Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 4 free porn video

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John Pollard had forgotten the visit of his old flame. His life had settled into something of a routine long before she had arrived, and after her visit it was regained. He visited his children; he visited his friends, and they visited him. The parish kept him busy visiting the sick and housebound. One day a week he helped at a shelter and hostel for the homeless, or more often if they were short staffed.

He had no time to wonder why Claire had decided to visit after so long. He had assumed it was compassion for his loss and gave it no further thought. So it came as a surprise when his phone had rung and the voice at the other end had identified himself as Peter Klinsman. John waited.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Claire’s mother has died. I’m back in the Netherlands now but she’s staying on to sort out the estate. She wants to come and see you. You’ve both suffered bereavement and she was very close to her mother. She thinks you’ll be able to help her. So if you can find a good hotel for her nearby I’m sure she’d be grateful.”

John was non-plussed. He remembered how angry Claire had been about the letter, but here Peter Klinsman was phoning him and hadn’t mentioned it. He was obviously someone who manipulated events to suit himself, John thought. Why was he asking this? John decided to let it go. If Claire got in touch, she would tell him what she wanted, but he would look up some hotels locally in any case.

“I can do that,” he responded. “I’ll make enquiries and she can choose one if she decides to come here.”

The conversation was stilted but Peter seemed satisfied with his response and rang off, whereupon John immediately forgot the conversation.

Then next call came from Claire weeks later. “John, I wonder if I could come and stay with you while I sort out my mother’s estate. Are you free?”

“Claire! Of course you can stay!” John exclaimed. “Oh bother, I forgot all about the hotel!”

“Hotel?” she asked.

“When Peter rang me, I promised him to look out some hotels for you to choose where to stay while you’re over here, and I clean forgot about it.”

Claire’s voice betrayed her anger. “He phoned you? I knew nothing of that, John. We need to talk when I get there. If you can put me up, I’d like to stay with you.”

“Of course you can,” he said. “I assumed you’d be staying with me when Peter mentioned the hotel.”

“Don’t worry about the hotel,” said Claire. “There’s a story attached to that. I’ll enlighten you when I get there.”

She arrived with two suitcases the next afternoon and John stood back to let her in. She put them down in the hallway and turned to him, and they naturally hugged as they always had, he remembered, body to body. She never held back with her hugs.

“You’re very welcome, Claire,” said John as they parted, a little out of breath, “but are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay in a hotel?”

“What I was actually hoping for, was that I could stay here with you, and that’s what I told Peter before he went back to the Netherlands. The hotel was all his idea and I know why.”

“Come through to the kitchen,” he invited, and she made straight for the kitchen and sat down at the table. John did not need to ask if she wanted tea. It was obvious.

John spoke as he busied himself with tea-making. “There’s no problem about you staying here, Claire. I would have expected to put you up here until Peter made his request. When he rang I thought you wanted to keep him happy – you did say he was jealous.”

He excused himself while he set the washing machine in motion in the utility room and then returned to sit opposite her at the table. He smiled a broad smile and immediately the angry look left her face and she smiled back. He then poured the tea.

“Later we will talk,” John said. “First we need to be practical. You will have my bedroom. I have moved out because it has its own en-suite bathroom; that will allow you to relax more. I’ll use the second largest bedroom. It’s already got my stuff in it ready for you arriving in case you stayed.”

Claire started to object.

“Listen,” John said. “We never held back what we were thinking, and I’m not going to start now. You’re married to Peter. You’re a very attractive woman. I remember vividly our more intimate times together. I need to keep you at arm’s length in a way. You understand?”

Claire looked startled for a second, but then nodded with a smile.

“John, as usual you see to the heart of things. I know now why I came to you. It’s a mixture of your integrity, love and respect.”

John looked embarrassed, and tried to cover it by finishing his tea. “Let’s get to it.”

They took her bags to his erstwhile bedroom and then settled back in the living room. There was a silence, and then John spoke.

“Claire, I’m very happy to have you here for as long as you need to be here. I want you to feel you can be alone when you need to be, and to come and talk when you want. I don’t want to get in your way. Just treat the place as your home.”

“Dear John,” Claire smiled warmly. “I’m so glad I came. I already feel as if I’m at home. Can I try to tell you why I’m here?”

John nodded and Claire began her story. She outlined her problem with Peter’s jealousy and lack of trust in her faithfulness, and how it had culminated in his reading and answering John’s letter to her.

She explained how she felt at the end of her tether and the feeling she had that this was a turning point in her life. She did not know if she could live with Peter much longer unless he was cured of his jealousy and lack of trust. Their relationship had to become more equal.

“I told him that he would have to learn to trust the hard way by putting up with my living here with you. I told him I would be living here and if he wanted our marriage to continue he’d have to accept it. He would have to trust me to be faithful and I gave him my solemn promise that I would be. That was the whole point of me being here with you. Now I find he tried to get you to hive me off to a hotel. It hasn’t helped.

“I’ll bet he hasn’t made an appointment with a psychiatrist either. That was the second string to his treatment.”

“So it’s clear you’ve not come just to teach Peter a lesson; you really want him to get over his lack of trust and his jealousy. You want to save your marriage. But there’s more, I think?”

“Yes, you’re quite right. On one level I have to finish off sorting the estate out. Not easy; the family tell me they want to keep the house as a holiday home so there’s a lot of legal to-ing and fro-ing between me, Ellen and Simon, and George. The size of the house and its valuation is going to incur a lot of inheritance tax.

“According to the will it was to be sold and the proceeds split three ways after tax, so if we want to keep it, we’ll have to sign legal affidavits that we will keep the house in equal joint ownership, and agree on what happens if and when one of us dies or wants out. That’s nearly sorted out. Then there’s probate and carrying out the stipulations in the will.”


She smiled. He was so perceptive! He smiled warmly back and she felt heat. It shocked her.

“And.” Claire said after collecting herself, and staring at John. “I’ve been so busy I’ve not had time to think or to feel. Mum’s death is going catch up with me; I’m numb at the moment. You know what it’s like, that’s why I’ve come to you. I want to be near you when it hits. I know you’ll understand. I need your support.”

“Ah!” John sighed. “Well, I’m not out of it myself yet, so we can support each other. I’m not trying to get rid of you, stay as long as you need to or want, but how long were you thinking of staying?”

“Why? Had you something planned?”

“No, nothing all this year. I know some widows and widowers go on cruises and holidays. I think that’s an escape. I want to face it. Anyway, Elizabeth will be annoyed if I don’t look after her garden.”

They both laughed.

“I can help there,” she said. “We can do that together.”

“So? How long?”

“About four weeks. Is that too long?”

“No. As I said you can stay as long as you want, though you won’t be over it by then by a long chalk, but you should be better able to cope.”

Claire smiled with obvious relief, and in her vulnerability John once again saw the young girl he had loved so long ago.

John stood up. “Come on,” he said. “It’s getting late, and we need to do some shopping. We can get everything at the local shops.”

By the time they returned to the house it was evening. They unloaded the car and brought the shopping to the kitchen. Claire was at a loss, not knowing where anything went. John began to put things away and then realised Claire was standing looking helpless.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, stopping as he put the bottle of cooking oil into the cupboard.

“I don’t know where anything goes,” she said.

“Well, follow me around and I’ll show you.”

That is what she did. Then she made her way round the cupboards and drawers, looking carefully in each one. John laughed at her concentration as she tried to remember where everything was.

“What?” she asked, affecting exasperation.

“Nothing.” He said, smiling innocently, but she knew he was laughing at her.

“I want to know where everything is. You’re not going to wait on me hand and foot while I’m here – I’m going to pull my weight.”

“No objections there!” said John.

Claire finished her inspection and turned to John with a smile.

“I’ll soon find my way round. You won’t mind if I cook a bit?”

He shook his head.

“Good,” she said, “We can look after each other.”

John suggested they go out of a meal to save cooking on her first evening, and she readily agreed.

When they returned, she left him and went to sort out her room and unpack, then she sat in ‘her’ room for a while, soaking in the feeling that she was at home there. At nine, her mobile rang. It was Peter.

“Where are you?” he asked without preamble.

“At John’s,” she said coldly.

“Didn’t he find you a hotel?”

“Peter, you know that was never the plan. I wouldn’t have gone to a hotel if he’d booked one. He did give me the option. You know why I didn’t take it.”

“I don’t like this,” he said.

She could hear he was either angry or worried in his voice, but found she didn’t really care which.

“Peter,” she snapped, “I was angry at you because you tried to run my life with that letter to John. Now I learn that you phoned John and asked him to book me a hotel, when you knew the reason I wanted to stay here with John. You tried to manipulate my life without my consent yet again.

“You apologised at Mother’s, but you’ve learned nothing and haven’t changed at all, so that apology didn’t mean much, did it? I gave my solemn word to you I would be faithful, but that means nothing to you: you don’t trust me at all. You’ve really done it this time. I warned you about interfering. Have you made an appointment with a therapist?”

“I don’t need some quack psychologist telling me what to do.”

She sighed. “Peter, the fact you are continuing to try to manipulate my life shows that you do need that, very badly. I’m starting to think you don’t really want to beat this disability of yours.”

“Claire,” he begged seeming on the edge of tears. “Please don’t do this. It’s tearing me apart!”

“You still aren’t getting it, are you?” she said with resignation. “You have to learn that from now on I’m not going to be your tame slave, imprisoned in your castle. You’ve got to get used to the fact that from now I’m an independent woman.”

“But you’re not!” he almost shouted down the phone. “You’re dependent on me for everything – you’re my wife for God’s sake.”

“I depend on you because you deliberately made it so. You moved me to the Netherlands where I couldn’t be independent,” she replied with increased determination, “but it’s no plan of mine to be that way anymore.”

“How will you do that without my money?”

“Peter,” she growled, “Are you threatening me? You’ve always engineered my financial position to keep me dependent on you. It’s not going to work any more. In any case, I seem to remember something in our marriage vows about all your worldly goods coming my way?”

“That’s if you’re a good wife, and you’re not at the moment.”

She gasped. “I don’t remember any conditions in the marriage service – there were no ‘ifs’. And, anyway, I would still be as good a wife as I have been over all these years if you were a good, loving husband, and it’s now getting depressingly clearer that you’re not.

“Now listen. I’ve had to open a current account for myself while I deal with the estate to account for my expenses, and you’ll have noticed I’ve transferred money from our current account into it. I want you to make a regular transfer into it.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Peter, you are not negotiating a business deal here. This is your wife speaking. I need a monthly transfer of about five hundred Euros.

“You ask what if you don’t give me the money? I’ll tell you: the marriage will definitely be over. I won’t remain married to a man who tries to starve or blackmail me into coming back to him.

“Make your mind up. I know you’re frightened but you’re not helping the situation by trying to manipulate me. I warn you that the exact reverse of what you want will happen. So what are you going to do?”

A pause ensued. Then he said, “Ok. Give me the sort code and account number.”

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Hi – my name’s Pete Davies. When this story began, I was twenty-five and working in IT security, which is only important because it meant I had enough money to buy, or begin to buy, the Victorian gate-lodge in which I live, and the motorbike, an Indian Royal Enfield Bullet, without which the story wouldn’t have happened. But we’ll get to that in a moment. You’ll find I tend to wander off into side-tracks from time to time, and I hope you’ll bear with me. The house, which I, or rather the bank...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part VII Turning Tricks

The next day I went to work as usual, but skipped my noon time ‘date’ with Brad. When I got home, I called Candy and confirmed the party invitation. Then I called Trixie and asked if she could use me at the club. “Of course! Are you kidding? Anytime!” “Well great, what time should I come by?” “How early can you make it? We open at nine, as you know, but although nothing much happens until close to midnight, there is always a lot of action for the girls.” “Well, I could be there by ten or...

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Girls Lunch

They had both retired early, although Alice was well into her sixty’s she was still beautiful and had a hot body her natural 40D’s did not sag at all, and she has an ass to die for. She had gone thru the change and came out on the other side safe to ride bare back, and constantly wet, actually dripping when played. Greg her husband on the other hand, after years of beating up his body in various endeavors, working and an inherited illness had left him with a shrunken cock that could not hold an...

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How I find my luck in Orient4

Prepare me for the NightWe leave the car and the guys guide me to a door, backside the building.We came into a Tiled premises and I realized that we were in the actual slaughterhouse. In the middle was a large stainless steel table, a drain at the bottom on the floor. Wallside were hanging a few Waterhoses. In addition, there was a larger tub on the side. One of my two companions came to me and gestured to undress me. I thought of Pasha's words, followed and put down my kaftan. Now the two...

1 year ago
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Little Time on His Hands

Seen from above, the house looks like any old brownstone in the deserted backwaters of society. The house has a silence about it, a silence that seems to resent activity. From inside, you can hear the soft sounds of a living community around it, but these come only faintly. No sign of living occupants show on these hollow walls, these barren floors. But if you are very still, the kind of stillness that reminds one of a mouse frozen, straining for the sounds of gliding wings in the night, you...

3 years ago
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High school Incognito Dick Sucking

Here is a story from high school...I had been dating my then girlfriend for about 3 months. I used to go to her house after school to fool around because her parents were never home from work. We were fooling around, as usual, when her dad came home from work early, luckily we got our clothes on before he actually walked in. Regardless I was still hard as a rock and I told her I needed to get off...problem was her dad came home early to do work around the house and he was going to be in and out...

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Shadi Pe Mili Bhabhi

Hi mein model hoon !! Mein chandigarh mein rehta koi bhi lady chandigarh, punjab, delhi mein meri seva chahti ho toh zarur yaad kare!! Chalo story pe ata hoon !! Mere kisi relatives ki shaddi thi toh mein bhi wanha pe gya mein thoda modern hoon aur shadi ek gaoon mein thi !! Mein wanha pe acche se suuit mein chla gya but shadi proper pendu style mein thi !! Koi himachal ki. Shadi thi !! Mein wanha par bore hone lg pada!! Tab mein idjar udjar dekhne lag pada tab mehne notice kiya ek bhabhi meri...

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Consent Chapter Six

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - The Verdict "You let them do that to you today in public. Those men, using their lawyer, dragged you through the gutter and exposed a past that few could understand." Celia's eyes were wet with tears. They had come home exhausted from the day in court and had taken off their suits and dropped onto Adele's big bed in their underwear sans heels. "I know. But I did it for a reason." Adele lovingly swept Celia's bangs out of her eyes...

3 years ago
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School Girl Ultimate Sex Story

Dosto mera name sid h. Y story tbki h jb m 12th class m tha par me 18 saal ki thi. M school bag m condom ka packet or ipill ki tablet hmesha rkhta tha kyuki kb jrurt pd jae kuch pata nahi raheta. Meri class m ek ldki pdhti thi simran. gazab figure gazab ki dressing sense or sbse gazab cheez thi uske skirt ki length socks or uske gore gore per. Winters ka mausm tha or hmare 2 period back to back sports k hue.   Hmare chutiye pat sir n hme ground m exercise karwai or tbhi pata chla simran behosh...

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Petes inheritance chapters 12

Pete was a very quiet 15 year old young man, some might have thought him slow or even mentally challenged, but the truth was he was a highly intelligent. School work was easy for him and usually didn't offer any challenge. Pete was built to play football, standing 6 foot 6 weighed around 265 pounds, but he wasn't interested in football. Pete was the only boy in the family, and that made him feel somewhat isolated. Pete loved the ranch and the work he did on it. He would rather help his...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Encounter

Nothing was looking that good during the afternoon.  I was surfing through the personal ads, and, while I enjoy looking at all the fantastic pictures of dicks, nothing was really jumping out at me.  The ads were depressingly illiterate, and, after a while, they all started to look the same. ‘Come JO my really small pinus.’  (If that’s how you spell, your ‘pinus’ is as small as your brain.) ‘I’m 66 and a chubby-cubby.  You please be Asian, skinny, between 18-20, with really big feet and hung...

4 years ago
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Cardinal Sin

She had been dreaming of this day for years now. Her love for him had been burning insider her like a furnace. ‘Tis a sin!’ They would say if anyone found out, but Sister Pamfry didn’t care anymore. She loved Cardinal Vogue and he loved her. It all started a few years back. Sister Pamfry, then known as Catharine Pamfry, had just become a nun after throwing away her life of greed and deception. She came to the newly built St. Joan of Arc Nunnery in Domrémy, France. It was a big change from her...

2 years ago
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Truckers Part II A little fun the Honkey Tonk

Mike lifts Claire down from the tall cab of the truck as Roger makes his way to the diner next door to a large country western bar you could hear the live music blasting out of from the outskirts of the unlit parking lot. "Where's he..." "He's gonna go see a friend, don't worry."Together the walk into a packed house, to find 3 bars with lines half a dozen deep waiting for their drinks, and several barely dressed young girls being groped at and flirting loudly with the patrons while serving...

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Sea Salt

He arrived when I was in the water, my toes pointed, twisting my hips and turning slow circles with my chin tilted to the sky.His body looked the right type, lean without being thin. Muscular and heavily inked but without the desperate gym vibe. Did he know he was hot...? His walk was unassuming. Without a hint of arrogance or perhaps he just hadn’t noticed me watching.Aha there it was, he glanced at me when he flicked his towel and lay it down. "You can lay me down," I giggled to myself.So I...

Quickie Sex
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Onlyfans LiaChapter 4 Finally A First Date

So this was it. A week and a couple of days had passed since Lia had made her bet of how many $3 photos she could sell of her as Miss Puzzle sat on the kitchen stool, all demure’n’shit like. She’d said two dozen, I’d said more. Ever since they went live on her OnlyFans - I’d had an alert, and of course I’d bought one - she’d absolutely refused to say, hint, or even acknowledge how many she’d sold until this morning. Her only communication on the matter was that we agreed that tonight,...

3 years ago
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The Weekend Part Two

I handed her a silk-like scarf, a large piece of a nylon stocking, a black cloth glove, knitted gloves, and a blindfold. “And these are for?” she asked. “Later,” I said. Finally, I showed her a hair brush with very soft bristles and a long, round, plastic handle. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. “Teasing,” I said. She smiled, but looked like she wasn’t sure what I meant. After our exchange of toys, Gail produced a printed list of items and handed it to me without saying a word....

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The Price to Pay Chapters 13

The Price to Pay - Chapters 1 - 3 By Alys Chapter 1 I cycled steadily in Sion's slipstream. I felt the warm, balmy summer air pressing on my face and blowing the few strands of my chestnut brown hair not contained in the cycle helmet. I felt a little trickle of sweat roll down my back. Once again the the UK summer was following its predictable pattern, hot weather at the same time as end of school exams. Sion upped his pace a little as we swept round the last long corner...

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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he’d be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he’d walked out the door she’d stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

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Call me darling

It was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend. A week before i found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and i think i have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then i had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it out of my mind, but the more it took over my thoughts. What are you going to be doing Monday?’ she asked. ‘Not...

4 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 19

Dear Daddy Diary Last night was the most wonderful night in my life!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you for finding me!! Quanesha did such a wonderful job in preparing me. I felt so sexy with the silk stockings and the white garter belt. I looked just like the girls on!! Then Quanesha put the white teddy on me just to tease you a bit. I love the shoes. I just love walking in heels now. I think I understand why Black men like us white sluts to wear heels. I felt so sexy waking...

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The Accidental EscortChapter 7

In the months following his first date with Lee Archer a number of things had happened. One of the things Ron remembered was the phone call he received from Eileen the next day after he had taken Lee out. "Apparently you patched things up with Lee. She phoned me and said she wanted to hire you for next week. When I told her you were booked for the next two weeks I thought she would go ballistic but she surprised me and didn't. When I told her that it is your policy to only accept one...

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Pine Grove Mall

The Pine Grove Mall was a boring little strip mall right off of Route 90. Did solid business, had a decent amount of variety to its stores, but was just otherwise unremarkable in an unremarkable town. In the course of a single day, that would all change. -- Below the mall, a crew was working on the storm drains. It was a hard day of clearing up minor clogs and cleaning out trash before it turned into a problem. Their work was soon interrupted by a beeping sound coming from a worker's...

3 years ago
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Cock CandyChapter 14

“What the fuck happened to you?” Candace cries upon opening the door to her hotel room and seeing Luke standing there. “You should see the other guy,” he jokes. “It wasn’t Randy, was it?” she asks. The fear in her voice is there and easily recognized. “I did win, sort of,” he says with a nod. “It was three against one, but I made it out alright.” “Did you get their names?” “Yeah, Andy and Benny,” he says. “I heard Randy says them. I didn’t exactly ask them their names.” “Andrew and...

1 year ago
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Fixing the straights

You wake up and prepare for your day, unaware that this would be the last day you would be considered straight. You shower as you did every morning and felt the water's warm touch as it cascaded over your skin. You could stay here forever if you could. But you need to start your day and the hot water would run out before long. You wash your hair, then the rest of your body and turn off the shower stepping out into the frighteningly cold room. You wrap big warm towel around your body and stand...

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A Just RewardChapter 32

The skittles on Tuesday and the dancing on Friday were thoroughly enjoyable again. Edward and Becca's goodnights on both occasions were tender and prolonged. Becca's tingles were becoming more intense. The Damsels' job did not run so smoothly later in the week. Jane's team on the ground floor ran into trouble. When they started to move items of equipment in the school kitchen they found that the walls behind and the floor under them were filthy. It was not good enough for The Damsels...

3 years ago
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One Last Shag

It started out like any other day at the home for retired servicemen. I had been nursing there for about a month, and was very popular with the old gents, mostly because I flirted with them a lot and wore my uniform very short, so the old fellers could ogle my legs and occasionally catch a flash of panty. I figured it was the least I could do for them, considering what they had done for their country.I'm a thirty-two year-old brunette, average height, with a nice curvy figure that I'm not...

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