The story of Sandrine
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Histoire de Sandrine (1)
Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08
F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc Heavy
Synopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.
Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vertus quand vous voulez persuader une femme.
D. A. F. Marquis De Sade.
Chapitre 1?: L’enl?vement.
Protagonistes (Par ordre d’apparition) :
Sandrine?: Jeune lyc?enne ?g?e de 18 ans depuis quelques jours.
Madame?: Jolie blonde d’une quarantaine d’ann?es Ma?tresse de Lisette.
Lisette?: Petite soubrette d’une vingtaine d’ann?es, au service de Madame.
Ghislaine?: Amie de Sandrine.
Sylvie?: Amie de Sandrine
Je me r?veille avec une douleur lancinante dans le cr?ne. J’ouvre les yeux, mais une obscurit? totale m’emp?che de distinguer quoi que ce soit. Une panique terrible s’empare de mon esprit et je tente brutalement de me redresser lorsqu’une douleur plus terrible encore me traverse les ?paules.
Mes poignets sont prisonniers? J’ai les bras attach?s au-dessus de la t?te? M?me constatation pour mes jambes. En fait je suis immobilis?e ? l’horizontale sur un rev?tement inconfortable. L’effort a raviv? mon mal de t?te et je n’ai d’autre possibilit? que de rel?cher la tension de mon corps.
?? AU SEC??? Aucun son ne sort de ma bouche. Un linge est enfonc? entre mes dents, solidement maintenu en place par un b?illon qui me scie la nuque. Un silence assourdissant r?gne. Pas un bruit de voiture, d’oiseaux ou de voix ne me parvient.
O? suis-je?? Quelle heure est-il?? Mes souvenirs sont confus, j’ai pass? la journ?e au Lyc?e? Mais c’est tout ce dont je me souviens. Un frisson me parcourt de la t?te aux pieds. On m’a enlev?e. Je me suis fait kidnapper.
Je tente de pivoter sur mon dos avec toute la force dont je dispose mais les bracelets qui m’entravent les poignets et les chevilles sont solidement fix?s et m’?cart?lent implacablement.
Un d?sespoir profond m’envahit. Que va-t-il m’arriver?? Quel horrible monstre peut commettre un acte aussi terrible?? Je sais que mes parents ont du mal ? boucler leurs fins de mois et que jamais ils n’auront les moyens de payer une ran?on.
Je ne me connais pas d’ennemis, au contraire. La classe de terminale dans laquelle je me trouve est une des plus sympas de toute ma scolarit?. Tous les gar?ons me courtisent et? C’est ?a? Mon ravisseur est forc?ment un lyc?en que j’ai d? ?conduire d’une fa?on qu’il n’aura pas support?e. Aussit?t, je pense ? Julien qui passe son temps ? me faire des avances et que j’ai remis ? sa place un peu vertement la semaine derni?re. Une pouss?e d’adr?naline me fouette le sang. Il va prendre par la force ce que je lui ai refus?. Pourtant, il avait l’air plut?t gentil, et amoureux aussi ? Il me court apr?s depuis le d?but de l’ann?e, mais c’est plus fort que moi, les gar?ons ne m’attirent pas du tout?
Un bruit lointain m’interromps dans mes pens?es. Un claquement de talons retentit et va croissant, accompagn? par un faible cliquetis que je n’identifie qu’au moment o? une cl? est introduite dans la serrure. Mon sang se glace dans mes veines. La porte s’ouvre en grin?ant et je dois me tordre le cou pour distinguer mon ravisseur. Malheureusement, la lumi?re qui s’engouffre par l’ouverture m’?blouit. Je ne parviens ? distinguer qu’une ombre.
?? Alors Sandrine r?veill?e????
Une voix de femme? C’est une femme qui m’a enlev?e. Un peu rassur?e, je m’?tire dans mes liens pour distinguer l’arrivante, mais une lumi?re insoutenable me fait grogner dans mon b?illon en me br?lant les yeux. La pi?ce dans laquelle je suis emprisonn?e est ?quip?e de lampes tr?s puissantes.
?? Ne t’inqui?te pas, je ne te veux pas de mal.?? Dit-elle d’une voix ?trangement grave.
Elle s’approche de moi et penche son visage vers le mien, att?nuant mon ?blouissement. C’est une femme d’une quarantaine d’ann?es, assez s?duisante. Son visage me para?t familier, sans que je puisse savoir pourquoi. Elle pose sa main sur mon front et me caresse doucement tandis que mes yeux s’habituent ? la clart?. Je suis ?tendue ? hauteur de son bassin et je l’observe, les yeux ?carquill?s d’horreur.
??Tu te souviens de moi???? me demande-t-elle en posant ses l?vres sur mon front.
Je rue dans mes liens pour ?chapper ? son contact.
??Doucement ma belle, il n’y a que toi et moi ici, et je viens de te dire que je ne te voulais pas de mal.??
Je grogne de plus belle.
??Allons, soit patiente, jeune fille, d?s que tu seras calm?e, j’?terai ce b?illon immonde de ta jolie bouche??
Sa main continue ? effleurer mon front. Des milliers de questions tourbillonnent dans ma t?te?: qui est elle?? que me veut-elle?? pourquoi m’a-t-elle amen?e ici?? Sa bouche s’approche ? nouveau de mon front. Je me d?robe une nouvelle fois, mais une gifle cinglante me fait fondre en larmes.
??Je t’ai dit que je ne te voulais pas de mal mais il va falloir que tu veilles ? ne pas d?passer les bornes ma ch?rie. Au cas o? tu ne l’aurais pas compris, ici, c’est moi qui d?cide, c’est moi qui te nourris, c’est moi qui choisis quand tu peux te rendre aux toilettes. Bref, tu es enti?rement ? ma merci. Personne ne sait ou tu te trouves et cet endroit est suffisamment isol? pour que nul n’ait l’id?e de venir t’y chercher.??
Elle attrape quelque chose derri?re ma t?te et le passe autour de mon front. Il doit s’agir d’une courroie fix?e au meuble sur lequel je suis immobilis?e, car, une fois la lani?re en place, il me devient impossible de remuer la t?te.
J’ai ferm? les yeux et le contact de sa langue sur ma joue me fait sursauter. Elle est en train de l?cher mes larmes.
??Dommage que tu ne sois pas plus raisonnable, ma belle. Ton s?jour ici risque de devenir tr?s d?sagr?able si tu n’y mets pas du tien??
J’ai l’impression d’?tre en enfer. ?cartel?e, entrav?e, ? la merci d’une folle que je ne connais ni d’?ve ni d’Adam. Son visage aust?re est coiff? d’une queue-de-cheval impeccable qui tire ses cheveux blonds en arri?re et d?gage ses deux grands yeux bleus qui me fixent impitoyablement. Elle me fait l’impression d’un pr?dateur contemplant sa proie. Sa voix, au ton pos?, contraste avec son expression s?v?re. Incapable de tourner la t?te, je d?tourne les yeux comme une gamine prise en faute pour fuir son regard.
Soudain, je suffoque. Elle m’a pinc? le nez entre le pouce et l’index et m’annonce en articulant lentement chacun de ses mots.
??Tu sais ma ch?rie, je peux faire tout ce que je veux ? ton joli corps. J’ai pouvoir de vie et de mort sur toi???
En pleine panique, je n’?coute pas la fin de sa phrase. Mes poumons se mettent ? me br?ler abominablement. Elle va me tuer, c’est s?r. Un essaim de petits points lumineux voile ma vue. Je hurle dans mon b?illon qui glisse vers le fond de ma bouche, aspir? par ma gorge. J’?touffe. C’est la fin.
??Alors, Sandrine, es tu d?cid?e ? devenir raisonnable???? demande-t-elle en me permettant d’aspirer une grande bouff?e d’oxyg?ne. Sa voix me semble parvenir d’un autre monde. Haletante, je reprends ma respiration avec toutes les difficult?s du monde.
C’est ? bout de forces que j’acquiesce en ?mettant des sons inintelligibles et en tentant de remuer la t?te malgr? la courroie qui la bloque.
??? la bonne heure?? Ajoute t-elle en s’inclinant pour cueillir une nouvelle larme du bout de la langue.
??J’obtiens toujours ce que je veux. Tu apprendras ?a.?? Elle ?te d?licatement mon b?illon, avant d’extraire de mes l?vres le morceau d’?toffe tout chiffonn? et compl?tement d?tremp? par son s?jour dans ma bouche.
Je suis en nage, la transpiration ruisselle le long de mon visage exsangue. Des gouttes sillonnent mes tempes et mon cou.
??P? Pou? Pourquoi???? Dis-je en b?gayant, le souffle saccad?.
??Qu? Qui? Qui ?tes-vous????
??Tu n’as pas besoin de savoir ?a.?? Me r?pond-elle d’une voix s?che. ??Pour toi, comme pour les autres, je suis "Madame". J’esp?re que tu t’en souviendras.?? Conclu-t-elle en posant d?licatement ses l?vres sur les miennes.
Puis, sans un mot, elle se retourne et quitte la pi?ce, me laissant seule en plein cauchemar, tandis que le claquement de ses talons va, d?croissant, vite absorb? par le silence de la pi?ce.
Je r?alise que je suis ?puis?e. Mes muscles sont aussi raides qu’apr?s une journ?e d’?ducation physique. La maison de mes parents, mon ann?e scolaire, mon baccalaur?at, tous mes tracas habituels me paraissent soudain tr?s lointains et compl?tement secondaires.
Mon dos et mes ?paules me font souffrir contre la surface rude sur laquelle je suis ?tendue. Une pens?e m’obs?de?: Que me veut-elle??
Une nouvelle vague de d?sespoir me submerge. Les larmes noient mon regard pos? sur le haut-plafond. ? travers un voile trouble, je distingue ? peine le carrelage blanc qui le recouvre enti?rement. Je suis an?antie. J’ai beau ?tirer mes yeux sur les c?t?s, je ne distingue pas grand-chose. La froideur du rev?tement qui recouvre le plafond et les murs, l’?clairage qui ressemble ? celui d’une salle d’op?ration me donnent l’impression de me trouver dans un h?pital.
Inconsciemment, je laisse mon esprit vagabonder. Je me revois au lyc?e ? la sortie des cours. Nous ?tions toutes les trois et nous marchions sur le trottoir en discutant de la proximit? du Bac, une de nos pr?occupations principales. Sylvie et Ghislaine, mes deux amies d’enfance m’accompagnaient.
"Ghis" est aussi brune que moi, tout l’oppos? de la blondeur de "Syl". Nous crois?mes un groupe de gar?ons et quelques sifflements retentirent dans notre dos. D’un commun accord, il y a belle lurette que nous ne retournions plus dans ce cas. Seul un mot ressemblant ? "b?cheuses" ou "pr?tentieuses" me parvint. Il faut dire que mes copines n’y allaient pas avec le "dos de la cuill?re" en ce qui concerne la s?duction. Toutes deux ?taient v?tues de minijupes et "Ghis" portait des escarpins ? talons aiguilles de quatre centim?tres. "Syl", quant ? elle portait son ?ternelle paire de bottes noires ? talons plats.
Mes deux amies sont deux beaut?s sulfureuses et malgr? leurs r?sultats scolaires m?diocres, je ne me fais pas de soucis quant ? leur avenir. Elles ont toutes deux pris des contacts avec une soci?t? de mannequinat qui leur a d?j? fait faire un "book" ? chacune.
Contrairement ? elles, je n’aime pas mettre mon corps en valeur. Ma tenue de pr?dilection reste, depuis mon enfance, le traditionnel "Jean Converses noires". Cependant, ma fiert? f?t flatt?e par les regards ?loquents des gar?ons qui m’avaient tous d?visag?e de la t?te aux pieds avec insistance.
Les hommes n’?taient pas ma "tasse de th?". Au plus profond de mes secrets intimes, je savais avec certitude que c’?taient les filles qui m’attiraient. "Syl" me fascinait et "Ghis" m’attirait presque autant qu’elle. Pourtant, jamais, au grand jamais je n’aurais os? leur avouer la flamme qui consumait mon ?me depuis quelques ann?es. Probablement l’?ducation que m’avaient donn? mes parents que j’adorais, m?me si aujourd’hui je ne les voyais plus que les rares fois ou je ne d?couchais pas.
??Allez, les filles, je vous offre un rafra?chissement??. Nous dit Sylvie. Elles ?taient toutes deux issues de familles ais?es et j’admirais la d?sinvolture avec laquelle elles affichaient, discr?tement, leur opulence. Jamais l’une d’entre elles ne m’aurait laiss? entendre que je ne faisais pas partie de leur milieu social. Heureusement car je ne l’aurais pas support?.
Sous un soleil de plomb, nous pr?mes place sur la terrasse du caf?, heureuses d’?chapper ? l’ambiance lourde du "bahut". Ce d?but de Week-end de juin s’annon?ait radieux.
Soudain, un flash me revint ? l’esprit?: Quelques tables plus loin, un groupe de femmes d’affaires, du moins c’est ce que leurs tenues laissaient entendre, discutaient ? l’ombre d’un parasol. L’une d’entre elles, la plus ?l?gante, me fixait avec un int?r?t qui me fit rougir.
C’?tait elle?C’?tait cette femme qui m’avait enlev?e? Les derniers ?v?nements ?taient si fous que j’en avais occult? le souvenir.
Prise dans la conversation avec les filles, je n’y avais plus pr?t? attention. Nous avions bu nos consommations et l?? Le trou noir? A croire que je n’avais jamais quitt? cette terrasse de caf?.
Ce souvenir me fait l’effet d’une douche froide et me ram?ne brusquement ? la dure r?alit?. Voil? pourquoi cette femme m’a demand? si je me souvenais d’elle. D’autres larmes noient ma vue. Un chagrin incontr?lable s’empare de moi. Je me mets ? sangloter en reniflant bruyamment.
Une terrible envie d’uriner me fait brusquement ?merger de ma torpeur. ?reint?e, j’ai d? m’endormir quelques instants? Ou quelques heures. J’ai compl?tement perdu la notion du temps, et l’envie tourne vite au cauchemar. Depuis combien de temps suis-je retenue prisonni?re dans cet endroit horrible?? Il faut absolument que j’aille aux toilettes dans les plus brefs d?lais. "C’est moi qui choisis quant tu peux te rendre aux toilettes" La phrase r?sonne dans mon pauvre cr?ne.
Toute fiert? abolie, je me mets ? hurler?:
J’ai beau m’escrimer de la sorte pendant un long moment?
Personne ne r?pond ? mes supplications. Mon supplice prend des proportions dramatiques. Si elle ne me lib?re pas imm?diatement, je vais faire dans ma culotte comme une petite gamine.
Mais, mes implorations restent vaines. Ma vessie est devenue si douloureuse, qu’au comble de la honte, je m’abandonne comme une petite fille, inondant mes sous-v?tements pour prix d’un soulagement sans pareil. Je sens l’humidit? progresser entre les jambes de mon pantalon, bient?t remplac?e par une sensation de froid provoqu?e par l’?vaporation. Les minutes s’?gr?nent et la forte odeur de ma transpiration est supplant?e par celle, plus acide, de mon "pipi".
Je ne compte plus mes crises de larmes. Jamais dans ma vie, je n’ai ?prouv? une telle humiliation. Je frissonne. Je sens mes pointes de seins se tendre comme si elles allaient percer mon soutien-gorge.
C’est l’horreur int?grale. Ne pouvant cesser de sangloter, je plonge ? nouveau dans un sommeil agit? peupl? de r?ves ?tranges qui ne me laisseront qu’un souvenir diffus.
Mes v?tements ont fini de s?cher pendant mon sommeil. L’odeur plus tenace que jamais m’emplit les narines. La temp?rature de la pi?ce est chaude et je n’ai plus froid, mais curieusement, mes pointes de seins sont toujours aussi dures.
J’ai d? dormir longtemps car je me sens repos?e. Seule la douleur de mon dos et de mes bras m’indisposerait, si ce n’?tait cette odeur ent?tante ? laquelle j’ai du mal ? m’habituer. Ma gorge est s?che et je commence ? avoir soif.
Une chaleur inaccoutum?e s’est ?panouie dans ma poitrine, un peu comme une d?mangeaison tr?s l?g?re. Un besoin de massage s’impose ? mon esprit. ?a n’est pas la premi?re fois que ?a m’arrive mais je suis ?tonn?e que cela puisse se produire dans de pareilles circonstances. J’ai d?j? ressenti la m?me chose un soir o? j’?tais seule dans ma chambre. Je pensais ? Sylvie, ? son corps admirable, ses grandes jambes et son buste parfait. Ce jour, nous ?tions all?es ? la piscine. Il n’y avait que nous deux et, apr?s avoir longuement nag? et papot?, nous avions pris notre douche ensemble. S?re de ne pas ?tre d?rang?e, elle s’?tait mise enti?rement nue et, pendant qu’elle se faisait un shampooing, j’en avais profit? pour l’observer discr?tement.
Elle est blonde des pieds ? t?te et j’ai profit? d?licieusement de la vue qui s’offrait ? moi? Le bruit de pas et de cl?s approchant de ma prison m’interrompit dans mes pens?es.
C’est la folle qui revient. Je ne peux m’emp?cher d’esp?rer que cette situation ne va pas durer et que l’heure de la d?livrance approche. Elle p?n?tre dans la pi?ce et avance vers moi d’un pas mesur?.
??Coucou, Sandrine?? dit-elle en s’avan?ant. Son timbre de voix est grave, rauque, imp?ratif. ??Beurk? ?a sent la petite fille qui se n?glige ici.??
J’en rougis de honte. Bien s?r, elle a remarqu? le "petit accident" dont j’ai ?t? victime tout ? l’heure. Sa main caresse doucement mes joues.
??J’esp?re que maintenant, tu as compris qui d?cidait ici?? Son regard vert me transperce. Elle porte une robe de cuir noir qui tranche avec la blondeur de ses cheveux et renforce sa s?v?rit? naturelle.
??Oui, oui, je vous en supplie?! d?tachez-moi?!??
??Bien ma ch?rie, tu as l’air d’?tre revenue ? de meilleurs sentiments. C’est vrai que ?a n’est pas tr?s confortable ici. Je te propose un march酠?
??Tout ce que vous voulez, mais je vous en prie, d?tachez-moi?!??
??Soit. C’est moi qui commence?? dit elle en d?tachant la courroie qui immobilise ma t?te avant d’ajouter ??C’est ton tour maintenant. Qu’as-tu ? me proposer????
La question me surprend, je ne sais quoi r?pondre. ??Ben? Heu? Je ne sais pas???
Un sourire narquois s’affiche sur son visage. ??Tu pourrais me faire un petit baiser... Sur la bouche..?? Dit-elle en se penchant sur moi.
Son odeur est un plaisir?: ? la fois fra?che et subtile. Un parfum discret mais ent?tant. J’en oublie l’odeur d’urine dans laquelle je suis immerg?e depuis si longtemps.
??Si? Si vous? Si vous voulez?? bafouille-je avec une toute petite voix.
Elle a pris soin de maintenir son visage ? une dizaine de centim?tres du mien. Je dois tirer durement sur mes entraves pour atteindre ses l?vres et y d?poser fugitivement les miennes.
Elle ?clate d’un rire franc. ??C’est ?a que tu appelles un baiser? Tu pourrais au moins faire semblant si tu veux ?tre convaincante.
Mes joues deviennent cramoisies. Cette femme prend plaisir ? m’humilier. Je dois faire un effort surhumain, en tendant tous mes muscles ankylos?s, pour poser mes l?vres sur les siennes et y d?poser un baiser un peu plus appuy?.
??C’est mieux?? dit elle en reprenant son s?rieux. ??? mon tour.??
Elle s’?loigne de quelques pas et appuie sur un bouton plac? pr?s de la porte d’entr?e. J’en profite pour explorer la pi?ce dans laquelle je suis emprisonn?e. C’est enti?rement carrel? de blanc et, si ce n’?tait cette robuste table en bois sur laquelle je suis ?cartel?e, on dirait une infirmerie. De longs lavabos blancs sont fix?s au mur de droite et une quantit? ph?nom?nale de meubles et d’?tag?res blancs fait tout le tour de la pi?ce?
Un nouveau claquement de pas vient de r?sonner dans le couloir, se rapprochant rapidement.
???a doit ?tre d?sagr?able ce pantalon. Quelle odeur ?pouvantable.?? Dit elle en revenant vers moi. ??Le mieux serait de l’enlever, tu ne crois pas????
??Mais? Vous aviez dit que vous alliez me d?tacher???
??Tu as la m?moire courte, je t’ai propos? un march? que tu as accept頻 me coupe-t-elle d’une voix tranchante. ??C’est donnant-donnant. ? toi de faire un geste maintenant.??
Elle a allum? une cigarette blonde qu’elle fume ? l’aide d’un porte cigarette long et effil?, semblable ? ceux du d?but du si?cle.
??Madame m’a demand?e????
? ma grande surprise, c’est une petite brune de mon age qui s’est immobilis?e sur le pas de la porte. Elle est tr?s fine et son tablier blanc met en ?vidence sa taille tr?s marqu?e. Elle a une vingtaine d’ann?es tout au plus, et porte une tenue de soubrette qui donne l’impression qu’elle sort tout droit d’un film de luis Bu?uel.
??Oui, Lisette, d?barrasse cette jeune fille de son pantalon, veux-tu. Elle empeste.??
??Bien Madame.??
Je rougis de plus belle. Non seulement je suis ? la merci de cette folle, mais en plus, elle demande ? une inconnue de me mettre nue.
Visiblement aux ordres, la petite soubrette se h?te vers un tiroir duquel elle extrait une paire de ciseaux et entreprend de d?couper mon pantalon. Quelle d?ception?
Pendant que l’autre s’escrime avec ses ciseaux, la blonde m’interroge ? nouveau avec le m?me sourire narquois.
??Je t’?coute Sandrine?? La fum?e de sa cigarette me pique les yeux.
??Si vous me d?tachez et me laissez partir, je vous promets de n’en parler ? personne??
Nouvel ?clat de rire. ??Ne t’inqui?tes pas ma jolie, je te laisserai partir? Quand je l’aurai d?cid酠? Elle se tait un instant, r?veuse, avant de reprendre d’un ton glacial. ??Pour l’instant j’attends ta proposition.??
Jouer au chat et ? la souris avec moi semble beaucoup lui plaire. Mon probl?me est que je ne sais vraiment pas quoi lui proposer.
??Alors Sandrine, tu es ? court d’id?es?? Tu pourrais me faire un autre baiser, avec la langue cette fois ci??? Sans me laisser r?fl?chir ou protester, elle m’attrape le visage entre ses deux mains et m’embrasse longuement. Sa langue explore longuement ma bouche, se m?le ? la mienne avant de m’abandonner et me laisser pantelante, essouffl?e. Curieusement, je n’?prouve aucun d?go?t.
Pendant ce temps, petite bonne a fini de m’?ter mon pantalon.
??Madame ?-t-elle encore besoin de moi????
??Oui Lisette, mais ce sera surtout notre jeune amie qui aura besoin de tes services. Reste un moment avec nous?? Elle tend sa cigarette, dont la cendre menace de tomber, ? la jeune fille qui, pr?cipitamment, offre sa main en guise de cendrier.
??Bien Madame.?? R?pondit-elle, t?te baiss?e.
??Sert lui un verre, ?a fait bient?t 12 heures qu’elle est ici et elle doit ?tre assoiff?e. Tu en profiteras pour m’apporter ma cravache.??
??Une cravache?!!! de mieux en mieux?!!! mais vous ?tes folle ? lier.?? Hurle-je avec l’?nergie du d?sespoir.
Une paire de gifles me d?visse la t?te. ???a ma fille, c’est un langage que tu n’emploieras plus jamais avec moi.?? Ses yeux lancent des ?clairs. ??Tu m’entends?? Plus Jamais.??
Je d?tourne les yeux et acquiesce de la t?te en reniflant.
??Je pense que tu as besoin d’une petite le?on??Lisette le tee-shirt et le soutien gorge.??
??Bien Madame.??
Pendant qu’elle s’active avec dext?rit? et d?coupe en lambeaux le peu de v?tements qu’il me reste pour pr?server ma pudeur, je remarque ? quel point la petite brune ressemble ? In?s, la soubrette du film "Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie".
Soudain une douleur cuisante, ? la cuisse gauche, me fait me tordre dans mes liens en hurlant.
??Les sangles.?? Rajoute la femme en levant une nouvelle fois sa cravache.??
Le deuxi?me coup me scie la cuisse droite. Je hurle de plus belle.
??Pour toi, je suis "Ma-da-me." Dit elle en ponctuant chaque syllabe d’un nouveau coup sur chaque cuisse et sur mon ventre. ??C’est compris????
??Oui Ma? Madame.?J? J’ai comp? J’ai compris. Arr?tez ?a. Je? Je vous en supplie.??
Ma voix est presque inaudible, tant les sanglots me font bafouiller.
??Je pr?f?re ?a. Maintenant, plus un mot tant que je ne t’y invite pas. Sinon???
Et elle agite la cravache dans l’air, la faisant siffler pr?s de mes oreilles.
Je suis maintenant crucifi?e sur la table. Des courroies enserrent mes cuisses, ma taille, mes bras et mes avant-bras.
La femme s’approche de ma nudit? et prom?ne ses mains sur mon corps. Du bout de ses ongles parfaitement manucur?s, elle suit les br?lures qu’elle vient de me causer. Je g?mis le plus silencieusement possible. Tr?s lentement, elle caresse mon ventre, tourne autour de mon nombril et fait remonter sa main, bien ? plat, jusqu’? mes seins. Elle proc?de avec douceur et ses caresses me r?confortent.
??Je peux te donner du plaisir? Ou de la douleur.?? Elle saisit le t?ton de mon sein gauche entre le pouce et l’index et le tord furieusement. De l’autre main, elle approche le bout incandescent ? quelques centim?tres de ma chair sensible. Je me t?tanise dans mes entraves. ??Du plaisir??? Elle fait glisser sa main le long de mon ventre et effleure d?licatement mon entrecuisse ??Ou de la douleur??? Une chiquenaude du bout de son ongle heurte mon autre t?ton.
??Ton corps m’appartient int?gralement, comme tout ce qui se trouve ici. N’est ce pas Lisette????
??Oui Ma?tresse.?? R?pond la soubrette, les yeux baiss?s. Elle est agenouill?e dans une curieuse position au pied de la table?: Ses bras sont crois?s dans son dos et elle garde en permanence les yeux baiss?s sur le sol, quelques centim?tres devant ses genoux ?cart?s. La blonde me contourne et, de toute sa hauteur, me fixe droit dans les yeux et lui tend une main sur laquelle la petite bonne d?pose un long baiser.
??Que choisis tu, Sandrine?? Le plaisir ou la douleur????
??Le plaisir?!!!?? m’exclame-je sans r?fl?chir.
Un nouveau coup de cravache en travers du ventre m’arrache un cri.
??Le plaisir, QUI????
??MADAME?!!! le plaisir Madame?!?? rajoute-je pr?cipitamment.
??J’en ?tais s?re, petite vicieuse?!?Bien, la le?on est termin?e.?? Me dit-elle en me proposant ses l?vres. Je l’embrasse avec un empressement veule, d?cid?e ? faire mon maximum pour ne pas m’attirer ses mauvaises gr?ces. Ses mains reprennent l’exploration de mes seins. Je g?mis interminablement ? travers sa bouche.
C’est une sensation incroyablement forte, ?sa langue et ses mains expertes me transportent dans un univers inconnu. Mes id?es se brouillent et j’oublie tout pour me concentrer sur le plaisir qui progresse sournoisement entre mes cuisses. Elle s’aventure jusqu’? ma culotte, entre mes cuisses, revient sur mes seins, alternant caresses superficielles et profondes avec expertise, pour, enfin, me procurer un orgasme d’une intensit? prodigieuse. Une immense frustration s’empare de moi lorsqu’elle m’abandonne, pantelante, dans mes liens. Jamais je n’ai connu un plaisir aussi complet, aussi d?vastateur.
??Il faut que tu saches qu’il y a d’autres r?gles. Elles sont nombreuses et toute transgression sera ch?ti?e avec s?v?rit?.
Pour commencer, tu ne dois jamais me regarder dans les yeux. Tu t’adresseras toujours ? moi avec respect. Tu ne parleras que lorsque je t’interrogerai. Tu ob?iras ? tous mes ordres. Pour le reste, Lisette t’expliquera. Tu dois lui ob?ir autant qu’? moi. Elle a tous pouvoirs pour te corriger si cela s’av?re n?cessaire.??A cet instant, ma frustration est telle que je ne r?alise pas toutes les implications de ce qu’elle m’annonce.
??Oui Madame????
??Je te la confie. D’abord, fais lui prendre une douche compl?te.?? Elle insista lourdement sur le mot "compl?te". Ensuite, tu l’habilles, tenue n?1, et tu viens me la pr?senter dans le petit salon ? midi et demi. Gare ? toi si le service n’est pas parfait???
? venir?: La surprise
Lien de la partie précédente : s'arrêta d'un coup sec, un mélange de sperme et de salive dégoulinant de sa bouche et me dit "Est-tu prêt à tout pour pouvoir me faire l'amour ?"J'avais la tête de cette cougard entre les cuisses, sa bouche autour de mon pénis, et sa langue qui caresse mon frein, quelle question, évidemment que je suis prêt à tout pour la baiser. Je lui répondis donc d'un hochement de tête. Elle...
Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...
ca fait plusieurs fois que j'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à des bites et là je vais vous raconter mes 3 dernières histoires avec des gars plutôt 1er avec un mec black avec qui j'ai parlé sur, il m'a invité à venir chez lui en sortant du boulot. j'y vais très excité me voilà devant sa porte. il m'ouvre, bel homme plutôt mince, crane rasé. il me propose de m'installer sur son canapé ce que je fais. il s'assoit à côté de moi, on est là, un peu béa... j'entreprends les choses. je...
Tu ouvre les yeux, tu est à l'intérieur d'une pièce sombtueuse;Ta chambre. Tu est couché dans ton grand lit, seul. Tu regarde sous tes draps et constate que ton gros pénis d'un pied de long est bien prêt à servir. Tu as envie d'une femme. Tu est le Prince Lugh, un grand guerrier. Réçament tu as délivré ton royaume, Datnorwig, du terrible jourg du Dragon Zathvey en le provoquant en combat.Ton père, le Roi Tseryak III, les armées et la plupart des homme sont partis en croisade contre nos...
Cindi, my wife, informed me we were off on a 10 day vacation. Destination unknown. She’s 25 years old, we met in college, 5’6” and 110 lbs. Short blond hair and smallish firm titties. She tans all over and shaves/waxes. Her athletic body is capped by her awesome muscular butt. She’s frisky but is conservative at our home town. When we leave the state she gets risqué. I’m 6’3” 215 pounds and I keep myself in shape. I work during the week so my body is not tanned like her.As we boarded the plane...
Preston.It was my fiftieth birthday, and I would typically take the day off to celebrate with a round of golf. Instead, I had to go in to work and found myself at my desk with a backlog of case files. The boss naturally gave me until the end of the day to have it finished. By mid-afternoon, there were only two caseloads to complete. The ringtone on my phone sounded, it was a text message from my wife. She wrote that she had found another doctor for me after my insurance company had dropped my...
MedicalHEADLIGHTS GIRL Part 7 I won't bore you with the details of most of that second day, since there weren't any! I watched those damn tapes and soaked up the teachings they presented to my brain, without really thinking about it very much at all. Oh I stopped and had a bite to eat around noon or so, and there was a bathroom break or two, but you don't wanna know about them, right? Well, too bad! I'm not gonna TELL you! So there! (Giggle) At around 3:30 or so, Eric came back to the...
After his plane landed, Rick got his luggage, found his car in the airport lot, got in, and headed for his father’s condo. He couldn’t wait to tell his father about his adventures at State. His Dad’s condo was located in a new development and was very modern, with lots of glass. But it had privacy, too. The privacy had been an important consideration, Tom had told his son. What he didn’t mention to Rick was that now that he was free of his marriage, he planned to live the wild life and live it...
Synopsis: It's Christmas time, and the holiday season is bittersweet for Paul and Debbie Noland. Seven years ago their son disappeared without a trace, and they found their faith shaken to its very core. Christmas is the Season of Miracles, however, and when a young woman named Breegan comes into their lives they find joy, celebration and a miracle of their very own. The Prodigal By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. Nestled in the pines five miles northwest of...
Sissy Sandy Johnson Memories My First DickI was traveling and was going to be in Charlotte for a couple of days. Charlotte in the 1980’s had a lot of things of interest to someone like me, adult book stores with $.25 booths (closed with a curtain for privacy), massage parlors, strip shows, gay bars with drag shows, and meeting places. When I traveled Charlotte I always stayed on Wilkerson Blvd, not too far out of downtown. If one could not find something of interest on...
My ship pulled back into Pearl Harbor at the end of May. The deployment had been largely uneventful but, once again, we visited some intriguing ports around the Pacific Rim. Because of mission requirements, I had limited access to the internet so e-mails with Holly were sporadic. Hers were newsy and funny. Mine seemed dull by comparison. After a week or so of heavy pressure to get me to reenlist, everyone gave up and accepted my decision. My Division Officer even took the time to write a...
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Amelia spat as she glared at the two naked girls who were modestly covering themselves. "What? What's the big deal?" Estelle retorted with attitude. "How could you two just go behind my back like this?" Sophia was still drowsy from just waking up, but she knew that nothing she could say would help matters. She dared not look Amelia in the eye. Instead, she just hung her head and stared at the pattern on the bedspread and listened helplessly...
CHAPTER 14: EVENING WITH SHARON AND JOHN We received a call from Joe to let us know about the sexual attack on Nikki and how she was being affected by it. We were of course greatly concerned for her, too. Nikki and Joe were somewhat responsible for opening my eyes to the possibilities and wonders of sexual exploration. We have maintained contact over years as friends but our sex lives have gone in different directions. She is quite settled with Joe, the dogs, and the life they have created in...
"Listen to me you little slut," I raged, "you will do everything EVERYthing that I fucking tell you, or I will slit your little throat and throw you in the lake. Do you want to die little whore?" My spittle flew onto her face the with impact of my words, and she flinched, growing more panicked. "Noo!" she squealed, struggling harder against me-and offering more friction to my hardone pressed firmly agaisnt her little cunt bump. With my free hand I slapped her again acrossed the face, and...
I come from a lower middle class family, my parents got divorced when I was still a baby and I was raised by my mother, a young woman of strong character, intelligent, attractive, very feminine and flirtatious. I have always been shy and quiet, during my childhood kids made fun of me all the time taking advantage of the fact that I didn't know how to defend myself. Their favorite subject was my appearance, they used to tell me that my body was too girly and call me all kinds of names. I...
About a year or so after Pa's final disaster in the kitchen the skies began clouding up. Then the winds changed and instead of coming from their usual northerly direction they blasted up through from the south. The great black clouds that covered up the sun turned out to not be storm clouds. They were dirt clouds instead, carrying tons of Texas real estate blowing to the north, burying us under a thick blanket of what had been days or even hours earlier Texas topsoil. The sparrows that...
I had just raised my hand to knock on their kitchen door, when Kay jerked it open. She was grinning, and when I looked down, I knew why. Her shirt was up over her left hip and she was naked underneath. Kay is such a tall, happy girl and her smile makes me smile when I see her. When she swung the door open to let me enter, I noticed her pussy was as slick as the pussy I just pulled my cock out of. The thought hit me that possibly she and her mom shaved each other’s pussies like Rona and Lila...
Warren and Sophia were at Sophia's house. They had been babysitting, so they weren't fooling around-just sitting on the sofa, watching TV, chatting. "Pookie, I think there's something we should start thinking about," Warren started. "What?" "College." "I've already started, a little. Just trying to find out schools with a good meteorology program that I think I could get into." "Yeah, I've done that for pre-med. But that's not the big question." "What is?" "Are we...
As the plane descended, Delaney Hunter heard the pilot on the PA say, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are just about to touch down at McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada, in just a few minutes, and we are right on time. The weather around McCarren is rather warm with temperatures in the low nineties. The local time is 10:43 pm, so those of you with regular watches might want to take a moment to reset them. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop and on behalf of...
Ashley's Summer Experience - By Ashley Taylor It was the summer break after graduating high school and before beginning college. My parents had put enough money aside that I didn't have to work, so I was just enjoying the summer, spending time at the lake and hanging out with friends. My best friend was Julie, a totally gorgeous girl except for one thing; she was totally flat chested. I mean flat as a board, but she was so pretty that it never really hampered her in the dating...
Chapter 05 — The lull – – – Author’s note: This chapter contains a lot less out right sex then the previous chapters, and some very important plot. There is a bit of sexiness though and I hope you enjoy it despite the lack of outright sex. I’ve also put this chapter into the ‘romance’ category instead of the usual ‘group sex’ that the story has been mostly in so far. This is because this chapter deals a lot more with romantic emotions and teenage feelings than outright sex. If you’re just...
Hello people, I have been travelling of late so couldn’t write my experience. For all those who do not know me, I am a 6 ft tall sapiosexual, working in a reputed MNC in Mumbai. I am also a masseur and have got calls as well from the readers of ISS. And yes, all those who have mailed me of privacy, there is no need to worry, everything is safe and secured. Well, coming to the story, this happened recently during an official visit to Delhi. I happened to visit Delhi last month on a Thursday. My...
"Tessy?" "Yes, Madam." "Is my bath ready?" "Yes madam, may I undress now?" "Of course Tessy," She watched with animated satisfaction as her servile young maid slowly and deliberately bared her generous charms. "I never tire of watching you disrobe Tessy, it's always a stimulating revelation; an open invitation to be ravished and conquered for sexual gratification." Her voice became a breathless husky whisper. "It is no wonder the males of our species are so bewitched by your...
FAMILY FUN(by Eros)Part 1. Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases. "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, Tina! Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big friendly hug. He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the athletic type, and...
Kiara walked up to the cave. She had just gotten back from mating with her father. At first she was afraid, but after her lesson, she gained experience in sex, that she didn't have before and she wanted to test out her newly found knowledge on another lioness. Kiara then looked inside the inner cave of pride rock and found the lioness she wanted to fuck. Vitani was lying on her back, asleep in the quiet and cool cave of Pride Rock. Her hind legs strangely parted on the smooth floor of the...
If you haven’t read Part One of this story, you might want to find it and read it before reading this story. It is a continuation. Enjoy! (Three months later, at Dennis and Anne’s Wedding) Mike looked over at Candi, smiling. ‘We’re almost there baby. Are you ready to party?’ Candi laughed, wind blowing her hair around. ‘Always am, you should know that by now.’ Mike steered the car into the crowded parking lot at Sweet Basil. They were almost an hour early and the place was packed with...
This story is for those who closet freaks that choose not to come out!! (And everyone else) ENJOY!!I got invited to dinner at my girlfriend Adrienne parent's house one evening. I had met with them on our 1st official date several months back before when she was nothing more than a sweet, innocent 22 year old (yeah, right). Come to find out she was not as innocent as she tried to portray herself in public. Behind closed doors, she was a closet freak that loved sex, but also loved being in...
Sophia West and her husband have been in quite the predicament for some time. They just don’t have sex and when they do it is over within seconds! Sophia needs a real man to come over and show her Husband how a real man fucks her! Is this moving too fast? Does Sophia really need to have Charles’s cock deep down her throat within moments of meeting? What kind of marriage is this? Sophia will be calling on Charles more often more than likely. He eats out her pussy and fucks her so...
xmoviesforyouWe are a white couple. I am considered to be quite attractive. 5’3′ blond blue eyes and HWP. For over 20 years my husband has always had fantasies of watching me being fucked by other men. He often brought it up during sex. On occasion I would play along to a small degree but would always hold back and this frustrated him. Sometimes I would watch a porno movie with him just to satisfy his desires. I loved him very much. I always told him I would never be with another man and that I knew he...
Willa and Bobbi Yancey were working in the barn, cleaning out the stalls with pitchforks, piling the manure and hay mix into the wagon their Pa had parked there earlier. They heard the horses coming into the barnyard and ran to the front door of the big barn. Bobbi beat her sister to the door and looked out, then she fell to her knees and started praying “Oh Lord, thank you for the prayers you have answered.” Willa looked at her sister with a curious look, and looked out the door too. She...
This is a true on going story of fulfilling my desire to meet up with another guy and have sex with him, particularly sucking his cock.I have been on xhamster and another daddy meeting site for sometime, during that time I did meet up with a few guys for a coffee and a chat. They were all nice guys but things just didn’t click and we went no further. About two weeks ago I got a message from this guy, saying hello and sending a dick photo, to see if I had any interest in getting together, I...
Arm Candy by Janet Baker I was standing in line at the employment office of Maxwell Industries Ltd., dressed to impress, hoping for a marketing position with that prestigious company. I felt that I had a good chance since I had just finished my masters at Harvard and had had previous experience after graduation from Smith with a degree in marketing. A gentleman walked by, glanced at the line, glanced at me a second time, walked over to me and introduced himself as one of the division...
I was back selling tires and batteries at Sears. I signed up for a class on how to work for H&R Block during Tax Season. They liked my Math SAT score being over 700, and that I was enrolled in a college accounting program, so they put me on the list. In my Accounting 101 class I thought I recognized a guy from Y-Camp. After class I intercepted him and asked, “Is your name Paul Turnipseed?” “Ya, you are George Big Brain or something like that, right?” He said. “Something like that,” I...
Writing my story for the first time because for the first time my ultimate desire to spend a night with my Mami has fulfilled. Since my childhood about when I was 15-16 Yrs old I dreamed about Nita. The sexiest part of body was her long hair and the smell of her hair. She is today around 37 Yrs old. I used to smell her hair near her forehead, ears, back neck…. I used to give myself hairjob using tail of her hair when she was sleeping. Second best part of her body is her soft hand. She’s having...
We made love every day, several times a day, trying different positions in different rooms such as riding him reverse cowgirl on the couch in the living room, doggy style on the kitchen floor, and even missionary in his bed to give just a few examples. I got better and better at taking his cock into my mouth, even being able to get over my gag reflex and take his cock down my throat. I loved to feel his cum inside me whether in my ass, which he had me refer to as my pussy and which he would...
Imagine that..I got home earlier than I expected from my meeting, I find your not home yet so I strip and get in the pool. As I float around in the pool, I can’t help but think about earlier this morning as I was getting ready to leave for my meeting. We had showered together, I had washed your hair and dried you, then I had sat you up on the vanity to dry your hair, after drying your hair you spread your legs, I entered you slowly, I began to brush your hair standing there deep inside you. ...
Captain's Log: Elite Warrant Officer Sam Miller. I really like that title. It grows on one in time, say three or four cycles. Then there is the realization that your dreams have come true. Getting the title, and the Federation Cross of Valor, too. Somehow I think Bonnie's grandfather went a little overboard with that recommendation. Of course, he would never have gotten that little medal pushed though, if Sue hadn't added her political clout behind it. Bonnie even got one, as well as a...
You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...
Namskar Mitrano ani Mitrinino and I am Ranjeet and thanks mazya pahelya story la response dilya baddal. Tumahala mazya baddal tar mahiti aahech ani mazya mavshi baddal pan tari parat sangto me aata 22 varcha aahe mavshi chi size 38-34-40 aahe nav Rani aahe. Mavshi barobar tya divshi pahilanda sex kele hote aata pudhe Tya ratri mavshila changlech zavle hote aani doghe amhi zoplo hotoDusryadivshi sakali khup ushira jag aali toparyant aai ani baba officela nighun gele hote. Mavshi ne mala...
- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...
It was a fine dinner. The nighttime view of Victoria Harbor from his penthouse flat was magnificent. As were the food and the conversation, both enhanced by a bottle of vintage white wine that Louis told me he had had from before he left for America and was saving for a special occasion. He was a perfect gentleman, seated across from me in the middle of a long glass table meant for six. He listened attentively to what I had to say and was forthcoming with his own thoughts. For the most part, he...
Cien paced the length of the dining room anxiously the next morning. He’d had lain awake in his bed all night making plans, ideas on how to win his Rose back. He shook his head. How could he win her back, he thought, if he had yet to win her at all? With that thought his head began to pound. All of this time traveling nonsense was much a bother. He’d lain awake most of the night with a pounding headache when he thought about such things. It really didn’t matter to him. If he had won her or...
Disclaimer: The title of this piecework is one which has no physical link between the story. This story is a fictional fantasy which may make some individuals feel uneasy, and if any characters in this story seem familiar to the reader in any way, please note that this is purely coincidental. This Story Is A Repost, But I Am Its Original Author. Enjoy.Marci was heading home on a beautiful Saturday night from her girlfriend’s house. It was around 11:00 at night and she was driving her dad’s old...
Sloan Harper is ready to have a baby! But her boyfriend is not even ready to think about it. They go back and forth about their reasons until Sloan boils it down to a game of billiards. If Sloan wins her boyfriend has to impregnate her, and if the boyfriend wins Sloan will never talk aboutchildren ever again. GAME ON! Sloan not only used her cleanly shaved pussy and tits as a distraction, but also happened to be a pool shark! She ended up winning the game and getting what she has always wanted...
xmoviesforyouSynergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 12 Early in the morning I set off for the community center where the lessons would be held. It wasn't too far from the house where I now lived, but I wanted to get there early to make a good impression. As I neared the community center I saw that young man, I just couldn't get out of my thoughts, also walking towards the center. I tried not to look at him, but I just couldn't help myself. Besides he was staring at me, too, though he averted his...
SPOCKRATES IN YMOR by Cassandra Anaconda Morrison In the far away Land of Ymor there lived a young lad whose name was Alaric. But his friends always called him Alice because Alaric was a bit of a sissy from birth. He didn't enjoy any of the games the other boys liked to play. Wizards & Dragons left him cold. Witch-hunter failed to thrill him. Knight versus Giant gave him no feeling of accomplishment. No... Alaric preferred to dream of being a beautiful princess who was...
HumorTHE BEGINNING Chapter One The Beginning of Being Feminine I am an only child and my parents separated when I was very young, I have not seen my father since their separation. So I lived with my mother and we were very close. She worked for a very large company and was in charge of personnel. Mother was a very beautiful woman and she was also quite feminine. All about her told she was a woman and proud of it. I was always amazed and infatuated when I looked at her as she was...
Busty Latina teen Autumn Falls approaches hung stud Logan Long in lingerie and kisses him passionately. Logan pulls down her panties and reams her cunt from behind, till the comely girl turns around to suck his cock. Autumn slobbers as she gives a nasty blowjob. She soon hops onto his lap for furious twat fuck. The rowdy encounter includes a flashy tease sequence, steamy 69 and fervid cunt pounding. Logan bangs her as she lies face-down on the bed. He rewards the feisty fuck doll with a cum...
xmoviesforyouLTD, Malissa's Academy, 23 By: Malissa Madison Malissa's second full year as Headmistress is beginning with a few small problems. But hopefully nothing that she cannot handle. I was sitting in substituting a pre-orientation class organizing the Teachers Assistants to help the new arrivals for Miss Shelli who was supposed to conduct it but had sent a message that she was unable to return, when a beeping interrupted me. Looking to the source I spotted May...
‘Oh yeah! Oh yeah, fuck you feel so good. Love your fucking ass, and it loves me back. Hey! Are you jerking off down there? I told you very specifically that you are my bitch and that you are not allowed to do that without my permission.’ ‘Nnng sorry Keith, I want to be a good boyfriend for you but when you fuck me, I just lose my mind and my sex drive takes over!’ ‘Your cock is a false idol, boy, getting fucked is what you love most.’ Keith pushed his pet down and then flipped him over. ‘I’m...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...
‘You okay, Rosie?’ he would always ask. ‘Yeah,’ I would usually respond. But most of the time I wasn’t sure if I was okay. I wasn’t sure of anything, really. I didn’t know how he felt. I didn’t even know how I felt about him. I wasn’t supposed to, anyway. After all, he’s Selena’s husband. She and I have been friends forever. If I was certain of anything, it was that Marcus is a good guy. He is smart and funny. He is compassionate and very understanding. I guess that’s why he had put up with...
Leah wasn’t going to be like the others. He knew, in his heart of hearts, she was going to be a pleasant surprise. If not, well? he thought, she’ll still be fun to play with.Alfred Aimes stood outside the cage, staring at his latest possession. She was young, beautiful, and successful. Her name was Leah. But a lot of her fans know her as SsshotgunEagle. That was her personality screen name she used when she recorded herself playing video games and talked about whatever. Alfred enjoyed watching...
Noah knew it was going to be a hot day. The summer sun had risen and wasted no time in burning away the cushion of cool air from the previous night. The breeze had yet to kick up, leaving the air dead still and the rays of the sun frying the cadets like ants under a magnifying glass. Still, no complaints were allowed, as it was a distraction from training. At the moment, they needed to focus on getting their movements right. “This is known as the Dance of the Ivunara, performed by elf...
“Oh…I didn’t realize you were there. How long have you been there.?” “Not long. Did you enjoy the meal? I made sure they made your favorite.” I asked her. “It was very good. Best I’ve ever had.” She put the wine down on the table. “But that doesn’t make up for what you did. You raped me. If you think some dinner and wine will make me forgive you, you are sorely mistaken.” She said waving her finger at me. “You are right. I did rape you. And I will rape you again.” When she heard that, she...
The Tutor Jack sat in the back of class, lost in a daze as usual. He thought, "The professor really should make her lectures more interesting." Maybe then her would pay attention in class. As class dismissed and students began to file out of the lecture hall someone grabbed his arm and stopped him. It was the professor, and she didn't look very happy. She motioned for him to sit down in one of the chair on the front row so she could speak with him. Jack sat down and began to wonder...
Straight SexMORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 7 By Britney McMaster We drove for about 20 minutes before we reached the edge of the climate control and could see the snow falling not too far ahead. We kept on driving and were soon surrounded by blowing snow as we neared the skiing suburb of town. "Dad? Why are we way out here in the cold part of town? I'm gonna freeze. Silk isn't exactly warm," I complained. I was already feeling cold, as the heater in the car had just been turned on. "We're...
The Yuletide Eve was tonight. Sandy and Keith decided to attend. They were wary of facing Rex especially since hearing from him all week long with constant phone calls and instant messages and emails. He let them know of his displeasure about hearing about them wanting to leave the coven. He wasn't a happy man. Sandy and Keith were worried their spell/ritual hadn't worked. Only time would tell. They decided to do a protection spell before they left the apartment. They dressed in their...