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Chapter One : The Crime.

Anita’s daughter was very ill she was suffering from viral fever for the past few days. And to add to that Anita’s husband was also not in town. He was on a tour since last week and is supposed to travel back in the next week only. Anita and her husband are the natives of Chandigarh but had to settle in Kolkata due to her husband’s job. They were new in Kolkata and hence didn’t have many friends. The only friend she had was her neighbor Mrs. Murthy, a south Indian lady who has came to her help quite often. Even during Tulip’s, their only daughter, fever she had done a lot.

The doctor had visited a couple of days before and had prescribed some strong antibiotics, and has asked to give her an injection if the antibiotics didn’t work in a couple of days. Two days had gone past but the fever didn’t seem to come down. Anita thought it would be wise to get the injections. She called up the doctor, but he said Anita that he wouldn’t be able to come before night due to the strike. Anita was helpless she couldn’t bear the agony of her daughter any more. She thought of getting the injections and to inject it to Tulip of her own. It was strike so even raghu the servant was on holiday. So she wanted to venture out herself and get the injections. But at first she went to Mrs. Murthy and asked her to stay at her place and keep an eye on Tulip until she returned. Mrs. Murthy wanted to stop Anita from going due to the strike, but she couldn’t stop a determined mother from overlooking the dangers. But she accepted to stay and keep an eye on Tulip. Anita went out but only to find all the shops shut down. She ran from here to there in search of a medicine shop but couldn’t find one. After a tiring search she could reach a store which had people inside. She knocked heavily on its shutters begging to open. There was only one person inside, after refusing initially, but finally gave up and answered to Anita’s pleas. He opened the shutter and asked her to state her requisition quickly. He was also very nervous and with fumbling hands he handed over the injection to Anita and asked her to leave quickly.

Suddenly, when Anita was about to leave, a few members of the local party surrounded the store.

?Didn’t you knew, there is a strike today?? asked the leader of the faction.

?The lady here needed these medicines urgently? fumbled the keeper while answering.

?Please sir, my daughter is sick that’s why? intervened the Anita.

?Nothing doing, sorry madam a strike is a strike we cannot let you go? said the leader.

?Please my little child is sick she needs this medicine? pleaded Anita again and again.

Soon it turned into a heated exchange and at the heat of the moment Anita blew a slap on the face of the leader. Suddenly the situation got aggregated every one pounced on Anita. They literally pushed her and she fell on the ground. One of them even kicked her while she fell on the ground. In the meantime the leader who now recovered from the blow started hurling abuses towards Anita, he caught hold of her hairs and dragged her inside the store shouting that they will teach the bitch a valuable lesson. Anita despite of her feeble struggle couldn’t stop them from dragging her inside.

As soon as they were in the others pulled the shutters and locked themselves inside. The keeper was taken to a corner and tied to a chair. Then the leader pulled Anita’s hairs and looked at her with wrath. Anita spat on his face, even at 37 she was showing some courage. But it was not enough.

?Strip the bitch? ordered the leader wiping his face off. And all of them jumped on her; one of them grabbed the loose end of her sarree and rolled it open. Anita now in blouse and petticoat tried to cover herself with her hands. But she was too little a resistance before the group. Soon they stripped Anita off her clothes to leave her naked among them. Anita’s resistance was now changed into pleas which were not reaching their ears. Suddenly the leader got his eyes to what Anita was buying, he picked up the syringe and took it out of the packing.

?Spread the bitch on the floor, and secure her tightly? commanded the leader as he took the needle out.

The others quickly reacted as they forced Anita on the ground and held her legs and arms tightly. The leader now had a grin and a sense of achievement in him as he approached the helpless lady, who was lying naked on the floor, for his revenge. He looked at Anita’s eyes with a chill to see the fear as he readied himself for the blow.

?AAWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHH? Anita went bizarre as he put the needle through her right nipple. Everyone broke into laughter. ?MMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHH? moaned Anita while he took it out.

?NAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH? this time through her left nipple.

?Please let me go; no more? pleaded Anita. ?THWAAAAAK? she got a slap.

?Shut up you bitch, we have just started? rejoiced saying the leader while he started exploring Anita’s shivering body. His fingers crossed her ribs, then belly, before finally rubbing her pubic regions. He pinched her vagina, pulled her hairs slightly before thrusting her middle finger deep inside Anita.

?OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH? she shouted followed by pleas of No. But it wasn’t much to stop her from being ravaged. The leader took his finger out and feeling the bulge he had developed deep down in his waist, he took off his pants and positioned himself to give Anita a fuck. Despite Anita’s continuous pleas to stop, the leader finally inserted his filthy cock inside Anita and started thrusting vigorously. While the others were molesting every part of her, someone was licking her ears, someone was biting her lips, and someone was chewing on her already bruised nipples. Finally after a vigorous fuck the leader sprayed his load deep inside the helpless Anita.

As he moved away after a tiring torture, another man from the faction took his position, then another, and another. Finally everyone had a go at Anita fucking her helpless cunt. Soon she was senseless but they didn’t cared, they continued fucking her even while she was unconscious. Finally after a grueling 3 and a half hour the men left Anita on her piteous condition and left the scene as champions. They gave a glance to the feared and shivering store keeper with a broad grin before leaving the store.

Slowly after they left the shop keeper went outside running, he looked here and there and finally came back ensured that they have gone. He cautiously brought Anita back to her senses then draped her back in her cloth, gave her some warmth and later escorted her back home.

At Anita’s home in the mean time Mrs. Murthy was growing rather worried from Anita’s long absence even Tulip had asked for her numerous times before falling asleep. She was having all kind of weird feelings, suddenly the bell ranged. Mrs. Murthy was stuck at his place seeing Anita at that condition. She let the duo in while the store keeper explained to her what has happened before leaving. Mrs. Murthy instantly tried to console Anita. But Anita was more worried about her daughter, once learned that she is Ok Anita broke in tears. Mrs. Murthy helped her wash herself and get some warmth. She tipped her to forget everything and not to mention about it to anyone. But rebellious Anita wasn’t the one to keep quite once her husband was back both of them lodged a complaint against the group of men with the police.

Chapter Two : The Police.

The police on basis of Anita’s statement rounded up all the goons of the area and had called her up for a quick trial as an identification parade. Anita entered the room but none of the goons there were the one who had been defiling Anita the previous day. After that day she was often called for such identification parades which went in vain. Finally one day Anita and her husband went to the police with the photograph of the leader. The photograph was published in one of the dailies and Anita had spotted and identified the person at the first glance.

?Are you sure madam, this was the man?? asked the inspector.

?Yes indeed, how can I forget the face of such a bastard?? replied Anita.

The inspector seemed to be in a spot of bother. ?Madam actually this man is Sandeep Bhattacharya the local MLA for the ruling party? Said the nervous inspector.

?So what, which law says a MLA can rape anyone and the police can’t arrest him? growled the hot blooded husband of Anita.

?It is not like that sir, he is a very powerful man I insist you drop the case? Insisted the inspector. But after a serious altercation the duo couldn’t be moved from their decision.

?Very well we will see how you cannot arrest the man? said Anita’s husband before rudely exiting from the police station. Soon after that they both called a press conference and exposed the lecherous MLA. It was a hot selling item and almost all the newspapers grabbed the piece of news. Since then it was another saga for Anita and her family. Under public and press pressure Sandeep had to surrender but he gave the statement as not guilty and he didn’t know what the lady was speaking of. However the cunning MLA sought a bail and started plotting against Anita with his lawyers. He was desperate to save his public image and hence something was needed to be done as the lawyers sat in unison to work out a way.

It was a Tuesday and Anita was waiting for Tulip to get back home when suddenly the bell rang. Anita ran down to the door and opened up expecting Tulip.

?Are you Anita? asked a sturdy police inspector.

?Yes? Anita replied anxiously.

?Sorry but we have an arrest warrant on your name? declared the officer.

?What there must be some mistake? stated Anita.

But there certainly wasn’t and it was actually happening according to the plot or trap that was laid by the MLA, his accomplices and his lawyers. Anita among the gathering inquisitive crowd was put into the police van and carried to the police station. She was detained in a lock up for two hours before her husband came rushing. But he was not allowed to meet Anita and was made to sit outside the police station. Anita was called for a quick interrogation where the inspector gave her choices.

?Look madam you have a hearing of your case in four days from now, but before that we want you to accept that you are a prostitute and the event that occurred that day was with your consent? said the inspector.

?What is this? Is it a joke? Why should I say this? Where is Inspector Roy?? asked Anita.

?Look I am not here to answer your questions. Roy has been moved out of this case and I am the new in charge now do as you are told? said the inspector. She was again put back in the lockup. Every hour a constable was sent to ask whether she had made her decision or not. Even the charged MLA also came in the evening to visit her, he also asked Anita to sign on the papers. But Anita didn’t budge, the MLA asked the inspector to give her a nights tie before continuing with anything. So Anita was allowed a night to think on the proposal.

At the morning when she was she replied in negative. Also she wanted to see her husband and daughter. Despite the inspectors threat and all she refused to sign. She was pestered all the day but she kept on refusing till night. At night the inspector went inside a room and called up two constables, he asked them to bring Anita there. Anita was escorted in the room and produced before the inspector where he asked her for the final time whether she will sign or not, Anita didn’t replied.

?Very well? said the inspector, ?Hold the bitch and strip her, I will see how she doesn’t sign?.

Anita was forcefully stripped by the constables off her clothes leaving her standing stark naked inside the room. The inspector with a broad grin on his face ordered to parade Anita naked in the entire police station. Anita was grabbed by her hairs and was taken outside. All the other inmates were taken by surprise seeing a naked lady being paraded in front of them. She was paraded slowly among the station and the barracks before brought back after an hour.

?This is just the beginning you bitch, sign here if you don’t wish to suffer? asked the officer.

Anita replied in silence. ?Very well then? replied the inspector. After that she was taken to the toilet where she was forced to lie down and the inspector and the constables took turn to piss on her. What followed after that was more pathetic, her jaws were forced open and they stacked inside some scats collected from the tanks. She was forced to take them in before she vomited it all out. But that also didn’t stopped the inhuman treatment they made Anita to eat her vomit. After that she was beaten up with a baton until she fell unconscious. She was beaten all over her body not sparing a single part. Special emphasis was given to her ass, belly, breasts and vagina. After that she was hastily dressed and carried back to her cell where she was dumped for the rest of the night.

At the morning she was again asked whether she wants to sign or not. But Anita already bruised and beaten proved to be a hard one, she refused deadly. In the mean time the pressure was getting on the inspector, only two nights were remaining before the trials. And he wanted to plan something more deadly that night. Once again Anita was taken inside the room naked. The inspector was sitting their oiling a really thick wooden baton. Anita was made to bend over the table and was tied to that. The inspector once again asked her whether she wanted it to stop or not. Later he ordered the constables to grab her ass cheeks and get it separated, soon her ass cheeks were parted exposing her tiny ass hole. She was a virgin in the ass and hence had a really small passage. But in a single thrust the officer let inside the thick baton that was bathed in oil. ?AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? went Anita before falling unconscious of the tremendous pain. But this time she was forced back into senses and was again given the same treatment. Each time the thick rod entered Anita it almost tore apart her ass hole. But the inhuman inspector carried on fucking her with the goddamn thing. Soon it became unbearable for Anita and again she fell unconscious for the fifth time in that night. Later she was brought back to her senses and fucked. Fucked by every policeman, in every position and when it was not enough she was thrown into the men’s cell where the inmates broke on to her like mad dogs. They pinched her, bit her, tore her apart and fucked her vigorously for two to three hours. Later in the morning an unconscious and wore out Anita was again dumped back to the cell. This time however the inspector was pretty sure that she will do anything to avoid such a night.

The next morning the inspector approached Anita with a broader grin, but to his dismay Anita was still unmoved from her point. She bluntly refused the hopeful inspector. He wanted to bash Anita right there but somehow he controlled himself and after gathering himself he came back to his desk to consult with the MLA’s lawyers. They however asked him to put as much pressure as he can, to which the officer said that he had tried his level best, they had gang raped her, got her torn to bits by other inmates, fucked her asshole, humiliated her, beaten her up black and blue. And he was at his wits end. The lawyers thought for a second and told the inspector that it was time to use the ultimate weapon as the next morning was the trial. The inspector heard each and every bit of the plan and was highly amused, he hardly could wait.

Finally it was night again, at half past eleven the constables took Anita out of her cell, stripped her naked and bound her to the cells of the other inmates so that she can see what is happening inside. Anita was getting used to such treatments; she prepared herself for another beating or gang rape or something of the same sort. However what happened was beyond her imagination.

?MMMMMUUUMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? heard Anita in a sobbing voice, and instantly she could identify the voice of her dear little daughter Tulip. She wanted to see what was happening at the back as she didn’t wanted to believe what she was hearing, but her bounds prevented her to glance back. Finally when the sobbing voice neared she could see the horror from the corner of her voice. Tulip it was, all naked, stripped like her and she was dragged by two constables into the cell of the inmates, the lots who had raped Anita the night before. Anita started shouting hysterically –

?Please, No, leave herm she is a virgin, don’t spoil her life please no, I will do whatever you say, please stop?

So before any of the devils in that cell could put a hand on the 12 years girl she was stopped. Anita had no choice but to do as told, she signed on a blank paper before put back in the cell with her dear daughter. After an hour and sharing the news of his rejoice with his masters the inspector separated the two and send Tulip back. He told Anita that Tulip will be with them as a guarantee that Anita accepts whatever charge is put on her by the MLA’s lawyers.

Chapter Three : The Trial

The trial that followed proved to be more than Anita or her husband had imagined. Charges of prostitution, pimping, and selling her own daughter for sex and money was put up against Anita. And Anita as asked had to accept all the charges, and not only that had to confess that even her husband was her partner in crime. And she had to give a written testimony that Sandeep Bhattacharya as a responsible MLA was preparing to get them arrested so the couple tried to frame him in a fake rape case. When asked about Tulip she said that she was sold to a wealthy customer in Saudi Arabia.

The magistrate was convinced with the charges and the written acceptance of the party and hence sentenced Anita and her husband with jail custody of five years. Anita’s husband was arrested and both of them were taken to the presidency jail.

Neither of them was given any clue about the whereabouts of Tulip, but she was promised that they are trying to get her out on bail and once out Tulip will be handed over to her, but her husband had to suffer the entire period of the sentence. Anita’s husband also accepted the terms for the happiness of Anita and Tulip.

However while at jail Anita was used every night for pleasure, either by the jailor, or by the deputy jailor, sometimes by any high profile inmate, or any minister or guest. She was also ferried out to be sending to ministers occasionally. Hence for one month each night she was used as a whore, each night, sparing none.

Finally after a month the police filed a bail plead with the magistrate citing that Anita had helped the law by accepting her crime and becoming an approver. The bail was quickly processed and in another two weeks she was free.

Chapter Four : Freedom

Anita was free, she walked out of the jail feeling the free air but more anxious to see her daughter. A car approached to her claiming to take her to her daughter. She boarded with them without any hesitation. Soon the car going through some circles of the city reached an old abandoned shed. Anita was taken out and was asked to cooperate. They put a blindfold on her eyes and dragged her inside. After walking down a passage and climbing up some stairs and again walking they finally came to a halt. The blindfold was taken out of her eyes and she took the time for her eyes to soothe in the light. She was not at all surprised to see Sandeep in front of her.

?Where is my daughter?? asked Anita.

?Hmmm, she is here only, we will go to her. What’s the urgency? commented the MLA.

?But first I have an incomplete work, boys get her? ordered the MLA.

Soon all his accomplices got hold of her, they bound her to a rope hanging from the ceiling, so that she was hanging upon her wrists. After that on the MLA’s order she was stripped naked.

?I should have ended your story on that day itself, or you couldn’t have given us the trouble. But now you will rue the fact that you were born? smiled the MLA as Anita looked around the area in a horrifying look. She saw one of his accomplices bringing in an iron rod that was glowing red with heat. He handed it over to the MLA who without wasting any moment made contact with flesh.

?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? shouted Anita before falling unconscious as the MLA pressed the red hot rod against her ass cheek. She was again brought back to senses.

?What, so early? I have just started? said with a grin the MLA before pressing the same against her belly now.

?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? once again shouted Anita before passing away. Every time she passed away she was brought back to her senses and repeated the same treatment. The glowing rod was pressed against her ass chicks, belly, thighs, arms, and right breast leaving behind deep dark patches of burning scar. After that they attached loose ends of a wire to her clitoris and started giving her electric shocks. In the entire night she was given more than fifty shocks and some shocks were so powerful that it made her shit and piss. Later she was forced to eat her own shit and lick her piss. Finally the MLA wanted something to put on her which Anita will never forget in her entire life, so he with a great ease held her right nipple and then with a scissor cut it off. Blood started to rush down of her cut nipple. She passed away instantly after letting go a hysterical shout. The MLA ordered his henchmen to seal the wound and let her see her daughter once she was back to her senses.

Anita came back to her senses after thirty six hours, by the time the wound was concealed, she found herself lying on a bed in a cramp room. She immediately shouted demanding to see her daughter. Some men rushed in and asked her to follow. It was night outside they took her to another house, she could figure out that she was in a red light area. They escorted her inside a house and asked her to pip inside a glass window. To the horrors of Anita she looked through the window.

It was Tulip, she was naked she was being fucked by a fat man. Anita screamed to let her go, but she was slapped by the men. Who said her that her daughter in now known as Tulu and was a top whore of the area, she costs over five hundred bucks per night. They also described Anita how she reacted in her first night, how she squealed when she was nailed again and again and again by the MLA’s men, how she bled and screamed when they violated her ass hole, how she shit when she was fisted the first time and how she vomited when she was made to eat the load of a customer. But now she was an expert whore. She serves to at least ten customers per night and had an addiction for cum. Sometimes she used to beg to the men for their cum, they also told her how expert fucker she was how stretched her pussy and ass hole was, and all during this Anita kept gazing at her once sweet daughter who was now being pounded by a fat greasy cock. Then by another, and then by another, and soon Anita started laughing hysterically without any reason. Exactly what the MLA had wanted happened Anita had become half mad whatever left was completed by the MLA’s men. They took her for a night, filled each of her holes with cocks. She was fucked in every possible way and then at the morning, they shaved her head completely, filled her with dust and dirt and then finally dropped her in a border village near Jharkhand.

From that day onwards a naked, dirty and head shaved lunatic roams in the villages of Jharkhand who keeps laughing and crying at the same time. Anita’s husband also confined himself in the four walls of the prison, and as of Tulip, she was now Tulu a highly charged whore who never again saw the light of the society.


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When Kea woke up, she was a bit confused; it took her a couple of seconds to realize where she was. “Oh, Windport... the spa hotel, of course”, she thought. She opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the night table; it was a quarter past eight. Then she looked at her side and saw Landra lying sweetly face down, exposing her beautiful naked back and her awesome butt. She was still dreaming with the Sandman. Kea didn’t want to wake her up, so she gently covered Landra’s body with the quilt...

3 years ago
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Caught Girlfriend With Stepmom

My mouth went dry and my stomach wrenched as I peered through the cracked door of my parents bedroom to see the naked, roundish, white bottom of my girlfriend sticking up towards me, the ridges of her labia peeking out beneath her pink anus as her head bobbed up and down between my mother's spread legs. Well, she's my step mom really. But I think of her as my mom as my real one has not been around for years. A soft moaning issued from mom's throat as she rode her hips up and down gently in the...

4 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 5

The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...

2 years ago
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The Escort and the

I can still remember the empty echo of my stiletto heels, clicking against the marble floors as I rushed out of the Hazelton Hotel. I felt filthy. I didn’t dare look at the impeccably groomed doorman as he nodded to me while I hurried past him. “Have a good evening Miss,” he said in his well-mannered way. He was oblivious to the debased scene I had just left in Room 2412 as I had successfully turned my first trick as a high-class escort. Yet, why didn’t I feel “high class” at all in that...

3 years ago
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The Agency of the Sexual Anomalies

"The Agency of Sexual Anomalies is involved in the containment of the paranormal sexual anomalies that lurk in our world. Some are benevolent magical milfs, while some are alien impregnators, and some are just outright unexplainable, but it is your job to ensure the humanity stays safe and unaware of these bizarre erotic aberrations." Your grandfather concludes his monologue peering out the living room window blinds as you stare at him with eyes agape in bewilderment. "WHAT?!?!" you exclaimed,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jasmine Jae Titty Fuck Cunt Creampie

Raven-haired, hard-bodied MILF Jasmine Jae wears an alluring fishnet bodystocking.Exposing her big boobs, she stares lewdly into XXX director/performer Mick Blue’s POV lens. Jasmine massages glistening oil into her mammoth jugs and masturbates her hairy twat through the crotch of her fetish wear. Lubricant drizzles down her back and over her exquisite derriere. The brick-house Brit strokes Mick’s big cock and cradles his balls. Jasmine gives him a POV-angled blowjob....

2 years ago
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The Edge of Darkness

Sitting at my desk, wearing a long cotton bathrobe and a pair of bedroom slippers, I jotted down notes for the class lecture on consciousness studies that I was to give on Monday morning at UNLV. The subject of my lecture dealt with the different levels of alternate realities that could be experienced by taking psilocyben mushrooms, doing long periods of sitting meditation, and practicing sensory deprivation. All three methods could be effectively used to expand human consciousness, offering...

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The Heatwave Chapter Two

Rachel rifled through her closet trying to find the perfect outfit for her date that night. She tried on some nice jeans but they didn't fit any more. She tried on a skirt but she usually used it for clubs so it was a bit short for a nice restaurant. Finally, she pulled out a red dress she’d bought a while back but hadn't had the opportunity to wear yet. It was a tight number that fell asymmetrical at the knees to give a peek of her upper legs. The back was lacy to give a hinting glance of her...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog Blowjob

Do you prefer to stream your shit online or to download it instead? I have reviewed a good portion of websites that offer both and some that offer just one of those two options. Here I am today, reviewing a website dedicated to porn downloads. It a free porn website called, where you have tons of pornos to enjoy.I understand how the site's name could be rather confusing since porn blogs are not really known to actually offer downloads. This website is basically a blog and a...

Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 6 The First Review

Once again, I was in a deep sleep, having been exhausted by our activities over the past few days. Our bodies, or at least mine, had not fully adjusted to this new level of activity. At one point in my slumber, I had a fleeting impression of something heavier than my blankets pressing against me, but the single brain cell that had been awakened by the intrusion quickly returned to its unconscious state. After some unknown period of time, I began the slow climb back to reality. I started to...

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My Teenage God Ch 3 Deborahs Story

Deborah Kass, a twenty-six year old fellow grad student of Davids, had been looking forward to tutoring for months now. She had been so excited when Breanne, the program organizer, had told her about the program. She had always wanted to give back to the local community and work with kids. She had had a tutor in high school as well who had made a great impression on her, she hoped to be such a role model. Deborah arrived at the school early, wanting to make a good impression. For the occasion...

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There I was, leaning back on a picnic table watching him pull my underwear and shorts down my legs. My little cock was swaying around out in the cool air as the rain storm hammered down on the small shelter. He threw my soakened clothes down onto the wet concrete. I remember the slapping sound they made. I stared intently as he removed his shirt. I was in a trance, I struggled getting my wet t-shirt off me....I gave up and froze my gaze on his enormous meat stick emerge from his shorts. It...

2 years ago
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Todd and Danny part 3

This story is true by all accounts the names have been changed but the facts haven't. This story is based on my time in the military during the don't ask don't tell era. After lying in Todd's arms i was in love and would do anything for Todd. In the days after the fuck session with Todd things started to change no matter what i did for Todd it was never enough or good enough. I was considering just moving on but Todd said if i left he would see to it that every one on post would know that i was...

4 years ago
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Showroom Girl

This is not a ‘story’ in the sense of fiction or fantasy just something that happened last month. It’s not that dramatic but I found it exciting and decided to share.My wife is an exhibitionist and goes out wearing seamed stockings and stiletto heels. However, when the weather gets very warm she tends to stop wearing stockings out and prefers to wear tops which show off her big bust to good effect – she’s a 40E cup.Recently she bought some tight leather-look trousers and was delighted with the...

2 years ago
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Bestial Lust A True History

I don’t know exactly when it was that I began to have an interest in bestiality. I never knew it was called that, or even that there were other people who practised it, when I became aware of it in myself. Just as I do not know when, I do not know why. I have been interested in dogs as sexual partners from a young age, but contrariwise, I was more of a ‘cat person’. I have no reason to believe that I had any kind of sexual encounters when I was young, whether from animals or humans, so that...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 47

Jim LaCross had come to a decision as he watched the players warm up. He decided he wanted to see what Brock could do at second base without any specialized coaching. It would give him a better idea of what he would find in seven weeks when Opening Day rolled around. He led the Major League and Minor League coaching staffs onto the field and clapped his hands sharply. "When a coach calls out your name, go with him," LaCross yelled. "Miller and Hartman, you're with me." He turned and...

4 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 4

JW Warmer. Much warmer. Cyn was spending all her free time on the cabin top testifying her love of the sun ... starkers. For all she was 48 feet long, Sailbait was singularly lacking in foredeck. The commissioner had specified six three headroom, so she had quite tall cabin sides, narrow floors and no tumblehome. She had decent decks ... easily walked upon. When it was her turn on duty Cyn spent her time as the helm watchdog either naked or just bottoms. The warmer the weather the less...

4 years ago
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Brothers Best Friend Ch 05

Here it finally is after the long await. Sorry it took so long. Stupid computer crashed and deleted all my work. Hope you like it ********************************************* Ryder: I decided to give Katie time before I continued my pursuit of her, not wanting to scare her completely. By the end of the third day I was going insane with lust. Fucking numerous girls to an unsatisfying climax that was only brought on by the memories of Katie’s soft lips and throaty moan. I knew whatever I did...

1 year ago
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Body SwapChapter 18

In February we had another swim meet for the swimming club and again Katy and I won both our events. I think the fact that we had been selected to swim for the county later this month gave us the incentive to train that bit harder and it was showing in our times. We both swam personal bests in both swims. Afterwards as we spoke to Jenny and Di and they congratulated us on our personal bests and suggested that sometime soon we should have another party at our place to celebrate. The next day...

3 years ago
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The Creature chapter four

CHAPTER FOUR When I woke up the next time, he finally allowed me to wake up. I was lying on the coffee table in the TV room, and the room was very bright. He was sitting on the couch beside me, watching both me, and a TV program. It took me a while to get my eyes open, keep them that way, and to fully wake up. But I finally did so. He looked at me and winked. Then I noticed that my shirt was rolled up around my chest, just underneath where my sports- bra ended - showing my entire stomach and...

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She was untied and brought up naked to the master. He was a tall and controlling man. He had several slaves in his dungeon. They were all beautiful and obeyed and loved him. He could be cruel or loving depending on his needs and mood. If he knocked them up they gave birth alone chained in the dungeon and the c***d was taken away and sold. Today the young blonde stood before him. He ran his hands over her face and then her tits. He grabbed each nipple and twisted and pulled it. Then he grabbed...

1 year ago
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This story is completly Fictional. . & am writting it for fun IT all started when i came home from 5 years studing abroad. . I have a littel sis called jana 22 years old. Fucken sexy body & face . When she talks, she make u wanna fuck her brain out. . So naturally she is born as a sex machin not as a normal woman. I never thought about this before. this feeling started flureshup when i came home, jana and my family welcomed me & made everything to make me feel the worm of home that i lost it 5...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cums for a Visit

I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...

2 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 3

After so many years in the Army I can't sleep-in even if I try. But today, that was a blessing because lying in my arms and still pressed close against me Abby slept soundly. Maybe I should feel guilty about Marv, but I didn't. I've never felt as close to a woman as I did to Abby right now. There was no doubt that we loved each other. Abby stirred a little and whimpered in her sleep. I held her a little closer and felt her relax again. Gently I disentangled myself from her sleepy form and...

4 years ago
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The Bar PickUp Chapter 3 and Last

The Bar Pick-Up Chapter 3, and Last….Readers are encouraged to read the previous chapters, so that the whole story will make more sense. This chapter joins events already in place…----------------------------------------------------The grumpy voice repeated itself. “Hey, Asshole, get off of her... it’s my turn!”With that growl, my r****t rolled off of me, and left me there, a sweaty mess. Legs wide, pussy gaping, and semen leaking from me, I had some small hope he wouldn’t find me...

1 year ago
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Taking a Road TripDAY FIVE

DAY FIVE “... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. 98 bottles of beer on the wall...” We sang this three complete times, but it did pass the time, as R2 yelled, “Now Entering Colby, Kansas” all the way to us in the back. About fifteen minutes later we pulled into a Hampton Inn. Things are getting better every time we stop. Mom came and unlocked us. I gave her a hug and quietly said, “Thank you!” Jess and I...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare brother 9

He leaned his head up and gave me a kiss along with another lusty look. “I'm glad to hear that, laying my head on your tits got me very horny,” Jeff said. “But you have to carry me to the bedroom though,” I replied. So he put his arms under me and lifted me up. He walked to the bedroom and he gently put me on the bed. But he didn't get on top of me just yet. He got on other side and laid next to me. “Didn't you say you were horny?” I asked. “Yes, but sometimes I just like being close to you. I...

4 years ago
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Hippie Chick

Braided long brown hair streaked with grey, cotton work shirt, jeans and tattoos snaking out onto the top of her hands. She had beautiful blue, friendly eyes and was slim, almost skinny.. We were taking another break, one of many that day. We seemed to do more talking than work around the place, which was exactly what I felt she wanted. “Hey, I like you.” she said "I like you too." I replied. "It's been great getting to know you...and to be straight with you, that's really the reason...

2 years ago
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Metamorphosis of Number 50 Part 2

Metamorphosis of Number 50 - Part 2 Chapter 3 - The Vault Elsa was not as tall as Miss Penny, but she was certainly taller than Jeffrey. She had long brown hair that was put up neatly in a bun. For a woman in her mid-30's, Elsa was aging gracefully due to her natural beauty and solid Austrian stock. She was also very serious about the need to exercise daily and, as such, she took good care of herself. Jeffrey noticed that her skin was slightly tanned, but flawless. Not one mark,...

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My Sisters Boyfriend 2

Chapter 2 Going out with my girlfriend, but my thought had gone with Josh. Iwondered what he was doing with my sister at the very moment. Was hethinking about me? Was he thinking about the little incident that we had inthe bathroom this afternoon? My girlfriend and I walked into a restaurant in the Little Saigonshopping center in downtown Seattle. While we were waiting for the waiter,my girlfriend looked at me strangely and asked: "Adam, what is it on your neck?" "I don't know, what is it?" I...

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Emmas Story Discovering Myself Part 3

"Power."That is all he said. I was confused. Power? What did that have to do with anything?Mark finished his Bacardi. And so did I. I went to the kitchen to get us another round, swaying my ass from left to right, feeling really confident."Very good. Now take a seat and sit that fine ass of yours down. I’m going to give you a quick lesson in psychology.""Psychology?" I asked, surprised.I had no idea what he meant with that, so I took a chair and sat down."I want you to know how it will be...

3 years ago
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henry green

Henry slowly regained consciousness. It took several minutes to realize that he couldn't move. All he heard was a women's voice. It was a soothing voice. "You will listen and obey." Then the voice stopped. Henry felt something being taken off his head. He realized they were headphones. "I see you are awake. Don't try to move, you will only hurt yourself. The table you are on has been engineered for someone with 10 times your normal strength. I say normal strength, because right...

2 years ago
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Wife Caught Me Watching Gay Porn

We'd made love for a couple of hours. We watched a great porno (at least I thought it was) that had three guys in it: one very well hung black guy and two white guys who shouldn't be embarrassed about their equipment. There were two women, one an adorable blonde, and the other, a beautiful brunette. The blonde was definitely the hotter of the two. The premise of the movie was that the blonde was ready and willing to take anything the men offered while the brunette was shy and only wanted to...

2 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 2

Luckily for Sam, out of all the wizards, there was one who was skilled at telekinesis (TK). This one he asked to hang around. Sam dismissed the wizards and asked Agar, "Wizard Agar, nobody had mentioned where I'm to spend the night. Do you happen to know where that would be?" "Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention it. Your quarters will be situated next to Princess Olena's apartment. She asked for you to be placed there, if you don't mind." "Great! Thank you. Now, I need to find a place to...

1 year ago
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A Wakeup FallChapter 16

Though Lady Sparks called repeatedly. I no longer responded at Timmo’s request. He said, “Nothing has changed. We will leave and return to our home.” That’s what we did. No one disturbed our leaving though we still heard calls for us to communicate. We ignored them. We transitioned back to Comfort and then went to our homes after landing. We have maintained our watch. There have been no incursions from Earth over the last just over two years. I hoped that good sense was now reigning or that...

3 years ago
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The Word

A security guard leans against a pillar, idly surveying some of the airport's gates. He sees nothing interesting and sighs, thinking about how boring his job can be. At the very least he somewhat enjoys people-watching, and on a Saturday afternoon like today it can busy enough that he is more likely to see something noteworthy. As he scans the room, continuing to look for threats or anything interesting, he sees an average looking man leaning down and kissing a woman who is sitting in one of...

Mind Control
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A Governess for RichardChapter 7

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long corridor. Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips. "Annette this is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl. "Through...

3 years ago
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First Time Teenage Hookers

First Time Teenage Hookers My father owns the local No-Tell Motel. I get to cover the desk of Friday and Saturday from about six in the evening until midnight. My father says that it will make me a better person…earning my own money, instead of getting an allowance like all of my friends that not only get their allowance but they also have their Friday and Saturday evenings to go out and enjoy themselves. Some fat cop came in and rented three oh seven like he normally does about...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 20 Jennys Question

They had already started the icebreaker when Catherine and I walked in. "Hey! No clothes allowed!" Candy and Mandy yelled together. Catherine and I stripped where we stood, throwing our clothes in a pile by the door. Natalie, Grace, and Nicky were sitting on the couch. They scooted closer together, leaving a spot for me between Nicky and Grace. Jeff was in one of the big leather chairs with Debbie on his lap. John and Sarah shared the other one. Candy, Mandy, and Randi, were crowded...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 68

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 2 - onboard Shelby, in Re-gen 0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...

3 years ago
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School Girl Shylaja And Her Friends 8211 Part I

Hi readers, this is yet another story from my side. I house is near a famous gals school in my area. Every morning this street will be packed with gals of upto 18yrs in all sizes. Every day it will be show for me, except when i start early. I dont remember anyone faces, but jus everything else. I used to see all sizes and shapes. Its a day to remember. Once i started from my place early morning, and i was cleaning my car which was parked jus opposite to the school. By that time a person came in...

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