- 4 years ago
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This is another story I wrote for the same contest as the previous one I submitted. I was hesitant about submitting this, fearing that someone would accuse me of plagiarism. It was written and completed about four years before an author wrote a novel about this very type of story, one that I have not had the chance to read myself.
I’m submitting it ‘as is’, before any cuts were made to shorten it to 7500 words (one of the rules in the contest). I swear, on my word of honor, any similarity between this story and the aforementioned novel is completely and entirely coincidental.
Finally, he thought, I’d thought I’d never get all that bloody sand out.
Emerging from the guest quarter’s head, Lieutenant Commander John Winston Kyle was rubbing out the last of the water from his hair. Tossing the towel on the bunk, he tightened his bath robe and sat down at the desk, where the journal was waiting for him
He hadn’t had a chance to go through it yet, but figured that there would be time enough after he had cleaned up.
Kyle could hardly believe the events of the past few days actually happened, and was shocked beyond belief when he found out who was responsible for the nightmare he and most of the crew was forced to endure.
How the bloody Hell could we have made such a foolish mistake, he thought.
Serving as Chief of Communications, it was his duty to keep in contact with the science station they were closely working with. While patrolling star system after star system, Kyle sent constant updates to Spacelab Regula One, a science/research, orbiting space station where the top science team there was in the process of finishing preparations for their latest experiment. The U.S.S. Reliant was ordered to render assistance for their project called ‘Genesis’, an experimental procedure that, when delivered into a certain type of planet, would almost instantaneously terraform the surface. Instead of a lifeless moon or an inhospitable world, the experiment would turn it into a living Class M planet, capable of sustaining most humanoid life forms.
Reliant’s part in the experiment was to find a suitable test site, meaning a planet with the right size, mass, gravity, and other necessary factors… with absolutely no life on its surface. The Genesis Device, an enhanced torpedo-like mechanism, rearranged matter at the subatomic level upon impact with the surface and would destroy any type of life that was there. If there was so much as a microbe on the surface, the planet would be considered ‘unusable’.
And that was the main problem they had. Finding a planet within the habitable zone of a star system that didn’t already have life on it was difficult, and that was putting it mildly. For weeks, the Reliant traveled to different system throughout their patrol sector trying to find a proper test region for Regula’s experiment, with no success… until a few days ago.
Approaching the Ceti Alpha star system, the Reliant slid into orbit around, what they thought was, the sixth planet. It was a very unpleasant world, dominated by sands, winds of high velocity, and a limited atmosphere. The perfect conditions for the Genesis experiment… until they picked up a minor energy reading on the surface.
After consulting with Dr. Carol Marcus, the head of the science team, Captain Clark Terrell decided to beam down and investigate this find. He and his first officer, Commander Pavel Chekov, went down to check it out but because of the surface conditions, communications were extremely limited. Once contact was re-established, the science officer immediately ordered them beamed back to the ship. They all breathed a sigh of relief when Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov entered the bridge, but it was short lived. For right behind them were five others, dressed in rags and covered in grit… and brandishing phasers.
And when the one in the middle made his way to the front of the group, all the color in Kyle’s face drained away. Standing in front of him was the last person he ever expected to see again.
Khan Noonien Singh.
A product of late twentieth century genetic engineering, Khan was found in a sleeper ship drifting through space by the Enterprise about fifteen years earlier. The ship, the S.S. Botany Bay, held some seventy refugees from the Eugenics Wars, a precursor to Earth’s World War III, and was launched just after the enhanced ‘supermen’ were finally defeated. Once they realized that Earth would tolerate their tyrannical rule no longer, they used the ship to escape and sealed themselves in suspended animation.
Two and a half centuries later, the Enterprise under the command of Captain James Kirk found and revived Khan from his hyper-sleep. He managed to revive the others of his cadre and attempted to seize the Enterprise for their own purposes.
Kyle was one of the first to be subdued by the dictator. While in the transporter room, Lt. Marla MacGivers, the ship’s historian, entered and threatened him with a phaser. Once he backed away from the transporter console, Khan came at him from behind and rendered him unconscious with some type of pressure point grip to his neck. He was rudely awakened by one of Khan’s followers and taken to the hangar deck, along with most of the rest of the crew, and told that if they didn’t cooperate, the hangar doors would be overridden and opened, blowing everyone inside out into space.
While Kyle and a couple of engineers were working on an escape, namely getting inside one of the Jeffries tubes and working their way to another deck, they were startled by shouts coming from the hangar. A steady mist of white vapor started billowing out of the ventilation ducts, anesthetizing gas, part of the ship’s intruder alert/deterrent system. The last thing Kyle saw was dozens of crewmembers collapsing on top of one another as the gas started to affect him and efficiently put him and the crew to sleep.
The next thing he remembered was a nurse from Sickbay trying to revive him, hovering over him and a dozen others nearby lying on the hangar’s deck. He was told that Khan had been captured, his followers rounded up and placed in the brig, and their plan to take control of the Enterprise thwarted.
What surprised him and most of the crew was what Kirk had done afterwards. The captain had ordered all charges dropped and sentenced Khan and his group to exile on Ceti Alpha V, a habitable world though somewhat primitive by most standards with its untamed wilderness. Seeing it as a chance to tame a world and build his own empire, Khan accepted the challenge. Lt. MacGivers, given a choice of a court-martial for assisting Khan in his unsuccessful takeover of the ship or accompanying him to the planet and joining him in exile, chose to go with him. And that was that, the incident was considered ‘classified’, the entire matter closed and ultimately forgotten.
How could any of us have forgotten where we left him?
Kyle chided himself for his inattention. Granted, it was over fifteen years ago, but events like that aren’t easily forgotten… or at least they shouldn’t be.
And how the bloody Hell did they manage to get to Ceti Alpha VI?
Khan and his band took control of the Reliant the same way Kirk took back control of the Enterprise: using the intruder deterrent system and gassing the entire crew, with the exception of the bridge personnel. Though the layouts of the controls aboard starships were altered in appearance, their functions were basically the same as they had been for more than two decades. Remembering Khan’s superior mind, not to mention memory, Kyle figured he had remembered all he had read about a starship’s stations and functions, memorizing the technical manuals he had scanned through while recovering in the Enterprise’s Sickbay after being revived from hyper-sleep.
Rounding up everyone and assembling them on one of Reliant’s two main hangar deck
s, Khan ordered the crew to abandon the ship. When some refused, he forced five of them onto a cargo transporter along with a homing beacon and transported them down to the surface. Already knowing what conditions were like on Ceti Alpha VI, Kyle knew the five crewmen would be dead within a matter of minutes.
Khan gave them a choice: abandon the ship using the shuttlecrafts and various other crafts on board, or follow the preceding five via the transporter. Outgunned by Khan’s followers, including Captain Terrell, Commander Chekov, and about two dozen security officers, all armed with phasers set to ‘kill’, the crew had no choice but to leave using the shuttles, given the nature of their destination.
In twos and threes, the shuttlecrafts left the ship and followed the signal from the homing beacon. Once the hangar deck was clear, Kyle and others near viewports saw the Reliant bank away from the planet and disappear into subspace.
Now, given absolutely no choice, the tiny ships made their way down to the surface. Kyle, being the company’s ranking officer, scouted the area around where the beacon had been transported to determine the best course of action in landing procedures. He found the beacon setting next to what appeared to be a cargo container and hope leaped into his heart, thinking that the five crewmen that were sent down with the beacon found their way into it. For there was no possible way anyone could survive out in the open without proper protection. The ferocious winds blowing sand in all directions would make sure of it.
They had trouble landing, but Kyle’s shuttle crew managed it with a few jarring bumps, the hurricane strength winds buffeting the shuttle’s hull with shrieks and groans. Donning environmental suits, Kyle and his crew were set to explore their new, hopefully temporary, home. After he ordered the rest of the shuttles to start their approach and warning them in advance about the landing conditions, he and his shuttle team exited the craft.
The first thing they noticed about their surroundings was they really couldn’t see it very well. Winds whipping sand and sediment everywhere made it impossible to see more than five feet in front of them. But just ahead of the shuttle’s nose, they could see the distinctive strobe flash of the homing beacon. Fighting the wind, Kyle edged his way to it in an attempt to adjust the signal so the other shuttles would be able to home in on it better. But upon reaching the device, he tripped over something causing him to tumble into a sand dune. Recovering, he saw what had caught his boot… another boot.
Kyle and two others franticly dug into the sand and uncovered one of the previous crewmen beamed down with the beacon. Without protection, the crewmen succumbed to the blowing sand and gases in the atmosphere, suffocating him. Digging around the beacon, they had found two others from the five in the same condition, the other two were nowhere to be seen, instantly buried under the drifting sands upon arrival.
Kyle ordered everyone inside the container and, feeling their way around the sides, they discovered a makeshift airlock. Kyle chose to remain just inside the anteroom shanty outside the door in order to guide the others coming down in the arriving shuttles.
At first, there was little problem in landing the crafts, albeit Kyle was sure some of them would be nauseous after being tipped and swayed by the winds. One after the other, the shuttles set down near the ramshackle cargo box, which turned out to be several when the sands cleared just enough for Kyle to see them stacked against each other end to end, more or less.
But the wind had other ideas, for when the last of the shuttles started descending the gusts kicked up and blew a couple of them off course. One was blown sideways and, attempting to right itself but overcompensating, flipped into a barrel roll and sailed over the container, missing it by mere feet and making Kyle instinctively duck. Another was caught in a down draft and plummeted to the ground, smashing into another shuttle already parked there. The one on the ground was empty, but the crew inside the other perished in the resulting explosion that followed the impact.
Two others joined Kyle outside, seeing if there was anything they could do to help, but he stopped them knowing the one shuttle had disappeared into the blowing sands and the other was a flaming funeral pyre. Other crewmen appeared in the viewports of their crafts and some in the cobbled together ports of the container walls at the sound of more craft attempting to land… and were sickened at the sight.
The few remaining craft were inspection pods, used to inspect the hulls of starships before, during, and after any damage occurred or any repairs were made. They weren’t meant to land on a planet, but Khan had given them no choice, the escape pods would have a slim chance of surviving entry into the planet’s atmosphere. Any other Class M world, probably, but not this one.
Two or three pods actually made it to the surface with minimal trouble, but the others were caught in the sudden gusts of wind just like the doomed shuttles were. One tried to land, despite the harsh winds, but was blown sideways and slammed into a dune. Another actually bounced a few times before finally landing, roughly upside down. The remaining four, out of desperation, popped open their emergency drag parachutes in an attempt to slow their descent, but it only served to hasten their demise. The winds instantly grabbed hold of the chutes and tossed the pods around like tether balls, two of them being slammed into each other when their chute lines got tangled and exploding like a nova, the other two picked up and carried away, disappearing into the sand driven haze.
Once the last of the crafts had landed, the survivors made their way to the containers, with Kyle and his companions guiding them and ushering them in. And when everyone was inside, Kyle took one last look at the barren, treacherous landscape of Ceti Alpha VI and, with a sense of foreboding, sealed the airlock door shut. He then got a proper look at their surroundings, after making sure no one was in need of serious medical attention.
The hollowed out cargo unit was stripped down to the bare walls, cannibalized of anything that was considered useful. Makeshift cots were hung on one wall, pots and pans and other utensils hanging from another. An old viewport was sloppily inserted into a hole cut right next to the airlock door apparently, judging from the old burn marks around it, with a phaser. Personal belongings were scattered everywhere, including a homemade chess game sitting on a small container, and in the air hung the smell of unwashed clothes and sweat.
Kyle was going to check the adjoining room/container, but stopped himself, he had other things to do first. The other room could wait.
He ordered the crew to take a head count and then afterwards start searching for things they were going to need if they were going to be there for awhile, namely food and water. The heads of each shuttle crew reported to Kyle and added up the numbers: one hundred and ninety-two… out of a Miranda Class cruiser compliment of three hundred and fifty-three. Kyle did some quick subtracting in his head. Captain Terrell, Commander Chekov, twenty-four or so security personnel, and he had overheard one of Khan’s brutes saying something about taking control of the engineering staff and using them to maintain the ship’s engines and power, about sixty-five in all. Plus the five Khan had beamed down earlier.
Now, accounting for (Kyle guessed) the ten or so crewmen in each shuttle that was lost, and the four or five others in each pod that went down, that left about two dozen people unaccounted for. Whether they were part of the security or engineering crew being manipulated by Khan, there were more in the crashed shuttles and pods than he thought, or Khan and his group had simply killed them outright to get them out of the way, there
was no way to be sure.
Giving up on speculating, Kyle rallied the remaining crew of the Reliant and organized them into groups. One would search for water, another for food, and another for assessing any working equipment they could use, especially communications equipment. The remaining groups would organize living and sleeping arrangements for the crew, and make any injured crewman comfortable by setting up a makeshift Sickbay.
Kyle heard the shouting of discovery ten minutes later. Racing through the connected containers, he came upon several crewmen gathered together at the far end. They parted to let the commander through and to show him their discovery: the end wall was actually one huge door. Removing pieces of equipment that hung there revealed the bisection of the wall, neatly concealed behind a flap of metal made to look like a support strut, the securing rails, used to prevent cargo from sliding around inside the container, were door handles.
Opening one door, then the other to prevent them from hanging up on each other, the disguised hatch opened up onto a gently sloping walkway that led down. The walls and ceiling looked like hull material, but it wasn’t fitted together like the hull of a ship, more like hull plates hastily welded together to connect the container to… whatever was below. The sheets near the door weren’t quite lined up right to form a smooth finish and obviously not too thick, they could hear the wind screaming passed, pounding sand and grit into them, and making a few of the plates rattle.
Ordering everyone to wait there, Kyle took three crewmen with him and descended into the metal pit. All of them brandishing pipes and what-not, anything they could use as a weapon, for they had no idea what was awaiting them once they reached the bottom.
Not fifteen feet from the wall/door, they found themselves standing on deck plates, they were inside a ship of some sort. There was light, but it appeared to be spread out casting eerie shadows all around them, and the view was the same behind them when they ventured around back of the ramp.
The long deck was lined with some type of drawers with glass inserted cabinet doors in both directions and on both walls. The empty space dominating the middle of the deck had what looked like support strut connection tips sticking out of the flooring, indicating that something was there but had been removed. Old control panels, about three hundred years out of date, were set at each end of the deck next to a stairwell, none of which showed any sign of power.
Kyle called down two more groups of three and told them to explore the… vessel, dwelling, whatever it was. The teams headed away from the ramp and split up once they reached the end, while Kyle’s team headed in the opposite direction. The stairwell they came up to led up as well as down, and he told his three crewmen to head down and rendezvous with the other teams. They cautioned him about going on alone, but Kyle told them not to worry because he was somewhat certain that there was no one here, for he had a suspicion about what this place actually was.
Watching his team descend to the next level, Kyle proceeded upwards, carefully placing his feet gently on the steps to avoid making any noise that would give him away, just in case his hunch was wrong. Kyle passed two more decks, narrow and confined, on his way up. They revealed what looked like a galley and some sort of briefing room surrounding the stairwell. But when he finally reached the top level, his suspicions were confirmed.
He found himself in an old control room, a bridge with three or four stations lining the walls and a navigation console set in the middle of the deck, all dark and without power.
And the last piece of evidence he needed to confirm his hunch was on the wall behind him: a bronze plaque, dusty and tarnished, with the inscription stamped boldly in large raised letters.
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The time Between Thanksgiving and Christmas break was a quiet time at school. Basketball season had started, but I had no interest in it, except as a spectator. As if in compensation though, the number and intensity of the social aspects of my life seemed to increase a thousand fold. Of course there were more church activities, and the activities this time of year were among those I didn't mind, so I pitched in when asked. Greta, Carrie, Joe and I usually did so as a group, and we were...
The start of spring brought back mobility. With clearer roads, I had safer use of the Honda, and easier running with Ned. Greta had her fourteenth birthday in February. It was a little too cold for a camping trip, so her Dad took her shopping in Portland instead. Boy did she shop! She came back with a truckload of new clothes and a Honda Super Cub like mine. Matching mobility! A few days later, we arranged to be alone at my house, and we got naked and did a little exploring. Greta Porter...
We finished the baseball season at 13 and 5. The season included some good, quality wins against tough opponents, but we had trouble with every big city team we faced, and we wound up not making it out of our own league tournament in the post season. It was a big disappointment for the seniors, especially Chuck Nileson, who had really hoped we would have the firepower to advance. We were better than the year before though, even Chuck was willing to say so. In fact, Chuck went out of his way...
With Carrie convinced that she was helping me keep a secret, the last few weeks of school passed uneventfully. Unlike the year before, I had lined up my own job, and this time, there would be no surprises. The fact that I was going to be working for Mr. Porter at the Porter Ranch, taking city folks out to experience a few nights on the high desert or on the Columbia river had most of my friends believing it was because of Greta, but that was only a part of it. I wanted to learn the area, and...
By the middle of August, I had over fifty people who had come to believe in my story and my purpose. They were split almost evenly among kids and adults, with most of the kids being high school age. We met again on the fifteenth of August, at the Porter ranch. The big main room of the Porter ranch guest house was large enough to hold twice as many people, if everyone was friendly. For the first time, I laid out what I saw. "Its 1962. The end of summer is approaching, and we're on the...
The future was in my hands. Literally. Dad always told me not to underestimate the value of a firm handshake. Now it seemed a handshake from me would mean the difference between life or death. It was difficult to get my head wrapped around the reality of that. How many hands can a man shake in four years, if he works at it? If I shook a hundred hands a day, every day for four years, I could save 146,000 people. Less than the population of even a middling sized American city. There was...
The Umatilla Ordnance Depot was going to be a problem some day. It had been storing military ordnance, mostly ammunition, since it was built in 1941. That meant everything from .30 caliber bullets to bombs. Big bombs. Unexploded ordnance was going to be a big enough problem on its own, but the real problem here was that since just a few years ago, the depot had begun storing chemical weapons, including nerve gas. It would be a threat to everyone left behind. Plans had to be made to deal...
In my first life, the 1965/66 Rose Bowl was won by UCLA 14-12 over Michigan State. I remembered this game for some reason. It had been a big upset, I think for UCLA to win, which they did with a last second goal line stand. Michigan State had already wrapped up the national championship by beating Notre Dame by the time we played them in Pasadena, and we played them to a standstill for three quarters. It wasn't until the fourth that they got to us. We answered with a feeble field goal in...
The wedding was, by necessity, a very public affair. Only Grandma Kendall could have managed to throw such a grand and elegant affair together in so short a time. We weren't sure how many more days or weeks we had left before the event, but we wanted our marriage to be an established fact in people's minds before it happened. Reverend Carmichael, our local minister, and minister to most of Cold Lake presided. He was one of the doubting Thomas' amongst our supporters, having seen the same...
Janine Thomas sat bewildered. Thrown. Here she was, dressed for a peaceful Saturday of shopping, VCR movies, and relaxing. Her slightly faded jeans were pressed. Her tennis shoes a relatively new white and her blue polo shirt neatly pressed. Then this happened. She sat with her right leg tucked under her rear, her left on the floor as she leaned forward to her friend Mitchell Conners. Mitchell had that bleary eyed look that one gets when they have spent the better part of an early...
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Introduction to real...
Car engine hums, the sound reverberates through her body as they race along...Lana casts a wicked sexy smile at Evan as she holds the wheel, the car races onwards. Evan's left hand reaches over, strokes the smooth thigh exposed below her short skirt. Tender soft rubs as his hand teases and lingers over her soft, silky thighs. Each rub, every soft tender stroke edging upward along her soft smooth skin. Her clit teased by his touch as she licks her lips, her need for his touch growing. His...
Love Storiesin class, i was always known as the nice, sweet, evergrove girl. my name is richelle rose evergrove. and this is a story about how my teacher, grey, was proved wrong about who i am. in class that day, i was particularly horny and looking for a good time. mr. tompsin, his first name was grey, just happened to be there. my body was ravishing — my smooth tan skin, perky breasts with pink light brown nipples, my nice little ass. and don’t get me started on my pussy. it was nice and i’d imagine it...
Mitch sighed roughly as he shoved the rest of the clean clothes he was taking with him to his fathers for the Summer. "You will have fun Mitchell, you always do so stop throwing a fit." His mother commented as she walked past his door, a grunt pushing from his chest at her words. Yeah maybe he would have fun, however he was not looking forward to his fathers increasingly odd behavior towards him. Mitchell was twelve years old and his parents had been divorced since he was six. His father...
A favourite story from Literotica...Aunt Shellyby TryAnything Brian had always thought his Aunt Shelly was one of the most beautifulwomen in the world. Many times he had masturbated while thinking of her,her long blonde hair down to her waist, her sparkling blue eyes and widegenerous smile. He also liked her long slim legs, which she always seemedto showcase with either a short skirt or short shorts. But in any event,her legs were an enticing sight at all times. And she had full breasts.Many...
Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...
Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...
It was in Philadelphia on business eating at an Applebees myself. Shelley was sitting a few tables away with a gilfriend. She sent a drink over to my table. When the waitress pointed out who had bought me the drink I looked at Shelley, she gave me a beautiful smile and winked at me. I walked over and asked if I could join them. She said of course. So I had dinner with her and her friend Tammy. When dinner was over I picked up the check. Tammy was kind of a third wheel and we really could not...
Akash! Akash! shouted the school cleaner after knowing that he is sleeping in the school store room. Akash wakes up and sees that he and asleep in the store room and will now have to hear the scolding of the old and ugly school cleaner but he listens it quietly and walks away because he has just had the BEST EXPIERIENCE of his Life by sucking his computer teacher Mrs Shelly’s milky and oversized boobs.Ok,FLASHBACK: The Story starts with Akash masturbating in the room by fantasizing about...
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera I looked at my watch, but Shelly still wasn't due for another ten minutes. I released the latest in a chain of sighs at the thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar alone. It sent shudders through me. The thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar with Fred in was even worse, but I intended to wait for her even if it meant watching him chase nineteen-year-old girls. I could have done without having to watch him make out with the...
Series 4, Episode 9: SHELLEY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old fashioned English resort town. Out of season and on a windy, cold and rainy day, the place is virtually...
Shelly is clothed not below her hips, except for a pair of nice, tight, slutty red leather high-heeled boots which come halfway up her calves. The rest of her legs are smooth, and pink, and shiny. Her nice round butt-cheeks are all uncovered and vulnerable upon the moist leather seat. Before her is a very big plate of paella, it is the Master’s special paella made of slime and robomeat and special lobotising rice. It rises from the plate in a tall, glistening, juicy, smelly tower. It rises to...
ShellyShelly and I had known each other in High School and would see each other here and again afterwards. We partied with the same people and once or twice fooled around, but never really had sex. Lots of making out and petting was the extent of our fun. Years went by and we shared info on social media, but I lived up near Houston and she was down in Corpus Christi so actually meeting up was not possible. I decided to make a trip home and posted to social media and was surprised how many old...
I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...
"Dude, Mrs. Mitchell is a hottie." Robin Mitchell froze at the top of the stairs that led down to the basement of her new townhome. Had she heard that right? "Shh, not so loud, Brandon." That was Paul, the kid who'd lived next door at her old house and had generously offered to help her move. No, not a kid anymore, Robin reminded herself as she thought of his biceps straining his tight graphic tee. "Anyway," Brandon continued, "you sure she's in her 40s? There's no way. Her legs...
Shelly looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick. She smiled at what she saw, "No wonder the guys have been hitting on you girl" she thought to herself. She stood five feet one and had one hundred and five pounds distributed on a 34-22-32 frame. Green eyes and long brown hair completed the package. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and thought, for at least the tenth time, "You shouldn't be doing this girl" but then she shook the thought from her head and...
Hellfire. A name well known around America. Essentially a strip joint, but there are added perks if you're a senior member. Just like I have finally become. 3 years, I've waited, but I'm happy to say today's the day. I've finally joined the Hellfire club's inner circle. As a reward for joining, they offer me one of their "junior members," so to speak. Sebastian Shaw, the Club's leader, opens two doors on either side of the room with the push of a button, and I turn to look at the first girl: a...
In the summer of my Sophmore year of High School my dad got remarried for the 4th time. He was living in LA county and I didnt see him very much. During the summer I went up to spend a week with him and meet his new wife. I really could care less. I was a surf k** who loved the beach and spending one week in Riverside was a version of hell to me back then. Anyway, He and I pulled up to the house and went in. He showed me a room where I would be staying. I asked about a room closer to the...
Shelly was at least half my age, but it did not matter to me when I saw her sweet apple ass wiggle, I felt a familiar stirring, and she carried a majestic rack up front that made me want to unbutton the men’s shirt she wore. Every time she walked by me I sucked quick my breath, I wanted to grab her butt or embrace her. Her mouth had the perfect, huge pout that I wanted to lick so bad and it made me think that she might have had thick sweet pussy lips as well. Her body was nothing but feminine,...
A/N: More Vincent-oriented stuff. Not so kink-filled this time. All human forms. Small bits of boy love fluff here and there. —– SemiBroken Eggshells Denver, CO: It seems that these young people are still on their hunt for their friend. The head of the group, Nathan Winters, had this to say, ‘It’s apparent that Vince doesn’t want us to find him, but we are going to. If everyone else drops out, I am, at least, going to continue my hunt for him.’ Vincent Fox, 23, left his home city of Denver...
I've had the hots for Shelly since we were twelve years old and playing 'doctor' in her dad's garage. We dated, off and on, all through junior high and high school, but for some reason or other I was never able to get into her pants. Others did - lots of others, but not me. I almost got there once. We were in her basement and my finger was in her pussy and she was stroking my dick. In another couple of minutes I would have been in her, but the front door slammed and her father, who had come...