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The storm door banged. She was home and I bet she was already investigating the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. I was just finished the first chapter of my next book. I chuckled to myself when I felt her hands on my shoulders and the kiss on the back of my neck.

"Oh, you're off to a good start, Baby!" She purred in my ear.

My arm slipped around her waist as I turned.

"First chapter all done my love. Only twenty five more to go,"

"Well if it does as well as the last book, are you still going to take me on that vacation you promised?"

"Of course I will, my reason for living. Anywhere you want to go,"

I swiveled my chair around and she set in my lap. I nuzzled her closest breast through the material on her blouse. My reward was a soft sigh and she bent down and kissed me.

"Even if I want to go to Taiwan, Baby?"

I leaned back to better see her face.

"You ready for that Sweetie?" I thought to myself.

"Dr. Glover just gave me her official okey-dokey and I am so ready for this,"

I smiled, nodding my head, I knew this was a big deal.

"We can go whenever you get it scheduled Baby. I can write on the go," I said smiling and nodding my head, affirming I knew how important this was to her, "Besides... I always wanted to go on vacation with a beautiful girl in a tropical setting."

"I don't think it'll be much of a vacation," She pouted so I kissed her again.

"I don't need a vacation, my Sweet. You're all I need to be happy,"

"Aww," Tears formed in the eyes of the most beautiful face in the world as we held each other close.

This all started innocently enough. That is why it is so strange for me to look back, and then see where it all ended up. Two years ago, if you were to ask me if such a thing could happen I might have told you to go fuck yourself. As it is, I count myself very lucky for the day she walked into my life. I am trying to write this down, so that years from now, the facts will be clearer than a possibly failing memory. So how did it all start, you ask?

Well, it's a long story, I'll try to go slowly...


It was a sunny yet cool day, unusual for the end of summer in Michigan, and I was walking across the MI State campus around lunchtime. I was headed to the cafeteria when suddenly a Frisbee flashed by my head. Unfortunately, it smacked the person coming down the walk behind me. Hands flew up, books went flying and the Frisbee's victim went sprawling all over the grass.

At first, I thought it was a girl. The ash blonde ponytail and androgynous clothing fooled me. I offered my hand and I helped the figure up. He was slightly shorter than my 6-foot frame and less stocky than me by far. He looked a little discombobulated as I pulled him to his feet easily.

"You okay Chief?" I bent down to pick up some of the dropped books and a guy and gal ran up.

"Sorry about that, guys!" The two apologized and retrieved their arrant toy.

I handed his books to him and he looked less than pleased.

"Story of my life," he mumbled.

"Hi... my name's Rick, on your way to the cafeteria?"

He merely took his books from me and walked away. I shook my head and continued on to chow. Minutes later, I sat my tray down at a vacant table and dove into the BLT I'd just bought.

"Sorry for being rude... and thanks for your help," it was said so quietly I nearly didn't hear him.

I looked up and there stood the k** that had just been bowled over outside by the errant Frisbee He had obviously just picked up a tray of food as well.

"Guess I'm just having a tough week... I'm Michael,"


"Have a seat Mikey," I nodded to an empty chair next to me.

"It's Michael," he said, giving me a slightly annoyed look while setting his tray down.

"Sorry... Michael," I said and stored that away for future reference, "When did you start at MSU?"

Michael explained that he was from Ohio and had been here all summer. He was just about to start this semester, combining a business degree with theater. I thought that was a bit odd, but to each his own. He also went on to say that his roommate was about to toss him out, in favor of an old friend that had shown up out of the blue. Michael admitted he was having a Hell of a time finding other arrangements on such short notice. Most of them wanted first and last month's rent, but money was tight. He didn't seem like a bad guy, he even had an Ohio Comic Con flyer pasted onto his books.

"Are you going?" I tapped the advertisement, confusing him for a moment.

"Oh... I want to go to that so bad... but it appears finding a new place to live will probably eat up all my savings and won't be able to," he said with a resigned sigh.

"So what titles do you like to read, Michael?"

"Justice League, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, mostly DC," he said as his eyes lit up.

"Michael," I chuckled, "have I got a room for you!"

I was renting a small condo apartment in East Lansing, not too far from the Curious Book Shop, and I had an extra single bedroom that was unoccupied. I even helped Michael move in at the end of that week and became friends almost instantly. He even talked me into going with him to the Ohio Comic Con. I teased him a bit, but truth be known, I had wanted to go anyway.

That Saturday morning I knocked on his door... it was open, but I barged right in before he had a chance to give me any kind of an okay. He was holding a syringe and injecting himself in the leg. Michael twisted his head around in shock, looking a bit embarrassed, but seemed to recover his wits quickly.

"Oh um... its Vitamin B. The doctor said it might help, as I've felt a bit run down lately,"

"Then stay out of traffic," I quipped.

Michael looked at me and nearly giggled at my bad joke... as he almost always did. It was a very endearing trait and I felt we were becoming close friends.

"Still wanna go to Comic Con?" he asked.

"Does Lindsey Lohan need rehab? Of course I do," I grinned.

"You gonna Cos Play? Who do you think you'll be going as?" he laughed.

"Yeah, thought I'd try it once, but as for who... I dunno. Batman... or Green Arrow maybe." I answered tentatively.

"How about Batman? I had an idea of going as one of his rogue's gallery?"

"Sounds like a plan," I shot back.

Michael and I really got along, having such similar tastes and interests. And I trusted him for some strange reason. It was unusual for me to trust someone so early in a friendship.


Weeks passed and the time came for the Comic Con. We drove down from Lansing the night before, first checking into our motel and then we went out to dinner. I had already purchased my Batman costume, but Michael was keeping his under wraps. I didn't really push it, but I was hoping for the Joker or maybe Two Face cause he didn't have the physique for Penguin. Oh well, in any case I would find out tomorrow.

In the morning, we indulged in the free breakfast buffet. We headed back upstairs and I pulled the Batman costume on. Michael seemed to be in no hurry, in fact, he just lay on the bed watching TV. When I asked him, he said he wouldn't put his costume on until I left for the civic center location, across the street.

Oh, what the hell I thought... he must have put a lot of effort into his costume and wanted to really surprise me. I gave him his privacy and walked down the block to the Con. Damn, some of the costumes were fantastic. There was a contest for the best homemade costume, which eliminated me, but it didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it! Some of the women's costumes were okay, while a few were smoking hot. Because I was dressed as Batman, and I did look pretty decent, several 'villains', including several dressed as Cat Women posed with me for pictures. I kept looking for Michael, but seeing as I didn't know which character he was dressed as, it looked like he would have to come to me.

One Cat woman was a little plus sized and she seemed very interested in replaying a scene where Batman and Cat Woman kissed. I have to admit... boy, could she kiss. Then suddenly it was like an avalanche. Cat Women were lined up, waiting their turn. I got more tongue that day than a dentist. Some of them were the Julie Newmar type Cat woman. A couple were from Dark Knight Rises, and one of them from the new comic version with goggles, was last in line. She had a real nice figure and her kiss made me forget the rest of them. She smelled so great. I wanted her phone number, but she was probably a local.


"I'm Mickie," she offered. She was well packed in her tight costume and very evenly distributed, if you know what I mean. Her top half was a little smaller than some of the other Cat Women, but her ass more than made up for it. The only exposed skin was her face, which was very beautiful.

"Hi Mickie. I'm Batman," I said in a gruff, Christian Bale voice, "Actually I'm Rick."

I asked her if she liked the Convention. Mickie smiled back at me and said that she had been here before. I said it was my first time. We talked about some of the exhibits and some of the more outrageous costumes. Mickie had a great smile and was quite a little flirt. I was beginning to really enjoy her company so I offered to buy her lunch. She said that she had eaten too much breakfast, but would like to go get a diet soda. I discovered that we were close to the same age and that she had been reading comics since she was just about old enough to read. I pulled off my cowl... because frankly it was getting warm. I thought that Mickie might do the same thing. I really wanted to see what color hair she had. Unfortunately, she kept her headwear on. She finally did admit that she was from Ohio but lived in Michigan so I was really hopping I would get her number. We talked for about an hour, but it was mostly small talk. Nothing much was forthcoming in the way of information about her. Suddenly she glanced up at a nearby clock.

"I have to go Rick. People are expecting me."

"Could I get your number Mickie?"

"I am sure we'll bump into each other again soon," she said smiling up to me, "...handsome."

She started to walk away, then stopped and returned.

"I hope you don't mind Rick,"

Mickie slipped into my arms and we kissed. This one was not nearly as chaste as the first one. Her tongue brushed my lips and soon we were French kissing with a vengeance. Just as quick she left, her eyes showed an almost apologetic glance back my way. With forcible effort, I broke the spell she put me under. I pulled out my cell phone to ring Michael, trying to locate him. Funny thing, I could have swore that I saw the beautiful, retreating ass, of Mickie jump when the phone finally rang. She then quickly vanished and Michael still wasn't answering and I was starting to get worried about him. I browsed through the activities pamphlet I picked up earlier and made another attempt to call him.

Finally, I thought 'to hell with it' and headed back down the street to the hotel. I had to make sure he was okay. I got off the elevator on our floor and I saw a figure slip into our room. I was walking through a patch of sunlight reflecting off of a window that partially blinded me, but I would have sworn it was Mickie, still in costume. I had my card in my hand and slipped it into the slot but the door was chained.

"Michael? It's me... c'mon... open up," I knocked on the door, somewhat annoyed now.

"Stay out Rick. I need y-y-you to s-s-stay out." He sounded scared, nearly in tears.

"Michael. Open the door, please. It's okay buddy. Nothings gonna happen."

I heard the chain rattle and unlatch. The door swung open and standing there in front of me was Mickie, still in her Cat Woman costume, tears streaming down her face. My jaw dropped at least a couple floors.

Mickie was, in reality, Michael. He backed away slowly... fearful of my reaction I suppose. This snapped me back into reality.

"It's okay Michael," I said quietly.

He turned away from me and began really sobbing now. I felt shitty, like I was the cause. He flinched when I touched his shoulder.

"Michael... please... it's okay."

When he realized I wasn't going to hurt him, he turned around and suddenly grabbed hold of my shoulders, burrowing his... well, I suppose, her... or their head... in my armpit. I was surprised that none of this was really bothering me at all. I let him... um... her... oh hell this was confusing... them cry on my shoulder for a bit. I patted his back and tried to reassure him. My problem was that he still looked, felt and smelled like Mickie... very definite HER. After a few minutes, we both sat down on the bed.

"I am sorry R-Rick. I w-wasn't trying to fool you. When I saw all those girls lined up to kiss you, I just wondered what it would be like,"

Michael reached up and pulled the cowl and goggles back from the costume. The wealth of ash blonde hair that spilled out onto the shoulders of the cat woman costume did nothing to distract the look of femininity I saw before me.

Michael then proceeded to spill his guts. That day I had seen him give himself an injection, it had been female hormones, not vitamin B, in the syringe. He had been taking them for the last year. That is why Michael's roommate had kicked him out of his last apartment. Michael had told his roommate about his beginning the Male to Female transition process and was surprised when he turned out very Homophobic.

"That's when you found me Rick. If you hadn't taken me in, I don't know where I would have lived,"

Michael's gaze now dropped down to the floor.

"I have always felt that I was a girl in a boy's body... for as long as I can remember."

He paused for a beat... and then sighed heavily.

"Don't worry. I will pack all my stuff up when we get home."

"Why would you do that, Michael?"

"You," he stuttered and looked up at me incredulously, "Y-you're going to want me out, aren't you?"

"You want me to have to break in a new roommate? Why would I want to replace someone that lets me read all their comics?"

"You want me to stay?" he asked, his smile finally lit up the whole room, while sniffing back even more tears.

"Didn't I just say that? But under one condition," I shot back, "Only if you feel comfortable enough to continue with your change... er... transition."

"Thank you Rick," as the waterworks started again, "thank you so much!"

I suddenly found myself the recipient of another huge bear hug.

"So these hormones you're taking... do they make you a bit more emotional?"

Michael now backed off a bit.

"So you noticed," he sniffed, smiling as he released me, "Rick? Would it feel weird to you if I went full time as a girl?"

"Um... go for it Michael. I will always support you... as a friend."

"In that case... it's Michelle now Rick."

"Okay Michelle... just don't get upset if I slip up on your name or pronouns occasionally Okay?"

He... I mean SHE... just smiled back at me.


We were back home by the end of the weekend and 'Mickie' started being female full time by throwing out her male-non androgynous clothing. I never realized that the curves she showed in the costume were hers. Most of what I had seen her wear as Michael were baggy or covered her body changes up. This came to a screeching halt after I took her to a Goodwill store and she shopped till we both dropped. I kicked in a few bucks and Mickie walked away with about two weeks worth of decent wardrobe for a song. Her taste fell halfway between conservative and sluttish, so she really looked pretty good.

Things went well for the next several weeks. We had a pretty good fall, grades, jobs... everything really. People took her transition rather well, considering that she was sort androgynous to begin with. I also hadn't realized that Mickie had progressed as much as she had due to the hormone regime. Her new wardrobe showed off more of her charms than I had previously thought. The fact was, Mickie was getting hot... very hot. I tried to not to notice. But she seemed to be filling out a bit more in the hips, face and bust. This must have caused her to walk differently as well, because she sure didn't walk like a guy. And her lips seemed fuller, quite kissable. My thoughts drifted back to the comic con, with her in my arms... God, I am going to Hell.

One night Mickie pulled her Kia into the drive. She had been out with friends and was home sooner than expected. Normally she was quick to get inside due to the winter chill. This time she was in slow motion. When she finally opened the front door, her movements clearly showed she was in pain.

"You Okay Mickie?" She nodded, but continued to her room and shut her door. But even through the closed door, I heard her moan. I knocked softly a couple times...

"Mickie, talk to me please. What's wrong?" I asked as I heard her crying to herself.

The door was unlocked as I finally could no longer stand the sound of her crying and let myself in. She was lying on the bed stomach down.

"Mickie, what's wrong?" I repeated.

She flinched as she slowly pulled her jeans down. Her panties were spotted with blood. She looked seriously injured.

"Rick... I need you to..." Mickie whimpered, before her pain forced her to suck air through her teeth.

My anger was rising... and quickly. Somebody had hurt her terribly, I thought I knew why.

"Who did this to you?" I snarled, all I wanted was a name.

She now pealed back her panties exposing the right cheek of her ass.

"It was self-inflicted Rick," She moaned.

On her backside was a freshly tattooed red rose. Partially bleeding, it was slightly swollen and tender.

"Crap!" My anger melted... and I chuckled before I said, "So how much have you had to drink tonight?"

"Don't laugh at me Rick!" She whined, "Not enough, cause this is really starting to hurt."

"Considering that you went out with Monica and Hayden," I laughed, "I was wondering if any of you were going to even make it home alive. But it looks like you certainly 'rose' to the occasion."

"Ow! Not funny buster!" Mickie winced, "Do something! This really stings."

I gave her some Motrin and grabbed a tube of antibiotic ointment from the medicine cabinet.

"Here Mickie," I held it out to her.

"You're going to have to put it on Rick. Please?" I just sighed.

I was hesitant until she pleaded with me again. I do have to say that her ass was quite fine. A week later Mickie was back to her old self.

Actually she never had an 'old self', cause what was left of Michael was rapidly vanishing. All the traits that she had, that were even boarder line male, totally disappeared. Mickie began to wear makeup and had her hair styled and bleached a bit. I began seeing her undies and pantyhose drying on the shower curtain rod, in the bathroom. Sometimes she would walk out into the living room only in her underwear. This was starting to get very disconcerting for me as she was developing quite a 'rack'. My sleep was also being affected. Some nights I would lay there, waiting hours for sleep to claim me. It bothered me how attracted I was to her. I guess I was getting short tempered because of my sleepless nights. I was folding laundry one day and Mickie asked me a question that she already knew the answer to and I snapped a bit.

"Look Mickie Kinda busy here... see," I held up the article of clothing I was folding.

"Well, when you get done playing with my panties, could you please peel some potatoes? I want to start dinner,"

I looked at what I had in my hands and felt the heat of embarrassment on my face. Mickie started giggling contagiously and soon she had me laughing as well.

On the news, we saw a report where a transsexual woman was beaten to death in New York City. I could tell it hit close to home when Mickey screamed out in her sleep that night. The moment I was in her room, she melted in my arms crying. I held her for the longest time but she wouldn't let go. I laid her down gently and stayed with her till she fell asleep. The moment I moved, she was awake again. I bit the bullet and slipped under the covers. She was out in no time. I soon followed.

The next day college broke for Christmas vacation and she packed for two weeks at home. It was then when she got the bad news. Her Mom was supposed to have furlough from the Air force, but her plans got changed at the last moment and she was off to Korea. Mickie was an only c***d and her Dad was never took any real interest in her life. The two of them would have a video conference twice a week and her Mom was well aware of her transition and approved. She just couldn't get away. Mickie was devastated, and I was about ready to head home for Midland, but I couldn't leave Mickie. I called my parents and tried to beg off, but Mom offered a counter proposal. After I packed my stuff in my car, I grabbed her stuff, which she already had packed. Mickie came out of the bathroom as I was lugging her stuff out to my old Blazer.

"What's going on Rick?" I could tell she had been crying, but I continued out the door.

"Grab your coat girly, girl. You're coming home with me for Christmas."

"We can't do that Rick. Your parents don't... well... they don't know about me."

Her suitcase fit in the back seat of my blazer.

"My Mom told me not to come home unless I brought you. So... you have to come now."

Mickie brightened right up. After a bit, the apartment was locked up and we were on our way. We grabbed some fast food and started our trek northward.

"What made your Mom invite me for Christmas?"

"I told her that you were forced to spend Christmas alone."

"But she doesn't know me."

"Well, she wants to."

"Why does she want to know me?" her brow wrinkled as she asked.

"Well... I... I sort of said you were... well, that you were my girlfriend. So I guess that we will have to act the part for the next week."

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the stunned look on Mickie's face.


After we arrived home, my parents and older brother simply fell in love with Mickie. My Mom and her became almost inseparable. The two of them talked and worked together preparing dinner every night and after dinner Mom cornered me and suggested that since Mickie was my girlfriend that I should try and be a little more romantic than I had been lately.


Then matters got worse. My Aunt and Uncle surprised us by showing up after dinner and this complicated the sleeping situation. They were to take the room that Mickie was going to use. I was sitting on the sofa when she stunned me by sliding into my lap. She kissed my cheek. My parents, brother and aunt were in the living room as well so couldn't fuss.

"Looks like you and I get to bunk together Baby." Mickie gave me a saucy smile.

"It's Okay Rick," My Mom intoned, "Mickie told me that you share a bed down in Lansing. I mean, we are all adults here. We understand. Just be discrete dear."

Great, as if things weren't bad enough that Mickie and I were going to have to sleep together, but my own Mom was giving us permission to quietly fuck. A few hours later, I was stripping for bed and I put on some sleep shorts and crawled into my old double bed. I was just about to fall asleep when Mickie got in. The hardwood floor was a little cool and since she had just showered, she was shivering. Mickie backed her ass up to me under the covers and pulled my arm around her.

"You are so warm and cozy, Baby," she said, and she even had the nerve to giggle.

"Having fun?" I deadpanned.

"Your Mom and Dad both told me they thought it was great that you had a nice girl friend. But... seriously, I love your parents Rick. And your Dad is so cool, I wish my Dad had stuck around."

"Thank you Mickie, that was nice of you to say," it seemed like I was upset about nothing.

"You're welcome. Now could you do me a favor? Could you give me a little more room? You're hogging the bed."


I quickly slid back and Mickie, who had been leaning against me, rolled over and suddenly we were face to face. My problem was that slowly over the weeks since she went full time, she was seriously getting... well... hot. I also remembered how well she could kiss from that day at Comic Con down in Ohio.

"Mickie... I..."

"Goodnight, Rick." She whispered, and kissed me on the cheek as she snuggled down. And within moments, she was asleep. Right now, I want to stop and state that I have never had any sexual attraction to guys. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just happen to like girls. Yeah I know... Mickie is a guy, or used to be, but there is absolutely nothing about her that says male now. In fact, she is about as non-male as you can get. In the moonlight, I could see her face as she slept so peacefully. Most people look like extras from The Walking Dead as they snooze. Not Mickie... with her angelic face and kissable bow lips, this close... well, I had a feeling this might be a long night.



I must have finally fallen asleep, because the next thing I heard was someone whispering.

"Mickie. Mickie honey,"

Damn, was that my Mom's voice? The form against me stirred and I saw the door was open a crack. Neither one of us had moved out of position since last night.

"Be right there Carol." Mickie said as she got out of the bed.

Suddenly I missed the heat of her body.

"I told your Mom that I would help her with breakfast," She said.

Mickie slipped her robe on, kissed my forehead and headed for the kitchen. I lay there for a bit before I realized how odd that was for her to do that. I slipped a T-shirt on and headed for the bathroom. My brother was just coming out. He had a smirk on his face.

"So did you get some little brother?"

"Ted, God! Keep it down!" I bet I was beet red.

"Just yankin' your chain Ricky. Actually I am proud of you little b*o. Mickie is a doll and really nice too. I'm almost jealous."

By the time I hit the kitchen I could smell coffee brewing. Mickie met me with a steaming mug, just the way I liked it. She hugged me and sat down at the table. After everyone had come down, I sat across from her during breakfast. I took a good look at Mickie. She was beautiful and when she caught me smiling at her, she puckered her lips in a silent kiss and winked. That is the way the rest of the day went. Mickie was getting so tight with my family, I almost felt like an outsider. Even my Dad got into the act. He went for a walk in the evening air and asked Mickie if she wanted to go. I watched them through the picture window. Dad stuck his arm out and Mickie wrapped hers in his. Mom came up behind me and took my arm as she leaned against me.

"Thanks for sharing Mickie with us. She is so sweet, even your brother is acting nicer,"

"She does seem to be a charmer, Mom. She looks like she has Dad wrapped around her finger too,"

"So what you going to get her for Christmas?"

I froze. I have to admit, I hadn't even thought of getting her anything. Mickie went shopping with Mom and Aunt Sally, earlier that day.

"I caught her looking at a necklace at Kohl's today," she said, "I really think she would like it."

That night Mickie beat me to bed. She slid next to me as I got in.

"You've been busy today young Lady,"


"Yes, busy. It seems like you have assimilated my entire family. They have all fallen in love with you. Even my brother."

"All part of my master plan baby," Mickie smiled back saucily.

"Your master plan?" I asked completely puzzled.

"First you... and then your family."

"One small mistake grasshopper," I corrected, "You don't have me."

"I don't huh?" she replied coyly. God she was a doll, "You do realize that we are sleeping together for a third night straight, right?"

Well, I had to admit she had me there, but what was she expecting from that?

"What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing Rick. Just listen," she said as she settled down in the crook of my arm and for the life of me, it felt so natural, "I told you before that I liked guys. That's part of the reason for my transition. Well that and the fact that I love the clothes and the makeup and... it's just that I didn't feel real as a guy. I never have. I love my life now. That day at the convention when we kissed and you held me, vindicated everything that I felt. I know, in my heart, I'm on the right path, but that kiss made me realize how much that I care for you. I might have been born a guy but this heart of mine has always been female."

For some reason I was still having trouble wrapping my mind around this.

"What are you trying to say, Mickie?"

"It's easy... I like you and you like me. You're a boy and I'm a girl... simple, isn't it?"

"But I... I,"

"Shhhh," Mickie put her finger on my lips, "we both know I had you when we kissed at Comic Con."

This was getting way out of hand, but I couldn't or didn't want to do anything about it. I sort of felt like a NASCAR driver who just discovered his brakes had failed, but didn't really mind.

"But I..."

Her kiss cut off my response and my doubts vanished as I put my arms around her, and pulled her close. Her tongue brushed my lips and snaked its way into my mouth. Mickie was so hot in my arms. She was right. She had me at the first kiss. I didn't care who she used to be. Mickie rolled on top and rubbed my expanding dick against her thigh. She giggled and sank her tongue back into my mouth. My hands reached down and kneaded the globes of her ass. She moaned around my tongue and it was so hot. She licked my cheek and flicked her tongue in my ear.

"You told your parents that I was your girlfriend. Now you don't have to lie," She whispered, "I'm going to be so good to you baby."

Mickie ground herself on my erection some more and slipped her hand down under the waistband of my sleep shorts. She seemed very pleased at what she found.

"Fuck, I am turning you on! Care to introduce us baby?" Mickie asked.

Now she slid her body down until her face was nuzzled against my crotch. I was so hard. She kissed my navel and worked her way down. I watched as her tongue flicked out and grazed the head of my covered erection.


I sucked air through my teeth. Her hand slid up the leg opening of my shorts. Her fingers encircled my cock and she stroked me. Beautiful eyes gazed up into mine and a smile graced Mickie's features when she saw me watching her with rapt attention. Her hands tugged on my briefs and gave them a toss. Mickie's eyes grew wide as she stroked my full erection. I admit that I am average, but my bedmate's reaction seemed to show amazement. Then she leaned close and flicked her tongue across it, for a taste. Her slight trepidation was soon replaced by intense pleasure as she swallowed me whole. Mouth and tongue worked me over good. She pulled me out of her mouth.

"I love your cock baby," she said, dragging me across her face, "I never even guessed that it would be so erotic and taste so good. I think all the porn I watched is going to pay off baby."

She swallowed me again. I watched as she lost herself in her task. This beautiful lady made oral love to me. In the dim light of the nightstand light, I watched her eyes sparkle, just knowing she was giving me pleasure. Her cheeks hollowed out a bit every time she took me deep into her throat. She pulled me out of her mouth again, stroking to keep up the rhythm.

"I want you to cum for me baby," She whispered, "cum in my mouth."

I didn't want her to feel that she had to do it to please me.

"Please cum in my mouth, baby."

But this was so erotic that I couldn't help myself. Mickie managed to stuff my cock back in her mouth in time. I shot off with the biggest orgasm I have ever felt. Her eyes widened as it pumped into her mouth. After it was over, she turned her back, choking a bit before she finally spoke.

"Sorry Baby. I didn't know there would be so much," I shook my head, "What possessed you to do that Mickie?"

It came out a little harsher than I meant. She turned away, tears running down her cheeks.

"You didn't like it. I'm sorry."

She was sobbing again, I really hated these hormones! I put my hand on Mickie's shoulder and then pulled her in close to hug her. This only made her cry more. I kissed the top of her head.

"Mickie, honey? I loved it... I just didn't expect it."

She now turned into me and let me console her. I took in her scent and just held her. She finally lifted her head and through teary eyes, looked into mine.

"You called me honey... you... you really liked it? Oh Rick, I've wanted to do it for you since..." she dropped her gaze. "I just didn't think that I would be any good."

"Believe me Mickie, it was fantastic. I... that is... what can I do for you?"

She almost jumped straight out of her skin.

"No, Rick," She replied, "Please! I... I'm... not ready, I don't want you to. I'd rather you wouldn't even see that part of me. I want the operation."

"Whatever you want Mickie," I sighed, "God, you're such a girl. How did I not see what was going on with you?"

"Sometimes men don't see a good thing when it's right in front of them!" she replied brightly.

We both now laid back with Mickie snuggled up to me.

"Just hold me baby. I want you to hold me."

I lay there for the longest time while Mickie slept. I cared about her so much, but if I traveled down that road, it would be a one-way trip. What would my parents or... oh shit, my brother say? I don't have many friends, but I am hoping they would understand. Sometimes I didn't even understand. Mickie hit me like a ton of bricks and yet she fits into my life like an exotic puzzle piece. Everywhere I turn, she is filling in the voids in my heart. It's like I have been waiting for her, all of my life.


When we opened our presents, Mickie's eyes lit up. She threw her arms around my neck and clung to me. I bought the necklace that my Mom told me about and I was very pleased at the reaction. I looked into her eyes and couldn't resist kissing her. This was the first time we had kissed in public and my big brother responded with an approving cat call. I caught my Dad smirking out of the corner of my eye and my Mom rattled something off about young love. With Mickie in my arms, I felt like I had the world by the tail.

The rest of the week flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go back down to Lansing. After a tearful farewell we arrived back home. Things were going to be so different for the two of us now. We talked on the way home and decided that we both wanted this relationship. At least we were going to try. Mickie moved into my bedroom and we were happy. But still I felt guilty that I was the only one getting sexual satisfaction.

One night I came home from work and I caught the aroma of perfume as I entered the door. I called out and I heard her voice calling me to the bedroom. Mickie was under the covers watching a porn movie. She gave me a very sexy smile, her eyes half closed, almost euphoric looking. Moving to the bed, I gave her a deep kiss. She pulled back the covers, her body naked. Seems she had recently made a purchase from a local bookstore that I was unaware of. I heard the hum of her toy as she slid it in and out of her ass. I just about jumped out of my clothes and slid next to her. I kissed her again and nibbled on her neck.

"I found a way f-f-for us to be together b-baby," she stuttered, "d-don't be jealous, it's just s-s-saving a place for you."

My mouth dried up at the site before me. My lips found the nipple of her closest breast and she arched her back as my tongue teased her. Her breasts were all natural and getting fuller, with large areolas. They were so tasty and her moans were so lusty. I moved up to her mouth and her kiss was sizzling. My lips worked their way down to the nape of Mickie's neck as her toy continued to buzz.

"What would you like for me to do Baby?" I teased.

"Dammit, Rick. I need you to fuck me, NOW!" Mickie almost yelled.

"Your wish is my command M'lady."

She guided me above her and then reached between her legs. I could hear the soft sucking of her toy being pulled from her beautiful ass. Mickie's eyes grew wide as it popped out and thumped on the floor beside the bed. Her mouth sought mine. I raised her legs slightly and her hands pulled me down into her. She was slick and warm. It felt so heavenly to be this close and this intimate with this beautiful woman.

"Yes, Baby. You are inside me and it feels so wonderful,"

I began easy soft strokes and because she was so aroused, it wasn't long before she came. I orgasmed shortly after her. I orgasmed shortly after her. We were both concentrating, peering deep into each others eyes as we came. I held myself there till my erection softened and slowly withdrew. Tears traced down her cheeks from emotions that had been pent up way too long. I lay next to her as she sobbed in my arms. I was so astounded on how erotic and beautiful the moment was. Tears pooled in the corners of my own eyes. I could think of no other place I wanted to be, but entwined with this beautiful woman. What ever doubts I may have had about her, vanished like frost in the late morning. I didn't have to tell her how wonderful it was, nor her me. We could each see the emotions in the other's eyes as we clung to one another. After a little while and many kisses she smiled.

"You know I love you, don't you baby?"

"I know Mickie," I responded, "And you know I love you too."

She just smiled and nodded in reply.

"So what do you want to do now baby?"

"I was thinking... I want to try doggie style!" Mickie smiled saucily.

I barked as a response and we both laughed.

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90210 Val Kelly Ch 1

Kelly’s Sappho Weekend – Yet another Beverly Hills 90210 story Warning – This story contains adult content, such as sex between two young women, (in their early twenties). Thus the F/F+. Oral, Anal and good old fashioned sex the way only women can have it. This story does not contain sex between men and women! (Lets face it, most men don’t care to read about that anyway). By the way, this story is somewhat long & does contain a bit of a plot, so don’t expect to get to the sex right away!!! ...

3 years ago
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To My Little Sib Who I am

It was Kay’s idea for me to write this and what she is going to do with it, I am not certain. She calls me a “perv” and her “personal sicko” but even though she has every opportunity right now to go someplace else, she does not. She likes it. And what is more, I know she likes it!! Kay and I share the same gene pool, but that is about all that we share. I was a geeky 12 year old boy when Mom told Dad, “Oops” and we soon became a family of four. I am a lot like Dad. He was a research...

3 years ago
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5 November 2007Chapter 2

Dan parked in their driveway and noticed a different car behind Wendy’s. He entered the front door, receiving his usual excited greeting from Sarg. He smiled, seeing his two loves, Karen and Wendy, seated at the dining room table. Sitting on his usual chair was a blonde-haired woman wearing a white blouse and brown skirt. Dan walked to his two wives and kissed each one on the lips, not missing the opportunity to view their display of deep cleavage. He glanced at the woman smiling...

4 years ago
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In the early 1980's when Casino gambling ln Colorado had just started, my In-laws put together a big family reunion of my father-in-laws large family. They decided to have it in Cripple Creek Colorado at the Midnight Rose casino and Hotel complex. It was conveniently located close to where most of the people lived and air travel and transportation readily available. Since it was during the off-season the group was able to get a large number of rooms so everyone stayed in the same hotel. I...

2 years ago
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Me And My Bestie At The Beach

No long introductions guys..It is pretty cool to be here.. Exploring the world of lust in a different way with our hidden fantasies. Myself Deva..30 yrs old. Working in an MNC and looking good with all ingredients to satisfy anyone. I do read this site whenever I get time and its excites me the way the lust is folding up from nowhere and the chances you all get. Its pretty exciting. Here I am with a recent incident of my love with one of my best friends which happened in a beach which you all...

2 years ago
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Two Notes Two Calls

I’m not a father, so I don’t know how authentic this might be, but I believe it conveys how I would feel about a daughter. * My Darling Daughter Emerald, You are off to Uni and we are not parting under the best of terms, so I’m slipping this note into the book you’re taking on the train in the hope you’ll read it. I realise the argument today was mainly my fault. But I’m just being your father, you know, over-protective of my little girl, because you’ll always be my little girl no matter...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 127

For the next week, things went well for Laura. She and Trina slept together every night. Shawna was still away, and they fucked so heatedly and often that Laura wondered if they would wear it out, wear out their ardent thirst for one another. But so far, they hadn't come close. Her inevitable confrontation with Sholandra didn't happen because Rhonda returned and obviously occupied Sholandra's time. God, the blonde bitch must be fucking that poor girl to death, Laura thought, with a little...

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Fantasy At Work

Do you have any idea what you do to me every time you walk across the room? Your tight jeans highlighting your shapely ass, pussy lips on either side of the crotch. A little belly flesh and your tramp stamp showing under your t-shirt hem that rides up as you sit and you don't bother to pull it down when you get up, the bounce of your luscious breasts as you walk, the nipples poking out fully visible because the air conditioner is set a little too low.Sometimes you wear a lacy white top that...

Office Sex
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My mother and I needed each other

When I turned 18 years of age, my libido went off the roof.I just couldn't stop masturbating, I used to do it all the time, four to five times a day, sometimes even more.I got my first job at a Golf club, but got fired after being caught masturbating in the woman's locker room by a female player.And it's not like in pornos, she didn't come and join me in the fun, she freaked out, told my boss, and I got fired on the spot.And it doesn't help to hide when you're a loud moaner either.The next day...

4 years ago
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Selena Lookalike Fucks her Fanatic Young Sister

Alexis was so kind, sweet, cute, and smart, she put her tiny feet in a pair of pink, flip-flops and quietly tiptoed past her Mother's room where she was asleep and snuck out. Her older sister Meg had come home for a visit and was already in her own room. She got on the city bus which drove her to just 20 minutes a stop near Lana’s place. "Do you think I'm more of a Selena, or a Miranda?" Lana asked, thoughtfully answering a questionnaire in a teen magazine. Alexis, whose head was...

2 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn chapter 1

Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she musedas she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny thatonly a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, itwas just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shockedher profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was gettingold.The voluptuous 35 year old woman had just stepped out of the tub and havingtoweled...

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