Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 5 free porn video

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Claire caught the evening flight back to her husband and family with no problems, until, that is, she came though arrivals and looked for whoever was meeting her.

She suspected in her bones that there would be trouble of some sort when she arrived. Peter had not phoned her at all, though the children had, telling her that they could not understand why she was staying away. She told them nothing, saying all would be explained when she returned, if their father had not explained it to them already.

There was no one there to meet her, though she had told Peter on the answer phone and by text as well as her earlier email, which flight she would be on. So in the pouring rain she got a taxi home. It was quite late when she arrived at the house.

As the taxi approached the house, she saw that Thomas’s and Mary’s cars were there, as was Elizabeth’s.

Oh, she thought, a family gathering. So they knew I was coming and yet no one could be bothered to meet me. She was already becoming annoyed at the insult.

After getting wet through, walking from the taxi to the house, she let herself in and closed the door behind her. Immediately Thomas, her eldest, emerged from the Dining Room.

“We’re all in here mother,” he snapped imperiously with a grimace of disgust. “We want answers.”

“Don’t be impertinent Thomas. You’ll get what I give you, if I decide to give you anything. As it is I need to change, since no one was caring enough to meet me at the airport.”

She took her bags upstairs to the bedroom, only to find the door was locked. So she took her bags to the guest bedroom, where she found all her things. She shrugged. Now she was angry.

If that’s how he wants to play it, fine, she thought, shutting and locking the door. She unpacked, took off her wet clothes, and lay down in her underwear.

Five minutes passed. Then she heard the doorknob turned and then there came a banging on the door. She ignored it.

“Open this door!” It was Peter shouting.

“Go away Peter,” she shouted back.

“I demand you come down and face the family you have disgraced.”

“Demand away,” she replied quietly, for by now her anger was ice-cold. “You are a few words and a few minutes away from the end of your marriage, you stupid man. If you don’t change your tune I’ll be calling a cab to take me back to the airport right now. And I won’t be coming back.”

There was a silence. Then steps going down stairs.

Then came a gentle knock on the door.

“Mum?” This time it was Elizabeth.

“Yes, darling.”

“Please come down.”

She put on a dressing gown and opened the door.

“I refuse to come down to a trial by my own children, Lizzy,” she said quietly. “It’s a gross insult. No one met me at the airport. Another gross insult. Your Father has locked me out of our bedroom. A third gross insult. Thomas greets me with distain. A fourth. Your father bangs on the door of the room he has deigned to give me demanding I come down. A fifth.

“So I have been repeatedly insulted since I arrived. Tell the family that unless things change I’m going back to England tonight and I won’t be coming back. No one treats me like this.”

“OK, Mum. Sorry.”

Claire could see Elizabeth was upset, as her daughter turned away and went downstairs. Claire went back into the bedroom, re-locked the door and dressed in a loose top and jeans.

There was a long pause, during which she could hear raised voices from downstairs.

Then a tentative knock and this time it was Philip’s voice. “Mum?”

“Yes, darling.”

“We’ve talked about it and Liz and I said we’d go with you to England if you weren’t treated like you should be treated. So Dad says to apologise to you.”

“Is my bedroom door unlocked?”


“I mean my bedroom, not this one.”


“Tell your Father that I want an undertaking that all my things are put back in their proper place, in our bedroom, and that these petty games of his will cease immediately. Then and only then will I consider talking to him.”


Another pause. Then another timid knock.

“Dad says OK.”

“I’ll be down in five minutes. I expect a cup of tea ready for me.”


She thought for a moment. She had regained a certain equilibrium at John’s house and in his peaceful company. Now Peter had destroyed it in minutes. It seemed he had learned nothing. Nothing had changed; indeed things were much worse.

She went downstairs and into the dining room. It seemed the family had left that room in favour of the living room. She wondered if that was a gesture of apology.

She opened the intervening door and found them all sitting waiting. Thomas and his wife, Thomas with a sour look which was echoed by Mary who had brought her husband. The other three children were sitting on the floor, giving her a seat between them on an armchair. She sat down. Elizabeth brought her a mug of tea.

“Thank you Lizzie.” Elizabeth smiled at her.

Silence. She sipped at the hot drink.

“Mum,” said Mary, breaking the silence. “How could you?”

“How could I what, Mary?” Claire was now in aggressive mode and she scowled at her daughter.

“Commit adultery!” said Thomas, pompously, almost shouting at her.

“How could I indeed!” said Claire, with a wry smile, and sat back in the chair, taking another drink from the mug.

“You don’t deny it?” he continued ponderously.

She noticed Peter glowering at her from ‘his’ chair on the other side of the room.

“I don’t answer to you Thomas,” she said grimly. “Less of your insolence, boy!”

“But you should answer to me!” Peter had spoken.

At last, she thought. “Any discussion about our marriage should be between us, Peter, not the whole family,” Claire snapped from her relaxed position in the chair. She finished the tea.

“It concerns the whole family if you are unfaithful.” Peter stated.

“Yes, it would concern them if I were, but we talk first. Then together we would tell the family what we had decided. I’ll not have my children sitting in judgement over me, Peter. Come to that, I won’t have you doing it either. You don’t deserve any consideration after the way you’ve treated me this evening.”

“Adulterers don’t deserve any either.” Thomas’s snide comment was almost crowing. “You spend four weeks with a man in his house and expect us to believe you’ve not slept with him?”

“Since you and your father are so religious, so holy, but are pre-judging me, I’ll quote from Matthew, ‘Judge not, or you will be judged, for the amount you mete out in judgement will be the amount you receive.’ You’re in for a hell of a time when you stand before God’s judgement seat, the pair of you.

“And personally I don’t care two hoots whether you believe it, Thomas, or you don’t. It seems you were well named! You doubt my virtue without any evidence at all. Someone as narrow minded as you would believe the worst in any case.

“But as you’ve said it, yes, I expect you to believe that your mother was faithful to your father. You know why? Because I’m your mother, because I’ve always been there for you, stood up for you – you know when, Thomas. You have no stone to throw.”

Thomas coloured up, looked ashamed, and said nothing more. He had been caught half-dressed with a half-naked girl in the toilets at school and was almost expelled. Claire had saved him.

“But Daddy told us you slept in his room and in his bed!” stated Mary.

“I wonder how Daddy knew that? I didn’t tell him, and I’m sure John didn’t. Daddy made that up, Mary. That said, he’s absolutely right, I did.”

“There!” triumphed Mary. “You convicted yourself!”

Claire sighed with exaggerated resignation. “You really are a stupid girl sometimes Mary! I note that, not for the first time, Daddy did not tell you the whole truth. Not that he knew any of it.”

She smiled. “John gave me his room because it had an en-suite bathroom, so I would not have to walk outside my bedroom in underwear or nightwear to go to the bathroom.”

She paused for effect.

“He slept in a guest room. In the whole of the four weeks he never saw me less than fully dressed, and I never saw him either.

“For goodness’ sake children, perhaps you can’t understand this, but he lost the love of his life a few months ago, his dear wife, the woman he loved to distraction. She went out shopping one morning and collapsed and died. Can you imagine the shock of that? He is bereaved.

“And so am I. We talked and talked about Grandma and about his Elizabeth. We talked, that’s all. Oh, yes, we hugged when one of us was crying. But no more than I would have done with any of you.”

At this John spoke up. “But Mum, I don’t understand why you had to go for so long.”

“Didn’t you ask your Dad?”

“Yes. He said you were in a paddy about him shouting at you for worrying him when you were late back from Aunt Ellen’s. You were punishing him for that!”

“Oh he did, did he?” She turned to Peter with a grimace. “Not quite the whole truth again was it Peter? You’re getting good at half-truths. Will you tell him the rest or shall I?”

Peter looked worried and then angry. “You going to bring that up? Trying to turn them against me? The man you went with before me? Your ex-boyfriend who you’ve always regretted not marrying? You expect me to believe you never slept with him the whole time?”

“Yes, I do. And you know exactly why I went to him and I think you know perfectly well that I did not sleep with him. You know exactly why I went, Peter, and you could have told them, but instead you told a half truth – in fact because it was not even about me getting back late, that was a lie. They are your children: the truth, Peter.”

“Mum,” Mary pounced, “What’s all that about? Was he your boyfriend?”


“And do you regret not marrying him?” she asked.

“I’m beginning to,” said Claire with resignation. “Children, you have effectively put me on trial here. I resent that very deeply. But you want the whole thing?”

The three younger ones looked shamefaced, but they all nodded.

“You asked for this Peter,” Claire glared at him. “All through our marriage, your father has been jealous. I couldn’t talk to a man at a party but he’d come hot foot to interrupt.

“I couldn’t return from shopping five minutes late without an inquisition as to where I’d been and who I’d been talking to. I got used to it. You’ve all seen that happen.”

At this Peter got up and left the room. Claire raised an eyebrow.

“He wouldn’t even let me get a job. He could have run his business from England, but chose to come back here. Why? I could have got a job teaching in England. He didn’t want me working.

“I could and did put up with his jealousy, until he did something which I still can’t believe. He’s not here so I won’t say what it was, but it was so heinous that it’s brought the whole business of his jealousy to a head.

“It was only when I visited John after I heard that his wife had died and he was in a bad way, that I learned of your Dad’s act of jealousy and deceit. So, children, I’ve finally had enough of your Father’s jealousy and his manipulation of my life.

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Vienna, 1899“Gustav!” a warm and familiar voice called and I turned to find a fellow student smiling at me, hands buried deep in his coat pockets to stave off the chilly April breeze.“Ah, Christian!” I called back, returning the smile as he approached me and shook my hand. After the customary comments on the weather he asked where I was going, and when I replied that I was on my way to look at a flat, he stopped me.“Moving?” he asked. “Whatever do you mean?”Torn between a genuine desire to be...

Gay Male
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Enjoyed Fucking Her

Enjoyed Fucking HerBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter full one year of college, I come home for the fall break and what mom and dad do; leave for the meeting of the concerned citizens; organized by their church, in collaboration with the other churches of the county and how callus and easy was it for them to say that I did not call and tell them about my program in advance and so their life cannot stop. Not only this, they were going to be away for the whole weekend and were not planning to come back...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 57

But in Laura's car, as she drove them to her place, they barely spoke, both being afraid they would change their minds again. For god's sake, she's the one who wanted to meet in public, so we wouldn't do this, Laura thought. And now she wants me to take her home and gag her and rape her. But even thinking it made Laura's blood sizzle. I know why both of us were afraid to do this, she thought. We really want each other bad. It's almost like the thing Karen and I have. Sparks. And now,...

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MySistersHotFriend Kendall Kayden 22371

Ryan’s pleasantly surprised to see how hot his sister’s friend Kendall Kayden is when she arrives at their home from airport. He’s blown away by how sexy and flirtatious the blonde is, but he’s even further surprised when she tells him she’s in town for work as a lingerie and bikini model — yet another minor detail his sister left out. The idiot’s so horned-out by her he gets caught staring at her after she rinses off in the shower! But it’s apparently to his advantage, because soon afterward...

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Flashing the neighbour1

I was in the centre of a city, living on the ground floor in a converted garage sticking out from the rear of a row of apartments and houses. None of the flats above me could see my place, and there were only a couple of small high windows in the apartments behind me - an unusual situation, but the centres were full of a mix of old and new, and I was lucky enough to have that privacy - I lived in more public places where things happened, but those are for future stories. There was only one...

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Its Just a Business Transaction Ch 10

Alex looked at the pictures on his huge desk. Nothing really special about it. Just two good friends catching up with one another. However there were a few pictures that caught his attention though. There was one showing Aida throwing up all over the walkway near an entrance of a small building and another one showing her throwing up while at the park. And another two, which he doesn’t like the look of it, Greg caressing Aida’s cheek and holding her hands. In the picture Greg seemed rather...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 21

Mark was sitting on the sofa and Tim’s wife, Amanda, was standing in front of him in her altered state as he said, “You don’t know how many times you made my dick hard when we were in high school, and how many times that I wanted to fuck you. Many a night, I laid in bed jacking off thinking about you.” “I will admit, I was kind of a snob back then, but I was also innocent; and, believe it or not, I was insecure. Even though a lot of boys tried to get between my legs, I never let them. I was...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 56

Brock spent three hours before the last preseason game with John Milton in left field. Milton gave him a crash course on fielding balls that hit the wall and caromed back – something Brock had never considered. A player had to take a different route depending upon where the ball was hit. The angles of the wall produced deflections in varying directions and the outfielder had to be aware of them. The first hour was spent with a batting coach slapping balls off the wall at various points so his...

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RampantChapter 1 July 2 1213

Elizabeth was supervising the sweeping out of the winter rushes from the living quarters when she heard the horn from the gate. Mother had taken charge of the great hall and the rest of the keep, and Maria was "helping" Elizabeth. "A raid?" Maria asked anxiously. Elizabeth missed the little sister who had greeted all the world with love the previous summer. Since then, winter raiders caught a peasant girl who had tended Maria on many excursions into the fields and villages. Maria still...

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Ein Nachmittag im Lenz

Ein Nachmittag im Lenz- ? by Metternich 1773 - Der Fr?hling hatte Einzug gehalten und lie? die Natur in ?ppiger Pracht wieder auferstehen. Leuchtende Farben erfreuten das Auge und intensive s??e D?fte erf?llten die Luft. Victoria Adams war dies alles nur allzu bewusst und mehr noch, ihr Herr hatte sie in eine Lage gebracht, in der sie einerseits ihrer K?rper intensiv sp?rte, andererseits auch v?llig hilflos und seinem Willen ausgeliefert war. V?llig nackt lag sie festgebunden von dicken H...

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Taboo Ice

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

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My First Time with My First Love

Tony wasn't my first boyfriend, but he was definitely my first love. We taught eachother everything we knew, especially when it came to sex. I knew I wasn't ready to give myself to him yet, but he promised he would never pressure me, and he never did. Even though we hadn't had sex, we were still horny teenagers and made time for hot make out sessions frequently during the week, usually after school in his truck. That was what we were doing on that chilly day in november. Him in the driver seat...

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Twin Success

Chapter 1 I was 17 and a senior in high school at the time. I was well known and liked by many and had been elected as the student body president. One afternoon, while walking home I spotted Pam and her identical twin Peggy riding their bikes. I didn't really know them, since they had just moved to town over the summer. But I had seen them around the school on several occasions and knew that they were sophomores and about 16. They had on some kind of spandex type riding or exercise shorts...

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Dear Cum Merino Sparkles

I thought we were quite done with these, but it seems that my publishers, 'The Daily Heil Publications Corporation', have a different opinion. We batted it back and forth for a few days without reaching much of a conclusion so they sent a couple of their brown-shirted and heavy-booted 'representatives' around to pay me a visit. Well, after a completely unjustifiable trampling of my hyacinths and the crystal clear implication that they were going to go all Kristallnacht on my greenhouse, I...

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Roommate And Me Part 8211 1

Hi this is pragal am 20, from a metropolitan city in South India, I am basically from a village but now in this city for my studies, I am pursuing my in computer technology, I stay in a rented room, I was fat initially but did lot of jogging and gym sessions to loose extra fat but there is still hint of fat in my hips and ass giving me a feminine shape when I wear tight t-shirts and I also have chest which jiggles as I walk. I discovered I really loved cocks when I saw porn and really...

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Foreplay Forever

Jack had been a boarder since he was seven. He had been away at school for more than half his life. So home wasn’t really home, and he wasn’t sure his parents were really parents. He was now trundling back home for the summer, the longest period he spent at home. He now had no friends nearby for nearly three months. Being an only child, he and his mother would rattle around the house, and his father would appear for an hour or so most evenings, then after dinner he would disappear to his home...

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Painful ParadiseChapter 2

Whatever else might be said of Paul Harshman, Pal decided, he couldn't be called cheap. Their drinks and dinners cost him over one hundred dollars, and he was going to drive them in his rented car to a road company performance of a current Broadway production. Having checked ticket prices the previous week, Pal knew that the seats Paul had reserved added another sixty dollars to the evening's tariff. As he tipped the doorman of the exclusive club, where they had dined, Paul shifted his...

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Phone Calls

Not for the underaged in body or spirit. I mean it! Read Congressional Committee Reports if you must do smut! PHONE CALLS By Vickie Tern "' '" "Hello?" "Janet, thank God you're home!" "Cary?" "Yes. You've got to help me!" "Oh? Help you?" "Yes!" "Now calm down, Cary! Help you how? What's wrong?" "Everything! Nadine has found out about us!" "Found out? Found out exactly what?" "A neighbor saw us last Tuesday when we...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 6

In February, Jill suddenly stopped flitting around like a butterfly and started going out exclusively with a boy named Langston Carter. He was a senior and they went out somewhere about every other week. The rest of the time she'd go to his house, or he'd come to hers. If there was a dance, they went together. But she never talked about him. I saw him at the house several times, and he seemed like a nice kid. He didn't paw Jill, or act territorial around her. I asked Lynne what he was...

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part 2

dear Master having not heard from you in a while i realiseyou must be hope this cheers you..x  slut felt the vehicle come to a stopthen more muffled voices....the airin he sarcophagus was becoming staleand she had to gasp through her ventedgag to feed her compressed lungs . sluts skin was covered in sweat...and the straps binding her legs and ankleswere hurting...her stockingedfeet began to cramp from wearing the balletboots....her mouth now dry with fear...tryingto salivate....whore...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 20

September 5, 1975 It was 9:30 at night and they had just finished cleaning the office buildings. They’d had to let their regular crews leave at their normal time, which had dumped all of the work on the backs of Benny, Tim, Cathy, Sandra, and Terry. They were tired and hungry. They were at a chain restaurant waiting for an overworked waitress to show up and take their orders. Benny and Tim had to admit defeat. There were too many lawns to mow and not enough time or people to mow them. They...

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Unexpected Surprise Suspense

My life had very quickly become boring in the aftermath of ‘Pure Lust’. After we parted ways, we had kept up with our usual chats on Lush, but I just couldn’t remain happy with this form of communication for long. She was so alive in person, and text just wasn’t cutting it any more. So, I decided I had to act quickly before I ended up in a straight jacket! I made my arrangements and managed to score quite a good all-in-one package on line. That’s when the countdown began, and I spent my nights...

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