Tender Loving Care free porn video

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We have a silent code at work and that is to never answer the phone during report. That is the time when staffing is most likely to call with the ‘I know you think you are going home but you can’t speech’ when no one else is available. The phone rings and my lapse in judgment is due to an expected Dr.’s call back on a patient.

‘Fourth floor R.N.’ I answer.

‘Good, Jen, it’s you.’ I hear Mitzi’s chirpy little voice on the other end. She runs our staffing office for the hospital. Her specialty is dealing with us nurses who feel 8 hours is enough time served.

‘No, Mitzi, I will let you talk to someone else as…’, I try to say quickly but fail. Mitzi is faster than any telemarketer around.

‘Honey, you know who’s up to bat for 5th floor?’ she giggles into the phone. Of course she can taunt us because she knows there is a security door on the staffing office. I think I know why.

‘Do you know it takes a really sick person to do your job?’ I say sarcastically. Mitzi knows I am kidding…partly anyways.

‘Actually , Jen, that is your job…taking care of sick people and there are two for you all night on 5th floor. I have to go the phones are ringing. Goodnight’ she says as the phone is clicked over. Bitch! The thought of paging security and suckering them into letting me into the staffing office to retrieve an invisible purse comes to mind but not for long. The girls come in to relieve me for report.

I head up the stairs to 5th floor with the idea that this could be worse. Much worse. The whole floor could be full and I would be alone. I get report and settle into the desk. I get some charting out of the way and by then it is time for rounds. I get the vitals on the guy in 4A and note he is due for discharge to the nursing home for comfort measures only.

I continue on down the hall to the lady, Anne, in 2B. She is sleeping with Valium on board and will leave tomorrow via family who have a guest house ready to take care of her in. I check her vitals adjust her sheets and clip the call light to her side rail. I get ready to leave when a framed photo catches my eye.

I pick up the photo and see the family smiling after a long day of fun in the sun. There are uncles, aunts, grandmas, grandpas, cousins scattered and grandchildren sitting on the grass in front. I study each face left to right and it is then that I see him.

He is ruggedly beautiful. His smile could light up at least half of L.A. His dark hair and his dark eyes almost distract you from the fact his arm is around an equally amazing creature. She is exotic in her features. Great! Ken met Barbie. I know there must be some law against two beautiful people being together. Talk about cheating the less fortunate gene pools.

Their skin glows and must have just been kissed by Fiji or Bermuda before the photo was taken. Irregardless, I feel my mouth go dry. He must be a treat to look at everyday. I put the photo down and close her curtains. I turn off the television and think about him as I fill her water pitcher.

He is the guy in my fantasy opening the door to the cabin. I have just hiked three miles into the deep woods after splitting my canoe during a portage. I can’t believe my eyes thinking he must be a mirage to my dehydrated soul. He takes the lead and gives me a smile that has me drying off in a towel absent of clothing by the fire in no time. My mountain man replenishes me with a warm drink from the antique wood stove.

He is quiet because everything about him talks to me in the silence. His accent soothes me, his eyes warm me and the touch of his hand seduces me into complete submission. He has asked for nothing and I will give him everything for that moment, his presence within me to never end.

The water splashes over the water pitcher and sprays out at my uniform. Great! Now that I am cooled off with reality I grab a towel and curse the faucet. My shirt is soaked and the fact is white isn’t going to help matters any. Thank goodness it is 12 midnight and has 7 hours to dry.

I return the pitcher to the bedside and get ready to leave the room when I walk into a human wall. I would guess 6’2′-6’4′. Incredible smell… a cross between Armani and roses. Roses? I look up and see a huge bouquet of multi-colored roses. Above them I see my mountain man. What? I must need my contacts rinsed. I blink and find a hand extending towards mine. I wrap mine as much as possible around the large fingers. The warmth spreads through my arm and up into my cheeks.

‘Hi, I am Elijah, Anne’s nephew. I just got back from London on business. How is she?’ he says in a rugged voice that cuts the silence in the room like a jagged knife.

‘No problem. She is doing great. Anne will be ready to be discharged tomorrow. Are going to be the one taking her home?’ I ask letting go of his hand. I am still only able to see his eyes because there is a bouquet of roses in between us. I quickly count and there has to be at least 20 in there.

‘Oh, sorry’ he says as he backs into the hall bringing down the bouquet at the same time. In the light I now see him. He is breathtaking. It is him. The man in her photo. First thought is naturally that Barbie must be parking her pink corvette. Or did they bring his beachcomber jeep? I smile lightly at the idea of a pink corvette in underground parking. Now that you don’t see everyday.

‘Can I set these in her room if I am quiet?’ he asks holding the bouquet out from him to get my attention.

‘I am in your way. Go ahead. I will be out at the desk if you need something.’ I say attempting to pass around him.

‘Actually, I do need your help if you don’t mind.’ he steps back into the room blocking me.

‘Do you have a phone I can use with a calling card? I read the signs about using the cell phone in the hospital.’ he in informs me.

‘Sure, put the roses down and I will show you to our visitor’s room. I bet you are tired after your flight. Your family is probably just waking up in London.’ I comment figuring that is who he is calling since I haven’t seen Barbie claiming Ken by now.

‘My family is probably still sleeping actually…at least Anne is.’ he says with a laugh.

‘Oh, I am sorry. I saw the reunion photo on Anne’s table and figured you and your wife were responsible for those adorable kids in the front.’ I reply.

‘My wife? Oh, you mean the lady next to me? That is my twin sister, Elise.’ he says. ‘Beautiful isn’t she?’ he laughs and then clears his throat.

‘Well, that reminds me not assume anything doesn’t it?’ I laugh.

We reach the room and I turn on the table lamp. There is a couch and a small table to the side. I hand him the phone book. Making eye contact with him gives me goose bumps.

‘Just in case.’ I say as he grabs it.

‘Do you mind staying a minute? I really would like to talk with you.’ he asks putting his hand out and touching my shoulder.

‘Sure.’ I answer and sit on the couch while he picks up the phone and dials. After a few seconds he realizes there will be no answer.

‘So, what can I help you with?’ I ask looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

‘Will my Aunt need anything to be more comfortable when she leaves the hospital?’ he asks settling into the couch.

‘Everything is taken care of and hospice will be there every step of the way with you after discharge.’ I inform him and pat his knee as I slide up to the edge of the couch to stand.

‘Another thing I would like to know is since you were so polite to ask about my family …how about yours?’ he smiles and puts his left hand over my right one on his knee.

‘Uh…’I stumble with my words looking at my hand covered by his.

He notices what I am looking at and pulls his hand back and apologizes blaming it on the European influences he has been accustomed to over the years doing business in other countries. I assure him no harm was done and I watch him start to wiggle ou
t of his jacket.

His dress shirt glows against his face. Then it happens. Our eyes lock completely on one another’s. Why did he have to look into my eyes? My ears are turning red I know it. I can feel my face blushing. The energy his eyes project is intense. My chest feels cool drafts of air from the fan that blows back and forth in the corner. Just then I remember my wet shirt! I look down and my skin is dark and the outline of my bra is completely obvious along with my nipples that are standing straight out. I look up in panic and he is looking at my chest then darts his eyes back to mine.

I realize this one of those defining moments. I can use my creativity and slide out to check an invisible call light or I can bet on never seeing him again and make light of it. Which do I pick?

‘This is the new look for night nursing uniforms. The wet t-shirt look. Do you like it?’ I finish and I can’t believe I said it!

His eyes blink and he starts laughing. Thankfully this gorgeous man has a sense of humor.

‘As for family…I have a cat that waits for me at home and that is it.’ I answer his question.

‘I will let you rest…you have a long day ahead of you getting Anne back home.’ I say as I stand up and walk to the cabinet to get him a pillow and blanket.

‘It was nice to meet you, Elijah. Good luck tomorrow and tell London hello for me.’ I finish as I hand him the pillow and blanket. I brush past his knee and think of the fantasy I am leaving behind in the room as I walk towards the door. I get ready to turn the knob when the door doesn’t open.

I look up and see his hand is about a foot above my head keeping it shut. He is quick and silent I think to myself. He also must have something on his mind that we haven’t talked about.

‘Don’t turn around. I am going to ask you something only once. I feel you. I look into your eyes and see more than I do anywhere else. If you feel the same way don’t leave.’ I stand frozen at the door. I can’t believe what I am hearing. Great! I meet the man of my dreams and I am in a hospital and I am working. Figures.

‘Just my luck..’ I say and slide my hand slowly up the door and lean my head against it. I stand there pondering what I am going to do when I feel the clip in my hair open and my curls spill out over my shoulders. I hear it tossed onto the table in a corner.

Elijah slides his right hand up my back very slowly while leaning his right hand on the wall and door. His hand makes it’s way to the nape of my neck and his fingers tilt my face to the side to face him. He is so hot I close my eyes afraid I am going to melt right there.

He kisses my forehead softly then my cheek and neck. I am feeling dizzy. The effect of his lips brushing against my neck are over whelming. He nibbles my earlobe then softly dances his tongue inside my ear. I am getting wet and it is almost too late to turn back now. Elijah whispers something in French with warm exhales and I softly moan.

‘Elijah, I…’ I say with a dry mouth.

‘I want you more than I have wanted anyone in a very long time.’ he whispers in my ear.

‘I am working. I can’t. Really. I want to so bad.’ I say feebly. With that his mouth is over mine as his hand holds my neck. He tastes just as I had imagined. Delicious. I can’t refuse. My body won’t let me. I feel weak standing there and that’s when I feel him slip his hand from my neck and down my ass as he bends down. He picks me up and locks the door with his left hand. All I can smell is his cologne in his hair and I wrap my arms around him. He brings me to the counter of the kitchenette and sits me down on it. I am face to face with him and I am speechless.

‘Please, I…’ I stumble on the words as his mouth covers mine and invades it’s depths. His hands move from my hips up the inside of my shirt and make their way to my breasts. I think of his lips and teeth around them as he pinches and squeezes them.

‘Oh, God.’ I say softly. With that he pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it to the floor. He wraps his hands around my back and puts his face between my tits sucking and nibbling as he un fastens the back of my bra. I run my fingers through his hair and pull his mouth to suck one then the other. He rolls my nipples between his teeth and tongue like little beads. His hands slide down my back into the elastic of my scrub pants. His left hand slides under my bare ass and he lifts me up while the right pulls off my panties and scrubs with no effort at all.

Again I am sitting on the counter looking at him as he slips off my shoes. Then my socks. My pants are then yanked from my legs with one quick sweep of his hand. He lifts my right leg and kisses the sole of my foot and trails his tongue up my shin and inside my knee. His shirt is unbuttoned with his left hand as he makes his way up to my thighs.

I move my hands through his hair, down his neck and pull the shirt down over his shoulders. That is tossed into the growing pile of clothing. He pulls my hips forward and cradles my neck back having me lay across the cold hard counter. He slides his shoulders under my knees and with one hand on my stomach and the other under my ass he pulls my cunt to his mouth quickly.

Wasting no time his tongue dives into my pussy sucking at me with his lips. The tip of his tongue is working my clit in deliberate strokes like my well used fingertips. I crunch forward trying to shove him away but he pulls me onto his face harder with each attempt I make. My hands and hips betray me and grind and squeeze him into me. I can’t hold out much more and begin moaning deep and soft. My hands reach out for something to hold onto for leverage and I grab the support beam for the cabinets above me. I feel the vibrating in his moaning massage my clit. His tongue dives deep into my soaked pussy and I imagine it is a small cock fucking me with perfection. His left hand pulls up at the hood over my clit and he starts sucking the little bud furiously. With that I arch my back and his right hand plunges three fingers into my cunt fast and hard. In and out. I let go of the support beam and grab his head as my hips bang against his mouth and fingers.

‘Ahhh, I am going to cum! God, YES!’ I cry out. My body writhes and jerks while I shudder in defeat against his face. My thighs hold his face prisoner in my finish. I am completely defenseless as he sucks the extra juice that could possibly be left.

‘Mmmm Baby, you are the sweetest thing these lips have ever tasted.’ he moans as he pulls me up to sit. Our mouths lock and the taste of me mingles between us.

‘ You know what?’ I say breaking the silence.

‘What?’ he answers kissing my neck and sliding his fingertips between my thighs.

‘You may just be right but there would only be one thing sweeter yet…’ I say with a playful smirk. Elijah looks up at me and smiles like a kid at Christmas looking under the tree.

I slide my hands down to his pants and take off his belt tossing it into the pile of our clothing. His cock pushes against the zipper as I free him. He slides his hands under my ass stepping out of his pants then slips off his shoes. This man is not only hot but he is coordinated. I wrap my legs around him and he carries me over to the couch.

I am in his lap and can feel the length of his hardness along my bottom pointing to the ceiling. I think to myself this is going to be one rough hard ride. I hold his face in my hands and search his eyes. So much energy…deep and dark. I want to harness it all. I kiss his cheek and chin. I suck my way playfully down his chest. Sliding off his lap and onto the floor I take him into my mouth. I stimulate his underside with sharp flicks of my tongue. His hands find their way into my hair wrapping strands in between his fingers. He leans his head back , slides his hips forward and closes his eyes.

‘Oh yes, baby, that’s it!’ he moans as I take him in deep. He looks down and he watches me work him and his breathing quickens. I m
ake slow deliberate strokes.

‘God, you look so good sucking my cock.’ he purrs. I feel his hands pull my head down deeper on him. I suck hard and move faster. His legs are starting to tighten up. His cock starts to throb and his balls get hard and tight. I don’t want him to cum yet so I slide my mouth off him and start to suck his balls. He holds my hair back wrapped in his left hand and his right brings my mouth back over him once again. This time I slide my middle finger down into my pussy for a little extra lubrication before bringing it up to his ass. I slide just the tip of my middle finger in slowly and he gasps.

‘Oh, God, yes!’ he cries out. His hands work my mouth faster on him. Now it is time. I start moaning deep so the vibrations are strong and take him down to the back of my throat. I shove my middle finger all the way in his ass and wiggle it as he lets out another cry while his body jerks sending shots of cum down my throat.

‘Ahh, Yes!’ he calls out and I slide off for a moment to swallow only to have his hands shove me back on him for more. Holding him like a candy cane I lick him clean and dry.

I slide back into his lap and kiss his lips individually with delicate sucking then both searching deep within him with my tongue. The taste of us combined is heaven.

‘Now that is the sweetest thing I ever tasted.’ I say with a satisfied sigh.

‘Yes, I agree…now how about after work you come home with me to give me a little more TLC?’ he says with a grin.

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San Francisco, city of my birth, must be just about the best damn place in the whole world for a single guy. Not just because there are more women than men, but because it's a faery city as well as a city of fairies. From any vista point, you might feel you were overlooking a silvered, shimmering Oz. "Mornin' Sally. How you doin' this beautiful day?" "Good morning to you, Gavin. I'm doin' okay." The tall blond hid a large yawn behind long, red tipped fingers. "Are we keeping you...

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Tenderloin Tales The Runaway Child

Genesis It was a beautiful late September afternoon in San Francisco. The Powell Street cable car plaza was free of tourists. The street bands were still holding their usual spots, but their music was muted, relaxed, as if the musicians needed some catalyst from an audience to really come alive. I had left my office early, intending to go to the Golden Gate Street "Y" for a jazzercise work out. There are moments in our lives when the world disappears, the sun warms, sights and sounds fade,...

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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

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Tenderloin Tales Gavins Misadventure

© 2001, all rights retained. San Francisco has everything. Chinese noodles, Mexican tortillas or good old US of A hamburgers at four A.M. in the morning. Big titted girls with dicks in the evening. A hot mouth in the afternoon. That wasn't gender specific, was it. In this adventure Gavin, our sturdy pawn in the game of sex, drugs and Rock and Roll San Francisco style, finds himself at loose ends one Saturday afternoon. He has an urge for some solo sleaze so chooses to check out one of...

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TenderfootChapter 6

It didn't take long for word of this latest adventure of ours to get around town. The result was that a number of women bought guns and practiced shooting them. I have no idea how much this served to slow down the violence in Deadwood, but anything would help. Whatever else resulted, at least the marshal was happy. I now had a regular job in the restaurant and a part-time job guarding gold shipments by ox-drawn wagon. The gold guarding job came along about one or two times a month, and it...

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TenderfootChapter 8

It was a rough four days, but we finally pulled into San Antonio, tired, but relieved to arrive there at last. Man, was it hot! Even in the shade, it was just too damned hot for somebody who had gotten used to the weather in Deadwood. We were surprised to see people walking around as if they were not the least bit bothered by the temperature, and that was nearly enough for me to buy three train tickets to take us north. The problem was that we were stuck because there were no north-bound...

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TenderfootChapter 9

I took the train to Ft. Worth and arrived two days before the gold shipment was scheduled to be made. I wanted to be there so that I could see that all of the precautions we had agreed to had been taken. I even went with a bank clerk to a blacksmith who pounded the key into worthless junk while we watched. Okay, there was nothing else that I could do in Ft. Worth until the train left the next day. The train consist was kind of unusual: a locomotive with tender, an express car, a baggage car,...

2 years ago
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Tender Ch 01

Thank you for reading! This story has a slow build up. Feedback is welcomed and deeply appreciated! ***** It was a cloudy, warm afternoon with a slight breeze that wafted lazily through the grass. Every so often, the draft would push itself through windows that were thrown open in the hopes of catching the few last remains of spring before plunging into the blazing summer. Off in the distance, dark and ominous clouds billowed threateningly. Every so often, I saw a flash of lightning that...

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Residential Marriage Guidance Aftercare

Residential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...

4 years ago
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Self Administered Aftercare

SELF-ADMINISTERED AFTERCARE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MY WEEKEND I woke up wanting to kill someone. I lay on my bed in my...

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Caring Carer

**I was 43 and divorced with two grown up sons, living on my own in a comfortable flat in the city. I had always wanted to be involved with youngsters in some way and when a vacancy opened up for a Carer, I jumped at the chance. After police and reference checks, I started work three weeks after my final interview.** Having found my way around the home, I settled in very quickly, getting to know the boys and girls, and starting to make friends with both them and the rest of the staff. My...

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Frank The Carer

Copyright© 2003 Since I was unemployed and had about as much prospect of getting a job as a snowball has surviving in hell. I took the task of carer for my old great aunt. It wasn't that she was ill she was as healthy as a horse and pushing eighty years old. It was she didn't like to stay in her house alone at night since my uncle died. Aunt Molly was a pain in the arse; she was one of those women who complained about anything and everything. Since my great uncle died she has told everyone...

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Something happened to me and I reacted like a fool, and I took the initiative to solve that problem for a short time.It was in 1990 and there was something wrong in the bathroom. Indeed, all the water has been invased the room and the best way was to call the plumber.So, I gave a phone call and said that there was no problem and could come immediately because they had plenty of time.When I opened the door, I did not realized there were three man.Of course if I describe them : the first one was...

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Tender Trap

Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...

3 years ago
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Tender Mercies

1. A bolt of panic shot down my spine when I heard the key settling in the lock. My eyes flickered over towards the door: it had to be Aunt Cathy! What was she doing home so early? She'd headed off to her bridge club less than fifteen minutes ago; I wasn't expecting her back for several hours. My pulse leapt into overdrive as the key slid into place with an audible CLACK! NO! I thought, feeling the colour rise in my cheeks. My lips parted in a silent gasp. My greatest fear was about...

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Wife Becomes a Caregiver

My wife is not a nurse, or licensed in any way to take care of the elderly or sick. So when she suggested taking in the old man next door, I was shocked. The thing was, she is just an all around kind person. And she felt really bad for him, not having anyone. Also, he was really rich, so maybe that played a part in my thinking. He had always been a bit of grump to most neighbors. To be honest, no one the neighborhood seemed to like him. And if he did have family, we could understand why they...

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Sleight of Hand5 Caretakers

Days in Hades and nights in Paradise stretched on for months. I was working at physical therapy six or more hours a day. I was working in the store four hours a day where I practiced sleight of hand. I graduated from wheelchair to walker to crutches. Lisa worked right alongside me. Every exercise I did, she did twice. She was determined that she would be as fit as was required for an excursion on Chaos. When I was working at Shannara, Lisa took instruction in self-defense and Tai Chi. Not to...

2 years ago
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One man stood alone. One small man. No, that’s not true. He wasn’t a small man. Just small-minded. Mean of spirit. The field swayed around him. Wave after wave of corn, slapped by the wind this way and that. It seethed as it moved, glancing first north, then south, as the capricious breeze threatened it from every angle. And still the man stood. Silent. Dead. He was leaning against a high metal pole, which stretched fifteen feet into the air. He had no visible means of support, above and...

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Someone Who Cares

Someone Who Cares By Efin Copyright 2015 Efin Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Many events and descriptions are taken from the author's real life experiences and changed to suit the story but everything in this book is complete fiction. This...

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Fucked Kakinada Office Caretaker

Hello Friends   This is Sarma,38, currently based in Hyderabad. This incident that I am about to recount happened some five years ago. At that time I used to live in New York with business interests in Kakinada. I used to travel to India every few months, usually short arduous and busy trips.   In January 2011 I came to Kakinada and straightaway dived into our business with my local partner. Business was expanding and my partner just set up a new office on the top floor of a three-floor new...

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Our horny caretaker

Hi am Nicks a guy of 26 who was working abroad and right now back in Bangalore heading a pvt. Ltd. Co. This is a real incident which happened to me a couple of months back. I stay in a PG Accommodation and my room comprises of one bedroom, drawing/dining, attached bath and balcony. Our caretaker is a lady of 36 who is a widow. When in got accommodated soon after I returned and joined with my new firm in Bangalore this lady was serious and she used to talk to me less compared to other occupants...

2 years ago
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Rp with LovingSkye

LovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom. MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall." LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing...

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Tender Touch

Emma and I had been friends for about six months when I first started noticing certain things about her. The way her hair gracefully fell over her breasts when she leant forward, the way her silky smooth legs folded over one another when she sat down and the way her pert breasts bounced when she ran for the bus. Things I had never really noticed were starting to stand out and it was exciting because they were things I never really noticed before. One night, Emma was over for a girls night....

4 years ago
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The Loving Family Complete and Revised

THE LOVING FAMILY By Lotta Drivel NOTES This is my first story and although my writing isn't very good, I'm fairly pleased with the characters and plot. The story has gone through a rewrite and this is the final version; I need to get on with my life! The story has a conclusion but is open for future, short story adventures; watch this space! The story also infers a solution to the main protagonist's dilemma and while that is a good storyline, it effectively kills off any future...

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The Loving Family 18

THE LOVING FAMILY By Lotta Drivel NOTES This is my first attempt at writing and I'm learning as I go. There will be further chapters, but don't be in a hurry for more. I'm from the UK, but the story is set in a fictional US town, for reasons I cannot remember. Any error comes from a genuine misunderstanding of US culture. The spelling is UK English, but I assume only a couple of morons will find that a problem. This story includes elements of consensual underage sex and incest....

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Transvestite and incestual loving of a delicate ethereal and softly sensuous nature

It was a lovely evening. The sun slipped behind the trees and the lengthening shadows crept across the patio, plunging the secluded garden into twilight. The elegantly dressed young girl slowly arose from the sun lounger and, on long, coltish limbs, stiletto heeled, glided sexily through the open French windows and into the coolness of the drawing room. For a moment she stopped and leant against the door, resting easily in that totally feminine way, with a hip thrust out and a knee bent...

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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son blacklaceguy [email protected]   The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.?   I'm Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.? Normally, I'd be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.? What's more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees...

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Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places. Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now. What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head. It was with mixed feeling that I went back through...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 16 Epilogue The Rogues Loving Harem

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...

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