Tender Mercies free porn video

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1. A bolt of panic shot down my spine when I heard the key settling in the lock. My eyes flickered over towards the door: it had to be Aunt Cathy! What was she doing home so early? She'd headed off to her bridge club less than fifteen minutes ago; I wasn't expecting her back for several hours. My pulse leapt into overdrive as the key slid into place with an audible CLACK! NO! I thought, feeling the colour rise in my cheeks. My lips parted in a silent gasp. My greatest fear was about to be realized; my deepest secret revealed. I stepped backwards in rising alarm, nearly tripping over the coffee table. This couldn't be happening. Not here, not now. Not after I'd spent so many months hiding my true identity in the shadows. I glanced wildly about the room, mentally calculating the odds of making it across to the stairs unseen. Every nerve in my body started screaming with electric fire. Aunt Cathy was home, I could almost see her standing out on the landing, chatting way with her friends from the bridge club. Any second now, the door would open and they'd step inside, eyes widening at the spectacle of a teenaged girlie-boy dressed in frilly blue panties... Turning away from the door, I caught sight of myself in the cheval mirror I'd set up near the sofa. It showed me as I truly am; a petite young woman with long blond hair and full, crimson lips. How could I explain this, account for my sudden metamorphosis? In all the months since I had come to live with her, Aunt Cathy had never seen me as my real self. She would never understand: very few people could, even in this day and age. I've never truly understood it myself. The door swung open. Aunt Cathy stepped across the threshold, adjusting her sunglasses and leading a flock of gabbling matrons into the living room. Frozen to the spot, I turned to face them, self-consciously covering my mouth with both hands. A deafening silence fell upon the house as half a dozen babbling voices halted in mid-sentence. The moment seemed to spin out to eternity: how was I ever going to explain this? An infinite span of time later, Aunt Cathy decided to break the insufferable tension with a single word. "Chris?" she asked in a voice laced with honeyed arsenic. She stared me up and down with a long, measuring gaze, barely capable of hiding her amusement. I nodded, opening my mouth but unable to form a reply. What was she thinking? I could read nothing from her expression, apart from the faintest trace of mockery. She knew, I realized in sudden, breathless clarity: she knew all along! Worse still, she'd set me up for this gratuitous humiliation. 2. I've never forgiven Aunt Cathy for what happened next. The house filled up with housewives and homemakers, spanning the Parlour from pillar to post. They milled about in conspiratorial groups, casting furtive glances at my thighs and panties. I glanced towards the stairs, feeling two dozen pairs of eyes crawling all over my half-naked body. If the path hadn't been blocked, I would have bolted for my room and locked the door. Noting my obvious anxiety, Cathy suddenly called for attention. "Ladies," she began, looking around at her friends, "you all know my nephew, Chrissy?" A murmur of assent rose from the crowd, which was now closing in around me in a loose semi-circle. "Well, as I mentioned earlier, he's agreed to put on a show for us," Cathy continued in a bright, conversational voice, "as a matter of fact, he's been so eager he seems to have begun without us." Some of the older women were laughing now: soft, placid chortles for the time being, which would soon give way to vicious, waspish cackling. The younger ones were smirking at one another, virtually incapable of keeping their faces straight. Aunt Cathy motioned them towards the armchairs and sofas, encouraging them to find a ringside seat. "Chris has been working on this routine for months now," she explained merrily, "from what I can gather, he models his underwear every time I'm out of the house." I groaned in utter despair. What did she mean, what was she going to make me do? Whatever she had in mind, it was certain to rob me of my last vestige of human dignity. I bit down hard on my lip, holding back the whimpers that threatened to escape my throat. I knew most of these women by sight, having accompanied Aunt Cathy to several of her Bridge nights earlier in the year. One of them I placed as Adeline Rhodes, the president of the local P&T. The others I couldn't pin a name to, although I had the impression they'd all dropped by our house several times over the past six months. Worse still, I was fairly sure they all had children, most of whom attended my school. Any hope of secrecy had flown out the window the moment these blue-rinse horrors walked in through the door. By this time tomorrow, the gossip would be all over town; everyone in Ridgewick would be discussing the colour of my undies. I stood to one side of the chattering group, trembling with barely suppressed panic. I wanted to run away, hide in my bedroom, but Cathy had no intention of letting me off that lightly. She'd spent weeks - possibly months - planning this moment, and nothing was going to rain on her parade. Taking her place by the antiquated stereo system, she switched on the radio and tuned into the Melodies station. Low, sensuous "elevator" music drifted about the living room, setting the mood for the afternoon's festivities. Once the preparations were finished, Cathy addressed her audience, extending a hand in my direction. "As I was telling you, Chrissy has ambitions of being a fashion model. This is probably why he's been stealing knickers off the neighbours' washing lines." My jaw dropped in astonishment. That was an outright lie. I hadn't stolen anything; I'd saved up my allowance for months on end, buying all of my costumes via mail order. She must have known that; she seemed to know everything else I was doing. This was just an excuse, a flimsy pretext for the ordeal she was about to put me through. "Noooo, Aunt Cathy, I didn't -" "And, as he seems to have his sights set on lingerie modeling," Cathy went on, cutting me off in mid-sentence, "I thought we should give him a chance to perform before a live audience." My eyes bulged from their sockets as I realized what my Aunt had been saving up as the Grand Finale. For one second the floor seemed to lurch beneath my feet. I shook my head in utter disbelief: this simply couldn't be happening. Even she wouldn't do this to me; wouldn't subject me to such total humiliation. How wrong I was. 3. "OK, pay attention everybody," Cathy exclaimed, taking me by the wrist, "It's time our little model put on his show." "Please Aunt Cathy, I don't want to do this," I whimpered hopelessly, trying not to stammer my words, "everyone will make fun of me." Cathy laughed her response. "Oh, what are you so worried about? You'll make a beautiful little girl." "But I don't want to look like a little girl, Aunt Cathy!!" She leaned in close, lowering her voice and impaling me with a searing blue gaze. "Well - I guess this is what you get for sneaking around behind my back, young man. You're going to model your pretty little panties in front of everybody, and that's the end of it!" Faced with this intractable sentence, I immediately found myself begging, sobbing for clemency: "No, please Aunt Cathy, don't make me do this, I promise I'll never do it again, please." All to no avail. Cathy deflected my pleas with a careless wave of her hand, dismissing my fears as inconsequential. I pressed on regardless, appealing the verdict in growing desperation. Again, I should have known better. It was a doomed venture from the start. "You're the one who wants to be a lingerie model," she said, effectively terminating any further discussion on the subject, "so here's your big chance." "Noooooooo!" I wailed as she led me to the center of the floor. I stumbled along behind her, blushing all the way to my eyebrows. An urgent, feverish heat filled my tummy: this was really happening, she was going to make me dance in my underwear before a houseful of complete strangers. I stared around the Parlour, heart thundering in my rib cage. The living room was a mass of babbling, wild-eyed housefraus. They were literally squealing with delight, eyes shining with feral pleasure. This was one show they weren't going to miss. I felt surrounded, trapped, hemmed in. "No, no, please no!" I cried, heart pounding in my throat, "take me up to my room! I don't everyone to see!" A rash of laughter rippled through the audience. Some of them chortled over my childish modesty, others sighed with maternal pleasure. Someone patted me affectionately on the bottom: there, there, sweetheart; no need to be shy. "Don't be silly, Chrissy," Cathy replied gaily, "you're a girl, no one minds seeing your undies." She pushed me slightly ahead of her, then walked back to the stereo, leaving me alone in nothing but my bra, pants and stockings. More laughter from the audience; high-pitched giggles of sheer derision. Several of the elder Moms clapped their hands in ribald encouragement. Overwhelmed with misery, I stepped away from them, only to discover my exit blocked by Mrs Rhodes and several grinning conspirators. The message was clear: I wasn't going anywhere. Gasping with shame, I tried to cover my flimsy little briefs with both hands. The action prompted a chorus of amusement from the audience: "Isn't he just the sweetest little thing, look at him trying to hide his underpants, you'd never guess he was a boy, would you? " By this time, my face was blazing the color of a ripe tomato. Even now, years after the event, I can still recall the breathless, gasping shame of that moment, the leering, contemptuous cheers of my audience. That was how it seemed to me at the time; teenaged boys are terribly self- conscious about their bodies, particularly where strangers are concerned. Of course, none of that mattered to Aunt Cathy. She and her company were enjoying the spectacle far too much to consider my emotions. "OK, let's get this show on the road," Mrs Rhodes said behind me, her high, warbling voice pregnant with excitement, "Cathy, ramp the music up a little." I cast a final, imploring glance at my Aunt, but found no sympathy there. Her face was hard, stern, accusing. I knew that expression from painful experience. "You're going to do this," she said, "right here, right now, and without another word!" I choked back on my tears, knowing there was no room for debate, no room for negotiation. She'd reached her decision long ago, and nothing was going to alter her judgment. I would probably get a spanking later on anyway; the only question was whether it would take place in front of these screeching harpies or in the privacy of my room upstairs. Cathy dialed up the music, then nodded her head in my direction, her eyes narrowed and threatening. The moment had arrived. It was time to model my lingerie. 4. My vision blurred as I strode reluctantly into the middle of the parlour. Hot tears streaked down my cheeks; I had never felt so utter degraded in my entire life. Here I was, surrounded by a gaggle of old maids, clapping and leering with delight. I shimmied my pelvis from side to side, sauntering around in a wide circle, allowing everyone a close- up view of my gauzy blue underwear. I felt trapped, cornered, exposed: practically nothing was left to the imagination. Cronish hands wandered over my body as I strutted past, stroking my waist and tummy. Some of them slapped hard at my bottom, leaving sharp, red handprints. I wept as much with pain as anxiety, resisting the temptation to rub my stinging fanny. Others commented on my slim, coltish legs, remarking that I should wear a pair of thigh-highs next time. My eyes widened with horror at the thought - what did they mean, 'next time?? ' Would Aunt Cathy force me to go through this ordeal again? I sudden understood how desperate my situation had become. They wanted to see me decked out in suspenders, stockings and a wonder bra. "We should make this a weekly event," Mrs Rhodes suggested, prompting a chorus of agreement from the hen's club, "bring our kids along to see what we do with knicker-pickers." I voiced a tiny scream, wincing at the fresh burst of shrewish laughter. This was so unjust - I wasn't a 'snow-dropper,' I'd never been anywhere near the neighbours' clotheslines. Needless to say, it made no difference whatsoever. Nobody would have believed me over Aunt Cathy. I was a teen, she was an adult, as far as they were concerned, my guilt had already been established. Cathy forced me to complete five more circuits of the floor, then decided to put the finishing touches on the afternoon's entertainment. I knew exactly what she had in mind as soon as her fingers closed around my wrist. "No, Aunt Cathy, please! Not a spanking!!" A rousing burst of applause followed us across the room as I was led towards the straightback chair. I stumbled along in tow, sobbing and pleading for mercy. Struggle as I might, I simply couldn't break that iron grip. "Adeline - could you hand me the hairbrush from my purse?" Cathy asked Mrs Rhodes, "I think it's time we dealt with our little panty-thief here." "NOOOOOOOO!!!" I wailed at the top of my lungs, "not the hairbrush, NOOOOOO!!!" The forementioned brush was instantly produced and passed along to my Aunt, who placed it on the footstool next to the chair. "I think we'll do this on the bare, young 'lady'!" Turning me around to face the audience, she slipped her thumbs through my knickers and peeled them down to my ankles. Squealing in child-like shock, I crossed my hands in front of myself, much to the amusement of the assembled witnesses. Unfortunately, Aunt Cathy wouldn't countenance any 'false' modesty. Taking me by the forearm, she pulled me firmly over her lap, centering my position so that my naked bottom-cheeks were staring at the ceiling. "Noooo!!!" I wailed in absolute terror, "please don't Aunt Cathy!! It'll hurt!!" "Oh, you can bet this is going to hurt, little girl," she replied, raising the brush high over her right shoulder, "now stop struggling or I'll make this a lot worse for you!!!" Dooonn't, I whimpered as the brush flashed down over my upraised bottom- tops. Aunt Cathy had always spanked hard, within a few minutes, my buns were scorched bright pink. Whipping my head back and forth, I thrashed my legs in exquisite agony. The Bridge Club cheered their appreciation as my hynie blazed with scarlet heat. At some point during the proceedings, my knickers flew off my feet, leaving me in nothing but my frilly white knee-socks. The spanking continued for ten endless minutes while the brush seared my plump, round orbs, alternating left to right. There was no escape, no respite. I was going to take my punishment no matter how much I yowled and begged for leniency. By the time she finished, I could only lie exhausted over her knee, my bottom glowing a deep, tortured violet. "Now - up to your room," Cathy ordered, concluding the afternoon's jubilations, "I'll be along to talk to you later." Finally released from her tender mercies, I fled naked to the stairs. Peals of raucous laughter echoed along the passageway as I threw myself weeping onto my bed. 5. I'd been sobbing into my pillow for over an hour when I heard Cathy's heavy footsteps approaching my door. I turned over and watched in trepidation as she entered the room, bearing the brush in her right hand. My nerve broke at the sight of it, I lapsed into a litany of frightened pleas: "Please don't spank me again, Aunt Cathy," I blubbered like a six-year old, "it still hurts really bad, I can't stand it, please don't - " "All right, that's enough," she snapped, eyebrows knit in clear disapproval, "it's time we had a talk...Chrissy." Adopting her sternest posture, she laid down the law in no uncertain terms. The journey I'd taken over her knee today would be nothing compared to the punishment I'd receive if I didn't do precisely as I was told. She'd known all along that I was a tranzie, more or less since the moment I'd first moved in. There would be no more secrets between us, no more skulking around like a thief. From now on, I'd be modeling my panties in public! NOOOOOOOOO! I cried out in disgrace, but a single stroke of the hairbrush cut my protests short. Aunt Cathy was deadly serious and meant every word she said. Over the next few weeks, my Friday afternoon lingerie parades became a regular event (exactly as Mrs Rhodes had implied), where I was forced to traipse around the living room with my satin underwear on open exhibition. I swiftly discovered there was no defying her authority, and my life became a living hell as she ground me under her thumb for the next six years. There was no escape, no respite. She had me in lace, skirts and dresses right up to the day I moved out to attend college. Even after that, I was still a laughing stock, a mockery to everyone who'd known me throughout my tormented adolescence. And in the end, I guess it was no more than I deserved. The End.

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Tender Discipline Part 2

As we walked into the bedroom, I was shocked at what I saw, or actually, what I didn’t see. There weren’t any of the usual array of punishment tools: leg spreader, crop, whip or paddle. Instead, there just two chairs facing each other. Also, strangely, he had locked the entrance into the bedroom. I did see something foreboding, it was a tissue box between the chairs. That simple cardboard box was there for me. This, was actually the true torture device. It was there to catch and absorb my...

3 years ago
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Tender Touch

Emma and I had been friends for about six months when I first started noticing certain things about her. The way her hair gracefully fell over her breasts when she leant forward, the way her silky smooth legs folded over one another when she sat down and the way her pert breasts bounced when she ran for the bus. Things I had never really noticed were starting to stand out and it was exciting because they were things I never really noticed before. One night, Emma was over for a girls night....

3 years ago
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Tender Discipline Part 1

Master was not happy with me. I felt genuinely bad. I truly hated disappointing him. He had instructed me on what room I was to wait for him when he got home, what to wear, and what position I should be in. I was to be wearing my baby blue lace teddy, with matching thong, and to have my hair down. I should be on the bed knelt forward with my head down. I was also instructed to make sure to be wearing the diamond heart necklace engraved with ‘Master’s beautiful pet’. This was one of my most...

2 years ago
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Tender Years

Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young bride of Antigua Whose husband had said: "Dear me, how big you are!" Said the girl: "What damn'd rot, Why, you've often felt my twot My legs and my arse and my figua!" -The Pearl No .16 "Are you sure you want to do this?" With an unsure voice, "Yeah, it's not like we're lesbians or anything." She gave a nervous laugh that didn't last long. There were a few seconds of awkward silence while the two teenagers looked at each...

2 years ago
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Tender Loving Care

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... God damn that hurts!" I shouted out into the empty air. I sat there on my butt, my back to the gym wall with blood running out of my nose and the corner of my mouth, but that wasn't where I really hurt, no it was in my groin, that's where 'she' had kicked me — and hard! My name is Rick Blaine and I am a junior at John F. Kennedy high school in... well what the hell does it matter where? Sitting here and trying to gather the strength to get up and head home I was...

3 years ago
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Tender Loving Care

Michelle Brown was 34 yrs old and had been a nurse at the Lexington Sports Medical Clinic for almost two years. One of the best medical facilities of its kind, it often played host to a variety of professional, college, and weekend athletes. The usual injuries ran from a bad sprain or compound fracture to a totally destroyed knee. Most of the patients were male, and were usually very young. Every day the halls were filled with men whose bodies had been molded to physical perfection. Michelle...

1 year ago
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Tender Elf MeatChapter 2

Brienne woke groggily. Dazed, she tried to rise but felt her arms constrained. “Uh... ,” she groaned as she blinked her vision into focus, “Where ... where am I?” “No!” she shrieked, “NO!” Brienne was on her back. Surrounded by jabbering goblins. Her arms were outstretched as her both of her wrists were tied to a thick wooden pole that ran beneath her. Wide-eyed in fear Brienne looked down to see more goblins binding her ankles to another pole... “By the stars! I’m naked!” Actually this...

1 year ago
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Tender Elf MeatChapter 3

The orc encampment was a shambles – like any structure associated with the greenskin races. Most of the so-called tents were just pieces of material held up by sticks. Narfath’s tent was different. Though consisting of multi-colored and badly cut material the whole structure did at least resemble a tent. It into this place Brienne was carried. Narfath ordered some goblins to clear away evidence of quite a boozy feast and to light some candles. Brienne was tossed groundwards. She landed on...

1 year ago
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Tender Elf MeatChapter 4

Isabella caught the eye of the buxom blonde with the surprised look on her face for a heartbeat, then looked at the slumbering Narfath “I am Isabella, captain of the Virtuous Maiden Regiment of Kevlava,” she announced in a clear voice, “And I am here to parley.” Narfath regarded her for a long moment. “Well Missy Hot Bitch from the Regiment of Slutty Tarts you’ll have to wait while I get up.” Narfath flung his blanket back to reveal his naked body, prompting a look of disgust from...

3 years ago
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How am I going to keep myself from hitting on every woman here, Stephanie asked herself as she walked into the club. It was bad enough that when she drank she hit on girls, but it was controllable all until she slept with one. The woman broke up with her almost right after sleeping with Stephanie. That was three months ago. Now she knew what she wanted. She hadn’t found a woman since her first and that was driving Stephanie crazy. It seemed like every time she looked at a woman now she could...

2 years ago
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How am I going to keep myself from hitting on every woman here, Stephanie asked herself as she walked into the club. It was bad enough that when she drank she hit on girls, but it was controllable all until she slept with one. The woman broke up with her almost right after sleeping with Stephanie. That was three months ago. Now she knew what she wanted. She hadn’t found a woman since her first and that was driving Stephanie crazy.It seemed like every time she looked at a woman now she could...

1 year ago
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As we lay there on your bed I listen to your heartbeat as I begin to fall asleep.I suddenly feel your hand run up my side and I let out a small sleepy moan. I turn to look at you and I can see your face as the moonlight pours through the window. I place my hand on your cheek as our lips meet. As our tongues touch our body’s become intertwined. Your hands make their way down to my panties,you hook two fingers on the sides and in one swift movement you have them off and on the floor. I am now...

3 years ago
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Out of the bath ,slowly i dried myself,my fingers gently moving the soft towel over my wet body,my body wasnt perfect...i could see all the faults so i prefered to dress seductivly but had not bought any night clothes.So dressing gown it was,i checked my hair ,my face and then left the steamy bathroom.I tip toed into the dinning room,he was there back to me as i uttered "hello,babe",he turned ,a smile so warm so caring."Sit down babe ,ill bring supper to you","by the way","the dressing gown...

4 years ago
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As we lay there on your bed I listen to your heartbeat as I begin to fall asleep.I suddenly feel your hand run up my side and I let out a small sleepy moan. I turn to look at you and I can see your face as the moonlight pours through the window. I place my hand on your cheek as our lips meet. As our tongues touch our body's become intertwined. Your hands make their way down to my panties,you hook two fingers on the sides and in one swift movement you have them off and on the floor. I am now...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Prayer for Mercy

Mercy truly wanted to become a slut. Her chosen role model was Paris Hilton. She wanted to be able to fuck any man any time she felt like it. She wanted them to swarm around her like bees after a pot of honey, eager for her signal that she was ready for them. She knew how to act like a slut, and she sometimes did, dressing like a cheap whore and cruising the singles' bars. She knew how to pick up guys and get them to buy her drinks. She knew how to get them to take her home before they got too...

3 years ago
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Beg for Mercy

One of my girlfriends called me the other night and told me about an awesome "beg for mercy" game she played at a party.The name of the game intriqued so of course I wanted to know more. She said there was another party and wanted me to come with her. Needless to say, I was ready to go!On the way over there she explained the rules of the game to me. Here they are in a nutshell: there are no rule; anything goes!The object of the game is to be the girl who can go the longest without begging for...

3 years ago
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Bartender Tanya

She gathered the garbage bags and took the last 4 outside into the dark back alley. She could never see out there and complained to management about wanting some lighting. As she threw the last bag onto the enormous pile she was pushed from behind. Someone or something really heavy squished her down onto the pile of bags. Her face pressed deeply into a smelly bags which reeked of stale beer and nacho chips. She could feel strong large hands holding her ankles and shoulders down. ...

2 years ago
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Bartender Tanya

Introduction: Tanya hated the dark alley behind the bar…. Tanya hated closing the bar. She had to stay until four in the morning and take out all the garbage from the night. She moped all the beer covered bar floors and wiped the counters. After working at the bar for 8 months she thought she would have a bit more seniority. She gathered the garbage bags and took the last 4 outside into the dark back alley. She could never see out there and complained to management about wanting some...

3 years ago
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Bartender Chapter 2 Movie Date

This story stands alone, but works better after Chapter 1 for more description I barely remember getting home from that last night of finals. All I could think about was Holly - her hot body, seductive ways, and of course the mind blowing sex. I was happy enough being done with finals, but so much happier now that it meant that my next couple weeks between classes were wide open for me to spend more time with this amazing woman. I called her the next day. I never liked the three day rule, and I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Was I paying way too much for a law school no one had ever heard of? Sure, but it had it’s benefits too. Probably the reason it cost so much was the location - a brand new building in downtown San Diego. It was walking, even stumbling, distance to any number of fantastic bars. Tonight though, I wasn’t looking for fancy or upscale. It was the end of finals and I could think of nothing I wanted to do more than end weeks of pouring over books by drinking until all the knowledge fell right back...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Bartender Heaven

I was at my local pub last Friday night, enjoying a pint of beer after work, winding down the day after a very stressful work week. The bartender, Jessica was an absolute knock out. She was 25 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy body, an amazing ass, and big natural tits. Jessica always dressed sexy and often wore very low cut shirts, revealing her amazing cleavage. I always tipped her well and constantly flirted with her. She often flirted back, but I knew she had a big muscle head...

3 years ago
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Random Victories Angels of Mercy

Another episode in the Random Victories Universe. See Legend Of Hair House, You're Gonna Carry that Weight and Mid Mountain File for background and character introduction, or just try to figure it out. Random Victories: Angels of Mercy Chapter 1: Standard Dungeon Scene Miss M was starting to get furious. She had been held in this essence blocked cell for a week now. The Realities pirates obviously did not know what to do with her and were afraid to let her go. She had...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare No Mercy

“Piper, I’m telling you, they’ll be down for it. They've even agreed that they’ll play by the rules.” My friend is on the other end of the phone line. She’s trying to convince me that the slumber party I’m having tonight should be a small get together. That she knows a few guys who’ll come. She promises it’ll stay small, and that we should play games, maybe drink if anyone can get any alcohol, and just have fun. My parents out of town for the weekend, and I’m left alone, after promising not...

1 year ago
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The Quality of Mercy

My name is Jennifer. I suppose I am what you would call normal, for the most part. I am twenty-four years old and I work in admin for a textiles company. It's not the job of my dreams or anything, but it gives me the finances and freedom to fulfill my hobbies. My dream job would've been to teach drama and acting, but really, I never had the courage to grab the "brass ring" and go for the career. I think I had talent, I just wasn't quite confident enough that I could achieve what I wanted...

First Time
3 years ago
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My white boy was now lying on the floor at my mercy

I hate men, fuck them all, but I love their dicks. I love the way their dicks feel pounding in me, making me go crazy with lust. Black brothers fuck better, but white boys are more willing and eager. There was this time when I picked up a white boy at a bar on the south side of town. He wanted to fuck a black chick and could pay and I was willing to let it be me. You know the type, young pimply, horny and unloved. I think the boy was a virgin and wanted to get that behind him. If he had only...

2 years ago
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B7 Chapter 1 Jeanne At Ebonys Mercy

Chapter 1: Jeanne At Ebony’s MercyCalista, Dejah and Kristal rounded the corner, running as fast as they could. The three Vectran girls had made it back to their quarters in record time, and retrieved their tote bags, which contained their laser pistols and communicators. They stopped at the door to Dee Dee's lab where Rhiannon and the other girls from the Island were anxiously waiting for them. "It's about time you three made it back here," Rhiannon addressed them curtly. She promptly...

2 years ago
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At Daddys Mercy

At Daddy's mercy, beck and call part 1 By: Cecilita All rights owned by Cecilita First: Hi I'm Cecilita and I'm a member in (SUBLIGAN = SUBGANG) a group of sub girls who meet the first Tuesday in every month in the Southern part of Sweden. At those meetings one of us is reporting a newly happened or and old event for the others to enjoy, be thrilled or warned by. We can't tell if the stories are true or hope-to-be, we love them all the same. I have been voted to be recording clerk and...

1 year ago
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I walk down the street that leads from the temple to the main square. I have spent the night at the temple, alone. I am naked, and I am shaven, body and head. I am cold, the morning sun has not yet warmed up the air and the stones. At this time of the morning, the street I am walking is usually a very busy place — men, women, children, doing business, strolling, playing, talking, watching, laughing — a bustle of life, to be seen, and heard, and shared... Today, though, the street is empty,...

3 years ago
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It didn't take long for you to notice me. I serve drinks at your favorite bar so, of course, I caught your eye. Guys love girls that know how to mix drinks and you were no different.However, you were different in my eyes. You were at the bar every night and I always saw you watching me. You weren't shy about it either: you wanted me to know you were watching. And I did. I always looked for you to come into the bar and I made sure I served your first drink of the night.Tonight was my night to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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His family at his mercy

The story of James a 23 year old man that turned his entire family into his toys by fucking them to submission one by one I woke up on a Saturday morning at the sight of my sister's ass Lisa  laying across the bedroom we had to sleep in the same room because our  house was to small to have our own rooms and it didn't help that my sister was a bitch but she was a hot bitch always showing her body of to everyone she was worshipped by every boy at our school and always knew to piss me of by...

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