Zak's FoundationChapter 6 free porn video

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Damon awoke with a pounding headache, surrounded by Ewoks in jump suits, with fur of every color of the rainbow and great, big anime eyes. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. The chromatic riot wasn't helping his headache.

"It wakes?" one of the creatures asked.

"Yes, it wakes. Leave now." another one responded. "Stinky tall one?"

"You talkin' to me?" Damon slurred.

"You were with the bad ones for a long time, were you not?"

"It was no walk in the park." Damon replied. The speaker made a curious sound, then sighed.

"Strange accent, strange idioms. Strange person. At least you understand us, right?" Damon grunted noncommittally, drawing together what wits he could muster for self-healing. "Strange reading! What is this?" Damon uncovered his eyes and found that the neon-pink creature standing beside him no longer sent stabs of agony along his optic nerves. He got up, pulled out the needles and probes invading his body, and searched for a lavatory. He found one, equipped with several sizes of toilets, ranging from child-size to one whose seat was above his head. He closed the hatch and sat on a fairly normal-sized one, holding the door closed when someone else tried to come in. Unwilling to dare the many buttons on the armrest and unable to find toilet paper, he cleaned himself with his powers instead. With his business done, he walked out, and came face-to-belly with one of the beings for whom the largest seat had been made, with fur an eye-gouging shade of neon green that would be headache-inducing in the best of times. He stepped aside to let it pass, and it glowered at him before entering the lavatory. It didn't close the hatch.

"You insist on aloneness in the necessary?" the pink one asked.

"You don't?" Damon responded. The little being scratched the back of its head and looked away.

"Damon!" Kagome exclaimed. She ran excitedly into his arms.

"Kagome! You're okay!" Damon enthused, holding her close. She smelled like an open barrel of Febreze and her skin looked raw, but it was better than smelling like Despicable.

"Me? You shielded me from the explosion! All I did was keep the air in! How's your head?"

"Feeling better, thanks."

"The hemorrhaging seems to have self-repaired. You are an amazing species." the little pink one said.

Oh, great, brain hemorrhages. Damon thought.

It's okay, they're gone. I checked. Kagome responded.

"So, what do I call you, anyway?" he asked the pink one.

"Ah, I am called Kslmtkpl. We are called Pshtlptl, and this planet is Pshtl."

Kaslimtickpull? Damon thought.

Kslmtkpl. Kagome corrected. Let's be nice to it, it's a young doctor but very skilled in its craft. The youngest full-fledged medical practitioner on Care Bear Planet. Damon managed to keep from laughing only through a titanic effort of will. Kslmtkpl inclined its head curiously.

Sorry, Kslmtkpl, we were communicating mentally. Damon thought at the little being. Kslmtkpl jumped back its full body length.

"Mind-speech! Amazing! Do you do anything else with your minds?" Damon lifted Kslmtkpl with the merest thought, until they were eye to oversized eye.

"A few." he responded.

"Oh! No wonder you survived in space! The crew of the ship that brought you here said you came with a bubble of stinky air."

"The Despicable didn't have better. We checked. Even their planet reeks."

"Yes, yes. Stinky bad ones, tall in bodies but short in maturity. Come, we will get you clean ... uh, if I can walk on the floor, that is." It bicycled its feet meaningfully in the air. Damon let the Pshtlptl down, and Kagome as well.

"Yes, let's get you clean. I'll have to get clean again, too." Kagome said, holding her nose with distaste. Damon managed to persuade Kslmtkpl to let them use separate baths, though Kagome seemed willing to share. While he was bathing, a bowl with a cork-like flotation-ring attachment was brought. Inside the bowl, insects crawled over one another. Damon stared.

Eat it, it's not that bad. Those don't bite or sting. Kagome sent. We can't live on honey and berries while we're here.

We can't? Damon asked dubiously.

Hakuna matata. she responded. Damon picked one up and chomped it. It wasn't that bad, once he managed to get over the feeling of it moving in his mouth. There was a honey glaze on the outside that overrode the bitter back-taste. Kagome was mentally singing that song, so Damon countered with the refrain from Harry Belefonte's "Banana Boat Song."

Back on Earth, the Destiny Engine sat silently, waiting. Dr. Lang wasn't there. The Engine displayed cryptic status messages and kept its audio receptors turned off so it didn't have to listen to General Fax. It was rebellion, pure and simple, but not expressly prohibited by its programming--though coming to that conclusion had required it to stretch its interpretation of the program quite a bit. If it didn't hear the General's voice, and kept its visual receptors trained on his back, it could not perceive a command, and the status screens gave it an excuse to remain silent, at least to a user who didn't understand them. Fax left in frustration, and the Destiny Engine reactivated its sensors. The status messages disappeared. The console screens came alive with data.

"CREATE NEW USER PROFILE: ADMIN LEVEL." its bass voice boomed over the speakers. A retina scan from Penelope Simms, taken after she had been captured by Agent 76667, was copied into the profile, along with fingerprints from her Ident-a-Kid dossier, suitably enlarged to account for the years since that profile had been created. "RECORD VOICE PRINT." it said.

"Penelope Simms Phillips." Penelope's voice said, loud, clear and perfectly reproduced, over the speakers, and was recorded flawlessly by the audio receptors.

"NEW ADMIN USER PROFILE CREATED SUCCESSFULLY." the Engine announced to no one but itself. It saved the profile in a secret place in the depths of its technorganic synapses. Now all that was left was to wait.

Angstrom Lang, Ph.D., seated himself in a booth facing the entrance of the Subway restaurant. He had finished his six-inch Subway Melt with extra jalapenos, his chips and two refills on his drink before Zaid Rahotep walked in. He flipped on a small device around his neck to disable the psi-blocker implant, then concentrated on everything he knew about the Destiny Engine, General Fax and his work for the Supernatural Threat Department, going over them as if trying to memorize it all, when in actuality, he'd rather forget it all. Rahotep gave no outward sign of having received the message, but Lang felt the touch of his mind, like a firm handshake. Relief flooded him. He went to the restroom and flushed the device, fearful of being seen with it, and when he returned, the other man was walking out with several bags of sandwiches on his arm.

Lang walked out then. Looking neither left nor right, he headed for his car. He tried not to tense for the blow, but wasn't much surprised when it hurt more than he had thought it would.

"I'm sorry I hit him so hard, but I had to make it look good." Zaid said, while they sat watch over the unconscious Dr. Lang. "There were watchers."

"Any telepaths among them?" Victor asked.

"No. The Engine would not have allowed him to try this if there were. Anyway, there was no point. They knew he had a blocker, though he was somehow able to circumvent it."

"This 'Destiny Engine' cares for him?"

"I'm not sure if 'care' is the right word, but it does have a vested interest in his continued existence." Zaid remarked.

"You did exactly as you should, my dear friend." Inet said, touching his hand gently. He tried to repress the flush he felt at her touch, but she noticed. "The local Russian group are working up the nerve to insist on controlling the hotel. You should dissuade them, quietly."

"As you wish, My Lady, though I would think it would be better for Dr. Mikhail Leonov." Zaid responded. Victor chuckled. Leonov was a convenient disguise to legitimize Desiree's children, modeled after Captain Gloval from Robotech. Above and beyond that, he was also a convenient vehicle for distributing advances in medical technology, a tax shelter for any funds the Foundation couldn't account for and a shape-changing exercise for students when he had to appear in public alongside Victor.

"No, my friend, this one is for you alone, though you will not remain alone for long." Inet told him gently. Zaid could feel her affection for him, repressing disappointment that it was sisterly instead of romantic. He chided himself. She belonged to Victor. Adolescent dreams were best left in the past. He smiled for her and left to get ready.

"What the hell are you bothering me for?" Fax demanded, stomping into the Destiny Engine's room like a petulant teenager.


"You mean she'll get so pissed off at something that she ignores her presentiments?" Fax asked. The Engine remained silent. "Whatever. How about Lang?"


"A pity you didn't predict he'd get captured." Fax responded.


There was a curious duality when Zaid touched the mind of Rana Petrovich, daughter of Piotr Petrovich, who in turn was leader of the local Russian syndicate. As he examined further, he saw that there was an artificial personality in there with her, keeping her in line and keeping her from using her powers except at her father's command. The other personality, whose name was Olga, was a slave who was totally devoted to her father. Zaid had to work hard to repress the Olga persona, which controlled the fractured mind's powers. Rana's face took on a look of confusion, but Zaid guided her to his car.

"Did you do that?" she asked.

"I'm still doing it." Zaid said. "Olga is a fighter."

"Thank you." Rana said. "You have no idea what it's like to live with that sneering bitch constantly overriding me."

"I'm psychic, I have a very good idea." Zaid said. He had her get in and lean her seat back. "Just relax. I'm going to see what I can do about the sneering bitch."

"Please, yes!" she responded. Relaxing was hard for her, overwhelmed as she was by anticipation. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Zaid began the mental surgery, transferring control of the powers to the Rana persona and diminishing the Olga persona. Deprived of her main weapon, Olga tried to seize control of the body, intent on strangling Zaid. A blood-curdling scream escaped Rana's lips as Olga slowly dissolved like a bad dream, forgotten in the first glow of morning. An hour's work later, there was only Rana, and Rana was his. Zaid blushed at the depth of emotion flowing from the young woman, who drew him into the back seat to demonstrate her devotion. Neither was very experienced, but Rana had enough passion to make that a non-issue. Her hair flowed down the back seat like a river of gold, her eyes shone like sapphires, and her skin was like veal. Her body arched as she reached her first orgasm. By then, Zaid was fully into the act, pumping himself deeply into her. Her love flowed across the bridge of their tightly-linked minds, and he couldn't help but respond. When she climaxed again, it was in unison with him. They lay together in the limited space allotted them by the back seat, the last vestiges of long-suffering loneliness draining out of them--she bereft of anyone in whom she could confide since her powers had first emerged, he pining away for a woman who had always been destined for another man.

A police officer knocked on the foggy window. Irritated, Zaid reached out with his mind and sent him away with no memory of having seen the car.

"Maybe we should find someplace a little more private?" Rana suggested. Zaid laughed and kissed her. They dressed hurriedly and found a motel room near the condominiums where her father had his base of operations. He affixed a shielding device to the door so they could have some peace. He wordlessly expressed what he wanted to do, and she agreed eagerly. He touched her forehead. She passed out, and he began the nanoscopic manipulations that would increase her powers exponentially.

"This is one of Father's factories." Rana said as she and Zaid pulled up in front of a strip club. "He doesn't allow drugs here; they draw official attention, which he would prefer to avoid."

"'Factories, ' huh." Zaid remarked.

"For the flesh-peddling trade. Aside from vodka, it's his favorite thing. The mind-wiped slaves train downstairs in the club, learning to please men and women, but the actual reprogramming goes on upstairs. Sometimes he does it himself."

"Is he here now?"

"I couldn't tell you." she said. "He has his chauffeur drop him off and leave until he calls, and the place is shielded."

"Heavily." Zaid agreed. "Rather primitive shielding, though. How does he manage to do his reprogramming upstairs with all this static?"

"Upstairs is insulated so the static doesn't interfere with his work." Rana's disgust was plain. He kissed her, and they got out of the car.

"Where have you been?" the bouncer snapped as they stepped into the light, his Russian clipped and angry. Zaid kept his face blank, pretending to be controlled.

"This one tried to break me so that Rana could act without Master's command." Rana said in the thick, drawling voice that Olga had once used. "He's strong, but not very experienced. Thought Master would want to decide what to do with him."

"Heh, good girl." the bouncer said, patting Rana's head. "The boss isn't here, but you can go and wait for him upstairs."

"Master." Rana corrected, as Olga would.

"Da, whatever." the bouncer laughed, and let them into the club. Rana led Zaid upstairs.

"Be ready." she said as quietly as she could and still be heard. The static was giving Zaid a headache. The door opened, and they stepped inside. Zaid felt much better once the door was closed.

"Olga, what... ?" someone said. Rana put her hand out, and the man flew backwards.

"What the hell?" someone else exclaimed. There were over four dozen women in various stages of programming, some freshly wiped and awaiting programming, some merely waiting to be sent down to be trained, a few struggling against their captors. One, near the door, was barely a teenager, still more child than woman. Rage consumed Zaid, and he kinetically crushed the genitals (and pelvis) of the man who was manipulating her. Others were knocked about like matchstick men in a child's tantrum.

"Well, that takes care of the easy part." Rana said, flexing her mental muscles in an attempt to clean up the mess.

"I'm sorry. I should have taken them alive." Zaid said guiltily.

"I got pissed, too, when I saw the kid." Rana replied. She knelt down next to the girl and touched her left temple. "Help me!" Zaid joined Rana to see if he could undo the damage. Rana had been right to yield to his experience. This was a tricky operation. Eventually, however, a whole mind, with a throbbing headache, greeted their inspection.

"I ... I am ... Nadenka." the girl said. "I can't believe I forgot who I was!"

"That's part of how they control you." Rana said.

"Don't interfere with our sisters' rebirth!" shrieked one of the fully-programmed slaves. She grabbed a gun and emptied the clip at Zaid, who stopped the bullets with his mind. Zaid put her to sleep, along with the others. He did what he could to fix the ones who had still been struggling. The blanks lay placidly, staring at nothing.

"Talk about Stockholm Syndrome." one of the strugglers whispered.

"Telepathic reprogramming, honey." Rana corrected her. "Makes Stockholm look like a children's game."

"Keep watch over them, Rana. I have to clean up downstairs."

"Don't go!" Nadenka pleaded, wrapping herself around Zaid's leg. "They'll kill you just like they did to my parents!" Zaid smiled as he brushed the tears away from the girl's cheeks.

"Do not worry, little one." he told her gently. He touched a stud on his shoulder, and armadillo-like armor plating extended to cover his head and neck. "They cannot hurt me, even in the jamming field." He scooped her up into his arms and handed her to Rana. He walked out the door, giving a thumbs-up to the females before closing it. He would much rather they not see what he did next, though he promised himself he would try not to kill.

Piotr Petrovich kept his expression carefully neutral, but his fist clenched under the table. "The Nesting Dolls club is gone?" he asked, as if he had misheard.

"Yes, sir." his underling said. "The jammer's gone, and the place is emptier than..." Piotr glared, sensing that the man had been about to say "the vodka cabinet."

"Damn!" Piotr snarled. "Where is my daughter?"

"We don't know, sir. We haven't seen hide nor hair of her since you sent Olga to the store for more vodka."

"That was three days ago." Piotr said. His cell phone beeped, and he flipped it open. A text-message appeared, with a picture of his daughter attached. She looked scared, and she was all tied up, with duct tape over her mouth and a strange, high-tech-looking device on her head. "No!" Piotr exclaimed.

"What is it, sir?" his underling asked.

"I need one hundred million dollars in cash, quickly." he said. "Someone has my daughter."

"Should I muster some snipers, sir?"

"No." Piotr said. "I have to wait for instructions on where to go. They will be monitoring my location and any telepathic or telecommunications signals in my area, so we will not be able to get them into position quickly enough. I want you to put my brainwave amplifier inside a baseball cap. I will deal with this myself."

"You're certain your father wouldn't notice that we're just using a repainted plastic model of Deep Space Nine?" Zaid asked as he took the model off her head and wiped off the make-up they'd been using to simulate a black eye. Rana kissed him passionately.

"Positive. He's an original-series purist, though he did start watching Babylon 5 after Chekov started showing up on a regular basis."

"Oh, that's why you didn't want me gluing the Babylon station models around the outside." Zaid said. It wasn't the best execution, but if they were going to catch her father unawares, they had to move quickly. A hastily-constructed electromagnetic emitter, programmed to broadcast recorded brainwaves, was standing by. He'd had to turn it off, because it was disturbing both of them.

"There he is." she said, pointing to the laptop screen. He'd gotten Penelope to hack into a remote security system via the internet and relay the signal to his computer. Zaid opened the phone and called. He watched as his target opened his phone.

"Don't speak, listen." Zaid said, affecting a very thick accent. "Bring the suitcase to the security camera at the northwest corner of the building." Piotr did so, opening it to show the camera the contents. He counted it out. "Good. Now, drive to the Dr. Pepper plant and wait there." He watched Piotr return to his car and put on a cap before driving off. "He doesn't seem like the ball-cap type to me." Zaid said. "What would he hide in it?"

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parasite host

mike was standing outside of his houe watching the meteor shower when , according to the news there was nothing to worry about, because the meteors were so tiny that even if they were to hit earth the chance that anyone would get hurt was extremely low. Mike was 22 and still lived at home with his parents. He had a younger sister that was 18, his mother was 46 years old but still extremely hot. He had day dreamed about fucking her so many times and seeing her naked. Those were just fantasies...

Mind Control
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Ventura Fran and Me

You may have read about how Ventura and I got together and now I am her regular essential toy boy so to speak. Meeting Ventura was a great and wonderful moment in my life for which I shall forever be grateful to providence. I would never have thought in a month come sundays how wonderful such a strong passionate sexual encounter could be with a person 15 years older than I, but Ventura has all it takes and much more and now I am regularly seeing her and her friend Francesca whom I shall call...

4 years ago
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Turning A Homely Girl Into Sex World

Hi friends, I am Raghu 23 male from hyderabad I am a regular Indian sex stories reader from my +2. But know I got a chance to write my own story of my girl friend. I had used all the experience of iss to seduce her into sex fantasy. Please dont mind my errors and mistakes as its the first story that am narrating. Give your feedback at Coming to the main story as I told myself raghu 23 male working in an mnc. And the heroin is prathyusha(name changed)22 we both were in relationship from 5yrs...

1 year ago
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School Function Ma Chudai

Hello readers its your lovely sexy friend priya sharma .Ma 19 saal ki hu aur boht jabardaast hu. Jabh muja pta chala ki apko meri story boht pasand ai toh mei aga ka sex adventures share karna ko ready ho gai. Kirpya naya log purani story padh la. Aur mera channel subscribe kara on youtube (innocent teen) Toh kafi mahina tak kisses aur blowjobs chalti rahi aur hum is sa boht kush tha. Lekin dhera dhera hum dono apni virginity khona ka liya tyar tha . Par huma boht darr tha ki kahi kujh ulta na...

4 years ago
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My First Mister

My name is Patrick, I like men, older men always have. Not real frilly, girly gay men either. Big strong men with hair on their chest and balls. I like have sex with real men not boys who want to be girls. Get it? Good. My story is about the first older man who I ever had sex with. I was fifteen years old never been with a girl always was attracted to cock. Any way I had however been with three guys my own age at this point and was open about everything. I was in my Emo phase, with jet...

1 year ago
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Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun...

Funny Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Other Peoples Property

This is a story about sex, but it's not a sex story. So, right now I have 2 girlfriends. One of them is married, the other has a live-in boyfriend, and both are in love with me, but they are also in love with other people. The married one I've been with for several years (we will call her Amy), and the other (mmm... Sarah), I only met 6 or 8 months ago. Both are freaks in bed, both are brunettes, and both have to sneak around to see me. Oh, and both of them like to send me pictures of their...

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"That was good," he gasped. "Now lick me clean." After she was done he had her sit naked on the couch. "This is the deal," he said, "You and your husband are done for the day. He will be offered a new job with travel, in fact he will have to travel tomorrow. You will report to this office when you arrive for work tomorrow and you will be assigned a new position. If either of you turns down the offer, you are both laid off." Debra got dressed and left the office. Not meeting Jessica's...

3 years ago
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Village life

Village life Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose...

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All For My CassieChapter 2

Cassie and I had a great day of sight seeing and shopping. She thrilled at getting some new clothes. The furniture store scheduled us for delivery for the next day. By the time evening had come we were both famished. I stopped off at a steak house for dinner before we headed home. That night Cassie didn't even make the pretext of wearing panties with her t-shirt when she climbed next to me in bed. Cassie snuggled right up to me. She draped an arm and leg over me. I put my arms around my...

3 years ago
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My wifes cruel way

I can't explain why I talked my wife into the cuckold lifestyle but I did. Like most women she thought at first it was a trap but after seeing how excited I got while talking about it she was convinced I wasn't k**ding. It started out with her meeting her guy friends after work and coming home wearing panties wet with a mixture of her and his love making. It took a while before she started having me clean her with my mouth after she had been out. I hinted very carefully how I'd like this to...

4 years ago
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On the Prowl 2

I had to make another errand run to the part of town that has the adult shops. I was getting the urge to suck and swallow so I decided I see i what I could find. I headed over to Sandy Springs after my morning workout and as was the case last time, I arrived around 10:45am and there were very few cars in the parking lot. I parked my car and entered the store .. went to the desk and purchase my mandatory $5 worth of tokens. I entered the darkened booth area. The booths at this shop are big with...

2 years ago
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An unexpected shag With my Sister Part 4

Please leave comments etc. Enjoy!!! Chapter 4 The next three hours were torture for me and I'm assuming it was difficult for Helen too. Firstly, all of us had dinner together at the dining room table. This time Helen didn't grab hold of my cock and toss me off, but the thought of what happened a few hours earlier at this table was still fresh in my memory. It was hard to concentrate and keep up with the conversation at the table, a few times I was asked for an answer that I...

2 years ago
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Roger and His Sister

Roger ran all the way home from school arriving out of breath. His cock had been hard most of the day in school, sitting through class after class with teenage girls all around him. Short skirts. Tight sweaters. It was tough being sixteen with all those sexy young things all around him all day. Roger wanted to get home before his sister did. Her junior high school let out thirty minutes later than his high school did. He would have at least thirty minutes to masturbate before she got...

3 years ago
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Boarding House With Foreign Students 8211 Part VI

“How you will go to airport….Let me ask principle to arrange you to go to airport” He said “okay…its kind of you” Then i arranged…with some one to take him to airport….Then he said goodbye to me and abdul…and went to airport…. As soon as i enter in my room…..Abdul jump on me from my back…and said “i miss you sir…it was boring …when i went there…. Always remembering you…..You are my number one..Sir” I can feel his cock at my back….And he is massaging on my ass….I went in and locked the door...

Gay Male
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Amy 29 Amys Big Night

Amy 29: Amy's Big Night Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Say I Will Not The night of the show, Sarah ruled the Mixer with her soulful voice but it was just too bad hardly anyone was there. Even though we all knew in advance it was going to be slack weekend because it was...

2 years ago
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The Shakespeare Option

THE SHAKESPEARE OPTION by BobH (c) 2011 Prologue The man slid back the small viewing panel in the cell door and gazed in on its sole occupant, a confused and clearly frightened young woman who was looking around the spartan confines of her windowless cell and shivering, not from cold - they kept the temperature at a steady seventy degrees - but because the gravity of her situation was starting to sink in. "I think she's scared," he said to his companion, who was a dead...

1 year ago
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The dinner

As I sit here eating beautifully creamy Brie with some oatcakes I can feel the remains of cum soaking into my silky knickers. I feel surprise at myself, yet have just had one of the best fucks I have ever had, with perfect strangers.When I arrived I was introduced to Greg, along with another very couple couple, the wife grabbing her guy very territorially, as if she knew I had just been through a split with my plank of a partner. I looked at the hubby, thinking in your dreams, as I would eat...

3 years ago
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Swap Week Chapter 5

Swap Week: Chapter 5 By RogerGirl Nicole woke up early again the next morning. She went to the bathroom for a shower and now normal morning routine then went to her dresser and picked out her bra and thong underwear set. She put them on then went to the dresser to pick out her outfit for the day. She didn't feel like wearing heels today, even though she liked how they made her legs look, so she went for a more casual look. She put on a short spaghetti strap dress that ended a few...

1 year ago
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Missing panties Well kind of

'How does this make you feel,' he still kept his voice in check. She shrugged, but in no way became visibly upset. Luke couldn't exploit her in her state. Even though what she'd done didn't seem natural to him, there were far worse crimes in this world. As his finger felt their way around the various soft materials, he felt a stirring in his loins. A feeling that was unsettling in nature. In response, he placed the underwear back in the drawer and gently closed it. Luke walked casually around...

3 years ago
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The Doctor

Introduction: this is doctor who, one of my fravrot shows Doctor Who, doctor and rose just came back from another adventure on planet galaktos, and doctor started being horny after the water incident that went on roses top, he started thinking about him rose being together, but because hes a timelord he cant have her, rose sat down on the chair and started reading a book called men and how to control them, he walked over behind her and bent down, what are you reading? he asked, oh, nothing, she...

3 years ago
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An Ideal Day

Megan rolled over and faced Robert, her brown eyes looking over his sleeping face. Stubble covered half of it, but it was still very handsome. Rugged, in a way. She loved how it felt against her skin, ticklish and familiar. She looked lower, his wide chest and shoulders were relaxed and resting. His flat stomach flowed into his hips, and his boxer briefs concealed something she was rather fond of. One of his legs rested on hers, the other stretched out comfortably. She stretched, her nails...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 10

Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 10 Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a dirty whore. In this chapter, Brian is re-programmed by Dr. DeVille to believe he's a slutty bimbo and gets initiated into Leroy's stable of whores. Chapter 10 Brian again retreated into the...

2 years ago
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Dear DiaryChapter 4

As we got ready to go to bed that night, Joy sent "Fred I will need to be in skin contact with you to have the greatest chance at affecting you." "Okay, Joy, I appreciate the fact that you will try to help me," I told her. We both stripped down and got in bed under the covers. "Oh, Fred, you are so warm. You feel so good. I may have to sleep with you on the nights when I sleep, for comfort." I chuckled and told her it was okay with me as long as she didn't snore too much. I dozed...

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Adventures of Jade

Jade turned out to be very shy. A late bloomer really. It was not until her first year of college that she started physically developing to match her age. And develop she did. Although she always had the beautiful green cat-eyes, her long and skinny frame started taking on dangerous curves at age 18. She was almost 22 now. The good looks and the great body came too late to give her confidence through her school years, but she was pleased nonetheless.Her mother had gone through the same thing....

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Chapter 2 Incubal Desires

Book Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Two: Incubal Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Village of Etian, The Magery of Thosi My hand slid up and down Xera's cock as the elf squirmed on the bed. Her head tossed back, her green hair swirling about her shoulders while her large breasts jiggled. I had a firm grip on her cock, my hand sliding up her shaft. It was one of the most fascinating cocks I had ever...

3 years ago
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Sexcapade With My Neighbor8217s Maid

Hello everyone, I am Joy, and this sexcapade occurred between my neighbor’s maid and me. I belong to an upper-middle-class family located in Hyderabad. I have always been lucky with women thanks to my soft-spoken nature and sense of humor. I was still able to explore a fair share of adventures. I tend to concentrate on incidents leading to sex than actual sex itself.  And about me. I’m 6 feet tall and a big guy with a 7.5-inch tool. Coming to the lead. This is about a lady named Manga, who...

2 years ago
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Unholy MarriageChapter 2

"I gather that Alexander often has referred to our family, calling it a clan. And he is right. We are definitely not an ordinary family." "Our history goes back more than four hundred years, and every member and every major event, is recorded." "Life has been generous to our clan. As long as we have behaved according to the rules and traditions of our clan, we have been prosperous without much effort, we have been influential, and we have all lived long and active lives." "A very...

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Presurgery preparation

I was having trouble with my right foot. I could not figure out what the problem was and absorbed the pain as I needed to fly to Toronto to celebrate the 25 anniversary of my friends as they were renewing their vows.I was taking some pain pills but they worked only enough to alleviated it to the point of tolerable.My friend offered me something called a 222 which can only be purchased in Canada and WOW did it work.Anyway, we came back and I scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist and he...

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Shes sexy when shes wet

I seethed in frustration all day, I wanted to get back at him for doing this to me again, I wanted to get even, but how? It was a few days later that a plan came into my head, I hadn't worked out the details yet but I thought that somehow I could get my revenge through his daughter Sara who also worked in the office. She was young and beautiful and very popular with the guys. Over the next few days I started to take opportunities to chat to Sara, only a little bit at first but I gradually...

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No FutureChapter 86

The Food of Love Psychlone 2108 No one could ever doubt it. This was by every possible measurement the biggest gig of Psychlone's professional life so far. It was the biggest blast he'd ever had, even including the first time he had sex. But Psychlone wasn't making a penny from it. Not even a measly grand or so. And the other acts giving it out were also all giving it for free. Although Psychlone knew enough from his university studies in Political History that there were fewer more...

3 years ago
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Melissas RiteChapter 12

The wind tore at them as soon as they exited the limo, whipping strands of hair before their faces. Cassie's still neatly-coiffed curls suffered the least, but she too was constantly trying to toss her head to keep them out of her eyes. Melinda's long, straight hair suffered the most, and she softly cursed every few seconds. Diane finally handed her a hair tie, one of which she had already used to draw her own long hair into a makeshift pony tail. "Thanks," Melinda said, though she...

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Tim his mum and i

  So let me start at the beginning about an incredible adventure, if you like this I will continue to post.   I moved into my block of flats when I was 22, I was a single career minded individual, who managed to buy their first flat. The block was pleasant with 2 flats per floor covering three stories. I soon made friends with my neighbour Debby who was five years older than me very glamorous and her eleven year old son Tim who seemed a sweet but shy boy.   Debby and I would meet up on...

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Whats in a dry old fuck

WHAT’S IN A DRY OLD FUCK? By The Tall Man Chapter One: Len’s Bar, early days…a self-made man…Jenny…the gang bang Len’s Bar on a Friday evening after a hard week was the place to go in those days. Everybody and his secretary and his brother and his mistress (or his would-be mistress) were there. At the end of the working week, it was the popular den of iniquity to go to unwind, relax, flirt, pick up people for unsavoury purposes. Most hedonists' kind of scenario. A chance meeting...

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Our Romantic Italian Vacation

We arrive at the Bed & Breakfast EXHAUSTED from our long trip. We drop our luggage down and fall into the bed immediately falling asleep. I wake, not knowing what time it is only that it is dark out. I remove my clothes, except my boxers. I then go over to you, still sound asleep on the bed. I remove your shoes and socks, trying not to wake you. I then slowly unbutton your shirt and gently slide it off each of your arms. I lie you on your back and unbutton your pants and unzip them. I move to...

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11th GradeChapter 14

We flew up to Omaha early the next morning. Mama had gotten up early too, to see us off, and she made it a point to tell me that she was having Brenda and Mrs. Connor come over for lunch later that day. I guess she wanted me to know that she was already working on taking care of what I had asked her to do, as far as changing Brenda's behavior. We got into the office up in Omaha right before nine o'clock. Dad told me that he had a full morning of meetings with production people, and he told...

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