Fulfilled My Fantasy Of Fucking My Sexy Housemaid
- 3 years ago
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I did not like her food at all. the only thing was that i liked her. i had seen her around the house for a long time and i had gotten used to her. she woke me up in the morning and till i slept she was with me. she even appeared in my dreams. i will not lie about it that she was my crush. there was nothing unusually hot about her, just that she was slender and short and had a sexy waist. i had had the pleasure of holding her waist a lot of time. she stood on the stool to fetch somethings from the upper shelf and when she did that i was to hold her so as to prevent her from falling. i held her always by the waist where her skin was not covered by her saree or blouse and told her that this gave me a firm grip. she was innocent, at least she looked innocent, and accepted my reason for holding her waist. we spent a lot of time together as mom dad and sis were usually out. she gave me most attention in the family. she did not have children of her own but she did have a husband and it was him that i was scared of. i thought if he found out that i was making love to his wife, he would complain to my parents and take her off the job. i did not want Anita to go and so i did not do anything stupid until then.
my parents were out of station. they had gone to see some relatives of mine in Mumbai and left my sister and me alone with Anita. she offered to stay for two nights at our house itself. in fact when i look back now i find that she offered to stay almost at every instant. maybe she did not ant to sleep with her husband or that she liked staying in our comfortable house. she was told to sleep in my sister’s room. now my sister obviously took the opportunity and went away to her friends place for a night over. that left me and Anita alone in our house.
i told her that she should sleep in my room to which she agreed without hesitation. i helped her carry her stuff to my room. i asked her if she was gonna sleep in that saree which she was wearing. she said that it was uncomfortable to sleep in it but she would manage. i asked her if she had a night gown or something? she said her man never bought her one. there was an awkward pause and then i told her she could borrow my mom’s night gown for the night. it was a bold move. nothing like this had been done before. she was surprised by this idea and said she could not do it. i told her that she should take it. she refused again. i told her that my mom would never come to know as we would keep it back. she was still hesitant to do it. i told her that these three nights she should just relax and forget about her duties. i told her that mom dad were away and my sister was not going to be around and that with just us both she should be relaxed. i often helped her by doing my own work and this she always took notice of. i saved her from a few scoldings from mom too and she knew she could trust me with things. she did not like the idea much but she said she would wear it only if i did not let anybody know about it. duh! i went to my mother’s room and brought her a night gown.
she took it and went to the bath room to change. waited for her at the door. i did not know it then where this night would lead us. she got out of the dressing wearing my mom’s red night gown. she was a little dark in complexion and so the night gown did not suit her. she was a bit shy to appear in front of me and even my face was lit up with a smile. she put down her saree and her blouse on the table and sat at the edge of my bed. facing away from me. i asked her why she was so shy? i knew why she was so shy but i still asked her because i wanted to break a conversation. she said she had never done it before. i asked her what was “it” exactly. she said she had never been a with a man before in night gown this was really weird to her. i told her that i had never brought a girl home and never been alone in this house with a girl or a women. there was a long silence after a short giggle. finally i broke the silence and asked her how old she was. she must have tracked my intentions and asked me why i was concerned. i told her that its was just because she looked so young to be married. she told me that she had been married at the age of 16, which was how old i was and she was presently only at 21. i told her that she should not have gotten married so young. she told me that in her village it was not so.
i asked her if she was happy with her marriage? she did not reply. i asked her if she was happy with her man? she did not reply and instead grew sad. i knew i had touched her soft corner and to ease the things out i told her that life was not easy anywhere. she spoke as in spoke on herself for the first time in front of me. she told me that it was not so easy withe her. she told me that she was forced to marry this man who she did not even know. her man never took care of her and never loved he. she told me that my life was perfect where i could have girlfriends and not worry about marriage. i went up to her and sat beside her. she was breaking into a sob. i lay me hand on her shoulder and told her that i never had a girlfriend and the closest i ever got to any girl was this moment when i had my hand on her.
she looked at me and told me that i was at least not married. i said that her marriage was a forced one and she did not have to take it seriously if she did not like it. she said she was bound to it for her lifetime or at least till her man left her. i told her that her marriage did not have to be binding. i told her that she could still have fun while married only that her man should never know about it. she looked up at me and told me that there was nobody in her life except him and our family. she broke into a cry. i hugged her with both my hands and rest her head on my chest. she shed tears for a while and then returned to sobbing. my heart was all melted for her. i just wanted to make her happy for at least the time she was with me. i told her to wife her tears. i raised her face, wiped her tears and asked her to stop crying as for now we were gonna have fun. she said we should not be doing it but then i reminded her how she should be having fun. i told her that the gown did not suit her and that we would get another one for her. she began to protest when i held her by the hand and reassured her that nobody was ever coming to know about it. i took her to my mom’s room and asked her to stand beside me while i searched mom’s wardrobe. i was looking for night gowns and she told me where she arranged them. i smiled at her and pulled out the whole bundle. i asked her to pick up which ever one she liked to ty. she did not do it and said that she was only gonna sleep and that the one she was wearing was fine.
i told her that she was not only gonna sleep but have fun before it and so she should pick one up. she picked up the one on the top and went to change. she returned with the other one on and the first one folded n her hand. i took the first one from her hand and tossed it away. i told her she should not worry about folding the clothes but she should loo in the mirror for herself. she was fine with it and wanted to get out of the room and go to sleep. i told her that she was not gonna sleep until i slept and i was not gonna sleep until we had some fun. i did not like the one she was wearing and i began to unzip it. she was cautious of this and said she was gonna change inside. i held her by the shoulders and continued to unzip without a word. she did not speak after that either. i lowered the night gown up to her ankle and saw that she was wearing my mom’s old white bra and her petticoat. i turned her around to face me and looked into her eyes. i wrapped my hands around her and told her that i was gonna teach her how to dress. she did not say anything. she thought i was gonna fuck her then but i did not. i loosened her petticoat and removed it. to my shock she was not wearing an under wear. she tried to hide her pussy but i took her by the hand to the wardrobe. i shuffled through the clothes and found a black and pink pantie. i showed it to anita but she did not say a word. i asked her if she liked it or not. she did not reply. i told her that she should speak something at least. she asked me why i was doing it.
i held her face and told her that i loved her and i don’t want to my loved ones in misery. with this i moved my head to kiss her but she pulled back. i knew she was not ready and so i did not push. i passed on the panties to her but she did not take it. instead she looked in the cupboard and pulled out a black and green ones. so finally she was playing along. she handed me the chosen pair and i dropped the other ones. she looked at me in the eye. she was falling for me but she did not let me kiss her and i did not know what this meant. i told her that it was a fine pair and handed it to her. she did not take it but dragged my gaze to her hairy pussy. she signaled me to put it on her. i was pleased made her wear it and she did by lifting her legs. i puled it up to her waist and her pussy was hidden. the bush was still showing. i tucked in the hair from the sides and told her that we were gonna deal with them later. she agreed. i slyly tasted my fingers that had just touched her pussy hair. i could smell her sweat. i loved it. she asked me if i was gonna get other garments for her too. i said i would do anything for her. she told me that she had sometimes tried my mother’s and my sister’s clothes and so she knew what best fitted her. i asked her what it was. she said her breast size was similar to my sister’s now my sister was more busty than my mom and so anita wanted to check out my sister’s collection or bra. i was pleased how she was getting open with me.
i told her about myself too. i told her how i had once shagged in my mom’s panties and my sister’s bra. she sad she might have noticed those white stains in them. i chuckled. she gigged. we went to my sister’s wardrobe and opened it for anita. anita asked me to pull out a bra of my wish. i did not tell her then but i pulled out the bra that i had once shagged in. she said it was not fare that she was naked while i was wearing my clothes. i did not wait another moment. and removed my t-shirt. she touched my chest and said ooh! i know she liked and so did my sister who told me once earlier. so anita undid my pant buttons and lowered them along with my underwear. before i knew what was happening she kissed my penis, which was erect. i said- wow! she said she would do anything for me. i told her that she did not have to do anything for me but only if she wished..
she did not let me finish and started to blow me. she was good. one might think that these village women do not now how to blow guys, but seeing anita at it made me realize that she was just perfect. most women, as i had seen in porn movies, take it slow at first but anita was wild from the first instant. i shaved my pubic hair every now and then and so i knew anita had nothing to complain about. i dragged her to the bed with my cock in her mouth so that i could sit. she took it one after the other. i shot the first load of precum into her mouth she did not stop and i did not see anything dripping from her lips. that meant she swallowed it. i reached for her hair to play with. i removed the hair clips that tied her hair and let them flow behind her back. how much more amazing could it have been? i was sitting on my sister’s bed, stark naked, getting my first blowjob, from the maid that loved, who was wearing my mom’s panties and my sister’s bra. i was so horny that i was about to cum.
i left out a few moans and grunts. i closed my eyes as my penis started to get stiffer and stiffer with every stroke of anita. and then, death after cancer, i shot my load in her throat. i spouted like four times and still i had more in me. she also knew that this was my first and so she expected nothing less than a river. she swallowed it all. i did not see that sticky sick fluid at all. dhe kept on sucking still. i was filled with regret. i wanted her to stop doing it but i knew she was having fun. it would be cold if i told her to stop now. she was enjoying after so long and i did not want to spoil it for her. i loved her. i let her lick the left overs. she wiped me clean with her tongue and looked me in the eye. she knew this could be done but she had done it or the first time. she told me that she did it for the first time and i did not believe her. if she did do it for the first time, then i think she is a natural lover. she held my hand and got up. i approached her to kiss her, but she moved away again and led me by the hand to the bathroom. i did not get it. she blew me, she let me see her naked but she did not want to kiss me. was she trying to use me? that would have been pathetic. i waited for her to explain and followed her lead for the moment. my sister has this tub in her bathroom and also a razor, the exact things that we wanted. anita put on the hot water fosset and washed her mouth. okay so she did not wan me to have my cum in my own mouth, that was considerate of her. she turned around and faced me. she put her arm around my neck and talked to me. she told me that she loved me and she not want this night or these three days to end. i told her that i wished the same as her. she told me she wanted a way to leave her man and settle with us. i was struck with an idea. i told her that i could tell mom that we wanted a maid for the whole day and that we should keep you for it. it was brilliant idea. i did try it, but we did not have anita as the one. instead we got someone else.
i fucked the other maid too but she could not have the the love i had for anita. anita continued to come during the day and we did hook up for some while until she found out that i had been screwing the other maids too. back to the moment in the bathroom. the bathtub was full and we steeped inside. anita had brushed with my sister’s brush and was clean now. i lay in the tub on the floor and she climbed on my stomach. her hair was beautifully falling by the side on her breasts and she wet them. she took them with a wave on the other side and with motion they slapped me. it was erotic and awesome. i wanted my first time to be special and this was it. she lay her hand on my chest and came close to my face. there i had the first kiss of my life. she gently placed in on my lips. and backed off. i looked at the sly smile on her face and pulled her back to me. she was a good kisser. i doubted her being a first timer but then i did not care. she hrust her tongue in my mouth and swallowed my saliva. she licked my lips. i knew i was gonna let her direct from this point onwards. she took control. she smooched me and whispered in my ears how much fun she was gonna have with me. its like that sad women was transformed into a horny cat. i liked her. we kissed while in the tub for a long time. we kissed and kissed for like hours. she gently gave strokes to my dick too. she had not removed her panties or her bra. she lay on her back on my stomach. this was the most romantic this that we did. we talked about our future. i told her i was gonna have kids with her and give her a home to live where i would live with her despite my marriage if at all. she got up and looked me with a back angle.
i unhooked my mom’s bra from off her back and let it drop. she picked it up and dropped it outside the tub. she turned around and let me suck her breasts after that. us being in water made them much more juicy. i sucked and bit and pinched hem for a long time until she started dry humping me. to my surprize i came again while just dry humping anita. she giggled at this too. then we got out and went to the shower. she rubbed against each other and felt each other up. the best part was her squeezing my ass and fingering it. she took my dick in between her breasts and there i got a boob job. all for the first time. when we got out of the shower she looked more fair. i took her to my room and there we made love. she removed her panties and that was the last barrier between us. i did not use a condom to fuck her because she told me that she had tubectomy done. now i kne why she did not even have kids. i fucked her in various positions until she hurt. even my muscles began to ache. i finally got in a missionary positions and fucked her long. she clung to me when she came. i felt the warmth in my pubic region. i waited to lick her juices. they tasted weird but the feeling made me horny. i fucked her again in that position and she started responding my hums now and then i came. she made no effore to remove me from her pussy and i came loads in her. she took it all from me. at the end of it she was as tired as i was. we slept almost immediately. she went to the cupboard and fetched me pair of boxers and herself my shirt. she pulled over the blanket for us and switched off the lights. when she lay down all i knew was that i loved her. i clung to her closely and slept with my hands around her breasts and her waist. the next two days were awesome too in regards of sex but nothing could have beaten the first one.
Anita Chapter One : The Crime. Anita’s daughter was very ill she was suffering from viral fever for the past few days. And to add to that Anita’s husband was also not in town. He was on a tour since last week and is supposed to travel back in the next week only. Anita and her husband are the natives of Chandigarh but had to settle in Kolkata due to her husband’s job. They were new in Kolkata and hence didn’t have many friends. The only friend she had was her neighbor Mrs. Murthy, a south Indian...
Copyright 2001 by Samantha Michelle Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different...
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Mohan sharma lived with his wife Anita sharma and 2 kids in the city of Rampur.He had one elder son named Raj age 18 years and a daughter seema.Mohan had married Anita who was from a low case she was hardly 18 when she was married of to Mohan and the very next year she gave birth to Raj.Mohan was 34 when he married her after few 5-6 years of active sex life his passion had dropped and sex became a weekly thing.Anita always respected Mohan as he was a god to her and her family as they were very...
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This is the second part hope you guys enjoy.Please read the first part as it is direct continuation .Its all fantasy just enjoy. Anita woke up and saw her completely nude in the arms of Raj.She recalled the pleasures of last night she felt a mix of happiness and guilt.She looked at Raj he was in deep sleep his face was rested on her breasts he was sleeping like a baby on her. She carefully put her son aside she saw his 9 inch dick which had fucked her for hours last night.she got up her feet...
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Anita at the nudist beach.My sweet wife Ana and I had booked an early summer holiday in the Canary Islands to catch some sun. She liked to sunbathe and swim naked and soon found one of the many nudist beaches. On the sixth day of our holiday we were on the beach at the end of the afternoon and gradually everyone else left until we were alone. We were both stretched out on the sand when a voice suddenly disturbed the quietness. "Good afternoon, I haven't seen you here before." Opening my eyes I...
Anita and the biker One summer evening I returned home from the airport. I had been out of town for almost a complete week and I really wanted to be at home, between my sweet Ana’s arms… I had not told Ana that I was arriving that late night, she expected me home next morning. It was almost midnight when the taxi dropped me at my house. In the darkness I stumbled down and I saw there was a bike in the middle of the driveway. I entered the house, and wandered over to the kitchen, taking a...
Anita and the bikerOne summer evening I returned home from the airport. I had been out of town for almost a complete week and I really wanted to be at home, between my sweet Ana’s arms…I had not told Ana that I was arriving that late night; she expected me home next morning.It was almost midnight when the taxi dropped me at my house. In the darkness I stumbled down and I saw there was a bike in the middle of the driveway.I entered the house, and wandered over to the kitchen, taking a glass of...
I had to attend a boring conference at Reno; so, two days later, my sweet Ana took a flight and joined me to spend together a couple days at Las Vegas.The first whole day we spent in the casino hotel we were staying in. The next day, we rented a car to drive around the city.An adult book store caught Anita’s eye and she asked me if we could go there at night, after dinner. Once we entered the place, we saw some sex books and videos filling the shelves in the walls. In the back was a sign that...
Ana told me her plans for the week end. She would not meet her three young black lovers, because they would be all going out with their sweet girlfriends.But then my sexy wife told me she would meet a new black client that had been recommended to her care by her Boss at the firm.Ana made me laugh when she said she needed a cheerleader outfit because it was a special request by that client for her to wear…I asked her if she could set up her phone cam again; so I could watch her during the...
I told my sweet wife that on Friday night we were invited to meet some office’s mates to have dinner at a local restaurant.Anita happily agreed. I knew she would be in a good mood to dress sexy.But I was wrong; on Friday night she dressed as a slutty bitch…She came down the stairs wearing a tiny black halter top trimmed in gold sleeves, a very short tight black skirt and matching black stiletto heels.When we arrived at the restaurant, my friends were already there. I introduced Anita to them;...
One night, as Anita and I were fucking in our marital bed, I could sense that my sweet wife was hornier than ever…While we were resting there after two hours of good sex; I asked her why she was so horny. Ana smiled and admitted she was so wet and horny because one of her friends, Cecilia, had told her she was dating a black man on the west side of town.I thought Cecilia was happily married; but Ana told me she was going to split up with his husband…She and Ana were close friends and then my...
My sensual wife fucked with me that night like crazy.As we were recovering ourselves on the bed, Ana told me she wanted a new black guy for getting a threesome.As I accepted the deal, Anita admitted that she had a crush on one of her coworkers. His name was Bill, a quiet black married man. It seemed harmless enough to me, since he was married. Anita told me that they just had kissed once in his car, when he drove her to our home during a heavy rain afternoon. My wife swore that it as far as...
I came home early that afternoon, finding Anita naked and stretching out on our bed.My sensual wife smiled at me, saying she was just beginning to touch herself; so she was happy I had come back earlier.I sucked on her heating pussy and fucked her brains out; but, after spending me, my sweet unsatisfied babe said she was still horny, aroused and not truly done after such a fuck.My wild bitch Anita then surprised me, saying she wanted to get a touchup on her little spade tattoo drawn on her...
That evening during dinner, my sexy wife told me she wanted to go to an adult book store where she could suck cocks through a glory hole. Anita said she was in the mood for sucking tonight.I offered my own dick; but she laughed, saying she wanted a huge black one to suck tonight.I asked her if she wanted a huge black cock in her sweet wet cunt after sucking it. And she laughed again, saying she would decide later about letting a stranger fuck her tiny cunt…After having a coffee at home, I drove...
Anita and I had gone to another not so far town, to visit one of my wife’s nieces. Now on our road trip back home, we both were horny, thinking about some time alone we would spend just the two of us in the motel room we had booked in the middle of the way back home.We had been crammed together with a bunch of other nice relatives while staying at our niece’s house and we were just looking forward to enjoy some loud hot sex."It will be nice to be able to make some noise..." Anita said"I was...
My loving wife had been talking during so much time about one of her office’s mates: a very interesting sixty years old woman called Pam.Anita described her as a very attractive lady. Pam was a long time widow and she looked to be funny and a very nice company.One day I finally had the chance to meet her; when Ana asked me to pick up her after office. My wife was there at the entrance of the building, chatting with a slim beautiful woman, dressed in a very sexy outfit.I knew she was the famous...
During their talking when having sex, Jerome learnt that Anita’s niece, Clara, would be staying with us some days while on college summer break. Jerome then said my wife that he had a nephew that would be in town this week as well and wanted to try and get them to spend some time together. Then my sweet wife knew exactly what that meant, but she said nothing…On Friday afternoon Jerome and his nephew Shaquille came over to visit.The black guy was a good looking young man with excellent manners,...
I came back home after spending the day playing golf and my sexy wife received me just wearing high heels and a black nylon hose. Anita dragged me to our marital bed and we fucked all night long like wild crazy rabbits.When we were both done and recovering the breath she told me:“I arranged a gangbang with two black studs; Jamal’s friends…”Ana admitted she was really horny and needed more than one black cock to calm down. My sensual babe said she had arranged everything with the black guys and...
One week after sharing my lovely wife with her old Boss, the man came again home for dinner and claim the deal I had arranged with him. He could enjoy Ana whenever he wanted; but just in front of me.But this time the envy did surface from me, as Ana offered Christopher her tight asshole.I watched my sensual wife on her hands and knees, as at first she squealed with pain and then her sobs turned to cries of lust as the old Boss impaled her onto his magnificent rod up to the bottom of her tight...
Chris moved carefully and quietly through the darkness, around the edge of the dune fence that separated the small bungalow from the beach house he had been sharing with his friends. It had been a great vacation by the shore, and now that his buddies were gone he was feeling restless. The summer was winding down, and he had a few days left to himself, alone. The partying was over, and he was horny... He had spotted the two girls when they had moved in a month ago - a cute, slim brunette with...
Anita wanted to purchase some new sexy lingerie at the mall; so she begged me to drive her there and help her with the choice…Once there, we went directly to a store lingerie at the second floor.Ana picked up some stuff she wanted to try and then we went to the back of the store, where my sexy wife entered a changing stall. She asked me to wait outside and I obeyed her, sitting down on a very comfortable couch right there. Five minutes later, I noticed Phillip coming down to the changing...
That early evening, as I came back home from work, my sweet wife said she had something to tell me…Ana poured me a nice glass of Irish whisky and we sat outside close to the pool. She was wearing a light sun dress so when she crossed her legs I had a perfect view of her long tanned legs and I noticed she was not wearing panties…Anita smiled and pulled the hem up so I could even see her nice shaven mound. Her pussy lips looked swollen and wet…Now she had my full attention, Ana told me she had...
Friday late evening my sweet Ana told me after dinner she was in the mood for some drinks out. I accepted the offer and she went ready in just few minutes. When she came back from the bedroom, she was wearing a sexy black short dress, revealing her long beautiful legs. Before leaving, Ana bent over her waist, to show me she was not wearing a thong. Even her labia seemed to be already wet…I asked her about her plans for the night and she told me she just was horny and wanted to check somebody at...
Hi friends mera nam vijay hai, mai pune me ek software company me kam karata hu. Ye meri first story hai agar koi galati ho jaye to maf kar dena. Mai apane bare me batata hu, meri age 30 hai, meri height 5ft 7inch hai. Meri average body hai. Mai apani story pe aata hu. Ye story six month pehile ki hai, jab mai kam ke like goa gaya tha. Waha ek 5 star hotel me ruka tha. Muze saturday sunday off tha. Generally say log goa me beach pe date hai ghumne k liye, lekin mai wise hi hotel ke swimming...
Hi everyone thanks for your love and support I thank all the ladies who appreciated my story and motivated to write more.Here the next part of the saga and please feel free to send your criticisms or appreciation I thank a very special person who reviewed this story for me and her input and support was critical.Aunties and Bhabhis please feel free to mail me at Raj opened his eyes it was morning so much had happened in past week.He went out of his room and went to the kitchen he saw his mom...
IncestEk din anita (mere padosi ki larki)ke papa ki tabiyat kharab thi.gaon ka koi sath me hospital nahi gya.sirf mai anita aur uske papa gye.doctor se dikhane ke bad humlog ghar nahi laute kyonki baris ho rahi thi aur wahi hospital me ek kona me so gaye.uske papa ko doctor nind ki sui diya tha to wo nind me thori der bad so gye .anita mere bagal me soi thi.mai dusri taraf muh karke soya tha.rat me karib ek baje anita uthi meri nind khul gai lekin mai soya raha.anita ko pesab lagi thi to o pass me...
I was a bit busy at my office during morning, when my sweet wife called me, saying she would join me for lunch.I was pleased to hear that, since I was sure that Anita would be also busy at her office at this time.Just after noon I had gone outside the building, when I saw my wife pulling at the parking lot, close to my car. So I went to greet her. Anita rolled her window down so I could talk and when I looked in, my jaws just dropped down. My sexy wife was wearing a short skirt and it was...
Bob was between his second and third wife, spending his time by going on blind dates with women he found on various dating websites. It was his habit to get to know women with emails and then invite them on a date to go for a walk. He knew of several places along the way where they could get away with having sex in public. He found Anita on one of the tamer websites. She was an African American female, and he had never dated a black woman. He made contact by sending her an email, which was...
My sweet wife had met a new girlfriend two months ago.Carolynn was an Attorney; a bleached blonde hair wife in her early forties, looking very good and stunning sexy. Killer legs and a perfect round butt.She attracted the looks of every man at the club; even more than Anita.Friday afternoon I finished early with all my paper work at the office and I ran away very quickly from there; I went directly to the tennis club, where Ana was in the middle of a local tournament.After my successful wife...
That week end I was far away from town on another boring business trip, when I received a message from my sexy wife.Anita texted she was sitting at a bar now; a black guy was hitting on her…She wrote that the stranger had bought her a few drinks and they were having a good time chatting there. All of a sudden, to her surprise, he whispered that they could go to the parking lot and my wife could suck his cock with her nice red lips…He asked about her ability to suck dick. She told him all about...
That night I had fucked my sexy wife in a very wild manner. Ana even had given to me her sweet tight asshole; knowing that I loved to sodomize her. As he recovered our breath lying in bed; Ana put on a porn movie.The porn showed a blonde chick with a Latin guy and a black man.She was taking the huge black cock into her mouth while being fucked hard by the Latin mate from behind. Soon the scene changed, as the woman was taking the Latin cock in her ass. But at same time, that Latin guy fucking...
My sweet hot Ana confessed she was horny thinking about having a good piece of black cock between her nice long legs. The bigger the better. We had been invited to a wedding at California on those days and after the ceremony, Ana had convinced me to stay for some days as kind of little vacation. She thought that here she could meet some black guys…One evening we went to the local bar for a few drinks and noticed a group of young black guys at the next table. They were having a heavy argument...
That night I went to bed alone; while I still was hearing the moans and cries my sexy wife was giving as she was riding our black neighbor’s huge dick.I closed my eyes but I could hear Anita yet.Our neighbor Sam seemed to be a jackhammer…Two hours later I saw my disheveled wife walk into the bedroom. Her hair was a mess and her breathing heavy. She was still fully naked and I could see some red scratches on the inner sides of her thigh’s soft skin and around her dark areolas of her soft boobs....
After dating my sweetheart Ana for about a couple of months, I finally decided it was time to introduce her to my parents.I talked with them both and they kindly invited us to spend the weekend and share their comfortable cottage in the woods.Ana was delighted when I told her she would my lovely parents.On Saturday morning I picked Anita up from her home and we drove to the woods. When we arrived and got out of the car, I could smell the grill. My father was there cooking for sure…My mom smiled...
Anita enjoys three huge black men Friday afternoon I was at my office when my loving wife Anita texted me.One of her old black lovers, a young guy called Thomas, had called her telling that he wanted to come home and give her a good fucking because he was feeling horny. Anita asked if this was fine to me and obviously I told her that would be right…I got home a bit later than usual and expected her to tell me all about what Thomas had got up to with her. As I opened the door I could hear the...
Anita gangbanged in a storage roomSaturday night my company had arranged a nice formal dinner for potential customers and of course, I was present there with my sweet wife Ana.Although it was supposed to be a very formal dinner, Ana had chosen to wear a very provocative and sexy outfit: a tight low cut black dress, strapless, very sexy really… As we sat at a table with two other couples, I noticed that my wife's nipples were erect and visible through the shear material of her tight dress. I...
Anita’s backdoorThat summer time Anita and I accepted our friends Cecilia and Peter’s idea for sharing a vacation week with them at a nice Bahamas resort.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming and relaxing in the sun. During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third evening, after dinner, Ana and I came back to our room to relax. Suddenly she told me she would...