Dulcie and DeliaChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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The summons came for Dulcie to see the Bishop just two weeks after Dennis returned to London. She went with some trepidation, visiting old Edith Spurgeon in hospital before her appointment. She was surprised, and a little worried, to see the Archdeacon, who shook her hand, and the Area Dean, who gave her a hug, there as well.
"Come in, Dulcie, and take a seat ... coffee? Tea?"
"Thank you, Bishop – coffee would be welcome."
He checked her preferences for the beverage and once she was settled with a cup ... bone china, and with a saucer ... he began. "We've all expressed our sorrow, Dulcie, but I'll say it again. Peter is a great loss to us personally, to the Diocese and the Church, and we don't like to think about what it means to you."
She met his eyes, seeing the sincerity there and in the eyes of his colleagues.
"Now, we need to settle some matters. Firstly, we've arranged for you to be paid as a Priest-in-charge, so you don't need to have any financial worries for the time being. That's back-dated. We've got several options open to us for the future. The first question I have for you is ... how do you feel about remaining at St. Mary's?"
"I've been thinking about that. If I could, I think I'd like that. Everyone has been so supportive."
"Alright, then. One option is for us to give you a Diocesan appointment, leaving you still as NSM there. You'll need somewhere to live anyway, so we'd probably leave you there and purchase another house as Rectory for the new Incumbent..."
She nodded in understanding and some relief.
"Another option which may surprise you, is that the PCC has asked that you be offered the Living. I am comfortable with that, as are my colleagues. The Patron ... well..."
"Is not so keen..." Dulcie supplied.
"That's one way to put it," the Archdeacon agreed, "particularly if you're given to understatement."
"However, Arthur Glover is working on him..." the Bishop added.
"May I think about this?" Dulcie asked, quietly. "I hadn't really thought about the future. I never really thought of having a Curacy of my own."
"Certainly, Dulcie. You may want to talk to the Church Council yourself."
"That's one thing I was thinking of," she said.
Perhaps a few words of explanation are in order. If you don't need them, then skip the paragraph. An ordained minister or 'priest' in the Church of England is appointed to the pastoral care of a parish or parishes, the 'Cure of Souls' in a particular area – hence 'Curate'. Just to confuse matters, a minister's assistant is also known as a 'curate'. If it is an old endowment, like St. Mary the Virgin, Maldon, he is 'Rector'. In the past a Rector sometimes paid someone to do his job for him, a 'Vicar' – the word is derived from a Latin word meaning 'substitute'. The term Vicar, however, is generally applied to the minister in many more recently established parishes. A Rector or Vicar is said to possess the 'Living' of the Parish, as historically he was entitled to the income from tithes and endowments. Sometimes for legal reasons, instead of appointing a Vicar to the Living, a minister is appointed as 'Priest-in-charge'. In fact, most of the foregoing is really only of historical interest, though the terms are still applied.
Incidentally, the term 'Priest', used in the Catholic tradition, is actually a corruption of the Greek 'presbuteros', or 'elder', and should not have any implication of 'Priesthood' in the ancient sense of someone representing God to humanity and vice versa. Unfortunately, the meaning has crept in and is one of the reasons for the resistance to women in ministry.
Dulcie returned to Maldon and made some phone calls, as a result of which the Parochial Church Council met for an extra session, chaired by Andy, a Reader. Normally, of course, the Incumbent, be he (or sometimes she) Rector, Vicar, or Priest-in-charge, is a member of the Church Council. An additional minister, NSM or Reader, is not automatically a member. Andy and Dulcie had been co-opted, and on this occasion, Dulcie attended only to speak and then to leave the meeting to continue their deliberations.
"I was moved ... deeply moved, in fact, when the Bishop told me you had asked for me to be your Rector. I would love to stay on, at a personal level, for the people of this church and Parish have become friends. The acceptance of myself and my ministry has been ... well ... heart-warming. I think you will understand when I say I haven't quite worked through my understanding of what God wants of me, now Peter has... " She paused and swallowed hard, "as our friends in the Salvation Army put it, been 'promoted to glory.' But first and foremost, I want you all to consider that it is one thing to have a woman as priest, even to stand at the altar, but perhaps it is something else, something more, to have one as your pastor, your Rector, with a position and authority I do not now possess. There would have to be a unanimous decision, preferably involving the whole congregation and definitely involving the Patron, to appoint me, and I would myself have to be sure that that is what God is calling me to. Additionally, I would feel I needed some help in order that I could continue my pastoral care. I don't know that a Curate could be justified, but in fact a part time administrator would be of more assistance. This is where I stand just now, and I'd like to leave you to think about the matter. It is not urgent, as the status quo can remain for months if necessary, but a speedier arrangement is probably desirable. Thank you."
She was about to leave, but Arthur Glover stood. "Dulcie, before you go ... I know I speak for everyone here when I say we had no hesitation in requesting that you be offered the Living. I, personally, have the highest respect for you as a person and as a priest and I believe that sentiment is shared by all of us..." (mutters at various volumes of 'hear hear', 'amen' and similar filled the room, ) "but I respect your caution in moving ahead. We will, of course, be discussing the matter with the Patron. In the meantime, we're very happy that you continue to lead us."
The life of the church continued. Dulcie was not aware that, several weeks in a row, one of the congregation was, in fact, the Patron, whom she had never met and, in fact, didn't even know his name. When an elderly, erect, soldierly gentleman knelt at the rail after the service, asking for prayer, the name 'Percival Myers-Smith' had no significance for her so she just prayed as she would for anyone, unworried that he was unable to specify his concerns. It was only later, over coffee, that he introduced himself formally. Dulcie didn't notice Arthur (and one or two other Church Council members who were in the know) hovering just in earshot.
"Reverend Hanson..."
"Dulcie, please."
"Dulcie then. I am Brigadier Percival Myers-Smith, though if you're Dulcie I think I could accept your calling me Percival, or even 'Percy', if you will..."
Dulcie's smile was almost her usual one that hadn't been seen since Peter's death. "If you're quite sure? I'm honoured."
"You don't know who I am, do you?"
Dulcie shook her head. "Should I?"
"Well, perhaps not ... except that my family have had the gift of the Living of St. Mary's for ... quite a few generations."
He smiled – it was more of a grin. "You'll understand, I think, that with my background I have had reservations about the admission of women to the ordained ministry..."
He became very serious. "I can't tell you how much I regret your husband's death, Dulcie. But this morning, after you prayed for me ... after that service ... whatever reservations I may still have on the subject, I have none whatsoever about your calling. After all, if God has anointed you, and after this morning I have no doubt of that, it behoves me to accept the fact. I truly hope you accept the Living, Dulcie."
The induction and installation of a new incumbent, whether Rector or Vicar, is, at least locally, a big deal. Local dignitaries, clergy and officers from nearby churches whatever denomination, leaders of other religious communities, friends and families ... all pack the church to witness the Bishop (sometimes the Archdeacon) complete the necessary ceremony, then to consume quantities of finger food and drinks ... both alcoholic and otherwise.
Among the congregation was a tall man, hair beginning to silver ... a doctor representing the hospital where Peter had died. Doctor Richard Chesterman, the Senior Registrar in Accident and Emergency, who had exerted every ounce of his considerable skill as well as his personal faith in prayer to try to save Peter's life. He watched Dulcie, admiring her serenity, but also certain he could still detect her sorrow. Too many people wanted Dulcie's attention, but she spotted him and made a point of speaking to him, to thank him for coming, "And," she added, "for your sympathy and comfort when you gave me that lift home."
"When is the baby due?" Dulcie's pregnancy was quite noticeable.
"Oh, we think about the New Year. Perhaps a Christmas present." Dulcie's voice was wistful.
"I wish you well ... both of you," the doctor said.
"Thank you, Richard."
A couple of weeks later, Richard Chesterman was, for once, sitting through an indifferent sermon during the usual Sunday service in his local Methodist chapel. He didn't get there as often as he'd have preferred due to the pressures of his job. Most weeks he managed to get to at least one of the meetings, but not usually a Sunday one. As the sermon was not holding his attention, he was thinking about Dulcie Hanson. The Induction he'd attended was unlike the services he usually experienced. Of course, it wasn't a usual service. But the atmosphere was ... special ... somehow, and the devotion Dulcie inspired in her congregation and friends was obvious. Then, of course, there was Dulcie herself...
Paul was there in good time. Dulcie arrived alone. "Peter was called in the small hours to attend a parishioner in hospital. We're on our own, I'm afraid." They weren't quite alone, several older ladies arrived in time to join the little service. Afterwards, they wanted to talk. Paul contained his hunger and impatience, she listened politely, but after a few minutes she excused herself from the women; "I've not had breakfast yet and I've promised to visit Farleigh this morning....
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The atmosphere in church Sunday morning was odd. No doubt rumours had circulated. The death of a prominent member of the congregation in circumstances that were, to say the least, unclear; flurries of activity, Peter and Dulcie not at the morning and evening prayer. Then, on arrival, members of the congregation couldn't fail to notice Dulcie sitting in the congregation with two teenage girls, rather than in robes up front. They couldn't miss that Jeanne Stevenson was accompanied by her son,...
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One day in late June, I was in the kitchen with Sara, we'd just finished the washing up. "Dulcie," she said, "do you love Peter?" "Of course," I said, "how could I not?" "Yes," she said, "he is lovable, and the best thing is he doesn't, or won't, realise it. But that is not precisely what I meant. Let me put it this way. Are you in love with my husband?" I blushed, hotly, and quite apart from that, I strongly suspect that 'deer in the headlights' would sum up my...
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Rosie made her decision. Actually, she'd really made it before, but she wanted to make sure Dulcie approved ... or, at least, didn't disapprove. She was nervous, half wondering if she would be angry or disappointed. But when she tentatively stammered out her desire, Dulcie merely smiled reminiscently, saying, "Just remember, the ceremony is just that. I'm fairly sure you're already married in your heart and mind ... aren't you?" Rosie blushed and nodded. "And if you still want to be...
Peter and Dulcie missed Paul at morning prayer; he'd been a feature, always in the same pew, for the previous fortnight. After the service, they walked down the little hill to the quay. Aglaia – and Paul – were gone. "I wish I could say I was surprised," Peter said, "but I'd hoped he might be a fixture." Dulcie slipped her hand into her husband's. "Don't write him off yet," she replied. "It's been an emotional roller-coaster for him. You can't expect him to be reasonable. I...
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Time passed; in church, the green of the ordinary season gave way to the purple of Lent. The raw, east-coast wind continued to bite, but the days were getting longer, as they do, and the first signs of spring were appearing. Gerry Westwood appeared at random intervals for a day or two before returning to his unit; he'd consult with his solicitor and an accountant, chat to Delia and share a meal with her, but no more. Delia tried to dismiss the fluttery feelings in her middle when he came...
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The funeral over, it was two weeks to Christmas. Delia hadn't given the festival a thought since before Hallowe'en – too much had been happening. Dulcie and Peter had, of necessity, but the four weeks leading up to Christmas are a 'penitential season' in the church – like Lent – with purple the colour of the season. (No need to get into fine details like, some churches use 'rose' on the third in Advent). It's a time of preparation for the coming of the Saviour at Christmas. Anyway,...
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ExhibitionismWhat does Cum Perfection mean to you? Is it a smooth, creamy homogenous texture or simply the feel of the stuff erupting from the tip of your pee hole after an exhilarating buildup? Others may define their ideal of seminal flawlessness in terms of volume, aroma, color or flavor. Honestly, though, if you’re a straight dude, there’s a good chance you’ll share the opinion of whoever’s running this next joint. To them, Cum Perfection is all about where all that sticky spunk ends up by the end of...
Premium Facial Cumshot Porn SitesThe story is about a man named Daniel and his twin daughters Alice and Emma. Alice is the smart and responsible blonde and also the more serious of the two. Emma is the frolic and playful girl who tries to get what she wants in every situation. She’s also the lead athlete at her school. Both girls are of average height and have brown eyes. Emma is more tanned than Alice though. The girls have grown up without their mother. She left early in their childhood. Growing up with only their father,...
“You should go to work late today; your wife needs that dick of yours.” “Grr, you know I'd love to but you know I cannot let down work.” “You're early everyday... by an hour. Fulfil me; I'm sure they won't mind.” “I can't; life has priorities. I'll make it up to you when I get home.” “Or I could just call up our mutual friend and have him take care of me…” “I've got to go.” That is the fourth time this week she has mentioned him. Ever since I've told her that I am bisexual, she keeps hinting...
BisexualLOANING LUCYBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer ‘Loaning Lucy’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Codes: F/f, F+/f, D/s, consensual, humiliation, serious, interracial. Copyright is asserted by the author and no reposting to other sites or commercial use whatsoever is authorised.LOANING LUCYAlice sat, gently grinding her hips, enjoying the feel of the hot, wet tongue up...
On the way back from that tropical island I was horny like a bitch in heat. I was at the connecting airport, eating some fast food with my tropical island native friend. I told her about my condition and she suggested I should get a “Tuesday man”. I said “ a WHAT?”. She told me she had a Tuesday man and a Sunday man. I was incredulous. She explained that she had two men who she maintained as regular fuck buddies. I couldn’t imagine how she could get two. Not that she was unattractive, but its...
MILFI was working for one of those urban life magazines when my editor gave me an assignment that changed my life in so many ways. He wanted an article on the "new phenomenon" of bug chasing. Specifically, he wanted to tell our shrinking number of readers what would cause people do actively seek HIV infection.Even I knew that this was nothing new and had been going on for years. I could have asked why he didn't choose one of the gay guys on staff to write it, but I also knew the magazine was in...
The time had come to teach my beautiful daughter what it meant to be a woman. At the tender age of 13, she had tortured me for the past year or so, wearing skimpy clothes around the house, sitting on my lap - always making sure she sat right on my cock and wiggling around just enough to feel me get hard , and then getting up leaving me with a hardon as I watched her wiggle her ass out of the room. I just couldn't take it anymore. My desire to have her was too strong. I was going to show...
ALLIANCE CAPITAL NEW RICHMOND New Richmond was the largest and most modern city on the planet, and it was also the capital of the most powerful government anywhere in the world. Once encompassing sixty two and a half square miles, New Richmond, built upon the burnt and shattered remains of the old city, now encompassed almost twice that size at nearly one hundred and twenty square miles of territory. Towering glass and steel skyscrapers, hundreds of stories high, dotted the horizon of the...
It was a warm and humid afternoon. I had just finished changing the oil in my car, and after entering the house, went over to the kitchen sink to get a nice refreshing glass of water. Being a warm day, I had dressed comfortably in a white t-shirt and shorts, and I was looking forward to relaxing in front of the TV to watch the rest of the game.I had done pretty well for myself, considering that I had a sixteen year old daughter that I had to raise by myself after my slut of an ex-wife ran off...
Introduction: Pre teen sex story Little Red Riding Hood and Gretel left Hansel asleep on the bed as they adventure out into the not so dark scary woods. In no time the girls came upon a waterfall and as you might have guess both of the naughty little girls were as horny as hell. Little Red Riding Hood stroked Gretels pretty little face as their hot mouths met. Their tongues darted into each others mouths as Little Red started to unbutton Gretels shirt. In no time Gretels shirt was laying on...
Tom didn’t sleep well despite the orgasm. After a couple of fitful hours, he lay awake and struggled with a brain gone wild. Soon it would be dawn, and they’d have to leave the cave or risk being found by the killers. How far would they get in their condition? Hunger gnawed at his stomach. Willow was acting a little off center. The softness of her body had its own distracting appeal. Tom’s train of thought derailed as she cuddled against him like a security blanket. Her sleep appeared...
Deepthroat Flip There are times that I wonder what happened to our little blue planet. Some have called it a curse or a blessing from some higher power. Scientists state that it was the human race trying to preserve itself. Either way I am glad that I kept little notes to myself so that I could see each stage of how it occurred to us during that lovely changing. March 18th: Coffee fueled my day, the taste rather bitter because I didn't really enjoy the silken feel of sugar or cream...