The Story of Emma
- 3 years ago
- 34
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"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before the big boys get involved. We'll be there a week. Company is out of town, so it's a hotel gig, starts Monday morning and it's now Friday afternoon. Bit of a rush to get ready! "Okay, so away you go," says Vickers. "I'll pop out middle of the week and check how we're doing. Happy with your team? Emma and Ken?" "Sure," I tell him, which is true enough.
Emma Mills, that's good, that's very good. She's a hottie - the best looking girl in the firm by miles. Emma Mills is fucking gorgeous! Every guy from the senior partner to the janitor fancies the pants of her. Me, I'm about in the middle, and I'm totally no exception. I fancy the pants off her. I've got a girlfriend and she's pretty and I like her, but if Emma is ever interested ... well let's just say so am I. A week in close proximity to Ms Mills? Four nights in the same hotel? Yep, I'll take it. Chance to really get to 'know' her if you take my drift. And zero male competition because I've also got Ken. No intention of getting to know him any better than I already do, which is depressingly well. Kenneth Longbottom. Oh god. Guy's a joke. Must be at least ten years older than me and still a junior for fuck's sake, failing his exams for about the hundredth time just as I'm passing them first go. Says it all, doesn't it? Bit of a sack he is too – the sort you can bully around and rip the piss out of. Poor guy gets a hard time around the firm and I have to admit I'm one of the main tormentors. Can be quite entertaining.
There's time for a short meeting, the three of us, to get our ducks in a row, and it goes well. Goes very well.
Emma's excited. She's 22, only been with the firm six months, and eager to shine. Way she looks, that's a slam dunk. She's shining alright. Hard to say which is more fabulous, the face or the body. Not that I can totally see her body, of course, but her outfit leaves no doubt she's the complete package. As I run through the essentials I pretty much ignore Ken and concentrate on Em. She really is a 24 carat babe. Girl's so fucking horny in her tight skirt I feel like jumping her there and then. And she knows I do, I can tell. Good. I want her to know it. What's even better is how it doesn't bother her, me looking at her the way I am. Fact, she's liking the attention. Emma Mills is one of those girls who's very comfortable with guys lusting after her. Encourages it even. Like how she keeps crossing and re-crossing her legs as I'm talking, letting her skirt ride up her thighs. Yeah, she knows exactly what she's doing with that, no question. Fine by me. More than fine. I glance down periodically, ogling her luscious pins, make it clear I'm enjoying the view. Old Ken's looking too, although he's trying not to, which is funny. As if. Has the guy even been with a woman his whole life? Seriously doubt it. Brad Pitt he is not.
"So, all set?" I say, wrapping up. "Sure, Mark. I'm looking forward to it," says Emma. I like the knowing way she's grinning at me. "Kenneth?" I say, still looking at Emma. She's idly fingering a button on her blouse. It's a spectacular view already with the top three undone... 'Melons' is one of her nicknames with the guys ... if she pops this one too, oh jesus. But she doesn't. She leaves the button and turns to look at Ken. What a fucking tease! I've heard she does get off on toying with guys, loves them panting over her, but I'm praying she's not JUST a cock-teaser. Shit, I already want to nail this sexy little bitch so bad I can hardly think straight!
I'm also looking at Ken now. "Ken, you okay?" I prod. "Err..." The clown is rifling through his notes, thinking I want an intelligent question. I roll my eyes for Emma's benefit and she sniggers. "Just 'Yes, Mark' will do fine," I snap at the guy, enjoying playing the bossman in front of Emma Mills. He stops fumbling with his papers and goes a bit red. "Sorry. Yes, Mark. All set."
"Okay, so see you at the station Monday. Bright and early - we're on the 8:37."
All goes swimmingly. First thing, when we've met up, is I explain about expenses. We've got a maximum for the week, I tell them, and the best way, rather than divvy up, is I'll pay for everything and do one big claim at the end. I've already got our tickets, I say. They're both cool with this. Wouldn't matter if they weren't since I'm running the show. Then the snag. A little wheeze I've come up with to get some time alone with Emma. The budget's only enough for two of us to travel first class, I say, and I ask for a volunteer to go second, staring at Ken. He gets the message and puts his hand up. "Me then, I guess." I give him his ticket and a pat on the back. "Ken, you're a prince," I say, grinning at Emma who's trying not to laugh. I feast my eyes on her for a moment. Her travel attire is super-tight blue jeans, little suede boots, skimpy tee-shirt, leather jacket. She looks fantastically fuckable.
Check my watch – 8:15. "Anybody fancy a quick coffee?"
"Not for me, thanks," says Ken. "I'd love one," says Emma. "Didn't have time this morning. Overslept. Only just about managed to shower and get dressed." Cue visions of her naked, soaping herself under a jet of warm water. The mischievous look she tosses in my direction says she knows exactly what's going on in my head. In Ken's too, no doubt, but her sexy, insinuating smile is 110% for me. She's definitely decided to flirt with the boss! And Ken? Big fat zero for him, I'm afraid. Poor sod is getting ignored again by a drop-dead gorgeous girl. Apart from just now ... this 'volunteering' business ... she's barely looked at him since we got here. "Okay, you and me then, Em," I say, fishing a note from my wallet. I glance over at the Starbucks. There's a queue. Good. I don't bother looking at Ken, just wave the money in his direction. "Do the honours, Kenny, there's a good chap. Coffee for the first class passengers." That makes Emma giggle. Ken takes the cash. He really is pathetic. You can treat him like shit and he just takes it. Dork. "Er, haven't you forgotten something?" I say, as he makes to go. "Umm ... have I?" "Yeah, you have. How do you know what sort of coffee?" "You're cappuccino no sugar, Mark, aren't you?" he chirps. Which is bang on, I have to admit. Guess he's fetched me one so often from the office machine that he's got it hard-coded. "And Emma? Doesn't she count around here?" I say, winking at Em. Ken looks suitably embarrassed. "Ah, okay. Sorry." "Don't say sorry to me, Ken. It's Emma you need to be apologising to." Emma is finding this very amusing, I can tell from the look in her eyes, but she's keeping a straight face.
"So go on then," I order. "Tell her you're sorry and ask her what she wants."
"Um, I'm sorry, Emma. What would you like?" Emma's fighting back the giggles. "Well let me see," she muses, finger on chin, taking her time. "I think what I'd really love right now is a skinny double macchiato decaf with two sugars and a nice big dollop of whipped cream on top. How's that?" "Okay," he mumbles, setting off again. It's fucking hilarious. "Er, Ken?" I call him back. "D'you wanna maybe just repeat that back to her? You know, make sure you've got it." He does, says the whole thing back to Emma and he gets it correct as it happens. There's a problem, though. "You've forgotten the most important bit!" Emma announces, chiding him. Ken looks confused. "Shot of vanilla. I said that, Ken, didn't I? Sure I did." She turns to me. "I did say with a shot of vanilla, Mark, didn't I?" I nod. "Yeah, Em, definitely. Shot of vanilla. C'mon, Kenny, wake up! Want you on-the-ball this week." "Okay." Ken doesn't want to argue. Very wise. We finally let him trot off and join the Starbucks queue. Both of us crease up when he's gone. "Poor guy!" giggles Emma. "That was a bit naughty of us, Mark, wasn't it?" I grin at her. "Yeah, guess so. He's such a total twat, though."
When Ken returns we don't break off our conversation, Emma and I, we just put our hands out for the drinks. Emma takes a sip... "Mmm, lovely!" ... and then she asks whether she can send him back to get her a chocolate muffin. She really fancies one, she says. "Sorry, Em, train's going in five minutes," I tell her. "Okay, never mind then," she says, putting on a sulky pout. "My fault. Should have asked for one before." "Or maybe our Ken here should have asked you," I say, looking daggers at the poor sod. "Yeah, why didn't you ask me, Kenny?" ... Emma looks rather pissed off with him too now... "If you'd remembered to ask whether I wanted a chocolate muffin with my coffee I'd have definitely said yes." "Um, sorry, Emma," he mutters. Can you believe the guy? God. "Apology accepted, Ken," she smiles. "But try and do better in future, okay?" "Okay, Emma." "Yeah, Kenny, on your toes, we're looking for a good performance from you on this job," I cut in. "I'm really sorry, Mark," says Ken, looking sheepish. Also a bit scared, me being the boss. I stare at him as if about to deliver a serious tongue-lashing. "Okay. Least you're admitting you screwed up. Guess that's something," I say, finally. His relief is palpable. "Doesn't get Emma her muffin, though, does it? You being sorry?" I snap. Emma's just about losing it. "You bastard!" she mouths at me. Egging me on. "And you really fancied one, Em, didn't you?" I say to her. She nods gravely. "Yes, I so did. If only he'd thought to ask me."
"Don't worry, our Ken here will be making it up to you, I promise." Emma raises an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she says, a glint in her eye. "Yeah. Really." Glint in my eye too. "Anyway, look, Kenny, chance to redeem yourself..." and I give him the task of looking after our suitcases from now until the hotel. "Great, Mark!" he pipes, unbelievably. Ken's a fat lump, totally out of shape, and he wheezes a bit getting them on the trolley, especially Emma's which is easily the biggest. "Mainly clothes, Ken," she confesses as he's struggling with it. "You know how us girls are." "Not sure he does, Em, no," I can't resist. "Don't think our Kenneth's an expert on that subject. I mean, look at him, not exactly every woman's dream, is he?" Ken Longbottom is a seriously ugly guy, it has to be said. Face like a potato. "Mark, don't be so cruel!" giggles Emma, meaning the exact opposite. The bitch is getting as big a kick as I am from being mean to Ken and it's clear the two of us are going to have a lot of fun this week at the poor bastard's expense.
He's finally got the bags on the trolley and we're ready to go.
"Come on, let's not miss it." I give Ken a slap on the backside then Emma and I walk off ahead of him towards the train. We stroll down the platform sipping our coffees, Ken in behind and pushing the trolley. I look back and I catch him staring at Emma's ass - can't blame him either, the way it's undulating in the spray-on denim she's wearing. Yeah, sexy bitch is flaunting it, no question. Knows exactly what she's got going on with these jeans. I lean in and tell her that Ken is drooling. Emma smirks and turns to see for herself. "Oh my god, what a perv!" she giggles. She starts wiggling her peachy ass around even more. Poor Kenny is mesmerised! It's a great enough scenario but it gets better because Emma slips her free hand into mine. "Hey, Mark, let's make Ken really really jealous this week," she whispers. Music to my ears! Why? Well, because I sense from how she says it that Emma Mills is going to let me fuck her. Dunno whether it's down to her fancying me, or me being her boss, or even just she's decided hooking up with me will be a fun way to torture Ken. Don't know and I don't care. So, we walk hand in hand the rest of the way. Couple of times I look round and grin at Ken. Yes, he does look jealous. Very. I get an urge to do more than hold hands. What I feel like doing is slipping my arm around Emma's waist, maybe give her buttocks a squeeze too, and I almost do that. She'd like it, I reckon. Thing is, though, I'm not 110% certain she would - perhaps she'd rather take things a bit slower – and I don't want to run the risk. I'm looking forward to fucking this gorgeous bitch more than anything I've looked forward to my entire life and I'll kill myself if I blow it. I decide to let Emma make the running as regards her and me. I'll take my cues from her.
We give Ken a little wave as we disappear into our carriage, leaving him to truck along the platform on his own (with the trolley) till he reaches the second class section.
We settle into our seats and get comfortable. There's loads of space in first class and the journey is very enjoyable. For me and Em it is, anyway. Doubt Ken's liking it too much. I spend most of the time chatting Emma up and she responds – she really flirts me back. We occasionally have a bit of a giggle thinking about Ken, back there with all the cases, but apart from this we forget about him until the announcer says we'll be arriving in a few minutes.
"So ... hope Ken can get the bags off the train," muses Emma. "Fucking better do," I say. "Think I should phone him, baby?" Calling her 'baby' shows how well me and Em have got on during this train ride. We're extremely into each other now. Emma nods. "Yeah, honey, reckon you should. Don't want all my 'stuff' going astray, do we?" There's a teasing smile on her lips because she's been telling me about the clothes she's packed. She intends dressing pretty damn hot this week and my head is full of images of Em in her sexy gear. Some wet-dream outfits she's chosen by the sounds of it! God, just hearing her describe them was enough to make my dick super-hard. And Emma did describe them, believe me – all of them, one by one. Every last detail. Oh fuck. The girl really is quite naughty.
I call Ken's mobile, ask him if things are okay, has he got the bags under control bla bla? He assures me he has. Yep, he'll see us on the platform. Nope, he won't move till we find him. Yes Mark, no Mark, three bags full Mark. "Okay cheers, Kenny boy." It's amusing calling a guy who's tons older than me 'boy'. Emphasises how I'm the boss and he's a failure. Rubs the poor cunt's nose in it. Emma thinks it's funny too. "So, is 'Kenny boy' gonna be okay with our suitcases?" she asks. I grin across at her. "Yeah, he is."
"Our hero," she smirks. "And did he enjoy the journey?" "Not as much as we did, baby," I chuckle. "Guess second class is rather ... err ... second class," says Emma. I grin at her. "Poor chap couldn't get a seat apparently. Really crowded. Had to stand the whole three hours. Can you imagine, Em?" Emma laughs. "Oh no. The poor thing! And here's us with all this room." It's true. We've had a compartment pretty much to ourselves, spent most of the journey reclining opposite each other across two seats. Emma's still in this position now. "Life's not fair, is it, honey?" she giggles and she treats herself to a last luxurious stretch, arms together and over her head. She's been doing this periodically throughout and what always happens is that her tee-shirt (1) slides up her torso exposing several inches of tanned and toned belly, and (2) gets pressed tight to her bra-less breasts which jut and thrust, nipples and all, against flimsy cotton. Either (1) or (2) is quite sufficient to drive a guy crazy, but both together? ... oh sweet jesus.
So it's one more for the road, as it were, and sure enough my tongue is hanging out again. I'm just about coming in my pants, for christ's sake! Emma knows exactly what she's doing, of course. She's been teasing me senseless on the train and loving every minute of it. Bitch is laughing at me now, for instance, how I'm going nuts staring at the outline of her fabulous jugs ... yeah, the little minx is lapping it up. She stares ostentatiously at my crotch – there's an obvious bulge! – and she licks her lips. "Later, Mark honey, later," Emma giggles. Seeing there's no-one around she playfully sticks her tongue out at me, then ever-so-slowly pulls her shirt up and gives me an eyeful. God, I want her so bad when I see her naked breasts I'm almost dying. Cock's gonna fucking explode! It's actually a relief, sort of, when she pulls her top back down. Girl is SUCH a fucking cock-tease! And I don't mind because I know I'm gonna have her - she's told me this now, straight up. Told me on the train. We're gonna fuck like rabbits, me and Em, this week. Yeah, we are! Therefore no, all this cock-teasing is totally cool. Fact, I love it. Just heightens my anticipation (and hers, I sense), makes the whole thing between her and me even more unbelievably horny. As does us having poor Kenny Longbottom around to torment.
Yep, yours truly and the luscious, pouting Emma Mills are gonna have a whale of a time this week, no question!
We take a cab to the hotel. Ken sits in front with the driver and me and Em cosy up together at the back. It's a ten minute ride - any longer and I'd be in trouble because Emma gives my cock some grade A feminine attention. She rests her hand in my lap and she teases my hard-on through my pants, softly fingering the bulge, squeezing it a little then stopping, starting again, stopping ... all the time chatting away as if nothing's happening. She has me on the brink of spunking half the time but never quite pushes me over the edge. It's torture! I can't even groan or move around, have to just sit and suffer in silence. Neither Ken nor the driver have a clue what the sexy little bitch is doing. She's gonna get the fuck of her life tonight, I can tell you that! I'd love to nail her right now, actually, but we're expected at the company in less than an hour.
We check in (Ken handing luggage duties over to the porter) – three basic rooms not including breakfast have been pre-booked by the firm. Skinflints. Good news, though, I tell the team. I've done some calculations and concluded there's room in the budget for an upgrade. We have a choice, I say. Either we all upgrade to 'superior' but with no breakfast, or if one of us agrees to not upgrade at all that'll mean the other two can go for superior rooms AND including breakfast. Emma can decide, I say. "Me?" she says. "Sure, Em. Why not? What do you reckon?" Emma ponders for a moment then turns to Ken. "What do YOU think, Ken?" "Well, all of us going superior but no breakfast ... that sounds fairest?" He's surprised and pleased to be consulted. Emma nods. "It does, doesn't it? Yes, definitely." "Great!" says Ken. Emma smiles, picks up her laptop - looks like it's agreed. Then she has second thoughts. "Thing is, I do rather fancy the breakfast," she muses. She looks at Ken and then at me. "Oh god, Mark, this is sooo difficult!" "Up to you, Em. Just say." She considers the matter and makes up her mind. "Okay, I really like having breakfast so I'll take an upgrade." "Fair enough," I say. "And the other upgrade? Me or Ken for that?" She grins at me. "Well, we can't have the boss in the worst room, can we?" I'm grinning too. Only person who isn't is Ken. He's not the sharpest tool in the box but he's worked out from this little exchange that he's stuck with the 'basic room no breakfast' package. "I'm sorry, Ken," says Emma, not looking sorry at all. "Um, s'okay, Emma," he mumbles, poor guy.
We check in ("Yes, upgrade for Mr Reynolds and Ms Mills please. Mr Longbottom? No, he's happy with basic") and I say to meet back in the lobby in half an hour. "That long enough for you to get out of those tight jeans, Em?" I flirt. "Have to be, Mark, won't it?" she giggles.
She's slightly late coming down, keeps Ken and I waiting a few minutes. Forget that, though, because she looks amazing. She's put her hair up – very businesslike – and she's wearing a form-fitting pencil skirt, cut on the knee. Matching jacket, white silk blouse with just a hint of cleavage, ultra-sheer tights and heels. Make-up is restrained, touch of red lipstick on her full lips, fingernails painted also red. Longing stares from every guy in the lobby (including me and Ken) as Emma comes across to where we're sitting. She's aware of all the male attention, playing up to it with how she's walking. It's a teasing, 'I know you guys wanna fuck me but sorry, no chance, yeah I realise you're all lusting, and I love it, but you can't have me' ... kind of a walk. Course, there's one guy there who WILL be getting to fuck the hot little bitch, isn't there? Yeah! Emma gets to us and puts her laptop down on the floor, treating Ken and I to a peep down her blouse. We get a glimpse of luscious breasts encased in a skimpy white lace bra. Oh god. "Okay, guys?" she grins. Doesn't even bother apologising for being late. Knows she's worth waiting for. "Ms Mills, you look stunning," I tell her. "Why thank you, kind sir!" Emma smiles and pouts and strikes a sexy pose. "Thought I ought to wear something nice for day one." I happen to know she'll be wearing something even 'nicer' on days two, three, four and five. Where 'nice' here means 'designed to drive men wild!'. This look she has now, though, it's bang on target. Sexy and sophisticated, not easy for a 22 year old girl to pull off, but she's definitely done it. I give Em the full ogle. "Yeah, nice, that's one way of putting it. But I'd more say totally fucking gorgeous!" Emma giggles. The girl just loves hearing stuff like that. And she's used to it. "Doesn't she, Ken?" I say. "Doesn't Em look utterly gorgeous?" He's gone red. Embarrassed. "Doesn't she, Ken?" Kenny's really blushing now. "Um, yes," he manages. "Yes what?" I snap. "She looks g-g-gorgeous." Poor guy's started to stutter. Must be stress. "No, Kenneth, not just plain g-g-gorgeous. She looks UTTERLY g-g-gorgeous is what we agreed, didn't we?" Ken nods. "Right, so tell her then. You want to hear it, Em, don't you?" "Yes, I'd really love that," grins Emma. "A girl likes to get compliments. Especially from men who find her attractive."
"There you go, Ken, see? Emma knows you find her attractive and she wants to hear you say it. Tell her ... tell Em she's looking utterly gorgeous." Poor guy has to do it. "Um, Emma, you're l-l-looking utterly g-g-gorgeous." He tries to look at Em's face while he's saying this but he can't - ends up looking at her feet. Stutter seems to have got worse too. Em's giggling and looking at me with an expectant 'okay, what next?' expression. She wants to carry on tormenting him. So do I – it IS funny – but there isn't time right now. "Attaboy, Kenny!" I say. "There ... wasn't so difficult, was it? Anyway, c'mon, let's get going, they're expecting us."
It's only a short walk to the company where we're working. We have a laptop each, plus a bag with all our papers and stationary and stuff in, so we don't have that much to carry. Emma has nothing to carry, in fact, (except her little handbag) because I suggest that Ken acts 'the gentleman' and takes her computer. He also has the bag, so he is slightly overloaded, I guess, but he can just about manage.
We get there and I handle the whole start-up thing. I introduce Emma as 'my colleague' and Ken as 'our assistant'. Which raises eyebrows with them since Ken is so much older than me (even more older than Emma). We get a quick guided tour of the premises (quite funny how Ken straggles along at the rear with two laptops plus bag ... really does look like 'the assistant') and then our contact, this middle-aged accountant guy called Phil, shows us where we'll be based for the week. It's great. We've got our own office with all the facilities. The door has a lock and I explain to Phil that the nature of what we're doing means privacy is paramount. He already knows this, it seems, and he gives me the key, assuring me it's the only one. "Cheers, I'll give it back before we leave on Friday," I tell him. Rules are that the door will be locked at all times whether we're in or out. Nobody goes in apart from us – if we want to see or talk to anyone we'll either ring through or come out. Shouldn't be much of that, provided we have full computer access to the company's systems. "Sure thing, Mark," says Phil. "And we've also put all the relevant files in here for you guys ... you know, invoices, contracts, all that stuff."
"Oh and the bathrooms are just around the corner," he adds. "Left out of the room, turn right for the gents, left for the ladies." He gives Em another lingering look on 'ladies'. He's been trying not to make it too obvious that he's drooling but I can tell and so can Emma. Needless to say, all the guys at the company were ogling her like crazy during our tour. "Thank you, Phil," she pouts, giving the poor guy a little flirt. We know what old Phil's going to be thinking about for the rest of the week, don't we? Bet he's already racking his brains for ways he can maximise his sightings of the delectable Ms Mills. Sorry pal, I'm thinking, the interaction's gonna be strictly minimal. "Okay, so see you later," says Phil, exiting. "Yeah, thanks Phil," I say. I close the door and lock it. "Right, you two, let's get started!"
First things first – lunch. I send Kenny out for sandwiches. Has he got enough cash, I ask. Yes he has, but it'll clean him out. Well that's okay then, isn't it? I tell him. The order is simplicity itself, we all want a 'BLT' (bacon, lettuce and tomato). When he's gone and I've locked the door, Em lets me kiss her. Nothing too raunchy, just a nice snog, but it still gives me quite a hard-on. I get about ten minutes of this until there's a knock and Kenny's back with the BLTs. We break off snogging – which I don't find easy, believe me – and I'm about to let him in when Emma points out I've got traces of lipstick on my face and neck. Ah right. I pull a tissue but she stops me, says it'll be fun to watch Ken's expression when he sees it and knows we've been kissing. "Yeah, make him jealous, right?" I say. "Right," she grins. It works a dream. I open the door and Ken's face when he sees me is a picture. He'd be green if he weren't white and pasty. So funny! I'm picturing a whole ton of this 'make Ken jealous' stuff during the rest of the week. Have loads of suggestions which I can't wait to run by Emma. Bet she's got a few of her own too – 'MKJ' was her idea in the first place, after all.
She's pointing at my face now. "Mark, honey ... lipstick," she giggles. "Whatever will Ken here think of us?" She roots in her bag and passes me a mirror. I grin at her, then at Ken. "Whoops," I say, mock-sheepishly. Now I do use a tissue and wipe it away. "Sorry, Kenny," I say, shrugging at him in a 'well, you know how it is' kind of way. Course, he DOESN'T know how it is, does he? No. That's the point.
We sit round the table in the middle of the room to eat the sandwiches. "Hey, good boy, Kenny, these look great!" I say, unwrapping mine. Ken kind of nods. He's got his one out of the packet now. They really do look nice, these BLTs. "God, I am hungry!" says Emma, unwrapping hers too. "Probably because you didn't get your muffin this morning." I say, glint in my eye. Emma nods. "Yeah, that's it, I reckon." She throws Ken a mean look. "And we never really punished him properly, Mark, did we? You know, for not getting me one."
"Nope. We didn't."
Me and Em look at each other for a moment. Should we give the wretched guy a break and just eat lunch? Let me check with her. "Do you wanna punish him now, babe?" I ask. If Ken had any doubt that me and Em are now an item, that 'babe' has removed it. Emma ponders for a second. Ken's kind of fingering his BLT, wanting to start eating but sensing he'd better wait till she's pronounced. She finally does and it's bad news for Ken. "It's not that I WANT to punish him, honey, it's just I think we probably should. You know, so he learns." The bitch is merciless! "Okay, sure, baby. So how should we do that?" I'm intrigued as to what she'll come up with. It turns out to be pretty brilliant. "Well, what I'm thinking, honey, is ... I missed breakfast 'cos of him, right?"
"Yeah, baby, no muffin. Scandal."
"Okay, so how about he misses lunch? That's fair, Mark, isn't it?"
"What, tomorrow?"
"No, honey, today. Now."
I hold up my BLT. "But we've already got lunch, baby." Emma grins. "Yeah ... but we haven't started eating it, have we?" True. We haven't. "Ah, so we split Ken's between us, that what you mean, Em? Not sure I want another half a BLT. They're pretty big ones." "No, me neither," says Emma. "What I mean is that Ken throws his away instead of eating it." Ken's shaking his head. "Mark, I'm h-h-hungry. I haven't eaten all day." I look at Em and she gives a little shrug – 'tough titty' is what it's saying. "Sorry, Ken, lunch is off," I tell him. "There's a bin over there."
"But M-M-Mark..." "Bin!" I snap, pointing at it. Ken lumbers up from the table and goes to ditch his sandwich. Poor bastard. "Kiss it goodbye first, if you like," I call over. Ken's not sure if I'm serious, so he takes no chances and he does – he gives his BLT a wistful little kiss before dropping it in the bin. Emma can't believe this. "Oh my god," she giggles, cracking up. He comes back to the table and we make him sit there and watch us eat lunch. I wolf mine down, it's gone in no time, but Em eats hers very slowly, relishing each mouthful. "Mmm, this is so yummy," she keeps saying. She picks out bits of bacon and waves the food under Ken's nose, tantalises the poor guy, before popping it into her mouth. At one point, a small piece of tomato falls out of her sandwich onto the table. "Oops," she says, looking down. She leaves it there till she's finished... "that was just delicious!" ... then she starts poking it around with her finger. "Would you like this tomato, Kenny?" Emma pushes it in his direction, making it crystal clear she wants a yes. Ken duly nods. Emma winks at me. "Ask me nicely then," she tells him. Think she's realised (after that 'kissing his BLT goodbye' business) just how helpless Kenny is and she's decided to really enjoy herself. Such a bitch, she is! "P-P-Please, Emma, m-m-may I have the tom-m-m-mato?" God, she's got the guy actually begging her for this tiny bit of tomato. Unbelievable. "Pretty please?" she taunts. "P-P-Pretty p-p-p-p-please." His stammer's getting worse and worse! "Okay, here you go," she grins and she flicks the tomato in his direction. It goes on the floor, unfortunately. Ken stoops to pick it up. "No, use your mouth," orders Emma. "More efficient." So he gets down and he kind of licks this tomato mess off the floor. It's quite a sight. Emma's wetting her knickers and so am I. "Okay, good," snaps Em. "Now, back to the table!" She's talking to him like he's a dog now. Ken obeys. Has to, he knows, but I can tell from his shamed expression that he hates himself for letting me and Emma (and especially Emma) treat him like this. "Was that nice, Kenny, that tomato?" she inquires. "Um..." Poor guy doesn't know what to say. I decide to chip in – join the fun. "You're too good to him, baby, you know that?" I need to keep amusing and impressing Em with what a bastard I can be. More I do that, the more she likes me, I've noticed. "Yes, I know," she nods. "He was meant to be missing lunch, Mark, wasn't he?" "Yeah. Could do with skipping a few meals too - fat bastard!" I smirk. "Should we put him on a diet?" Em wonders. We agree to discuss this later because there's a job to do and we need to get cracking!
This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...
SpankingNote from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...
This is the second and probably last sequel to the story of Emma Smith- Abrams, a young transgendered girl {actually CAIS) from the book 'XX/XY'(originally titled 'Emma') and her adventures and experiences in her small Texas town that I will write. While there isn't much in the way of TG in this story line, none of this could have occurred if she was not. Again, credit for the original story belongs to Felicia Gabriel, who publishes her e-works exclusively for Amazon, to the best of my...
This is the fourth story in the Nina series: I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...
SpankingIt was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...
Mark and Emma MARK MAGIC WAVE I was a single man of thirty years, standing tall at six feet and one inch. My calm demeanor, decisive nature, and unwavering moral principles were a few of the many qualities that defined me. I lived in a cozy two- room apartment with my beloved companion, Emma, a two-year-old red cocker spaniel, who was the most affectionate and devoted dog I had ever met. One evening, as I settled into my armchair with a book, a strange wave of magic swept...
I met Emma the summer before I started school. Actually, it was her brother Jake I went to meet. We - my Mom my Dad and I - lived in what I'm sure would be called a nice neighborhood. I personally didn't think so as I was practically the only child around - the area was what in my mother's home country is called a 'silver wedding neighborhood' - meaning that everyone living there is old (in the eyes of a 5 year old!!) and their kids have long since left home. So when the house next door...
My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...
She’d considered herself straight but since she’d been seeing the Lunatic Fringe less and less for months prior to the breakup since her work was keeping her in Florida. Since then she’d started questioning her sexuality more and more. In the privacy of her hotel room, she’d slowly begun to use a tiny pink vibrator with greater and greater frequency to the thought of her favorite former US Champion. The thoughts of Ambrose were appearing less and less prevalent as the masturbation sessions...
The man and woman at the corner table in the hotel dining room were clearly arguing. The man's swarthy face showed some exasperation as he waved a finger in the air. The woman, with black, shoulder length hair, and slender from Dan's rear view, pointed an occasional finger as she responded. Low tones ensured they attracted no attention from nearer tables.Dan Tiernan turned away, not interested in the troubles of others. He was still trying to decide whether this break in Riva, Lake Garda, had...
Love StoriesEmma had a glorious body when she completed college and moved to New York to take up her job at a respected media company. Her c-cup perky breasts had always been desired by almost everyone in college and the few who had had the luck of sucking on them were the subject of everyone else's envy. What made the people more envious was that the ones who had sucked, included both men and women. Yes! Emma was a bisexual for as long as she can remember. Infact her first sexual encounter was with a...
Their vacation continues wonderfully, Donald and Emma have fun on the beach, by and in the pool at the beach house, and exploring the area. Two days later, in the early afternoon, after playing in the pool for a while Donald and Emma are just lying soaking in the sun. Of course, they are both naked here where no one can see them.Emma begins to feel rather warm and gets up and goes into the house to get something cool to drink. And then this imp in her takes over to change the course of the...
Love StoriesAs usual my sixteen old Sister Emma rushed into my bedroom with her hands coving her hears my Mother had declared war with my Father and his new secretary and bed partner the battle started six months ago is hostile and loud. He even brought her home to introduce the family It was a good job our mother couldn’t get to the knife draw.We told our Mother to get divorced but she held on until one fateful night he brought her home and suggested he and his girlfriend move in Mother finally let go she...
I remember Emma as the nice girl from the local Sudso superstore she had a great attitude toward the customers and was always smiling, she's one of those rare individuals you just can't fault. Myself and my family have known her for five years since she started working there. I know my brothers all had crushes on her and the youngest had the courage to ask her out, he was rejected and took it badly but since recovered. We usually saw her at parties and some hung around her like a loyal...
Mom and I were in Emma's—my aunt and Mom's youngest sister—apartment dining room, sitting across from one another at the square rustic pine dining table. Aunt Emma was in the kitchen, fixing Mom and herself some coffee, and some ginseng tea for me. We were there at my suggestion, after Mom had informed me that of all of her siblings, Aunt Emma had been the most open-minded when it came to my Mom's former career in the adult film industry. In fact, Mom had said, Aunt Emma encouraged it,...
IncestMy degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...
VoyeurAfter bit of shut eye {Cindy had really shagged me out} and a long shower I got spruced up for the evening. I knew you had to be wearing a tie to get into Sierra's and I decided to wear the regimental tie and my light grey suit. I had noticed that the civvies sitting with Emma last night wore suits; she seemed the sort of woman who would demand a well turned out bloke as an escort. I had told Wurzel about my 'date 'and invited him along. I might get stood up and another bloke would be...
Thursday lunch time, and as is our norm we sit in the coffee shop chatting. The conversation is rarely linear. Subjects are knocked back and forward as if we were playing volleyball, but where some might strive to be competitive we both delight in the imagination and ideas of the other. Laughter is frequent, as are hands touching the other - simply an enhanced, more intimate form of communication.Eventually I lean across the table and my fingers rest on the back of his hand. Softly, I ask if he...
Emma and James stared at each other across the table. James lounged back in his chair, somehow managing to look smug and angry at the same time, and Emma was so shocked by what he'd said that she had actually stopped crying. James smirked at her. "You heard what I said. It's that or nothing." Emma was unable to speak, and he gave her a disappointed look as he got up to leave. "Well, you said you'd do anything; then again, you also said you'd never cheat on me, so I guess I shouldn't really take...
My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...
When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...
Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...
The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass...
Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...
Re-written from the original posted as posh-slut Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massagesWe had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and AnnieAfter my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral...
Finished with Aunt Emma Chiseled Chad, as far as I was concerned, went to the back burner. Aunt Emma, however, kept referring to him from time to time with a sad face, telling me how much she'd like to see me play with him. Things just kept happening quickly. I went up to the spa and the took a 'before' picture then gave me the full treatment, body wax, makeup, manicure, pedicure, highlights in my hair, and all sorts of makeup and tools to maintain my 'look'. In one day they...
© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...
It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...
First TimeAfter a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...
After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil's profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking .They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn't live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...
This is a cautionary tale, that some things come at quite a price, but then there are the rare occasions that it comes at the ultimate price.——————Peter Jenkins was a very average man, average in every sense of the word. So it came as quite a surprise when he met his future wife. Lucy was anything but average; she was smart, beautiful, successful, passionate, and she had an large appetite for sex. He often wondered what she ever saw in him.It had not been too long into their marriage before...
SwingersThe cab driver kept giving me funny looks as we drove through a deserted Aldershot. I could see him peering in the rear-view mirror at me but when I glanced at him he quickly looked away. He dropped me off outside the barracks and drove away shaking his head and muttering, "Squaddies today what are they like?" It was only when I got into my room and saw myself in the mirror that I realised what he had been looking at; my mouth was smeared with the vermilion lipstick from Emma's nipples....
“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...
BDSMWhen Emma dumped me I was heartbroken. But when one of the most beautiful babes on campus took me to a secluded spot to give me a view of Emma and her new over in action, that I'll never forget. When I began to date Emma during our first semester at college, we were both virgins and she made it clear she planned to remain one. She is a pretty brunette with eyes of a spectacular blue hue, and she has a captivating smile. Her body is equally magnificent -- her legs are long and perfectly shaped,...
It was about a year after our episode with Jane and once again we were back in Spain for a summer break, just Emma and I. Jane had all but disappeared from our lives after she had met and moved in with an older guy who had cut her off from most of her former friends and took her away from the town where we lived and without her influence our sex life had returned to what most people would call normal.The promise that i had made to Emma during our last sexual encounter with Jane had become a...
My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...
It has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...
Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....
In the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...
It's another weekend and you, Emma, are looking for some nasty action. We thought perhaps that going to a club in the city will be a good idea. After you get yourself dressed looking quite slutty, we leave my house and walk a few blocks to wait for a taxi. I notice one parked on a side street, so we head that way. Climbing in the back seat, we note that the driver awaiting for our instructions where to take us. He observes you looking so pretty with your blonde hair flowing down your shoulders....
Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...
Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek. It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so. This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...
Love StoriesI’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...
Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...
Straight Sex(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...
FetishA few years ago I was living in a small Spanish village where the expats were a bit thin on the ground and all the non Spanish knew each other quite closely, mainly to help each other out with language problems or dealing with the usual beaurocracy. One particular family consisting of the mother who was around thirtyeight years old and step father who was about forty had 2 daughters of sixt**n and one 3 years younger who were well known for visiting other expats houses to lend money or last...
“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...
"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....
SpankingI walked back to barracks, there was no public transport Sunday mornings in Aldershot and there were no taxis cruising. It didn't matter as I needed to sort things out in my mind, and I did that best when stepping out at light infantry pace. I thought I might be in love with Emma. I had told Annalise that I loved her, not long after our first bout of lovemaking, but she had laughed, kissed me and said. 'You are in love with the thought of being in love, sweetheart' Maybe it was the same...
This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...
“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...
The Possession of Emma Carmenica Diaz 1. Brianna I parked my BMW in the reserved car space next to my husband's Mercedes. Stephenwas in Edinburgh on business; he had flown late yesterday and would not beback until Monday afternoon. That meant I had today and the weekend to myselfand, selfishly, I was looking forward to a lazy and comfortable time alone. To be honest, our marriage had not been great lately but we accepted it asnormal. Most marriages fade into a comfortable partnership and...
A friend asked me to meet his wife and to tell him what happened. This is what I told him – judge for yourself, fact or fiction:Emma arrived at my hotel by taxi. I took her coat and underneath she looked fabulous wearing a shortish black dress with bare shoulders and bare legs and high heels. Our lips brushed as she hugged me – the touch of her bare shoulders and the scent of her perfume gave me an immediate hardening. I escorted her to the bar where we ordered cocktails – I left her briefly to...
1I live in a shared house with Emma and Rachel. Emma is a pretty blonde with a great body about 5ft 9 tall, 25 years old. Rachel is an attractive brunette about 5ft 6, 24 years old. Rachel has a boyfriend called Colin but I have never met him. Emma’s boyfriend Tom is according to her well lush and about 6ft 2 and very fit. Emma, Rachel and I share a house in Oxford, the house, the garden needs some attention but I’m rarely there to do anything and at the moment it’s covered in snow.
I can't believe it's been five years since I first told the world all about myself.All the time I meant to write more about my desires to be spanked and humiliatedand to tell everyone about some of my real live adventures. I suppose I better begin by summarising the last five years, which seems tome to have past in the blink of an eye as they say. I am now married to Jamesand although he does sometimes spank me it isn't a big part of our relationship.His mum however still attends to my bottom...
The day starts as any other day working in maintenance for the university facilities office. It’s mostly changing light bulbs, fixing toilets, occasionally cleaning up some vandalism, but nothing major. That’s all about to change. You’re called to one of the dorms to fix a leak in one of the communal showers. You recall that the hot young starlet Emma Watson is attending here and, in an effort to get the most “normal” college experience is staying in this dorm, albeit in a private room. You’ve...
There she was. Her beautiful, almost white blonde hair cascading down her back, so close I could almost reach out and touch it, but too far away that I could pretend I had brushed it accidentally. I felt heat begin to grow between my legs as I imagined running my fingers through that hair, of pressing my lips against that delicate face. "Excuse me young lady, what was it I just said?" Snapped out of my reverie by the harsh tones of my English teacher, I stammered a response that earned me a ten...
LesbianNote: This story is inspired by and a slightly modified version of Emma. Mark lay on the bed in his hotel room, staring at the ceiling. It had been a long day of meetings and negotiations, but he had finally closed the deal. He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He was good at his job and enjoyed the challenge of it. As he closed his eyes, he thought about his plans for the evening. He had no desire to go out and explore the city. Instead, he wanted to order room service and...