EchoesChapter 2: Reservoir free porn video

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It took a couple long minutes, laying in bed the next morning after my eyes opened, to wipe the silly grin off my face. I hadn't been sure what I would find come morning. Hell, I wasn't sure I'd find morning!

Ned popped his head over the edge of the bed as soon as he heard me moving around, and I reached down and patted his head. He'd need to go out as soon as I was dressed. In fact, that made me think about what I'd have to do starting tomorrow. His big exercise of the day usually happened after school, but now that I was working, I didn't know if I'd be able to run with him in the afternoon. I'd have to start getting up early enough to take him for a run before work.

"Might as well get started today." I told him.

By Kendall family tradition, the first day of summer vacation was a day off for mom. I was on my own for breakfast. Instead of heading down for a shower and some breakfast, I threw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and headed out the door with Ned. I grabbed the tennis ball off that was Ned's current object d'fetch off the porch, and headed up Lacker, past the Ralston's, towards the intersection with Weisse Boulevard.

Weisse was a diagonal cross road that abutted a bunch of cross streets running west, but also hit Lacker and Burnside running East. It was a pretty ambitious bit of running, and maybe I was biting off more than I could chew, but day two of my return had me determined to make sure my life turned out different this time, and that particularly included not becoming the slug I had been in my first life.

I set what I thought was a moderate pace for myself, throwing the tennis ball ahead for Ned and letting him chase it down and run it back. Weisse was a pretty busy road, and was paved, so I held the ball until we got to Burnside. Ned was ready for a little more ball chasing by then, so we went at it again, still with a little more care than we had used on Lacker. There were more houses here, and less open area to throw the ball that wasn't someone's yard.

Mom's car was still in the driveway when I got back to the house, so I decided she wasn't planning on making a complete escape for the day. I grabbed a drink of water in the kitchen and took a glance at the clock above the stove. Damn! It wasn't even 7:30 yet!

After a nice hot shower and a change of clothes, I decided I was hungry. I hadn't heard any sounds of mom stirring upstairs yet, but I figured she'd stir plenty quick if she smelled breakfast cooking.

I had another of those 'pause and think' moments while I tried to rebuild for myself some memory of what I knew how to cook at this age the first time around. I'd been a bachelor most of my life, and was a decent cook, but as I remembered it, at fourteen I had mastered French toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.

I didn't want to risk using the bacon I found, as there was only the one package, and I didn't want to risk discovering it was meant for something else. We had plenty of eggs though, so I decided to scramble some of those and began looking around for things to scramble up with it. There was a quarter of an onion, wrapped in cellophane in the fridge, part of a green pepper, and some leftover link sausage that must've been a part of yesterday's breakfast.

I felt safe using leftovers, and while I had our cast iron frying pan heating up on the stove, I thought about making coffee. If Dad were back, there would already be coffee on, and Mom drank it, so I felt safe in making a pot. The question was, would they care if I started drinking it? Again I tried dredging through memories that were mine once removed. I drank it when we went camping I remembered, and when Dad and I went hunting it was considered an essential, and I drank it black.

The next question was, did I know how to make coffee in this old electric percolator style coffee pot? Mr. Coffee was a decade away, and I'd certainly get some serious questions if I up and started talking about French coffee presses and coffee bean grinders!

I didn't want to sweat the onions before I added them, but I did want to heat the sausage a little and cook the green pepper some to soften it slightly. I did the sausage first, throwing the chopped up pepper bits in with them when it was time. While that was going on I cracked six eggs into a bowl and added a little salt and pepper as I scrambled them.

Mom came downstairs as I was finishing the eggs. I'd decided to add some toast at the last minute and four slices were already done and another four were almost set to pop.

"Sammy, this is a surprise!" Mom said.

"Morning Mom. When I got home and got cleaned up, I was too hungry to wait."

"You've already been out?"

"I woke up early and decided to take Ned for a run. I figure I'm going to need to do that every day, since I don't know how tired I'll be at the end of the day, once I start work. He needs his exercise, and its probably the only way I'll be able to give it to him every day."

I must have pleased Mom with that breakfast, and the explanation, because she offered to do dishes after we ate, and didn't say a word about my cup of coffee. I did my morning chores, which was mostly making my own bed, cleaning my room and making sure the garbage was out if it was garbage day. We didn't have a lawn to mow, but I did have two cars to wash, alternating one a week. That was a Sunday chore though, so unless Mom asked for something special, I was done when I came down from my room.

While I was in my room I took some time to study the calendar on my wall. This was May 18th. Two weeks ago, on May 5th, Alan Shepard had become the first American in space. Freedom 7 was the watchword on every red-blooded American boy, and the first time through these events I had very much been one of them. The last two weeks of school, as I remembered, had been chock full of Alan Shepard book reports and essays.

School had gotten out yesterday and Memorial Day was less than two weeks away. The calendar reminded me that the federal law that moved Memorial Day to the last Monday in May hadn't happened yet, so the holiday wasn't going to be a long weekend like I was used to. Still it raised questions in my mind.

"Mom, is my job going to change our Memorial Day plans?" I asked when I got back downstairs.

"No Sammy, don't worry about that," Mom said. "Nileson's is going to be closed on Memorial Day and Mr. Nileson has already said you can miss work on the 29th, so we're still going to be camping for almost four straight days."

This news reassured me and worried me at the same time. Tomorrow, once my new job started, I would be traveling new ground for sure. I'm sure I already had to some degree, my day yesterday had certainly not included my visits with Benny or Carrie. Something as concrete as a Memorial Day camping trip? Those were peak events in my young life, and the upcoming one never happened, canceled around me as I sat sulking in my room.

The same train of thoughts that brought those concerns brought a moment of brightness with it as well. The first time through, Dad and I argued pretty harshly when he got home, and he had taken the belt to me pretty hard, for the first time really. He told me later in life that he regretted it. I sure regretted the pain, and this time through I wasn't going to be getting that!

"What do you have planned today Sammy?" Mom asked.

"Carrie, Benny and I are going to see how many of the gang can meet up at the creek."

"Are you going to spend all day?"

"I guess it depends on who shows up, and what everyone wants to do."

"Why don't you get a couple of packages of hot dogs out of the freezer," Mom suggested. "I'll give you some money and you can stop at the store and get some buns."

It was almost 8:30 by the time I left the house. I jumped on my bike and with Ned loping alongside, headed for Benny's house. Once I was on Burnside I stopped on the way at Roger and Amelia Cort's house to see if they were going to be able to come to the spot. Mrs. Cort answered my knock.

"Good morning Mrs. Cort," I began when she opened the door.

"Well, good morning yourself Sammy," she laughed. "You're awful early!"

"Are Roger and Amelia here?"

"They're still in the kitchen eating their breakfast," she told me. "Go on in, you know the way."

I found I did too, and without having to dredge things up.

"Thank you!" I tossed behind me as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Sammy!" I got simultaneously from the two of them. They were twins, they could hardly help it.

"Hi guys!"

"What's going on?" Roger asked.

"I'm on my way over to Benny's," I explained. "Carrie thought we should all get together at the creek today, and I want to see if you guys can come."

"Hey mom!" Roger yelled, despite the fact that his mom was standing right in the doorway.

"Yes, you two can go," she answered before he could even ask. "Are you spending the day?"

"I think so," I answered. "Mom is letting me take a couple of packages of hot dogs, and I'm stopping at the store to get buns."

"Amy, I'll give you some money and you can get some chips or something at the store to take with you." Mrs. Cort offered.

"Great, thanks Mom, can I grab a jar of relish from the cellar too?" Amelia asked. Only her mother called her Amy. She hated it and preferred Amelia. 'Amy is too plain and ordinary', she would complain. Roger was Roger. 'Just plain old Roger for me. Amelia can be special and outstanding for both of us.'

"Sure sweetie, but take one of the small ones, and be sure to bring back what you don't use." Mrs. Cort cautioned.

"Okay, I'm off to Benny's," I told them, "We'll be there by eleven, if not sooner. See ya there!"

Even if we'd managed to get everyone who was even a peripheral member of the group we usually spent our idle hours with, it would have been no more than a dozen. Erik Osterhaus was in Portland with his parents. Sissy Mitchel was stuck babysitting her baby brother. The Carmody brothers already had plans with some friends from the other end of town. Luther Harwell could come, but he had to be back at four, or as he said, 'My Dad will rain down fire and brimstone on my ass.'

This was the report I got from Benny as soon as I saw him. He apparently had been burning up the phone lines, not as reluctant as I was to tie up the family phone.

I told him about the hot dogs, and the Cort's bringing relish and maybe getting chips or something. The relish was welcome news, as Mrs. Cort made it herself, from her own homemade pickles, and it was as good as you could get.

"What about Carrie?" Benny asked. When I said I had no clue, he hopped on the phone and called her house. I only heard his end of the conversation of course, but it was brief.

"Hi Mrs. Ralston, is Carrie there?"

"Oh, okay."

"Well, its starting to look like we'll be taking food and stuff, and wanted to check with her."

"Oh, okay. Thank you Mrs. Ralston."

"She's not home," Benny told me. "Her mom says she's over visiting with old man Garrison."

"Oh," I offered, at a loss for whatever else to say in response.

"Her mom says not to worry though, that she'll be bringing something."

We had no sooner finished that conversation, the phone still warm from Benny's hand when it rang, making both of us jump.

"Hello, Argus residence. Benjamin speaking."

"Oh hi Luth!" Benny said, letting me know it was Luther Harwell.


"Even better, Luth! See you when you get there. Do you need help hauling it form the road?"

"Okay, we'll be ready."

I stared at Benny as he hung up the phone again, one eyebrow raised.

"Luther says his dad cut down a bunch of scrub alders on the back of his property a couple of weeks ago, and there's a good bit of it available for us to use as firewood if we want it."

"Great!" I said. "What was even better?"

"His sister Celia is willing to do the driving if we want to pack it up to the creek. They'll be by to pick us up in about five minutes."

It was fast approaching 9:30 by now, and I still needed to pick up the hot dog buns Mom had given me money to buy. I should have time when we got back from dropping off the firewood, especially if Celia would drop me off at the store on her way back into town.

The Harwell's owned the local drug store, and Mr. Harwell was a pharmacist. They had a genuine soda shop in the store that Mrs. Harwell ran, and it was one of our main hangouts, as it was for most of the teenagers in Cold Lake. The Harwells were also the only black family in Cold Lake. Funny, but with the memories I could muster from this life and the first one, I couldn't find a single instance where that mattered to anyone I knew.

It was also an absolute incontrovertible truth that Celia Harwell was about as drop-dead gorgeous a woman as I remembered seeing in either life. Even Carrie couldn't compete. Of course Celia was nineteen or twenty, so she was as far removed from me and my social sphere as Alpha Centauri was from Earth.

I had my bike and Ned with me, so we jumped in the back of the truck along with the firewood and headed out. It was a fast ride by truck, with little or no traffic on our edge-of-town dirt roads. We were there and unpacking the truck within five minutes.

Looking at the pile of alder logs, which ranged from about an inch and a half to four inches in diameter, and a mostly uniform eighteen inches in length, I figured it would take the three of us, Luther, Benny and me, two trips to get it all where we wanted it, but there were two canvas cloths laying in the bottom of the truck that the wood had been laying on, and I figured we could use them to build ourselves a carrier for the wood so we could do it in one trip.

I motioned at the cloths to Luther and he got the idea immediately.

The two tarps were the old olive green that smacked of army surplus, and there were a ton of one inch wide canvas strips sewn into the underside of both tarps about two feet apart. The long sides of both had seams sewn with a heavy black thread that suggested they had been cut from something larger and then their edges dressed.

We laid the two pieces out on the ground next to our pile of firewood and contemplated how to make them work for us. They were both the same size, about twelve or so feet long and three feet wide.

In the end, we just stacked the wood in the center of one piece and laid the other piece on top. Then we twisted the ends like we were wrapping a taffy, and Luther and I each took an end, with Benny delegated to running alongside with a hand firmly on one of the straps to keep the whole thing from untwisting. At a quick jog, it took us ten minutes to make the round trip, and we were back to Celia and the truck. Benny jumped in the back with Ned this time and Luther and I prepared to climb in the front seat with Celia.

"Sammy wants to know if he can get a ride all the way into town?" Luther explained. I smiled.

"Your reputation's going to get damaged being seen riding in a car with me Sammy," she warned.

"Are you kidding?" I responded. "Being seen with the most beautiful girl in Cold Lake? It's going to boost my reputation, not damage it."

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Since we had sex with my mother-in-law, my sexual life became better. I love my girlfriend and I love sex with her, but our two sexual adventure spiced it thoroughly.When I’m at my girlfriend’s house, we behaved like a normal son-in-law mother-in-law couple. As if nothing had happened between us. Only when nobody saw us, there were some tiny things, what I wrote for you last time. We aren’t kissing, hugging or anything. We are only periodical lovers. I don’t love her, and she doesn't love me....

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Living Next Door to Heaven 120 Demo King

When I got home, chaos ensued. Betts pulled in late Sunday and from that point on it was all about getting her to school. I couldn't wait until I could drive. The county fair started Saturday and my Foods demonstration was slated for the following Monday. County Fair was a big deal for 4-H. It was nine days long and there was stuff going on all the time—not to mention the midway. In addition to Foods, I wanted to race and Dad said he'd bring Gypsy over on Junior Rodeo Day. That would be...

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Light Bulbs

Divorced I found that my ex had been quite hand, clearing the sink drain, fixing the mower changing lights bulbs. But we split and shared our kid, cute but not quite up to dong moms fixit jobs. Working at home 3 days a wek and another of thos silly new fangled bulbs had fizzed out, I opened the shades a little wide to get more ligh and spotted a guy I'd known from my old work place. Real handy fix it type guy. I hailed him from my apartment window " PETE PETE PETER " I called and he stopped and...

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Ropemaker Aftermath

Ropemaker Aftermath ( RopemakerStory III)by C The band of fifty or so fairieshad waited at the northern border of the kingdom for three days. Likeall fairy military personnel, they wore uniforms: a shift, sleevelessbut with epaulettes, along with the usual panties and pumps, all matchingtheir hair.A messenger reported to the commandress, a strong-featured fairy withsilver tresses: "No word yet, Mistress."The commandress turned to her officers. "Your assessment?""They've been caught most likely,...

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Minuet In G Chapter V

As he descended the stairs, Gerald heard what sounded to him like a little snippet from The Well-Tempered Clavichord. It stopped abruptly, followed by a few chords struck seemingly at random, and then he heard what he recognized as the middle section of Chopin’s Polonaise in Ab Major. “Keep that up, and Horowitz will have to find a new occupation,” he called out cheerily. “He’s dead. No competition. And you’re back just in time. Can you help me reset this mechanism? I can lift it, but it is...

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Just rambling about being a slut

The latest video I posted is what it’s about (sometimes) being a slut. The one that’s all cumshots. This rambles a little…sorry.During gang bangs I did suck cock, it would get nice and sloppy; I not only swallowed a lot but I also ‘wore’ some. I also mentioned a ‘tip cup/glass’ in the one gang bang story. If a guy couldn’t wait he could make a ‘deposit’ in that. When I took a break, for a smoke or the toilet, I’d make sure to empty the tip cup once back in the room. The guys loved to watch me...

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Lifes Changes Ch 01

So what now? The world has changed. Nothing will ever be how it was. Traditions, holidays, birthdays, and just those good ole lazy days, will never again be the same. I grew up out at my great-grandmother’s house. Until I was seven, it was the place I called home. In the movie, ‘Where The Heart Is’, one character says, ‘Home is where they catch you, when you fall.’ I believe that whole-heartedly. That old farm caught me when I fell many times. I remember going out there to soul search....

4 years ago
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My First Female Anal with a Cheating Wife

The woman I was introduced to in my story My First Straight Threesome, was a beautiful, black haired, buxom woman about the same height as me. After about 7 or 8 months of the three of us meeting every month for sex, this woman approached me when we were on our own and asked if I would like to come to her house some Saturday, because her husband always went fishing with his mates and was away all day until late at night. So I accepted that the two of us would get together and see what...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 55 Lie Down

The morning Alana dropped me off, my reunion with Lara was delicious. We shared a long and happy hug. I’d made every effort while with Alana to do exactly one thing: be with my dear friend. But on returning, I let all that stored-up love for Lara emerge again, and I didn’t want to let go of her. Of course, we eventually had to peel apart. She was due at the shelter soon, so after greeting my moms and Frej, we resumed our morning walks that she’d kept up in my absence. As usual, we didn’t...

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nine inches and counting part 2

Slowly, I began to lightly kiss the big mushroom tip with my lips. Licking around the smooth fat top and down the sides I found licking to my liking. Then I put my lips around the head and began to suck. My lips barely circled him. As I slid him down into my throat I began to notice the new strange feeling in my thighs and groin and into my chest. Sucking this beautiful cock turned me on. I suck and licked him while he ate my wife who was sitting on his face. I must have been good...

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But those leggings

I had ordered my second drink when she got up and walked past me at the bar, heading to the restrooms or something. I gave her a good solid stare and she locked eyes with me. One second is a glance, two seconds gets a little twitchy but four full seconds of eye contact with a pretty stranger gets my blood pumping. I swiveled my head as she passed and got a good shot of those yoga pants. Now it seems that lately yoga pants, especially those worn by teenage girls out in public, have gotten...

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mature cuckold

Anyone who wants to tribute my slutty wife? Cuckold“Fuck yes, jesus fuckin’....she gasped for air, oh, oh, oh jesus.” her voice disappeared into a high pitched wail.The bull had worked his engorged cock slowly into her cunt. It slithered snakelike past her wet swollen cunt lips and up. First the wide head and then the long fat pole. She lifted her hips and pressed into the bull, wiggling her hips to speed the process.“I’m...

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Fucking My Aunt While Being Alone At House

I am Sam (name changed) and I’m 20 years old. This is my first writing on iss, hope you all enjoy it. It was Sunday. I was staying over at my grandma’s house this week. My parents were at some wedding that I didn’t want to go to, leaving me here. The stay here is always good because you will be getting something or the other for eating even without asking. There is joint family over at my grandma’s house, my two uncles and an aunt with their families stay there. Today was a bad indeed cause on...

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Randi Author's note: This story was originally written in 1994. I found it reread it and while I liked the premise of the story I didn't like the way it went in parts. There were two sequels written (well, one and a half) that if there is enough interest in Randall and Denise I will look at rewriting them as well. Please review and let me know if it is worth the effort. Randall sat at the bar staring down into the brown tinted ice that used to be a rum and coke. He was a bit...

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AlifChapter 24

Ana opened the door to the foyer and looked around her. Amongst the usual selection of middle-aged men hovering around was a single young lady, dressed in leather jacket and trousers, with short blue hair and hoop-like earrings dangling down each side of her round-cheeked face. It could only be Azhnia, but Ana needed to go through the motions. She approached the prostitute at the reception desk, thanked her for her call and waved to Azhnia who raised her eyebrow with some surprise, but...

3 years ago
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A Little Bit of a Change Part 2

This is a sequel to "A Little Bit of a Change" You may want to read that story first in order to understand the nature of Dave's changes. Chapter 6 I could hear Kari's voice in the distance. It was soft and loving and calling gently to me. "That's my baby. That's a good, good baby." It was like I was in a fog; I couldn't quite make things out. "Shhh, just be good, now." I couldn't understand what was going on, though. I was trying and trying and trying to focus. I wasn't...

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I JenniferChapter 4 The End

Max Middleton, head of both the Special Products Division and the Special Operations Unit was using his Omni to communicate with Will Faraday. Will’s Tactical Response Squad was systematically searching The Movement’s Command Centre where it was obvious that a pitched battle had occurred. Will held up the head of Simon Wilson, the unofficial Leader of The Movement. “He told us nothing before he died. Mark Johnston, his deputy and Captain of The Movement’s militia, is missing,” Will said to...

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The older lady Part 3

It's been a few more weeks that the older lady and I have been seeing one another. I guess I should just say fucking because that's all it was! We would work together, she'd drive people, including me, home and make sure I was the last stop. I thought it was going as well as it could.One night we parked in my sister's driveway, to make it feel like old times. In her car we made out, she quickly stuffed my cock in her mouth and I was ready to blow. She told me not yet... She then climbed on top...

3 years ago
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Tender Loving Care

We have a silent code at work and that is to never answer the phone during report. That is the time when staffing is most likely to call with the ‘I know you think you are going home but you can’t speech’ when no one else is available. The phone rings and my lapse in judgment is due to an expected Dr.’s call back on a patient. ‘Fourth floor R.N.’ I answer. ‘Good, Jen, it’s you.’ I hear Mitzi’s chirpy little voice on the other end. She runs our staffing office for the hospital. Her specialty...

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Full Court PressChapter 2

I awoke Monday morning with a raging hard-on, which was being fondled by two small hands. Both of my arms were asleep, and I urgently needed to piss. "As good as that feels girls, I need to get up, now." They reluctantly released me and allowed me to get up. I moved to the toilet, but when I tried to lift the seat, my arms were tingling lumps and wouldn't work. I was finally able to gain enough feeling back to flip the lid up. Thankfully I had slept nude, as I don't think that I could...

1 year ago
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Corrita Part 2

Title II Corrita Part II. Some words at the beginning: I encourage you to start by reading "Corrita Part 1" because there is a lot of history that will make this more understandable. Briefly, Sam Haber, a financial whiz, relaxes by writing trashy Hispanic tinged romance novels. He never tried to get them published until Kate, a friend of his, encouraged him. To better understand what it is like to be a woman Kate also encouraged him to try dressing in women's clothes and Sam found...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 29 Nicky Grace

We could hear the music from the Pavilion as we approached. It looked like they had a good turnout, as most of the ranch guests seemed to have shown up for the dance. There were quite a few older couples dancing, but the girls were all in a bunch at one end. However, Nicky and Grace were not with them. I scanned and located them still in Nicky's room back at the Lodge. I went to where the girls were seated and bowed. "May I have this dance?" I asked the group. "Who are you asking?"...

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iXXX Cuckold

Some porn sites host their own fetish porn, such as cuckold. Others are the high and mighties. They're the ones who collect all kinds of cuckold porn and display it all neatly for your horny souls. iXXX is that site that has gone all over the internet and created this massive library of cuckold porn ready for people to come and enjoy. While what they've done as a whole is pretty interesting and doesn't leave much room for getting bored, there doesn't seem to be a lot special about iXXX.Their...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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NubileFilms Mindy Naomi Bennett Just The Three Of Us

Jason X is all tied up and blindfolded, perfect for Mindy and Naomi Bennett to enjoy at their leisure. Decked out in sensual lingerie, the girls take their time caressing Jason’s prone body with their hands and mouths. They make sure to give each other plenty of attention as well, teasing each other’s titties and enjoying the feel of all that soft skin beneath one another’s palms. Returning their mutual attention to Jason, the girls split up. Naomi takes Jason’s mouth,...

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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month April 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of April, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How I was shared between my real life master and his friends on a Goa trip, where I was not only used as a sex slave but also was used as their personal servants. …He had a pair of devils hand, huge fingers and palm complimented with the hardness of an animal. He was rubbing my boobs for a couple of min and then suddenly felt it....

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Football camp fun

So another week went by and it was finally time to go to the camp I packed the normal stuff clothes, hygiene products, and baby powder you can’t forget baby powder if you start chafing during practice it’s terrible. We had to get up at 5 In the morning to catch the bus at 6 but you had the whole trip to sleep and varsity players get there own bus so there was usually enough room but this year there was a lot more of us so we had to double up so it wasn’t very comfortable but that also meant...

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Futas Wild Passion 01 Futa Pops Her Little Sisters Cherry

Chapter One: Futa Pops Her Little Sister's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! One in a hundred million odds. Those words echoed over and over through my head as I slouched into my bedroom. I was nineteen, and my life was ruined. One in a hundred million odds of being afflicted with the big, dumb, stupid condition. I couldn't believe it. I closed the door behind me then leaned against it, rattling the latch. My left arm was sore...

2 years ago
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3 in one hour

I had a day off work last Tuesday and it was too hot to do any yard work so I decided to go to a nearby "cruise" area in a wooded park near my house. There was one car in the parking lot when I got there, so I parked and walked down the main trail towards the "gay trails". Once there I met a guy in his mid 20's, tall and lanky and good looking. I could tell from the bulge in his pants he was ready to go so I grabbed my cock and started to stroke it over my shorts. He did the same and we...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

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Tonisha by Bobby Tony wandered up and down the aisles of the record store looking for a CD. He had to leave tomorrow for L.A. on a business trip and wanted to bring some music along for the six-hour flight from Baltimore. He hated those endless transcontinental flights, and anything to help pass the time was a plus. He didn't feel like watching a movie on a 10-inch screen, either, so it seemed that CDs were the best way to go, and he'd stopped at one of the malls just off...

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