B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 511
- 2 years ago
- 44
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Ten days after the fateful race, the now vastly improved Gorrsenz came to the system. Its strong transmitters giving its identity from very far off. They were directed to one of the ships with a direct connection to Mom. Matthew requested secrecy even from the forces protecting the Sofaas system and Mom agreed to the unusual request.
The information from Goosey was taken in one continuous stream. Only after it was gathered did Mom begin her questioning. The Gorrsenz crew were ordered to enter the cruiser and take a nondescript ship to the planet Earth and not the lunar base.
They didn't have time to get comfortable before they docked. They found the base nearly deserted as they approached the personal matter transmitter. The crew found themselves separated for the first time but they could still communicate. They were instructed to sit in the medical chairs and quickly went to sleep.
They woke up hours later. Matthew knew the time and was amazed. Nobody he had ever heard of had been studied so much or in so much detail.
"Well Mom, what can you tell us about our experiences that we do not already know?"
"I am working on this Matthew. A great deal of us are working on the same thing. Your idea about parallel existence was worked on for a considerable amount of time but discarded. We believe the simplest hypothesis. That is, you were thrown into that other realm with a temporal vector. The Emperor has been doing a considerable amount of work with this and the mathematics is simply fascinating."
"What about the possibility of using this as a means of travel? Goosey has detected no loss in time during our transition but that may be subjective. We have been doing our own studies since we were first cast out. When we garnered better computing power the search has only intensified. It was only recently that the element of time has cropped up."
Mom said, "I can well imagine the incentive to learn about this phenomena."
Matthew thought about his family that he had left here and asked, "Have Justine and Monica been told that we survived the exercise?"
Mom's mind speech came back kindly and she said, "Yes. All of the families have been appraised of your continued good health. Nothing else was mentioned though apart from some of your new orders."
At the same time, ten more conversations were going on about roughly the same thing. Jonathan was the most depressed. He found that the body of his brother had been found. Lyrra was not as disappointed because she had accepted the fact long ago and lived for her husbands and children. Mom thought her much more practical.
Rather than cause problems, the original crew left for their fleet with some portable computers that allowed communication over any distance. Mom said, "For the moment, do not reveal your identity as adults. At the next opportunity the Emperor will be notified. He is currently across the galaxy in an area close to the dwarf galaxy Canis Major dealing with a serious threat."
Matthew asked, "Is there something we can do?"
"I am afraid not. Your ships though have not been overhauled in quite a period of time. Why don't you go to Masis and see what improvements we have come up with in the last month. There I will like to see both what you have done and meet your family. They give me much more hope for the Alliance than I have had in quite a while."
The eleven former cadets got back in the shuttle they had arrived in and then went to the cruiser. The captain of the cruiser with only six officers stood at attention this time said, "Welcome aboard Admiral Buchanan. Mom has warned us to keep your identity secret for the next while."
"Thank you Captain Cardra. I didn't know that Mom had given me the rank even though I must have been using the station all along."
"She is sneaky that way and has a wicked sense of humour. We are instructed to provide transportation and logistical help to your fleet. We are actually being detached to learn from you."
"Well, let's get going. I trust you either have or can get all the codes to the food replicators. We have been living on what we have invented or what we could remember."
The cruiser took very little time to come to the fleet and see the present state of affaires. The cruiser came close to the Phoenix and the two crews met socially. The two computers though exchanged far more data because there was much more capacity.
Soon the officers of the other ships came too. They were all family anyway. The information on the cruiser's food replicator was copied to the Phoenix and then the two were compared. It was not long before the 'next generation' were moved in different directions and asked about their experiences. The successful operations against Samutz was an instant success and this was discussed with the computer's assistance. Like the Academy, points were argued from both safety and objectives obtained.
Jerome was invited to the cruiser and an in-depth meeting with Mom. He had been waiting for this for almost his entire life. Mom was legendary in power and perception. He didn't know how he would stand up even with some of his abilities.
His wives and children were invited too and the small group left on a large shuttle.
Jonathan followed the progress of his first-born son. He was worried in a way but knew that Mom would not hurt him. When Jerome went to sleep the progress was much too fast to follow. Jonathan's grandchildren were getting the same treatment. It was an hour later that Jerome came back. He had a smile on his face but his shield was up.
They spoke verbally very infrequently but with the shield up it was thought prudent. "Well?" Jonathan asked verbally.
"Mom wants me to be an admiral too. For now it will be just a small fleet but she said my responsibilities would grow. She is breaking up our family but she said the ships will be linked much better than what we have now."
Jonathan was quite tall now but reached up and hugged his oldest to him. "I like the name Admiral Jerome Bender. It has a ring to it."
Jerome smiled, "I think it does too, dad."
In the coming hours more and more of the next generation and their children sat in the chairs on the cruiser. Every one of them came back with smiles on their faces. Jonathan felt vindicated in a way. He had left as a cadet with only a goodly amount of promise. Now he was the father to admirals and other high ranking officers that would advance when there was room for them.
Jeremy and Matthew sent text only files to Justine and Monique talking about some vague adventures that would be cleared up later. The other members of the original crew were doing the same.
The information about the various races found during the long return trip were distributed among the various ships. They were then given a much more detailed account of Earth, Humans and the Alliance. Information about the Emperor and his family was studied in detail including some of his current work on the edge of the galaxy. Nothing like this had ever been heard of before. Then again communications over this distance had not possible either.
Matthew and many in his fleet, felt very relieved to have not met any of the three high tech races. Even the Hossin, though more benign, would be a difficult enemy to defeat if the events had been different. The new hull, shield, weapons, sensors and especially the odd crystals were studied even if it was only information in a computer.
The party was more for welcoming the old crew and now their families and crew to Earth. Mom was able to use the various computers but she had not connected them yet. Henry usually provided this service but there were ways now to circumvent this if necessity. Even the small communicators had to have Henry work at them on the equivalent of an assembly line till the new methods that only recently came about. A few thousand had been made but they only took Henry a few seconds of work for his contribution. The AIs on the other hand took considerably longer but there were many more of them.
The party broke up almost a day later but the only people not of Matthew's fleet were the crew of the cruiser. Matthew was quite tired and wanted to sleep when Mom called him with a low priority request. The canned message said, "Hello Matthew. You have a great many ships with you and a great many more protecting the Alliance. I would like you to accept some human recruits to help crew those ships. Some would go to the Phoenix as well but the Emperor is very busy now thinking of a way to defeat a very powerful enemy."
Matthew forwarded the message to Possa and said, "Mom wants us to do some training. We seem to have quite a bit of experience under our belts. We can both see that this will mean and intermingling of the races. You Tandra girls seem to like Humans as much as we love you." The message was sent and Matthew settled down for a well-deserved rest.
When Matthew awoke he found that six of the old crew were in medical getting not only a grilling but also some of the many improvements that they had missed over the years as they gained responsibilities. This also meant that he and the rest were slated for similar enhancements. His body would feel much younger even if he was close to fifty and looked less than half of that figure. His prostrate worked fine and had been improved on the trip but many more things could be done. Most important would be the improvements to his mind that an Admiral needed to command a fleet.
Possa came in looking as beautiful as ever. She reached over and cupped her favourite husband then kissed his lips the way she had learned so long ago. "Mom is going to be sending over eighteen thousand troops in the next week. Most of them are Human males. This will really please all the Tandra we have on the ships. Only a few are officers and the rest are little more trained than we were when we left. She is also sending some trainers. Two of them are Moses Carver and Mike Tuck. Jonathan would love to see them."
This really surprised Matthew but in a second he knew it would have to happen sometime. At least the men would not be coming to the Phoenix till the Emperor figured out what to do.
Any surplus recruits had been taken out of stasis when the troubles had started and now placed in the hidden fleet outside the Oort cloud. There were no problems there because of the number of ships and fighters to work with. Carriers were not a common ship but they did exist. There was as surprising number of them that had been captured or that had simply heeded the call.
Since he was not on duty yet and Possa had already completed her watch he pulled her onto his bed and started to make love to her while watching out for the small lump in her abdomen.
After a good breakfast with a newly programmed synthesiser, Matthew looked at the reports coming in that required his permission or approval. This took quite a while but it was much faster than what a Human on Earth would have had to do. The AI did most of the work but was not foolproof. This made finding any mistake very difficult.
He got up an hour and a half later a little cramped and took up his duties as Admiral. His daughter Monique was actually the captain and had been for years. She had two children of her own but wanted more but with more genetic variation. Perhaps now with the new crew this could happen. The males were not really necessary. The medical section could manipulate something as simple as DNA. With enough changes, one sperm sample could be used to father a nation or an Empire and not worry about genetic defects.
Monique wanted more than just a sperm donor, she wanted a father for her children and a person to love her as much as her many sisters did.
Matthew worked with Mom to see what ships could be safely taken from the fleet and sent for repair. He sent one of his carriers there too so that the flood of expected new crew members could start repairing the ship as well as learn to fly fighters.
With the new communicators there was no reason why the Phoenix could not be there too to take advantage of the hot weather on the planet's surface and the sparse population. The family though grew up in ships and that seemed more natural to them than wide-open spaces.
During the latter part of his watch, Jonathan, and the others came back to the ship. Matthew could still see the young boy in the slightly older face as he showed a wide smile. This begged a question and Matthew relented to his old friend. "Well, what happened?"
"Look into my mind Matthew."
The admiral did and saw that the mind now worked much more efficiently. There were areas prepared to block off sensitive data. Other areas were enlarged to absorb the horrendous amounts of data that would be accumulated in a long lifetime. Jonathan worked on a five dimensional problem dealing with crystals, and the thinking process was much smoother than he could ever remember it being before.
Matthew had to admit, "You certainly are much better than when I last saw you. Then again you were always quite bright at finding solutions to our problems."
Jonathan knew this was part flattery but most of it was the truth. Many problems had cropped up in the last forty or so years to be solved by him. "Your mind works differently Matthew. You find all the problems with personnel and logistics that would drive me batty. When you get the treatment to suit an admiral then you could do what I do and your own work much easier."
"Jonathan, I need that treatment because my work load will only increase. It is one thing to command some ships to follow and another to command more with biological crews. The numbers I fear are going far beyond simple millions. The captains will help and now I have to find a replacement for your son. I may have to take another of your sons and promote him."
Jonathan smiled, "I can't see them fighting that decision. They live to command."
"I know they do and none deserve it more than you. I need you here though with me. Your ideas saved us more than a few times and now your help is even more necessary."
Jonathan had a small tear in his eye and stood straight as he said, "I will be here with you old friend."
Soon Matthew and the remainder of the old crew were sitting in similar chairs but after they were sedated they went into a tank. Ten hours later, Tandra techs helped Matthew into a cleanser then sat him at a larger than usual meal.
Matthew could see some of his old problems he had to tackle and saw how easy they were to solve now. One small mistake was made in the forms he signed off on earlier that had been missed by the AI and him at that time. Memory had vastly improved and Matthew could see and understand many more important facts concerning the various races he met.
His mind was racing with the many improvements and he flexed his muscles and knew that here too he had been improved. When he looked down he found that he was larger in body now necessitating learning a new way to move. Another part of his body was a bit larger and this to would have to be exercised soon.
There was an urge to try his mind and body out but sensed both Conda and Toosm close by after their improvements. Interfacing with the computer AI was now much easier and he sent a request to these two Tandra. They came quickly to the room. They had been finished much longer but waited to see if their friend and lover needed any special treatment.
Matthew smiled and stood up. He knew that he was only a bit taller but would grow another four centimetres in height and a considerable amount more on the chest and extremities.
When the two were sated Matthew knew that he was not though. It had basically just whetted his appetite. He felt like a fourteen year old once again. When he dressed in a new Admiral's uniform he thanked the crew and left for his own ship. Possa, Mayaz and Lyrra were there to help and both Conda and Toosm went back for more as well. Two and a half hours later he was sure he had made both Mayaz and Conda pregnant one more time. Though all the women bore the children of the three males it had usually been on a rotating basis. And if it weren't for Tandra medicine he would feel sorry for the women.
After another large meal surrounded by very sated mates the admiral was greeted with an odd musical call. After only four notes he knew what it was. He and the others in the room stood hastily and Matthew said, "Receive."
A hologram appeared and a section of wall looked to have been pushed back ten metres. A large figure dressed in a simple uniform with no insignia other than the Alliance crest was sitting while holding what looked like a cup of coffee in his hand. "My Emperor," Matthew said as he bent to the floor and placed his right knee on the deck.
Henry looked at the adults and remembered only a few months ago when he had seen some in the flesh and as children while others from graphics but again as children. "Well all of you have certainly grown." The Emperor stood and set his mug down. "Please stand up all of you. Some of your number I considered my children while others I saw as ones I would be proud to have called me father."
The Tandra and one Human stood but did so at almost attention.
Henry said, "Please be seated or at least relax. This is a personal call and I do not like all the ceremony and bullshit that goes with this office." He scanned the group and his eyes settled on Matthew one more time. "It looks like you can legally drink on Earth now Matthew."
Matthew did smile now. "I guess I can my Emperor. I haven't had any natural beer since I was five. That seems to be a long time ago."
"Not that long Admiral. By the way I have to congratulate you on your promotion. I see that many of your extended family have done very well in the rating. Your children are exemplary in character and education. You all have done a fantastic job of raising them as an example to the rest of us."
"It was the training you gave us."
"That was only some of it. It was your own character and those of your wives that made each of the children as good as they are. Let's call in the rest. Mom and your computer may be good enough to transmit our images to all of your family. It will be something like an expanded and improved conference call."
Three of the next generation were around Masis. Two were on patrol while they waited and were training just a hundred of the first of the new Human complement.
There was a time when Henry had to get them to either sit or at least relax. There were even some of the original crews' great grandchildren in attendance though they were all young.
Henry complimented them on their great quest and the way they had accomplished it with such great panache. Rescuing so many worlds and then making sure they would stay free while accumulating so many ships was no easy feet.
"There are a few destroyers and other escorts here now. The Fassoot have very fast ships and a strong mind that is very close in strength to mine. I have to be smarter and then destroy them somehow. When that is done I want to have another meeting with all of your extended family with some of mine. Then I could hear first hand what you had to do on this fascinating journey."
Various versions of, "Yes, my Emperor," were heard, then Henry said his goodbyes and his hologram disappeared while the rest continued.
Talk continued in this new medium for at least a half hour then broke up. The original crew sat at a large table in the main mess room and just continued to think on what had happened. Over the years Henry had grown to the Emperor in both Jeremy and Matthews mind and it was good to see that the Emperor thought that much about them.
Mom let them have time to talk then broke in on the conversation with another polite ring as if it were a telephone. When the call was answered Mom said, "The Emperor wants the crew of the Gorrsenz and all their children honoured immediately. He feels that the Alliance personnel and to a lesser extent the population of Earth will work harder behind such a deserving crew."
Matthew now had the mind of an admiral even though it had not all the training it needed. He stated very firmly, "Tell me how much the Emperor is in trouble?"
There was a slightly longer time to get this reply. "The Fassoot are very strong. The Emperor has destroyed two battleships with just his mind. One more was destroyed with a trick that only he can perform. The Emperor's ship was destroyed but the one biological and two computer entities escaped. He is not sure he can kill the remaining Fassoot without great danger to himself. He thought it prudent to show everybody what the four major races can do if they work together."
"You mean that he wants us to carry on if he doesn't make it back?"
"In a way that is correct. He does not expect you to rule but you must be prepared to fight like we have never done before. This is best if people like you are given all of the assistance we can. The Fassoot do not know of our whereabouts but in enough centuries they will be here. Their ships are not only very fast but powerful too. The Fassoot have close to the strongest minds known. Only the Emperor is stronger but he is not only alone in that position but is alone in his ability."
Matthew knew when to stand up for what was right and when to back down. "Tell me more about what the Fassoot can do. You know that sometimes biological minds can do things that computer minds cannot."
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Adam and I have been best friends since I was little. We met as nextdoor neighbors when I was only ten and he was eighteen. As we grew up we still kept in touch, I was even his best man at his wedding when he married the gorgeous Sophie Roberts five years ago. He is now twenty six and I am eighteen. Anyway, this story is not about Adam, its about his wife Sophie. Last week Adam and Sophie, and their daughter Emma, came around my parents house where I live, for dinner. I said hello, but being...
Wife LoversHey all, my name is Paul (mail to: ) and I’m gonna tell you an incident that happened about a year ago, while I was employed in a BPO in Bangalore. I had to share my cubicle with this amazing lady named Prerna aged about 35. She was married and had a son of about 4 years. Even though she had a son, I can’t tell you how perfectly maintained she was. She was the perfect figure of 36 – 32 – 36 and she had the ability to excite any guy with her amazing smile. Ever since the day I saw her, I had...
You may remember the story of me fucking my neighbor while studying for finals. Well, I got her mother as well. While me and Sarah continued to "study" together we got really close as well. She would often time tell me about her parents and how her father was never home out on business trips and what not, Sarah allways suspected him of cheating so really never cared for him. But any how it was a week or so after High scool let out I had seen Mrs. Rogers' husband Brad leave, I could tell it was...
Group SexMy alarm started to blare at me in what seemed like an ungodly hour in the morning. Rolled over and sort of sleepily whacked it till it shut off, and then went back to sleep. This lasted about 5 minutes until my mother came in and woke me up. I shuffled through my morning routine of breakfast and shower and doing whatever till the time came to walk next door to meet Brooke. This was the best part of my day, as she was always wide awake in the morning and managed to wake me up before school. I...
We got to school and we walked in as usual she would grab my hand and swing it like we were going out just to make other guys jealous. We went to english which we had together, i sat there talking to her about what she was doing after school, when she asked if i would come over and study for our physics test after. I never thought much of this since we always studied together. We didn't have next class together and i sat there thinking about her and that short skirt all class, and thinking...
It was Friday after noon and all he wanted was to get home after a long day of teaching. He was fresh out of college, only 26 years old, which tended to cause problems when you’re a male teacher, seeing as all the young hot girls put in a torturous effort to get his attention. What made things worse, was that the dress code policy was extremely laid back. Basically as long as they all had both a top and bottoms and shoes on, they were fine. What that meant was sitting though period after period...
TabooWARNING: Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and goelsewhere now! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexualityoffends you, please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story isa work of FICTION; nothing more. My bitch by 2NN Prologue I come home from work, close the door behind me and take off myjacket. It's been a hard day at work and I really need to blow off somesteam. I need to take a piss and I really, really need to get off.Luckily I have just the thing. I...
The second part to this story is in production will be a few weeks before it's completed. I'm trying something different here. A lot of my stories that I write in my note books are mainly erotic horror. I dreamed this story about a month ago. I woke up at three AM and began to write it down, eight pages of paper and forty minutes later it was finished(rough draft). When I sat down to type it up, well things got a little interesting and the story got a lot longer. I hope you enjoy reading...
I'm still a 18 year old virgin and virgin with a strong imagination. My girl friend Amanda is one sexy babe She's 5'6 with long brown hair and a smile that would make any man cum. Her body is slim with a few sexy curves around her and giggly size B breast's she make me want her even more. What she loves to do is dance, when she's on the dance floor she a totally different person. she express herself all the way by shaking her ass and her hips, but when she off the dance floor she shy and...
It was a morning hunt, the last hunt of the opening weekend. Daylight was just breaking. Dark, mysterious figures along the forest line were finally beginning to reveal their harmless details, growling miniature beasts transformed into harmless, dead stumps as sunlight shined upon them. John was sitting in his stand, a simple, ground level box stand with large openings on three sides for windows. For the past forty-five minutes, since he had taken the stand, his mind had been on one thing....
Feminizing Sixth Step: Sissy Pool Party (All characters are age 18+) Today my mom was having her friends over for a pool party in our backyard. They had been here all afternoon -mainly lounging around the secluded swimming pool and patio area. Michelle had been first to arrive. She was my mom's old roommate from university and came wearing a black bikini and floral print sarong. Next was Kendra -a beautiful Asian doctor my mom met through one her feminism-activist groups. She was...
One of the downsides of the political correctness that has taken over this world in which we are forced to live, is that it has resulted in the demise of that group of people once known as ‘eccentrics’. That group that, because they did not fit inside the square, whose behaviour could only be described as bizarre, made life less dull and boring. They were, in the most part, harmless, not harming anyone, just living in their own world. This story is of a couple of just such people, who by their...
A few days later, I guess I was horny or something, I found her number in the book; women used to list their numbers in the book, and she even listed her first name, not just initials. I got the impression she wanted people to be able to find her. We struck a conversation on the phone and I invited her over for a little wine. After some wine and some conversation, we started kissing, heavy kissing, french kissing; and oh yeah, I forgot to mention something: Mandy had a set of tits. She...
She follows me down a winding trail through the fir, cedar and spruce forest to the shoreline of Georgian Bay. Waves gently lap against the shoreline of smooth, multi-colored pebbles, the air is heavy with the sweet scent of the surrounding forest, and the surface of the water is bright with countless tiny reflected beams of the sun as if there is a gigantic disco ball in the sky casting its sparkling radiance across the water to the edge of the horizon. Jennifer, my wife, happily wanders over...
his street to his neighbors’ house in a pair of jeans and t-shirt with his sweatshirt zipped all the way up and his hood on. He was supposed to babysit his daughter Ashley for the night while he went to Washington to take care of some business, and wouldn’t be back till the following afternoon. “big screen tv, all the food I want, a nice place to sleep.” He thought as he watched the steam coming out of his mouth, “This is more of a privilege than a job.” He got to the...
I studied her legs. We were desperately in love, and I strove to learn every inch of her body, so that I could make love to it, so that I could know her. On our very first date, I had told her I would caress her entire body, inside and out forever. After only five minutes, after entering her home I looked Rachel straight in the eyes and said, ‘up until now I explored the earth, because I wanted to know me. Now I will explore you, because I want to know truth.’ Rachel was an angel. She...
Hello everyone. How are you all? Mee isbaar aap ke liye ek nayi kahani ke sath fir see hajir huu joo aaj see 1 mahine pehle huee the. Kahani suru hone see pehle mee apne bare me bata deta hu. Kuch log too jantee hi honge lekin jo nahi jaante he un logo ko mera namaskar. Myself kriti from guwahati. Height 5.9 feet. Dekhne me thik thaak.. Itnee kharab bhi nahi bol sakte. Mujhe too aunty or bhabi bahut pasand he lekin. Guwahati see koi agar aunty yaa bhabhi ya fir ladki mujhe contact karnaa chahte...
I drove home in shock, my mind racing. I was about to go into the middle of no where with a man that I only just met and be his employee for an entire summer! On top of that, I had just sucked his cock! As I drove home I couldn't get the image of him using my mouth out of my head.I pulled into my parking lot and made my way up to my apartment. I went straight to my computer and checked my email - he had already sent a message! It read:Hey Slut - you have two options... I'm leaving the...
% Your Trip to Torei % Gospodin % 10 Jan 2012 Your first view of Torei from space is a bit of a disappointment, all told. You suppose you've seen realistic images before, but the picture of the planet in everyone's heads is the stylized diagram used for their celestial ensign: a grey globe circled by a green sash at the equator, black ziggurats sprouting clouds from the poles. Whenever someone spots the image above a starport berth, wild tales fill the corridors and canteens. The Toreans...
Alex stepped out for a movie, not having many friends and abandoning his previous lifestyle, he went alone. Akemi was ready and set out to stage everything. It was her turn to spike the drink and managed to distract Alex during the film, just long enough to slip the liquid into his Coke. The movie ended and Alex felt the starting effects of the drug, feeling almost buzzed as he exited the theater. No further than a block away, three men approached him and offered some help. By now the drug...
I am going to talk about the first time I hooked up with a chubby but pretty girl at my college. First, something about me. I am Sunny and I am a student at a college in Delhi. Physically, I am muscular but short, only 5 feet 5 inches tall. For privacy reasons, I won’t be using real names. I had been studying in Delhi for the past two years and till that time, I was not even able to make friendship with any girl. As you can tell, I was like any desi guy who was stressed about studies and could...
Douglas was drunk. He was trying for oblivion but unconsciousness continued to elude him. After Sabrina had left, he’d ordered Martin and Jared from the room and locked himself in his library. That first night they’d come to check on him, periodically trying the door and encouraging him to eat. The second night they took to banging on the door, refusing to cease until he confirmed that he was, unfortunately, still very much alive. After the third night Jared picked the lock and let himself...
Mr. Douglas moved around the car and got into the driver’s seat, adjusting his mirror and locking the doors. Soon, the car was exiting the driveway and moving smoothly through the lovely neighborhood. Renee was pleased that they were spending the day together and was happily chatting about which stores they should visit and what they should buy. Betsy nodded and occasionally murmured a reply, but she was busily watching Mr. Douglas in the mirror, his eyes perfectly framed. When they arrived...
Alisha Jacob, it has been 2 years since Alisha started her freelancing journalist career. 26 years old, a gold medal from the university. She never could be controlled by capitalist media kings, the mafia nor the corrupt politicians. Alisha was stern, honest, ethical, and wanted to change society. She wanted to get rid of the criminal filth of society. Alisha was known to the world as ‘Maleficent’ to the society through her blogs and YouTube channel. She had exposed local corrupt policemen,...
John Pollard had forgotten the visit of his old flame. His life had settled into something of a routine long before she had arrived, and after her visit it was regained. He visited his children; he visited his friends, and they visited him. The parish kept him busy visiting the sick and housebound. One day a week he helped at a shelter and hostel for the homeless, or more often if they were short staffed. He had no time to wonder why Claire had decided to visit after so long. He had assumed...
Happy Birthday, Dear Wampyr... (Part I) The Dark Lord Stefan celebrates Her birthday..."369, The Goose Drank Wine, The Monkey Chewed Tobacco On The Streetcar line..."It was her birthday. The Dark Lord rose, the old rhyme humming in his head as he scented her upon the night air. The scent of her yes, but also the smells as she prepared herself to allow him to take her into the night in celebration. The Almond Butter she used to dress her curls, the ancient Florentine perfume she still favored...
Supernatural“What?” asked Jerry in shock. “There’s some guy out there who claims that he and Jenny are married,” answered Abe. The news staggered Jerry just as surely as if he had been hit in the stomach with a baseball bat. His mind raced as he tried to remember if there was ever a time when Jenny might have hinted at being married before. He reached for support and found Henry beside him keeping him from falling to the ground. Feeling his knees weaken, he asked, “How can that be?” Grinning broadly,...
The Retreat Even without Diana's built-in "Jeff locator," she would have known where her husband was. Christmas afternoon after receiving new firearms – a no-brainer. She stepped through the outer door of the range and donned a pair of ear protectors, then slipped on inside. He stopped firing, cleared his weapon, holstered it and stepped back from the firing line. He always knows when I walk in, ear protection or not. Well, Big Boy, let's see if this surprises you. After a brief kiss,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just turned 18 about a week ago. Like most boys I was horney. mom and my dad were divorced and it was just her and me now. I had a habit of going naked anytime I could get away with it, when I was younger, mom always would say get some clothes on, although it seemed to me that she didn't wear as much as maybe she should have. Anyhow, since it was just her and me, she got bolder and I did to. We didn't really try to cover up very much, coming from...
IncestGo on Love tell me what your deepest Fantasy is? Well I hesitated I want to watch you Fuck another Man! Kate looked at me with surprise. You want to watch another man Fuck me? Kate whispered in my ear while My Cock started to rise. She grab it and it quickly became hard and begin to throb in her fist. “Yes” was my reply. Kate and I had been married for 2 years and she was so hot that no matter where I took her the men would stare at her openly. Slowly I developed a Fantasy to watch these men...