- 4 years ago
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Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease.
“Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?”
“Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to have cattle coming back down next week. Rafe and the boys will be rounding them up this weekend to start the drive. We’ll have to share the pasturelands. What do you think we can sustain?”
“The horses don’t graze the land down as badly as cattle do. We’ve never had to supplement in summer before. We put four hundred head of cattle out there with the hundred rescues and we’d have that pasture so bare it won’t be fit for grazing for two years.”
“I don’t want to risk your operation,” Cole said. “Yours is the future. We’ll drive the cattle to the Alexander pens and I’ll ship them to the auction house.”
“Don’t do that, Pa,” Kyle said. “We’ve got an option on the Calhoun ranch. We’ve been dickering over terms for near a year. If we go in with a cash offer, we could own 2,000 more acres next week. We can sustain the cattle for two weeks without doing any damage.”
“So, you want cash?” Cole said.
“Pa, you aren’t fifty yet,” Ramie said. “It was never our intention to put you out of business. We want your cattle to thrive. The Calhouns haven’t run anything on their range in the two years since Obert died. It’s a good move for the cattle and it’s good for the land.”
“You’re right, as usual,” Cole responded.
“Cole, you know you’ve wanted that piece of land forever. Your kids got an option on it. Bankroll them.”
“Let me make a couple calls. How soon is dinner?”
Third Live Report“Earth Sister, you’ve threatened the oil company with buffalo and with elk. Yet they disappear after a brief appearance. Ron Grisholm, the president of Shale Oil Inc., says that you are dealing in illusions,” said reporter Sarah d’Angelo as she interviewed Earth Sister.
“He is avoiding the inevitable,” Earth Sister said. “This site will be returned to Earth Mother. He needs to salvage what he can and retreat. And not only from this site. The Rocky Mountains are Earth Mother’s backbone. She will shake herself and rid the mountains of this abomination like a dog shaking water off her back.”
“The Park Service has indicated that their investigation revealed no tracks to match herds the size we have seen on the rise over there,” the reporter insisted. Earth Sister turned to face the camera and pulled the right sleeve of her blouse down her arm. The faces of both wolves were revealed. The exposure of her skin was only barely within the limits of broadcast television.
“Today, the wolves,” Earth Sister announced. On cue, the drums in the village began.
Buffalo and herds of elk, deer, and sheep had made no sound in the past. But the howl of wolves on the hunt preceded the appearance of the first heads over the rise. Nearly a hundred wolves were known to inhabit the greater Yellowstone area. Three times that many came over the rise. Nor were they alone. Foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and cougars came with them. And behind them came bears. Black bears loped on all fours as grizzlies rose on their hind legs and bellowed. In the lead came a massive silver gray wolf.
“It’s Wolf!” Ramie exclaimed. “She’s called Creator Wolf!”
“I don’t think she’s doing the calling,” Mary Beth said. “She’s the voice of the Twin Wolves. Our children are out there somewhere.”
The animals stopped after they had crossed the rise, just as the herds of buffalo and elk had done. They continued to howl and snarl, however, as the silver wolf loped toward Earth Sister and the frightened reporter. From nearly twenty feet away, the wolf sprang. The cameraman was backing up steadily, but kept the camera focused on Earth Sister and the frozen reporter.
The wolf landed lightly with massive paws on the reporter’s shoulders as she screamed. She dropped to her knees in front of the wolf.
“Don’t kill me. Please, don’t kill me!” the reporter cried out.
The wolf paced around her, glancing at the cameraman, who backed away farther. Then, in complete disdain, the wolf raised a leg and pissed on the reporter. He loped away and the wolves, foxes, coyotes, bob cats, cougars, and bears retreated over the rise.
“Explain that illusion to the president of Shale Oil Company,” Earth Sister said to the reporter, still on the ground in front of her. “I am sad for the men and women who stand between The People and the scorpion,” she continued, pointing at a distant line of security guards surrounding the fenced in site of the pseudo-fracking machinery. “Tomorrow we darken the sky.”
The Family“We backed your offer and the Calhouns accepted it.” Cole said as the family settled into office to read. “I don’t know what’s coming, but Mandy—Earth Sister—said every site would be destroyed. I don’t know how they’ll do it, but I know the Yellowstone site is only one of twenty-three sites that have they’ve surveyed in the mountains. I just pray that our children have not been trapped by the ancients.”
After verifying there had been no more developments at the Yellowstone standoff, the family gathered again to read. Ramie claimed the polished box and plopped herself in her father’s chair. Then getting up so Kyle could sit down, she settled in his lap with Aubrey cuddling the babies next to her.
“I think I need a bigger chair,” Cole laughed as he settled on the sofa with Ashley and Mary Beth cuddled against him.
“Sometimes I just need to be closer to my family than others,” Ramie said. “I need to read. I’m getting too fidgety to listen.”
“Go ahead, daughter,” Mary Beth said.
Caitlin: Making ThunderFor a long time, Wolf Riding Woman and Wolf Rising waited, looking at the herd of buffalo. It was a rich valley that supported thousands. We made camp and built a hut of sticks and mud. We set to work taking a cow from the herd and smoking the meat. We stripped the hide and cleaned it. An old doe from a herd of whitetail approached our camp. I leapt into her mind and she offered herself. We took her and thanked her spirit for this gift. I searched for roots, berries, and wild grain that we gathered into our camp, preparing for a long winter, even though it was still the long days of summer.
The alpha female of the pack was sitting by our fire when I came out in the morning. I’d almost become used to seeing the wolves, but I still fingered my hatchet. I hacked a piece of buffalo from the meat we were roasting and tossed it to the bitch. Phile and I sat to eat our roast and berries for breakfast. I seldom tried to touch the mind of a wolf, but I could feel her reaching out to me.
“It is time,” she said. “White Mouth awaits.”
She led and we followed. It was unusual to be led by the wolves without having the whole pack with us. Having just one made me nervous. I reached out to Mandy in Lame Deer in now-time and she gladly came into my head.
“This is it?” she asked. “I will be quiet and watch. Tread with care, my loves.”
The wolf led us to a small clearing high on the mountain. Above us, I could see an indent in the rocks and was certain there was a cave entrance on the far side. The wolf approached us and in an unusual gesture, licked our faces. She bade us farewell. No one fronts a bear in his cave.
We sat at the edge of the clearing and stilled our hearts. In now-time, Phile and I hid in the barn so we could focus all our attention on Oxėse.
We waited.
We cast out our minds and felt the grizzly deep in the cave. And then he began to growl. He was deep in the cave when the sounds began, but we could hear them clearly, both in our minds and in our ears. He lumbered forward until his bulk filled the cave entrance. We sat as small and as still as we could. This was no ordinary grizzly bear, though even an ordinary one would have frightened me. This boar was Grandfather White Mouth. He weighed a ton and stood twelve feet tall when he walked on his hinds.
And when he roared, the thunder echoed from the mountain.
When we touched his mind, he let us glide around the edges. What we got was that he was a bit of a showoff. He liked being the biggest animal on the mountain. He was one of the few who could stand a buffalo charge and hold his own. He normally ate small things—fruit, berries, grubs, and an occasional mole or rabbit. He traveled down to the river to fish. He had frozen a small elk with his roar and killed it with a single swat of his massive paw. He feasted on that flesh just before hibernating.
He loved to hear his own voice echoing through the mountains.
“How can we make that sound?” Phile asked. We’d been to the clearing to observe the great bear three days in a row. I tapped on the deer hide we had stretched at our camp to dry. It thudded.
“Have you ever used a drum?” Wolf Riding Woman asked.
“Sweet Medicine gave our people small drums so we could dance and celebrate,” Wolf Rising answered.
“Drums,” I whispered in now-time. Phile squeezed me in our bed.
“Onéhavo’e. We need big drums,” he said.
Drums were not unknown to our people. But we were migratory. We followed herds and moved across the prairies and into the mountains. We did not collect a lot of things that were hard to move. Wolf Rising and I had made and discarded countless bows, clothes, and dwellings. When we rode north on the buffalo herd and when we ran with the wolves, we took nothing with us but the clothes we wore, our hatchets, and our wolf skin robes. We had abandoned our tent in Oklahoma, our wigwam in Wyoming, and sleeping skins whenever we had to move. Even our horses roamed wild until we called them with our minds. Drums were small things among our people. We held them in one hand while we beat on them with the other.
Drum-making is hard work. We studied in now-time and practiced in Oxėse. It would be days before we could experiment. We had a deer hide stretched, but not tanned. We cut branches and wove them into a hoop and then stretched a circle of rawhide across the hoop. We wet the hide to shrink it and let it dry in the sun.
Merv had left his trading post in the hands of a cousin and we visited to buy a pair of small drums. He explained that they were Ute drums, but made a pleasant sound. He didn’t treat us seriously when we said we were interested in Cheyenne drums. I scowled at him and we bought the pair of little drums for a price that Merv never would have charged.
These were hollow log drums. They had skins stretched across both ends of a cylinder. We could beat them with our hands or with a wrapped stick. For little drums, they had a pretty big sound.
Wolf Rising located a hollow log and cut a length to fasten a skin to for a drumhead. He broke the first one by swinging his hatchet too hard. We learned from that to make tiny light strokes.
After weeks of work, we took our little drums to the cave of White Mouth. When we heard him start his morning grumblings, we answered with beats of our drums. He came lumbering out of the cave on all fours and stood before us to roar. I thought we had offended him. It was hard to read the mind of this primitive and egotistical creature. He grabbed my hoop drum out of my hand with his teeth and lumbered back to the cave. He dropped it on the ground and turned to roar again—a roar that echoed throughout the valley.
I heeded his call. Wolf Rising and I approached the cave mouth. We had never come fully into the clearing before. This was the home of the great spirit bear. I picked up the drum from where he dropped it. He stood on his hind legs in the mouth of the cave and roared. Then I could feel it. The massive sound was echoing from inside the cave and out the mouth as an amplifier. I thumped my drum and it was ten times louder echoing from inside the cave. Wolf Rising joined me on the log drum he had created and with White Mouth leading us, we duplicated the subtle changes of his mighty voice. As we beat our drums in concert with the great bear, I could see reality waver and the great valley beneath us was filled with animals that disappeared when I stopped beating the drum.
And for just a moment, I saw my other self.
Wolf Rising and I had to hunt to have food for the winter. It appeared we would be in this location for a long time. But hunting gave us rawhide for drums. And in now-time, we found the meaning.
Phile and I went to Lame Deer under the pretense of checking on a couple new horses. Kyle and Ramie had thrown themselves into the upkeep of the ranch so thoroughly that I don’t think they noticed we were gone. It was nearly five hundred miles, but we drove it on Friday, expecting to return on Sunday. By Friday evening, Mandy was in our arms.
“My darlings, I’ve missed you so much,” she panted. “Not that there is anything wrong with mental orgasms, but I want my arms around you as we make love.”
“Mandy, my love,” Phile said. “You might get your arms around all of us.”
“We think we’ve learned how to make thunder echo from the mountains. At the moment, it’s just a little thunder, but it might be enough,” I said.
“What happened?”
“We made drums in Oxėse. We don’t have time to make drums in now-time, but we’ve bought some. When we experimented a few days ago, we actually saw each other,” Phile said excitedly.
“Saw? You mean you saw Wolf Riding Woman and Wolf Rising? Could you touch?” she asked.
“Almost,” I said. “Mandy, my Earth Sister and my voice, I think we need you as our catalyst. I don’t think we can cross between times without you.”
Mandy hustled us to her cabin and we spent the night in each other’s arms as we explained what we believed was happening. We wanted to try it immediately, of course, but Mandy suggested we wait until Saturday night.
“There will be a powwow with dancing, singing, and drumming,” she said. “Let’s use the group music to augment our own. Please, please, let this work!”
It was mid-August. The nights were warm and the skies were clear. Over a hundred tribal members gathered to celebrate first harvest. The drumming and dancing started in the middle of the afternoon. At first it was just the old men who gathered. Younger people started to arrive at dinner time and the tables were spread with tons of food. We joined and were welcomed. We made a show of drumming and learning some of the traditional dances. Mandy, of course, had been practicing all summer. But after dark, we slipped away to her cabin with the various drums we had brought.
We stripped ourselves in both timelines and sat with our drums, three of us in Mandy’s cabin and two in front of the bear cave. We started tentatively, but the strong rhythm set by the drummers in the circle outside filtered into our hands and we all five started to play on our drums. I was lost in the rhythms and seemed to float on the drumbeats. And then I felt lips on mine. Soft and sensuous. I thought Mandy had moved to kiss me, but when I opened my eyes, I saw myself looking back at me. My lips sought the lips of Wolf Riding Woman and she touched my soul. Beside me I saw Phile in a very unexpected embrace with Wolf Rising. Then all four of us turned to Mandy, who stared at us in disbelief. Our drums were forgotten as we embraced our dear love.
“It’s real. You are all here with me,” she gasped as Wolf Rising kissed her deeply. “I am beloved by all four and I love you equally. Take me. Make me your lover and your woman.”
There was remarkably little confusion as we celebrated our love physically for the first time. I don’t know if it was Phile or Wolf Rising that penetrated me for the first time. I don’t know if it was Phile’s come or Wolf Rising’s come that I licked out of Mandy and Wolf Riding Woman. I know that I felt every rise and every release of each of my lovers.
I was sixteen years old. I’d had my share of orgasms, diddling my clit with my fingers. I’d had a good share of orgasms with either Phile or Wolf Rising doing the diddling. I’d joined with Mandy as we pleasured each other. But having five souls wrapped together, all experiencing not only their own orgasm with the other four, but experiencing the other four as well...
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The ache within her shoulder-blades woke her up. She was still on her side, but now clutched a pillow to her chest. Any second now she’d hear her phone’s alarm go off, telling her it was time to start the morning shift at her dad’s restaurant. Charlie and Jack would be there, the two Sunday brunch brother regulars who took turns hitting on her. She put up with them because they tipped well. If it was supposed to be nice out after her shift, she’d call Aubrey and maybe they could go swimming...
Standard Disclaimer and Warning (SDAW): This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such. This story contains (some) strong language, and adult situations. If you are under 18, or are legally a minor in your place of residence, do not continue. This story also contains a transgender (TG) theme. If such offends you, or makes you uncomfortable, I highly recommend that you do not continue. This story...
"I know what you are," said a voice.Sienna glanced up from her phone looking to see who had spoken. It was some guy, mid-twenties, long dark hair, unkempt. He was sitting at a nearby table watching her, his feet propped up on an extra chair. He had this ineffable kind of sleazy charm that she couldn't quite describe. He definitely stood out. He was wearing a tight black band t-shirt, black jeans and combat boots. It was July. Who wears combat boots in the middle of the summer?"...what?" Sienna...
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Our house was just north of the campus at 117 Cider Lane, a small dead end road that hooked like a candy cane. We were about three quarters of the way around the handle of the cane, in a two story cottage. The three bedrooms upstairs were not all of a size. The back bedroom was the largest, about half again as large as either of the front bedrooms. The front bedrooms however had huge dormer windows with awesome window seats and a view towards campus. The back bedroom had smaller windows,...
They rode the next day, when Henry came by riding Beau and leading Sadie by the reins. Down by the creek, which was running high and clear, they swam in the pool where the water swirled past a large, flat-topped rock, and then against the bank and back on itself in a gentle whirlpool, a few small leaves and twigs trapped in its center. They swam naked, as they had in this same pool when they were small children; each of them in their own era, their experiences separated by decades. After, they...
Wife LoversStandard Disclaimer and Warning (SDAW): This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such. This story contains (some) strong language and adult situations. If you are under 18 or are legally a minor in your place of residence, do not continue. This story also contains a transgender (TG) theme. If such offends you or makes you uncomfortable, I highly recommend that you do not continue. This story...
Empathic Echoes by Quiver Chapter 2: Surround Sound Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned into a relatively functional shower, complete with shampoo, soap, and even a razor. Sienna was starting to feel more comfortable here. It helped that she had sent Jasper to grab a few things from her...
An eternity went by, and Echo spent this short period of forever in a personal hell, tailored and fitted to emulate the worst nightmare she’d never had in her life. Her dreams, throughout much of her life, had only been sweet and mundane. It’s the sleep-walking that set her apart from the masses. Dreams so horrible she couldn’t even remember them, despite walking a mile or two this way or that through the neighborhood she grew up in, and in the dead of night no less. She’d been much younger...
Echo stared at him with a small degree of criticism in her eyes, but only when he turned back around and silently commanded her to follow. He spoke to her like she hardly mattered as a human being. More than that, she could sense he was looking to her to give him any excuse to put a bullet in her head and wash his hands of the complication she’d become. Knowing that wasn’t a good feeling. In the hallway, she half-expected to see people, but none appeared. In the pack parking lot, after...
"My father was the Black Knight." The words echoed in my head. I couldn't focus on anything, could barely hear her carrying on talking about her childhood. I never knew I'd had any children. Call me an idiot. I'd been having sex with thousands of women over nearly fifty years, of course a few of them would have had children from it. It's just that I'd never met any, never heard of any. And now my daughter was sitting in front of me and I couldn't even acknowledge her. I found...
I finished up by tying a rope to the back of it and down to the eye bolt in the floor. I knotted it in a few different ways. I don’t even think I am going to be able to untie it without cutting it off. I made the rope about a foots length. Just enough to move but not enough to get up. I then retied her arms to the front as they must be getting sore and tired which worked to my advantage during all of this. I tucked her in and went back up stairs and made sure to lock the door. She did not...
Before the adventure begins, a quick description of the star of the show, Echo: An 18 year old human woman. Her lithe, 5'5" body is topped with shoulder-length shiny Raven hair. Her back and chest have the fairly easy job or supporting a pair of perky B-cup boobs with small areolas and very sensitive nipples. Past the slight but pleasant curve of her hips is a small but well rounded booty that leads into toned legs that are long for her height and cute little feet. While very lightweight and...
FantasyEchoI walked into the grungy beer stunk bar. Smoke floated into my face. I cringed and held my breath as I walked past the assailants. The speakers blared from the small stage. My black jeans hugged my hips as I slinked to the bar. I felt the eyes of the men in the room on me and the lace tank top barely covering my torso. Well-endowed could rarely be hidden even if I wasn't dressing like a little slutty tonight. The bartender was pouring drinks for a pretty couple at the end of the bar, then...
Echoes of Barkin By Rubberwolf 2009?Storycodes: fff/f, bd, water, ncEmma arrived a half an hour early for the viewing. It was always best to arrive before the client. It also allowed her to make sure that everything was presentable and that there were no unexpected surprises, like burst pipes or collapsed plaster. Although the property was maintained by an agency, it never hurt to check.Emma picked up the print outs of the property that she had bought from the office and leaved through them...
Echoes of Barking By Rubberwolf 2009?Storycodes: fff/f, bd, water, ncEmma arrived a half an hour early for the viewing. It was always best to arrive before the client. It also allowed her to make sure that everything was presentable and that there were no unexpected surprises, like burst pipes or collapsed plaster. Although the property was maintained by an agency, it never hurt to check.Emma picked up the print outs of the property that she had bought from the office and leaved through...
Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned into a relatively functional shower, complete with shampoo, soap, and even a razor.Sienna was starting to feel more comfortable here. It helped that she had sent Jasper to grab a few things from her apartment. And with so few personal connections, and the...
Reluctance'Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air, and deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves; an echo of a distant time comes willowing across the sand... And no one called us to the land - And no one knows the where's or why's. Something stirs and something tries; starts to climb toward the light... ' Randee came back from putting Seth, her three year old son, to bed and said, "I've not heard that since the last time you were here." I grinned around a bottle...
As Sam was counting, Steve did his underwater swim trick down to the other end of the pool. While he was swimming, he felt a cannonball vibrate through the pool and heard the muffled report. Just as he surfaced, Sam said "Marco!" He answered "Polo!" and heard Judy reply "Polo" a half-second behind him. Sam and Judy were down at the other end of the pool but he was sure that someone else was just surfacing at his end. Strange, he thought to himself. But, wanting to confuse the girls,...
I heard the front door shut and footsteps in the entry way, so I closed the book, with my finger marking my place, and was rising from the couch when they walked in. The expression on her face was less than welcoming, but I smiled warmly. “Wayne, this is my daughter Liesl, Liesl, this is Wayne. There is only six months between you, so I am sure you will find you have things in common. I would really like it if you two could become friends.” Dennis said, smiling at each of us. “I have a...
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Faye said hesitantly, having appeared in a flash on the Firing Range a minute earlier. “You two can kiss for a really long time!” John and Dana parted, both turning to smile at the sprite. “That’s alright, Faye,” John said, releasing the redhead from his embrace. “What’s up?” “I just wanted to let you know that we’ve arrived at the Alpha Ursae Majoris system,” she replied, her big eyes studying his face. “Would you like me to fly the Invictus to the planet...
"Sammy! Quitting time!" Brian was yelling at me from across the yard, and I barely heard him over the hum of the seamer. I didn't take my eyes off the bag, or the seamer's foot until I was done with it, but once I had the twine cut and the bag on the table I looked up and waved in acknowledgment. Two weeks after starting work, I was now sacking feed pretty much on my own. It was repetitious work, but not rocket science, and it freed up Brian to work more with the yard crew. I was also...
Time: February 12, 9570 3:00:00 AM UCT "And go," said Eliana. They were at a precise coordinate 10 km south and 10 km west of their station, at an elevation 1940 meters above sea-level and 1120 meters above the local terrain. They were entering their first run of the day, traveling due west at 72 kph. The sun was just breaking on the surface below, though at their height they had been enjoying the golden light for several minutes. Eliana idly recorded the sun's azimuth at 135 degrees...
This is another story I wrote for the same contest as the previous one I submitted. I was hesitant about submitting this, fearing that someone would accuse me of plagiarism. It was written and completed about four years before an author wrote a novel about this very type of story, one that I have not had the chance to read myself. I’m submitting it ‘as is’, before any cuts were made to shorten it to 7500 words (one of the rules in the contest). I swear, on my word of honor, any similarity...
‘It’s cold and gray again, Your body beings to thaw, The color blind your eyes, The flavor dulls your taste of everything, You try to break out, But something just locked the door.’ -‘Burning Skies’, Tones on Tails I was 15 and I thought I was beginning to lose my mind, but I was too afraid to tell anyone in dread of having my fears confirmed. I was just a kid and my perception of madness was as frightening as it was cliché, a myriad of images as thin as paper cut outs of being locked away in...
PLEASE NOTE There is no graphic sex described in this story. Chapter One Authors note: Denis Compton a renowned cricketer of that time, often known as ‘The Brylcreem Boy’ because of his dapper appearance and slicked hair. I lost Mavis a month ago. To tell the truth it wasn’t a surprise, she had fought long and hard, never complaining of the pain always talking of the better times to come when she was well again. We both knew that was Pie in the Sky, but neither of us admitted it to the...
I had just arrived in this quaint, romantic costal town. Other than making myself a dinner reservation I had no agenda or plan, just some much needed time to myself. I needed to get away from way to much reality at home. Just being here was a fantasy fulfilled. Ah, freedom. I had some time so I decided to do a little window-shopping and then have dinner at sunset overlooking the ocean. There were quite a number of interesting, busy little shops specializing in antiques, artwork and all kinds...
‘I’m aware what the rules are. But you know that I will run…You know that I will follow you, over silbury hill, through the solar field… you know that I will follow you’ ‘Hey Jupiter, nothing’s been the same. So are you gay, are you blue? Thought we both could use a friend to run to. And I thought I wouldn’t have to be with you…something new.’ It would be raining. Fuck it was raining like it would never end. The streets were empty ahead and behind, far as eyes would see. He walked in the...
It was late and her shift had finished hours ago, but management had fucked up once again and Amy was left behind to sort it. By midnight she'd had enough and decided to come in early tomorrow, so she grabbed her bag, shut down the computer and left. Outside light rain pattered on the concrete and thick clouds obscured the moon, casting long and dark shadows everywhere. Amy walked quickly through the empty streets, toying in her mind with the idea of bypassing the shortcut and using the main...