Naughty Pictures free porn video

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Kelly kept glancing at the bulletin board while the photographer tried to take her and her husband's Christmas card picture. This years picture would not be the best. Her husband, James, had a perpetual scowl on his face ever since the young female photographer had mistakenly called him, Kelly's father. This wasn't that unusual since James was twenty-eight years older then his thirty year old wife.

The message on the bulletin board read, "Naughty Pictures: $69.99 The perfect present for anniversaries, birthdays, or just to say I love you." Kelly was desperate to put a spark back into her marriage. Their tenth anniversary was next month and she thought that some sexy pictures might be just the thing to do the trick.

James had pursued Kelly the moment he saw her at her debutante ball in Boston. He was an unattractive, slightly pudgy man, but he was extremely wealthy and she had agreed to date him. They had married less then a year later and James had taken her virginity on their wedding night. Sex had been uninspiring at first and had gone down hill ever since. Still, she had her needs and found her sex drive was actually growing as she aged, where James could barely manage one erection a month. James' nice five inch penis just flopped limply in her hand almost every time she tried to make him hard. Naughty pictures just might put a little steel into his penis once again.

The problem was that Kelly was embarrassed by her body. She didn't like wearing even a modest one piece bathing suit or skirts shorter then knee length. Boys didn't even notice her until she wore her debutante gown. Then, all their attention made her so nervous she had never worn anything that daring again. She didn't think she could wear anything "naughty" in front of her husband let alone a strange photographer.

They finished up their session and the photographer showed them the pictures on the computer screen. Her husband selected the one that flattered him the best and they left. He was still scowling as they walked out into the downtown Miami mall.

They didn't like going places where commoners hung out and her husband led her straight towards the exit and his waiting mercedes.

They were almost to the exit when Kelly realized she had forgotten her purse. Kelly told her husband she would be right back and she hurried back to the photography studio to retrieve her purse. She grabbed her purse (it was from Saks and she was relieved it was still there) and thanked the photographer. Kelly turned back to the exit and her eyes paused on the bulletin board again. Before she knew it she had walked back over to the photographer. "Excuse me," Kelly said. "I'm curious about the pictures."

"They'll be ready in plenty of time for Christmas," replied the photographer.

"Not them," Kelly said lowering her voice, "the $69.99 special."

"Oh the naughty pictures," said the photographer a little too loudly. "Well for the $69.99 I will go to your home and take sexy pictures of you in various poses and outfits."

"I'm not sure I would be comfortable wearing anything too revealing."

"That's no problem," said the photographer smiling. "We can find something conservative and take it from there. Many wives even like wearing their wedding gowns."

Kelly still wasn't sure she wanted to do this, but James was waiting and she made an appointment anyway. She gave the photographer a day in mid January that she knew James would be away. Kelly could always cancel the appointment later. The photographer wrote the date down on a wall calendar and Kelly left. She was vaguely aware of a young black man holding the door for her and was careful not to look him in the eyes or say anything to him as she hurried back to her impatient husband.

Christmas and New Years came and went. James actually managed to get an erection once in the last month and they made love. Four minutes later, he was fast asleep and Kelly was resisting the urge to touch herself in a sinful way. She didn't sleep at all that night and her frustration finally made up her mind about the naughty pictures. The following night, she dreamed that the pictures had turned James on so much, they made love every night for a week.


On the day the photographer was supposed to show up, Kelly got out of bed and took a shower. Her husband had left on business the night before and she was alone in their big house. She got out of the shower and toweled herself dry. Still nude Kelly walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. Even alone she felt exposed and had a desire to cover herself up. She knew she had a figure most women would kill for. She had large breasts with dark nipples that stood out against her pale white skin. Her aureola were small, but her nipples were long and fat. They hardened easily and despite her bulky clothes, men often stared at them. Her waist was narrow, tapering down until her hips flared out again. Her stomach was nice and flat all the way down to her light brown pubic hairs. Her hair was also light brown and reached down to the tops of her breasts.

Kelly smiled at her reflection and checked the corners of her eyes. Still no crow's feet. She still looked exactly like the eighteen year old debutante, James had married. The only weight she had gained was in her breasts.

Still nude, she walked back to the bedroom and rummaged around in the back of her large walk-in closet. She pulled her wedding dress out and looked at it for the first time in ten years. It was a beautiful lacy white dress that left her arms bare and was actually quite daring for her. All her guests had gasped when she had first appeared at her wedding and none of the men had taken their eyes off her all night.

She slipped the dress on over her head, proud that it was still a perfect fit. Her breasts were a little snug though. They looked huge pushed up against the dress's fabric.

Kelly took the dress off and d****d it over the chair by her bed. She put on her modest one piece bathing suit and pulled on a sweat shirt and pants over it. She felt exposed until the sweats covered her body. She had a funny feeling in her stomach at the thought of posing for the photographer and she was surprised to realize that half was nervousness, but the other half was excitement.

Kelly checked the time. She still had an hour until the photographer was due to arrive. She went downstairs, knowing it was a little early to start drinking, but she needed something to boost her courage and settle her stomach. She fixed a margarita and then another. She was finishing her second one when the doorbell rang.

Kelly swallowed down the rest of her drink and hurried to the door. She gulped, then pulled the door open. She was surprised to see a young black man standing at her door and even more surprised to see a camera tripod hanging over his shoulder.

"Hello Mrs Johnson," said the black man, "I'm Ike. I'm hear to take your pictures."

Kelly stood there for a second with her mouth open in shock. The young black man didn't look older then eighteen and he was huge. When she had opened the door, she had found herself staring at his chest. "There must be some mistake," Kelly said. "I wasn't expecting you." She vaguely remembered a black man at the photography studio opening the door for her.

"Sue's son took ill and she asked me to fill in for her. Trust me, I'm a great photographer. You'll love the pictures."

"I don't think this would be appropriate."

"You have a problem that I'm black?" he asked.

"No, not that at all," she lied. Already she had said more words to this young man then she had to all the black people she had ever met. "I was expecting a women photographer. I mean, I'm married."

"I understand," he said. "If you want we can cancel, but Sue won't be available for another couple weeks."

This ruined everything, thought Kelly. She needed these pictures by next week. "Alright come on in then," she said opening the door wide. She still didn't know if she could go through with this, but she did know one thing, she'd need another margarita before she'd try.

Kelly gave the photographer a tour of her house and explained that she was looking for some bathing suit shots and then some pictures of her in her wedding dress. The black man said he'd need thirty minutes to set up and she immediately returned to the bar and fixed another margarita and then another. Soon a warm glow was spreading throughout her stomach from the alcohol and she was feeling a little heady.

"Alright Mrs Johnson, all ready to go," the photographer called from the pool.

Kelly finished her drink and stood up. She walked out to pool and saw that he had set up three camera's pointed at the steps leading down into the pool.

"Ok ma'am," he said. "Strip down to your suit and go over to the steps." Ike frowned when she walked over to the small enclosed shower to change. He frowned again when she came out with a towel wrapped around her. "Ready when you are," he said and she dropped the towel. He couldn't believe the lame one-piece suit she was wearing. He had been expecting a bikini, but this thing looked like something women wore in the 1920's. Still, it couldn't hide what had to be the sexiest body he had ever seen on a woman. What looked like huge nipples were poking out the material of her top and her breasts were mouth-watering. "Now slowly walk into the water," he said.

This was the hardest thing she had ever done and she shivered as she slowly walked down the steps of the pool. The black man stayed huddled behind the tripod snapping pictures as she slowly emerged herself up to her thighs.

"Now swim over to me," he said following her progress across the pool with his camera. "Perfect. You look beautiful. Now haul yourself out and sit on the edge of the pool with your feet dangling in the water."

She did as he said and the black man bent down and put his hands on her shoulders adjusting them to his liking, then he threw her hair around one shoulder. It was the first time any man other then James had touched her. She found she didn't really mind. It wasn't like this young black man was a peer of hers or anything and the pose would make a nice picture.

"Nice," he said snapping a few shots. "Now come on out and lay on your side on this cot."

Kelly got out of the pool and almost stumbled as the heat of the day caused all the alcohol to rush to her head. She was grateful to sit back down on her deck cot. She moved the back down so it was flat and she laid down. The photographer kneeled and snapped a few shots then he sighed loudly.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well, I don't want to sound to forward, but that bathing suit looks like something my grandmother would wear. I know these pictures are for your anniversary and if your looking to really excite your husband, you need to wear something a little sexier."

Kelly sighed. The black man was right. She had worn this bathing suit around her husband before and he hadn't paid any attention to her then so why should he now? "Ummm,"

"Ike," he said.

"Yes Ike," she repeated his name. "Your right, but I don't own anything else."

"Your in luck," he replied. "We supply a selection of outfits at no additional cost. Let me go get them."

Kelly watched him run out of the house to his car. She hadn't expected this. She needed more confidence, so she went into the house to make another drink. It was hot, so Kelly thought it would be nice to make whats-his-name a drink too. He came back carrying a couple boxes when she was hall-way through her margarita. She handed him his drink.

"No thanks, I'm u******e," he said.

No problem, thought Kelly, I'll drink it.

Go put this on," he said handing her a box.

She peeked inside. The box contained one of the smallest bikini's she had ever seen. "I can't wear this," she said looking at the eye-patched sized cups, "I mean, I can't wear something someone else has worn."

"I can assure you that all our clothes are brand new and have never been worn. They have even been washed several time," lied Ike. He had bought everything yesterday at the Salvation Army for $5. "At least go try it on." Ike saw she was still hesitating and added, "Trust me Mr Johnson. I know my stuff. My pictures have probably saved more marriages then a marriage councilor."

"There's nothing wrong with my marriage," said Kelly as she tucked the box with the bikini under her arm and marched off to the shower to change. The damn black man knew just the right thing to say.

Kelly entered the shower and closed the door. She slid her one-piece off and laid it over the rim of the shower enclosure. She picked up the bikini top and examined it closely. She could barely figure out how to put it on. Finally she figured it out and her shaky fingers managed to tie the sides. The top was about one size too small and it only covered about one third of her breasts. Her damn nipples were rock hard too and they stretched the material out even further. The panties were even more confusing. It was all strings except for one narrow piece of fabric. She decide the fabric was supposed to cover her pubic hair and she stepped into it, tying the sides. Kelly looked down at her body. She couldn't get a good view in the narrow enclosure, but she knew the bikini was way too revealing and she couldn't where it out to the pool. She reached up to grab her one-piece. IT WAS GONE! Kelly frowned and assumed it had fallen over the wall. She stooped and looked under the enclosure, but it was nowhere to be seen. She decided it was a sign that she should go through with this and marshaling her courage she stepped outside the shower.

Kelly immediately noticed her suit lying over the back of a chair drying in the sun. The black man was fiddling with his camera. She assumed her suit had blown down and the photographer had thrown it over the chair to dry. She wasn't surprised to see that he had taken his shirt off since it was an extremely hot day, but she was surprised to see he had the most muscular chest she had ever seen. Kelly hadn't seen so many muscles in one place before and found herself wishing her husband had a quarter of the black man's muscles. She forced her eyes off his chest and up to his face. He was handsome in a brutish way. He had a shaved head, flat nose, and big lips. He was also one of the darkest black men she had ever seen. "What's next?" she asked.

Ike had forced himself not to react when he saw the beautiful women in the bikini walk out of the shower. He felt his big cock stiffen up when he saw her bare ass and her breasts jiggiling in the little g-string. "Well now that your properly attired, I think we should re-do the other poses," he said. "Lets try walking down the steps again.

Kelly felt a cool breeze on her rear and looking back she realized her posterior was bared to the world. One of the strings on the bikini bottoms was sliding up between her cheeks. She was a little surprised to find that the bikini was actually quite comfortable. She found wearing it to be... liberating.

Kelly ran through the same poses she had in the last shoot. The one exception being that the photographer had her duck under the water and took some shots of her bursting out of the pool. She found she enjoyed following his orders He had just finished taking pictures of her lying on her side on the cot, when she heard him yell, "Damn."

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"My shirt just blew in the water. Please keep an eye on me while I fish it out. I can't swim."

Ike walked behind the cot, so that Kelly was facing away from him and he grabbed the pool net off the wall. Now or never, he thought reaching into his shorts pocket for the camera remote. He concealed the remote in his hand and through the net over his shoulder. He hit the remote and snapped some pictures of him walking behind Mrs Johnson.

The black guy walked past her and he began trying to net his shirt from the pool. Kelly kept an eye on him to make sure he didn't fall in. Her eyes kept wandering down his chest and she forced them back up to his face. Staring at the chest of an eighteen year old black man wasn't proper for a thirty year old, white married woman.

Ike took more pictures with the remote as he tried to net his shirt. Hopefully, she was staring at him as he snapped the shots. If he had set up the cameras right, it would look like he was the pool boy and she was the mistress of the house planning on seducing him.

Ike retrieved his shirt and d****d it next to her one piece suit. He said, "Ok just a few more and we'll move inside. Do you have any lotion by the way? Your starting to burn."

"You're right," she said. "I'd better go get some. I'm not used to exposing this much skin."

Kelly ran into the house and upstairs. She grabbed her lotion of the bureau in the bedroom and paused when she passed the full length mirror. She looked at herself in shock. The bikini was completely see-thru when wet! She could see her big dark nipples straining against the thin fabric of the top and she could see her pubic hair underneath the thin material of the bikini bottoms. She spun around looking at the nude, white moon of her posterior. She was showing off more of her body in this bikini then even her husband had ever seen. James had never seen her nude in a well-it room. If she had known how revealing this bikini was, she never would have worn it. Oh well, she shrugged, too late now and I do look great, she thought, giggiling. She smiled at her reflection and returned downstairs. Maybe she'd even keep the bikini and wear it around the pool when no one else was home.

Kelly sat down in the cot and laid back as she began rubbing lotion into her arms and legs. The black man kneeled before her with a camera in his hand and started snapping some shots when her hands moved to her chest. "Ummm"

"Ike," he said. This white bitch couldn't even be bothered to remember his name.

"Ike, what are you doing?"

"These will make for some sexy shots. Now rub lotion around the tops of those big breasts."

She didn't like him commenting on her breasts, but her hands moved to obey him. He then had her rub lotion all over her belly as he snapped some more shots. She turned over to do her back.

Here let me help you," said Ike grabbing the bottle of lotion from her hand. He pulled out the remote with one hand as he rubbed lotion onto her back with the other hand he began to take pictures. It would look like the white wife had asked the pool boy to rub lotion on her back. People paid good money to look at this stuff on the internet.

She tensed up when Ike first touched her, but his big black hand felt good on her back and she relaxed a little as he moved down. She jumped again when his hand ran over her left butt cheek and she was about to protest, but by then he was rubbing oil onto her right cheek. His hand moved down to her thigh and it took all her will power not to spread her legs open. The area between her legs felt moist. The alcohol and exposing herself was turning her on and she was disgusted with herself. It was all James' fault though for not taking care of her. He'd better be able to get it up on their anniversary. She wasn't even sure that she could wait a week. "That should be enough," she told Ike. He immediately stopped and walked around before her face.

"Why don't you get on all fours," he said. Ike took some pictures and added, "Now squeeze those big boobs between your arms. Your husband's gonna like this pose." Her breasts looked tremendous hanging down like this and it strained the material of her top so much, it almost looked like she was topless.

"Damn," he said. "Hold the pose. The sun's glaring off your sexy round ass." He grabbed the towel and walked behind her.

Ike stood behind her and pulled his shorts down under his balls, releasing his giant cock. "Hold the pose he said wiping the towel across her ass. He dropped the towel and held his twelve inch cock just over her ass cheeks and took a picture. He quickly pushed his cock down so that it looked like he was getting ready to penetrate her and took a few more. He could always airbrush out the bikini strings. "Wait it's still glaring," he said picking the towel back up and wiping her ass. "Hold the pose." He grabbed the base of his big cock and squeezed. Ike bent over and stuck his tongue just above her cheeks so that it looked like he was getting ready to tongue her ass-hole and took some more pictures. He then stood back up straight. He was still squeezing his cock and it had swollen even bigger from the blood filling it. He held his cock above her ass and posed so that it looked like he was about to cum.

"Hold the pose," he said trying to stuff his cock back into his shorts. He walked around in front of her again and got behind a tripod. "Hold, hold," he said snapping some pictures, "and were done."

Kelly sighed with relief and stretched. "What's next?" she asked.

"We move up to the bedroom. How much time do you need to dry your hair and get ready?"

"Around a half an hour," she replied.

"Good," he said. "I'll need that much time to set up the cameras upstairs and if you'll show me your computer, I'll show you what the pictures are going to look like when we're done." Mrs Johnson showed him the computer and he quickly worked to email himself all the dirty pictures. Then Ike went down to his car to get the other camera. This one was connected to a video camera.


Ike whistled at her when she walked out of the bathroom wearing her wedding dress. "You make a beautiful bride Mrs Johnson," he said. Kelly blushed. Ike had a way of making her feel special, sexy even. She looked around the room. He had set up a series of cameras all pointed at her luxurious canopied bed. She sat down on the bed and he snapped a few pictures from various angles.

"lie down and pretend your asleep," said Ike getting some close ups. He noticed a lacy white sleeping blindfold laing on the nightstand by the bed. "Here put this on," he said snatching it up.

Kelly put the mask on and laid back down pretending to be asleep. She heard the camera going off just over her head as the photographer took some close-ups. Little did she know that his massive black cock was trembling in the air just inches over her face.

Ike was fucking proud of his big fat cock and it looked even bigger through the camera lens. "Yawn Mrs Johnson like your just waking up," he said pushing the head of his cock dangerously close to her lips when she did. This caption would be: the virgin bride while wailing for her husband doesn't suspect there's an intruder in her room.

"Keep the mask on, but sit up on the bed," he said taking pictures of his cock outlined against her face from various angles. In one pose he stood before the camera/ video arrangement and flexed his ass so that it would look like he was coming in her mouth. Finally, Ike finished and stuffed his cock back into his shorts. "You can take the mask off now."

Kelly did and smiled at him. She was really starting to enjoy modeling for Ike. "Put this on," he said handing her another white box.. She looked inside and saw a lacy white lingerie ensemble. It was beautiful and matched her wedding dress.

Kelly fell in love with the lingerie the moment she saw it. She quickly ran to the bathroom to put it on. It was sexy, but not as revealing as the bikini. It consisted of white nylons and a garter belt. The bra and panties were lacy, white and teased the viewer with a hint of nipple and pubic hair underneath. The only strange thing was that the panties had no crotch and she thought it was an ingenious idea for going to the bathroom. She couldn't believe how sensual it made her feel when she finished putting it on. She'd ask to keep this outfit too.

"Put the wedding dress back on over it," called Ike from the bedroom.

Kelly frowned. She didn't want to cover back up. She could wear this outfit forever, but she obeyed him and put the dress back on. She immediately felt smothered by the dress.

Kelly was relieved when Ike said that he wanted some shots of her undressing and she liked the idea. He posed her in front of the big camera and she slowly stripped for him. He helped her unzip the back and she slowly pulled the gown down until her bra covered breasts were revealed. Then she pulled it down further over her thin waist until her sexy stomach was revealed and the dress was pulled down to her hips. She kept the train on her head. He took a lot of shots of her topless like that and then told her to pull the dress all the way off. She obeyed him smiling and posing for the camera as she stripped down to the lingerie.

"I bet your husband doesn't even know what a sexy wife he has," said Ike pulling her dress out of the way. Now lay down on the bed on your back.

Kelly wasn't doing this for her husband any more. She was doing this for herself. It made her feel special as she laid down on the bed. Ike bent over and parted her legs slightly and bent one of her knees up. He then kneeled at the foot of the bed and took some pictures of her body lying down.

Ike's cock was starting to hurt as he looked at her pussy slit revealed by the crotchless panties. He snapped some pictures of her pussy and grinned when he noticed it was glistening with moisture. "Put the mask back on and pretend your asleep," he said already pulling his cock back out as she covered her eyes. He took a lot of pictures of his dark cock superimposed over her white body and for a finale he pulled her legs apart and took several pictures of his twelve inch dick pointing right at her open pussy.

Kelly felt cold air on her crotch and realized she was showing off her vagina. She quickly squeezed her legs closed and pulled off the mask. Ike was fiddling with a camera again and hadn't even noticed. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now lean forward and let one of your bra straps hang down," he said turning back to her with a camera in hand.

Kelly compiled and the bra strap fell down far enough that her breast popped out. She raised her hand to pull her bra back up.

"Stop," said Ike practically drooling at the sight of her fat, inch long nipple. "Lets show your husband that big nipple."

Kelly willingly complied with his order. Her nipples were rock hard and they were rubbing against the lacy material of the bra, irritating her.

"Spread your fingers over those beautiful boobs so that your nipple is between your fingers." Ike watched Kelly comply. "Your husband is going to love these picures. Now show him your other tit." Ike watched her remove the entire bra, exposing her nipples to the air. Never had he dreamed she would willingly go this far.

"How wild are you wiling to get?" Ike asked her.

"I'm not ready to quit yet," she replied.

"Bring one of your nipples up to your mouth," he said grinning as she did it. "Now lick one of your nipples." He ran behind the video and zoomed in on her upper body. Kelly hesitated and then kissed her own nipple.

"You've got to be the sexiest woman I've ever seen," Ike said.

"Do you really think I'm sexy?" she asked.

"Fuck yeah," he said pointing at his crotch, "Look what you're doing to me.

Kelly frowned at his language and looked down at his shorts. They bulged out obscenely. It looked like he had stuffed a baseball bat and two baseballs under his shorts. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Look how hard my cock is," he replied.

"That can't be real."

"Trust me it's real, real huge."

"I don't believe you," she said staring at his crotch.

"I'll prove it," he said pulling his shorts down before she could protest. He held his cock a foot away from her face as he pressed the remote like crazy, capturing all the fear, awe, and disbelief written on her face.

"I don't believe it," she said staring in awe at his fat black monstrosity. It was a foot long and as thick as her wrist. The head was as big as a plum and his balls actually were as big as baseballs. His testicles hung down almost halfway to his knees. His penis was frightening.

"You can touch it if you want to, but hurry we have to finish up."

Kelly couldn't stop her hands from reaching out to touch his massive penis. She cupped his balls with one hand surprised at their weight. She squeezed the head of his cock and watched a drop of liquid ooze out of the tip. The drop of liquid was almost as much as one of her husband's orgasms. She was wrong, his penis wasn't frightening, it was magnificent.

"I don't see what the big deal is," said Ike snapping away on the remote.

"Your gigantic. I didn't know penises got this big."

"Who me?" he asked. "I'm a little bigger then average," he said knowing full well that no man he had ever met even came close to him in size.

"But your almost three times as big as my husband," she said suddenly feeling cheated. It wasn't even the size of Ike's black penis that had her feeling jealous, it was how hard it got. She had to squeeze her husband's little penis tight just to get it hard enough to fit in her vagina. Ike's penis was as hard as a baseball bat.

"You poor thing," he said stroking her hair. "You really don't know how good sex can be until you've had a big fat cock in your pussy. I'm surprised you even feel your husband's penis when he's in you. Tell you what, suck on it and maybe I'll let you fuck me."

Kelly was so used to following Ike's orders that she was leaning forward with her mouth open when she came to her senses.

Kelly reared back away from Ike's monster penis. She had been so entranced by it, that she hadn't paid too much attention to what he was saying. She had actually been about to put a man's penis in her mouth. She'd never do that, not even with her husband. "I think we should quit now," said Kelly. She held her arm across her breasts. She was suddenly a little frightened of the photographer. She watched as Ike- with great difficulty- stuffed his penis back into his shorts and she breathed a sigh of relief when it was gone, but she also felt a deep sense of loss, knowing that she would never see it again.

"Sorry Mrs Johnson," he said. "I'll just go bring up the pictures on the computer and you can pick out which ones you want to show your husband. Give me about fifteen minutes."

Kelly's stomach was fluttering when she went into the bathroom and threw a robe on over he white lingerie. Her hands were shaking and she was completely disgusted with herself. Something deep inside her had wanted to put the young black man's penis in her mouth. She was mad at herself for drinking too much and getting carried away, but mostly she was mad at her husband. If Ike's penis was slightly above average, then her husband's penis must be a pygmy or something. James had money and power, but compared to Ike, he wasn't even half a man. She knew one thing though, the image of that big black penis would forever be imprinted on her brain.

"You can go look at the pictures now," said Ike returning from the den. "They're even better then I'd hoped. I think we should show all of them to your husband.

Well they better be good enough to give my worthless husband at least one erection on our anniversary, thought Kelly as she headed out of the room to her computer system.

James reloaded the camera's and changed the video tape. He then walked over to the snobby bitches bed and hid the camera remote under the pillows. He pulled his shorts and shoes off. He then laid down on the big white bed completely nude and waited for the star of his show. Well, the best supporting actress maybe, the star was between his legs.

Kelly sat down before the computer and looked at the pictures. She felt bile rise in her throat when she saw the pictures. The screen was filled with pornography. There was a giant black penis-just like Ike's- poised behind some sluts rear end. What kind of a pervert had she let into her house. Kelly was reaching for the phone to call the police when she saw the next picture.

Her scream of horror echoed through the big mansion when she saw Ike's big penis pointing down at her open mouth as she laid on the bed with the mask on. Kelly screamed again, a little less loudly, and started to cry. She erased the pictures and tried to stand, but her legs wouldn't hold her weight. What had she gotten herself into?

Fifteen minutes later, she slowly walked into her bedroom like a zombie. Ike's perfect black body stood out against the white background of her bed. He was lying nude on her bed grinning at her, his hands behind his head. His giant penis was still hard and his testicles were so large they were splayed out on the bedspread. "What kind of a monster are you?"

"I'm just a man who saw a woman he had to fuck," replied Ike.

"What do you want from me?"

"Isn't it obvious," he said holding his cock out so that it proudly rose into the sky.

"But I'm married."

"Not after your husband sees these pictures. If you give me your body for the rest of the day, you can have the cd-rom with the pictures," he said waving the cd-rom over his head.

She really didn't have much choice. If he showed her husband the pictures. He would divorce her, her parents would disown her, she'd lose all her friends, and the worst thing of all, she'd be destitute. "What do you want me to do?" she asked thinking of ways to snatch the cd-rom from him.

"Suck my cock."

Kelly nodded. She had never done this before, but if she could get him off, he'd be done with her and leave. This ordeal could all be over in five minutes. "Promise me you won't orgasm in my mouth."

"You're in no position to make any demands slut," he said, "but I promise."

Kelly kneeled on the bed between his legs and wrapped her hand around the thick shaft near the base of his penis. She looked at his black penis with it's dark blood-engorged head. She had no idea where to start. She finally decided to lick it like a lollipop and then suck on it.

Ike looked over at the video camera and winked. He had angled it to capture all the action on the bed. He had also zoomed one camera in on his crotch to get close-ups of the action. His hand was busy pressing the remote under the pillow.

Kelly stuck her tongue out and tasted a penis for the first time. She licked around the head and decided it really wasn't that bad. She stretched her mouth open wide around the head and she decided it needed more lubrication, so she started licking again.

"Suck on my balls slut," he ordered.

Kelly had no choice but to obey. She let his cock plop back against his stomach and she bent down further to kiss his balls. She tried to suck them into her mouth, but they really were almost the size of baseballs.

"Enough slut," he barked, "now suck on that big black cock," Ike said partly for the video, partly because he liked ordering the snotty white bitch around.

Kelly automatically leaped to obey his command. Much to her disgust her body was responding to what she was doing. She was still topless underneath the robe and her nipples were hard and rubbing against the underside of the fabric. The area between her legs was gushing and fluid was running down her thighs through the crotchless panties.

Ike watched her head bobbing up and down several inches of his dick and said, "You enjoying your first taste of black cock slut?"

Damn him, but in a way she was. It was challenging to see how much of this monster she could take. She decided to separate Ike's "cock" from her husband's penis. She had never sucked on another man's penis or been unfaithful to her husband. She was being blackmailed to suck on a cock and as it was so different from a penis, it shouldn't count as infidelity. Besides, oral sex wasn't cheating and if she could just make him orgasm, it would be all over.

Kelly started sucking hard and fast to get this over with. She considered every inch a challenge and she had managed to swallow about eight inches in twenty minutes. Her jaw was sore as she pulled her mouth off and asked, "Aren't you close yet?"

"Not yet slut."

Kelly couldn't believe he had this kind of stamina. She must suck at this so bad that he didn't feel anything. She redoubled her efforts pushing more of his cock down her throat and stroking the remaining three inches with her hand.

She sucked on his cock for another twenty minutes, resting every couple of sucks, but continuing to lick around the head as she caught her breath. She went down on him again and had ten inches down her throat when she found herself gagging and she tried to suppress it. It felt like his cock was swelling even bigger.

Kelly's free hand slid under his big, heavy balls and cupped them. His balls were moving back and forth, tightening up and pumping. She realized he was about to orgasm.

Kelly had seven inches in her mouth and was sliding the rest out when she felt him orgasm. At first she felt nothing, but his cock jerked and she could swear she felt the pee-slit opening in her throat. Next, a big wad of hot sperm struck the walls of her throat and slid into her belly. Sperm continued to explode from the end as the cock left her throat and slid into her mouth. Ike's black snake continued to spit it's venom so fast that her mouth filled with sperm and she was forced to swallow in order to breath. It filled again and she pulled her mouth off the tip of his cock and swallowed again, sperm dribbling down her chin.

Sperm continued to fly from the end of his cock, covering her face with his semen and not knowing what else to do, she clamped her mouth back over the tip. She was surprised that it didn't taste all that bad, good even, but the sheer amount was overwhelming. Her belly was filling so fast, she wouldn't have room for dinner. Ike's first wad had been more then her husband orgasmed in a years time and she could still feel his balls pumping sperm.

His orgasm probably lasted over a minute, but Kelly had lost all sense of time. Still, she felt triumphant at making Ike's cock explode and she wished she could try this on her husband, but she wouldn't dare even suggest it. "Can I please have the cd-rom now?" she asked after reluctantly taking her mouth off his cock.

"Bitch we ain't even begun yet."

What the hell is he talking about? she thought, watching him stand up off the bed. He shouldn't be able to get another erection for at least a month. He stood before her and she gasped as he ripped off her robe. Kelly stood before him wearing only her white nylons, garter belt, and the crotchless panties. She felt something poking her in her belly button and she looked down and was horrified to see his cock was still hard and fat. It had only shrunken a couple of inches.

"Bitch, you ever had your pussy eaten before?"

"No," she replied. not quite sure what he was talking about, but her eyes opening wide as she took a guess.

She yelped when Ike pushed her back over the bed on her back and his hulking body kneeled between her legs.

Kelly's legs were spread open and she tried to close them, but Ike easily held them apart. She realized he was getting a view of her vagina that only her gynocologist had before. She shuddered as she thought of how unpleasant visits to her gynocologist were. Why would anyone want to do this? What kind of sick pleasure would Ike get from probing her vagina like a gynocologist?

That was it, she thought,she would just have to behave like she did on visits to the gynocologist's office and think about something else. The cd-rom was laying next to the bed. If she could get away from. Then she had a real scary thought. He lied about coming in her mouth, maybe he was lying about giving her the cd-rom? Kelly's train of thought was interrupted when something touched the area between her legs and her body spasmed. Ike had caught her off guard. Now where was I, she thought. Yes, if I could grab the cd-rom, I could lock myself in a room and call the...

Her body spasmed again. She couldn't help it, and she concentrated on what he was doing for a second. Ike's tongue was gently poking between her labia. As she wandered what he was doing, his tongue licked up her labia and her body spasmed again. Her nerve endings were tingling and she realized this wasn't invasive like a trip to the gynocologist. This felt good.

Ike started licking his tongue up and down her vagina and Kelly found her crotch rising and lowering along with his tongue. He paused for a minute and held his head away from her spread legs. Kelly desperately wanted him to go back to what he was doing.

Ike held his head back so that the video would get a good picture of her pretty little pussy spread open for him. He had moved the remote under the bed and continued to take the occasional picture.

Ike returned his head between her thighs. She wrapped her long legs around his head and locked her ankles, so that he couldn't back away again. Soon he was licking up and down her labia again and she was pushing down with her legs trying to get more of his tongue into her. He changed his tactics and licked back and forth across her labia and her body spasmed again.

Kelly looked down between her breasts and found Ike was staring back up at her. She felt him grin against her vagina and then he was licking up her labia again. This time his tongue flicked her clit and she found herself humping his tongue. Her stomach was undulating up and down and she was moaning. His tongue swirled once around her clit and she writhed in ecstasy. She felt something building up in her womb and the intensity of it frightened her. Then it was gone.

Ike had pulled his mouth off her pussy and he smiled at the expression of horror on her face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-nothing," she replied. "Why did you stop." Her vagina was screaming for more, but she was too proud to beg.

"I thought I'd quit now," he said hearing her squeal in terror. "What's wrong, slut? Not ready for me to quit. Ask and you shall receive."

"Don't stop licking me."

"What's the magic word?" he asked grinning.

"Please lick me," she said squirming.

"Beg me to eat your pussy."

"Please eat my pus- please eat my pussy," She said, then sighed when his tongue returned to her pussy. What was happening to her? She was begging a black man to eat her pussy. She smiled. Just like there was a difference between a cock and a penis, there were two things between her legs. Her vagina and her pussy. Her vagina was for her husband, but her pussy liked being licked even if it was by a young black man who was blackmailing her. The strange feeling in her womb had returned. It felt charged like the atmosphere did just before a storm broke. Ike's tongue was licking circles around her clit and her pelvis was thrusting into his face like crazy. The storm broke.

Her pussy spasmed and it felt like a series of firecrackers went off deep in her belly. Kelly wanted to scream, but only a squeal of pleasure escaped her lips. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her body tensed up, then it collapsed back onto the bed.

She had orgasmed. Kelly thought that she had orgasmed once with James, but she was wrong. This was her first. Never had her body felt such pleasure, but instead of feeling happy, she felt horrible. This young black bastard had humiliated her. He had given her something her husband never had and never could. She started to cry.

Kelly thought he would leave now that he had humiliated her, but instead she felt something poking at her pussy and sliding into her. He was sticking his giant black cock into her and something deep inside her wanted to know what it felt like to have something so big in her pussy. Could his cock make her orgasm also?

Strangely his cock didn't feel any bigger then her husband's penis. She looked down her body and saw that he had only violated her with his beefy index finger. When his finger was buried in her pussy, he quickly withdrew it and stuck two fingers into her, then he started licking her clit again.

His fingers started sliding up the top of the inside of her pussy and he started moving them in little circles. Soon her body was humping up and down again and another orgasm came and another and another.

The black bastard had opened a flood gate and a series of orgasms rocked her body causing her to writhe in pleasure. Her clit was distended and Ike clamped it between his lips sucking on it. Kelly had the biggest orgasm yet and she saw stars.

When she recovered he was lying next to her on the bed, running one big, calloussed hand over her belly and breasts. Kelly rolled over and reached down for the precious cd-rom. Ike's large black hand quickly shot out and grabbed hold of her arm. "Not so fast," he said. "You get it when I get you."

Kelly looked longingly down at the cd-rom lying on the floor. She sighed and looked over at her blackmailer. He was holding his cock up so that it pointed up at the canopy over the bed. "There's no way I'm going to be able to fit that big thing in my pussy," she said eyeing his cock with trepidation.

"Bitch, your going to fit every inch of this big mother in your little white pussy or your husbands going to be looking at naughty pictures of you on his computer.

Kelly couldn't bring herself to move and just laid next to him until Ike rolled over and pulled her on top of him. She found herself lying on top of his hard body, her breasts mashed into his chest, his massive cock leaving an indentation in her belly.

Kelly had never had sex outside of the missionary position and wasn't exactly sure how to begin. She decided to sit up and kneel over his crotch. She shivered as she felt his hard cock rubbing along her pussy. Kelly began sliding her pussy up and down the length of his cock and despite herself, she let out a soft moan.

Kelly only had one option. She may have sucked at giving a blow job so much that Ike had lasted forever. However, she was good at sex and her husband rarely lasted longer then five minutes. If she could get him off quickly, she might be able to get out of taking all twelve inches in her pussy. Like her husband, Ike would probably fall asleep immediately after he orgasmed and she could grab the cd-rom.

"Just don't cum in my pussy," said Kelly.

"I promise," Ike replied.

Kelly smirked. She knew better then to trust him again. She would have to stay alert. When his cock swelled and when his balls started tightening up, he would be close and she could jump off him.

Kelly slid her pussy back over his balls, grabbed his cock, and held it up. She simply couldn't believe how long it was. She couldn't get it in by kneeling, she would have to squat. Kelly got up off her knees and squatted over the fat head of his cock. She closed her eyes and slowly lowered herself.

It was so different then being with her husband. She had to squeeze James' little penis just to make it hard enough to fit in her vagina. Ike's cock was so hard and unyielding that it didn't need any help finding it's way inside her pussy. She felt the tip of his cock poking at her labia and her lips started stretching out around it.

Kelly lowered herself some more and found she was breathing heavy with exertion. She had less then an inch in and already her pussy was having trouble stretching out to accommodate him. She sighed with relief when her labia closed over the base of the head. Just under the crown, Ike's cock was it's thickest and she felt a little pain as she stretched out to fit more of his cock inside her. Luckily, her pussy seemed to be helping her. It was constantly lubricating the three inches of cock inside her making it slide in and out easier.

Kelly was disgusted with herself because her body was starting to enjoy his cock. It was such a tight fit, that every single nerve ending in her pussy was rubbing against his cock sending waves of pleasure up to her brain and as she pushed another inch in, the pleasure increased. He had penetrated her with five inches when she felt an orgasm building. This was all James could give her, but Ike was three times as thick as her husband and it made a huge difference. Kelly decided she didn't want the opportunity to experience one more inch pass her by, so she lowered herself some more, crying out in orgasm as half his cock forced it's way into her body.

When she recovered, she decided it was time to get him off. She started squatting rapidly up and down the six inches of his cock, hoping he couldn't hold out more then a few minutes and then her ordeal would be over.

After three minutes, she felt another orgasm building. Strangely, her pussy was spasming inward around his cock like it was trying to pull more in and she gave in, pushing seven inches in. She came.

She came again when she decided that there wouldn't be any harm in taking another inch. She had been squatting up and down over his cock for a good fifteen minutes now and he was still showing no signs of nearing orgasm. She was starting to get frustrated. Her legs were hurting from the exertion and she didn't know how much longer she could ride him. A part of her wanted his big cock inside her forever as long as it made her cum.

Ike sensed she was tiring. He reached out his hands between her legs and around his cock, cupping her ass cheeks. He tensed his muscles up and started lifting her up and down his cock. He heard her sigh when the strain was taken off her legs and she relaxed letting him do all the work. She weighed nothing to him and he easily raised her up and down eight inches of his cock. She started flailing after a couple minutes and she came again as he forced her down onto another inch. He watched her juices running down the three inches of his cock not buried in her pussy until they reached his pubic hair. Ike started lifting her up and down his cock as rapidly as he could. He tried to get more in, but it wouldn't budge past nine inches. Ike raised her up until just the tip of his cock head was touching the entrance to her pussy and he let go.

Kelly felt a big orgasm coming as Ike lifted her up and down two thirds of his cock. He held her up so that just the tip was in her pussy and she squirmed around wanting to cum again, wanting more of his cock in her. She got her wish. Kelly saw Ike jerk his hands back, and suddenly there was no support. She seemed to hover on the tip of his cock for a second and then it was thrusting back into her as gravity pulled her down.

Kelly felt herself being impaled by Ike's big cock and it triggered her orgasm. She cried out in pleasure at first and then she screamed in pain as Ike's entire cock was forced into her. She tried to get it out of her, but Ike grabbed her hips and held her still. After a couple seconds she quit struggling. It felt like she had lost her virginity all over again and in a way she had. Her husband didn't even come close to filling her like Ike could. She knew things would never be the same with James from then on. Her pussy was so stretched out that a little penis like her husband's would never be able to satisfy her and now that she had orgasmed, she wasn't about to give them up now. Kelly just sat there impaled by his cock for several minutes as the pain slowly faded. Her pussy was working furiously to lubricate the invader and soon she was moving her crotch around in little circles feeling every square inch of the massive black cock in her pussy.

Ike sat upwards and started licking around her nipples. She came again when his teeth gently clamped over one of her sensitive nipples. She felt his strong hands wrap around her ass again and then he rolled her over.

Kelly found herself completely engulfed by the black man's large torso. The only exposed part of her body were her long legs wrapped around his thighs. She felt Ike start to slowly slide his cock in and out for a few minutes and then the fucking started.

Her pitiful attempt to ride him had just been foreplay compared to the fucking Ike was starting to give her now. His tempo was increasing until he was repeatedly slamming his entire cock into her pussy with a speed that would have gotten her husband off in three strokes.

She started writhing beneath him and her hips were rising to match his thrusts. She was cumming constantly and she moved her head up to kiss his chest as a gesture of submission. She felt completely helpless and dominated by both the size of his body and the size of his cock. She loved every minute of it.

Kelly reached out from under him and squeezed his ass with her hands. He had fucked her hard for twenty minutes and she had lost count of the number of orgasms he had given her. She felt his ass tighten up and she knew he was getting close. "Cum in my pussy," she cried, but it was muffled by his chest.

Kelly felt Ike's cock swelling up and she felt another orgasm building in her womb at the thought him cumming in her pussy. Ike pulled back and then thrust forward and she heard him bellow like a bull. His cock jerked and then she screamed in orgasm as his sperm started spraying the deepest recesses of her pussy. She could feel his big balls pumping against her thighs and they just continued shooting sperm up his cock and into her pussy. They must produce enough sperm for twenty men, she thought, suddenly craving to taste him again. Kelly came again and she felt herself giving in to the pleasure. She passed out.

Ike loved his first taste of white pussy and he didn't want to pull his cock out, but he noticed she was asleep and didn't want to miss this opportunity. He yanked his cock out, hearing a big sucking sound as it left her sperm filled pussy. His cock was still trickling sperm, so he squeezed the rest out onto her belly, just above the garter. He got off the bed and ran over to check on the camera's.

The video still had plenty of time, so he just grabbed a camera and started taking pictures of her pussy. The first pictures he had taken of her pussy earlier had shown a pretty, well-trimmed, pure, little white pussy. Now it was a gaping sperm filled hole. Her thighs were red and there were even rips around the hole in the crotchless panties. These would make great before and after pictures, he thought smiling. He snatched some shots of his sperm sliding into her belly button as it liquified and some more pictures of the contented look on her face as she slept.

Kelly woke up and stretched. She felt incredible. Her whole body felt tired and sore, but she also felt satisfied and fulfilled. She looked over at Ike lying next to her on the bed and her eyes ran over his incredible body. This black punk could make her feel more like a woman then her rich husband. Life wasn't fair.

Kelly remembered why she had fucked him in the first place and she tried not to panic as she looked around for the disk. It was where he had left it, on the floor by the bed, and she grabbed it and shoved it under the mattress.

She rolled over and looked at Ike again. Kelly couldn't help herself and she ran her hand over his muscular chest feeling the hard ridges of his muscles. She moved her hand on down to his abs, marvelling at how better his flat, muscular stomach was compared to her husband's paunchy, pale white one. She remembered what it felt like to be crushed beneath Ike's incredible body and she found herself becoming aroused again. Her hand ran down to his cock and caressed it.

Ike's cock was the smallest she'd seen it yet. It was about seven inches long and only slightly fatter then her husband's. Still it was impressive. She gently touched the tip and she began tugging on it. It quickly swelled again and she wrapped her fingers around it and started stroking the shaft.

Ike woke up to see her blonde head moving down to his cock. He watched her kiss the tip and then she took him in her mouth again, willingly this time.

Kelly bobbed her head up and down his shaft for a few minutes before she had to stop. "Sorry my jaw is sore," she said moving her chin around to loosen it up.

"Then I'll just have to fuck you again," said Ike sitting up. Kelly cooed and laid back spreading her legs for him. Ike pushed her over on her stomach and said, "Get on all fours so I can fuck you like the slut-bitch you are."

Kelly got up on her hands and knees. This position excited her and she desperately wanted to feel his big cock pounding into her from behind. There was so much he could teach her about sex. Her heart was pounding as he kneeled behind her and pointed his cock at her pussy.

Kelly jumped when his cock touched her labia. "Ow, I'm so sore," she moaned.

Ike tried to be gentle, but she kept crying out every time he tried to push his cock in. "Bitch you going to be sorry you made me hard again," he said getting off the bed, "Don't move."

Ike walked over to the bathroom and grabbed her sun tan lotion off the counter. Mrs Johnson had obediently remained in the doggy position. Seeing she wasn't looking, he grabbed his camera off the ground for some closeups.

Kelly didn't know what he was going to do, but she was happy to know he hadn't given up on her. She felt is hand on the her ass cheek and she jumped as cold fluid splattered in her crack and ran down over her ass-hole. She smelled coconuts.

Ike zoomed in on her tight, little rectum and snapped a picture. "Bitch, I'm going to fuck your ass," he said to cover up the sound of the camera. "Any objections?"

Kelly knew that it would be painful, but she didn't care anymore as long as she pleased him. "No," she said "you can fuck me anywhere. My body belongs to you now."

Ike winked at the video camera. He couldn't have written a better script for this porno. He took the tip of his index finger and started massaging the lotion around her rectum, watching it slowly open up as he pushed his finger in deeper and deeper.

Kelly shuddered and moaned. Ike was patient and he was taking it slow enough that there was no pain. He removed his finger and she felt him holding her sphincter open as he poured more lotion down her hole. She cried out in pain as he pushed two fingers in, but she quickly recovered. It hurt even worse when he pushed three fingers in. She felt his fingers pull out after they had loosened her up and she knew what was coming next.

Ike ran his lotion covered hand along his cock and rested it between her cheeks. "You one sexy bitch," he said while taking a picture." He moved his cock back so that the tip was pointing at her ass-hole and said, "Here it comes," as he took another picture. Ike set the camera beside him. This was a two handed job and he pushed down on his cock watching her reluctantly open wide for him.

He stopped with just the head in and took some more pictures. She couldn't hear the camera as she was too busy sobbing. Ike let her get used to it a little and then pushed the thick part underneath the head of his cock in.

Kelly's eyes opened wide. Never had she known such pain. It felt like she was being ripped in two, but it didn't matter to her, she wanted him to fuck her ass. She wanted to feel him cumming again. Ike was merciful and stopped pushing his cock in at seven inches. Kelly felt the pain fading and said, "Fuck my ass Ike," and he did.

She didn't think that she would like it, but she did. Kelly laid down on her arms and buried her head in the pillow as Ike fucked her upthrust ass. She could feel his giant balls slapping against her abused thighs. He fucked her for thirty minutes before his cock exploded in her ass.

Ike took some closeups of his sperm covered cock sliding out of her ass. He zoomed the camera in on her rectum. It was now a gaping hole and as it closed a little, his sperm started bubbling up and pouring down her crack. It stopped closing and it remained a hole the size of a quarter. Ike took a last few shots and looked around for his shorts.

Kelly heard him gathering up his things and she remained on the bed with her ass up as he left. As she slowly drifted off to sleep, she found herself wishing that he still had something on her to force her to have sex with him again. Anyway, maybe she would call the photographer and request Ike for some valentine's day pictures next month.


Kelly got up late the next morning and made her way downstairs. She made herself some coffee and winced as she sat down in the chair. She still had some hours to herself before her husband returned from his trip. Her husband, what a loser. He would never be able to satisfy her now and she didn't know if she could live without cumming again.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door bell ringing. Kelly set her coffee down and answered the door.

"Hi I'm here for the photo-shoot." It was the female photographer from last month.

"There must be some mistake," replied Kelly smiling as she thought of Ike, "Your man came by yesterday and took the pictures."

"I don't think so," said the photographer. "I'm the only one at the studio and even if we did have a man working for us, I would never send him on a "naughty pictures" shoot."

"But I remember a black guy in the studio the last time," said Kelly the smile quickly leaving her face."

"The only black guy I know of that would be in my studio, would be Troy. He's a janitor for the mall."

Kelly was shocked. Who the hell had fucked her yesterday. It certainly couldn't have been a mere low-class janitor and if Ike wasn't a professional photographer, who was he?


A month earlier. Troy wanted her the minute he saw her getting her picture taken with her father. He was surprised to find the old man was the sexy white bitches' husband. What a waste, he thought. He tried to catch her eye as the couple left, but she wouldn't even look his way. He went back to emptying the trash cans

He smiled at her, again to no avail when she returned to the store for her purse. Troy's eyes lit up when the photographer mentioned the naughty pictures. He could just picture the white bitch dressing up for him in lingerie and a skimpy bikini. His cock started stiffening up in his pants. He watched the photographer write the woman's information on her calendar and then the women left. Troy held the door for her as she walked out. He could see what looked like large nipples poking out under her bulky top. He nodded at her, but it was like he didn't even exist. He hated that.

Troy picked up his broom and swept over towards the calendar. A nasty idea was forming in his head. His uncle owned a pawn shop and he could always borrow some camera equipment from the shop. The photographer excused herself and Troy walked over to her calendar and changed the date on it after copying the information down. He didn't know anything about photography, but he had a month to learn.


One week later. Kelly would die if anyone she knew saw her here. Not that they would recognize her. Her light brown hair was tucked up under a baseball cap and she was wearing dark sunglasses. She was now a golden tan from laying out in the skimpy bikini and was no longer the pale white woman she had been a week ago. Kelly had driven an hour into downtown Miami to find this particular type of store. She was nervous as she walked over to the dildos and vibrators hanging on the wall. Most were too small to satisfy her now. Her wimp husband had gotten an erection on their anniversary last night and she hadn't felt a thing as he entered her. She desperately needed to cum again.

She saw a big penis shaped dildo and was reaching for it when her hand stopped. A giant f******n inch black one was just above it. Her eyes lit up as she reached for her prize. She gr

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Naughty date night with hubby

I don't know if anyone will read my story but at the very least it is a way for me to put down in writing the fun I have had. If anyone reads it then great, it will be a massive turn on for me and add to the naughtiness of it all. First, a bit about me.... I am a married, 37-year-old woman who looks quite a bit younger. I am 5 foot 4 inches tall, slim, have medium length brown hair and would consider myself quite attractive. I have a high sex drive and a newly found confidence which makes me...

2 years ago
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Naughty Little Red part two

Introduction: Pre teen sex story Little Red Riding Hood and Gretel left Hansel asleep on the bed as they adventure out into the not so dark scary woods. In no time the girls came upon a waterfall and as you might have guess both of the naughty little girls were as horny as hell. Little Red Riding Hood stroked Gretels pretty little face as their hot mouths met. Their tongues darted into each others mouths as Little Red started to unbutton Gretels shirt. In no time Gretels shirt was laying on...

1 year ago
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Sexy Porn Pictures

Are you horny just thinking about all of the various pornos you could be looking at right now? No shit! You are browsing ThePornDude and need something that will get you off in just the right way, this is where you want to be!But if you are in a particular kind of mood, what in the hell are you supposed to do? Specifically, if you want to just look at pictures while you imagine hot broads sucking off your cock? Then you are going to want to take a look at all of the various porn pictures that a...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Panty Pictures

Panty Pictures For my birthday my daughter gave me a hand painted rock that could serve as a paperweight on my desk at work. She gave me a kiss and then she whispered in my ear, “I put a camera disc in your suite coat pocket. Don’t let Mommy see it.” Then I got another kiss. I checked my pocket on the way to work and sure enough there was an envelope in there. I waited until after my first break to look in the envelope. There was a note in there that read: “Hi Daddy. I have heard...

2 years ago
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Naughty Naughty Teacher

Melissa stood in front of her class, lecturing on the second act of Macbeth. Just as she was reaching the climax of her explanation, her cell phone signaled a text from her desk. Without missing a beat, she glanced at the clock and noted that Shawn would just be waking up, he was working swing shift and needed to sleep in mornings. She continued to teach, asking questions, fielding answers, automatically monitoring the 30 teenagers sitting at their desks, frantically scribbling notes in...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Im just here to make homework a little more interesting. Naughty Youve had a long day, wasting away at the computer as you feverishly try to finish a research paper. You rub your eyes and stretch, cracking your spine as you do so. A pair of warm, soft arms envelop you, and your body stiffens in shock. Hey . . . Her voice makes your cock jump slightly in your pants. You go to spin the computer chair around, but she stops you: I dont want to interrupt you. Just thought Id give...

3 years ago
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Naughty List

Socialite Stella Quest never once made Santa’s nice list; not that she tried too hard.  She found being naughty much more fun. So much fun that after her most recent Christmas Day escapade of debauchery, her daddy carted her onto his private jet with one hastily packed bag and a one way ticket to Germany for two weeks of self reflection and meditation at what she thought would be a luxurious mountain ski retreat.  Which is why, twenty six hours after being shuffled on her Gulfstream, one...

4 years ago
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Naughty Santa Chronicles Epi 1

Thirty days out, Santa was into the home stretch. The toys were all coming along nicely and wrapping and tagging elves were working all shifts and were ahead of pace for the last decade. He had checked in on the reindeer training grounds and all of the herd were reaching peak preparedness. It was all coming together perfectly and he smiled!He stepped into the private library where he kept his snow globes and lists. Most everyone slid easily into one camp or another these days. It really boiled...

2 years ago
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Naughty Naughty Teacher

Melissa stood in front of her class, lecturing on the second act of Macbeth. Just as she was reaching the climax of her explanation, her cell phone signaled a text from her desk. Without missing a beat, she glanced at the clock and noted that Shawn would just be waking up; he was working swing shift and needed to sleep in mornings. She continued to teach, asking questions, fielding answers, automatically monitoring the 30 teenagers sitting at their desks, frantically scribbling notes in...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Naughty Ads

When you hear the phrase “Naughty Ads”, what do you immediately envision? I actually think of two separate categories of adult-oriented advertisements, one a blessing and the other a curse. If you’re a regular internet masturbator, you’ve no doubt grown accustomed to the onslaught of spam you get from the free sites even if you’re running a good adblocker plugin for your browser. Those arguably suck, even if they do occasionally nudge you toward some high-quality fap fodder you’ve never...

Escort Sites
1 year ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 27 The Pictures

June arrived home for school on Wednesday to find Autumn sitting at the table, looking at some papers in front of her. “Watcha’ doing, sis? I thought you were done with school last week.” June asked as she got herself as Coke from the refrigerator. “I’m just going over the results of my finals.” “Oh, how did you do?” “Good. At least good enough to keep me on the dean’s list. I just hope I can do as well next year. I want to graduate with honors, at least.” “Isn’t that almost...

2 years ago
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Polaroid Pictures

I worked as a superintendent for a large construction company. The company had furnished all of us persons in charge of their projects self developing cameras. We were to use them to document progress on our construction sites and any details of a job injury or to give other information to the main office. Since hardly more than a child cameras and taking pictures had been my hobby. I was building a Dark Room in the basement of our house and had a new enlarger on lay away. My wife Fay was...

3 years ago
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Christmas Pictures

Brandy had a new car every year and the finest clothes a nice house and money to spend. Erin had the best education I could provide, dance lessons and she had the chance to travel, something many kids her age would've loved to do. But I wasn't there when Erin began to make the change from little girl to young lady, and I didn't realize what had happened until that one Christmas. I had just finished a big assignment in Europe and at Thanksgiving I had my wife and daughter join me in Europe...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 46 Dirty Pictures

While Jeff was having fun with Kari and Rachael, Crystal sat with Brit on the couch in her studio. The two of them had been talking for a while, letting the conversation drift from subject to subject, but purposely avoiding the topic of what was happening in the house. Crystal would have been more than happy to talk about it, but if she planned to seduce Brit, she had to take things slow. Brit always got embarrassed whenever talking about sex, and the last thing Crystal wanted was to...

2 years ago
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Taking Pictures

Natalie was really nervous now. The thought of what she was about to do made it incredibly hard to even swallow. It felt like her heart was in her throat.The pretty teenager was used to being in "situations" and even found some pride in being in trouble sometimes. She was a rebel and proud of it. Only this time, things just might have gotten a little out of hand, she thought.Riding up in the elevator of the big flashy hotel, Natalie thought about the events that had led up to this moment, and...

3 years ago
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Ashley Part IV Posting the Pictures

Introduction - This is the final part of the story about my wife Ashley.   It took place not all that long ago.   As with the other parts, you’ll get more out of this one if you read those first.   Please, please, please give me your feedback so I can improve any future writing.   Ashley and I have had real growth in our relationship during this year and it has continued even after the end of this story.   Maybe one day I’ll be able to take the time and write about that as well, but to be...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nick

Now I'm laying here, but naked bar my stilettoes and tied to a kitchen table with every part of my body being scrutinized by a group of strange men! I had replied to a message from a profile called Naughty Nick. He had been really nice and we had spoken for weeks so eventually I swallowed my pride and asked to meet him for dinner. We had arranged to meet at a restaurant in the center of town, I didn't want to arrange a meeting in the near where I live or in the middle of nowhere. I had been...

3 years ago
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Naughty Little Students Extra Credit

Trinity: Sexy young teenager, firey brown eyes, light brown long hair, small A cups, curvy, nice ass. Her outfit is a black, revealing button up, a black pleated skirt, fishnet leggings, and purple garters. Black bikini panties, with purple lace and a matching black push-up bra. Mr. Maddix: Younger adult, electric blue eyes, dark brown hair. Long cock, about 7 in. Teacher's clothes. (Do you really care what Neo's wearing ;)) * * * Trinity: You know I was fantasizing about...

2 years ago
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Naughty Daughter

He spanked her on her bare bottom when she was younger, but has not done that recently. At times Kristy feels that her father is too strict, especially when it comes to your dress standards. He has forbidden Kristy to anything that reveals a bare midriff, that is low cut, skirts that are more than an inch or two above the knee or have a high slit, anything that is tight fitting or revealing (i.e., low cut, sheer, etc.). Kristy went out today with some of her girl friends to the mall. ...

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You've had a long day, wasting away at the computer as you feverishly try to finish a research paper. You rub your eyes and stretch, cracking your spine as you do so. A pair of warm, soft arms envelop you, and your body stiffens in shock. "Hey . . . " Her voice makes your cock jump slightly in your pants. You go to spin the computer chair around, but she stops you: "I don't want to interrupt you. Just thought I'd give you some company." You smile and continue to work, her...

3 years ago
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Naughty Babysitter Chapter 2

Introduction: Ok readers, I apologize for the LONG delay between parts, but real life is hectic. After catching Jennifer in her bedroom, playing with one of toys, Tina and Paul punish her, but did the naughty girl learn her lesson? Hope you enjoy chapter 2. Jennifer went to her classes after Tina told her she could continue babysitting, but had a tough time concentrating, thinking about what they had done to her. She didnt know she would experience that much pleasure from being treated or...

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Naughty Things And Me

Hello readers……This is Siju with yet another story. Hope you remember my two stories “naughty things” and” naughty neighbor”.Well this time I am going to tell you about my experience I had with one of my friend whom I met in a train . So her name is Lachu from Kollam. Just 21 years old . chubby girl with size 36,32,38. She is studying for hospital management. And I am 27 now. Working in an MNC at Cochin. It was around 4.00pm I get into the train , I was going to bang lore for some meeting. Then...

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Naughty Things With My Neighbor School Girl

Hi ISS readers, I am Siju here again, hitting you with my next real incident. Hope you don’t need me to introduce myself again. First of all let me thank all those who comment my last story, specially to those aunties who are keep in touch with me. This story is about me and my neighbor Vidhya . We are of same age and when this incident happens we were of age 18.she is having a awesome figure of 34, 28,36 and 5.5″. After my 10th due to financial problems we sold our house and moved to a rental...

2 years ago
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Naughty Playtime

I moved slowly around the room, lighting candles. There were twelve, placed all around the room. They were white and thick. Several of them were WoodWick candles and gave off a slight flickering sound, reminiscent of a crackling fire place. The lights were dim, and the shades drawn. Darkness had set several hours ago. I sat down on the leather couch to wait. I inhaled the aroma of the room. It smelled of sandalwood, vanilla, and leather.I could hear the sounds of my wife in the bedroom changing...

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Naughty Jo

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Agreeing to Meet Misogynist Musings The Meeting The Fun Starts Closing Out Agreeing to Meet Jo has a huge grin while typing a reply to the message on the forum. The grin grows wider while the words appear on the screen. OK, Miss Millie, let’s meet on Friday afternoon. I know we live in the same city, so drive out along Jamieson Road. Stop near the entrance to the Henry farm, and get out of the car. Walk...

3 years ago
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Naughty TimeChapter 4

I sat staring at the blank screen, "Naughty Time's" web-cam no longer on, though I also noticed I was no longer feeding back to her either as she'd shut that down on her end as well. I then turned mine off too, the quickly fading image of me sitting there now with a very limp cock when I did. There were several possibilities, though none of them as far as I could see had a very good outcome to them, unless it was of course a problem with connection on her PC. I seriously doubted...

1 year ago
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Dirty Pictures

Dirty Pictures ? by: Ronnie Rho I looked in the mirror at my nude form and sighed. Things had really gotten out of hand. I never had much in the way of a physique, but this was ridiculous. My thighs were starting to rub together when I walked. My toes just barely peeked out past my belly. Hell, I was even starting to develop breasts. Breasts! Like those fat guys you see on the beach; the ones you wish didn't take their shirts off, and cringed when they did. I figured all those...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 57 More Dirty Pictures

A week later, Jeff found himself in the unusual situation of sitting at home on the weekend, waiting anxiously for Monday to arrive. He normally didn't like Mondays, but on this particular one, he had an appointment with the doctor scheduled. Assuming everything went well, all of the restrictions would be lifted from him. He would be allowed to drive again, he could be alone again, and his father would no longer restrict his visits to the Williams' house. By this time, the weather had...

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Taking Emma Watson NEW with pictures

NOTES: Rape is wrong and a crime! Don't do it! Stick to stories and staged pictures/videos, a harmless fantasy is fine, thank you! Original story by amnisac: A re-published version with his permission, all creative credit goes to him, I just merged the chapters as one big story and added some pictures made by 3DSexVilla. Download story as Word Document or HTML file. Have fun! ****************** The opportunity arose, and you couldn't resist. Emma...

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Paint and Pictures

Dave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May! Are...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 42 Scattered Pictures

"Memories light the corner of my mind. Misty water color memories Of the way we were." - Barbra Streisand A Life Ever Changing #42 Scattered Pictures By Angel Oh, memories, we relive them each and every day. If only we were more aware! Barbara was getting more excited by the second! She was squirming in her seat and tapping her toes so much that Rita said, "Barb, STOP THAT!" Barbara instantly froze, causing us all to start laughing. Auntie Helen, still chuckling said,...

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Picnic and Pictures

Picnic and pictures I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the park yesterday; how she felt, tasted, andsounded as she came. I could still smell her as I feel asleep last night. I woke up with her on my mind. As I laid there trying to wake up I heard my alert on my phone, letting me know I had an email. I reluctantly got up and checked it. It was she. She said that I was all she could think about and wanted to see me today. I couldn't stop the smile on my face. I replied and asked...

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Naughty Babysitter Chapter 2

After her classes were over, she went back to her apartment. She spent the rest of the evening thinking about how she might be able to experience that again. ************************************* After Jennifer had left, Tina got dressed and went to get Elizabeth from her friend's house. Paul also got dressed, but remained at home, still trying to figure why all of that had just happened. He knew his wife liked to be dominant, but why did she involve him, and have sex with the...

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Naughty Daughter

The weekend I fucked my sixteen-year-old daughter then shared her with my two friends started off in a normal routine way. Sure didn’t end up that way.My daughter just had a birthday a few months back. Despite her young age, she really likes to show off her body. She is very developed, looks much older, and when going out likes to wear short skirts and revealing tops. Her mother and I are divorced, and she spends every other weekend with me, because her mom likes to party uninhibited. I tend to...

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Naughty or Nice

Spinning on the ball of her black leather flat, she twirls in front of her friend. The hem of her light-green tartan dress fans around her thighs in unison with her dirty-blonde curls. The sudden motion brings them face-to-face and stops them dead in their tracks.Nicky cocks her head, her deep-blue eyes darting left to reinforce the gesture. Grinning wolfishly, her fangs glow white with menace. A breathy chuckle flees the growl in her throat. It leaves the giddy anticipation of her dare hanging...

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Naughty Santa Chronicles Epi 2

Naughty Santa Chronicles - Epi 2When Carol agreed to marry Santa and become Mrs. C, she knew that her life would change, but moving to the North Pole had at first been wonderful…and then boring. Once April rolled around she began seeing less and less of her groom and that was a bad thing.You see, part of what had attracted the old fat bastard to her to begin with was her ravenous libido! He knew that it mattered little what time of day or night he checked, Carol was nearly always wet, always...

3 years ago
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Naughty in the family Bathroom

This is a story about a naughty experience I one had with a woman from online, enjoy....---------------------------------------- Arriving early as usual, I decide to take a stroll through some of the stores at the Flatiron Mall. The fantasies of meeting Beth, a naughty woman who I had been chatting with online, dance around in my head like a naughty porn movie. We are to meet at the entrance near the waterfall, and I'm all nervers! After what seems like forever I walk out into the area...

4 years ago
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Naughty Gemma

I hope that you like this story. Mr. Mistique [email protected] Naughty Gemma had had a busy week, and on Wednesday she had just come back from her surgeons office when she picked up a message on her answer phone. It was from her surgeon telling her that he had to meet her again the following morning to do one more test that he had forgotten to do. Gemma always loved visiting her surgeon but this last visit had been extra special, as he had to examine those lovely...

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Naughty Gemma Part 2

Part two - Naughty Gemma gets dirtier. Comments to [email protected] As she slept naughty Gemma's big new 'thing' played tricks on her mind and filled her full of very naughty thoughts indeed. As she slipped in and out of consciousness all she could think of was the lovely sensations she would feel first thing in the morning as she soaked her lovely new titties in warm baby oil filled water. She dreamt of how nice and soft and warm they felt, and how her sore stretched...

3 years ago
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Naughty Secrets

If any of our everyday friends, or family knew about this, they'd be shocked to say the least. My wife Sue and I led a normal everyday life just like most everyone else did. We were the typical average everyday sort of people. Or so you would think upon seeing us, or getting to know us. We certainly weren't prudes, not by a long shot. We didn't attend church every Sunday, nor did Sue dress provocatively when we went out either. Nor did either one of us openly flirt with our friends, or give...

4 years ago
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Naughty Girls Club

Dianne hadn't seen her sister-in-law Ellen in well over a week, though she had spoken with her the night before on the phone, learning that her brother Bill was out of town on business and wouldn't be returning until Sunday evening. "Any plans for Saturday?" Dianne had asked. "No, not really, just the usual, dusting, mopping, changing the sheets on the bed," she'd added with a smile in her tone of voice. Dianne envied her sister-in-law in that way, knowing her brother as well as she...

1 year ago
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Naughty America VR

Porno has really driven technology over the years. Sex flicks are responsible for killing Betamax in favor of 3-hour porno VHS tapes, a move we saw repeated with DVD and Blu-Ray smut. Online payments were literally invented to sell the Pam and Tommy Lee tape, and today naked babes make up roughly 97% of the entire Internet. Here’s another prediction: sites like Naughty America VR are going to make futuristic sex-helmets a household has only been around since 2015, but...

VR Porn Sites
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Naughty Wives

Here’s the thing guys. I’ve seen all kinds of subreddits, and the thing they all boil down to is user-generated content. I’ve always had the most fun on subreddits that are made for chicks to come and post real pictures to. I’m talking about amateur babes who have nothing better to do than to go on the internet in search of strangers’ validations. Anyway, imagine if those chicks aren’t even that young but are, in fact, married women in their 30s or so. Well, that’s the kind of content you get...

Reddit NSFW List
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Naughty Girl

My name is Angeline but everyone calls me Angel. Im 20 years old and Im very sexually active. I love to fuck and when I fuck, I become a whole new person.I'm 5"2 but I have a smashing body. big ass. Today I'm supposed to meet my boyfriend, Jack. He wanted to meet up because in a week, he'll be out of town for 3 weeks. Today is the only day that I'm free and we've planned to go to dinner tonight. I just finished taking a shower and I'm getting ready when the doorbell rings. I put on my robe,...

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My Uncles Dirty pictures

I grew up in your typical suburban neighborhood. We had a nice house and everything. Swimming pool, you know, really nice place to grow up. My mom and Dad were good parents but, well, my brothers and I always knew they were doing their best to put on a "Happy Face" at home. Anyway, my Mom's brother Jeff used to stop by from time to time and you should have seen my Mom's face light up when she saw him pulling up outside. He was an interesting guy for sure. Uncle Jeff was a free lance...

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Sarahs Pictures

Sarah's really enjoyed reviewing all the pictures she had taken, that had been saved on her computer. Sarah was more of a night owl, so it was 3 a.m. in the morning, as she sat at her computer perusing her collection of pictures. She really admired her handy work, mmmmmm so many sexy men. Meanwhile unbeknown to Sarah an intruder had picked her lock, quietly closing the door he had entered her apartment, carefully, quietly, searching, looking to steal anything of value. The intruder was...

2 years ago
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All of my stories have a semblance of truth, some more than others.Janet was truly content with her life; she had a wonderful husband, 2 k**s a dog named Bixby and a beautiful home on the golf course. Her husband Len was an accountant, he had started with a large company and branched off on his own and the business just took off.She didn’t work, spent a lot of time at the gym and volunteering at the school. She didn’t think her life could get much better. Len and her took the family on a two...

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My aunts pictures

Well one day my Aunt Vicky came to my little studio I have set up behind my house in a converted garage that I never used so it was perfect, secluded and large so I set up the old developing room in the back corner, it hardly gets used anymore with digital and all but some still want it that way and when I do special shots like forests and stuff for new backgrounds I use it then but so she came to my home and asked for a Valentine’s present for her husband my Uncle she wanted me to take some...

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This is a true story, and for the first time, I’m actually going to include some photos. If you check my photo gallery, I uploaded 3 pictures. I cut her face out of them and distinguishing marks so she’ll never be identified by anyone. For anonymity I will refer to her by a generic Russian name: “Sasha”. The doctor’s office I go to, here in NYC is in a Russian/Jewish neighborhood. There are usually older Russian women there , but every now and then you get hot “bombshells” walking in who’d...

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