Pitching Tents – Camping With Daddy And His Friends free porn video

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My father’s parents weren’t still with us. I barely ever knew them. I don’t think them and Dad were that close. The grandparents on my mother’s side were (and still are) alive and kicking however, and they live in the same city. Usually, when my dad went away, one or both of my grandparents would come over and babysit me, as if that was really necessary any longer! But, I suppose I liked getting meals prepared.

This time around my grandparent’s would, however, not be able to look after me during the week my dad would rediscover nature (as if it wasn’t discovered enough already?). They had already gone away on some golfing-trip-package-deal. I mean, they were in their 70s – why could they not just stay at home like other old-timers? Despite having suggested that I needed no babysitter, being as good as thirteen years old and all surely meant that I could manage a week on my own! Then again, my dad thought not. Besides, as he was kind enough to remind me of multiple times, some fresh air and less physical inactivity would do me some good. I felt like everything was being stacked against me.

School being out for the summer, I wanted to spend as much time as possible playing PC games with my friends. In all fairness, I never had a lot of friends, but I was fairly close to two other boys. Then again, I had recently been getting the feeling that they were starting to exclude me more and more, even though I had never figured out why. When we were not playing online games, League of Legends or World of Warcraft being what we spent most of our time on, we sometimes played Dungeons and Dragons and other really nerdy stuff.

As you may have guessed by now, we were not part of the popular ones at school – not that D&D and computer games by themselves necessarily indicate a lack of popularity, and screw that whole social status thing anyway. Nevertheless, we were outsiders. Which I suppose was fine by us. At least we were not being bullied, even though the jocks made their jibes every now and then. Sticks and stones. While they were doing sports, and acting fools around girls, we were doing e-sports and dreaming of chasing girls - and them wanting our affection. However, that was unlikely to happen, and although we did not exactly talk about it, I think we all knew that.

Me, Zachary and Jayden (those were my mates) were a diverse little gang as far as appearances go. Jayden was a tall and gangly boy. He was also the one lending some color to our group, being African-American. Zachary, called Zac by most everyone, was not quite as tall as Jayden, though he was considerably heavyset. As for me, I was the shortest and smallest of the bunch. I had hopes of getting taller once my growth spurt started. Perhaps worse for me, or at least equally bad as I felt it, was how skinny I was. Though Jayden kind of looked like a walking scarecrow due to his height, and had been called so by some assholes amongst our peers, I was in fact even thinner if one got a closer look. I had started wondering if their development, because they seemed to be growing at least, and talking of pubic hairs and the such, was a contributing factor to why I felt excluded.

With the feeling of them getting along better and better, and getting hints of them gaming, and going to the movies without me, etcetera, I felt that it was a real bummer having to go away. Partly because I would have to be in the outdoors – which I felt sucked big time – and partly because I would miss out on more things and my friends would possibly create an even tighter bond without me. It was not like I would be doing something cool, something they would want to know about.

So it was, that I was ultimately going away with my stupid dad to go stupidly camping with his stupid friends. Living in a bloody tent, and fishing for bloody fish and probably reluctantly pressured to chime in and attempt to sing some stupid camp songs at evenings while there would be nothing to do but to see the stupid trees stir in the bloody wind and look up at the dumb stars. Everything had been there forever, and would continue to be there after I had gone. I felt like there was nothing remarkable about nature; that was just a saying for stupid people who did not understand technology. Why could I not just be left on my own, to spend time as I wanted to!? Needless to say, I was in a sulky mood, and I made no effort to hide it as my dad drove us to pick up his friends before we headed to a state park.

My dad, approaching his 50s, would usually let me do as I pleased. He and Lee, one of his friends that we were about to link up with, owned a small construction business. By that time, I did not know what the other companion, Reginald, did, but as I found out later he was a strength and conditioning coach at a nearby community college. They had all went to high school together and had played football. They were a tight knit of comrades and had been so for ages. I could not help but to be a little jealous; as it seemed, I would have no such long-lasting friendship in my life.

I had already met Lee dozens of times, but Reginald I had only seen on a couple of occasions. Lee lived closest to us and thus we picked him up first. Last but not least, we picked Reginald up at his apartment complex. He was a big buy. African-American. As I learned during the coming days, he had a twenty-year-old daughter in college. He had been married twice, and twice divorced. Unlike Dad and Reggie, Lee had never tied the knot with anyone.

Upon arriving to our destination, we parked close to some other vehicles – a few cars and an RV – then took our valuables and all the gear and were on our way along a trail. I didn’t carry much, but nonetheless quickly got tired and the backpack felt very heavy, digging into my shoulders. There were a few people around. We met a man and a woman with backpacks similar to ours, and then an older couple who only appeared to be there to walk their dog.

When I was about ready to give up, back aching and legs being tired, we went over some low bushes and left the trail. The footpath that we now traversed was barely visible, and it took us further into the park. I asked how much longer it was until we were there. Evidently it was still some distance to cover. At least we took a break at that point – my dad seemingly noticing my fatigue.

Continuing on, I followed my dad and the others; them evidently knowing the way by heart as it seemed. Dad explained that they had been going there ever since their high school years. We trudged onwards. Onwards and upwards now. At times there was not even a path to follow. Finally, after having crested a hill, we soon came upon a spot next to a small lake. There was a very small clearing, surrounded by big pine and birch trees. A speck of land, next to the water, with grass and a large stump of a felled tree in the center.

While I mostly just dangled my sore feet in the water, they set up camp. At the entrance of each tent, me sharing one with Dad, and Reggie and Lee having their own, hung a mosquito-killing LED lantern. As it would turn out later, possibly due to favorable weather and/or winds, or a combination of both, or even failing populations of the blood-sucking insects, these lanterns barely had any mosquitoes to prey upon. That was at least one of the things that seemed to be going my way.

In the middle of our secluded encampment, a few yards from where land met with water, was the large tree stump. Its surface was smoothed, and it acted as our table. The many roots sprawling out around it made the ground somewhat uneven and treacherous to walk, but our portable camping chairs could manage well enough if proper care was taken to place their legs between these roots. In the middle of this immoveable table, Lee set up another mosquito killing device. “Can’t stand the little fuckers”, he said when I looked at it. Though it would barely get a chance to fulfill its secondary purpose, it was at least sufficient at its primary one; provide illumination.

After a Ready-to-Eat camping meal, of which I could barely get everything down – it tasted well enough mind you, I was just not a big eater – I went to bed early while Dad and his friends sat around talking. I was tired. The sleeping bag was quite comfortable when unzipped, but the tent was a little too hot. I didn’t want to sleep without my sleeping bag either since that made me feel vulnerable – as if an unzipped bag of polyester somehow provided magical protection against the terrors of the wild. Nevertheless, I quickly feel asleep.

The following day I slept late, and found that the others were up and about when I left the tent. We did some angling in the lake during the day. The only one who caught something of note was my father, who got a pike. It made for a good meal. Later in the afternoon, my dad, Lee and Reggie competed in archery. Lee had brought a bow and some arrows. I tried to partake – it did look like fun – but it took too much effort to pull the bowstring. I was disheartened but attempted my best to play it off. Like I wasn’t bothered anyways. Like I had better things to do, and better things on my mind.

When they were done, Lee – with my dad’s permission – let me throw an axe at the large tree that they had used for target earlier. After he had watched a few of my throws, my father walked off, saying: “Be careful. If you hurt yourself, we’re a long way from help”. When we were alone, Lee started giving me some tips on how to improve my stance for better balance and thus better accuracy. He had his hands on my butt and told me to “activate it” and to “squeeze it tight” when I threw the axe. Also, the throwing motion should apparently originate from my hips. I didn’t want to be weird about it, so I didn’t protest when he seemed rather handsy. Neither did I think much of it.

That evening, as we were eating from cans, with a little camp fire ablaze next to us, the others had started talking about someone they had known, not much older than them, that had died from a heart attack. That lead to a chat about working out and exercising. About taking care of oneself. Earlier on, during the day, the others had basically been wearing nothing but shorts. I had observed how Lee was tall and lean with toned musculature across his body. He made me wish for having something similar when I grew up. My dad, not quite as tall but not short either, maybe six foot and one or two inches, had a considerable gut though. To call him overweight did not really suffice. I would rather have been a little overweight myself; then I could stop eating so much and get more of a normal body instead of the skin-and-bone one many had taunted me over for my entire life. Reginald was a really big fellow though. About the same height as my dad, but larger. However, it wasn’t just fat. Sure, his belly was big, but so were his arms, legs and chest muscles. Sort of overweight, but with muscled in there too. He looked properly strong.

My dad was saying “Alright alright, so it’s a long time since I exercised… I just haven’t gotten around to do it”.

“Well, I keep inviting you to come along with me and do some crossfit”, Lee responded with a toned of mixed amusement and exasperation.

That got Reginald going “Pfft! CrossFit! More like CrossFail!”.

“Oh yeah that’s right, Mr. Big Guy over here just wanna do the same old movements at the gym and never mix in any real cardio”, Lee replied. “I think CrossFit is great; maximum effort during short intervals”.

“As long as you don’t start going over your workout of the day, and all those girl names you and your cult have for your workouts”, Reginald answered in good humor.

“Meh! Know what, you should come yourself to one of these girly workouts man, and bring Benjy along. And you’re invited too, of course, Caleb. There’s people of every age there”, Lee said. He also added: “And for the record, speaking of girly things, it is a good enough place to meet women. Single girls, single moms, even married ones!”, he winked at me. He had a fun way about how he said things. I couldn’t help but smile. “How long has it been since any one you got some?”, Lee concluded.

My dad squirmed a little and said “Not gonna talk about that in front of Caleb, man”.

“Meh, lame excuse… But alright, just admit that it’s been a while?”, Lee answered.

“Fair enough, it’s been a while”, Dad said, and then grudgingly he added: “And then some…”.

To me it would have been a luxury to even had had sex at all! I was increasingly curious about it and fantasizing about it. My mind always seemed to find a way to think of it when I saw pretty girls and sexy women. And there and then, thinking about the times I used to be thinking about sex, resulted in me getting a little boner. While Lee was saying: “See! About time you tagged along”, I tried to act normal and not look down to see if there was any indication of my stiffy.

“And how about you, Reggie?”, Lee asked.

“What about me?”, Reginald wondered.

“You’re not exactly drowning in pussy either, are you?”, Lee commented. My dad interjected at this point that Lee should watch his language. I, however, wanted to show that I was not the delicate little boy everyone always thought me to be. I was more or less thirteen, about to be a man – though I hardly looked the part. Therefore, I said “Dad, come on! I’m not a baby”. This made Dad shrug his shoulders and smile, while Reggie raised his beer in salute and Lee exclaimed: “That’s the spirit! Back to you, Regs. Need to use a lifeline? What’ll it be!? 50-50, phone a friend or ask the audience!?”. Lee gestured out towards the empty woods around us. His words echoing across the lake. Reginald, like the rest of us, could not help but to be amused by Lee’s antics. “Let’s just say I’m not celibate, okay?”, he answered.

The conversation on that subject quickly died out thereafter. With the sun having set about an hour ago, we all hit our sleeping pads. The next day, the third one without the comforts of modern day society, was as I had predicted this whole trip to be; achingly dull. I wanted to be at home, playing games online. I did not understand. My dad and his friends seemed perfectly at ease out here in the middle of nowhere. They barely did anything. They drank some beer, took naps in the sunlight, played some cards or Uno and jibber jabbered about old times and the such. We had not seen a single person since we got there. Anyone following the hiking trails would miss us by a mile I figured.

Early in the evening, me and Lee sat around our tree stump table and waited for my dad and Reginald to return with some firewood. “So, gotcha any nice girlfriend?”, Lee asked. I wasn’t really at ease with such questions. Even though I had a crush on several girls at school, it’s not as if they would consider me. Therefore, I just shook my head at Lee and said “No”.

“Really? A fine, young man like yourself”, said Lee. “Or boyfriend maybe? No one is judging any more these days, which is all for the better really”. I do not know what it was exactly, but I decided to share more than I usually did. Maybe it was the way Lee was, saying what was on his mind in a carefree way. I wanted to be more like that. While looking down, I consequently said “I’m too skinny to find a girlfriend”.

“And? Like that’s even a problem dude!”, Lee said. I looked up. What did he mean by that? Of course it was a bloody problem! At this point in time, Dad and Reginald were nearing. Reggie sat down in his chair as Dad arranged the firewood, and Lee continued “You know that being thin is considered attractive these days, right? Haven’t you seen all the models, female and male alike? Slim is sexy, man”.

Dad and Reggie both looked puzzled – having missed the conversation leading up to that reply from Lee – and I was not exactly happy about them probably going to want to be included in the discussion now. But, when they had been caught up quickly by Lee, while I blushed and wished he would have just shut the hell up, Reggie gave me a pat on the shoulder with his big hand and said that “everything will work itself out. Some work and dedication that’s all it takes… More food, and some strength training”. He also said that it would get easier when I hit my growth spurt. Dad offered similar encouragement and proclaimed that we could both start working out; him to slim down, and me to build myself up.

“You gonna stick to that, Benjy?”, Lee said with a twinkle in his eye. Dad, not rising to the skepticism, responded “Well, why the hell not. It’s about time that I start doing something again”. In response to Lee’s jibes, he added “Just been taking a little 25-year break and bulking up, ‘is all”. That got both Lee and Reginald cracking up with laughter.

I was feeling better. More optimistic. Oh, I was still highly dissatisfied with my current self, but I felt hope for the first time in a long time. Hope for change. I could transform myself, damned if I couldn’t! Though I had always pretended to never be bothered when getting teased about my unimpressive, skinny and short body, it had, in fact, always gotten to me. Like an open wound that would never close; constantly ready to be ripped open again when someone felt the need or urge to put me down. The stronger boys used to make a show of how I was not be tackled in sports since I was “about as weak as a kindergarten girl – and one ought to be nice to little girls”. I hated them all. They would see.

And as for my so-called friends, if they were going to keep freezing me out, then I would do the same to them. Screw them! Who needs false friends anyways? I would stop playing D&D and gaming on my computer. I could do this CrossFit thing with Lee, and maybe Reginald could show me a thing or two about lifting weights? At home, I would eat like a wolf. No more being a complete nerd, timidly eating small portions while sitting at his computer! Or, maybe I could just allow myself to game one hour or so every day, no more than that! Instead of being the scrawniest one, whom no one at school respected, I would instead become muscular! Like Lee and Reginald, but more like Lee since I did not want to be fat either.

The next day, my forth without the internet, we were at least about to do something. We were going hiking. Not exactly what I would call enjoyable, but it would be better than to sit around our isolated camp merely ‘enjoying’ nature. After a late breakfast, we brought water, some rations and our valuables, and went back towards the trail that people used for hiking in the area.

Along the route, Lee would, when he was behind me, touch or graze against my butt every now and then. The first couple of times I acted as if I had felt nothing, but when there could be no mistaking it, I turned around. He just smiled at me and asked “Everything good?”. In fear of appearing to be strange myself if I called him out on it, I said nothing. He could have just lost his footing and stumbled into me a few times. He had been kind to me thus far, and he was generally funny – the funniest of us there for sure. So, I just continued walking again to catch up with the other two.

After about an hour or so, we passed a low cliff overlooking a narrow but rapidly flowing river. A couple of hundred yards further there was a rest stop where we decided to take a break. Lee said that he wanted to go back to the cliff and take some photos with his new camera. He asked if I wanted to “tag along”, and maybe I could “offer tech-support if he had need for it – me, as a millennial, presumably being more tech-savvy than him”.

When we reached the cliff, we took some pictures each. It was easily done. Lee then told me to stand there, looking out over the sparkling water while he backed up and snapped some more shots. After he had done that, he encouraged me to moon to the camera. Unsure, I looked around. No one in sight at least. He asked if I was about to be a chicken… Did I dare do it? Well, why not? I pulled down my shorts and wiggled my ass, still in my underwear at least.

“Hah! That’s the stuff right there! Show mother nature”, Lee said. “Psst! Hey.. hey”, he got my attention, “do a proper moon why don’t cha?”. With his hand he motioned that I should pull down my white trunks as well. I shook my head. No way, I thought. “Just for fun”, he said. My stupid so-called friends would probably not accept a dare to moon properly – but no one was asking them, were they? Lee was asking me… The old me, from a few days ago would not have dared – but this was the new me; the one that would give up on shitty friends and go my own way. Therefore, I forced myself to stop hesitating, since that was what my old, boring self would have done, and just pulled down my underwear and displayed my naked butt for the camera.

Lee soon had me walking backwards towards the camera as best I could with my shorts and trunks pulled down. When I could sense that I was getting near him, he approached me and spun me around before I could react or do anything - or cover anything up for that matter. He had leaned down, and grabbed my naked posterior, and whispered to me “You’re awesome, everyone else are probably just jelly. Skinny is sexy. Remember that”.

I was taken aback, but what he said did undeniably please me. It bolstered my non-existent self-confidence. That he had been feeling my exposed behind while saying it was odd. It made me both nervous and excited. Before I could think of anything to do but stand there and feel my face grow red, he had patted me on my naked ass and suggested that we ought to join the others again.

After that respite, we headed back. Late in the afternoon and back at the camp, with an overcast sky, we started playing poker. I had been taking part once earlier when they played and had quickly understood the rules of Texas hold’em. With Reginald having the most poker chips in his stack, Lee was at least the leader in making jests. He had started talking about how nice it would be if some willing hitchhiker girls strolled into our camp, all in heat for some good lovin’. “Yeah, that’s seems oh so likely – them finding this spot first of all, and then being sex-starved nymphomaniacs”, Reginald snorted while Dad smiled and shuffled the cards.

“We could put up a sign at the trail saying four handsome and willing bachelors this way, and then add an arrow”, Lee was musing, “and since the footpath is gone in places, we could tell them to shoot up a flare if finding themselves lost and we’d simply come meet them”.

“A flare? Really?”, Dad said, “you would possible have whatever people there are scattered in this area of the park coming – looking to see if someone were in actual need of aid. Not that there would be that many though”.

“You’re right, of course”, Lee said, “so maybe we should send up a flare ourselves right now!? See what shows up?”. Nodding towards my father, Lee added “I can let you or Reggie have dibs on the prettiest ones… or, maybe we should let Caleb have first pick?”, he winked at me, “out in the woods is as good a place as any to lose your virginity, buddy”. I blushed.

“You have quite a vivid imagination”, Dad said, while Reginald drank some more beer and Lee chuckled and sipped on his whiskey – he had earlier stated that he believed a little hard liquor to be better than beer if one wanted to stay in better shape.

We continued playing poker. Lee was not yet done with his line of thinking, however. “I suppose we would have to keep a closer look on Caleb if we did send up a flash”.

“And why is that then?”, dad asked almost tiredly.

“Well,” Lee said, leaning towards me and speaking in an imitation of a spooky voice, “there’s a lot of people that like a pretty, young thing like you”.

“Oh, come on, lay off with the twisted jokes, Lee”, Dad replied.

“Oh well, ‘scuse me Mr. Sensitive”, Lee said, “since when have you been so touchy-feely? What’s a bit joking around amongst friends?”.

“Man, he’s my son. Could you just dial your… lovely personality down a notch or two”, Dad responded with a feigned sigh.

“Your wish is my command, my liege”, Lee said with a flurry of his hand and leaned forward.

I had not been bothered, of course. I found myself lost in thought about whether or not Lee was actually right, though I didn’t want to risk making a fool of myself and ask them. But if he were, would that mean that I would have a good chance of scoring with some MILF, provided that she was one of those people who liked younger boys? And where would I go about finding such a woman? I wanted to have my computer there, with functioning wifi thank you very much, so I could at least attempt to find out more. Searching for MILFs would probably mostly end up with me hitting pornsites though - not that that was in itself a problem necessarily.

“Remember our old P.E. teacher?”, Reginald was saying, “people were always gossiping about how he was creepy and too handsy with them. Both boys and girls. Never touched me though”.

“Well that’s probably because you always were a big kid – a big, black kid”, Dad said, “he never messed with me either, but I heard complaints. Wonder if someone in our class ever did… something with the old geezer?”.

“Now you’re the one putting nasty pictures in my head! Argh!”, Lee exclaimed, “get ‘em out!”.

“Jokes aside though”, Lee continued, “you guys have seen the articles about some of those good-looking female teachers who slept with their students and were sent to jail for it, right?”. All said yes in varying ways, even I since I knew what he was talking about. “I bet those boys are upset about that! Getting a dream come true and then have it all end because it wasn’t allowed”, Lee said, and looking at me he added, “You know… if this was Japan, you could soon have sex with anyone you wanted”.

Dad, a look of vexation on his face, said “Whatcha talking ‘bout now?”. In defense, Lee answered, “Merely stating what I know to be true – thirteen is the legal age in Japan, assuming it is with consent of course.”

“If you say so”, my dad said, amused more so than annoyed now.

“In Brazil it’s fourteen. In the Nordic countries it’s fifteen”, Lee added.

“Aaaand in our state it’s sixteen - if I’m not mistaken. You gonna try and rally support for changing it and march off to Washington?”, Reginald wondered.

“You’d only embarrass yourself as a perv if you did that”, Dad said.

“Hold your horses, gentlemen! Was just sayin’… Figured that with the delicate sensitivities of yous twos it could be considered pertinent information. And for Caleb it might be relevant for him to know that Japan is the place to be!”.

“Hah, pertinent!? Really? Lee the wordsmith!”, Dad taunted while he and Reggie laughed.

“What!? I can’t be reading books now and then and be all articulate and shit?”, Lee responded, acting upset. “You gonna police my jokes as well as my speech!? Geez, tough crowd”.

That round of poker, I had been the big blind and had gotten an awful hand - which I had quickly folded. When it was my turn to deal, Lee said, “In a little bit more earnestness, I dunno why ya’ll gotta be uptight at all, it’s just us dudes around. And who is really to say that our laws are the most reasonable? Like, Caleb, don’t you feel old enough to decide for yourself?”

“Sure”, I replied. He had a valid point. I ought to be able to decide for myself if some MILF came around, wanting me. No matter how unlikely that seemed, it that made perfectly good sense to me.

“Now, now, enough with the stern looks, Benjy. Imagine being a blossoming youngster, like your boy here, and some hottie, albeit with some miles on her, wanted to shag you but she wouldn’t dare because of some law – and thus you would miss out on something amazing”, Lee said. He was making so much sense that I verbally concurred once again, while Reginald shrugged his huge shoulders and Dad absently nodded, looking lost in thought.

Around sunset, it had started raining and everyone had withdrawn for the night. The rain was smattering hard on the slanted roof of our tent. “You weren’t bothered by Lee joking around, were you?”, Dad asked. “I’ll tell him to stop otherwise – but that’s not necessary, is it? To him it’s all in good humor”. I told him that it was indeed fine and that I wasn’t some little kid any more, and I meant it.

Dad had moved closer, and he was stroking my back with a hand that he had stretched in beneath my unzipped sleeping bag. “Yeah, if you don’t like something, I’m sure you can say so on your own”. His breath smelled noticeably of beer. “Proud of you”, he said, hand sliding over my butt when he said it. “Dad!?”, I asked. He stirred. “Oh, yeah, sorry, I was thinking about something else… from work”, he said flustered and retreated to his side of the tent.

I did not fall asleep right away after that. How could I? It had been weird, had it not? Then again, maybe it was just me and my dad getting closer during these days – we usually did not interact that much at home, me basically sitting at my computer in my room while he watched sports on the television. No need for me to overreact, I had seen guys slap each other on the butt when scoring goals and making touchdowns and all of that in sports. No biggie really. The melody of raindrops on the canvas was highly soothing, and deep sleep eventually found me.

On the fifth day away from home, I still longed for going online, but not as much as I had before. The sun was out again, as it had been almost all week. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I usually preferred to keep my skinny legs hidden in jeans or trousers, but it was too warm for that. On my head, I had a dorky sun hat that Dad had insisted that I wear when the sun was at its brightest.

Dad and Reginald were playing chess. Lee wanted to exercise and challenged me to do pushups and squats. He was giving me praise, saying that I seemed surprisingly strong. I figured he was exaggerating in order to be nice, at least a little bit, but it felt good nonetheless. I wanted to be strong. He encouraged me to keep thinking about having proper form when doing the exercises and used his hands to remind me.

I wanted to hear more about having powerful legs and strong gluteus maximus, so I pressed my behind against his hands when he had them there. “Very good form now”, Lee said with an air of approval. Dad was watching us, and I felt a little self-conscious when he had his eyes on us, but he never said anything.

Me and Lee inevitably worked up a sweat in the blazing sun and therefore took a swim in the lake’s water to cool off. Everything was not normal though. Under the surface, he was touching me, here and there. I knew that it was highly unusual the way Lee was laying his hands on me, the way they lingered in certain places, but I could not help but like it. I enjoyed the attention he gave me, and the whispered compliments he had for my body – which I indeed hated normally - but he seemed to find nothing wrong with. He was cooler than anyone else I knew, and his words and hands were having an appeasing influence on me. Maybe I wasn’t all that unattractive after all?

“You haven’t drowned yet, have you?”, my dad asked as he approached the water.

“Nah, not yet”, Lee answered.

“H-hop in D-dad”, I urged, perhaps too eager to act normal. In fact, both Dad and Reginald hopped in.

Lee made a joke about how bold it was for Reggie to face the perils of the dangerous water.

“Hey asshole, just ‘cause I’m black that don’t mean I can’t swim”, Reginald responded.

“Would never dream of implying that”, Lee said amused. “I’m sure your 300-plus pound body is nicely buoyant”.

“295 actually, so I’d be careful if I was a lightweight like you”, Reginald threatened in good fun.

“Hey, I’m more of a middleweight, at least according to UFC-standards. Around 185”, Lee said.

Their banter about weight bothered me. I did not want anyone asking me what the scale showed when I stepped on it. I tried to make myself scarce – as much as that could be done without exiting the water. Lee and Dad had started discussing how they’d first aim to get him (my father) down to a light heavyweight from the about 250 pounds he was now, to a middleweight himself eventually.

Ultimately, perhaps inevitably, it was my dad who asked what I had weighed the last time I checked. Glumly, cursing myself for not getting out of the lake before he, or the other two, had a chance to ask, I responded “63”. There was no hiding my embarrassment about that low figure. I should be much bigger than that. If only it had been kilograms, and not pounds. That number haunted me, and now all these men knew it. I could have lied but what was the point? The others must have noticed the change in my mood, and seemed to understand the reason for it. “No worries”, Reginald said, “you’ll pack on pounds in no time if you want to”. Dad and Lee offered similar reassurances. “Easily remedied”, Dad said. “It can only go up”, Lee declared. They made me feel a little bit better again. I had heard it said that I order to change, one needed to hit rock bottom. Maybe this was my rock bottom; admitting how puny I was and that I desperately needed to change my habits? At least I had been brave enough to tell them my real number. The old me would not have done that.

When the sun was setting, we played Uno. I was offered some beer from my dad. The others saluted me, saying it was a big step being offered one’s first beer. However, I did not particularly like it at first, but lied and said that it was “alright”, when asked. Judging by their amusement, they could probably see that I was not enjoying it especially. Nevertheless, I was determined to finish my can and kept drinking from it piecemeal.

The need to pee was suddenly pressing, and as I excused myself, Lee tagged along saying he also had to “drain the dragon”. When we were behind the bushes that had been the designated spot to urinate – with a nearby latrine dug and a felled tree there to sit upon when going number two - I went a few extra paces into the woods since I did not think I could relieve myself in his presence. Upon being done and headed back the same way, Lee had right about finished when I happened upon him with his shorts pulled down, shaking his dick around.

I stopped dead in my tracks. It was… mesmerizingly big. I could not stop looking at it. I wondered if mine, which reached slightly more than a couple of inches when erect, would ever get that big in the future. That was when it dawned on me that Lee was semi-erect and evidently getting harder by the second. “You… uhm, wanna touch it?”, he whispered. I realized that I had been caught staring and blushed profusely. But I did want to feel it. As I stopped shaking my head and instead nodded, he moved closer, ushering me back towards and in amongst the trees again, even more out of sight than before.

Nervous, but fascinated, I hesitantly started touching his long, hard limb. His mumbles, sighs and worded approval of what I was doing urged me on, emboldening me. He leaned back against a large tree trunk and showed with his own hands how he wanted me to tug away on his piece – and I did, captivated by both look and feel.

“Hellooo? Where you guys at?”, my dad could be heard calling from nearby. “Shit! Shit!”, Lee cursed quietly. The trance I had been in ended abruptly. As Lee fumbled to tuck away his big thing inside of his clothes, I felt my mind panicking! That was not something I was supposed to have been doing! What if Dad found out? What would he say? What would he think of me?

“O-over here!”, Lee spurted out. “Shhh, say nothing, aight?”, he whispered to me, index finger on his mouth. I nodded in full agreement, of course.

“What’s going on?”, Dad said when he found us. ´

“Your boy here thought he saw a deer when peeing!”, Lee said.

“A deer?”, my dad asked perplexed. “Seems weird it would have gotten this close to camp”. “Maybe it was an extraordinarily curious one?”, Lee suggested. “Oh well, I’m done taking a wizz – best go see that Reggie isn’t looking at my cards”.

Seemed to me that Dad could notice that something was a little off. Perhaps from my crimson face in the dying light of the day, or from the feel of a general tension in the air – I sure as hell felt like there was. I did not want to look at Dad, and therefore perhaps appeared unusually dodgy, but I feared that if I did, then he would possibly deduce that something peculiar had happened. I was quite sure that I had a terrible poker face. As I stumbled off after Lee back to the tree stump table, Dad indeed gave me a strange look but thankfully said nothing more.

Uno was more my game than poker, and I won a few times. More than anyone else, as a matter of fact. That I had finished the can of beer made me even more content. When we ultimately got in the tent, me and my dad, I had at first been afraid that he would ask something. Did he suspect anything? As minutes passed in silence, I felt an increasing amount of relief.

Before I had fallen asleep, I could sense Dad stirring nearby. Moments after, I felt him enter underneath my sleeping bag. It was much too warm to have it zipped up and therefore I used it more like a blanket. He started talking in a low voice, about this and that, and was soon embracing me from behind. It was weird.

“D-dad, what are you doing?”, I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible. “Shhh, there there. Just relaxing with you for a bit. It’s just you and me, you know – and we take care of each other, don’t we?”, he answered, still hushing at me.

I didn’t know what to respond and was unaccustomed with this level of intimacy with my dad, but at least I managed to answer “O-okay”. What soon made it even weirder was that he touched my thing on the outside of my underwear and shortly after that I felt something hard press against my buttocks. I almost gasped. It was Dad’s boner. Dad had a boner and was pushing it against my ass! “Dad??? What… you doing?”, I asked, scared and nervous.

Exhaling on my neck, he mumbled “relax… relax…”. That did not exactly mollify me whatsoever, but as the seconds went on, I remained unmoving in silence. In a sudden urge of anger at myself for thinking that I didn’t dare tell him to stop, I did just that. “Dad… no, NO Daddy… Daddy no… you shouldn’t… we can’t do this”. He, however, did not listen. Squirming around, I tried to get away. It was futile. I hated being this pathetically weak but stopped struggling nonetheless since I was, among the plethora of feelings and emotions that I experienced, embarrassed by how unable I was to nudge my dad away.

“Been watching… you… these past days… so… so fine”, he whispered. “Saw you flaunt… your ass to Lee, with his camera”. My mind was racing.

“He… he dared me to moon for him”, I replied meekly even though I tried to sound confident.

In continued silence, I was getting manhandled by my father. I felt betrayed, he should NOT be doing what he was doing. On the other hand, it did feel good – in a totally-wrong-sort-of-way. I wanted to get away, and then again I wanted it to continue. Was Dad’s dick as big as Lees? What the fuck was wrong with me!? Why would I even think about what Dad had down there? Yet, it was pressing against me, so why wouldn’t I think about it? Should I try to feel it? Erm, nah. No way, José! With Lee it had been out in the open and he had asked me if I wanted to. Dad was not asking me. Best do nothing.

Dad had started to move around more, poking me here and there. Not gonna lie, I kind of liked the feeling, especially as he had been touching the erection I had gotten. It felt natural to start moving my bottom against him, but maybe that was not what he had hoped for because all of sudden he excused himself and quickly left the tent saying he “had to pee again”. It took a couple of minutes before he returned, and he seemed to fall asleep shortly afterwards. For me, it took a while longer.

The last day of our journey into nature started much like the others. Everyone slept as long as they wanted and ate breakfast when they wanted. I was seriously embarrassed around my dad, though he certainly managed to act normal – as if nothing had happened. The others wanted to crown a final winner among them in archery, and I worked out during that time – doing pushups and squats. I would not be a puny, skinny little kid for much longer! I would get strong and show everyone at school not to mess with me and maybe, just maybe, my dick would one day be as big as the one Lee had shown me.

After a late lunch together, Reginald decided to take a nap in his tent. Meanwhile, Dad had decided that there would be no more postponing of workouts for his part either and therefore he and Lee started doing pushups, lunges, squats and crunches. I was already a bit tired from having exercised on my own, but they invited me to join and I figured that the more I worked out, the more buff I would become. Dad was in nowhere near as good a shape as Lee, and he was sweating profusely. To withstand the heat better, he removed all but his underwear.

Lee suggested some corrections in how I was doing squats and like the other day, he got really close behind me and followed my movements while pressing against me. He advised that I might have a more “free range of motion” if I removed my shorts like dad, who had just been watching us from the side. Figuring Lee knew what he was talking about, I pulled them down and stepped out of them. Repeating the movements, I felt that he had been right; it was easier going up and down, and it was more comfortable in the warmth of that day.

“Maybe you wanna spot your boy?”, Lee asked my dad. “Well, why not”, he replied. Different from when Lee had been standing behind me, I now felt Dad’s more voluminous gut against my back, and if Lee brushed up against me every now and then, Dad was almost constantly touching my behind. He did not follow me when I moved down towards the grass, which I could understand since I was so much shorter than he. But he did keep his hands on my backside, and when I moved up I could swear I was sometimes pushing against his groin.

I blushed considerably when I realized he was hard – once again. Realizing this was not normal, I also knew that I was curious. What was really happening? Looking at Lee standing to the side, watching intently, it was not difficult to make out his dick, that I had seen the night before, stretching against the fabric of his boxers, upwards and to the side. When had he stripped down to those?

“That looks about right”, Lee said, “mind if I cut in, Benjy?”.

“Erm, sure, why not”, Dad responded. While they switched places, I caught my breath a little and then started moving up and down again. My thin legs were burning. I tried to keep my knees from going any more forward than my toes and also focused on not allowing my legs to bend inwards, as instructed. Lee was so much taller than me that he had placed himself on his knees, and when I was at the lowest point of my squat I could feel him pressing me backward onto his boner.

“Looks good, right?”, Lee asked. “For sure”, Dad said. I believed I had a pretty good grasp of this compound movement now. As for the other things that were happening and the attention I was getting from them both, I was not quite sure what to make of it. Oh, I knew that it was sexual and that this was not supposed to be happening. I was not so simple-minded that I didn’t understand that. Two men with hard-ons were touching me, and one of them was my father; the other his friend. But I was erect as well – Lee had been touching my private area – even though it was not as visible.

When I expressed my inevitable fatigue, we switched to pushups to work the upper body. Lee had suggested a friendly competition: We both stood on hands and toes, with me underneath him. I could feel his boner press against me – sometimes more forcefully, sometimes only slightly, as we did our pushups. He was able to do more pushups than me. After I was too tired, I sprawled out against the grass while he kept going. It was apparent that he was grinding himself against me for every repetition.

I had expelled the notion of asking them to stop. Besides, only a minor part of me wanted that, and it was the part of me that was ashamed of my scrawny body, the part that wanted to hide away from the world in my room and only play computer games and wish I popular. Now I was doing something that maybe no one else in my class had been doing – adult things with adult people. Or, maybe a few had in secret – as much of a secret as this was going to be. No way that I would tell anyone that I had felt Dad’s boner against me, or that I had gone so far as to actually touch his friend’s anaconda out in the open.

Dad traded places with his buddy, saying that “since he was not as fit, maybe it would make for a fairer competition”. This time I was pressed to the ground a few times even before I was too tired to go on any longer, and felt Dad forcibly grind against me before he stopped and let us both do more repetitions.

With Reginald still slumbering out of sight, the three of us ended the workout and went into the water. Sunlight reflected on the calm surface, only minor ripples from the wind traveling across the small lake. We started playing around. Among other things, we competed in who could hold his breath the longest (which was Lee). They took turns carrying me on their shoulders. My white trunks were, of course, soaked through and at first, I felt very aware of how my thing could be seen rather visibly. But they did not seem to care, which made me regard it as a non-issue.

Then, they attempted to balance me on their hands, holding me above water. Not a few times during our playing around had both Dad and Lee put my hands on their boners and also grabbed my ass and squeezed it. “Skinny-dip?”, Dad asked both me and Lee with a warm smile. Being in unusually good spirits, I said “Mkay!”, and Lee answered, “Good idea”. Following Dad’s example, we bundled up our underwear and threw them up onto the grass.

Not long afterwards, Dad and Lee were swimming close to me. Their hard things had been nudging and prodding against me under the water. At Dad’s encouragement, I soon found myself clutching onto and feeling his cock beneath the surface. It felt… Nice. It was very hard, and so much bigger than mine. “Y-you like it?”, Dad struggled to ask. “Mhm”, I replied, not bothering to hide my fascination.

In order to give me footing, Dad ushered me closer to land. When I could stand with my head above the water, Dad’s dick had broken the surface and was in full display. Lee had not been late to follow us. “And what about this one?”, he asked as he was near. I found myself comparing not only the look but the feel of both of them with my hands. My dad’s dick was not as impressively long as Lee’s, but he had just as many veins and it felt equally sturdy – if that was something you could call it without sounding stupid. Since I was his son, would that imply that I could get equally big downstairs when I was older? I hoped so.

Dad reached down and reciprocated by starting to jack me off under the water. “What have we here?”, he asked. Lee also wanted to have a feel and offered similar compliments. They had a pretend-argument of who was going to get the honor of handling my “awesome willy”. This must be one of those circle-jerks I had heard others joke about, I thought to myself amused.

My dad suggested that we should take the party even further away from the “napping big fellow”, unless we wanted him to come out of, and walk around, his tent only to stumble upon us having fun without him. Dad fetched our underwear, and then we swam in near silence a bit further away. Dad held my hand as he led me up from the water beyond the point where he had seen me and Lee the night before, and precariously we found our footing on the slippery stones where the forest met with the lake.

As we walked no more than a couple of yards in amongst the trees, my eyes darted from my dad’s swaying dick to Lee’s. They really were in another league than mine. When we stopped, I did not even need encouragement to start touching them again – it just felt like what ought to be done. I tried to gauge the strength of their tools as best I could, and they surely seemed to like it. Their moans where interlaced with keen words of approval.

“Maybe you should… try kissing Daddy’s… unit”, Lee said. I nodded. I could give it a try. Letting go of Lee’s shaft, I placed both hand on my dad’s rod and proceeded to put my lips on it, and then – with Dad’s eager approval - wrap them around his bell-end. It did not taste of anything really. I was not an easy task at all to fit my mouth over it. Dad winced once and told me to mind my teeth. It was more difficult than I had first imagined. Feeling like my jaw would unhinge and my lips could not be parted any more, I gave up on trying to take much of it in my mouth. Dad became even more vocally approving when I settled for sliding my lips back and forth over as much of his tip as I could safely handle.

Several things then happened at once; Dad grabbed his dick with one hand, and the back of my head with the other; he started twitching and groaning, and though I understood what was happening his sperm still took me by surprise when it shot into my still dick-kissing-mouth. There was a lot of jizz. I did not try to swallow it, but instead let it flow out of my mouth, along my chin and downwards. It tasted… a little sour, but the texture was way worse. Thick and gooey, almost like mayonnaise.

Dad slumped down against a tree. My task was not done however; Lee was no longer standing but instead sat on his knees in front of me. He obviously expected the same attention as Dad, and he would get it. Dad had liked my blowjob, and I wanted Lee to do the same. I went to work on his even bigger thing.

The best way seemed obvious to me; just focus on the tip, any more would be too much and I would hit my teeth against him which would bring pain instead of the enjoyment he was now obviously experiencing from the sound of it. When maybe a minute or two had passed of me standing on all fours, doing my best to suck away on that captivating organ that Lee had between his legs, Daddy surprised me by starting to caress my posterior.

Not needing to look back, I could feel that he had both hands on my hips, not that I had any though, and was playing around with his dick in my “sexy ass”, as he called it. That made me feel even naughtier, if that was possible. My dad was hard again, and it was because of me, because of how he liked the way I looked. It was not normal – nothing about this was - but it gladdened and electrified me nonetheless.

Pleasure followed as Dad had started jerking me off. I had lost some of my focus on Lee, but he did not seem to have minded. If anything, he seemed even more worked up. With a force equaling that of my daddy a few minutes before, he too shot his load into and around my mouth. His semen tasted better on the tongue - it was… sweeter than my dad’s. Not that I said such silly things out loud.

Lee laid down on his back, breathing deeply. Dad had stopped moving his dick about in my behind, though it was still parked there. Instead, he seemed fully focused on giving me a handjob. I stayed on my knees, but leaned down on my elbows instead of my hands, resting my forehead on the ground. This… This was all so… so lewd and, for the lack of a better word, naughty. It felt so good. So what if it was my father? Sure, that made it even more wrong – even dirtier. But was that necessarily a bad thing? Point was that I felt safe, and that I felt such satisfaction! Thrusting back and forth into his hand, I ejaculated. My load was nowhere near as impressive as the men’s, but I had at least been able to shoot out seed of my own. The first time I had done that was some months ago when looking at porn and playing with myself in my room. The experience right now had been much, much more intense though.

It took some moments for us to gather our composure, naked there in the woods. As we made our way back into the lake, I liked that they were still interested in me. Touching me and caressing my body. They were somewhere between sporting wood and being flaccid. There was nothing flaccid about me though; my little soldier was pointing towards to sun. As we swam back, Lee whispered, “best not talk about this in front of Regs just yet”. I nodded, he would certainly think it weird. “Best not mention it to anyone, right Caleb?”, Dad said, “Me and Lee could get in a lot of trouble over something like that”. I knew that that was true, and of course I would not mention it, ever, to anyone, which I told him. I could not have people knowing what had just happened! What I had just done.

Reggie was still dozing off in his tent when we came back, having put our wet underwear on and hurriedly gotten more properly dressed. For dinner, we yet again had canned food – which I was bored of and therefore ate sparingly. This stood in contrast to my devotion of changing lifestyle and bulking up, but every other meal I ever ate henceforth, I promised myself, would be substantial.

With the sun coming ever lower on the sky, they let me choose between Texas hold’em poker or Uno. I picked the latter since I considered myself comparatively better at it and it was more high paced as well as more fun. Dad had proclaimed that since it was the last night of my first real camping trip, I could have as much booze as I wanted. Although I did not particularly like the taste, I wanted to be manly and therefore kept sipping away.

Dad suggested that we should up the stakes by playing strip-Uno; the winner would get to choose who would lose an item of clothing, therefore making winning more important if one wanted to “protect delicate areas against mosquitoes”. He was joking around when he said that, since we had no trouble with mosquitoes – those very few that were around were drawn to and terminated by our lanterns. But his suggestion had been for real, and though Reggie did not appear to see the fun nor the point of it, he was quickly bullied into it by Dad and Lee. It had not helped that I followed the peer pressure and thus was on their side, making it three against one.

To make the game even, we all started with the same amount of clothing: Baseball caps, socks, underwear, shorts, t-shirts. Every now and then I won a round, and to get back at Dad and Lee – who had been choosing that I strip – I picked either of them whenever I got to decide. I was the first one who only had underwear as a singular item left on me. By then the sun had set and the light was disappearing, replaced by darkness that was creeping in around us and the few lights of our camp. At this point I also seemed to have grown numb to the taste of beer; it no longer bothered me as much. Additionally, I had been drinking coke that Lee had “flavored”, as he called it, with “some real drink”.

When Reginald had lost nothing but his hat and socks, my dad and Lee were tied in second place with underwear and t-shirts still on. Dad had won the most recent round, however, and it was his turn to choose. “Sorry son, we’ve been teaming up on you a little… but that’s because it’s always best to knock out the best player first – if you wanna win”, he said, “that being said, I pick you again… but you can keep your boxers on and instead lose your chair. That’s fair right?”. Without waiting for an answer, and seemingly without expecting one, he added “And I elect that Lee has to make room for you to sit with him”.

I took no offense. In fact, I saw it as a sign of respect that they thought I might have won in the end and therefore eliminated me first. I wasn’t usually considered the MVP at anything. Since that was what had just happened, I was out of the game though, right? That did vex me somewhat. I asked if that was the case, but thankfully Dad argued that I could keep partaking in the game if I wanted.

As I lifted away my lightweight, foldable chair, Lee said, “Yeah! Shake that fine ass on over here” and tapped his lap.

“Maybe… maybe it’s time for Caleb to hit the sack?”, Reggie wondered.

“I don’t wanna go to bed”, I interjected, sitting down with Lee.

“See, no need to be a killjoy”, Lee said, looking at Reggie. Dad said nothing.

The game continued. I had already peed once, but now I really needed to go again. The need was so dire that I forgot to say “Uno”, when I had only one card left, and therefore I had to pick up two penalty cards. That resulted in Reginald, who didn’t seem in as good of a mood as the rest of us, winning the round instead, and dad ended up sitting in only his trunks. It became a collective break where we all went our own way and took a wizz.

Back at the tree stump, I had to wait until Lee returned so I could hop up in his lap. When I eventually did, he pulled me back closer to his warmth. He ended up winning that round, and I was actually thankful that he picked me to lose my last piece of garment; my head was dizzy and it had become difficult for me to follow the game properly, and so I was thankful to be out of contention for good. With no chair of my own, and no clothes, I could be a spectator and see who finally won.

At first, I was a little embarrassed about being naked. Naked and in Lee’s lap. Therefore, I covered up my boyhood. On several occasions though, I found myself not protecting my downstairs region. Instead, my arms were at my sides or holding a drink. At these brief moments of clarity, I quickly shielded my nakedness and felt ashamed.

Gradually though, I stopped bothering. Lee had moved my hands out of the way a few times, me meekly letting him without protesting, and only good words flowed silently from his lips into my ears. I felt sort of carefree. Dad and Lee had already seen me naked and we had… done stuff. Besides, I wasn’t about to be a sore loser. Nobody liked a sore loser.

Although, I was a little bothered to have Reginald sitting opposite and seeing me nude in Lee’s lap. Upon me first getting fully nude, Reggie had said, “Maybe that’s enough?”, and when Dad just shrugged, he had added, “it’s getting late, perhaps the lad should retire into your tent for the night? Huh?”. Again, Dad had just shrugged his shoulders and said that it was up to me. I elected to stay. What fun would there be trying to fall asleep in the tent?

There was no hiding that I was getting excited again, not from myself or anyone else. Especially since Lee was moving me back and forth in his lap so that my butt and lower back kept hitting his erection, which must have been struggling to be contained inside his underwear. This affection from Lee had indeed gotten me going. I was stiff myself, and even though there was not much light, they could most certainly see it, if only faintly, in the glow from the lamp on the tree stump. Looking at Dad, I noticed that he was hard inside his underwear. There was no hiding that. I could also see Reginald shuffle about with a hand inside his shorts before the hand emerged again. “Are we… you sure this is… alright?”, Reggie stutteringly asked my dad.

“What happens here, stays here... No harm, no foul”, Dad answered, still looking at me and Lee.

The next round of Uno, Dad won. “I nominate that you lose your shorts, Regs, and Caleb gets to sit in your lap”, he said. That made me a little hesitant. Reggie did not seem to be enjoying himself like us others were. Did he not like me? Maybe Dad and Lee were the only ones who did. Maybe it was because I was white and he was black?

“Nah, I don’t know”, Reggie said, “he can… he can have his own damn chair back”.

“Oh, come on! Don’t tell me a nice and tight little ass don’t get you goin’?”, Lee said as if frustrated, and moved a hand down to my ass. I craned my head backwards, and he winked at me.

“When it’s more… age appropriate maybe… on a girl!”, Reggie spurted out.

“A nice young ass is a nice young ass”, Lee responded hands raised, “and age appropriate? So… you’ve never thought about going for some teenage hottie?”

“Maybe a few times”, Reggie admitted.

“Come on… You’ve wanted a little black-on-young-white, right?”, Lee wondered.

“Not like this… not like this”, Reginald said as if in a prayer.

I had been standing up, naked as I was, about to go over to Reginald but remained un-moving in hesitation since he did not seem to want me there. I had started to feel uncomfortable, and moved to sit back down with Lee again – where I knew I was wanted.

Before I had sat down, Reggie asked my dad if he was “truly good with all this?”.

“Oh! for fucks sakes”, Dad said, “Caley… come to me if Reggie doesn’t dare it”. With a smooth motion my dad pulled down his underwear – without anyone even having won a round and asked him to undress – and therefore he was as naked me when I sat down with him. His thing was pointing upward, almost angrily towards the darkened sky. As I sat on his thighs, my back sometimes graced against, well you-know-what.

Dad quickly became bolder than Lee had been. He was running his hands all over me, spreading my legs apart and touching me downstairs a few times. He called me gorgeous. Lee held us in his gaze and called me sexy. Reggie said nothing, but I could feel his eyes on us. Observing. Judging? Dad raised my arms up, and I clasped them behind his head. I felt even more exposed like that, but I did not mind. I did, however, not really appreciate it when he ran his hands over my flat belly and then my ribs – which were more visible when I had been sitting like that, arms raised and torso bent backwards. In response, I took my arms down, to sort of cover up this display of my unnormal slenderness. My mind was sluggish, so it took me a few moments to realize that being naked sort of put me on full view anyways and I should just keep enjoying this feeling of importance and the empowering proofs of lust towards me.

Snapping me out of my own thoughts, was Dad’s whispe

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Camping with My Boyfriend and His Friends

Camping with my Boyfriend and his friendsMy boyfriend Ronnie was over my house and asked me if I was interested in going camping with him and 3 of his friends. I have met all of them and didn’t see any problem with going with them. I told him that I would enjoy getting away for a couple days. He said that would be great and that he would pick me up on Friday. I told him I would be ready. After he left, I got my gear all packed up and ready to go. It was about 2 on Friday afternoon when Ronnie...

2 years ago
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Camping with Step daddy

Now i spent most of the time at home reading books. I was huge book nerd. I didnt have any friends. We were poor until Josh accepted us. I also had a elder sister. Another thing was that i had no exposure to the outside world, i was always casted out. I had no knowledge of sex and all. I remember the first time i got a hard on, i went to my sis crying about it. She explained it briefly and asked me to pee and it would go away. My sis had a boyfriend and he used to sneak in and i used to watch...

1 year ago
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Daddy Turns his Girl into a Sex Education Doll Part 2 Of The Sharing of Daddys Schoolgirl

 Chloe lay nervously excited on her bed. Her Daddy was leading a group of strangers into her room, and she could hear them getting closer. Her Daddy had ordered her not to move and to stare at the ceiling. She did as ordered, focusing fiercely on a small mark next to the ceiling fan. Not having permission to move meant she couldn’t pull her slutty red dress down and she knew her panties were clearly visible, as was her bra. Lying on her back had opened up the plunging V of the dress so that her...

2 years ago
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Camping with my aunt and her friends

while visiting my aunt for the 1st time in years she invited me on a camping trip she was having with a couple of her girl friends that next weekend. I love camping and had nothing better to do so I agreed. My aunt is in her 40s, divorced, no k**s, and a heavier set woman. Like 5-6 and a solid 280lbs big boobs and a giant ass. She started telling me about all of her friends that are going. They were megan and tayna both divorced older woman as well with grown up k**s. So now I start realizing...

3 years ago
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Two sexually frustrated wives on a camping trip with their neglectful husbands

Sandi’s beautiful long legs straddled the trunk of a fallen oak tree. “Man, I wish I had brought my vibrator out here with me,” she told her best friend Mandy who sat across from her out in the wilderness of the forest. “Tell me about it,” Mandy said. “I thought this was going to be a romantic, sexy camping trip with our husbands. Instead, the two of them get us out here in the middle of nowhere, then trek out to the lake together with their fishing poles and...

1 year ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 5

After Brad Grover had fucked the savage girl on the moss covered ground of the swamp, he had collapsed back on the ground and tried to rest for a moment. But seconds later, he again felt warm, wet lips and tongue licking hotly at his cock and balls down between his legs. He tried to concentrate on what she was doing and will himself to hardness again, but the wild fuck he'd just thrown into her hot little cunt had drained his balls dry. There wasn't a milligram of cum left in them to...

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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

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It was going to be a wonderful weekend! The wife and I were headed for the shore and some camping and fishing. We enjoyed sleeping in a tent on our new air mattress's and waking up to a campfire breakfast. The small lake we were going to was also perfect for our small boat for fishing The lake was not a popular one because it did not have big sandy beaches. But it did have a beach in “our” spot. It took about an hour to get there. We stopped to let the owner of the property know that we would...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 4

The girl stopped a few feet from the fire, suddenly overcome by an instinctive wariness, took several steps backward and then stopped again. They were all trapped for the night. The water had reached the shallow stream to the left of her now, leaving a small dry island encompassing the camper site and the trees beyond. And if the tide claimed any more ground, that too would be cut off! And where was her father and the swamp girl? The events of the past hour and her present fear intermingled...

4 years ago
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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 1 Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change....

2 years ago
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Frida in Thailand and meeting daddy

Sex Slave or Pubescent Girl having funI was a very good swimmer and trained very hard with ideas about the Olympics as young athletes do, I would hasten to add, I was twelve, tall and gangly and extremely tomboyish.My father was a maintenance worker for the town council, so I was able to get free passes into the baths and even the following year, have a part time job working as a locker room girl, which was all done under the radar, and gave me good pocket money.Daddy thought it was good for...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

3 years ago
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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

4 years ago
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Camping with Parents Friends

As I said, I baby sat for them fairly often. When I was 15 or so, I got dropped off at their house. Jan was still getting cleaned up while she waited for Steve to get home. Her kids were asking her tons of questions in her bedroom and her door was open. I stood in the kitchen drinking juice and for some reason,15 year old curiosity I suppose, I slowly started inching to my right. As i did this, I was able to see more and more of Jan's room through the door. Inch by inch I crept, not...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughters Pleasing Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal's pussy. She was the second daughter I'd fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their barely legal cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They'd changed my mind,...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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The MILF Camping Trip An Adult Story

His bully was going camping with him and his big boob mother..... It had been about 18 months since I had taken the school bus home. My car was in the shop again. My parents could not pick me up. They were on vacation for the next two weeks. I had the house to myself. They left me some cash, and some numbers were they would be staying. I looked around the bus. I recognized a few k**s. I was trying to hide my face. Being the captain of the football team, it was not cool taking the bus...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...

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Daddy I Whispered1

"DADDY?" I whispered Stephanie Seduces her Handsome Father THE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH "Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed. "Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him. No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt...

1 year ago
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Camping with friends

I lived in in middle of nowhere. Loved it many places to camp hunt fish party without having to deal alot people. I was going camping with friends. One of my friends brought his cousin who was visiting from out of town. I head might before but haven't seen her in years. She was about 5"4 had a heart shaped ass and small frim tities. Jessica was her name. We all took 4 wheelers on trails that lead to our favorite spot to camp. When get to our next to a river. Jessica asked if people ever come...

2 years ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 3

Sally almost opened her mouth to object as she watched her handsome father moving off in the near-darkness with the sensuous swamp girl, but before she could, they were out of the light of the fire. God, he was leaving her alone with these rough looking and talking men. What on earth could have come over him. She sat silently by the fire, aware the men's eyes were burning hotly through her clothing. She could only hope her father stayed at least within her screaming range if anything...

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A History of Me and Daddys Friends

We all went on holidays together, I was brought up calling him uncle Frank, he was my mother's lover and daddy was a cuckold, who liked to film them.I was thirteen when we all went for a week to the Canary Isles, uncle Frank stayed behind, I guess to have some quality time with mother as daddy and I went after breakfast to the beach to sunbathe. I had become aware of their complicated relationship when I had accidentally stumbled in on uncle Frank and mother going at it like a couple of teenage...

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Camping With Friends

Your name is Alex, and you are sitting in the back seat of a car. Of all of the strange and unlikely circumstances that could lead to you hanging out in the back seat of a vehicle, this one isn't so bad. You and three of your closest female friends have planned a camping trip for the summer, and unlike most of your plans, this one has actually worked out quite nicely. The four of you are headed out into the wilderness for a weekend that you can only hope will be filled with fun, adventure,...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Kims Camping Trip

CW Editing by: MalenaLynn BrokenBrumbyGirl Submission guidance by: secretsxywriter Lance finished loading the last of the camping gear into the back of his silver Subaru Cross-trek. He closed the hatch, turned around, and sat on the back bumper as he contemplated what Kim might have in store for them that weekend. With all the things Kim had done to them in the recent months, he really had no idea what she had planned this time. Two...

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Mandy and Daddy

Introduction: Mandys typical morning BIG FUCKING DISCLAIMER: First, obviously, READ THE TAGS! If anything in those tags might offend you, dont fucking read this. Seriously. You WILL get all butthurt and want to bitch about how disgusting this story is. If you DONT LIKE ONE OF THE TAGS, DONT FUCKING READ THIS. Second, EVEN MORE obviously, this is a work of FICTION, and I in no way condone ACTUALLY DOING any of these things! The people who made Die Hard arent bank robbers in real life, its JUST A...

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The Camping Trip

Thursday, March 20th, 2003Mitch had been having a great year.  He had finally found a home teaching in the western part of the state.  His first couple of years out of college, he had struggled. He had bounced around, trying to find the right fit for him.  His first two jobs were both single year stints. However, in the summer of 2001, he had been hired to teach history in a nice mid-size town.  Well, mid-size for this state. In some parts of the world, a town with 15,000 people still qualifies...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a young girl's cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a nineteen-year-old Hispanic...

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Future Camping

Jack adjusted his tie in the mirror. He straightened the knot and then flattened it down against his dress shirt. He picked up his casual dress shoes and sat on the bed. He gave his shoes a slight rub to get the dust off them. He only wore these shoes when he went camping which was his favorite form of evening entertainment. Jack was in his late 20s and he enjoyed camping because he liked to dress relaxed. Camping was a very informal source of entertainment on Earth. He didn't need to wear a...

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Mandy and Daddy

Mandy and Daddy Mandy's mouth was full, so her daddy stopped peeing. She focused on not biting him as she swallowed his dark yellow, morning piss. She got it down, but she gagged a little. She loved her daddy, but she hated the taste of his pee. Her lips stayed wrapped around the head of his half-hard cock and she sucked a little to let him know she was ready. He peed again, less this time. She knew she only had to finish four mouthfuls, and the rest would go into the toilet. She had...

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My StepGrandfather Daddy Joe Visits

I've been such a bad girl recently. My mother and step-father recently went on vacation. I’m still in high school and my step-father asked his father to come and stay with me. So technically, he’s my step-grandfather. We’re not related at all. And since we're not related, I planned on having sex with him. This was going to be a very interesting week. Although, Daddy Joe did not know what I was planning. I’ve always liked older men. There's just something so sexy about a man, when he gets...

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Camping with the Inlaws

I’ve never been much of an outdoorsman. In fact, my idea of “roughing it” is checking into a hotel without reservations. That’s why I was not very excited about the idea of my wife and I heading out into the sticks for a whole weekend-especially with my in-laws. Don’t get me wrong, my wife’s sister and her husband are good people; it’s just that they are about as opposite from Natalie and me as you can get. My wife and I are probably the typical...

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Uncle Mikes Excellent Camping Adventure

"It'll be fun," my brother Nick told me over the phone, "and Kristy and Karly really want you there." I didn't care what my brother or his wife Amanda or his two rugrats wanted. I wasn't into camping. "It's a great time to spend as family," insisted Nick. "We hardly see each other." I rarely saw Nick or his family because we lived over 500 miles apart. He had his nice suburban life of a wife and kids and I had my nice city life of a divorced bachelor. My marriage lasted less than...

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Candy And Her Sugar Daddy Go To The First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Camping Temptation

I had been looking at the white camper in front of me for hours, driving behind it with my black Civic. Lightly gripping my hands on the steering wheel I let my mind wander about the week ahead. I was on my way to go camping with Jake Austin and his family. His parents were driving in front of me in their camper, while Jake himself was laying down on the backseat, still suffering from a hangover from the night before. Julia, his eighteen year old sister, was sitting next to me in the passenger...

Straight Sex
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Camping With Friends

First a little background. This story actually happened a few years ago. Beth was a virgin when we met. I often tried to get her to find a well hung guy to fuck her but she always said, "I was all she needed", though when I suggested it she would get very hot and fuck like a wild woman. I by most of her work clothes so I know she will show off her assets. Beth is a 36C with great legs the other night she was working her part time job where they wear shorts a young lady told her that she hoped...

4 years ago
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Daddy Fucks Amanda ch 2

I turned, batted by emerald-green eyes and whispered, “Thanks Dad, you’re awesome.” His eyes sparkled with love, and he said, “You lil minx, I do not know what we would of done if mom knocked on the door, as asked what the noise was?” “I know what I would have done; I would piss down my leg, and die, right here on the spot.” “Well get dressed baby and then hurry to the bathroom, and clean up the evidence. I would eat it, but not enough time.” We both dressed, and composed...

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Camping With Cousins

Hey my name is karan (name changed for obvious reasons) and this is my first story!!! To start with I am a average looking guy with an average 7 inch dick. This incident happened 3 years before when I was 18 years old. I reached my uncle’s house at 5 pm where all my cousins were waiting for my arrival so that we can go out camping in the nearest forest. I had packed my clothes for the 2 days camping trip. My 6 cousins include Rohan who is 4 year younger than me. Rishabh who is a year younger...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 4 Twins Strip for Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Twins Strip for Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “They're on the move,” Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis, said, staring at the screen, a drone watching the God and his naked family piling into their car. “What's the status on the church?” “They're sending drones there now,” Deidre's daughter, Alexis, said. The eighteen-year-old sat naked on her...

1 year ago
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Camping Trip Turns Interesting For Brother Sister And Spouses

I have always had a passion for camping. Every summer my wife, Becky, and I arrange our schedules so we can enjoy at least one week of camping. There is nothing better than to escape from the fast paced hectic routine Becky as an IRS Revenue Specialist and mine as a small business owner share. On one occasion my Becky and I were visiting my sister; Jacquee and her husband Phil who lived a couple of hours from our home. It was during our visit we mentioned we were going tent camping next weekend...

Group Sex
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Camping and Music One

Packing for a wilderness camping trip can be a pain. The balance between weight and utility is different for every trip. In this particular instance, eight of us were going into the mountains in early summer. I wanted to trim the weight I was carrying enough to take along my guitar. We were split into four pairs. Each pair would share the burden on certain items. For example. If I took my guitar, my partner might carry most of our food. I was draconian in cutting unneeded weight, I...

2 years ago
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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Camping With My Cousin

Chapter one as told by Billy Wiliams Even for the west coast of Florida in August the heat was oppressive. The nights were in the high seventies or low eighties and the days were pushing the high nighties. The only thing that made camping bearable was the dense sub-tropical forest and the cool Peace River that meanders through central south-west Florida fed by fifty degree underground streams. I was visiting my cousin who lived in Arcadia Florida, it was three weeks before school would start...

3 years ago
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Grandpas and Daddys Slut Girl

It was grandpa! We had been on our way over to visit grandpa who lived out in the country, nearly 15 miles from town. Dad had stopped about a mile before reaching his house, pulling off the dirt road onto a side road. He killed the engine before pulling me into the back seat for a quick fuck. I never knew where or when the urge would hit dad, but since we had started having intercourse and I was finally able to take all of his cock up inside my pinkpussy, he seemed to want it more often and...

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Ma Aur Behen Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1 Camping Gaye

Hey guys mera naam Dev hai. Main ISS pe apni stories regularly update karta reheta hun. Aaj main apni ek aurr nayi story aap logo ke samne present karne jaa raha hun. Toh basically yeah story 3 logo ke beech ki hai jo ki main, meri mom aur sister hai. Is story main aap read karenge ki kaise meine meri mom aur sister ke sath mountains mein camping ke time pe sex kiya. I hope ki aap raders enjoy karenge. Toh jaisa meine bataya, main Delhi main reheta hun, apni mom aur sister ke sath. Meri mom ka...

2 years ago
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Still Camping

October 21st-22nd, 2016“We want to go camping,” Mitch said to Tracy one evening in late September. He and his wife, Misty, were visiting Tracy and Becca, and all four of them were watching a movie together in the living room. “You two go camping all the time,” Tracy returned, “what’s stopping you?” “No,” Mitch replied. “We want all of us to go camping,” he explained. “Me and Misty, you and Becca, Heather and Katie. All six of us.” Tracy assumed an intrigued expression. “That’s an interesting...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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RV Camping Trip

Part I – The Beginning In the spring of 1995, I was on a camping trip at Brazos Bend State Park. It was a solo trip in the small RV that I had at the time. Of course, being the horny young man that I was, I was always looking for pretty women. But I mainly had porn and photography on my mind for this trip, so I hadn’t really come prepared, physically or mentally, for a physical encounter. It wasn’t the prime camping season yet, so I didn’t expect to find a hot young lady or a lonely wife ready...

2 years ago
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RV Camping Trip

Part I – The Beginning In the spring of 1995, I was on a camping trip at Brazos Bend State Park. It was a solo trip in the small RV that I had at the time. Of course, being the horny young man that I was, I was always looking for pretty women. But I mainly had porn and photography on my mind for this trip, so I hadn't really come prepared, physically or mentally, for a physical encounter. It wasn't the prime camping season yet, so I didn't expect to find a hot young lady or a lonely wife ready...

Straight Sex

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