The Possession Of Emma free porn video

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The Possession of Emma

Carmenica Diaz

1. Brianna

I parked my BMW in the reserved car space next to my husband's Mercedes. Stephenwas in Edinburgh on business; he had flown late yesterday and would not beback until Monday afternoon. That meant I had today and the weekend to myselfand, selfishly, I was looking forward to a lazy and comfortable time alone.

To be honest, our marriage had not been great lately but we accepted it asnormal. Most marriages fade into a comfortable partnership and the passiondissipates. Marriages tend to falter and fall into ruts, becoming colder andcolder. Truthfully, our work kept us together more than anything.

We own and operate a flourishing accountancy practice with many medium sizedindustrial clients. Stephen was a little younger than I was and was brilliantat his work so after five years of toil ? mostly by Stephen- the practice wasthriving. Life was particularly comfortable for us and I had grown accustomedto life's small luxuries as well as the status.

?Good morning Mrs Carlingford,' Lillian, the receptionist called as I sailedpast and I nodded. It doesn't pay to be friendly with the staff; they willattempt to take advantage of you.

?Mrs Carlingford,' Lillian called nervously, ?could I leave a little earlierthis afternoon? I asked Mr Carlingford on Monday and he said it would be ok?'

?Did he? I'm not so sure, Lillian, I'll have to think about it. I must pointout that office hours conclude at six.'

She looked at me sadly and I felt a glimmer of satisfaction. Leadership isnot about being nice; it's about being firm and guiding your employees ontothe right path, no matter how uncomfortable that path may be for them.

The desk outside my office that was reserved for my secretary was empty, asRoseanne had left last Friday. She had been with me for just three months andI had to find another girl quickly.

Roseanne had been rather angry when she resigned, almost abusive. Staff canbe rather impolite if one does not control their wilful tempers.

As for secretaries, they just don't seem to stay any longer than two or threemonths. Stephen claimed I was too hard on them; almost nasty, but I thoughtthat was rubbish.

?Emma,' Stephen had said to me, ?good employees are hard to find. Why do youmake life hell for those girls?'

?They are not girls , Stephen,' I declared firmly, ?they are women !Women, who are paid to work, not to paint their nails on our time!'

They were secretaries, for goodness sake and not at all important! They flirtand bat their eyes at him and he goes to water ? not me ? I see right throughthem.

The morning flew as I worked through my appointments with clients, as wellas tightening up staff standards. They tended to be a little sloppy on a Friday,some wanting to leave early and I put my foot down firmly. I do not understandwhy these people don't understand that they enter a contract of employmentand they have obligations to work the exact time! How would they like it ifI decided that I may shave their salaries, just because I felt like it?

The morning was not really that busy ? truthfully, Stephen did most of theclient work these days ? so I felt rather relaxed and almost carefree at thethought of my solo weekend.

As was the case every Friday, I left the office at half-past eleven for myappointment at my health spa for my weekly massage.

It was something I looked forward to and had been attending hourly sessionsfor almost seven months. They were wonderful and I hadn't missed a weekly appointmentin all that time.

Right on midday, I walked in and the smiling receptionist greeted me. I knewwhat she was up to. These young women can smell money and I knew she was justsmiling to extract a generous tip. As if!

?Good afternoon, Mrs Carlingford. Brianna is on her way through.'

Brianna had massaged me for the past four months and she was very good, verygood indeed. I always left relaxed and quite enjoyed chatting to her as sheworked. Brianna did not talk much about herself but I did know she was abouttwenty-six ? six years younger than I ? and had graduated from University.Why she was massaging I didn't know ? it seemed a strange career ? but thatwas her business and I knew she was certainly very adequate. I couldn't careless about her life.

I looked up as she entered and smiled. Brianna was about my height but muchslimmer, blonde with steel grey eyes. Her hair was shoulder length and I haddecided to go blonde myself when I saw how attractive she appeared.

?Hello, Mrs Carlingford,' Brianna said respectfully and held the door opento her massage suite. Impeccably dressed in a crisp white uniform, her hairin a severe bun, she gave the impression of Teutonic efficiency.

?Brianna,' I smiled and walked into the change room attached to the suite.

?I'll get some tea while you're getting changed,' she said and I wonderedif I saw something flicker in her eyes.

Surely she didn't resent getting me a cup of tea? Too bad if she does;I pay the bills!

?Thank you Brianna; Earl Grey with a dash of milk.'

It is necessary to let these people know exactly who is in charge. Of course,I was always courteous with Brianna but still, she is just an employee ? aperson paid to provide a service.

I carefully removed my suit jacket, skirt, shoes and blouse. I peeled my tanpantyhose down and off and carefully hung my silk blouse on the hook. I alsoremoved my bra and knickers and slipped into the pink robe that opened downthe back.

Brianna was rubbing some oil into her hands when I walked into the warm massagesuite. Soft music was playing and candles flickered at various points aroundthe room.

?This is nice,' I said, sipping the tea. ?The candles are a nice touch.'

?They'll help you relax, Mrs Carlingford,' Brianna said quickly, ?you toldme last week how stressful your job is.'

?Yes, it is very stressful. I'm afraid the people one employs these days arenothing more than selfish idiots. Why, that idiotic receptionist Lillian wantedto slope off early, just because she has her sister's engagement! This teais very nice,' I added, draining the cup.

I lay on the table and Brianna opened the robe as I positioned my head inthe face hole on the table. ?You have candles on the floor,' I commented, lookingdown at the flickering flame.

?It will give you something to look at.' Brianna's hands began to knead myshoulders and I sighed softly. ?Have you found a replacement personal assistantyet?' she asked as she massaged.

?No,' I said drowsily, ?I haven't looked properly yet. I'll begin on Mondaywhen Stephen returns. That feels nice.'

?Good,' Brianna said, her hands weaving slow patterns over my back. ?Can yousee the candles?'

?Yes,' I murmured, eyelids heavy.

?Look at them. Do you see how the flames flickering?'

?Yes?it's?they're beautiful?'

?The flames flicker from side to side.'

?I see that.' I was feeling very relaxed and Brianna's voice soothed me asit faded.

?Flickering from side to side?side to side?side to side?'

?There, all done,' Brianna said with a sharp slap to my shoulder.

?Huh? What? Oh?thanks.'

?Time for your shower.'

I struggled to get up and wrapped the robe around me; my head was thick andmy body weak and relaxed.

?I'll see you next Friday,' I mumbled as I walked to the shower room whereI had changed my clothes previously.

?I might see you sooner than that,' Brianna called after me with a giggle.

The shower was nice and I allowed the pinpricks of water to spray over me,careful not to wet my hair.

Brianna is very nice , I thought, a really nice person. I shouldtry to be nice like Brianna.

Idly, I tugged at my pubic hair. I had planned to trim it last weekend butit was such a painstaking and boring task.

It's not summer , I thought, what does it matter if it's a bitunruly? Nobody but Stephen sees it and he doesn't look that close. If hedoes at all. I sighed at that ? our sex life was miserable.

As I clipped my bra on and pulled my pantyhose on, I thought of how soft Brianna'shands were.

Brianna is nice, a really nice person.

Buttoning my blouse, I suddenly realised I hadn't put my knickers on and turnedto look at the white panties on the chair. I always wore sensible underwear ? noneof that uncomfortable stuff the young girls wear ? I have a husband!I don't have to dress like a tart! I'm sure they let those awful thong thingiespoke out of their jeans ? sluts!

I can't be bothered taking my tights off again , I thought and stuffedthe knickers into my handbag. It never occurred to me that I could, if I wished,wear the knickers over my pantyhose.

The receptionist smiled at me. ?Feeling better, Mrs Carlingford?

?Yes, thank you, very relaxed.

?Brianna is a great therapist.'

?Brianna is a really nice person,' I said as I paid the account. ?What isBrianna's last name?' I suddenly asked.

The receptionist looked at me strangely, as she gave me the receipt. ?Dyson,it's Brianna Dyson.'

?She's a really nice person. Here, this is for you, have a few drinks tonight.'

The receptionist gaped at the money I gave her and beamed. ?Thank you MrsCarlingford. We'll see you next Friday.'

Lillian looked warily at me as I walked slowly into the office. ?There areno messages, Mrs Carlingford,' she said stonily.

?Thank you, Lillian.' I stopped at the door. ?Lillian, you can go early thisafternoon.'

Lillian stared at me, unsure. ?Are you sure? You said this morning?'

What was I saying?

?I'm sure.' The words slipped out and I blinked as I heard them escape frommy lips.

?Can I go at four?'

?You can go anytime you like.'

?Any time?' Lillian gaped at me and I almost shook my head to clear it.

?Yes. Have a nice weekend.'

Stephen called at one forty five as he had promised. He was so punctual anddisciplined ? an ideal husband. Perhaps it was because he was three years youngerthan I that he was a little respectful. It was nice; no matter the reason andsomewhat appropriate.

?Hello Emma,' he said and I could tell he was pressed for time.

?How is the audit going, darling?'

?It's very intense. We will be at it all weekend. What are your plans?'

?A soak in the bath, television and other boring stuff.'

?I see. We will be finished here a little earlier than I thought. I'll behome Sunday evening if all goes according to plan.'

?How lovely,' I said, hiding my disappointment that I would only have twonights to myself.

?I'll see you then.'

And then the weirdness began.

At two o'clock, a strange sense of sexual arousal suddenly overwhelmed me.Warm and sensuous, it rippled through me and I clenched my thighs togetherin an attempt to control the wild feeling.

But the arousal stayed and throbbed through me. My nipples were hard and Isensed I was moist ? no wet!

What's happening? Talking to Stephen did this? Did the sound of his voicetrigger some emotional response?

My breathing was ragged and my hand trembled as I pushed the file I had beenreading to one side.

This is crazy!

It'll go away , I told myself but insistent images of being fuckedby a powerful man flooded my mind.

Bent over the desk, pantyhose down, his fat cock sawing in and out ofme, humiliating me, owning me.

I crossed my legs and squeezed to try to stop the craving but that movementfelt nice and I moaned softly. Although I hadn't masturbated for some weeks,the urge to tickle my little clit was overpowering.

Stop this ? bloody stop it! Get control, girl!

Resolving to ignore it, I stood and paced my office a few times, trying tocontrol my breathing, clenching and unclenching my fists.

Relax, this must be hormonal. That's it, hormonal! It'll pass.

At half-past two, the desire doubled and I staggered a little against thedesk. My pussy throbbed and I knew my clit had swollen, begging to be tickled.

I wanted to orgasm!

My mind clouded with lust and I licked my lips, wanting to kiss, to touch,and to feel hot skin against mine.

His rough hands hiked my skirt up around my waist, ripping my pantyhosedown, twirling me around like a doll and pushing me face down on my desk,.Papers scattering, my breasts mashed against the timber as his cock pushedin, raping me, taking me as the slut I was!

As calmly as I could, I stumbled to the office door and closed it with shakinghands.

I must take control , I thought frantically, trying to push thoseforbidden images from my mind.

But it was too much!

Collapsing in my chair, I hiked my skirt up and cupped my pussy through thepantyhose. The cotton panel was soaked! My wetness was flooding the nylon andI was trembling - mad with desire.

Without a second thought, I pulled the waistband of the pantyhose out withmy left hand and thrust my right hand under it, parting my thighs as widelyas I could.

God, I'm wet !

My fingers were immediately coated with my juices, the bushy pubic hair pushingagainst the palm of my hand.

Groaning with overpowering lust, I gently felt my throbbing clit in the forestof hair and rubbed it with my wet thumb.

What are you doing? You're frigging yourself in the office? Stop this!

My inner voice screamed silently but I ignored it and rubbed, my head lollingto one side, eyes clenched shut. I couldn't stop.

God, I need to come!

It felt wonderful and I slowly felt myself begin to build, the arousal deepeningbut the orgasm seemed to far way.

Suddenly, the telephone rang.

Jumping in shock, I quickly removed my hand and, pulling my skirt down, answeredthe phone.

?Yes?' I croaked.

It was Lillian.

?Your three o'clock appointment is here, Mrs Carlingford.'

Three o'clock? I don't have any appointment!

My eyes fell on my diary and I saw, written in my own writing, the name BriannaDyson.


?I'll send her through?'


I scrambled to make myself look presentable and opened the door with shakingfingers just as Brianna arrived.

She was dressed in jeans, white top and red leather jacket and carried anovernight bag in her hand. Her burgundy coloured leather handbag was over hershoulder and Brianna smiled knowingly.

?Hello,' she said, walking in and looking around.

?What do you?' I stuttered as she looked out the window.

?Nice office. What's that smell?'

I blushed furiously and opened my mouth to make some inane response when Briannalaughed and said, ?never mind, I can guess. Shut the door.'

I wanted to know what she thought she was doing walking into my officeas if she owned it!

But I didn't.

Instead, I shut the door and I wondered why I did it so willingly.

Brianna calmly sat in my chair and smiled at me.

?Just what do you think you are?'

?Shut up,' Brianna said serenely.

My mouth clamped shut and Brianna laughed.

?You are completely under my control,' Brianna said, taking my gold pen fromthe desk and examining it. ?I used a drug to relax you and make you susceptibleto my hypnotic commands, commands I implanted deep in your mind. Those yearslearning hypnotherapy and massage therapy finally paid off.'

I stared at her in shock, my stomach churning and Brianna giggled at my expression.

?You don't know whether it's true or not, do you? You cannot disobey me, bitch!Let me prove it to you. Pull your skirt up and show me how wet I made you!'

No , I wanted to scream, no I refuse !

Instead, I pulled the hem of my skirt up to my waist, and blushing, stoodin front of her.

Her eyes zeroed in on my crotch.

?My, what a hairy growler,' Brianna said conversationally, ?you obviouslyhaven't considered waxing. How does your husband go down on you? It would belike munching the Amazon rainforest. The collar and the cuffs don't match,do they? And so wet! Shite, I can smell you from here!'

Brianna put the gold pen down on the desk and smiled slyly at me as I stoodin that humiliating position, displaying myself to this young woman.

What if someone comes?

I tried to lower the skirt but my own body disobeyed me and I continued tohold it up, ashamed at what I must look like.

?Put that bloody forest away,' Brianna said with an airy wave of her hand, ?andsit there.'

Gratefully, I dropped my skirt and sat in the visitor's chair.

Did she really control me?

?I suppose this is really weird for you?' Brianna said mildly. ?I know,' shesmiled evilly, ?let's have a conversation. You can talk.'

?What is bloody going on!'

?Hey,' she said calmly, ?be nice. Don't raise your voice to me or I may getangry. I don't think you want to know what happens when I get angry, Emma.'

?Please,' I asked in a softer voice, what is going on?'

?Apart from you masturbating in your office like a loose slut?'

I flushed at her barb.

?Is this how you spend your usual Friday afternoons? Frigging yourself inyour office after my massage?'

?No,' I protested through gritted teeth, ?it's not.'

Brianna laughed, then the joy let her eyes and her expression was cruel andcold.

?I'll explain. I think you are a spoilt, selfish stuck-up bitch who thinksshe is too good for anyone, just because she married some poor sod with money!I've had to put up with your airs and graces every Friday, pummelling yoursaggy fat body while you whine about how terrible people are!'

My jaw dropped and I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come.

?I sweated at uni,' Brianna continued, ?finally graduate and do you thinkI can get a job? I have a business degree and therapy diploma but nobody wouldeven talk to me! Including you! So,' Brianna said, standing to look out thewindow, ?I've decided to take matters into my own hands.'

She turned and smiled coldly at me. ?Guess what you're going to do, Miss HoityToity!'

?What?' I croaked.

?Rhetorical question, you dumb bitch! Shut up!'

Brianna opened one of my desk drawers, idly poked through it and then smiledat me. Standing, with arms folded, she announced her intentions.

?You are going to hire me as your personal assistant!'

Shocked, I gaped at her and tried to protest but my mouth would not work.

Brianna laughed.

?I suppose you'd like to say a million things right now but unfortunately,I told you to shut up and so you can't talk! I bet your husband and most ofthe poor sods who work for you would love to be able to do that!'

She walked over and lowered her face to stare into mine.

?I control you, you fat slag! I ordered you not to wear knickers, to giveEloise a tip, to give your poor suffering receptionist the afternoon off! Ialso made you horny! So horny you were probably playing with your hairy cuntwhen I arrived!'

I blinked at her in shock, her words cutting through me and she held my eyesas her smiled sardonically.

?Listen to my instruction. Nod if you understand?'

I nodded and she grinned coldly.

?Good. Here is my instruction. You can speak but you cannot lie. Now, wereyou playing with yourself? Did you have your fingers jammed up your cunt, youold slag?'

My face burned hotly.

?Yes,' I found myself answering, ?yes I did.'

Brianna collapsed back into my chair with peals of laughter.

?What a sight it must have been.' The smile vanished and she stared coldlyat me. ?You're aroused again, Emma, very aroused.'

The feelings washed over me and I whimpered, squeezing my thighs togetherto try to control my traitorous body.

?Would you like to come?'

I nodded dumbly, face bright red and Brianna snapped, ?say it, you uselessbitch!'

?Yes?oh yes?I want to come!'

Brianna giggled. ?Here's another piece of hot news, bitch! You can't orgasmunless I tell you to come!'

Horrified, I stared at the young woman who now controlled me, who controlledmy own body.

Was it possible? Was this nightmare possible?

?But?why?' I asked tearfully. ?I understand why you want the job?but why?'

?Why am I treating you like the old boiler you are? Why not?' Brianna smiledthinly. ?You think you're so perfect, in your perfect little world but you'renot.'

I blinked at her as this monster stared coldly at me.

?I was in love with Stephen ? no, I'm still in love with him!'

She blinked quickly and I wondered if she was going to cry.

?And he's in love with me!' Brianna declared firmly. ?I know it. Yes, we hada wild affair and you were so caught up in your hoity-toity ways you didn'teven notice. What a dumb bitch! You should hear what he says about you butStephen wouldn't leave you because that would destroy his business!'

I almost reeled backwards at the shock.

Stephen had an affair with this woman? This woman that now controlledmy body! It wasn't possible!

Brianna smiled at my expression and her cold eyes watched me.

?I'm going to get him back,' Brianna said calmly. ?I'm not going to stay yourbloody personal assistant; I have plans! I think the worse bit of bad newsfor you is that I am a sadistic bitch who is fed up at overweight snobby slutslike you! We're going to have so much fun working together.'

I felt my eyes prick with tears as the ramifications of what Brianna saidsank home.

My husband had been unfaithful!

Brianna stood once again, walked around and stood against the desk with herarms folded, looking down at me.

?A demonstration of my power is in order. Pull your skirt up and spread thosefat thighs.'

Shamefully, I did ? even though I tried to fight it ? and displayed myselfas lust swamped me.

My pantyhose was wet and sticky and I guessed my intimate aroma filled theroom. ?Show me how you play with yourself!'

She couldn't make me!

I tried to resist but my hands betrayed me and leapt down the front of mypantyhose.

As I panted and squirmed in the chair, my thumb relentlessly caressing myclit, small salty tears trickled down my face.

?How sweet, you're upset, crying while you diddle your clit.'

My fingers worked and I was panting with lust and humiliation.

?Don't orgasm,' Brianna said calmly as she watched my shameful exhibition. ?Doyou have a car?'

I frantically nodded as I panted, my fingers making squishy noises in theroom.

?Stop! Lick your hand clean!'

A large tear plopped onto my leg as I licked and tasted myself.

?Make yourself look presentable; we're leaving. You drive the BMW, right?'

?Yes,' I whispered.

?Give me the keys.'

Wordlessly, I rummaged in my bag and handed the keys to Brianna.

?I'll meet you in the garage in exactly fifteen minutes,' Brianna snapped.

The door closed behind her and I wept as I sank into my chair.

The stories of Carmenica Diaz are available at

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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 2 Aldershot September 1987 A MILF called Emma

After bit of shut eye {Cindy had really shagged me out} and a long shower I got spruced up for the evening. I knew you had to be wearing a tie to get into Sierra's and I decided to wear the regimental tie and my light grey suit. I had noticed that the civvies sitting with Emma last night wore suits; she seemed the sort of woman who would demand a well turned out bloke as an escort. I had told Wurzel about my 'date 'and invited him along. I might get stood up and another bloke would be...

2 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

3 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil's profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking .They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn't live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

3 years ago
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Dinner with Emma

Thursday lunch time, and as is our norm we sit in the coffee shop chatting. The conversation is rarely linear. Subjects are knocked back and forward as if we were playing volleyball, but where some might strive to be competitive we both delight in the imagination and ideas of the other. Laughter is frequent, as are hands touching the other - simply an enhanced, more intimate form of communication.Eventually I lean across the table and my fingers rest on the back of his hand. Softly, I ask if he...

1 year ago
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Master James Sub Emma

Emma and James stared at each other across the table. James lounged back in his chair, somehow managing to look smug and angry at the same time, and Emma was so shocked by what he'd said that she had actually stopped crying. James smirked at her. "You heard what I said. It's that or nothing." Emma was unable to speak, and he gave her a disappointed look as he got up to leave. "Well, you said you'd do anything; then again, you also said you'd never cheat on me, so I guess I shouldn't really take...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...

1 year ago
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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

2 years ago
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Living with Aunt Emma Sequel to Aunt Emma

Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...

1 year ago
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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 2 Smoking with Emma

The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass...

1 year ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...

4 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Re-written from the original posted as posh-slut Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massagesWe had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and AnnieAfter my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral...

2 years ago
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Finished with Aunt Emma Conclusion to Aunt Emma

Finished with Aunt Emma Chiseled Chad, as far as I was concerned, went to the back burner. Aunt Emma, however, kept referring to him from time to time with a sad face, telling me how much she'd like to see me play with him. Things just kept happening quickly. I went up to the spa and the took a 'before' picture then gave me the full treatment, body wax, makeup, manicure, pedicure, highlights in my hair, and all sorts of makeup and tools to maintain my 'look'. In one day they...

4 years ago
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My Summer With Emma

© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...

1 year ago
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A surprise for Emma

It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...

First Time
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The Tzars Ring 5 6 7 The ring and Emma

This is a cautionary tale, that some things come at quite a price, but then there are the rare occasions that it comes at the ultimate price.——————Peter Jenkins was a very average man, average in every sense of the word. So it came as quite a surprise when he met his future wife. Lucy was anything but average; she was smart, beautiful, successful, passionate, and she had an large appetite for sex. He often wondered what she ever saw in him.It had not been too long into their marriage before...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 3 Aldershot September December 1987 Life with Emma

The cab driver kept giving me funny looks as we drove through a deserted Aldershot. I could see him peering in the rear-view mirror at me but when I glanced at him he quickly looked away. He dropped me off outside the barracks and drove away shaking his head and muttering, "Squaddies today what are they like?" It was only when I got into my room and saw myself in the mirror that I realised what he had been looking at; my mouth was smeared with the vermilion lipstick from Emma's nipples....

3 years ago
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The ex files Sharing Emma

It was about a year after our episode with Jane and once again we were back in Spain for a summer break, just Emma and I. Jane had all but disappeared from our lives after she had met and moved in with an older guy who had cut her off from most of her former friends and took her away from the town where we lived and without her influence our sex life had returned to what most people would call normal.The promise that i had made to Emma during our last sexual encounter with Jane had become a...

1 year ago
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“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...

3 years ago
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Seeing the changes in Emma

When Emma dumped me I was heartbroken. But when one of the most beautiful babes on campus took me to a secluded spot to give me a view of Emma and her new over in action, that I'll never forget. When I began to date Emma during our first semester at college, we were both virgins and she made it clear she planned to remain one. She is a pretty brunette with eyes of a spectacular blue hue, and she has a captivating smile. Her body is equally magnificent -- her legs are long and perfectly shaped,...

4 years ago
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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

3 years ago
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It has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...

2 years ago
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Aunt Emma

Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 18 Bedtime For Emma

In the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...

1 year ago
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A Night Out With Emma

It's another weekend and you, Emma, are looking for some nasty action. We thought perhaps that going to a club in the city will be a good idea. After you get yourself dressed looking quite slutty, we leave my house and walk a few blocks to wait for a taxi. I notice one parked on a side street, so we head that way. Climbing in the back seat, we note that the driver awaiting for our instructions where to take us. He observes you looking so pretty with your blonde hair flowing down your shoulders....

1 year ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

Straight Sex
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma

I’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...

3 years ago
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E004 Explaining Things To Emma

Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek.  It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so.  This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...

Love Stories
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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

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A few years ago I was living in a small Spanish village where the expats were a bit thin on the ground and all the non Spanish knew each other quite closely, mainly to help each other out with language problems or dealing with the usual beaurocracy. One particular family consisting of the mother who was around thirtyeight years old and step father who was about forty had 2 daughters of sixt**n and one 3 years younger who were well known for visiting other expats houses to lend money or last...

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

2 years ago
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A for Emma

"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 4 December 1987 The end with Emma

I walked back to barracks, there was no public transport Sunday mornings in Aldershot and there were no taxis cruising. It didn't matter as I needed to sort things out in my mind, and I did that best when stepping out at light infantry pace. I thought I might be in love with Emma. I had told Annalise that I loved her, not long after our first bout of lovemaking, but she had laughed, kissed me and said. 'You are in love with the thought of being in love, sweetheart' Maybe it was the same...

1 year ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...

4 years ago
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Uncle Mike Creampies Niece Emma

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

1 year ago
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When I met Emma

A friend asked me to meet his wife and to tell him what happened. This is what I told him – judge for yourself, fact or fiction:Emma arrived at my hotel by taxi. I took her coat and underneath she looked fabulous wearing a shortish black dress with bare shoulders and bare legs and high heels. Our lips brushed as she hugged me – the touch of her bare shoulders and the scent of her perfume gave me an immediate hardening. I escorted her to the bar where we ordered cocktails – I left her briefly to...

3 years ago
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Part One 1st Time for Emma

1I live in a shared house with Emma and Rachel. Emma is a pretty blonde with a great body about 5ft 9 tall, 25 years old. Rachel is an attractive brunette about 5ft 6, 24 years old. Rachel has a boyfriend called Colin but I have never met him. Emma’s boyfriend Tom is according to her well lush and about 6ft 2 and very fit. Emma, Rachel and I share a house in Oxford, the house, the garden needs some attention but I’m rarely there to do anything and at the moment it’s covered in snow.

1 year ago
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More humilation for Emma

I can't believe it's been five years since I first told the world all about myself.All the time I meant to write more about my desires to be spanked and humiliatedand to tell everyone about some of my real live adventures. I suppose I better begin by summarising the last five years, which seems tome to have past in the blink of an eye as they say. I am now married to Jamesand although he does sometimes spank me it isn't a big part of our relationship.His mum however still attends to my bottom...

4 years ago
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A Models Possession

A Model's Possession By Maryann This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this would involve anyone in an illegal act, please stop reading immediately. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text . (c) All rights reserved It was the biggest show of the fashion industry in New York. Every model that could...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage of Emma

The day starts as any other day working in maintenance for the university facilities office. It’s mostly changing light bulbs, fixing toilets, occasionally cleaning up some vandalism, but nothing major. That’s all about to change. You’re called to one of the dorms to fix a leak in one of the communal showers. You recall that the hot young starlet Emma Watson is attending here and, in an effort to get the most “normal” college experience is staying in this dorm, albeit in a private room. You’ve...

3 years ago
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Exploring Emma

There she was. Her beautiful, almost white blonde hair cascading down her back, so close I could almost reach out and touch it, but too far away that I could pretend I had brushed it accidentally. I felt heat begin to grow between my legs as I imagined running my fingers through that hair, of pressing my lips against that delicate face. "Excuse me young lady, what was it I just said?" Snapped out of my reverie by the harsh tones of my English teacher, I stammered a response that earned me a ten...


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