the two of us. We had always gotten along, Adam and I, we very rarely fought with each other or even argued really but...
GayIt was a good day. I had fun at my sister's wedding. Talked to a lot of people, food was good & the girls were too good. After all the rituals we all went at my sister's home and then it was time for her to go to her new home. After one hour everyone was chilling. It was already 3 at night, so most of the relatives decided to stay here till its morning, my family was one of them. As i went inside the house i saw that some people were saddened that a girl from their home had to leave her...
Martha had called me on the Friday. She had told me that they would pick me up at 5am instead. It seemed that her husband wanted to make sure that we were on the road before the usual holiday traffic would start. He didn't want to get stuck in a traffic-jam. So, I went early to bed the evening before and set my alarm clock for 4:30am. That would give me enough time to freshen up before they would arrive. And when it went off, it was way too early for me. So, I did the only thing I could...