The Polyndry Penali Village
- 2 years ago
- 27
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A rancher from Fort Collins arrived with two brood mares for breeding about seven in the morning. Ramie and Kyle had to deal with that just when the family had decided to let others do the work for the day and get back to the final pages in the box. They wouldn’t stand the mares to stud until they’d had a chance to settle down, but the rancher wanted to jaw a while over a cup of coffee. Of course, the topic was all about the tensions building at Yellowstone.
He finally left and their two hired hands took over the morning chores while Ramie and Kyle came into the kitchen.
“How much time do we have?” Mary Beth asked.
“Rafe radioed in that they were about three hours out,” Cole said.
“I didn’t put food on the stove for the hands.”
“I’ve got it, Mom Mar,” Aubrey said. “I prepped everything early this morning. It just needs to heat through. I’ll make cornbread and tortillas while you continue to read. I can hear you and keep an eye on the television at the same time. Fill yourselves plates if you’re hungry. There’s still tortillas and makings for a breakfast burrito.”
“Anything happening?” Ramie asked her lover.
“She hasn’t moved in two hours, but no one is willing to go approach her. They’ve gone on with regular insipid programming, but have her in a split screen box in the corner with a ribbon crawling across the bottom every five minutes giving the same update.” Aubrey scooped a spoonful of mashed carrots into her oldest daughter’s mouth. “Don’t worry, honey. Even though I’m in the kitchen, I’m right there beside you.” Aubrey kissed Ramie and Kyle sidled up to get his share, too. He kissed his daughters on their heads.
“Let’s get back at it,” Cole said around a mouthful of burrito.
“Wait,” Aubrey said. “There’s a bulletin and they are expanding the Yellowstone window.”
“Turn it up,” Cole said. Aubrey unmuted the TV as the picture zoomed back from Earth Sister standing in the distance as a reporter came into focus in the foreground.
Sixth Live Report“This is Evan Waitley with the National News Network at the Yellowstone Grizzly Village protest site. This has been a tense morning as workers at the Shale Oil Company, prepare to activate the pseudo-fracking equipment on the low rise to our left at the foot of Mount Holmes. We’re told that high absenteeism has slowed progress which was slated to begin earlier today. The company is operating with a skeleton crew and a squad of security personnel who are reported to be heavily armed.” The reporter turned to the silhouette on the rise, nearly a mile distant.
“On each of the past five days, the spokesperson calling herself Earth Sister has approached our broadcast location to deliver her dire warnings. She has provided what many believe to be illusions of animals coming over the rise. On the third day, a trained wolf pushed reporter Sarah d’Angelo to the ground during her broadcast. We are told that Sarah is still suffering from shock, but that she is physically uninjured. Yet this morning, Earth Sister did not come to our location some distance away from both the installation and the protest site. As the sun rose, she was already at the top of that rise. She has simply stood there all morning. For a while, she was joined by two others dressed in wolf skins before they disappeared over the rise.”
“Evan,” another voice broke into the broadcast, “what about animals this morning? No illusions yet?”
“Nothing. In fact, there is no sign of any animal anywhere in the park.” The camera swung far to the right and into the sky as Evan pointed. “Up there, you can see a Park Ranger helicopter. It is the only sound that has been heard this morning. When we asked about why they were deployed today, the comment we got was startling. They are looking for animals. The Forest Service has been unable to locate any of the five thousand bison that live in the park. Nor have they spotted any of the thousands of elk, the hundred wolves, and the wide variety of other species that call Yellowstone home. In fact, we have not seen a bird in the sky, a squirrel in a tree, or even a fly all morning.”
“Evan, we are informed there is activity in Cody. Keep an eye on things there at Yellowstone for us, we are switching to a live report from Rhea Matthews in Cody, Wyoming.” The image of Earth Sister on the rise receded to a box in the upper right corner of the screen as the main screen shifted to a woman in jeans and a western shirt. Blonde hair fluttered beneath the brim of a cowboy hat.
“This is Rhea Matthews of KWYO in Cody, reporting for NNN. There are startling developments this morning in Cody as National Guard and U.S. Deputy Marshals arrived on the scene overnight with buses and some heavy equipment. They are staging at Stampede Park, home of the Cody Night Rodeo. I’m here with Deputy U.S. Marshal Grant Donahue who has agreed to give us some background information. Marshal, can you tell us what’s going on? There’s some heavy machinery moving in here. Are you anticipating an assault?”
“Nothing so dramatic as that, Rhea,” the deputy said. He smiled the smile of a front person designated to be in front of cameras while the real work went on elsewhere. “We are here to protect U.S. citizens who have come into conflict with each other. On one side, we have a legal drilling site. We’ve cross-checked all the permits and environmental statements and legally, Shale Oil Company has the high ground. However, peaceful protest is also allowed under the first amendment to the Constitution. The only law that has been broken is fuzzy at best in terms of the protesters occupying government lands. They have broken several park rules with their unauthorized encampment.”
“So, both sides have rights?” Rhea asked.
“Certainly,” Grant answered. “Unfortunately, the rhetoric of the past few days has increased to the point of threats against the lives and property of Shale Oil Company and its workers. In response, the company has ramped up its security. We are trying to avoid another Standing Rock situation. The loss of life there was a tragedy. We see no other option at this point than to remove the protesters from the site, in as respectful a way as we can, so that violence does not erupt. I have been informed that once the fracking process has actually begun, the protesters have agreed to leave peacefully.”
“Mourning Mother Earth and the lives of those that were lost,” Rhea read from a statement. “What does that mean, exactly?”
“The protest is highly spiritual in nature,” Grant said. “When they have lost the battle to stop SOC, the Native Americans at the site will undoubtedly have a period of ritual mourning.”
“So, there you have it. U.S. Marshals supported by National Guard personnel are preparing to move into Yellowstone and evacuate the protest camp so that violence is avoided,” Rhea said. “According to the briefing paper we were given, the encampment will be removed and the land restored to its pre-camp condition. Once that has been accomplished, the gates of Yellowstone National Park will reopen to visitors who have already lost nearly half the season’s opportunity to enjoy our treasured national resource. This is Rhea Matthews, KWYO in Cody.”
“And we will continue to keep you updated as the situation develops,” the network announcer said. “Until there is more, we return you to today’s broadcast schedule, already in progress.”
The family breathed a big sigh. Cole radioed Rafe.
“Rafe, we may not be in the pens when you get here. You know what to do. We’ll be moving them out of the holding pens and over to the old Calhoun place in a few days. I might have to hire a couple more wranglers to make the move,” Cole said.
“We wouldn’t have to worry about it if those two kids of yours were here. They’d just point and the cattle would go where they said,” Rafe laughed. “Sorry, Cole. I didn’t mean to make light of the situation, but I damn sure liked those kids.”
“Well, we might get them back somehow. That’s why the family won’t be out to meet you. Once you’ve got them all corralled, though, get your guys cleaned up a little and come up for lunch. Aubrey and Mary Beth have a kettle of chili on the stove.”
“They’ll like hearing that. We’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
“Mommy, I can’t do it,” Ramie said. She sat with the last few pages in front of her and tears ran from her eyes. She hadn’t called Mom Mar ‘Mommy’ in many years, but she needed the comfort. Mary Beth moved to comfort her daughter, but Ramie inexplicably held up her hand.
“Let me drive,” Miranda said from inside her. “Dry your eyes and sit back. I can’t help but love your brother and sister the same as you, but I lived in harsher times. I can handle it.” Ramie’s head nodded.
“Thank you, Miranda,” Mary Beth said. She hugged her daughter anyway.
“I didn’t mean to hold you off like that,” Miranda said. “Please come and cuddle us while we read.” Mary Beth sat beside her daughter on the sofa and Ashley took a spot on the opposite side next to Kyle. Cole watched from the big chair and sighed, but Aubrey came into the room and handed him both his granddaughters.
“Y’all need something for comfort,” she said as she kissed her father-in-law on top of his head. She retreated to the kitchen and listened as Miranda began.
Caitlin: Time in a BoxMerv was ready to head back to Laramie after about two months in Oxėse. He’d accomplished a lot, but it was cold living on the mountain. It was cold in Laramie, too, but apparently, he thought his house would be more comfortable than the mud, stick, and hide wigwam in front of the bear cave. As far as we could tell, there had been no sign of White Mouth returning for the winter. Even when we beat drums in the mouth of the cave, there was no answering rumble within its depths.
“I should probably go have Christmas with Mandy’s parents. They always seem to want me around,” Merv said. “Time masters, drum me home.” We all stared at him.
“Uh, Merv, we can’t take you back to Christmas,” Phile said.
“Grandfather, I drove from Lame Deer to Laramie on Christmas Day. You weren’t there,” Mandy said. “I told Mom you’d met up with some men who were going on a spirit quest and would probably be gone for a while.”
“I thought...” Merv pondered as he considered what we were saying. “So when is it in now-time?”
“We came through on February 29. Leap day,” I said. “We figured we would take you back tomorrow.”
“This is very strange. I hope my cousin hasn’t sold the trading post,” Merv said. “Come and look at what we’ve managed so far while I think about the problems of travel.”
We’d paid attention to Pa when he talked philosophy and history. Might not have seemed like it, but we listened. We’d figured out the whole concept of Schrödinger’s Cat. It didn’t apply to most things, but we kind of thought it did to time. The principle was that mostly we only know the outcome of history, not the process. Imagine a boy and girl who meet for the first time and fall madly in love. That’s the outcome. History. But the process—what brought them to that particular time and place where they met—is an unknown. Did she just happen to need a cup of sugar and had to run to the store? Was he pressured by his parents to attend that university when he wanted to go to a different one?
We knew, I guess instinctually, that we couldn’t change outcomes that were already known. It was the process we could affect. We’d tried to drum ourselves into the future with no luck at all. We had no idea what the outcomes were.
And Oxėse was a different matter entirely. Caitlin, Phile, Wolf Riding Woman, and Wolf Rising were synchronized when Yelloweye led us through that gateway. We aged at the same rate. Our day and night and seasons were the same. We’d stepped out of Oxėse into before-time to study drum making with Two Sticks because he was there then. We jumped back into Oxėse and it might have been the next day for all we knew, because time just didn’t make a difference there.
But the four of us, plus Merv and Mandy as they related to us, were locked into a synchronization with now-time.
Of course, we knew what Merv had accomplished in the two and a half months here, but time wasn’t the only thing that was confusing. I don’t blame him. We’d gotten used to a perpetual state of confusion through our whole lives.
Merv knew in his head that Wolf Rising and Phile were one person in their brains. Each of them experienced everything the other experienced. But his head told him that those two bodies were two different people and since we hadn’t been to Oxėse in two months, he had to catch us up on his progress. Mandy grinned and just listened to her grandfather tell us about drum making.
“Dogwood doesn’t grow in this climate,” Merv said. “It is more southerly and easterly. Since we are here, I chose a wood that was available. We have a lot of aspen. The wood is flexible and straight-grained.” He showed us a stack of wood. It wasn’t just logs. After cutting a number of young trees and dragging them to his lodge, Merv had stripped them of bark and split them into thin boards, using his draw knife to shape them. “These will be the outermost ply of our drum frame,” he said pointing at a few that were half-round rather than flat. We will build up the frame inside. But it is too cold to begin that work now. I’ll come back in June.”
We all laughed and began making up stories that could be told about Merv’s long absences from Laramie.
I know we got pretty flaky that winter, because we were doing without sleep a lot of the time. And we did have work to do on the ranch. Our boss at LK Stables, that’s you, big sister, seemed to have a thousand projects backed up for us. When the mares started coming in for breeding, they’d be staying in a luxury hotel. Honeymoon suite, I guess.
Phile and I would have dinner with the family and then go to bed. As soon as we figured the rest of you were asleep, we drummed softly and returned to our family. Sometimes Mandy went with us and sometimes she just rode in our heads. We’d spend the night moving bigger and bigger groups of animals from valley to valley. We even moved over a thousand right onto our pasture land here at home, only three hundred years earlier. We didn’t dare put a couple thousand bison in Pa’s pasture in now-time!
We couldn’t do it every night, of course. It was just too exhausting for all of us. Wolf Riding Woman and Wolf Rising had to hunt, even though we brought them flour and fresh fruit and vegetables when we crossed to Oxėse. All the rest of their time was spent making drums for the village. We still hadn’t figured how the village would work into our plan, but we knew there was a reason that Yelloweye brought them with us.
That’s when Yelloweye came for a visit. He showed up at our campsite on a night we were there with Mandy and just spending our time making love. I can never say exactly what he said, because it just doesn’t make words. So, I’ll let Mandy speak her version of owl-talk.
Mandy: To Move the PeopleBeneath É’omeéše’he, the Moon When the Horses Get Fat, I lay with my mates to celebrate the flowering around us. As we lay in our furs, Heove-’éxané came before us and spoke to our hearts.
You do well, children. If you move a thousand brothers and sisters, you can move ten thousand. Numbers will no longer matter. Only the size of your spirit matters. You must begin moving between what you call Oxėse and now-time. As you began with numbers, so begin with time. Small steps and then large steps.
In now-time, the People have become complacent. They are defeated as they were by the blue riders. Their spirit hides beneath their skin. The People you brought to Oxėse have not known defeat and have time to grow strong again. But you must not let them grow without guidance. The Wolf Twins must visit the people in their village each year at the summer apex. This will show the people that you are ageless and continue to watch over them. They will listen to you tell of a time to come when they will lead the People of all tribes in the defense of Mother Earth.
You must show the People that you can move them, too. But first, you must win them. Earth Sister will be the Voice of the Twin Wolves. This is why you have three spirits, five bodies. You are one hand. You will move both the animals and the People. You will even move the earth.
Caitlin: Running FoxIt was summer solstice, so we figured we’d make our first visit to the Oxėse village that night. We’d been in sync with our other selves since we arrived in Oxėse six years ago. That meant it had been six years since we left the village and we expected it to have been six years for the village as well. But that’s part of the mystery of time in Oxėse. We were in sync with ourselves in now-time. The People had no such ties. It had been twenty years to them when we returned to the village.
We’d decided to send Wolf Rising, Wolf Riding Woman, and Mandy while Phile and I kept a steady drumming beat at the cave to anchor them. We took nearly a dozen drums as gifts with us.
“I was with you when we passed from the world of whiteman to this land of plenty,” Running Fox said as we sat before the fire in the village. “I have seen twenty summers since that day and now I sit at the fire as the chief of our people. Yet, I see you as the youth that you were when I was but a double hand of seasons. How is it that we age and die, but you continue to be young?”
“In truth, Running Fox, six years have passed in our time. As you journeyed to a time and place where there were no whites to disturb your peace, we, too, journeyed to a time and place where we must accomplish much in little time.”
“Will we see this place you have journeyed to?” he asked, puzzling out what I had said.
Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories i’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on It had been too many years of being in the rat race and working on projects where the credit was always someone else. The blame for things not working out always fell into my lap and was at an age where the fucking was not supportive enough and one day I just...
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IncestHi, I am Raj 25 from Andhra near ongole. Currently I am in Bangalore working as software engineer in mnc. I am fair homely and handsome guy with 5.7 height. This is very true incident happen from 3 years to 1 year back when I am doing be. My aunt’s daughter is 18 yrs old and studying 12th class and ours is village so most of the time she used to stay at my home only from childhood and we used to tease her with nick names from childhood and became very close to me some times we used to lie on...
IncestHello guys, my name is PARESH and i m from Mumbai. My age now is 19 and height is 5’8″ which is average height for Indians. i m average looking guy with a fit body. I m completing my Engineering in Mumbai.This is my first story(real one) and hope u like it. This incident happened when i completed my HSC Board exams and went to my village to spent time with my grandparents( mom’s parents).When i reached there they were very happy to see me because i don’t visit my village very often.I was...
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Hi readers, this is the second part of Shyam and rani. Shyam is brother in law of rani. Shyam’s wife rani went to her native for delivery. Meanwhile rani is enjoying Shyam completely. She took the permission from her husband (Kannan, Shyam’s bro) to seduce Shyam. Kannan went for a foreign trip, rani and Shyam came to rani’s village. (Shyam) I and rani reached her home in the evening. The door was opened; no one was there in the house. Rani told me to wait in the hall and showed me the sofa to...
Incest(This is a work of fiction. It never happened to me. Just read and enjoy. Don’t try to pluck feathers of an egg, which is not supposed to have any. Welcome to the world of fantasy) I got down from the bus, stretched and yawned. It was one long, tedious journey. As if on a cue, the departing bus blasted me with exhaust smoke and dust.I managed to cover my nose in time and gave baleful look. There was a small kattcha road at right angle to where I stood. This must be it, I told myself as I...
100% fiction! I started sex with my own aunt. I am rajesh from Chennai, working in a software company after obtain B.Tech from one if the leading university, often visit bangalore I am the only son for my parents as my parents are working I used to go my aunt's house which is in a village near by Trichy during my long holidays from my childhood since my uncle died in an accident aunt was living alone in the village. .I used to visit my aunt's house during holidays since the childhood. And she...
IncestThe name's Roshni, currently 21 years old, from Northern parts of India. Well... I can't be sure of that. I was born there, but my mom and dad are from the south end of the country, Kerala.My dad's work demands a lot of travel. He had to travel from places to places. Countries to countries, to be exact! Like any other man who loves his family a lot, he took his family too with him to all these places. So from my c***dhood itself, from the moment I started to remember things, I have been a...
This game is made with the game function in mind! Press the 'start game' button to the right! As the story is being updated, it might be required for you to reset the game; I'm sorry about that, I hope you understand! (Currently this story is unfinished; I am experimenting and taking my time. Please do enjoy, and leave a like! Feedback and pointing out spelling mistakes is encouraged and appreciated! Illustrations used in the story can be found on my Newgrounds page! Thank you for reading in...
FantasyThis village was controlled by the men. The women were used to bare c***dren and service the men. The more c***dren a man produced the higher he ranked in the village. As soon as the daughters were of age to breed they were readied and matched with a man. The women were fucked every night and some times during the day to make them pregnant. They wore only a thin dress that tied in the front and nothing else so the men could get to them fast if they wanted to fuck them. It was common for the...
Hello friendsPari here.Our maid,s son Raza went back to their village in south India.One evening when we were to doing 3some. Maid asked us if we like to haveAnother lady joins us is sex?We both AJ and I said why not more the merrier. But we do not want any oneTo knows about what we are doing. You know the life in small village if one find outThen every one will come to know.Maid said this lady is nice she is about 40 nice body she have.But there is one condition she just wanted with female to...
This village was controlled by the men. The women were used to bare c***dren and service the men. The more c***dren a man produced the higher he ranked in the village. As soon as the daughters were of age to breed they were readied and matched with a man. The women were fucked every night and some times during the day to make them pregnant. They wore only a thin dress that tied in the front and nothing else so the men could get to them fast if they wanted to fuck them. It was common for the...
LETTER FROM VINES VILLAGEI drive a sterilized knitting needle through my son’s left nipple. Sowell grimaces, but he is sucking on one of my bloody tampons, and his buttocks hurt from the vicious caning I gave him earlier.I surprise Sowell—when he’s coming out of the tub, wet, naked and vulnerable, I charge in with my whippy cane and leave red, bloody streaks all over his slim white body?and then of course I drag him out and began torturing his nipples?what a joy being a Mommie is!Sowell’s...
Setting: A remote South Sea island Narration by the matriarch of the village: Our little group of five islands is in a remote part of the South Seas. They are separated by water but not far apart and sometimes the ocean is shallow enough to wade between islands at low tide. Since we don’t have calendars no one knows how long we have been here but life has not been as easy as you might think from some of the fairytale stories that are told. We must work hard for survival and so some customs...
Hai readers I santosh is writing a true story of my friend who has narrated to me. His name is gopal. He is from north india. He has farm over there which is looked by his servant. Now I start the story as narrated by gopal. My parents died in the accident after that my servant had looked after me and my farm. They had no kids so they loved me very much. My servant age was 60 yrs and his wife age was 45 yrs. I used to call them uncle and aunty. Compare to my uncle aunty was very beautiful and...
IncestThe village of Bonatel was supposedly founded some two hundred years ago when Madeline's ancestors first arrived after the city of Relon was sacked by the elf king's army of ork mercenaries. Many of the survivors of the sack decided to settle in little villages along the road to the newly-founded city of Ramel, and Madeline's ancestors were one such people. You lean on the post just outside the chicken hen on her family's farmland and looked around. You see the winding hills and the dots of...
FantasyThe following morning we all got up early to get ready for the trip to York. We had decided that Kelly would remain behind, and look after Shaun's three children. Shaun would then meet Jill. The weather had turned milder again during the night; we seemed to have a few very cold days, and then a few milder ones, but I suspected that soon we would have no more mild spells until the spring. Kelly and I had a last hug and a chat before we left. I reminded her she was now the deputy leader, and...
Hello everyone, I’m Sahil once again with another story. I’m from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Vimam Nagar. I’m 22 years old with the little muscular body after gyming and also a 6.5-inch dick. If anyone wants to contact me to meet or have fun, please write an email to or message me on hangouts and rest assured that your information will be not shared with anyone. This story is about a family who has come from a village in Rajasthan for work purpose. They are a family of 3 and...
Hello, friends, I am Gundu from Coimbatore, basically a Malayali but born and bought up in Coimbatore. I just finished my graduation, I m 5.5 with an average dick, use to hit the gym regularly and guess, I’m in a good shape. This is my real sex story. Let’s get to the experience I had, this happened before 2 yrs, at that time I was 18, just completed my 1st semester exams and was thinking of a way to spend my time, so my mom gave an idea that there is a temple function in my native, oops,...
IncestHello Aunty lovers. This is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. Your comments and feedback is really appreciated. My email is Let get right into the story. Places and Name have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved in this story. My name is Raj. I live in a small village in Andhra. I just completed my 10th standard exams and enjoying the summer holidays. My family is a middle-class family, which contains my parents, my sister and me.For some reason, our parents decided...
I am Shagufta. I born in village but later came to Delhi for studies. Few years back came to villege in summer vocations. I was 20 year old at that time. And the growth of my body was not wanting to be limited by social restrictions around me. As my boobs had become the size of melons and a narrow waise was supported by lovely hips. I started feeling hot and itchy in my pussy. Maneesh was my neighbor in village home. He had a strong physique and muscular body. My heart throbbed on seeing his...
Incest“THERE’S NO RAIN FESTIVAL this time, Michael, sorry,” Sofía said with a smile. “But there are other things to do.” I turned to Mme Bertha, seated with a cup of tea at the kitchen table. Her expression was as bland as could be. After a moment, she nodded. “So what’s up this weekend, Sofía?” “Javier is getting an award for best librarian or something like that. We’ll help him celebrate.” I had a thought about the Rain Festival. Sofía and Javier and I had certainly celebrated then. “You’re...
Rural women are doubtlessly hotter than the make-believe horny urban bitches. This is a true experience I encountered during one of my official tours. My name is Raja. I work for a coal mining company for which I have to visit some of the north eastern zones of India. I am 27 years old with a strong heavy macho physique. Most females in the city of Delhi admitted to me that I have a strong sex appeal. This way I had lots of chances to enjoy sex with numerous young sexy urban chics. Once as...
100% fiction! After my father went abroad we bought about ten hectares of land in a remote village. The property had a pond within it and had a two storey bungalow. After shifting to their my mother started wearing blouse and skirt which is the native dress in villages . Her cleavage was easily visible through it . We had ten servants for us who were all ladies wearing the same dress as my mom. I was the only man in the area and so got good care from all. All will leave at night and my mom will...
IncestAlthough we’re in the center of New York City there’s no mistaking the smell of Spring in the air. After walking and browsing at window displays in the West Village we come across a quaint Japanese restaurant were we decide to eat. The room is relatively empty, the lights are dim, and the plum wine is very, very sweet. Dinner is, of course, difficult. You’re wearing a sundress and I know you don’t have any underwear on. I’ve been hard since I laid my eyes on you. I begin to tell you how I’m...
The wind whirls around you, whipping back and forth as you look up from under your hood. You squint, trying to read the sign through the thick rain violently pelting your face. You blink the water free of your eyes several times before finally making it out. “The Drunken Lover” Below the words, there is a depiction of a busty maid, leaned back provocatively over a spilled drink mug. You step up the old wooden stairs. They creak under your weight as you step onto the covered porch and pull back...
FantasyJohn walked along the open road towards his new beginning. Having left his boring old farming village he decided that he would rather risk becoming an adventurer, rather than live his whole life in one small piece of the world. The weather had become darker and darker over the past few days of travel. Gray clouds filled the sky, growing darker as the days went by. John was beginning to have difficulty telling day from night. On the second day under the gray clouds, the world around him became...
FantasyI live in a small village , we all live from the cofee farming beans we grow all around the mountainmy mom got very very weird the day we learn the cofee company owner was coming for a visiti really didnt understand why she wanted me to dress like a girl and make sure they would like me''here you look perfect, if they come here, do whatever they say, we need the money ''i was a very cute little asian girl looking at me in the mirror , mommy was right i looked like a girl like this''ok momy''i...
It leaves little to the imagination the title of this escapade. Fucked and wasted drinking all day in the sun, hyped up on x drenched in beer a corner away from the brass band churning out march anthem after march anthem, whilst getting sucked off from a 50 year old squatting behind a kiosk. Her maxi dress was pulled up to her hips squatting as if she was pissing. Looks however may be deceiving as she was actually chin deep with my entire dick shaft. Arm outstretched holding on to the mobile...
It was summertime. I was visiting my native place which is a very small town in Uttar Pradesh. Our ancestral home is a typical rural large house with a large central courtyard and surrounded with large verandahs. There was a marriage in the relations and several relatives had gathered there. Cots were lined up in the courtyard for everyone to spend the night. With clean fresh air and a clear starry sky, it was a really pleasant night. I took a corner cot and settled myself over it. Since I was...
IncestHi All. This is Vikas from Delhi. I am a regular visitor of ISS and I like may stories of it. Today I want to share my first real sex incident with a girl came from village to Delhi. This story is around 10 year old when I came to Delhi for higher studies after 10+2. I am 6 feet long and have semi muscular body with long 6 inch tool. Now I am narrating my story and If you like it then please share your comments on Jab maine 12th paas ki to mere father ne mujhe college ki padhai ke liye Delhi...
By : Themariner Every October we visited grandfather house. But for me this was my first visit in nearly 8 years. I was very much excited as I could live on my child hood life again, running in the paddy fields, catching fish by the river, sleeping under the tree in afternoon etc. My parents, my younger sister and I were very happy as we all were going together again after a long time and I knew how much I missed grandfather house and the freedom of enjoyment. But never did I or anyone else...
IncestIt was late-June, after 1 month without ejaculation, I went to the sm club in the libertine village of Cap d'Agde. Two dominatrix ordered me to undress in front of the bar, then they put a collar and a leash around my testicles, which were so full, heavy, that they were painful and hard.They started by walking me around the club, gently pulling me by the balls with the leash.I had a hard-on.Then they put me in a standing cage, with my sex pointing up between the bars.They blindfolded me and...
Part I The Retirement Village Not all tags apply to all chapters First, just a little about me. I was widowed several years ago and was living alone in a large, suburban house. As I got older the time and effort to maintain the house became too much of an effort, so I started looking for the alternative. I don't want to move to an apartment for several reasons, but the major one was privacy. I was always interested and attracted to cross dressing, but only had been able to do so...
MME BERTHA and Sofía and her mother and her younger brothers and sisters never missed the annual Rain Festival in their village on the coast, a full day’s journey by bus. It was a half-day at most for me by car. They’d invited me last year but I was too new in country then and not yet sure enough of Mme Bertha to accept. Sofía and her aunt and the others left on Thursday. I’d negotiated Friday off so I drove down after the morning rush cleared, although given the traffic patterns in the city...
The next morning a runner arrived from the village of Hroth, saying that they are journeying to see the released women and to ask that we do not leave before they arrive. Meanwhile Hild's mother Eadburg and Morderth approached us. "I am going to take Morderth as my husband. He is the owner of the goats and we're going to find a place nearby to build a new house," she told Hild. I suddenly remembered Jane's cottage. "There is a clearing on the way to our village, which had been...
This was the story of a villager. The person about whom I am telling is a middle status family and was much worried about their economic problems. That person has three sons and he is retied army man. He usually went away and not of that caliber to do any business his wife was very clever and sexy too. She buys some buffaloes and sold their milk by this she bought a taxi car and give it t o his sons for driving. Other sons went to school and his men went away to his friends. She had a servant...
(For anyone else feeling the hanky panky, feel free to add your own story/chapter blooper reel below.)
WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES. BY OLIVIA EVANS. The silver haired man in the white doctor's coat frowned in obvious annoyance at my complaint that a terrible mistake had been made. "Excuse me, but it is _you_ who are mistaken, we never, ever, make mistakes," he said frostily, offended that I would have the audacity to even think of suggesting it. "Then how do you explain these?" I demanded as I pointed towards the alien objects. "Explain what?" he asked, looking again where I had...
Jan Takes ChargeBy MasterIncThis story is pure fiction and is not based on any persons I know or have known. It comes entirely from a fantasy world.Chapter One: Introduction to JanJan Oaks is a beautiful redhead with a stunning figure and classic good looks. She also has those deep green eyes that many true red heads have. She is a junior in one of the state universities and the president of an underground sorority on campus. This sorority is by invited membership only and does not...
The below is comprised of two different chunks of text that I excised from Beth that shared a theme, though I did not write them at the same time. However, they fit together reasonably well. IN-BED STUDENTS, SECTION 1 “Charlie, you got a 12.” Dad thought for a minute. “Okay. Since there are few or no rules concerning 12, everyone, stop what you’re doing.” He said the last part somewhat loudly. “We are moving the rest of this game to the master bedroom.” Sandy said, “Wh ... what?...
“Dad, please answer me truthfully.” “Always, Cupcake.” “Are you okay with all of this? I ... we, that is, Rhee and I, are now aware that Mom has an exhibitionistic streak, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she wants to love you in our back yard, much less in the Devlin back yard. However, I’m concerned that all the women in this family are railroading you into something that they ... er ... we want.” Dad, who’d kept up his slow loving of Mom’s pussy, said, “I worship your mother and would give...