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TENDERNESS By Katharine Sexkitten What have I done? The wind was howling, whipping at my face. My longish hair was blown all over the place. Most people would worry about how it looked, I suppose. But I didn't care about things like that. Certainly not now. I never had, really. The sun was fully set in the west, lending a darkened atmosphere to my already dour mood. What had I done? What the hell had I been thinking? This was my secret place, where very few people ever disturbed me, off the beaten path. I would spend hours here, sometimes, wallowing in my loneliness, silently bemoaning my place in the world, trying to find solace through nature. It was early April, so there was still a genuine and almost bone- chilling briskness to the wind, as it battered me in gusts and pushes. The river's edge that I stood on was treeless, and offered no break from the stormy air, as it shoved and pulled at me, my hands at my sides, shivering from the liquid running down my legs, trying to stay warm. Like always, trying to understand how I got here, and why the journey has been so unsatisfying. How it always seemed so stormy. Like the weather. The philosophers of human history have provided us with their unique individual ideas as to why we're here, and what our purpose is, we humans. Many of these 'higher' thinkers have postulated about the grand thematic idea of a 'meaning' of life. I can recall a variety of moments, from high school and beyond, at parties or gatherings, sitting around with family or friends debating these issues, different people proffering differing opinions, disparate thoughts as to humanity's role in the universe. Academic questions? Of course. Was Kant correct, when he said "I think, therefore I am"? Does our sentience qualify as the starting point, or was it in fact the finish line? Was John Donne prescient when he said "no man is an island"? Are we connected to each other, metaphysically, or just distinct bodies, trapped together in some battle for meaning amongst all the noise? I had always enjoyed listening to the debates. I'd never found any conclusions, however, over the years, no matter how persuasive the various arguments had been. Academic or not, the questions are interesting, and the wide variety of people I've known have offered a wide variety of perspectives and given me a lot to think about over the years. Have I come to any conclusions? No. Is it all God's plan? Whatever suffering each of us goes through, was it seemingly the necessary lesson from some sort of benevolent yet at times mean- spirited deity? Or was it all random? Maybe it was just the natural movement of energy through the universe, collecting at times in indiscriminate swirls, unconnected dots of something that just happened to coincide with other unconnected dots? But here, at the river's edge, my life seemed to be guided by neither of those opposing ideas. Mostly, I reasoned, and for not the first time, that my life was guided by nothing. Fate seemed to have shone a different kind of light on me than I was hoping for. What in God's name had I done? Mostly, my existence was long periods of not much going on, every once in a while interrupted by short bursts of something. But, I had to admit, even those little somethings didn't make the overall picture right. Or better. I was disjointed. I was lost, I thought. Adrift, on a raft of my own making, bobbing up and down on the ocean. Except my ocean had no land disrupting it here or there, no safety to float onto. There weren't any rescue ships out looking for me. I couldn't seem to find a safe harbour. Sometimes I worried about my mental health. I wasn't depressed, in the clinical sense. I did some research and most of the symptoms seemed far worse than what I felt like. I wasn't tired, specifically, or sad, specifically. I didn't have thoughts of suicide, or ending it all somehow in a dramatic look- at-me fashion. I was the opposite of that. I didn't want people looking at me, I didn't want the attention. I did lots of research on the subjects of happiness. Spiritual and physical. On all the normal levels, I should be happy. I'd been telling myself that for years. I was raised by good people who taught me to be genuinely appreciative for the blessings that I have. And I tried to be, because I did have blessings. I had food on the table, and a roof over my head, and money in the bank. I had friends, and acquaintances, and family. I had never suffered from any serious or life-altering incidents, or accidents. I was healthy, physically. How could I ask for more? The morals my parents taught me were to be positive, help others, and not complain about our lot in life. One of my dad's favorite parables was the "I met a man who had no shoes..." one. Be genuinely and sincerely grateful for the good things that life has to offer. And I was, on many levels. But I wasn't happy. And for so many years now I couldn't understand why. Did I have unrealistic expectations of this life, or the people around me? Was I being selfish in wanting more? Could it be that my definition of happy was not right, or not valid? Not that I could define what happiness was, mind you. But I knew I didn't have it, whatever it was. I read about a condition called adondia. The best definition I could find was that people who suffered from it had their happiness meter stuck on zero. Most normal people would say they would swing between three and nine on a scale of ten, throughout their lives. I seemed to be forever trudging along at a one, with an occasional two popping up. But sometimes, I hated to admit to myself, I could feel the zero. I was fifty years old. I felt alone. I felt as a speck of sand would feel on the beach. Surrounded by billions and billions of others, and yet completely on my own. Did the other specks even know who I was? Did they care? Would any of them reach out to me, sensing my discomfort? Or to offer me support, or a kinship of some kind? Deep down in my life there was something missing, but for the first fifty years I didn't know what it was, or never realized I needed it as badly as I did. I'd arrived at the big five-o. And where was I? Married, with no kids. We had planned on them and talked about them when we first met thirty years ago, but I came to realize early on in our relationship that my chosen one had some issues with occasional very real depression, as well as other modest burdens on her mental health, which showed themselves in crazy mood swings, and while she was never a danger to herself or me, I wanted to wait until she'd dealt with her issues professionally before subjecting children to them. The problem was she didn't see things that way. She didn't think there was anything wrong with her. I suggested counselling, and she said no. I suggested therapy, and she said no. I would occasionally bring up the idea of talking to someone in health care, that talking in itself could be therapeutic. From time to time I'd bring up the idea there might be medicines available. Happy pills, perhaps. She'd get miffed at me, usually, when I brought the subjects up. I'd promise her my undying love regardless, but I hoped she would consider outside help. She never did, so it never happened, and I gave up on the idea of having kids a long time ago. My wife's occasional mental health issues, coupled with her on-going soap opera of familial issues (which are too many to describe here) meant that ours was a relationship that looked good from the outside, but wasn't even close to that in reality. If I'm being honest with myself. Sure, to others, unaware of our day-to-day, it looked loving, it looked successful. Certainly my wife always concentrated her energies on making sure that her family and friends thought we were a successful couple. How things looked was vitally important. I had promised "till death do us part", and I'd meant it with all my heart. Back when I was all-in on this love thing, or what I'd thought was love. And I rationalized that I had the integrity to do what I had to do, always, to make her happy. I'd be the strong one. I'd be the rock of sanity and contentment she needed to be calmer, saner, happier, and easier to be with. Happy wife, happy life. Right? That was the clich?. Mind you, it's not that my life was horrible, or anything like that. Please don't put that impression in your mind. I was a mostly contented person. I guessed it was contentment. I didn't really have any other word to use. My career was successful, I had people I knew and liked there and for the most part enjoyed my days and tried to help others enjoy theirs. My wife and I owned our own home, nothing huge, but comfortable enough for two, and I had plenty of things to occupy my time and bring some small moments of fun to my life. Hobbies. I played guitar, to myself. Nothing worthy of going on the road, but I was a competent rhythm player. I loved jigsaw puzzles, the more intricate the better, and would spend hours on them. We had an expensive indoor exercise bike and an elliptical trainer that she'd insisted on buying and then hardly ever used, and I would spend hours each week working out, by myself, away from her, listening to music on my headphones. We had a cat. She paid me attention. She was my only source of affection, truth be told. Whenever I came to that realization, which was more than once every day, it would make me happy and sad. Happy that there was at least one creature in this world that did love me, and showed me. But sad too, for the same reason. I also golfed. I loved the game, the chance to get outside in the sun and the fresh air, and hit some balls with friends. I had three buds and we played every Sunday morning. We had been doing it for close to three decades. And as sad as this sounds, it was the only true joy I felt in my life. The laughter, the camaraderie. It was without question the highlight of every week. It was the only time my joy meter went above three or four. And sure, it could cost a lot, some of the time, depending on which course we played, which my wife would always complain about, but because she knew the other three guys and their wives or exes, she couldn't ever make herself look like she was one of those badgering wives, so she only ever complained to me. We could afford my golfing, of course, but it always seemed to me that in our relationship she could buy anything and everything her heart desired, but me spending money on myself was inconvenient for her. Part of my better half's condition, the way her issues manifested themselves, was that she was almost completely self-absorbed. Everything was about her. Every issue was skewed towards her needs, her wants, her biases. Even things that were just plainly mine, matter-of-factly about me, would become about her in an instant. Her career was more important than mine. It took up most of her time, and all of her energies. Mental, physical, spiritual. And I wanted our marriage to work, from day one, so for almost thirty years I had more or less just been saying "yes, dear" and doing what I could to make her relax, and perhaps stop with the criticisms. Her levels were paramount. Her ideas of how we decorated, how clean the house was, how the yards looked, which food we bought. I got some say in all of them, if I'm being honest, but only a little. Once in a blue moon she'd relent and allow me to have something my way, but it was only so she could wax euphoric about all the sacrifices she had to make for me. And I was fine with that. I'd tell her from time to time that if she wanted something a certain way that it was great with me, if it would make her happy. I meant it. There was very rarely anything that I found so important that I would care to argue about it. That was almost always my prevailing attitude. If she's that set on something, what do I care? She wants the dining room a certain colour, okay. I'd paint. She demanded a certain piece of furniture, even if the old one was just fine, I'd never say no. Anything to make her happy. The problem was she was almost never happy. Now, it wasn't like she was a bitch all the time. No, not at all. A few moments here or there, sure. Occasionally a day here or there. But in all fairness, she wasn't that way all the time. Most of the time she wasn't too mean, or too bitchy. Most of the time she was okay. Chatting with friends, doing work at home, gabbing with the girls, planning shopping trips and the like. Most of the time the best I could hope for was that she was okay. I tried to coexist, and nothing more. I thought about divorce, of course. Who wouldn't? But the optimist in me kept holding out hope that she'd get better, easier to be with, more fun, more affectionate, more loving. Some day. We were a couple. But everything was tilted in her direction. Romantically as well. Sexually too. She was an unaffectionate person, the exact carbon copy of her mother. She'd learned from the best. Or the worst, depending on how you looked at it. Mom was prim and proper, and cold in those affection kinds of ways. So my wife learned that kind of passionless life, and never grew out of it. This was her norm. No hugging, no kissing, no cuddling, no groping, no hand-holding, no caressing. Unless I instigated it. And in the first few years I did, often, and always encouraged her to do the same with me. I mean, who wouldn't want to give and receive affection, right? She put up with it for a short while, but it was just obviously not her, which made me sad. For her. I thought, she's missing out on the best things in life!! Soon enough she pushed me away, both literally and figuratively, for good. We became housemates, more than anything else. I spent most of my time trying to keep things to where she would be tolerable. And she was, barely, in many ways. But there were always things about me or the household or life in general that frustrated her, or things she "hated" or things that would set her off, and she'd become darker, and harder to be around. I spent a lot of time in my backyard, where I had a small storage shed, for the lawn mower and tools and the like, and I would enjoy smoking some weed. I was a teenager in the seventies, and puffing was something I'd been doing for decades. It kept me calm, and helped my normal contentment stay alive, even in the periods when she was really ragging me. Everything was about her, I suppose. And for the most part, I was willing to accept that. I gave up my hopes of out-and-out happiness, and settled on contentment. But there was very little affection. After the first ten years, there was no sex. She didn't want it anymore. It didn't interest her anymore. And I spent years trying in my way to convince her that sex was one of the best things in life, the best things about being with another person. Love-making. Romance. Sex. She was more concerned with the cleanliness of the house, and why I hadn't done such and such a chore yet. Because her time was so overloaded with her career, I ended up doing almost all the housework. In the evenings, after work, I'd be the one vacuuming, straightening up, washing floors, doing laundry. And I was happy to do them, almost right from the beginning of our relationship, because I thought if she had less to worry about in life she'd be happier, and have more time to spend affectionately with me. When we first got together, our love-making was once a week. That's it. Except for one week every month, of course, when certain things were happening. And it was always the same, our sexual times. Lights out, under covers always, one or two kisses and that was it, I would finger her, or perform oral sex on her, to get her wet, climb on top (always me on top doing the work), and enter her. My lack of experience, right from the get-go, meant I would last a dozen strokes or less. I'd cum, she'd more or less push me off, go to the toilet to clean out, and then back to bed in boring P.J.'s, on her side of the bed, no cuddling. She didn't ever want to touch my penis. She thought it was disgusting. So I became a masturbator. I mean, of course I'd done that as a youth too, incessantly, every day, sometimes multiple times a day. My five inch uncut penis became my best friend, the center of my sexual universe. I hadn't been a Romeo as a teen, and so I'd only been with three women before my wife. Two of them were one-night stands, and wholly unsuccessful. I'd always cum too soon, and then not be able to get it up again quickly. So I had no confidence with women at all. Marriage, I'd thought at the time, would allow me all sorts of opportunities to get better at the sex thing. It never happened. Porn was there too, of course. I could watch all sorts of things and imagine myself being involved in them. Threesomes, group scenes, outdoors, interracial. Different scenarios for different nights. Lots of lesbian porn, which I always enjoyed, as usually they were soft and gentle with each other, which really turned me on, and I knew that the ones wearing lots of sexy lingerie were my absolute favorite. I'd watch other stuff too, of course. Women getting fucked by big- cocked men. I envied the men, for being with such gorgeous women and having the ability to keep it up for long periods, and how a lot of them seemed to be in such great shape, toned and muscular and bronzed. All the things I wasn't. I was five-nine, one hundred and sixty pounds, with a slim build, but not muscular. I was in okay shape, and did my best to avoid a mid- life belly, like a lot of other men my age. I was paler than most everybody, because me and the sun didn't get along all that well, and my body was actually free of hair, because in my teens I'd suffered from occasional recurring acne, really badly at times, and sometimes the pores would get clogged and swell up, and I had to have a few actually cut out of me by a doctor, until one old skin specialist told me that the hair on my body was making things worse, and I should just shave. That was when I was in my early twenties, and I've been smooth ever since. It's a little embarrassing, in a way, being a slight, hairless, pale-skinned guy, and people have made fun of me over the years, time to time, but I always tried to ignore it. Still, I didn't have much self-confidence about my looks. Average face, I thought, with a nose I wish was just a tad slighter, and a few freckles spotted around my cheeks. I usually didn't go out into public in shorts only, like a lot of guys do. It would just embarrass me, people seeing a guy who looked like me, ghostly-pale and hairless. Over the years, I began to envy the women in my porn too. It must be amazing to be with a sexual dynamo, especially the really big guys. Big in body size, yes. But big in equipment size too. I grew over the years to watch almost anything. Except I didn't like the bondage stuff, or the pain stuff. That seemed to me antithetical to sex. Shouldn't sex be about pleasure? And not pain? Wasn't that the whole point of it? I'd seen gay porn too, of course. Some of it was entertaining, but again I seemed to tilt towards the more romantic stuff. Kissing, cuddling, stroking, soft movements and real affection leading up to passionate sex. Those were the kinds of things that interested me. They seemed to fit my definition of love-making more. Sure, seeing a stallion of a man pounding the stuffing out of some other guy was entertaining, but I knew the movie clips that put me over the edge were the ones where there was at least some semblance of care. Something romantic and delicate, before all the animalistic stuff. For my fiftieth birthday, my three golfing buds bought me some lessons. For thirty years we'd all played together, and for thirty years I was always the guy who scored the worst. Not much worse, since the other three were all about the same. But I was always last. And I never complained about it. Ever. Not once. It's just the way it was, I reasoned. I loved the time playing, and tried my hardest to get better, to improve, and over the years I did learn some things. Repetition teaches too, in some aspects of life. But I could never put a good round together score-wise. The boys would laugh about some of my shots. I could, at times, be aiming at one thing and then swing and the ball would go completely in the wrong direction. Even when I did connect well, I always had a slice, or a less-than-gentle fade. And no matter how hard I tried, I could just never hit any club as far as my buds. My driver would barely get me two hundred yards, while the other three guys were always at least fifty yards ahead of me. And they were usually in the fairway too, while I was almost always in the rough. Or the trees. So they bought me four lessons. And not from the golfing academy at our local driving range, either. This was an accredited teaching professional who worked one-on-one in an indoor set-up. I called to set up my first appointment. The professional instructors name was Gary. He was an enthusiastic, friendly guy, on the phone. I felt an instant warmth coming down the line. With some people, you can tell that their friendliness is put on, assumed. But Gary came across as genuine, as sincere. Gary seemed real to me. He also seemed genuinely keen on helping me improve. He told me over and over again that he could help me, after I described my deficiencies. He loved seeing the look on people's faces when they got better, when they realized that there was light at the end of the tunnel. It made his day. It made his week, sometimes. We set up my first lesson. On the appointed evening, right after I'd cooked dinner for my wife, who groused a little bit about my choice of vegetables but ate her meal regardless. I drove to a small industrial park, about forty minutes from home, first stopping at my favorite spot by the river to take in some fresh air, relax, and spark up half a joint. The address was a unit in a commercial building. I rang the bell when I arrived, a few minutes early, and moments later the door opened for me. There he stood. Gary, the golf pro. He's a much bigger human than me. I'm five nine and one sixty. He's six three, and probably two thirty or so. Six years older than me put him squarely in middle-age, but other than a slightly bulging middle, he looked in good shape. Certainly his arms were much bigger than mine, and more muscular. He was wearing proper golf shorts and his legs looked like tree trunks. And he was a hairy man. His legs were bushy, his arms were bushy, and there was a forest of hair popping up in the V-neck of his golf shirt, on his upper chest. Almost instantly I realized that I was staring at his chest, which was far more defined than mine. His nipples were obvious. Why did I notice his nipples? "Hi, Michael, is it?" he asked, a wide grin on his face. When I said yes, he shook my hand. His fingers were big, like sausages, and my hand more or less become enveloped by his. His skin was warm, strikingly so. I felt it, running up my arm and into my body. His warmth. It filled me, like a drowning man taking in air. It made me straighten my back, trying to stand taller. It was as if his energy was pumping me up. His skin was so warm. I liked it. Gary took me inside, locking the door. His shop was set up in what had been a boutique warehouse. Just a few hundred square feet, but two stories tall, with a roll-up bay door at ground level. He had a small office in the front too, with a desk and chair, and two guest chairs, a storeroom of some sort, and a small kitchen area with a kettle and a microwave and a bar fridge and a two-seater sofa. He offered to make me some tea. I thanked him, of course, for his generosity, but I was a coffee guy. I'd brought one with me, from a drive-thru. He asked me if it kept me up at night, and I said no. It never had. I loved coffee. Gary took me into the studio, his workspace. A huge screen was set up, about fifteen feet away from a tee-box area. There were huge mirrors on one wall, and equipment all over the place. Sensors and cameras were in various places, and he explained how they all worked. When the ball was hit into the screen, the computer generated a visual of the ball flying through the air, and where it would have landed on an actual golf course. It was like a really huge life-sized video game. And all the measuring equipment would also then detail a myriad of statistics. Club head speed, swing plane, ball rotation, spin rate, club face angle, and more. He could then play a computer- generated version of me making the swing, realistically replicating my movements, which could be slowed down or viewed from any angle or vantage point. Every swing could then be analyzed, Gary said, and the good parts celebrated and the bad parts highlighted, so I could begin learning where improvements needed to be made. He set up a ball on a tee and made a swing, to show me how it all worked. It was perfect. Gary's swing was fluid, and strong. Amazingly strong. His body rotated and torqued in all the right places at all the right times, and he smashed the ball with the club. It sounded like a shotgun going off. The ball hit the big screen like a missile, and then the computer generated a realistic view of his shot, perfectly arced with a slight draw two hundred and ninety seven yards down the middle of the fairway. We watched it together. He was in the perfect finish position, perfectly balanced. Even resting at the end of his swing, he looked powerful. His second swing went three hundred and eight yards. The third one was two hundred and ninety four. I watched each movement of his body, each motion, his assured easy pace, his muscles rippling at times, the club itself scything through the air with an audible 'swish', the club head shattering the silence of the room each time it connected to the ball. Gary was really good at this. I wasn't. My joy at watching him doing it all so well was quickly replaced with embarrassment, over my own inadequacy. I can't do that, I thought, and he'll take one look at my swing and dismiss me as a total idiot. A loser. He'll take my money, of course, but I worried that he would think the less of me. And for some reason, I didn't want him to think the less of me. Then it was my turn to hit. I had my clubs, and he suggested I start warming up with a five iron, or some middle club. I found myself more nervous than I'd ever been. I didn't want to disappoint Gary. In all my years of golfing, I'd never tried harder to swing slowly and smoothly and try to be square to the ball when I hit it. I sliced it. Of course. I know my face went red, after I watched the computer-generated graphics show my shot sailing off to the right, over the rough and into the forest. One hundred and thirty seven yards. I felt pathetic. My head dropped down, all the air coming out of my lungs in a sigh. I was pathetic. I looked up at him, finally. Gary was looking at me, but not with derision. His eyes were open wide, and alive with energy, his demeanour kindly, his smile unforced. He had sandy-grey hair, cut short, and his skin was very tanned from all his years outside playing golf. "Try another one," he said, his words calming and supportive. My second shot was better, but not by much. Gary found something positive to say about it. He asked me to hit a few more with a variety of clubs, aiming to get an overall review of my swing, and where I needed help. And it was all being filmed as well, each shot, and after the first half dozen he suggested we look at the video. Standing in front of the monitor, we had to be physically close to both see the screen. His left leg ended up next to my right one. I could feel his body heat. It made me feel warm. Inside. We watched a few of my swings, and he'd slow the playback down here or there to point things out to me. How I was bent. Where my shoulders were, and where they should be instead. At the side of the screen were a bunch of stats, and he pointed out my club head speed, which was low, and some other numbers as well. And he kept reassuring me that we'd get them all better over the course of my lessons. Together. Just him saying that word to me, the way he was looking at me when he said it, the kindness and gentleness in his voice, the sparkle in his eyes, all made me think that maybe I did have a chance at improvement. Maybe I did have a chance at something. The lesson was supposed to be an hour long, but Gary ended up working with me for close to double that. At one point, early on, he asked me to swing back, but not down, and hold my position. Then he came around behind me, and after asking if it was okay to touch me, he put his hands on my hips, and gently positioned them closer to where they needed to be. My breath caught in my throat. His hands were touching me, one on each side. After fifteen years of no physical contact with my wife, I'm ashamed to say that the simple act of him touching me initially shocked me. I'm just not used to human contact. But again, his big hands were warm. I could feel it radiating up and into me, through the material of my golf shirt and khakis, where his sausage-sized fingers ended up. Gary was touching me. Demonstrably. His hands at my sides felt like fire. I shuddered, and it's rippling almost made me cry. I'd not felt anything like it, for so long. "Are you alright?" he asked, still standing behind me, his voice soft and deep and breathy. I sensed a real concern, a genuine worry for my well-being. I could barely find the strength to answer him, so I just hummed my okay. We took small breaks. He cautioned me against hitting too many balls, too fast. It was better to relax, and mimic the real life experience of golfing. Hit a different club each time, he suggested, just like out on the course. He had a gregarious attitude about him, and we began to get to know each other on a personal level. Gary was single, divorced, with three daughters, all in their twenties. He still entered the occasional tournament, maybe ten or so a year, in our region. Just the past weekend he'd ended up seventh and won a couple of grand at a professional two-day tourney at a golf course I'd heard about but never played. I mentioned that it was on my bucket list of places to try, and he smiled at me and encouraged me to do so. "You'll love it," he said, warmly, "it is a gorgeous facility." The way he said the word 'love' made me think that there was hope for me, some chance in this lonely world of mine to find those kinds of feelings again. At the end of that first lesson, we chatted socially for a bit. I lied and told him I was happily married. I made a joke about how she kept a big industrial sized bottle of aspirin next to her side of the bed, so she could claim a headache whenever I was in the mood. The typical politically-correct joke, like so many guys do about their wives. I saw something in his eyes when I said it, as if he could somehow tell that I was bullshitting. Maybe it was just my imagination. I wasn't sure. His handshake at the end of the evening lasted longer than a standard one. Gary held my hand in his, and brought his left hand over and gave me the two-handed shake. I shuddered again, feeling twice the warmth coming from him. And again, I sensed something from him, like he wanted to react or say something. But he was the consummate professional. We set up my next visit. He told me he was glad to have met me, and that he was really looking forward to working with me. He really wanted to make me happy. He meant with my game, I assumed. Didn't he? I thanked him for his time and energy. I felt like I had to apologize for my lack of ability, and tried to make a smile out of my words, telling him that he'd met his match in me in terms of his teaching skills. "Michael, no," he admonished, kindly, "you have to keep a positive attitude, in everything in life. That's what I told my girls all the time, as they were growing up. There is always an upside. A silver lining. We'll get you to where you need to be. I've already noticed some improvement, just in the last hour." My first thought was that he was just being nice, saying things in a kind way, to pump up my obvious low spirits and embarrassment about my swing. "Really?" I asked. "You honestly think so?" He smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. That's the one thing I'll guarantee you right now. I'm a truth-teller, always have been and always will." I was a little confused. "And you think I've gotten better already?" Gary reached out his right hand, and lightly placed it on my left shoulder. It was so warm, so soft, and so gentle. It surprised me that a big man like that could be so delicate. ?A little bit, you bet,? he said, ?the last few swings you made you were getting better distance. You saw it. I pointed it out to you, remember? So absolutely, my friend, you are getting better. We?ll keep at it and get your distance up even more and we?ll get you straight too.? His voice was deeper than mine, and smooth. A real manly voice. I wondered what it would sound like if he was singing. I thought he would have a real crooner?s voice, smooth and silky. Masculine. And, I realized, very attractive. He had called me ?friend?. As I drove home, I realized I was smiling, from ear to ear. Gary considered me a friend. And though I didn?t think I?d made any improvements during the lesson, just having a new friend was a wonderful outcome. Gary was my friend. All week long, I thought of him often. His easy manner, his smile, the way he just exuded warmth from his skin, whenever he touched me. The affection he gave was warmth of a kind as well. On the weekend, I thanked my buddies for the lessons. They all agreed after our round that it hadn?t done a thing for my game. But I knew it had done something for my soul. I arrived for our second lesson almost late. I?d had to rush, after making dinner for my wife, who was in a particularly bad mood. Complaints about work, me, traffic, me, the neighbours making noise, me. She played up her disappointment that I was going out, wondering aloud who was going to wash the dishes. I suggested she could if she wanted, but the horrible look on her face made me instantly regret it, and I told her I?d do them when I got home. Gary was at the front door when I arrived, waiting for me. His smile was real, and infectious. It made me smile. It lightened my heart. His handshake was once again warm and welcoming. We held it for longer this time. When he showed me inside after locking the front door, I saw a coffee pot on the little kitchen counter. ?I?ll get a pot brewing for you, Michael,? he said, from behind me. When I turned to look at him, I saw his eyes coming up to meet mine. It hit me like walking into a wall. Had he been looking at my backside? ?You don?t have to?? ?C?mon, my friend,? he cajoled, his voice once again deep and manly and smooth. ?I?m happy to.? It struck me that there was no coffee pot last week. ?You, you didn?t buy that coffee maker just for me, did you?? For the first time, I saw him blush a little bit. ?I did, actually,? he said, a little quietly. ?Oh Gary, you shouldn?t have done that for me.? It was my immediate reaction, no filters. It was the way I felt. What a wonderful gesture! I was suddenly filled with warmth. From him. ?It was my pleasure,? he replied, and he meant it. I could tell. ?That?s what friends do for each other, right?? For a few moments, I couldn?t think of a thing to say. I just stared up, into his eyes. They seemed to me like they were glowing. ?But it cost you money,? I babbled, ?I can?t believe how nice you are. You don?t even know me.? He studied me. ?Michael, it?s okay. Besides, I do know you, a little. And I hope to get to know you more, too. You seem like a really great person, and I?ve always believed that I could use more great people in my life. So I?m hoping we do become good friends. And after all, it?s fun to do nice things for people, you know?? I did, deep down. I tried to live my life that way, and do nice things for others. I was just shocked that someone had done that for me. I wasn?t used to such generosity, in my existence. And the sincerity on his face was magical. He genuinely wanted to do something nice for me. I still felt slightly awkward about it, but I realized that I too could use more great people in my life. Didn?t I deserve that too? Gary, I decided, was very much a great guy. I liked him. And it warmed me even more in my heart to think he liked me too. ?Thank you,? I said. Slowly. With meaning. It?s just the way the two words came out. ?Now I want to do something extra nice for you, too. I just don?t know what that might be yet.? He smiled more. ?Well, and please don?t be embarrassed, but I couldn?t help but notice that your eyes look like, well?? he paused, ??well, they look like two piss holes in the snow is the old expression, so I know you enjoy the ganga a little bit, correct?? I nodded, cautiously. ?If you?re looking to do something nice for me, which you really don?t have to feel obliged to, then maybe one of these nights we could share some. After the lesson? It?s been a few years for me, since I smoked weed, but I would love to join you, if that?s okay?? I immediately said a firm and loud ?of course! I finished a roach on the way over, other than that I didn?t bring any with me tonight, but I can next week.? Gary smiled, and reached over and rubbed my shoulder again with his big right hand, like last week. ?It?s a date,? he said. ?Now, let?s get you warmed up.? So I began warming up in the shop, and a few minutes later he brought me a steaming hot mug, its aroma wafting at me. ?Okay,? he said, ?let?s see some swings.? We began the lesson. He reminded me of a couple of things from last time, and after my fourth slice he stepped up behind me, and asked if it was okay with me if he touched me again. Like last week. I answered yes quickly. It just blurted out of me. But it was the truth. I was totally okay with him touching me. For the last week I?d found myself often thinking about the heat that jumped from his skin to me. How my heart would beat stronger, and faster, and my lungs would expand more, as if I could breathe in his vitality and his affection. I mean, I know I lived a life mostly devoid of affection, so any touch from anyone would be out of the ordinary, but still. Being touched was intoxicating. And he was a man, for gosh sakes, not my wife, not some sexy woman I somehow met, not anything of the sort. The traditional part of my brain told me I wasn?t supposed to feel this way with another man touching me. But I was feeling this way. I couldn?t deny it. I was elated, delighted, and encouraged. Some of the same elements of feeling loved. Loved. As before, he moved behind me, towering over me, and those strong hands once again settled on my hips, the heat from him instantly affecting me again. I had to stop a little murmur of a moan from going through me. I?d never felt like this before. His touch, through my clothes, was mesmerising. It was like a drug of some sort, like some liquid I?d just injected into a vein, moving its silky way through my system. But rather than dangerous and downright life-threatening, Gary?s heat made me safely high. Wonderfully high. And getting a little higher with each contact. He outweighed me by a good sixty pounds or more, and he was so strong, but his touch was delicate. It was soft, and reassuring. It was tender. He helped me through a couple more swings that way. I had to be careful not to hit him with the club, as I turned back. And that took most of my concentration, since I suddenly felt that there was no way I wanted to do anything to cause any pain to this incredibly nice man. How could I even risk hurting Gary, this new friend in my life who was so simply and wonderfully nice to me. Again, we took little breaks. I drank more coffee. It was dark and rich and filled me with heat, adding to the heat I felt from his touch, and just being around him in the first place. I looked at my watch at one point, and realized we?d gone over the hour limit already by about twenty minutes. I mentioned it to him, and wondered if I was delaying him from his next student. ?You?re the only one on my schedule tonight,? he said. ?I?m not keeping you from your social life, am I? Or your daughters?? He shook his head. ?That?s sweet of you to ask, Michael. Thank you. But no, I see the girls on the weekends mostly. And I don?t really have much of a social life, to be honest.? The way he said it made me feel sad for him. I liked him, a lot. He was kind, and warm, and friendly, and he should be happy! Then I thought, yes, he should be happy. And I should be too. And I am. Here. Now. ?I?m not trying to intrude, Gary. I just think that a great guy like you should have lots of people wanting to be with him.? He blushed again. A little. Then he looked at me, and grinned. ?Tonight, you?re my social life.? Now I blushed. ?Back to the lesson,? he said. I worked a couple of dozen more swings. Five of them were with his hands on my body. They were the best shots I made. It just felt better, the swing itself, when he was helping me with the turn and rotation by guiding me with his big strong hands. Another hour or so later, we started wrapping it up. Then he asked me a question. ?Do you ever watch golf on tv?? ?Sure, when I can,? I said. ?I assume, based on how much I know you already, that you examine their swings, study them, try to compare them to yours, try to find things that they do to emulate in your own swing?? I nodded. Yes, of course. If you want to know how to do something, watch the professionals, right? ?You should watch the women.? ?Really? The LPGA? How come?? He thought for a second or two. ?Let me explain. When you?re watching the men pros, have you ever seen any of them tuck their shirt sleeve up under their armpit before they swing?? I thought about it. ?Yeah, I have, now that you mention it. Why?? ?They do that as a sort of cheat. Or a shortcut, if you?d prefer. They do that to remind themselves that you have to keep the inside of your forearms right up next to the chest, touching the sides of your pectoral muscles, through the whole swing. So they tuck their shirt, and at the end of the swing if it isn?t still tucked then they know their arms separated from their torso during the swing, and it?s something they need to work on. It?s a vital part of the swing.? Visualising from past tournaments I?d watched, I remembered seeing different guys do it over the years. I?d never thought to wonder why, before. ?The women,? he continued, ?don?t have that problem, because they, um, well, obviously, they have breasts.? ?Because they have breasts? How does that help them?? ?It helps them a lot. Think about it. Men have to concentrate on maintaining that contact with their torso, between the sides of their upper chest and the inside of their upper arms, right? But women have breasts, and yes they?re all different sizes and shapes and all that, but they spend their whole life having that contact of flesh, their arms are almost always touching the sides of their breasts. They?re completely used to it, and so when they swing they maintain that contact at all times, naturally. And because they do have breasts, even when they do have separation issues it?s an easier fix for them.? I thought about it. It seemed like a perfectly rational explanation. I would have never considered it, of course, since I didn?t have breasts. I never had to deal with it before. ?Can I show you?? he asked. ?Yes, of course.? He paused for a second. ?I?ll have to touch you again, if that?s okay?? I nodded. I tried not to look too eager, but deep down I welcomed his touch. I wanted the warmth he transferred to me every time it happened. ?Some men aren?t all that comfortable with being touched by another man, so I always ask first.? ?Sure,? I said, ?but you can touch me.? He got a concerned look on his face. ?It doesn?t make you feel uncomfortable? You?re okay with it?? ?No,? I said, and without thinking I added, ?I like it when you touch me.? I watched his Adam?s apple go up and down. ?Okay,? he said. Gary stepped up behind me, and told me to assume the address position, but without holding a club. Once I was in my stance, he got closer to me, and I could feel his heat without him making any contact yet. I could sense that he was just inches away from his body touching mine all the way up from the floor. I wondered how that would feel. Then I realized it would feel wonderful. Somehow I just knew it. He spoke again, his head above and behind mine, but close. His voice was soft, and deep, and caring. ?What I?m going to do is to try to simulate you having breasts, if that?s okay?? I wasn?t quite sure what he meant, but I was more than okay with it. I trusted him, this man I?d only known for a few hours. ?Yes, okay.? ?So I?m going to bring my arms in-between your arms and your body, and then you can pretend to be holding your club and address the ball.? I bent my knees slightly, getting into what the pros call the athletic position. Then everything about the world changed. Gary slipped his arms between my body and my arms, and brought his hands gently up, his big strong fingers lightly cupping my pecs. It must have looked like a boy trying to cop a feel from a girl. But my heart just about stopped. I was holding my breath, my lungs full. The light scant hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I had goose bumps. Everywhere. Instantly. And, to my utter shock, I realized that I had an erection. For a second I worried that he might sense my reactions, and find them offensive in some way. I was a man, after all, and so was he. Men weren?t supposed to react this way to another man touching them, were they? Sure, men didn?t usually go around cupping another man?s boobs like this, but still. Would he notice? Would he care? Then I realized my nipples had hardened, and were sticking up into his palms. I could feel them, like pencil erasers, under the pressure of his skin. And his warmth flowed into me again. I felt almost light- headed, practically giddy, and it was like all of my senses had woken up. I could smell him, a combination of after-shave and his natural musk. He even smelled warm. My arms came down of their own volition, and trapped his arms next to my body. He whispered that I should try a swing, slowly. As I moved, as my torso rotated and my arms came up, his hands never left me, never lost contact with my chest. I didn?t want them to. Gary stopped me at the top, and got me to reset. He asked me if I could feel the difference between this and my normal swings. I just blurted out yes! I could feel it. Moving with him essentially feeling me up made the swing different. It was as obvious as anything. Unfortunately, I had fallen back to an old habit with my hips. Without his hands on me, down there on my hips, my life-long bad shift had come up again. ?I can?t have my hands both on your hips and your chest,? he said, quietly. ?Let me think. I suppose I can try to brace you with my lower body, if that?s alright?? It was very alright with me. I was practically overdosing on his touching me. As sad as it sounds, I hadn?t been this close to another body in years, male or female, and I never wanted it to end. And who would have thunk that? He was a man. A man. And so was I. And these kinds of things weren?t supposed to happen to me with a man. Were they? The next thing I knew, his right leg was up against my right buttock. It felt blazing hot to me. I waited for him to say go ahead, and then I did the swing again, slowly, at his direction. His leg didn?t move, which with my turning increased the pressure on my ass, which I loved for some reason, and his hands cupping my breasts stayed there. Firmly. If anything, his grip was even more pronounced. But not pawing, or groping. Just warm, and sensual, and caring. Even with my nipples poking into his palm. I slowly got to the top of the swing, and then went slowly back down to where I?d started. ?How did that feel?? he asked, quietly and reverently. The word just came out of me. I didn?t have time to stop it and think of something else. ?Wonderful.? I could almost feel him nod. ?Yes, it did feel good. It feels much smoother, and you?re focussing on your upper body more, so you were much more square to the ball coming down.? We wound the lesson down after that. When I had the guts to look him square in the eyes afterwards, I thought his smile was bigger than before, and there was slightly more colour in his face. It could have been my imagination, but I got the impression he was so happy for me. And maybe happy for himself too, in some way. Maybe he?d enjoyed touching me that way? Our handshake at the end was longer again, and his eyes glowed even brighter than before. I thanked him over and over, and he kept telling me it was his pleasure. On the drive home, I considered what his pleasure might be. My next game with the boys saw my score improve. Not earth-shattering change, but definitely better. They all commented on it. I wasn?t duffing as many balls as usual, and even the shots I did mis-hit weren?t as badly sliced as I usually did. At the end of the game, when we went into the clubhouse for some food and a beer or two, I bought the first round. I was beside myself with happiness. Before I drove home, I texted Gary and told him my great news and thanked him profusely. A minute later he texted me back. Great to hear, Michael! I?m looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday night. We?ll get you even better for next week?s game! Take care! The work with Gary was already proving valuable to my game. And, I realized, that my time with Gary was also making improvements to my non-golf life. I thought of him often, and how he made me feel better about myself. How he seemed to genuinely like me. But most importantly, how his touches were becoming so important to me. And yes, how he seemed to like touching me. Sure, maybe he was just doing his job, and there was nothing more to it than that. But in just two lessons we?d already spent time becoming friends, learning about each other. He?d told me that he always welcomed more friends in his life, and how he didn?t have that many to begin with. I expressed mild shock at that, when he?d said it. A guy like him, and he didn?t have a lot of friends? I found it hard to believe. My wife was out with friends when I got home, so I sat down and watched some golf. The men were on one channel, and the women were on another. I chose the women. I watched them swing. The night of our third lesson, I got home from work late, and my wife was already home and bitching about having to make supper. I apologized, of course, even though it?s not really my fault, and took over, whipping up a meal for us. I wolfed mine down, and hit the shower. I wanted to be fresh. For Gary. I remembered to bring a doobie with me. I drove a little faster than usual too. Normally I?m a cautious driver, but I found myself taking a few more chances than normal. I wanted to get there fast. He was at the door, waiting for me. His smile was huge, and infectious. He made me smile. When I reached out to shake his hand, he pulled me a little bit, and we did the bro hug thing. He?s so much taller than me that he had to bend a bunch, so our shoulders could meet, our heads turned away from each other. We went inside, and he poured me a fresh mug of coffee he?d already prepared. And he had donuts too. So we noshed a bit, and chatted, before the lesson. I excitedly told him all the juicy details about my last round. How I?d done better, had hit less crappy shots, how I?d improved my score. The near chip-in on twelve. Even my putting was better! I thanked him about a hundred times, over and over. The smile on his face was priceless. It was the most attractive smile I think I?d ever seen. We went into the shop, and I warmed up with a few shots while he disappeared into a back storeroom. When he came out, he was holding something behind his back, so I couldn?t see. ?Michael,? he said, with some trepidation in his voice, ?I?m wondering if I can try something a little unusual with you tonight.? I was curious. ?What do you mean, unusual?? ?Well,? he continued, ?look, I?ve never done this before, though I really think it could help your swing. But,? he paused, ?it is kind of out there, idea-wise. So before I even ask, can I just get you to promise me that you won?t be embarrassed or offended? If you don?t like the idea that?s totally understandable and I won?t pressure you at all, I?ll never mention it again. But I?ve thought about you a bunch over the last week. Well,? he added, defensively, ?I?ve thought about your swing a bunch.? ?Okay,? I said, still curious, ?so what?s your idea?? ?Well, remember how when I held your, um, your?? I giggled. A grown adult man of fifty, and I giggled! ?My boobies?? Gary laughed. ?Yes, your breasts. Do you remember?? I nodded my head. My voice got very quiet. ?I remember.? ?You were probably distracted by me, but did you notice that your swing was much better?? He was right. I had been distracted by him. I mean, he had his hands on my breasts, from behind, as if he was a randy teenager. Who wouldn?t be distracted? And yet he was also right about my swing. It was better. ?So,? Gary continued, ?after a lot of thought during the last week, I came up with something that I think might be an invaluable teaching aid.? Then he smiled, and while it was warm and inviting, it was also tinged with a little nervousness. ?Okay,? I said, ?what would I have to do?? ?Well,? he said, searching for the way to say whatever he was thinking, and then finally just blurting it out. ?I?m hoping you?ll wear this.? From behind his back, he brought his hand around. He was holding a bra. Black, with thin straps and lace cups. A bra. I was flummoxed. I was surprised, more than ever in my life. He wanted me to wear a bra? Gary must have seen my reaction and interpreted it as me being offended, because he immediately whipped his hand so it was behind his back again. ?Look, dumb idea, I know, but?? I sensed he was embarrassed somehow, at asking me such a silly thing perhaps, and I could see his complexion redden up, become a little ruddier. ?No,? I said, instantly not wanting him to feel badly, ?it?s fine, really. I mean, it?s not a dumb idea.? Gary looked at me, perhaps sensing I was trying to make this easier on him, this awkward idea of his. ?Yeah, it probably is a dumb idea. My mistake. Let?s just do a lesson the normal way.? He turned to start walking back to the storeroom. Probably to drop off the bra. Maybe even to take a few deep breaths, to rid himself of his nervousness. ?Do you really think it would help?? I asked. He stopped walking, spun, and looked at me for a moment. ?It could.? I thought about it for a second or two. Did I want to wear a bra? A bra? ?Well, if you think it?ll help, I guess I could try it.? Gary smiled. It practically bathed me in warmth. I felt all the blood in my body running around, suddenly excited. Why does this man make me feel this way? I looked around, for a change room. There was none. ?Off with your shirt, then,? he said. Quietly. Once again, I became nervous. I don?t like showing my body to people, men or women. I?m fifty now, and not the thin svelte guy I used to be. Plus, because the sun and I don?t get along, and never have, I?m as pale as a ghost, and I instantly worried about how it would look in front of this man. ?We?re both men, there?s nothing to be embarrassed about,? he said. I couldn?t think of a valid reason to avoid it, so I looked at the floor, reached my hands down to the hem of my shirt and began pulling it off over my head. I pretended to be worried about where to put my shirt, so I could turn my body away from him, away from what I was sure would be his negative reaction. All I could find was an office chair, on wheels, off to the side, and I draped my shirt over it. Then I turned to him again, and cautiously chanced a look. His eyes were fixed on me. Staring at me. He wasn?t moving, or saying a word. I began to feel like I?d made a mistake, like I?d done something unbelievably stupid, and was just putting myself out there for shaming. He was a man?s man, tall and built strong and tanned and muscular. I was short, and slight, and hairless and pale. Compared to Gary, I didn?t even look like a man. Everything about me was the opposite of him. I waited for him to say something, or do something, to break the silence in the air. ?Can I help you put it on?? he said, quietly. I?d seen my wife do it, of course, many times. Start with the cups on your back, the hooks in front. Do them up, and then slide the whole unit around until the cups were in front. Then slip your arms through the straps, and then move the bra into place, cupping the breasts, and making sure the straps weren?t bunched up or twisted. ?I?d like that, thank you,? was all I could think of to say. It came out quietly, barely there. Gary moved behind me, and I slid my arms in the garment. He pulled it snugly to my body, running his fingers around the front to make sure the cups were in the right place. His skin was hot, transferring to me lightning fast. I was trembling, my nerves and excitement getting the best of me, the strangeness of the situation making them even more pronounced. My nipples were rock hard again. Perhaps it was the cool air on my skin, I thought. Perhaps it was the heat of his touch. While he was fitting the cups to my breasts, his fingers had brushed my nipples twice. The first time made me catch my breath. The second time made me moan, just a little, and I tried to make it as super quiet as I could. But I couldn?t be sure he hadn?t heard me. Looking up, at the mirrored wall, I saw me. Naked from the waist up, my skin porcelain and hairless. Gary stood behind me, taller by a mile, staring into my eyes through the reflection. My mind tried to control the situation, tried to bring myself back to a grounded level. But it wasn?t working. I had a bra on. It was black, and lacy, and very sexy. Not me, I wasn?t sexy. But the bra was. I?d always loved women who wore sexy lingerie, and now suddenly there was some sexy lingerie right in my view. I was wearing sexy lingerie. Gary slowly hooked me up in the back, running his fingers gently under the back strap, to smooth it out over my skin. His heat was unmistakable, and for a brief second I wanted to lean back into him, wanted to feel his arms come up and around me and hold me to him, to comfort me and ease whatever awkwardness I was feeling. I wanted to be held by him. The way a man holds his woman. After he?d untwisted the straps, he just looked at my eyes, through the mirror. We stared at each other, and I tried to find something to say, but words were failing me. The sparkle that always seemed to be in his eyes for me also seemed larger now, and brighter. Through my embarrassment, or whatever I was feeling, I got the sense that he was happy, that I?d made an idea he?d worried about offending me with actually work. He?d taken a risk, I realized, asking another man to wear a bra, and I somehow knew that now that I had put it on, his anxiety about my reaction was gone. His nervousness was gone now, and he was amazed and so satisfied that I had done this for him. Then I realized that it felt amazing. Foreign, yes. Alien to my previous fifty years of existence, yes. But I liked it! I was standing there absolutely loving wearing a bra. For some reason, I felt suddenly alive! He briefly ran his fingers up my back, from the hooks, and he ran his big fingers through the bottom of my hair, which fell down over the nape of my neck. The tiny hairs stood up in a heartbeat, and I was overwhelmed with goosebumps again. All over. I looked at us again, in the mirror. A big man, standing behind a smaller person, with slightly longish hair and wearing a bra. And for just a brief fleeting second, I realized I looked a little, well, feminine. Then he broke the moment, and reached over to the chair, grabbing my golf shirt. He handed it to me, and I slipped it on. Then we both looked in the mirror. You could tell I had bumps in front, for sure. But they weren?t very big. If you ignored my face you?d think you were staring at a woman with very small breasts. Almost flat-chested. The feeling of it on me was completely dazzling to me. The fabric was soft and delicate, the straps and hooks holding it tight to my body. I?d never felt anything like it. I couldn?t get over how unfamiliar it was. I also couldn?t get over how much I liked it. Gary?s smiled was even bigger now. Then I saw a thought enter his head, judging by the reaction on his face. ?Wait right here,? was all he said, and then he walked back to the storeroom, reappearing moments later with something else in his hands. Two something elses. They looked like clear rubbery blobs. ?My youngest, Katie, was a late bloomer, which she hated, so she bought a few of these over the years. They?re for padding the bra. They?re inserts.? I turned to him. I noticed that as I did, my chest led the way. My new bra led the way. Is that how women do it? Does their chest, no matter how big or small, become the central point in movement? This was new to me, and I was a complete blank in my head. ?How do they work?? I asked. ?You slip them into the bra,? Gary replied. ?So I have to take it off and then put it back on again?? He shook his head. ?No, I think if you lift up your shirt I can just slip them in.? I considered it for a bit. ?Do I need them?? His warmth to me turned up a notch or two. ?I think the bigger your breasts are, the easier it will be to feel the effect. That way you?ll be able to get a far greater understanding of the relationship between your upper arms and your torso.? Gary smiled more at me. It was like the sun. ?Okay.? I lifted my shirt, almost all the way over my head, more or less blinding myself with the fabric, but exposing my bra and body to him. Feeling him near me, judging by the increase in how hot he made me, I pushed my boobs towards him. That?ll help, won?t it? Despite having big thick fingers, his touch was gentle. And soft. It seemed caring, and thoughtful, and considerate. He was tender. There was no way he could slip the inserts in without touching my skin, touching my breasts. It was lucky in a way that I had my shirt up over my head, so he couldn?t see my reaction. I was trembling, inside and out, and the heat from his skin on mine was the most thrilling I?ve ever felt. He slid the first gel insert in fairly quickly, the back of one his fingers rubbing my nipple, making me gasp slightly. I hoped he hadn?t noticed. I?d just die of embarrassment if he thought this was exciting me. Then I wondered something I could never have imagined wondering in my entire fifty previous years of life. I wondered if he was excited by this too. I wondered if he was excited by me. Half-naked, wearing sexy lingerie. NO! That only happens in stupid fantasy stories. The second insert went in much like the first, and then he lowered my golf shirt for me, and stepped out of the way, so I could see ahead of me to the mirror. My heart stopped for a few seconds. I?m sure of it. I know I couldn?t breathe. Now I had curves. Now I had breasts. In my bra. Gary moved behind me, and turned me forty-five degrees or so, so I could look from the side. Standing there with my slightly longish- hair, my shoulders back, was me, but not me. I looked like a woman. I had breasts. Not just something a barely-pubescent girl would have either. I had two nice handfuls. My golf shirt strained at the new shape of me. A relatively flat tummy, thank you exercise bike, and instead of my little man boobs above, I had breasts. Curved, rounded, swelling. Breasts. The emotions that were swirling through me were too many to even catalogue, yet mention. I was transfixed. I was rapt with attention, staring at myself. I was excited, like a giddy kid, and trembling, like a nervous bride on her first night. I felt feminine. My blood was speeding all over me, my skin felt alive everywhere. My breathing was heavier than normal. Much. And I watched in absolutely joyous rapture as my breasts rose up and down, like a woman. I was somehow able to ignore the male looking parts of me, and only see the female me. The weight of the inserts were considerable, and they made me square up my shoulders more than normal, basically pushing my breasts forward, like I was showing them off, like I was sticking them straight out in front of me for the world to see, shouting ?hey, everybody, look at me! Look at my tits!? Peering down, I realized that having that weight on my upper body, having breasts like this, made me naturally just arch my lower back, sticking out my backside as well. Like a counterbalance. WOW! I thought. Standing like that, with my bum pushed out and my breasts pushed out, now I really looked like a woman. Gary let me enjoy the moment, I guess, because he disappeared for a minute or two. I was still ogling myself in the mirror when he came back out with a fresh mug of coffee for me. I thanked him for his generosity. I noticed my voice was quieter, for some reason. Less strident, more breathy. He was eyeing me up and down, while trying hard not to. Or maybe just trying hard not to get caught doing it. He was smiling though. A lot. ?How does it feel?? he asked. ?God, it feels?I don?t know?it?s so strange and new, of course. I?d never really realized how tight a bra can be. But it feels?wow, it?s weird, but it feels kind of?I don?t know the right word, Gary?it sure makes me think about my upper parts more than before.? He nodded, enthusiastically. ?That was my thinking. I?m so glad you?re not put off by the idea.? I just kept checking myself out in the mirror. Ignoring the masculine bits. ?Shall we start the lesson, then?? he asked. So we did. I grabbed a driver, and put a ball on the tee. He got all his computers and cameras running, and then asked me to begin. My breathing was going in and out really quickly, with the strangeness of the entire situation, and I took a moment to try to calm it down. But that was a daunting task. How do you calm down, being a man and suddenly wearing a bra, suddenly having noticeable breasts, a really sexy size? How do you bring your heart rate back to normal when everything about the situation isn?t normal? What could I do to deal with these feelings I was having? These feminine feelings? I was surprisingly bubbling with emotions now, dressed as I was. Dressed partially as a woman, in front of Gary. A man who was a new factor in my life, in just two short weeks. I was already so enamored and affected by his kindness, his amiable nature, and his genuine worries about my comfort. His respect for me. His help in making me a better golfer. And the friendship he was showing me. His tenderness, I realized. I took the last of a few deep breaths, feeling my breasts rise up and down, and then got ready to hit. When I bent over slightly, as is the proper technique, I felt their weight gently pull at my shoulders, my upper body. My neck straightened more than usual, and my lower back arched all by itself. That led to me sticking my bum out even more. I heard Gary murmur, just a little. It sounded like the most satisfying noise ever heard. He was more or less off to my side, so I couldn?t see him directly, but I could see his reflection in the mirrored wall. I marvelled again at how big his legs were. How big he was. All over. Then I thought something that stopped me dead. Did that mean?? And all of a sudden I was in the most surreal headspace. These last few minutes of unexpected femininity were shaking me to my core, and I liked them. I really liked them. They made me feel things that were new and different, emotionally. They made me feel electrified, inside. I was jumbly and roiling, in the most delicious of ways. New ways. I?d never felt this alive before. It was like all the things I?d done in my life were nothing, were vapors, were distant memories. I wondered if this is how women felt, some or all of the time. I couldn?t remember much of the previous fifty years of my life. I was standing here, in front of my new dear friend Gary, an attractive, sensitive man, and I was wearing a bra, and I had lovely breasts, and he was so big, and I was actually wondering if that meant he was big everywhere! My mind wanted to know. If his body was so large, so solid, and so manly, does that mean his penis was that way too? Is the old clich? true? Then I wondered what it looked like. What Gary?s penis looked like. The very realization that I was thinking about another man?s penis stunned me for a second. I should be ashamed of myself, shouldn?t I? It was wrong to think that way, wasn?t it? Some of my own relatives would say it was a sin. But I did want to know. I did. I couldn?t deny it. And I was flooded with other thoughts. Was he circumcised? Was it big? Hairy? Did he shave himself or was his groin as hirsute as the rest of him, the parts I could see? Did he have a big vein or two running skitter- skatter up the shaft? Was the tip wet? Did he produce pre-cum a lot, like me? Was it shiny? I came back to earth and took a swing. I made sure to concentrate on feeling my upper arms connect to my breasts. To my bra. At the same time, I tried to remember about my hip movement, and be on top of that too. And of course, I was trying to swing slowly and steadily as well, keeping my adrenaline from making me move too fast. When I struck the ball there was a completely different sound than normal. My old swing hits sounded like little taps. This was more like a rifle report. As my head came up, I saw the animation on the big screen, and my ball was flying higher than ever before, and farther than ever before, and not nearly as right as I usually go. By the time I came to a full stop, the data from the shot was on the right hand side of the screen, projected for all to see. My distance was almost thirty yards more than my normal. My club head speed had gone up a whole bunch. I wasn`t in the fairway, but I wasn`t in the forest either, which is where my slice always took me. I heard Gary from behind me quietly say ?Yes!? My balance was pretty good too, at the end of the swing. I was standing there, feeling my right arm up against my breasts, my chest facing the target, the tightness of the bra straps holding me in their control. I had never felt better in my entire life. I turned to Gary, my mouth wide open in shock and surprise, my lips forming the biggest smile ever, and his eyes came onto mine, his smile huge and warm and genuine and proud. I dropped the club. I was wracked with emotions, all of them positive, which was a huge change for me, and my desire to roar out the biggest proudest laugh humanity has ever seen came out as a giggle. I was giggling to Gary. He was laughing, his deep voice rumbling out of his broad chest in ripples, pride and joy and happiness for me obvious on his face. That look of wonderment that comes when something happens you didn`t think would, and is way better than you could have imagined. And he was feeling that way for me. For me. For a few seconds, we just stared at each other. Then, completely out of the blue and totally unplanned, I just launched myself at him, three steps almost running, his big strong arms opening wide, welcoming me in, as my arms went up around his neck, my hands to the back of his head, my fingers running through his thick hair, the last step off my left toe and moving my body upwards to him, his big arms coming around me, our bodies touching, our fronts, just melting into each other, his grip on me strong and steady and oh so warm, the heat exploding through me as more and more of us touched, my face settling by nature in the crook of his neck, smelling his musk and delighting in the delicate brushes of all his chest hair poking out of the V-neck of his shirt against my skin, like a million little feathers deliciously tickling me, feeling his heart beat in the pulsing of his skin, his hands grabbing onto the tops of my buttocks, squeezing them. My breasts against his body. My breasts. My breasts, crushed against his body. I realized we were both laughing, uncontrollably. Cackling. Unfiltered mirth and joy. He was holding me, in his arms. I was holding him, in my arms. His voice was deep and resonant in my ears, all the way down into my soul. I tried to get closer to him, to feel his affection and warmth even more. I snuggled my body into his, and he pushed back at me. And I felt it. I felt it. It was so obvious, so blatant. So rigid and so very strong and masculine and so very right there, pushing against my lower belly. His penis. Was it hard? Or was it this big all the time, even when he was flaccid? I heard him say loudly ?That was great, Michael!? His head was next to mine and above, and I could literally feel all the muscles in his chest moving as he spoke. It felt to me like how a hug should feel. His hands slid just a little bit farther down my backside, his arms being long enough, and he gently caressed and squeezed my bum cheeks. I felt my breath catch in my throat. We both stopped laughing. The next squeeze made my heart stop. The next made me realize that my penis was shockingly completely hard. I was painfully erect. The following squeeze made his penis move, in his slacks, just a little, and get perhaps just a little bit bigger. It wasn?t my imagination, I knew instantly. I felt it. And then my mind went blank. I was overloading on all these new sensory experiences. I was being held, and hugged, by someone who cared for me. I was in the arms of another man, whose kindness and passion and tenderness were real and unforced and making me swoon. No woman had ever made me feel this way. No other human being had ever taken me to this level of feelings. A level that I didn?t have any relationship with, and could barely understand or put a name to. But I did. After a few more delicious moments of just absorbing his warmth, I knew what it was. Intimacy. Bereft in my life, I was now surrounded by intimacy. The fact that it was from another man made it unusual, of course, but I?d never been more aware of real happiness, never closer to joy, than this. My meter was dangerously close to ten by now. ?Thank you,? I breathed out finally, into the skin of his neck. I opened my eyes and could see his chin, and his ear lobe, in front of me. ?Thank you so much, Gary, I can?t begin to?? Gary shushed me quiet. ?Thank me by doing it again,? he said. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. Our faces were so close to each other. His eyes were intense, almost boiling with energy and life. His skin was tanned, and firm. His lips were full and shiny and closed except for one little break right in the middle, where I could barely make out just a sliver of white. I could hear the blood rushing through my veins, whooshing in and out like a tide ebbing, powered by my heart, which was beating more fiercely than I could ever remember. We looked at each other. Our faces were so close, so near. I could feel his breath on my skin, every time he breathed out. He seemed to be doing it more than usual, and I could feel his chest rising and falling against me. Time seemed to stand still. I held onto him and Gary held onto me. Neither of us moved. My brain was a scattershot of images and ideas and feelings. I was beside myself with so many diametrically opposed sensations: satisfaction and fear, joy and nervous trepidation, the warmth of his body soothing me and calming me and making me feel like I was wrapped in sunlight. Being held like that, something so foreign to me for so many years, now the center of my world, the one and only thing in my existence. All the social codes of formality and norms seemed to have gone, replaced with the simple basic physical sensations of touch, which were consuming me. I wasn?t thinking, I admit it. I was acting purely on instinct; these new feelings of human contact were taking over me, consuming me, controlling me and all my movements. Propriety and decorum and the unwritten rules of the road became wisps of smoke in my rear view mirror. I had just enough room, just enough stretch in my body. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him. On the lips. Softly. My lips, touching his. My mouth, quivering slightly with nervous energy and the fear of the unknown, meeting his. The enormity of it, all of it, standing there in his arms, being held by him, in his powerful arms, against his strong wide body, feeling his heat and his energy touching me and filling me, my breasts mashed into him, my bra tight around my body, the inserts heavy and life-like, my nipples harder and more swollen than I could ever remember them. My penis harder and more swollen than I could ever remember it. I kissed Gary. I kissed him. He?s a man, and I?m a man, and I kissed him. Not a peck, not a brief, fleeting moment in time. Not the kind of kiss you?d give your father on his deathbed, which I had done. No. This was not a kiss of mercy, or of pain. This was joyous, and delicious, and real. My lips, pressing against his, with urgency and meaning. I kissed Gary. For about a millisecond I created images in my head of him throwing me off, yelling and screaming about my forward behavior, being called a fag or something else mean-spirited, little mental snippets of being in physical danger as he kicked me out of his place of business, out of his life. Ruining everything. But he didn?t do any of those things. He just kept holding me, wrapping me in his arms, making me feel protected and loved and wanted and human. And his lips never left mine. Neither of us seemed to want it to end. Or perhaps both of us were just so shocked at this unexpected turn of events that neither of us knew what the hell to do. No tongues were involved. It was just lips on lips. Soft, gentle, yearning lips touching other lips. My eyes were closed, my head swimming in the sensations of kissing him. I was kissing a man! All too soon, although it probably took at least a minute or two, sanity seemed to slowly creep its way back into me, and the strength in my calves began to waver from being on tip toes, and I broke contact with his lips. As I did, I breathed out the biggest sigh I?d ever known. Gary sighed too. Now I was embarrassed. I couldn?t look at him. I let my fingers untwine and my hands left the back of his head, softly moving down his massive upper chest as I withdrew. His pecs were huge, and hard like a man?s chest should be. Our bodies stopped touching, and his hands finally left my buttocks, all of me instantly missing his warmth, his touch. Awkward was the word that screamed out in my head. I couldn?t look at him, couldn?t find the strength to see what his reaction was. I simply turned, and walked three steps back to the mat, picked up my driver, and set myself up to hit another shot. I chanced a quick peek in the mirror at him, trying to be furtive about it, to avoid any possible situation where he might be angry or offended or about to beat the crap out of me. But he wasn?t that way at all, and I should have known that. I had only been acquainted with him for a few hours now, over the course of three visits, but deep down I already knew that he wasn?t that kind of a person. He was kind, and considerate, and thoughtful, and even though he was probably upset somewhat by having this customer of his kiss him out of the blue and unexpectedly, he would be respectful and dignified about it. Of course. Gary was perhaps the gentlest, politest person I?d met in years. And it was a momentary lapse of reason. I could only hope and trust that he?d feel that way about it. My quick glance showed him standing there, his arms by his sides, his chest going up and down a little quicker than normal. His tanned face seemed to have a little more colour than usual too. I saw his tongue briefly come out and run over his bottom lip, as if he was trying to capture another last taste of me. I set up and hit another shot, focussing on keeping contact with my breasts, feeling the tightness of the bra around my torso. I found myself thinking it felt great, being strapped in like that. The weight of the inserts, the heft of my breasts, something totally new to me, was intoxicating. Slightly bent over, my bosom made me arch my lower back, which played into a good swing position perfectly. It made me stick my bum out, without me thinking about it. It was like second nature. And my second shot was even better than my first. I managed yet another eight yards of distance, and while I still wasn?t in the fairway, my slice had dampened down into a fade, and I was just outside the first cut. Better than ever. He finally found his voice and said ?Yes, Michael, that?s the way!? I looked up at him in the mirror, and he had a huge smile on his face. Then I looked at me, seeing my new curvy shape, my new breasts, seeing the bra strap lines under my golf shirt, the swell of my boobs so foreign and unusual and new to me. And so sexy, I thought. My smile was off the charts. ?Hit again,? he said, ?and remember to keep that back hip solid and firm. Use it so that when your arms come down, they meet that hip, and they use that solidity to whip the club head through the ball, okay?? I set up and hit again. And again. And again. Each successive shot was good, much better than I?d ever done. A dozen shots later, and I was almost getting used to being a ?boomer?. I was quite literally smashing the ball, the boom of the contact reverberating through Gary?s warehouse. My distance was amazing. If this was a real golf course, and I was out with my buddies, I would be hitting it as far as they did. Maybe even farther, with some of my shots. But I still had an annoying fade. Gary saw my frustration with it. ?Okay,? he said, moving towards me and taking up position behind me again, ?I?m going to touch your hips again, if that?s alright with you?? I just blurted out the first thing that came into my head. ?Gary, you can touch me whenever you want.? He smiled at me, in the mirror. I?d only known him a short time, but I got the impression he hadn?t smiled like that in a very long time. His fingers felt like fire to me, as his hands lightly landed on my hips. Standing there, addressing the ball, my forearms pushing into the sides of my breasts, with my slightly longish hair at the back and sides of my face framing the biggest grin I?d ever had, making me look, I realized at that point, like one of the LPGA women I?d watched on tv. I looked like a woman. Sort of. Partially. A little bit. His hands held my hips, and in order to make sure I didn?t hit him with the club as I swung, he moved himself closer to me. His right leg ended up behind my right buttock, and his left leg behind my left buttock. My stance, with my new breasts, made me automatically push my bum out, more than usual, and as he settled in behind me, I felt it again. His penis. He was touching me with the front of himself. He had to, or I might clonk him with my driver on the backswing. So he was directly behind me, and safety made him squeeze up close to me, touching me, molding his groin into me. His penis was there, above my bum crack slightly. I chanced a glance up into his face in the mirror. Gary?s eyes were boring into my reflection, a new level of intensity in them. He wriggled himself, ostensibly to find comfort I suppose. It made his penis move back and forth, across the top of my cheeks a few inches. His face was redder than normal. Mine was flushed and more alive than I could ever remember. ?I?m going to make sure you don?t let your hip relax or buckle, okay?? I just nodded my approval. I couldn?t find any energy to make sounds. I made the swing, and several after, with Gary holding me that way. Each time I could feel his body, his groin, his penis, pushing into me, moving with me, trapped as it was in the confines of his clothes. Our reflection showed a powerful strong man behind what appeared to be a woman, almost holding her. My mind should have been on what I was doing, the ins and outs of the swing, learning more about the process and the mechanics. But all I could think about was how he was holding me, touching me, how his strength and masculinity were so much different than mine. How I wasn?t looking anything even close to masculine at that moment. Then I remembered the previous lesson, one week ago, and how he had stood behind me and how his hands had cupped my breasts from behind. Like an amorous teenager, copping a feel. I remembered how my nipples had engorged so much that I could feel them poking holes into his palms. And then I realized that I wanted that again. The rest of the lesson was wonderful. I had gained about thirty yards of distance on my drives, and almost as much on some of my other clubs. Gary got me to swing for well over an hour, well past the time I?d paid for, using different clubs, sometimes on my own, and sometimes with him standing behind me again, holding my hips with his big strong warm hands, his groin pressed into my bum. Those were the best swings. After we had worked for almost two hours, I was flying high. I was elated, more than any other time in my life. I was alive with feelings of success and accomplishment and a job well done. But moreso, I was awash with feelings of joy, of physical and emotional happiness. I was being touched by another human being, in ways that were new to me, and while daunting on some levels, I could tell it was like a drug, and I wanted more and more. I wanted to trip away on this narcotic of intimacy that I was feeling with Gary. Then I remembered the doobie I?d brought with me, something he?d requested at the end of our last lesson. ?Gary, did you still want to smoke a joint with me?? I asked as he was shutting off the lights and getting ready to close up for the night. ?That would be great, Michael,? he said, his voice dripping with warm hints. ?Just let me get everything shut down and I?ll meet you outside, okay?? ?Yes, of course,? I answered, suddenly remembering what I was wearing, ?I should probably take the bra off.? He said ?no? really quickly. Then he paused for a second or two, almost as if he was trying to find the words he wanted to use. ?I think the more you wear it, the more you?ll get the feeling for the weight of the breasts, the weight of your chest, and its relationship to your arms. You can keep it on, if you like. It might help you.? It made sense to me, so I smiled and said ?okay.? Then I thought for a second, and added, ?but I can?t wear it playing with my friends this weekend.? Gary laughed. ?No, you probably shouldn?t.? ?Or around my wife,? I added. ?No,? he said, more seriously, ?you definitely shouldn?t.? I walked out into the parking lot. And I marvelled at how just walking with this new weight on my chest, from the bra and the inserts, made me walk a little differently. I was leading with my boobs. It was remarkable! There were stars out, up above, once I looked away from the commercial lighting of the building. My little car was parked over to the side, and there was a white Sprinter van that I assumed was Gary?s in front of the business. One gigantic amber light was on the outside of the building, up high, casting an arc of illumination. I unlocked my car doors and put my clubs inside. I thought about starting up the engine, but decided I didn?t to waste the fuel. I left the keys in the ignition, with the driver?s door open. The buzzer had broken years ago. After a couple of seconds more of waiting, Gary came out, turning and locking the front door of his suite with two different keys. He moved over to his van, and I followed. The light was sufficient to see what we were doing, and his vehicle more or less blocked anyone from the road from seeing what we were doing. I lit the joint, and took a deep hit from it. The smoke filled my lungs, and instantly I felt the relaxation and gentle mellowness of the weed hit my brain. Aaah! Handing it to Gary, our skin touched again as he took it from me. ?As I mentioned,? he said, his voice soft and deep and warm, ?I haven?t done this in a long time, so I might get a little goofy. I?m just saying.? Then he held the doob to his mouth and inhaled. I watched his reaction, his eyes closing momentarily, his chest expanding, his lungs filling. My eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, and I surreptitiously ran them down his body, to his feet and back up again. His legs were thick and hairy and powerful, like an athlete. And there, in his golf shorts, I could see again clearly what I had felt earlier. His penis. And again, I marvelled at the size of it. He?s a big man, yes, so it makes sense that that part of him would be equally as impressive. But still, the lump in his clothes looked bigger than before. Or was that just my imagination? I didn?t have any experience with this sort of thing. I wasn?t used to judging other men that way. I?d never really thought about it, other than when I was watching porn and masturbating. But now, tonight, I?d felt it against me, both my front and my backside, and I knew that he was bigger and thicker and longer than me. Bigger and thicker and longer than some of the penises I?d seen online, in porn. He handed me back the joint, and I took another toke. I let the sensations wash over me, taking me further into mellowness. He breathed out, the air around us filling with smoke, and then he coughed a few times. It had indeed been a while since his last toke. We stood in silence, outside the front door of his business, bathed in the amber security light attached to the building, smoking the joint. After a couple of additional tokes, Gary waved at me that he?d had enough, so I pinched the cherry off the end and put the rest back in my pocket. Both of us were facing each other, just a foot or so apart, next to his van. I was trying to navigate my way through completely uncharted waters. I wrestled with these feelings. He was a man, and I was a man. And yet I felt such new and exciting things towards him. His natural kindness, his innate warmth, attracted me like nothing I?d ever felt before. Yes, I thought, I?m affection- retarded, in a way of describing it, and so anything he had done would be thrilling to me, but I felt at the same time like there might be more. But then maybe I could be wrong, right? After all, this was all so new and shocking to my system. I had no history of these kinds of feelings to judge with. My brain bounced back and forth, between what might be fantasies and what probably were realities. Gary looked off to his right, at his van, and then laughed a little bit. Out loud. ?What?s so funny?? I asked, almost afraid of the answer. ?Look at our shadows,? he said, a tone of playfulness in his voice. I turned my head to my left and saw what he was talking about. With the security light up high and to my right, our shadows were being cast out larger than life, across the pavement of the parking lot and then up the side of his Sprinter. What I saw made my whole life change. I saw the shadow of a man, rugged and tall and barrel-chested, standing in front of the shadow of someone shorter and smaller who had longer hair and a pronounced rear end sticking out, and the very obvious curves of breasts. My shadow looked like a woman. I was still wearing the bra and inserts. I looked like a woman. Immediately, I turned to look up into Gary?s eyes again, fearful of what he must be thinking. Instead of derision, or shame, I saw something else entirely. I saw what looked like hunger. Was I wrong? Was I insane? Was I imagining things, both for me and for him? He had chuckled a little, so I chuckled too, and hoped it didn?t sound too forced. I felt like I had to say something, anything. ?I see what you mean,? I said, quietly. ?It looks like the shadows of a man and a woman.? ?Yes,? he whispered, ?it does.? Then there was a pause, as we both stood there gazing at the shadows. Then he spoke again, quietly. ?A man and a sexy woman.? His words cut at me, like a knife. I looked like a woman, in the shadow. But the shame of being somehow considered less than a man that I was expecting never appeared. I just suddenly felt accepting of it. I mean, I did look like a woman. My shape was entirely feminine in appearance. My hair, my breasts, my bum. All womanly. ?That?s really good weed, Michael,? he half-whispered. ?I haven?t smoked any in a long time, and I can already feel it. I haven?t felt this good in forever. Thank you.? I was still looking at our shadows, playing out away from us onto the side of his van. But he was right, it was good weed. I was feeling mellower by the second. I wasn?t nervous anymore, or even thinking about being worried about looking like a woman. I realized that I hadn?t stopped staring at my figure, black against the white of the vehicle. It was amazing to me. I looked like a woman. I felt a thrill rush through me, like an avalanche rumbling down the side of a mountain. My skin got goose bumps again, everywhere. All over my shaved body. My penis was straining at my underwear, which felt wet too. I knew that it was pre-cum, because I?ve always been a steady leaker of that when I?m excited. And I couldn?t deny that I was as excited as I?d ever been. ?Hey,? he said, holding out his right hand, ?give me your hand for a moment, would you?? I looked at him, quizzically. He recognized my confusion, or perhaps curiosity. ?Let?s see what this looks like, our shadows,? he said, and taking my left hand in his, he bowed his body, leaning towards me, and pretended to kiss the outside, like a fine southern gentleman would to a belle while being introduced. We both turned our heads to look at the shadows. Sure enough, other than me not wearing a billowing evening gown, we did indeed look a man and a woman, at a formal occasion, the man reverently and respectfully showing his manners to a feminine creature. We both giggled this time. The shadows could have easily been a work of art, our silhouettes painted onto a canvas. Gary stood up again, and I looked back into his eyes. They were full of mirth, and playfulness, and what I felt might be real and genuine affection. Affection. That basic human quality I?d been missing for so long. Still, we were both enjoying this. I smiled up at him even more. ?How about this shadow?? I asked. Then I stepped closer to him, placing the palms of my hands flat on his chest. On his pectorals. He was so big across that my hands looked small somehow. And the instant I touched his shirt, my breath quickened, and his did too. And I noticed two points appear under the fabric. It took me a second in my stoned daze, but then it twigged. His nipples, I realized. Did I do that to him? Then I leaned my upper body closer to him, keeping my arms in a position that the light could still show my breasts, and stood up on my toes, like a woman would do if she were chastely and properly about to peck a man on his cheek. We both turned our heads, me to the left and Gary to the right. Our shadow was perfect. A woman, leaning up towards her man. Without any thought at all, my right leg bent at the knee, and I brought my foot up behind me, on a ninety degree angle, flexing my calf muscle, and making the shadow even that much more feminine. Take a picture, I thought. Not a single person in the world would say that the image was two men. No, no way. For fun, and again completely without any pre-thought, I tilted my head up and quickly waggled my hair, allowing it to flow out from behind me more, taking advantage of the little bit of natural wind outside. Now it looked like a video silhouette. A man, big and strong. And his woman, her hair dancing in the wind. I was so erect in my underwear, and I could feel the dampness of my pre-cum, which I knew had to be pulsing out of me by now. My entire world was focussed on looking like a woman for Gary, seeing the two of us in this intimate pose. My heart lurched when I saw his arms begin to move, and his hands slowly reaching out towards my hips. Instantly I thought, he?s going to pull me towards him! YES! Then that thought vanished, and I thought no, surely he must be trying to respectfully and gently push me back. God, I?ve got to stop letting these pathetic fantasies take over my thoughts! I admonished myself. Why would he want to pull me towards him? Then his hands stopped, and his arms slowly pulled back. My world sunk, right then and there. See! I was right! I?d crossed a line, I reasoned. My own pathetic situation had somehow pushed me to obliterate so many lines of proper behavior. Instantly I began to fill my head with bad thoughts. I was so lonely, I reasoned, that I?d made him hug me, made him hold me. And even positing that he was a very nice human being who was simply allowing another human being to express emotion that way, and of course I knew that there were men like that, there was simply no way that he would have ever been thinking that another man would dare to kiss him. I suddenly felt shame wash over me. What had I done? He?d been nothing but nice to me, nothing but friendly and cordial and kind and flattering. And I?d completely lost any sense of reality I might have had! You idiot! I began cursing myself, silently, and leaning back away from him, expecting him to break this moment, sure that I?d offended him. Tears filled my eyes. I knew I had only a second or two at most to reel them in, or I?d be crying in front of him. Crying in front of this man. The potential embarrassment of that washed over me, amplifying my shame. I felt my shoulders shaking a little. I had to escape. ?I wonder how the shadow would look, you know, of what we did earlier,? he whispered. I was knocked back emotionally a little bit. ?Earlier?? He nodded, his stare intense at me. His eyes were still boring in at me, but they had that tell-tale redness around them that just shouted out ?dope-smoker?. Still, the smile on his face was magical. ?Earlier, when we?uh?? ?Hugged?? He nodded again, more emphatically. ?And kissed.? Just hearing him say the word, I lost my control. The tears started rolling down from the outside of both eyes, winding down my cheeks towards my chin. ?I?m so sorry,? was all I could think of to say, and it came out in a strangled whisper. ?No,? he said, and I could tell he had more words to come, but through my tears and a sob I cut him off. ?I?m so sorry, Gary, please?I?m so sorry, I?I?you must hate me?I?ll just go?? He reached out and grabbed my hands, holding them in his. ?No, no, Michael, no,? he said, stepping closer to me until we were about an inch away from each other. He had to bend his neck down, and I had to crane mine up, such was the difference in height. ?It?s okay, really.? I couldn?t help myself. I was sobbing now. ?No, no?I?m so sorry?I shouldn?t have?? ?Michael,? he said, with more authority, forcing me to stop my blubbering, ?listen, please? It?s okay. It is.? Two more tears rolled out of me as I stared up at him. ?It is?? He nodded and smiled again. ?Of course.? ?You mean it?? I asked. ?I told you the first time we met that I?m a truth teller, remember?? I did, and I said so. ?So believe me, it?s okay. Don?t feel embarrassed, or ashamed. Please? You were in the heat of the moment.? I nodded. I had been, of course. He was right. And he was being so unbelievably nice about it, too. Then he said something that I hadn?t seen coming, in the most serious of whispers. ?It was a really nice kiss.? His hands were gently caressing mine, reassuring me through his touch. And again, my total lack of being touched in my life meant that I was almost overwhelmed by his warmth. It was more than I could ever possibly hope for. Even quieter, he said, ?it was a great kiss.? He let me feel better, all the while staring at me, trying and succeeding to calm me with his demeanour. He was so gentle with me, so kind. He was so tender. Then he reached up and wiped a tear off my cheek. ?Let?s see what the shadow looks like, okay?? So I nodded, and he guided my arms up towards his neck, and like it was the most natural thing to do I moved into his embrace. His hands came down and around me, pulling my body to his, my breasts crushing into his torso, my face coming to rest on his collar bone, my hands up around his neck, my fingers touching the back of his hair. His big hands slowly made their way to my bum, and he delicately grabbed each of my cheeks, pulling my crotch towards his. It felt like the wind being knocked out of me, when I felt his body against mine. Why? Because there it was. Again. His penis. And this time it had shifted positions in his golf shorts. This time it was different. It was bigger. Much bigger, much thicker, much more around than before. And longer too. And the heat coming from his penis came through the clothing between us and made my little penis shiver in erection. I had never ever ever been harder than this. It was making me shake, which he felt, and must have reasoned that I was chilly in the night air, so he pulled me closer to him, pressing my body into his forcefully, lovingly. Giving me his heat, to make me feel more comfortable. We turned our heads, and looked at the shadows. I couldn?t see my bosom anymore, the graceful curve of my breasts, because they were pressed into him as hard as I could, but otherwise we did indeed look like a man holding a woman in his arms. A man intently wrapping his woman in his arms, protecting her, cuddling her, making her feel safe and secure and loved and wanted. As if on cue, we both turned our heads back again, to each other. Gary was looking at me differently somehow. The tornado of emotions I?d been going through in the last two hours were wreaking havoc with my analytical abilities, and I couldn?t decide if I knew what he was thinking. He just kept looking at me. And I couldn?t stop looking at him, my head craned up. The maelstrom inside me wanted to repeat what had happened earlier, the last time I was in his arms this way. I wanted to kiss again. Like a child on Christmas Eve, I was sending out wishes into the universe for the greatest present I could ever imagine receiving. I was stunned at myself, realizing that I was wishing for a kiss from another man. A man I realized I was practically falling in love with. The thought of which staggered me, deep inside. I was wishing for a man to kiss me. Was I losing my marbles? But the next thing I knew, we were kissing. Again. Just like that. One second nothing, the next second everything. I wasn?t crazy. Gary?s lips were big, like him, and full, and at least ten degrees warmer than mine, because my lips almost felt seared by him. My breath caught in my throat, and my entire world transformed. We were kissing. This man and I, his feminine-looking student, were kissing, lip on lip, breaths snorting in and out of our nostrils. Kissing. OH MY GOD we were kissing. I moaned. He moaned. Our heads turned naturally back and forth, following the passion of the moment, but our lips never lost touch. WE WERE KISSING! He pulled me closer to him, his hands now unrestrainedly clutching my bum cheeks. My groin was pressed up against him, his against me. He was rhythmically increasing the pressure and then letting off slightly, forcing us closer together slowly and seductively and then easing away slightly. He was simulating the thrust and withdrawal of intercourse, but for the first time in my life I was the woman, moving my hips to him, trying to increase the pressure of his body on mine, to feel the hardness of his penis against me more and more. I realized I wanted to feel his penis, to feel it in me. I wanted to feel his hard penis inside of me. I wanted to go there, to that place, where I?d never even considered it possible. My heart told me, in no uncertain terms. I wanted to feel his penis inside me. My fingers were knotted in his thick hair, at the back of his head, pulling myself closer to him, wanting more and more of his lips. Then life changed again. His tongue poked gently out of his mouth, tapping me on the lips, asking permission to go further. I opened my mouth to him, willingly, wantonly, shamelessly. I wanted him to French kiss me, I wanted it more than anything. Again my brain marvelled at this turn of events. I wanted this man to French with me! A man! Holding me, caressing me, softly grinding his large penis into me, and me softly grinding my little penis into him. My body was alive with sensations, my denied- of-affection life turned upside down in a moment. Like a starving man on his dying breath suddenly finding himself in an all-you-can-eat restaurant with an unlimited credit card. A tidal wave of physical intimacy was washing over me, drowning me, making me in some ways absolutely furious at my wife for never showing me love, when I could now see that it was the most glorious thing on the planet. That which I had not had for so long, now so blindingly prominent in front of me. Passion. Romance. Human touch. His breath was sweet in my mouth, his tongue dancing here and there, my tongue trying to catch his, at one point my lips just forming around the width of his tongue and I began suckling it, in waves, bobbing on it while never losing contact with his lips, which were like candy to me. I thought about how it would feel to do that kind of sucking and bobbing on his penis. Loving him with my mouth. Giving him oral pleasure. These were things I?d just never ever considered before. I was stunning myself on a minute-by-minute, second-by-second basis, new and heretofore unimagined acts of sexual expression on my mind, except now I was dreaming of being a lover with another man, not a woman. Now I was the woman? My body started moving into his faster and faster. We?d probably only been kissing for a few minutes, but they?d been the best minutes of my life! And now I was grinding into him harder, my body taking over, any reason or sanity just disappearing. I was overcome with emotions, the world outside was gone, everything and everyone vanished, all seven point eight billion people but a trifle. Our kissing became more intense. Our rubbing against each other became more physical, more real, and more aggressive. Then, it only took another few seconds or more, when I felt it. My brain focussed long enough to let me know. I was building to an orgasm. The signs were all there: rapid breathing, uncontrolled fire raging in me, that unmistakable pulsing growing enormity of feelings. Wait! Stop! I didn?t want to do it. No, that was too much. It could ruin everything! But I couldn?t stop it. The roiling got bigger and bigger, and then bigger and bigger again, and then it got huge, and then huger, consuming more of my insides, until I had to stop kissing Gary. I took a huge gulp of air as my lips left his, and my head slipped away, and my forehead fell to his shoulder. My lower body just grinded on him, even as his lips found my earlobe. He pulled me to him even harder. Could he sense what was happening to me? I had to stop it!!! Then it crescendoed, and I started audibly wailing ?no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!?. And then I just convulsed, a full body wracking motion, my front shuddering into his, and I began spurting semen into my underwear. I came and I came and I came and I came, moaning out loud, almost wailing, my voice strained and full of drama. Instantly I felt wet in my clothes. I had never orgasmed so hard. Gary must have realized what was happening, and he began whispering in my ear. ?Let it out, let it out, let it all out,? he said, the perfect words in that moment. I had his blessing, his encouragement. He sounded happy to hear and feel me releasing. I?m old enough to remember tube television sets, and I can vividly recall that when you turned them off they became black from the outside edges inward, ending up with a little tiny dot of white in the middle of the screen, which would then poof! disappear after a couple of seconds. That was what my consciousness was like. That?s how overwhelming my orgasm was. That?s how completely powerful it was. It took over, controlling my body and my mind. In all my fifty years, I?d never felt this sexually drained before. And yet my little penis was still very hard, and still pumping out ejaculate. In much smaller amounts now, but I was experiencing a continual wave of thrills that bordered insanely close to unbearable at the same time as being the most wonderful and powerful ever. I had the most complete body stone of my life. To a level I hadn?t ever dreamed possible. Total, complete, utter sexual bliss. Gary held me, the shaking and tics of my involuntary body movements slowly subsiding. His breath was still in my ear, louder than the outside world. My breasts were still mashed up against his torso, his arms still holding me, his hands still on my buttocks, gripping them and caressing them. A few more moments later, however, the enormity and the totality of what I?d done hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. Shame, abject shame overcame me. From head to toe, and in the blink of an eye, I went from the highest I?d ever felt to the lowest. WHAT HAD I DONE? For the second time in one evening, owing to my life of yearning for human affection and intimacy, I?d crossed every line possible of normality and decency and manoeuvered the situation to make this lovely man have to hold me, have to feel my unnatural sexual dirtiness against him, and have to kiss me. Yes, I admitted momentarily, he?d seemed to like it, but that too had to be my horrible imagination playing tricks on me. He was a man, goddamn it! I was a blubbering simpering pathetic little thing, not even a man, and I?d manipulated him somehow. That?s how my brain saw it, in that second. And how he must feel pity for me, perhaps even disgust! This tiny little needy man, maybe not even a man, crying and blubbering and then rudely spewing my filthy seed into my own clothes. WHAT HAD I DONE? Fight or flight kicked in, and I pushed away from him, out of his arms, and I ran to my car, bawling my eyes out. Jumping in, I started the engine and threw it into gear and ripped away, even as I heard him running after me and yelling at me to stop. The last I saw of him, in my side mirror, I could see he was standing more or less where my car had been, and I could see his mouth moving, and I could swear I saw his lips say ?come back!? I cried. Tears poured out of me, in rivulets, streaming down my face. There were so much of it in my eyes it affected my vision, made everything on the road blurry and wriggly. I had to tear myself away from my misery enough to make sure I didn?t crash my car. How would that look, being found by the paramedics or the police wearing a bra and inserts with my pants and underwear dripping in my own orgasmic juices. My own cum. How could I have been so foolish? So brazenly and pathetically weak? How could I have done that to such a wonderful lovely man like Gary? How? I was crying and crying, ashamed and degraded. What must he think of me now? The squishy liquid in my pants was moving, and I looked down and saw that there was a stain forming on my khakis. It must have been the biggest explosion of my life, because I can?t ever remember making that much cum ever. What did that say about me? That being held by this man, taking advantage of his kindness and friendship and manipulating him into kissing me, could result in the most satisfying sexual experience of my life? How could I go home looking like this? How could I sneak this past my wife? What kind of a person am I? I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Somehow I just knew it was Gary. I could just sense his outrage, his understandable offense at me. At what I?d done to him. Deciding I couldn?t go home in the condition I was in, I drove to my secret spot. By the river. My phone buzzed three more times on the way. I was relieved when I approached the pull-out that no other cars were there, off the river road. Sometimes people came down here to party. I was in no mood to party. So I stood by the river, the wind whipping my hair, my groin wet and drying, the occasional droplet still finding enough weight to let gravity pull it downward, streaming down my leg, floating over the cool smooth hairless skin, almost tickling me as it went. What have I done? I don?t know how long I stood there, battered by the chilly wind, wallowing in my pain. Eventually, I took my phone out of my pocket, and saw the four texts. All of them were from Gary. My right arm, holding the phone, just reared back, and I went to throw it into the water, but then practicality kicked in and I recognized the verbal hell my wife would give me if I told her I?d lost my phone. So I stopped. I looked at the texts. The first one said: Michael, please come back! The next said: Please Michael, please come back! The next said: Michael, please let me know you?re OK. Please? The last said: Michael, I know you?re upset and I?m to blame, but please, please let me know that you?re alright. I would hate myself if you were hurt in any way. Please let me know? Please? I just cried and cried. How can he be so wonderful? He was such a nice man, so kind and thoughtful. It was there in his texts. I mean, he was actually worried about me, after what I?d just pulled. He was rising above whatever embarrassment I?d caused, and acting as the bigger person. I couldn?t believe how much that impressed me, how much that made me admire him more, and then how much shame I?d brought on myself. How I?d ruined the chance to have this friend in my life, even if only for one more lesson. And I was sure right there and right then that I?d never get the final hour with him, even though it was paid for. Why would he want to put himself through that awkwardness again? Finally, I was cried out. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and got back in the car. I decided I couldn?t disrespect him again, adding to the already huge list, so I texted him a message back. I tried half a dozen different sentences, but none of them made me happy. Finally I just sent him this: I?m so sorry. Then I turned my phone off. Halfway to home I realized that I was still wearing my bra, and the inserts. I?d become so accustomed to them that I wasn?t thinking straight. It hit me that despite the emotional pain I was putting myself through with Gary, I really enjoyed wearing it. It made me feel special. It made me feel liberated, and sexy. For the first time in my life. It reminded me of Gary too. I felt sure I?d never see him again, which generated a couple of more tears tumbling down my cheeks. I was shivering in the car, with the heat on, and I knew they were my nerves, all my anxieties making me quake, reminding me of what I?d done. As I approached my street, I formulated a plan. It was late enough that I was sure my wife would be in bed, asleep. In order to avoid having her see me dressed as I was, with breasts, my lower half covered in ejaculate, I grabbed my clubs and took them to my shed in the back yard, down the side of the house. It was dark enough even nosy neighbours wouldn?t have seen anything unusual. I was calming down a little, and the shed had a portable light in it, giving me enough to peel off my pants and underwear. They were soaked. And the smell of it wafted up and hit me like a punch. I?d never smelled anything so erotic. So sexy. My penis was hard again. After wiping myself down with the stained underwear, I slid on a pair of nylon rain pants I kept in my bag, for rainy days. I took off my golf shirt, and managed to get the bra undone. I always found it hard when I was taking off a woman?s bra, getting the little hooks undone. Now I was doing it on myself. Taking my own bra off. It was much harder! I stowed everything where no one would find it. I would clean it up tomorrow, after work. Once inside, I took a quick shower, to wash off the smell of my own semen, and almost had a heart attack when I was drying myself afterwards. I looked up into a mirror, and saw strap marks on my skin. Bra strap marks. On my skin. Painfully and glaringly obvious. I threw on pajamas, so there was no way she could see it. I slipped into my side of the bed in the darkness, hearing her slight whistling breathing, the kind she did when she was totally asleep. Images of Gary filled my head. And my heart. A mad, whirlwind jumble of remembrances, crashing around and around in my head. His lips, his smell, his kiss, his arms holding me, his hands on my hips, and the feel of his beautiful penis pressed up against me. The moments when I was wishing his penis was inside me. I slept horribly. If at all. I couldn?t not see the images, and I couldn?t not feel the pain, at how low I?d become. I?d flip between the rapturous joy of his affections, his kiss, his masculinity and the morose feelings of shame and regret over my stupidity. Dragging myself into work, my manager took one look at me and told me to go home. I?d always been the one helping others, putting in extra unpaid time. Go home, he said. You?ve earned it. My silent voice said ?I?ve earned it, alright. I?ve earned the shame, the long dark abysmal tunnel of self-loathing, the embarrassment of my ridiculous silly girlish sick little fantasies.? On my way home, my phone buzzed again. It was another text, from Gary. Can we get together and talk? Please? There are some things that need to be said. I couldn?t find the nerve to answer him. At home, I tried to relax. At least my wife would be at work all day, and I could begin to deal with my shame and embarrassment slowly, without her around. Then I remembered I had some clean up to do. Going out to the back yard, I opened the door to the shed, and was almost knocked to the ground by the odor. It smelled like sex. Raw sex. Pure sex. It smelled like the essence of life, with all the fa?ade of modern living whisked away. Nothing manufactured or plastic or cloying. Just pure unashamed sex. My whole shed smelled like the greatest night of sex anyone had ever had. That musky, cloying, earthy, animalistic pungency that can only be one thing. Cum. I found a garbage bag, and bundled up my underwear and pants from last night. Holding them in my hands as I was placing them in the bag, I felt some coolness touching my palm, some liquid that still hadn?t quite dried. It stopped me dead. My mouth watered, and my lips trembled, and my tongue involuntarily shot out of my lips, wetting them. What was I thinking? I wanted it. Standing there, in my shed, realizing that I had cum on my hand, my cum, and all I wanted in the world was to taste it. Taste it! My own cum! What was happening to me? And then my brain thought, whatever was happening to me, I had never felt so alive, so excited, so sexy, or so free. Free of what I couldn?t tell, but it didn?t matter. There was no denying where all my thoughts were. Should I do it? Should I? Then I wondered, could I? It was cum, something my wife despised, something the other three women I?d been with thought was disgusting as well. Cum. Could I actually taste it? Was I that far gone that I would actually lick up my own cum? A microsecond later I had my hand up to my face, and my tongue had reached out and licked the dollop of cream. I closed my eyes and savored the taste of it, salty and almondy and cool and thicker than water. It was unlike anything I?d ever tasted before. It was syrupy, like the thin maple stuff they give away at fast food places, except a million billion times stronger, and a million billion trillion times better. The taste was like nothing else I?d ever had, like something so delicious that no one had ever told me about before, to keep it to themselves. A delicacy, I reasoned, it had to be. I let my body absorb my semen, my sperm, as it travelled down to my stomach, igniting a fire inside me everywhere it touched. So many of the sensations I?d first experienced last night, feelings of glee and bliss and happiness, came rushing back at me. Letting it all flow through me, these feelings of delight, I filled my lungs with new air, and prepared to stow the bag in my trunk and get rid of it in some anonymous dumpster. Just as I got going to leave my shed, I spotted it. Off to the side. I espied the life-changer. That which started this incredible new euphoric trip that I was on. I found the bra. My bra. And the inserts. My brain said put them in the garbage bag and be done with it. My heart wasn?t so sure. So I held them in my hands, just feeling their weight, and trying to see if they could somehow talk to me, inspire me just from contact, and tell me everything would be alright someday. No doubt my bra could tell me that I was a pathetic idiot, and brazenly childish and immature, but that the silver lining was that I probably wouldn?t see Gary ever again and my shame would, over time, slowly disappear. Perhaps just holding them, feeling the material, and the weight, would help assuage my fears, and my sadness, and make the night of new feelings and experiences become a distant memory, eventually settling into one of those corners of my brain where it might never show itself again. Except when I was desperately lonely, and then I?d remember how being held by Gary had made my heart smile. Instead, the memories evoked by holding the bra told me how good I?d felt wearing it. How sexy I?d felt. How much I?d LOVED it! NO! I said, don?t be that way! But I was awash with twittering joyous feelings. All my nerve endings were throbbing, and I felt as though my skin was pulsing with energy. This bra, these gelatinous inserts, had put me in a place where I was feeling things I?d NEVER felt before. EVER! Sensual feelings. Sexual feelings. Yes, I?d blown it. Yes, I was a fool, a silly little emotional fool, desperate for attention, desperate for affection. I?d ruined a man?s night, perhaps even his whole week. I?d opened a door neither of us had been expecting; only for him it meant having this little student of his suddenly completely losing his mind and his self-control. Even the shame of having an orgasm while he hugged me couldn?t take away from the tingly euphoria I?d felt wearing this bra. My bra. Gary?s bra, I realized. He?d given it to me. He?d said it was one of his daughters. He?d probably want it back. I realized then that I?d have to give it back. That made me hold it harder, clutching it to my chest. I looked up at myself, at my reflection in the one greasy window in the shed?s door. I saw the garment in my hand. Truth hit me like a slap on the face. I didn?t want to give it back. Ever. Back in the house, I hemmed and hawed and finally decided that I had close to six hours before my wife would be home. Counting time for making dinner, I had five hours in the clear, where I?d be safe. If I wanted to, maybe, you know, wear it again, I was safe. One last time, I reasoned, before I had to return it. In the bedroom, I slipped out of my tie and collared shirt, and standing in front of the full-sized mirror, I put the bra on again. The first second the fabric touched my skin, where I could still see the remnants of strap marks, I sighed, the pleasure of it gripping me. Doing it up, spinning it and moving it into place, cupping my natural bumps, and then adding the silicon discs. I had breasts again! For the first time since last night, I smiled. It wasn?t ear to ear, but it was real and it was the truth. I had breasts again! I had curves again! I was in love with what I was seeing, what I was feeling. The tightness of it gave me support, gave me strength, holding me strongly, like a brace. The constraint of it, bathed in soft feminine materials, made me feel wrapped in love. It was like I was only now this second finding out that I could be comfortable on this planet. It rocked my world. I had to sit down, on the edge of the mattress, or I would fall down and hurt myself. What a revelation! Finally, after fifty years on the planet Earth, it took a golf lesson gone sideways to get to the point where I was satisfied in my own skin. As long as that skin had this lovely sexy brassiere on. My bra. For the longest time I just stared in the mirror, visually loving my curves, the roundness of the cups, the delicacy of the lace tatting, the way my entire chest rose and fell with my breathing. With my hair just past my shoulders, I could see more than ever how from the waist up I did look womanly. Feminine. Soft, and supple. Delicate. Lovely. And I couldn?t get over the feel of the fabric. The material. I?d never paid attention to such things before, but now I was revelling in the soft and sensuous sensations. Why didn?t all clothes feel like this? Smooth, delicate, satiny, caressing my skin. Why did men?s clothes have to be so rough, and coarse? The gentle feathery touches on my hairless skin were rapture. Pure and simple. Why can?t all clothes feel like this? And then, all of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks. What I needed. What I needed to feel even better. Panties. I don?t know why that entered my brain. I just knew that the idea was awe-inspiring. I thought, if a bra can give me this much joy, this many extraordinary new feelings of sensitivity and sultriness, then surely adding panties would make it even more special. Right? I reached a new mental level of peace, and spiritual contentment. Just with the idea. Panties. Immediately I turned my head, and looked over at my wife?s dresser. The top two drawers were where she kept her bras and panties. I knew that from all the laundry I?ve done and putting everything away. And I also knew that while most of her lingerie was boring and utilitarian, she actually did have a few pairs of sexy panties, stuffed at the back on one drawer. Hardly ever used. I fairly leapt up, pulling the drawer open. I tugged so hard it came all the way out, and I had to catch it quickly so it didn?t dump all her neatly arranged things all over the floor. The second of panic disappeared, and then my joy tripled or quadrupled. There they were. The black, sleek, thin, gorgeous, lacy panties. I?d bought them for her, for Valentine?s Day, years ago. She?d never worn them, to my knowledge. They were basically a thong. The front triangular panel was almost see through, and then slimmed down to a thin strap underneath and back up, joined at the hips by an equally thin strip. My hands started shaking. Tears came to my eyes, thinly collecting in my lids, obscuring the images, like driving away from Gary last night. So I wiped my eyes, pulled the panties out of the drawer, and replaced it in the dresser. Then I stood back in front of the mirror. Naked from the waist up, except for my bra. My bra, with the inserts, creating my breasts. Round, symmetrical, gorgeous. My breasts. For two fleeting moments, I wanted breasts. Real ones. Hanging from me, making me stand up straight and proud, my nipples round and flush with blood and unashamedly showing my excitement and delirium. Practically zombied out with images of breasts, I undid my belt, unsnapped my pants, and let them drop to the floor. Two more quick motions, and my underwear joined them. My penis was stiff, erect. It was throbbing, bobbing up and down with my movements. And the head was covered in shiny liquid. I wasn?t thinking. I was on auto-pilot. My fingers reached down and I covered one in the juices collecting in my foreskin. It made my finger wet and liquidy, all the way up to the first knuckle. On instinct, I brought it up to my face. I smelled it. It wasn?t as strong as the odor in my shed a short time ago, but it had a unique smell all on its own. It smelled like being horny. I tasted it. I dabbed my finger gently on my tongue, quickly. Then I closed my lips and slowly rolled the liquid in my mouth around and around, coating my taste buds. I had never done this before, all these years. And like a medicine slowly moving outward in the body, the sensations started small and then exploded through me. It was delicious. It took my breath away, for a moment. How did I go so long without knowing this? This delight, this liquid aphrodisiac, this sexual goodness? How did I not know this? All my misery, all of my sadness, and shame, vanished in that moment. The taste of my own pre-cum washed through me, setting my insides on fire. The fog of bad feelings vaporized, and my world became clear, and focussed. Tang resonated in my mouth, on my tongue. Everything was enflamed. I wanted more. As good as my cum was, this was also a taste I wanted to repeat. Reaching down, I gathered more with my finger, my penis still amazingly hard. I sucked the finger in, eager to enjoy my syrup again, wanting it badly. The second helping made me sigh and moan, and I shook, my body visibly jolting. If wearing the bra made me feel comfortable, this was making me feel beyond that. I was excited. Passionate. I wanted more, I realized. I knew. More, of all of it. Wearing a bra, having breasts, being erect all the time, and drinking my pre-cum as fast as I could make it. Then I remembered. Panties! I bent over, and began sliding them up my legs, lifting one foot into the holes at a time. When the fabric touched the bare smooth skin at the back of my calves, I let out huge moan. God help me, it felt, well, the only word I could think of is ?divine?. It felt like what heaven should feel like. All the way up my legs, the fabric touched and enticed me, here and there, as it moved. Too soon, I pulled the triangle of lace up around my erection, sighing as the material wrapped around my shaft, like the softest warmest wispiest blanket. Then my thumbs guided the top up to my hips, and the single thin strip settled between my buttocks, sliding sexily inside them in the most sinful way. Instantly, I was transported back to last night, to that moment when I was kissing Gary with all my lust, when the realization that I was building to an orgasm overtook me. OH NO! I was going to cum again, and again too soon. I breathed in and out quickly, calming myself, and bringing myself back down from the edge. Deep breaths, my eyes closed, holding my arms out to my sides so I didn?t touch myself. What was obvious to me was that I wanted to masturbate, wanted to make myself go over the edge. But another part of me wanted to prolong it. My wife wouldn?t be home for hours still. I could make these exquisite feelings last all day! Standing in front of the mirror, I saw myself. I saw a version of me I couldn?t have imagined in all my fifty years. I saw someone new, but not unfamiliar. Those were my eyes, staring back at me, alive and pulsing with energy. My cheekbones were the same, a little flush with colour and spotted with faint freckles. My jawline was unchanged. I was naked. And not naked. I wasn?t wearing clothes, as I had defined them for my entire life, and yet I was wearing clothes. Women?s clothes. Lingerie. Sexy black lingerie. Sexy black feminine wickedly-delightful panties, and a bra. My bra. And now, my panties too. I decided that immediately. The phantasmagorical vibrations inside me went berserk. It was like I was bubbling from my core, waves of deliciousness followed after each other. My nostrils were open wide, I noticed, and I was practically gulping in air. My pale hairless body glowed in the dappled sunlight coming through the windows, I was a vision of white, dramatically broken up by two black items of apparel. My bra, holding my breasts. My panties, caressing my penis and testicles. And I floated away. Daydreaming, seeing visions of myself in other feminine clothes. Dresses, corsets, stay-up stockings, or better yet gartered stockings, skirts, high heels, bright shiny lipstick, sexy earrings, long nails, jewelry. Then I began to see me completely dressed up, walking down city streets, in the malls, being admired by men, wanted, desired. On dates, wearing sexy evening wear and little black dresses and going dancing and being held by men while soft romantic music played, feeling safe in their arms, loved in their grasp, feeling their lips on my skin, my neck, their hands reaching to caress my ass, touching me, my hands softly feeling their skin, their rugged chests, down across their middle, over the lump in their trousers. I saw myself, looking up into the man?s eye, Gary?s eye, as I held his penis in my hand, and began bringing it to my lips, glowing sexy red lips, my tongue stretching out to get a first taste of his? My phone buzzing brought me out of reverie. I was standing in front of the mirror, in my bra and my panties. Looking at the screen, I saw it was a text. From Gary. Michael, I don?t want to bother you, or impose on you, or make you feel uncomfortable. I?m not trying to intrude. But I really would love it if you?d agree to talk with me. Please? Tears filled my eyes as I read it. I had to respond, I realized. I had to say something. I owed him that, out of pure respect. I had to apologize for everything I?d done, and I had to allow him his opportunity to tell me how he hates me. So I began composing a response to his text, when my phone buzzed again. Michael, I know that you hate me now, for what I?ve done, but I really need to explain to you what happened. I?d prefer to do it face-to- face. Texting is just so impersonal. I had a couple of students earlier but I couldn?t concentrate, so I?ve cancelled the rest of my lessons for today, I?m so shook up about last night. I couldn?t sleep. Won?t you please let me see you? I promise to be respectful. Just like a dam bursting its seams, tears cascaded down my face. How could I have messed this up so badly? He thinks I hate him? No, no, no! I could never hate him, no. He?s kind, and generous, and strong, and considerate, and his friendship means so much to me. I knew it. His friendship meant the world to me. How could I have made him think he?s the bad guy here? What kind of a horrible person am I? Through my watery eyes, I texted him back. I came home from work. I was too upset to work. You?re right, I have things that I need to say to you. I can be at your office in forty minutes. Waiting for his response, I went back to looking at myself in the mirror. Slowly turning and twisting from the hips, I tried to see all of me, all of this sexy womanly person I?d become. All the heart- warming emotions I?d felt wearing this bra last night were nothing compared to wearing it with the panties. How could I ever go back to my real clothes? My phone buzzed. Michael, thank you. I can?t wait to talk. Please drive safely. See you soon. The bra and inserts were in a plastic shopping bag. I couldn?t drive cross-town wearing them in broad daylight, as much as I wanted to. I took the panties off, and put my underwear and trousers back on. But then I couldn?t do the right thing, which was put the panties back into the dresser. I wanted to keep them. I wanted to wear them. I stuffed them into a pocket. The drive over was nerve-racking. One second I was telling myself it was the adult thing to do, to show respect and try to return some of the consideration Gary had treated me with, the next second my brain would be screaming at me to turn around and go to my spot by the river. To cry. The parking lot was fuller than last night, but I found a spot. I had to take a few big breaths in and out in the car, after I?d turned it off. Just to steady myself. Walking towards his door, I saw myself reflected in the glass that fronted the office spaces in his complex. At first, I was jarred by not seeing the curves of my breasts, from the bra and inserts. It made me sad. Mostly I was just anxious. More nervous than I could remember. As I approached the door, it suddenly swung half-way open, and there stood Gary. I stopped, and looked up at him. His eyes were glistening, and flickering with energy. They were the most beautiful things I?d ever seen, and I was so staggered that I couldn?t think of anything to say. We just stood there, and looked at each other. Finally, I held out the shopping bag towards him. ?I brought back the?um, you know? the?um?that you gave to me?? He was just about to say something to me, when inside his office the phone rang. Turning to look at it, he looked back at me and beckoned me inside. Running to the phone, I heard him answer it, ?Hello? Yes, Barbara, yes?hi, how are you? What?s that? Oh, did you? Oh, okay. Um sure?I?ll be here for a while, sure. Okay?okay?no, that?s fine?okay?I?ll see you then.? He hung up. Then he turned to look at me. I was standing just inside the door, still holding out the plastic bag. ?Sorry about that. One of my students left her purse here, probably in the bathroom. She?s on her way to pick it up. ?That?s okay,? I breathed out. ?Michael, thank you for agreeing to see me. Please, come in. Please?? My feet felt like they weighed a hundred pounds, but I managed to move to the nearest chair, still closer to the front door than Gary was. I guess some part of my mind thought I should prepare in case I had to run out. ?I put some coffee on for you, after you texted me. Let me get you a cup, okay?? Gary walked to the little kitchen, and then brought me a steaming mug. As he got closer and closer to me, all the nerves I was feeling got bigger. Stronger. I could feel them growing. I could also feel the good feelings too. How just being nearer to him was warming me inside, was pumping huge amounts of sunshine into my heart. No matter how much I?d offended him, and how slim the odds were that he?d forgive me, or that I?d ever see him again, it was wonderful to feel his effect on me again. ?Thank you,? I whispered, taking the coffee and tasting it. It was dark and rich and strong. He sat a few feet away from me, on the front edge of his desk. I saw him roll his lips together, as if he was preparing to say something difficult. I decided to pre-empt him. ?Gary,? I said, tears rising to my eyes, filling them again, ?I?m so sorry about last night?? I looked away. ?Michael, no,? he said, but I cut him off. ?No, please, can I just try to explain? It?s just that,? a tear rolled down my cheek, ?it?s just?I?m so sorry for my actions?I?ve never done anything like that before?and I hate myself for what I did,? two more tears streamed onto my cheeks, ?you?ve been so kind to me, right from the first second, and treated me so nicely, with support and laughter and friendship?and I?I?I?m just not used to?I don?t have that in my?? more tears came out, ?I lied?I?m so sorry, but I lied?about?you know, about?about my situation, and?? Gary was staring at me, rapt with attention, and although I obviously don?t know him that well yet, I felt like there was genuine concern in his eyes. How amazing! After all I?d done to him, and he could still feel worried about me. He was not just a bigger man physically; he was a bigger person than me. ?What do you mean, your situation?? His voice carried concern too. It was quiet, and warm, and deep, and reverent. ?My?I?I told you I was, you know, happily married?I?m so sorry, I don?t know why I said that?? my cheeks became wet again, ?I?m not happy at all, I?I?we?she?we don?t?you know, we aren?t?um?intimate?we haven?t been like that in a long time?and she?s not a?you know, she?s not?um, lovey-dovey or anything?so, I?it?s just you touched me, inside?in my heart?? the tears were flowing now, non-stop, ?you were so warm to me?you show me, um?you showed me affection?and?it?s just that I?m not used to that, and?and?and it made me feel things I haven?t felt in?well, in forever?and last night, wearing my?I mean, wearing the bra that you gave me?and the gel things?it just, it just made me feel like I?ve never felt?it started fireworks inside me?I can?t explain it?I don?t even understand it?wearing it made me feel?made me feel?right.? Through my watery eyes I looked up at him. His eyes were full of water. ?And then I hit that shot?and it was so fantastic, and I was so happy, so effing happy, I was just gone?just out there?I can?t ever remember being happier?and you looked so happy for me?and I wasn?t thinking, I was just acting?and then?then?god, then I threw myself into your arms?I wanted to hug you?I just?I needed to show you how grateful I was for your help, for your support, for you?and?and?it just felt so good?so amazing?being held by you?being held?having arms wrapped around me?? ?Doesn?t your wife hug you enough?? he asked. I shook my head, silently, like a child. ?She doesn?t hug me at all.? His voice had an edge to it now. ?Ever?? I sobbed, and shook my head again. ?The last time she hugged me was the morning my dad died.? ?How long ago was that?? he asked. I counted the years in my head, the number making me cry even more. ?Sixteen years.? His face clouded over, and I could see anger. ?Shame on her.? We stared at each other for a few moments. I had to finish what I?d come to say. ?And then, oh god?then?? yet even more tears rolled out, as my shame came washing up on me again, ?then I kissed you?? I was shaking saying the words. My whole body was quivering. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to give myself something to hold onto. ??I?m so sorry?I?m so sorry?I kissed you?it was so wrong?my pathetic little life got me to that point, all my loneliness and sadness just got the best of me?I?m so sorry?you must hate me?? Sobbing slightly, I wiped my runny nose on my sleeve. Gary?s voice was eerily strong and quiet. ?I could never hate you, Michael.? ?And you were so?so gracious about it?you let me kiss you and hug you and feel your warmth and you inspired me to keep practicing?and I was wearing a bra, and I had breasts?and I shouldn?t say this as a man, but?but I?it?s just that I?I loved it?it made me feel better, having it on?having the bra on?having breasts?and you supported me and worked with me and held my hips when I needed it and?you were touching me more, again?and I don?t get that in my house?in my life?which sounds so pathetic, doesn?t it?...and I was hitting the ball so much better!...and then after, when we stepped outside, to smoke a joint?and I got so high?I was already so high, on all the crazy emotions going through me?and then we did the shadows thing, and I was laughing and having, well, um, having?fun?real fun?it?s been so long since I had fun?and all of it just got the better of me?and then?? the waterworks started up again, and my body?s shaking became noticeable as the nerves burned up through me, ?and then I took advantage of your friendship, and I let myself?I forced you, again, to?.kiss me again?oh god?I?m so sorry?? Gary started to speak, but I cut him off again. ?No, please Gary, please let me say what I have to say?I?ve spent every second since last night hating myself?just?hating what I?ve done?I couldn?t sleep?I dragged myself to work but they sent me home?I couldn?t concentrate?I don?t know how I made it to work or back home without crashing my car?I?m so sorry?? I was blubbering now, ?I?m so sorry?please don?t hate me?please?? I was almost all talked out. Like a man of extraordinary patience, he let me finish. ?And then,? I said, quietly, looking down at the floor, the sheer humiliation of it all rearing its ugly head again, ?then I?I got so excited?I couldn?t control myself?I, I couldn?t stop myself, and?oh god, this is so hard?even saying it?? There?d been times in my life when I?d felt low, felt worthless, felt hopeless and despondent. None of them came close to what I was going through now. But I had to plow through. I had to say it all, everything in my head. I assumed it wouldn?t make any difference with Gary, but I hoped it would do something to assuage my guilt. Something to stop my tears. ??I lost my mind?I?m so sorry?I got so worked up?I was overdosing on the feelings of being held, and kissing?and I was rubbing against you?I couldn?t help it?I?I?you know?I had an accident?in my?um?in my pants?and?oh my god?I?m so sorry?and?I have to go.? I was all cried out, and petrified of what he must think of me, and I rose and moved towards the door. I wanted to leave. I had to get out of there. I felt like the flight option. For a big man, he was very fast, because he got there before me, and locked it. Turning back to me, I saw tears running down his cheeks. It floored me. It nearly made my heart stop. I?d hurt him so much, this beautiful man, this beautiful person, that I?d made him cry. His eyes weren?t all scrunched up like mine, though. They were open, and vibrant. ?Please don?t go,? he whispered, ?please?? I looked at him. ?Why are you crying?? I asked, barely making any noise at all. His face became serious. ?Because I hate how I?ve made you feel, what I?ve put you through,? he whispered. ?How you?ve made me feel?? I was stunned. It seemed incredulous. He nodded. ?You said you?ve been hating yourself since last night, and, well, it sickens me to say this, but all that is on me.? I couldn?t believe it. What? How? The look on my face asked the question for me. ?Please, can we sit down again? Together?? Gary pointed at the two-seater sofa near the kitchen. I wiped my cheeks dry and moved to it, taking the right-hand seat. Gary slowly sat down next to me, but we weren?t touching in any way. Still, I could feel his vitality. His warmth. ?I have a confession to make,? he began, ?look, remember our first lesson, how I told you I?m a truth-teller?? I nodded. ?Yes, I remember.? ?I drilled it into my girls when they were growing up. Tell the truth, always. Good, bad, or indifferent. Be honest, and be forthright. But being a truth-teller carries a huge responsibility, you know, because you have to be able to tell the truth about yourself, too. You have to be able to tell the truth to yourself. It means you have to constantly analyze your own behaviours, your own actions, your own thought processes, and really go after them as objectively as possible. It?s real easy to tell the truth about others, which can a lot of the time be emotionally painful for them to hear, but it?s a whole different animal when you have to be true about yourself. To yourself. ?So I have to be honest. I owe it to you, Michael, of course, but at the end of the day, I owe it to myself.? He paused for a second, collecting his thoughts. ?Truth. Truths, actually. First truth is, the bra. See, there?s commercially available products at any golf store that can train you to keep your arms close to your body. They?re basically just rubber bands that go on both arms, and a fabric that stretches across the chest. I?ve never tried one, but a few people I know have, and the general consensus is they can help golfers who suffer from chicken wings, as we call it. I was going to pick one up for you, for last nights? lesson. But then, I don?t know, I don?t know what came over me, but, well, the truth is?the truth is for some reason I just thought that a bra might do the same trick, or even better, for you. And, the thing is, I thought it would, um?I?m trying to find the right words here?I guess I thought a bra would, I don?t know, flatter you.? ?Flatter me?? ?I thought it would suit you. That it would look good on you. I hope that doesn?t piss you off, or offend you. I don?t know, the idea just came to me, that you could benefit from it, and, since I?m telling truths, I also deep down just wanted to see you wearing it.? My heart starting beating again. He looked me in the eyes. I could see softness, and honesty. I could see tenderness. ?And then you agreed to it, and you took your shirt off, and you let me help you put the bra on, and then the breast forms, and, well, Jiminy Crickets I?d never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. Which was such a surprise to me. I mean, I?m a man. I?m a straight man. I always have been. I?ve been married, I have three daughters, I?ve always dated women. I?ve always made love to women.? What was he saying? Making love? ?I?ve never thought about, um, playing for the other team, as they say. And you?re a man. I know that. I could see that. It?s crazy, I know, but seeing you like that wearing the bra, giving you curves, it, it, I don?t know, it made me feel things I?d never felt before. You?re a man. You?re a man, but you have something about you, that makes you different than other men, most men, in many ways. Does that make sense?? I could only nod. What was he saying? Was he alright with this? ?You looked lovely. That?s the word. Absolutely lovely. I can?t lie, there?s a part of my brain that told me to stop being so silly. But I couldn?t deny it, I couldn?t not see it. I couldn?t not see you, the lovely you, the feminine you. You know, being a truth- teller. ?So the truth is that I know you?re a man but seeing you with your hair and the bra and the forms, well, you just seemed like the textbook definition of feminine to me, at that moment. Or at least the better qualities normally ascribed to femininity. And then, well then you made that swing, and it was so much better than all your other swings, and the look on your face, that look of pure abject joy, it was like it lit a rocket inside of me. It lit a fire inside of me. I was so happy for you, and then you jumped into my arms, and I wrote it off as just exuberance. You know, heat of the moment kind of thing. All three of my daughters were like that, growing up. Go with the passion, that?s what I always said. But, here we go with truth again, my thought about exuberance lasted for less than a heartbeat. Then I realized that it was amazing, and so, so, I don?t know, perfect. And to this very second, I can honestly say it was the second best hug I?d ever had.? ?Really?? I asked. He nodded, confidence creeping back into his face and voice. ?And then the kiss.? I gulped. ?You may have started it. I?ll give you that one. But the truth is, and believe me I?ve never said this in my life, ever, but the truth is if you hadn?t started that kiss, I might have.? My heart skipped about three or four beats. ?I don?t know why. I?m a man, you?re a man. I know that. I?ve never had any, um, any gay thoughts in my life. Ever. It?s so weird even saying that, as if I had to defend it. Anyhow, looking at you, holding you, feeling your gentle spirit, your open heart, the radiance of your hug, I?ve just never felt better than that moment. And, well, the kiss made me realize that I?d been missing something in my life, for a long long time.? ?What?? ?Passion. Your kiss was passion. I felt it in every cell of my body. Later on, outside, well, man, I got silly on the weed. I haven?t smoked in a long long time, I think I told you, so, wow, was I flying! And the shadows game was funny, and charming, and I was trying to flirt with you, but it?s been so long since I?ve flirted with anyone, so long since I?ve met anyone I wanted to flirt with. But you, you looked like a dream to me. I know you?re a man, but you must understand that you have these qualities that are more associated with women, you know, with being a woman, being feminine. You?re soft, and lovely, and gentle, and there?s a spirit in you that just, I don?t know, got to me.? I didn?t know what to say. I was stunned. He wasn?t mad at all? He was actually feeling things for me? Is that even possible? I sensed he wasn?t finished. ?Michael, this is new territory for me. I?m not usually at a loss for what to do next in life. And I wasn?t last night.? He leaned closer to me. ?Remember how I said that first hug was the second best hug of my life??| ?Uh huh.? ?The hug outside was the best one, by far. More truth-telling now. You didn?t force me into anything, emotionally or otherwise. I wanted that second kiss, I needed it. Your kiss is like your weed. It?s fantastic, and it makes me high.? Tears came back to his eyes. ?And now I hear you say that you?ve hated your life since then? How you?ve spent all these hours beating yourself up, tormenting yourself, hurting yourself emotionally and mentally, over something that wasn?t your fault? That was totally one hundred per cent on me? I can?t let you take that blame. I could never live with myself. ?So please, I?m begging you, please don?t regret anything. Please don?t damage yourself, emotionally, or psychologically. This is all on me. All of it. All I wanted to do was to see you wearing a bra. I just wanted to see if it looked as good on you as how I imagined it.? One single tear fell down his left cheek. I automatically reached out and touched it with my fingertip. I brought it back to my face, and while he was watching I placed it in my mouth, just the tip of the finger, just enough for me to slake my thirst for him. I wanted to feel the saltiness, and the bitterness, of his tear. I made a moan, probably imperceptible to Gary. His moan, I could hear. ?And me wearing the bra met your expectations?? I asked. He smiled, huge and proud. ?It was light years better.? Then a thought entered my mind. ?So, um?? ?What happens now?? he asked. ?Yes.? He shook his head. ?I don?t know. Like I said, this is all new for me. But, truth-telling time,? he paused, working up his courage, ?I am very attracted to you. There?s no point in denying it. You?ve entered my life now, and I know that I don?t want that to end. Not now. I only got to see you in the bra once, and I?d be lying if I said I didn?t want to see you that way again.? ?I have panties.? I just blurted it out. Gary?s smile got bigger. ?Panties?? ?Black, like the bra.? He got a questioning look on his face. His voice came out in a whisper. ?You?re wearing them now?? I shook my head. ?No, they?re in my pocket.? He thought for a second. ?Can I see them?? I reached in and pulled them out. They were folded up and just looked like a small pile of black material. He smiled. ?I mean, can I see them, you know, on you? With the bra too? Would you do that for me?? All the tension of the last twelve hours or so released from me. In a heartbeat. The enormous weight of guilt and fear and humiliation I?d thrown on myself were gone, to my shock and amazement. Gary wasn?t mad at me! He didn?t hate me! He wanted to see me in my bra, and my panties! He wanted to hold me, and caress me, and kiss me! The tears that flowed instantly out of me this time were tears of joy. Tears of amazing and unparalleled joy. Utter and total peace. Complete euphoria. Every fear, every worry, each speck of sadness I?d ever felt were gone. All there was, and ever could be, was love. Tenderness. We were sitting close, and I wanted to jump into his arms again, more than anything I?ve ever wanted in my entire life, all of them, together. They couldn?t match the rise of my spirits. But then I decided to prolong it a bit. I stood up quickly. ?I?ll change in the bathroom,? I said, and began walking towards it. Gary stood up, and watched me walk. As I got to the doorway, he smiled. ?I?ll meet you in the studio, okay?? he asked. I nodded, and turned. ?Oh, Michael?? he asked. ?Yes?? ?Can you see if there?s a purse in the bathroom. That crazy woman, uh, Barbara is on her way back to pick it up. If it?s there, can you bring it to me?? I said yes. Once in the little bathroom, I saw her purse, open, sitting on the floor, by the toilet. She must have been looking for something in her bag while she was doing her business. I picked it up, and heard things clunking inside. The clasp was undone, and it was open, and I could easily see a change purse, and a hairbrush, and some tissues, and a pen, and three different little half-full containers of mints. And I saw a tube of lipstick. My brain had shut off, I think. I reached inside the bag and pulled out the tube. Not recognizing the brand name, I noticed it said the color was ?Coral?. I pulled the top off and spun out the little shaft. It was pinkish and had orange undertones. It was coral. I wondered what it would look like. To put some on. I looked up at my own face in the mirror, and saw my own lips, and seriously thought about how that color of lipstick would look. On me. On my lips. The part of my mind that should have reminded me that it wasn?t mine and therefore I had no right to take it wasn?t working at that point. I stuck it in my pocket, and took the purse out to Gary in the main office. Returning to the bathroom, I closed the door. I stripped, just about ripping my own clothes off. I?d never been so eager to get naked. But then I realized I wasn?t going to be naked, exactly. Once nude, I slid the bra around me, connecting the hooks. Then I spun it around, and slipped my arms in the straps. Instantly, I felt the satisfaction of its embrace of me. The bra was holding me, caressing me, and thrilling me. Moving it into place, I could feel my nipples again, feel how hard they were, feel how full of blood they were, longing to have the inserts against them. I sighed out loud when the coolness of the gel bag touched my breasts, and staring in the mirror I saw my curves reappear, to my great delight. I had my breasts again! Marvelling at how just the sight of curves could excite me, I slipped the panties up my legs. Slowly. I wanted to make the exquisite sensations last as long as possible, the teasing of my skin everywhere the fabric touched. Smoothing the front panel around my little erection, and delicately folding my testicles into the shrinking fabric underneath, I snapped the top strap up and around my hips. Looking in the little mirror above the vanity, all the rest of the world just disappeared. I was naked, wearing my bra and inserts and my new panties! I grabbed the tube of lipstick, and leaning toward the mirror, I put the flat facet on my lower lip. I?d certainly seen women putting lipstick on in my life, lots of times with my wife alone. So I swiped and smoothed and pursed and made a kissy face and coated my lips with the pink shade. MY LIPS WERE SO KISSABLE! The feminine sight in the mirror, looking back at me, was without question the happiest thing I?d ever seen. The smile I?d had last night, hitting that first shot wearing my bra, and seeing it fly through the air farther and faster than I?d ever done, that was nothing compared to now. In bra, and panties. And lipstick. The concrete floor of the studio was cold on my bare feet, so I moved to the center of the room, and stood on the mat. The artificial turf tickled me, and I scrunched my toes into the plastic faux grass. ?I?m ready!? I said, loud enough for him to hear me from the office. The few seconds I had to wait were the most dramatic and enjoyable of my life. Anticipation, sweet nervous waiting, my white skin glowing against the black darkness of my bra and panties, my heart beating almost out of my rising and falling chest, my pre-cum leaking out of me in pulses, making the front panel of my panties deliciously wet. And then, there he was. Standing in the doorway, just looking at me. Just staring at me. His chest was rising and falling quickly too. Really quickly. ?Oh my,? was all he said. We stood and faced each other. Gary, my newest and dearest friend, a rugged tall big man, sweet and kind and caring and tender. And me, his golf student. In his golf studio. Wearing nothing. Almost. Wordlessly, we just stared. Him at me. Me at his reactions. I watched his eyes. I watched his breathing. I watched his groin. His penis was huge now, almost upright, and pushing the fabric of his golf shorts to the max. For me! Then he moved, quietly and quickly. The next thing I knew, he was standing right in front of me. Maybe two or three inches away. I could feel his breaths. I could smell him, his passion and ardor oozing out of his pores. As were mine. He was looking at all of me, all of my face, yes. But his eyes kept coming back to my lips. To the lipstick. He made a questioning look. ?Do you like it?? I asked, almost breathlessly. ?Oh yes, very much. Your lips are so sexy! Is that your wife?s lipstick?? I shook my head. ?No. I borrowed it from Barbara?s purse.? Gary laughed out loud. ?She never looked this fantastic wearing it.? I blushed. ?Maybe I should put it back in her purse, before she gets here?? Gary shook his head. ?No way. Your mouth looks delicious that way! You keep it, Michael.? Then he paused, and looked at me slightly weirdly. ?What?? I asked. ?Michael,? he said again, and paused again, ?I?m sorry, it?s just that you don?t look like a Michael right now.? Like being hit with a lightning bolt, I just blurted out what was on my mind. ?I?ve always liked the name Melody.? Gary?s eyes shone brighter at that. ?Melody. My Melody.? His hands came up, and with the most gentle of touches, he cupped my face, looking down at me. His eyes were like fires, burning for me. I?d never seen such desire, and wanting, in another person before. My affection-deprived life. No more. He kissed me. Softly. Gently. One perfect kiss, lips on lips. Sweet, and romantic, and it made me breathless. Then he stopped, and we both opened our eyes, and looked at each other. ?Wow,? he whispered. ?Wow,? I echoed. His hands, cupping my face, brought me up to him again. His head came down to me again. We kissed, again. This kiss was longer, and stronger, and carried way more emotion. This kiss thrilled me to the bottom of my feet. I couldn?t see anything in the entire world that could be better. Standing in this man?s studio, wearing lingerie, and being softly kissed. A reverie that was broken by the buzzing of his front door buzzer. ?Shit,? he said, ?she?s here.? I sighed. ?She has terrible timing.? Gary chuckled. ?She has terrible everything. She doesn?t even golf much, really. She?s just one of those rich women who think she can seduce the golf pro. The old clich?.? ?No,? I whispered, ?that?s my job.? ?What?s your job?? he asked. All my filters were gone. I said the first thing that came into my head. ?To seduce you.? He kissed me again, and the buzzer went off again, and I could hear the sound of someone trying to open a locked door. ?I?ll be right back. Don?t go anywhere.? I shook my head. ?Believe me, there?s no way I?m going anywhere.? He mouthed the words ?thank you? to me, and scooted out. I turned on the mat, and looked at myself in the huge mirrors. With my hands behind my back, in a pose I felt was lady-like, I looked at myself from several different angles. My heart was bursting with love and happiness. My behind looked awesome in panties. Since they were basically two straps and a small piece of fabric, I could see all of my bum. And the roundness of my cheeks. And how I curved down into the back of my thighs, and how my legs looked so sexy, pale and hairless. Then my brain saw my legs with stockings on. Black stockings, sleek, sexy, fishnet, lacy. Delicate, and feminine. YES! I realized I wanted more of this. More lingerie. More dressing in sexy soft satiny silky clothes. No more ugly man clothes. This was what I wanted. This. And I thought of Gary, and his truth-telling. It was the way to be, for sure. And my truths were never more self-evident. I wanted more than just wearing lingerie. I wanted Gary. I wanted Gary to make love with me. I wanted to feel Gary inside me. I wanted, no, needed, to know what it would be like to have his big penis inside me, filling me, taking me, connecting me with him on the most private level, the most intimate coupling. My lips looked outstanding, pink and shiny. Even after three kisses with Gary, they still looked womanly, and full, and sexy, and desirable. I wanted lips like this for always. Gary came back into the room, and dimmed the lights. I watched him in the mirrors. Again he impressed me with how quickly and quietly a big man could move, because almost instantaneously he was behind me, blazing streaks of fiery lust at my reflection. Then his thighs touched the backs of mine, his belly touched my back, and his hands slid between my arms and my body and over my belly, and he not-so- gently pulled me back into him. My head lolled back, and landed on his right shoulder. In the mirror I saw us, my man, and his lady. I?ve never felt this enamored before, in my fifty years of living. I?ve never even known this kind of intimate connection could exist between two people. His lips burrowed into the side of my neck, soft and wet and wandering. I moaned out loud, and pushed myself back into him. And there it was! Again! His penis, his big hard penis, standing almost straight up in his shorts, pushing into my lower back and the top of my buttocks. Last night, it was a turn-on to feel it. Now, it was my life?s purpose to feel it. I spun, quickly, in his arms, and he pulled me to him, tighter than before. My head came up, his came down, and our kisses began anew. And it was fantastic, just so far and above all my other life experiences. Is this what heaven feels like? Because I just couldn?t imagine anything better, than being held by this man, this gorgeous, kind, loving, affectionate, passionate man. I wanted him to hold me like this forever. We kissed for a long time. Soft delicate kisses, and then enflamed open-mouthed tongue-teasing kisses. Mixing it up. My hands just kept kneading the thick hair at the back of his head. His hands kept kneading my buttocks. My ass. After I don?t know how long, he reached lower, under my buttocks completely, and lifted me up, so my head was more on a level with his. Allowing myself to react naturally, my legs splayed out and then around his waist, my ankles locking together behind his back. I could feel how hot and hard he was. It made me quiver. It was right up against me, pulsing with energy. We kissed for a long time. Gary held me that way, effortlessly. And I had no worries that he?d drop me. None at all. He was big, and strong, and virile. My man. Finally, he broke the kiss, and stared fiercely into my eyes. ?Melody,? he breathed out, ?can you feel how hard I am for you?? ?OH GOD YES GARY!? I sighed. ?Last night, feeling your, your?your penis up against me, it made me melt inside! I couldn?t believe how hot it made me feel. And now, here, being held like this, of course, I can feel how hard your?your?? He smiled. ?Cock. My cock. How hard my cock is. Say it.? I smiled. ?Your cock! How hard your fantastic cock is! Last night, I thought about how it would feel to hold it in my hands.? He hummed a delightful noise. ?And then I thought about how it would feel to taste it, to taste your cock, and your cum.? This time he moaned. I blushed saying the words, but they were the perfect ones for the moment, I realized. ?And,? I continued, ?I finally I wondered how it would feel inside of me, making love to me.? Gary?s voice was deep and soft and reminded me of the warm coffee he?d made for me. Smooth. ?And now,? he queried, ?tonight, right this minute, what are you thinking?? I looked him straight in the eye and became a truth-teller myself. ?Gary, make love with me. PLEASE? Make love to me. I want you inside me, touching me as deep as you can go. I should have stayed last night, I should have had you inside me then! Please Gary, please! Please make love to me!? ?Melody,? he whispered, ?my Melody. There is nothing in this world, nothing in this universe, that would be strong enough to stop me from making love with you.? He paused, and an idea flashed in his head. ?Melody, my angel, come home with me, right now. Okay? Please? Come home with me, and we?ll make love. We?ll make love all day and all night.? I said yes by kissing him, kissing him harder than a human being has ever kissed another human being. Yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES! I wore my bra and inserts, and my panties, on the drive to Gary?s townhouse. We went in his Sprinter van. I had thrown my shirt and pants back on, covering up my feminine look to get into his vehicle, just so his commercial neighbours didn?t see me, but less than five minutes after we?d left, while driving down a major thoroughfare, I undid my seat belt, and pulled my shirt off, and then my pants. I wanted to be my feminine self now. I wanted to be my feminine self for always. He held my hand for the rest of the drive. As we entered his townhouse complex, I said I?d put my clothes back on, so I didn?t embarrass him in front of his neighbours, people he had to see most every day. Squeezing my hand tighter, he said the most amazing thing to me. ?Melody, I?m not ashamed. Don?t cover yourself up, not for that reason. If you feel more yourself the way you are now, in that sexy lingerie, then I have zero problems walking you from the driveway to the front door just the way you are. I don?t care what my neighbours think. I?d be proud to walk with you just like you are, right now. If any of them asks, I?ll tell them the truth.? I giggled. ?Which is?? His voice got louder, and filled with sincerity. ?I?ll tell them this is the newest most important person in my life. The sweetest most lady-like person I?ve ever known. My new girlfriend. My Melody.? I couldn?t help it. Again. Tears ran down my cheeks, happily. ?I love you.? I meant it. I did. I barely knew him, on some levels, but I knew more than anything that I did love this man. I loved his strength, and his sensitivity, and his kindness, and his romance, and his playfulness. And, I realized, I loved his penis. His cock. I wasn?t used to using that word, and yet it was feeling more and more right every time I said it. His cock. His cock. Gary?s cock. His thick, long, throbbing, manly cock. Which I still hadn?t actually seen yet. He looked over at me, taking his eyes off the road, and smiled. ?I love you too, Melody.? He pulled in front of his townhouse, and shut the van down. Getting out, he came around and opened my door for me, and I slid my bare legs out. The driveway was cold on my feet, and the April wind was brisk on my skin, as I stepped out into the world wearing pink lipstick and a black bra with gel inserts and black thong panties. The feminine me. The alive me. The new me. Melody. We held hands to the front door, and I tried to discretely look around me in a big circle, to see if anyone was staring, and after we stepped inside, he turned me to him, and again we melted into one another and began softly kissing. Gentle, romantic, loving, lip-sticking kisses. I was lost to him, mentally and physically, and spiritually. I was his, however and whenever he wanted. He picked me up, in his arms, like a new husband carrying his bride over the threshold, and walked me upstairs. I?d never felt safer, or more loved, his arms under my shoulders and knees, my arms around his neck, my head on his shoulder, my eyes closed, my mind awash with pleasure. For one brief moment, I compared my two lives. The former one, thirty years of struggle, and pain, and loneliness. And now my new life, full of passion and eroticism and unmitigated happiness. Full of sexy lingerie. Full of Gary. As I was soon to be, I hoped. And I thought, WOW! I can?t imagine a time in my life when I would have said those words, or thought of them. And now, here I was, dressed in lingerie and dreaming of taking his cock inside me, inside my body, filling me with his love. He carried me into his bedroom, and laid me gently on the mattress. Again, for a very large man he was extraordinarily fast, and he busied himself closing drapes and shutting out the world from our view. I realized he wanted me all to himself, with no distractions. I settled back on the bed, my head on his pillows. The room was sparsely decorated, but still homey. Pictures of Gary with various women were strewn on the walls, all of them his daughters at various ages, and all of them showing him to be the proudest of papas. He stood at the foot of the bed, and just stared at me. I had one leg partially drawn up, my knee bent, looking like the languorous woman, relaxing before her man. Enticing him, inviting him, making him fill his lungs with air and his brain with pride. Yes, you scored yourself a hot one today! And yes, you?re going to get lucky today! And better still, so am I!! I can?t believe where my mind is going now! I never want it to stop!!! His eyes never leaving mine, he pulled off his golf shirt, in a decisively masculine way. Showing me his hairy chest and belly, I swallowed hard and smiled. Gary had hair everywhere, soft and some of it greying, and growing all over him. His nipples were red against his tanned skin, and sulking. I immediately wondered what they would taste like, in my femininity overdose. I wanted to lick them, to kiss them, to suckle on them. It struck me that perhaps I really had become the best of both worlds. I was a combination of the strong sexual drive that most men seem to have, coupled with the strong desire to wear sexy clothes and be as female as possible, attracting other men. For a moment, I studied the issue intellectually, and reasoned I could be the subject of someone?s PhD dissertation in psychology. Then Gary unsnapped his shorts, his eyes never leaving mine, and allowed them to fall to the ground, and all my thoughts vanished into the ether. He smiled, from ear to ear, and then pushed his underwear to the ground, stepping out of them as I lay there. I gasped, out loud. It was as if my world had just begun, that this was day one, of the most gloriously delicious feminine journey ever. In front of me stood this kind, gentle, masculine man, this paragon of strength, someone who I was wholeheartedly in love and lust with, baring himself for me to see. His entire body, tanned and toned and hairy, was there for me. For me. Can this really be happening? His skin seemed flush, more than usual, with colour. His eyes danced with glee and passion. His penis?no! His cock, now freed, pointed to the ceiling, and thrilled me to my core. My man, standing there, proudly naked and proudly erect, for me, his shit-eating grin like a lighthouse beacon, pulling me in, guiding me to salvation. Gary stepped around the foot of the bed and walked up the side, stopping when he was next to me, looking down as I gazed up. Into his eyes, seeing the want and the need and the yearning. Then, I travelled down his body, again being mesmerized by his massive pecs, his chest, rugged and virile and strong enough to build my new world upon. Finally, I gazed at his cock. Is there a greater sight in all the world? My left hand absentmindedly reached out and I closed my fingers around the shaft of him, oohing at just how thick and round he is. His skin was hot! His cock was so much longer than mine, by at least three inches, but more impressively it was so much thicker than mine. Whereas my penis was thin and narrow, his was solid and almost menacing. I WAS STROKING ANOTHER MAN?S COCK! I?d never felt so satisfied, so at peace with my life, as that moment. He too was uncircumcised, like me, and his foreskin was massive and holding back a small lake of precum. Maybe there was a second nature inside of me, or perhaps it was a result of having a penis of my own, but I began stroking him, gently, my hand squeezing slightly and moving up and down his shaft, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a fifty-year old man wearing panties and a bra to simply masturbate someone else?s cock. There was no denying the truth, though. No denying what I wanted. I did want this penis in front of me. My own sense of sexuality, knowing what I like, as a person with a penis, took over. My hand just naturally did what it wanted. I felt him from just under the head all the way to his body, the side of my hand coming to rest in a thick blanket of his pubic hair. Then I moved up to the top again, and began my journey back to the base. His huge foreskin was moving with me, covering the head completely on my upstroke, and exposing the massive helmet on my down stroke. It was huge! My lips were quivering; my tongue was dancing inside my own mouth, my taste buds going crazy with anticipation. It?s amazing what one can do totally unbidden, totally on the merits of impromptu feelings. I didn?t think, I just reacted. Lifting my upper body from the pillows I was resting on, I raised up on one elbow, opened my pink lips as wide as I could, and guided that massive cock head into my mouth, absolutely savoring the taste of his liquid. As soon as the first molecule of salty tang hit the first taste bud, my eyes closed, the most massive and delicious moan came out from deep within me, my heart started beating faster than I could remember, and all my cares in the world vanished. His moan, loud and deep above me, went almost unnoticed. I HAD A COCK IN MY MOUTH! Fifty years of living hadn?t prepared me for this. Crossing this line, from porn-driven fantasy to reality, staggered me emotionally. All the events leading up to here, everything that got me to this point, from childhood through puberty to adolescence to adulthood to marriage to career to decades of sadness, all the moments that make up a life, were gone. I WAS SUCKING GARY?S COCK!!!! A single tear ran out of my left eye, and down my cheek. I had never been happier. I had never been more alive. I had never been this excited and satisfied all at the same time. Gary?s big hand came down on the top of my hair, without putting pressure on me, and I moaned again. He was telling me in his way that my mouth around the head of his cock was the best thing he?d ever felt. More saliva than I could have dreamed of just appeared in my mouth, all of me watering at his taste, and his size. My tongue was firmly on the bottom of his cock, along the gigantic vein that ran up, and I was wriggling it to and fro, making me feel wanton, and making him moan more. I decided to make it better for him. And for me, I fully admit. Closing my lips hard over his cock, I looked up at him, and our eyes met. His, silently saying ?yes yes yes!?, and mine, saying ?yes yes yes!? right back at him. I shut my eyes, and sucked his cock through my mouth, and down into my throat. My very first time, ever, with another man?s organ in my mouth, and I wasn?t some fish out of water. I instinctively knew what to do, as if millions of years of training were embedded in my DNA. As if I?d been doing it all my life, my breathing switched to my nostrils, and my mouth moved forward, taking him into me, swallowing when the head of him touched the back of my throat, feeling his thickness against all the walls of my windpipe, pushing everything outwards, expanding my trachea, lovingly causing my insides to mold and adapt and renew their own shape. I WAS SUCKING HIS COCK!!!! I bobbed back, letting him out of my throat, almost all the way out of my mouth, my tongue slurping and slathering his helmet, loudly sucking at the elixir he was producing. His pre-cum was tangier than mine, and I was glad to see he made as much as I usually do. As much as I could already feel in my panties. I couldn?t get enough, my tongue and lips searching and searching. Taking a big breath, filling my lungs, I plunged my head back down on his cock again, letting him into my throat again, feeling him widen me up again. I surprised myself for the second time. I wasn?t gagging, or coughing, and I had no fears about my air supply. I knew, deep down, that I could breathe, and I knew that I wanted nothing more than Gary?s cock inside me. As far as I could get it. A dozen or so more bobs, up and down, and his cock was shiny wet, to almost three-quarters of his length. Each new journey into my mouth made him groan louder, and then louder, and then LOUDER! My hands found themselves caressing his skin. The backs of his thighs were massive and muscly and hairy, and I was touching them all over. My left hand found itself holding on to his ball sac, his testicles. It wasn?t hard to do, because as with everything else, his was so much larger than mine, and completely covered in a forest of the finest hair I?d ever felt. Once again, as if I innately knew how to do these things, like I?d been doing them my whole life, I was fondling his two balls, caressing them, rolling them in the palm of my hand, being careful not to hurt him in any way, knowing how my own little balls could be tender with the slightest wrong movements. There was no way I was causing pain to this man. Ever. My job, and more importantly my need, my goal, my heart?s desire, was to bring him nothing but pleasure of the highest order for every remaining second of his life. To that end, I pulled my head off his cock, the last sucking motion so strong that there was an audible popping noise as it left my mouth, I looked up at him. His eyes were closed, but they opened when he felt the air, cool against my saliva, on his cock shaft. When his eyes met mine, I said the words that would forever change me. ?Please Gary, make love to me now!? Like an Olympic athlete, he bolted for the door of his bathroom, and I heard a drawer being pulled open and then shut quickly. Back in the room, he approached me with two things in his hand. A condom, in a wrapper. And a tube, filled with clear liquid. As he got to the side of the bed I skooched over, giving him room. He laid down on his left side, the entire bed shifting with his weight, and we stared at each other, both of us breathing hard. I pointed at his hand. ?You won?t need that,? I whispered, full of confidence. ?The lube?? he asked. ?No, silly,? I giggled, ?the rubber.? He looked down at his hand, and then back at me. ?Society says we should practice safe sex,? he said, with caring in his voice. ?Gary,? I said, pronouncing the two syllables as if they were holy words, ?I haven?t been with anyone in almost twenty years. And you said you haven?t been with anyone in quite a while too, right?? He nodded. So I smiled, and leaned over to kiss his lips, softly, but with hunger. ?So we?re safe. No rubber is needed. Besides,? I added, breathily, laying back, opening my arms, and spreading my legs apart, ?I want to feel all of you when you?re inside me.? The look on his face told me all I ever needed to know. Joy, passion, zeal, plain old horniness, and unmistakeable love. He threw the condom over his shoulder, onto the floor. ?Now,? I breathed out, my voice soft and assured, ?please please please make love to me, Gary.? As I slid a hand down to pull the panties out of my ass crack, I pulled up my legs, bringing my knees to my chest, exposing my hole to his view. Showing him that I was his, that I was ready for him. But was I? At that moment, the reality of what we were about to do hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I was asking him, no, fairly begging him, to slide that massive piece of man-meat into a very tight hole, one unused to insertions of any kind. Suddenly, waves of nervous energy and fear overtook me, confronted me, and scared me. He must have seen the look on my face change, because he flipped the little top open on the tube of lube, moved his body closer to mine, and as he was squeezing some lubricant onto a finger he leaned down and kissed me, softly, his tongue gently moving out and into my mouth, mimicking what he was about to do with his finger. Then I felt it, the coolness of the lube, touching my outer ring. I gasped into his mouth, the enormity of what was happening playing out in my head, almost like I was watching one of the those videos on the web, the ones where a strong virile stud of a man was getting a smaller feminine creature ready for the act. Getting the woman ready for insertion. Getting me ready for his cock. His finger, cool and sleek, rubbed for a few seconds against my tensed ring, but his kisses soothed me, and without thinking about it I loosened for him. And just like that, his big digit slid into me, into my ass. I gasped into his mouth, as his tongue teased me over and over. It felt like he was able to slide all of his big finger inside me, and he left it there for a few moments. Then he slowly withdrew, and I felt him squeezing some of the lubricant on me, just above my hole. The pleasure of its coolness sliding down was indescribable. As the glob met the top of my hole, his big finger squished into it, and easily entered me. But he didn?t leave it there for long, instead sliding it out and then using the lube to push two fingers in me. I couldn?t stop the moan I made, followed quickly by his own deep murmur. Both his fingers went in me, as far as he could push them, and he slid them almost all the way out and began pushing back in again, twisting them clock-wise. Which is a jolt of pleasure I?d never contemplated before. The circular motion, combined with the lube, opened me more. I could feel the rush inwards of air, cool on the delicate tissue. Unbelievable heaven. Gary slowly fingered me in and out in a sensuous pattern for a few minutes, twisting his hand from time to time, sending me into spasms of delight, and much to my surprise making me push my ass towards his fingers. I wanted them! Still kissing me, he pulled his fingers out and squirted more lube on me, in the same spot, and as gravity took it and it dribbled down onto my now slightly-gaping hole, he gently slid three of his sausage-sized fingers into me, stopping about halfway as my lower body lurched upwards and my breathing stopped, but barely a few seconds later as I began to relax he finished his motion, and I had three of his fingers inside me. THREE OF HIS FINGERS INSIDE ME! Inside my ass! Inside my body! A lifetime spent never considering this amazing pleasure, this exquisitely unusual stretching of my hole, was blown away. I pushed up against him, wanting more, needing more, my tongue and his dancing back and forth from his mouth to mine. Not thinking, I reached my left hand down blindly and found his arm, and pulled it toward me. I wanted more of his fingers, more of his body inside me. I wanted him inside me. His cock. I wanted all of him inside me. More than life itself, I wanted him to make love to me. We broke the kiss, and just stared at each other. I could barely catch my breath, and he wasn?t far behind me. Both of us were murmuring, little moans and grunts and sounds coming out of us. He reached for the tube and squeezed a large drop onto his palm, and not breaking eye contact with me he began running his hand up and down his own cock, lubing it, getting himself ready. For me. ?I can?t wait any more, Melody,? he whispered, ?but I don?t want to hurt you.? I shook my head. ?No Gary, no, don?t worry?I want you inside me now?please?please?make love to me?now?I can take the pain of it?make love to me now, please baby?? I was almost crying. I lay back and spread my legs, as far as they could go. He reached over me and grabbed a spare pillow, and doubling it up, he slid it under my ass, and with a little help from me nudged it under until it was directly supporting my lower back, tilting my ass up towards him. Towards the cock that would take my virginity. Moving over me, he placed his left hand down beside my right shoulder, and with his other hand, he guided his cock towards me. Towards my ass. My hole. My?my pussy, I realized. I was the woman. That part was obvious now. He was the man. That was irrefutable. Men have cocks, which go into the pussy of a woman. So there and then, that second, I decided I would never call it my asshole again, forever. It was my pussy. And it was about to receive my first man. The man I loved, without question. He pulled his foreskin forward, covering his giant helmet. He was ogling my pussy, which I could tell was still slightly open, from his fingers. Then he looked up at me, with a pleading demeanour. I nodded at him. ?Do it, Gary. Love me! I want you inside me. I want your fantastic cock inside my pussy!? Words just can?t be found to describe that moment, that second or two of time in a life when everything changes. When life as you knew it ceased to be, instead turning into a different existence, one you couldn?t have imagined in a trillion years. That moment happened when his cock touched my skin, all around my pussy. I got to enjoy that epiphany for only a millisecond though, because then Gary slid the head further, which began to open me again, and then further, which opened me to the extent that his fingers had just been, which made me gasp, and then he pushed further, opening me up like never before. My cry was involuntary. The pain flared like a lightning bolt, searing and vicious and all-encompassing. I just bellowed out, a yelp, loud and strong. He stopped, and began to slip backwards. Even through my pain, even through the agony I was completely unprepared for, my arms shot out around his back, reaching down as far as I could, touching the top round start of his buttocks, which were covered in hair and as hard as granite, and I pulled at him, my scream of pain morphing into ?NO! DON?T PULL IT OUT!? Gary stopped, and waited for me. His belly was touching mine, my little penis trapped in the fabric of my panties, being rubbed by his skin. I couldn?t imagine letting that go away. Instead, I bore down, and focussed, and as the pain levels came down he seemed to pick up on it, and began sliding into me again. The pain came crashing at me again, making the tears run down my cheeks into my ears, and I cried out again. Still, my arms pulled at him. Telling him to give me more, even as I struggled beneath him. Even through all that pain, the likes of which I?ve never had in my entire life, there was a voice inside my head that kept telling me to fight through it, to take more of him, to absorb the pain, that it would get better, that it would get easier, that the horribleness of it would fade, that I could have all his cock in me, all the way inside me, reshaping my channel to his size. I just had to get used to it. The voice kept telling me I would. Gary was sweating, some droplets falling on my body and neck, and he kept whispering how he didn?t want to hurt me, not his sweet Melody. My eyes were squeezed shut in pain, so I couldn?t see him, by my hands kept pulling on him, inspiring him to push more into me, an inch or so, perhaps, and then stopping to let me deal with it. It was excruciating, at times. But it was the most exhilarating moment of my existence on this planet. Slowly, too slowly, almost unbearably slowly, the pain began to ebb. And like he?d been doing it all his life, he seemed to sense my ease, and it inspired him to push more into me. Finally, after what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes at most, the pain had gone, replaced by a kind of nirvana. It was heaven, I decided. I was full. I was so full. So amazingly full. Fuller than I could have fathomed, in my old life. But now, it was a full I never wanted to end. I opened my eyes, tears still streaming out them, and looked into Gary?s eyes. Into the eyes of the man inside me, all the way. The man making love to me. His eyes were alive, and as wide as I?ve ever seen them. He looked like he was having the biggest surprise ever. ?Can you feel me, Melody? All the way inside you? Can you feel how hard I am for you?? ?Oh god, YES!? I blurted out. ?We did it, Melody!? ?YES YES YES, OH GOD YES WE DID IT!? He laughed out loud, which caused his whole body to shake, most of his weight on me, so both of us rocked, which generated a thrill inside me that felt like I was being electrocuted. Tased, with love. ?My angel, Melody?are you okay?? His look had changed to one of concern, deep worry. I hummed my answer. ?Mmm mmm.? ?Am I hurting you?? I couldn?t get over how much concern this man had for me. How he had his cock buried as deep as it could go in my pussy, and still he was worrying about how I felt. It made me love him more, again. ?No, Gary, my baby,? I whispered, ?you?re not hurting me?I feel so full, so full of cock?I can?t believe how full I am, how right it feels?I?m so full of your cock, baby! My whole life, this is what I wanted?you, Gary?you?your cock in me, making love to me?I can?t believe how right this is?I feel so good?so good?so FUCKING GOOD!!!? He laughed again, causing the same jolts inside me. Tased by cock. ?Melody,? he whispered, and buried his head into the pillow, next to mine, his mouth next to my ear, ?mmmmmm, I can?t wait baby, I can?t wait?? His body began moving, his hips pulling back, his cock, his beautiful cock, sliding almost all the way out of me, and then he just rammed himself back in. Knocking the wind out of me, he split my pussy open and the room reverberated with the sound of his body slamming into mine, the front of his thighs meeting the backs of mine, with my legs crossed over his back, my ankles locked together. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! Each thrust into me rocked my whole body, into the mattress, his entire weight coming down onto me, his entire cock shooting up into me, opening me again and again. I had my mouth clamped down on his shoulder, biting, but having enough presence of mind to not actually go into his skin, and the breath was being knocked out of me with each slam, and all my conscious mind could respond with was a never-ending series of words, babbling noises, sometimes incoherent sounds. ??love me, love me, love my pussy?uhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH?.I?m so full?nnnnngngngngnng?.love me, baby??oh god GARY FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!!!? Time became meaningless. I was teetering on the precipice of awareness, every nerve in my body responding physically to his thrusts, his cock fucking me, his arms wrapped around me, his massive tree-trunk thighs battering into me, bending me backwards more and more, sweat pouring off of him onto me, into my open mouth. Gary was babbling too. I could hear his groans, from deep within his big chest, mixed with soft tones of mind-shattering joy, as he was exhaling big lung fulls of air, making elongated syllables??mel?.o?..dy?.mel?.o?..dy? He sped up after a while. I don?t know how long, exactly. It had been a monumental time, and then it got better. His body began moving faster, the athlete in him beginning to play in championship mode. The increased pounding made some of his thrusts arrive at different angles, inside my pussy. On several of his strokes, the angle was unique enough that he touched something inside of me that fairly exploded, and made me scream. A scream unlike anything I?d ever heard before, from me. High-pitched, and intense, and wailing. AND IT WAS FANTASTIC! On other strokes, I had the insane thought that I was going to pee! It was like a vibration began, deep inside me, and the rumbling of it caused me clamp my Kegel muscles down, holding off the imminent rush of liquid. Naturally that caused me to clamp down my pussy hole ring on his cock, and he groaned almost as loud as my scream. It was the fourth time he made me scream that my entire body started twitching, shaking uncontrollably, pinned to the mattress by Gary?s body, and the riotous motions inside me just became a volcano, and I started crying and screaming into his neck and began spewing out my cum, my little penis hard as it?s ever been, trapped in my panties, and trapped by his lower belly. I came harder than I could handle. I lurched, underneath Gary, and poured out juices, again and again and again. I was completely out of control, completely unable to manage anything. It was as if I was allowing my body to disconnect from my brain, and just let it go with the flow. My body seized up and let go and seized up and let go and seized up and let go, and Gary just kept slamming his cock into me, burying himself inside my body, again and again and again. I rode out the shockwaves of my orgasm and picked up where I?d left off as Gary?s tempo increased again. The sounds coming out of him straight into my ear were animalistic, throaty and guttural and completely unrehearsed. Moans and grunts and words here and there and heavy breathing that was so loud it sounded like a rock concert. No drug could come close to it. No poet could ever describe the depth of sensation and emotion that enveloped us. All the scientists in all the laboratories of the world could work their entire careers and never be able to synthesize it. Minute after minute after minute he fucked me. With all of his might, and all of his manliness, he slammed into me and slammed into me and slammed into me and slammed into me. How high is high? How much of a good thing, hell, how much of the best thing in the world can anyone take? As much as we can, in the moment. It had to end. I felt perhaps a dozen more jolts, as his cock angle changed from stroke to stroke, and had two more surges from within. Two more mini-cums. Neither of them was as powerful or all- encompassing as the first one, but they still took me to the edge of passing out. Finally, his moans became shouts. He just kept saying ?take me, take me, take me,? as he sped up, his slams into me coming faster and faster and faster and faster. Having probably sixty or so pounds on me, the effect was unlike anything else. I was being pummelled, into the softness of his mattress, the short headboard above me tapping out the rhythm of our love. Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. We were both screaming. His last final thrust into me bent my lower back more than any other. My ass was almost pointed directly up into the sky, allowing his cock to stretch me to the utmost, and fill me more than before. As I screamed ?LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!? he let go, and came inside me. I felt instantly wet, wetter than the ocean, as he sprayed his semen again and again, each blast accompanied by his lower body shaking, and his voice yelling into my ear, ?MELODY!!!!!!? He made five or six pulses into me, painting my insides with his sperm, breeding me, and then all of his massive body collapsed onto me. Crushing me, pushing on me unlike anything I?ve ever experienced. I wanted it, forever. I was crying again, streams of salty tears running down my cheeks. But as opposed to before, these weren?t tears of pain, or anguish. These were the best of all tears. These were the tears of finding love. Thirty years of what I now understood was misery, gone. I had found the love I was looking for. I had found the man I?d been looking for. The man who completed me. The man who discovered the real me, who saw me as I am, before I did. The man who inspired me to begin my journey to being feminine. The man who nurtured the woman in me, who brought me out, and gave me freedom. Gary. My Gary. Tall, handsome, strong, caring, understanding, compassionate, giving, loving. Gary gives me love. Gary gives me joy. He gives me tenderness. And that, dear reader, is all there is. All there is to ask, and all there is to offer, in this world. Tenderness. The End.

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Sobia Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hello desi fans, plz read this 1st,specially ladies. Im Arshaan again from sukkur(pakistan).thanks for liking my stories “sajida bhabee ki zabardast chudai” & “naazish the best fuck”,new readers plz read this 1st.i recieved no: of mails and a lot of encouragement to write another stories,also made many sexual contacts too. Which i am enjoying a lot.this story is about Naazish’s elder sister. This is not only a story,but it is an invitation to those mummies, aunties, bhabhis, bajis,...

4 years ago
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Owned By A Teenage Goddess

You never expect to meet God--or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o'clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that's exactly what happened to me. It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn't believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a...

3 years ago
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Zalak Mere Friend Ki Girlfriend Ko Choda

Hi guys. My is rahul and I am from gujarat,baroda.Main iss ka bahut bada reader hu or maine most of sabhi story padhi hai.Or aaj me apni pheli stroy aap logo k saath share kar raha hu so plz guys story acchi lage toh review jaroor dena.Or kisi bhabhi ,aunty yeh ladki ko service chahiye to muje mail kar sakti hai or kisi ko call sex bhi karna hai toh muje mail kar sakti ho sab secret rahega. Phele me apne baare me bata deta hu I am good looking guy with athentic body. Height 5.9 color fair and...

2 years ago
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Wife caught with boss turns into threesome

I stepped inside the house and put my keys away, then I heard a noise from our bedroom, I stood still for a minute, I heard my wife's voice so I moved to the hallway and was just about to shout up the stairs to her when, to my surprise I saw a pair of men's shoes by the hall table. I took off my own shoes and crept up the stairs to our bedroom, the door was nearly shut but I could just see my wife's naked body through the gap by the hinges. I could see that She was sitting on top of a...

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A day to remember1

Anyways it was about 7am when I reached my first stop, and I sluggishly got out of the truck and grabbed the items. Fast forward a few hours, roughly around 9am. I arrived at an address and I did not see anything placed outside for us to grab and go. I parked the truck and got out to go knock on the door. I look up and see a woman place 2 bags outside her storm door before slamming it shut. I was roughly 10 feet away about to hand her a Tax Deduction receipt. I was stunned, nothing like that...

2 years ago
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Introducing anal to my mom

Continued from Part 1 (https://xhamster.com/stories/enjoying-my-mom-in-front-of-dad-707163), Part 2 (https://xhamster.com/stories/enjoying-mom-again-707497) and Part 3 (https://xhamster.com/stories/taking-control-of-mom-709552).I had crazy school work the next day so I tried to ignore my mom so I could get my school work done. It wasn't easy. She looked at me often, with a sly smile, during dinner and again, her wearing a tight top with no bra made me horny. My girlfriend also called to chat on...

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For the first time in the history of costume parties, Greg had found the perfect costume for the party at his sister's house. It combined his absolute love of superheroes with his desire not to be tagged in any embarrassing pictures afterwards looking drunk and stupid. It was a simple, Lycra Spiderman costume he ordered off the internet the month before the party, and when it had arrived he spent a full day wandering around the house pretending to be Spiderman. He was a little bit nerdy like...

3 years ago
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Meeting in the Mountain Part 1

Meeting in the Mountain Part 1by amazon_modernIt had been my dream to live "off the grid" in nature. When I was offered a photography assignment in the Colorado Rockies I jumped at the opportunity. Being a black female in the photography field wasn't unusual, being a black female who loved to photograph nature was. The cabin I was to stay in for the 4 week assignment was small but all I needed. It had been only 4 days since I arrived that I decided to walk one of the many nature trails that...

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Anita Was The Housemaid

I did not like her food at all. the only thing was that i liked her. i had seen her around the house for a long time and i had gotten used to her. she woke me up in the morning and till i slept she was with me. she even appeared in my dreams. i will not lie about it that she was my crush. there was nothing unusually hot about her, just that she was slender and short and had a sexy waist. i had had the pleasure of holding her waist a lot of time. she stood on the stool to fetch somethings from...

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Ana describes me her night out

I came back home stressed and very tired from my office; finding my sweet wife had dressed up real sexy and was in the mood for going out. Ana told me it had been a stressing week for her too and she wanted just to have some drinks and relax outside.I barely could stand on my feet; so I wished her luck and locked myself into the bathroom for a nice warm shower.When I came out, Ana had already gone.So I stayed home sipping a good glass of whisky and finishing some damn extra paperwork at my...

2 years ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 10

I felt the lick of her tongue first. Vicki's hot, eager little tongue. She licked slowly up the lower side of my cock, making it jump. Making me jump. My eyes popped open. I'd woken from a dream I couldn't remember, and I didn't want to go back, because what was happening felt so very nice. I gasped as her tongue was replaced by her lips. She kissed me. Short little pecks that would almost be innocent if it wasn't for the part of my body she was paying attention to. Little sweet kisses...

2 years ago
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A Private Sex Session

Daniel's cousin, Jerome, was fascinated by the sex session we had. Before we all left Jerome pulled me to the side and whispered to me 'you let all four of us fuck you, you should not do that. Play hooky from school Wednesday and come here alone, it will be just you and me'. Daniel, Bruce, Charlie and I left Jerome apartment, Bruce and Charlie wanted to take me some place else and continue our session, Daniel wanted to get on with what was left of the day and go make some money(?), Bruce and...

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The Eleventh Fenn

------------------- PROLOGUE: THE FIRST OF THE FENNS ----------------- “Heed my call, O Hunters, and know this to be true: The anti-God has arrived, and its eyes are filled with wine.” — High Hunter Wyse "The Heartless", the Fifth Chief of the Fenn Hunters Two-hundred and seventy-one years ago, a baby boy was born to a simple family in the northern Mountains of Wyr. The boy was an average babe of an average weight and height, none too loud and none too handsome, and certainly none too...

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Egg Ch 7

Chapter 7 Jacob sat on the sofa, unsure of what was going on. Covered in sweat, tears and bodily fluids, he sat back on the couch trying to catch his breath. Two women lay near him. Aurora with her curvaceous butt lay on the ottoman in front of the couch. From where he sat, he could see the glistening of moisture on her skin as well as red swollen vulva. The other woman, a female cop named Meredith, had been sucked into the night’s events by Aurora. The cop lay on the floor after collapsing...

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MomsTeachSex Alana Cruise Mother Knows Best

Nathan Bronson is supposed to tutor his friend Alex More, but he is just so awkward that his stepmom, Alana Cruise, can’t stand it. She decides to give him a quick makeover by urging him to take off the glasses and change his clothes. While Nathan is changing, Alana notices that he’s definitely a shower and should be very proud of what he’s showing. She supervises the study session once Alex arrives and sees Nathan hitting on his friend, but she can’t get Nathan’s...

4 years ago
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Uhura and Rand

Janice Rand hurried down the corridors of the Enterprise. Most of the crew had already beamed over to Starbase 17 for shore leave. The Enterprise would be in orbit for at least eight days while repairs were made to the impulse engines, so those looking to jump ship as it were had wasted no time. None of this mattered to the blonde haired woman as she turned the corner and spotted the cabin she was headed for. In 72 hours she was due to report aboard the survey ship Crockett. If she left by...

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at Roberts house

As Robert tickled around my crotch, he made sure not to touch my dick or balls. His fingers touching lightly up one side, across, and down the other. My heart was pounding now, and I could only take short breaths I was shaking so back. My little dick was so hard, it hurt. I reached up to try rubbing the pain away, but Robert pushed them to my sides." That's my job". He said. I looked up at him and nodded. He then licked his thumb and wrapped his fingers around my dick, then ran his thumb over...

3 years ago
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The CabinChapter 7

David let Liza slide past him and then he went to the bed. He grabbed Sherri’s arm, pulled her to her feet, and then led her to the living room. “Chet, Liza, you need to get in here now!” he yelled. They saw the look on his face and knew the situation needed careful handling or all hell was going to break loose. “I want the truth. The whole truth or so help me God Sherri you will need to find a new place to live! And you,” David pointed his finger at Chet, “will be facing a major sexual...

1 year ago
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Ediths New Life Part 2

I climb back into bed and Gabriel walks in behind me. I smile as he lays next to me. "So Kitten, I wanted to know if you would like to go shopping today?" He smiles rubbing my leg."Shopping? For what?" I ask curious."Well if you're going to be mine you're going to need some stuff." He smiles again."What kind of stuff?" I giggle."hard cock."Mmm Kitten, just wait til we get home. You're in for it." He growled. I moaned louder feeling the urge to cum. "You want to cum Kitten?" I nod unable to...

4 years ago
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Assignations 2

I’m not at the office today.  Nope, I’m out on the road and it just so happens that I have to make a detour though your neck of the woods. Tapping on the open back door, I just ambled in. I’ve done it before and although it makes you jump, you’ve got used to it now. You even tell me if you’re going to be alone for the day. Naughty beast! So I know he’s not here. You also know I hoped to find time to drop by, just not this early. I can hear you in the shower, so I quietly slip my clothes off and...

Quickie Sex
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Ellen Steve 2 Rick

“Hey Rick, what are you doing here, I wasn’t expecting you.” She said with forced calmness. “Yeah, sorry. I probably should’ve texted or phoned or something and maybe this was a bad idea but I just realised something and I’ve just got to check it and I'm sorry to do this to you but I know you’ve been waiting and wanting it for a while and erm... yeah.” He said without pause for breath. “Erm ok,” Ellen replied, slightly confused, “what did you find out, what d’you wanna check?” “Well it’s...

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MY STORY STARTS in july 2001 when i got a letter saying that i would be going to school in the u.s for my somphmore year i moved to canfeild n.j and i moved in with the nelson family i found out that i was going to have a sister and a little brother and there son was going to live with my family. so let me tell u about myself before i go on my name is knapa but in english it is klara im 5'4 174lbs and a 38dd chest im a lil thick but in all the right places to say with only two weeks intill...

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Lake House 4

“When we get to the hospital we need a story, we can’t tell them what really happened” said Jack.   “How about this, we were hiking and you fell down an embankment and landed hard on some rocks?” “Then how do we explain the bruises on your face? Asked Molly. “You take him into the emergency room and I’ll wait in the Jeep.” “Christ”, thought Jack, “this is just what I need right now”.   “I can’t believe he got the best of both of us”, he said out loud.   “I’m not just going to take this and...

Straight Sex
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My last rubber splash and go event

A few weeks ago my partner was lamenting the fact that he had not had the chance to fuck me with my pussy already full of spunk for a few weeks, something he rearly enjoys doing after a gangbang or dogging evening and I never say no to getting my pussy well filled. As spring was in the air I was feeling a bit horny anyway so we decided to host another of my what I call my Splash and Go evenings.I have several adverts on swinging and fetish websites so I can usually rustle up a number of cocks...

3 years ago
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Another AirBNB Booking Part 3

I laid in bed with Lisa and thanked her for her participation, she hugged me and smiled telling me she really enjoyed it, we all had fun and we both thought that Mel was hot. I woke early as I wasn’t sure what time Mel had to leave as we didn’t discuss it, I pulled on my boxers and headed down to put the coffee on, I left Lisa to sleep for now.I took a gamble on black with no sugar and poured a mug for Mel and climbed the stairs heading for the guest room, the door was ajar and I popped my head...

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A Night in the ChateauChapter 6

A few minutes passed before she felt Rebecca kissing her awake. Sarah looked around her and realised that the Count and his guests had now all put their dressing gowns back on, but their two naked maids, looking flushed but smiling gleefully, were standing beside the table ready to help the two young women climb off it. In fact, the thought crossed Sarah’s mind that this could well have been the first time that the two maids had been publicly fucked – she would have to remember to ask. As...

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Me My Mother And My Uncle

My name is Eyan and what follows happened a couple of years ago when I was 20. My mother, Ashi, and I came to the UK when I was 10, my father had recently died and my father’s brother and his family took us in, so when they decided to come to the UK we came too. When I was 18 my mother and I moved into a small house bought for us by my uncle, I remember my mother been very happy when we moved in. Three years later my cousin Rakesh was to be married, it was arranged and a girl from a good house...


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