Histoire De Sandrine free porn video

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Histoire de Sandrine (1)

Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08

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Synopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.

Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vertus quand vous voulez persuader une femme.

D. A. F. Marquis De Sade.

Chapitre 1?: L’enl?vement.

Protagonistes (Par ordre d’apparition) :

Sandrine?:       Jeune lyc?enne ?g?e de 18 ans depuis quelques jours.

Madame?:       Jolie blonde d’une quarantaine d’ann?es Ma?tresse de Lisette.

Lisette?:       Petite soubrette d’une vingtaine d’ann?es, au service de Madame.

Ghislaine?:       Amie de Sandrine.

Sylvie?:       Amie de Sandrine

Je me r?veille avec une douleur lancinante dans le cr?ne. J’ouvre les yeux, mais une obscurit? totale m’emp?che de distinguer quoi que ce soit. Une panique terrible s’empare de mon esprit et je tente brutalement de me redresser lorsqu’une douleur plus terrible encore me traverse les ?paules.

Mes poignets sont prisonniers? J’ai les bras attach?s au-dessus de la t?te? M?me constatation pour mes jambes. En fait je suis immobilis?e ? l’horizontale sur un rev?tement inconfortable. L’effort a raviv? mon mal de t?te et je n’ai d’autre possibilit? que de rel?cher la tension de mon corps.

?? AU SEC??? Aucun son ne sort de ma bouche. Un linge est enfonc? entre mes dents, solidement maintenu en place par un b?illon qui me scie la nuque. Un silence assourdissant r?gne. Pas un bruit de voiture, d’oiseaux ou de voix ne me parvient.

O? suis-je?? Quelle heure est-il?? Mes souvenirs sont confus, j’ai pass? la journ?e au Lyc?e? Mais c’est tout ce dont je me souviens. Un frisson me parcourt de la t?te aux pieds. On m’a enlev?e. Je me suis fait kidnapper.

Je tente de pivoter sur mon dos avec toute la force dont je dispose mais les bracelets qui m’entravent les poignets et les chevilles sont solidement fix?s et m’?cart?lent implacablement.

Un d?sespoir profond m’envahit. Que va-t-il m’arriver?? Quel horrible monstre peut commettre un acte aussi terrible?? Je sais que mes parents ont du mal ? boucler leurs fins de mois et que jamais ils n’auront les moyens de payer une ran?on.

Je ne me connais pas d’ennemis, au contraire. La classe de terminale dans laquelle je me trouve est une des plus sympas de toute ma scolarit?. Tous les gar?ons me courtisent et? C’est ?a? Mon ravisseur est forc?ment un lyc?en que j’ai d? ?conduire d’une fa?on qu’il n’aura pas support?e. Aussit?t, je pense ? Julien qui passe son temps ? me faire des avances et que j’ai remis ? sa place un peu vertement la semaine derni?re. Une pouss?e d’adr?naline me fouette le sang. Il va prendre par la force ce que je lui ai refus?. Pourtant, il avait l’air plut?t gentil, et amoureux aussi ? Il me court apr?s depuis le d?but de l’ann?e, mais c’est plus fort que moi, les gar?ons ne m’attirent pas du tout?

Un bruit lointain m’interromps dans mes pens?es. Un claquement de talons retentit et va croissant, accompagn? par un faible cliquetis que je n’identifie qu’au moment o? une cl? est introduite dans la serrure. Mon sang se glace dans mes veines. La porte s’ouvre en grin?ant et je dois me tordre le cou pour distinguer mon ravisseur. Malheureusement, la lumi?re qui s’engouffre par l’ouverture m’?blouit. Je ne parviens ? distinguer qu’une ombre.

?? Alors Sandrine r?veill?e????

Une voix de femme? C’est une femme qui m’a enlev?e. Un peu rassur?e, je m’?tire dans mes liens pour distinguer l’arrivante, mais une lumi?re insoutenable me fait grogner dans mon b?illon en me br?lant les yeux. La pi?ce dans laquelle je suis emprisonn?e est ?quip?e de lampes tr?s puissantes.

?? Ne t’inqui?te pas, je ne te veux pas de mal.?? Dit-elle d’une voix ?trangement grave.

Elle s’approche de moi et penche son visage vers le mien, att?nuant mon ?blouissement. C’est une femme d’une quarantaine d’ann?es, assez s?duisante. Son visage me para?t familier, sans que je puisse savoir pourquoi. Elle pose sa main sur mon front et me caresse doucement tandis que mes yeux s’habituent ? la clart?. Je suis ?tendue ? hauteur de son bassin et je l’observe, les yeux ?carquill?s d’horreur.

??Tu te souviens de moi???? me demande-t-elle en posant ses l?vres sur mon front.

Je rue dans mes liens pour ?chapper ? son contact.

??Doucement ma belle, il n’y a que toi et moi ici, et je viens de te dire que je ne te voulais pas de mal.??

Je grogne de plus belle.

??Allons, soit patiente, jeune fille, d?s que tu seras calm?e, j’?terai ce b?illon immonde de ta jolie bouche??

Sa main continue ? effleurer mon front. Des milliers de questions tourbillonnent dans ma t?te?: qui est elle?? que me veut-elle?? pourquoi m’a-t-elle amen?e ici?? Sa bouche s’approche ? nouveau de mon front. Je me d?robe une nouvelle fois, mais une gifle cinglante me fait fondre en larmes.

??Je t’ai dit que je ne te voulais pas de mal mais il va falloir que tu veilles ? ne pas d?passer les bornes ma ch?rie. Au cas o? tu ne l’aurais pas compris, ici, c’est moi qui d?cide, c’est moi qui te nourris, c’est moi qui choisis quand tu peux te rendre aux toilettes. Bref, tu es enti?rement ? ma merci. Personne ne sait ou tu te trouves et cet endroit est suffisamment isol? pour que nul n’ait l’id?e de venir t’y chercher.??

Elle attrape quelque chose derri?re ma t?te et le passe autour de mon front. Il doit s’agir d’une courroie fix?e au meuble sur lequel je suis immobilis?e, car, une fois la lani?re en place, il me devient impossible de remuer la t?te.

J’ai ferm? les yeux et le contact de sa langue sur ma joue me fait sursauter. Elle est en train de l?cher mes larmes.

??Dommage que tu ne sois pas plus raisonnable, ma belle. Ton s?jour ici risque de devenir tr?s d?sagr?able si tu n’y mets pas du tien??

J’ai l’impression d’?tre en enfer. ?cartel?e, entrav?e, ? la merci d’une folle que je ne connais ni d’?ve ni d’Adam. Son visage aust?re est coiff? d’une queue-de-cheval impeccable qui tire ses cheveux blonds en arri?re et d?gage ses deux grands yeux bleus qui me fixent impitoyablement. Elle me fait l’impression d’un pr?dateur contemplant sa proie. Sa voix, au ton pos?, contraste avec son expression s?v?re. Incapable de tourner la t?te, je d?tourne les yeux comme une gamine prise en faute pour fuir son regard.

Soudain, je suffoque. Elle m’a pinc? le nez entre le pouce et l’index et m’annonce en articulant lentement chacun de ses mots.

??Tu sais ma ch?rie, je peux faire tout ce que je veux ? ton joli corps. J’ai pouvoir de vie et de mort sur toi???

En pleine panique, je n’?coute pas la fin de sa phrase. Mes poumons se mettent ? me br?ler abominablement. Elle va me tuer, c’est s?r. Un essaim de petits points lumineux voile ma vue. Je hurle dans mon b?illon qui glisse vers le fond de ma bouche, aspir? par ma gorge. J’?touffe. C’est la fin.

??Alors, Sandrine, es tu d?cid?e ? devenir raisonnable???? demande-t-elle en me permettant d’aspirer une grande bouff?e d’oxyg?ne. Sa voix me semble parvenir d’un autre monde. Haletante, je reprends ma respiration avec toutes les difficult?s du monde.

C’est ? bout de forces que j’acquiesce en ?mettant des sons inintelligibles et en tentant de remuer la t?te malgr? la courroie qui la bloque.

??? la bonne heure?? Ajoute t-elle en s’inclinant pour cueillir une nouvelle larme du bout de la langue.

??J’obtiens toujours ce que je veux. Tu apprendras ?a.?? Elle ?te d?licatement mon b?illon, avant d’extraire de mes l?vres le morceau d’?toffe tout chiffonn? et compl?tement d?tremp? par son s?jour dans ma bouche.

Je suis en nage, la transpiration ruisselle le long de mon visage exsangue. Des gouttes sillonnent mes tempes et mon cou.

??P? Pou? Pourquoi???? Dis-je en b?gayant, le souffle saccad?.

??Qu? Qui? Qui ?tes-vous????

??Tu n’as pas besoin de savoir ?a.?? Me r?pond-elle d’une voix s?che. ??Pour toi, comme pour les autres, je suis "Madame". J’esp?re que tu t’en souviendras.?? Conclu-t-elle en posant d?licatement ses l?vres sur les miennes.

Puis, sans un mot, elle se retourne et quitte la pi?ce, me laissant seule en plein cauchemar, tandis que le claquement de ses talons va, d?croissant, vite absorb? par le silence de la pi?ce.

Je r?alise que je suis ?puis?e. Mes muscles sont aussi raides qu’apr?s une journ?e d’?ducation physique. La maison de mes parents, mon ann?e scolaire, mon baccalaur?at, tous mes tracas habituels me paraissent soudain tr?s lointains et compl?tement secondaires.

Mon dos et mes ?paules me font souffrir contre la surface rude sur laquelle je suis ?tendue. Une pens?e m’obs?de?: Que me veut-elle??

Une nouvelle vague de d?sespoir me submerge. Les larmes noient mon regard pos? sur le haut-plafond. ? travers un voile trouble, je distingue ? peine le carrelage blanc qui le recouvre enti?rement. Je suis an?antie. J’ai beau ?tirer mes yeux sur les c?t?s, je ne distingue pas grand-chose. La froideur du rev?tement qui recouvre le plafond et les murs, l’?clairage qui ressemble ? celui d’une salle d’op?ration me donnent l’impression de me trouver dans un h?pital.


Inconsciemment, je laisse mon esprit vagabonder. Je me revois au lyc?e ? la sortie des cours. Nous ?tions toutes les trois et nous marchions sur le trottoir en discutant de la proximit? du Bac, une de nos pr?occupations principales. Sylvie et Ghislaine, mes deux amies d’enfance m’accompagnaient.

"Ghis" est aussi brune que moi, tout l’oppos? de la blondeur de "Syl". Nous crois?mes un groupe de gar?ons et quelques sifflements retentirent dans notre dos. D’un commun accord, il y a belle lurette que nous ne retournions plus dans ce cas. Seul un mot ressemblant ? "b?cheuses" ou "pr?tentieuses" me parvint. Il faut dire que mes copines n’y allaient pas avec le "dos de la cuill?re" en ce qui concerne la s?duction. Toutes deux ?taient v?tues de minijupes et "Ghis" portait des escarpins ? talons aiguilles de quatre centim?tres. "Syl", quant ? elle portait son ?ternelle paire de bottes noires ? talons plats.

Mes deux amies sont deux beaut?s sulfureuses et malgr? leurs r?sultats scolaires m?diocres, je ne me fais pas de soucis quant ? leur avenir. Elles ont toutes deux pris des contacts avec une soci?t? de mannequinat qui leur a d?j? fait faire un "book" ? chacune.

Contrairement ? elles, je n’aime pas mettre mon corps en valeur. Ma tenue de pr?dilection reste, depuis mon enfance, le traditionnel "Jean Converses noires". Cependant, ma fiert? f?t flatt?e par les regards ?loquents des gar?ons qui m’avaient tous d?visag?e de la t?te aux pieds avec insistance.

Les hommes n’?taient pas ma "tasse de th?". Au plus profond de mes secrets intimes, je savais avec certitude que c’?taient les filles qui m’attiraient. "Syl" me fascinait et "Ghis" m’attirait presque autant qu’elle. Pourtant, jamais, au grand jamais je n’aurais os? leur avouer la flamme qui consumait mon ?me depuis quelques ann?es. Probablement l’?ducation que m’avaient donn? mes parents que j’adorais, m?me si aujourd’hui je ne les voyais plus que les rares fois ou je ne d?couchais pas.

??Allez, les filles, je vous offre un rafra?chissement??. Nous dit Sylvie. Elles ?taient toutes deux issues de familles ais?es et j’admirais la d?sinvolture avec laquelle elles affichaient, discr?tement, leur opulence. Jamais l’une d’entre elles ne m’aurait laiss? entendre que je ne faisais pas partie de leur milieu social. Heureusement car je ne l’aurais pas support?.

Sous un soleil de plomb, nous pr?mes place sur la terrasse du caf?, heureuses d’?chapper ? l’ambiance lourde du "bahut". Ce d?but de Week-end de juin  s’annon?ait radieux.

Soudain, un flash me revint ? l’esprit?: Quelques tables plus loin, un groupe de femmes d’affaires, du moins c’est ce que leurs tenues laissaient entendre, discutaient ? l’ombre d’un parasol. L’une d’entre elles, la plus ?l?gante, me fixait avec un int?r?t qui me fit rougir.

C’?tait elle?C’?tait cette femme qui m’avait enlev?e? Les derniers ?v?nements ?taient si fous que j’en avais occult? le souvenir.

Prise dans la conversation avec les filles, je n’y avais plus pr?t? attention. Nous avions bu nos consommations et l?? Le trou noir? A croire que je n’avais jamais quitt? cette terrasse de caf?.

Ce souvenir me fait l’effet d’une douche froide et me ram?ne brusquement ? la dure r?alit?. Voil? pourquoi cette femme m’a demand? si je me souvenais d’elle. D’autres larmes noient ma vue. Un chagrin incontr?lable s’empare de moi. Je me mets ? sangloter en reniflant bruyamment.


Une terrible envie d’uriner me fait brusquement ?merger de ma torpeur. ?reint?e, j’ai d? m’endormir quelques instants? Ou quelques heures. J’ai compl?tement perdu la notion du temps, et l’envie tourne vite au cauchemar. Depuis combien de temps suis-je retenue prisonni?re dans cet endroit horrible?? Il faut absolument que j’aille aux toilettes dans les plus brefs d?lais. "C’est moi qui choisis quant tu peux te rendre aux toilettes" La phrase r?sonne dans mon pauvre cr?ne.

Toute fiert? abolie, je me mets ? hurler?:


J’ai beau m’escrimer de la sorte pendant un long moment?


Personne ne r?pond ? mes supplications. Mon supplice prend des proportions dramatiques. Si elle ne me lib?re pas imm?diatement, je vais faire dans ma culotte comme une petite gamine.

Mais, mes implorations restent vaines. Ma vessie est devenue si douloureuse, qu’au comble de la honte, je m’abandonne comme une petite fille, inondant mes sous-v?tements pour prix d’un soulagement sans pareil. Je sens l’humidit? progresser entre les jambes de mon pantalon, bient?t remplac?e par une sensation de froid provoqu?e par l’?vaporation. Les minutes s’?gr?nent et la forte odeur de ma transpiration est supplant?e par celle, plus acide, de mon "pipi".

Je ne compte plus mes crises de larmes. Jamais dans ma vie, je n’ai ?prouv? une telle humiliation. Je frissonne. Je sens mes pointes de seins se tendre comme si elles allaient percer mon soutien-gorge.

C’est l’horreur int?grale. Ne pouvant cesser de sangloter, je plonge ? nouveau dans un sommeil agit? peupl? de r?ves ?tranges qui ne me laisseront qu’un souvenir diffus.

Mes v?tements ont fini de s?cher pendant mon sommeil. L’odeur plus tenace que jamais m’emplit les narines. La temp?rature de la pi?ce est chaude et je n’ai plus froid, mais curieusement, mes pointes de seins sont toujours aussi dures.

J’ai d? dormir longtemps car je me sens repos?e. Seule la douleur de mon dos et de mes bras m’indisposerait, si ce n’?tait cette odeur ent?tante ? laquelle j’ai du mal ? m’habituer. Ma gorge est s?che et je commence ? avoir soif.

Une chaleur inaccoutum?e s’est ?panouie dans ma poitrine, un peu comme une d?mangeaison tr?s l?g?re. Un besoin de massage s’impose ? mon esprit. ?a n’est pas la premi?re fois que ?a m’arrive mais je suis ?tonn?e que cela puisse se produire dans de pareilles circonstances. J’ai d?j? ressenti la m?me chose un soir o? j’?tais seule dans ma chambre. Je pensais ? Sylvie, ? son corps admirable, ses grandes jambes et son buste parfait. Ce jour, nous ?tions all?es ? la piscine. Il n’y avait que nous deux et, apr?s avoir longuement nag? et papot?, nous avions pris notre douche ensemble. S?re de ne pas ?tre d?rang?e, elle s’?tait mise enti?rement nue et, pendant qu’elle se faisait un shampooing, j’en avais profit? pour l’observer discr?tement.

Elle est blonde des pieds ? t?te et j’ai profit? d?licieusement de la vue qui s’offrait ? moi? Le bruit de pas et de cl?s approchant de ma prison m’interrompit dans mes pens?es.

C’est la folle qui revient. Je ne peux m’emp?cher d’esp?rer que cette situation ne va pas durer et que l’heure de la d?livrance approche. Elle p?n?tre dans la pi?ce et avance vers moi d’un pas mesur?.

??Coucou, Sandrine?? dit-elle en s’avan?ant. Son timbre de voix est grave, rauque, imp?ratif. ??Beurk? ?a sent la petite fille qui se n?glige ici.??

J’en rougis de honte. Bien s?r, elle a remarqu? le "petit accident" dont j’ai ?t? victime tout ? l’heure. Sa main caresse doucement mes joues.

??J’esp?re que maintenant, tu as compris qui d?cidait ici?? Son regard vert me transperce. Elle porte une robe de cuir noir qui tranche avec la blondeur de ses cheveux et renforce sa s?v?rit? naturelle.

??Oui, oui, je vous en supplie?! d?tachez-moi?!??

??Bien ma ch?rie, tu as l’air d’?tre revenue ? de meilleurs sentiments. C’est vrai que ?a n’est pas tr?s confortable ici. Je te propose un march酠?

??Tout ce que vous voulez, mais je vous en prie, d?tachez-moi?!??

??Soit. C’est moi qui commence?? dit elle en d?tachant la courroie qui immobilise ma t?te avant d’ajouter ??C’est ton tour maintenant. Qu’as-tu ? me proposer????

La question me surprend, je ne sais quoi r?pondre. ??Ben? Heu? Je ne sais pas???

Un sourire narquois s’affiche sur son visage. ??Tu pourrais me faire un petit baiser... Sur la bouche..?? Dit-elle en se penchant sur moi.

Son odeur est un plaisir?: ? la fois fra?che et subtile. Un parfum discret mais ent?tant. J’en oublie l’odeur d’urine dans laquelle je suis immerg?e depuis si longtemps.

??Si? Si vous? Si vous voulez?? bafouille-je avec une toute petite voix.

Elle a pris soin de maintenir son visage ? une dizaine de centim?tres du mien. Je dois tirer durement sur mes entraves pour atteindre ses l?vres et y d?poser fugitivement les miennes.

Elle ?clate d’un rire franc. ??C’est ?a que tu appelles un baiser? Tu pourrais au moins faire semblant si tu veux ?tre convaincante.

Mes joues deviennent cramoisies. Cette femme prend plaisir ? m’humilier. Je dois faire un effort surhumain, en tendant tous mes muscles ankylos?s, pour poser mes l?vres sur les siennes et y d?poser un baiser un peu plus appuy?.

??C’est mieux?? dit elle en reprenant son s?rieux. ??? mon tour.??

Elle s’?loigne de quelques pas et appuie sur un bouton plac? pr?s de la porte d’entr?e. J’en profite pour explorer la pi?ce dans laquelle je suis emprisonn?e. C’est enti?rement carrel? de blanc et, si ce n’?tait cette robuste table en bois sur laquelle je suis ?cartel?e, on dirait une infirmerie. De longs lavabos blancs sont fix?s au mur de droite et une quantit? ph?nom?nale de meubles et d’?tag?res blancs fait tout le tour de la pi?ce?

Un nouveau claquement de pas vient de r?sonner dans le couloir, se rapprochant rapidement.

???a doit ?tre d?sagr?able ce pantalon. Quelle odeur ?pouvantable.?? Dit elle en revenant vers moi. ??Le mieux serait de l’enlever, tu ne crois pas????

??Mais? Vous aviez dit que vous alliez me d?tacher???

??Tu as la m?moire courte, je t’ai propos? un march? que tu as accept頻 me coupe-t-elle d’une voix tranchante. ??C’est donnant-donnant. ? toi de faire un geste maintenant.??

Elle a allum? une cigarette blonde qu’elle fume ? l’aide d’un porte cigarette long et effil?, semblable ? ceux du d?but du si?cle.

??Madame m’a demand?e????

? ma grande surprise, c’est une petite brune de mon age qui s’est immobilis?e sur le pas de la porte. Elle est tr?s fine et son tablier blanc met en ?vidence sa taille tr?s marqu?e. Elle a une vingtaine d’ann?es tout au plus, et porte une tenue de soubrette qui donne l’impression qu’elle sort tout droit d’un film de luis Bu?uel.

??Oui, Lisette, d?barrasse cette jeune fille de son pantalon, veux-tu. Elle empeste.??

??Bien Madame.??

Je rougis de plus belle. Non seulement je suis ? la merci de cette folle, mais en plus, elle demande ? une inconnue de me mettre nue.

Visiblement aux ordres, la petite soubrette se h?te vers un tiroir duquel elle extrait une paire de ciseaux et entreprend de d?couper mon pantalon. Quelle d?ception?

Pendant que l’autre s’escrime avec ses ciseaux, la blonde m’interroge ? nouveau avec le m?me sourire narquois.

??Je t’?coute Sandrine?? La fum?e de sa cigarette me pique les yeux.

??Si vous me d?tachez et me laissez partir, je vous promets de n’en parler ? personne??

Nouvel ?clat de rire. ??Ne t’inqui?tes pas ma jolie, je te laisserai partir? Quand je l’aurai d?cid酠? Elle se tait un instant, r?veuse, avant de reprendre d’un ton glacial. ??Pour l’instant j’attends ta proposition.??

Jouer au chat et ? la souris avec moi semble beaucoup lui plaire. Mon probl?me est que je ne sais vraiment pas quoi lui proposer.

??Alors Sandrine, tu es ? court d’id?es?? Tu pourrais me faire un autre baiser, avec la langue cette fois ci??? Sans me laisser r?fl?chir ou protester, elle m’attrape le visage entre ses deux mains et m’embrasse longuement. Sa langue explore longuement ma bouche, se m?le ? la mienne avant de m’abandonner et me laisser pantelante, essouffl?e. Curieusement, je n’?prouve aucun d?go?t.

Pendant ce temps, petite bonne a fini de m’?ter mon pantalon.

??Madame ?-t-elle encore besoin de moi????

??Oui Lisette, mais ce sera surtout notre jeune amie qui aura besoin de tes services. Reste un moment avec nous?? Elle tend sa cigarette, dont la cendre menace de tomber, ? la jeune fille qui, pr?cipitamment, offre sa main en guise de cendrier.

??Bien Madame.?? R?pondit-elle, t?te baiss?e.

??Sert lui un verre, ?a fait bient?t 12 heures qu’elle est ici et elle doit ?tre assoiff?e. Tu en profiteras pour m’apporter ma cravache.??

??Une cravache?!!! de mieux en mieux?!!! mais vous ?tes folle ? lier.?? Hurle-je avec l’?nergie du d?sespoir.

Une paire de gifles me d?visse la t?te. ???a ma fille, c’est un langage que tu n’emploieras plus jamais avec moi.?? Ses yeux lancent des ?clairs. ??Tu m’entends?? Plus Jamais.??

Je d?tourne les yeux et acquiesce de la t?te en reniflant.

??Je pense que tu as besoin d’une petite le?on??Lisette le tee-shirt et le soutien gorge.??

??Bien Madame.??

Pendant qu’elle s’active avec dext?rit? et d?coupe en lambeaux le peu de v?tements qu’il me reste pour pr?server ma pudeur, je remarque ? quel point la petite brune ressemble ? In?s, la soubrette du film "Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie".

Soudain une douleur cuisante, ? la cuisse gauche, me fait me tordre dans mes liens en hurlant.

??Les sangles.?? Rajoute la femme en levant une nouvelle fois sa cravache.??

Le deuxi?me coup me scie la cuisse droite. Je hurle de plus belle.

??Pour toi, je suis "Ma-da-me." Dit elle en ponctuant chaque syllabe d’un nouveau coup sur chaque cuisse et sur mon ventre. ??C’est compris????

??Oui Ma? Madame.?J? J’ai comp? J’ai compris. Arr?tez ?a. Je? Je vous en supplie.??

Ma voix est presque inaudible, tant les sanglots me font bafouiller.

??Je pr?f?re ?a. Maintenant, plus un mot tant que je ne t’y invite pas. Sinon???

Et elle agite la cravache dans l’air, la faisant siffler pr?s de mes oreilles.

Je suis maintenant crucifi?e sur la table. Des courroies enserrent mes cuisses, ma taille, mes bras et mes avant-bras.

La femme s’approche de ma nudit? et prom?ne ses mains sur mon corps. Du bout de ses ongles parfaitement manucur?s, elle suit les br?lures qu’elle vient de me causer. Je g?mis le plus silencieusement possible. Tr?s lentement, elle caresse mon ventre, tourne autour de mon nombril et fait remonter sa main, bien ? plat, jusqu’? mes seins. Elle proc?de avec douceur et ses caresses me r?confortent.

??Je peux te donner du plaisir? Ou de la douleur.?? Elle saisit le t?ton de mon sein gauche entre le pouce et l’index et le tord furieusement. De l’autre main, elle approche le bout incandescent ? quelques centim?tres de ma chair sensible. Je me t?tanise dans mes entraves. ??Du plaisir??? Elle fait glisser sa main le long de mon ventre et effleure d?licatement mon entrecuisse ??Ou de la douleur??? Une chiquenaude du bout de son ongle heurte mon autre t?ton.

??Ton corps m’appartient int?gralement, comme tout ce qui se trouve ici. N’est ce pas Lisette????

??Oui Ma?tresse.?? R?pond la soubrette, les yeux baiss?s. Elle est agenouill?e dans une curieuse position au pied de la table?: Ses bras sont crois?s dans son dos et elle garde en permanence les yeux baiss?s sur le sol, quelques centim?tres devant ses genoux ?cart?s. La blonde me contourne et, de toute sa hauteur, me fixe droit dans les yeux et lui tend une main sur laquelle la petite bonne d?pose un long baiser.

??Que choisis tu, Sandrine?? Le plaisir ou la douleur????

??Le plaisir?!!!?? m’exclame-je  sans r?fl?chir.

Un nouveau coup de cravache en travers du ventre m’arrache un cri.

??Le plaisir, QUI????

??MADAME?!!! le plaisir Madame?!?? rajoute-je pr?cipitamment.

??J’en ?tais s?re, petite vicieuse?!?Bien, la le?on est termin?e.?? Me dit-elle en me proposant ses l?vres. Je l’embrasse avec un empressement veule, d?cid?e ? faire mon maximum pour ne pas m’attirer ses mauvaises gr?ces. Ses mains reprennent l’exploration de mes seins. Je g?mis interminablement ? travers sa bouche.

C’est une sensation incroyablement forte,  ?sa langue et ses mains expertes me transportent dans un univers inconnu. Mes id?es se brouillent et j’oublie tout pour me concentrer sur le plaisir qui progresse sournoisement entre mes cuisses. Elle s’aventure jusqu’? ma culotte, entre mes cuisses, revient sur mes seins, alternant caresses superficielles et profondes avec expertise, pour, enfin, me procurer un orgasme d’une intensit? prodigieuse. Une immense frustration s’empare de moi lorsqu’elle m’abandonne, pantelante, dans mes liens. Jamais je n’ai connu un plaisir aussi complet, aussi d?vastateur.

??Il faut que tu saches qu’il y a d’autres r?gles. Elles sont nombreuses et toute transgression sera ch?ti?e avec s?v?rit?.

Pour commencer, tu ne dois jamais me regarder dans les yeux. Tu t’adresseras toujours ? moi avec respect. Tu ne parleras que lorsque je t’interrogerai. Tu ob?iras ? tous mes ordres. Pour le reste, Lisette t’expliquera. Tu dois lui ob?ir autant qu’? moi. Elle a tous pouvoirs pour te corriger si cela s’av?re n?cessaire.??

A cet instant, ma frustration est telle que je ne r?alise pas toutes les implications de ce qu’elle m’annonce.


??Oui Madame????

??Je te la confie. D’abord, fais lui prendre une douche compl?te.?? Elle insista lourdement sur le mot "compl?te". Ensuite, tu l’habilles, tenue n?1, et tu viens me la pr?senter dans le petit salon ? midi et demi. Gare ? toi si le service n’est pas parfait???

? venir?: La surprise

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Same as Histoire de Sandrine Videos

2 years ago
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Lien de la partie précédente : https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/histoire-de-matthieu-1-un-voyage-agr-able-735796Elle s'arrêta d'un coup sec, un mélange de sperme et de salive dégoulinant de sa bouche et me dit "Est-tu prêt à tout pour pouvoir me faire l'amour ?"J'avais la tête de cette cougard entre les cuisses, sa bouche autour de mon pénis, et sa langue qui caresse mon frein, quelle question, évidemment que je suis prêt à tout pour la baiser. Je lui répondis donc d'un hochement de tête. Elle...

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Histoire dune poupe Partie 1

Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...

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histoires de pipe et de sperme

ca fait plusieurs fois que j'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à des bites et là je vais vous raconter mes 3 dernières histoires avec des gars plutôt jeunes.la 1er avec un mec black avec qui j'ai parlé sur coco.fr, il m'a invité à venir chez lui en sortant du boulot. j'y vais très excité me voilà devant sa porte. il m'ouvre, bel homme plutôt mince, crane rasé. il me propose de m'installer sur son canapé ce que je fais. il s'assoit à côté de moi, on est là, un peu béa... j'entreprends les choses. je...

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Histoires Dont Vous tes Le Gros Pnis Hroique

Tu ouvre les yeux, tu est à l'intérieur d'une pièce sombtueuse;Ta chambre. Tu est couché dans ton grand lit, seul. Tu regarde sous tes draps et constate que ton gros pénis d'un pied de long est bien prêt à servir. Tu as envie d'une femme. Tu est le Prince Lugh, un grand guerrier. Réçament tu as délivré ton royaume, Datnorwig, du terrible jourg du Dragon Zathvey en le provoquant en combat.Ton père, le Roi Tseryak III, les armées et la plupart des homme sont partis en croisade contre nos...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 2

This is Chapter 2 of this six-chapter book. For those that want to read ahead, the complete book is available at the Lot’s Cave website. They were barely past a half hour into the movie Elliott had chosen before Tanya spoke. “Elliott, I just can’t get into watching anything tonight. I think I’ll just go up to my room and read. Do you mind, sweetheart?” Elliott realized the visit from the three bullies was playing on his mother’s mind just as much as his. “No, that’s okay. I’m not into it...

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Karen Does Her Bosss 18 Year Old Son

Karen had worked at a small firm for the past twelve years. When her last son was born she really wanted to get back into the work force and that was when she met Jim. Jim had an available opening in his company and Karen jumped on it instantly. Karen, now 45, loved her last twelve years on the job. It was the kind of company where everyone knew each other on a first name basis. It was like one big family, including the owner and president of the company Jim. Jim was a 50 something divorcee who...

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Revenge from the other side.Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time; I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself (even...

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Nazi fetish

Stranger: i have a sleep disorderYou: Another psychosomatic piece of bsStranger: no, i was in a bad car accident and hit my head very hard. the only remnant is a sleep problemYou: I could cure you with a firm slap to the face and a night of vigorous love making Stranger: well that actually sounds lovelyYou: Take any pain meds?Stranger: when i need them. my neck is fucked up from the accidentYou: Nurse Jackie!!!!!!Stranger: i dont watch too much tv. i dont know the showYou: So you like it rough...

1 year ago
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Mutual masturbation leads to a great fuck

Mel and I had worked together for a little while. It was a part time job for both of us. Technically I was a boss since I had keys to the place, but really we both had tasks and we did them well together. Mel was blond and petite. About 5 foot nothing with a sweet tight body to match. The place was really slow one night and we were trying to kill time. Mel had never talked about a boyfriend and quite honestly I thought that she might have been gay. So I was intrigued and interested when she...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII - Ever wonder what the womyns football team locker room is like before the 'Big Game' at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission? Let's find out, together. "Well, looks like you don't actually need the school uniform, it's time for you to get our football team ready for the big game, and then you need to practice with the band, my little majorette." "Yes Headmistress." "How do you...

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Chanchal Bhabhi Ki Chudai

My email id,, Jo koi girl ya bhabhi mujhse baat krna chahti h to uper di gyi email par contact kare.I like girls,bhabhi and also i respect them…thanks Aaj main aap sabhi ko apni life k first sex k baare me bataunga,jo ki maine apni chanchal bhabhi k sath kiya. Hi frnds mera naam varun h,colour fair aur main gwalior ka rhne wala hu.Mujhe sports me bahut interest h.meri age 23 yrs h.mujhe is indian sex stories sight ka pata nhi tha.mujhe mere dost ne bataya ki is par sab log apni sex stories...

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The Sugar Hill Inn

The Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...

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Sagging Boobs Ugly Nipples Ch 02

Read part one or this makes no sense. …………………………………………… Norma and Charley sat comfortable in the backseat. The movie was one of those sappy love stories by a noted romance writer, to this day neither could remember which one. At first it was just light kisses, a small caress. Norma got bolder, rubbing her hands along his sides and over his chest. The kisses got deeper, longer, more intense. Soon she was practically in his lap. His hands had not been idle, brushing her cheek, her throat...

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BecChapter 29 Saturday Breakfast

Rebecca Louise Freeman, age 12 years and 364 days, wearing long flannel pyjamas and a dressing gown, sat on the floor of her living room. Her long brown hair was unbound and hung freely down her back. I live inside her head. Sometimes it seems to me that all I can do is watch helplessly while she lives her life. It’s a bit like I’m a passenger on the runaway train that is Rebecca. Then there are the times when I remember that she is me. I looked out at the room through Rebecca’s eyes. I...

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Another Dark and Stormy NightChapter 11

“Really? Melted diamonds?” “Yes, the pressure and the carbon and the heat have created an interesting phenomenon.” I sat there still and quietly thinking ... for a long time. “Mick?” Angel sounded concerned as she drew out my name. “Ship?” “Yes, Mick.” “Can you get some of that melted diamond?” “Yes, I have the ability to take samples of any surface material.” “Ship, it would be wonderful if you could get some of that melted diamond and form it into a ring for Angel.” Angel spun on...

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Scene Two at the Boarding School

As I entered the dorm building, I couldn’t help thinking what just happened to me. I was sent to the Head Master, Mr. L., for punishment for missing a drill and not paying attention in class. He spanked me then made me suck his cock. Then he sucked mine and also fucked me. I was no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin geek. I was his to do with as he pleased. His last words were for me to report for another spanking tomorrow. I couldn’t wait. I went up to my dorm room and stripped down. I grabbed...

Gay Male
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The innocent Samantha

There was a girl named Samantha (She is called Sam for short) an attractive 15-year-old girl brunette. She is a cheerleader down at her high school. Also a religious girl and just an, innocent and smart but still a kid who wants to have her fun. One day her and a couple of her friends go to the Rec Center. Sam’s friends clock in before her. She goes to clock in her card but it isn’t scanning it. The manager of the Rec center notices her card not working and quickly mentions. “Card not...

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Younger Sister Under My Control

Hey, guys, this is Viraj.Actually, Viraj is my pen name.This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. I’ve been following ISS from the past few years.I’ve always wanted to post a story & here I am with the story.This story is a fictional one but damn hot to make you cocks hard & pussies wet.Let’s go to the story……… My family consists of 4members,Father,Mother,Me and my sister.We were a middle class family.My father used to work as an employee in a well renowned company,my mom was a house worker...

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Sex with Neighbour Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers , this is Ajay 24 yeas oldfrom Kandivli,Mumbai. I have been a Gud fan of ISS and reading regularly. Many of the stories are surely fuctional. But believe me this story is a real one. Two months ago, the flat in my neighbor was rented by a couple with a child. As They was new to the place sandhya regularly visited our place to meet my mom. One day when I returned from office she was sitting at home and chatting with my mom. My mon introduced me to her and told that they are...

4 years ago
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Sunday Drive

Sunday DriveRichard and I were on a Sunday drive, not really going nowhere. I’m not a mac’d’s fan at allSo when Richard said hey mom my treat as he pulled in the drive thru I laughed and said so you think your mom’s a cheap date huh? He laughed at that and said no, there’s nothing cheap about you mom. I said then splurge away and we both laughed over that little joke. I was looking at his profile and could see a lot of me in his face and I went to myself thank god he didn’t gets his sperm...

2 years ago
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Taking the Risk Ch 03

This is a slow, romantic build to hot sex, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and give feedback please as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Misha stood outside the restaurant, the wind cutting through his leather jacket and the V neck black cashmere sweater he was wearing, its icy fingers reaching...

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SonAmy sex story

We are pretty much a team now we have been working together for about 5 years now tails and knuckles are helping with missions by clearing the way and occasionally reparing and making new x-tornado's Amy and I Mostly focus on Dr. robotnik some may know him as Dr. Eggman but enough of the intoduction let's get to my story. It was a normal day And I was running down the field then I ran into someone "ohhhh amy? GOD ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU :D" I said "OMG SONIC IT'S SO GOOD TO...

2 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping Part 2

The next week Stacy and I talked a few times. Turns out they had a similar experience when they got home. Tom couldn’t wait till he took their babysitter home, so Stacy blew him in their car.At home, Stacy was waiting for Tom to fuck her before they could ever get upstairs to their bedroom. She told me they had their best sex since before their baby was born. Stacy said she really enjoyed flirting with Sam and would like to do it again. I brought up the idea that maybe we should try making out...

Wife Lovers
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First time in her ass

I had been going out with a girl, we'll call her Marie, for about 3 years. We'd had some wild sex the whole time, humping like rabbits, witih lots of oral too. Early on, I got her into a little ass play. I was pretty drunk on some beers, and always wanted to eat out a girl's ass. So we were 69ing (one of her favorites) and I just figured "fuck it" and took a couple quick tentative licks of her asshole, thinking that if she objected I'd just blame it on the alcohol. But, she didn't...

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Wife Swap I

My wife and I have been married eleven years and while we have a good marriage, the bedroom activities have lessened over time to a point where it is either just a superfluous act, or one of us got tipsy and took advantage of the other in a moment of weakness. Sitting at the coffee table one day a few weeks back, I looked over at Danny, which was short for Daniela- name she hated and asked her what would really make her happy. “Oh you know,” she said flicking her long brown hair back over her...

Wife Lovers
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Game WorldChapter 2

It turned out that Victoria was right about that so called safe zone. Thank the stars I was ready. I materialized on Game World only to find myself standing on the edge of an escarpment. The escarpment overlooked a broad valley that was a good hundred plus feet below me. An inch closer and I would already be dead. As my mind adjusted to my new body and my body adjusted to the new environment that we had just entered, I sensed a prickling at the back of my neck. Worried I spun about and...

3 years ago
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Holidays Break

I was home on holiday break from College visiting along with an assortment of other relatives. My parents had worked out bed assignments so after mom told me who my roommate would be for five days I objected. “Okay”, my mother conceded, “maybe it's not the best sleeping arrangements in the world but we don't have a choice. With so many people coming you and your brother are going to have to share a room.”“But Mom! There is only one bed in my room! You mean that he will be in my bed with...

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The teacher V

Sitting up on his stomach Mr Smith pushed my legs apart. mmm yes that's what I want, he said. He reached down and took me by my hips. Pulling me forward, he brought me up to his mouth. As he opened his mouth he moved his hands to my butt cheeks. Gripping them he licked the bottom of my dick before sucking it into his mouth. His tongue flicked at the tip before snaking around the shaft. I had to put my hands on the headboard to keep my balance. With my butt in the air, I felt his finger rubbing...

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I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch 01

"Well, here he comes," Madeline said, her voice dripping with both sarcasm and annoyance. "Mr. Popularity."Madeline nodded to the far end of the Little League field. Her best friend, Michelle, followed Madeline's gaze. She immediately spotted Maddy's husband, Scott. It was hard not to. He was a stand-out in any crowd: tall, tan, and ruggedly handsome. Today he was dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and a Red Sox baseball hat.Shelly soon saw what Maddy meant when she referred to him as "Mr. Popularity"....

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Dear JohnPart 1 of 15

CHAPTER 1 1994 She arrived at Emmett J. Carlson high school on the third day of classes, and on that day I fell madly in love with her. Love at first sight? Don’t tell me that there’s no such thing! Oh, and didn’t I say? Today is the third day of classes I alluded to. I closed the distance between us with as much confidence as I could muster and tapped her on her shoulder.“Hi, I’m Sam,” I said.“Huh? Who?” she said.“Sam, Sam Bradshaw: one of the captains on the football team; I play wide-out....

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Larry Meets Two Lesbians

Just a short little fantasy, nothing in this happened but wouldn’t it be wonderful to be Larry in this situation?“This may be wrong in so many ways,” I said as I saw my sister between her best friend Pamala’s legs and finger fucking her with Pam’s panties pulled aside. Both were still fully clothed and their sexual contact occurred with Carol still wearing her panties, girdle, and stockings.Like previous times I had spied on the two of them engaged in their lesbian love making my cock went from...

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Miriammaryam 8211 my nurse maids

I am Julius, but better known as Jules. I am 55years old now, widower, with two kids both of whom are abroad, one in Canada, and the other in USA. And am sending this as I have come across this site, and have found it very good. I have sent this to another site, but would wlike to share my experiences, with the readers of indian sex Stories, buti if it is not permissible then let me know and I will desist. Have read many of the experiences, and those of the women are especially arousing ever...

3 years ago
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Start of The Trip

Wednesday, June 15, 2011, I send you an email… Tell your family you have to leave town for a few days and go on a business trip Thursday 6/16 thru Saturday 6/18. I don’t care where you say you are going, but ensure they know communication with you will be intermittent, but you will talk to them occasionally. Make sure you bring all the sex toys I bought you. You send emails and call and threaten me, wanting details, but I don’t share a bit. Thursday rolls around, and I tell you that after...

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After Midnight chapter 18

Andy left Candice while he asked the management about their facilities and how he could use them. For five minutes after he’d gone, she stood at the bar and watched the room. Client number two was still talking avidly to his companions. Was he telling them?Candice nodded to the barman to top up her wine with sparkling water and drifted over to a vacant table, hoping it was close enough to catch a few words. What she would do with anything she heard, she had no idea, but there was a strange...

2 years ago
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Panties Chapter 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Panties Chapter 2: Jaclyn's Discovery (Jaclyn comes home and finds out) Jaclyn drove up to the house and pulled in the driveway. She was a little tired and felt grungy after having just come straight home from basketball practice. She hopped out of her car and lazily made her way up to the front door. Right as she opened the door...

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Eventually, we were all stuffed, and the girls were asked to take home the rest of anything nobody else wanted. It should be plenty to last until we left in under a week. (Our girls took a few baked potatoes, and the remains of the carrots, Yum) I took a fifteen-minute break from everything, with my girls on either side of me. But, that marvelous piano drew me to it again, like a bug to a bulb. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon. They got up and pulled me to it, setting me down. “I guess...

4 years ago
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Pretty Little Inmates

Rosewood, PA, had always been a boring town. Nothing exciting really happened. "Serious" crimes usually involved teenaged girls stealing from the mall, and even that was rare. Until the spring of 2012... That spring, the current seniors at Rosewood High were eagerly anticipating graduation. Within that graduating class were six of the most beautiful girls to ever walk the halls of RHS. Alison Dilaurentis, Ali to her friends, was the definition of beauty. A natural blonde, Ali had a stunning...

1 year ago
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italian girl blow for a football bet

Hi my name Is Francesca,I’m an italian girl of 26 years old, living in Milan. Since this bet I had never thought to have sex with foreign men,after this I turned my mind. The story is related to June 2009 and it’s about a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match. It was an evening of June when Italy football team played for an international cup against Egypt. I met a tourist from UK in a bar,I was reading sport news when he told to me “come on, Italy will lose tonight, don’t waste...

2 years ago
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Introduction: This story is about two strangers that met on an airplane. Kathy knelt on the floor of the toilet room with Teds cock in her mouth. Her shoulder length dirty blonde hair bounced as she moved her head sliding his hard dick in and out of her warm mouth. Ted stood in front of the 23 year old plump woman with his trousers down to his ankles on the floor. He looked into the young beauties blue eyes as his throbbing erection kept disappearing in her mouth. He looked down Kathys blouse...

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Community FourEverChapter 38

Tim’s turn: My ex – Vicki’s mom – is in town, and in the interests of keeping things as civil between her and me for Vicki’s benefit, she’s staying with us. That little act in itself is a little poke in her eye. Our house is meticulously clean and organized, partly due to the efforts of me and Kim and Vicki, also due to a couple of ladies whom we’ve hired to provide domestic support for a community of busy people. Karen was a lackadaisical housekeeper at best. Seeing this – well, SHE was...

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Lactating Secretary

I got this idea from a story I read by an anonymous author, so I can't acknowledge the person. Just a fantasy. Hope you enjoy. "What the hell was that," Jake Armstrong said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room. The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff was out to lunch, and Jake wondered who could possibly be using the vacant office at this hour. Well whoever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there. Jake...

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Introduction to Sissies VI

Introduction to Sissies VI By latexslut John Phillips was dressed now, and on his knees. The high heeled boots, all of 4 inches tall, were too high for him. The stockings caressed his shaved legs gently and the corset gave a support to his back and stomach that he had never felt before. He was sure he didn't like it, though it felt embarrassingly comfortable, and his cock said different, and kept trying to push out against his panties. It embarrassed him. Get down, get down!...

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Yesterday I was not Gay Today

I got off work and headed to the nearest bar. The day had been very stressful and I needed a drink. Since I worked downtown, there were several bars to pick from. My favorite watering holes were in the burbs near where I lived, and I did not frequent the downtown bars. For some reason I entered one that I had never been in before. The place was just beginning to fill up, as people were getting off work, and it was happy hour time. I moved to the bar and found an empty seat and sat down. The...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Wife Finds Out if True or Dare is Real

A little something about myself, my name is Ellen, I am a 32 year old from Pleasanton, California.. I'm a very petite white woman about 5'4" in my heels with deep dark red hair. I am obsessive about my body having battled extra pounds through my younger years. I now have a slim body due to all the time in the gym doing cardio w/ 32D thanks to Dr. Ostrander's fine work. My body is very curvaceous, 34D-24-32 and I get many looks that my husband gets very jealous about. My husband Mark and I meant...

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Twister with a Twist

My name is Amanda and this is the story of the most exciting night of my life. I’m 18 and about to graduate high school, so four of my friends and I planned one last party before we all go off to college. We had the slumber party last night and it was nothing like what I expected. First I’ll tell you who was there: there was me, a 5 foot 6 inch blonde with hazel eyes and 32 C tits. I’m mostly a good girl, I get good grades and I’ve been on a few dates with boys from school, but I’ve never done...

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or Marie's Hospitality "Louis," she breathed, her voice trembling, "his hand is on my thigh." Louis looked across the table at the flushed face of his wife, sitting on the soldier's lap. "Yes, I thought as much," he replied flatly, raising his glass. Smiling thinly, he tipped it momentarily toward the stranger, then proceeded to drain it. As he lowered the glass from his lips, he saw that the soldier's glass was empty again. Louis refilled it, then filled his own. He poured the last...

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Arewyn Ch 01

Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood When blackness was a virtue, and the road was full of mud I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form. ‘Come in,’ she said, ‘I’ll give you, shelter from the storm’ Bob Dylan ~~~~~~ Hi, my name is Michael James Henson, Mike to my friends. I’m six feet, three inches tall and weigh two hundred and twenty-five pounds. I have dark brown hair, blue eyes and have been told by more than a few women that I was good looking. I have no memory...

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Sewage Treatment Plant

She'd been warned by her mother not to venture too near the swamp ever since she'd been a little girl and for the most part heeded that warning without question. This evening though, she'd pondered again for the 100th time the reasoning behind her mother's warning. Stopping her walk near the edge of the swamp as she finished her first cigarette, she turned for home and lit another when she thought she heard something that sounded like the faint call of a small girl. Tracy stopped and...

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The Girl Who Fell Off Her Bike

The door to my room opened softly. Surprised, I looked over and was surprised to see my twelve year old sister standing just inside it. Usually she just barged in and flopped down, either on my bed or in the chair in front of my computer. When I looked closer, I saw she was crying. "What? What happened?" I asked a little worried. "I - I hurt myself falling off my bike," she almost whispered. "Oh. How bad is it?" "I - I don't know. It's bleeding!" "You don't know?" "No, I...

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Three Valleys SammiChapter 8

"You have quite a smile on your face," Cindy said the next morning. "I'm just in a good mood," Sammi replied. If Cindy had been from Three Valleys she could have explained, only she wouldn't have had to: she and Stan had awakened early and had sex; afterwards they'd taken a nice long shower together. She was completely dressed and ready to face the day when he tossed her on the bed, flipped up her skirt and slip, pulled aside her panties and dove in with his tongue. The night before...

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First Time with a women part II

Sorry, it took me so long to finish this story. But here you go Part II – The Next Morning. I woke the next morning with a pounding head ache. I rolled over and noticed I was in bed alone, which caused me to wonder if last night was a dream. I rolled out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. Marie walked into the bathroom with a cup of coffee and some aspirin, which I swallowed down with a big gulp of coffee. She then asked if I was ready for a hot shower, which I answered with a big “Yes”. I...

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First One

"Of course I have." I lied in response to my friend's question about seeing a girl's tits. Sammy Chaplain was a lucky bastard. He had two sisters, two years either side of our fifteen years. He had, or claimed to have, seen both of them naked from the waist up. He dismissed Kelly's as not much different than ours, but maintained that seventeen year old Pam had the full monty. From what I'd seen when she wore a bikini, I couldn't argue, and that had been over a year earlier. Having no...

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Hot Family On HolidayChapter 7

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TGS The Lively Lingerie

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Seeing is Believing

I would love to say that the weirdest day of my life was the day I met her, but I would be lying if I did. I can still remember everything about the day; I was running through the park like it was any other day. It was a cold day as far as September goes, I make sure to exercise every day to keep myself in shape and happy. I was doing pretty well that day not tired yet, although I was thirsty. So I stopped at one of the park’s drinking fountains, when I looked up that’s when I saw her. She was...

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brothers 2 mothers story

Read Part 1 first partxhamster.com/user/hi1/posts/354987.htmlI only accept invites from those who leave thoughtful comments on my stories. Everybody else get absolutely no respone.=========================Amanda hesitated at the door. Should she knock? "For Christ's sake woman - he is your son and this is your room!" a voice inside her head chided her.But she still knew she couldn't enter like that. She turned toward the bathroom and quickly touched up her makeup, making her red lipstick a...

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The Supers DaughterinLaw

The Supers? Daughter-In-Law The Supers? Daughter-In-Law   ONE   The basement seemed deserted, as was usually the case so early in the morning? I was running a little late in my normal morning rituals of dumping the garbage and then heading out to the corner Deli for coffee and bagel before heading back indoors again to start work.?? I was a writer- slash- cartoonist, working freelance, which gave me a lot of free time and allowed me to work from home rather than have to go out into the...

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OyeLoca Canela Skin Sexy Latina Shows Us Her Positions

Canela Skin likes to speak Spanish in the bedroom and we do not mind because this chica is hot, hot, hot. She wants to show off some positions for us, and obviously we are not going to say no. She shows the Come and Get It, the Submission, and the Who You Think You Playing With? We hope to be playing with you, Canela! She lies down on the couch and lets our stud peel her tights off her fat ass in all its glory. He plays with it a bit before she mounts and rides his chico stick. She does not...


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