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Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he mused to himself. Some women are just too good and even though he felt guilty about cheating on his wife. Emma was worth it. Plus he had worked her out totally. He smiled as to what was coming. Emma finally came out of his bathroom and began getting dressed. Wearing the thin blue dress that fell to her thighs that she had worn on entering several hours ago she proceeded to look for her high four inch red pumps. "Sorry baby. I have to go. I'll call you," she continued to say. Richard laughed. "Sure babe. Look I know now that you have got what you wanted from me you're gonna scoot. I didn't get to be your "daddy's" lawyer by being stupid now did I?" "What do you mean babe?" she replied. "I mean that if you leave me I will tell your daddy that the test was negative. You are not his daughter." "I am his daughter and I won't leave you. I love you hunny," she said smiling sweetly. "I have to run. Got some more shopping to do." Emma placed a soft kiss on Richard's forehead before coolly leaving. Walking down the hall from his apartment she left from the rear. Entering her new Mercedes she quickly drove down the suburban streets. She was late and though she liked keeping guys waiting, this time she would make an exception. Mark Allen slowly sipped his black coffee as he read his paper in the sunshine room. His grandson tottered about in his walk about being carefully watched by his daughter. He looked up. "Did you see Emma leave this morning Janis?" "No daddy. Her cars weren't there when I got up to feed Daniel," replied Janis. Not like Emma to be up so early thought Mark. For months he had lectured his new daughter about doing something with her life. She was his daughter and he would help her succeed just like Janis is a successful accountant she could become something too. He often told her this and she smiled back agreeing with everything he said but he was getting tired of repeating himself. He told the 18 -Year old either she go back to finish school or he would take away her new car he had bought her. Emma had come into his life about a year ago shortly after his pregnant daughter's husband had tragically died in a head on collision with a lorry. That had left them both in a terrible state. They hardly celebrated the birth of Daniel soon after. Then this poorly dressed teenager approached him in his own office, barging in and claiming she was his daughter. Her story checked out. Her mother was Sandra, his former secretary one night after work things went a bit too far between them in his office. They were caught by the managing director and she was sacked. He was given a warning but that was it. He never heard from Sandra again. And he had no idea she had his baby. Just to confirm it was true his lawyer Richard suggested blood tests. The results came back and Richard confirmed it. She was his daughter. He was thrilled but he sensed his daughter Janis was not so delighted. Understanding that there would be rivalry between the two girls he tried to be fair on them both. He finished his coffee and went to his office. Paul couldn't believe it. He had lost his virginity at last. 25 years and a virgin no more he laughed to himself. And what a women to lose it to. He softly stroked the smooth blonde hair of his first conquest and couldn't believe how lucky he was. As she lay there asleep on his bed he just couldn't believe it. He looked at his watch. 9 am. Oh well they won't miss me at work today. Plus I'm the manager he thought. If I can't have a day off every now and then, what's the point of being manager of Allen Chemicals Plc? Emma began to stir from her sleep. She woke up and smiled at him. Paul smiled back. "Emma I have something really cool to show you. You remember at that party we met I told you about that drug we were developing to help cure the mentally retarded. Well we made a break through last week. Don't tell anyone but we were able to help the patient start to do things for himself. We gave him the drug and by placing headphones round him we gave suggestions over and over through a speaker. After a few hours we removed the speaker and the patient did the suggestions without blinking. Do you know what that means? We were able to directly get his brain working properly. In a few years we can help stimulate the brains of a lot mentally retarded persons and bingo we have helped millions. "That's nice hunny," she replied. Lets celebrate and I know exactly how as she moved under the covers and began sucking his penis. Paul waited desperately for Emma to return. Four hours he had sat there waiting for her as she had asked him to. Finally he heard the door key turn. It was her!! He rushed to greet her, but she pushed him away in disgust. His heart sank. "Did you get some more she asked?" "Yes Emma," he replied, pulling four vials containing a clear liquid. "Good boy," she answered. His heart rose again. "Get me some more and keep bringing me more ok Paul?" "Yes Emma," was all he could say. "One vial is the dosage Paul?" she asked. "Yes for a male adult. For a female slightly less, depending on her size. If you go over by a little it could kill you." She placed her delicate hand on his lips to silence him. Fixing him a drink she poured a vial into the glass and gave it to him to drink. Taking the headphones from the side of the bed she placed them on his head and press play on the attached cassette player. She pulled down Paul's trousers and began masturbating him while he listened to the tape. When he came she got up and left. Paul continued to listen to the tape. "You love Emma very much. You must do whatever she asks you. You will always obey Emma. Everyday before you go to bed you will take a vial and listen to the tape. All day thoughts of obeying Emma will go through your head. You can only be happy if you are serving Emma. You care little for no one else except Emma. You are a worthless peace of shit and are grateful that Emma is your girlfriend." Emma laughed as she walked towards her car. She couldn't believe the effect those drugs had. Paul was pretty weak before the drugs and was practically her slave anyway. Now he was hers completely and she enjoyed toying with him and making him suffer. Ever since she was a little girl men had used her and humiliated her. Now it was payback time. She drove towards her daddy's house. He was another fool who doted on her as well. Wait till I give him the vial she thought. She admitted to herself that she was shocked when she discovered that he wasn't her real father. All her dreams were dashed in that second when Richard had told her. Her mother always maintained till her death that her father was Mark Allen a successful millionaire. However she knew it was not so. But she wasn't to be denied her meal ticket. When Richard suggested to her that he keep quiet about the tests if she became his friend, she more than readily agreed. She hadn't realized she would be stuck in the situation she was in. The new drug gave her a get out. She decided that tonight she would put her plan into action. She had three vials. One for daddy, one for Janis and one for than son of a bitch Richard. Emma soon arrived home and went in search for her father. "Daddy!" she yelled when she found him as usual working in his study. He gave a warm hug and gave his usual I'm busy signals. She suggested making a cup of tea for him and he smiled softly at her. Walking into the kitchen she filled the kettle with water. Taking two cups from the cupboard she poured milk and a little sugar into both cups. Into her daddy's cup she poured a complete vial. When the kettle had signalled completion she poured hot water into both cups. At that point she heard Janis come up behind her. She jumped up. At that point a million thoughts raced through her head. I thought she was out she thought. Did she see me pouring the vial into daddy's cup? "Don't I get a tea?" asked Janis. Emma breathed a sigh of relief. "Sure Jan," replied Emma. At that point her daddy came into the kitchen. "You can have mine Janis, urgent call from the office. Someone has been stealing drugs from the lab. Gotta go sort it out. Don't wait up for me girls." Mark left them standing there. Emma turned round and noticed that Janis had taken one of the cups. Trouble is, which one? She looked at Janis sipping away at her tea. "What's the matter?" asked Janis. "Nothin, I gotta make a quick call." Emma took the remaining cup and went upstairs. She reached the bath room and quickly poured its contents into the sink, on the way to her room. She locked her door and cursed her rotten luck. About an hour later she resurfaced. Walking down stairs she went into the kitchen. She was stunned. On the floor unconscious she found Janis, with her cup broken next to her. Shit she thought. She must have drunk daddy's tea. Paul was right. Too much dosage can be fatal. She cleared up the mess and hid the broken mug upstairs in her room. She then went back into the kitchen screamed as hard as she could and called for an ambulance. When it finally arrived, she went upstairs, took the sleeping Daniel in her arms and placed him in her car. Together they followed the ambulance to the hospital. She waited patiently and within an hour Mark arrived. They hugged each other and he suggested she take little Daniel home and to wait there. Daniel was still fast asleep. On her way out her phone rang. It was Richard. "I heard what happened to Janis Emma," he told her. "I warned you that if anything nasty befell anyone on Marks' family I would tell him the truth about you." "I didn't do anything," squealed Emma down the phone. "We'll let your daddy decide that shall we," was his reply before hanging up. Emma quickly rushed to her car and drove to Paul's house. Entering the house carrying Daniel she placed him on the couch. She went into Paul's bedroom and found him asleep with his headphones on. She woke him. He smiled when he saw her. "Baby!" he exclaimed. "I have a surprise for you. In a case by my desk are more vials. I stole all of them for you. There's about five hundred in there for you." "Paul shut up and listen," she replied. "Go make me a drink and one for you. Meet me in the lounge." Paul did as he was told and brought two drinks to Emma. Emma poured a vial into one of the drinks and gave it to Paul. "Who's the kid?" asked Paul. "Fucking shut up you piece of shit," replied Emma. "I told you before never to question me and to only speak when I ask you to." "I am sorry Emma," replied Paul. "Please forgive me." "Ok you shit. Lick my shoes." Paul proceeded to lick Emma's shoes. When Emma was satisfied she allowed Paul to get up and sit on the floor by her feet and drink his coffee. "Paul tell me something. What happens if you give the drug to a child?" She asked. "Well," replied Paul. "I don't really know. His brain hasn't fully developed so I guess you can alter the way the brain will grow. You have to be very careful to get the right dose." Emma then instructed Paul to mark on an empty vial how much is needed for a small child. She also got him to mark for a woman her size. "Good boy," she told him. "Now Paul there's something I want you to do. If you do this I will love you forever. Here's what to do??" She proceeded to instruct him and then kissed him on his forehead. "Paul, go outside for 5 minutes I need to make a call." Paul left and she picked up the handset. Dialling Richard's mobile she waited for his answer. "Baby its Emma. I need to see you. Please." Richard agreed. "Meet me in my apartment in one hour," replied Richard. She agreed and hung up. Letting Paul come back in he helped her carry the sleeping child and the case of vials to her car. She then drove home stopping off at a 24 hour store and began the planning of her new idea before going to sleep. She awoke early next mornings to the sounds of a screaming child. A loud shriek from down the hall somewhere. What time was it? 7 a.m.! Bloody hell. Wearing her red nightie she got up to see to the child. Daniel saw her and shouted, "Where's my mommy?" "Daniel," she replied. "Your mummy wasn't feeling very well so grandpa took her to the hospital. She'll be ok honey. Now lets go get you dressed young man." "NO!" yelled the child. "I want my mummy. I don't want you. I hate you. Mummy says you are a witch." "Daniel, go to your room this instance and get dressed." "I wont I wont I wont," shouted Daniel. Emma went over to the crying child and picked him up in her arms. Carrying the screaming child to her room, she locked him in. "Now there will be no breakfast for you unless you behave. When we have finished breakfast we can go see mummy. Is that a deal?" She heard a soft murmur of approval and went downstairs to make the child some breakfast. Taking his favourite cereal from the shelf she poured him a helping and poured milk into the bowl before adding a carefully measured amount of the drug. Finally she sprinkled sugar. She then took it upstairs and unlocked her door. Daniel was in a corner sobbing. "Hear you go baby," she said sweetly as she called him over to her bed. Taking small measures with her spoon she began to feed him. When she had finished the child was feeling a little drowsy. She laid him on her bed and took a pair of headphones from her bedside table and placed them round his head. Pressing play she began stroking his hair as the tape played the words she had recorded the night before. "You love Emma. You will do as Emma asks from now on. You will behave and be good for Emma." Whilst the tape was playing the phone rang and she rushed to answer it. It was her daddy. "Sweet heart," he said gently. "I have some bad news. Janis is not very well. She is in a coma and the doctors don't know if she will recover. They fear brain damage. How is Daniel?" "He was very upset and misses his mummy. I put him to lie down for a bit. Do you want us to come to the hospital daddy?" "No baby," he replied. "Its best if you stay there." They said their customary farewells and Emma went to check the mail. Mark's paper had arrived as usual. She picked it up and smiled when she saw the main headline. "TOP LAWYER OF ALLEN CONGLOMERATES SHOT DEAD IN SOHO APARTMENT." She read the article. A manager of the chemicals branch was suspected of shooting him before setting light to the apartment and shooting himself. Emma laughed. Everything was proceeding beautifully. She went upstairs and kept an eye on Daniel. She let the tapes roll for a three hours before taking them off him and waking him up. "Hello sleepy," she said. "Hi Emma," he replied smiling sweetly. Emma told him to get dressed and this he did without question. When she told him to sit and have his breakfast again with no hesitation. She was surprised at the effects of the drug. When she suggested they watch telly together he agreed and he sat in her lap as they watched cartoons. He even kissed her and told her he loved her. They even played with his toys. Later that evening she bathed him and again he didn't mind. When it was late she laid him in his bed and went to make him a warm glass of milk before she read him a story. Emma was in the kitchen warming the milk when it hit her. I like being a mummy she thought. I wish I had a child. I would dress her like me and we would do things together. She would grow up to be like me. A thought entered her mind. Could she really pass it off? She took a vial and measured out another dose. Staring at it thoughtfully for a moment she poured it into the milk. She took it to Daniel and he slowly sipped it as she read him his favourite story. When he was feeling drowsy she tucked him in and grabbed the tape recorder from her room. She recorded another message and left it on continuous playback all night. "You want to be like Emma. You wish you were Emma's little girl but you are scared to tell anyone. When you wake you will ask Emma to make you into her little girl. You want to stay home and play with Emma. You do not want to visit the hospital. You will do everything that Emma asks you. You will not question her nor will you tell anybody about the games you play. They are secrets between the two of you. You do not miss mummy at all and you never will. You always want to be with Emma and you miss her when she is not with you." In the morning she woke the sleeping child. "What shall we do today Daniel?" asked Emma. "I want to play with you," was his reply. "Good boy," answered Emma. "What shall we play?" "Emma?" asked Daniel. "Can we pretend that you were my mummy?" "Certainly baby." "Can I be your little girl?" "You want to be my little girl? But you are a boy. Are you sure?" "Yes Emma I want to be your little girl." "Ok baby. But we must do it properly. You will call me mummy when we play this game and I will teach you how to be my little girl. Ok?" Daniel eagerly nodded his approval. "Good girl," said Emma. "That's the first rule. Little girls must always obey their mummies. Now go and take off your pyjamas. Little girls wear girl's clothes so you must wear girl's clothes. First we will give you a nice warm perfumed bath before we get you ready." When she finished washing him, she shampooed and conditioned his hair and wrapped it in a towel, turban style. Then she got him out of the bath and dried him off with a soft pink towel. Then she powdered him up with some of scented talc and took him back to the bedroom. "Now what shall we wear? She went to her drawer and got out a pair of pink tap pants and a matching camisole and placed them on Daniel. Then she placed the petticoat on the floor and had him step into it and pulled it up around his waist. "I only have this pretty new pink dress at the moment. We'll go shopping later and get you lots of new clothes." She gathered up the dress and slipped it over Daniel's head and down into place. She sat Daniel down at her vanity table again and took a bottle of pink nail polish from the table and applied a coat to his nails. She did the same to his toenails. She had him wait patiently till they were dry and then applied another coat. Again she had him wait three more times and applied five coats in total. Happy with the nail polish she proceeded to brush his hair in a feminine style. Though his hair was a little short, she was able to comb his hair in a common style for young girls. "A girl must have beautiful nails all the time. So you must be careful the way you move your hands. Notice how my beautiful red nails are long and even. That is because I take care of my nails. I bought you some pantyhose and shoes as well." She pulled out a pair of pink silk pantyhose and a pair of black patent leather Mary Janes from a box and placed them on his pink toed feet. She had him sit and get up over and over until he learned how a girl sat. She showed him how she walked and instructed him to walk accordingly. "Now a young lady doesn't speak unless told to do so by her mother. You must speak with a soft delicate voice and agree with anything mummy says by saying ?yes mummy'. Is that clear Danielle?" "Yes mummy," replied Daniel. "Good girl. Girls spend a lot of time sitting and being beautiful and watching their mummies. I want you to sit on my bed with your hands in your lap like I showed you whilst mummy gets ready." Daniel did as he was told and sat on the bed hands in lap. Emma decided to paint her nails pink today and wore a matching dress to Daniel's. This seemed to excite the two year old. When she was ready she took the child by the hand and slowly they walked to her car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. They headed straight for ?Chelsea Girl', a young girls department store. "When I was a little girl I always wanted to buy clothes from here but my mummy didn't have enough money. You are lucky that mummy spoils you so." Daniel smiled. The staff in there seemed captivated with little Danielle. The two store girls Fiona and Lisa seemed especially fond of her. Danielle modelled all kinds of clothes, from simple day to day dresses to pretty ball gowns and some adorable little shoes. By the end Daniel had tried on practically half the store. They bought most of the dresses and quite a lot of underwear and had them deliver everything to their house. She paid for everything on the credit card her daddy had given her. They drove home and Daniel seemed very tired. When they arrived home she made Daniel wear a pink night dress and silk pink panties and placed him in her bed. She fixed him a warm glass of milk and poured another dose of the drug and made him drink it. As he was dropping off she recorded a new message. "You love being Emma's little girl. You want to be like her, dress like her, walk and talk like her and act like her. You must obey everything she tells you and everything she tells you is true and you must believe it. You will keep this secret between you and Emma and tell no one else." She pressed ?play' on the tape recorder and placed it on continuous playback. She then lay down next to him She was tired too. Being a mummy is hard work she thought, but also fun. She soon dozed off. She awoke to the ringing of the phone. She rushed to answer it. It was her father. "Baby its Daddy. Janis is still the same I'm afraid. How is Daniel?" "He's taking a nap daddy. Shall I wake him?" "No its ok honey. When he wakes up bring him with you. Could you also pack some clothes for me? I'm going to stay here for a while until she wakes up." "Sure daddy," replied Emma. "We'll be with you shortly. Bye daddy." She put the receiver down and went back to her room. She took the headphones off the sleeping child and woke him. She took off his clothes and make up and dressed him normally. He seemed very unhappy about it but nevertheless did as he was told. She instructed him how to behave when they got to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital they located Janis' room. She was lying prone on a white bed with a drip attached to her arm. Mark was there sitting in a chair watching her. He looked up when they came in. Daniel rushed over to him. "Hi grandpa," he said hugging him. "Don't worry, Emma says mummy will get better soon." At that Mark smiled. "What have you been doing today sport," asked Mark. "Me and Emma have been playing with my cars," was his reply. Richard hugged the little child and sat him in his lap. Emma sat down next to him and placed her hand in Mark's. They sat there quietly for what seemed to Emma like an eternity. At last to her relief Mark suggested they go home. "I'll call you tomorrow baby with any news," he told them as they left. They drove home. Emma looked at her watch. It was around 6 in the evening. "What shall we do baby?" asked Emma. "Can we play the same game we played earlier?" replied Daniel. "Sure hunny." Emma proceeded to undress the child and placed him in a new pair of silky pink panties. She then painted his nails and toes pink again and again five coats were applied. She decided to let Daniel choose what dress to wear and to her delight he chose the long pink ball gown she liked. "We'll have to try on your new shoes with that dress." On his stockinged feet she placed a pair of pink shoes which had a small one inch heel. She made Daniel practice walking for about an hour. "All girls love high heels. The higher the better. I love my six inch heels and you shall be no different. My mummy wouldn't let me wear heels till I was about 12. You are very lucky. I will let you wear heels whenever you want. When you get older high heels will be no problem to you. In fact I bet you won't be able to walk without high heels. I wish I could be so lucky." Daniel smiled at her. She then had him sit in the kitchen watching her fix them a small meal. A warm soup for the two of them. He listened as she fed him telling him all things about how girls should eat very little to stay beautiful and when they do to eat slowly and carefully so as not to ruin their lipstick. He began to feel drowsy and Emma undressed him and made him wear the same pink nightdress he wore earlier. She led him to his room and placed him in his bed. She turned to leave when Daniel called out "Mummy please don't leave me?" Emma smiled remembering her earlier commands made through the tape. "Would you like to sleep in my bed Danielle?" "Yes please mummy," replied the child. "Ok baby come with me." She led the child by the hand back to her room. She suggested they wear the same night clothes to bed and she picked out a silk red and very short nightie for him similar to one she usually wore to bed. "I never wear panties to bed either so take them off." Daniel took off his panties and climbed into Emma's bed. Emma placed the headphones and played the same tape she played earlier. Holding the child whilst he slept she couldn't help but smile evilly. She grinned as she thought only yesterday this boy was afraid of her and didn't like her very much. Now he was like putty in her hands for her to mould into her own twisted image. The next few weeks went by pretty much in the same fashion. Mark was always at the hospital and stayed in a room next door to Janis'. They would visit and sit with him. At all other times Emma made Daniel act and look like a little girl. He was becoming a very cute little girl and she continued to ply him with his regular dose of medicine. Then one day Emma thought her world had fallen apart when she heard the news. Janis had woken up. Of course she acted delighted. Still there was some consolation. Janis had lost all memories and was paralyzed from the waste down to severe pressure placed on her brain. The doctors were sure it was temporary but suggested she go and stay in a special hospital in the states to help her recover. Mark agreed to this and decided to go with her. Emma and Daniel would remain in London and visit when Janis had recovered some of her memory. That made Emma feel a little better. The day arrived and Emma and Daniel dressed as a boy said their farewells to the departing duo. Emma drove home with Daniel. When they got home she redressed Daniel in pretty blue silk panties with a silk summer dress of the same colour that fell to his thighs. She dressed herself similarly. Sitting Daniel down at her vanity table in a chair next to hers she proceeded to paint their nails and toe nails the bright shade of red she liked a lot. Daniel seemed pleased to at last be allowed to wear that colour. "How many coats do you think we should apply Danielle?" "The more the better," was his reply. "Good girl!" exclaimed Emma. She then proceeded to paint seven coats to their nails. As they dried she applied light blue eye liner to their lips and mascara. Then she showed him how to pucker up and applied a red gloss of lipstick to his lips. "How would you like to be my little girl forever? To never have to keep wearing those silly boys' clothes." Daniel nodded his approval. "Ok from now on I will treat you like my little girl all day and all night. For being such a good girl I will give you a present. I was saving this for your third birthday in a few months time but now seems appropriate." Emma took out a package and had him unwrap it. Inside were a pair of red open toed sandals with a heel size of about two and a half inches. Daniel jumped up in excitement and put them on. His small feet were raised off the ground and he had trouble with his balance. Emma held him so he wouldn't fall over and helped him walk. "Look mummy I can see my red toe nails in these shoes," he exclaimed in excitement. "Good girl. You will get used to these shoes and be able to walk without my help soon. I will then throw out your old shoes. All your heels must now be of this size. Also I expect my little girl to have longer nails and longer hair. I will give you some vitamins to help them both grow and we shall never cut them. See how my nails are very long and how my blonde hair falls to my waste. Yours must do the same. Otherwise mummy will not be pleased. One other thing. You must forget all about grandpa and your old mummy. Grandpa is a man and you hate all men. The old mummy is a wicked witch and you hate her more than anybody else. You want to see nasty things happen to her. You love only me from now on." At that point Daniel started to cry. "Mummy mummy mummy my head hurts. I don't know what to do. I love you but I also love grandpa and my other mummy. I don't hate them!" Emma looked at the child and thought hard. Maybe I have pushed him too far she thought. There's only a limit to what he can take. He is only a child. No he is MY child, she thought and I will do with him as I please. "Danielle there's something I have to tell you. Grandpa and your old mummy have left you. They don't love you anymore because you want to be a girl. If you don't like being a girl I will change you back into a boy and send you to them but I will love you no matter what. It's up to you. "I like being a girl mummy," he sobbed. "Why don't they let me be a girl? You do. You love me no matter what. I hate them. I hate them." "Good girl," replied Emma. "I hate them too. It is ok to hate people. I hate a lot of people but I love you. Now be a good girl and wait there whilst mummy fixes us some dinner." Daniel sat waiting for Emma to call him when dinner was ready. His head and stomach hurt but he thought of how he hated ?them' and imagined ?her' being swallowed by a big dinosaur and felt a bit better. He looked at his shiny nails and down to his red toes and felt happier. I love mummy he thought. She is my real mummy now. I am her little girl Danielle. I want to grow up just like mummy. The days went by with Emma showing Daniel how he should act and think. All day and night he was dressed in matching clothes and his nails were always red like Emma's. His blonde hair had now grown to a nice length and she had it brushed straight down just like hers. His nails were now nice and long and she took great delight in painting them over and over. Every night she would ask him if who he hated and he would give her a long list of people who she hated in the past or who had simply annoyed her that day on one of their usual shopping trips. She made sure Daniel included Mark and Janis in his list. She would then ask him how much he hated Mark and Janis and he would tell her stories about her being eaten by a giant and he being eaten by a witch. As the months wore on Mark was the giant in his mind and Janis the witch. She suspected that Daniel was forgetting them and smiled at the thought. Mark would call daily and speak to them both. Emma carefully coached Daniel on how to speak to him and he handled it exactly as she wanted. On one such call near Daniel's third birthday Emma heard some bad news. Mark wanted them to visit for Daniel's birthday and perhaps go to Disney world. When she told Daniel that he would have to go back being a boy for the visit he was devastated. "I hate them for doing this to me," he swore. "I don't want to go." "Danielle I told you to never disobey me," she replied sternly. "I hate them more too but we must pretend to be nice to them. If we are not they will take you away from me forever. Do you understand? We don't want that do we? Sometimes we have to act nice to people when really we hate them. When we get a chance to make them suffer we take it." Daniel stopped crying and listened to her words. She had his hair cut and his nails trimmed. All traces of him being a girl were removed and they were ready to visit Florida. The visit to Florida went by without much incident. Janis was wheelchair bound but was starting to remember. More importantly Daniel acted properly and she was able to leave him with his real family whilst she had some time to herself. She used the time alone to do something she hadn't done in over four months. Men were useless scum bags but they had their uses. She drove north to some seedy looking part of town by Church Street station, entered many of the strip clubs on one particular road and picking up guys was no problem. Most of the guys said they were dealers, pimps and con men. One such guy even said he was a hit man. All were eager to meet her again and gave her their numbers. Having spent a long hot month in Florida she was glad when it was time to return home. They both said their farewells and boarded the plane at Orlando International Airport. As she sat down next to Daniel she was a little worried that her months of moulding him had been erased. When Daniel took her hand and looked at her she then realized, he was still her Danielle. When they got back home in England they spared no time to get Daniel looking like a girl again. She bathed him in scented water and dried him. "I have something for you baby." Out of a suitcase she took a really small black strapless dress. She had him wear it before putting on any underwear. The top part was corset like and she tightened it very tightly. The second part was a very small skirt which fell barely past his waste. Emma then put on a similar dress. "Baby I will tell you one of mummy's secrets. I hardly ever wear panties. You must do the same." Sitting him down at her vanity table she applied many coats of red to his nails and toe nails. She also painted his face like hers. She then took a pair of soft thin black hold up tights and rolled them up his legs. Taking another parcel from her luggage she produced a pair of black open toed spaghetti string shoes. They were three and a half inch in length and the heel was pencil thin. She placed them on his feet. She held him so he wouldn't fall as he wobbled. "I have bought you many shoes this size and you must wear them all them time from now on. When we go out and people might see us, we will wear panties and lower shoes. It is those people's fault for that and we must hate them for it. I was going to give them to you for your birthday but because of that bastard and that bitch I couldn't. So today will be your birthday from now on." Daniel nodded his approval. Just to make sure he was still under her control she decided to start giving him his medicine again everyday as she had before. She also updated her tapes for him. As the weeks went by Daniel's hair and nails grew again. Also he started to talk and act like she did which pleased Emma immensely. Annoyingly Mark would call daily but they handled it as well as before. Janis was improving they were told daily. Then the calls stopped coming. Emma thought little of this until a week later she received a call from Mark. "Emma I am coming home tomorrow. I need to talk to you. Why did you lie to us? I received a parcel from Richard's, my old lawyer's executors. It would have got here earlier but the police were involved so they delayed giving it to me. I know everything baby. That you are a slut and not my daughter. I saw filthy tapes of you with guys I didn't know. How could you do this to me? When I come back on Friday's flight I want you to have already packed your suitcase. Leave the house and don't come back." He hung up. Emma was devastated. When she had regained her composure, she called Ralf the hit man she had met in Orlando. He told her it would cost twenty five thousand in UK pounds for what she had in mind. She agreed and told him the money will be in a numbered bank account by tomorrow. She would call back with the exact details. She hung up and went to the bedroom where Daniel was sitting quietly. "We are going out young lady so we best get dressed for it." She dressed herself and Daniel in the same clothes she had selected for his ?birthday'. Daniel was used to the shoes now and had no trouble walking. It was a little cold outside so she and Daniel wore the black fur coats she had bought not so long ago. They left the house and drove to Soho. When she had arrived at her destination, a used car lot she honked her horn. Three big black guys greeted her. "Emma. Where you been girl?" "Around. I'm selling this car Jack. How much you give me?" "Man that car hotter than the fucking sun." "I have all the car registration forms here. It's in my name and for forty thousand it's your car." "I'll give you twenty" "Thirty" "Twenty five." "Done," replied Emma. Emma and Daniel got out the car and she handed the keys and papers to Jack whilst he handed the money over. It was then she realized her mistake. How would they get home? "Call me a cab Jack," she asked. "For twenty five grand I will," he laughed. "If you do me and my friends a service I'll take you home myself." Emma had no choice but to agree. "Honey let me show you what mummy does best," she told Daniel. For the next hour Emma was taken from all angles in the back of her old car whilst Daniel stood instructed to watch. When the men were satisfied, Jack ever honourable drove her home. She told him to drop them off about a mile from her house and hand in hand in the middle of the night she and Daniel walked home. The next day she deposited half the money in a numbered account. She phoned Ralf and gave him the details of the account and where to locate her intended victim as well as a good description. The other half would be paid on successful completion. While she was out she tried to buy herself her new car on a credit card but found that her cards had been cancelled. All of them. The next few days seemed to drag on and on. On Friday morning she got a call from Mark's new solicitor. Her daddy had been shot dead on the way to the airport. She screamed when he told her. He told to come as soon as possible for the reading of the will. She dressed Daniel in a long black dress and dressed likewise. Again no panties for either of them. Lower shoes this time were called for. They took a taxi to the solicitor's office. She was met in reception by Sam Wallis, Mark's new lawyer. She introduced Daniel as her niece. Sam led them to his office and went on and on in legal speak about how Janis should be here too but she wasn't considered mentally able so her presence was not required. "Just tell me how much I get?" demanded Emma. "Ok young lady," replied Sam coolly. "Mark called me last week and asked me to change his will. Everything is left to his grandson. A young child by the name of Daniel. Tell me where is Daniel Miss Allen?" "He is with a friend. He was too upset to come." "I see," replied Sam. "You are his guardian I take it?" Emma nodded. Sam continued. "Well Daniel is the beneficiary of the entire estate. Valued at five hundred and sixty million British pounds. From this two hundred and twelve million in taxes must be paid. The balance will be placed in a trust fund and will be accessible when he reaches the age of 21." "What about me? What am I supposed to live on?" shouted Emma. "Well the will stipulates that the child's mother can draw up to a million pounds a year from the fund until he is 21 to be paid weekly into her own account. Due to the unfortunate ill health of his natural mother you are his legal guardian, and whilst you continue to have this role, you are entitled to the money." That made Emma feel a little (but not much), better. She smiled her usual sweet smile that had taken the hearts of many. Sam seemed unmoved. Queer fuck she thought. They continued to thrash out all the details and when they were done, Sam had a car take them home. Daniel sat in Emma's bedroom listening to the tapes Emma had him listen to. This had become a daily chore for the last one and a half years and Emma said the tapes were good for him. Daniel didn't mind. He liked listening to his mummy's voice and felt better every time. Besides it meant he wasn't thinking about things he was not supposed to which mummy had forbade him to. Good little girls only think what their mummies allow them to she kept reminding him. He looked down at his lovely shoes. Since his fourth birthday mummy had let him wear shoes with four inches. He was to wear them all the time at home and sometimes she made him wear them outside. He never wore panties inside and sometimes outside too when mummy let him. He tightened his legs as mummy had told him to so he wouldn't give people a free show. He enjoyed the nightly visits with mummy to a little house in London. There mummy would play her own games with the women there while he sat there watching to learn. Mummy would make him a real girl soon if he was good. The tape gave a buzz which told him it was time to go and find mummy and have his nails and hair redone. He took off the headphones with his little hands. His red nails were about an inch long. He stood up and his long blonde hair fell past his waste. He started mincing in his new shoes towards the exit. When he opened the door he heard the sound of his mummy shouting at some other woman. He thought he recognised the voice but he wasn't sure. He gracefully moved towards the stairs. The two women had started to grapple each other to the floor. As he walked down the stairs he saw his mummy in on top of the other woman fighting. They both heard him and looked round. The other woman seemed to freeze. His mummy grabbed an ash tray from the coffee table and smashed it over the woman's head. The women seem to stop moving. He learnt not to cry out or say anything. His mummy told him to get her handcuffs and some of his panties from upstairs. He did so. His mummy cuffed the woman to a nearby radiator and stuffed the panties is her mouth. Emma called him over. "Good girl Danielle," she exclaimed. "You saved me. For that I will reward you. I have found a doctor willing to make you a real girl and soon you will be all girl. This woman here wanted to take you away from me but I wouldn't let her. When she wakes up we must punish her. Go get a wet cloth and we shall help her wake up." Emma spent the next hour or so wiping the blood from the prone woman. The woman began to stir so Emma sent Daniel out of the room. She opened her eyes and looked at Emma. "Welcome back Janis," said Emma. "Not lost all your memories again have we?" Janis looked angrily at Emma. "In case you were wondering it was Daniel you saw earlier or should I say Danielle. She is MY little girl now not yours. Danielle come here," called Emma. Daniel minced over in his heels. From her low position Janis could see his penis coming out of the very short black dress he was dressed in. Emma spoke. "Danielle do you know this woman?" Daniel shook his head to the side. "What do you think of this woman?" Daniel replied, "I hate her mummy." "Good girl," answered Emma. "Now tell her exactly who you are and what you hope to be." "My name is Danielle," said Daniel. "I am mummy's little girl. I want to be like mummy in every way. I want my nails to be as long as mummy's. I want to wear the same clothes mummy does and her very high heels. I want to be evil like mummy." Janis looked in disgust and began to vomit. Emma removed the panties so she wouldn't choke. When she was done Emma replaced the panties back in her mouth. "Show me how much you hate her Danielle. Go and kick her very hard." Danielle walked over to Janis and kicked her as hard as he could in her face. Janis winced in pain. "Good," continued Emma. "Now come here lick my shoes clean with your tongue." Daniel did as he was told to Janis' horror. Janis began sobbing uncontrollably and tried to close her eyes away from the horror but was drawn to it. Soon her horror eased and Emma sent Daniel upstairs for further education and more makeup. Emma left her chained to the radiator telling her in the morning her fate would be sealed. Janis lay staring up at the ceiling all night. What a mess I have got in to and I've only been out for a few days. She had arrived in England hoping to restart her shattered life. She thought she would surprise her son by dropping in and she found Emma sitting dressed like a tart in the living room painting her toenails. Emma seemed shocked to see her. When she asked to see Daniel Emma refused telling her Daniel didn't want to see her and to leave them alone. Janis said she was his mother and not Emma and that this was her house. She told Emma to pack her bags and leave. That's when Emma lunged at her throat. They fought on the floor and as she looked up she saw a young girl walking down the stairs. Trouble was the young girl had a willy coming out of her dress. After that she woke finding herself chained to the radiator. She woke early in the morning with someone tugging at her sleeve. She must have dosed off. It was her son Daniel. "Mummy," he spoke to her. "I am sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me." Janis smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. He was still her son and remembered her. "I will help us get out of here he said. We have to get out of here. Emma wants to turn me into an exact copy of her. I made you a drink mummy. I will quickly go and find the key so we can escape." Daniel handed her a cup of tea and minced away in high heeled slippers. As she sipped the tea she wondered where Emma was. Strange that Daniel got away from her she thought. She finished her tea. She looked down at the mug. Looks like it was previously broken she mused. Too late she realized. It was the same mug she had drunk from all those years ago. Emma appeared as if out of nowhere holding Daniel's painted hand. She was smiling. "Hope you enjoyed your drink Janis. Talk about D?j? vu. Only this time that drink was meant for you. And your own son brought you it. In about ten minutes the drug will work. Let me tell you about this drug. Or better still let me give you an example of its effects. Danielle is the classic example. My little girl will do anything I ask for. Also all her old memories are virtually destroyed and I am moulding her as I wish. I have stepped up her reprogramming and soon she will have no thoughts that I don't allow. When she sees what I do to you it will completely destroy her will. I reckon you training will take about six months for complete effect and I have plenty of the drug left over. Now sleep. When you awake you will be someone else." "Watch how I turn your old mummy into a whore," said Emma to the little child. A closer look at the child revealed that the child was male but just about. In fact every aspect of the child was made to look female. Every aspect apart from one. He still had a penis. He was dressed in a silk light blue dress which fell just below his waste. No underwear was worn under his clothes, making his private parts not so private. His long blonde hair fell straight down to his waste covering his back side. Make up was also worn. Light blue eye liner to go with his blue, eyes, mascara and blush and red lipstick. His nails were an inch long and were painted a bright red as well as his toes which were perched on four inch blue open toed pumps. He looked up at Emma smiling. She was wearing matching clothes to his and her clit was clearly visible from under her dress. Sitting up looking as if in a daze was Janis, Daniel's mother. She had a bruise on her forehead from an earlier fight. Emma spoke into a tape recorder. "You are a whore. You are my slave and must obey every command I give to you. You will forget all about your son. He never existed. Danielle here is my daughter. You will spend the rest of your life as a whore on the streets of London. You hate yourself and have no self respect. All men must use you. You will dress as a whore and come on to all men you see. You will sleep with men and women for money and give that money to me." Emma placed a pair of headphones around Janis' head and let the tape play the recording she had just made. She motioned for Daniel to follow her upstairs and together they walked into the bedroom they shared. Emma didn't allow Daniel out of her sight for too long. She sat him down at her vanity table and began brushing his long blonde hair. Then she slid off his shoes and repainted his toes. Finally she had him hold his hands out while she applied a generous amount of red nail polish to his already red nails. "Danielle do you remember that woman downstairs?" "Yes mummy. She was my old mummy that left me." "Hmm," replied Emma. "I ordered you to forget her. Well you won't be a real girl now because you are a bad girl. I want you to forget her. She is just a woman, a whore and means nothing to you. Is that clear young lady?" "Yes mummy," answered Daniel. "Good. Now place these headphones and listen to your tape." The next day Emma woke up Janis. She was lying on the bed where they had tied her up with a large grin on her face. "Morning slut," said Emma. "Morning mistress," was the reply. Emma was impressed with the effects of the drug after just one dose. "What is your name slut and your status?" asked Emma. "I am Janis. I am a whore I am your slave," replied Janis. Emma smiled. She walked back to her room and woke up Daniel who was soundly sleeping in her bed. He quickly rose from under the sheet and put on the pink slippers by the bed. The slippers had a wicked 4 inch heel but Daniel walked in them with no problem. The night clothes he had been dressed in were also pink and made out of silk and fell to just below his waste. No underwear was worn. He followed Emma into the room where Janis was held. Daniel did as he was told. Taking her mobile from her purse she rang the number on the card one of her lovers had given her. "Hi Sarah, its Emma. About that device you mentioned I'll buy it. We'll come round later ok?" Later that evening she dressed herself and Daniel in small tight black cocktail dresses and black pumps. Both wore matching diamond necklaces and pearl earrings. Before they left the house she checked Janis was still tied up upstairs in one of the bedrooms she had moved her earlier. They drove for about an hour and entered the countryside. Finally they arrived at a secluded mansion. A young lady greeted them as they departed from Emma's car. "Mistress is waiting for you inside," she told them. They entered the large house into a dark hall. Following the woman they went down a dark corridor and entered a large room which appeared to be a study. Sitting behind a desk was a dark haired lady in her thirties. She was immaculately dressed in a long flowing black ball dress. Her eyes looked menacingly up at the intruders. This made Emma shudder. "You're late Emma," said the woman. "Sorry Sarah," replied Emma. Sarah liked to be called mistress Sarah but Emma would be damned if she would refer to anyone as mistress. "So you want to buy one of my devices," stated Sarah. "Last week you called them pathetic and no match for yours." "Well I've changed my mind. I am in a hurry. I'll give you a million for it," answered Emma. The woman laughed. A dark sinister laugh that seemed to fill every corner of the room and continue for ages. "What am I a pauper?" scorned Sarah. "I have no need for money. What I want is something else. Give me the formula for your drug. We'll swap." "You called my drug primitive if I remember rightly," retorted Emma. "Well that may be but it can be useful to me. Look what a marvellous job you have done with that child. Let me demonstrate what the effects of both my device and your drug might result in." Sarah pressed a button on her desk and the young woman that had greeted them came running in. "Look at my ex husband John here. Her name is now Jane. In his brain I have inserted a microchip. This monitors his thoughts and sends them to a central computer. This computer has pre- programmed thoughts which matches her thoughts to its. If the two thoughts match a current to the nerve centre of her brain is sent causing her to feel fantastic. If the two don't match am electric shock is sent back to Jane here. In short if Jane doesn't think the thoughts I allow, she gets a shock. I can pre-program the computer to allow any thoughts I wish. What's more there are twenty programmable levels. The higher the level I go to the deeper the control over his thoughts. It has taken me five years to get Jane to level five. Look what happens when I go to level six." Sarah pushed a button on a remote she was holding. Jane suddenly clutched her head and yelled in agony, falling to the floor. Sarah let her writhe on the floor for a few minutes before setting the level back to five. "I want to get her to level 20 but it will take too long. If I let her electric shock carry on for too long she will die. By combining the two devices I can get her to level twenty in a few years. Then she will have no thoughts that are her own." Emma looked at Jane obviously impressed. "I won't give you the formula but you can have a hundred vials." "Two hundred" "One two five" "One fifty" "Done," replied Emma. They shook hands on the deal and set out the details. Emma handed over the number of vials whilst a Daniel was led to a laboratory down in the basement. Using laser technology they cut open Daniel's head and the chip was placed in his brain. Daniel was carried back to Emma's car then she drove home with all the technology necessary to program the chip. Emma got to work straight away excited with her new toy. She thought long and hard as to what she wanted to achieve. Her daughter Danielle must be hers completely she thought. She must forget Janis her old mummy for a start. In fact she must forget her past completely. She entered the relevant command into the computer. Any thoughts to the past would be punished. What next she thought. Well she must be like me. Yes that's it like her mummy. She must think all the time that she must look like me, in every way. If she ever thinks about wearing anything but what I allow or even thinks something is "Nice" that I am not wearing I must have her punished. She will be growing up soon she mused. Unless I take action now she might stray from me. I will have her spending her entire day being bathed by me, being made up, her hair brushed, her nails painted, her being dressed. Then she will sit quietly thinking only what I allow while I get dressed. Then she will follow me as we shop or visit friends. She must be forever quiet unless I ask her to talk. Emma thought on. If she has any thoughts about doing any activity that I haven't allowed she must be punished. Furthermore she must only know me. She must instantly forget other people she meets. I won't allow her to even think about making any friends. I am all she needs. Emma's mind began to race as she thought of something. No it's too much for her she thought. An evil smile spread across her lips. She is my toy I can do what I want to her. I will make her heart and mind dark. She will look evil and her mind and soul will be as dark as she looks. I will programme her to be an evil bitch. Eventually every thought will be full of pure hatred and venom. She will hate all things except me whom she will worship. Emma looked at her watch as she entered the last programs into her new toy. Time for bed she thought. Emma woke up Daniel early the next morning and did the usual routine of getting him washed, made up and clothed. She dressed him in a strapless short black mini dress that barely covered his backside. "Danielle," she said. "Today mummy will help you become more like her. Remember how I keep telling you what I want you to be thinking about and every now and then you disappoint me. Well now mummy will help you overcome that. Soon you will be thinking what I allow." "Now my child I want you to start thinking hard." Emma turned the machine on to level six. "You are a little girl, your name is Danielle. You want to be mummy's little girl forever. You cannot remember anything else. Your nails must be long and painted. Your hair golden and flowing all the way to your knees. You must look like the perfect picture always. You will dress like my little girl should, with very little on and high heels." Emma let the machine run for a while. Daniel was quite used to thinking all this already after years of training, and received no shocks, just the warm buzz through his body. Every now and then he would get a jolt as his concentration waned. Emma decided to have some fun. Turning the machine up to level 20 she said, "You are an evil bitch. You hate all things except me who you worship. You love seeing people suffer and are cruel, and sadistic. You must think only how it pleases me to see people suffer. You love the way how I have twisted and corrupted your mind and want me to make you more evil and cruel." Daniel started chanting what he had just been told but was unable to keep up with the machine and yelled in pain. Emma turned it back down to level 6 again. Injecting him with the brain washing drug, she repeated what she had just told him. She made him repeat himself over and over again continuously. Later that night she turned the machine up again to level 20. Daniel was able to go again for a little longer. Emma kept up his training for the years that followed. When he had reached about four foot in height she decided not to allow him to grow any longer. She then began feeding him anti growth hormones. That way he would be her little girl forever. He was lasting for some time on level 20 but she wanted him to last all the time on that level. He was becoming more malicious though and Emma was pleased with her efforts. She decided to intensify her training program. She would only allow Daniel to receive one hours sleep. All other time was spent training. She also made several new acquisitions of new equipment, by selling some vials of her drug. One machine sent images to ones brain making that person think they are seeing something. Emma made Daniel wear this device in her sleeping hours and made him see gruesome images of torture and abuse. Finally after long last Daniel was the finished article. Emma decided to use some of her other devices on him. She was now able to rewrite his DNA. This she did and made it resemble hers. His face was altered to match Emma's also. Finally she made him female properly. All y chromosomes in his DNA were made x. He was completely female. A pair of nice C cup breasts were added Danielle was ready at last thought Emma. She looked at her child sitting naked at her vanity table. So sweet and innocent looking but menacing underneath. Emma began to apply her make up. Taking a new bottle of nail polish, she began to paint his toes and nails. She applied thirteen coats all together that by the time she was finished Danielle had gleaming black three inch long nails. She decided her daughter would have black polish to match her heart. Clothing her was simple. She took a see through black dress and made her wear it. Satisfied that she could see all parts of her body clearly she then took a pair of six inch open toed sandals and made her wear it. Danielle foot was severely arched and had a little difficulty walking. She would get used to it thought Emma. Satisfied that Danielle was ready, she had Danielle walk into the cold night air for several miles whilst Emma followed in her car. She then made her walk back home. The next thing she did to her daughter was fully activate the small micro chip inside her brain. It would make her think only the thoughts Emma placed in her head. Emma got Danielle to say these aloud. "My name is Danielle. I am your daughter. I am an evil bitch just like mummy. My only desire is to serve my mummy. I will be her slave forever. I am her doll to dress and tease as she wishes. I love being her little girly slut. I will wear these slutty clothes because I am her bitch. I wish to be fucked by her all the time." After spending the next few days making her practice walking Danielle became an expert in the art of perching. Emma decided to pay a visit to Janis whom she could happily say had been completely converted into a prostitute, and a good one. ******************************************************************** Janis awoke in her bed in her apartment. Shit I'm late for work. She had to make five hundred or the mistress would sure kick her ass. She got ready for work, wearing a skin tight red top and black mini skirt. Fishnet stockings followed by her knee high boots followed. When she had finished applying her make up she took her apartment keys and left the small room. Walking down the gloomy stairs she entered the dark streets looking for her first customer. He better pay well she thought. I have six hours to get five hundred bucks. After six long hours and 8 customers she went home. Her mistress and her mistress' daughter were already there. Her daughter was a pretty girl and she loved the way her mistress dressed her. Always a small dress that barely covered her crotch and no panties. She was perched on high six inch pencil thin shoes but walked with ease. She was heavily painted and her long hair flowed to her knees. Her mistress spoke. "Well slave where's my five hundred. Don't keep me waiting. It is Danielle's birthday. I was going to show her what her unused clit is for." "I could do that mistress," begged Janis. "Fuck off bitch. Danielle is MINE. Always remember that. I will be the only one to ever touch her or even speak to her for that matter. Give me my money." "I only made four hundred mistress," sobbed Janis. "Four hundred. Well you know the punishment. Bend over. Danielle whipped her ten times. And Janis if you so much as look at her clit I will kill you." Danielle took a whip from Emma and maliciously whipped Janis ten times. Her face shined with glee and hatred. When she was done she minced back over to Emma who patted her and smiled. "Now bring me six hundred tomorrow." Emma and Danielle then left. Janis lay on the floor sobbing. She then got her self up had a cold drink and went outside. I'd best get cracking on the six hundred she thought. THE END

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Emmanuel Hoofdstuk 1. Misschien kunt U mij helpen? De mensen waarvan ik een kamer heb gehuurd hebben het huis verkocht. En dus moet ik er uit. Maar een maand de tijd om iets anders te zoeken. Ik stap daarom naar de plaatselijke krant en geef daar aan een best leuk uitziende juffrouw een advertentie op: Te huur gevraagd. Een jongeman, 18 jaar, zoekt een vrije kamer in klein gezin of bij dame alleen, goede stand. Br. a nr. 146 v.d. bl. Het meisje zegt dat het in orde komt en ik...

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The following story is based on the imagination of a reader who has given permission for the use of her ideas. For the sake of privacy, her name will not be published and does not bare any resemblance to the characters portrayed herein. The beginning is entirely her story, with only editorial alterations, background, in fills and the conclusion on my part. As with all of the works posted by me, under my name, it is protected by international copyright and may not be copied, published or...

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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was here.  ...

1 year ago
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I arrived home from the night shift later than usual. The reason being that I had to take the car in for service. The house was empty when I got in, my wife was at work and my daughter, Gem at school. I was dog tired but decided to shower, get some food, catch the news and sleep, in that order.I can't remember now the exact details now but I do recall dozing off on the sofa as I watched the news. I was disturbed by the sound of the front door opening and the sound ofpeople talking.I...

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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 03

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Chapter 5 Sally answered the door when whoever was waiting knocked a second time. Her guest was not necessarily impatient, she was just in the process of finishing her cleanup in the kitchen and she saw no reason to rush to the door. She knew that Jim would not be offended if she did not immediately open the...

2 years ago
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It was a hot and sultry July day and it was a time in my life when I was able to relax, probably for the first time, having just completed my exams and looking forward to going off to university.I had been off since late June, had become deeply bored and so had volunteered to play for the 2nd eleven each weekend. I was OK at cricket and that particular day we had been lucky enough to win comfortably. And so it was that we had showered and changed and were heading up the gravel driveway to...

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"Jeff, the phone's for you." "I'm not home, Dad." "Believe me, you're home." "OK.... Hello? ... Maria! I miss you. I'm so, so, so sorry! I don't ever want sex. I just want you." All Jeff hears is crying. "Oh Maria, thank you! Thank you, Lord!" "I'm sorry I ignored your calls, my best man. I can be hard-headed." "And I can be pushy. Can I come over now?" "Mama will leave soon. Can I come there?" "Sean, can Maria come over? ... He says...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Gangbang MMMM

As told to me by a friend: I was fooling around on a gay hook up site and began to talk to a guy about playing around. We'll call him John. My wife was out of town and I was k**-free so I agreed to meet him at a lake not too far from my house I pulled in and drove to my favorite spot and parked where we could be hidden from the access road. He wasn't there yet so I sat on the picnic table and slid my shorts off and touched the black lacy thong that I had chosen to wear. My cock grew rigid as I...

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Office Policy

OFFICE POLICY "Ok ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for the beautiful and talented Erika!" the DJ's voice rang out over the thumping alternative beat as the object of my lust strutted to the stage. Erika's saucy red curls bounced on her head and on her soft porcelain white shoulders as she walked. The crowd was going ballistic with applause in anticipation. Erika climbed the four steps carefully in her outrageous platform shoes bringing all five feet two inches of...

1 year ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 4 Tension Table

With all secure it was time for some fun in the playroom, downstairs. This is the only basement in the area and as it happens it is not on the city records. It was dug some time ago using imported labor. First came an inspection; I had Gracie step on to a raised platform, hold her arms high, then turned on the spotlights. She was really something. I said as much. About 5 foot 4. On the bathroom camera I had seen she was a natural blonde in a sensible but attractive variation on a pageboy...

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Futa Naked in School 12 Futa Changes the ProgramChapter 4 The Futa Programrsquos Big Success

Principal Birdie McTaggart, Friday The students surged from their seats. Clothes were flying off in a wild disregard. The cheerleaders were mobbed in a rush of wild passion, their gasps rising in bliss. Heady, wild, and uninhibited frenzy descended. From a side door, the coaches of the various teams wheeled in vast kegs of Gatorade to give the electrolytes to keep this wild orgy going. The last day of the school year was upon us. The first-annual, end-of-the-year Rogers High orgy was...

4 years ago
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The Business p2

Introduction: A story of several young men and women, all across the globe, being k**napped and forced into sexual slavery by the infamous Master Petrovsky. In this chapter: The new slave, Patrick, meets his master and receives a new name. Meanwhile, Dazzle make a terrible mistake and pays the price, but will Basil come to his rescue? Pink learns a lesson in obedience.. from Lotus? March 20th, 2002Patrick wasn’t sure when he passed out, but when he awoke his arms felt as if they were on fire...

3 years ago
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A good teacher 2

After a tight hug and a sweet good night kiss, we both retired quite exhausted, to our own bedroom. I fell asleep as soon as my head went on the pillow. It was still dark outside when I woke. The memory of last night came into my head. Did we really do that? Was it just a live like dream? Did Mum really suck my cock? What about her wanting me to shoot my jism all over her? Watching her Dildo fucking herself. These thought flashed before my eyes and had an instant reaction on my cock. I removed...

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My Fantasy With My Neighbor Aunty

Hi guys, I am a regular reader of ISS. This is my first story being uploaded in ISS. Reply me with your thoughts. I am a 35-year-old guy staying in Mysore. I have a good neighborhood and friends around. We often have social gatherings in and around our house. I have a neighbor about whom this story centers. She is a widow maybe in her 50s and she has her children living with her, who study in college. She is very friendly in nature and we had no sexual ideations towards each other until the day...

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Swingers in vacation

Mike surprises me with a vacation! He has plan- ned everything and keeps our destination a mystery. I am so excited I can hardly believe it! We will be away for two weeks, that is all he will say…. hmmm. We arrive at our vacation “nest”. It is a very remote two story cottage surrounded by a forest. I am pleased that he is being so romantic but wonder just what we will do here for two whole weeks. We unload the car and Mike takes out an extra larges suitcase,...

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Sammis Test Of Obedience

Sammi was a submissive 24 year old, five foot ten tall with 36B sized breasts and a size 12 frame. Her long shoulder length hair was naturally dirty blonde in colour. I first came across Sammi when a long distance Canadian Dare player called Vicky introduced us via email as she was resident in England. Sammi was slow to follow up the introduction and kept me waiting weeks before she sent me a resume of her experiences. We eventually arranged a meet and following my instructions, she turned up...

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Marvin the King of Bohemia

This all started with Margie. She was so embarrassed about accepting a date with me, she invented a background story for her friends. She told them all that I was a descendant of Charles IV of Luxembourg, the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia. Totally unprovable and utterly false, yet it enthralled her circle of friends and suddenly I was the hottest man in the city. I didn’t know any of this at the beginning because she had whispered this to anyone she told with this warning, He...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 31 Selling the Bedmaid

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur Castle, the Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Mmm, you just look scrumptious,” I told my bedmaid Greta outside of Shevoin’s room. “He’s going to eat you up.” “That’s the plan,” Greta said, the sixteen-year-old’s face pink. Her blonde pigtails danced across her shoulders as she trembled. Her blue eyes twinkled. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her. “My princess, I gave you my cherry,”...

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MrPOV Brooklyn Chase Fuck A Fan

Let’s face it: you’re Brooklyn Chase’s favorite fan. You have been…since the very start. And now, here she is, ready to suck and fuck you. That’s what it’s all about, right? Having a big-titty MILF over to your pad!? Brooklyn’s dirty talkin’, J.O.E. / J.O.I. game has always been as solid as a rock. Brooklyn’s Head Game? Just as strong? Brooklyn’s tight, pink hole? It’s seen a lot of action, but how does she keep it soooo tight?...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 7 Back to Normal

After we got back home from school I found a letter in the mail box with an English stamp and return address. I opened it and there was a check and letter inside. The letter read: Euro Railway System Sussex Station London, England Mr. Thomas, We at Euro Railway were sorry to hear about your inconvenience on our Paris to Barcelona train. We strive continuously to maintain the utmost in passenger satisfaction and safety. The incident which occurred on your trip was most regrettable and we...

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Up the Sawmill Road

The first drops of rain were staining small, dark circles on the narrow, crumbling cement sidewalk when I closed the motel room door behind me. They were making loud popping sounds and dancing against the folds of my slicker. I frowned when I saw the pall of dark clouds advancing steadily from the northwest, and wondered if I’d be able to get up to the old sawmill and poke around before the storm closed in for the night. By the time I walked the four blocks to the edge of town, puddles were...

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Poker Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it my not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. Poker, I love to play the game. The wager or bet, win or lose, is what makes it so very nice, not that the results of a bad bet can be discounted, I tend to forget my losses and choose to remember only the wins. Not this time, however, to tell you of the result before laying the background, would be doing you the reader of this narrative a disservice. Every...

4 years ago
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Met Through a Swing Club I

Met Through a Swing Club Iirishmik60 Folks meet in the strangest of ways. Nowadays it's facebook, My Space, and the myriad pairings sites on the web. I happened to meet my significant other through the owners of a swing club I was a member of. We have now been together 20+ years and though in our 60's, still have our naked fun with others. I had been a member of the club for about 6 months. As a rare single male member, I understood not all couples that attended were looking for a separate...

Straight Sex
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Sally and Jack

Sally and JackI rushed around the house and made sure things were straight. Sally and Jack had emailed me a couple of weeks earlier and said they were coming to town for a visit and asked if they could stay at my place. We had been friends for years, ever since Jack and I had worked together back in our younger days. Sally, Jack, June, and I had been almost inseparable for many years. Things changed though, when Jack got transferred and they had to move to Florida. My wife, June, had died about...

Straight Sex
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Second Chances Ch 16

Chapter 16 The ride to Judge Hawthorne’s house took nearly an hour. Sheriff Wilson chose to ride his horse beside the wagon, and he looked increasingly uneasy as they got closer to the judge’s house. Still, he didn’t try to sway the McKenzies from their purpose. He knew that would be a waste of his breath. He was just hoping he wouldn’t get caught in the crossfire between them and the judge. By the time they arrived, Brian was chilled from more than the frosty temperatures. Sarah had given...

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Loving Karan

Karen is damaged goods but she is the love of my life. She owns a hundred baggy shirts and a couple dozen pairs of Levis. At 5’6″ and 120 pounds she has a beautiful body top off with brown hair and “girl next door” clean good looks. Her skin is her gift. She doesn’t have a blemish anywhere and she keeps every spot shaved clean. Karen suffers from her memories and fears. From ten to sixteen, her drunken father abused her. Good Ol’ Dad also slapped her Mom around until Mom finally found the guts...

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348 Wendying your way through life

Wendy`ing your way through life Sometimes it`s better not to know what the wife`s up too, especially if you work away and Wendy`s old man is away 90% of the time. When he is home, he sort of `iggs’ what she gets up too, the English call it a Nelsonian eye Mostly it`s because he is endowed with a little appendage, and can`t keep up with Wendy her being a fairly sexual being and it saves a hell of a lot of heartache! His name is `Bob,’ he`s way up in oil, worth a blessed fortune and a loving if...

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My Friend Harshita Part 14 Adventures With Her First Cousin

Hello everyone, I’m back with a new story and continuing the new saga that started in the last part about my cousin. Please read all parts to enjoy the story to its fullest. Let’s get started now After our morning session on Sunday, we didn’t really do anything the whole day. It was Monday morning now. I woke up on my time to get ready for college. I went to the kitchen to make coffee, and soon Reesh walked in. I wished him good morning. He replied the same and stood behind me and held me in...

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Snake Chapter 7

Snake 7 ? by: Beverly Taff Ellie woke to find Jacky's lips still attached to one of her nipples. During the night, Jacky had unconsciously changed breasts several times, so Ellie's breasts were not too sore. Ellie smiled down at the incongruent infantile picture that the twenty-year-old Jacky's face created. Gently she stroked Jacky's head then carefully inveigled a wetted finger between the girl's lips. It was an old nursing mother's trick to release the child from the...

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First and best time ever

It happened when I was 18 and used to babysit for a young couple Mark and Launa. I'd been their babysitter since I was 15 and lived a few doors away. My mother recommended me for the job, little did she know!Mark and Launa were both 25 and had a baby boy. They were a really cool couple. Mark was very good looking with piercing blue eyes and the sexiest smile I'd ever seen. I always got the feeling he knew I fancied him, just by the way he seemed to tease me sometimes with a wink or a...

First Time
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encounter with a castratrix

Richard looked about him nervously. It was his first time with a professional dominatrix and although this place had been personally recommended he was unsure what to expect. The receptionist had given him a welcoming smile, and had then called for a consultant Dom who had spoken with him in more detail about his fantasies. The woman was tall, dark and Romanesque, wearing a sleek black dress slit to the waist to reveal long shapely legs. He outlined his fantasy; of castration by a woman who...

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Zero Chemistry

This is the first chapter in my first series (and hopefully not my last!) so I would really appreciate any comments or tips you might have for me. I promise it will get steamier as the chapters go on. This chapter is fairly short because I mainly just wanted to introduce the characters. The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further. This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014...

3 years ago
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Wrong Number Right Partner

Hi friends this is Raj with a new story actually it’s a real incident happened to me approximately 7 years ago.for my new readers let me describe myself, I’m Raj from Bhubaneswar the capital of Orissa and known as temple city.I am an average looking guy with 5’7″ height and average body to be honest, but don’t know why girls even ladies feel cozy with me and this story is about a girl whose no I got from a friend and how I talked from a simple conversation to dirty latter, and after few months...

1 year ago
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Muscle Encounters 5 Rhonda by the Pool

Muscle Encounter 5- Rhonda by the PoolBy lilguy [email protected] man pleases a sexy female fitness model by the poolI was a pool boy for Rhoda Lee, Porn Star, body builder all the round hottie.I was 5.8 in my 20's, black and basically worked for free. I didn't mindbecause I got to see moment like the one I am about to describe. I stood therein just my swim trunks as I watch her swim. I had to wear my trunks extra bigto hide the constant erections I got aroundShe walked out of the pool...

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New SecretsChapter 4

Rhea snorted. "If it causes any inconvenience? As if going home was just a wish," she muttered and we walked up the steps from the platform to speak to someone in charge; it was 3pm, and I had no idea how to get back to London. Rhea and I queued up at the ticket office, but the solitary member of staff had dozens of people in front of us and he was awhile sorting everyone out. Rhea was furious and undid all the ropes that marked out the queueing lanes in spite. I was tempted to stop her,...

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A Summers Day

  My favorite teacher, Mr. Andres, had sent me a text this morning.It read: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”A joke between us since I had taken his English literature class during junior year.He was still on my mind while I sat in the back of a car. He had this image of me, one I had perfected. I was the studious, intelligent girl with ideologies and passions. His protégé, a college-bound aspiring writer, who’d go downtown with him and his friends to protest, picket or listen to poetry...

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Irish steam bath a true story

Together with my wife I spent a few days in a medium-sized country hotel in the Spessart, a wooded landscape in Germany not far from Frankfurt. As most of the guests book these wellness oases from Friday to Sunday noon, it was quite crowded there on Saturday and also on Sunday at the breakfast buffet, but after that, the hotel emptied visibly. As we made an extensive day hiking tour on Sunday, we were a little surprised about the now quite empty hotel when we returned in the late afternoon....

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Porn XP! Will there ever be enough free porn tube sites on the net? Of course not. Are you looking for a good reason to have your dick in your hand but don’t always have time for all the bells and whistles? Of course, you are. I don’t always want to dig through a metric fuck ton of smut before gripping my cock. Sometimes I want killer pussy, now. Enter pornxp stage left. No nonsense, no-frills, just a front page full of hot sluts ready to hop on a free willy for your entertainment needs.Pornxp...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sex Game

The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...

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TinaChapter 12

“So, are you taking Tina to the Christmas Party?” asked Katie. They were standing at the copy machine waiting for it to warm up. Sam gave her a funny look. He should have known Katie would have known about him and Tina; she’d been with Busby for over ten years and was fully dialed into the gossip grapevine. Shrugging, he said, “Well, I guess so. I don’t know as I’ve even told her about it.” Katie stared briefly and laughed. “Sam, you are hopeless. The invitations go out next week. What the...

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THE FETISHIST AND THE SPINSTER "I could just beat him! I'd like to beat him within an inch of his life!" the big woman said. Bedelia, the lady bartender, listened with interest to this plight of her patron for she, like the men of her profession, was proficient at doling out sympathy and advice along with glasses of good cheer. This was a new customer, obviously not a regular habitue of bars. A tallish, largish woman, plain looking but with every potential for fixing herself up into an...

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The Nutty Nurse

Not an unattractive lady she took pride in her appearance and healthy lifestyle and was the sort of girl who got the second glance from the opposite sex in the street however she did have a reputation amongst friends for being possessive towards the men that she dated. Her work contract had come to an end and her new contract wasn't due to start for another twenty eight days so she had planned to make use of some of this down time by taking a two week trip to a remote part of the north of...

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Threesome With Friends Mommy

I am Raju and I’m 22 years guy lives with my mother Rekha. My Father had passed away when I was just 9 years. My mom is very beautiful lady. Although she is 42 years in age but she looks like 32 years only. She is 5.2 tall, extra fair complexions and her figure is 42-32-36. She looks dam sexy in sari low at navel and off sleeves blouse with deep cut in neck. We got house of our own at dehradun with two bed room and one drawing cum dining room although our room is separate from mom but now I...

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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 5

Cassius' wound was bad enough that he had to be left at home when they started their next round. Of course, this made Cissiee happy, but Cassius felt like he was letting the team down. John assured him that his presence would be missed, but they would get by. They had hardly gotten into Mexico when they saw a plume of smoke off in the distance. This might be some of their business, or it might just be somebody who needed help. Whatever the reason, they felt compelled to investigate. They...

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The Former Boys Club

The Former Boy's Club By The Professor "Aren't you a little old to go trick or treating?" My mother's voice surprised me. I hadn't heard her come into my room. I had been trying on my dad's old army fatigues. They fit just about right. I was the same height as my dad - six feet - and the same weight that he had been when he was in the army. Of course he had put on a few pounds since then, but he was as slender as I was when he had been in the army. "Oh, Jack and Darren and I are...

3 years ago
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You wake up, sweat drippling down your forehead. You try to raise your head but you feel a sharp pain in your neck. All that you smell is burning flesh, and the odd smell of sex. You use your arm to lift yourself up, bit you stumble. When u finally make it to your feet you see three doors. You turn your head left and right looking for a scene that wpd bring back your memory. You walk towards the door and man im robes approaches. welcome to hell the man says. You lool at him but are lost for...


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